
Defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsIMsgSearchCustomTerm.idl



   * globally unique string to identify this search term.
   * recommended form: ExtensionName@example.com#TermName
   * Commas and quotes are not allowed, the id must not
   * parse to an integer, and names of standard search
   * attributes in SearchAttribEntryTable in nsMsgSearchTerm.cpp
   * are not allowed.
  readonly attribute ACString id;


  /// name to display in term list. This should be localized. */
  readonly attribute AString name;


  /// Does this term need the message body?
  readonly attribute boolean needsBody;



   * Is this custom term enabled?
   * @param scope          search scope (nsMsgSearchScope)
   * @param op             search operator (nsMsgSearchOp). If null, determine
   *                       if term is available for any operator.
   * @return               true if enabled
  boolean getEnabled(in nsMsgSearchScopeValue scope,
                     in nsMsgSearchOpValue    op);


   * Is this custom term available?
   * @param scope          search scope (nsMsgSearchScope)
   * @param op             search operator (nsMsgSearchOp). If null, determine
   *                       if term is available for any operator.
   * @return               true if available
  boolean getAvailable(in nsMsgSearchScopeValue scope,
                       in nsMsgSearchOpValue op);


   * List the valid operators for this term.
   * @param scope          search scope (nsMsgSearchScope)
   * @param length         object to hold array length
   * @return               array of operators
  void getAvailableOperators(in nsMsgSearchScopeValue scope,
                             out unsigned long        length,
                             [retval, array, size_is(length)]
                             out nsMsgSearchOpValue   operators);


   * Apply the custom search term to a message
    * @param msgHdr       header database reference representing the message
    * @param searchValue  user-set value to use in the search
    * @param searchOp     search operator (Contains, IsHigherThan, etc.)
    * @return             true if the term matches the message, else false

   boolean match(in nsIMsgDBHdr        msgHdr,
                 in AUTF8String        searchValue,
                 in nsMsgSearchOpValue searchOp);