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SpeechSynthesisUtterance.pitch - Web APIs
the pitch property of the speechsynthesisutterance interface gets and sets the pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at.
... syntax // default 1 speechsynthesisutteranceinstance.pitch = 1.5; value a float representing the pitch value.
... it can range between 0 (lowest) and 2 (highest), with 1 being the default pitch for the current platform or voice.
... inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.pitch = 1.5; synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } specifications specification status comment web speech apithe definition of 'pitch' in that specification.
Movement, orientation, and motion: A WebXR example - Web APIs
allowmouserotation if true, you can use the mouse to pitch and yaw the view angle.
... mouse_speed a multiplier used to scale the inputs from the mouse used for pitch and yaw control.
...onstants used throughout the application, starting with those used to store webgl and webxr specific information: let polyfill = null; let xrsession = null; let xrinputsources = null; let xrreferencespace = null; let xrbutton = null; let gl = null; let animationframerequestid = 0; let shaderprogram = null; let programinfo = null; let buffers = null; let texture = null; let mouseyaw = 0; let mousepitch = 0; this is followed by a set of constants, mostly to contain various vectors and matrices used while rendering the scene.
...And 8 more matches
Using the Web Speech API - Web APIs
this includes a set of form controls for entering text to be synthesised, and setting the pitch, rate, and voice to use when the text is uttered.
...change voices using the dropdown menu.</p> <form> <input type="text" class="txt"> <div> <label for="rate">rate</label><input type="range" min="0.5" max="2" value="1" step="0.1" id="rate"> <div class="rate-value">1</div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <div> <label for="pitch">pitch</label><input type="range" min="0" max="2" value="1" step="0.1" id="pitch"> <div class="pitch-value">1</div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </div> <select> </select> </form> javascript let's investigate the javascript that powers this app.
... var synth = window.speechsynthesis; var inputform = document.queryselector('form'); var inputtxt = document.queryselector('.txt'); var voiceselect = document.queryselector('select'); var pitch = document.queryselector('#pitch'); var pitchvalue = document.queryselector('.pitch-value'); var rate = document.queryselector('#rate'); var ratevalue = document.queryselector('.rate-value'); var voices = []; populating the select element to populate the <select> element with the different voice options the device has available, we've written a populatevoicelist() function.
...And 4 more matches
XRReferenceSpace.getOffsetReferenceSpace() - Web APIs
this is demonstrated in the example implementing rotation based on non-xr inputs, which demonstrates a way to use this method to let the user use their mouse to pitch and yaw their viewing angle.
... canvas.oncontextmenu = (event) => { event.preventdefault(); }; canvas.addeventlistener("mousemove", (event) => { if (event.buttons & 2) { rotateviewby(event.movementx, event.movementy); } }); next, the rotateviewby() function, which updates the mouse look direction's yaw and pitch based on the mouse delta values from the mousemove event.
... the pitch is restricted so that you can't look beyond straight up and straight down.
...And 4 more matches
AudioListener - Web APIs
deprecated features audiolistener.dopplerfactor a double value representing the amount of pitch shift to use when rendering a doppler effect.
... in a previous version of the specification, the dopplerfactor and speedofsound properties and the setposition() method could be used to control the doppler effect applied to audiobuffersourcenodes connected downstream — these would be pitched up and down according to the relative speed of the pannernode and the audiolistener.
... these features had a number of problems: only audiobuffersourcenodes were pitched up or down, not other source nodes.
... because the velocity of the panner and the listener were not audioparams, the pitch modification could not be smoothly applied, resulting in audio glitches.
XRView - Web APIs
the createteleporttransform() function returns the transform needed to move and rotate an object whose current situation is described by the reference space refspace to a new position and orientation which is computed using previously recorded mouse and keyboard input data which has generated offsets for yaw, pitch, and position along all three axes.
... function applymousemovement(refspace) { if (!mouseyaw && !mousepitch && !axialdistance && !transversedistance && !verticaldistance) { return refspace; } // compute the quaternion used to rotate the image based // on the pitch and yaw.
... quat.identity(inverseorientation); quat.rotatex(inverseorientation, inverseorientation, -mousepitch); quat.rotatey(inverseorientation, inverseorientation, -mouseyaw); // compute the true "up" vector for our object.
...this represents the rotation of the object given the values of mousepitch (rotation around the object's reference's space's x axis) and mouseyaw (rotation around the object's y axis).
HTMLMediaElement - Web APIs
htmlmediaelement.preservespitch is a boolean that determines if the pitch of the sound will be preserved.
... if set to false, the pitch will adjust to the speed of the audio.
... this is implemented with prefixes in firefox (mozpreservespitch) and webkit (webkitpreservespitch).
Index - Web APIs
143 audiolistener.dopplerfactor api, audio, audiolistener, deprecated, doppler, doppler effect, property, reference, web audio api, dopplerfactor, effects the deprecated dopplerfactor property of the audiolistener interface is a double value representing the amount of pitch shift to use when rendering a doppler effect.
...language, pitch and volume.) 4111 speechsynthesisutterance.speechsynthesisutterance() api, constructor, reference, speechsynthesisutterance, web speech api, speech, synthesis the speechsynthesisutterance() constructor of the speechsynthesisutterance interface returns a new speechsynthesisutterance object instance.
...event fires.) 4119 speechsynthesisutterance.onstart api, experimental, property, reference, speechsynthesisutterance, web speech api, onstart, speech, synthesis the onstart property of the speechsynthesisutterance interface represents an event handler that will run when the utterance has begun to be spoken (when the start event fires.) 4120 speechsynthesisutterance.pitch api, experimental, property, reference, speechsynthesisutterance, web speech api, pitch, speech, synthesis the pitch property of the speechsynthesisutterance interface gets and sets the pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at.
Viewpoints and viewers: Simulating cameras in WebXR - Web APIs
tilting (pitching up or down) when you tilt or pitch the camera, you keep it fixed in space at the same coordinates while changing the direction in which it's facing vertically without altering the horizontal portion of its facing at all. perform the rotations separately, you use euler angles (separate angles around each axis) to apply pitch, yaw, and roll like this: mat4.rotatex(viewmatrix, viewmatrix, pitchangle); mat4.rotatey(viewmatrix, viewmatrix, yawangle); mat4.rotatez(viewmatrix, viewmatrix, rollangle); you can instead construct a quaternion representing a combined rotation axis from the euler angles, then rotate the matrix using multiplication, like this: const axisquat = quat.create(); const rotatematrix = mat4.create()...
...; quat.fromeuler(axisquat, pitchangle, yawangle, rollangle); mat4.fromquat(rotatematrix, axisquat); mat4.multiply(viewmatrix, viewmatrix, rotatematrix); this converts the euler angles for pitch, yaw, and roll into a quaternion representing all three rotations.
Digital audio concepts - Web media technologies
the shorter the wavelength (the closer together the crests of the wave are), the higher the frequency (or pitch) of the sound that's produced.
...since the range of human hearing is from around 20 hz to 20,000 hz, reproducing the highest-pitched sounds people can generally hear requires a sample rate of more than 40,000 hz. can even adjust the audio bandwidth to factor in the pitch of the individual speaker's voice.
Browser Feature Detection - Archive of obsolete content
ewidth true false true overflow true true true page true false true pagebreakafter true true true pagebreakbefore true true true pagebreakinside true false true pause true false true pauseafter true false true pausebefore true false true pitch true false false pitchrange true false true playduring false false false position true true true quotes true false true richness true false false right true true true size true false true speak true false true speakheader true fals...
...outlinewidth', 'supported': false}, {name: 'overflow', 'supported': false}, {name: 'page', 'supported': false}, {name: 'pagebreakafter', 'supported': false}, {name: 'pagebreakbefore', 'supported': false}, {name: 'pagebreakinside', 'supported': false}, {name: 'pause', 'supported': false}, {name: 'pauseafter', 'supported': false}, {name: 'pausebefore', 'supported': false}, {name: 'pitch', 'supported': false}, {name: 'pitchrange', 'supported': false}, {name: 'playduring', 'supported': false}, {name: 'position', 'supported': false}, {name: 'quotes', 'supported': false}, {name: 'richness', 'supported': false}, {name: 'right', 'supported': false}, {name: 'size', 'supported': false}, {name: 'speak', 'supported': false}, {name: 'speakheader', 'supported': false}, {...
AudioListener.dopplerFactor - Web APIs
the deprecated dopplerfactor property of the audiolistener interface is a double value representing the amount of pitch shift to use when rendering a doppler effect.
... syntax var audioctx = new audiocontext(); var mylistener = audioctx.listener; mylistener.dopplerfactor = 1; value a double indicating the doppler effect's pitch shift value.
HTMLMediaElement.playbackRate - Web APIs
the pitch of the audio is corrected by default and is the same for every speed.
... some browsers implement the non-standard htmlmediaelement.preservespitch property to control this.
SpeechSynthesis - Web APIs
var synth = window.speechsynthesis; var inputform = document.queryselector('form'); var inputtxt = document.queryselector('.txt'); var voiceselect = document.queryselector('select'); var pitch = document.queryselector('#pitch'); var pitchvalue = document.queryselector('.pitch-value'); var rate = document.queryselector('#rate'); var ratevalue = document.queryselector('.rate-value'); var voices = []; function populatevoicelist() { voices = synth.getvoices(); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { var option = document.createelement('option'); option.textcontent = voices[i].
...nthesis.onvoiceschanged = populatevoicelist; } inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.pitch = pitch.value; utterthis.rate = rate.value; synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } specifications specification status comment web speech apithe definition of 'speechsynthesis' in that specification.
SpeechSynthesisUtterance - Web APIs
language, pitch and volume.) constructor speechsynthesisutterance.speechsynthesisutterance() returns a new speechsynthesisutterance object instance.
... speechsynthesisutterance.pitch gets and sets the pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at.
Fundamentals of WebXR - Web APIs
diagram showing the movements possible with 3 degree of freedom hardware: yaw, roll, and pitch.
...the rotational degrees of freedom are: pitch: looking up and down yaw: looking left and right roll: tilting left and right in all of these cases, the viewer remains in the same location in space while pivoting on one or more of the three axes to alter the direction in which they're looking.
<frequency> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the <frequency> css data type represents a frequency dimension, such as the pitch of a speaking voice.
... note: this data type was initially introduced in css level 2 for the now-obsolete aural media type, where it was used to define the pitch of the voice.
Audio and video manipulation - Developer guides
note that the playbackrate property works with both <audio> and <video>, but in both cases, it changes the playback speed but not the pitch.
... to manipulate the audio's pitch you need to use the web audio api.
<hatch> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
usage context categoriesnever-rendered element, paint server elementpermitted contentany number of the following elements, in any order:animation elementsdescriptive elements<hatchpath>, <script>, <style> attributes global attributes core attributes global event attributes presentation attributes style attributes specific attributes x y pitch rotate hatchunits hatchcontentunits transform href dom interface this element implements the svghatchelement interface.
... example svg <svg width="200" height="200" xmlns=""> <defs> <hatch id="hatch" hatchunits="userspaceonuse" pitch="5" rotate="135"> <hatchpath stroke="#a080ff" stroke-width="2"/> </hatch> </defs> <rect fill="url(#hatch)" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" x="10%" y="10%" width="80%" height="80%" /> </svg> result ...
Audio for Web games - Game development
using the playbackrate() method you can even adjust the speed of your music without affecting the pitch, to sync it up better with the action.
Unconventional controls - Game development
thod: var todegrees = 1 / (math.pi / 180); var horizontaldegree = 0; var verticaldegree = 0; var degreethreshold = 30; var grabstrength = 0; right after that we use the leap's loop method to get the information held in the hand variable on every frame: leap.loop({ hand: function(hand) { horizontaldegree = math.round(hand.roll() * todegrees); verticaldegree = math.round(hand.pitch() * todegrees); grabstrength = hand.grabstrength; output.innerhtml = 'leap motion: <br />' + ' roll: ' + horizontaldegree + '° <br />' + ' pitch: ' + verticaldegree + '° <br />' + ' strength: ' + grabstrength + ''; } }); the code above is calculating and assigning the horizontaldegree, verticaldegree and grabstrength values that we will u...
Web Audio Editor - Firefox Developer Tools
two good demos are: the voice-change-o-matic, which can apply various effects to the microphone input and also provides a visualisation of the result the violent theremin, which changes the pitch and volume of a sine wave as you move the mouse pointer visualizing the graph the web audio editor will now display the graph for the loaded audio context.
AudioBufferSourceNode - Web APIs
since no pitch correction is applied on the output, this can be used to change the pitch of the sample.
PannerNode.setVelocity() - Web APIs
the velocity relative to the listener is used to control the pitch change needed to conform with the doppler effect due to the relative speed.
PannerNode - Web APIs
in a previous version of the specification, the pannernode had a velocity that could pitch up or down audiobuffersourcenodes connected downstream.
SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent.error - Web APIs
invalid-argument the content of the speechsynthesisutterance.rate, speechsynthesisutterance.pitch or speechsynthesisutterance.volume property was not valid.
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.rate - Web APIs
it can range between 0.1 (lowest) and 10 (highest), with 1 being the default pitch for the current platform or voice, which should correspond to a normal speaking rate.
SpeechSynthesisVoice - Web APIs
nthesis.onvoiceschanged = populatevoicelist; } inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.pitch = pitch.value; utterthis.rate = rate.value; synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onpause = function(event) { var char = event.utterance.text.charat(event.charindex); console.log('speech paused at character ' + event.charindex + ' of "' + event.utterance.text + '", which is "' + char + '".'); } inputtxt.blur(); } specifications specification status comment ...
Using the Web Audio API - Web APIs
another application developed specifically to demonstrate the web audio api is the violent theremin, a simple web application that allows you to change pitch and volume by moving your mouse pointer.
Web Speech API - Web APIs
language, pitch and volume.) speechsynthesisvoice represents a voice that the system supports.
XRPose.emulatedPosition - Web APIs
a basic xr headset provides three degrees of freedom (3dof), tracking the pitch, yaw, and roll of the user's head.
XRPose - Web APIs
xrpose.emulatedposition read only a boolean value which is false if the position and orientation given by transform is obtained directly from a full six degree of freedom (6dof) xr device (that is, a device which tracks not only the pitch, yaw, and roll of the head but also the forward, backward, and side-to-side motion of the viewer).
<frequency-percentage> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the pitch of a speaking voice, are not currently used in any css properties.
Web Audio playbackRate explained - Developer guides
the pitch of the audio track does not change when playbackrate is altered.
String.prototype.fixed() - JavaScript
the fixed() method creates a <tt> html element that causes a string to be displayed in fixed-pitch font.
Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs - Web media technologies
if others have it already, they are welcome to pitch in with this section...
<hatchpath> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
example svg <svg width="200" height="200" xmlns=""> <defs> <hatch id="hatch" hatchunits="userspaceonuse" pitch="5" rotate="135"> <hatchpath stroke="#a080ff" stroke-width="2"/> </hatch> </defs> <rect fill="url(#hatch)" stroke="black" stroke-width="2" x="10%" y="10%" width="80%" height="80%" /> </svg> result ...