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162 results for "IAccessible":
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accessible/public/nsiaccessibleretrieval.idlscriptable an interface for in-process accessibility clients wishing to get an nsiaccessible or nsiaccessnode for a given dom node.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsiaccessible getaccessiblefor(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessible getaccessibleinshell(in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell); nsiaccessible getaccessibleinweakshell(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference apresshell); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessible getaccessibleinwindow(in nsidomnode anode, in nsidomwindow adomwin); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessible getapplicationaccessible(); nsiaccessible getattachedaccessiblefor(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessible getcachedaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference ashell); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessnode getcachedaccessnode(in nsid...
...node getrelevantcontentnodefor(in nsidomnode anode); astring getstringeventtype(in unsigned long aeventtype); astring getstringrelationtype(in unsigned long arelationtype); astring getstringrole(in unsigned long arole); nsidomdomstringlist getstringstates(in unsigned long astates, in unsigned long aextrastates); methods getaccessiblefor() return an nsiaccessible for a dom node in pres shell 0.
...And 18 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iaccessible last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview [propget] hresult attributes([out] bstr attributes ); [propget] hresult extendedrole([out] bstr extendedrole ); [propget] hresult extendedstates([in] long maxextendedstates, [out, size_is(,maxextendedstates), length_is(, nextendedstates)] bstr extendedstates, [out] long nextendedstates ); [propget] hresult groupposition([out] long grouplevel, [out] long similaritemsingroup, [out] long positioningroup ); [propget] hresult indexinparent([out] long indexinparent ); [propget] hresult locale([out] ia2locale locale ); [propget] hresult localizedextendedrole([out] bs...
...ult localizedextendedstates([in] long maxlocalizedextendedstates, [out, size_is(,maxlocalizedextendedstates), length_is(, nlocalizedextendedstates)] bstr localizedextendedstates, [out] long nlocalizedextendedstates ); [propget] hresult nextendedstates([out] long nextendedstates ); [propget] hresult nrelations([out] long nrelations ); [propget] hresult relation([in] long relationindex, [out] iaccessiblerelation relation ); [propget] hresult relations([in] long maxrelations, [out, size_is(maxrelations), length_is( nrelations)] iaccessiblerelation relations, [out] long nrelations ); hresult role([out] long role ); hresult scrollto([in] enum ia2scrolltype scrolltype ); hresult scrolltopoint([in] enum ia2coordinatetype coordinatetype, [in] long x, [in] long y ); [propget] hresult states([o...
...ut] accessiblestates states ); [propget] hresult uniqueid([out] long uniqueid ); [propget] hresult windowhandle([out] hwnd windowhandle ); methods attributes() returns the attributes specific to this iaccessible2 object, such as a cell's formula.
...And 15 more matches
« gecko at interfaces page summary the nsiaccessible interface is a cross-platform interface that supports platform-specific accessibility apis like msaa and atk.
... contains the sum of what's needed to support iaccessible as well as atk's generic accessibility objects.
...mozilla creates the implementations of nsiaccessible on demand.
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in this case iaccessible2.indexinparent() will return the child index which then can be used when calling rowindex() and columnindex().
...this object attribute is obtained by parsing the attribute string returned by iaccessible2.attributes().
...ats should first test for the presence of the "table-cell-index" attribute and if it is not present then iaccessible2.indexinparent() can be used as in the typical case where cells are direct children of the table.
...And 12 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iaccessibleaction last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) this interface represents a hyperlink associated with a single substring of text or single non-text object.
...this interface is derived from iaccessibleaction.
... iaccessibleaction.nactions() is one greater than the maximum value for the indices used with the methods of this interface.
...And 11 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessiblerelation.idlscriptable this interface gives access to an accessibles set of relations.
...method overview nsiaccessible gettarget(in unsigned long index); nsiarray gettargets(); attributes attribute type description relationtype unsigned long returns the type of the relation.
...if the accessible has an , you can get the nsiaccessible that it was labelled by in order to get more formatting information.
...And 6 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessibledocument.idlscriptable an interface for in-process accessibility clients that wish to retrieve information about a document.
... when accessibility is turned on in gecko, there is an nsiaccessibledocument for each document whether it is xul, html or whatever.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) you can queryinterface to nsiaccessibledocument from the nsiaccessible or nsiaccessnode for the root node of a document.
...And 5 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessiblestates.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) prior to gecko 1.9, these constants were implemented in nsiaccessible.
...(see nsiaccessiblerole.constants).
...And 5 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletext.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9.1 (firefox 3.5 / thunderbird 3.0 / seamonkey 2.0) method overview void addselection(in long startoffset, in long endoffset); nsiaccessible getattributerange(in long offset, out long rangestartoffset, out long rangeendoffset); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 wchar getcharacteratoffset(in long offset); void getcharacterextents(in long offset, out long x, out long y, out long width, out long height, in unsigned long coordtype); long getoffsetatpoint(in long x, in long y, in unsigned long coordtype); void getrangeextents(in long startoffset, in long endoffset, out long x, out long y, out long width, out long height, in unsigned long coordtype); void getselectionbounds(in long selectionnum, out long startoffset, out long endoffset); as...
...nsiaccessible getattributerange( in long offset, out long rangestartoffset, out long rangeendoffset ); parameters offset rangestartoffset rangeendoffset return value getcharacteratoffset() it would be better to return an unsigned long here, to allow unicode chars > 16 bits.
...And 5 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessiblehyperlink.idlscriptable a cross-platform interface that supports hyperlink-specific properties and methods.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview nsiaccessible getanchor(in long index); note: renamed from getobject in gecko 1.9 nsiuri geturi(in long index); boolean isselected(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 boolean isvalid(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 attributes attribute type description anchorcount long the number of anchors within this hyperlink.
...the returned value is related to the nsiaccessiblehyperlink interface of the object that owns this hyperlink.
...And 4 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletable.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsiaccessible getcellat(in long rowindex, in long columnindex); note: renamed from cellrefat in gecko 1.9.2 long getcellindexat(in long rowindex, in long columnindex); note: renamed from getindexat in gecko 1.9.2 astring getcolumndescription(in long columnindex); long getcolumnextentat(in long row, in long column); long getcolumnindexat(in long cellindex); note: renamed from getcolumnatindex in gecko 1.9.2 void getrowandcolumnindicesat(in long cellindex, out long rowindex, out long columnindex); astring getrowdescription(in long rowindex); long getrowextentat(in long row, in long column); long getrow...
...umnselected(in long columnindex); boolean isprobablyforlayout(); boolean isrowselected(in long rowindex); void selectcolumn(in long columnindex); void selectrow(in long rowindex); void unselectcolumn(in long columnindex); void unselectrow(in long rowindex); attributes attribute type description caption nsiaccessible the caption accessible for the table.
...And 4 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iaccessibletext last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) the iaccessiblehypertext interface is the main interface to expose hyperlinks in a document, typically a text document, that are used to reference other documents.
...method overview [propget] hresult hyperlink([in] long index, [out] iaccessiblehyperlink hyperlink ); [propget] hresult hyperlinkindex([in] long charindex, [out] long hyperlinkindex ); [propget] hresult nhyperlinks([out] long hyperlinkcount ); methods hyperlink() returns the specified link.
... the returned iaccessiblehyperlink object encapsulates the hyperlink and provides several kinds of information describing it.
...And 3 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.2 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) please also refer to the iaccessibletablecell interface.
... if you want to support older applications you should also support the iaccessibletable interface.
...the returned object could be an iaccessible or an iaccessible2.
...And 3 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessiblehypertext.idlscriptable this interface is the main interface to expose hyperlinks in a document, typically a text document, that are used to reference other documents.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview nsiaccessiblehyperlink getlink(in long linkindex); long getlinkindex(in long charindex); long getselectedlinkindex(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 attributes attribute type description linkcount long the number of links contained within this hypertext object.
...note: renamed from links in gecko 1.9 methods getlink() retrieves the nsiaccessiblehyperlink object at the given link index.
...And 3 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable an interface for accessibility events listened to by in-process accessibility clients, which can be used to find out how to get accessibility and dom interfaces for the event and its target.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) attributes attribute type description accessible nsiaccessible the nsiaccessible associated with the event.
... accessibledocument nsiaccessibledocument the nsiaccessibledocument that the event target nsiaccessible resides in.
...And 2 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) this interface is typically used in conjunction with the iaccessibletext interface and complements that interface with the additional capability of clipboard operations.
...the whole text can be defined by passing the indices zero and iaccessibletext.ncharacters().
...refer to the @ref _specialoffsets "special offsets for use in the iaccessibletext and iaccessibleeditabletext methods" for information about a special offset constant that can be used in iaccessibleeditabletext methods.
...see also iaccessibletext ...
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleimage.idlscriptable this interface allows in-process accessibility clients to retrieve information about an image.
...this method is the same as nsiaccessible.getbounds() excepting coordinate origin parameter.
... void getimageposition( in unsigned long coordtype, out long x, out long y ); parameters coordtype specifies coordinates origin (for available constants refer to nsiaccessiblecoordinatetype).
...this method is the same as nsiaccessible.getbounds().
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleselectable.idlscriptable an interface for the accessibility module and in-process accessibility clients for dealing with getting and changing the selection of accessible nodes.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void addchildtoselection(in long index); void clearselection(); nsiarray getselectedchildren(); boolean ischildselected(in long index); nsiaccessible refselection(in long index); void removechildfromselection(in long index); boolean selectallselection(); attributes attribute type description selectioncount long the number of accessible children currently selected.
...getselectedchildren() returns an nsiarray of the selected nsiaccessible children.
...nsiaccessible refselection( in long index ); parameters index zero-based selected accessible child index.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletreecache.idlnot scriptable please add a summary to this article.
... last changed in gecko 1.9.1 (firefox 3.5 / thunderbird 3.0 / seamonkey 2.0) inherits from: nsisupports method overview nsiaccessible getcachedtreeitemaccessible(in long arow, in nsitreecolumn acolumn); void invalidatecache(in long arow, in long acount); void treeviewchanged(); void treeviewinvalidated(in long astartrow, in long aendrow, in long astartcol, in long aendcol); methods getcachedtreeitemaccessible() returns the tree item from the cache for the cell in the specified row and column; the nsiaccessible is created if it doesn't already exist in the cache.
... nsiaccessible getcachedtreeitemaccessible( in long arow, in nsitreecolumn acolumn ); parameters arow the row index.
... return value the nsiaccessible corresponding to the specified tree cell.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleprovider.idlscriptable used to link element and accessible object.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) attributes attribute type description accessible nsiaccessible read only.
... constants common use constants constant value description noaccessible 0 do not create an accessible for this object this is useful if an ancestor binding already implements nsiaccessibleprovider, but no accessible is desired for the inheriting binding.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) every accessible object that can be manipulated via the native gui beyond the methods available either in the msaa iaccessible interface or in the set of iaccessible2 interfaces (other than this iaccessibleaction interface) should support the iaccessibleaction interface in order to provide assistive technology access to all the actions that can be performed by the object.
...if there is only one action, iaccessibleaction should also be implemented.
you will need to use queryinterface on the iunknown to get the iaccessible2.
...see also iaccessible2 ...
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletypes.idlscriptable these constants define which coordinate system a point is located in.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) prior to gecko 1.9, these constants were implemented in nsiaccessibletext.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview boolean isenabled(); boolean isextrastate(); attributes attribute type description state unsigned long returns the state of accessible (see constants declared in nsiaccessiblestates).
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletable.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... table nsiaccessibletable return host table accessible.
accessible/public/msaa/nsiaccessiblewin32object.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 attributes attribute type description hwnd voidptr handle to the external window implementing iaccessible.
servers implementing iaccessible2 should provide access to the iaccessibleapplication interface via queryservice from any object so that ats can easily determine specific information about the application such as its name or version.
iaccessibleimage only needs to be implemented in certain situations.
see also iaccessibletable2 ...
the attributes are described in the; text attributes specification on the iaccessible2 web site.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) the iaccessiblevalue interface represents a single numerical value and should be implemented by any class that supports numerical value like progress bars and spin boxes.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleeditabletext.idlscriptable an interface for editing text of an accessible object.
accessible/public/nsiaccessiblerole.idlscriptable this interface defines cross platform (gecko) roles.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletypes.idlscriptable these constants control the scrolling of an object or substring into a window.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessiblevalue.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
161 iaccessible2 interfaces, needscontent, xpcom, xpcom interface reference returns the attributes specific to this iaccessible2 object, such as a cell's formula.
... 162 iaccessibleaction interfaces, xpcom, xpcom interface reference every accessible object that can be manipulated via the native gui beyond the methods available either in the msaa iaccessible interface or in the set of iaccessible2 interfaces (other than this iaccessibleaction interface) should support the iaccessibleaction interface in order to provide assistive technology access to all the actions that can be performed by the object.
...if there is only one action, iaccessibleaction should also be implemented.
...And 57 more matches
Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server - Accessibility
msaa provides information in several different ways: a com interface (iaccessible) that allows applications to expose the tree of data nodes that make up each window in the user interface currently being interacted with and custom interface extensions via interfaces via queryinterface and queryservice.
...this information may be in the form of extensions to msaa, like mozilla has done with isimpledomnode (you can qi to it from iaccessible).
... deciding which msaa features to support msaa methods - cheat sheet for developers the iaccessible interface is used in a tree of iaccessible's, each one representing a data node, similar to a dom.
...And 45 more matches
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
queryservice() can be used to switch between the interfaces (iaccessible, isimpledomdocument, isimpledomnode and isimpledomtext).
... anything that is focusable or conveys important information about the structure of the document is exposed in the msaa tree of iaccessibles.
...if it is a content window, you may use accessibleobjectfromwindow() to get the root iaccessible for the content, and begin traversing the tree from there.
...And 22 more matches
Architecture - Accessibility
however in accessibility hierarchies such as atk and iaccessible2, text is not exposed in leaf nodes as it is in a w3c dom.
...their text is actually exposed in their parent nshypertextaccessible via nsiaccessibletext.
...they are in the nsiaccessible hierarchy to make it easy for nshypertextaccessible to piece its final text representation together.
...And 15 more matches
Mozilla accessibility architecture
each of these accessible nodes supports at minimum the generic cross-platform accessibility interface nsiaccessible (which provides a text name, enumerated role identifier and a set of state flags) and sometimes additional interfaces.
... for example, tables support nsiaccessibletable, text supports nsiaccessibletext and edit boxes support nsieditabletext., although this code has been moved into the atk specific directories because it is not currently used in windows.
...also, what if they want to get dom information, like css rules, tag names and attributes, that msaa's iaccessible does not provide?
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Working with Multiple Versions of Interfaces
to do this i used the accessibility framework: hwnd gethwnd(nsidomnode *node){ hwnd self = null; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiaccessibleretrieval> refp; refp = do_createinstance( ";1", &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } //line 6.
... nscomptr<nsiaccessible> accnode; rv = refp->getaccessiblefor(node, getter_addrefs(accnode)); if(ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } void *wh = null; nscomptr<nsiaccessibledocument> accdocnode; accdocnode = do_queryinterface(accnode, &rv); if(ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } rv = accdocnode->getwindowhandle(&wh); if(ns_succeeded(rv)){ self = static_cast<hwnd>(wh); } return self; } this approach worked, as is, for versions as early as firefox 1.5.
...this is because the call to do_createinstance(acid, aouter, error); will eventually evolve into a request for an object supporting the interface with iid ns_get_iid(nsiaccessibleretrieval).
...And 10 more matches
Accessible Toolkit Checklist
often these kinds of toolkits don't use a separate window for each control; in that case remember to generate a unique 32 bit child id for each control so that the msaa event system can call back for the right iaccessible for each event.
...for example, a unique child id would be required for each tree item supporting the most important basic iaccessible events get_accparent: get the parent of an iaccessible.
... get_accchildcount: get the number of children of an iaccessible.
...And 8 more matches
however, many of the concepts were also used during the development of firevox, an at using iaccessible2.
... object changed the object changed events are slightly different in at-spi and iaccessible2. iaccessible2, the event_object_* events are triggered on the actual object that changed.
...And 6 more matches
if the dom node for this access node is "accessible", then a queryinterface to nsiaccessible will succeed.
... attribute type description document nsiaccessibledocument the document accessible that this access node resides in.
...obsolete since gecko 2.0 rootdocument nsiaccessibledocument the root document accessible that this access node resides in.
...And 4 more matches
AT APIs Support
iaccessible2 (ia2) iaccessible2 is a new accessibility api which complements microsoft's earlier work on msaa.
... windows platform we support msaa (microsoft active accessibility) and iaccessible2 on windows.
... iaccessible2 is a set of interfaces that overlay the msaa (iaccessible) and dom (isimpledom*) interface support.
...And 2 more matches
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsiaccessibleretrieval method overview nsiaccessible createouterdocaccessible(in nsidomnode anode); nsiaccessible createrootaccessible(in nsipresshell ashell, in nsidocument adocument); nsiaccessible createhtml4buttonaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhypertextaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlbraccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlbuttonaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlaccessiblebymarkup(in nsiframe aframe, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, in nsidomnode adomnode); nsiaccessible createht...
...mlliaccessible(in nsisupports aframe, in nsisupports abulletframe, in astring abullettext); nsiaccessible createhtmlcheckboxaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlcomboboxaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference apresshell); nsiaccessible createhtmlgenericaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlgenericaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlhraccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlimageaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmllabelaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmllabelaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiweakreference apresshell); nsiaccessible createhtmlobjectframeaccessible(in nsobjectframe aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlradiobuttonacc...
...essible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlselectoptionaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsiaccessible aaccparent, in nsiweakreference apresshell); nsiaccessible createhtmltableaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltablecellaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltableheadaccessible(in nsidomnode adomnode); nsiaccessible createhtmltextaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltextfieldaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlcaptionaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible getaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, inout nsiframe framehint, out boolean aishidden); nsiaccessible addnativerootaccessible(in voidptr aatkaccessible);...
...And 2 more matches
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns accessible relation for this accessible object by index.
... nsiaccessiblerelation getrelation( in unsigned long aindex ); parameters aindex[in] the index for which relation is to be retrieved.
... return value returns nsiaccessiblerelation object for this accessible.
...see also nsiaccessible.relationscount nsiaccessible.getrelations() nsiaccessible.getaccessiblerelation() ...
Gecko events
event constants are defined in nsiaccessibleevent interface.
...changes to text that is exposed through the iaccessibletext and iaccessibleeditabletext interfaces.
...this includes for example most of the attributes available via the iaccessiblecomponent interface.
« nsiaccessible page summary array of all this node's children.
... attribute nsiarray children; remark every child node in the array implements nsiaccessible interface.
... see also nsiaccessible.firstchild nsiaccessible.lastchild nsiaccessible.childcount nsiaccessible.getchildat() nsiaccessible.parent nsiaccessible.nextsibling nsiaccessible.previoussibling ...
« nsiaccessible page summary returns first child node in accessible tree.
... attribute nsiaccessible firstchild; exceptions thrown ns_error_failure indicates that the accessible is unattached from the accessible tree.
... see also nsiaccessible.lastchild nsiaccessible.children nsiaccessible.childcount nsiaccessible.getchildat() nsiaccessible.parent nsiaccessible.nextsibling nsiaccessible.previoussibling ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible node geometrically above this one.
... nsiaccessible getaccessibleabove(); return value returns an accessible node geometrically above this one.
... see also nsiaccessible.getaccessibletoright() nsiaccessible.getaccessibletoleft() nsiaccessible.getaccessiblebelow() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible node geometrically below this one.
... nsiaccessible getaccessiblebelow(); return value returns an accessible node geometrically below this one.
... see also nsiaccessible.getaccessibletoright() nsiaccessible.getaccessibletoleft() nsiaccessible.getaccessibleabove() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible related to this one by the given relation type.
... nsiaccessible getaccessiblerelated( in unsigned long arelationtype ); parameters arelationtype[in] the relation type between the accessible (see constants listed in relations documentation).
...exceptions thrown ns_error_failure indicates that the accessible is unattached from the accessible tree.ns_error_not_implemented indicates that the given relation type is unsupported see also nsiaccessible.getrelations() nsiaccessible.relationscount nsiaccessible.getrelation() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible node geometrically to the left of this one.
... nsiaccessible getaccessibletoleft(); return value returns an accessible node geometrically to the left of this one.
... see also nsiaccessible.getaccessibletoright() nsiaccessible.getaccessibleabove() nsiaccessible.getaccessiblebelow() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible node geometrically to the right of this one.
... nsiaccessible getaccessibletoright(); return value returns an accessible node geometrically to the right of this one.
... see also nsiaccessible.getaccessibletoleft() nsiaccessible.getaccessibleabove() nsiaccessible.getaccessiblebelow() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns nth accessible child using zero-based index.
... nsiaccessible getchildat( in long achildindex ); parameters achildindex[in] the index of the nth child.
...see also nsiaccessible.firstchild nsiaccessible.lastchild nsiaccessible.children nsiaccessible.childcount nsiaccessible.parent nsiaccessible.nextsibling nsiaccessible.previoussibling ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns multiple accessible relations for this accessible object.
... nsiarray getrelations(); return value returns nsiarray array of accessible relations for this object, every accessible relation object implements nsiaccessiblerelation interface.
... see also nsiaccessible.getaccessiblerelation() nsiaccessible.relationscount nsiaccessible.getrelation() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary returns last child node in accessible tree.
... attribute nsiaccessible lastchild; exceptions thrown ns_error_failure indicates that the accessible is unattached from the accessible tree.
... see also nsiaccessible.firstchild nsiaccessible.children nsiaccessible.childcount nsiaccessible.getchildat() nsiaccessible.parent nsiaccessible.nextsibling nsiaccessible.previoussibling ...
« nsiaccessible page summary returns next sibling in accessible tree.
... attribute nsiaccessible nextsibling; exceptions thrown ns_error_failure indicates that the accessible is unattached from the accessible tree.
... see also nsiaccessible.parent nsiaccessible.previoussibling nsiaccessible.firstchild nsiaccessible.lastchild nsiaccessible.children nsiaccessible.childcount nsiaccessible.getchildat() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary returns parent node in accessible tree.
... attribute nsiaccessible parent; exceptions thrown ns_error_failure indicates that the accessible is unattached from the accessible tree.
...see also nsiaccessible.nextsibling nsiaccessible.previoussibling nsiaccessible.firstchild nsiaccessible.lastchild nsiaccessible.children nsiaccessible.childcount nsiaccessible.getchildat() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary returns previous node in accessible tree.
... attribute nsiaccessible previoussibling; exceptions thrown ns_error_failure indicates that the accessible is unattached from the accessible tree.
... see also nsiaccessible.parent nsiaccessible.nextsibling nsiaccessible.firstchild nsiaccessible.lastchild nsiaccessible.children nsiaccessible.childcount nsiaccessible.getchildat() ...
XPCOM Interface Reference
component; nsiprefbranchextensionmanager (toolkit)iaccessible2iaccessibleactioniaccessibleapplicationiaccessiblecomponentiaccessibleeditabletextiaccessiblehyperlinkiaccessiblehypertextiaccessibleimageiaccessiblerelationiaccessibletableiaccessibletable2iaccessibletablecelliaccessibletextiaccessiblevalueidispatchijsdebuggeramiinstallcallbackamiinstalltriggeramiwebinstallinfoamiwebinstalllisteneramiwebinstallpromptamiwebinstallerimgicacheimgicontainerimgicontainerobserverimgidecoderimgidecoderobserverimgiencoderimgiloaderimgirequestinidomutilsjsdistackframemoziasyncfaviconsmoziasynchistorymozicoloranalyzermozijssubscriptloadermozipersonaldictionarymoziplaceinfomoziplacesautocompletemoziregistrymozirepresentativecolorc...
WAI ARIA Live Regions/API Support - Developer guides
atk/at-spi event iaccessible2 event object about to be hidden or removed children_changed::remove (fired on the parent, with event data pointing to the child index of the accessible object to be removed) event_object_hide* (fired on the actual accessible object about to go away) object shown or inserted children_changed::add (fired on the parent, with event data pointing to the child index of the i...
...ject) event_object_show* (fired on the actual new accessible object) object replaced with different object (this happens especially if an object's interfaces or role changes) children_changed::remove followed immediately by children_change::add event_object_hide followed immediately by event_object_show text removed text_changed::delete ia2_event_text_removed (use iaccessibletext::get_oldtext to retrieve the offsets and removed text) text inserted text_changed::insert ia2_event_text_inserted (use iaccessibletext::get_newtext to retrieve the offsets and inserted text) text replaced text_changed::delete followed immediately by text_changed::insert ia2_event_text_removed followed immediately by ia2_event_text_inserted * we do not use m... iaccessible2, this is retrieved from the object attribute "event-from-input", which will be set to "true" or "false".
Textbox (XPFE autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
properties accessible type: nsiaccessible returns the accessibility object for the element.
... related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulmenulistelement ...
listitem - Archive of obsolete content
accessible type: nsiaccessible returns the accessibility object for the element.
... related elements listbox, listcell, listcol, listcols, listhead, listheader interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulselectcontrolitemelement ...
richlistitem - Archive of obsolete content
properties accessible type: nsiaccessible returns the accessibility object for the element.
...), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulselectcontrolitemelement ...
toolbargrippy - Archive of obsolete content
ght, hidden, id, insertafter, insertbefore, left, maxheight, maxwidth, menu, minheight, minwidth, mousethrough, observes, ordinal, orient, pack, persist, popup, position, preference-editable, querytype, ref, removeelement, sortdirection, sortresource, sortresource2, statustext, style, template, tooltip, tooltiptext, top, uri, wait-cursor, width properties accessible type: nsiaccessible returns the accessibility object for the element.
...lector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related elements toolbar, toolbarbutton, toolbaritem, toolbarpalette, toolbarseparator, toolbarset, toolbarspacer, toolbarspring, toolbox interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
toolbox - Archive of obsolete content
ht, hidden, id, insertafter, insertbefore, left, maxheight, maxwidth, menu, minheight, minwidth, mousethrough, observes, ordinal, orient, pack, persist, popup, position, preference-editable, querytype, ref, removeelement, sortdirection, sortresource, sortresource2, statustext, style, template, tooltip, tooltiptext, top, uri, wait-cursor, width properties accessible type: nsiaccessible returns the accessibility object for the element.
... related elements toolbar, toolbarbutton, toolbargrippy, toolbaritem, toolbarpalette, toolbarseparator, toolbarset, toolbarspacer, toolbarspring interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
Building XULRunner with Python - Archive of obsolete content
you should also read the the developer documentation on source code and building as wells as pyxpcom xulrunner with python promises to be a good platform for accessibility projects and both jambu alternative input and the iaccessible2 test tool are using it.
... of particular interested is access to msaa and iaccessible2 via the python comtypes package.
Multiprocess on Windows
simple example now you know about mainthreadhandoff::wrapinterface and about the smart pointers, you're ready to wrap an interface: accessible* myaccessible = ....; mozilla::mscom::stauniqueptr<iaccessible> acctowrap; myaccessible->getnativeinterface(mozilla::mscom::getter_addrefs(acctowrap)); mozilla::mscom::proxyuniqueptr<iaccessible> wrapped; hresult hr = mozilla::mscom::mainthreadhandoff::wrapinterface(mozilla::move(acctowrap), mozilla::mscom::getter_addrefs(wrapped)); if (failed(hr)) { // handle your error here } // the wrapped ...
... in general, the only com objects which should need to be explicitly wrapped are the iaccessibles for top-level documents in the content process.
Software accessibility: Where are we today?
support msaa and atk via nsiaccessible when developing new controls: mozilla is a great position to provide context so that custom controls can be made accessible.
... engineers can provide context simply by creating an nsiaccessible for each custom control.
Gecko object attributes
« at apis support page introduction you can obtain object attributes by nsiaccessible.getattributes() method.
...use nsiaccessibletable and nsiaccessibletablecell instead.
Gecko states
state constants are defined in nsiaccessiblestates.
... ext_state_supports_autocompletion for editable areas that have any kind of autocompletion ext_state_defunct object no longer exists ext_state_selectable_text for text which is selectable, object must implement nsiaccessibletext ext_state_editable implements nsiaccessibleeditabletext ext_state_active this window is currently the active window ext_state_modal must do something with control before leaving it ext_state_multi_line edit control that can take multiple lines ext_state_horizontal uses horizontal layout ext_state_opaque indicates this object paints every pixel within its rectangular region ext_st...
AT Development
then comtypes gives access to msaa and iaccessible2.
... references at apis implementation references shows how gecko handles atk, iaccessible2, msaa and universal access api accessible web specifications references provides the map of reflecting web specification to at apis.
« nsiaccessible page summary number of accessible children.
... attribute long childcount; see also nsiaccessible.firstchild nsiaccessible.lastchild nsiaccessible.children nsiaccessible.getchildat() nsiaccessible.parent nsiaccessible.nextsibling nsiaccessible.previoussibling ...
« nsiaccessible page summary provides localized string of global keyboard accelerator for default action, such as ctrl+o for open file (ctrl + o).
... attribute astring defaultkeybinding; see also nsiaccessible.getkeybindings() nsiaccessible.keyboardshortcut ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method performs the accessible action at the given zero-based index.
... see also nsiaccessible.numactions nsiaccessible.getactionname() nsiaccessible.getactiondescription() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method extends the current selection from its current accessible anchor node to this accessible.
... see also nsiaccessible.setselected() nsiaccessible.takeselection() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary focused accessible child of node.
... attribute nsiaccessible focusedchild; see also nsiaccessible.takefocus() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method retrieves the description (localized name) of the accessible action at the given zero-based index.
... see also nsiaccessible.numactions nsiaccessible.getactionname() nsiaccessible.doaction() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method retrieves the name of the accessible action at the given zero-based index.
... see also nsiaccessible.numactions nsiaccessible.getactiondescription() nsiaccessible.doaction() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible child which contains the coordinate at (x, y) in screen pixels.
... nsiaccessible getchildatpoint( in long ax, in long ay ); parameters ax[in] accessible's x-coordinate.ay[out] accessible's y-coordinate.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method provides array of localized string of global keyboard accelerator for the given action index supported by accessible.
...see also nsiaccessible.defaultkeybinding nsiaccessible.keyboardshortcut ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns grouping information.
... remark alternatively this information is exposed by nsiaccessible.attribute attribute, also see group attributes page.
« nsiaccessible page summary provides localized string of accesskey name, such as alt+d (alt + d).
... attribute astring keyboardshortcut; see also nsiaccessible.defaultkeybinding nsiaccessible.getkeybindings() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary the number of accessible actions associated with this accessible.
... attribute unsigned long numactions; see also nsiaccessible.getactionname() nsiaccessible.getactiondescription() nsiaccessible.doaction() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary returns the number of accessible relations for this object.
... attribute unsigned long relationscount; see also nsiaccessible.getrelation() nsiaccessible.getrelations() nsiaccessible.getaccessiblerelated() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method adds or remove this accessible to the current selection.
...see also nsiaccessible.takeselection() nsiaccessible.extendselection() ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method focuses this accessible node.
...see also nsiaccessible.focusedchild ...
« nsiaccessible page summary this method selects this accessible node only.
...see also nsiaccessible.setselected() nsiaccessible.extendselection() ...
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
nal nsidomwindowutils nsidynamiccontainer nsieditor event nsidomevent nsidomeventgroup nsidomeventlistener nsidomeventtarget nsidommousescrollevent nsidommoztouchevent nsidomorientationevent nsidomprogressevent nsidomsimplegestureevent nsidragdrophandler nsidragservice nsidragsession html nsiaccessibilityservice nsiaccessiblecoordinatetype nsiaccessibledocument nsiaccessibleeditabletext nsiaccessibleevent nsiaccessiblehyperlink nsiaccessiblehypertext nsiaccessibleimage nsiaccessibleprovider nsiaccessibleretrieval nsiaccessiblerole nsiaccessiblescrolltype nsiaccessibleselectable nsiaccessiblestates nsiaccessibletable nsiaccessibletext nsiaccessibletreecache ...
... nsiaccessiblevalue nsiaccessnode nsisyncmessagesender script nsiscriptableunescapehtml nsiscriptableunicodeconverter nsiscripterror nsiscripterror2 stylesheet nsistylesheetservice url nsiuri nsiurl util nsidomserializer nsidomxpathevaluator nsidomxpathexception nsidomxpathexpression nsidomxpathresult xslt nsixsltexception nsixsltprocessor download nsidownload nsidownloadmanager nsidownloadprogresslistener element internal nsiworker nsiworkerglobalscope nsiworkermessageevent nsiworkermessageport nsiworkerscope tree nsitreeboxobject nsitreecolumn nsitreecolumns nsitreecontentview nsitreeselection nsitreeview xfo...
accessible - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home accessible type: nsiaccessible returns the accessibility object for the element.
accessible - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference accessible type: nsiaccessible returns the accessibility object for the element.
textbox (Toolkit autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsiautocompleteinput, nsidomxulmenulistelement articles how to implement custom autocomplete search component ...
browser - Archive of obsolete content
related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
button - Archive of obsolete content
), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulbuttonelement ...
checkbox - Archive of obsolete content
), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulcheckboxelement ...
editor - Archive of obsolete content
), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
groupbox - Archive of obsolete content
), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
iframe - Archive of obsolete content
schildnodes(), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related nsiaccessibleprovider ...
image - Archive of obsolete content
interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider nsidomxulimageelement ...
label - Archive of obsolete content
related elements description attributes label interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxullabelelement notes labels are not focusable note: starting in gecko 2.0, labels are properly not focusable.
listbox - Archive of obsolete content
related elements listcell, listcol, listcols, listhead, listheader, listitem interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulmultiselectcontrolelement ...
menu - Archive of obsolete content
related elements menubar, menuitem, menulist, menupopup, menuseparator interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulcontainerelement, nsidomxulcontaineritemelement, nsidomxulselectcontrolitemelement ...
menubar - Archive of obsolete content
issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related elements menu, menuitem, menulist, menupopup, menuseparator interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
menuitem - Archive of obsolete content
related elements menu, menubar, menulist, menupopup, menuseparator interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulcontaineritemelement, nsidomxulselectcontrolitemelement ...
menulist - Archive of obsolete content
related elements menu, menubar, menuitem, menupopup, menuseparator interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulmenulistelement ...
menupopup - Archive of obsolete content
related elements menu, menubar, menuitem, menulist, menuseparator interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulpopupelement ...
menuseparator - Archive of obsolete content
enode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related elements menu, menubar, menuitem, menulist, menupopup interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulcontaineritemelement, nsidomxulselectcontrolitemelement ...
panel - Archive of obsolete content
related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulpopupelement ...
progressmeter - Archive of obsolete content
), insertbefore(), isdefaultnamespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
radio - Archive of obsolete content
ce(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related elements radiogroup, checkbox interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulselectcontrolitemelement, nsidomxullabeledcontrolelement ...
radiogroup - Archive of obsolete content
related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulselectcontrolelement ...
richlistbox - Archive of obsolete content
related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulmultiselectcontrolelement ...
statusbar - Archive of obsolete content
mespace(), isequalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related elements statusbarpanel interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
tab - Archive of obsolete content
interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulselectcontrolitemelement ...
tabpanels - Archive of obsolete content
ht, hidden, id, insertafter, insertbefore, left, maxheight, maxwidth, menu, minheight, minwidth, mousethrough, observes, ordinal, orient, pack, persist, popup, position, preference-editable, querytype, ref, removeelement, sortdirection, sortresource, sortresource2, statustext, style, template, tooltip, tooltiptext, top, uri, wait-cursor, width properties accessible type: nsiaccessible returns the accessibility object for the element.
tabs - Archive of obsolete content
interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulselectcontrolelement ...
textbox - Archive of obsolete content
xtbox id="pnnote" multiline="true" rows="2" cols="70" onkeypress="return pncountnotechars(event);"/> the javascript: function pncountnotechars(evt) { //allow non character keys (delete, backspace and and etc.) if ((evt.charcode == 0) && (evt.keycode != 13)) return true; if ( < 10) { return true; } else { return false; } } related interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxultextboxelement ...
toolbar - Archive of obsolete content
related elements toolbarbutton, toolbargrippy, toolbaritem, toolbarpalette, toolbarseparator, toolbarset, toolbarspacer, toolbarspring, toolbox interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
toolbarbutton - Archive of obsolete content
queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related elements toolbar, toolbargrippy, toolbaritem, toolbarpalette, toolbarseparator, toolbarset, toolbarspacer, toolbarspring, toolbox interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxulbuttonelement ...
toolbarspacer - Archive of obsolete content
lector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related elements toolbar, toolbarbutton, toolbargrippy, toolbaritem, toolbarpalette, toolbarseparator, toolbarset, toolbarspring, toolbox interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
toolbarspring - Archive of obsolete content
orall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata related elements toolbar, toolbarbutton, toolbargrippy, toolbaritem, toolbarpalette, toolbarseparator, toolbarset, toolbarspacer, toolbox interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
tree - Archive of obsolete content
interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider, nsidomxultreeelement, nsidomxulmultiselectcontrolelement script examples to have alternating colors for each row, use the style rules like the following: treechildren::-moz-tree-row(selected) { background-color: #ffffaa; } treechildren::-moz-tree-row(odd) { background-color: #eeeeee; } treechildren::-moz-tree-row(odd, selected) { background-color: #ffffaa; } treechildren::-moz-tree-c...
treecol - Archive of obsolete content
interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
treecols - Archive of obsolete content
interfaces nsiaccessibleprovider ...
2006-11-22 - Archive of obsolete content
idispatch support for jaws scripting needed aaron leventhal stated that currently there is no idispatch support for iaccessible's in mozilla.
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
different operating systems have different accessibility apis available : windows: msaa/iaccessible, uiaexpress, iaccessible2 mac os x: nsaccessibility linux: at-spi android: accessibility framework ios: uiaccessibility where the native semantic information provided by the html elements in your web apps falls down, you can supplement it with features from the wai-aria specification, which add semantic information to the accessibility tree to improve accessibility.
Accessibility API cross-reference
fill out tagged pdf column (relevant documents from pdf association) add missing aria properties fill out events cross reference table use this info to expand mozilla's accessibility api coverage to include mac, so that we can start to freeze them talk about the fact that msaa uses one interface (iaccessible), wherease gnome accessibility uses a lot of different interfaces depending on the type of object go through the atk info and make sure it's up-to-date accessible roles description & notes msaa role (role_system_*) java accessibility role gnome accessibility role (atk_role_*) mac os x accessibility role aria (role=*) html tagged pdf relevant xul f...
Accessibility and Mozilla
however, many of the concepts were also used during the development of firevox, an at using iaccessible2.accessible toolkit checklistplease contact the mozilla accessibility community with questions or feedback.csun firefox materialsfirefox 1.5 is a fast, free, standards compliant web browser which is rapidly gaining recognition for its fresh, streamlined approach to browsing the web.
interfaces nsiaccessible nsisupports nsiaccessibletext nsiaccessiblehypertext nsiaccessibleeditabletext nsiaccessiblehyperlink nsiaccessibleselectable nsiaccessiblevalue nsiaccessnode mapped to at-spi: atk_role_table_cell atk: atk_role_list_item ua: nsaccessibilitygrouprole msaa/ia2: role_system_cell used by aria: gridcell xul: <listcell/> html: <td> ...
interfaces nsiaccessnode nsiaccessible mapped to at-spi: role_table atk: atk_role_column_header ua: nsaccessibilitygrouprole msaa/ia2: role_system_columnheader used by aria: colheader xul: <listheader/> html: <th> ...
interfaces nsiaccessible nsiaccessnode nsiaccessibleimage nsiaccessiblehyperlink mapped to at-spi: atk: atk_role_image ua: nsaccessibilityimagerole msaa/ia2: role_system_graphic used by aria: img xul: <image/> html: <img> ...
interfaces nsiaccessnode nsiaccessible children no children.
interfaces nsiaccessibletreecache nsiaccessible nsiaccessibleselectable nsiaccessnode mapped to at-spi: role_list_item atk: atk_role_list_item ua: nsaccessibilityrowrole (use outlinerow as subrole) msaa/ia2: role_system_outlineitem used by aria: treeitem html: ??
interfaces nsiaccessible nsisupports nsiaccessiblehyperlink nsiaccessibleselectable mapped to at-spi: role_list_item atk: atk_role_list_item ua: nsaccessibilityrowrole msaa/ia2: role_system_row used by aria: row html: <tr> xul:<listitem/> ...
Gecko Roles
role constants are defined in the nsiaccessiblerole interface.
Implementation Details
msaa/iaccessible2 at-spi avoiding memory leaks it is the assistive technology's responsibility to watch for events that indicate when windows or content subtrees are being destroyed, and to release all accessible objects related to that window.
XForms Accessibility
instance node states are mapped to accessibility state constants declared in nsiaccessiblestates interface like it shown below: relevant - state_unavailable readonly - state_readonly required - state_required invalid - state_invalid out of range - state_invalid attributes redefines datatype aria attribute.
« nsiaccessible page summary attributes of accessible.
« nsiaccessible page summary accessible description -- long text associated with this node.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns accessible's (x and y) coordinates relative to the screen and accessible's width and height.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method retrieves states of the accessible.
« nsiaccessible page summary help text associated with node.
« nsiaccessible page summary the 0-based index of this accessible in its parent's list of children, or -1 if this accessible does not have a parent.
« nsiaccessible page summary accessible name -- the main text equivalent for this node.
« nsiaccessible page summary enumerated accessible role for the associated element.
« nsiaccessible page summary accessible value -- a number or a secondary text equivalent for this node.
documentation is now located at nsiaccessibleeditabletext.deletetext().
this content is now available at nsiaccessiblehypertext.getlink().
this content is now available at nsiaccessiblehypertext.getlinkindex().
this content is now available at nsiaccessiblehypertext.attributes.
this content is now available at nsiaccessibleimage.getimageposition().
this content is now available at nsiaccessibleimage.getimagesize().
this content is now available at nsiaccessiblerelation.gettarget().
this content is now available at nsiaccessiblerelation.gettargets().
this content is now available at nsiaccessiblerelation.attributes.
this content is now available at nsiaccessiblerelation.attributes.