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1 results for "captureStackTrace":
Error - JavaScript
WebJavaScriptReferenceGlobal ObjectsError
static methods error.capturestacktrace() a non-standard v8 function that creates the stack property on an error instance.
... class customerror extends error { constructor(foo = 'bar', ...params) { // pass remaining arguments (including vendor specific ones) to parent constructor super(...params) // maintains proper stack trace for where our error was thrown (only available on v8) if (error.capturestacktrace) { error.capturestacktrace(this, customerror) } = 'customerror' // custom debugging information = foo = new date() } } try { throw new customerror('baz', 'bazmessage') } catch(e) { console.error( //customerror console.error( //baz console.error(e.message) //bazmessage console.error(e.stack) //stacktrace } ...
... function customerror(foo, message, filename, linenumber) { var instance = new error(message, filename, linenumber); = 'customerror'; = foo; object.setprototypeof(instance, object.getprototypeof(this)); if (error.capturestacktrace) { error.capturestacktrace(instance, customerror); } return instance; } customerror.prototype = object.create(error.prototype, { constructor: { value: error, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (object.setprototypeof){ object.setprototypeof(customerror, error); } else { customerror.__proto__ = error; } try { throw new customerror('baz', 'bazmessage');...