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4 results for "single-transition-timing-function":
EffectTiming.easing - Web APIs
syntax var timingproperties = { easing: single-transition-timing-function } timingproperties.easing = single-transition-timing-function value a string defining the timing function to use for easing transitions during the animation process.
animation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
each individual animation is specified as: zero or one occurrences of the following values: <single-transition-timing-function> <single-animation-iteration-count> <single-animation-direction> <single-animation-fill-mode> <single-animation-play-state> an optional name for the animation, which may be none, a <custom-ident>, or a <string> zero, one, or two <time> values the order of values within each animation definition is important: the first value that can be parsed as a <time> is assigned to the an...
<easing-function> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
working draft defines <single-timing-function> as a synonym for <single-transition-timing-function> of the css transitions module.
transition - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
zero or one <single-transition-timing-function> value representing the timing function to use zero, one, or two <time> values.