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6 results for "ROLE_COLUMN":
MozillaTechAccessibilityAT-APIsGeckoRolesROLE COLUMNHEADER
interfaces nsiaccessnode nsiaccessible mapped to at-spi: role_table atk: atk_role_column_header ua: nsaccessibilitygrouprole msaa/ia2: role_system_columnheader used by aria: colheader xul: <listheader/> html: <th> ...
also refer to the following roles: role_columnheader, role_rowheader, role_column, role_row, role_cell.
... role_columnheader 25 represents a column header, providing a visual label for a column in a table.
... role_column 27 represents a column of cells within a table.
Gecko Roles
role_columnheader represents a column header, providing a visual label for a column in a table.
... role_column represents a column of cells within a table.
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
MozillaAccessibilityGecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
unique features role_table html: <table> dhtml: role="wairole:grid" (in this case state_focusable is set) accname is supported via <caption> first child of table or summary attribute role_columnheader xul: tree column headers html: <th> dhtml: role="wairole:colheader" role_rowheader dhtml: role="wairole:rowheader" role_column not supported.
MozillaTechAccessibilityAT-APIsGeckoRolesROLE TABLE
also refer to the following roles: role_columnheader, role_rowheader, role_column, role_row, role_cell.
Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server - Accessibility
WebAccessibilityImplementing MSAA server
tem] role_client [important] role_menupopup [important] role_menuitem [important] role_tooltip role_application role_document role_pane [important] role_chart role_dialog [semi-important, not currently used by all at's] role_border role_grouping role_separator [important] role_toolbar role_statusbar [important] role_table [important] role_columnheader role_rowheader role_column role_row role_cell [important] role_link [important] role_helpballoon role_character role_list [important] role_listitem [important] role_outline [important] role_outlineitem [important] role_pagetab [important] role_propertypage [important] role_indicator role_graphic [important] role_statictext [impo...