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7 results for "PushRegistration":
PushRegistrationManager - Web APIs
methods pushregistrationmanager.register() returns a promise that resolves to a pushregistration with details of a new registration.
... pushregistrationmanager.unregister() returns a promise that resolves to a pushregistration with details of the unregistered registration.
... pushregistrationmanager.getregistration() returns a promise that resolves the pushregistration associated with the current webapp.
...And 2 more matches
PushManager.registrations() - Web APIs
if the method call is successful, the request's result will be an array of pushregistration objects.
... pushregistration those objects are anonymous javascript objects with the following properties: pushendpoint a string representing the url of the endpoint.
PushManager.unregister() - Web APIs
if the method call is successful, the request's result will be a pushregistration object representing the endpoint that has been unregistered.
... pushregistration those objects are anonymous javascript objects with the following properties: pushendpoint a string representing the url of the unregistered endpoint.
Index - Web APIs
3208 pushregistrationmanager api, deprecated, interface, needsbrowsercompatibility, needsexample, pushregistrationmanager, reference, référence(2) returns an interface to register or unregister a push registration, get an active registration, or check the permission status of the registration.
PushManager - Web APIs
note: this interface replaces functionality previously offered by the obsolete pushregistrationmanager interface.
Push API - Web APIs
this interface has replaced the functionality offered by the obsolete pushregistrationmanager interface.
Web APIs
ng performanceresourcetiming performanceservertiming performancetiming periodicwave permissionstatus permissions photocapabilities plugin pluginarray point pointerevent popstateevent positionoptions processinginstruction progressevent promiserejectionevent publickeycredential publickeycredentialcreationoptions publickeycredentialrequestoptions pushevent pushmanager pushmessagedata pushregistrationmanager pushsubscription r rtcansweroptions rtccertificate rtcconfiguration rtcdtmfsender rtcdtmftonechangeevent rtcdatachannel rtcdatachannelevent rtcdtlstransport rtcerror rtcerrorevent rtcicecandidate rtcicecandidateinit rtcicecandidatepair rtcicecandidatepairstats rtcicecandidatestats rtcicecandidatetype rtcicecomponent rtcicecredentialtype rtcicegathererstate rtciceparameters rtc...