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addDirectory - Archive of obsolete content
adddirectory unpacks an entire directory into a temporary location.
... method of install object syntax public int adddirectory ( string xpisourcepath); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, installversion version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); parameters the adddirectory method has the following parameters: registryname ... some situations, adddirectory may return other errors.
... description the adddirectory method puts the files in the specified directory in a temporary location.
Install.addDirectory - Archive of obsolete content
install.adddirectory the install object's adddirectory method queues an entire directory for installation once performinstall is called.
... var vi = ""; var xpisrc = "adddir1"; initinstall("addfilenovers1", "adddir_1", vi, 1); f = getfolder("program"); setpackagefolder(f); err = adddirectory(xpisrc); logcomment("the error = " + err); if (0 == getlasterror()) performinstall(); else cancelinstall(); ...
Install Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
this involves the use of two functions, adddirectory() and addfile().
... the adddirectory() function tells the installer that a directory from the xpi archive (and all of its contents) should be installed to a particular location.
...both the adddirectory() and addfile() functions have various forms.
...And 3 more matches
Learn XPI Installer Scripting by Example - Archive of obsolete content
in the browser.xpi install script, the files are added in lines 26-41: err = adddirectory("program", "", "bin", // jar source folder communicatorfolder, // target folder "", // target subdir true ); // force flag logcomment("adddirectory() returned: " + err); // create the plugins folder next to mozilla var pluginsfol...
...der = getfolder("plugins"); if (!fileexists(pluginsfolder)) { var ignoreerr = dircreate(pluginsfolder); logcomment("dircreate() returned: " + ignoreerr); } else logcomment("plugins folder already exists"); in this case, the files are contained within a single directory, so calling the install object's adddirectory method is sufficient to queue all the files in the archive for installation.
... the adddirectory, like addfile, handles both the source file location and the target location.
method overview void adddirectory(in nsifile dir); boolean check(in wstring word); void getdictionarylist([array, size_is(count)] out wstring dictionaries, out pruint32 count); void removedirectory(in nsifile dir); void suggest(in wstring word,[array, size_is(count)] out wstring suggestions, out pruint32 count); attributes attribute ty...
... methods adddirectory() adds all the dictionaries in the specified directory to the spell checker.
... void adddirectory( nsifile dir ); parameters dir an nsifile object indicating the directory from which to add dictionaries.
XPInstall API reference - Archive of obsolete content
objects install properties methods adddirectory addfile alert cancelinstall confirm deleteregisteredfile execute gestalt getcomponentfolder getfolder getlasterror getwinprofile getwinregistry initinstall loadresources logcomment patch performinstall refreshplugins registerchrome reseter...
...tvalue getvaluenumber getvaluestring iskeywritable keyexists setrootkey setvalue setvaluenumber setvaluestring valueexists winregvalue constructor other information return codes see complete list examples trigger scripts and install scripts code samples file.macalias file.windowsshortcut install.adddirectory install.addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate windows install ...
Installer Script - Archive of obsolete content
err = adddirectory("program", 27.
... logcomment("adddirectory() returned: " + err); 33.
rchnotify listener); void getnthsearchterm(in long whichterm, in nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib, in nsmsgsearchopvalue op, in nsimsgsearchvalue value); long countsearchscopes(); void getnthsearchscope(in long which,out nsmsgsearchscopevalue scopeid, out nsimsgfolder folder); void addscopeterm(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in nsimsgfolder folder); void adddirectoryscopeterm(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope); void clearscopes(); [noscript] boolean scopeusescustomheaders(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in voidptr selection, in boolean forfilters); boolean isstringattribute(in nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib); void addallscopes(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue attrib); void search(in nsimsgwindow awindow); void interr...
... void addscopeterm(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in nsimsgfolder folder); parameters scope folder adddirectoryscopeterm() void adddirectoryscopeterm(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope); parameters scope clearscopes() void clearscopes(); scopeusescustomheaders() call this function everytime the scope changes!
Index - Archive of obsolete content
718 install.adddirectory the install object's adddirectory method queues an entire directory for installation once performinstall is called.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
installer script using xpinstall to install plugins install script template xpinstall api reference examples file.macalias file.windowsshortcut install.adddirectory install.addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate trigger scripts and install scripts windows install file object methods install objec...
Making it into a dynamic overlay and packaging it up for distribution - Archive of obsolete content
rome://navigator/content/navigator.xul"> <rdf:li>chrome://tinderstatus/content/tinderstatusoverlay.xul</rdf:li> </rdf:seq> </rdf:rdf> install.js, on the other hand, goes into the tinderstatus-installer directory: initinstall( "mozilla tinderstatus extension", "/mozdev/tinderstatus", "0.1"); var installdir = getfolder("chrome","tinderstatus"); setpackagefolder(installdir); adddirectory("tinderstatus"); registerchrome( content | delayed_chrome, getfolder(installdir, "content")); var result = performinstall(); if ( result != success ) cancelinstall(result); once all the files are in place, use your zip utility from within the tinderstatus-installer directory to create a zip archive called tinderstatus.xpi with install.js and the entire contents of the tinderstatus/...
Windows Install - Archive of obsolete content
ed = true; } } if(binicreated) updatewinreg4ren8dot3() ; } return(0); } // main var srdest; var err; var fprogram; srdest = 449; err = initinstall(prettyname, regname, ""); logcomment("initinstall: " + err); fprogram = getfolder("program"); logcomment("fprogram: " + fprogram); if(verifydiskspace(fprogram, srdest)) { setpackagefolder(fprogram); err = adddirectory("", "", "bin", // dir name in jar to extract fprogram, // where to put this file // (returned from getfolder) "", // subdir name to create relative to fprogram true); // force flag logcomment("adddirectory() returned: " + err); // check return value if(err == success) { err = performinstall(); logcomment("performinstall() returned...
Examples - Archive of obsolete content
the following samples demonstrate some of the principal installation functions in the xpinstall api: file.macalias file.windowsshortcut [install.]adddirectory [install.]addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate windows install example ...
getComponentFolder - Archive of obsolete content
typically, you use this method with the addfile method or the adddirectory method.
getLastError - Archive of obsolete content
this method allows you to defer checking for error codes each time you call addfile or adddirectory until the last addfile or adddirectory call.
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
methods adddirectory unpacks an entire subdirectory.
SeaMonkey - making custom toolbar (SM ver. 1.x) - Archive of obsolete content
in your working directory, create a plain text file named: install.js copy the following content, and paste it into the new file: const title = "custom toolbar button" const name = "custombutton" const version = "1.0" r = initinstall(title, name, version) || adddirectory(null, "content", getfolder("chrome"), name) || registerchrome(content + delayed_chrome, getfolder("chrome", name), "") if (r) cancelinstall(r) else performinstall(), alert("now restart seamonkey") customize the title, name and (optionally) version definitions, changing the text between double-quote characters on those three lines.
Packaging WebLock
k", 1.0); var componentsdir = getfolder("components"); var cf = getfolder("chrome"); // add the dll and say where it'll go addfile("weblock.dll", 1.0, "weblock.dll", componentsdir, ""); // add the typelib also addfile("weblock.xpt", "1.0", "weblock.xpt", componentsdir, ""); // add the weblock subdirectory of the xpi and specify that // it be installed in the chrome application directory err = adddirectory("weblock", "1.0", "", chromedir, ""); // ?