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9 results for "NPUTF8":
NPUTF8 - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary nputf8 is a byte representing an 8-bit unit of a utf-8 character.
... this is not the same thing as an entire utf-8 character, which may be comprised of multiple nputf8 bytes.
... syntax typedef char nputf8; description the nputf8 type is used in constructing utf-8 strings for use by the plugin scripting api extension.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
3698 npstring npapi, plugins npstring is a struct that holds a pointer to a sequence of 8-bit units (nputf8) making up a utf-8 string, and the number of 8-bit units in the utf-8 string.
... 3699 nputf8 npapi, plugins nputf8 is a byte representing an 8-bit unit of a utf-8 character.
... this is not the same thing as an entire utf-8 character, which may be comprised of multiple nputf8 bytes.
NPAPI plugin reference - Archive of obsolete content
npstring npstring is a struct that holds a pointer to a sequence of 8-bit units (nputf8) making up a utf-8 string, and the number of 8-bit units in the utf-8 string.
... nputf8 nputf8 is a byte representing an 8-bit unit of a utf-8 character.
... this is not the same thing as an entire utf-8 character, which may be comprised of multiple nputf8 bytes.
NPN_UTF8FromIdentifier - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN UTF8FromIdentifier
syntax #include <npruntime.h> nputf8 *npn_utf8fromidentifier(npidentifier identifier); parameters the function has the following parameter: <tt>identifier</tt> the string identifier whose corresponding string should be returned.
... returns a utf-8 string as a sequence of nputf8 bytes, or null if the specified <tt>identifier</tt> isn't a string identifier.
NPString - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npstring is a struct that holds a pointer to a sequence of 8-bit units (nputf8) making up a utf-8 string, and the number of 8-bit units in the utf-8 string.
...syntax typedef struct _npstring { const nputf8 *utf8characters; uint32_t utf8length; } npstring; fields the data structure has the following fields: utf8characters an array of the utf-8 characters comprising the string.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveIndex of archived content
pp_newstream npp_print npp_setvalue npp_setwindow npp_streamasfile npp_urlnotify npp_write npp_writeready npprint npprintcallbackstruct nprect npregion npsaveddata npsetwindowcallbackstruct npstream npstring nputf8 npvariant npvarianttype npwindow np_getmimedescription np_getvalue np_initialize np_port np_shutdown samples and test cases shipping a plugin as a toolkit bundle supporting private browsing in plugins the first install problem wri...
NPN_GetStringIdentifier - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN GetStringIdentifier
syntax #include <npruntime.h> npidentifier npn_getstringidentifier(const nputf8 *name); parameters the function has the following parameters: <tt>name</tt> the string for which an opaque identifier should be returned.
NPN_GetStringIdentifiers - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN GetStringIdentifiers
syntax #include <npruntime.h> void npn_getstringidentifiers(const nputf8 **names, int32_t namecount, npidentifier *identifiers); parameters the function has the following parameters: names an array of strings for which opaque identifiers should be returned.
NPN_SetException - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN SetException
syntax #include <npruntime.h> void npn_setexception(npobject *npobj, const nputf8 *message); parameters the function has the following parameters: <tt>npobj</tt> the object on which the exception occurred.