IDBOpenDBRequest: blocked event

The blocked handler is executed when an open connection to a database is blocking a versionchange transaction on the same database.

Bubbles No
Cancelable No
Interface IDBVersionChangeEvent
Event handler property onblocked


Using addEventListener():

// Open the database
const DBOpenRequest ='toDoList', 4);

DBOpenRequest.onupgradeneeded = (event) => {
  const db =;

  db.onerror = () => {
    console.log('Error creating database');

  // Create an objectStore for this database
  var objectStore = db.createObjectStore('toDoList', { keyPath: 'taskTitle' });

  // define what data items the objectStore will contain
  objectStore.createIndex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('day', 'day', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('month', 'month', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('year', 'year', { unique: false });

DBOpenRequest.onsuccess = (event) => {
  // Let's try to open the same database with a higher revision version
  const req2 ='toDoList', 5);

  // In this case the onblocked handler will be executed
  req2.addEventListener('blocked', () => {
    console.log('Request was blocked');


Using the onblocked property:

// Open the database
const DBOpenRequest ='toDoList', 4);

DBOpenRequest.onupgradeneeded = (event) => {
  const db =;

  db.onerror = () => {
    console.log('Error creating database');

  // Create an objectStore for this database
  var objectStore = db.createObjectStore('toDoList', { keyPath: 'taskTitle' });

  // define what data items the objectStore will contain
  objectStore.createIndex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('day', 'day', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('month', 'month', { unique: false });
  objectStore.createIndex('year', 'year', { unique: false });

DBOpenRequest.onsuccess = (event) => {
  // Let's try to open the same database with a higher revision version
  const req2 ='toDoList', 5);

  // In this case the onblocked handler will be executed
  req2.onblocked = () => {
    console.log('Request was blocked');


Browser compatibility

ChromeEdgeFirefoxInternet ExplorerOperaSafariAndroid webviewChrome for AndroidFirefox for AndroidOpera for AndroidSafari on iOSSamsung Internet
blocked eventChrome Full support 24
Full support 24
No support 23 — 57
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: webkit
Edge Full support 12Firefox Full support 16
Full support 16
No support 10 — 16
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: moz
IE Partial support 10Opera Full support 15Safari Full support 7WebView Android Full support Yes
Full support Yes
No support ? — 57
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: webkit
Chrome Android Full support 25
Full support 25
No support 25 — 57
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: webkit
Firefox Android Full support 22Opera Android Full support 14Safari iOS Full support 8Samsung Internet Android Full support 1.5
Full support 1.5
No support 1.5 — 7.0
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: webkit


Full support
Full support
Partial support
Partial support
Requires a vendor prefix or different name for use.
Requires a vendor prefix or different name for use.

See also