
The SVGAnimatedRect interface is used for attributes of basic SVGRect which can be animated.

Interface overview

Also implement None
Methods None
Normative document SVG 1.1 (2nd Edition)


Name Type Description
baseVal SVGRect The base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
animVal SVGRect A read only SVGRect representing the current animated value of the given attribute. If the given attribute is not currently being animated, then the SVGRect will have the same contents as baseVal. The object referenced by animVal will always be distinct from the one referenced by baseVal, even when the attribute is not animated.


The SVGAnimatedRect interface do not provide any specific methods.

Browser compatibility

ChromeEdgeFirefoxInternet ExplorerOperaSafariAndroid webviewChrome for AndroidFirefox for AndroidOpera for AndroidSafari on iOSSamsung Internet
SVGAnimatedRectChrome Full support YesEdge Full support ≤18Firefox Full support YesIE ? Opera Full support YesSafari Full support YesWebView Android No support NoChrome Android Full support YesFirefox Android Full support YesOpera Android Full support YesSafari iOS Full support YesSamsung Internet Android Full support Yes


Full support
Full support
No support
No support
Compatibility unknown
Compatibility unknown