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7 results for "storageQuota":
StorageQuota - Web APIs
the storagequota property of the navigator interface of the quota management api provides means to query and request storage usage and quota information.
... you can get a reference to this interface using navigator.storagequota.
... properties storagequota.supportedtypes read only returns a list of the available storage types.
...And 3 more matches
StorageQuota.queryInfo - Web APIs
the queryinfo() property of the storagequota interface returns a storageinfo object containting the current data usage and available quota information for the application.
... syntax storagequota.queryinfo().then(function(storageinfo) { ...
StorageQuota.requestPersistentQuota - Web APIs
the requestpersistentquota() property of the storagequota interface requests persistent storage for the requesting application and returns a promise to an instance of storageinfo.
... syntax storagequota.requestpersistentquota().then(function(storageinfo) { ...
StorageQuota.supportedTypes - Web APIs
the supportedtypes read-only property of the storagequota interface returns a list of the available storage types.
... syntax var storagetypes = storagequota.supportedtypes value a frozen array of available storage types.
Index - Web APIs
4167 storagequota experimental, interface, quota management api, reference, storagequota the storagequota property of the navigator interface of the quota management api provides means to query and request storage usage and quota information.
... 4168 storagequota.queryinfo property, quota management api, reference, storagequota the queryinfo() property of the storagequota interface returns a storageinfo object containting the current data usage and available quota information for the application.
... 4169 storagequota.requestpersistentquota property, quota management api, reference, storagequota the requestpersistentquota() property of the storagequota interface requests persistent storage for the requesting application and returns a promise to an instance of storageinfo.
... 4170 storagequota.supportedtypes property, quota management api, reference, storagequota the supportedtypes read-only property of the storagequota interface returns a list of the available storage types.
Navigator - Web APIs
navigator.storagequota read only returns a storagequota interface which provides means to query and request storage usage and quota information.
Web APIs
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