XRSession: inputsourceschange event

Secure context
This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS), in some or all supporting browsers.

The inputsourceschange event is sent to an XRSession when the set of available WebXR input devices changes. The received event, of type XRInputSourcesChangeEvent, contains a list of any newly added and/or removed input devices.

Bubbles Yes
Cancelable No
Interface XRInputSourcesChangeEvent
Event handler property oninputsourceschange

The event object contains lists of the newly-added and/or removed input devices in its added and removed properties.



Specification Status Comment
WebXR Device API
The definition of 'inputsourceschange event' in that specification.
Working Draft Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

No compatibility data found. Please contribute data for "api.XRSession.inputsourceschange" (depth: 1) to the MDN compatibility data repository.