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6 results for "Sec-WebSocket-Key":
Writing a WebSocket server in C# - Web APIs
WebAPIWebSockets APIWriting WebSocket server
you must: obtain the value of the "sec-websocket-key" request header without any leading or trailing whitespace concatenate it with "258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0dc85b11" (a special guid specified by rfc 6455) compute sha-1 and base64 hash of the new value write the hash back as the value of "sec-websocket-accept" response header in an http response if (new system.text.regularexpressions.regex("^get").ismatch(data)) { const string eol = "...
...marker byte[] response = encoding.utf8.getbytes("http/1.1 101 switching protocols" + eol + "connection: upgrade" + eol + "upgrade: websocket" + eol + "sec-websocket-accept: " + convert.tobase64string( encoding.utf8.getbytes( new system.text.regularexpressions.regex("sec-websocket-key: (.*)").match(data).groups[1].value.trim() + "258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0dc85b11" ) ) ) + eol + eol); stream.write(response, 0, response.length); } decoding messages after a successful handshake, the client will send encoded messages to the server.
...obtain the value of the "sec-websocket-key" request header without any leading or trailing whitespace // 2.
...write the hash back as the value of "sec-websocket-accept" response header in an http response string swk = regex.match(s, "sec-websocket-key: (.*)").groups[1].value.trim(); string swka = swk + "258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0dc85b11"; byte[] swkasha1 =; string swkasha1base64 = convert.tobase64string(swkasha1); // http/1.1 defines the sequence cr lf as the end-of-line marker byte[] response = encoding.utf8.getbytes( "http/1...
Writing WebSocket servers - Web APIs
WebAPIWebSockets APIWriting WebSocket servers
the client will send a pretty standard http request with headers that looks like this (the http version must be 1.1 or greater, and the method must be get): get /chat http/1.1 host: upgrade: websocket connection: upgrade sec-websocket-key: dghlihnhbxbszsbub25jzq== sec-websocket-version: 13 the client can solicit extensions and/or subprotocols here; see miscellaneous for details.
... the most interesting header here is sec-websocket-key.
...the sec-websocket-accept header is important in that the server must derive it from the sec-websocket-key that the client sent to it.
... to get it, concatenate the client's sec-websocket-key and the string "258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0dc85b11" together (it's a "magic string"), take the sha-1 hash of the result, and return the base64 encoding of that hash.
Protocol upgrade mechanism - HTTP
WebHTTPProtocol upgrade mechanism
for example: sec-websocket-extensions: superspeed, colormode; depth=16 sec-websocket-key provides information to the server which is needed in order to confirm that the client is entitled to request an upgrade to websocket.
... sec-websocket-key: key key the key for this request to upgrade.
... sec-websocket-accept: hash hash if a sec-websocket-key header was provided, the value of this header is computed by taking the value of the key, concatenating the string "258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0dc85b11" to it, taking the sha-1 hash of that concatenated string, resulting in a 20-byte value.
Writing a WebSocket server in Java - Web APIs
WebAPIWebSockets APIWriting a WebSocket server in Java
you must, obtain the value of sec-websocket-key request header without any leading and trailing whitespace link it with "258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0dc85b11" compute sha-1 and base64 code of it write it back as value of sec-websocket-accept response header as part of a http response.
... if (get.find()) { matcher match = pattern.compile("sec-websocket-key: (.*)").matcher(data); match.find(); byte[] response = ("http/1.1 101 switching protocols\r\n" + "connection: upgrade\r\n" + "upgrade: websocket\r\n" + "sec-websocket-accept: " + base64.getencoder().encodetostring(messagedigest.getinstance("sha-1").digest(( + "258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0dc85b11").getbytes("utf-8"))) + "\r\n\r\n").getbytes("utf-8"); out.write(response, 0, response.length); decoding messages after a successful handshake, client can send messages to the server, but now these are encoded.
Sec-WebSocket-Accept - HTTP
header type response header forbidden header name no syntax sec-websocket-accept: <hashed key> directives <hashed key> the server takes the value of the sec-websocket-key sent in the handshake request, appends 258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0dc85b11, takes sha-1 of the new value, and is then base64 encoded.
HTTP headers - HTTP
websockets sec-websocket-key ...