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35 results for "Object.keys":
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Object.keys() - JavaScript
the object.keys() method returns an array of a given object's own enumerable property names, iterated in the same order that a normal loop would.
... syntax object.keys(obj) parameters obj the object of which the enumerable's own properties are to be returned.
... description object.keys() returns an array whose elements are strings corresponding to the enumerable properties found directly upon object.
...And 5 more matches
Enumerability and ownership of properties - JavaScript
enumerable nonenumerable enumerable and nonenumerable not available without extra code not available without extra code in not available without extra code retrieval enumerable nonenumerable enumerable and nonenumerable object.keys getownpropertynames getownpropertysymbols getownpropertynames, getownpropertysymbols – filtered to exclude enumerables using propertyisenumerable getownpropertynames getownpropertysymbols not available without extra code not available without extra code iterable e...
...numerable nonenumerable enumerable and nonenumerable object.keys getownpropertynames getownpropertysymbols getownpropertynames, getownpropertysymbols – filtered to exclude enumerables using propertyisenumerable getownpropertynames getownpropertysymbols enumerable nonenumerable enumerable and nonenumerable (excluding symbols) not available without extra code not available without extra code not available without extra code obtaining properties by enumerability/ownership note that this is not the most e...
...want(obj).indexof(prop) > -1 iteration can occur by simplepropertyretriever.thegetmethodyouwant(obj).foreach(function (value, prop) {}); (or use filter(), map(), etc.) var simplepropertyretriever = { getownenumerables: function(obj) { return this._getpropertynames(obj, true, false, this._enumerable); // or could use filtered with hasownproperty or just this: return object.keys(obj); }, getownnonenumerables: function(obj) { return this._getpropertynames(obj, true, false, this._notenumerable); }, getownenumerablesandnonenumerables: function(obj) { return this._getpropertynames(obj, true, false, this._enumerableandnotenumerable); // or just use: return object.getownpropertynames(obj); }, getprototypeenumerables: function(obj...
...)) { props.push(prop); } }); } if (!iterateprototypebool) { break; } iterateselfbool = true; } while (obj = object.getprototypeof(obj)); return props; } }; detection table in obj.hasownproperty obj.propertyisenumerable object.keys object.getownpropertynames object.getownpropertydescriptors reflect.ownkeys() enumerable true true true true true true true true nonenumerable true false true false false true true true symbols keys true false true true false false true true inherited enumerable true true...
Object.getOwnPropertyNames() - JavaScript
the ordering of the enumerable properties in the array is consistent with the ordering exposed by a loop (or by object.keys()) over the properties of the object.
...l, idx, array) { console.log(val + ' -> ' + obj[val]); } ); // logs // 0 -> a // 1 -> b // 2 -> c // non-enumerable property var my_obj = object.create({}, { getfoo: { value: function() { return; }, enumerable: false } }); = 1; console.log(object.getownpropertynames(my_obj).sort()); // logs ["foo", "getfoo"] if you want only the enumerable properties, see object.keys() or use a loop (note that this will also return enumerable properties found along the prototype chain for the object unless the latter is filtered with hasownproperty()).
...) {}; function childclass() { this.prop = 5; this.method = function() {}; } childclass.prototype = new parentclass; childclass.prototype.prototypemethod = function() {}; console.log( object.getownpropertynames( new childclass() // ["prop", "method"] ) ); get non-enumerable properties only this uses the array.prototype.filter() function to remove the enumerable keys (obtained with object.keys()) from a list of all keys (obtained with object.getownpropertynames()) thus giving only the non-enumerable keys as output.
... var target = myobject; var enum_and_nonenum = object.getownpropertynames(target); var enum_only = object.keys(target); var nonenum_only = enum_and_nonenum.filter(function(key) { var indexinenum = enum_only.indexof(key); if (indexinenum == -1) { // not found in enum_only keys, // meaning that the key is non-enumerable, // so return true so we keep this in the filter return true; } else { return false; } }); console.log(nonenum_only); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'object.getownpropertynames' in that specification.
Array - JavaScript
const fruits = [] fruits.push('banana', 'apple', 'peach') console.log(fruits.length) // 3 when setting a property on a javascript array when the property is a valid array index and that index is outside the current bounds of the array, the engine will update the array's length property accordingly: fruits[5] = 'mango' console.log(fruits[5]) // 'mango' console.log(object.keys(fruits)) // ['0', '1', '2', '5'] console.log(fruits.length) // 6 increasing the length.
... fruits.length = 10 console.log(fruits) // ['banana', 'apple', 'peach', empty x 2, 'mango', empty x 4] console.log(object.keys(fruits)) // ['0', '1', '2', '5'] console.log(fruits.length) // 10 console.log(fruits[8]) // undefined decreasing the length property does, however, delete elements.
... fruits.length = 2 console.log(object.keys(fruits)) // ['0', '1'] console.log(fruits.length) // 2 this is explained further on the array.length page.
Object.defineProperty() - JavaScript
normal property addition through assignment creates properties which show up during property enumeration ( loop or object.keys method), whose values may be changed, and which may be deleted.
...for non-symbols properties it also defines whether it shows up in a loop and object.keys() or not.
...neproperty(o, 'c', { value: 3 }); // enumerable defaults to false o.d = 4; // enumerable defaults to true // when creating a property by setting it object.defineproperty(o, symbol.for('e'), { value: 5, enumerable: true }); object.defineproperty(o, symbol.for('f'), { value: 6, enumerable: false }); for (var i in o) { console.log(i); } // logs 'a' and 'd' (in undefined order) object.keys(o); // ['a', 'd'] o.propertyisenumerable('a'); // true o.propertyisenumerable('b'); // false o.propertyisenumerable('c'); // false o.propertyisenumerable('d'); // true o.propertyisenumerable(symbol.for('e')); // true o.propertyisenumerable(symbol.for('f')); // false var p = { ...o } p.a // 1 p.b // undefined p.c // undefined p.d // 4 p[symbol.for('e')] // 5 p[symbol.for('f')] // undefined con...
Old Proxy API - Archive of obsolete content
object.keys(proxy) keys: function() -> string array function() { return this.getownpropertynames().filter( function (name) { return this.getownpropertydescriptor(name).enumerable } ); } invariants even though proxies provide a lot of power to users, some operations are not trapped in order to keep the language consistent: the triple equal (===) operator is no..., name); }, get: function(receiver, name) { return obj[name]; }, set: function(receiver, name, val) { obj[name] = val; return true; }, // bad behavior when set fails in non-strict mode enumerate: function() { var result = []; for (name in obj) { result.push(name); }; return result; }, keys: function() { return object.keys(obj) } }; } // ...
TypeError: 'x' is not iterable - JavaScript
var obj = { 'france': 'paris', 'england': 'london' }; for (let p of obj) { // typeerror: obj is not iterable // … } instead you have to use object.keys or object.entries, to iterate over the properties or entries of an object.
... var obj = { 'france': 'paris', 'england': 'london' }; // iterate over the property names: for (let country of object.keys(obj)) { var capital = obj[country]; console.log(country, capital); } for (const [country, capital] of object.entries(obj)) console.log(country, capital); another option for this use case might be to use a map: var map = new map; map.set('france', 'paris'); map.set('england', 'london'); // iterate over the property names: for (let country of map.keys()) { let capital = map[country]; console.log(country, capital); } for (let capital of map.values()) console.log(capital); for (const [country, capital] of map.entries()) console.log(country, capital); iterating over a generator generators are functions you call to produce an iterable object.
system/environment - Archive of obsolete content
log('path' in env); // true console.log('foo' in env); // false you can set the value of an environment variable by setting the property: = 'foo'; env.path += ':/my/path/' you can unset an environment variable by deleting the property: delete; limitations there is no way to enumerate existing environment variables, also env won't have any enumerable properties: console.log(object.keys(env)); // [] environment variable will be unset, show up as non-existing if it's set to null, undefined or ''.
Promises - Archive of obsolete content
"post" : "get"; if (options.mimetype) xhr.overridemimetype(params.options); || defaultmethod, url); if (options.responsetype) xhr.responsetype = options.responsetype; for (let header of object.keys(options.headers || {})) xhr.setrequestheader(header, options.headers[header]); let data =; if (data && object.getprototypeof(data) == "object") { = new formdata; for (let key of object.keys(data)), data[key]); } xhr.send(; }); } ...
Code snippets - Archive of obsolete content
components.utils.import("resource://services-sync/engines.js"); components.utils.import("resource://services-sync/engines/bookmarks.js"); let bme = weave.service.enginemanager.get("bookmarks"); let ids = object.keys(bme._store.getallids()); for each (let id in ids) { let record = bme._store.createrecord(id, "bookmarks"); let len = record.tostring().length; if (len > 1000) { console.log("id: " + id + ", len = " + len + ", " + record.title); } } print an alphabetically sorted list of members of a collection components.utils.import("resource://services-sync/main.js"); components.utils.import("resou...
New in JavaScript 1.8.5 - Archive of obsolete content
bug 505587 object.keys() returns an array of all enumerable properties on an object.
Inheritance in JavaScript - Learn web development
for example, object.keys().
Object prototypes - Learn web development, object.keys(), and other members not defined inside the prototype bucket are not inherited by object instances or object types that inherit from object.prototype.
React interactivity: Editing, filtering, conditional rendering - Learn web development
beneath our previous addition, add the following — here we are using the object.keys() method to collect an array of filter_names: const filter_names = object.keys(filter_map); note: we are defining these constants outside our app() function because if they were defined inside it, they would be recalculated every time the <app /> component re-renders, and we don’t want that.
all other property inspection, including object.keys(obj), goes through [[ownkeys]].
var aconsoleservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiconsoleservice); var startupinfo = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiappstartup_mozilla_2_0).getstartupinfo(); var keys = object.keys(startupinfo); keys.sort(function(a, b) { return startupinfo[a] - startupinfo[b]; }); for each (var name in keys) { aconsoleservice.logstringmessage(name + ": " + startupinfo[name]); } to calculate how long startup took, compute the difference between the event's timestamp and the timestamp of the process event.
Web Console Helpers - Firefox Developer Tools
this is a shortcut for object.keys.
The JavaScript input interpreter - Firefox Developer Tools
this is a shortcut for object.keys.
Element.getBoundingClientRect() - Web APIs
while the in operator and will find returned properties, other apis such as object.keys() will fail.
RTCIceCandidateStats.deleted - Web APIs
f ((stats.type === "local-candidate" || stats.type === "remote.candidate") && !stats.deleted) { statsoutput += `<h2>report: ${report.type}</h3>\n<strong>id:</strong> ${}<br>\n` + `<strong>timestamp:</strong> ${report.timestamp}<br>\n`; // now the statistics for this report; we intentially drop the ones we // sorted to the top above object.keys(report).foreach(statname => { if (statname !== "id" && statname !== "timestamp" && statname !== "type") { statsoutput += `<strong>${statname}:</strong> ${report[statname]}<br>\n`; } }); } }); document.queryselector(".stats-box").innerhtml = statsoutput; }); }, 1000); specifications specification status comment ...
RTCIceCandidateStats.networkType - Web APIs
"local-candidate" || stats.type === "remote.candidate") && stats.networktype === "cellular") { statsoutput += `<h2>report: ${report.type}</h3>\n<strong>id:</strong> ${}<br>\n` + `<strong>timestamp:</strong> ${report.timestamp}<br>\n`; // now the statistics for this report; we intentially drop the ones we // sorted to the top above object.keys(report).foreach(statname => { if (statname !== "id" && statname !== "timestamp" && statname !== "type") { statsoutput += `<strong>${statname}:</strong> ${report[statname]}<br>\n`; } }); } }); document.queryselector(".stats-box").innerhtml = statsoutput; }); }, 1000); ...
RTCPeerConnection.getStats() - Web APIs
mypeerconnection.getstats(null).then(stats => { let statsoutput = ""; stats.foreach(report => { statsoutput += `<h2>report: ${report.type}</h3>\n<strong>id:</strong> ${}<br>\n` + `<strong>timestamp:</strong> ${report.timestamp}<br>\n`; // now the statistics for this report; we intentially drop the ones we // sorted to the top above object.keys(report).foreach(statname => { if (statname !== "id" && statname !== "timestamp" && statname !== "type") { statsoutput += `<strong>${statname}:</strong> ${report[statname]}<br>\n`; } }); }); document.queryselector(".stats-box").innerhtml = statsoutput; }); }, 1000); this works by calling getstats(), then, when the promise is resolved, iterates over the r...
WebRTC Statistics API - Web APIs
ions); statsinterval = window.setinterval(getconnectionstats, 1000); /* add event handlers, etc */ } catch(err) { console.error("error creating rtcpeerconnection: " + err); } function getconnectionstats() { mypeerconnection.getstats(null).then(stats => { var statsoutput = ""; stats.foreach(report => { if (report.type === "inbound-rtp" && report.kind === "video") { object.keys(report).foreach(statname => { statsoutput += `<strong>${statname}:</strong> ${report[statname]}<br>\n`; }); } }); document.queryselector(".stats-box").innerhtml = statsoutput; }); } when the promise returned by getstats() is fulfilled, the resolution handler receives as input an rtcstatsreport object containing the statistics information.
Meta programming - JavaScript
handler.ownkeys() object.getownpropertynames() object.getownpropertysymbols() object.keys() reflect.ownkeys() the result of ownkeys is a list.
Working with objects - JavaScript
object.keys(o) this method returns an array with all the own (not in the prototype chain) enumerable properties' names ("keys") of an object o.
Array.prototype[@@unscopables] - JavaScript
var keys = []; with (array.prototype) { keys.push('something'); } object.keys(array.prototype[symbol.unscopables]); // ["copywithin", "entries", "fill", "find", "findindex", // "includes", "keys", "values"] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'array.prototype[@@unscopables]' in that specification.
Array.prototype.keys() - JavaScript
examples key iterator doesn't ignore holes var arr = ['a', , 'c']; var sparsekeys = object.keys(arr); var densekeys = [...arr.keys()]; console.log(sparsekeys); // ['0', '2'] console.log(densekeys); // [0, 1, 2] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'array.prototype.keys' in that specification.
Object.assign() - JavaScript
// this is an assign function that copies full descriptors function completeassign(target, ...sources) { sources.foreach(source => { let descriptors = object.keys(source).reduce((descriptors, key) => { descriptors[key] = object.getownpropertydescriptor(source, key); return descriptors; }, {}); // by default, object.assign copies enumerable symbols, too object.getownpropertysymbols(source).foreach(sym => { let descriptor = object.getownpropertydescriptor(source, sym); if (descriptor.enumerable) { descriptors[sym]...
Object.defineProperties() - JavaScript
if (!iscallable(s) && typeof s !== 'undefined') throw new typeerror('bad set'); d.set = s; } if (('get' in d || 'set' in d) && ('value' in d || 'writable' in d)) throw new typeerror('identity-confused descriptor'); return d; } if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) throw new typeerror('bad obj'); properties = object(properties); var keys = object.keys(properties); var descs = []; for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) descs.push([keys[i], converttodescriptor(properties[keys[i]])]); for (var i = 0; i < descs.length; i++) object.defineproperty(obj, descs[i][0], descs[i][1]); return obj; } examples using object.defineproperties var obj = {}; object.defineproperties(obj, { 'property1': { value: true, writable: true ...
Object.entries() - JavaScript
not natively support it, you can use any of the following: a demonstration implementation of object.entries in the tc39/proposal-object-values-entries (if you don't need any support for ie); a polyfill in the es-shims/object.entries repositories; or, you can use the simple, ready-to-deploy polyfill listed below: if (!object.entries) { object.entries = function( obj ){ var ownprops = object.keys( obj ), i = ownprops.length, resarray = new array(i); // preallocate the array while (i--) resarray[i] = [ownprops[i], obj[ownprops[i]]]; return resarray; }; } for the above polyfill code snippet, if you need support for ie<9, then you will also need an object.keys() polyfill (such as the one found on the object.keys page).
Object - JavaScript
object.keys() returns an array containing the names of all of the given object's own enumerable string properties.
handler.ownKeys() - JavaScript
interceptions this trap can intercept these operations: object.getownpropertynames() object.getownpropertysymbols() object.keys() reflect.ownkeys() invariants if the following invariants are violated, the proxy will throw a typeerror: the result of ownkeys() must be an array.
Proxy - JavaScript
result = product; } if (types[product.type]) { types[product.type].push(product); } else { types[product.type] = [product]; } } // get a product by name if (result) { return result; } // get products by type if (prop in types) { return types[prop]; } // get product types if (prop === 'types') { return object.keys(types); } return undefined; } }); console.log(products[0]); // { name: 'firefox', type: 'browser' } console.log(products['firefox']); // { name: 'firefox', type: 'browser' } console.log(products['chrome']); // undefined console.log(products.browser); // [{ name: 'firefox', type: 'browser' }, { name: 'seamonkey', type: 'browser' }] console.log(products.types); // ...
Comparing Reflect and Object methods - JavaScript
keys() object.keys() returns an array of strings that map to the target object's own (enumerable) property keys.
Symbol.unscopables - JavaScript
var keys = []; with (array.prototype) { keys.push('something'); } object.keys(array.prototype[symbol.unscopables]); // ["copywithin", "entries", "fill", "find", "findindex", // "includes", "keys", "values"] unscopables in objects you can also set unscopables for your own objects.