
The srcObject property of the HTMLMediaElement interface sets or returns the object which serves as the source of the media associated with the HTMLMediaElement. The object can be a MediaStream, a MediaSource, a Blob, or a File (which inherits from Blob).

Note: As of March 2020, only Safari supports setting objects other than MediaStream. Until other browsers catch up, for MediaSource, Blob and File, consider falling back to creating a URL with URL.createObjectURL() and assign it to HTMLMediaElement.src. See below for an example.


var sourceObject = HTMLMediaElement.srcObject;

HTMLMediaElement.srcObject = sourceObject;


A MediaStream, MediaSource, Blob, or File object (though see the compatibility table for what is actually supported).

Usage notes

Older versions of the Media Source specification required using createObjectURL() to create an object URL then setting src to that URL. Now you can just set srcObject to the MediaStream directly.


Basic example

In this example, a MediaStream from a camera is assigned to a newly-created <video> element.

const mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true});
const video = document.createElement('video');
video.srcObject = mediaStream;

In this example, a new MediaSource is assigned to a newly-created <video> element.

const mediaSource = new MediaSource();
const video = document.createElement('video');
video.srcObject = mediaSource;

Supporting fallback to the src property

The examples below support older browser versions that require you to create an object URL and assign it to src if srcObject isn't supported.

First, a MediaStream from a camera is assigned to a newly-created <video> element, with fallback for older browsers.

const mediaStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true});
const video = document.createElement('video');
if ('srcObject' in video) {
  video.srcObject = mediaStream;
} else {
  // Avoid using this in new browsers, as it is going away.
  video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaStream);

Second, a new MediaSource is assigned to a newly-created <video> element, with fallback for older browsers and browsers that don't yet support assignment of MediaSource directly.

const mediaSource = new MediaSource();
const video = document.createElement('video');
// Older browsers may not have srcObject
if ('srcObject' in video) {
  try {
    video.srcObject = mediaSource;
  } catch (err) {
    if ( != "TypeError") {
      throw err;
    // Even if they do, they may only support MediaStream
    video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);
} else {
  video.src = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource);


Specification Status Comment
HTML Living Standard
The definition of 'srcObject' in that specification.
Living Standard Initial definition.

Browser compatibility

ChromeEdgeFirefoxInternet ExplorerOperaSafariAndroid webviewChrome for AndroidFirefox for AndroidOpera for AndroidSafari on iOSSamsung Internet
srcObjectChrome Partial support 52
Partial support 52
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.
Edge Partial support 12
Partial support 12
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.
Firefox Partial support 42
Partial support 42
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.
No support 18 — 58
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: moz
IE No support NoOpera Partial support 39
Partial support 39
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.
Safari Full support 11WebView Android Partial support 52
Partial support 52
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.
Chrome Android Partial support 52
Partial support 52
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.
Firefox Android Partial support 42
Partial support 42
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.
No support 18 — 58
Prefixed Implemented with the vendor prefix: moz
Opera Android Partial support 41
Partial support 41
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.
Safari iOS Full support 11Samsung Internet Android Partial support 6.0
Partial support 6.0
Notes Currently only supports MediaStream objects.


Full support
Full support
Partial support
Partial support
No support
No support
See implementation notes.
See implementation notes.
Requires a vendor prefix or different name for use.
Requires a vendor prefix or different name for use.