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15 results for "NPVariant":
NPVariant - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npvariant is a struct that holds a value and the type of that value.
... the value is held in a union, and the type is one of types defined in the npvarianttype enumeration.
... syntax typedef struct _npvariant { npvarianttype type; union { bool boolvalue; int32_t intvalue; double_t doublevalue; npstring stringvalue; npobject *objectvalue; } value; } npvariant; fields the data structure has the following fields: type a member of the npvarianttype enumeration specifying the data type contained in the npvariant.
...And 22 more matches
NPVariantType - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npvarianttype is an enumeration that is used to identify the data type of an npvariant structure.
... syntax typedef enum { npvarianttype_void, npvarianttype_null, npvarianttype_bool, npvarianttype_int32, npvarianttype_double, npvarianttype_string, npvarianttype_object } npvarianttype; description each type is self-explanatory.
... see also npvariant ...
NPN_Invoke - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN Invoke
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_invoke(npp npp, npobject *npobj, npidentifier methodname, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: npp the npp indicating which plugin wants to call the method on the object.
...result a pointer to an npvariant to receive the result returned by the method.
...if the method was invoked successfully, any return value is stored in the npvariant specified by result.
...And 2 more matches
NPN_InvokeDefault - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN InvokeDefault
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_invokedefault(npp npp, npobject *npobj, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: npp the npp indicating which plugin wants to call the default method on the object.
... result a pointer to an npvariant to receive the result returned by the default method.
...if the default method was invoked successfully, any return value is stored in the npvariant specified by result.
...And 2 more matches
NPN_ReleaseVariantValue - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN ReleaseVariantValue
syntax #include <npruntime.h> void npn_releasevariantvalue(npvariant *variant); parameters the function has the following parameters: <tt>variant</tt> the variant whose value is to be released.
...any npvariant whose value comes from a call that passes back an npvariant must be released using this function.
... access to the value in an npvariant that has been released will result in undefined behavior.
... npn_releasevariantvalue() will call npn_releaseobject() on npvariants of type npvarianttype_object, and npn_memfree() on npvariants of type npvarianttype_string.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
3700 npvariant npapi, plugins npvariant is a struct that holds a value and the type of that value.
... the value is held in a union, and the type is one of types defined in the npvarianttype enumeration.
... 3701 npvarianttype npapi, plugins npvarianttype is an enumeration that is used to identify the data type of an npvariant structure.
NPAPI plugin reference - Archive of obsolete content
npvariant npvariant is a struct that holds a value and the type of that value.
... the value is held in a union, and the type is one of types defined in the npvarianttype enumeration.
... npvarianttype npvarianttype is an enumeration that is used to identify the data type of an npvariant structure.
NPClass - Archive of obsolete content
unction pointer syntax typedef npobject *(*npallocatefunctionptr)(npp npp, npclass *aclass); typedef void (*npdeallocatefunctionptr)(npobject *npobj); typedef void (*npinvalidatefunctionptr)(npobject *npobj); typedef bool (*nphasmethodfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name); typedef bool (*npinvokefunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); typedef bool (*npinvokedefaultfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); typedef bool (*nphaspropertyfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidenti...
...fier name); typedef bool (*npgetpropertyfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name, npvariant *result); typedef bool (*npsetpropertyfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name, const npvariant *value); typedef bool (*npremovepropertyfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name); typedef bool (*npenumerationfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier **value, uint32_t *count); typedef bool (*npconstructfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); see also npo...
Getting the page URL in NPAPI plugin - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveGetting the page URL in NPAPI plugin
npvariant variantvalue; // get the location property from the window object (which is another object).
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveIndex of archived content
npp_print npp_setvalue npp_setwindow npp_streamasfile npp_urlnotify npp_write npp_writeready npprint npprintcallbackstruct nprect npregion npsaveddata npsetwindowcallbackstruct npstream npstring nputf8 npvariant npvarianttype npwindow np_getmimedescription np_getvalue np_initialize np_port np_shutdown samples and test cases shipping a plugin as a toolkit bundle supporting private browsing in plugins the first install problem writing a plugin for mac ...
NPN_Evaluate - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN Evaluate
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_evaluate(npp npp, npobject *npobj, npstring *script, npvariant *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: npp the npp indicating which plugin instance's window to evaluate the script in.
NPN_GetProperty - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN GetProperty
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_getproperty(npp npp, npobject *npobj, npidentifier propertyname, npvariant *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: <tt>npp</tt> the npp indicating which plugin instance's is making the request.
NPN_SetProperty - Archive of obsolete content
ArchivePluginsReferenceNPN SetProperty
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_setproperty(npp npp, npobject *npobj, npidentifier propertyname, const npvariant *value); parameters the function has the following parameters: <tt>npp</tt> the npp indicating which plugin instance's is making the request.
Scripting plugins - Plugins
PluginsGuideScripting plugins
t = 15, npnvpluginelementnpobject = 16 how to call plugin native methods the following html code will do the job: <embed type="application/plugin-mimetype"> <script> var embed = document.embeds[0]; embed.nativemethod(); alert(embed.nativeproperty); embed.nativeproperty.anothernativemethod(); </script> the api extensions the api extensions are based on four new structs: npstring npvariant npn_releasevariantvalue npn_getstringidentifier npn_getstringidentifiers npn_getintidentifier npn_identifierisstring npn_utf8fromidentifier npn_intfromidentifier npobject npn_construct (since firefox 3.0b1) npn_createobject npn_retainobject npn_releaseobject npn_invoke npn_invokedefault npn_enumerate (since mozilla 1.9a1) npn_evaluate np...
Gecko Plugin API Reference - Plugins
accessing browser objects from a plugin how to call plugin native methods the api extensions npstring npvariant npn_releasevariantvalue npn_getstringidentifier npn_getstringidentifiers npn_getintidentifier npn_identifierisstring npn_utf8fromidentifier npn_intfromidentifier npobject npn_createobject npn_retainobject npn_releaseobject npn_invoke npn_invokedefault npn_evaluate npn_getproperty npn_setproperty ...