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3 results for "WebGLContextAttributes":
WebGLRenderingContext.getContextAttributes() - Web APIs
the webglrenderingcontext.getcontextattributes() method returns a webglcontextattributes object that contains the actual context parameters.
... syntax gl.getcontextattributes(); return value a webglcontextattributes object that contains the actual context parameters, or null if the context is lost.
Index - Web APIs
4786 webglrenderingcontext.getcontextattributes() api, method, reference, webgl, webglrenderingcontext the webglrenderingcontext.getcontextattributes() method returns a webglcontextattributes object that contains the actual context parameters.
WebGLRenderingContext - Web APIs
webglrenderingcontext.getcontextattributes() returns a webglcontextattributes object that contains the actual context parameters.