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6 results for "nsIMsgAccountManager":
the nsimsgaccountmanagerextension interface is used to add a new panel to thunderbird's account manager.
... // please add a summary to this article.
... see also nsimsgaccountmanager building an account manager extension ...
Using the Multiple Accounts API
MozillaThunderbirdUsing the Multiple Accounts API
by alec flett structure servers identities storage creating new accounts smtp servers appendix a: listing of all preferences and properties structure the account system consists of: the account manager (nsimsgaccountmanager): there is a single account manager in the the client, which maintains the list of accounts, servers, etc. +- netscape.public.mozilla.announce +- netscape.public.mozilla.mail-news relevant api calls: nsimsgaccount.incomingserver nsimsgaccountmanager.allservers: a list of all servers held by all accounts.
... in the above example, the list of identities would be as follows: alec flett <>) alec flett <>) alec flett <>) relevant api calls: nsimsgaccount.identities nsimsgaccountmanager.allservers: a list of all servers across all accounts storage the accounts are stored in the preferences.
... relevant api calls: nsimsgaccount nsimsgaccountmanager.createaccount() nsimsgaccount nsimsgaccountmanager.getaccount(in string key) nsimsgincomingserver nsimsgaccountmanager.createincomingserver(in string type) nsimsgincomingserver nsimsgaccountmanager.getincomingserver(in string key) smtp servers smtp servers are kept separately from all the other account management stuff.
759 nsimsgaccountmanagerextension interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird the nsimsgaccountmanagerextension interface is used to add a new panel to thunderbird's account manager.
Building an Account Manager Extension
MozillaTechXPCOMReferenceInterfacensIMsgAccountManagerExtensionBuilding an Account Manager Extension
if (server.type == \"imap\") return true; return false; }, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ components.interfaces.nsimsgaccountmanagerextension ]) } step 2: building a component we convert the interface to a xpcom component and register it in the component manager as account manager extension.
XPCOM Interface Reference
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
MozillaTechXPCOMReferenceReference by grouping
nsiwebprogress nsiwebprogresslistener nsiwebprogresslistener2 update nsiupdate nsiupdatechecker nsiupdatechecklistener nsiupdateitem nsiupdatemanager nsiupdatepatch nsiupdateprompt nsiupdatetimermanager nsiprogramminglanguage thunderbird credentials nsimsgaccountmanagerextension element nsieditormailsupport message nsidbchangeannouncer nsidbchangelistener nsimessenger nsimsgcompfields nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler nsimsgdatabase nsimsgdbhdr nsimsgdbview nsimsgdbviewcommandupdater nsimsgfolder nsimsgidentity nsimsgmessageservice nsimsgsendlater ...