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Authoring MathML - MathML
this page explains how to write mathematics using the mathml language.
... just like html, mathml is described with tags and attributes. a consequence, good mathml authoring tools are more important and we describe some tools below.
...And 54 more matches
MathML documentation index - MathML
found 40 pages: # page tags and summary 1 mathml landing, mathml, reference, web, xml mathematical markup language (mathml) is a dialect of xml for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content.
... 2 authoring mathml beginner, mathml, mathml project this page explains how to write mathematics using the mathml language.
... just like html, mathml is described with tags and attributes.
...And 42 more matches
MathML element reference - MathML
this is an alphabetical list of mathml presentation elements.
... the term presentation markup is used to describe the layout structure of mathematical notation whereas content markup provides the underlying mathematical meaning and is not supposed to be rendered by the mathml parser (see bug 276028).
... if you want to learn more about content markup you should consider chapter 4 in the mathml 3 specification.
...And 3 more matches
MathML attribute reference - MathML
this is an alphabetical list of mathml attributes.
... notes: the mathml <mstyle> and <math> elements accept all attributes of all mathml presentation elements.
... see values for notes on values and units in mathml.
...And 2 more matches
Fonts for Mozilla 2.0's MathML engine
you may also want to check out the mozilla mathml torture test to test your installation against concrete examples.
... on windows: use this mathml fonts installer.
... on mac os x lion (10.7) and higher versions, stix fonts are already installed and can be used for mathml.
...And 10 more matches
Fonts for Mozilla's MathML engine
this wiki page describes how users can install and use such math fonts with mozilla's mathml engine.
... note:cambria math is installed by default on windows 7 and later versions and should ensure relatively good mathml rendering.
... note: a deprecated version of stix is preinstalled starting with os x lion and should ensure relatively good mathml rendering.
...And 8 more matches
Mozilla MathML Project
the mozilla mathml project is mozilla's project to build and enhance mathml support within firefox and other mozilla-based applications.
... updates status of each tag result of the mathml 3 testsuite unofficial nightly builds with mathml patches applied (maintained by bill gianopoulos) more updates and archived content community view mozilla forums...
... mailing list newsgroup rss feed irc channel wiki used by contributors - check out the latest developments and help us improving mathml in mozilla.
...And 8 more matches
<semantics> - MathML
in mathml there are two ways to mark up mathematics: presentation mathml is used to control the layout of equations, whereas content mathml is designed to encode the semantic mathematical meaning and to make expressions understandable to computer algebra systems.
... the mathml elements <semantics>, <annotation> and <annotation-xml> are used to combine presentation and content markup and to provide both, layout information and semantic meaning of mathematical expressions.
...content mathml or openmath.
...And 8 more matches
MathML Torture Test
mathml torture test html content <p> render mathematics with: <select name="mathfont" id="mathfont"> <option value="default" selected="selected">default fonts</option> <option value="asana">asana</option> <option value="cambria">cambria</option> <option value="dejavu">dejavu</option> <option value="latinmodern">latin modern</option> <option value="libertinus">libertinus</option> <option value="lucidabright">lucida bright</option> <option value="minion">minion</option> <option value="stixtwo">stix two</option> <option value="texgyrebonum">tex gyre bonum</option> <option value="texgyrepagella">tex gyre pagella</option> <option value="texgyreschola">tex gyre schola</option> <option value="texgyretermes">tex gyre termes</option> ...
...> <td> <math display="block"> <msubsup> <mi>y</mi> <mn>3</mn> <mo>&#x2034;</mo> </msubsup> </math> </td></tr> <tr> <td>29</td> <td><img src="" width="194" height="58" alt="stirling's approximation" /></td> <td><math display="block" xmlns=""><mrow><munder><mo lspace="0em" rspace="0em">lim</mo><mrow><mi>n</mi><mo stretchy="false">→</mo><mo>+</mo><mn>∞</mn></mrow></munder><mfrac><msqrt><mrow><mn>2</mn><mi>π</mi><mi>n</mi></mrow></msqrt><mrow><mi>n</mi><mo>!</mo></mrow></mfrac><msup><mrow><mo>(</mo><mfrac><mi>n</mi><mi>e</mi></mfrac><mo>)</mo></mrow><mi>n</mi></msup></mrow><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></math></td> </tr> <tr> <td>30...
...</td> <td><img src="" width="194" height="58" alt="leibniz formula for the determinant" /></td> <td><math display="block" xmlns=""><mrow><mrow><mo lspace="0em" rspace="0em">det</mo><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>a</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><mo>=</mo><munder><mo>∑</mo><mrow><mi>σ</mi><mo>∊</mo><msub><mi>s</mi><mi>n</mi></msub></mrow></munder><mrow><mi>ϵ</mi><mo stretchy="false">(</mo><mi>σ</mi><mo stretchy="false">)</mo></mrow><mrow><munderover><mo>∏</mo><mrow><mi>i</mi><mo>=</mo><mn>1</mn></mrow><mi>n</mi></munderover><msub><mi>a</mi><mrow><mi>i</mi><mo>,</mo><msub><mi>σ</mi><mi>i</mi></msub></mrow></msub></mrow></mrow></math></td> </tr> </table> <br><br> <table dir="rtl"> <...
...And 7 more matches
MathML In Action
mathml in action are you seeing nifty equations throughout this page? a mathml-enabled mozilla build to remedy this sad situation.
... you already have a mathml-enabled build but what you see on the screenshot is not what you get?
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MathML Accessibility in Mozilla
this table below provides a list of mathml constructions and how they are read in mozilla applications for various platforms: windows: mathml support is provided by nvda, which actually delegates math reading to the proprietary mathplayer plugin.
... we started exposing generic accessible objects for mathml in bug 920547 and so these can be retrieved by nvda starting with gecko 27.0 (firefox 27.0 / thunderbird 27.0 / seamonkey 2.24).
... mac: mathml support is provided by voiceover.
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<math> - MathML
the top-level element in mathml is <math>.
... every valid mathml instance must be wrapped in <math> tags.
... display this enumerated attribute specifies how the enclosed mathml markup should be rendered.
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mathematical markup language (mathml) is a dialect of xml for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content.
... mathml reference mathml element reference details about each mathml element and compatibility information for desktop and mobile browsers.
... mathml attribute reference information about mathml attributes that modify the appearance or behavior of elements.
...And 4 more matches
Various MathML Tests
overview of presentation mathml elements testing tensor indices <mmultiscripts>: r i1 j2 k3 ; this with <none/>, a qp i a bit of calculus: ∫ a b f ( x ) dx ∂ ∂ x f ( x , y ) + ∂ ∂ y f ( x , y ) here is the alphabet with invisible portions wrapped by <mphantom> in between: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z .
... testing mathml <msub>: a b ; a i ; a i k testing mathml <msup>: d b 2 a x 2 2 x ( 1 2 ) y a x .
... testing mathml <munder>, <mover>, and <munderover>: abcd un abcd ov abcd under over .
...And 3 more matches
Mozilla MathML Status
an overview of the mathml 3 elements/attributes - excluding deprecated ones - and the current status of the native support.
... references to mathml 3 are given.
...sections related to semantics/content mathml or irrelevant features are left blank or not listed at all.
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MathML Demo: <mo> - operator, fence, separator, or accent
there is an issue with the markup of "long" latex arrows in mathml.
...the default attributes given in the mathml operator dictionary don't configure vertical arrows as fences. mathml, operators that are used for fencing are never symmetric and are always stretchy by default.
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<merror> - MathML
the mathml <merror> element is used to display contents as error messages.
...note that this error is not thrown when your mathml markup is wrong or not well-formed xml.
... you will still get an xml parsing error (in case of the xhtml notation of mathml), which has nothing to do with <merror>.
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<mfenced> - MathML
the deprecated mathml <mfenced> element used to provide the possibility to add custom opening and closing parentheses (such as brackets) and separators (such as commas or semicolons) to an expression.
... it has been removed from the latest mathml standard and modern browsers no longer support it.
...i> <mi>b</mi> <mi>c</mi> <mi>d</mi> <mi>e</mi> </mfenced> </math> all excess is ignored (,) sample rendering: rendering in your browser: a b c d e <math> <mfenced open="[" close="]" separators="||||,"> <mi>a</mi> <mi>b</mi> <mi>c</mi> <mi>d</mi> <mi>e</mi> </mfenced> </math> specifications the <mfenced> element is no longer part of the latest mathml standard.
... use the <mrow> and <mo> elements instead, or, for backwards compatibility, see mathml-polyfills/mfenced.
<mmultiscripts> - MathML
the mathml <mmultiscripts> element allows you to create tensor-like objects.
... mathml uses a special syntax to describe subscripts and superscripts for both, postscripts and prescripts, attached to a base expression: <mmultiscripts> base (subscript superscript)* [ <mprescripts/> (presubscript presuperscript)* ] </mmultiscripts> after the base expression you can specify a postsubscript and a postsuperscript.
...<math> <mmultiscripts> <mi>x</mi> <!-- base expression --> <none /> <!-- postsubscript --> <mi>c</mi> <!-- postsuperscript --> <mprescripts /> <mi>b</mi> <!-- presubscript --> <none /> <!-- presuperscript --> </mmultiscripts> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mmultiscripts' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mmultiscripts' in that specification.
<mpadded> - MathML
the mathml <mpadded> element is used to add extra padding and to set the general adjustment of position and size of enclosed contents.
... prior to gecko 7.0 (firefox 7.0 / thunderbird 7.0 / seamonkey 2.4) the mathml2 pseudo-unit lspace was allowed, which is no longer present in the mathml3 recommendation and has been removed now.
... examples <math> <mpadded height="+150px" width="100px" lspace="2height"> <mi> x </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> y </mi> </mpadded> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mpadded' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mpadded' in that specification.
<mrow> - MathML
the mathml <mrow> element is used to group sub-expressions, which usually contain one or more operators with their respective operands (such as <mi> and <mn>).
... when writing a mathml expression, you should group elements within an <mrow> in the same way as they are grouped in the mathematical interpretation of the expression.
... examples <math> <mrow> <mn> 1 </mn> <mo> + </mo> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mo> ( </mo> <mrow> <mi> x </mi> <mo> , </mo> <mi> y </mi> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> </mrow> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mrow' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mrow' in that specification.
<mspace> - MathML
the mathml <mspace> element is used to display a blank space, whose size is set by its attributes.
... starting with mathml 3, it is preferred to use <mo> to control linebreaking.
... examples <math> <mspace depth="40px" height="20px" /> <mspace width="100px" /> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mspace' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mspace' in that specification.
<mstyle> - MathML
the mathml <mstyle> element is used change the style of its children.
... it accepts all attributes of all mathml presentation elements with some exceptions and additional attributes listed below.
...refix">&sum;</mo> <mrow> <mi>i</mi> <mo form="infix">=</mo> <mn>1</mn> </mrow> <mi>n</mi> </munderover> <mstyle displaystyle="true"> <mfrac> <mn>1</mn> <mi>n</mi> </mfrac> </mstyle> </mrow> </mstyle> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mstyle' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mstyle' in that specification.
MathML - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
mathml (an xml application) is an open standard for representing mathematical expressions in webpages.
... in 1998 the w3c first recommended mathml for representing mathematical expressions in the browser.
... mathml has other applications also including scientific content and voice synthesis.
MathML Screenshots
this page also shows how mathml can be used in combination with other web features such as background images at a desired opacity.
... you can get the mathml source of a formula or a selected expression.
... mathml in blog posts and emails.
Values - MathML
lengths several mathml presentation elements have attributes that accept length values used for size or spacing.
... mathml accepts different units and constants for specifying lengths.
...onkey 2.4) (bug 650530) negativeveryverythinmathspace -1/18em negativeverythinmathspace -2/18em negativethinmathspace -3/18em negativemediummathspace -4/18em negativethickmathspace -5/18em negativeverythickmathspace -6/18em negativeveryverythickmathspace -7/18em note: namedspace binding is deprecated in mathml3 and has been removed in gecko 15.0 (firefox 15.0 / thunderbird 15.0 / seamonkey 2.12) (bug 673759).
<maction> - MathML
the mathml <maction> element provides a possibility to bind actions to (sub-) expressions.
...ctiontype="toggle"> <mfrac> <mn>6</mn> <mn>8</mn> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mrow> <mn>3</mn> <mo>&sdot;</mo> <mn>2</mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mn>4</mn> <mo>&sdot;</mo> <mn>2</mn> </mrow> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mn>3</mn> <mn>4</mn> </mfrac> </maction> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'maction' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'maction' in that specification.
<menclose> - MathML
the mathml <menclose> element renders its content inside an enclosing notation specified by the notation attribute.
...adruwb a2 + b2 arabic factorial symbol updiagonalarrow a2 + b2 diagonal arrow phasorangle a2 + b2 phasor angle examples <math> <menclose notation="circle box"> <mi> x </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> y </mi> </menclose> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'menclose' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'menclose' in that specification.
<mfrac> - MathML
the mathml <mfrac> element is used to display fractions.
... examples sample rendering: your browser rendering: a b c d <math> <mfrac bevelled="true"> <mfrac> <mi> a </mi> <mi> b </mi> </mfrac> <mfrac> <mi> c </mi> <mi> d </mi> </mfrac> </mfrac> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mfrac' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mfrac' in that specification.
<mglyph> - MathML
the mathml <mglyph> element is used to display non-standard symbols where existing unicode characters are not available.
... examples <math> <mi><mglyph src="my-glyph.png" alt="my glyph"/></mi> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mglyph' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mglyph' in that specification.
<mi> - MathML
the mathml <mi> element indicates that the content should be rendered as an identifier such as function names, variables or symbolic constants.
...ple sans-serif-italic ; example sans-serif-bold-italic ; example monospace ; example initial ; مثال tailed ; مثال looped ; مثال stretched ; مثال examples <math> <mi> y </mi> <mi> sin </mi> <mi mathvariant="monospace"> x </mi> <mi mathvariant="bold"> &pi; </mi> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mi' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mi' in that specification.
<mlabeledtr> - MathML
the mathml <mlabeledtr> element is used to represent a label in a row either on the left or on the right side (determined using the side attribute on the <mtable> element).
... examples rendering: <math> <mtable> <mlabeledtr> <mtd><mn>1</mn></mtd> <!-- label --> <mtd><mi>a</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>b</mi></mtd> </mlabeledtr> <mtr> <mtd><mi>c</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>d</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>e</mi></mtd> </mtr> </mtable> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mlabeledtr' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mlabeledtr' in that specification.
<mn> - MathML
the mathml <mn> element represents a numeric literal which is normally a sequence of digits with a possible separator (a dot or a comma).
...ns-serif ; example sans-serif-italic ; example sans-serif-bold-italic ; example monospace ; example initial ; مثال tailed ; مثال looped ; مثال stretched ; مثال examples <math> <mn> 0 </mn> <mn> 1.337 </mn> <mn> twelve </mn> <mn> xvi </mn> <mn> 2e10 </mn> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mn' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mn' in that specification.
<mo> - MathML
the mathml <mo> element represents an operator in a broad sense.
... examples <math> <mrow> <mn>5</mn> <mo>+</mo> <mn>5</mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mo> [ </mo> <!-- default form value: prefix --> <mrow> <mn> 0 </mn> <mo> ; </mo> <!-- default form value: infix --> <mn> 1 </mn> </mrow> <mo> ) </mo> <!-- default form value: postfix --> </mrow> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mo' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mo' in that specification.
<mover> - MathML
the mathml <mover> element is used to attach an accent or a limit over an expression.
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x + y + z ⏞ <math> <mover accent="true"> <mrow> <mi> x </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> y </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> z </mi> </mrow> <mo> &#x23de; <!--top curly bracket--> </mo> </mover> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mover' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mover' in that specification.
<mphantom> - MathML
the mathml <mphantom> element is rendered invisibly, but dimensions (such as height, width, and baseline position) are still kept.
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x + y + z <math> <mrow> <mi> x </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mphantom> <mi> y </mi> <mo> + </mo> </mphantom> <mi> z </mi> </mrow> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mphantom' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mphantom' in that specification.
<mroot> - MathML
the mathml <mroot> element is used to display roots with an explicit index.
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x 3 <math> <mroot> <mi>x</mi> <mn>3</mn> </mroot> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mroot' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mroot' in that specification.
<ms> - MathML
the mathml <ms> element represents a string literal meant to be interpreted by programming languages and computer algebra systems.
... examples <math> <ms lquote="„" rquote="“"> abc </ms> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'ms' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'ms' in that specification.
<msqrt> - MathML
the mathml <msqrt> element is used to display square roots (no index is displayed).
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x <math> <msqrt> <mi>x</mi> </msqrt> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'msqrt' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'msqrt' in that specification.
<msub> - MathML
the mathml <msub> element is used to attach a subscript to an expression.
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x 1 <math> <msub> <mi>x</mi> <mn>1</mn> </msub> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'msub' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'msub' in that specification.
<msubsup> - MathML
the mathml <msubsup> element is used to attach both a subscript and a superscript, together, to an expression.
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: ∫ 0 1 <math displaystyle="true"> <msubsup> <mo> &#x222b;<!--integral --> </mo> <mn> 0 </mn> <mn> 1 </mn> </msubsup> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'msubsup' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'msubsup' in that specification.
<msup> - MathML
the mathml <msup> element is used to attach a superscript to an expression.
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x 2 <math> <msup> <mi>x</mi> <mn>2</mn> </msup> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'msup' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'msup' in that specification.
<mtable> - MathML
the mathml <mtable> element allows you to create tables or matrices.
... 3"> <mtr> <mtd><mi>a</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>b</mi></mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd><mi>c</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>d</mi></mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd><mi>e</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>f</mi></mtd> </mtr> </mtable> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mtable' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mtable' in that specification.
<mtd> - MathML
the mathml <mtd> element represents a cell in a table or a matrix.
... specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mtd' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mtd' in that specification.
<mtext> - MathML
the mathml <mtext> element is used to render arbitrary text with no notational meaning, such as comments or annotations.
...ple sans-serif-italic ; example sans-serif-bold-italic ; example monospace ; example normal (default) ; مثال initial ; مثال tailed ; مثال looped ; مثال stretched ; مثال examples <math> <mtext> theorem of pythagoras </mtext> <mtext> /* comment here */ </mtext> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mtext' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mtext' in that specification.
<mtr> - MathML
the mathml <mtr> element represents a row in a table or a matrix.
... specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'mtr' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'mtr' in that specification.
<munder> - MathML
the mathml <munder> element is used to attach an accent or a limit under an expression.
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: x + y + z ⏟ <math> <munder accentunder="true"> <mrow> <mi> x </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> y </mi> <mo> + </mo> <mi> z </mi> </mrow> <mo> &#x23df; <!--bottom curly bracket--> </mo> </munder> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'munder' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'munder' in that specification.
<munderover> - MathML
the mathml <munderover> element is used to attach accents or limits both under and over an expression.
... examples sample rendering: rendering in your browser: ∫ 0 ∞ <math displaystyle="true"> <munderover > <mo> &#x222b; <!--integral--> </mo> <mn> 0 </mn> <mi> &#x221e; <!--infinity--> </mi> </munderover> </math> specifications specification status comment mathml 3.0the definition of 'munderover' in that specification.
... recommendation current specification mathml 2.0the definition of 'munderover' in that specification.
the pages below contain our current results of the mathml 3 full testsuite for presentation mathml.
...however, any report is welcome on the tracking bug for the mathml testsuite.
MathML Demo: <mmultiscripts> - attach prescripts and tensor indices to a base
a mathml mmultiscripts object allows you to build tensor-like objects.
...displays a mathml mmultiscripts objects allows you to build tensor-like objects.
MathML Demo: <msqrt>, <mroot> - radicals
mathml has two root objects, an <msqrt> x and an <mroot> x 3 .
...displays mathml has two root objects, an <msqrt> x and an <mroot> x 3 these are pretty simple.
MathMLElement - Web APIs
the mathmlelement interface represents any mathml element.
... properties this interface has no properties, but inherits properties from: documentandelementeventhandlers, element, elementcssinlinestyle, globaleventhandlers, htmlorforeignelement methods this interface has no methods, but inherits methods from: documentandelementeventhandlers, element, elementcssinlinestyle, globaleventhandlers, htmlorforeignelement examples mathml <math xmlns=""> <msqrt> <mi>x</mi> </msqrt> </math> javascript document.queryselector('msqrt'); // mathmlelement specifications specification status comment mathmlelement interface ...
Examples - MathML
below you'll find some examples you can look at to help you to understand how to use mathml to display increasingly complex mathematical concepts in web content.
... mathml torture test large set of test markup.
MathML Demo: <mfrac> - fractions
and this is an example where the bevelled attribute is set inside the radical y 2 - t 2 1 ( 1 + | y 2 - t 2 | 2 ) and this shows a combination with a background image at a desired opacity mathml background image html content <div class="background"></div> <math display="block"> <mrow> <msub> <mi>z</mi> <mi>&alpha;</mi> </msub> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mi>f</mi> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> <mo>=</mo> <mfrac> <mn>1</mn> <mrow> <mn>2</mn> <mi>i</mi> <mo>&thinspace;</mo> <mi>cos</mi> <mo>(</mo> <mfrac> <mrow> <mi>&alpha;</mi> <mi>&pi;</mi> </mrow> <mn>2</mn> </mfrac> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </m...
MathML Demo: <mspace> - space
mathml demo: <mspace> - space the background color of <mspace> elements has been set to yellow for easier viewing.
MathML Demo: <mtable> - tables and matrices
mathml doesn't specify how to only display certain sides of the table border, as in "|rcl", but these can be obtained in mozilla using the 'border' property of css, e.g., "|rcl" can be achieved with the css declaration "mtable { border-left: solid thin }".
HTML5 Parser - Developer guides
the new parser introduces these major improvements: you can now use svg and mathml inline in html5 pages, without xml namespace syntax.
...are not valid javascript escapes; the character code strategy is more general-purpose.) inline svg and mathml support as a completely new parsing feature, html5 introduced support for inline svg and mathml in text/html.
... this means that you can now use svg and mathml inline in text/html similarly to what has previously been possible in application/xhtml+xml.
...And 7 more matches
mathml basics this document illustrates some basic mathml constructions.
...however, mathml documents tend to be verbose and you might get lost trying to locate a mathml fragment with the usual view source.
...rather, the math fragment will zoom, and if you right-click a second time, you will see the mathml wysiwyg markup of the fragment, and if you right-click again a third time, the fragment will revert to its initial state.
...And 6 more matches
this new version comes with several bug fixes and new features for mathml.
... some improvements are particularly worth noting: a new html parser, which lets you use mathml inside non-xhtml documents.
... october 21, 2010 mathml 3.0 is now a w3c recommendation!
...And 5 more matches
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
128 empty element codingscripting, glossary, intermediate an empty element is an element from html, svg, or mathml that cannot have any child nodes (i.e., nested elements or text nodes).
... 262 mathml codingscripting, glossary, mathml, mathematical markup language, xml mathml (an xml application) is an open standard for representing mathematical expressions in webpages.
... in 1998 the w3c first recommended mathml for representing mathematical expressions in the browser.
... mathml has other applications also including scientific content and voice synthesis.
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
role_equation <math> (in mathml namespace) indicates the root of a mathml tree.
... mathml: an xml dialect used to display full math notation on web pages.
... we do not currently have plans to support msaa for mathml - we will likely suggest use of the external dom for this, because msaa simply does not have the right semantics in it to support mathematics.
... mathml support is currently built into firefox.
Mozilla Web Developer FAQ
application/xhtml+xml was added to the accept header in order to enable the serving of mathml to both mozilla and ie with apache without scripting back when the mathplayer plug-in for ie did not handle application/xhtml+xml.
... if your document mixes mathml or svg with xhtml, you should use application/xhtml+xml (until html5 parsing is supported).
... however, if you are using the usual html features (no mathml or svg) and are serving your content as text/html to other browsers, there is no need to serve application/xhtml+xml to mozilla.
... mathml svg (in svg-enabled builds only) xul (please note that xul is mozilla-specific and, therefore, using it on the public web causes interoperabilty problems.) xml:base is observed when following links.
mathml extras this is a technology demonstration of some of the extras in mozilla but not defined in the mathml spec, and not prevented by the spec either.
...> <g> <animatetransform attributename="transform" attributetype="xml" type="rotate" from="0" to="360" dur="6s" repeatcount="indefinite"/> <g transform="translate(-50,-35)"> <rect width="100" height="70" fill="url(#grad2)"/> <switch> <foreignobject width="100" height="70" requiredextensions=""> <math display="block"> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd><mi>cos</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> <mtd><mo>−</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd><mi>sin</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>cos</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </math> </foreignobject> <text>rotation matrix</text> </switch> </g></g></g> <g> <animatemotion path="m 32,69 c 64,121 100,27 152,42 203,56 ...
...0s" repeatcount="indefinite"/> <animatetransform attributename="transform" attributetype="xml" type="scale" values="1;2;.5;1" keytimes="0;.25;.75;1" dur="20s" repeatcount="indefinite"/> <circle fill="url(#grad3)" r="30"/> <g transform="translate(-30,-30)"> <switch> <foreignobject width="60" height="60" requiredextensions=""> <math display="block"> <mrow> <munderover> <mo>∑</mo> <mrow> <mi>n</mi> <mo>=</mo> <mn>0</mn> </mrow> <mrow> <mo>+</mo> <mi>∞</mi> </mrow> </munderover> <mfrac> <msup> <mi>α</mi> <mi>n</mi> </msup> <mrow> <mi>n</mi> <mo>!</mo> </mrow> </mfrac> </mrow> </math> </foreignobject> <text>exp(α)</text> </switch> </g> </g> </svg> </div> inline javascript html content <math display="bloc...
XML in Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
the public identifiers that are recognized are: -//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en -//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.1//en -//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en -//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 frameset//en -//w3c//dtd xhtml basic 1.0//en -//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.1 plus mathml 2.0//en -//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.1 plus mathml 2.0 plus svg 1.1//en -//w3c//dtd svg 20001102//en -//wapforum//dtd xhtml mobile 1.0//en xml linking and pointing xml linking support includes xml base and simple xlinks.
...xtras sax sax soap (no longer supported) w3c note web services xml-rpc (no longer supported) userland software xml-rpc rdf w3c recommendations rdf svg w3c recommendation svg animation (smil) w3c recommendation mathml w3c recommendation mathml p3p (no longer supported) w3c recommendation p3p wsdl (no longer supported) w3c note web services xbl mozilla's xbl reference xul mozilla's xul reference roadmap next big tasks would include support for xpointer xpointer() scheme (bug 3...
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
details can be located at frame reflow issues related to the ongoing implementation of mathml-in-html into mozilla, which include: exposing the mathml implementation to tag soup.
... details can be located at mathml-in-html5 meetings no meetings for this week.
Empty element - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
an empty element is an element from html, svg, or mathml that cannot have any child nodes (i.e., nested elements or text nodes).
... the html, svg, and mathml specifications define very precisely what each element can contain.
XLink - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
simple xlinks are "supported" in firefox (at least in svg and mathml), though they do not work as links if one loads a plain xml document with xlinks and attempts to click on the relevant points in the xml tree.
... xlink is used in svg, mathml, and other important standards.
mozilla mathml project the mozilla mathml project is mozilla's project to build and enhance mathml support within firefox and other mozilla-based applications.
...svg is to graphics what xhtml is to text, mathml is to mathematical equations and cml is to the description of chemical molecules.
Index - Web APIs
1860 htmlorforeignelement api, html, htmlelement, htmlorforeignelement, interface, mathml, mathmlelement, mixin, reference, svg, svgelement the htmlorforeignelement mixin describes several features common to the htmlelement, svgelement and mathmlelement interfaces.
... 2294 mathmlelement api, draft, experimental, interface, mathml, mathmlelement, needsbrowsercompatibility, needscompattable, reference the mathmlelement interface represents any mathml element.
Movement, orientation, and motion: A WebXR example - Web APIs
the displaymatrix() method is used for this; this function uses mathml to render the matrix, falling back to a more array-like format if mathml isn't supported by the user's browser.
... function displaymatrix(mat, rowlength, target) { let outhtml = ""; if (mat && rowlength && rowlength <= mat.length) { let numrows = mat.length / rowlength; outhtml = "<math xmlns='' display='block'>\n<mrow>\n<mo>[</mo>\n<mtable>\n"; for (let y=0; y<numrows; y++) { outhtml += "<mtr>\n"; for (let x=0; x<rowlength; x++) { outhtml += `<mtd><mn>${mat[(x*rowlength) + y].tofixed(2)}</mn></mtd>\n`; } outhtml += "</mtr>\n"; } outhtml += "</mtable>\n<mo>]</mo>\n</mrow>\n</math>"; } target.innerhtml = outhtml; } this replaces the contents of the element specified by target with a newly-created <math> element which contains the 4x4 matrix.
@namespace - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the @namespace rule is generally only useful when dealing with documents containing multiple namespaces—such as html5 with inline svg or mathml, or xml that mixes multiple vocabularies.
...this means that html elements will act as though they are in the xhtml namespace (, even if there is no xmlns attribute anywhere in the document, and the <svg> and <math> elements will be assigned their proper namespaces ( and
Other content in SVG - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
another often cited use case is the embedding of formulas with mathml.
...a standalone svg viewer is unlikely to be able to render html or mathml.
Introduction to using XPath in JavaScript - XPath
for example, the expression: '//xhtml:td/mathml:math' will select all mathml expressions that are the children of (x)html table data cell elements.
... in order to associate the 'mathml:' prefix with the namespace uri '' and 'xhtml:' with the uri '' we provide a function: function nsresolver(prefix) { var ns = { 'xhtml' : '', 'mathml': '' }; return ns[prefix] || null; } our call to document.evaluate would then looks like: document.evaluate( '//xhtml:td/mathml:math', document, nsresolver, xpathresult.any_type, null ); implementing a default namespace for xml documents as noted in the implementing a default namespace resolver previously, the default resolver does not handle the default namespace for xml documents.
Web technology for developers
mathml the mathematical markup language makes it possible to display complex mathematical equations and syntax.
... accessibilitycss houdinicss: cascading style sheetsdemos of open web technologiesdeveloper guidesexsltevent referencehtml: hypertext markup languagehttpjavascriptmathmlopensearch description formatprivacy, permissions, and information securityprogressive web apps (pwas)svg: scalable vector graphicstutorialsweb apisweb componentsweb performanceweb app manifestsweb media technologiesweb securityweb technology referencexml: extensible markup languagexpathxslt: extensible stylesheet language transformations ...
Chapter 3: Introduction to XUL—How to build a more intuitive UI - Archive of obsolete content
because a xul document is also an xml document, it can contain xhtml, svg, mathml, and other elements; if you use external entity references, the xml document's contents are modularized; combined with other xml-related technologies, such as dom, xlink, or xslt, you can use it for a number of different applications.
Chapter 2: Technologies used in developing extensions - Archive of obsolete content
some examples of xml-based markup languages include xhtml, which is html redefined on an xml base; svg, for expressing vector images; and mathml, for expressing mathematical formulas.
Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
they include: html 4.01, xhtml 1.0 and xhtml 1.1 cascade style sheets (css): css level 1, css level 2.1 and parts of css level 3 document object model (dom): dom level 1, dom level 2 and parts of dom level 3 mathematical markup language: mathml version 2.0 extensible markup language (xml): xml 1.0, namespaces in xml, associating style sheets with xml documents 1.0, fragment identifier for xml xsl transformations: xslt 1.0 xml path language: xpath 1.0 resource description framework: rdf simple object access protocol: soap 1.1 ecma-262, revision 3 (javascript 1.5): ecma-262 general cross-browser coding tips even though web standa...
Mozilla Application Framework in Detail - Archive of obsolete content
ogrammatically or by parsing files, compositing multiple sources into a single rdf graph, querying and manipulating graphs, and populating xul widgets (trees, menus, etc.) with graph data; an xslt/xpath processor; scalable vector graphics (svg) rendering with support for a usable subset of the standard including all basic shapes, beziers, stroking and filling with opacity, and much of the dom; mathml rendering; an ecma-262 edition 3-compliant javascript engine; java integration with a bridge to xpcom, a java dom api, the open jvm integration (oji) facility, a java webclient api, and java plug-ins; nspr, a runtime engine that provides platform-independence (across over a dozen platforms) for non-gui operating system facilities with support for threads, thread synchronization, normal file an...
Elements - Archive of obsolete content
you may also use a number of html, mathml and svg tags.
Menus - Archive of obsolete content
ntext-copy copies to clipboard context-paste pastes from clipboard editable text context-delete deletes selection editable text context-selectall selects all context-searchselect selected text is searched context-viewpartialsource-selection views the selection source selection context-viewpartialsource-mathml views the mathml source mathml context-viewsource views the source context-viewinfo views the page info context-metadata views the properties context-spell-check-enabled spell check enabled checkbox context-inspect inspects the element ...
Extensions - Archive of obsolete content
onmathml true if the target is a mathml element.
Introduction - Archive of obsolete content
for example xhtml or other xml languages such as mathml or svg can be inserted within it.
XML - Archive of obsolete content
mathml and the chemical markup language (cml) are two of the better-known and more widely-used languages, but there are hundreds.
XULRunner Hall of Fame - Archive of obsolete content
mathml support is significant.
reftest opportunities files - Archive of obsolete content
r/tests/html/18308.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/17003.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/15204.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/149877.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/142965_1.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/142965.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/124788.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/102370.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/100466.html parser/htmlparser/tests/html/100397.html layout/mathml/tests/test.html layout/mathml/tests/symbol.html ...
Mozilla release FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
mozilla has (at least) the following new features: xml support a highly configurable appearance (courtesy of xul) publicly available source code :) http compression exists on more platforms mathml support (somewhat limited at the moment) a significantly faster rendering engine better html support (css 1 and partial css 2, dom 1 and partial dom 2) plug-in jvm support tabbed browsing message filtering an irc client why is the animated icon different?
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
discussions html5 @ w3c discussion of the official announcement from w3c on the development of html5 and how mathml should be included in it.
XForms Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
if you need to have xforms in other kinds of documents like svg, mathml or some other tag language that mozilla supports, then you'll need to implement xforms controls for your desired document format.
The Business Benefits of Web Standards - Archive of obsolete content
using xhtml is a way to enter a set of standards composed of xml-based technologies, such as xml, xslt (transforming data), svg (animated graphics), mathml (describing mathematic expressions)...
MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
ord l latency layout viewport lazy load lgpl ligature local scope local variable locale localization long task loop lossless compression lossy compression ltr (left to right) m main axis main thread markup mathml media media (audio-visual presentation) media (css) metadata method microsoft edge microsoft internet explorer middleware mime mime type minification mitm mixin mobile first modem modern web apps modularity mozilla firefox mutab...
Accessibility Features in Firefox
chen is a screen reader extension built just for firefox which can read mathml community contributions the real reason behind firefox's success is the great community of volunteers and organizations that realize they have something to benefit from a browser open to utilizing their ideas and hard work.
CSUN Firefox Materials
fire vox is a screen reader extension built just for firefox which can read mathml the accessibility extension, from the university of illinois, provides new menus and keyboard shortcuts for accessing every feature of a web page community contributions the real reason behind firefox's success is the great community of volunteers and organizations that realize they have something to benefit from a browser open to utilizing their ideas and hard work.
if not, please consider installing some mathml fonts.
Gecko Roles
it is used by mathml.
it is used by mathml, where there is a rich dom subtree for an equation.
encode_flags_encode_w3c_entities 256 attempt to encode entities standardized at w3c (html, mathml, and so on.).
View Source - Firefox Developer Tools
view mathml source if you context-click while the mouse is over some mathml, you'll see a context menu item labeled "view mathml source": click it to see the mathml source.
Document.createElementNS() - Web APIs
important namespace uris html svg mathml xul xbl example this creates a new <div> element in the xhtml namespace and appends it to the vbox element.
ElementCSSInlineStyle - Web APIs
the elementcssinlinestyle mixin describes cssom-specific features common to the htmlelement, svgelement and mathmlelement interfaces.
HTMLOrForeignElement - Web APIs
the htmlorforeignelement mixin describes several features common to the htmlelement, svgelement and mathmlelement interfaces.
Node.baseURIObject - Web APIs
this property exists on all nodes (html, xul, svg, mathml, etc.), but only if the script trying to use it has universalxpconnect privileges.
Node.nodePrincipal - Web APIs
note: this property exists on all nodes (html, svg, mathml, xul, etc.), but only if the script trying to use it has chrome privileges.
Web APIs
ttribution linearaccelerationsensor linkstyle localfilesystem localfilesystemsync localmediastream location lock lockmanager lockedfile m midiaccess midiconnectionevent midiinput midiinputmap midimessageevent midioutputmap mscandidatewindowhide mscandidatewindowshow mscandidatewindowupdate msgestureevent msgraphicstrust msmanipulationevent msrangecollection mssitemodeevent magnetometer mathmlelement mediacapabilities mediacapabilitiesinfo mediaconfiguration mediadecodingconfiguration mediadeviceinfo mediadevices mediaelementaudiosourcenode mediaencodingconfiguration mediaerror mediaimage mediakeymessageevent mediakeysession mediakeystatusmap mediakeysystemaccess mediakeysystemconfiguration mediakeys medialist mediametadata mediapositionstate mediaquerylist mediaquerylisteven...
Text labels and names - Accessibility
example <iframe title="mdn web docs" width="300" height="200" src=""> </iframe> use alt attribute to label mglyph elements when writing equations with mathml, give each <mglyph> element an alt attribute containing a name that describes the symbol.
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
cascading style sheets (css) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in html or xml (including xml dialects such as svg, mathml or xhtml).
HTML5 - Developer guides
mathml allows directly embedding mathematical formulas.
<sub>: The Subscript element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
marking up the subscript in mathematical variable numbers (although you may also consider using a mathml formula for this).
<sup>: The Superscript element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
appropriate use cases for <sup> include (but aren't necessarily limited to): displaying exponents, such as "x3." it may be worth considering the use of mathml for these, especially in more complex cases.
MIME types (IANA media types) - HTTP
note: use application/xml or application/xhtml+xml if you want xml’s strict parsing rules, <![cdata[…]]> sections, or elements that aren't from html/svg/mathml namespaces.
Namespaces crash course - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
for example, svg and mathml might be incorporated directly into an xhtml based scientific document.
Specification Deviations - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the 'class' and 'style' attributes unlike html and mathml, the svg specification does not specify the 'style' and 'class' attributes on all svg elements.
XML introduction - XML: Extensible Markup Language
there are many languages based on xml, including xhtml, mathml, svg, xul, xbl, rss, and rdf.