Using Firebug and jQuery (Screencast)

Note: This screencast is originally from:

This is an adaptation of a presentation that I gave while at Mashup Camp Boston. We're going to take an introductory look at the Firebug Firefox Extension and the jQuery JavaScript Library - combining the two to build a reusable bookmarklet that can manipulate Digg Posts and Comments.

Click the video link to begin (14:39 Minutes long, 59MB):

Download: Right-click this link and select Save As... in order to download a copy of your own. (59MB)

In the presentation, I refer to a bookmarklet that you can use to introduce jQuery into a web page. Drag these bookmarklets found on this page into the bookmarks toolbar of your browser, in order to use them.

Related Links:

If you wish to use Greasemonkey instead of a bookmarklet, then by all means, please do so. You can use the ability to quickly analyze and inspect a page that Firebug and jQuery affords you, using the results to build a Greasemonkey script, instead of a simple bookmarklet. I only really intended this to be a quick introduction to the subject, so please feel free to explore it more!

More Tips: Here are some more jQuery selectors that you can use on a Digg Post:

  • $("li.c-bury > div").remove(); - Remove all buried comments, but none of the direct replies.
  • $("div.c-body").show(); - Show all comments, even ones that've been buried.