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2 results for "ComputedEffectTiming":
AnimationEffect.getComputedTiming() - Web APIs
return value a computedeffecttiming dictionary object, which contains the following properties: endtime the end time of the animation in milliseconds from the animation's start (if the keyframeeffect is associated with an animation).
Using the Web Animations API - Web APIs
WebAPIWeb Animations APIUsing the Web Animations API
t, do so by referencing alicechange’s animation.effect property, which returns an object containing all the details of the effect(s) active on alice: alicechange.currenttime = alicechange.effect.getcomputedtiming().duration / 2; effect lets us access the animation’s keyframes and timing properties — alicechange.effect.getcomputedtiming() points to alice’s timing object (which is of type computedeffecttiming) — this contains her computedeffecttiming.duration.