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29 results for "autofocus":
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HTMLSelectElement.autofocus - Web APIs
the htmlselectelement.autofocus property is a boolean that reflects the autofocus html attribute, which indicates whether the associated <select> element will get input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it.
... syntaxedit abool = aselectelement.autofocus; // get the value of autofocus aselectelement.autofocus = abool; // set the value of autofocus example html <select id="myselect" autofocus> <option>option 1</option> <option>option 2</option> </select> javascript // check if the autofocus attribute on the <select> var hasautofocus = document.getelementbyid('myselect').autofocus; specifications specification status co...
...mment html living standardthe definition of 'autofocus' in that specification.
... living standard html 5.2the definition of 'autofocus' in that specification.
noautofocus - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home noautofocus type: boolean if false, the default value, the currently focused element will be unfocused whenever the popup is opened or closed.
<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
required for accessibility autocomplete all hint for form autofill feature autofocus all automatically focus the form control when the page is loaded capture file media capture input method in file upload controls checked radio, checkbox whether the command or control is checked dirname text, search name of form field to use for sending the element's directionality in form submission disabled all whether the form c...
... autofocus a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the input should automatically have focus when the page has finished loading (or when the <dialog> containing the element has been displayed).
... note: an element with the autofocus attribute may gain focus before the domcontentloaded event is fired.
...And 4 more matches
Ember app structure and componentization - Learn web development
to start with, delete the contents of application.hbs and replace them with the following: <section class="todoapp"> <h1>todos</h1> <input class="new-todo" aria-label="what needs to be done?" placeholder="what needs to be done?" autofocus > </section> note: aria-label provides a label for assistive technology to make use of — for example, for a screenreader to read out.
...update the application.hbs file again so its content looks like this: <section class="todoapp"> <h1>todos</h1> <input class="new-todo" aria-label="what needs to be done?" placeholder="what needs to be done?" autofocus > <section class="main"> <input id="mark-all-complete" class="toggle-all" type="checkbox"> <label for="mark-all-complete">mark all as complete</label> <ul class="todo-list"> <li> <div class="view"> <input aria-label="toggle the completion of this todo" class="toggle" type="checkbox" > <label>buy movi...
...e tickets</label> <button type="button" class="destroy" title="remove this todo" ></button> </div> <input autofocus class="edit" value="todo text"> </li> <li> <div class="view"> <input aria-label="toggle the completion of this todo" class="toggle" type="checkbox" > <label>go to movie</label> <button type="button" class="destroy" title="remove this todo" ></button> </div> <input autofocus class="edit" value="todo text"> </li> </ul> </section> <footer class="footer"> <span class="todo-count"> <strong>0</strong> todos left </span> <ul cla...
...And 2 more matches
Advanced Svelte: Reactivity, lifecycle, accessibility - Learn web development
autofocusing our input the next feature will add to our newtodo component will be an autofocus prop, which will allow us to specify that we want the <input> field to be focused on page load.
... our first attempt is as follows — let's try adding the autofocus prop and just call nameel.focus() from the <script> block.
... update the first part of the newtodo.svelte <script> section (the first four lines) to look like this: <script> import { createeventdispatcher } from 'svelte' const dispatch = createeventdispatcher() export let autofocus = false let name = '' let nameel // reference to the name input dom node if (autofocus) nameel.focus() now go back to the todos component, and pass the autofocus prop into the <newtodo> component call, like so: <!-- newtodo --> <newtodo autofocus on:addtodo={e => addtodo(e.detail)} /> if you try your app out now, you'll see that the page is now blank, and in your devtools web console you'll see an error along the lines of: typeerror: nameel is undefined.
...And 2 more matches
HTMLInputElement - Web APIs
see also readonly autofocus boolean: returns / sets the element's autofocus attribute, which specifies that a form control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control.
... only one form element in a document can have the autofocus attribute.
... the following properties have been added: autocomplete, autofocus, dirname, files, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, height, indeterminate, labels, list, max, min, multiple, pattern, placeholder, required, selectiondirection, selectionend, selectionstart, step, validationmessage, validity, valueasdate, valueasnumber, width, and willvalidate.
<select>: The HTML Select element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
it also accepts most of the general form input attributes such as required, disabled, autofocus, etc.
... autofocus this boolean attribute lets you specify that a form control should have input focus when the page loads.
... only one form element in a document can have the autofocus attribute.
<textarea> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the <textarea> element also accepts several attributes common to form <input>s, such as autocomplete, autofocus, disabled, placeholder, readonly, and required.
... autofocus this boolean attribute lets you specify that a form control should have input focus when the page loads.
... 66chrome android full support 66firefox android full support 59opera android no support nosafari ios no support nosamsung internet android no support noautofocuschrome full support yesedge full support 12firefox full support 4ie full support 10opera full support yessafari full support yeswe...
Panels - Archive of obsolete content
for instance, to have the textbox initially focused in the example above: <panel id="search-panel" onpopupshown="document.getelementbyid('search').focus()"> to disable the adjusting of focus when a panel is opened, set the noautofocus attribute to true: <panel noautofocus="true"> this will cause the focus to remain on the element within the main window that has focus when the panel is opened. can prevent the focus from being removed by setting the noautofocus attribute to true as above.
panel - Archive of obsolete content
attributes backdrag, close, consumeoutsideclicks, fade, flip, ignorekeys, label, left, level, noautofocus, noautohide, norestorefocus, onpopuphidden, onpopuphiding, onpopupshowing, onpopupshown, position, titlebar, top, type properties accessibletype, label, popupboxobject, popup, state methods hidepopup, moveto, openpopup, openpopupatscreen, sizeto examples the following example shows how a panel may be attached to a label.
... noautofocus type: boolean if false, the default value, the currently focused element will be unfocused whenever the popup is opened or closed.
HTMLButtonElement - Web APIs
htmlbuttonelement.autofocus is a boolean indicating whether or not the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control.
... the following attributes have been added: autofocus, formaction, formenctype, formmethod, formnovalidate, formtarget, labels, validity, validationmessage, and willvalidate.
HTMLSelectElement - Web APIs
htmlselectelement.autofocus a boolean reflecting the autofocus html attribute, which indicates whether the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control.
... it adds the autofocus, form, required, labels, selectedoptions, willvalidate, validity and validationmessage properties.
HTMLTextAreaElement - Web APIs
autocomplete autofocus boolean: returns / sets the element's autofocus attribute, indicating that the control should have input focus when the page loads cols unsigned long: returns / sets the element's cols attribute, indicating the visible width of the text area.
... the following attributes have been added: autofocus, placeholder, dirname, wrap, maxlength, required, textlength, labels, selectionstart, selectionend, selectiondirection, validity, validationmessage, and willvalidate.
<keygen> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autofocus this boolean attribute lets you specify that the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control.
... only one form element in a document can have the autofocus attribute, which is a boolean.
Autocomplete - Archive of obsolete content
first, declare a panel with the "autocomplete" type, like so: <panel id="popup_autocomplete" type="autocomplete" noautofocus="true" /> now set the autocompletepopup attribute of your <browser> element to the id of the panel you just declared: <browser id="my_browser" ...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
955 noautofocus xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
Attribute (XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
x inputtooltiptext insertafter insertbefore instantapply inverted iscontainer isempty key keycode keytext label lastpage lastselected last-tab left linkedpanel max maxheight maxlength maxpos maxrows maxwidth member menu menuactive min minheight minresultsforpopup minwidth mode modifiers mousethrough movetoclick multiline multiple name negate newlines next noautofocus noautohide noinitialfocus nomatch norestorefocus object observes onbeforeaccept onbookmarkgroup onchange onclick onclosetab oncommand oncommandupdate ondialogaccept ondialogcancel ondialogclosure ondialogextra1 ondialogextra2 ondialoghelp onerror onerrorcommand onextra1 onextra2 oninput onload onnewtab onpageadvanced onpagehide onpagerewound onpageshow onpaneload ...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
208 noautofocus xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
Basic native form controls - Learn web development
you've met some of these already, but below is a list of those common attributes, for your reference: attribute name default value description autofocus false this boolean attribute lets you specify that the element should automatically have input focus when the page loads.
Ember interactivity: Events, classes and state - Learn web development
add the new line shown below to your header.hbs file: <input class='new-todo' aria-label='what needs to be done?' placeholder='what needs to be done?' autofocus {{on 'keydown' this.onkeydown}} > this new attribute is inside double curly braces, which tells you it is part of ember's dynamic templating syntax.
TypeScript support in Svelte - Learn web development
set its type to htmlelement like this: let nameel: htmlelement // reference to the name input dom node last for this file, we need to specify the correct type for our autofocus variable; update its definition like this: export let autofocus: boolean = false todo.svelte now the only warnings that npm run validate emits are triggered by calling the todo.svelte component; let's fix them.
How to implement a custom autocomplete search component
the solution is to define a custom autocomplete panel as follows with the noautofocus="true" attribute (very important, don't miss this part): <panel id="popup_autocomplete" type="autocomplete" noautofocus="true" /> <textbox type="autocomplete" autocompletesearch="custom-autocomplete" autocompletepopup="popup_autocomplete" /> there is another example of the use of an autocomplete panel in autocomplete code snippets.
used by aria: alert, alertdialog xul: <notification/>, <panel noautofocus = "true"/> ...
XUL Accessibility
role role_alert <panel noautofocus = "true" /> role_alert ...
Using FormData Objects - Web APIs
simply include an <input> element of type file in your <form>: <form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="fileinfo"> <label>your email address:</label> <input type="email" autocomplete="on" autofocus name="userid" placeholder="email" required size="32" maxlength="64" /><br /> <label>custom file label:</label> <input type="text" name="filelabel" size="12" maxlength="32" /><br /> <label>file to stash:</label> <input type="file" name="file" required /> <input type="submit" value="stash the file!" /> </form> <div></div> then you can send it using code like the following: var form = d...
HTMLKeygenElement - Web APIs
properties autofocus is a boolean that reflects the autofocus html attribute, indicating that the form control should have input focus when the page loads.
Index - Web APIs
1879 htmlselectelement.autofocus api, html forms, htmlselectelement, property, reference the htmlselectelement.autofocus property is a boolean that reflects the autofocus html attribute, which indicates whether the associated <select> element will get input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it.
HTML attribute reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autofocus <button>, <input>, <keygen>, <select>, <textarea> the element should be automatically focused after the page loaded.
<button>: The Button element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autofocus html5 this boolean attribute specifies that the button should have input focus when the page loads.