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25 results for "itemId":
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itemid - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the itemid global attribute provides microdata in the form of a unique, global identifier of an item.
... an itemid attribute can only be specified for an element that has both itemscope and itemtype attributes.
... also, itemid can only be specified on elements that possess an itemscope attribute whose corresponding itemtype refers to or defines a vocabulary that supports global identifiers.
...And 4 more matches
ervice, use: var navbookmarksservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsinavbookmarksservice); method overview void addobserver(in nsinavbookmarkobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak); void beginupdatebatch(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void changebookmarkuri(in long long aitemid, in nsiuri anewuri); long long createdynamiccontainer(in long long aparentfolder, in autf8string aname, in astring acontractid, in long aindex); note: renamed from createcontainer in gecko 1.9 obsolete since gecko 13.0 long long createfolder(in long long aparentfolder, in autf8string name, in long index); void endupdatebatch(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void exp...
... obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiuri getbookmarkuri(in long long aitemid); long long getchildfolder(in long long afolder, in astring asubfolder); obsolete since gecko 2.0 long long getfolderidforitem(in long long aitemid); boolean getfolderreadonly(in long long aitemid); astring getfoldertitle(in print64 folder); obsolete since gecko 1.9 nsiuri getfolderuri(in print64 folder); obsolete since gecko 1.9 long long g...
...etidforitemat(in long long aparentid, in long aindex); prtime getitemdateadded(in long long aitemid); astring getitemguid(in long long aitemid); obsolete since gecko 14.0 long long getitemidforguid(in astring aguid); obsolete since gecko 14.0 long getitemindex(in long long aitemid); prtime getitemlastmodified(in long long aitemid); autf8string getitemtitle(in long long aitemid); unsigned short getitemtype(in long long aitemid); astring getkeywordforbookmark(in long long aitemid); obsolete since gecko 40.0 astring getkeywordforuri(in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 40.0 nsitransaction getremovefoldertransaction(in long long aitemid); nsiuri geturiforkeyword(in astring keyword); obsolete s...
...And 30 more matches
method overview void setpageannotation(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname, in nsivariant avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setitemannotation(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, in nsivariant avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setpageannotationstring(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname, in astring avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); boolean setitemannotationstring(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, in astring avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); vo... setpageannotationint32(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname, in long avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setitemannotationint32(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, in long avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setpageannotationint64(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname, in long long avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setitemannotationint64(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, in long long avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setpageannotationdouble(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname, in double avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setitemannotationdouble(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, in double avalu...
...e, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setpageannotationbinary(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname,[const, array, size_is(adatalen)] in octet adata, in unsigned long adatalen, in autf8string amimetype, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setitemannotationbinary(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname,[const, array, size_is(adatalen)] in octet adata, in unsigned long adatalen, in autf8string amimetype, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); nsivariant getpageannotation(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); nsivariant getitemannotation(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname); astring getpageannotationstring(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); astring getitemannotationstring(in long long ait...
...And 26 more matches
Places Developer Guide
accessing bookmarks and related items accessing item properties for all items: string getitemtitle(aitemid) - returns an item's title int64 getitemindex(aitemid) - returns an item's position in it's parent folder prtime getitemtype(aitemid) - returns the type of an item (bookmark, folder, separator) prtime getitemdateadded(aitemid) - returns the time in microseconds that an item was added prtime getitemlastmodified(aitemid) - returns the time in microseconds that an item was last modified in...
...t64 getfolderidforitem(aitemid) - returns the id of the folder containing the given item.
... string getitemguid(aitemid) obsolete since gecko 14.0 - returns a globally unique identifier for the item.
...And 10 more matches
Using the Places annotation service
(auri, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setpageannotationint32(auri, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setpageannotationint64(auri, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setpageannotationdouble(auri, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setpageannotationbinary(auri, aname, adata, adatalen, aflags, aexpiration); and likewise for items in the places database: setitemannotationstring(aitemid, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setitemannotationint32(aitemid, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setitemannotationint64(aitemid, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setitemannotationdouble(aitemid, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setitemannotationbinary(aitemid, aname, avalue, adatalen, aflags, aexpiration); from javascript there are two simple function to perform all of the... operations: setpageannotation(auri, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); setitemannotation(aitemid, aname, avalue, aflags, aexpiration); these annotations all take similar parameters: uri or itemid: this is the nsiuri of the page to annotate, or for items in the places database, the id of the item.
...retrieving annotations there are corresponding getters for the setters above (see nsiannotationservice.idl for the exact declarations): from c++: getpageannotationstring(auri, aname); getpageannotationint32(auri, aname); getpageannotationint64(auri, aname); getpageannotationdouble(auri, aname); getpageannotationbinary(auri, aname, adata, adatalen, amimetype); getitemannotationstring(aitemid, aname); getitemannotationint32(aitemid, aname); getitemannotationint64(aitemid, aname); getitemannotationdouble(aitemid, aname); getitemannotationbinary(aitemid, aname, adata, adatalen, amimetype); from javascript: getpageannotation(auri, aname); getitemannotation(aitemid, aname); these functions will return/throw ns_error_not_available if the annotation requested does not exist.
...And 6 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 21.0 (firefox 21.0 / thunderbird 21.0 / seamonkey 2.18) method overview void onbeforeitemremoved(in long long aitemid, in unsigned short aitemtype, in long long aparentid, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); obsolete since gecko 21.0 void onbeginupdatebatch(); void onendupdatebatch(); void onfolderadded(in print64 folder, in print64 parent, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onfolderchanged(in print64 folder, in acstring property); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onfoldermoved(in print64 folde...
...r, in print64 oldparent, in print32 oldindex, in print64 newparent, in print32 newindex); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onfolderremoved(in print64 folder, in print64 parent, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onitemadded(in long long aitemid, in long long aparentid, in long aindex, in unsigned short aitemtype, in nsiuri auri, in autf8string atitle, in prtime adateadded, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); void onitemchanged(in long long aitemid, in acstring aproperty, in boolean aisannotationproperty, in autf8string anewvalue, in prtime alastmodified, in unsigned short aitemtype, in long long aparentid, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); void onitemmoved(in long long aitemid, in long long aoldparentid, in long aoldindex, in lon...
...g long anewparentid, in long anewindex, in unsigned short aitemtype, in acstring aguid, in acstring aoldparentguid, in acstring anewparentguid); void onitemremoved(in long long aitemid, in long long aparentid, in long aindex, in unsigned short aitemtype, in nsiuri auri, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); void onitemreplaced(in print64 folder, in nsiuri item, in nsiuri newitem); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onitemvisited(in long long aitemid, in long long avisitid, in prtime atime, in unsigned long atransitiontype, in nsiuri auri, in long long aparentid, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); void onseparatoradded(in print64 parent, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onseparatorremoved(in print64 parent, in print32 index...
...And 6 more matches
Places utilities for JavaScript
int, boolean ashowpicker); boolean showminimaladdmultibookmarkui(array nsiuri aurilist); boolean showbookmarkproperties(int aid); boolean showfolderproperties(int aid); boolean showaddfolderui(string atitle, int adefaultinsertionpoint, boolean ashowpicker); array object getannotationsforuri(nsiuri auri); array object getannotationsforitem(int aitemid); void setannotationsforuri(nsiuri auri, object aannos); void setannotationsforuri(int aitemid, object aannos); getviewfornode(nsidomnode anode); void markpageastyped(string aurl); void markpageasfollowedbookmark(string aurl); boolean checkurlsecurity(nsinavhistoryresultnode aurinode); string getquerystringforfolder(int afolderid); ...
... string getdescriptionfromdocument(nsidomdocument doc); string setpostdataforbookmark(int aboomarkid, string apostdata); string getpostdataforbookmark(int aboomarkid); array string geturlandpostdataforkeyword(string akeyword); string getitemdescription(int aitemid); nsinavhistoryresultnode getmostrecentbookmarkforuri(nsiuri auri); nsinavhistoryresultnode getmostrecentfolderforfeeduri(nsiuri auri); nsinavhistoryresultnode geturlsforcontainernode(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); void opencontainernodeintabs(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode, nsidomevent aevent); void openurinodesintabs(array nsinavhistoryresultnode anodes, nsidomevent aevent); void createmenuitemfornode(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode, acontai...
... array object getannotationsforitem(aitemid) parameters aitemid the identifier of the itme for which annotations are to be retrieved.
...And 2 more matches
Creating Event Targets - Archive of obsolete content
then open "index.js" and add the following code: var {cc, ci} = require("chrome"); var { xpcomutils } = require("resource://gre/modules/xpcomutils.jsm"); var bookmarkservice = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsinavbookmarksservice); var bookmarkobserver = { onitemadded: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) { console.log("added ", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, onitemvisited: function(aitemid, avisitid, time) { console.log("visited ", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; exports.main = function() { bookmarkservice.addobserver(bookmarkobserver, false); }; exports...
...ed "bookmarks.js", and add the following code: var { emit, on, once, off } = require("sdk/event/core"); var {cc, ci} = require("chrome"); var { xpcomutils }= require("resource://gre/modules/xpcomutils.jsm"); var bookmarkservice = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsinavbookmarksservice); var bookmarkobserver = { onitemadded: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) { emit(exports, "added", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, onitemvisited: function(aitemid, avisitid, time) { emit(exports, "visited", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; bookmarkservice.addobserver(bookmarkobserver, false); exports.on = on.bind(null, exports); e..."); var { merge } = require("sdk/util/object"); var {cc, ci} = require("chrome"); var { xpcomutils } = require("resource://gre/modules/xpcomutils.jsm"); var bookmarkservice = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsinavbookmarksservice); function createobserver(target) { var bookmarkobserver = { onitemadded: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) { emit(target, "added", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, onitemvisited: function(aitemid, avisitid, time) { emit(target, "visited", bookmarkservice.getbookmarkuri(aitemid).spec); }, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsinavbookmarkobserver]) }; bookmarkservice.addobserver(bookmarkobserver, false); } var bookmarkman...
JavaScript Client API - Archive of obsolete content
in this case, it is highly recommended to use the utils.makeguid() helper to generate new guids: let newguid = utils.makeguid(); your store object must implement the following methods: itemexists(id) createrecord(id, collection) changeitemid(oldid, newid) getallids() wipe() create(record) update(record) remove(record) you may also find it useful to override other methods of the base implementation, for example applyincomingbatch if the underlying storage for your data supports batch operations.
... changeitemid(oldid, newid) must find the stored item currently associated with the guid oldid and change it to be associated with the guid newid.
... // set the data and the guid on the new record: = 17; // or whatever = guid; // return the record return record; }, changeitemid: function(oldid, newid) { // find the item with guid = oldid and change its guid to newid.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void onitemannotationremoved(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname); void onitemannotationset(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname); void onpageannotationremoved(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); void onpageannotationset(in nsiuri apage, in autf8string aname); methods onitemannotationremoved() this method is called when an annotation is deleted for an item.
...void onitemannotationremoved( in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname ); parameters aitemid the item whose annotation is to be deleted.
...void onitemannotationset( in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname ); parameters aitemid the item on which the annotation is to be set.
method overview void oncontainermoved(in long long aitemid, in long long anewparent, in long anewindex); void oncontainernodeclosed(in nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode acontainer); void oncontainernodeopening(in nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode acontainer, in nsinavhistoryqueryoptions aoptions); void oncontainerremoving(in long long aitemid); methods oncontainermoved() this method is called when the given container has just been moved, in case t...
...void oncontainermoved( in long long aitemid, in long long anewparent, in long anewindex ); parameters aitemid the item-id of the container item.
...void oncontainerremoving( in long long aitemid ); parameters aitemid the item-id of the container item.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsinavhistoryresultnode last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsinavhistoryresultnode findnodebydetails(in autf8string auristring, in prtime atime, in long long aitemid, in boolean arecursive); nsinavhistoryresultnode getchild(in unsigned long aindex); unsigned long getchildindex(in nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); attributes attribute type description childcount unsigned long the number of child nodes; accessing this throws an ns_error_not_available exception of containeropen is false.
...nsinavhistoryresultnode findnodebydetails( in autf8string auristring, in prtime atime, in long long aitemid, in boolean recursive ); parameters auristring the uri attribute value to match on.
...aitemid the item id to match on.
Global attributes - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
itemid the unique, global identifier of an item. provides a list of element ids (not itemids) with additional properties elsewhere in the document.
...from html 5.1, itemid, itemprop, itemref, itemscope, and itemtype have been added.
HTMLElement - Web APIs
htmlelement.itemtype read only returns a domsettabletokenlist… htmlelement.itemid is a domstring representing the item id.
... living standard added the following properties: translate, itemscope, itemtype, itemid, itemref, itemprop, properties, and itemvalue.
itemprop - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<p itemprop="a">1</p> <p itemprop="a">2</p> </div> as is the following <div itemscope> <p itemprop="a">1</p> <p itemprop="b">test</p> <p itemprop="a">2</p> </div> and the following <div id="x"> <p itemprop="a">1</p> </div> <div itemscope itemref="x"> <p itemprop="b">test</p> <p itemprop="a">2</p> </div> other examples html <dl itemscope itemtype="" itemid="urn:isbn:0-330-34032-8"> <dt>title <dd itemprop="title">the reality dysfunction <dt>author <dd itemprop="author">peter f.
... hamilton <dt>publication date <dd><time itemprop="pubdate" datetime="1996-01-26">26 january 1996</time> </dl> structured data itemscope itemtype: itemid urn:isbn:0-330-34032-8 itemprop title the reality dysfunction itemprop author peter f.
Microdata - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
global attributes itemid – the unique, global identifier of an item.
...itemref provides a list of element ids (not itemids) with additional properties elsewhere in the document.
Bookmarks - Archive of obsolete content
// an nsinavbookmarkobserver var myext_bookmarklistener = { onbeginupdatebatch: function() {}, onendupdatebatch: function() {}, onitemadded: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) {}, onitemremoved: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) {}, onitemchanged: function(abookmarkid, aproperty, aisannotationproperty, avalue) { myextension.dosomething(); }, onitemvisited: function(abookmarkid, avisitid, time) {}, onitemmoved: function(aitemid, aoldparent, aoldindex, anewparent, anewindex) {}, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([components.interfac...
Displaying Places information using views
historyresultnode property title title url uri date time visitcount accesscount keyword * description * dateadded dateadded lastmodified lastmodified tags tags ** icon *keyword and description are looked up in the places database using the nsinavhistoryresultnode property itemid.
Manipulating bookmarks using Places
// an nsinavbookmarkobserver var myext_bookmarklistener = { onbeginupdatebatch: function() {}, onendupdatebatch: function() {}, onitemadded: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) {}, onitemremoved: function(aitemid, afolder, aindex) {}, onitemchanged: function(abookmarkid, aproperty, aisannotationproperty, avalue) { myextension.dosomething(); }, onitemvisited: function(abookmarkid, avisitid, time) {}, onitemmoved: function(aitemid, aoldparent, aoldindex, anewparent, anewindex) {}, queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([components.interfac...
Querying Places
dump("folder " + node.title + " id = " + node.itemid + "\n"); break; case node.result_type_separator: dump("-----------\n"); break; } the result view interface if you are mapping a result into ui, you can implement the nsinavhistoryresultviewer interface and attach it to the result with the nsinavhistoryresult.viewer attribute.
method overview void getqueries([optional] out unsigned long querycount, [retval,array,size_is(querycount)] out nsinavhistoryquery queries); attributes attribute type description folderitemid long long for both simple folder nodes and simple-folder-query nodes, this is set to the concrete itemid of the folder.
itemid long long if the node is an item (bookmark, folder, or separator), this value is the row id of that bookmark in the database.
itemref - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
itemref provides a list of element ids (not itemids) elsewhere in the document, with additional properties the itemref attribute can only be specified on elements that have an itemscope attribute specified.
itemtype - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the itemid attribute can only be specified on elements which have both an itemscope attribute and an itemtype attribute specified.
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
21 itemid attribute, global attribute, html, html microdata, microdata, reference, itemid the itemid global attribute provides microdata in the form of a unique, global identifier of an item.