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6 results for "nsIXULTreeBuilder":
Template and Tree Listeners - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULTemplate GuideTemplate and Tree Listeners
nsixultreebuilderobserver - used to listen to particular tree operations.
...the tree builder observer implements the nsixultreebuilderobserver interface and may be attached to a tree builder using the builder's addobserver method.
...var treebuilderobserver = { candropbeforeafter : function(idx, orient) { return false; }, candropon : function(idx, orient) { return true; }, candrop : function(idx, orient) { return !orient; }, ondrop : function(idx, orient) { // do something here }, }; //tree.builderview.addobserver(treebuilderobserver); // tree.builder.queryinterface (components.interfaces.nsixultreebuilder) .addobserver(treebuilderobserver); the candropbeforeafter method returns false since we do not want to allow before and after drops.
tree - Archive of obsolete content
rdf tree nsitreeview, nsixultreebuilder no this tree is generated from an rdf datasource.
... rdf content tree nsitreeview, nsixultreebuilder, nsitreecontentview yes this tree is generated from an rdf datasource.
... builderview type: nsixultreebuilder a reference to the tree builder which constructed the tree data.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
both types of builders implement the nsixultemplatebuilder interface, while the tree builder also implements the nsixultreebuilder interface.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
both types of builders implement the nsixultemplatebuilder interface, while the tree builder also implements the nsixultreebuilder interface.</tree> 946 template logging debugging problems with a template can be difficult as many problems are logic errors that are often not possible to determine automatically.
builderView - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference builderview type: nsixultreebuilder a reference to the tree builder which constructed the tree data.
Template Builder Interface - Archive of obsolete content
ArchiveMozillaXULTemplate GuideTemplate Builder Interface
both types of builders implement the nsixultemplatebuilder interface, while the tree builder also implements the nsixultreebuilder interface.