
The static String.fromCodePoint() method returns a string created by using the specified sequence of code points.


String.fromCodePoint(num1[, ...[, numN]])


num1, ..., numN
A sequence of code points.

Return value

A string created by using the specified sequence of code points.


  • A RangeError is thrown if an invalid Unicode code point is given (e.g. "RangeError: NaN is not a valid code point").


This method returns a string (and not a String object).

Because fromCodePoint() is a static method of String, you must call it as String.fromCodePoint(), rather than as a method of a String object you created.


The String.fromCodePoint() method has been added to ECMAScript 2015 and may not be supported in all web browsers or environments yet.

Use the code below for a polyfill:

if (!String.fromCodePoint) (function(stringFromCharCode) {
    var fromCodePoint = function(_) {
      var codeUnits = [], codeLen = 0, result = "";
      for (var index=0, len = arguments.length; index !== len; ++index) {
        var codePoint = +arguments[index];
        // correctly handles all cases including `NaN`, `-Infinity`, `+Infinity`
        // The surrounding `!(...)` is required to correctly handle `NaN` cases
        // The (codePoint>>>0) === codePoint clause handles decimals and negatives
        if (!(codePoint < 0x10FFFF && (codePoint>>>0) === codePoint))
          throw RangeError("Invalid code point: " + codePoint);
        if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { // BMP code point
          codeLen = codeUnits.push(codePoint);
        } else { // Astral code point; split in surrogate halves
          codePoint -= 0x10000;
          codeLen = codeUnits.push(
            (codePoint >> 10) + 0xD800,  // highSurrogate
            (codePoint % 0x400) + 0xDC00 // lowSurrogate
        if (codeLen >= 0x3fff) {
          result += stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits);
          codeUnits.length = 0;
      return result + stringFromCharCode.apply(null, codeUnits);
    try { // IE 8 only supports `Object.defineProperty` on DOM elements
      Object.defineProperty(String, "fromCodePoint", {
        "value": fromCodePoint, "configurable": true, "writable": true
    } catch(e) {
      String.fromCodePoint = fromCodePoint;


Using fromCodePoint()

Valid input:

String.fromCodePoint(42);       // "*"
String.fromCodePoint(65, 90);   // "AZ"
String.fromCodePoint(0x404);    // "\u0404" == "Є"
String.fromCodePoint(0x2F804);  // "\uD87E\uDC04"
String.fromCodePoint(194564);   // "\uD87E\uDC04"
String.fromCodePoint(0x1D306, 0x61, 0x1D307); // "\uD834\uDF06a\uD834\uDF07"

Invalid input:

String.fromCodePoint('_');      // RangeError
String.fromCodePoint(Infinity); // RangeError
String.fromCodePoint(-1);       // RangeError
String.fromCodePoint(3.14);     // RangeError
String.fromCodePoint(3e-2);     // RangeError
String.fromCodePoint(NaN);      // RangeError

Compared to fromCharCode()

String.fromCharCode() cannot return supplementary characters (i.e. code points 0x0100000x10FFFF) by specifying their code point. Instead, it requires the UTF-16 surrogate pair in order to return a supplementary character:

String.fromCharCode(0xD83C, 0xDF03); // Code Point U+1F303 "Night with
String.fromCharCode(55356, 57091);   // Stars" == "\uD83C\uDF03"

String.fromCodePoint(), on the other hand, can return 4-byte supplementary characters, as well as the more common 2-byte BMP characters, by specifying their code point (which is equivalent to the UTF-32 code unit):

String.fromCodePoint(0x1F303); // or 127747 in decimal


ECMAScript (ECMA-262)
The definition of 'String.fromCodePoint' in that specification.

Browser compatibility

ChromeEdgeFirefoxInternet ExplorerOperaSafariAndroid webviewChrome for AndroidFirefox for AndroidOpera for AndroidSafari on iOSSamsung InternetNode.js
fromCodePointChrome Full support 41Edge Full support 12Firefox Full support 29IE No support NoOpera Full support 28Safari Full support 10WebView Android Full support 41Chrome Android Full support 41Firefox Android Full support 29Opera Android Full support 28Safari iOS Full support 10Samsung Internet Android Full support 4.0nodejs Full support 4.0.0
Full support 4.0.0
Full support 0.12
Disabled From version 0.12: this feature is behind the --harmony runtime flag.


Full support
Full support
No support
No support
User must explicitly enable this feature.
User must explicitly enable this feature.

See also