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354 results for "Uint32":
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Uint32Array - JavaScript
the uint32array typed array represents an array of 32-bit unsigned integers in the platform byte order.
... constructor uint32array() creates a new uint32array object.
... static properties uint32array.bytes_per_element returns a number value of the element size.
...And 36 more matches
syntax bool js::touint32(jscontext *cx, js::handlevalue v, int32_t *out); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform the conversion.
... description js::touint32 converts a javascript value to an unsigned 32bit integer.
... it implements the touint32 operator described in ecma 262-3 §9.5.
...And 2 more matches
Uint32Array() constructor - JavaScript
the uint32array() typed array constructor creates an array of 32-bit unsigned integers in the platform byte order.
... syntax new uint32array(); // new in es2017 new uint32array(length); new uint32array(typedarray); new uint32array(object); new uint32array(buffer [, byteoffset [, length]]); parameters length when called with a length argument, an internal array buffer is created in memory, of size length multiplied by bytes_per_element bytes, containing zeros.
... examples different ways to create a uint32array // from a length var uint32 = new uint32array(2); uint32[0] = 42; console.log(uint32[0]); // 42 console.log(uint32.length); // 2 console.log(uint32.bytes_per_element); // 4 // from an array var arr = new uint32array([21,31]); console.log(arr[1]); // 31 // from another typedarray var x = new uint32array([21, 31]); var y = new uint32array(x); console.log(y[0]); // 21 // from an arraybuffer...
... var buffer = new arraybuffer(16); var z = new uint32array(buffer, 0, 4); // from an iterable var iterable = function*(){ yield* [1,2,3]; }(); var uint32 = new uint32array(iterable); // uint32array[1, 2, 3] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray constructors' in that specification.
DataView.prototype.getUint32() - JavaScript
the getuint32() method gets an unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) at the specified byte offset from the start of the dataview.
... syntax dataview.getuint32(byteoffset [, littleendian]) parameters byteoffset the offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to read the data.
... examples using the getuint32 method var buffer = new arraybuffer(8); var dataview = new dataview(buffer); dataview.getuint32(1); // 0 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'dataview.prototype.getuint32' in that specification.
DataView.prototype.setUint32() - JavaScript
the setuint32() method stores an unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the dataview.
... syntax dataview.setuint32(byteoffset, value [, littleendian]) parameters byteoffset the offset, in byte, from the start of the view where to store the data.
... examples using the setuint32 method var buffer = new arraybuffer(8); var dataview = new dataview(buffer); dataview.setuint32(1, 3); dataview.getuint32(1); // 3 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'dataview.prototype.setuint32' in that specification.
syntax #include <prtypes.h> typedefdefinition pruint32; description may be defined as an unsigned int or an unsigned long, depending on the platform.
inherits from: nsisupportsprimitive last changed in gecko 1.2 method overview string tostring(); attributes attribute type description data pruint32 provides access to the native type represented by the object.
Bytecode Descriptions
bigint operands: (uint32_t bigintindex) stack: ⇒ bigint push the bigint constant script->getbigint(bigintindex).
... string operands: (uint32_t atomindex) stack: ⇒ string push the string constant script->getatom(atomindex).
...format: jof_ic newobject, newobjectwithgroup operands: (uint32_t baseobjindex) stack: ⇒ obj create and push a new object of a predetermined shape.
...And 52 more matches
nsCStringContainer (External)
compare(const char*, print32 (*) compare(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) equals(const char*, print32 (*) equals(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*) find(const char*, print32 (*) find(const char*, pruint32, print32 (*) rfind(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) rfind(const nsacstring&, print32, print32 (*) rfind(const char*, print32 (*) rfind(const char*, print32, print32 (*) findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsacstring ...
...methods beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char* begin char* end char beginreading() const - source endreading char endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 19 more matches
nsDependentCSubstring external
methods constructors void nsdependentcsubstring_external() - source void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* astart pruint32 alength void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const nsacstring&, pruint32) - source parameters nsacstring& astr pruint32 astartpos void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const nsacstring&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsacstring& astr pruint32 ast...
...artpos pruint32 alength rebind void rebind(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* astart pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 19 more matches
NS ConvertUTF16toUTF8 external
methods constructors void ns_convertutf16toutf8_external(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astr void ns_convertutf16toutf8_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters ns...
...acstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 18 more matches
NS LossyConvertUTF16toASCII external
methods constructors void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii_external(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astr void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters ns...
...acstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 18 more matches
nsACString (External)
methods beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...pass pr_uint32_max to leave the length unchanged.
...And 18 more matches
nsCString external
methods constructors void nscstring_external() - source void nscstring_external(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring void nscstring_external(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& areadable void nscstring_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstr... astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 18 more matches
nsDependentCString external
methods constructors void nsdependentcstring_external() - source void nsdependentcstring_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength rebind void rebind(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameter...
...nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 18 more matches
nsLiteralCString (External)
methods rebind void rebind(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstr... astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 18 more matches
nsLiteralString (External)
methods rebind void rebind(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstr... astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 18 more matches
NS ConvertASCIItoUTF16 external
methods constructors void ns_convertasciitoutf16_external(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astr void ns_convertasciitoutf16_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastri... astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar achar adopt void adopt(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 17 more matches
NS ConvertUTF8toUTF16 external
methods constructors void ns_convertutf8toutf16_external(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astr void ns_convertutf8toutf16_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastri... astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar achar adopt void adopt(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 17 more matches
PromiseFlatCString (External)
nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...pass pr_uint32_max to leave the length unchanged.
...And 17 more matches
nsCAutoString (External)
nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters char** begin char** end char* beginreading() const - source endreading char* endreading() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first char first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(char**, char**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...pass pr_uint32_max to leave the length unchanged.
...And 17 more matches
nsDependentString external
methods constructors void nsdependentstring_external() - source void nsdependentstring_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength rebind void rebind(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source...
...astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar achar adopt void adopt(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 17 more matches
nsDependentSubstring external
int32 (*) compare(const nsastring&, print32 (*) equals(const prunichar*, print32 (*) equals(const nsastring&, print32 (*) operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find(const nsastring&, print32 (*) find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*) find rfind(const nsastring&, print32 (*) rfind(const nsastring&, print32, print32 (*) rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsdependentsubstring_external() - source void nsdependentsubstring_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar astart pruint32 alength void nsdependentsubstring_external(const nsastring&, pruint32) - source parameters nsastring astr pruint32 astartpos void nsdependentsubstring_external(const nsastring&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsastring astr pruint32 astartpos pruint32 alength rebind void rebind(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar astart pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(c...
... parameters prunichar* begin prunichar* end prunichar beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optiona...
...And 17 more matches
nsStringContainer (External)
methods beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...pass pr_uint32_max to leave the length unchanged.
...And 17 more matches
nsString external
methods constructors void nsstring_external() - source void nsstring_external(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring void nsstring_external(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& areadable void nsstring_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters ns...
...astring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar achar adopt void adopt(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 17 more matches
PromiseFlatString (External)
astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar achar adopt void adopt(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...pass pr_uint32_max to leave the length unchanged.
...And 16 more matches
nsAString (External)
methods beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...pass pr_uint32_max to leave the length unchanged.
...And 16 more matches
nsAutoString (External)
astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar achar adopt void adopt(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...pass pr_uint32_max to leave the length unchanged.
...And 16 more matches
nsdependentcstring(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* data a pointer to the string.
...pruint32 length the length of the string.
...nsdependentcstring(const nscstring_internal&, pruint32) constructs an nsdependentstring from an existing flat string.
...And 15 more matches
methods constructors void nsdependentstring(const prunichar*, const prunichar*) - source constructors parameters prunichar* start prunichar* end void nsdependentstring(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data pruint32 length void nsdependentstring(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data void nsdependentstring(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str void nsdependentstring() - source assertvalid void assertvalid() - source verify restrictions rebind void rebind(const prunichar*) - source ...
...parameters prunichar* data void rebind(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data pruint32 length void rebind(const prunichar*, const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* start prunichar* end operator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source ret...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...And 14 more matches
methods constructors void nsfixedstring(prunichar*, pruint32) - source @param data fixed-size buffer to be used by the string (the contents of this buffer may be modified by the string) @param storagesize the size of the fixed buffer @param length (optional) the length of the string already contained in the buffer parameters prunichar* data pruint32 storagesize void nsfixedstring(prunichar*, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data ...
...pruint32 storagesize pruint32 length operator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...And 14 more matches
methods constructors void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const char*) - source parameters char* acstring void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* acstring pruint32 alength void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& acstring operator= nsautostring& operator=(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - sourc...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
...And 13 more matches
methods constructors void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const char*) - source parameters char* acstring void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* acstring pruint32 alength void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& acstring operator= nsautostring& operator=(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
...And 13 more matches
methods constructors void nsadoptingstring() - source void nsadoptingstring(prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* str pruint32 length void nsadoptingstring(const nsadoptingstring&) - source parameters nsadoptingstring& str operator= nsadoptingstring& operator=(const nsadoptingstring&) - source parameters nsadoptingstring& str nsxpidlstring& operator=(const nsxpidlstring&) - source parameters nsxpidlstring& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - ...
..._internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple operator const prunichar* prunichar* operator const prunichar*() const - source operator[] prunichar operator[](print32) const - source parameters print32 i prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...And 13 more matches
methods constructors void nsautostring() - source constructors void nsautostring(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c void nsautostring(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data pruint32 length void nsautostring(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str void nsautostring(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str void nsautostring(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple operator= nsautostring& operator=(const nsautostring&) - source ...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
...And 13 more matches
methods constructors void nscautostring() - source constructors void nscautostring(char) - source parameters char c void nscautostring(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* data pruint32 length void nscautostring(const nscautostring&) - source parameters nscautostring& str void nscautostring(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str void nscautostring(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple operator= nscautostring& oper...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nscstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nscstring&, pruint3...
...2) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
...And 13 more matches
methods constructors void nsstring() - source constructors void nsstring(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c void nsstring(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data pruint32 length void nsstring(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str void nsstring(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple void nsstring(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& readable operator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& ...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
...And 13 more matches
methods constructors void nsadoptingcstring() - source void nsadoptingcstring(char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* str pruint32 length void nsadoptingcstring(const nsadoptingcstring&) - source parameters nsadoptingcstring& str operator= nsadoptingcstring& operator=(const nsadoptingcstring&) - source parameters nsadoptingcstring& str nsxpidlcstring& operator=(const nsxpidlcstring&) - source parameters nsxpidlcstring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstrin...
...* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple operator const char* char* operator const char*() const - source operator[] char operator[](print32) const - source parameters print32 i char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nscstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsc...
...And 12 more matches
methods constructors void nsfixedcstring(char*, pruint32) - source @param data fixed-size buffer to be used by the string (the contents of this buffer may be modified by the string) @param storagesize the size of the fixed buffer @param length (optional) the length of the string already contained in the buffer parameters char* data pruint32 storagesize void nsfixedcstring(char*, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters char* data pruint32 stora...
...gesize pruint32 length operator= nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nscstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsc...
...And 12 more matches
@param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
... appendwithconversion void appendwithconversion(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& astring void appendwithconversion(const char*, print32) - source parameters char* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginr...
...And 12 more matches
methods constructors void nsxpidlstring() - source void nsxpidlstring(const nsxpidlstring&) - source parameters nsxpidlstring& str operator const prunichar* prunichar* operator const prunichar*() const - source operator[] prunichar operator[](print32) const - source parameters print32 i prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator= nsxpidlstring& operator=(const nsxpidlstring&) - source parameters nsxpidlstring& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsa...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nsstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nsstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsstring...
...& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
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methods constructors void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const prunichar*) - source a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to utf-8 parameters prunichar* astring void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* astring pruint32 alength void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& astring operator= nscautostring& operator=(const nscautostring&) - source parameters nscautostring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - sou...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nscstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsc...
...string& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
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methods constructors void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const prunichar*) - source a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to ascii in a lossy manner parameters prunichar* astring void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* astring pruint32 alength void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& astring operator= nscautostring& operator=(const nscautostring&) - source parameters nscautostring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char)...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nscstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsc...
...string& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
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methods constructors void nscstring() - source constructors void nscstring(char) - source parameters char c void nscstring(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* data pruint32 length void nscstring(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str void nscstring(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple void nscstring(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& readable operator= nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscs...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nscstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsc...
...string& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
...And 11 more matches
methods constructors void nsdependentsubstring(const nsastring_internal&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str pruint32 startpos pruint32 length void nsdependentsubstring(const prunichar*, const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* start prunichar* end void nsdependentsubstring(const nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>&, const nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>&) - source parameters nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& star...
...t nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& end void nsdependentsubstring() - source rebind void rebind(const nsastring_internal&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> pruint32 startpos pruint32 length void rebind(const prunichar*, const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* start prunichar* end beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>&) const - source deprecated reading iterators parameters nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& iter prunichar*& beginreading(const prunichar*&) const - source parameters prunichar*& iter endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source nsreadingiterator<short...
...source parameters prunichar*& iter endwriting prunichar* endwriting() - source nswritingiterator<short unsigned int>& endwriting(nswritingiterator<short unsigned int>&) - source parameters nswritingiterator<short unsigned int>& iter prunichar*& endwriting(prunichar*&) - source parameters prunichar*& iter data prunichar* data() const - source accessors length pruint32 length() const - source isempty prbool isempty() const - source isvoid prbool isvoid() const - source isterminated prbool isterminated() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i first prunichar first() const - source last ...
...And 11 more matches
methods constructors void nsxpidlcstring() - source void nsxpidlcstring(const nsxpidlcstring&) - source parameters nsxpidlcstring& str operator const char* char* operator const char*() const - source operator[] char operator[](print32) const - source parameters print32 i char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator= nsxpidlcstring& operator=(const nsxpidlcstring&) - source parameters nsxpidlcstring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_inte...
... @param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nscstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsc...
...string& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
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parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple void nsastring_internal(prunichar*, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data pruint32 length pruint32 flags beginreading prunichar* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>&) const - source deprecated reading iterators parameters nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& iter prunichar*& beginreading(const prunich...
...source parameters prunichar*& iter endwriting prunichar* endwriting() - source nswritingiterator<short unsigned int>& endwriting(nswritingiterator<short unsigned int>&) - source parameters nswritingiterator<short unsigned int>& iter prunichar*& endwriting(prunichar*&) - source parameters prunichar*& iter data prunichar* data() const - source accessors length pruint32 length() const - source isempty prbool isempty() const - source isvoid prbool isvoid() const - source isterminated prbool isterminated() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i first prunichar first() const - source last ...
... prunichar last() const - source countchar pruint32 countchar(prunichar) const - source parameters prunichar <anonymous> findchar print32 findchar(prunichar, pruint32) const - source parameters prunichar <anonymous> pruint32 offset equals prbool equals(const nsastring_internal&) const - source equality parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> prbool equals(const nsastring_internal&, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, p...
...And 10 more matches
methods constructors void nsdependentcsubstring(const nsacstring_internal&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str pruint32 startpos pruint32 length void nsdependentcsubstring(const char*, const char*) - source parameters char* start char* end void nsdependentcsubstring(const nsreadingiterator<char>&, const nsreadingiterator<char>&) - source parameters nsreadingiterator<char>& start nsreadingiterator<char>& end void nsdependentcsubstrin...
...g() - source rebind void rebind(const nsacstring_internal&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> pruint32 startpos pruint32 length void rebind(const char*, const char*) - source parameters char* start char* end beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - source deprecated reading iterators parameters nsreadingiterator<char>& iter char*& beginreading(const char*&) const - source parameters char*& iter endreading char* endreading() const - source nsreadingiterator<char>& endreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - source parameters nsreadingiterator<char>& iter char*& endreading(const char*&) const - source paramet...
...ameters nswritingiterator<char>& iter char*& beginwriting(char*&) - source parameters char*& iter endwriting char* endwriting() - source nswritingiterator<char>& endwriting(nswritingiterator<char>&) - source parameters nswritingiterator<char>& iter char*& endwriting(char*&) - source parameters char*& iter data char* data() const - source accessors length pruint32 length() const - source isempty prbool isempty() const - source isvoid prbool isvoid() const - source isterminated prbool isterminated() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i first char first() const - source last char last() c...
...And 10 more matches
@param aerrorcode will contain error if one occurs @return float rep of string value parameters print32* aerrorcode tointeger print32 tointeger(print32*, pruint32) const - source parameters print32* aerrorcode pruint32 aradix mid pruint32 mid(nscstring&, pruint32, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 astartpos pruint32 acount left pruint32 left(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nscstring& aresult pruint32 acount right pruint32 right(nscstring&, pruint32) const - source parameters nsc...
...string& aresult pruint32 acount setcharat prbool setcharat(prunichar, pruint32) - source set a char inside this string at given index @param achar is the char you want to write into this string @param anindex is the ofs where you want to write the given char @return true if successful parameters prunichar achar pruint32 aindex stripchars void stripchars(const char*) - source these methods are used to remove all occurrences of the characters found in aset from this string.
...ndwithconversion void appendwithconversion(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& astring void appendwithconversion(const prunichar*, print32) - source parameters prunichar* adata print32 alength appendint void appendint(print32, print32) - source append the given integer to this string parameters print32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(pruint32, print32) - source append the given unsigned integer to this string parameters pruint32 ainteger print32 aradix void appendint(print64, print32) - source parameters print64 ainteger print32 aradix appendfloat void appendfloat(float) - source append the given float to this string parameters float afloat void appendfloat(double) - source parameters double afloat beginr...
...And 10 more matches
parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple void nsacstring_internal(char*, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters char* data pruint32 length pruint32 flags beginreading char* beginreading() const - source reading iterators nsreadingiterator<char>& beginreading(nsreadingiterator<char>&) const - source deprecated reading iterators parameters nsreadingiterator<char>& iter char*& beginreading(const char*&) const - source parameters char*& iter endreading...
...ameters nswritingiterator<char>& iter char*& beginwriting(char*&) - source parameters char*& iter endwriting char* endwriting() - source nswritingiterator<char>& endwriting(nswritingiterator<char>&) - source parameters nswritingiterator<char>& iter char*& endwriting(char*&) - source parameters char*& iter data char* data() const - source accessors length pruint32 length() const - source isempty prbool isempty() const - source isvoid prbool isvoid() const - source isterminated prbool isterminated() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i first char first() const - source last char last() c...
...onst - source countchar pruint32 countchar(char) const - source parameters char <anonymous> findchar print32 findchar(char, pruint32) const - source parameters char <anonymous> pruint32 offset equals prbool equals(const nsacstring_internal&) const - source equality parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> prbool equals(const nsacstring_internal&, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison wi...
...And 9 more matches
obsolete since gecko 2.0 void appendpalettedframe(in print32 ax, in print32 ay, in print32 awidth, in print32 aheight, in gfximageformat aformat, in pruint8 apalettedepth, [array, size_is(imagelength)] out pruint8 imagedata, out unsigned long imagelength, [array, size_is(palettelength)] out pruint32 palettedata, out unsigned long palettelength); native code only!
... obsolete since gecko 2.0 gfximagesurface copyframe(in pruint32 awhichframe, in pruint32 aflags); native code only!
... void decodingcomplete(); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void draw(in gfxcontext acontext, in gfxgraphicsfilter afilter, [const] in gfxmatrix auserspacetoimagespace, [const] in gfxrect afill, [const] in nsintrect asubimage, [const] in nsintsize aviewportsize, in pruint32 aflags); native code only!
...And 9 more matches
last changed in gecko 16 (firefox 16 / thunderbird 16 / seamonkey 2.13) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void add(in nsiuri uri, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime); void addfromprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime); void remove(in autf8string host, in string type); void removefromprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in string type); ...
... void removepermission(in nsipermission perm); void removeallsince(in int64_t since); void removeall(); pruint32 testexactpermission(in nsiuri uri, in string type); pruint32 testexactpermissionfromprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in string type); pruint32 testpermission(in nsiuri uri, in string type); pruint32 testpermissionfromprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in string type); attributes attribute type description enumerator nsisimpleenumerator enumerates all stored permissions.
... void add( in nsiuri uri, in string type, in pruint32 permission, [optional] in pruint32 expiretype, [optional] in print64 expiretime ); parameters uri the uri to add the permission for.
...And 9 more matches
nsistackframe createstackframelocation(in pruint32 alanguage, in string afilename, in string afunctionname, in print32 alinenumber, in nsistackframe acaller); void debugdump(in short depth); void debugdumpevalinjsstackframe(in pruint32 aframenumber, in string asourcetext); void debugdumpjsstack(in prbool showargs, in prbool showlocals, in prbool showthisprops); void debugdumpobject(in nsisupports acomobj, in sh...
...ort depth); [noscript,notxpcom] prbool definedomquickstubs(in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr proto, in pruint32 flags, in pruint32 interfacecount, [array, size_is(interfacecount)] in nsiidptr interfacearray); jsval evalinsandboxobject(in astring source, in jscontextptr cx, in nsixpconnectjsobjectholder sandbox, in prbool returnstringonly); native code only!
...ityop equality); nsixpconnectjsobjectholder holdobject(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr aobject); void initclasses(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr aglobaljsobj); nsixpconnectjsobjectholder initclasseswithnewwrappedglobal(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in nsisupports acomobj, in nsiidref aiid, in nsiprincipal aprincipal, in nsisupports aextraptr, in pruint32 aflags); nsivariant jstovariant(in jscontextptr ctx, in jsval value); nsivariant jsvaltovariant(in jscontextptr cx, in jsvalptr ajsval); void movewrappers(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr aoldscope, in jsobjectptr anewscope); [noscript,notxpcom] void notejscontext(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in nscctraversalcallbackref acb); void releasej...
...And 6 more matches
nsresult getasarray(out pruint16 type, out nsiid iid, out pruint32 count, out voidptr ptr); violates the xpcom interface guidelines astring getasastring(); native code only!
... void getasstringwithsize(out pruint32 size, [size_is(size), retval] out string str); native code only!
... pruint32 getasuint32(); native code only!
...And 5 more matches
jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in jsval id, in jsvalptr vp); prbool setproperty(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in jsval id, in jsvalptr vp); prbool enumerate(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj); prbool newenumerate(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in pruint32 enum_op, in jsvalptr statep, out jsid idp); prbool newresolve(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in jsval id, in pruint32 flags, out jsobjectptr objp); prbool convert(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in pruint32 type, in jsvalptr vp); void finalize(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx...
..., in jsobjectptr obj); prbool checkaccess(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in jsval id, in pruint32 mode, in jsvalptr vp); prbool call(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in pruint32 argc, in jsvalptr argv, in jsvalptr vp); prbool construct(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in pruint32 argc, in jsvalptr argv, in jsvalptr vp); prbool hasinstance(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in jsval val, out prbool bp); void trace(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jstracerptr trc, in jsobjectptr obj); prbool equality(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj, in jsval val); jsobjec...
...tptr outerobject(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj); jsobjectptr innerobject(in nsixpconnectwrappednative wrapper, in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr obj); void postcreateprototype(in jscontextptr cx, in jsobjectptr proto); attributes attribute type description classname string scriptableflags pruint32 the bitwise or'd set of flags (define below) that indicate the behavior of this object.
...And 4 more matches
Mail composition back end
nsimessage *msgtoreplace, - if the delivery mode is set to nsmsgsaveasdraft, this is a pointer to the the nsimessage object for the message that needs to be replaced const char *attachment1_type, const char *attachment1_body, pruint32 attachment1_body_length, - the full text of the first attachment is provided via `attachment1_type' `attachment1_body' and `attachment1_body_length'.
... ns_imethod onstartsending(const char *amsgid, - the message id for the message being sent pruint32 amsgsize) = 0; - the total message size for the message being sent onprogress the onprogress interface is called with progress notification on the send operation.
... ns_imethod onprogress(const char *amsgid, - the message id for the message being sent pruint32 aprogress, - the progress so far pruint32 aprogressmax) = 0; - the maximum progress (aprogress should be used as a numerator and aprogressmax as a denominator for a message sent percentage) onstatus the onstatus gives the listener status updates for the current operation.
...And 4 more matches
StringView - Archive of obsolete content
.encoding) { case "utf-8": fputoutptcode = stringview.pututf8charcode; fgetoutptchrsize = stringview.getutf8charlength; ftaview = uint8array; break encswitch; case "utf-16": fputoutptcode = stringview.pututf16charcode; fgetoutptchrsize = stringview.getutf16charlength; ftaview = uint16array; break encswitch; case "utf-32": ftaview = uint32array; ntranscrtype &= 14; break encswitch; default: /* case "ascii", or case "binarystring" or unknown cases */ ftaview = uint8array; ntranscrtype &= 14; } typeswitch: switch (typeof vinput) { case "string": /* the input argument is a primitive string: a new buffer will be created.
...ninptlen - nstartidx : nlength); break typeswitch; case uint32array: case uint16array: case uint8array: /* the input argument is a typedarray: the buffer, and possibly the array itself, will be shared.
... */ ftaview = vinput.constructor; ninptlen = vinput.length; awhole = vinput.byteoffset === 0 && vinput.length === ( ftaview === uint32array ?
...And 3 more matches
XPCOM array guide
void notifyobservers(nsiarray* aarray) { pruint32 length; aarray->getlength(&length); for (pruint32 i=0; i<length; ++i) { nscomptr<nsimyobserver> element; aarray->queryelementat(i, ns_get_iid(nsielement), getter_addrefs(element)); element->observe(); } } a simpler option is to use the helper do_queryelementat which is typesafe.
... void notifyobservers(nsiarray* aarray) { pruint32 length; aarray->getlength(&length); for (pruint32 i=0; i<length; ++i) { nscomptr<nsimyobserver> element = do_queryelementat(aarray, i); element->observe(); } } passing as a parameter since nsiarray is an xpcom object, it should be passed as a pointer.
... when the array can or should be modified, then use nsimutablearray: // array is read-only because it uses nsiarray void printsize(nsiarray* elements) { pruint32 count; elements->getlength(&count); printf("there are %d elements.\n", count); } // using nsimutablearray, so callee may modify void tweakarray(nsimutablearray* elements) { elements->removeelementat(0); elements->appendelement(newelement, pr_false); } while it is usually possible to call queryinterface on an nsiarray to get access to the nsimutablearray interface, this is against convention and it should be avoided.
...And 3 more matches
to get this interface, use: var domwindowutils = window.windowutils; method overview void activatenativemenuitemat(in astring indexstring); void clearmozafterpaintevents(); pruint32 comparecanvases(in nsidomhtmlcanvaselement acanvas1, in nsidomhtmlcanvaselement acanvas2, out unsigned long amaxdifference); double computeanimationdistance(in nsidomelement element, in astring property, in astring value1, in astring value2); nsicompositionstringsynthesizer createcompositionstringsynthesizer(); obsolete since gecko 38.0 void disablenontestmouseevents...
...odesfromrect(in float ax, in float ay, in float atopsize, in float arightsize, in float abottomsize, in float aleftsize, in boolean aignorerootscrollframe, in boolean aflushlayout); void processupdates(); obsolete since gecko 13.0 void purgepccounts(); unsigned long redraw([optional] in unsigned long acount); void renderdocument(in nsconstrect arect, in pruint32 aflags, in nscolor abackgroundcolor, in gfxcontext athebescontext); native code only!
...; void sendtextevent(in astring acompositionstring, in long afirstclauselength, in unsigned long afirstclauseattr, in long asecondclauselength, in unsigned long asecondclauseattr, in long athirdclauselength, in unsigned long athirdclauseattr, in long acaretstart, in long acaretlength); obsolete since gecko 26 boolean sendtouchevent(in astring atype, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 aidentifiers, [array, size_is(count)] in print32 axs, [array, size_is(count)] in print32 ays, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 arxs, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 arys, [array, size_is(count)] in float arotationangles, [array, size_is(count)] in float aforces, in pruint32 count, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean aignorerootscrollframe); void setcssviewport(in float awid...
...And 3 more matches
method overview void init(in wstring message, in wstring sourcename, in wstring sourceline, in pruint32 linenumber, in pruint32 columnnumber, in pruint32 flags, in string category); void initwithwindowid(in wstring message, in wstring sourcename, in wstring sourceline, in pruint32 linenumber, in pruint32 columnnumber, in pruint32 flags, in string category, in unsigned long long innerwindowid); autf8string tostring(); attributes attribute type description ...
... columnnumber pruint32 the column number where the error occurred.
... flags pruint32 flags; see flag constants for a list.
...And 3 more matches
Finding window handles - Archive of obsolete content
.queryinterface(ci.nsidocshelltreeitem) .treeowner .queryinterface(ci.nsiinterfacerequestor) .getinterface(ci.nsibasewindow); var gdkwindowptrstring = basewindow.nativehandle; components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm'); var gdk =''); // types let guint32 = ctypes.uint32_t; let gdkwindow = ctypes.structtype('gdkwindow'); // var gdk_window_focus = gdk.declare('gdk_window_focus', ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.void_t, gdkwindow.ptr, guint32); // var gdk_x11_get_server_time = gd...
...k.declare('gdk_x11_get_server_time', ctypes.default_abi, guint32, gdkwindow.ptr); var browserwindow_madeintogdkwinptr = gdkwindow.ptr(ctypes.uint64(gdkwindowptrstring)); var rez_gst = gdk_x11_get_server_time(browserwindow_madeintogdkwinptr);'rez_gst:', rez_gst, uneval(rez_gst)); // return is a number of ms since the computer (xserver) was on var rez_gwf = gdk_window_focus(browserwindow_madeintogdkwinptr, rez_gst);'rez_gwf:', rez_gwf, uneval(rez_gwf)); // return is void so this will be undefined gdk.close(); gtk+ components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/services.jsm'); var browserwindow = services.wm.getmostrecentwindow('navigator:browser'); if (!browserwindow) { throw new error('no browser window found'); } var basewindow = browserwindow.queryinterf...
...) .treeowner .queryinterface(ci.nsiinterfacerequestor) .getinterface(ci.nsibasewindow); var gdkwindowptrstring = basewindow.nativehandle; components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm'); var gdk =''); var gtk =''); // types let guint32 = ctypes.uint32_t; let gdkwindow = ctypes.structtype('gdkwindow'); let gpointer = ctypes.voidptr_t; let gtkwindow = ctypes.structtype('gtkwindow'); // var gdk_window_get_user_data = gdk.declare('gdk_window_get_user_data', ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.void_t, gdkwindow.ptr, gpointer.ptr); //https://developer.gnome.or...
...And 2 more matches
syntax /* added in spidermonkey 38 (jsapi 32) */ bool js_defineelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::handlevalue value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::handleobject value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::handlestring value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineelement(jscont...
...ext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, int32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, uint32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, double value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); /* obsolete since jsapi 32 */ js_defineelement(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, uint32_t index, jsval value, jspropertyop getter, jsstrictpropertyop setter, unsigned attrs); ...
... index uint32_t the index of the property to define.
...And 2 more matches
syntax jsbool js_valuetoecmaint32(jscontext *cx, jsval v, int32 *ip); jsbool js_valuetoecmauint32(jscontext *cx, jsval v, uint32 *ip); jsbool js_valuetouint16(jscontext *cx, jsval v, uint16 *ip); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform the conversion.
... ip int32 * or uint32 * or int16 * out parameter.
... description js_valuetoecmaint32, js_valuetoecmauint32, and js_valuetouint16 convert a javascript value to various integer types as specified in the ecmascript specification.
...And 2 more matches
Parser API
of a start position (the position of the first character of the parsed source region) and an end position (the position of the first character after the parsed source region): interface sourcelocation { source: string | null; start: position; end: position; } each position object consists of a line number (1-indexed) and a column number (0-indexed): interface position { line: uint32 >= 1; column: uint32 >= 0; } programs interface program <: node { type: "program"; body: [ statement ]; } a complete program source tree.
... interface graphexpression <: expression { type: "graphexpression"; index: uint32; expression: literal; } a graph expression, aka "sharp literal," such as #1={ self: #1# }.
... interface graphindexexpression <: expression { type: "graphindexexpression"; index: uint32; } a graph index expression, aka "sharp variable," such as #1#.
...And 2 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsiasyncinputstream last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void addimageframe( [array, size_is(length), const] in pruint8 data, in unsigned long length, in pruint32 width, in pruint32 height, in pruint32 stride, in pruint32 frameformat, in astring frameoptions); void encodeclipboardimage(in nsiclipboardimage aclipboardimage, out nsifile aimagefile); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void endimageencode(); void initfromdata([array, size_is(length), const] in pruint8 data, in unsigned long length, in pruint32 width, in pruint32 height, in pruint32 stride, in pruint32 inputformat, in astring outputoptions); void...
... startimageencode(in pruint32 width, in pruint32 height, in pruint32 inputformat, in astring outputoptions); constants possible values for input format (note that not all image formats support saving alpha channels): constant value description input_format_rgb 0 input is rgb each pixel is represented by three bytes: r, g, and b (in that order, regardless of host endianness) input_format_rgba 1 input is rgb each pixel is represented by four bytes: r, g, and b (in that order, regardless of host endianness).
... methods addimageframe() void addimageframe( [array, size_is(length), const] in pruint8 data, in unsigned long length, in pruint32 width, in pruint32 height, in pruint32 stride, in pruint32 frameformat, in astring frameoptions ); parameters data list of bytes in the format specified by inputformat.
...And 2 more matches
inherits from: nsiinputstream last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview pruint8 read8(); pruint16 read16(); pruint32 read32(); pruint64 read64(); unsigned long readarraybuffer(in pruint32 alength, in jsval aarraybuffer); prbool readboolean(); void readbytearray(in pruint32 alength, [array, size_is(alength), retval] out pruint8 abytes); void readbytes(in pruint32 alength, [size_is(alength), retval] out string astring); acstring readcstring(); double ...
... pruint32 read32(); parameters none.
... unsigned long readarraybuffer(in pruint32 alength, in jsval aarraybuffer); parameters alength the number of bytes that should be read.
...And 2 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsisupports gethelperforlanguage(in pruint32 language); void getinterfaces(out pruint32 count, [array, size_is(count), retval] out nsiidptr array); attributes attribute type description classdescription string a human readable string naming the class, or null.
... flags pruint32 specifies various binary properties of this class.
... implementationlanguage obsolete since gecko 40 pruint32 the language type in which this class is implemented.
...And 2 more matches
inherits from: nsiserializable last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void appendelement(in nsisupports item); void clear(); pruint32 count(); nsienumerator enumerate(); nsisupports getelementat(in pruint32 index); void queryelementat(in pruint32 index, in nsiidref uuid, [iid_is(uuid),retval] out nsqiresult result); void removeelement(in nsisupports item); void setelementat(in pruint32 index, in nsisupports item); methods appendelement() appends a new item to the collection.
...pruint32 count(); parameters none.
...nsisupports getelementat( in pruint32 index ); parameters index the index position of the item to be returned.
...And 2 more matches
method overview astring getproperty(in string propertyname); void setproperty(in string propertyname, in astring propertystr); void setstringproperty(in string propertyname, in string propertyvalue); string getstringproperty(in string propertyname); unsigned long getuint32property(in string propertyname); void setuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long propertyval); void markread(in boolean read); void markflagged(in boolean flagged); void markhasattachments(in boolean hasattachments); void setprioritystring(in string priority); unsigned long orflags(in unsigned long flags); unsigned lon...
... getuint32property() get an integer property.
... unsigned long getuint32property(in string propertyname); parameters propertyname the name of the property to retrieve.
...And 2 more matches
yindex prefermailformat (see nsiabprefermailformat) boolean properties: allowremotecontent inherits from: nsiabitem method overview nsivariant getproperty(in autf8string name, in nsivariant defaultvalue); [noscript] astring getpropertyasastring(in string name); [noscript] autf8string getpropertyasautf8string(in string name); [noscript] pruint32 getpropertyasuint32(in string name); [noscript] boolean getpropertyasbool(in string name); void setproperty(in autf8string name, in nsivariant value); [noscript] void setpropertyasastring(in string name, in astring value); [noscript] void setpropertyasautf8string(in string name, in autf8string value); [noscript] void setpropertyasuint32(in string name,...
... in pruint32 value); [noscript] void setpropertyasbool(in string name, in boolean value); void deleteproperty(in autf8string name); autf8string translateto(in autf8string atype); void copy(in nsiabcard srccard) boolean equals(in nsiabcard card) astring generatephoneticname(in boolean alastnamefirst) attributes attribute type description properties nsisimpleenumerator readonly: a list of all the properties that this card has as an enumerator, whose members are all nsiproperty objects.
... getpropertyasastring() getpropertyasautf8string() getpropertyasuint32() getpropertyasbool() [noscript] astring getpropertyasastring(in string name); [noscript] autf8string getpropertyasautf8string(in string name); [noscript] pruint32 getpropertyasuint32(in string name); [noscript] boolean getpropertyasbool(in string name); returns a property for the given name.
...And 2 more matches
WebIDL bindings
ber)] interface myinterface { }; will require the following declarations in myclass: class myclass { // various nsisupports stuff or whatnot static already_addrefed<myclass> constructor(const globalobject& aglobal, errorresult& rv); static already_addrefed<myclass> constructor(const globalobject& aglobal, uint32_t asomenumber, errorresult& rv); }; c++ reflections of webidl types the exact c++ representation for webidl types can depend on the precise way that they're being used (e.g., return values, arguments, and sequence or dictionary members might all have different representations).
...nt64_t object js::handle<jsobject*> js::mutablehandle<jsobject*> jsobject* octet uint8_t uint8_t uint8_t sequence const sequence<t>& nstarray<t>& (outparam) short int16_t int16_t int16_t unrestricted double double double double unrestricted float float float float unsigned long uint32_t uint32_t uint32_t unsigned long long uint64_t uint64_t uint64_t unsigned short uint16_t uint16_t uint16_t usvstring const nsastring& mozilla::dom::domstring& (outparam) nsastring& (outparam) nsstring& (outparam) nsstring any any is represented in three different ways, depending on use: any arguments become js::handle...
...arg); }; will correspond to these c++ function declarations: int16_t myattr(); void setmyattr(int16_t value); int64_t mymethod(const nullable<uint32_t>& arg); floating point types floating point webidl types are mapped to the c++ type of the same name.
...And 2 more matches
Type conversion
t8_t ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.short ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.int32_t ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.int32_t ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.unsigned_short ...
... ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.int64_t ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.int32_t ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.long_long ctypes.uint64_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.unsigned_long_long ctypes.long_long ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.int32_t ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.int64_t ctypes...
....unsigned_long_long ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.uint64_t ctypes.float32_t ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.float64_t ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.int32_t ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.float32_t ctypes.char ctypes.int8_t ctypes.signed_char ctypes.int8_t ctypes.unsigned_char ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.char16_t ctypes.uint8...
...And 2 more matches
URLs - Plugins
nperror npn_posturl(npp instance, const char *url, const char *target, uint32 len, const char *buf, npbool file); the instance, url, and target parameters have the same definitions as those of npn_geturl.
... nperror npn_posturlnotify( npp instance, const char *url, const char *target, uint32 len, const char *buf, npbool file, void* notifydata ); the parameters of this function have the same definitions as those of npn_posturl.
... char* ppostdata = "content-type:\tapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded\ncontent-length:\t17\n\\n"; uint32 npostdatalen = (uint32)strlen(ppostdata); npn_posturl(npinstance, "","_blank", npostdatalen, ppostdata, false); uploading files to an ftp server plug-ins can use npn_posturl or npn_posturlnotify to upload files to a remote server using ftp.
...And 2 more matches
79 js::touint32 jsapi reference, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey js::toint32 converts a javascript value to an unsigned 32bit integer.
... 92 jsclass.flags jsapi reference, spidermonkey the flags field is of type uint32_t.
...this function returns a uint32 value containing the previous values of the flags.
... 495 js_valuetoecmaint32 jsapi reference, obsolete, spidermonkey js_valuetoecmaint32, js_valuetoecmauint32, and js_valuetouint16 convert a javascript value to various integer types as specified in the ecmascript specification.
tring value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, int32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, uint32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, double value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name...
...ative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, int32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, uint32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, double value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); // ---- added in spidermonkey 45 ---- bool js_definepropertybyid(jscont...
... unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_definepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, int32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_definepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, uint32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_definepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, double value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); name type description cx jscontext ...
... value js::handlevalue or js::handleobject or js::handlestring or int32_t or uint32_t or double initial stored value for the new property.
syntax /* added in spidermonkey 31 */ bool js_setelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::handlevalue v); bool js_setelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::handleobject v); bool js_setelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::handlestring v); bool js_setelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, int32_t v); bool js_setelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, uint32_t v); bool js_setelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, double v); /* obsolete since jsapi 29 */ bool js_setelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject o..., uint32_t index, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to set the element.
... index uint32_t index number of the element to set.
... v js::handlevalue or js::handleobject or js::handlestring or int32_t or uint32_t or double the value to assign to the element.
JSAPI reference
js::toboolean added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint16 added in spidermonkey 17 js::toint32 added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint32 added in spidermonkey 17 js::toint64 added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint64 added in spidermonkey 17 js::tonumber added in spidermonkey 17 js::tostring added in spidermonkey 31 js::ordinarytoprimitive added in spidermonkey 38 js_valuetoconstructor js_valuetofunction js_valuetoobject js_valuetosource js_convertvalue js_valuetoboolean obsolete since jsapi 28 js_valuetoecmaint32 obsole...
...te since jsapi 26 js_valuetoecmauint32 obsolete since jsapi 28 js_valuetoint32 obsolete since jsapi 28 js_valuetonumber obsolete since jsapi 27 js_valuetostring obsolete since jsapi 28 js_valuetouint16 obsolete since jsapi 28 fast, unchecked type-casting macros.
...rvalue added in spidermonkey 17 js_defineconstdoubles struct jsconstdoublespec js_defineconstintegers added in spidermonkey 38 struct jsconstintegerspec added in spidermonkey 38 js_getnanvalue js_getnegativeinfinityvalue js_getpositiveinfinityvalue js_doubleisint32 added in spidermonkey 17 js_doubletoint32added in spidermonkey 17 obsolete since jsapi 38 js_doubletouint32 added in spidermonkey 17 obsolete since jsapi 38 js_newnumbervalue obsolete since jsapi 17 js_newdoublevalue obsolete since jsapi 17 js_newdouble obsolete since jsapi 17 strings typedef jsstring class jsautobytestring added in spidermonkey 17 js_newstringcopyn js_newstringcopyz js_newucstring js_newucstringcopyn js_newucstringcopyz js_newdependentstring js_getemptystringvalue js_...
...ics js_objectisregexp added in spidermonkey 17 js_getregexpflags added in spidermonkey 17 js_getregexpsource added in spidermonkey 17 js_executeregexp js_executeregexpnostatics js_clearregexproots obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 serialization struct jsstructuredclonecallbacks js_setstructuredclonecallbacks js_readstructuredclone js_writestructuredclone js_structuredclone js_readuint32pair js_readbytes js_writeuint32pair js_writebytes security struct jsprincipals js_setobjectprincipalsfinder obsolete since javascript 1.8 js_setprincipalstranscoder obsolete since javascript 1.8 enum jsaccessmode obsolete since jsapi 29 js_checkaccess obsolete since jsapi 29 jsobjectops.checkaccess obsolete since javascript 1.8 jsclass.checkaccess obsolete since jsapi 29 js_setc...
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 8.0 (firefox 8.0 / thunderbird 8.0 / seamonkey 2.5) method overview boolean onwebinstallblocked(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, [optional] in pruint32 acount); void onwebinstalldisabled(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, [optional] in pruint32 acount); boolean onwebinstallrequested(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, [optional] in pruint32 acount); note: prior to gecko 8.0, all references to nsidomwindow used ...
...boolean onwebinstallblocked( in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, in pruint32 acount optional ); parameters awindow the window that triggered the installs.
...void onwebinstalldisabled( in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, in pruint32 acount optional ); parameters awindow the window that triggered the installs.
...boolean onwebinstallrequested( in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, in pruint32 acount optional ); parameters awindow the window that triggered the installs.
boolean createstartupstate(in long awindowwidth, in long awindowheight); obsolete since gecko 1.8 nsixulwindow createtoplevelwindow(in nsixulwindow aparent, in nsiuri aurl, in pruint32 achromemask, in long ainitialwidth, in long ainitialheight, in nsiappshell aappshell); nsiwebnav createwindowlessbrowser (in bool aischrome) void destroyhiddenwindow(); void doprofilestartup(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice, in boolean caninteract); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void ensure1window(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice); obsolete since gecko 1.8 ...
... void hidesplashscreen(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void initialize(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice, in nsisupports nativeappsupportorsplashscreen); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void quit(in pruint32 aferocity); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void registertoplevelwindow(in nsixulwindow awindow); void run(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void toplevelwindowismodal(in nsixulwindow awindow, in boolean amodal); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void unregistertoplevelwindow(in nsixulwindow awindow); note: prior to gecko 8.0, all references to nsidomwindow used in this in...
... nsixulwindow createtoplevelwindow( in nsixulwindow aparent, in nsiuri aurl, in boolean ashowwindow, in boolean aloaddefaultpage, in pruint32 achromemask, in long ainitialwidth, in long ainitialheight, in nsiappshell aappshell ); parameters aparent the parent window.
... void quit( in pruint32 aferocity ); parameters aferocity one of the e* constants.
to create an instance, use: var authprompt = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiauthprompt); method overview boolean prompt(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, in wstring defaulttext, out wstring result); boolean promptpassword(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, inout wstring pwd); boolean promptusernameandpassword(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, inout wstring user, inout wstring pwd); constants ...
... boolean prompt( in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, in wstring defaulttext, out wstring result ); parameters dialogtitle the title of the dialog.
... boolean promptpassword( in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, inout wstring pwd ); parameters dialogtitle the title of the dialog.
... boolean promptusernameandpassword( in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, inout wstring user, inout wstring pwd ); parameters dialogtitle the title of the dialog.
inherits from: nsioutputstream last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void setoutputstream(in nsioutputstream aoutputstream); void write8(in pruint8 abyte); void write16(in pruint16 a16); void write32(in pruint32 a32); void write64(in pruint64 a64); void writeboolean(in prbool aboolean); void writebytearray([array, size_is(alength)] in pruint8 abytes, in pruint32 alength); void writebytes(alength)] in string astring, in pruint32 alength); void writedouble(in double adouble); void writefloat(in float afloat); void writestringz(in string astring); void writeutf8z(in wstring astring); void ...
...void write32( in pruint32 a32 ); parameters a32 the 32-bit integer to write to the stream.
...void writebytearray( [array, size_is(alength)] in pruint8 abytes, in pruint32 alength ); parameters abytes the bytes to write to the stream.
...void writebytes( [size_is(alength)] in string astring, in pruint32 alength ); parameters astring the byte array to write to the stream.
obsolete since gecko 1.8 astring getproperty(in string propertyname); nsidbfolderinfo gettransferinfo(); unsigned long getuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long defaultvalue); void initfromtransferinfo(in nsidbfolderinfo transferinfo); long orflags(in long flags); void setbooleanproperty(in string propertyname, in boolean apropertyvalue); void setcharacterset(in string charset); void setcharactersetoverride(in boolean character...
...obsolete since gecko 1.8 void setproperty(in string propertyname, in astring propertystr); void setuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long propertyvalue); attributes attribute type description charactersetoverride boolean expiredmark nsmsgkey expungedbytes long flags long folderdate unsigned long ...
...return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description getuint32property() unsigned long getuint32property( in string propertyname, in unsigned long defaultvalue ); parameters propertyname missing description defaultvalue missing description return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description initfromtransferinfo() void initfromtransferinfo( in nsidbfolderinfo transferinf...
... parameters newboxname missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description setproperty() void setproperty( in string propertyname, in astring propertystr ); parameters propertyname missing description propertystr missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description setuint32property() void setuint32property( in string propertyname, in unsigned long propertyvalue ); parameters propertyname missing description propertyvalue missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description remarks see also ...
me); nsiprotocolhandler getprotocolhandler(in string ascheme); nsichannel newchannel(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); obsolete since gecko 48 nsichannel newchannel2(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri, in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype); nsichannel newchannelfromuri(in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 48 nsichannel newchannelfromuri2(in nsiuri auri, in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in unsigned long asecurityflags, in unsigned long acontentpolicytype); nsichannel newchannelfromuriwith...
...loadinfo(in nsiuri auri, in nsiloadinfo aloadinfo); nsichannel newchannelfromuriwithproxyflags2(in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri aproxyuri, in uint32_t aproxyflags,in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype); nsiuri newfileuri(in nsifile afile); nsiuri newuri(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); attributes attribute type description offline boolean returns true if networking is in "offline" mode.
... nsichannel newchannel2( in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri, in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype, ); parameters aspec the spec for the desired uri.
...equivalent to newchannelfromuri2(auri, aloadingnode, ...) nsichannel newchannelfromuriwithproxyflags2( in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri aproxyuri, in uint32_t aproxyflags, in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype ); parameters auri an nsiuri from which to make a channel.
return value number of bytes currently available in the stream, or pr_uint32_max if the size of the stream exceeds pr_uint32_max.
... nsresult consumestream(nsiinputstream* astream) { nsresult rv; uint32_t numread; char buf[512]; while (1) { rv = astream->read(buf, sizeof(buf), &numread); if (ns_failed(rv)) { printf("### error reading stream: %x\n", rv); break; } if (numread == 0) break; // buf now contains numread bytes of data } return rv; } consume all data from an input stream using readsegments().
... static ns_method appendsegment(nsiinputstream* astream, void* aclosure, const char* afromsegment, uint32_t atooffset, uint32_t acount, uint32_t* awritecount) { // afromsegment now contains acount bytes of data.
...nsresult copystream(nsiinputstream* astream, nsacstring& aresultbuf) { uint32_t numread; return astream->readsegments(appendsegment, (void*) &aresultbuf, pr_uint32_max, &numread); } remarks this interface was frozen for gecko 1.0.
nsisimpleenumerator getenumerator(in wstring awindowtype); nsidomwindow getmostrecentwindow(in wstring awindowtype); nsidomwindow getouterwindowwithid(in unsigned long long aouterwindowid); nsisimpleenumerator getxulwindowenumerator(in wstring awindowtype); pruint32 getzlevel(in nsixulwindow awindow); native code only!
... void removelistener(in nsiwindowmediatorlistener alistener); void setzlevel(in nsixulwindow awindow, in pruint32 azlevel); native code only!
... pruint32 getzlevel( in nsixulwindow awindow ); parameters awindow the window in question.
... void setzlevel( in nsixulwindow awindow, in pruint32 azlevel ); parameters awindow the window in question.
DataView - JavaScript
function getuint64(dataview, byteoffset, littleendian) { // split 64-bit number into two 32-bit (4-byte) parts const left = dataview.getuint32(byteoffset, littleendian); const right = dataview.getuint32(byteoffset+4, littleendian); // combine the two 32-bit values const combined = littleendian?
... const bigint = window.bigint, bigthirtytwo = bigint(32), bigzero = bigint(0); function getuint64bigint(dataview, byteoffset, littleendian) { // split 64-bit number into two 32-bit (4-byte) parts const left = bigint(dataview.getuint32(byteoffset|0, !!littleendian)>>>0); const right = bigint(dataview.getuint32((byteoffset|0) + 4|0, !!littleendian)>>>0); // combine the two 32-bit values and return return littleendian ?
... dataview.prototype.getuint32() gets an unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
... dataview.prototype.setuint32() stores an unsigned 32-bit integer (unsigned long) value at the specified byte offset from the start of the view.
Creating Reusable Modules - Archive of obsolete content
(path); var istream = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsifileinputstream); // open for reading istream.init(f, 0x01, 0444, 0); var ch = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsicryptohash); // we want to use the md5 algorithm ch.init(ch.md5); // this tells updatefromstream to read the entire file const pr_uint32_max = 0xffffffff; ch.updatefromstream(istream, pr_uint32_max); // pass false here to get binary data back var hash = ch.finish(false); // convert the binary hash data to a hex string.
...(path); var istream = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsifileinputstream); // open for reading istream.init(f, 0x01, 0444, 0); var ch = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsicryptohash); // we want to use the md5 algorithm ch.init(ch.md5); // this tells updatefromstream to read the entire file const pr_uint32_max = 0xffffffff; ch.updatefromstream(istream, pr_uint32_max); // pass false here to get binary data back var hash = ch.finish(false); // convert the binary hash data to a hex string.
...(path); var istream = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsifileinputstream); // open for reading istream.init(f, 0x01, 0444, 0); var ch = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsicryptohash); // we want to use the md5 algorithm ch.init(ch.md5); // this tells updatefromstream to read the entire file const pr_uint32_max = 0xffffffff; ch.updatefromstream(istream, pr_uint32_max); // pass false here to get binary data back var hash = ch.finish(false); // convert the binary hash data to a hex string.
The new nsString class implementation (1999) - Archive of obsolete content
static void ensurecapacity(nsstrimpl& astring,pruint32 anewlength); static void growcapacity(nsstrimpl& astring,pruint32 anewlength); static void append(nsstrimpl& adest,const nsstrimpl& asource,pruint32 anoffset,print32 acount); static void appendcstring(nsstrimpl& adest,const char* asource,pruint32 anoffset,print32 acount); static void assign(nsstrimpl& adest,const nsstrimpl& asource,pruint32 anoffset,print32 acount); static void assign...
...cstring(nsstrimpl& adest,const char* asource,pruint32 anoffset,print32 acount); // assign a char or a substring into the existing string...
... static void insert(nsstrimpl& adest,pruint32 adestoffset, const nsstrimpl& asource,pruint32 asrcoffset,print32 acount); static void insertcstring(nsstrimpl& adest,pruint32 adestoffset, const char* asource,pruint32 asrcoffset,print32 acount); static void insertchar(nsstrimpl& adest,pruint32 adestoffset,char thechar); static void insertchar(nsstrimpl& adest,pruint32 adestoffset,prunichar theunichar); static void insertchar(nsstrimpl& adest,pruint32 adestoffset,print32 thequadchar); static void delete(nsstrimpl& adest,pruint32 adestoffset,pruint32 acount); static void truncate(nsstrimpl& adest,pruint32 adestoffset); static print32 compare(const nsstrimpl& adest,const nsstrimpl& asource, print32 acount,prb...
NPClass - Archive of obsolete content
syntax struct npclass { uint32_t structversion; npallocatefunctionptr allocate; npdeallocatefunctionptr deallocate; npinvalidatefunctionptr invalidate; nphasmethodfunctionptr hasmethod; npinvokefunctionptr invoke; npinvokedefaultfunctionptr invokedefault; nphaspropertyfunctionptr hasproperty; npgetpropertyfunctionptr getproperty; npsetpropertyfunctionptr setproperty; npremovepropertyfunctionptr removeproperty; npenumerationfunctionptr enumerate; npconstructfunctionptr construct; }; warning: don't call these routines directly.
...yntax typedef npobject *(*npallocatefunctionptr)(npp npp, npclass *aclass); typedef void (*npdeallocatefunctionptr)(npobject *npobj); typedef void (*npinvalidatefunctionptr)(npobject *npobj); typedef bool (*nphasmethodfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name); typedef bool (*npinvokefunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); typedef bool (*npinvokedefaultfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); typedef bool (*nphaspropertyfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name); ty...
... *result); typedef bool (*npsetpropertyfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name, const npvariant *value); typedef bool (*npremovepropertyfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier name); typedef bool (*npenumerationfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, npidentifier **value, uint32_t *count); typedef bool (*npconstructfunctionptr)(npobject *npobj, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); see also npobject ...
tions &setnoscriptrval(bool nsr) owningcompileoptions &setselfhostingmode(bool shm) owningcompileoptions &setcanlazilyparse(bool clp) owningcompileoptions &setsourceislazy(bool l) owningcompileoptions &setintroductiontype(const char *t) bool setintroductioninfo(jscontext *cx, const char *introducerfn, const char *intro, unsigned line, jsscript *script, uint32_t offset) duplicate null-terminated string introducerfn for introducerfilename and set introductiontype, introductionlineno, introductionscriptroot, introductionoffset, and hasintroductioninfo properties.
...ool eval) compileoptions &setnoscriptrval(bool nsr) compileoptions &setselfhostingmode(bool shm) compileoptions &setcanlazilyparse(bool clp) compileoptions &setsourceislazy(bool l) compileoptions &setintroductiontype(const char *t) compileoptions &setintroductioninfo(const char *introducerfn, const char *intro, unsigned line, jsscript *script, uint32_t offset) compileoptions &maybemakestrictmode(bool strict) properties properties of js::readonlycompileoptions name type description version jsversion version of the script.
... introductionoffset uint32_t bytecode offset in the code which introduces this source code.
syntax // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js::createerror(jscontext *cx, jsexntype type, handleobject stack, handlestring filename, uint32_t linenumber, uint32_t columnnumber, jserrorreport *report, handlestring message, mutablehandlevalue rval); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js::createerror(jscontext *cx, jsexntype type, handlestring stack, handlestring filename, uint32_t linenumber, uint32_t columnnumber, jserrorreport *report, handlestring message, mutablehandlevalue rval); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... linenumber uint32_t the value of error.prototype.linenumber.
... columnnumber uint32_t the value of error.prototype.columnnumber.
syntax int32_t js_doubletoint32(double d); uint32_t js_doubletouint32(double d); name type description d double the numeric value to convert.
... js_doubletouint32 converts a c floating-point number of type double to uint32, an unsigned 32-bit integer.
... see also mxr id search for js_doubletoint32 mxr id search for js_doubletouint32 bug 631132 bug 1112774 ...
syntax // added in spidermonkey 42 js::value js_getreservedslot(jsobject *obj, uint32_t index); void js_setreservedslot(jsobject *obj, uint32_t index, js::value v); // obsolete since spidermonkey 42 jsval js_getreservedslot(jsobject *obj, uint32_t index); void js_setreservedslot(jsobject *obj, uint32_t index, jsval v); name type description obj jsobject * an object that has reserved slots.
... index uint32_t index of the reserved slot to access.
... reserved slots may also contain private values to store pointer values (whose lowest bit is 0) or uint32_t, when non-javascript values must be stored; the garbage collector ignores such values when it sees them.
syntax uint32 js_setoptions(jscontext *cx, uint32 options); name type description cx jscontext * a context on which to set options.
... options uint32 the new set of options.
...this function returns a uint32 value containing the previous values of the flags.
Detailed XPCOM hashtable guide
nsdatahashtable/nsinterfacehashtable/nsclasshashtable - high-level c++ wrappers around pldhash; simplifies the common usage pattern mapping a simple keytype to a simple datatype; client does not need to declare or manage an entry class; nsdatahashtable datatype is a scalar such as pruint32; nsinterfacehashtable datatype is an interface; nsclasshashtable datatype is a class pointer owned by the hashtable.
... key type: integer string/cstring nsid nsisupports* complex data type: none (hash set) nsthashtable<...> simple (pruint32) nsdatahashtable nsthashtable<...> <nsuint32hashkey, pruint32> <ns(c)stringhashkey, pruint32> <nsidhashkey, pruint32> <nsisupportshashkey, pruint32> interface (nsisupports) nsinterfacehashtable <nsuint32hashkey, nsisupports> <ns(c)stringhashkey, nsisupports> <nsidhashkey, nsisupports> <nsisupportshashkey, nsisupports> class (nsstring*) nsclasshashtable <nsuint32hashkey, nsstring> <ns(c)stringhashkey, nsstring> <nsidhashkey, nsstring> <nsisupportshashkey, n...
...the keyclass is taken from nshashkeys.h and is the same for all three classes: nsdatahashtable<keyclass, datatype> - datatype is a simple type such as pruint32 or prbool.
method overview void adddirectory(in nsifile dir); boolean check(in wstring word); void getdictionarylist([array, size_is(count)] out wstring dictionaries, out pruint32 count); void removedirectory(in nsifile dir); void suggest(in wstring word,[array, size_is(count)] out wstring suggestions, out pruint32 count); attributes attribute type description copyright wstring a string indicating the copyright of the engine.
...void getdictionarylist( [array, size_is(count)] out wstring dictionaries, out pruint32 count ); parameters dictionaries a list of dictionaries supported by this spell checker.
...void suggest( in wstring word, [array, size_is(count)] out wstring suggestions, out pruint32 count ); parameters word a word, which is misspelled according to check.
nsure1window(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void enterlastwindowclosingsurvivalarea(); void exitlastwindowclosingsurvivalarea(); void getstartupinfo(); void hidesplashscreen(); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void initialize(in nsisupports nativeappsupportorsplashscreen); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void quit(in pruint32 amode); void restartinsafemode(in pruint32 aquitmode); void run(); attributes attribute type description interrupted boolean true if the startup process was interrupted by an interactive prompt.
... void quit( in pruint32 amode ); parameters amode this parameter modifies how the application is shutdown, and it is constructed from the constants defined above.
... void quit( in pruint32 aquitmode ); parameters aquitmode this parameter modifies how the app is shutdown.
to create an instance, use: var authprompt2 = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiauthprompt2); method overview nsicancelable asyncpromptauth(in nsichannel achannel, in nsiauthpromptcallback acallback, in nsisupports acontext, in pruint32 level, in nsiauthinformation authinfo); boolean promptauth(in nsichannel achannel, in pruint32 level, in nsiauthinformation authinfo); constants constant value description level_none 0 the password will be sent unencrypted.
... nsicancelable asyncpromptauth( in nsichannel achannel, in nsiauthpromptcallback acallback, in nsisupports acontext, in pruint32 level, in nsiauthinformation authinfo ); parameters achannel the channel that requires authentication.
... boolean promptauth( in nsichannel achannel, in pruint32 level, in nsiauthinformation authinfo ); parameters achannel the channel that requires authentication.
expirationtime pruint32 get the expiration time of the cache entry (in seconds since the epoch).
... lastfetched pruint32 get the last time the cache entry was opened (in seconds since the epoch).
... lastmodified pruint32 get the last time the cache entry was modified (in seconds since the epoch).
upports last changed in gecko 19 (firefox 19 / thunderbird 19 / seamonkey 2.16) implemented by:;1 as a service: var consoleservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiconsoleservice); method overview void getmessagearray([array, size_is(count)] out nsiconsolemessage messages, out uint32_t count);obsolete since gecko 19 void getmessagearray([optional] out uint32_t count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsiconsolemessage messages); void logmessage(in nsiconsolemessage message); void logstringmessage(in wstring message); void registerlistener(in nsiconsolelistener listener); void reset(); void unregisterlistener(in nsiconsolelis...
... void getmessagearray( [array, size_is(count)] out nsiconsolemessage messages, out pruint32 count ); parameters messages an array of logged messages.
... void getmessagearray( [optional] out pruint32 count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsiconsolemessage messages ); parameters count the number of messages in the array.
passing pr_uint32_max indicates that all data available will be used to update the hash.
...ream;1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsifileinputstream); // open for reading istream.init(f, 0x01, 0444, 0); var ch = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsicryptohash); // we want to use the sha256 algorithm ch.init(ch.sha256); // this tells updatefromstream to read the entire file const pr_uint32_max = 0xffffffff; ch.updatefromstream(istream, pr_uint32_max); // pass false here to get binary data back var hash = ch.finish(false); // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte function tohexstring(charcode) { return ("0" + charcode.tostring(16)).slice(-2); } // convert the binary hash data to a hex string.
...passing pr_uint32_max here indicates that you want the entire file read.
method overview acstring getbasedomain(in nsiuri auri, [optional] in pruint32 aadditionalparts); acstring getbasedomainfromhost(in autf8string ahost, [optional] in pruint32 aadditionalparts); acstring getpublicsuffix(in nsiuri auri); acstring getpublicsuffixfromhost(in autf8string ahost); methods getbasedomain() returns the base domain of a uri; that is, the public suffix with a given number of additional domain name parts.
... acstring getbasedomain( in nsiuri auri, [optional] in pruint32 aadditionalparts ); parameters auri the uri to be analyzed.
... acstring getbasedomainfromhost( in autf8string ahost, in pruint32 aadditionalparts optional ); parameters ahost the host string to be analyzed.
unsigned long getuint32property(in string propertyname); parameters propertyname the name of the property to retrieve.
... thunderbird stored uint32 properties (not a complete list): indexed used for spotlight integration on osx.
... qpencoderinit() void setuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long propertyval); parameters propertyname the name of the property to set.
example writesegments() example // copy data from a string to a stream static ns_method copysegment(nsiinputstream* astream, void* aclosure, char* atosegment, pruint32 afromoffset, pruint32 acount, pruint32* areadcount) { // afromsegment now contains acount bytes of data.
... nsacstring* pbuf = (nsacstring*) aclosure; const char* data; pruint32 len = ns_cstringgetdata(&data); data += afromoffset; len -= afromoffset; if (len > acount) len = acount; memcpy(atosegment, data, len); // indicate that we have copied len bytes to the segment *areadcount = len; return ns_ok; } // write the contents of asource into astream, using writesegments // to avoid intermediate buffer copies.
... nsresult writestream(const nsacstring& asource, nsiinputstream* astream) { pruint32 num; return astream->writesegments(copysegment, (void*) &asource, asource.length(), &num); } remarks this interface was frozen for gecko 1.0.
autf8string getpropertyasautf8string(in astring prop); boolean getpropertyasbool(in astring prop); double getpropertyasdouble(in astring prop); print32 getpropertyasint32(in astring prop); print64 getpropertyasint64(in astring prop); void getpropertyasinterface(in astring prop, in nsiidref iid, [iid_is(iid), retval] out nsqiresult result); pruint32 getpropertyasuint32(in astring prop); pruint64 getpropertyasuint64(in astring prop); prbool haskey(in astring prop); methods get() this method returns null if the value does not exist, or exists but is null.
... getpropertyasuint32() pruint32 getpropertyasuint32( in astring prop ); parameters prop property to return the value of.
... return value the property value as a pruint32.
erits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 7.0 (firefox 7.0 / thunderbird 7.0 / seamonkey 2.4) implemented by:;1 as a service: let telemetry = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsitelemetry); method overview jsval gethistogrambyid(in acstring id); jsval snapshothistograms(in uint32_t adataset, in boolean asubsession, in boolean aclear); jsval getkeyedhistogrambyid(in acstring id); void capturestack(in acstring name); jsval snapshotcapturedstacks([optional] in boolean clear); nsisupports getloadedmodules(); jsval snapshotkeyedhistograms(in uint32_t adataset, in boolean asubsession, in boolean aclear); void sethistogramre...
...cordingenabled(in acstring id, in boolean enabled); void asyncfetchtelemetrydata(in nsifetchtelemetrydatacallback acallback); double mssinceprocessstart(); void scalaradd(in acstring aname, in jsval avalue); void scalarset(in acstring aname, in jsval avalue); void scalarsetmaximum(in acstring aname, in jsval avalue); jsval snapshotscalars(in uint32_t adataset, [optional] in boolean aclear); void keyedscalaradd(in acstring aname, in astring akey, in jsval avalue); void keyedscalarset(in acstring aname, in astring akey, in jsval avalue); void keyedscalarsetmaximum(in acstring aname, in astring akey, in jsval avalue); jsval snapshotkeyedscalars(in uint32_t adataset, [optional] in boolean aclear); vo... clearscalars(); test only void flushbatchedchildtelemetry(); void recordevent(in acstring acategory, in acstring amethod, in acstring aobject, [optional] in jsval avalue, [optional] in jsval extra); void seteventrecordingenabled(in acstring acategory, in boolean aenabled); jsval snapshotevents(in uint32_t adataset, [optional] in boolean aclear); void registerevents(in acstring acategory, in jsval aeventdata); void registerscalars(in acstring acategoryname, in jsval ascalardata); void clearevents(); test only attributes attribute type description canrecordbase boolean a flag indicating if telemetry can record base data (fhr data).
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringcutdata( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 acutstart, pruint32 acutlength ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to be modified.
...pass pr_uint32_max to specify the length from acutstart to the end of the string.
... example code nscstringcontainer str; ns_cstringcontainerinit(str); ns_cstringsetdata(str, "hello world"); // remove " world" portion of string ns_cstringcutdata(str, 5, pr_uint32_max); const char* data; ns_cstringgetdata(str, &data); printf("%s\n", data); // prints out "hello" ns_cstringcontainerfinish(str); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" pruint32 ns_cstringgetmutabledata( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 adatalength, char** adata ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to modify.
... adatalength [in] the number of characters to resize the string's internal buffer to or pr_uint32_max to return the buffer as-is.
...example // convert any uppercase ascii letters to lowercase void tolowercase(nscstring &str) { char *iter; pruint32 len = ns_cstringgetmutabledata(str, pr_uint32_max, &iter); char *end = iter + len; while (iter != end) { char c = *iter; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') *iter = c + ('a' - 'a'); ++iter; } } history this function was finalized for mozilla 1.8.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringsetdatarange( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 acutstart, pruint32 acutlength, const char* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to modify.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
... example // replace all occurances of |matchval| with |newval| void replacesubstring(nsacstring& str, const nsacstring& matchval, const nsacstring& newval) { const char* sp, *mp, *np; pruint32 sl, ml, nl; sl = ns_cstringgetdata(str, &sp); ml = ns_cstringgetdata(matchval, &mp); nl = ns_cstringgetdata(newval, &np); for (const char* iter = sp; iter <= sp + sl - ml; ++iter) { if (memcmp(iter, mp, ml) == 0) { pruint32 offset = iter - sp; ns_cstringsetdatarange(str, offset, ml, np, nl); sl = ns_cstringgetdata(str, &sp); iter = sp + offset + nl -...
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringcutdata( nsastring& astring, pruint32 acutstart, pruint32 acutlength ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to be modified.
...pass pr_uint32_max to specify the length from acutstart to the end of the string.
... example code nsstringcontainer str; ns_stringcontainerinit(str); ns_stringsetdata(str, l"hello world"); // remove " world" portion of string ns_stringcutdata(str, 5, pr_uint32_max); const prunichar* data; ns_stringgetdata(str, &data); // data now ponts to the string: l"hello" ns_stringcontainerfinish(str); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringsetdatarange( nsastring& astring, pruint32 acutstart, pruint32 acutlength, const prunichar* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to modify.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
... example code // replace all occurances of |matchval| with |newval| void replacesubstring(nsastring& str, const nsastring& matchval, const nsastring& newval) { const prunichar* sp, *mp, *np; pruint32 sl, ml, nl; sl = ns_stringgetdata(str, &sp); ml = ns_stringgetdata(matchval, &mp); nl = ns_stringgetdata(newval, &np); for (const prunichar* iter = sp; iter <= sp + sl - ml; ++iter) { if (memcmp(iter, mp, ml) == 0) { pruint32 offset = iter - sp; ns_stringsetdatarange(str, offset, ml, np, nl); sl = ns_stringgetdata(str, &sp); ite...
uint32_t unsigned 32-bit integer.
... credit for this example is to nmaier (stackoverflow :: getting tb_button is crashing and not working) example of cast and functiontype on windows components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); var kernel ="kernel32.dll"); var hmodule = ctypes.uint32_t; var hwnd = ctypes.uint32_t; var lpctstr = ctypes.jschar.ptr; var lpcstr = ctypes.char.ptr; var loadlibrary = kernel.declare("loadlibraryw", ctypes.winapi_abi, hmodule, lpctstr); var getprocaddress = kernel.declare("getprocaddress", ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.void_t.ptr, hmodule, lpcstr); var huser = loadlibrary("user32"); var funcptr = getprocaddress(huser, "messageboxw"); // now we have a po...
...inter to a function, let's cast it to the right type var messageboxtype = ctypes.functiontype(ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.int32_t, [hwnd, lpctstr, lpctstr, ctypes.uint32_t]); funcptr = ctypes.cast(funcptr, messageboxtype.ptr); funcptr(0, "test1", "test2", 0); credit for this example is to wladimir palant (stackoverflow :: how to call a function using pointer in js-ctypes) ...
JavaScript typed arrays - JavaScript
typed array views typed array views have self-descriptive names and provide views for all the usual numeric types like int8, uint32, float64 and so forth.
... 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet uint8_t int16array -32768 to 32767 2 16-bit two's complement signed integer short int16_t uint16array 0 to 65535 2 16-bit unsigned integer unsigned short uint16_t int32array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 32-bit two's complement signed integer long int32_t uint32array 0 to 4294967295 4 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long uint32_t float32array 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 4 32-bit ieee floating point number (7 significant digits e.g., 1.123456) unrestricted float float float64array 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 8 64-bit ieee floating point number (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) unrestricted doub...
... let idview = new uint32array(buffer, 0, 1); let usernameview = new uint8array(buffer, 4, 16); let amountdueview = new float32array(buffer, 20, 1); then you can access, for example, the amount due with amountdueview[0].
Space Manager Detailed Design - Archive of obsolete content
valend) { mfloatdamage.includeinterval(aintervalbegin + my, aintervalend + my); } prbool intersectsdamage(nscoord aintervalbegin, nscoord aintervalend) { return mfloatdamage.intersects(aintervalbegin + my, aintervalend + my); } #ifdef debug /** * dump the state of the spacemanager out to a file */ nsresult list(file* out); void sizeof(nsisizeofhandler* ahandler, pruint32* aresult) const; #endif private: // structure that maintains information about the region associated // with a particular frame struct frameinfo { nsiframe* const mframe; nsrect mrect; // rectangular region frameinfo* mnext; frameinfo(nsiframe* aframe, const nsrect& arect); #ifdef ns_build_refcnt_logging ~frameinfo(); #endif }; // doubly linked...
..., nscoord aintervalend) { mfloatdamage.includeinterval(aintervalbegin + my, aintervalend + my); } prbool intersectsdamage(nscoord aintervalbegin, nscoord aintervalend) { return mfloatdamage.intersects(aintervalbegin + my, aintervalend + my); } debug only methods /** * dump the state of the spacemanager out to a file */ nsresult list(file* out); void sizeof(nsisizeofhandler* ahandler, pruint32* aresult) const; unused / obsolete methods /* * get the frame that's associated with the space manager.
Obsolete: XPCOM-based scripting for NPAPI plugins - Archive of obsolete content
ns_imethod getflags(pruint32 *aflags) {*aflags = nsiclassinfo::plugin_object | nsiclassinfo::dom_object; return ns_ok;} ns_imethod getimplementationlanguage(pruint32 *aimplementationlanguage) {*aimplementationlanguage = nsiprogramminglanguage::cplusplus; return ns_ok;} // the rest of the methods can safely return error codes...
... ns_imethod getinterfaces(pruint32 *count, nsiid * **array) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod gethelperforlanguage(pruint32 language, nsisupports **_retval) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod getcontractid(char * *acontractid) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod getclassdescription(char * *aclassdescription) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod getclassid(nscid * *aclassid) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod getclassidnoalloc(nscid *aclassidnoalloc) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} }; class nsscriptablepeer : public nsitestplugin, public nsclassinfomixin { public: nsscriptablepeer(); ~nsscriptablepeer(); ns_decl_isupports ns_decl_nsitestplugin }; nsscriptablepeer...
IME handling guide
when there is no composition, this is uint32_max.
...otherwise, uint32_max.
in this case, you typically call pr_intervalnow() in a sequence that looks like this: pruint32 interval = ...
... prstatus rv; printervaltime epoch = pr_intervalnow(); pr_lock(data->mutex); while (!evaluatedata(data)) /* wait until condition is met */ { pruint32 delta = pr_intervaltomilliseconds(pr_intervalnow() - epoch); if (delta > interval) break; /* timeout */ rv = pr_wait(data->condition, pr_millisecondstointerval(interval - delta)); if (pr_failure == rv) break; /* likely an interrupt */ } pr_unlock(data->mutex); ...
syntax #include "ssl.h" secstatus ssl_configserversessionidcache( int maxcacheentries, pruint32 timeout, pruint32 ssl3_timeout, const char *directory); parameters this function has the parameters listed below.
... syntax #include "ssl.h" secstatus ssl_configmpserversidcache( int maxcacheentries, pruint32 timeout, pruint32 ssl3_timeout, const char *directory); parameters this function has the parameters listed below.
syntax struct jsclass { const char *name; uint32_t flags; /* optional since spidermonkey 37 */ jspropertyop addproperty; jsdeletepropertyop delproperty; jspropertyop getproperty; jsstrictpropertyop setproperty; jsenumerateop enumerate; jsresolveop resolve; jsconvertop convert; /* obsolete since spidermonkey 44 */ /* optional since spidermonkey 25 */ jsfinalizeop finalize; /* optional */ jsclassinternal reserved0; /* obsolete since spidermonkey 13 */ ...
...sxdrobjectop xdrobject; /* obsolete since spidermonkey 13 */ jstraceop trace; /* added in spidermonkey 17 */ jsclassinternal reserved1; /* obsolete since spidermonkey 13 */ void *reserved[n]; /* sizeof 'reserved' depends on version */ }; name type description name const char * class name flags uint32_t class flags.
syntax typedef jsval (*jsgetrequiredslotop)(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, uint32 slot); typedef jsbool (*jssetrequiredslotop)(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, uint32 slot, jsval v); name type description cx jscontext * the js context in which we access the slot.
... slot uint32 the index of the slot to access.
syntax typedef jsbool (*jssetobjectslotop)(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, uint32 slot, jsobject *pobj); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to the js context in which the object's prototype or parent is being modified.
... slot uint32 the index of the slot being modified: jsslot_proto for the jsobjectops.setproto callback, and jsslot_parent for the jsobjectops.setparent callback.
rray int8array mxr search for jsproto_int8array jsproto_uint8array uint8array mxr search for jsproto_uint8array jsproto_int16array int16array mxr search for jsproto_int16array jsproto_uint16array uint16array mxr search for jsproto_uint16array jsproto_int32array int32array mxr search for jsproto_int32array jsproto_uint32array uint32array mxr search for jsproto_uint32array jsproto_float32array float32array mxr search for jsproto_float32array jsproto_float64array float64array mxr search for jsproto_float64array jsproto_uint8clampedarray uint8clampedarray mxr search for jsproto_uint8clampedarray jsproto_proxy proxy mxr search for jsproto_pro... for jsproto_shareduint8array jsproto_sharedint16array sharedint16array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_sharedint16array jsproto_shareduint16array shareduint16array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_shareduint16array jsproto_sharedint32array sharedint32array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_sharedint32array jsproto_shareduint32array shareduint32array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_shareduint32array jsproto_sharedfloat32array sharedfloat32array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_sharedfloat32array jsproto_sharedfloat64array sharedfloat64array (nightly only) mxr search for jsproto_sharedfloat64array jsproto_shareduint8clampedarray shareduint8clampedarray (nig...
bool *foundp); boo js_alreadyhasownucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, bool *foundp); boo js_alreadyhasownpropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, bool *foundp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 boo js_alreadyhasownelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, bool *foundp); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context.
... index uint32_t (in js_alreadyhasownelement only) the index of the element to search for.
syntax bool js_deleteelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index); // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js_deleteelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::objectopresult &result); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... index uint32_t index number of the element to delete.
renamed to js_deleteelement in jsapi 39 syntax bool js_deleteelement2(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, bool *succeeded); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... index uint32_t index number of the element to delete.
syntax bool js_forwardgetpropertyto(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::handleobject onbehalfof, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_forwardgetelementto(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::handleobject onbehalfof, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... id or index js::handleid or uint32_t name or index of the property to look up.
syntax bool js_getarraylength(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, uint32_t *lengthp); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to look up the array's length.
... lengthp uint32_t * out parameter.
syntax bool js_getelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform the property lookup.
... index uint32_t index of the element to look up.
syntax uint32_t js_getgcparameter(jsruntime *rt, jsgcparamkey key); void js_setgcparameter(jsruntime *rt, jsgcparamkey key, uint32_t value); uint32_t js_getgcparameterforthread(jscontext *cx, jsgcparamkey key); // added in spidermonkeysidebar 17 void js_setgcparameterforthread(jscontext *cx, jsgcparamkey key, uint32_t value); // added in spidermonkeysidebar 17 name type description rt jsruntime * the runtime to configure.
... value uint32_t (js_setgcparameter only) the value to assign to the parameter.
syntax uint32 js_getoptions(jscontext *cx); name type description cx jscontext * the context from which to read options.
...this function returns a uint32 value that is the logical or of zero or more of the jsoption flags described in js_setoptions.
syntax bool js_haselement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, bool *foundp); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform the property lookup.
... index uint32_t index of the element to look up.
syntax bool js_lookupelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to look up the property.
... index uint32_t the numeric id of the property to look up.
syntax jsruntime * js_newruntime(uint32_t maxbytes, uint32_t maxnurserybytes = js::defaultnurserybytes, jsruntime *parentruntime = nullptr); jsruntime * js_newruntime(uint32_t maxbytes, jsusehelperthreads usehelperthreads, jsruntime *parentruntime = nullptr); // deprecated since jsapi 32 name type description maxbytes uint32 maximum number of allocated bytes after which garbage collection is run.
... maxnurserybytes uint32 nursery size in bytes.
syntax jsbool js_parsejson(jscontext *cx, const jschar *chars, uint32 len, jsval *vp); jsbool js_parsejsonwithreviver(jscontext *cx, const jschar *chars, uint32 len, jsval reviver, jsval *vp); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context.
... len uint32 the length of the string.
syntax void js_schedulegc(jscontext *cx, uint32_t count); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... frequency uint32_t the value of nextscheduled parameter of gc.
syntax bool js_setarraylength(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, uint32_t length); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to change the length of the array.
... length uint32_t number of array elements to set.
syntax void js_setgcparametersbasedonavailablememory(jsruntime *rt, uint32_t availmem); name type description rt jsruntime * the runtime to configure.
... value uint32_t the value of available memory in megabytes.
syntax void js_setgczeal(jscontext *cx, uint8_t zeal, uint32_t frequency); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... frequency uint32_t with some zeal levels, a gc is triggered every frequency allocations.
syntax uint32 js_toggleoptions(jscontext *cx, uint32 options); name type description cx jscontext * a context on which to modify options.
... options uint32 the set of options to toggle.
callback syntax typedef void (*jstracecallback)(jstracer *trc, void *thing, uint32 kind); name type description trc jstracer * the tracer visiting obj.
... kind uint32 one of the constants jstrace_object, jstrace_double, jstrace_string; or a tag denoting an internal implementation-specific traversal kind.
syntax bool js_valuetoid(jscontext *cx, js::handlevalue v, js::mutablehandleid idp); bool js_stringtoid(jscontext *cx, js::handlestring s, js::mutablehandleid idp); // added in spidermonkey 38 bool js_indextoid(jscontext *cx, uint32_t index, js::mutablehandleid idp); // added in spidermonkey 17 bool js_charstoid(jscontext* cx, js::twobytechars chars, js::mutablehandleid idp); // added in spidermonkey 24 void js::protokeytoid(jscontext *cx, jsprotokey key, js::mutablehandleid idp); // added in spidermonkey 38 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... index uint32_t an unsigned integer index of array to convert.
Starting WebLock
*/ void getkeys(out pruint32 count, [array, size_is(count), retval] out string keys); }; directory service hierarchy there are two steps involved to find directories or files with the directory service (nsidirectoryservice).
... the following code loads the contents of the file referenced by the nsifile object thefile into the buffer buf: nscomptr<nsilocalfile> localfile = do_queryinterface(thefile); if (!localfile) return -1; prbool exists; rv = thefile->exists(&exists); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; char *buf = null; if (exists) { // determine file size: pruint32 fs, numread; print64 filesize; rv = thefile->getfilesize(&filesize); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; // converting 64 bit value to unsigned int ll_l2ui(fs, filesize); file* openfile; rv = localfile->openansifiledesc("rw", &openfile); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; char *buf = (char *)malloc((fs+1) * sizeof(char)); if (!buf) return -1; numread = fread(buf, sizeof...
XPCOM hashtable guide
key type hashkey class strings nsstringhashkey/nscstringhashkey integers nsuint32hashkey/nsuint64hashkey pointers nsptrhashkey<t> owned interface pointers nsisupportshashkey reference-counted concrete classes nsrefptrhashkey there are a number of more esoteric hashkey classes in nshashkeys.h, and you can always roll your own if none of these fit your needs (make sure you're not duplicating an existing hashkey class though!) once you'...
... a few examples: a hashtable that maps utf-8 origin names to a dom window - nsinterfacehashtable<nscstringhashkey, nsidomwindow> a hashtable that maps 32 bit integers to floats - nsdatahashtable<nsuint32hashkey, float> a hashtable that maps nsisupports pointers to reference counted cacheentrys - nsrefptrhashtable<nsisupportshashkey, cacheentry> a hashtable that maps jscontext pointers to a contextinfo struct - nsclasshashtable<nsptrhashkey<jscontext>, contextinfo> a hashset of strings - nsthashtable<nsstringhashkey> hashtable api the hashtable classes all expose the same basic api.
void append( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
void assign( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
void insert( const char_type* adata, index_type aposition, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
void replace( index_type acutstart, size_type acutlength, const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters acutstart [in] the starting index of the section to remove, measured in storage units.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
size_type [pruint32] type used to represent the number of bytes stored in the string.
... index_type [pruint32] type used to represent an offset into the string.
void append( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
void assign( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
void insert( const char_type* adata, index_type aposition, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
void replace( index_type acutstart, size_type acutlength, const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters acutstart [in] the starting index of the section to remove, measured in storage units.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
size_type [pruint32] type used to represent the number of double-byte units stored in the string.
... index_type [pruint32] type used to represent an offset into the string.
explicit nsembedcstring( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
explicit nsembedstring( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview boolean enabled(); boolean install(in nsivariant aargs, [optional] in amiinstallcallback acallback); boolean installchrome(in pruint32 atype, in astring aurl, in astring askin); deprecated since gecko 2.0 boolean startsoftwareupdate(in astring aurl, [optional] in print32 aflags); deprecated since gecko 2.0 boolean updateenabled(); deprecated since gecko 2.0 constants retained for backwards compatibility.
... boolean installchrome( in pruint32 atype, in astring aurl, in astring askin ); parameters atype unused, retained for backwards compatibility.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 8.0 (firefox 8.0 / thunderbird 8.0 / seamonkey 2.5) method overview void confirm(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, [optional] in pruint32 acount); prior to gecko 8.0, all references to nsidomwindow used in this interface were nsidomwindow.
...void confirm( in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, in pruint32 acount optional ); parameters awindow the window that triggered the installs.
nkey 2.5) method overview boolean installaddonsfromwebpage(in astring amimetype, in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri areferer, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring auris, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring ahashes, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring anames, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring aicons, [optional] in amiinstallcallback acallback, [optional] in pruint32 ainstallcount); boolean isinstallenabled(in astring amimetype, in nsiuri areferer); note: prior to gecko 8.0, all references to nsidomwindow used in this interface were nsidomwindow.
...boolean installaddonsfromwebpage( in astring amimetype, in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri areferer, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring auris, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring ahashes, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring anames, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring aicons, in amiinstallcallback acallback, optional in pruint32 ainstallcount optional ); parameters amimetype the mimetype for the add-ons.
.getservice(components.interfaces.mozipersonaldictionary); method overview void addcorrection(in wstring word,in wstring correction, in wstring lang); void addword(in wstring word, in wstring lang); boolean check(in wstring word, in wstring lang); void endsession(); void getcorrection(in wstring word, [array, size_is(count)] out wstring words, out pruint32 count); void ignoreword(in wstring word); void load(); void removecorrection(in wstring word,in wstring correction, in wstring lang); void removeword(in wstring word, in wstring lang); void save(); attributes attribute type description wordlist nsistringenumerator get the (lexicographically sorted) list of words.
...void getcorrection( in wstring word, [array, size_is(count)] out wstring words, out pruint32 count ); parameters word the word to get the list of corrections for.
ame); nsiaccessible getaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, inout nsiframe framehint, out boolean aishidden); nsiaccessible addnativerootaccessible(in voidptr aatkaccessible); void removenativerootaccessible(in nsiaccessible arootaccessible); void invalidatesubtreefor(in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsicontent achangedcontent, in pruint32 aevent); methods removenativerootaccessible() void removenativerootaccessible( in nsiaccessible arootaccessible ); invalidatesubtreefor() invalidate the accessibility cache associated with apresshell, for accessibles that were generated for acontainercontent and it's subtree.
... void invalidatesubtreefor( in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsicontent achangedcontent, in pruint32 aevent ); parameters <tt>apresshell</tt> the presshell where changes occured.
method overview void activate(); void addnamespaces(in nsiarray namespaces); void discard(); void gatherentries(in pruint32 typebits, out unsigned long count, [array, size_is(count)] out string keys); nsiapplicationcachenamespace getmatchingnamespace(in acstring key); unsigned long gettypes(in acstring key); void initashandle(in acstring groupid, in acstring clientid); void markentry(in acstring key, in unsigned long typebits); void unmarkentry(in acstring key, in unsigned long typebits); attributes a...
...void gatherentries( in pruint32 typebits, out unsigned long count, [array, size_is(count)] out string keys ); parameters typebits a bit field indicating the types against which to match.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void getauthprompt(in pruint32 apromptreason, in nsiidref iid, [iid_is(iid),retval] out nsqiresult result); constants constant value description prompt_normal 0 normal (non-proxy) prompt request.
...void getauthprompt( in pruint32 apromptreason, in nsiidref iid, [iid_is(iid),retval] out nsqiresult result ); parameters apromptreason the reason for the authentication prompt, one of the prompt_* constants.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void prompt([array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant aaddons, [optional] in pruint32 acount); methods prompt() prompt the user about newly blocked addons.
...void prompt( [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant aaddons, in pruint32 acount optional ); parameters aaddons an array of addons and plugins that are blocked.
x 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void close(); void doom(); void doomandfailpendingrequests(in nsresult status); string getmetadataelement(in string key); void markvalid(); nsiinputstream openinputstream(in unsigned long offset); nsioutputstream openoutputstream(in unsigned long offset); void setdatasize(in unsigned long size); void setexpirationtime(in pruint32 expirationtime); void setmetadataelement(in string key, in string value); void visitmetadata(in nsicachemetadatavisitor visitor); attributes attribute type description accessgranted nscacheaccessmode get the access granted to this descriptor.
...void setexpirationtime( in pruint32 expirationtime ); parameters expirationtime the time for cache entry expiration (in seconds).
last changed in gecko 1.7 inherits from: nsisupports method overview void getcookie(in string acookieurl, in voidptr acookiebuffer, in pruint32ref acookiesize); void setcookie(in string acookieurl, in constvoidptr acookiebuffer, in unsigned long acookiesize); methods getcookie() retrieves a cookie from the browser's persistent cookie store.
... void getcookie( in string acookieurl, in voidptr acookiebuffer, in pruint32ref acookiesize ); parameters acookieurl url string to look up cookie with..
oldparent, in nsmsgkey newparent, in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onannouncergoingaway(in nsidbchangeannouncer instigator); void onreadchanged(in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onjunkscorechanged(in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onhdrpropertychanged(in nsimsgdbhdr ahdrtochange, in unsigned long aoldflags, in prbool aprechange, inout pruint32 astatus, in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); void onevent(in nsimsgdatabase adb, in string aevent); methods onhdrflagschanged() called when a message's flags change.
... void onhdrpropertychanged(in nsimsgdbhdr ahdrtochange, in prbool aprechange, inout pruint32 astatus, in nsidbchangelistener ainstigator); parameters ahdrtochange the nsimsgdbhdr of the message that is changing.
last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) inherits from: nsidomhtmlmediaelement method overview unsigned long long mozcurrentsampleoffset(); void mozsetup(in pruint32 channels, in pruint32 rate); [implicit_jscontext] unsigned long mozwriteaudio(in jsval data); methods mozcurrentsampleoffset() non-standard this feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track.
...void mozsetup( in pruint32 channels, in pruint32 rate ); parameters channels the number of audio channels the audio stream should use.
method overview boolean haskey(in string key); void getkeys(out pruint32 count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out string keys); nsisupports getvalue(in string key); void setvalue(in string key, in nsisupports value); nsisupports deletevalue(in string key); void clear(); methods haskey() check if a given key is present in the dictionary.
... void getkeys( out pruint32 count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out string keys ); return value array of all keys, unsorted.
(in long aitemtype, in long adirection); nsidomstorage getsessionstorageforprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in domstring documenturi, in boolean create); nsidomstorage getsessionstorageforuri(in nsiuri uri, in domstring documenturi); void historypurged(in long numentries); void internalload(in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri areferrer, in nsisupports aowner, in pruint32 aflags, in wstring awindowtarget, in string atypehint, in nsiinputstream apostdatastream, in nsiinputstream aheadersstream, in unsigned long aloadflags, in nsishentry ashentry, in boolean firstparty, out nsidocshell adocshell, out nsirequest arequest); native code only!
...void internalload( in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri areferrer, in nsisupports aowner, in pruint32 aflags, in wstring awindowtarget, in string atypehint, in nsiinputstream apostdatastream, in nsiinputstream aheadersstream, in unsigned long aloadflags, in nsishentry ashentry, in boolean firstparty, out nsidocshell adocshell, out nsirequest arequest ); parameters auri the uri to load.
overview void addwordtodictionary(in wstring word); boolean canspellcheck(); void checkcurrentdictionary(); boolean checkcurrentword(in wstring suggestedword); boolean checkcurrentwordnosuggest(in wstring suggestedword); astring getcurrentdictionary(); void getdictionarylist([array, size_is(count)] out wstring dictionarylist, out pruint32 count); wstring getnextmisspelledword(); void getpersonaldictionary(); wstring getpersonaldictionaryword(); wstring getsuggestedword(); void ignorewordalloccurrences(in wstring word); void initspellchecker(in nsieditor editor, in boolean enableselectionchecking); void removewordfromdictionary(in wstring word); void replacewor...
...void getdictionarylist( [array, size_is(count)] out wstring dictionarylist, out pruint32 count ); parameters dictionarylist an array into which the list of dictionary name strings are placed.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview string tostring(); attributes attribute type description columnnumber pruint32 valid column numbers begin at 0.
... linenumber pruint32 valid line numbers begin at '1'.
nsidomelement getfocusedelementforwindow(in nsidomwindow awindow, in prbool adeep, out nsidomwindow afocusedwindow); pruint32 getlastfocusmethod(in nsidomwindow window); void movecarettofocus(in nsidomwindow awindow); void elementisfocusable(in nsidomelement aelement, in unsigned long aflags); nsidomelement movefocus(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsidomelement astartelement, in unsigned long atype, in unsigned long aflags); void setfocus(in nsidomelement aelement, in unsigned long aflag...
... getlastfocusmethod() pruint32 getlastfocusmethod( in nsidomwindow window ); parameters window if null, then the current focusedwindow will be used by default.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) method overview void observeactivity(in nsisupports ahttpchannel, in pruint32 aactivitytype, in pruint32 aactivitysubtype, in prtime atimestamp, in pruint64 aextrasizedata, in acstring aextrastringdata); attributes attribute type description isactive boolean true when the interface is active and should observe http activity, otherwise false.
...void observeactivity( in nsisupports ahttpchannel, in pruint32 aactivitytype, in pruint32 aactivitysubtype, in prtime atimestamp, in pruint64 aextrasizedata, in acstring aextrastringdata ); parameters ahttpchannel the nsihttpchannel on which the activity occurred.
nents.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiloginmanagerprompter); method overview void init(in nsidomwindow awindow); void prompttochangepassword(in nsilogininfo aoldlogin, in nsilogininfo anewlogin); void prompttochangepasswordwithusernames([array, size_is(count)] in nsilogininfo logins, in pruint32 count, in nsilogininfo anewlogin); void prompttosavepassword(in nsilogininfo alogin); methods init() initialize the prompter.
... void prompttochangepasswordwithusernames( [array, size_is(count)] in nsilogininfo logins, in pruint32 count, in nsilogininfo anewlogin ); parameters logins an array of existing logins.
window msgwindow); void setmsgdatabase(in nsimsgdatabase msgdatabase); nsimsgdatabase getdbfolderinfoanddb(out nsidbfolderinfo folderinfo); nsimsgdbhdr getmessageheader(in nsmsgkey msgkey); boolean shouldstoremsgoffline(in nsmsgkey msgkey); boolean hasmsgoffline(in nsmsgkey msgkey); nsiinputstream getofflinefilestream(in nsmsgkey msgkey, out pruint32 offset, out pruint32 size); void downloadmessagesforoffline(in nsisupportsarray messages, in nsimsgwindow window); nsimsgfolder getchildwithuri(in acstring uri, in boolean deep, in boolean caseinsensitive); void downloadallforoffline(in nsiurllistener listener, in nsimsgwindow window); void enablenotifications(in long notificationtype, in boolean enable, in boo...
...base getdbfolderinfoanddb(out nsidbfolderinfo folderinfo); getmessageheader() nsimsgdbhdr getmessageheader(in nsmsgkey msgkey); shouldstoremsgoffline() boolean shouldstoremsgoffline(in nsmsgkey msgkey); hasmsgoffline() boolean hasmsgoffline(in nsmsgkey msgkey); getofflinefilestream() nsiinputstream getofflinefilestream(in nsmsgkey msgkey, out pruint32 offset, out pruint32 size); downloadmessagesforoffline() void downloadmessagesforoffline(in nsisupportsarray messages, in nsimsgwindow window); getchildwithuri() nsimsgfolder getchildwithuri(in acstring uri, in boolean deep, in boolean caseinsensitive); downl...
raddressnames(in string line, out string usernames); astring makefulladdress(in astring aname, in astring aaddress); string makefulladdressstring(in string aname, in string aaddress); wstring makefulladdresswstring(in wstring name, in wstring addr); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void parseheaderaddresses(in string line, out string names, out string addresses, out pruint32 numaddresses); void parseheaderswitharray(in wstring aline, [array, size_is(count)] out wstring aemailaddresses, [array, size_is(count)] out wstring anames, [array, size_is(count)] out wstring afullnames, [retval] out unsigned long count); void reformatheaderaddresses(in string line, out string reformattedaddress); wstring reformatunquotedaddresses(in wstring line); ...
... void parseheaderaddresses( in string line, out string names, out string addresses, out pruint32 numaddresses ); parameters line the header line to parse.
last changed in gecko 2 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) inherits from: nsisupports attributes attribute type description capability pruint32 the permission to set: allow, deny, or unknown (which is the default).
... expiretype pruint32 the expiration type of the permission: on session termination, on a specified time, or never.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void displaypropertiesdlg(in wstring aprinter, in nsiprintsettings aprintsettings); void enumerateprinters(out pruint32 acount,[retval, array, size_is(acount)] out wstring aresult); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void initprintsettingsfromprinter(in wstring aprintername, in nsiprintsettings aprintsettings); attributes attribute type description defaultprintername wstring the name of the system default printer.
...void enumerateprinters( out pruint32 acount, [retval, array, size_is(acount)] out wstring aresult ); parameters acount returns number of printers returned.
logtitle, in wstring atext, inout wstring ausername, inout wstring apassword, in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate); boolean promptpassword(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, inout wstring apassword, in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate); boolean select(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, in pruint32 acount, [array, size_is(acount)] in wstring aselectlist, out long aoutselection); constants the following flags are combined to form the abuttonflags parameter passed to confirmex.
...boolean select( in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, in pruint32 acount, [array, size_is(acount)] in wstring aselectlist, out long aoutselection ); aparent the parent window for the dialog.
to get an instance, use: var properties = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiproperties); method overview void get(in string prop, in nsiidref iid, [iid_is(iid),retval] out nsqiresult result); void getkeys(out pruint32 count, [array, size_is(count), retval] out string keys); boolean has(in string prop); void set(in string prop, in nsisupports value); void undefine(in string prop); methods get() gets the xpcom object associated with a particular name.
...void getkeys( out pruint32 count, [array, size_is(count), retval] out string keys ); parameters count the length of the result array.
method overview domstring text(); jsval json(); void binary([optional] out uint32_t datalen, [array, retval, size_is(datalen)] out uint8_t data); methods text() extracts the message data as a utf-8 text string.
... void binary( [optional] out uint32_t datalen, [array, retval, size_is(datalen)] out uint8_t data ); parameters datalen the data size.
method overview void getkey(in domstring name, [optional] out uint32_t keylen, [array, size_is(keylen), retval] out uint8_t key); bool quotaapplies(); bool isexpired(); attributes attribute type description endpoint domstring the subscription url.
... void getkey( in domstring name, [optional] out uint32_t keylen, [array, size_is(keylen), retval] out uint8_t key ); parameters name the encryption key name.
method overview void initwithwindowid(in wstring message, in wstring sourcename, in wstring sourceline, in pruint32 linenumber, in pruint32 columnnumber, in pruint32 flags, in string category, in unsigned long long innerwindowid); attributes attribute type description innerwindowid unsigned long long the inner window id with which the error is associated.
... methods initwithwindowid() void init( in wstring message, in wstring sourcename, in wstring sourceline, in pruint32 linenumber, in pruint32 columnnumber, in pruint32 flags, in string category, in unsigned long long innerwindowid ); parameters message the text of the message to add to the log.
method overview void getrangesforinterval(in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results); void getrangesforintervalcomarray(in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, in rangearray results); native code only!
... void getrangesforinterval( in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results ); parameters beginnode beginoffset endnode endoffset these four parameters represent the range to compare against the selection.
void getrangesforinterval(in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results); void getrangesforintervalarray(in nsinode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsinode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in boolean allowadjacent, in rangearray results); native code only!
... void getrangesforinterval( in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results ); parameters beginnode beginoffset endnode endoffset these four parameters represent the range to compare against the selection.
a value of pr_uint32_max is equivalent to no timeout.
... avalue defines the timeout in seconds, pass pr_uint32_max to specify no timeout.
type_pruint32 7 corresponding to nsisupportspruint32.
...see also nsisupportscstring nsisupportschar nsisupportsdouble nsisupportsfloat nsisupportsid nsisupportsinterfacepointer nsisupportsprbool nsisupportsprint16 nsisupportsprint32 nsisupportsprint64 nsisupportsprtime nsisupportspruint16 nsisupportspruint32 nsisupportspruint64 nsisupportspruint8 nsisupportsstring nsisupportsvoid ...
1.0 66 introduced gecko 8.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 8.0 (firefox 8.0 / thunderbird 8.0 / seamonkey 2.5) method overview void onacknowledge(in nsisupports acontext, in pruint32 asize); void onbinarymessageavailable(in nsisupports acontext, in acstring amsg); void onmessageavailable(in nsisupports acontext, in autf8string amsg); void onserverclose(in nsisupports acontext, in unsigned short acode, in autf8string areason); void onstart(in nsisupports acontext); void onstop(in nsisupports acontext, in nsresult astatuscode); ...
...void onacknowledge( in nsisupports acontext, in pruint32 asize ); parameters acontext user defined context.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 0.9.6 method overview nsiwebbrowserchrome createchromewindow(in nsiwebbrowserchrome parent, in pruint32 chromeflags); methods createchromewindow() create a new window.
...nsiwebbrowserchrome createchromewindow( in nsiwebbrowserchrome parent, in pruint32 chromeflags ); parameters parent the nsiwebbrowserchrome of the parent window, if any.
autf8string value); void setpropertyasbool(in astring prop, in boolean value); void setpropertyasdouble(in astring prop, in double value); void setpropertyasint32(in astring prop, in print32 value); void setpropertyasint64(in astring prop, in print64 value); void setpropertyasinterface(in astring prop, in nsisupports value); void setpropertyasuint32(in astring prop, in pruint32 value); void setpropertyasuint64(in astring prop, in pruint64 value); methods setpropertyasacstring() void setpropertyasacstring( in astring prop, in acstring value ); parameters prop property to set the value of.
... setpropertyasuint32() void setpropertyasuint32( in astring prop, in pruint32 value ); parameters prop property to set the value of.
center(in nsixulwindow arelative, in boolean ascreen, in boolean aalert); nsixulwindow createnewwindow(in print32 achromeflags, in nsiappshell aappshell); nsidocshelltreeitem getcontentshellbyid(in wstring id); void removechildwindow(in nsixulwindow achild); void showmodal(); attributes attribute type description chromeflags pruint32 chromeflags are from nsiwebbrowserchrome.
... contextflags pruint32 contextflags are from nsiwindowcreator2.
serverurl); void setauthentication(in string username, in string password); void clearauthentication(in string username, in string password); void setencoding(in string encoding); void setencoding(in unsigned long type, out nsiidref uuid, out nsqiresult result); void asynccall (in nsixmlrpcclientlistener listener, in nsisupports ctxt, in string methodname, in nsisupports arguments, in pruint32 count); attributes attribute type description serverurl readonly nsiurl the url of the xml-rpc server inprogress readonly boolean whether or not a call is in progress fault readonly nsixmlrpcfault the most recent xml-rpc fault from returned from this server. a nsixmlrpcclientlistener that will get notified of xml-rpc events ctxt a context to be passed on to the listener methodname remote method to call arguments array of arguments to pass to the remote method count void asynccall ( in nsixmlrpcclientlistener listener, in nsisupports ctxt, in string methodname, [array, size_is(count)] in nsisupports arguments, in pruint32 count ); createtype() convenience: return the correct nsisupportsprimitive for a given xml-rpc type, or nsisupportsarray or nsidictionary.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringappenddata( nsacstring& astring, const char* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to be modified.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringcontainerinit2( nscstringcontainer& acontainer, const char* adata = nsnull, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max, pruint32 aflags = 0 ); parameters acontainer [in] the nscstringcontainer instance to initialize.
...pass pr_uint32_max to indicate that adata's length may be determined by scanning the string for a terminating null.
#include "nsstringapi.h" pruint32 ns_cstringgetdata( const nsacstring& astring, const char** adata, prbool* aterminated = nsnull ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to inspect.
...pruint32 countchar(const nsacstring& str, char c) { const char* data; pruint32 len = ns_cstringgetdata(str, &data); pruint32 count = 0; for (pruint32 i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (data[i] == c) ++count; } return count; } history this function was finalized for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringinsertdata( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 aoffset, const char* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to be modified.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringsetdata( nsacstring& astring, const char* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to modify.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringappenddata( nsastring& astring, const prunichar* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to be modified.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
#include "nsstringapi.h" pruint32 ns_stringgetdata( const nsastring& astring, const prunichar** adata, prbool* aterminated ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to inspect.
... example code pruint32 countchar(const nsastring& str, prunichar c) { const prunichar* data; pruint32 len = ns_stringgetdata(str, &data); pruint32 count = 0; for (pruint32 i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (data[i] == c) ++count; } return count; } history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringinsertdata( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 aoffset, const prunichar* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to be modified.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringsetdata( nsastring& astring, const prunichar* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to modify.
...if equal to pr_uint32_max, then adata is assumed to be null-terminated.
int32_t* number long long int64_t int64_t* number octet uint8_t uint8_t* number short int16_t int16_t* number string const char* char** string only chars in range \u0000-\u00ff permitted most of the time you don't want to use this type but autf8string or acstring unsigned long uint32_t uint32_t* number unsigned long long uint64_t uint64_t* number unsigned short uint16_t uint16_t* number wchar char16_t char16_t* string full unicode set permitted wstring const char16_t* char16_t** string full unicode set permitted most of the time you don't want to use this type but astring...
...ns[c]string, refptr<t>, or uint32_t) string, wstring, [ptr] native and [ref] native are unsupported as element types.
Activity Manager examples
er implementation class mycopyeventundo : public nsiactivityundohandler { public: ns_decl_isupports ns_decl_nsiactivityundohandler mycopyeventundo() {} private: ~mycopyeventundo() {} }; ns_impl_isupports1(mycopyeventundo, nsiactivityundohandler) ns_imethodimp mycopyeventundo::undo(nsiactivityevent *event, nsresult *result) { nsresult rv; // get the subjects of this copy event pruint32 length; nsivariant **subjectlist; rv = event->getsubjects(&length, &subjectlist); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // first subject in the list is the source folder in this particular case nscomptr<nsimsgfolder> folder = do_queryinterface(subjectlist[0]); // get the initiator nsivariant *initiator; event->getinitiator(&initiator); if (initiator) { nsisupports* ptr; ...
..._usec_per_msec, // start time pr_now() / pr_usec_per_msec); // completion time // do not forget to increase the ref counter if needed copyevent->setundohandler(undohandler); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// adding the event into activity manager nscomptr<nsiactivitymanager> activitymgr(do_getservice(";1")); pruint32 id; activitymgr->addactivity(copyevent, &id); adding an activity with a custom context type this sample shows how to provide a custom context type for junk processing.
Memory - Plugins
the npn_memalloc method has the following syntax: void *npn_memalloc (uint32 size); the size parameter is an unsigned long integer that represents the amount of memory, in bytes, to allocate in the browser's memory space.
... uint32 npn_memflush (uint32 size); the size parameter is an unsigned long integer that represents the amount of memory, in bytes, to free in the browser's memory space.
Crypto.getRandomValues() - Web APIs
syntax typedarray = cryptoobj.getrandomvalues(typedarray); parameters typedarray an integer-based typedarray, that is an int8array, a uint8array, an int16array, a uint16array, an int32array, or a uint32array.
... examples /* assuming that window.crypto.getrandomvalues is available */ var array = new uint32array(10); window.crypto.getrandomvalues(array); console.log("your lucky numbers:"); for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { console.log(array[i]); } specification specification status comment web cryptography api recommendation initial definition ...
WebGL2RenderingContext.clearBuffer[fiuv]() - Web APIs
values an array of glint, gluint or glfloat values or an int32array, uint32array or float32array specifying the values to clear to.
... examples gl.clearbufferiv(gl.color, 0, new int32array([r, g, b, a])); gl.clearbufferuiv(gl.color, 0, new uint32array([r, g, b, a])); gl.clearbufferfv(gl.color, 0, new float32array([r, g, b, a])); gl.clearbufferfv(gl.color, 0, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]); gl.clearbufferfi(gl.depth_stencil, 0, 1.0, 0); specifications specification status comment webgl 2.0the definition of 'clearbuffer[fiuv]()' in that specification.
Indexed collections - JavaScript
typed array views typed array views have self descriptive names and provide views for all the usual numeric types like int8, uint32, float64 and so forth.
... 0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet uint8_t int16array -32768 to 32767 2 16-bit two's complement signed integer short int16_t uint16array 0 to 65535 2 16-bit unsigned integer unsigned short uint16_t int32array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 32-bit two's complement signed integer long int32_t uint32array 0 to 4294967295 4 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long uint32_t float32array 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 4 32-bit ieee floating point number (7 significant digits e.g., 1.1234567) unrestricted float float float64array 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 8 64-bit ieee floating point number (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) unrestricted dou...
Using the WebAssembly JavaScript API - WebAssembly
for example, to write 42 directly into the first word of linear memory, you can do this: new uint32array(memory.buffer)[0] = 42; you can then return the same value using: new uint32array(memory.buffer)[0] try this now in your demo — save what you’ve added so far, load it in your browser, then try entering the above two lines in your javascript console.
...add the following into your code, where indicated: var i32 = new uint32array(memory.buffer); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { i32[i] = i; } var sum = results.instance.exports.accumulate(0, 10); console.log(sum); note how we create the uint32array view on the memory object’s buffer (memory.prototype.buffer), not on the memory itself.
How to convert an overlay extension to restartless - Archive of obsolete content
data that's homogeneous might get away with using something like uint32array or one of the other standard typed array views, but it's probably a bad idea.
Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
- #include "nscrt.h" + #include <string.h> const char *str = "foo"; - pruint32 len = nscrt::strlen(str); + pruint32 len = strlen(str); - #include "nscrt.h" + #include "nscrtglue.h" const prunichar str[] = {'f','o','o','\0'}; - pruint32 len = nscrt::strlen(str); + pruint32 len = ns_strlen(str); - #include "nscrt.h" + #include "nsmemory.h" + #include "nscrtglue.h" prunichar* anotherstr = (prunichar*) ns_alloc(100 * sizeof(prunichar)); - prunichar *str = nscrt::strdup(...
XPCOM Objects - Archive of obsolete content
integers short, unsigned short, long, unsigned long, print32, pruint32 print32 is the equivalent to long.
Visualizing an audio spectrum - Archive of obsolete content
loadedmetadata, false); // fft from dsp.js, see below var fft = function(buffersize, samplerate) { this.buffersize = buffersize; this.samplerate = samplerate; this.spectrum = new float32array(buffersize/2); this.real = new float32array(buffersize); this.imag = new float32array(buffersize); this.reversetable = new uint32array(buffersize); this.sintable = new float32array(buffersize); this.costable = new float32array(buffersize); var limit = 1, bit = buffersize >> 1; while ( limit < buffersize ) { for ( var i = 0; i < limit; i++ ) { this.reversetable[i + limit] = this.reversetable[i] + bit; } limit = limit << 1; ...
Compiling The npruntime Sample Plugin in Visual Studio - Archive of obsolete content
visual c++ 2008 express don't support c99 standard about int32_t, uint32_t.
JavaScript OS.Shared - Archive of obsolete content
global object os.shared.type properties void_t voidptr_t char jschar int unsigned_int int32_t uint32_t int64_t uint64_t long bool off_t size_t ssize_t fd (unix only) negativeone_or_fd (unix only) negativeone_or_nothing (unix only) string (unix only) null_or_string (unix only) handle (windows only) maybe_handle (windows only) dword (windows only) negative_or_dword (windows only) zero_or_dword (windows only) zero_or_nothing (windows only) declareffi() intn_t() uintn_t()instances of os.shared.type convert_from_c() releasewith() attrib...
Modularization techniques - Archive of obsolete content
for those who like gory details, their structure is this: struct nsid { pruint32 m0; pruint16 m1, m2; pruint8 m3[8]; }; frequently you see them represented as strings, like this: {221ffe10-ae3c-11d1-b66c-00805f8a2676} to initialize an id struct you declare them like this: id = {0x221ffe10, 0xae3c, 0x11d1, {0xb6, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x80, 0x5f, 0x8a, 0x26, 0x76}}; why the b66c couplet gets broken up and grouped with the last set of bytes is probably a footnote somew...
Nanojit - Archive of obsolete content
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include "jsapi.h" #include "jstracer.h" #include "nanojit.h" using namespace nanojit; const uint32_t cache_size_log2 = 20; static avmplus::gc gc = avmplus::gc(); static avmplus::avmcore core = avmplus::avmcore(); int main() { logcontrol lc; #ifdef debug lc.lcbits = lc_readlir | lc_assembly; #else lc.lcbits = 0; #endif // set up the basic nanojit objects.
NPByteRange - Archive of obsolete content
syntax typedef struct _npbyterange { int32 offset; /* negative offset = from the end */ uint32 length; struct _npbyterange* next; } npbyterange; fields the data structure has the following fields: offset offset in bytes to the start of the requested range.
NPEvent - Archive of obsolete content
syntax microsoft windows typedef struct _npevent { uint16 event; uint32 wparam; uint32 lparam; } npevent; mac os typedef eventrecord npevent; type eventrecord = record { what: integer; message: longint; when: longint; where: point; modifiers: integer; end; xwindows typedef xevent npevent; fields npevent on microsoft windows the data structure has the following fields: event one of the following event types: wm_paint wm_lbuttondown wm_lbuttonup wm_lbuttondblclk wm_rbuttondown wm_rbuttonup wm_rbuttondblclk wm_mbuttondown wm_mbuttonup wm_mbuttondblclk wm_mousemove w...
NPN_Enumerate - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_enumerate(npp npp, npobject *npobj, npidentifier **identifiers, uint32_t *identifiercount); parameters the function has the following parameters: npp the npp indicating which plugin instance is making the request.
NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo - Archive of obsolete content
h> nperror npn_getauthenticationinfo(npp instance, const char *protocol, const char *host, int32_t port, const char *scheme, const char *realm, char **username, uint32_t *ulen, char **password, uint32_t *plen); parameters this function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance protocol protocol name (uri scheme) host host name port port number scheme http authentication scheme name realm http authentication realm username out parameter.
NPN_GetValueForURL - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> typedef enum { npnurlvcookie = 501, npnurlvproxy } npnurlvariable; nperror npn_getvalueforurl(npp instance, npnurlvariable variable, const char *url, char **value, uint32_t *len); parameters this function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN_Invoke - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_invoke(npp npp, npobject *npobj, npidentifier methodname, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: npp the npp indicating which plugin wants to call the method on the object.
NPN_InvokeDefault - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npruntime.h> bool npn_invokedefault(npp npp, npobject *npobj, const npvariant *args, uint32_t argcount, npvariant *result); parameters the function has the following parameters: npp the npp indicating which plugin wants to call the default method on the object.
NPN_MemAlloc - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> void *npn_memalloc (uint32 size); parameters the function has the following parameters: size size of memory, in bytes, to allocate in the browser's memory space.
NPN_MemFlush - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> uint32 npn_memflush(uint32 size); parameters the function has the following parameters: size size of memory, in bytes, to free in the browser's memory space.
NPN_PostURL - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npn_posturl(npp instance, const char *url, const char *target, uint32 len, const char *buf, npbool file); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN_PostURLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npn_posturlnotify(npp instance, const char* url, const char* target, uint32 len, const char* buf, npbool file, void* notifydata); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance current plug-in instance, specified by the plug-in.
NPN_SetValueForURL - Archive of obsolete content
ing so does not have much meaning given how proxies are configured, and is not supported.) syntax #include <npapi.h> typedef enum { npnurlvcookie = 501, npnurlvproxy } npnurlvariable; nperror npn_setvalueforurl(npp instance, npnurlvariable variable, const char *url, const char *value, uint32_t len); parameters this function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPObject - Archive of obsolete content
syntax struct npobject { npclass *_class; uint32_t referencecount; /* * additional space may be allocated here by types of npobjects */ }; fields _class a pointer to the npclass of which the object is a member.
NPStream - Archive of obsolete content
syntax typedef struct _npstream { void* pdata; /* plug-in private data */ void* ndata; /* netscape private data */ const char* url; uint32 end; uint32 lastmodified; void* notifydata; const char *headers; } npstream; fields the data structure has the following fields: plug-in-private value that the plug-in can use to store a pointer to private data associated with the instance; not modified by the browser.
NPString - Archive of obsolete content
syntax typedef struct _npstring { const nputf8 *utf8characters; uint32_t utf8length; } npstring; fields the data structure has the following fields: utf8characters an array of the utf-8 characters comprising the string.
NPWindow - Archive of obsolete content
syntax typedef struct _npwindow { void* window; /* platform specific handle */ uint32_t x; /* coordinates of top left corner */ uint32_t y; /* relative to a netscape page */ uint32_t width; /* maximum window size */ uint32_t height; nprect cliprect; /* clipping rectangle coordinates */ #ifdef xp_unix void * ws_info; /* platform-dependent additional data */ #endif /* xp_unix */ npwindowtype type; /* window or drawable target */ } npwindow; fields the data structure has the following fields: window platform-specific handle to a native window element in the netsc...
Error.stackTraceLimit - Archive of obsolete content
otherwise, touint32 is used to convert the value.
ECMAScript 2015 support in Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
arraybuffer get arraybuffer[@@species] (firefox 48) dataview int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array get %typedarray%[@@species] (firefox 48) expressions and operators (firefox 41) spread operator for arrays (firefox 16) use symbol.iterator property (firefox 36) spread operator for function calls (firefox 27) use symbol.iterator property (firefox 36) const (js 1.5, firefox 1.0) (es2015 compliance bug 950547 implemented in...
Mozilla DOM Hacking Guide
pruint32 mscriptableflags: 31; : the fourth argument passed to ns_define_classinfo_data_with_name.
Memory Management Operations
(note that the argument type size_t is replaced by pruint32.) memory allocated by pr_malloc(), pr_calloc(), or pr_realloc() must be freed by pr_free().
NSPR Types
ype definitions with unambiguous bit widths for algebraic operations: 8-, 16-, and 32-bit integer types 64-bit integer types floating-point number type for convenience, nspr also provides type definitions with platform-dependent bit widths: native os integer types 8-, 16-, and 32-bit integer types signed integers print8 print16 print32 unsigned integers pruint8 pruint16 pruint32 64-bit integer types different platforms treat 64-bit numeric fields in different ways.
syntax #include <plhash.h> typedef pruint32 plhashnumber; #define pl_hash_bits 32 description plhashnumber is an unsigned 32-bit integer.
syntax #include <plhash.h> plhashtable *pl_newhashtable( pruint32 numbuckets, plhashfunction keyhash, plhashcomparator keycompare, plhashcomparator valuecompare, const plhashallocops *allocops, void *allocpriv ); parameters the function has the following parameters: numbuckets the number of buckets in the hash table.
returns the length of a specified string (not including the trailing '\0') syntax pruint32 pl_strlen(const char *str); parameter the function has these parameter: str size in bytes of item to be allocated.
syntax #include <prio.h> struct prfileinfo { prfiletype type; pruint32 size; prtime creationtime; prtime modifytime; }; typedef struct prfileinfo prfileinfo; fields the structure has the following fields: type type of file.
syntax #include <prinrval.h> typedef pruint32 printervaltime; #define pr_interval_min 1000ul #define pr_interval_max 100000ul #define pr_interval_no_wait 0ul #define pr_interval_no_timeout 0xfffffffful description the units of printervaltime are platform-dependent.
syntax #include <prio.h> union prnetaddr { struct { pruint16 family; char data[14]; } raw; struct { pruint16 family; pruint16 port; pruint32 ip; char pad[8]; } inet; #if defined(_pr_inet6) struct { pruint16 family; pruint16 port; pruint32 flowinfo; pripv6addr ip; } ipv6; #endif /* defined(_pr_inet6) */ }; typedef union prnetaddr prnetaddr; fields the structure has the following fields: family address family: pr_af_inet|pr_af_inet6 for, pr_af_inet for, pr_af_inet6 for
syntax #include <prmem.h> void *pr_calloc ( pruint32 nelem, pruint32 elsize); parameters nelem the number of elements of size elsize to be allocated.
PR ConvertIPv4AddrToIPv6
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> void pr_convertipv4addrtoipv6( pruint32 v4addr, pripv6addr *v6addr ); parameters the function has the following parameters: v4addr the ipv4 address to convert into an ipv4-mapped ipv6 address.
syntax #include <prthread.h> prthread* pr_createthread( prthreadtype type, void (*start)(void *arg), void *arg, prthreadpriority priority, prthreadscope scope, prthreadstate state, pruint32 stacksize); parameters pr_createthread has the following parameters: type specifies that the thread is either a user thread (pr_user_thread) or a system thread (pr_system_thread).
syntax #include <prtpool.h> nspr_api(prthreadpool *) pr_createthreadpool( print32 initial_threads, print32 max_threads, pruint32 stacksize ); parameters the function has the following parameters: initial_threads the number of threads to be created within this thread pool.
syntax #include <prinrval.h> pruint32 pr_intervaltomicroseconds(printervaltime ticks); parameter ticks the number of platform-dependent intervals to convert.
syntax #include <prinrval.h> pruint32 pr_intervaltomilliseconds(printervaltime ticks); parameter ticks the number of platform-dependent intervals to convert.
syntax #include <prinrval.h> pruint32 pr_intervaltoseconds(printervaltime ticks); parameter ticks the number of platform-dependent intervals to convert.
syntax #include <prio.h> void* pr_memmap( prfilemap *fmap, print64 offset, pruint32 len); parameters the function has the following parameters: fmap a pointer to the file-mapping object representing the file to be memory-mapped.
syntax #include <prinrval.h> printervaltime pr_microsecondstointerval(pruint32 milli); parameter the function has the following parameter: micro the number of microseconds to convert to interval form.
syntax #include <prinrval.h> printervaltime pr_millisecondstointerval(pruint32 milli); parameter the function has the following parameter: milli the number of milliseconds to convert to interval form.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> prstatus pr_netaddrtostring( const prnetaddr *addr, char *string, pruint32 size); parameters the function has the following parameters: addr a pointer to the network address to be converted.
syntax #include <prmem.h> void *pr_realloc ( void *ptr, pruint32 size); parameters ptr a pointer to the existing memory block being resized.
syntax #include <prinrval.h> printervaltime pr_secondstointerval(pruint32 seconds); parameter the function has the following parameter: seconds the number of seconds to convert to interval form.
syntax #include <prinrval.h> pruint32 pr_tickspersecond(void); returns an integer between 1000 and 100000 indicating the number of ticks per second counted by printervaltime on the current platform.
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_memunmap( void *addr, pruint32 len); parameters the function has the following parameters: addr the starting address of the memory region to be unmapped.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> pruint32 pr_htonl(pruint32 conversion); parameter the function has the following parameter: conversion the 32-bit unsigned integer, in host byte order, to be converted.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> pruint32 pr_ntohl(pruint32 conversion); parameter the function has the following parameter: conversion the 32-bit unsigned integer, in network byte order, to be converted.
NSS 3.15.3 release notes
bug 925100 - (cve-2013-1741) ensure a size is <= half of the maximum pruint32 value bug 934016 - (cve-2013-5605) handle invalid handshake packets bug 910438 - (cve-2013-5606) return the correct result in cert_verifycert on failure, if a verifylog isn't used new in nss 3.15.3 new functionality no new major functionality is introduced in this release.
nss tech note8
extern pruint32 ssl_sid_timeout; (the ssl2 session lifetime) extern pruint32 ssl3_sid_timeout; (the ssl3 session lifetime) each of these variables applied to both client and server sessions.
syntax secstatus nss_initialize(const char *configdir, const char *certprefix, const char *keyprefix, const char *secmodname, pruint32 flags); parameters nss_initialize has five parameters: configdir [in] the directory where the certificate, key, and module databases live.
Hacking Tips
, js::value*), js::callargs const&) (cx=0x14f2640, native=0xf89960 , args=...) at js/src/jscntxtinlines.h:235 #2 0x0000000000c87625 in js::invoke(jscontext*, js::callargs const&, js::maybeconstruct) (cx=0x14f2640, args=..., construct=js::no_construct) at js/src/vm/interpreter.cpp:476 #3 0x000000000069bdcf in js::jit::docallfallback(jscontext*, js::jit::baselineframe*, js::jit::iccall_fallback*, uint32_t, js::value*, js::mutablehandlevalue) (cx=0x14f2640, frame=0x7fffffff6ad8, stub_=0x1798838, argc=1, vp=0x7fffffff6a88, res=jsval_void) at js/src/jit/baselineic.cpp:6113 #4 0x00007ffff7f41395 in <<jitframe_exit>> () #5 0x00007ffff7f42223 in <<jitframe_baselinestub>> () #6 0x00007ffff7f4423d in <<jitframe_baselinejs>> () #7 0x00007ffff7f4222e in <<jitframe_baselinestub>> () #8 0x00007ffff7f43...
Introduction to the JavaScript shell
if value is specified, it must be convertable to a positive uint32; gcparam() sets gc parameter name to value.
JIT Optimization Outcomes
accessnottypedarray accessnotstring statictypedarrayuint32 statictypedarraycantcomputemask outofbounds getelemstringnotcached nonnativereceiver indextype setelemnondensenontanotcached nosimdjitsupport optimization failed because simd jit support was not enabled.
syntax js::value js::numbervalue(float f) js::value js::numbervalue(double dbl) js::value js::numbervalue(int8_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(uint8_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(int16_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(uint16_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(int32_t i) js::value js::numbervalue(uint32_t i) name type description f or dbl or i any c integer or floating-point value to convert.
), val.istrue(), val.isfalse() js::booleanvalue(bool), js::truevalue(), js::falsevalue() val.toboolean() val.setboolean(bool) number val.isint32(), val.isdouble(), val.isnumber() js::numbervalue(any number type), js::int32value(int32_t), js::doublevalue(double), js::float32value(float) val.toint32(), val.todouble(), val.tonumber() val.setint32(int32_t), val.setnumber(uint32_t), val.setnumber(double) string val.isstring() js::stringvalue(jsstring*) val.tostring() val.setstring(jsstring *) object val.isobject() js::objectvalue(jsobject&amp;), js::objectornullvalue(jsobject*) val.toobject() val.setobject(jsobject &) symbol val.issymbol() js::symbolvalue(js::symbol*) val.tosymbol() val.setsymbol(js::symbol &...
the flags field is of type uint32_t.
syntax typedef uint32 (* jsmarkop)(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, void *arg); name type description cx jscontext * the js context in which the mark phase of garbage collection is occurring.
flags uint32_t obsolete since jsapi 31 flags giving contextual information about the ongoing property access.
syntax typedef uint32 (* jsreserveslotsop)(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj); name type description cx jscontext * the js context in which the new object is being created.
format can contain one or more instances of the following characters, as appropriate: character c type description b bool boolean c uint16_t ecma uint16_t, unicode character i int32_t ecma int32_t j int32_t ecma int32_t (used to be different, behaves like i now) obsolete since jsapi 28 u uint32_t ecma uint32_t d double ieee double i double integral ieee double s char * (c string) bug 607292 s jsstring * unicode string, accessed by a jsstring pointer w char16_t * unicode character vector, 0-terminated (w for wide) o jsobject * object reference f jsfunction * the argument is ...
see also mxr id search for js_doubleisint32 js_doubletoint32 js_doubletouint32 bug 631132 bug 744965 ...
in the past js_init once had the signature jsruntime * js_init(uint32_t maxbytes) and was used to create new jsruntime instances.
ue vp); bool js_lookupucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_lookuppropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 bool js_lookupelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); // ---- obsolete since spidermonkey 31 ---- bool js_lookuppropertywithflags(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, unsigned flags, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_lookuppropertywithflagsbyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, unsigned flags, js:...
syntax uint32 js_mapgcroots(jsruntime *rt, jsgcrootmapfun map, void *data); callback syntax #define js_map_gcroot_next 0 /* continue mapping entries */ #define js_map_gcroot_stop 1 /* stop mapping entries */ #define js_map_gcroot_remove 2 /* remove and free the current entry */ typedef int (*jsgcrootmapfun)(void *rp, const char *name, void *data); description call js_mapgcroots to map the gc's roots table using map(rp, name, data).
format can contain one or more instances of the following characters, as appropriate: character argument type b jsbool c uint16 (16-bit, unsigned integer) i int32 (32-bit, ecma-compliant signed integer) u uint32 (32-bit, ecma-compliant, unsigned integer) j int32 (32-bit, signed integer) d jsdouble i jsdouble (converted to an integer value) s char * (c string) s jsstring * (unicode string) w jschar * (unicode null-terminated string) o jsobject * f jsfunction * * none.
uint32; typedef ...
SpiderMonkey 1.8.8
obsolete typedef replacement type provided by uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, uint64, int64 uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t mozilla/stdint.h uintn, intn unsigned (also known as unsigned int), int n/a jsdouble double n/a jsuintn, jsintn unsigned (also known as unsigned int), int n/a jspackedbool n/a n/a jsrefcount n/a n/a the...
SpiderMonkey 17
obsolete typedef replacement type provided by uint8, int8, uint16, int16, uint32, int32, uint64, int64 uint8_t, int8_t, uint16_t, int16_t, uint32_t, int32_t, uint64_t, int64_t mozilla/stdint.h uintn, intn unsigned (also known as unsigned int), int n/a jsdouble double n/a jsuintn, jsintn unsigned (also known as unsigned int), int n/a jspackedbool n/a n/a jsrefcount n/a n/a the...
SpiderMonkey 31
targuments "j" type deleted apis js_newgrowablestring (can be replaced with js_newucstring) js_isconstructing (can be replaced with callargs::isconstructing or callreceiver::isconstructing) js_valuetoboolean (replaced by js::toboolean) js_valuetonumber (can be replaced with js::tonumber) js_valuetoint64 (replaced by js::toint64) js_valuetouint64 (replaced by js::touint64) js_valuetoecmauint32 (replaced by js::touint32) js_valuetoecmaint32 (replaced by js::toint32) js_valuetoint32 (can be replaced with js::toint32, which has a different behavior!) js_valuetouint16 (replaced by js::touint16) js_valuetostring (replaced by js::tostring) js_definepropertywithtinyid js_defineucpropertywithtinyid js_getobjectid api changes spidermonkey must now be initialized before it can be used.
SpiderMonkey 38
50) jsval_to_string (bug 952650) js_clearnonglobalobject (bug 1043281) js_clonefunctionobject (bug 1089026) js_compilefunction (bug 1089026) js_compileucfunction (bug 1089026) js_convertarguments (bug 1125784) js_convertargumentsva (bug 1125784) js_convertstub (bug 1103152) js_defineownproperty (bug 1017323) js_deletepropertystub (bug 1103152) js_doubletoint32 (bug 1112774) js_doubletouint32 (bug 1112774) js_enumeratestub (bug 1103152) js_evaluatescript (bug 1100579) js_evaluateucscript (bug 1100579) js_executescriptversion (bug 1095660) js_getflatstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getfunctioncallback (bug 1103269) js_getinternedstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getinternedstringcharsandlength (bug 1037869) js_getstringcharsandlength (bug 1037869) js_getstringcharsz (bug 1037869) js_...
Using XPCOM Components
servicemanager> servman; nsresult rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(servman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; nscomptr<nsicookiemanager> cookiemanager; rv = servman->getservicebycontractid("", ns_get_iid(nsicookiemanager), getter_addrefs(cookiemanager)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; pruint32 len; deletedcookies->getlength(&len); for (int c=0; c<len; c++) cookiemanager->remove(deletedcookies[c].host, deletedcookies[c].name, deletedcookies[c].path, pr_false); xxx: in the original document, there were only the first three parameters to the |remove| call.
Mozilla internal string guide
// return a utf-16 value void foo::getunicodevalue(nsastring& result) { copyutf8toutf16(mlocalutf8value, result); } appendutf8toutf16(const nsacstring&, nsastring&) - converts and appends: // return a utf-16 value void foo::getunicodevalue(nsastring& result) { result.assignliteral("prefix:"); appendutf8toutf16(mlocalutf8value, result); } utf8tonewunicode(const nsacstring&, pruint32* autf16count = nsnull) - (avoid if possible) allocates and converts (the optional parameter will contain the number of 16-byte units upon return, if non-null): void foo::getutf16value(char16_t** result) { *result = utf8tonewunicode(mlocalutf8value); } copyutf16toutf8(const nsastring&, nsacstring&) - converts and copies: // return a utf-8 value void foo::getutf8value(nsacstring& result) ...
972 nsisupportspruint32 interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference this methods returns a string valued representation of the object.
for example, assume we have the following interface declaration: interface nsifoo : nsisupports { const pruint32 myflag = 5; }; the constant myflag can then be accessed using var myflag = components.interfaces.nsifoo.myflag; ...
Observer Notifications
the subject will be the download id wrapped in nsisupportspruint32, for one download removed, or null for multi download remove, for example when the download list is cleared.
#include "nsxpcom.h" nsresult ns_initxpcom3( nsiservicemanager** aresult, nsifile* abindirectory, nsidirectoryserviceprovider* aappfilelocationprovider, nsstaticmoduleinfo const* astaticmodules, pruint32 astaticmodulecount ); parameters aresult [out] the resulting xpcom service manager.
example code // count the number of times a particular character appears in the string pruint32 countchar(const nsacstring& str, char c) { const char* start = str.beginreading(); const char* end = str.endreading(); pruint32 count = 0; while (start != end) { if (*start++ == c) ++count; } return count; } see also length, endreading ...
example code // count the number of times a particular character appears in the string pruint32 countchar(const nsastring& str, prunichar c) { const prunichar* start = str.beginreading(); const prunichar* end = str.endreading(); pruint32 count = 0; while (start != end) { if (*start++ == c) ++count; } return count; } see also length ...
class standarddeviationfunc : public mozistorageaggregatefunction { public: ns_imethod onstep(mozistoragevaluearray *aarguments) { print32 value; nsresult rv = aarguments->getint32(&value); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); mnumbers.appendelement(value); } ns_imethod onfinal(nsivariant **_result) { print64 total = 0; for (pruint32 i = 0; i < mnumbers.length(); i++) total += mnumbers[i]; print32 mean = total / mnumbers.length(); nstarray<print64> data(mnumbers); for (pruint32 i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) { print32 value = data[i] - mean; data[i] = value * value; } total = 0; for (pruint32 i = 0; i < data.length(); i++) total += data[i]; nscomptr<nsiwritablevariant> re...
attributes attribute type description count obsolete since gecko 15.0 pruint32 indicates if there are entries in global history.
passing pr_uint32_max indicates that all data available will be used to update the hash.
bidioptions pruint32 use this attribute to access all the bidi options in one operation.
obsolete since gecko 1.9 flatitemcount pruint32 this tells you how many items are in the flattened list of results, that is how many rows are in this tree right now.
passing pr_uint32_max here causes the pipe to have "infinite" space.
boolean promptpassword(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, inout wstring password, in wstring checkmsg, inout boolean checkvalue); boolean promptusernameandpassword(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, inout wstring username, inout wstring password, in wstring checkmsg, inout boolean checkvalue); boolean select(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in pruint32 count, [array, size_is(count)] in wstring selectlist, out long outselection); constants the button flags defined in nsiprompt are the same as those defined in nsipromptservice.constants.
pass pr_uint32_max to specify the default timeout value, causing nsiproxyinfo::failovertimeout to be assigned the default value.
language pruint32 see nsiprogramminglanguage for a list of language constants.
if that number is greater than or equal to 2^32, this parameter will be pr_uint32_max (2^32 - 1).
this content is now available at nsisupportspruint32.attributes.
this content is now available at nsisupportspruint32.tostring().
manifestentriescount pruint32 the number of entries in the manifest.
const nsmsgsearchattribvalue junkpercent = 46; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue junkscoreorigin = 47; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue label = 48; /* mail only...can search by label */ const nsmsgsearchattribvalue hdrproperty = 49; // uses nsimsgsearchterm::hdrproperty const nsmsgsearchattribvalue folderflag = 50; // uses nsimsgsearchterm::status const nsmsgsearchattribvalue uint32hdrproperty = 51; // uses nsimsgsearchterm::hdrproperty // 52 is for showing customize - in ui headers start from 53 onwards up until 99.
trib::date || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::msgstatus || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::messagekey || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::size || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::ageindays || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::folderinfo || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::location || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::label || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::junkstatus || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::folderflag || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::uint32hdrproperty || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::junkpercent || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::hasattachmentstatus)) %} ...
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsmsgsearchcore.idl use this to specify the value of a search term [ptr] native nsmsgsearchvalue(nsmsgsearchvalue); %{c++ typedef struct nsmsgsearchvalue { nsmsgsearchattribvalue attribute; union { nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; prtime date; pruint32 msgstatus; /* see msg_flag in msgcom.h */ pruint32 size; nsmsgkey key; print32 age; /* in days */ nsimsgfolder *folder; nsmsglabelvalue label; pruint32 junkstatus; pruint32 junkpercent; } u; char *string; } nsmsgsearchvalue; ...
XPCOM Interface Reference
sistringbundleoverridensistringbundleservicensistringenumeratornsistructuredclonecontainernsistylesheetservicensisupportsnsisupports proxiesnsisupportsarraynsisupportscstringnsisupportscharnsisupportsdoublensisupportsfloatnsisupportsidnsisupportsinterfacepointernsisupportsprboolnsisupportsprint16nsisupportsprint32nsisupportsprint64nsisupportsprtimensisupportspruint8nsisupportspruint16nsisupportspruint32nsisupportspruint64nsisupportsprimitivensisupportsprioritynsisupportsstringnsisupportsvoidnsisupportsweakreferencensisyncjpakensisyncmessagesendernsitxttohtmlconvnsitaggingservicensitaskbarpreviewnsitaskbarpreviewbuttonnsitaskbarpreviewcontrollernsitaskbarprogressnsitaskbartabpreviewnsitaskbarwindowpreviewnsitelemetrynsitextinputprocessornsitextinputprocessorcallbacknsitextinputprocessornotificati...
XPCOM primitive
[scriptable, uuid(dec2e4e0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportspruint8 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute pruint8 data; string tostring(); }; pruint16 nsisupportspruint16;1 [scriptable, uuid(dfacb090-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportspruint16 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute pruint16 data; string tostring(); }; pruint32 nsisupportspruint32;1 [scriptable, uuid(e01dc470-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportspruint32 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute pruint32 data; string tostring(); }; pruint64 nsisupportspruint64;1 [scriptable, uuid(e13567c0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportspruint64 : nsisupportsprimitive { ...
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
ger nsicollection nsidictionary nsimutablearray nsisimpleenumerator nsisupportschar nsisupportsdouble nsisupportsfloat nsisupportsid nsisupportsinterfacepointer nsisupportsprbool nsisupportsprimitive nsisupportsprint16 nsisupportsprint32 nsisupportsprint64 nsisupportspriority nsisupportsprtime nsisupportspruint16 nsisupportspruint32 nsisupportspruint64 nsisupportspruint8 nsisupportsstring nsisupportsvoid nsisupportsweakreference nsivariant do not use nsienumerator nsiinprocesscontentframemessagemanager nsiscriptableio nsixpcscriptable future nsixmlhttprequestupload obsolete nsixmlrpcclient nsixmlrpcfault security auth ...
xptcall FAQ
the core invoke function has the declaration: xptc_public_api(nsresult) xptc_invokebyindex(nsisupports* that, pruint32 methodindex, pruint32 paramcount, nsxptcvariant* params); nsxptcvariant is a discriminated union of the types that can be passed as parameters to the target function (including void* to represent arbitrary pointer types).
Xptcall Porting Guide
the invoke functionality requires the implementation of the following on each platform (from xptcall/public/xptcall.h): xptc_public_api(nsresult) ns_invokebyindex(nsisupports* that, pruint32 methodindex, pruint32 paramcount, nsxptcvariant* params); calling code is expected to supply an array of nsxptcvariant structs.
Address book sync client design
this method is * called only once, at the beginning of a sync transaction * */ void onstartoperation(in print32 atransactionid, in pruint32 amsgsize); /** * notify the observer that progress as occurred for the ab sync operation */ void onprogress(in print32 atransactionid, in pruint32 aprogress, in pruint32 aprogressmax); /** * notify the observer with a status message for sync operation */ void onstatus(in print32 atransactionid, in wstring amsg); /** * notify the observer that...
Add to iPhoto
these are declared near the top of the code: const osstatus = ctypes.int32_t; const cfindex = ctypes.long; const optionbits = ctypes.uint32_t; osstatus used to represent the status code resulting from an operation.
Declaring types
to declare this type, you can simply do: const dword = ctypes.uint32_t; after doing this, dword is a ctype that can then be used to represent 32-bit unsigned integers.
Using js-ctypes
ert", /* function name */ ctypes.default_abi, /* abi type */ ctypes.int16_t, /* return type */ ctypes.int16_t, /* alert type */ ctypes.char.ptr, /* primary text */ ctypes.char.ptr, /* secondary text */ ctypes.uint32_t, /* alert param */ ctypes.int16_t); /* item hit */ var hit = 0; var msgerr = makestr("carbon says..."); var msgexp = makestr("we just called the standardalert carbon function from javascript!"); var err = stdalert(1, msgerr, msgexp, 0, hit); carbon.close(); the makestr() function is a utility routine that takes as input a standard javascript string and ...
example ctypes.uint32_t.tosource() returns "ctypes.uint32_t".
Drawing and Event Handling - Plugins
//the npwindow structure typedef enum { npwindowtypewindow = 1, npwindowtypedrawable } npwindowtype; typedef struct _npwindow { void* window; /* platform-specific handle */ uint32 x; /* position of top-left corner */ uint32 y; /* relative to a netscape page */ uint32 width; /* maximum window size */ uint32 height; nprect cliprect; /* clipping rectangle in port coordinates */ #ifdef xp_unix void * ws_info; /* platform-dependent additional data */ #endif /* xp_unix */ npwindowtype type; /* whether this is a window or a drawable ...
ArrayBufferView - Web APIs
arraybufferview is a helper type representing any of the following javascript typedarray types: int8array, uint8array, uint8clampedarray, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, float32array, float64array or dataview.
WEBGL_depth_texture - Web APIs
the pixels parameter now accepts an arraybufferview of type uint16array and uint32array.
WebGL2RenderingContext.getActiveUniformBlockParameter() - Web APIs
gl.uniform_block_active_uniform_indices: returns a uint32array indicating the list of active uniforms in the uniform block.
WebGL2RenderingContext.uniform[1234][uif][v]() - Web APIs
a uint32array for unsigned integer vector methods (methods with uiv).
WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribI4[u]i[v]() - Web APIs
value a uint32array/int32array or sequences of gluint/ glint for integer vector vertex attribute values.
WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter() - Web APIs
glenum gl.blend_equation_alpha glenum gl.blend_equation_rgb glenum gl.blend_src_alpha glenum gl.blend_src_rgb glenum gl.blue_bits glint gl.color_clear_value float32array (with 4 values) gl.color_writemask sequence<glboolean> (with 4 values) gl.compressed_texture_formats uint32array returns the compressed texture formats.
WebGLRenderingContext.getUniform() - Web APIs
elements) ivec4 int32array (with 4 elements) bvec4 array of glboolean (with 4 elements) mat2 float32array (with 4 elements) mat3 float32array (with 9 elements) mat4 float32array (with 16 elements) sampler2d glint samplercube glint additionally available in webgl 2 uint gluint uvec2 uint32array (with 2 elements) uvec3 uint32array (with 3 elements) uvec4 uint32array (with 4 elements) mat2x3 float32array (with 6 elements) mat2x4 float32array (with 8 elements) mat3x2 float32array (with 6 elements) mat3x4 float32array (with 12 elements) mat4x2 float32array (with 8 elements) mat4x3 float32arr...
WebGLRenderingContext.texImage2D() - Web APIs
a uint32array must be used if type is gl.unsigned_int or ext.unsigned_int_24_8_webgl.
Window.crypto - Web APIs
javascript genrandomnumbers = function getrandomnumbers() { var array = new uint32array(10); window.crypto.getrandomvalues(array); var randtext = document.getelementbyid("myrandtext"); randtext.innerhtml = "the random numbers are: " for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { randtext.innerhtml += array[i] + " "; } } html <p id="myrandtext">the random numbers are: </p> <button type="button" onclick='genrandomnumbers()'>generate 10 random numbers</button> result ...
JavaScript data types and data structures - JavaScript
0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet uint8_t int16array -32768 to 32767 2 16-bit two's complement signed integer short int16_t uint16array 0 to 65535 2 16-bit unsigned integer unsigned short uint16_t int32array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 32-bit two's complement signed integer long int32_t uint32array 0 to 4294967295 4 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long uint32_t float32array 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 4 32-bit ieee floating point number (7 significant digits e.g., 1.1234567) unrestricted float float float64array 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 8 64-bit ieee floating point number (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) unrestricted dou...
Array.prototype.every() - JavaScript
let len be touint32(lenvalue).
Array.prototype.indexOf() - JavaScript
let len be touint32(lenvalue). - JavaScript
let len be touint32(lenvalue).
Atomics.add() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.and() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.compareExchange() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array. - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.load() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.or() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array. - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.sub() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
Atomics.xor() - JavaScript
one of int8array, uint8array, int16array, uint16array, int32array, uint32array, bigint64array, or biguint64array.
JSON.stringify() - JavaScript
; // '{"x":[10,null,null,null]}' // standard data structures json.stringify([new set([1]), new map([[1, 2]]), new weakset([{a: 1}]), new weakmap([[{a: 1}, 2]])]); // '[{},{},{},{}]' // typedarray json.stringify([new int8array([1]), new int16array([1]), new int32array([1])]); // '[{"0":1},{"0":1},{"0":1}]' json.stringify([new uint8array([1]), new uint8clampedarray([1]), new uint16array([1]), new uint32array([1])]); // '[{"0":1},{"0":1},{"0":1},{"0":1}]' json.stringify([new float32array([1]), new float64array([1])]); // '[{"0":1},{"0":1}]' // tojson() json.stringify({ x: 5, y: 6, tojson(){ return this.x + this.y; } }); // '11' // symbols: json.stringify({ x: undefined, y: object, z: symbol('') }); // '{}' json.stringify({ [symbol('foo')]: 'foo' }); // '{}' json.stringify({ [symbol.for('foo')]:...
Math.clz32() - JavaScript
if (!math.clz32) math.clz32 = (function(log, ln2){ return function(x) { // let n be touint32(x).
TypedArray.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT - JavaScript
examples using bytes_per_element int8array.bytes_per_element; // 1 uint8array.bytes_per_element; // 1 uint8clampedarray.bytes_per_element; // 1 int16array.bytes_per_element; // 2 uint16array.bytes_per_element; // 2 int32array.bytes_per_element; // 4 uint32array.bytes_per_element; // 4 float32array.bytes_per_element; // 4 float64array.bytes_per_element; // 8 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray.bytes_per_element' in that specification.
TypedArray.from() - JavaScript
syntax typedarray.from(source[, mapfn[, thisarg]]) where typedarray is one of: int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array bigint64array biguint64array parameters source an array-like or iterable object to convert to a typed array. - JavaScript
examples using name; // "int8array"; // "uint8array"; // "uint8clampedarray"; // "int16array"; // "uint16array"; // "int32array"; // "uint32array"; // "float32array"; // "float64array" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of '' in that specification.
TypedArray.of() - JavaScript
syntax typedarray.of(element0[, element1[, ...[, elementn]]]) where typedarray is one of: int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array bigint64array biguint64array parameters elementn elements of which to create the typed array.
TypedArray.prototype.toLocaleString() - JavaScript
examples using tolocalestring var uint = new uint32array([2000, 500, 8123, 12, 4212]); uint.tolocalestring(); // if run in a de-de locale // "2.000,500,8.123,12,4.212" uint.tolocalestring('en-us'); // "2,000,500,8,123,12,4,212" uint.tolocalestring('ja-jp', { style: 'currency', currency: 'jpy' }); // "¥2,000,¥500,¥8,123,¥12,¥4,212" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'typedarray.prot...
TypedArray - JavaScript
0 to 255 1 8-bit unsigned integer (clamped) octet uint8_t int16array -32768 to 32767 2 16-bit two's complement signed integer short int16_t uint16array 0 to 65535 2 16-bit unsigned integer unsigned short uint16_t int32array -2147483648 to 2147483647 4 32-bit two's complement signed integer long int32_t uint32array 0 to 4294967295 4 32-bit unsigned integer unsigned long uint32_t float32array 1.2×10-38 to 3.4×1038 4 32-bit ieee floating point number (7 significant digits e.g., 1.1234567) unrestricted float float float64array 5.0×10-324 to 1.8×10308 8 64-bit ieee floating point number (16 significant digits e.g., 1.123...15) unrestricted dou...
WebAssembly.Memory() constructor - JavaScript
webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('memory.wasm'), { js: { mem: memory } }) .then(obj => { var i32 = new uint32array(memory.buffer); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { i32[i] = i; } var sum = obj.instance.exports.accumulate(0, 10); console.log(sum); }); creating a shared memory by default, webassembly memories are unshared.
WebAssembly.Memory.prototype.buffer - JavaScript
webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('memory.wasm'), { js: { mem: memory } }) .then(obj => { var i32 = new uint32array(memory.buffer); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { i32[i] = i; } var sum = obj.instance.exports.accumulate(0, 10); console.log(sum); }); specifications specification webassembly javascript interfacethe definition of 'buffer' in that specification.
WebAssembly.Memory - JavaScript
webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('memory.wasm'), { js: { mem: memory } }) .then(obj => { var i32 = new uint32array(memory.buffer); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { i32[i] = i; } var sum = obj.instance.exports.accumulate(0, 10); console.log(sum); }); creating a shared memory by default, webassembly memories are unshared.
Standard built-in objects - JavaScript
array int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array bigint64array biguint64array keyed collections these objects represent collections which use keys.
JavaScript reference - JavaScript
object function boolean symbol error objects error aggregateerror evalerror internalerror rangeerror referenceerror syntaxerror typeerror urierror numbers & dates number bigint math date text processing string regexp indexed collections array int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array float64array bigint64array biguint64array keyed collections map set weakmap weakset structured data arraybuffer sharedarraybuffer atomics dataview json control abstraction promise generator generatorfunction asyncfunction reflection reflect proxy internationalization intl intl.collator intl.datetimeformat ...
Loading and running WebAssembly code - WebAssembly
your code might look something like this: webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('mymodule.wasm'), importobject) .then(obj => { // call an exported function: obj.instance.exports.exported_func(); // or access the buffer contents of an exported memory: var i32 = new uint32array(obj.instance.exports.memory.buffer); // or access the elements of an exported table: var table = obj.instance.exports.table; console.log(table.get(0)()); }) note: for more information on how exporting from a webassembly module works, have a read of using the webassembly javascript api, and understanding webassembly text format.