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34 results for "JSScript":
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jsscript is a type in the jsapi.
... see also uxp source jsscript.h uxp source jsscript.cpp ...
Debugger.Script - Firefox Developer Tools
for the former, it is the debugger api’s presentation of a jsapi jsscript object.
... debugger.script for jsscripts for debugger.script instances referring to a jsscript, they are distinguished by their format property being "js".
... each of the following is represented by a single jsscript object: the body of a function—that is, all the code in the function that is not contained within some nested function.
...And 24 more matches
JSAPI User Guide
the jsapi provides a type, jsscript, that represents a compiled script.
... the life cycle of a jsscript looks like this: the application compiles some javascript code using js_compilescript, js_compileutf8file, or js_compilefilehandle.
... these functions return a pointer to a new jsscript.
...And 4 more matches
syntax jsobject * js_newscriptobject(jscontext *cx, jsscript *script); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new script object.
... script jsscript * the compiled script for which to create a new script object.
... description js_newscriptobject returns the script object associated with the given jsscript.
...And 4 more matches
jsscript *introductionscript() const returns a pointer to jsscript which introduces the file.
... owningcompileoptions &setelement(jsobject *e) owningcompileoptions &setelementattributename(jsstring *p) owningcompileoptions &setintroductionscript(jsscript *s) owningcompileoptions &setmutederrors(bool mute) owningcompileoptions &setversion(jsversion v) owningcompileoptions &setutf8(bool u) owningcompileoptions &setcolumn(unsigned c) owningcompileoptions &setcompileandgo(bool cng) owningcompileoptions &setforeval(bool eval) owningcompileoptions &setnoscriptrval(bool nsr) owningc...
...ompileoptions &setselfhostingmode(bool shm) owningcompileoptions &setcanlazilyparse(bool clp) owningcompileoptions &setsourceislazy(bool l) owningcompileoptions &setintroductiontype(const char *t) bool setintroductioninfo(jscontext *cx, const char *introducerfn, const char *intro, unsigned line, jsscript *script, uint32_t offset) duplicate null-terminated string introducerfn for introducerfilename and set introductiontype, introductionlineno, introductionscriptroot, introductionoffset, and hasintroductioninfo properties.
...And 3 more matches
GC Rooting Guide
the main types of gc thing pointer are: js::value jsobject* jsstring* jsscript* jsid note that js::value and jsid can contain pointers internally even though they are not a normal pointer type, hence their inclusion in this list.
...within spidermonkey, it is suggested that these are used in preference to the template class (gecko uses the template versions): template class typedef js::rooted<js::value> js::rootedvalue js::rooted<jsobject*> js::rootedobject js::rooted<jsstring*> js::rootedstring js::rooted<jsscript*> js::rootedscript js::rooted<jsid> js::rootedid for example, instead of this: jsobject* localobj = js_getobjectofsomesort(cx); you would write this: js::rootedobject localobj(cx, js_getobjectofsomesort(cx)); spidermonkey makes it easy to remember to use js::rooted<t> types instead of a raw pointer because all of the api methods that may gc take a js::handle<t>, as desc...
... similarly to js::rooted<t>, there are typedefs available for the main types: template class typedef js::handle<js::value> js::handlevalue js::handle<jsobject*> js::handleobject js::handle<jsstring*> js::handlestring js::handle<jsscript*> js::handlescript js::handle<jsid> js::handleid you should use js::handle<t> for all function parameters taking gc thing pointers (except out-parameters, which are described below).
...And 2 more matches
Hacking Tips
the backtrace contains in the following order, the stack depth, the interpreter frame pointer (see js/src/vm/stack.h, stackframe class) or (nil) if compiled with ionmonkey, the file and line number of the call location and under parentheses, the jsscript pointer and the jsbytecode pointer (pc) executed.
... setting a breakpoint in the generated code (from gdb, x86 / x86-64, arm) to set a breakpoint the generated code of a specific jsscript compiled with ionmonkey.
...9838: 0x7ffff7fad2da 0x141 0x7fffffff9848: 0x7fffef134d40 0x2 […] (gdb) p (*(jsfunction**) 0x7fffffff9848)->u.i.script_->lineno $1 = 1 (gdb) p (*(jsfunction**) 0x7fffffff9848)->u.i.script_->filename $2 = 0xff92d1 "typein" the stack is order as defined in js/src/ion/ionframes-x86-shared.h, it is composed of the return address, a descriptor (a small value), the jsfunction (if it is even) or a jsscript (if the it is odd, remove it to dereference the pointer) and the frame ends with the number of actual arguments (a small value too).
...And 2 more matches
302 js_getfunctionscript jsapi reference, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey js_getfunctionscript returns a pointer to jsscript for the specified function, fun.
... 413 js_newscriptobject jsapi reference, obsolete, spidermonkey js_newscriptobject returns the script object associated with the given jsscript.
...the javascript frontend constructs an ast from the source text, then emits stack-based bytecodes from that ast as a part of the jsscript data structure.
... bytecodes can reference atoms and objects (typically by array index) which are also contained in the jsscript data structure.
SpiderMonkey Internals
when a script (jsscript) is destroyed, all traps set in its bytecode are cleared.
... jsemit.*, jsopcode.tbl, jsopcode.*, jsparse.*, jsscan.*, jsscript.* compiler and decompiler modules.
...source notes generated by jsparse.cpp and jsemit.cpp are used in jsscript.cpp to map line number to program counter and back.
r *name); bool js::addnamedvaluerootrt(jsruntime *rt, js::heap<js::value> *vp, const char *name); bool js::addnamedstringroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsstring *> *rp, const char *name); bool js::addnamedobjectroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsobject *> *rp, const char *name); bool js::addnamedscriptroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsscript *> *rp, const char *name); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to add the new root.
... rp js::heap<jsscript *> the address of the jsscript * variable to root.
... vp/rp is the address of a c/c++ variable (or field, or array element) of type js::value, jsstring *, jsobject *, or jsscript *.
syntax void js_destroyscript(jscontext *cx, jsscript *script); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to destroy the script.
... script jsscript * the script to destroy.
... at present, this function has no effect; the jsscript lives for as long as its script object lives.
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 38 retrieves a jsscript for a specified function.
... syntax jsscript * js_getfunctionscript(jscontext *cx, js::handlefunction fun); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... description js_getfunctionscript returns a pointer to jsscript for the specified function, fun.
Bytecode Descriptions
the script's jsscript::trynotes() must mark the body of the for-in loop, i.e.
...(a jsop::poplexicalenv is always emitted at the end of the block, and extra copies are emitted on "exit slides", where a break, continue, or return statement exits the scope.) the script's jsscript::scopenotes() must identify exactly which instructions begin executing in this scope.
the javascript frontend constructs an ast from the source text, then emits stack-based bytecodes from that ast as a part of the jsscript data structure.
... bytecodes can reference atoms and objects (typically by array index) which are also contained in the jsscript data structure.
syntax void removevalueroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<js::value> *vp); void removestringroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsstring *> *rp); void removeobjectroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsobject *> *rp); void removescriptroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsscript *> *rp); void removevaluerootrt(jsruntime *rt, js::heap<js::value> *vp); void removestringrootrt(jsruntime *rt, js::heap<jsstring *> *rp); void removeobjectrootrt(jsruntime *rt, js::heap<jsobject *> *rp); void removescriptrootrt(jsruntime *rt, js::heap<jsscript *> *rp); name type description cx jscontext * the context from which to remove the root.
... rp js::heap<jsscript *> address of the jsscript * variable to remove from the root set.
syntax jsautocompartment(jscontext *cx, jsobject *target); jsautocompartment(jscontext *cx, jsscript *target); name type description cx jscontext * the context on which a cross-compartment call is needed.
... target jsobject * / jsscript * the object in a different compartment to be accessed.
syntax jsstring * js_decompilescript(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsscript*> script); name type description cx jscontext * the context to use to decompile the script.
... script js::handle<jsscript*> script or function to decompile.
syntax typedef enum jsexecpart { jsexec_prolog, jsexec_main } jsexecpart; jsbool js_executescriptpart( jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsscript *script, jsexecpart part, jsval *rval); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to execute the script.
... script jsscript * the compiled script to execute.
callback syntax jsbool (*jsbranchcallback)(jscontext *cx, jsscript *script); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a jscontext which the callback may use to call into jsapi functions.
... script jsscript the script that is running.
note that debuggers should probably use js_setcallhook in preference to this function, because it is invoked when the javascript stack is guaranteed to be in a consistent state (and therefore it is valid to inspect and modify local variables, generate stack traces, and set breakpoints.) callback syntax typedef void (* jsfunctioncallback)(const jsfunction *fun,const jsscript *scr, const jscontext *cx, int entering); name type description fun const jsfunction * the javascript function being invoked or exited.
... scr const jsscript * the script being executed.
JSAPI reference
n spidermonkey 17 js_evaluatescript obsolete since jsapi 36 js_evaluateucscript obsolete since jsapi 36 js_evaluatescriptforprincipals obsolete since jsapi 30 js_evaluateucscriptforprincipals obsolete since jsapi 30 js_evaluatescriptforprincipalsversion obsolete since jsapi 30 js_evaluateucscriptforprincipalsversion obsolete since jsapi 30 you can instead compile javascript code into a jsscript which you can then execute multiple times.
... class jsscript js::compile added in spidermonkey 17 js::compileoffthread added in spidermonkey 31 js::cancompileoffthread added in spidermonkey 31 js::finishoffthreadscript added in spidermonkey 31 js_compilescript js_compileucscript js_bufferiscompilableunit js_executescript js::cloneandexecutescript added in spidermonkey 31 js_decompilescript js_executescriptversion obsolete since jsapi 36 js_compileutf8file added in spidermonkey 11 obsolete since jsapi 19 js_compileutf8filehandle added in spidermonkey 11 obsolete since jsapi 19 js_compileutf8filehandleforprincipals added in spidermonkey 11 obsolete since jsapi 19 js_compilefile obsolete since jsapi 11 js_compilefilehandle obsolete since jsapi 11 js_compilefilehandleforprincipals obsolete since jsapi 11 js_compilescriptf...
Shell global objects
isrelazifiablefunction(fun) ture if fun is a jsfunction with a relazifiable jsscript.
... bytesizeofscript(f) return the size in bytes occupied by the function f's jsscript.
ved classes for the main types: class parent class js::autovaluevector autovectorrooter<value> js::autoidvector autovectorrooter<jsid> js::autoobjectvector added in spidermonkey 24 autovectorrooter<jsobject *> js::autofunctionvector added in spidermonkey 31 autovectorrooter<jsfunction *> js::autoscriptvector autovectorrooter<jsscript *> see also mxr id search for js::autovectorrooter mxr id search for js::autovaluevector mxr id search for js::autoidvector mxr id search for js::autoobjectvector mxr id search for js::autofunctionvector mxr id search for js::autoscriptvector js::autovaluearray&lt;n&gt; - fixed-size array of js::value bug 677079 bug 868580 - expose js::autoobjectvector bug 848592 - added js::au...
syntax bool js::cancompileoffthread(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, size_t length); bool js::compileoffthread(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::offthreadcompilecallback callback, void *callbackdata); jsscript * js::finishoffthreadscript(jscontext *maybecx, jsruntime *rt, void *token); typedef void (*js::offthreadcompilecallback)(void *token, void *callbackdata); name type description cx / maybe jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
there are typedefs available for the main types: namespace js { typedef handle<jsfunction*> handlefunction; typedef handle<jsid> handleid; typedef handle<jsobject*> handleobject; typedef handle<jsscript*> handlescript; typedef handle<jsstring*> handlestring; typedef handle<js::symbol*> handlesymbol; // added in spidermonkey 38 typedef handle<value> handlevalue; } see also mxr id search for js::handle mxr id search for js::handlefunction mxr id search for js::handleid mxr id search for js::handleobject mxr id search for js::handlescript mxr id search for js::handlestring mxr ...
there are typedefs available for the main types: namespace js { typedef mutablehandle<jsfunction*> mutablehandlefunction; typedef mutablehandle<jsid> mutablehandleid; typedef mutablehandle<jsobject*> mutablehandleobject; typedef mutablehandle<jsscript*> mutablehandlescript; typedef mutablehandle<jsstring*> mutablehandlestring; typedef mutablehandle<js::symbol*> mutablehandlesymbol; typedef mutablehandle<value> mutablehandlevalue; } see also mxr id search for js::mutablehandle mxr id search for js::mutablehandlefunction mxr id search for js::mutablehandleid mxr id search for js::mutablehandleobject mxr id search for js::mutab...
there are typedefs available for the main types: namespace js { typedef persistentrooted<jsfunction*> persistentrootedfunction; typedef persistentrooted<jsid> persistentrootedid; typedef persistentrooted<jsobject*> persistentrootedobject; typedef persistentrooted<jsscript*> persistentrootedscript; typedef persistentrooted<jsstring*> persistentrootedstring; typedef persistentrooted<js::symbol*> persistentrootedsymbol; // added in spidermonkey 38 typedef persistentrooted<value> persistentrootedvalue; } example following example allocates persistentrootedvalue, and provides two functions for setting and getting it from javascript.
there are typedefs available for the main types: namespace js { typedef rooted<jsobject*> rootedobject; typedef rooted<jsfunction*> rootedfunction; typedef rooted<jsscript*> rootedscript; typedef rooted<jsstring*> rootedstring; typedef rooted<js::symbol*> rootedsymbol; // added in spidermonkey 38 typedef rooted<jsid> rootedid; typedef rooted<js::value> rootedvalue; } see also mxr id search for js::rooted mxr id search for js::rootedobject mxr id search for js::rootedfunction mxr id search for js::rootedscript mxr id search ...
syntax jsscript * js_compilescriptforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *src, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno); jsscript * js_compileucscriptforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const jschar *src, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno); jsobject * js_compilescriptforprincipalsversion(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *src, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsversion ...
js::handlescript script); // added in spidermonkey 36 bool js_executescript(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handlescript script, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js_executescript(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handlescript script); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js::cloneandexecutescript(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsscript*> script); // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js::cloneandexecutescript(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, js::handle<jsscript*> script); // added in spidermonkey 31, obsoleted since jsapi 39 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to execute the script.
SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
bug 630209 also removed the need for js_newscriptobject, by modifying the script compilation interfaces to handle the creation and management of the object wrapper directly; similarly, the script execution interfaces now accept a jsobject pointer than a pointer to jsscript.
SpiderMonkey 1.8.7
bug 630209 also removed the need for js_newscriptobject, by modifying the script compilation interfaces to handle the creation and management of the object wrapper directly; similarly, the script execution interfaces now accept a jsobject pointer than a pointer to jsscript.
Index - Firefox Developer Tools
for the former, it is the debugger api’s presentation of a jsapi jsscript object.
Aggregate view - Firefox Developer Tools
type this is the default view, which looks something like this: it groups the things on the heap into types, including: javascript objects: such as function or array dom elements: such as htmlspanelement or window strings: listed as "strings" javascript sources: listed as "jsscript" internal objects: such as "js::shape".