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7 results for "windowsShortcut":
File.windowsShortcut - Archive of obsolete content
file.windowsshortcut in this example, the windowsshortcut method is used to add a shortcut in the program directory ("program" is a keyword for the directory in which the program itself is installed, for example, c:\program files\netscape\netscape 6\" on windows) to windows software (misc.exe) that is installed in the "windows" directory.
... var xpisrc = "misc.exe"; var vi = ""; initinstall( "windows shortcut", "test", vi, 0); f = getfolder("windows"); g = getfolder("temporary"); addfile( "miscshortcut", "", xpisrc, f, xpisrc, true); target = getfolder(f, xpisrc); shortcutpath = getfolder("program"); err = file.windowsshortcut( target, shortcutpath, "misc shortcut", g, "", target, 0); logcomment("file.windowsshortcut returns: " + err); if (0 == getlasterror()) performinstall(); else cancelinstall(); ...
windowsShortcut - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceFile ObjectMethodswindowsShortcut
method of file object syntax int windowsshortcut( folderobject atarget, folderobject ashortcutpath, string adescription, folderobject aworkingpath, string aparams, folderobject aicon, number aiconid); parameters the windowsshortcut method has the following parameters: atarget a filespecobject representing the absolute path (including filename) to file that the shortcut will be created for.
... example see file.windowsshortcut in the script examples chapter.
XPInstall API reference - Archive of obsolete content
no properties methods copy dircreate dirgetparent dirremove dirrename diskspaceavailable execute exists isdirectory isfile macalias moddate moddatechanged move remove rename size windowsgetshortname windowsregisterserver windowsshortcut winprofile no properties methods getstring writestring winreg no properties methods createkey deletekey deletevalue enumkeys enumvaluenames getvalue getvaluenumber getvaluestring iskeywritable keyexists setrootkey setvalue ...
...setvaluenumber setvaluestring valueexists winregvalue constructor other information return codes see complete list examples trigger scripts and install scripts code samples file.macalias file.windowsshortcut install.adddirectory install.addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate windows install ...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
717 file.windowsshortcut in this example, the windowsshortcut method is used to add a shortcut in the program directory ("program" is a keyword for the directory in which the program itself is installed, for example, c:\program files\netscape\netscape 6\" on windows) to windows software (misc.exe) that is installed in the "windows" directory.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveIndex of archived content
ipting by example installer script using xpinstall to install plugins install script template xpinstall api reference examples file.macalias file.windowsshortcut install.adddirectory install.addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate trigger scripts and install scripts windows install file object methods ...
Examples - Archive of obsolete content
the following samples demonstrate some of the principal installation functions in the xpinstall api: file.macalias file.windowsshortcut [install.]adddirectory [install.]addfile installtrigger.installchrome installtrigger.startsoftwareupdate windows install example ...
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXPInstallReferenceFile ObjectMethods
windowsshortcut creates a windows shortcut for a file.