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37 results for "nsIMsgFolder":
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the nsimsgfolder interface is used to interact with folders in thunderbird.
...check // for the newer methods (esp.
...ding(); void endfolderloading(); void updatefolder(in nsimsgwindow awindow); nsimsgfilterlist getfilterlist(in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void setfilterlist(in nsimsgfilterlist filterlist); void forcedbclosed(); void delete(); void deletesubfolders(in nsisupportsarray folders, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void propagatedelete(in nsimsgfolder folder, in boolean deletestorage,in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void recursivedelete(in boolean deletestorage, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void createsubfolder(in astring foldername, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); nsimsgfolder addsubfolder(in astring foldername); void createstorageifmissing(in nsiurllistener urllistener); void compact(in nsiurllistener alist...
...And 21 more matches
method overview void open(in nsimsgfolder folder, in nsmsgviewsorttypevalue sorttype, in nsmsgviewsortordervalue sortorder, in nsmsgviewflagstypevalue viewflags, out long count); void openwithhdrs(in nsisimpleenumerator aheaders, in nsmsgviewsorttypevalue asorttype, in nsmsgviewsortordervalue asortorder, in nsmsgviewflagstypevalue aviewflags, out long acount); void close(); void init(in nsimessenger amessengeri...
...nstance, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsimsgdbviewcommandupdater acommandupdater); void sort(in nsmsgviewsorttypevalue sorttype, in nsmsgviewsortordervalue sortorder); void docommand(in nsmsgviewcommandtypevalue command); void docommandwithfolder(in nsmsgviewcommandtypevalue command, in nsimsgfolder destfolder); void getcommandstatus(in nsmsgviewcommandtypevalue command, out boolean selectable_p, out nsmsgviewcommandcheckstatevalue selected_p); void viewnavigate(in nsmsgnavigationtypevalue motion, out nsmsgkey resultid, out nsmsgviewindex resultindex, out nsmsgviewindex threadindex, in boolean wrap); boolean navigatestatus(in nsmsgnavigationtypevalue motion); nsmsgkey getkeyat(in nsmsgviewindex index); nsimsgdbhdr getmsghdrat(in...
... nsmsgviewindex index); nsimsgfolder getfolderforviewindex(in nsmsgviewindex index); acstring geturiforviewindex(in nsmsgviewindex index); nsimsgdbview clonedbview(in nsimessenger amessengerinstance, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsimsgdbviewcommandupdater acommandupdater); void geturisforselection([array, size_is(count)] out string uris, out unsigned long count); void getindicesforselection([array, size_is(count)] out nsmsgviewindex indices, out unsigned long count); void loadmessagebymsgkey(in nsmsgkey amsgkey); void loadmessagebyviewindex(in nsmsgviewindex aindex); void loadmessagebyurl(in string aurl); void reloadmessage(); void reloadmessagewithallparts(); void selectmsgbykey(in nsmsgkey key); ...
...And 8 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports method overview void copymessage(in string asrcuri, in nsistreamlistener acopylistener, in boolean amovemessage, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, out nsiuri aurl); [noscript] void copymessages(in nsmsgkeyarrayptr keys, in nsimsgfolder srcfolder, in nsistreamlistener acopylistener, in boolean amovemessage, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, out nsiuri aurl); void displaymessage(in string amessageuri, in nsisupports adisplayconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in string acharsetoverride, out nsiuri aurl); void openattachment(in string acontenttype, in st...
...neending, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void geturlforuri(in string amessageuri, out nsiuri aurl, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void displaymessageforprinting(in string amessageuri, in nsisupports adisplayconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, out nsiuri aurl); void search(in nsimsgsearchsession asearchsession, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsimsgfolder amsgfolder, in string asearchuri); nsiuri streammessage(in string amessageuri, in nsisupports aconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in boolean aconvertdata, in string aadditionalheader); nsiuri streamheaders(in string amessageuri, in nsistreamlistener aconsumer, in nsiurllistener aurllistener [optional] in boolean alocalonly); boolean is...
...msginmemcache(in nsiuri aurl, in nsimsgfolder afolder, out nsicacheentrydescriptor acacheentry); nsimsgdbhdr messageuritomsghdr(in string uri); methods copymessage() pass in the uri for the message you want to have copied.
...And 4 more matches
ttynameformigration(); boolean getboolattribute(in string name); boolean getboolvalue(in string attr); acstring getcharattribute(in string name); acstring getcharvalue(in string attr); nsilocalfile getfilevalue(in string relpref, in string abspref); nsimsgfilterlist getfilterlist(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); long getintattribute(in string name); long getintvalue(in string attr); nsimsgfolder getmsgfolderfromuri(in nsimsgfolder afolderresource, in acstring auri); void getnewmessages(in nsimsgfolder afolder, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener); acstring getpasswordwithui(in astring apromptstring, in astring aprompttitle, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, out boolean okayvalue); astring getunicharattribute(in string name); astring getunicharvalue(in string att... nsilocalfile avalue); void setfilterlist(in nsimsgfilterlist afilterlist); void setintattribute(in string name, in long value); void setintvalue(in string attr, in long value); void setunicharattribute(in string name, in astring value); void setunicharvalue(in string attr, in astring value); void shutdown(); void storepassword(); astring tostring(); void writetofoldercache(in nsimsgfoldercache foldercache); attributes attribute type description accountmanagerchrome astring read only.
... realhostname acstring real hostname of the server (if server name is changed it is stored here) realusername acstring real username of the server (if username is changed it is stored here) redirectortype string obsolete since gecko 1.9 rememberpassword boolean retentionsettings nsimsgretentionsettings rootfolder nsimsgfolder rootmsgfolder nsimsgfolder read only.
...And 2 more matches
erm term); void registerlistener(in nsimsgsearchnotify listener); void unregisterlistener(in nsimsgsearchnotify listener); void getnthsearchterm(in long whichterm, in nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib, in nsmsgsearchopvalue op, in nsimsgsearchvalue value); long countsearchscopes(); void getnthsearchscope(in long which,out nsmsgsearchscopevalue scopeid, out nsimsgfolder folder); void addscopeterm(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in nsimsgfolder folder); void adddirectoryscopeterm(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope); void clearscopes(); [noscript] boolean scopeusescustomheaders(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in voidptr selection, in boolean forfilters); boolean isstringattribute(in nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib); ...
...dow); void interruptsearch(); void pausesearch(); void resumesearch(); [noscript] nsmsgsearchtype setsearchparam(in nsmsgsearchtype type, in voidptr param); [noscript] void addresultelement(in nsmsgresultelement element); boolean matchhdr(in nsimsgdbhdr amsghdr, in nsimsgdatabase adatabase); void addsearchhit(in nsimsgdbhdr header, in nsimsgfolder folder); attributes attribute type description searchterms nsisupportsarray readonly: numsearchterms unsigned long readonly: runningadapter nsimsgsearchadapter readonly: searchparam voidptr not scriptable and readonly: searchtype nsmsgsearchtype readonly: numresults long readonly:...
... countsearchscopes() long countsearchscopes(); getnthsearchscope() void getnthsearchscope(in long which, out nsmsgsearchscopevalue scopeid, out nsimsgfolder folder); parameters which return values scopeid folder addscopeterm() add a scope (e.g.
...And 2 more matches
140 folders thunderbird the folder classes all implement the nsimsgfolder interface.
... 768 nsimsgfiltercustomaction defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgfiltercustomaction.idl 769 nsimsgfilterlist interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgfilterlist.idl 770 nsimsgfolder interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, message database, messages, needscontent, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird the nsimsgfolder interface is used to interact with folders in thunderbird.
... 784 nsimsgthread interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, message database, messages, needscontent, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference, thunderbird the nsimsgfolder interface is used to interact with threads in thunderbird.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsidbchangeannouncer method overview void open(in nsilocalfile afoldername, in boolean acreate, in boolean aleaveinvaliddb); void forcefolderdbclosed(in nsimsgfolder afolder); void close(in boolean aforcecommit); void commit(in nsmsgdbcommit committype); void forceclosed(); void clearcachedhdrs; void resethdrcachesize(in unsigned long size); nsimsgdbhdr getmsghdrforkey(in nsmsgkey key); nsimsgdbhdr getmsghdrformessageid(in string messageid); boolean containskey(in nsmsgkey key); nsimsgdbhdr createnewhdr(in nsmsgkey key); void addnewhdrtodb...
... forcefolderdbclosed() void forcefolderdbclosed(in nsimsgfolder afolder); parameters afolder close() void close(in boolean aforcecommit); parameters aforcecommit commit() void commit(in nsmsgdbcommit committype); parameters committype forceclosed() force closed is evil, and we should see if we can do without it.
...if deleteviafolder is true, we'll call nsimsgfolder.deletemessages() to delete the messages.
instance, use var msgsendlater = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsimsgsendlater); method overview void sendunsentmessages(in nsimsgidentity identity); void removelistener(in nsimsgsendlaterlistener listener); void addlistener(in nsimsgsendlaterlistener listener); nsimsgfolder getunsentmessagesfolder](in nsimsgidentity identity); attributes attribute type description msgwindow nsimsgwindow methods sendunsentmessages() sends all unsent messages for an identity.
... nsimsgfolder getunsentmessagesfolder(in nsimsgidentity identity); parameters identity the nsimsgidentity to get the folder for.
... return value the nsimsgfolder containing unsent messages.
Mail and RDF
this is basically what happens, behind the scenes: var target = rdf.getresource("mailbox://"); var property = rdf.getresource(""); var resultnode = datasource.gettarget(target, property, true); in the folder datasource's gettarget(), target would be queryinterfaced to a nsimsgfolder.
... to get the total messages, the datasource would then call nsimsgfolder.gettotalmessages().
... an example of how this might work inside the datasource: var msgcountarc = rdf.getresource(""); function gettarget(target, property, unused) { var folder = target.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsimsgfolder); if (property == msgcountarc) { var msgcount = folder.gettotalmessages(false); var result = rdf.getliteral(msgcount.tostring()); return result; } } asynchronously notifying rdf when a mail object's data changes and the data is reflected in rdf by notifying all of the observers that rdf has registered with the datasource.
AsyncTestUtils extended framework
the first is an nsimsgfolder and the second is a js list of all the nsimsgdbhdrs for the messages that were inserted into the folder. does, however, send a junkstatuschanged notification via the nsimsgfoldernotificationservice's itemevent mechanism.
in clear, if you want to do a persistent change to a message header, such as marking it as read, or replied to, or whatever, you must do it through its corresponding nsimsgfolder (msghdr.folder) or nsimsgdatabase (msghdr.folder.msgdatabase).
... folder nsimsgfolder readonly: indicates the folder in which this message is stored.
changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports in thunderbird this is implemented for different windows in several different places: nsmsgdbviewcommandupdater (for the standalone message window) nsmsgdbviewcommandupdater (for the threadpane message window) nsmsgsearchcommandupdater (for search dialogs) method overview void updatecommandstatus(); void displaymessagechanged(in nsimsgfolder afolder, in astring asubject, in acstring akeywords); void updatenextmessageafterdelete(); methods updatecommandstatus() called when the number of selected items changes.
... void displaymessagechanged(in nsimsgfolder afolder, in astring asubject, in acstring akeywords ); parameters afolder the folder containing selected message.
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgfilterlist.idl attributes folder attribute nsimsgfolder nsimsgfilterlist::folder version readonly attribute short nsimsgfilterlist::version arbitraryheaders readonly attribute acstring nsimsgfilterlist::arbitraryheaders shoulddownloadallheaders readonly attribute boolean nsimsgfilterlist::shoulddownloadallheaders filtercount readonly attribute unsigned long nsimsgfilterlist::filtercount loggingenabled attribute boolean nsimsgfilterlist::loggingenabled defaultfile attribute nsilocalfile nsimsgfilterlist::defaultfile logstream attribute nsioutputstream nsimsgfilterlist::logstream logurl readonly attribute acstring nsimsgfilterlist::logurl methods getfilterat() nsimsgfilter nsimsgfilterlist::getfilterat (in unsigned long fi...
... nsimsgfilterlist::savetofile ( in nsioutputstream stream ) parsecondition() void nsimsgfilterlist::parsecondition ( in nsimsgfilter afilter, in string condition ) savetodefaultfile() void nsimsgfilterlist::savetodefaultfile ( ) applyfilterstohdr() void nsimsgfilterlist::applyfilterstohdr ( in nsmsgfiltertypetype filtertype, in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr, in nsimsgfolder folder, in nsimsgdatabase db, in string headers, in unsigned long headersize, in nsimsgfilterhitnotify listener, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow, in nsilocalfile amessagefile ) writeinattr() void nsimsgfilterlist::writeintattr ( in nsmsgfilterfileattribvalue attrib, in long ...
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgsearchvalue.idl #include "nsmsgsearchcore.idl" interface nsimsgfolder; [scriptable, uuid(783758a0-cdb5-11dc-95ff-0800200c9a66)] interface nsimsgsearchvalue : nsisupports { // type of object attribute nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib; // accessing these will throw an exception if the above // attribute does not match the type!
... attribute astring str; attribute nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; attribute prtime date; // see nsmsgmessageflags.idl and nsmsgfolderflags.idl attribute unsigned long status; attribute unsigned long size; attribute nsmsgkey msgkey; attribute long age; // in days attribute nsimsgfolder folder; attribute nsmsglabelvalue label; attribute nsmsgjunkstatus junkstatus; /* * junkpercent is set by the message filter plugin, and is approximately * proportional to the probability that a message is junk.
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgsearchvalue.idl #include "nsmsgsearchcore.idl" interface nsimsgfolder; [scriptable, uuid(783758a0-cdb5-11dc-95ff-0800200c9a66)] interface nsimsgsearchvalue : nsisupports { // type of object attribute nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib; // accessing these will throw an exception if the above // attribute does not match the type!
... attribute astring str; attribute nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; attribute prtime date; // see nsmsgmessageflags.idl and nsmsgfolderflags.idl attribute unsigned long status; attribute unsigned long size; attribute nsmsgkey msgkey; attribute long age; // in days attribute nsimsgfolder folder; attribute nsmsglabelvalue label; attribute nsmsgjunkstatus junkstatus; /* * junkpercent is set by the message filter plugin, and is approximately * proportional to the probability that a message is junk.
Activity Manager examples
manager const nsiap = components.interfaces.nsiactivityprocess; const nsiae = components.interfaces.nsiactivityevent; const nsiam = components.interfaces.nsiactivitymanager; let gactivitymanager = components.classes[";1"].getservice(nsiam); let process = components.classes[";1"].createinstance(nsiap); // assuming folder is an instance of nsimsgfolder interface // localization is omitted, initiator is not provided process.init("processing folder: " + folder.prettiestname, null); // note that we don't define a custom icon, default process icon // will be used process.contexttype = "account"; // group this activity by account process.contextobj = folder.server; // account in question gactivitymanager.addactivity(process); //...
...mycopyeventundo, nsiactivityundohandler) ns_imethodimp mycopyeventundo::undo(nsiactivityevent *event, nsresult *result) { nsresult rv; // get the subjects of this copy event pruint32 length; nsivariant **subjectlist; rv = event->getsubjects(&length, &subjectlist); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // first subject in the list is the source folder in this particular case nscomptr<nsimsgfolder> folder = do_queryinterface(subjectlist[0]); // get the initiator nsivariant *initiator; event->getinitiator(&initiator); if (initiator) { nsisupports* ptr; rv = object->getasisupports(&ptr); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsimsgcopyservice> copyservice = do_queryinterface(ptr); if (copyservice) copyservice->undo(folder); } return (*result ...
Folders and message lists
getting the current nsimsgfolder the nsimsgfolder interface contains many methods and attributes for working with folders.
... to get the nsimsgfolder instance for the currently-displayed folder, just use gfolderdisplay.displayedfolder.
Message Summary Database - Archive of obsolete content
nsimsgfolder has a method to get the database for a folder.
the folder classes all implement the nsimsgfolder interface.
there are a couple of ways to access the message database: if you have a nsimsgfolder, you can do this like so: somefolder.msgdatabase.addlistener(mylistener); alternately, you can access the message database through the nsimsgdbview like so: gfolderdisplay.view.dbview.db.addlistener(mylistener); method overview void onhdrflagschanged(in nsimsgdbhdr ahdrchanged, in unsigned long aoldflags, in unsigned long anewflags, in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); ...
alue attrib, in nsmsgsearchopvalue op, in nsimsgsearchvalue value, out boolean booleanand, out acstring arbitraryheader ) appendterm() void nsimsgfilter::appendterm (in nsimsgsearchterm term) createterm() nsimsgsearchterm nsimsgfilter::createterm ( ) matchhdr() void nsimsgfilter::matchhdr ( in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr, in nsimsgfolder folder, in nsimsgdatabase db, in string headers, in unsigned long headersize, out boolean result ) logrulehit() void nsimsgfilter::logrulehit ( in nsimsgruleaction afilteraction, in nsimsgdbhdr aheader ) createaction() nsimsgruleaction nsimsgfilter::createaction ( ) getactionat() nsimsgruleaction nsimsgfilter::getactionat (in long ainde...
* @param actionfolder folder in the filter list * @param filtertype filter type (manual, offlinemail, etc.) * * @return errormessage a localized message to display if invalid * set to null if the actionvalue is valid */ autf8string validateactionvalue(in autf8string actionvalue, in nsimsgfolder actionfolder, in nsmsgfiltertypetype filtertype); /* allow duplicate actions in the same filter list?
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgsearchnotify.idl [scriptable, uuid(ca37784d-352b-4c39-8ccb-0abc1a93f681)] interface nsimsgsearchnotify : nsisupports { void onsearchhit(in nsimsgdbhdr header, in nsimsgfolder folder); // notification that a search has finished.
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgsearchscopeterm.idl [scriptable, uuid(934672c3-9b8f-488a-935d-87b4023fa0be)] interface nsimsgsearchscopeterm : nsisupports { nsiinputstream getinputstream(in nsimsgdbhdr ahdr); void closeinputstream(); readonly attribute nsimsgfolder folder; readonly attribute nsimsgsearchsession searchsession; }; ...
the nsimsgfolder interface is used to interact with threads in thunderbird.
openfolder nsimsgfolder this is used to track the folder currently open in the ui.
sgsearchcore.idl use this to specify the value of a search term [ptr] native nsmsgsearchvalue(nsmsgsearchvalue); %{c++ typedef struct nsmsgsearchvalue { nsmsgsearchattribvalue attribute; union { nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; prtime date; pruint32 msgstatus; /* see msg_flag in msgcom.h */ pruint32 size; nsmsgkey key; print32 age; /* in days */ nsimsgfolder *folder; nsmsglabelvalue label; pruint32 junkstatus; pruint32 junkpercent; } u; char *string; } nsmsgsearchvalue; ...
XPCOM Interface Reference
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
thunderbird credentials nsimsgaccountmanagerextension element nsieditormailsupport message nsidbchangeannouncer nsidbchangelistener nsimessenger nsimsgcompfields nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler nsimsgdatabase nsimsgdbhdr nsimsgdbview nsimsgdbviewcommandupdater nsimsgfolder nsimsgidentity nsimsgmessageservice nsimsgsendlater nsimsgthread nsimsgwindow nsimsgwindowcommands user history nsibrowserhistory nsibrowsersearchservice nsimicrosummary nsimicrosummarygenerator nsimicrosummaryobserver nsimicrosummaryservice nsimicrosummaryset ...
XPCOM reference
core xpcom functionsxpcom provides a number of global functions which are used to initialize and shut down the xpcom library, as well as to allocate memory, get access to services, and to instantiate interfaces.foldersthe folder classes all implement the nsimsgfolder interface.
Creating a gloda message query
the folder may be a glodafolder instance (retrieved via gloda.getfolderforfolder, which takes an nsimsgfolder) or an nsimsgfolder instance.
MailNews Protocols
a folder class, which implements nsimsgfolder, and inherits from nsmsgdbfolder.
Mail event system
tion myonintpropertychanged(item, property, oldvalue, newvalue) { listenerhasfired=true; var propertystring = property.getunicode(); dump("onintpropertychanged has fired with property + " + propertystring + "!\n"); if (propertystring == "totalmessages") { totalmessageslistenerhasfired=true; //now show us visually var folder = item.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsimsgfolder); dump("the folder " + folder.prettyname + " now has " + newvalue + " messages."); } else if (propertystring == "testproperty") { dump("recieved integer test property fired on folder " + folder.prettyname + " with values " + oldvalue + " and " + newvalue + "\n"); } // set up the folder listener to point to the above function var folderlistener = { onitemadded: ...
Demo Addon
" *" : "") + "\n"; if (folder.hassubfolders) for each (let folder in fixiterator(folder.subfolders, ci.nsimsgfolder)) print(indent + " ", folder); }; print(" ", folder); as in the previous example, we get the incomingserver of the account in question.
Finding the code for a feature
(please don't do that guys, it really makes code search difficult!) so the answer the your question is, use the nsimsgfolder method "addkeywordstomessages" (and now i remember that i knew that!).
Filter Incoming Mail
ase(); // then we rebuild a subject objet by rencoding the string // and assign it to the message headers and we're done amsghdr.subject = mimeconvert.encodemimepartiistr_utf8(subject, false, "utf-8", 0, 72); } } }; function init() { var notificationservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsimsgfoldernotificationservice); notificationservice.addlistener(newmaillistener, notificationservice.msgadded); } addeventlistener("load", init, true); have a look to nsimsgdbhdr to get the full list of properties to be modified.
Styling the Folder Pane
biffstate-biffstate afolder.biffstate == nsimsgfolder.nsmsgbiffstate_<name> indicates whether or not the folder has new messages.