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9 results for "NPN_Invoke":
NPN_Invoke - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN Invoke
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_invoke(npp npp, npobject *npobj, npidentifier methodname, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: npp the npp indicating which plugin wants to call the method on the object.
...if the method invocation succeeds, npn_invoke() returns true, else false.
NPN_InvokeDefault - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN InvokeDefault
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_invokedefault(npp npp, npobject *npobj, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: npp the npp indicating which plugin wants to call the default method on the object.
...if the method invocation succeeds, npn_invoke() returns true, else false.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
3652 npn_invoke npapi, plugins invokes a method on the given npobject.
... 3653 npn_invokedefault npapi, plugins invokes the default method, if one exists, on the given npobject.
NPClass - Archive of obsolete content
invoke called by npn_invoke() to invoke a specific method on a given npobject.
... invokedefault called by npn_invokedefault() to invoke the default method (if available) on a given npobject.
NPAPI plugin reference - Archive of obsolete content
npn_invoke invokes a method on the given npobject.
... npn_invokedefault invokes the default method, if one exists, on the given npobject.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveIndex of archived content
npn_getproperty npn_getstringidentifier npn_getstringidentifiers npn_geturl npn_geturlnotify npn_getvalue npn_getvalueforurl npn_hasmethod npn_hasproperty npn_identifierisstring npn_intfromidentifier npn_invalidaterect npn_invalidateregion npn_invoke npn_invokedefault npn_memalloc npn_memflush npn_memfree npn_pluginthreadasynccall npn_posturl npn_posturlnotify npn_releaseobject npn_releasevariantvalue npn_reloadplugins npn_removeproperty npn_requestread npn_retainobject npn_set...
NPObject - Archive of obsolete content
functions npn_createobject() npn_retainobject() npn_releaseobject() npn_invoke() npn_invokedefault() npn_evaluate() npn_getproperty() npn_setproperty() npn_removeproperty() npn_hasproperty() npn_hasmethod() npn_setexception() see also npclass ...
Scripting plugins - Plugins
PluginsGuideScripting plugins
the api extensions the api extensions are based on four new structs: npstring npvariant npn_releasevariantvalue npn_getstringidentifier npn_getstringidentifiers npn_getintidentifier npn_identifierisstring npn_utf8fromidentifier npn_intfromidentifier npobject npn_construct (since firefox 3.0b1) npn_createobject npn_retainobject npn_releaseobject npn_invoke npn_invokedefault npn_enumerate (since mozilla 1.9a1) npn_evaluate npn_getproperty npn_setproperty npn_removeproperty npn_hasproperty npn_hasmethod npn_setexception npclass « previousnext » ...
Gecko Plugin API Reference - Plugins
ts from a plugin how to call plugin native methods the api extensions npstring npvariant npn_releasevariantvalue npn_getstringidentifier npn_getstringidentifiers npn_getintidentifier npn_identifierisstring npn_utf8fromidentifier npn_intfromidentifier npobject npn_createobject npn_retainobject npn_releaseobject npn_invoke npn_invokedefault npn_evaluate npn_getproperty npn_setproperty npn_removeproperty npn_hasproperty npn_hasmethod npn_setexception npclass structures npanycallbackstruct npbyterange npembedprint npevent npfullprint npp np_port npprint npprintcallbackstruct nprect npregion npsaveddata npsetwindowcallbackstruct npstream npwin...