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157 results for "substring":
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String.prototype.substring() - JavaScript
the substring() method returns the part of the string between the start and end indexes, or to the end of the string.
... syntax str.substring(indexstart[, indexend]) parameters indexstart the index of the first character to include in the returned substring.
... indexend optional the index of the first character to exclude from the returned substring.
...And 18 more matches
class declaration nstdependentsubstring_chart a string class which wraps an external array of string characters.
... names: nsdependentsubstring for wide characters nsdependentcsubstring for narrow characters method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(c...
... methods constructors void nsdependentcsubstring(const nsacstring_internal&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str pruint32 startpos pruint32 length void nsdependentcsubstring(const char*, const char*) - source parameters char* start char* end void nsdependentcsubstring(const nsreadingiterator<char>&, const nsreadingiterator<char>&) - source parameters nsreadingiterator<char>& start nsreadingiterator<char>& end void nsdependentcsubstring() - source rebind void rebind(const nsacstring_internal&, pruint32, ...
...And 6 more matches
class declaration nstdependentsubstring_chart a string class which wraps an external array of string characters.
... names: nsdependentsubstring for wide characters nsdependentcsubstring for narrow characters method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(c...
... methods constructors void nsdependentsubstring(const nsastring_internal&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str pruint32 startpos pruint32 length void nsdependentsubstring(const prunichar*, const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* start prunichar* end void nsdependentsubstring(const nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>&, const nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>&) - source parameters nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& start nsreadingiterator<short unsigned int>& end void nsdependentsubstring() - so...
...And 6 more matches
substring-after - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the substring-after function returns a string that is the rest of a given string after a given substring.
... syntax substring-after(haystack ,needle ) arguments haystack the string to be evaluated.
... needle the substring to search for.
... examples xpath example output substring-after('aa-bb','-') bb substring-after('aa-bb','a') a-bb substring-after('aa-bb','b') b substring-after('aa-bb','q') (empty string) defined xpath 1.0 4.2 gecko support supported.
substring-before - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the substring-before function returns a string that is the part of a given string before a given substring.
... syntax substring-before(haystack ,needle ) arguments haystack the string to be evaluated.
... needle the substring to search for.
... examples xpath example output substring-before('aa-bb','-') aa substring-before('aa-bb','a') (empty string) substring-before('aa-bb','b') aa- substring-before('aa-bb','q') (empty string) defined xpath 1.0 4.2 gecko support supported.
substring - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the substring function returns a part of a given string.
... syntax substring(string ,start [,length] ) arguments string the string to evaluate.
... start the position withinstring the substring begins length(optional) the length of the substring.
nsDependentSubstring external
class declaration substrings method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral operator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare(const prunichar*, print32 (*) compare(const nsastring&, print32 (*) equals(const prunichar*, print32 (*) equals(const nsastring&, print32 (*) operator< operator<= ...
...methods constructors void nsdependentsubstring_external() - source void nsdependentsubstring_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar astart pruint32 alength void nsdependentsubstring_external(const nsastring&, pruint32) - source parameters nsastring astr pruint32 astartpos void nsdependentsubstring_external(const nsastr...
nsDependentCSubstring external
methods constructors void nsdependentcsubstring_external() - source void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* astart pruint32 alength void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const nsacstring&, pruint32) - source parameters nsacstring& astr pruint32 astartpos void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const nsacstrin...
Useful string methods - Learn web development
finding a substring inside a string and extracting it sometimes you'll want to find if a smaller string is present inside a larger one (we generally say if a substring is present inside a string).
... this can be done using the indexof() method, which takes a single parameter — the substring you want to search for.
... if the substring is found inside the main string, it returns a number representing the index position of the substring — which character number of the main string the substring starts at.
...And 12 more matches
Mozilla internal string guide
there are a number of additional string classes: classes which exist primarily as constructors for the other types, particularly nsdependent[c]string and nsdependent[c]substring.
...if you don't want to or can't null-terminate the buffer, use nsdependentsubstring.
... nssubstringtuple - created via string concatenation nsdependentsubstring - created through substring nspromiseflatstring - created through promiseflatstring() nsliteral[c]string - created through the ""_ns and u""_ns user-defined literals of course, there are times when it is necessary to reference these string classes in your code, but as a general rule they should be avoided.
...And 11 more matches
other-licenses/ia2/accessibletext.idlnot scriptable a structure containing a substring and the start and end offsets in the enclosing string.
...cters([out] long ncharacters ); [propget] hresult newtext([out] ia2textsegment newtext ); [propget] hresult nselections([out] long nselections ); [propget] hresult offsetatpoint([in] long x, [in] long y, [in] enum ia2coordinatetype coordtype, [out] long offset ); [propget] hresult oldtext([out] ia2textsegment oldtext ); hresult removeselection([in] long selectionindex ); hresult scrollsubstringto([in] long startindex, [in] long endindex, [in] enum ia2scrolltype scrolltype ); hresult scrollsubstringtopoint([in] long startindex, [in] long endindex, [in] enum ia2coordinatetype coordinatetype, [in] long x, [in] long y ); [propget] hresult selection([in] long selectionindex, [out] long startoffset, [out] long endoffset ); hresult setcaretoffset([in] long offset ); hresult setselectio...
...if the text() is implemented as a tree of text() objects with embed characters in higher levels representing substrings of child text() objects and the caret is in one of the child text() objects, then the offset in the higher level text() object would be at the embed character representing child text() object that contains the caret.
...And 10 more matches
class declaration nstsubstring is the most abstract class in the string hierarchy.
... names: nsastring for wide characters nsacstring for narrow characters many of the accessors on nstsubstring are inlined as an optimization.
... <map id="classes" name="classes"> <area alt="" coords="456,5,605,53" href="" shape="rect" title="nsacstring_internal"> <area alt="" coords="415,101,497,149" href="" shape="rect" title="nscstring"> <area alt="" coords="521,101,689,149" href="" shape="rect" title="nsdependentcsubstring"> <area alt="" coords="172,197,289,245" href="" shape="rect" title="nsfixedcstring"> <area alt="" coords="315,197,437,245" href="" shape="rect" title="nsxpidlcstring"> <area alt="" coords="461,197,611,245" href="" shape="rect" title="ns...
...And 8 more matches
class declaration nstsubstring is the most abstract class in the string hierarchy.
... names: nsastring for wide characters nsacstring for narrow characters many of the accessors on nstsubstring are inlined as an optimization.
... <map id="classes" name="classes"> <area alt="" coords="415,5,553,53" href="" shape="rect" title="nsastring_internal"> <area alt="" coords="379,101,451,149" href="" shape="rect" title="nsstring"> <area alt="" coords="475,101,635,149" href="" shape="rect" title="nsdependentsubstring"> <area alt="" coords="151,197,257,245" href="" shape="rect" title="nsfixedstring"> <area alt="" coords="284,197,396,245" href="" shape="rect" title="nsxpidlstring"> <area alt="" coords="420,197,559,245" href="" shape="rect" title="nsdependentst...
...And 8 more matches
method overview constructors operator= operator const char* operator[] get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii ...
...idlcstring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple operator const char* char* operator const char*() const - source operator[] char operator[](print32) const - source parameters print32 i char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbo...
...ol, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
method overview constructors operator= operator const prunichar* operator[] get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii ...
...& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple operator const prunichar* prunichar* operator const prunichar*() const - source operator[] prunichar operator[](print32) const - source parameters print32 i prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print3...
...2 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
names: nsautostring for wide characters nscautostring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercas...
... source constructors void nsautostring(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c void nsautostring(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data pruint32 length void nsautostring(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str void nsautostring(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str void nsautostring(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple operator= nsautostring& operator=(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* d...
...ata nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
characters method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar ...
...s void nscautostring(char) - source parameters char c void nscautostring(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* data pruint32 length void nscautostring(const nscautostring&) - source parameters nscautostring& str void nscautostring(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str void nscautostring(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple operator= nscautostring& operator=(const nscautostring&) - source parameters nscautostring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source ...
... parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercas...
... methods constructors void nscstring() - source constructors void nscstring(char) - source parameters char c void nscstring(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* data pruint32 length void nscstring(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str void nscstring(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple void nscstring(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& readable operator= nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data ...
... nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
method overview constructors assertvalid rebind operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercas...
...this is similar to using substring(str, startpos), except that the resulting string is flat.
...d operator= nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char ...
... methods constructors void nspromiseflatcstring(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str void nspromiseflatcstring(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple operator= nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_int...
...ernal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign ...
... methods constructors void nspromiseflatstring(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str void nspromiseflatstring(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple operator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters ns...
...astring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercas...
... methods constructors void nsstring() - source constructors void nsstring(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c void nsstring(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data pruint32 length void nsstring(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str void nsstring(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple void nsstring(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& readable operator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters pruni...
...char* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 8 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign ...
...& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
class declaration a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to utf-8 method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequal...
...autostring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign ...
...& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
class declaration a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to ascii in a lossy manner method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii ...
...autostring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
method overview constructors assertvalid rebind operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercas...
...rator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char ...
...h operator= nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign ...
...rator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
: nsxpidlstring for wide characters nsxpidlcstring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator const char* operator[] operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii ...
...idlcstring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
names: nsxpidlstring for wide characters nsxpidlcstring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator const prunichar* operator[] operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii ...
...& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
... @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase selects case sensitivity @param aoffset tells us where in this string to start searching @param acount tells us how far from the offset we are to search.
...And 7 more matches
Regular expressions - JavaScript
such a match would succeed in the strings "hi, do you know your abc's?" and "the latest airplane designs evolved from slabcraft." in both cases the match is with the substring "abc".
... there is no match in the string "grab crab" because while it contains the substring "ab c", it does not contain the exact substring "abc".
...for example, to match a single "a" followed by zero or more "b"s followed by "c", you'd use the pattern /ab*c/: the * after "b" means "0 or more occurrences of the preceding item." in the string "cbbabbbbcdebc", this pattern will match the substring "abbbbc".
...And 6 more matches
String.prototype.replace() - JavaScript
newsubstr (replacement) the string that replaces the substring specified by the specified regexp or substr parameter.
... function (replacement) a function to be invoked to create the new substring to be used to replace the matches to the given regexp or substr.
... $& inserts the matched substring.
...And 5 more matches
String.prototype.replaceAll() - JavaScript
newsubstr (replacement) the string that replaces the substring specified by the specified regexp or substr parameter.
... function (replacement) a function to be invoked to create the new substring to be used to replace the matches to the given regexp or substr.
... $& inserts the matched substring.
...And 5 more matches
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletypes.idlscriptable these constants control the scrolling of an object or substring into a window.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) constants constant value description scroll_type_top_left 0x00 scroll the top left of the object or substring to the top left of the window (or as close as possible).
... scroll_type_bottom_right 0x01 scroll the bottom right of the object or substring to the bottom right of the window (or as close as possible).
...And 4 more matches
HTML text fundamentals - Learn web development
ab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { var scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; var caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; var front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); var back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onke...
...ab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { var scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; var caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; var front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); var back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onke...
...ab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { var scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; var caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; var front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); var back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onke...
...And 2 more matches
the substrings used with this interface are specified as follows: if startoffset is less than endoffset, the substring starts with the character at startoffset and ends with the character just before endoffset.
... 166 iaccessiblehyperlink interfaces, xpcom, xpcom interface reference this interface represents a hyperlink associated with a single substring of text or single non-text object.
...if a load from the cache fails to match on an exact cache entry, the namespace entries are searched for a substring match.
...And 2 more matches
xtboundary boundarytype, out long startoffset, out long endoffset); nsipersistentproperties gettextattributes(in boolean includedefattrs, in long offset, out long rangestartoffset, out long rangeendoffset); astring gettextbeforeoffset(in long offset, in nsaccessibletextboundary boundarytype, out long startoffset, out long endoffset); void removeselection(in long selectionnum); void scrollsubstringto(in long startindex, in long endindex, in unsigned long scrolltype); void scrollsubstringtopoint(in long startindex, in long endindex, in unsigned long coordinatetype, in long x, in long y); void setselectionbounds(in long selectionnum, in long startoffset, in long endoffset); attributes attribute type description caretoffset long the current current caret offset.
...astring gettextbeforeoffset( in long offset, in nsaccessibletextboundary boundarytype, out long startoffset, out long endoffset ); parameters offset boundarytype startoffset endoffset return value removeselection() void removeselection( in long selectionnum ); parameters selectionnum scrollsubstringto() makes a specific part of string visible on screen.
... void scrollsubstringto( in long startindex, in long endindex, in unsigned long scrolltype ); parameters startindex 0-based character offset.
...And 2 more matches
start size_t the start index of the substring.
... length size_t length of the substring, in characters.
... description js_newdependentstring creates a new string as a substring of an existing javascript string, str.
...(implementation note: because of this sharing, the garbage collector will not collect str as long as the new substring is reachable.) on success, js_newdependentstring returns a pointer to the new string.
Regular expression syntax cheatsheet - JavaScript
if you don't need the matched substring to be recalled, prefer non-capturing parentheses (see below).
...a back reference to the last substring matching the n parenthetical in the regular expression (counting left parentheses).
... \k<name> a back reference to the last substring matching the named capture group specified by <name>.
...the matched substring cannot be recalled from the resulting array's elements ([1], ..., [n]) or from the predefined regexp object's properties ($1, ..., $9).
Groups and ranges - JavaScript
if you don't need the matched substring to be recalled, prefer non-capturing parentheses (see below).
...a back reference to the last substring matching the n parenthetical in the regular expression (counting left parentheses).
... \k<name> a back reference to the last substring matching the named capture group specified by <name>.
...the matched substring cannot be recalled from the resulting array's elements ([1], ..., [n]) or from the predefined regexp object's properties ($1, ..., $9).
Text formatting - JavaScript
a string object has a variety of methods: for example those that return a variation on the string itself, such as substring and touppercase.
... indexof, lastindexof return the position of specified substring in the string or last position of specified substring, respectively.
... split splits a string object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings.
... substring, substr return the specified subset of the string, either by specifying the start and end indexes or the start index and a length.
Deprecated and obsolete features - JavaScript
this does not affect their use in replacement strings: property description $1-$9 parenthesized substring matches, if any.
... lastparen the last parenthesized substring match, if any.
... leftcontext the substring preceding the most recent match.
... rightcontext the substring following the most recent match.
xml:base support in old browsers - Archive of obsolete content
(scheme)) { // only check for xml base if there is no protocol // tests for 'scheme' per' xmlbase = getxmlbase (thisitem); if (!xmlbase.match(/\/$/) && !xlink.match(/\/$/)) { // if no preceding slash on xlink or trailing slash on xml:base, add one in between xmlbase += '/'; } else if (xmlbase.match(/\/$/) && xlink.match(/\/$/)) { xmlbase = xmlbase.substring(0, xmlbase.length-2); // strip off last slash to join with xlink path with slash } // alert(xmlbase + '::' + xlink); } var link = xmlbase + xlink; if (!link.match(scheme)) { // if there is no domain, we'll need to use the current domain var loc = window.location; if (link.indexof('/') === 0 ) { // if link is an absolute url, it should be from the host only link...
... = loc.protocol + '//' + + link; } else { // if link is relative, it should be from full path, minus the file var dirpath = loc.pathname.substring(0, loc.pathname.lastindexof('/')-1); if (link.lastindexof('/') !== link.length-1) { link += '/'; } link = loc.protocol + '//' + + dirpath + link; } } return link; } function getxmlbase (thisitem) { // fix: need to keep going up the chain if still a relative url!!!!!
...3 : 2; // if the file protocol has an extra slashe, prepare to also skip it in the separator search var att2 = att.indexof('/', protocolpos+skipfile); // find first path separator ('/') after protocol if (att2 !== -1) { att = att.substring(0, att2 - 1); // don't want any trailing slash, as the absolute path to be added already has one } } else if (!att.match(/\/$/)) { // if no trailing slash, add one, since it is being attached to a relative path att += '/'; } xmlbase = att + xmlbase; // if previous path was not absolute, resolve against the full uri here' break; } else if (att.indexof('/') === 0...
Advanced text formatting - Learn web development
tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.on...
... tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.on...
... tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.on...
Getting started with HTML - Learn web development
ab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { var scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; var caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; var front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); var back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onke...
...ab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { var scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; var caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; var front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); var back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onke...
...ab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { var scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; var caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; var front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); var back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onke...
Arrays - Learn web development
in its simplest form, this takes a single parameter, the character you want to separate the string at, and returns the substrings between the separator as items in an array.
... tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.o...
...y tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.o...
a dependent string (see js_newdependentstring) is a substring of another (growable, dependent, or immutable) string.
... in memory it is represented as a pointer to the other string and a pair of integers for the substring's starting point and length, rather than as a separate copy of all the characters.
... this makes the substring operation, and regular expression matches, faster.
Running Automated JavaScript Tests
another common use case is to run just one test, or all the tests in just one directory: path_to_js_shell test_path_substring [ test_path_substring_2 ...
... ] this runs all the tests whose paths contain test_path_substring.
... thus, you can run one test by giving its filename, or any substring that is a substring of that test filename only.
HTMLTextAreaElement - Web APIs
javascript function insertmetachars(sstarttag, sendtag) { var bdouble = arguments.length > 1, omsginput = document.myform.mytxtarea, nselstart = omsginput.selectionstart, nselend = omsginput.selectionend, soldtext = omsginput.value; omsginput.value = soldtext.substring(0, nselstart) + (bdouble ?
... sstarttag + soldtext.substring(nselstart, nselend) + sendtag : sstarttag) + soldtext.substring(nselend); omsginput.setselectionrange(bdouble || nselstart === nselend ?
...nsels - ncols : 0, ndeltaforw = sval.substring(nbackward, nsels).search(new regexp("\\n(?!.{0," + string(ncols - 2) + "}\\n)")) + 1, nrowstart = nbackward + ndeltaforw, areturns = (sval.substring(0, nsels) + sval.substring(nsele, sval.length)).match(/\n/g), nrowend = nsele + nrowstart + ncols - nsels, srow = sval.substring(nrowstart, nsels) + sval.substring(nsele, nrowend > nlen ?
SVGTextContentElement - Web APIs
svgtextcontentelement.getsubstringlength() returns a float representing the computed length of the formatted text advance distance for a substring of text within the element.
... note that this method only accounts for the widths of the glyphs in the substring and any extra spacing inserted by the css 'letter-spacing' and 'word-spacing' properties.
...because the relationship between characters and glyphs is not one-to-one, only the first character of the relevant typographic character is returned svgtextcontentelement.selectsubstring() selects text within the element.
ReferenceError: "x" is not defined - JavaScript
examples variable not declared foo.substring(1); // referenceerror: foo is not defined the "foo" variable isn't defined anywhere.
... it needs to be some string, so that the string.prototype.substring() method will work.
... var foo = 'bar'; foo.substring(1); // "ar" wrong scope a variable needs to be available in the current context of execution.
Intl.Locale.prototype.baseName - JavaScript
the intl.locale.prototype.basename property returns a substring of the locale's string representation, containing core information about the locale.
...the basename property returns basic, core information about the locale in the form of a substring of the complete data string.
... specifically, the property returns the substring containing the language, and the script and region if available.
RegExp.prototype.exec() - JavaScript
and "jumps" // ignore case let re = /quick\s(brown).+?(jumps)/ig; let result = re.exec('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'); the following table shows the results for this script: object property/index description example result [0] the full string of characters matched "quick brown fox jumps" [1], ...[n] the parenthesized substring matches, if any.
... the number of possible parenthesized substrings is unlimited.
...when you do so, the search starts at the substring of str specified by the regular expression's lastindex property (test() will also advance the lastindex property).
RegExp.$1-$9 - JavaScript
the legacy regexp $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9 properties are static and read-only properties of regular expressions that contain parenthesized substring matches.
... the number of possible parenthesized substrings is unlimited, but the regexp object can only hold the first nine.
... you can access all parenthesized substrings through the returned array's indexes.
String - JavaScript
some of the most-used operations on strings are to check their length, to build and concatenate them using the + and += string operators, checking for the existence or location of substrings with the indexof() method, or extracting substrings with the substring() method.
... string.prototype.split([sep [, limit] ]) returns an array of strings populated by splitting the calling string at occurences of the substring sep.
... string.prototype.substring(indexstart [, indexend]) returns a new string containing characters of the calling string from (or between) the specified index (or indeces).
SVG 1.1 Support in Firefox - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
various presentation attributes don't work (alignment-baseline, baseline-shift, dominant-baseline, kerning, letter-spacing, word-spacing, writing-mode, glyph-orientation-horizontal, glyph-orientation-vertical) recently implemented presentation attributes: direction, unicode-bidi, font-variant, text-decoration svgtextelement recently imlemented bindings: selectsubstring recently implemented attributes: textlength, lengthadjust tspan implemented.
... various presentation attributes don't work (alignment-baseline, baseline-shift, dominant-baseline, kerning, letter-spacing, word-spacing, writing-mode, glyph-orientation-horizontal, glyph-orientation-vertical) recently implemented presentation attributes: direction, unicode-bidi, font-variant, text-decoration svgtspanelement recently implemented bindings: selectsubstring recently implemented attributes: textlength, lengthadjust tref this feature, present in early draft of the spec, has been removed from it and is therefor not implemented (bug 273171).
... recently implemented bindings: selectsubstring altglyph implemented as tspans, no font features as of gecko 2.0 (bug 456286, bug 571808).
Index - XPath
47 substring xslt, xslt_reference the substring function returns a part of a given string.
... 48 substring-after xslt, xslt_reference the substring-after function returns a string that is the rest of a given string after a given substring.
... 49 substring-before xslt, xslt_reference the substring-before function returns a string that is the part of a given string before a given substring.
context-menu - Archive of obsolete content
const { getmostrecentbrowserwindow } = require("sdk/window/utils"); var cm = require("sdk/context-menu"); var uuid = require('sdk/util/uuid').uuid(); var uuidstr = uuid.number.substring(1,37); cm.item({ data: uuidstr+"this is a tooltip", label: "just a tigger, will never show up", contentscript: 'self.on("context", function(){self.postmessage(); return false;})', onmessage: function(){ var cmitems = getmostrecentbrowserwindow().document.queryselectorall(".addon-context-menu-item[value^='"+ uuidstr +"']"); for(var i=0; i < cmitems.length; i++) cmitems[i].to...
...oltiptext = cmitems[i].value.substring(36); } }); globals constructors item(options) creates a labeled menu item that can perform an action when clicked.
Miscellaneous - Archive of obsolete content
ocusinput(focusevent) { focusedcontrol = focusevent.originaltarget; } function onblurinput(blurevent) { focusedcontrol = null; } or var element = document.commanddispatcher.focusedelement; inserting text at the cursor function inserttext(element, snippet) { var selectionend = element.selectionstart + snippet.length; var currentvalue = element.value; var beforetext = currentvalue.substring(0, element.selectionstart); var aftertext = currentvalue.substring(element.selectionend, currentvalue.length); element.value = beforetext + snippet + aftertext; element.focus(); //put the cursor after the inserted text element.setselectionrange(selectionend, selectionend); } inserttext(document.getelementbyid("example"), "the text to be inserted"); disabling javascript programmatic...
....init(input); var; scriptablestream.close(); input.close(); var begincert = "-----begin certificate-----"; var endcert = "-----end certificate-----"; certfile = certfile.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ""); var begin = certfile.indexof(begincert); var end = certfile.indexof(endcert); var cert = certfile.substring(begin + begincert.length, end); certdb.addcertfrombase64(cert, certtrust, ""); }, classdescription: "certificate service", contractid: ";2", classid:"{e9d2d37c-bf25-4e37-82a1-16b8fa089939}"), queryinterface: xpcomutils.generateqi([ci.nsiobserver]), _xpcom_categories: [{ category: "app-startup", service: true ...
String Quick Reference - Archive of obsolete content
old way: use nsstring& and nscstring& void mymethod(const nsstring& input, nsstring& output); new way: use nsastring& and nsacstring& void mymethod(const nsastring& input, nsastring& output); substrings what: get direct references to string fragments why: avoid making multiple copies of the string old way: use a bunch of nsautostrings, and use left(), right() and mid() to grab a segment of a string: // get an 8-character string starting at the 4th position nsautostring leftside; str.left(leftside, 12); nsautostring middle; leftside.right(middle, 8); new way: use substring() to grab a direct ...
...reference to those characters: // get an 8-character string starting at the 4th position const nsastring& middle = substring(str, 4, 8); unicode literals what: use macro tricks to make wide-character literal strings.
Images in HTML - Learn web development
ab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { var scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; var caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; var front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); var back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onke...
...ab key tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { var scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; var caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; var front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); var back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onke...
Looping code - Learn web development
y tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.o...
...y tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.o...
Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
y tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.o...
...y tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.o...
Test your skills: Strings - Learn web development
strings 2 in this task you are provided with two variables, quote and substring, which contain two strings.
... find the index position where substring appears in quote, and store that value in a variable called index.
Solve common problems in your JavaScript code - Learn web development
how do you find and extract a specific substring from a string?
... how do you replace one specific substring with another?
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
here are the methods for isimpledomtext: // includes all dom whitespace; iaccessible::get_accname does not hresult get_domtext(bstr *domtext); // bounding rect clipped to window hresult get_clippedsubstringbounds( [in] unsigned int startindex, [in] unsigned int endindex, [out] int *x, [out] int *y, [out] int *width, [out] int *height); // bounding rect unclipped hresult get_unclippedsubstringbounds( [in] unsigned int startindex, [in] unsigned int endindex, [out] int *x, [out] int *y, [out] int *width, [out] int *height); // ...
...scroll to this part of the subsstring hresult scrolltosubstring( [in] unsigned int startindex, [in] unsigned int endindex); // get the current font being used -- this is better than using // the isimpledomnode css property methods, because it provides // a single font name, rather than a comma delineated list of possibilities hresult fontfamily([out] bstr *fontfamily); isimpledomdocument there is one isimpledomdocument interface for each xml or html document in gecko, which you can use to get important information global to the document.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: iaccessibleaction last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) this interface represents a hyperlink associated with a single substring of text or single non-text object.
...for example, for a text link this method could return the substring of the containing string where the substring is overridden with link behavior, and for an image link this method could return an iunknown variant for iaccessibleimage.
Debugger.Source - Firefox Developer Tools
each script indicates the substring of the overall source to which it corresponds. this case, there may be either a single debugger.source instance for the entire html document, with each debugger.script referring to its substring of the document; or there may be a separate debugger.source instance for each <script> element and attribute.
SubtleCrypto.importKey() - Web APIs
*/ function importprivatekey(pem) { // fetch the part of the pem string between header and footer const pemheader = "-----begin private key-----"; const pemfooter = "-----end private key-----"; const pemcontents = pem.substring(pemheader.length, pem.length - pemfooter.length); // base64 decode the string to get the binary data const binaryderstring = window.atob(pemcontents); // convert from a binary string to an arraybuffer const binaryder = str2ab(binaryderstring); return window.crypto.subtle.importkey( "pkcs8", binaryder, { name: "rsa-pss", // consider using a 4096-bit key for syste...
...1tkcf4zqoz96rfpugpplofvn0x66cm1pqckdhzje6u5xge964zkkyuppsy6dcie4obhw4vdjgumlzv0z7ud010rlineugde2fqbfy/c+uwignpbpkkq+bv/uigs6dhqtcved5wgybqidaqab -----end public key-----`; function importrsakey(pem) { // fetch the part of the pem string between header and footer const pemheader = "-----begin public key-----"; const pemfooter = "-----end public key-----"; const pemcontents = pem.substring(pemheader.length, pem.length - pemfooter.length); // base64 decode the string to get the binary data const binaryderstring = window.atob(pemcontents); // convert from a binary string to an arraybuffer const binaryder = str2ab(binaryderstring); return window.crypto.subtle.importkey( "spki", binaryder, { name: "rsa-oaep", hash: "sha-256" ...
Warning: String.x is deprecated; use String.prototype.x instead - JavaScript
warning: string.slice is deprecated; use string.prototype.slice instead warning: string.split is deprecated; use string.prototype.split instead warning: string.startswith is deprecated; use string.prototype.startswith instead warning: string.substr is deprecated; use string.prototype.substr instead warning: string.substring is deprecated; use string.prototype.substring instead warning: string.tolocalelowercase is deprecated; use string.prototype.tolocalelowercase instead warning: string.tolocaleuppercase is deprecated; use string.prototype.tolocaleuppercase instead warning: string.tolowercase is deprecated; use string.prototype.tolowercase instead warning: string.touppercase is depr...
...nt // (one may use shims for these if not available) (function() { 'use strict'; var i, // we could also build the array of methods with the following, but the // getownpropertynames() method is non-shimable: // object.getownpropertynames(string).filter(function(methodname) { // return typeof string[methodname] === 'function'; // }); methods = [ 'contains', 'substring', 'tolowercase', 'touppercase', 'charat', 'charcodeat', 'indexof', 'lastindexof', 'startswith', 'endswith', 'trim', 'trimleft', 'trimright', 'tolocalelowercase', 'normalize', 'tolocaleuppercase', 'localecompare', 'match', 'search', 'slice', 'replace', 'split', 'substr', 'concat', 'localecompare' ], methodcount = methods.length, assignstringgeneric = function(me...
Array - JavaScript
"dbbd" [1], ...[n] read only elements that specify the parenthesized substring matches (if included) in the regular expression.
... the number of possible parenthesized substrings is unlimited.
RegExp.prototype[@@replace]() - JavaScript
newsubstr (replacement) the string that replaces the substring.
... function (replacement) a function to be invoked to create the new substring.
RegExp.prototype[@@split]() - JavaScript
the [@@split]() method splits a string object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings.
... return value an array containing substrings as its elements.
RegExp - JavaScript
regexp.prototype[@@replace]() replaces matches in given string with new substring.
... regexp.prototype[@@split]() splits given string into an array by separating the string into substrings.
String.prototype.split() - JavaScript
the split() method divides a string into an ordered list of substrings, puts these substrings into an array, and returns the array.
... description when found, separator is removed from the string, and the substrings are returned in an array.
String.prototype.substr() - JavaScript
syntax str.substr(start[, length]) parameters start the index of the first character to include in the returned substring. use this feature in jscript, you can use the following code: // only run when the substr() function is broken if ('ab'.substr(-1) != 'b') { /** * get the substring of a string * @param {integer} start where to start the substring * @param {integer} length how many characters to return * @return {string} */ string.prototype.substr = function(substr) { return function(start, length) { // call the original method return, // did we get a negative start, calculate how much it is from the beginning o...
lang/type - Archive of obsolete content
let { isregexp } = require('sdk/lang/type'); isregexp(/[^\.]*\.js$/); // true isregexp(new regexp('substring')); // true isregexp(1000); // false parameters value : mixed the variable to check.
StringView - Archive of obsolete content
sb64enc : sb64enc.substring(0, sb64enc.length - eqlen) + (eqlen === 1 ?
Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
use stringhead(), substring(), and stringtail() instead: nsstring buffer = somestring; - nscautostring prefix;- buffer.left(prefix, 4); + const nsdependentsubstring prefix = stringhead(buffer, 4); the frozen string api doesn't use nssubstringtuple objects and maintains all strings in a contiguous buffer.
Appendix C: Avoiding using eval in Add-ons - Archive of obsolete content
var functionbody = gbrowser.addtab.tosource(); var afterbracket = functionbody.indexof("{") + 1; functionbody = functionbody.substring(0, afterbracket) + "myaddon.onaddtab(auri);" + functionbody.substring(afterbracket); eval("gbrowser.addtab = " + functionbody); of course, this not only looks messy, but can be quite error prone.
CSS3 - Archive of obsolete content
selectors level 3 recommendation since september 29th, 2011 adds: substring matching attribute selectors, e[attribute^="value"], e[attribute$="value"], e[attribute*="value"] .
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
native({name:h,initialize:a[h],protect:true}); }var d={"boolean":boolean,"native":native,object:object};for(var c in d){native.typize(d[c],c);}var f={array:["concat","indexof","join","lastindexof","pop","push","reverse","shift","slice","sort","splice","tostring","unshift","valueof"],string:["charat","charcodeat","concat","indexof","lastindexof","match","replace","search","slice","split","substr","substring","tolowercase","touppercase","valueof"]}; for(var e in f){for(var b=f[e].length;b--;){native.genericize(a[e],f[e][b],true);}}})();var hash=new native({name:"hash",initialize:function(a){if($type(a)=="hash"){a=$unlink(a.getclean()); }for(var b in a){this[b]=a[b];}return this;}});hash.implement({foreach:function(b,c){for(var a in this){if(this.hasownproperty(a)){,this[a],a,this); }}},getcle...
New Security Model for Web Services - Archive of obsolete content
if the sandbox is unable to distinguish the common uri substring of the domain to be trusted from similar uris of untrusted domains, then it could allow a script loaded from an indistinguishable domain to exploit firewall-protected resources.
String Rosetta Stone - Archive of obsolete content
find a substring nsstring findinreadable(const nsastring& pattern, nsastring::const_iterator start, nsastring::const_iterator end, nsstringcomparator& acomparator = nsdefaultstringcomparator()) std::string size_type find(const basic_string& s, size_type pos = 0) const size_type find(const chart* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const size_type find(const chart* s, size_type pos = 0) const size_type find(chart c, size_type pos = 0) const qstring int qstring::indexof ( const qstring & str, int from = 0, qt::casesensitivity cs = qt::casesensitive ) const format a printf style string nsstring appendprintf() std::string n/a qstring qstring & qstring::sprintf ( const char * cformat, ...
The new nsString class implementation (1999) - Archive of obsolete content
sstrimpl& adest,const nsstrimpl& asource,pruint32 anoffset,print32 acount); static void appendcstring(nsstrimpl& adest,const char* asource,pruint32 anoffset,print32 acount); static void assign(nsstrimpl& adest,const nsstrimpl& asource,pruint32 anoffset,print32 acount); static void assigncstring(nsstrimpl& adest,const char* asource,pruint32 anoffset,print32 acount); // assign a char or a substring into the existing string...
rel - Archive of obsolete content
the numeric value of the subject must be greater than the value before the string value of subject must come before value alphabetically after the string value of subject must come after value alphabetically startswith the value of subject must start with the value endswith the value of subject must end with the value contains the value of subject must contain the value as a substring ...
Multiple Rules - Archive of obsolete content
with one rule, positive values with another greatermatch if a number is greater than anotherdisplay values greater than 1000 differently beforematch if a value comes before another alphabetically aftermatch if a value comes after another alphabetically startswithmatch if a value starts with a specific string endswithmatch if a value ends with a specific string containsmatch if a value contains a substringto highlight results that contain a search term here is an example using the 'contains' operator: <vbox datasources="people.xml" ref="*" querytype="xml"> <template> <query expr="person"> <assign var="?letters" expr="string-length(@name) - 1"/> </query> <rule> <where subject="?name" rel="contains" value=" "/> <action> <label uri="?" value="?name has two nam...
Focus and Selection - Archive of obsolete content
once you have the start and end positions, you can pull out the substring from the whole text.
where - Archive of obsolete content
the numeric value of the subject must be greater than the value before the string value of subject must come before value alphabetically after the string value of subject must come after value alphabetically startswith the value of subject must start with the value endswith the value of subject must end with the value contains the value of subject must contain the value as a substring subject type: string the variable or string to compare.
Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support - Archive of obsolete content
for rv: 3.12.42, // getgeckorv() returns 3.1242 // for rv: it returns 1.090103 // function geckogetrv() { if (navigator.product != 'gecko') { return -1; } var rvvalue = 0; var ua = navigator.useragent.tolowercase(); var rvstart = ua.indexof('rv:'); var rvend = ua.indexof(')', rvstart); var rv = ua.substring(rvstart+3, rvend); var rvparts = rv.split('.'); var exp = 1; for (var i = 0; i < rvparts.length; i++) { var val = parseint(rvparts[i]); rvvalue += val / exp; exp *= 100; } return rvvalue; } // determine if the browser is any gecko // branch >= 1.0.1 or netscape 6.2.x/compuserve 7 // built after august 1, 2002 var rv = geckogetrv(); var found = false; if (rv >=...
New in JavaScript 1.2 - Archive of obsolete content
string.prototype.substring(): no longer swaps index numbers when the first index is greater than the second.
Attribute selectors - Learn web development
substring matching selectors these selectors allow for more advanced matching of substrings inside the value of your attribute.
Adding vector graphics to the Web - Learn web development
y tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.o...
From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
tabbing out of textarea and // make it write a tab at the caret position instead textarea.onkeydown = function(e){ if (e.keycode === 9) { e.preventdefault(); insertatcaret('\t'); } if (e.keycode === 27) { textarea.blur(); } }; function insertatcaret(text) { const scrollpos = textarea.scrolltop; const caretpos = textarea.selectionstart; const front = (textarea.value).substring(0, caretpos); const back = (textarea.value).substring(textarea.selectionend, textarea.value.length); textarea.value = front + text + back; caretpos = caretpos + text.length; textarea.selectionstart = caretpos; textarea.selectionend = caretpos; textarea.focus(); textarea.scrolltop = scrollpos; } // update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.on...
Functions — reusable blocks of code - Learn web development
when called, it always returns a random number between 0 and 1: let mynumber = math.random(); the browser's built-in string replace() function however needs two parameters — the substring to find in the main string, and the substring to replace that string with: let mytext = 'i am a string'; let newstring = mytext.replace('string', 'sausage'); note: when you need to specify multiple parameters, they are separated by commas.
Function return values - Learn web development
let's return to a familiar example (from a previous article in this series): let mytext = 'the weather is cold'; let newstring = mytext.replace('cold', 'warm'); console.log(newstring); // should print "the weather is warm" // the replace() string function takes a string, // replaces one substring with another, and returns // a new string with the replacement made the replace() function is invoked on the mytext string, and is passed two parameters: the substring to find ('cold').
Silly story generator - Learn web development
as a further hint, the method in question only replaces the first instance of the substring it finds, so you might need to make one of the calls twice.
Command line crash course - Learn web development
let’s say you had 1000 text files in a directory, and you wanted to go through them all and only delete the ones that have a certain substring inside the filename.
Accessibility Features in Firefox
both history and bookmarks can be searched with a "quick search" field that quickly narrows the list down via a substring search.
CSUN Firefox Materials
both history and bookmarks can be searched with a "quick search" field that quickly narrows the list down via a substring search.
[a-z] matches any character between a and z [^az] matches any character except a or z ~ followed by another shell expression removes any pattern matching the shell expression from the match list (foo|bar) matches either the substring foo or the substring bar.
Rhino overview
string.prototype.substring for version 1.2 only, the two arguments are not swapped if the first argument is less than the second one.
400 js_newdependentstring jsapi reference, spidermonkey js_newdependentstring creates a new string as a substring of an existing javascript string, str.
Bytecode Descriptions
they must be valid offsets into the source buffer, measured in code units, such that scriptsource->substring(cx, start, end) is valid.
the actual format trailing substring used in each convert or pusharguments call is passed to the formatter, so that one such function may implement several formats, in order to share code.
Gecko object attributes
this is in contrast to text attributes, which apply only to substrings in a text object.
nsACString (External)
g_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="980,102,1121,150" href="" shape="rect" title="nscstringcontainer_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="571,198,707,246" href="" shape="rect" title="nscstring_external"> <area alt="" coords="731,198,955,246" href="" shape="rect" title="nsdependentcsubstring_external"> <area alt="" coords="979,198,1123,246" href="" shape="rect" title="promiseflatcstring_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="1147,198,1259,246" href="" shape="rect" title="nscautostring_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="5,29...
nsAString (External)
string_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="939,102,1069,150" href="" shape="rect" title="nsstringcontainer_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="548,198,676,246" href="" shape="rect" title="nsstring_external"> <area alt="" coords="700,198,913,246" href="" shape="rect" title="nsdependentsubstring_external"> <area alt="" coords="937,198,1071,246" href="" shape="rect" title="promiseflatstring_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="1095,198,1196,246" href="" shape="rect" title="nsautostring_(external)"> <area alt="" coords="5,294,197...
XPCOM glue classes
lly on destruction of the object.</t>nscstringclass declarationnscstring externalclass declarationnscstringcontainer (external)class declaration nscstringencodingthe nscstringencoding enumeration describes the set of character encodings understood by the ns_cstringtoutf16 and ns_utf16tocstring functions.nsdependentcstringclass declarationnsdependentcstring externalclass declarationnsdependentcsubstringclass declarationnsdependentcsubstring externalclass declarationnsdependentstringclass declarationnsdependentstring externalclass declarationnsdependentsubstringclass declarationnsdependentsubstring externalclass declarationnsembedcstringthe nsembedcstring concrete class provides a way to construct a nsacstring object that allocates null-terminated storage.nsembedstringthe nsembedstring concrete c...
the substrings used with this interface are specified as follows: if startoffset is less than endoffset, the substring starts with the character at startoffset and ends with the character just before endoffset.
findurlinplaintext() returns the start and end offsets of the first url found in a substring.
if a load from the cache fails to match on an exact cache entry, the namespace entries are searched for a substring match.
ci.nsipreflocalizedstring).data; } catch (e) { } let conv = cc[""] .createinstance(ci.nsiscriptableunicodeconverter); conv.charset = charset; try { let str = conv.convertfrombytearray(adata, alength); if (str.substring(0, 5) == "%pdf-") return "application/pdf"; // we detected a pdf file } catch (e) { // try to get information from arequest } ...
i file:///a/b/c.html file:///d/e/c.html file:/// autf8string getcommonbasespec( in nsiuri auritocompare ); parameters auritocompare a uri to compare with return value the common uri portion getrelativespec() this method takes a uri and returns a substring of this if it can be made relative to the uri passed in.
ns_cstring_container_init_substring data passed into ns_cstringcontainerinit2 is a substring that is not null-terminated.
example // replace all occurances of |matchval| with |newval| void replacesubstring(nsacstring& str, const nsacstring& matchval, const nsacstring& newval) { const char* sp, *mp, *np; pruint32 sl, ml, nl; sl = ns_cstringgetdata(str, &sp); ml = ns_cstringgetdata(matchval, &mp); nl = ns_cstringgetdata(newval, &np); for (const char* iter = sp; iter <= sp + sl - ml; ++iter) { if (memcmp(iter, mp, ml) == 0) { pr...
example code // replace all occurances of |matchval| with |newval| void replacesubstring(nsastring& str, const nsastring& matchval, const nsastring& newval) { const prunichar* sp, *mp, *np; pruint32 sl, ml, nl; sl = ns_stringgetdata(str, &sp); ml = ns_stringgetdata(matchval, &mp); nl = ns_stringgetdata(newval, &np); for (const prunichar* iter = sp; iter <= sp + sl - ml; ++iter) { if (memcmp(iter, mp...
Search - Firefox Developer Tools
you can use the up and down arrows to move through the list, and return to open the file you want: searching within a file to search for a particular substring in the file currently loaded into the source pane, press control + f (or command + f on a mac) while the source pane is focused.
Debugger.Memory - Firefox Developer Tools
substring: the string is a substring of some other string, and points to that string for its storage.
CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() - Web APIs
/*else*/ return this, // the sheet to be changed selectorandrule.substring(0, openbracketpos), // the selector selectorandrule.substring(closebracketpos), // the rule arguments[3] // the insert index ); } // works by if the char code is a backslash, then isescaped // gets flipped (xor-ed by 1), and if it is not a backslash // then isescaped gets xored by itself, zeroing it isescaped ^= newcharcod...
CharacterData - Web APIs
characterdata.substringdata() returns a domstring containing the part of of the specified length and starting at the specified offset.
DocumentOrShadowRoot.activeElement - Web APIs
morbi sed euismod diam.</textarea> </form> <p>active element id: <b id="output-element"></b></p> <p>selected text: <b id="output-text"></b></p> javascript function onmouseup(e) { const activetextarea = document.activeelement; const selection = activetextarea.value.substring( activetextarea.selectionstart, activetextarea.selectionend ); const outputelement = document.getelementbyid('output-element'); const outputtext = document.getelementbyid('output-text'); outputelement.innerhtml =; outputtext.innerhtml = selection; } const textarea1 = document.getelementbyid('ta-example-one'); const textarea2 = document.getelementbyid('ta-example-...
How whitespace is handled by HTML, CSS, and in the DOM - Web APIs
*/ function data_of( txt ) { var data = txt.textcontent; // use ecma-262 edition 3 string and regexp features data = data.replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, " "); if (data.charat(0) == " ") data = data.substring(1, data.length); if (data.charat(data.length - 1) == " ") data = data.substring(0, data.length - 1); return data; } example the following code demonstrates the use of the functions above.
Element: select event - Web APIs
examples selection logger <input value="try selecting some text in this element."> <p id="log"></p> function logselection(event) { const log = document.getelementbyid('log'); const selection =,; log.textcontent = `you selected: ${selection}`; } const input = document.queryselector('input'); input.addeventlistener('select', logselection); onselect equivalent you can also set up the event handler using the onselect property: input.onselect = logselection; specifications specification status ui event...
Using Fetch - Web APIs
utf8decoder.decode(chunk) : ''); startindex = re.lastindex = 0; continue; } yield chunk.substring(startindex, result.index); startindex = re.lastindex; } if (startindex < chunk.length) { // last line didn't end in a newline char yield chunk.substr(startindex); } } async function run() { for await (let line of maketextfilelineiterator(urloffile)) { processline(line); } } run(); checking that the fetch was successful a fetch() promise will reject with a typeerror ...
GlobalEventHandlers.onerror - Web APIs
window.onerror = function (msg, url, lineno, columnno, error) { var string = msg.tolowercase(); var substring = "script error"; if (string.indexof(substring) > -1){ alert('script error: see browser console for detail'); } else { var message = [ 'message: ' + msg, 'url: ' + url, 'line: ' + lineno, 'column: ' + columnno, 'error object: ' + json.stringify(error) ].join(' - '); alert(message); } return false; }; when using the inline html markup (<body...
GlobalEventHandlers.onselect - Web APIs
html <textarea>try selecting some text in this element.</textarea> <p id="log"></p> javascript function logselection(event) { const log = document.getelementbyid('log'); const selection =,; log.textcontent = `you selected: ${selection}`; } const textarea = document.queryselector('textarea'); textarea.onselect = logselection; result specification specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'onselect' in that specification.
HTMLImageElement - Web APIs
read the srcset page for specifics on the format of the size substring.
Capabilities, constraints, and settings - Web APIs
function keydownhandler(event) { if (event.key == "tab") { let elem =; let str = elem.value; let position = elem.selectionstart; let newstr = str.substring(0, position) + " " + str.substring(position, str.length); elem.value = newstr; elem.selectionstart = elem.selectionend = position + 2; event.preventdefault(); } } videoconstrainteditor.addeventlistener("keydown", keydownhandler, false); audioconstrainteditor.addeventlistener("keydown", keydownhandler, false); show constrainable properties the browser supports the la... - Web APIs
utf8decoder.decode(chunk) : ""); startindex = re.lastindex = 0; continue; } yield chunk.substring(startindex, result.index); startindex = re.lastindex; } if (startindex < chunk.length) { // last line didn't end in a newline char yield chunk.substr(startindex); } } for await (let line of maketextfilelineiterator(urloffile)) { processline(line); } specifications specification status comment streamsthe definition of 'read()' in that specification.
TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto() - Web APIs
if not, reallocate the target buffer to written + (s.length - read) * 3 and then convert the rest by taking a substring of s starting from index read and a subbuffer of the target buffer starting from index written.
URLSearchParams.get() - Web APIs
examples if the url of your page is you could parse out the 'name' and 'age' parameters using: let params = new urlsearchparams(; let name = params.get("name"); // is the string "jonathan" let age = parseint(params.get("age"), 10); // is the number 18 requesting a parameter that isn't present in the query string will return null: let address = params.get("address"); // null specifications specification status comment urlthe definition of 'get()' in that specification.
Architecture - Accessibility
if the current character falls within a text substring, locate the line ending of that substring or the next embed, whichever comes first: get the current line start and end offsets.
regexp:replace() - EXSLT
replacestring the string with which the matched substrings are to be replaced.
Writing forward-compatible websites - Developer guides
don't ua-sniff this is really a particularly common instance of assuming that one feature (the presence of a particular substring in the user agent (ua) string) implies something about the presence or absence of other features.
<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
here is javascript code for programmatically setting the value: function setvalue(element, date) { var isostring = date.toisostring() element.value = isostring.substring(0, (isostring.indexof("t")|0) + 6|0); } why worry about the y10k problem if it is going to happen many centuries after your death?
Choosing between www and non-www URLs - HTTP
in an http url, the first substring that follows the initial http:// or https:// is called the domain name.
Browser detection using the user agent - HTTP
ack code is much less performant, but works*/ var splitupstring = function(str){ return str.replace(/[a-z]/g,"z$1").split(/z(?=[a-z])/g); }; } console.log(splitupstring("foobare")); // ["foob", "are"] console.log(splitupstring("jqwhy")); // ["jq", "w", "hy"] the above code would have made several incorrect assumptions: it assumed that all user agent strings that include the substring "chrome" are chrome.
JavaScript data types and data structures - JavaScript
for example: a substring of the original by picking individual letters or using string.substr().
TypeError: can't access property "x" of "y" - JavaScript
examples invalid cases // undefined and null cases on which the substring method won't work var foo = undefined; foo.substring(1); // typeerror: x is undefined, can't access property "substring" of it var foo = null; foo.substring(1); // typeerror: x is null, can't access property "substring" of it fixing the issue to fix null pointer to undefined or null values, you can use the typeof operator, for example.
TypeError: "x" is (not) "y" - JavaScript
examples invalid cases // undefined and null cases on which the substring method won't work var foo = undefined; foo.substring(1); // typeerror: foo is undefined var foo = null; foo.substring(1); // typeerror: foo is null // certain methods might require a specific type var foo = {} symbol.keyfor(foo); // typeerror: foo is not a symbol var foo = 'bar' object.create(foo); // typeerror: "foo" is not an object or null fixing the issue to fix null pointer to undefin...
Intl.Locale - JavaScript
instance properties intl.locale.prototype.basename returns basic, core information about the locale in the form of a substring of the complete data string.
Intl - JavaScript
if the selected language tag had a unicode extension substring, that extension is now used to customize the constructed object or the behavior of the function.
RegExp.lastParen ($+) - JavaScript
the non-standard lastparen property is a static and read-only property of regular expressions that contains the last parenthesized substring match, if any.
RegExp.leftContext ($`) - JavaScript
the non-standard leftcontext property is a static and read-only property of regular expressions that contains the substring preceding the most recent match.
RegExp.rightContext ($') - JavaScript
the non-standard rightcontext property is a static and read-only property of regular expressions that contains the substring following the most recent match.
String.prototype.endsWith() - JavaScript
however, you can polyfill string.prototype.endswith() with the following snippet: if (!string.prototype.endswith) { string.prototype.endswith = function(search, this_len) { if (this_len === undefined || this_len > this.length) { this_len = this.length; } return this.substring(this_len - search.length, this_len) === search; }; } examples using endswith() let str = 'to be, or not to be, that is the question.' console.log(str.endswith('question.')) // true console.log(str.endswith('to be')) // false console.log(str.endswith('to be', 19)) // true specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'string.prototype.endswi...
String.prototype.repeat() - JavaScript
but anyway, most current (august 2014) browsers can't handle // strings 1 << 28 chars or longer, so: if (str.length * count >= 1 << 28) throw new rangeerror('repeat count must not overflow maximum string size'); var maxcount = str.length * count; count = math.floor(math.log(count) / math.log(2)); while (count) { str += str; count--; } str += str.substring(0, maxcount - str.length); return str; } } examples using repeat 'abc'.repeat(-1) // rangeerror 'abc'.repeat(0) // '' 'abc'.repeat(1) // 'abc' 'abc'.repeat(2) // 'abcabc' 'abc'.repeat(3.5) // 'abcabcabc' (count will be converted to integer) 'abc'.repeat(1/0) // rangeerror ({ tostring: () => 'abc', repeat: string.prototype.repeat }).repeat(2) // 'abcabc' (repeat() is a...
String.prototype.startsWith() - JavaScript
rawpos|0 : 0; return this.substring(pos, pos + search.length) === search; } }); } a more robust (fully es2015 specification compliant), but less performant and compact, polyfill is available on github by mathias bynens.
Symbol.replace - JavaScript
the symbol.replace well-known symbol specifies the method that replaces matched substrings of a string.
Symbol - JavaScript
symbol.replace a method that replaces matched substrings of a string.
SVG 2 support in Mozilla - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
e closed path, effected by the startoffset attribute and text-anchor property implementation status unknown <tref> removed implementation status unknown <altglyph>, <altglyphdef>, <altglyphitem> and <glyphref> removed <altglyph>, <altglyphdef> and <altglyphitem> removed (bug 1260032), <glyphref> never really implemented (bug 1302693) svgtextcontentelement.selectsubstring() deprecated implementation status unknown getcomputedtextlength() not including dx and dy values implementation status unknown text in non-rendered elements not included in addressable characters implementation status unknown unknown elements in text render as unpositioned spans implementation status unknown offset distances of text positioned alon...
contains - XPath
syntax contains(haystack, needle) arguments haystack the string to be searched needle the string to look for as a substring of haystack returns true if haystack contains needle.
Functions - XPath
() contains() count() current() xslt-specific document() xslt-specific element-available() false() floor() format-number() xslt-specific function-available() generate-id() xslt-specific id() (partially supported) key() xslt-specific lang() last() local-name() name() namespace-uri() normalize-space() not() number() position() round() starts-with() string() string-length() substring() substring-after() substring-before() sum() system-property() xslt-specific translate() true() unparsed-entity-url() xslt-specific (not supported) ...
The Netscape XSLT/XPath Reference - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
generate-id() (supported) id() (partially supported) key() (supported) lang() (supported) last() (supported) local-name() (supported) name() (supported) namespace-uri() (supported) normalize-space() (supported) not() (supported) number() (supported) position() (supported) round() (supported) starts-with() (supported) string() (supported) string-length() (supported) substring() (supported) substring-after() (supported) substring-before() (supported) sum() (supported) system-property() (supported) translate() (supported) true() (supported) unparsed-entity-url() (not supported) ...
Transforming XML with XSLT - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
() (supported) generate-id() (supported) id() (partially supported) key() (supported) lang() (supported) last() (supported) local-name() (supported) name() (supported) namespace-uri() (supported) normalize-space() (supported) not() (supported) number() (supported) position() (supported) round() (supported) starts-with() (supported) string() (supported) string-length() (supported) substring() (supported) substring-after() (supported) substring-before() (supported) sum() (supported) system-property() (supported) translate() (supported) true() (supported) unparsed-entity-url() (not supported) for further reading books online the world wide web consortium portals articles tutorials/examples mailing lists/newsgroups resources index original docum...