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3 results for "X-Firefox-Spdy":
Network request details - Firefox Developer Tools
ToolsNetwork Monitorrequest details
(there may be some exceptions, such as x-firefox-spdy, which is added by firefox.) you can copy some or all of the response header in json format by using the context menu: if you select copy, a single key word, value pair is copied.
...ccess-global=11-jun-2019;https=1" }, { "name": "x-cache", "value": "cp1075 pass, cp1075 pass" }, { "name": "x-cache-status", "value": "pass" }, { "name": "x-client-ip", "value": "" }, { "name": "x-content-type-options", "value": "nosniff" }, { "name": "x-firefox-spdy", "value": "h2" }, { "name": "x-frame-options", "value": "sameorigin" }, { "name": "x-powered-by", "value": "hhvm/3.18.6-dev" }, { "name": "x-search-id", "value": "esvan0r5bnnwscyk2wq09i1im" }, { "name": "x-varnish", "value": "766019457, 417549316" } ] }, "request ...
Network request list - Firefox Developer Tools
ToolsNetwork Monitorrequest list
has-response-header:cache-control has-response-header:x-firefox-spdy set-cookie-domain shows the resources that have a set-cookie header with a domain attribute that matches the specified value.
HTTP headers - HTTP
x-firefox-spdy ...