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Starting WebLock
you can then use the service manager to add the component to the category: nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman = do_queryinterface((nsisupports*)acompmgr, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; do_queryinterface the previous code uses the special nscomptr function do_queryinterface that lets you queryinterface without having to worry about reference counting, error handling, and other overhead.
... nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catman; rv = servman->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; there are two service getters on the nsiservicemanager interface: one that takes a cid and another interface that takes a contract id.
...(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *apath, const char *registrylocation, const char *componenttype, const nsmodulecomponentinfo *info) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman = do_queryinterface((nsisupports*)acompmgr, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catman; rv = servman->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char* previous = nsnull; rv = catman->addcategoryentry("xpcom-startup", ...
...And 5 more matches
Working with Multiple Versions of Interfaces
to do this i used the accessibility framework: hwnd gethwnd(nsidomnode *node){ hwnd self = null; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiaccessibleretrieval> refp; refp = do_createinstance( ";1", &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } //line 6.
... nscomptr<nsiaccessible> accnode; rv = refp->getaccessiblefor(node, getter_addrefs(accnode)); if(ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } void *wh = null; nscomptr<nsiaccessibledocument> accdocnode; accdocnode = do_queryinterface(accnode, &rv); if(ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } rv = accdocnode->getwindowhandle(&wh); if(ns_succeeded(rv)){ self = static_cast<hwnd>(wh); } return self; } this approach worked, as is, for versions as early as firefox 1.5.
... the optimist's solution the first thing we do is replace line 6 above by our plan b: if (ns_failed(rv)){ return gethwndb(node); } //new line 6.
...And 5 more matches
Creating the Component Code
odule::registerself(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile* apath, const char* registrylocation, const char* componenttype) { printf("hello mozilla registration!\n\n"); nsicomponentregistrar* compreg = nsnull; nsresult rv = acompmgr->queryinterface(kicomponentregistrariid,(void**)& compreg); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; rv = compreg->registerfactorylocation(ksamplecid, "sample class", nsnull, apath, registrylocation, componenttype); compreg->release(); return rv; } unr...
... ns_imethodimp samplefactory::createinstance(nsisupports *aouter, const nsiid & iid, void * *result) { if (!result) return ns_error_invalid_arg; sample* sample = new sample(); if (!sample) return ns_error_out_of_memory; nsresult rv = sample->queryinterface(iid, result); if (ns_failed(rv)) { *result = nsnull; delete sample; } return rv; } weblock1.cpp before any of the improvements and xpcom tools we describe in the following chapter are brought in, the source code for the weblock component that implements all the necessary interfaces looks like this.
...his; return 0; } return mrefcnt; } ns_imethodimp samplefactory::createinstance(nsisupports *aouter, const nsiid & iid, void * *result) { if (!result) return ns_error_invalid_arg; sample* sample = new sample(); if (!sample) return ns_error_out_of_memory; nsresult rv = sample->queryinterface(iid, result); if (ns_failed(rv)) { *result = nsnull; delete sample; } return rv; } ns_imethodimp samplefactory::lockfactory(prbool lock) { return ns_error_not_implemented; } // module implementation class samplemodule : public nsimodule { public: samplemodule(); virtual ~samplemodule(); // nsisupports methods: ns_imethod queryinterface(const nsiid & uuid, void * *result); ns_imethod_(...
...And 3 more matches
Using Dependent Libraries In Extension Components - Archive of obsolete content
// assume that we're in <extensiondir>/components, and we want to find // <extensiondir>/libraries nscomptr<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); // loop through and load dependent libraries for (char const *const *dependent = kdependentlibraries; *dependent; ++dependent) { ...
... } library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring(krealcomponent)); prlibrary *lib; rv = library->load(&lib); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nsgetmoduleproc getmoduleproc = (nsgetmoduleproc) pr_findfunctionsymbol(lib, ns_get_module_symbol); if (!getmoduleproc) return ns_error_failure; return getmoduleproc(acompmgr, alocation, aresult); } extensions/stub/bdsstubloader.cpp (for mac os x) the code as written above won't work for mac os x.
... // assume that we're in <extensiondir>/components, and we want to find // <extensiondir>/libraries nscomptr<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); nscstring path; // loop through and load dependent libraries for (char const *const *dependent = kdependentlibraries; *dependent; ++dependent) ...
...And 2 more matches
Overview of Mozilla embedding APIs
webbrowser = do_createinstance(ns_webbrowser_contractid, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // give the webbrowser a pointer to the embedding component which // implements the callback interfaces.
... rv = webbrowser->setcontainerwindow((nsiwebbrowserchrome*)this); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; basewindow = do_queryinterface(webbrowser); // initialize the webbrowser with a native parent window // (ie.
... if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // create the child window for the webbrowser.
... rv = basewindow->create(); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // at this point webbrowser contains the new initialized instance // of the nswebbrowser component...
Finishing the Component
n(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *apath, const char *registrylocation, const char *componenttype, const nsmodulecomponentinfo *info) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman = do_queryinterface((nsisupports*)acompmgr, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catman; servman->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char* previous = nsnull; rv = catman->addcategoryentry("xpcom-startup", "web...
... *_retval = pr_false; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman; rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(servman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsiioservice> mioservice; // get a pointer to the ioservice rv = servman->getservicebycontractid(";1", ns_get_iid(nsiioservice), getter_addrefs(mioservice)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; urlnode* node = mrooturlnode; prbool match = pr_false; ...
... while (node) { nscomptr<nsiuri> uri; nsembedcstring urlstring(node->urlstring); rv = mioservice->newuri(urlstring, nsnull, nsnull, getter_addrefs(uri)); // if anything bad happens, just abort if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nsembedcstring host; uri->gethost(host); if (strcmp(hosttoload.get(), host.get()) == 0) { // match found.
nsresult loaddll(nsilocalfile *alocalfile) { prlibrary *dll; nsresult rv = alocalfile->load(&dll); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // do something with the library now that it is open...
... nsresult readlocalfile(nsilocalfile *alocalfile) { file *fp; nsresult rv = alocalfile->openansifiledesc("r", &fp); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char buf[512]; size_t n; while ((n = fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, fp)) > 0) { // do something with n-byte block of data from file...
... nsresult readlocalfile(nsilocalfile *alocalfile) { prfiledesc *fd; nsresult rv = alocalfile->opennsprfiledesc(pr_rdonly, 0, &fd); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char buf[512]; print32 n; while ((n = pr_read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { // do something with n-byte block of data from file...
Using LDAP XPCOM with XULRunner - Archive of obsolete content
z_dll_suffix, #endif //ns_unix nsnull }; // component.dll on windows, libcomponent.dll on linux static char krealcomponent[] = moz_dll_prefix "mozldap" moz_dll_suffix; nsresult nsgetmodule(nsicomponentmanager* acompmgr, nsifile* alocation, nsimodule* *aresult) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); // loop through and load dependent libraries for (char const *const *dependent = kdependentlibraries; *dependent; ++dependent) { ...
... } library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring(krealcomponent)); prlibrary *lib; rv = library->load(&lib); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nsgetmoduleproc getmoduleproc = (nsgetmoduleproc) pr_findfunctionsymbol(lib, ns_get_module_symbol); if (!getmoduleproc) return ns_error_failure; return getmoduleproc(acompmgr, alocation, aresult); } then change your .mozconfig to add this line: ac_add_options --enable-extensions=ldapstub rebuild xulrunner.
Using XPCOM Utilities to Make Things Easier
if (ns_failed(error)) return; // <------------ leaks |value| //...
... if (ns_failed(error)) return; // ...
nsresult printallcategories() { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> svcmgr; rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(svcmgr)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catmgr; rv = svcmgr->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catmgr)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsisimpleenumerator> cats; rv = catmgr->enumeratecategories(getter_addrefs(cats))...
...; if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; prbool hasmore; while (ns_succeeded(cats->hasmoreelements(&hasmore) && hasmore) { nscomptr<nsisupports> elem; cats->getnext(getter_addrefs(elem)); nscomptr<nsisupportscstring> category = do_queryinterface(elem, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) break; nsembedcstring categoryname; rv = category->getdata(categoryname); if (ns_failed(rv)) break; printf("%s\n", categoryname.get()); } return ns_ok; } this snippet shows how to print out a list of all categories in javascript.
summary macro returns return-value if ns_failed(nsresult) evaluates to true, and shows a warning on stderr in that case.
... syntax ns_ensure_success(nsresult, return-value); usage nsresult mozmyclass::mozstringmucking() { nsresult rv = ns_cstringcopy(mdeststring, msrcstring); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); // this is the same as doing: nsresult rv = ns_cstringcopy(mdeststring, msrcstring); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; return ns_ok; } ...
Finding window handles - Archive of obsolete content
cshelltreeitem) .treeowner .queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiinterfacerequestor) .getinterface(components.interfaces.nsibasewindow); then in c++ part, a function take nsibasewindow as param hwnd getparentwindowhwnd(nsibasewindow *window) { nativewindow hwnd; nsresult rv = window->getparentnativewindow(&hwnd); if (ns_failed(rv)) return null; return (hwnd)hwnd; } that's it; use with caution!
Common Pitfalls - Archive of obsolete content
uriobj = ioserv.newuri(uristring, uricharset, baseuri); } catch (e) { // may want to catch ns_error_malformed_uri for some applications } c++: nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiioservice> ioserv = do_getservice(";1"); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); nscomptr<nsiuri> uriobj; rv = ioserv->newuri(uristring, uricharset, baseuri, getter_addrefs(uriobj)); if (ns_failed(rv)) { // may want to handle ns_error_malformed_uri for // some applications return rv; } or, if the code can include nsnetutil.h: nscomptr<nsiuri> uriobj; nsresult rv = ns_newuri(getter_addrefs(uriobj), uristring, uricharset, baseuri); in all cases the baseuri can be null if the uristring should be treated as an absolute uri and uricharset can be null if there is no clear origin chars...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
in calling this method, the editor is created underneath and the event listeners are all prepa if (ns_failed(rv)) return ns_error_failure; // we are not setup??!!
Editor Embedding Guide - Archive of obsolete content
in calling this method, the editor is created underneath and the event listeners are all prepa if (ns_failed(rv)) return ns_error_failure; // we are not setup??!!
An Overview of XPCOM
ns_failed return true if the passed status code was a failure.
Using XPCOM Components
managing cookies from cpp nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman; nsresult rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(servman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; nscomptr<nsicookiemanager> cookiemanager; rv = servman->getservicebycontractid("", ns_get_iid(nsicookiemanager), getter_addrefs(cookiemanager)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; pruint32 len; deletedcookies->getlength(&len); for (int c=0; c<len; c++) cookiemanager->remove(d...
Making cross-thread calls using runnables
l together to start a new thread, create it using the thread manager: #include "nsxpcomcidinternal.h" void calculatepiasynchronously(int digits, picallback callback) { // to create a new thread, get the thread manager nscomptr<nsithreadmanager> tm = do_getservice(ns_threadmanager_contractid); nscomptr<nsithread> mythread; nsresult rv = tm->newthread(0, 0, getter_addrefs(mythread)); if (ns_failed(rv)) { // in case of failure, call back immediately with an empty string which indicates failure callback(emptycstring()); return; } nscomptr<nsirunnable> r = new picalculatetask(callback, digits); mythread->dispatch(r, nsieventtarget::dispatch_normal); // the result callback will shut down the worker thread, we can let it go here...
*/ nsresult gettempdir(nsifile **aresult) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> svcmgr; rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(svcmgr)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsiproperties> directory; rv = svcmgr->getservicebycontractid(";1", ns_get_iid(nsiproperties), getter_addrefs(directory)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; rv = directory->get(ns_os_temp_dir, ns_get_iid(nsifile), aresult); return rv; } note ...
example code // create a local file that references c:\foo.txt nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> file; rv = ns_newlocalfile(nsembedstring(l"c:\\foo.txt"), pr_false, getter_addrefs(file)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; note: gcc requires the -fshort-wchar option to compile this example since prunichar is an unsigned short.
example code // create a local file that references c:\foo.txt nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> file; rv = ns_newnativelocalfile(nsembedcstring("c:\\foo.txt"), pr_false, getter_addrefs(file)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; here, nsembedcstring is used to convert the ascii string literal to an object that can be passed as a const nsacstring& parameter.
nsresult consumestream(nsiinputstream* astream) { nsresult rv; uint32_t numread; char buf[512]; while (1) { rv = astream->read(buf, sizeof(buf), &numread); if (ns_failed(rv)) { printf("### error reading stream: %x\n", rv); break; } if (numread == 0) break; // buf now contains numread bytes of data } return rv; } consume all data from an input stream using readsegments().
nsISupports proxies
example usage nsresult rv = ns_ok; nscomptr<nsiproxyobjectmanager> piproxyobjectmanager(do_getservice(";1", &rv)); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<ifoo> ptestobj(do_createinstance(foo_contractid, &rv)); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<ifoo> pproxy; rv = piproxyobjectmanager->getproxyforobject(ns_proxy_to_main_thread, ifoo::getiid(), ptestobj, ns_proxy_sync | ns_proxy_always, getter_addrefs(pproxy)); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // we do not care about the real object anymore.
Mail composition back end
if message creation fails, the nsimsgsend operation will return an ns_failed() return code.
Activity Manager examples
ports ns_decl_nsiactivityundohandler mycopyeventundo() {} private: ~mycopyeventundo() {} }; ns_impl_isupports1(mycopyeventundo, nsiactivityundohandler) ns_imethodimp mycopyeventundo::undo(nsiactivityevent *event, nsresult *result) { nsresult rv; // get the subjects of this copy event pruint32 length; nsivariant **subjectlist; rv = event->getsubjects(&length, &subjectlist); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // first subject in the list is the source folder in this particular case nscomptr<nsimsgfolder> folder = do_queryinterface(subjectlist[0]); // get the initiator nsivariant *initiator; event->getinitiator(&initiator); if (initiator) { nsisupports* ptr; rv = object->getasisupports(&ptr); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsimsgcopyser...