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5 results for "DOMSettableTokenList":
HTMLElement - Web APIs
htmlelement.dropzone read only returns a domsettabletokenlist reflecting the dropzone global attribute and describing the behavior of the element regarding a drop operation.
... htmlelement.itemtype read only returns a domsettabletokenlist… htmlelement.itemid is a domstring representing the item id.
... htmlelement.itemref read only returns a domsettabletokenlist… htmlelement.itemprop read only returns a domsettabletokenlist… htmlelement.itemvalue returns a object representing the item value.
HTMLTableCellElement - Web APIs
htmltablecellelement.headers read only is a domsettabletokenlist describing a list of id of <th> elements that represents headers associated with the cell.
... the headers property is now read-only and contains a domsettabletokenlist rather than a mere domstring.
Document Object Model (DOM) - Web APIs
WebAPIDocument Object Model
it is uncertain whether some may be reintroduced in the future or not, but for the time being they should be considered obsolete and should be avoided: documenttouch domconfiguration domerrorhandler domimplementationlist domimplementationregistry domimplementationsource domlocator domobject domsettabletokenlist domuserdata elementtraversal entity entityreference namelist notation typeinfo userdatahandler html dom a document containing html is described using the document interface, which is extended by the html specification to include various html-specific features.
HTMLIFrameElement - Web APIs
htmliframeelement.sandbox is a domsettabletokenlist that reflects the sandbox html attribute, indicating extra restrictions on the behavior of the nested content.
HTMLLinkElement - Web APIs
htmllinkelement.sizes read only is a domsettabletokenlist that reflects the sizes html attribute, as a list of tokens.