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1044 results for "summary":
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<summary>: The Disclosure Summary element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the html disclosure summary element (<summary>) element specifies a summary, caption, or legend for a <details> element's disclosure box.
... clicking the <summary> element toggles the state of the parent <details> element open and closed.
... usage notes the <summary> element's contents can be any heading content, plain text, or html that can be used within a paragraph.
...And 9 more matches
toolkit/components/places/public/nsimicrosummaryservice.idlscriptable this interface provides methods for managing installed microsummaries, and the bookmarks they apply to.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) implemented by:;1 as a service: var microsummaryservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsimicrosummaryservice); method overview void addgenerator(in nsiuri generatoruri); nsimicrosummary createmicrosummary(in nsiuri pageuri, in nsiuri generatoruri); nsisimpleenumerator getbookmarks(); nsimicrosummarygenerator getgenerator(in nsiuri generatoruri); nsimicrosummaryset getmicros...
...ummaries(in nsiuri pageuri, in long long bookmarkid); nsimicrosummary getmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); boolean hasmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); nsimicrosummarygenerator installgenerator(in nsidomdocument xmldefinition); boolean ismicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid, in nsimicrosummary microsummary); nsimicrosummary refreshmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); void removemicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); void setmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid, in nsimicrosummary microsummary); methods addgenerator() install the microsummary generator from the resource at the supplied uri.
...And 37 more matches
Creating a Microsummary - Archive of obsolete content
warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) a microsummary generator is a set of instructions for creating a microsummary from the content of a page.
... web pages can reference generators via <link rel="microsummary"> elements in their <head> elements.
... in this tutorial we're going to create a microsummary generator for the spread firefox home page that displays the current firefox download count along with the label fx downloads; for example: 174475447 fx downloads.
...And 17 more matches
toolkit/components/places/public/nsimicrosummaryservice.idlscriptable this interface defines attributes and methods for dealing with microsummaries generated by an nsimicrosummarygenerator.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void addobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); boolean equals(in nsimicrosummary aother); void removeobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); void update(); attributes attribute type description content astring the content of the microsummary.
... generator nsimicrosummarygenerator the generator that generates this microsummary.
...And 12 more matches
Microsummary topics - Archive of obsolete content
warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) programmatically installing a microsummary generator to programmatically install a microsummary generator -- for example, in an extension that helps users create custom generators for their favorite sites -- obtain a reference to the nsimicrosummaryservice interface implemented by the nsimicrosummaryservice component, then call its installgenerator() method, passing it an xml document containing the generator.
... for example, the following code snippet installs the microsummary generator from the creating a microsummary tutorial: var generatortext = ' \ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> \ <generator xmlns="" \ name="firefox download count" \ uri="urn:{835daeb3-6760-47fa-8f4f-8e4fdea1fb16}"> \ <template> \ <transform xmlns="" version="1.0"> \ <output method="text"/> \ <template match="/"> \ <value-of select="id(\'download-count\')"/> \ <text> fx downloads</text> \ </template> \ </transform> \ </template> \ <pages> <include>http://(www\.)?spreadfirefox\.com/(index\.php)?</include> </pages> </generator> \ '; var dompa...
... createinstance(components.interfaces.nsidomparser); var generatordoc = domparser.parsefromstring(generatortext, "text/xml"); var microsummaryservice = components.classes[";1"].
...And 10 more matches
Microsummary XML grammar reference - Archive of obsolete content
a microsummary generator is an xml document that describes how to pull specific information from a web page to be presented in summary form as a bookmark whose title changes based on the content of the page it targets.
... warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) this article provides detailed information about the xml grammar used to build microsummary generators, describing each element and their attributes.
... for an introduction to how to create a microsummary, read the article creating a microsummary.
...And 9 more matches
toolkit/components/places/public/nsimicrosummaryservice.idlscriptable this interface provides access to a microsummary that has been installed in firefox.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview long calculateupdateinterval(in nsidomnode apagecontent); boolean equals(in nsimicrosummarygenerator aother); astring generatemicrosummary(in nsidomnode apagecontent); attributes attribute type description loaded boolean has the generator itself (which may be a remote resource) been loaded.
... name autf8string an arbitrary descriptive name for this microsummary generator.
...And 9 more matches
toolkit/components/places/public/nsimicrosummaryservice.idlscriptable this interface provides methods for observing changes to micrummaries.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void oncontentloaded(in nsimicrosummary microsummary); void onelementappended(in nsimicrosummary microsummary); void onerror(in nsimicrosummary microsummary); methods oncontentloaded() called when an observed microsummary updates its content.
... since an observer might watch multiple microsummaries at the same time, the microsummary whose content has been updated gets passed to this handler.
...And 6 more matches
toolkit/components/places/public/nsimicrosummaryservice.idlscriptable this interface provides access to sets of microsummaries returned from the nsimicrosummaryservice.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void addobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); nsisimpleenumerator enumerate(); void removeobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); methods addobserver() add a microsummary observer to this microsummary set.
... adding an observer to a set is the equivalent of adding it to each constituent microsummary.
...And 5 more matches
a reference to a downloadsummary object can be obtained using the downloads.getsummary() function.
...this allows the summary to be used without requiring the initialization of the downloadlist first.
... note: this method is already called internally by the downloads.getsummary() function.
...And 4 more matches
Creating regular expressions for a microsummary generator - Archive of obsolete content
warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) a regular expression is a special kind of string (i.e.
...microsummary generators use them to identify the pages that the generators know how to summarize by matching patterns in those pages' urls. learn how to create a microsummary generator, see creating a microsummary.
...And 2 more matches
Message Summary Database - Archive of obsolete content
the mail summary files (.msf) are used to store summary information about messages and threads in a folder, and some meta information about the folder.
... nsimsgdatabase the main access point to the summary information is nsimsgdatabase.
HTMLTableElement.summary - Web APIs
the htmltableelement.summary property represents the table description.
... syntax htmltableelement.summary = string; varstring = htmltableelement.summary; example htmltableelement.summary = "usage statistics"; specification w3c dom 2 html specification ...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
found 3833 pages: # page tags and summary 1 archive of obsolete content archive, landing here at mdn, we try to avoid outright deleting content that might be useful to people targeting legacy platforms, operating systems, and browsers.
... 3 2015 mdn fellowship program 2015, archive, fellowship no summary!
... 8 window: userproximity event sensors, events no summary!
...And 1301 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
found 1218 pages: # page tags and summary 1 xul landing, mozilla, xul xul (xml user interface language) is mozilla's xml-based language for building user interfaces of applications like firefox.
... 5 attribute (xul) xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
... 7 accelerated xul, xul attribute, xul reference no summary!
...And 894 more matches
found 1275 pages: # page tags and summary 1 xpcom add-ons, extensions, landing, mozilla, xpcom xpcom is a cross platform component object model, similar to microsoft com.
... 3 aggregating the in-memory datasource rdf no summary!
... 7 fun with xbl and xpconnect xbl, xpcom, xpcom:language bindings, xpconnect no summary!
...And 237 more matches
found 353 pages: # page tags and summary 1 network security services jss, nss, needsmigration network security services (nss) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications.
... 4 cert_findcertbydercert nss no summary!
... 5 cert_findcertbyissuerandsn nss no summary!
...And 111 more matches
Index - Web APIs
found 5328 pages: # page tags and summary 1 web apis api, dom, landing, reference, web when writing code for the web, there are a large number of web apis available.
... 47 ambient light sensor api api, ambient light sensor api, ambientlightsensor, junk, landing, overview, reference no summary!
... 723 dommatrixreadonly.scale() api, dommatrix, dommatrixreadonly, experimental, geometry, geometry interfaces, interface, method, reference, scale, matrix no summary!
...And 21 more matches
found 550 pages: # page tags and summary 1 spidermonkey: the mozilla javascript runtime spidermonkey standalone source code releases can be found on the releases page.
... 6 gc rooting guide spidermonkey no summary!
... 87 jsautocompartment jsapi reference, spidermonkey no summary!
...And 17 more matches
<details>: The Details disclosure element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
a summary or label can be provided using the <summary> element.
...if the first child of the <details> element is a <summary>, the contents of the <summary> element are used as the label for the disclosure widget.
...the default closed state displays only the triangle and the label inside <summary> (or a user agent-defined default string if no <summary>).
...And 12 more matches
found 118 pages: # page tags and summary 1 thunderbird thunderbird thunderbird is a mail/messaging application managed and developed by the thunderbird community.
...pizzarro <> 10 autoconfiguration in thunderbird administration, enterprise author: ben bucksch please do not change this document without consulting the author 11 autoconfig file format no summary!
... 31 gloda indexing this page provides a big-picture summary of what the indexer does; please see the source for nitty-gritty details or if this page seems to be wrong.
...And 7 more matches
Using Vue computed properties - Learn web development
using computed properties the aim here is to add a summary count of our to-do list.
...if we have 2 of 5 items completed in our to-do list, our summary could read "3 items completed out of 5".
... adding a summary counter add the following code to your app component object, below the methods property.
...And 5 more matches
to use it, you first need to import the code module into your javascript scope: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/downloads.jsm"); method overview promise<download> createdownload(object aproperties); promise<void> fetch(asource, atarget, [optional] object aoptions); promise<downloadlist> getlist(atype); promise<downloadsummary> getsummary(atype); constants constant description public work on downloads that were not started from a private browsing window.
... getsummary() retrieves the specified type of downloadsummary object.
... there is one download summary for each type, and this method always retrieves a reference to the same download summary when called with the same argument.
...And 3 more matches
Profiling with Xperf
just make sure you set the symbol paths before enabling "load symbols" and before opening a summary view.
...if you change it within the program, you'll have to close all summary tables and reopen them for it to pick up the new symbol path data. the viewer, when summary data is viewed for heap events (heap allocations outstanding, etc.
...And 3 more matches
Index - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes found 54 pages: # page tags and summary 1 xslt: extensible stylesheet language transformations landing, web, xslt extensible stylesheet language transformations (xslt) is an xml-based language used, in conjunction with specialized processing software, for the transformation of xml documents.
... 3 index index, reference, xslt found 54 pages: 4 pi parameters xslt no summary!
... 5 the xslt/javascript interface in gecko xslt no summary!
...And 3 more matches
Archived Mozilla and build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
creating a hybrid cd creating a microsummary a microsummary generator is a set of instructions for creating a microsummary from the content of a page.
... web pages can reference generators via <link rel="microsummary"> elements in their <head> elements.
... creating regular expressions for a microsummary generator a regular expression is a special kind of string (i.e.
...And 2 more matches
found 42 pages: # page tags and summary 1 localization at mozilla landing, localization, mozilla, translation, l10n localization (l10n) is the process of translating software user interfaces from one language to another and adapting it to suit a foreign culture.
... 25 localizing with mozilla translator guide, localization, translator, l10n no summary! translate it, you can follow one of two approaches: 29 mozilla content localized in your language localization, mdn, mozilla, reference, style guide no summary!
...And 2 more matches
Microformats - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary microformats (sometimes abbreviated μf) are standards used to embed semantics & structured data in html, and provide an api to be used by search engines, aggregators, and other tools.
..."p-name", "p-summary" generic plain text parsing, element text in general.
...developer</a> on <time class="dt-published" datetime="2013-06-13 12:00:00">13<sup>th</sup> june 2013</time></p> <p class="p-summary">in which i extoll the virtues of using microformats.</p> <div class="e-content"> <p>blah blah blah</p> </div> </article> properties property description p-name entry name/title p-author who wrote the entry, optionally embedded h-card dt-published when the entry was published p-summary short entry summary e-content ...
...And 2 more matches
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
dat file automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds blackconnect blackwood bonsai bookmark keywords build building transformiix standalone chromeless compiling the npruntime sample plugin in visual studio creating a firefox sidebar extension creating a microsummary creating a mozilla extension adding the structure conclusion enabling the behavior - retrieving tinderbox status enabling the behavior - updating the status bar panel enabling the behavior - updating the status periodically finding the code to modify finding the file to modify ...
... getting started in-depth links contents.rdf toolbarbindings.xml creating a skin for seamonkey 2.x getting started chrome.manifest install.rdf creating a hybrid cd creating regular expressions for a microsummary generator dtrace dehydra dehydra frequently asked questions dehydra function reference dehydra object reference installing dehydra using dehydra developing new mozilla features devmo 1.0 launch roadmap download manager improvements in firefox...
... ui selection jspage statusbar statusbar litmus tests mac os x build prerequisites/fink makefile.mozextension.2 message summary database metro browser chrome tests microsummary topics microsummary xml grammar reference migrate apps from internet explorer to mozilla modularization techniques monitoring downloads mozilla application framework mozilla application framework...
...heme changes in firefox 4 updating an extension to support multiple mozilla applications using firebug and jquery (screencast) using io timeout and interrupt on nt using ssh to connect to cvs using web standards in your web pages developing cross-browser and cross-platform pages references summary of changes using the w3c dom using workers in extensions web standards choosing standards compliance over proprietary practices community correctly using titles with external stylesheets describing microformats in javascript displaying a graphic with audio samples fixing in...
What is RSS - Archive of obsolete content
it wasn't really a format for syndication, but was a format for providing a summary of a website.
... in fact, back then, rss did not stand for really simple syndication but stood for rich site summary. rss 0.90, netscape's rss 0.91 was also a format for providing a summary of a website, and not really a syndication format (as it is today).
...the rss-dev working group changed what rss stood for, and made it stand for rdf site summary (at least, this is what it stood for in their version of rss).
Focus management with Vue refs - Learn web development
inside app.vue, update your <h2> as follows: <h2 id="list-summary" ref="listsummary" tabindex="-1">{{listsummary}}</h2> note: tabindex is a really powerful tool for handling certian accessibility problems. the end of deletetodo(), use the listsummary ref to set focus on the <h2>.
... deletetodo(todoid) { const itemindex = this.todoitems.findindex(item => === todoid); this.todoitems.splice(itemindex, 1); this.$refs.listsummary.focus(); } now, when you delete an item from your list, focus should be moved up to the list heading.
... summary so that's it for focus management, and for our app!
ent); void forceupdatenativemenuat(in astring indexstring); void garbagecollect([optional] in nsicyclecollectorlistener alistener); short getcursortype(); astring getdocumentmetadata(in astring aname); nsidomwindow getouterwindowwithid(in unsigned long long aouterwindowid); long getpccountscriptcount(); astring getpccountscriptsummary(in long ascript); astring getpccountscriptcontents(in long ascript); void getscrollxy(in boolean aflushlayout, out long ascrollx, out long ascrolly); astring getvisiteddependentcomputedstyle(in nsidomelement aelement, in astring apseudoelement, in astring apropertyname); boolean isinmodalstate(); void leavemodalstate(); void loadshee...
... getpccountscriptsummary() returns a summary of the profile information for a script.
... astring getpccountscriptsummary(in long ascript); parameters ascript index of the profiled script to get the profile summary for.
... this profile information may be queried using getpccountscriptcount(), getpccountscriptsummary(), and getpccountscriptcontents().
mailnews/db/msgdb/public/nsimsgdatabase.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... defaultviewflags nsmsgviewflagstypevalue readonly: defaultsorttype nsmsgviewsorttypevalue readonly: defaultsortorder nsmsgviewsortordervalue readonly: msghdrcachesize unsigned long folderstream nsioutputstream summaryvalid boolean methods open() opens a database folder.
...ns_msg_error_folder_summary_out_of_date the database is present (and was opened), but the summary file is out of date.
... ns_msg_error_folder_summary_missing the database is present (and was opened), but the summary file is missing.
Cross-domain Content Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
cross-domain xmlhttprequest the following add-on creates a panel whose content is the summary weather forecast for shetland.
..."show", function(){ forecast_panel.port.emit("show"); }); require("sdk/ui/button/action").actionbutton({ id: "get-forecast", label: "get the forecast", icon: "./icon-16.png", onclick: function() {; } }); the "panel.html" just includes a <div> block for the forecast: <!doctype html> <!-- panel.html --> <html> <head></head> <body> <div id="forecast_summary"></div> </body> </html> the "panel-script.js" uses xmlhttprequest to fetch the latest forecast: // panel-script.js var url = ""; self.port.on("show", function () { var request = new xmlhttprequest();"get", url, true); request.onload = function () { var jsonresponse = js...
...on.parse(request.responsetext); var summary = getsummary(jsonresponse); var element = document.getelementbyid("forecast_summary"); element.textcontent = summary; }; request.send(); }); function getsummary(forecast) { return forecast.regionalfcst.fcstperiods.period[0].paragraph[0].$; } finally, we need to add the "cross-domain-content" key to "package.json": "permissions": { "cross-domain-content": [""] } content permissions and unsafewindow if you use "cross-domain-content", then javascript values in content scripts will not be available from pages.
calICalendarViewController - Archive of obsolete content
summary a calicalendarviewcontroller provides a way for a calicalendarview to create, modify, and delete items.
... calendar/base/public/calicalendarviewcontroller.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
...the other values of the calievent (title, summary, alarm, etc) should likewise be set to defaults.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 4, 2006 - november 10, 2006 announcements none this week.
... favicon as microsummary/feed/other stuff indicator suggestion about making the favicon create a bookmark for the page with a microsummary.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 17, 2006 - november 24, 2006 announcements none this week.
... discussions microsummary w/ script a user created patch that will allow script to run in a sandbox during the update of a microsummary.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 24, 2006 - december 1, 2006 announcements none this week.
... developping microsummary generator questions and discussion surrounding microsummaries in ff 2.0.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 24, 2006 announcements thunderbird 2 release schedule for localizations beta 1 freeze for thunderbird 2 is scheduled on december 4th (en-us only).
... summary vs.
... live titles there seems to be a few locales that use "summary" or a translation thereof instead of "live titles" to name the ui part of microsummaries.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 11 - november 17, 2006 announcements none this week.
...if bugs are filed, "[reflow branch]" should be placed at the beginning of the summary.
...the possibility of turning the microsummaryresource object into a xpcom component, which accomplishes this task in a "hacky" manner, was also discussed.
Theme changes in Firefox 2 - Archive of obsolete content
file description of change browser/bookmarks/addbookmark.css updated to include microsummary-related css changes.
... browser/bookmarks/bookmarksproperties.css new file; includes microsummary-related css.
... changes in browser bookmarks/addbookmark.css the addbookmarks.css file should have the following lines added to the top: @namespace url(""); @namespace html url(""); some microsummary-related css also needs to be added, to provide formatting for the microsummary picker.
JSException - Archive of obsolete content
summary the public class jsexception extends runtimeexception java.lang.object | +----java.lang.throwable | +----java.lang.exception | +----java.lang.runtimeexception | +----netscape.javascript.jsexception description jsexception is an exception which is thrown when javascript code returns an error.
... constructor summary the netscape.javascript.jsexception class has the following constructors: jsexception deprecated constructors optionally let you specify a detail message and other information.
... method summary the netscape.javascript.jsexception class has the following methods: getwrappedexception instance method getwrappedexception.
Index - Game development
found 74 pages: # page tags and summary 1 game development apps, game development, gamedev, games, html5 games, javascript games, web gaming is one of the most popular computer activities.
... 4 index meta found 74 pages: 5 introduction to html5 game development (summary) firefox os, games, html5, mobile games built with html5 work on smartphones, tablets, pcs and smart tvs.update your game whenever you want.players can play the game anywhere, anytime.
... 6 introduction to game development for the web firefox os, games, guide, mobile no summary!
HTML table advanced features and accessibility - Learn web development
note: the summary attribute can also be used on the <table> element to provide a description — this is also read out by screenreaders.
... we'd recommend using the <caption> element instead, however, as summary is deprecated by the html5 spec, and can't be read by sighted users (it doesn't appear on the page.) active learning: adding a caption let's try this out, revisiting an example we first met in the previous article.
... summary there are a few other things you could learn about table html, but we have really given all you need to know at this moment in time.
Index - Learn web development
found 348 pages: # page tags and summary 1 learn web development beginner, css, html, index, intro, landing, learn, web welcome to the mdn learning area.
... 3 accessible multimedia accessibility, article, audio, beginner, codingscripting, html, images, javascript, learn, multimedia, video, captions, subtitles, text tracks this chapter has provided a summary of accessibility concerns for multimedia content, along with some practical solutions.
... 145 introduction to css layout article, beginner, css, floats, grids, introduction, layout, learn, positioning, tables, flexbox, flow this article has provided a brief summary of all the layout technologies you should know about.
"summary": gives measurements of the total heap, and the unreported/once-reported/twice-reported portions of it.
... "summary": gives measurements of the total heap.
... "summary": gives measurements of the total (cumulative) heap.
ren), length_is(, nchildren)] long children, [out] long nchildren ); [propget] hresult selectedcolumns([in] long maxcolumns, [out, size_is(,maxcolumns), length_is(, ncolumns)] long columns, [out] long ncolumns ); [propget] hresult selectedrows([in] long maxrows, [out, size_is(,maxrows), length_is(, nrows)] long rows, [out] long nrows ); hresult selectrow([in] long row ); [propget] hresult summary([out] iunknown accessible ); hresult unselectcolumn([in] long column ); hresult unselectrow([in] long row ); methods accessibleat() returns the accessible object at the specified row and column in the table.
...summary() returns the summary description of the table.
...[propget] hresult summary( [out] iunknown accessible ); parameters accessible returns a reference to an implementation dependent accessible object representing the table's summary or a null pointer if the table does not support a summary.
olumn([in] long column ); [propget] hresult selectedcells([out, size_is(, nselectedcells,)] iunknown cells, [out] long nselectedcells ); [propget] hresult selectedcolumns([out, size_is(, ncolumns)] long selectedcolumns, [out] long ncolumns ); [propget] hresult selectedrows([out, size_is(, nrows)] long selectedrows, [out] long nrows ); hresult selectrow([in] long row ); [propget] hresult summary([out] iunknown accessible ); hresult unselectcolumn([in] long column ); hresult unselectrow([in] long row ); methods caption() returns the caption for the table.
...summary() returns the summary description of the table.
...[propget] hresult summary( [out] iunknown accessible ); parameters accessible returns a reference to an implementation dependent accessible object representing the table's summary or a null pointer if the table does not support a summary.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletable.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... note: renamed from selectedrowscount in gecko 1.9.2 summary astring the summary description for the table.
... for example, @summary attribute on html:table element.
sgwindow,in nsisupportsarray aofflinefolderarray); void emptytrash(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener alistener); void rename(in astring name, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void renamesubfolders( in nsimsgwindow msgwindow, in nsimsgfolder oldfolder); astring generateuniquesubfoldername(in astring prefix,in nsimsgfolder otherfolder); void updatesummarytotals(in boolean force); void summarychanged(); long getnumunread(in boolean deep); long gettotalmessages(in boolean deep); void clearnewmessages(); void clearrequirescleanup(); void setflag(in unsigned long flag); void clearflag(in unsigned long flag); boolean getflag(in unsigned long flag); void toggleflag(in unsig...
... rename() change the name of the folder void rename(in astring name, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); renamesubfolders() void renamesubfolders(in nsimsgwindow msgwindow, in nsimsgfolder oldfolder); generateuniquesubfoldername() astring generateuniquesubfoldername(in astring prefix, in nsimsgfolder otherfolder); updatesummarytotals() void updatesummarytotals(in boolean force); summarychanged() void summarychanged(); getnumunread() get the total number of unread messages in this folder, or in all subfolders.
...simsgcopyservicelistener listener); acquiresemaphore() void acquiresemaphore(in nsisupports semholder); releasesemaphore() void releasesemaphore(in nsisupports semholder); testsemaphore() boolean testsemaphore(in nsisupports semholder); getnewmessages() void getnewmessages(in nsimsgwindow awindow, in nsiurllistener alistener); writetofoldercache() write out summary data for this folder to the given folder cache (i.e.
Index - Firefox Developer Tools
found 158 pages: # page tags and summary 1 firefox developer tools developing mozilla, guide, tools, web development, web development:tools, l10n:priority firefox developer tools is a set of web developer tools built into firefox.
...thin that context they then construct a number of audio nodes, including: 146 web console debugging, guide, security, tools, web development, web development:tools, l10n:priority, web console the web console: 147 console messages most of the web console is occupied by the message display pane: 148 invoke getters from autocomplete no summary!
... 153 web console ui tour firefox, tools, console, web console no summary!
HTMLDetailsElement: toggle event - Web APIs
html <aside id="log"> <b>open chapters:</b> <div data-id="ch1" hidden>i</div> <div data-id="ch2" hidden>ii</div> <div data-id="ch3" hidden>iii</div> </aside> <section id="summaries"> <b>chapter summaries:</b> <details id="ch1"> <summary>chapter i</summary> philosophy reproves boethius for the foolishness of his complaints against fortune.
... </details> <details id="ch2"> <summary>chapter ii</summary> philosophy in fortune's name replies to boethius' reproaches, and proves that the gifts of fortune are hers to give and to take away.
... </details> <details id="ch3"> <summary>chapter iii</summary> boethius falls back upon his present sense of misery.
this page lists all mdn http pages along with their summary and tags.
... found 277 pages: # page tags and summary 1 http http, hypertext, reference, tcp/ip, web, web development, l10n:priority hypertext transfer protocol (http) is an application-layer protocol for transmitting hypermedia documents, such as html.
... 39 http index http, index this page lists all mdn http pages along with their summary and tags.
SVG documentation index - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
found 383 pages: # page tags and summary 1 svg: scalable vector graphics 2d graphics, graphics, icons, images, reference, responsive design, svg, scalable graphics, scalable images, vector graphics, web, l10n:priority scalable vector graphics (svg) are an xml-based markup language for describing two-dimensional based vector graphics.xml 2 applying svg effects to html content css, guide, html, svg modern browsers support using svg within css styles to apply graphical effects to html content.
... 8 other resources reference, svg here is a list of additional resources on svg: 9 project svg no summary!
... 21 additive needscompattable, needsexample, svg, svg attribute no summary!
Index - XPath
found 57 pages: # page tags and summary 1 xpath css selectors, dom, jxon, landing, path, xml, xpath, xslt xpath stands for xml path language.
... 3 ancestor axe, xpath no summary!
... 17 functions transforming_xml_with_xslt, xpath, xpath_reference, xslt, xslt_reference no summary!
calICalendarView - Archive of obsolete content
summary an object implementing calicalendarview is generally intended to serve as a way of manipulating a set of dom nodes corresonding to a visual representation of calievent and calitodo objects.
... calendar/base/public/calicalendarview.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
Format - Archive of obsolete content
this is an example of what a newsgroup summary should look like when completed.
... summary: - july 17-23, 2006 announcements firefox 2/gecko 1.8.1 bug approvals starting on friday july 21 at 10:00a pdt the release triage team will no longer be accepting bugs unless they meet one of the posted criteria. - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 22-29, 2006 announcements bon echo 20060921 nightly to recieve "major update" offer mike beltnzer announced that 'users running the bon echo 20060921 nightly build will be offered the chance to upgrade to a "new version"' firefox start up performance boris zbarsky recently performed some profiling of firefox's start up - these are some of the details discussions problem handling dmg files on mac discussion about why sometimes dmg files are not mounted correctly after they are downloaded.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ... - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 30 - october 6, 2006 announcements vista compatibility lab mike schroepfer announced the current work being done testing mozilla products with vista.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 22-29, 2006 announcements bon echo 20060921 nightly to recieve "major update" offer mike beltnzer announced that 'users running the bon echo 20060921 nightly build will be offered the chance to upgrade to a "new version"' firefox start up performance boris zbarsky recently performed some profiling of firefox's start up - these are some of the details discussions problem handling dmg files on mac discussion about why sometimes dmg files are not mounted correctly after they are downloaded.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 30 - october 6, 2006 announcements vista compatibility lab mike schroepfer announced the current work being done testing mozilla products with vista.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 6, 2006 - october 13, 2006 announcements firefox vista compatible and versioning heads up robert strong describes the compatibility between windows vista and firefox, also about the versioning change.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 13, 2006 - october 20, 2006 announcements content filtering, manipulation, and control in firefox 3 an open invitation from myk melez to contribute to the brainstorming of new features for firefox 3 and future firefox releases.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-10-26 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 20, 2006 - october 26, 2006 announcements none this week.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 20, 2006 - october 27, 2006 announcements none this week.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 27, 2006 - november 3, 2006 announcements none this week.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-11-04 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 27, 2006 - november 3, 2006 announcements none this week.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 10, 2006 - november 17, 2006 announcements none this week.
... authors sara minchella (sara) dave manley (senemanley) back to summary list ...
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 23, 2006 to september 29, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
... discussions file: vs resource: vs chrome: from a security point of view boris zbarsky gives a summary the current setup for checkloaduri (which type of security principal can load what) and asks for comments about whether that is the desired behaviour.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 11, 2006 to november 17, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
... extended validation certificates a note as to how opera is handling extended validation certificates fwd: re: mozilla questions regarding the ev standard gervase markham posted a summary of questions emailed to kelvin yiu about the extended validation certificates.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - nov 11-nov 17, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements processing instructions are now added to xul document's dom on november 12, 2006, nickolay ponomarev announces the results of the recently fixed bug 319654.
...for a summary of the changes and workarounds, read nickolay's post in the newsgroup.
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 17 - november 24, 2006 announcements no meeting for this week.
... proposal for an event summary dialog discussions about design for an event summary dialog.
0.90 - Archive of obsolete content
it was created by netscape to be a metadata format providing a summary of a website.
... when rss 0.90 was created, the rss initialization stood for rich site summary and not really simple syndication.
References - Archive of obsolete content
<- previous section: summary of changes you can learn more on using web standards from these sites (listed in no particular order): what are web standards and why should i use them?
... <- previous section: summary of changes ...
Using Web Standards in your Web Pages - Archive of obsolete content
the next-to-last section, summary of changes, outlines all the changes described in this article.
... contents benefits of using web standards making your page using web standards - how to using the w3c dom developing cross browser and cross platform pages using xmlhttprequest summary of changes references original document information author(s): mike cowperthwaite, marcio galli, jim ley, ian oeschger, simon paquet, gérard talbot last updated date: may 29, 2008 copyright information: portions of this content are © 1998–2008 by individual contributors; content available under a creative commons license | details.
JSObject - Archive of obsolete content
summary the public final class netscape.javascript.jsobject extends object.
... method summary the netscape.javascript.jsobject class has the following methods: call calls a javascript method.
Anatomy of a video game - Game development
// note: as we mention in summary, you should keep track of how large numticks is.
... summary i want to be clear that any of the above, or none of them, could be best for your game.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
found 528 pages: # page tags and summary 1 mdn web docs glossary: definitions of web-related terms beginner, definitions, dictionary, glossary, index, landing, terminology web technologies contain long lists of jargon and abbreviations that are used in documentation and coding.
...for example, an html document is data, but html can also contain metadata in its <head> element that describes the document — for example who wrote it, and its summary.
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
the <caption> element and <table> summary attribute both do similar jobs — they act as alt text for a table, giving a screen reader user a useful quick summary of the table's contents.
... summary you should now be well-versed in writing accessible html for most occasions.
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
the <caption> element and <table> summary attribute both do similar jobs — they act as alt text for a table, giving a screen reader user a useful quick summary of the table's contents.
... summary you should now be well-versed in writing accessible html for most occasions.
Mobile accessibility - Learn web development
summary of screenreader testing on android and ios the most common mobile platforms have fully functional screen readers.
... summary in this article, we have provided you with some details about common mobile accessibility-specific issues and how to overcome them.
Styling tables - Learn web development
the markup looks like so: <table> <caption>a summary of the uk's most famous punk bands</caption> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">band</th> <th scope="col">year formed</th> <th scope="col">no.
... summary with styling tables now behind us, we need something else to occupy our time.
How do you upload your files to a web server? - Learn web development
summary if you have built a simple web page (see html basics for an example), you will probably want to put it online, on a web server. can see the full list at the rsync man page (search for "options summary").
Inheritance in JavaScript - Learn web development
object member summary to summarize, you've got four types of property/method to worry about: those defined inside a constructor function that are given to object instances.
... summary this article has covered the remainder of the core oojs theory and syntax that we think you should know now.
Object prototypes - Learn web development
in this example, we have defined a constructor function, like so: function person(first, last, age, gender, interests) { // property and method definitions = { 'first': first, 'last' : last }; this.age = age; this.gender = gender; //...see link in summary above for full definition } we have then created an object instance like this: let person1 = new person('bob', 'smith', 32, 'male', ['music', 'skiing']); if you type "person1." into your javascript console, you should see the browser try to auto-complete this with the member names available on this object: in this list, you will see the members defined on person1's constructor — person() ...
... summary this article has covered javascript object prototypes, including how prototype object chains allow objects to inherit features from one another, the prototype property and how it can be used to add methods to constructors, and other related topics.
Introduction to client-side frameworks - Learn web development
the table in this section provides a glanceable summary of the current browser support offered by each framework, as well as the domain-specific languages with which it can be used.
... summary and that brings us to the end of our introduction to frameworks — we’ve not taught you any code yet, but hopefully we've given you a useful background on why you'd use frameworks in the first place and how to go about choosing one, and made you excited to learn more and get stuck in!
Styling Vue components with CSS - Learn web development
update it as follows: <ul aria-labelledby="list-summary" class="stack-large"> adding scoped styles the last component we want to style is our todoitem component.
... summary our work is done on the styling of our sample app.
Implementing feature detection - Learn web development
generally, such tests are done via one of the following common patterns: summary of javascript feature detection techniques feature detection type explanation example if member in object check whether a certain method or property (typically an entry point into using the api or other feature you are detecting for) exists in its parent object.
... summary this article covered feature detection in a reasonable amount of detail, going through the main concepts and showing you how to both implement your own feature detection tests and use the modernizr library to implement tests more easily.
Package management basics - Learn web development
this is determined using a system called semver, which might look a bit complicated from the documentation but can be simplified by considering only the summary information and that a version is represented by major.minor.patch, such as 2.0.1 being major version 2 with patch version 1.
... summary this brings us to the end of our tour of package managers.
Accessibility API cross-reference
a case, they should be wrapped in a <reference> pragmatically however, user agents should expect to find <link> tags as direct children of <toci> abstract role - a perceivable section containing content that is relevant to a specific, author-specified purpose and sufficiently important that users will likely want to be able to navigate to the section easily and to have it listed in a summary of the page.
... such a page summary could be generated dynamically by a user agent or assistive technology.
Mozilla’s UAAG evaluation report
acronym element: supported abbr element: supported abbr attribute for td/th: not supported summary for table: supported title for frame: ?
... acronym element: supported abbr element: supported abbr attribute for td/th: not supported summary for table: supported title for frame: ?
What to do and what not to do in Bugzilla
changing the bug information fields summary you should change the summary if the current one is unclear or does not correctly describe the issue covered by the bug.
... you should not change the summary in order to morph the bug to describe a different issue.
summary a promiseworker is a chromeworker except instead of calling postmessage() to send a message, you call post(), which returns a promise. summary, from a worker file, data can only be sent back as a response to a request from the main thread, it is not possible for a worker to send data to the main thread otherwise, this is a key difference between promiseworker worker file and all other types of workers.
Localizing with Koala
here's a quick summary of what the output of the comparison means: files: "unmodified" - the file is completely translated.
...if you run "hg log" however, you will see you first commit in the repository's revision history: c:\mozilla\l10n\locale\x-testing\3.6> hg log changeset: 0:7c543e8f3a6a tag: tip user: stas malolepszy <> date: mon nov 23 18:08:25 2009 +0100 summary: added search bar strings congratulations!
QA phase
enter the following command: $ hg log -l 1 you should see an output similar to the one below: changeset: 0:7c543e8f3a6a tag: tip user: your name <> date: mon nov 23 18:08:25 2009 +0100 summary: added search bar strings now compare the local repository on your machine with the remote hg repository by entering this command: $ hg outgoing the hg outgoing command compares the two repositories and lists all changesets that are present locally, but not in the remote repository. can expect to see output like this: comparing with searching for changes changeset: 0:7c543e8f3a6a tag: tip user: your name <> date: mon nov 23 18:08:25 2009 +0100 summary: added search bar strings let's now push this changeset.
Release phase
here's how that's done: run this command to see recent commits in your local clone: $ hg log -l 3 you should a list of the most recent commits, similar to this one: changeset: 0:7c543e8f3a6a tag: tip user: your name <> date: mon nov 23 18:08:25 2009 +0100 summary: added search bar strings now run the hg outgoing command to compare the local repository on your machine with the remote repository on
...the output will look something like this: comparing with ssh:// searching for changes changeset: 0:7c543e8f3a6a tag: tip user: your name <> date: mon nov 23 18:08:25 2009 +0100 summary: added search bar strings make sure this output is accurate before continuing.
Leak Gauge
results of processing log leak.log : summary: leaked 0 out of 11 dom windows leaked 0 out of 44 documents leaked 0 out of 3 docshells leaked content nodes in 0 out of 0 documents if there are leaks, output will look like the following.
...summary: leaked 13 out of 15 dom windows leaked 35 out of 46 documents leaked 4 out of 4 docshells leaked content nodes in 42 out of 53 documents if you see such a results, please file a bug.
once sampling is finished — either because the user interrupted it, or because the requested number of samples has been taken — the following summary data is shown: 10 samples taken over a period of 10.000 seconds distribution of 'total' values: mean = 8.85 w std dev = 3.50 w 0th percentile = 5.17 w (min) 5th percentile = 5.17 w 25th percentile = 5.17 w 50th percentile = 8.13 w 75th percentile = 11.16 w 95th percentile = 14.63 w 100th percentile = 14.63 w (max) the distribution data is omitted if there was...
... combining with powermetrics on mac, you can use the mach power command to run rapl in combination with powermetrics in a way that gives the most useful summary measurements for each of firefox, chrome and safari.
the output closes with a summary, giving the total counts of missing and obsolete strings and words, and some statistics on how many strings are changed or not, excluding access- and commandkeys.
... pass --json to get just the summary in json format.
Feed content access API
var i; var theentry; var theurl; var info; for (i=0; i<numitems; i++) { theentry = itemarray.queryelementat(i, components.interfaces.nsifeedentry); if (theentry) { theurl = doc.write('<b><a href="' +"") + '">' + theentry.title.text + '</a></b><br>'); if (theentry.summary) { info = theentry.summary.text + "<p><hr><p>"; } else { info = theentry.content.text + "<p><hr><p>"; } doc.write("<blockquote>" + info); doc.write("</blockquote><p>"); } } } // close the document; we're done!
...we build the contents of the document by looking at the title, link, summary, and content properties for each item.
« gecko at interfaces page summary the nsiaccessible interface is a cross-platform interface that supports platform-specific accessibility apis like msaa and atk.
...}; accessible/public/nsiaccessible.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
summary the nsidomgeogeolocation interface provides access to geolocation information.
... dom/interfaces/geolocation/nsidomgeogeolocation.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
summary nsifeedtextconstruct a summary of the feed entry's content.
... this is generated automatically using the entry's description, subtitle, summary, content, and appropriate extensions.
summary file, address book.
...summary file, address book.
ar); method overview void registercontenthandler(in domstring mimetype, in domstring uri, in domstring title, in nsidomwindow contentwindow) void registerprotocolhandler(in domstring protocol,in domstring uri, in domstring title, in nsidomwindow contentwindow) methods registercontenthandler summary of registercontenthandler void registercontenthandler( in domstring mimetype, in domstring uri, in domstring title, in nsidomwindow contentwindow ); parameters mimetype the desired mime type as a string uri the uri to the handler as a string.
... registerprotocolhandler summary of registerprotocolhandler void registerprotocolhandler( in domstring protocol, in domstring uri, in domstring title, in nsidomwindow contentwindow ); parameters protocol the protocol the site wishes to handle, specified as a string.
HTMLTableElement - Web APIs
htmltableelement.summary is a domstring containing a description of the purpose or the structure of the table.
... it reflects the obsolete summary attribute.
HTML Drag and Drop API - Web APIs
this overview of html drag and drop includes a description of the interfaces, basic steps to add drag-and-drop support to an application, and an interoperability summary of the interfaces.
... the basics this section is a summary of the basic steps to add drag-and-drop functionality to an application.
Cognitive accessibility - Accessibility
it helps users with cognitive disabilities to provide a text summary (sometimes referred to as a tl;dr; [too long, didn't read]) at a low reading level.
...if multiple errors are present, provide a summary, with each error linking to the related input.
Accessibility documentation index - Accessibility
found 105 pages: # page tags and summary 1 accessibility accessibility, landing accessibility (often abbreviated to a11y—as in "a" then 11 characters then "y") in web development means enabling as many people as possible to use web sites, even when those people's abilities are limited in some way.
... 14 aria technique template accessibility no summary!
Inheritance - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
only the root element of the document gets the initial value given in the property's summary.
... non-inherited properties when no value for a non-inherited property has been specified on an element, the element gets the initial value of that property (as specified in the property's summary).
<table>: The Table element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary this attribute defines an alternative text that summarizes the content of the table.
... mdn adding a caption to your table with <caption> caption & summary • tables • w3c wai web accessibility tutorials scoping rows and columns the scope attribute on header elements is redundant in simple contexts, because scope is inferred.
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
found 237 pages: # page tags and summary 1 html: hypertext markup language html, html5, landing, web, l10n:priority html (hypertext markup language) is the most basic building block of the web.
... 200 <summary>: the disclosure summary element disclosure box, disclosure control, disclosure summary, element, html, html interactive elements, reference, summary, web the html disclosure summary element (<summary>) element specifies a summary, caption, or legend for a <details> element's disclosure box.
CSS and JavaScript animation performance - Web Performance
note: in nightly/developer edition, you should see that omta is enabled by default, so you might have to do the tests the other way around (test with it enabled first, then disable to test without omta.) summary browsers are able to optimize rendering flows.
... in summary, we should always try to create our animations using css transitions/animations where possible.
Using templates and slots - Web Components
ght",helvetica,arial} .name {font-weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 120%} h4 { margin: 10px 0 -8px 0; } h4 span { background: #217ac0; padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px } h4 span { border: 1px solid #cee9f9; border-radius: 4px } h4 span { color: white } .attributes { margin-left: 22px; font-size: 90% } .attributes p { margin-left: 16px; font-style: italic } </style> <details> <summary> <span> <code class="name">&lt;<slot name="element-name">need name</slot>&gt;</code> <i class="desc"><slot name="description">need description</slot></i> </span> </summary> <div class="attributes"> <h4><span>attributes</span></h4> <slot name="attributes"><p>none</p></slot> </div> </details> <hr> </template> that <template> element has seve...
...weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 120%} h4 { margin: 10px 0 -8px 0; } h4 span { background: #217ac0; padding: 2px 6px 2px 6px } h4 span { border: 1px solid #cee9f9; border-radius: 4px } h4 span { color: white } .attributes { margin-left: 22px; font-size: 90% } .attributes p { margin-left: 16px; font-style: italic } </style> <details> <summary> <span> <code class="name">&lt;<slot name="element-name">need name</slot>&gt;</code> <i class="desc"><slot name="description">need description</slot></i> </span> </summary> <div class="attributes"> <h4><span>attributes</span></h4> <slot name="attributes"><p>none</p></slot> </div> </details> <hr> ...
Getting Started (jpm) - Archive of obsolete content
summary in this tutorial we've built and packaged an add-on using three commands: jpm init to initialize an empty add-on template jpm run to run a new instance of firefox with the add-on installed, so we can try it out jpm xpi to package the add-on into an xpi file for distribution these are the three main commands you'll use when developing sdk add-ons.
Getting started (cfx) - Archive of obsolete content
summary in this tutorial we've built and packaged an add-on using three commands: cfx init to initialize an empty add-on template cfx run to run a new instance of firefox with the add-on installed, so we can try it out cfx xpi to package the add-on into an xpi file for distribution these are the three main commands you'll use when developing sdk add-ons.
Using third-party modules (jpm) - Archive of obsolete content
summary first, while in the root of your add-on, install the package that contains the modules you want to use: npm install menuitem --save now you'll see a new directory in your add-on root called "node_modules" that contains a directory "menuitem".
Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
listing 5 shows how to get a summary of all browser windows in firefox and then close them.
Underscores in class and ID Names - Archive of obsolete content
summary: the use of the underscore character in css can lead to major display problems in multiple browsers.
Beginner tutorials - Archive of obsolete content
creating reusable content with css and xblthis page illustrates how you can use css in mozilla to improve the structure of complex applications, making code and resources more easily reusable.underscores in class and id namessummary: the use of the underscore character in css can lead to major display problems in multiple browsers.
Case Sensitivity in class and id Names - Archive of obsolete content
summary: although css is itself case-insensitive, class and id names are defined to be case-sensitive in html 4.01.
Inner-browsing extending the browser navigation paradigm - Archive of obsolete content
// ie fix if(document.all) tagname="nde:"+tagname; articles=doc.getelementsbytagname(tagname); for(i=0;i<articles.length;i++) { article=articles.item(i); tagname="title"; // ie fix if(document.all) tagname="nde:"+tagname; valuee=article.getelementsbytagname(tagname).item(0).firstchild.nodevalue; tagname="summary"; // ie fix if(document.all) tagname="nde:"+tagname; paraa=article.getelementsbytagname(tagname).item(0).firstchild.nodevalue; linkk=article.getattribute("url"); strvalue="<div class='nde-blurb'><h3><a href='"+linkk+"'>"+valuee+"</a></h3><p>"+paraa+"</p></div>"; document.getelementbyid("container").innerhtml+=strvalue; } } if(...
JXON - Archive of obsolete content
in summary let's take the third algorithm as the most representative jxon parsing algorithm.
Defining Cross-Browser Tooltips - Archive of obsolete content
summary: authors are used to having alt text appear as a &quot;tooltip&quot; above images, but that's not how it was meant to be used.
Protecting Mozilla's registry.dat file - Archive of obsolete content
in summary, you can use the following series of commands in your logon script (usually stored in /home/samba/netlogon/startup.bat on the server): rem ================================================== rem mozilla rem ================================================== attrib -r -s "%userprofile%\application data\mozilla" >nul 2>nul attrib -r -s "%userprofile%\application data\mozilla\registry.dat" >nul 2>nu...
Enabling the behavior - retrieving tinderbox status - Archive of obsolete content
in this case we use it to retrieve an html page containing a brief summary of the current tinderbox state.
Documentation for BiDi Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
improvements to lists with hebrew and arabic list-style-type summary of new classes class name xpcom interface (if applicable) implementation comments nsibidi intl\unicharutil\public\nsibidi.h intl\unicharutil\src\nsbidiimp.cpp implementation of the unicode bidi algorithm nsiubidiutils intl\unicharutil\public\nsiubidiutils.h intl\unicharutil\src\nsbidiutilsimp.cpp utilities for bidi processing, including: character classification symmetric swapping reorder...
slideBar - Archive of obsolete content
about status: in development instantiation: jetpack.future.import('slidebar') last update: v0.6 summary: slidebar is a reinvention of the old sidebar feature of browsers.
Modularization techniques - Archive of obsolete content
here's a quick summary.
New Security Model for Web Services - Archive of obsolete content
summary advantages the proposed declaration file places the server operator, not the client in control of access to his server by untrusted scripts.
open - Archive of obsolete content
summary opens the file, specifying file mode and type.
File object - Archive of obsolete content
summary non-standard server-side object this object lets you work files and directories on the local filesystem, and create os pipelines.
Abc Assembler Tests - Archive of obsolete content
when run, the assembler tests include the abcasm/ file which defines the following functions: start(summary:string):void - start a new test section described by summary end():void - test section finished compare_stricteq(name:string, expected:*, actual:*):void - compare the results of a testcase where name is the testcase name compare_typeerror(name:string, expected:*, actual:*):void - special function for comparing typeerrors (runtimeerrors) - will only compare the first 22 chars of expected and a...
Running Tamarin acceptance tests - Archive of obsolete content
can also be using in conjunction with --threads -f --forcerebuild force rebuild all test files -q --quiet : will print a period (.) for each test run regardless of results, then print the test run summary when finished --ascargs= : additional arguments to pass to asc.jar --vmargs= : additional arguments to pass to avmshell --random : run tests in random order --timeout : max time for testrun --verify : run a verify pass instead of running abcs --verifyonly : run a -dverifyonly pass: only checks test exitcode (only works with debugger vms) testing the android shell the instructions above apply to...
Running Tamarin performance tests - Archive of obsolete content -x --exclude comma separated list of directories to skip -h --help display help and exit -t --notime do not generate timestamps (cleaner diffs) -f --forcerebuild force rebuild all test files -c --config sets the config string [default os-tvm] -q --quiet display minimum output during testrun -l --log also log all output to given logfile --summaryonly only display final summary --rebuildtests rebuild the tests only - do not run against vm --showtimes shows the time for each test --ascargs args to pass to asc on rebuild of test files --vmargs args to pass to vm --timeout max time to run all tests --testtimeout max time to let a test run, in sec (default -1 = never timeout) --html ...
Tamarin-central rev 703:2cee46be9ce0 - Archive of obsolete content
testing summary acceptance tests have passed on the following supported platforms: * windows, 32 & 64 bit * mac ox x ppc & intel, 32 bit * linux, 32 bit * windows mobile arm version asc-4200 of the actionscript compiler was used for all tests.
TraceVis - Archive of obsolete content
text summary python /tmp/tracevis.log this prints a summary of the log.
Venkman - Archive of obsolete content
source code the source code for venkman may be found in mercurial at the following url: community view mozilla forums...
copy - Archive of obsolete content
summary makes a queued copy of the specified file.
isDirectory - Archive of obsolete content
summary returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified filespecobject is a directory.
isFile - Archive of obsolete content
summary returns a boolean value indicating whether the given filespecobject is a file.
modDate - Archive of obsolete content
summary returns the last modified date of a specified file or directory.
modDateChanged - Archive of obsolete content
summary returns whether file has been modified since a certain date.
remove - Archive of obsolete content
summary deletes a specified file.
rename - Archive of obsolete content
summary renames a specified file in place.
size - Archive of obsolete content
summary return the size of the given file in bytes.
windowsGetShortName - Archive of obsolete content
summary returns a path that conforms to the windows 8.3 file naming convention.
windowsRegisterServer - Archive of obsolete content
summary windowsregisterserver registers installed dlls with the windows registry.
windowsShortcut - Archive of obsolete content
summary creates a windows shortcut to the installed software.
toString - Archive of obsolete content
summary converts an installversion init object to a string.
alert - Archive of obsolete content
summary the alert function displays a modal dialog box with a message representing the input.
cancelInstall - Archive of obsolete content
summary aborts installation of the software; performs cleanup of temporary files.
execute - Archive of obsolete content
summary launches a file inside the install archive.
getFolder - Archive of obsolete content
summary returns an object representing one of the standard directories.
patch - Archive of obsolete content
summary updates an existing component.
performInstall - Archive of obsolete content
summary performs the actual installation of the software.
writeString - Archive of obsolete content
summary changes a value in a .ini file.
setValueNumber - Archive of obsolete content
summary sets the value of a key, when that value is a number.
Directions of the Mozilla RDF engine - Archive of obsolete content
presentation download summary this presentation showed new developments in the mozilla rdf engine.
Extending Gecko with XBL and XTF - Archive of obsolete content
presentation view online download summary this session explored ways to extend mozilla/firefox to handle new xml tags and namespaces via drop-in extensions to the layout engine.
Mozilla E4X - Archive of obsolete content
presentation view online download summary "ecmascript for xml" (ecma-357), a new standard for writing and processing xml directly in javascript (ecma-262, iso-16262).
SVG And Canvas In Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
presentation view online download summary today's web browsers offer somewhat limited graphics capabilities to web developers.
XUL - Mozilla's XML User Interface Language - Archive of obsolete content
presentation view online download summary ben goodger, lead engineer for mozilla firefox talked about xul, mozilla's xml user interface toolkit.
Node - Archive of obsolete content
summary this is a scriptable interface corresponding to the nsidomnode xpcom interface.
Menus - Archive of obsolete content
the following is a brief summary of these elements, examples of each will be provided later.
Box Model Details - Archive of obsolete content
example 2 : source view <hbox flex="1" align="top"> <button label="left" style="min-width: 100px;" flex="1"/> <spacer flex="1"/> <button label="right" style="min-width: 100px;" flex="1"/> </hbox> summary of the box model to achieve complicated layouts, you will generally need to add nested boxes, specify minimum and maximum sizes on some elements, and make certain elements flexible.
Creating a Wizard - Archive of obsolete content
the following is a summary of attribute functions that are called when the user presses next, in the order that they will be checked.
Element Positioning - Archive of obsolete content
find files example so far: source view next, a summary and some additional details of the box model are described.
Using nsIXULAppInfo - Archive of obsolete content
see bug 809920, and in summary: // work around the fact that xpcshell doesn't have a proper app-info xpcom object.
XUL Accesskey FAQ and Policies - Archive of obsolete content
look for dependencies of bug 129179 (the xul accesskey hookup meta bug), or look for bugs with "accesskey" or "mnemonic" in the summary, or look for dialogs where there are no elements with underlined letters.
attribute.align - Archive of obsolete content
summary the align attribute specifies how child elements of the box are aligned, when the size of the box is larger than the total size of the children.
image - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home [ examples | attributes | properties | methods | related ] summary an element that displays an image, much like the html img element.
calIFileType - Archive of obsolete content
summary the califiletype interface provides information about a specific file type.
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 6, 2006 announcements legal precedent set for web accessibility us federal court rules that retailers may be sued if its website is inaccsessible.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 28-nov 10, 2006 announcements acm transactions on accessible computing "transactions on accessible computing (taccess) is a quarterly journal that publishes refereed articles addressing issues of computing as it impacts the lives of people with disabilities." read more...
2006-11-22 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - nov 17-nov 22, 2006 announcements mozilla osk project grant aaron leventhal (on behalf of michael curran) mentiond that there is now an nvda email list you can join if you wish to keep up to date with the latest changes, or if you wish to discuss new features or talk with other nvda users.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 22 - september 29, 2006 announcements lightning and sunbird 0.3 rc1 test day!
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 29 - october 6, 2006 announcements sunbird and lightning 0.3rc1 available gordon announced the candidate (rc) builds for sunbird and lightning 0.3 are released.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 22-29, 2006 announcements development for thunderjudge extension is put on hold the author of the thunderjudge extension is currently putting the development of the extension on hold due to several issues (more details available at the website).
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 30-october 06, 2006 announcements mac user needed scott macgregor announced that .mac support and a dynamically add isp account feature has been added to the thunderbird account manager, however, testing is required before release can be issued.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 7-13, 2006 announcements updated: thunderbird developer documentation eric shepherd has put together a checklist for the upcoming thunderbird developer documentation and is looking for feedback as well as contributors.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 14-20, 2006 announcements eudora goes open source both qualcomm and mozilla will participate in enhancing the capabilities and ease of use of both eudora and thunderbird.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 21-27, 2006 announcements none for this week.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 28 - november 03, 2006 announcements none for this week.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 4-10, 2006 announcements none for this week.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 10 - 17, 2006 announcements none for this week discussions how to fiter out mail for a particular recepient?
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 18 - 24, 2006 announcements none for this week discussions issues with 2.0 features there's renewed discussion on why certain features were removed in the 2.0 release, and the addition of support for s/mime and not pgp/gpg encryption.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 18 - 24, 2006 announcements none for this week discussions how to display toolbar button image within the customization palette?
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 22nd to 29th 2006 .mar packages peter weilbacher posted a question and asked: how does one go about creating a .mar package that can be used in updating firefox and thunderbird?
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 30th to october 6th 2006 tb mozilla_1_8_branch build problem on mac os x (10.4.7, universal build) ludwig hügelschäfer stated that he has been encountering an error when he executes a "make export" operation on thunderbird (part of the mozilla_1_8_branch) since september 15th.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 7th to october 13th 2006 cannot build ff on linux x86_64 werner flamme cannot build firefox on his suse linux 10.0 x86_64 box.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 14th to october 20th 2006 linux reference platform 1.8.1 october 18th: marcus is wondering about the linux platform that is currently used to compile both public releases of firefox and xulrunner.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 21st to october 27th 2006 fx 1.5.0.x (linux) not building since 20-oct-2006 17:45 pdt october 22nd: gavin sharp answered a question that was posted by tony mechelynck.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 28th to november 3rd 2006 no such file or directory (build problem on winxp) november 2nd: kenoa complained that when he is compiling using cygwin on win32 he gets the following error no such file or directory1: /cygdrive/c/mozilla/mail/config/mozconfig /cygdrive/c/mozilla/ no such file or directory he claims that the file ".mozconfig" exists in /cygdrive/c/mozilla/mail/config/mozconfig the disable-crypto cause problem originally posted on november 2nd: gxk is building minimo using the code base from sept.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 4th to november 10th 2006 browser buttons november 4th: mojr wants to know if firefox has a similar feature that the new ie 6 has built in.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 10th to november 17th 2006 how to build in yellowdog linux 4.1?
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 17th to november 24th 2006 trouble building xulrunner 1.8.4 on winxp using mingw32 november 20th: joe is trying to build xulrunner using the ming compiler on windowsxp.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 25th to december 1st 2006 any one else seeing this?
2006-09-22 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - feb 2nd - sep 22nd, 2006 announcements testing a dummy greek bon echo nsis installer bug #69230: accelerators should not be affected by keyboard group/level proposal of code changes for l10n in firefox 3 discussions thai language support: how can we add thai as an official localized build?
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 6, 2006 announcements english united states dictionary english united states dictionary for firefox 2.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 13, 2006 announcements seamonkey 1.0.5 he-il seamonkey 1.0.5 in hebrew was released a while ago firefox 2 rc2 is out firefox 2 rc2 is out, to download click here sunbird_0_3_release tag being created sunbird_0_3_release tag being created seamonkey 1.1 localization freeze and beta upcoming there are no open blockers left.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 20, 2006 announcements sign-off for zh-tw firefox 2 sign-off for zh-tw firefox 2 sign off of chinese simplified firefox 2.0 sign off of simplified chinese firefox 2 attention dictionary providers, or: warning, amo sucks there was at amo (, which has been being fixed.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 27, 2006 announcements drafts of eulas for several lanugages available for review drafts of eulas for several lanugages available for review final ff release already announced a french site has already announced final ff 2.0 and gives download links on its own site.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 10, 2006 announcements seamonkey 1.0.5 in belarusian belarusian [be-by] localization for seamonkey 1.0.5 is available now.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 17, 2006 announcements seamonkey 1.1b in russian (ru-ru) seamonkey 1.1b in russian (ru-ru) is uploaded to seamonkey 1.0.6 in russian (ru-ru) seamonkey 1.0.6 in russian (ru-ru) is uploaded to seamonkey 1.0.6 in czech (cs-cz) seamonkey 1.0.6 in czech (cs-cz) is uploaded to seamonkey 1.0.6 he-il seamonkey 1.0.6 he-il is released.
2006-11-3 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 3, 2006 announcements 1.2.0 released: the should have been 1.0 release 1.2.0, a gui (graphic) version of piaip's mozip command line utility, is available here.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - december 1, 2006 announcements langpacks for sunbird nightly builds available for testing langpacks for sunbird nightly builds available for testing seamonkey 1.1 late string changes for mail content policy the fix to bug 360288 has landed.
2006-12-08 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - december 8, 2006 announcements mozilla sponsored server for l10n the server for mozilla sponsored server for l10n should be up and running soon.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary of newsgroup summary: - september 22 - 29, 2006 announcements firefox 2 release candidate 1 is now available for download announcing that firefox 2 rc 1 is available for download discussions xulrunner fails without feedback on osx intel 10.4.7 will morton is trying to port a xul application to osx.
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 30th to october 6th 2006 announcements mike schroepfer is attending a vista compatibility lab with some other people this week.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 7th to october 13th 2006 announcements no announcments this week other traffic javascript package system for 1.9/ff3 on sun, oct 8 2006 robert sayre inquires about the javascript package system for 1.9 for firefox 3, robert would like to know if there is any chance we'll get this?
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 14th to october 20th 2006 announcements no announcements this week.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 21st to october 27th 2006 announcements no announcments this week.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 28th - november 3rd, 2006 announcements developer chat with brendan eich!
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 4th - november 10th, 2006 announcements no announcements this week traffic beaufour moves the discussion about xulrunner unit-tests like xpcshell from to
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 11th - november 17th, 2006 announcements no announcements this week traffic xulrunner: <browser> not allowing javascript popup windows b notes that when using xul elements <browser/> and <tabbrowser/> the javascript popup windows don't work out of the box and asks what needs to be implement.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 25th - december 1st, 2006 announcements no announcements this week traffic alex vincent posts that he has started a xulrunner/mac faq here on mozdev.
2006-18-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 18th - november 24th, 2006 announcements no announcements this week traffic xulrunner: <browser> not allowing javascript popup windows b notes that when using xul elements <browser/> and <tabbrowser/> the javascript popup windows don't work out of the box and asks what needs to be implement.
mozilla-dev-platform - Archive of obsolete content
about newsgroup summary for (google groups link) is for people working on the mozilla application framework ("mozilla-the-platform").
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 23-29, 2006 announcements litmus down because of hardware failure - we are working to fix it - the hardware that litmus runs on failed over the weekend, so litmus is still down.
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 30-october 6, 2006 announcements firefox 2 rc2 update - the minimum tests for rc2 are complete which includes smoke and bft tests.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 6-october 13, 2006 announcements none discussions appropriate for me to assign a bug?
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 13-october 20, 2006 announcements completed rc3 testing - the key testing activities for rc3 has been completed.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 20-october 27, 2006 announcements firefox & thunderbird candidate builds available for testing!
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 27-november 3, 2006 announcements a change in tp2's numbers - rob helmer is going to be landing a patch that adam guthrie made to fix how tp2 reports its average pageload times.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 4-november 10, 2006 announcements qmo blog at - the mozilla qa team has decided to go with joomla!
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 10-november 17, 2006 announcements none discussions none meetings none authors mark d'souza (mdsouza) mohamed attar (mojo) ...
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 18-november 24, 2006 announcements none discussions firefox on linux x86_64 - someone is having a problem with xhttprequest.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 25-december 1, 2006 announcements need volunteers to maintain jssh for testing on firefox 2 branch - dave liebreich is looking for someone willing to take responsibility for maintaining jssh for testing purposes.
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 30, 2006 to october 6, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 7, 2006 to october 13, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 14, 2006 to october 20, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 21, 2006 to october 27, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 28, 2006 to november 3, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 4, 2006 to november 10, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 18, 2006 to november 24, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 25, 2006 to december 1, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-security announcements none during this week.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
nothing to summarize this week as there was no summary and all questions were left unanswered.
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
nothing to summarize this week as there was no summary and all questions were left unanswered.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: september 22-29, 2006 announcements no announcements for this week.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 21 - october 27, 2006 announcements none this week.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 28 - november 3, 2006 announcements new reflow branch off of trunk l.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 4 - november 10, 2006 announcements none this week.
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 17 - november 24, 2006 announcements none this week.
2006-12-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: november 24 -december 1, 2006 announcements none this week.
2006-12- 02 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 24 2006 - december 2, 2006 announcements none this week.
2006-12- 08 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - december 2, 2006 - december 8, 2006 announcements none this week.
2006-09-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 06-13, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-09-22 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - sept 22-29, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-09-30 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - sept 30- oct 5, 2006 announcements build a xpcom component on mac os x benjamin smedberg confirmed that this tutorial is misleading as it uses the standalone glue (-dxpcom_glue) for components, which is not recommended.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 13-20, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 21-27, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 04-nov 10, 2006 announcements xptcall changes in process - ports owners needed if you maintain an xptcall port, you are needed to submit a patch to that bug 349002 with xptcall updates.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - nov 11-nov 17, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - nov 18-nov 24, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-11-3 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 28-nov 3, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - nov 25- dec 01, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-12-08 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - dec 02- dec 08, 2006 announcements none during this week.
2006-09-22 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - sept 22-29, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - sept 22-29, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - sept 29-oct 06, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 07-oct 13, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 14-oct 20, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 21-oct 27, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 28-nov 3, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - nov 4-nov 10, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - nov 18-nov 24, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - nov 25-dec 01, 2006 return to mozilla-dev-tech-xul announcements none during this week.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 6 - october 13, 2006 announcements sunbird and lightning 0.3rc2 available matthew willis announced the second release candidate builds for sunbird and lightning 0.3 are released.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 13 - october 20, 2006 announcements inter-operability test day on tuesday october 17 interoperability testing on tuesday, for calendar applications test on how sunbird works with published calendars that were generated.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 20 - october 27, 2006 announcements calendar test day october 31st a test date has been set for october 31st.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 27 - november 3, 2006 announcements test day results the calendar qa team had a successful test day on tuesday discussions storage format for events storage format of timestamps in lightning.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 3 - november 10, 2006 announcements calendar-qa team announces november 14th testday calendar-qa team celebrate some new functionality of calendar.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 10 - november 17, 2006 announcements no meeting for this week.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 24 - december 01, 2006 announcements december 5th test day coming up!
Monitoring plugins - Archive of obsolete content
summary a new component of the plugin system is now available to measure how long it takes plugins (e.g., adobe flash) to execute their calls.
NPAnyCallbackStruct - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary note: this structure is only used on unix platforms.
NPByteRange - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary represents a particular range of bytes from a stream.
NPClass - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npclass is a structure that holds a set of pointers to functions that make up the behavior of an instance of an npclass (i.e.
NPEmbedPrint - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary substructure of npprint that contains platform-specific information used during embedded mode printing.
NPEvent - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary represents an event passed by npp_handleevent() to a windowless plug-in.
NPFullPrint - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary substructure of npprint that contains platform-specific information used during full-page mode printing.
NPIdentifier - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary npidentifier is an opaque type used for method and property identifiers, such as strings or integers.
NPN_CreateObject - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary allocates a new npobject.
NPN_DestroyStream - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary closes and deletes a stream.
NPN_Enumerate - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary gets the names of the properties and methods of the specified npobject.
NPN_Evaluate - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary evaluates a script in the scope of the specified npobject.
NPN_ForceRedraw - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary asks the plugin host to immediately (synchronously) repaint invalid areas.
NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary the function is called by plugins to get http authentication information from the browser.
NPN_GetIntIdentifier - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary returns an opaque identifier for the integer that is passed in.
NPN_GetProperty - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary gets the value of a property on the specified npobject.
NPN_GetStringIdentifier - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary returns an opaque identifier for the string that is passed in.
NPN_GetStringIdentifiers - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary returns an array of opaque identifiers for the names that are passed in.
NPN_GetURL - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary asks the browser to create a stream for the specified url.
NPN_GetURLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary requests creation of a new stream with the contents of the specified url; gets notification of the result.
NPN_GetValue - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary allows the plug-in to query the browser for information.
NPN_GetValueForURL - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary provides information to a plugin which is associated with a given url, for example the cookies or preferred proxy.
NPN_HasMethod - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary determines whether or not the specified npobject has a particular method.
NPN_HasProperty - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary determines whether or not the specified npobject has a particular property.
NPN_IdentifierIsString - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary determines whether or not an identifier is a string.
NPN_IntFromIdentifier - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary returns the integer value corresponding to the given integer identifier.
NPN_InvalidateRect - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary invalidates the specified portion of the plugin's drawing area, adding it to the region that needs to be redrawn when the plugin next repaints its contents.
NPN_InvalidateRegion - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary invalidates the specified drawing region prior to repainting or refreshing a windowless plug-in.
NPN_Invoke - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary invokes a method on the given npobject.
NPN_InvokeDefault - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary invokes the default method, if one exists, on the given npobject.
NPN_MemAlloc - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary allocates memory from the browser's memory space.
NPN_MemFlush - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary note: this function is only implemented on mac os x.
NPN_MemFree - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary deallocates a block of allocated memory.
NPN NewStream - Archive of obsolete content
summary requests the creation of a new data stream produced by the plug-in and consumed by the browser.
NPN_PluginThreadAsyncCall - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary thread safe way to request that the browser calls a plug-in function on the browser or plugin thread (the thread on which the plug-in was initiated).
NPN_PostURL - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary posts data to a url.
NPN_PostURLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary posts data to a url, and receives notification of the result.
NPN_ReleaseObject - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary decrements the reference count of the given npobject.
NPN_ReleaseVariantValue - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npn_releasevariantvalue() releases the value in the given variant.
NPN_ReloadPlugins - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary reloads all of the installed plugins.
NPN_RemoveProperty - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary removes a property from the specified npobject.
NPN_RequestRead - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary requests a range of bytes from a seekable stream.
NPN_RetainObject - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary increments the reference count of the given npobject.
NPN_SetException - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary a plugin can call this function to indicate that a call to one of the plugin's npobjects generated an error.
NPN_SetProperty - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary sets the value of a property on the specified npobject.
NPN_SetValue - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary implemented by browsers.
NPN_SetValueForURL - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary allows a plugin to change the stored information associated with a url, in particular its cookies.
NPN_Status - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary lets a plug-in display a message on the browser's status line.
NPN_UTF8FromIdentifier - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary returns the utf-8 string corresponding to the given string identifier.
NPN_UserAgent - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary returns the browser's user agent field.
NPN_Version - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary lets plugins obtain version information, both of the plug-in api and of the browser itself.
NPN_Write - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary pushes data into a stream produced by the plug-in and consumed by the browser.
NPObject - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npobject is a structure that holds a pointer to an npclass and an integer reference count, and possibly also implementation specific (i.e.
NPP - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary represents a single instance of a plug-in.
NPP_Destroy - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary deletes a specific instance of a plug-in.
NPP_DestroyStream - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary tells the plug-in that a stream is about to be closed or destroyed.
NPP_GetValue - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary allows the browser to query the plug-in for information.
NPP_HandleEvent - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary delivers a platform-specific window event to the instance.
NPP_New - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary creates a new instance of a plug-in.
NPP_NewStream - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary notifies a plug-in instance of a new data stream.
NPP_Print - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary requests a platform-specific print operation for an embedded or full-screen plug-in.
NPP_SetValue - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary implemented by plugins.
NPP_SetWindow - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary tells the plug-in when a window is created, moved, sized, or destroyed.
NPP_StreamAsFile - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary provides a local file name for the data from a stream.
NPP_URLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary notifies the plug-in instance of the completion of a url request.
NPP_Write - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary delivers data to a plug-in instance.
NPP_WriteReady - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary determines maximum number of bytes that the plug-in can consume.
NPPrint - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary contains information the plug-in needs to print itself in full-page or embedded mode.
NPPrintCallbackStruct - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary contains information required by the platformprint field of the npembedprint structure during embedded mode printing on unix systems.
NPRect - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary represents a rectangular area of a plug-in's content area.
NPRegion - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « browser side plug-in api summary represents a platform-defined region of a page.
NPSavedData - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary block of instance information saved after the plug-in instance is deleted; can be returned to the plug-in to restore the data in future instances of the plug-in.
NPSetWindowCallbackStruct - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary note: this structure is only used on unix platforms.
NPStream - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary represents a stream of data either produced by the browser and consumed by the plug-in, or produced by the plug-in and consumed by the browser.
NPString - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npstring is a struct that holds a pointer to a sequence of 8-bit units (nputf8) making up a utf-8 string, and the number of 8-bit units in the utf-8 string.
NPUTF8 - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary nputf8 is a byte representing an 8-bit unit of a utf-8 character.
NPVariant - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npvariant is a struct that holds a value and the type of that value.
NPVariantType - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary npvarianttype is an enumeration that is used to identify the data type of an npvariant structure.
NPWindow - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary contains information about the target into which the plug-in instance can draw.
NP_GetValue - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary allows the browser to query the plug-in for information.
NP_Initialize - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary provides global initialization for a plug-in.
NP_Port - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary used on mac os only contains information required by the window field of an npwindow structure.
NP_Shutdown - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « plug-in side plug-in api summary provides global deinitialization for a plug-in.
Why RSS Content Module is Popular - Including HTML Contents - Archive of obsolete content
for example, you could use it to include the entire contents of a blog post; or just a summary of it.
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability - Archive of obsolete content
so, in summary, a breach of confidentiality means that someone gains access to information who shouldn't have access to it.
The Basics of Web Services - Archive of obsolete content
summary: a current hot topic on the web right now are web services.
Scratchpad - Archive of obsolete content
for example, if you type document.addeventlistener, then press ctrl + shift + space, you'll see a popup that shows a summary of the function's syntax and a short description: the "[docs]" link takes you to the mdn documentation for the symbol.
Browser Feature Detection - Archive of obsolete content
test summary standard netscape 7.0x firefox 1.5 safari 2 opera 7 / 8.5-9.0 internet explorer 6 / 7 dom core 1 100% 100% 100% 75% / 91% 75% / 75% dom core 2 100% 100% 100% 70% / 94% 58% / 58% dom 1 html 100% 100% 100% 100% / 100% 100% / 100% dom css 1 100% 100% 100% 100% / 100% 96% / 96%...
JavaArray - Archive of obsolete content
summary core object a wrapped java array accessed from within javascript code is a member of the type javaarray.
JavaClass - Archive of obsolete content
summary core object a javascript reference to a java class.
JavaObject - Archive of obsolete content
summary core object the type of a wrapped java object accessed from within javascript code.
JavaPackage - Archive of obsolete content
summary core object a javascript reference to a java package.
Packages - Archive of obsolete content
summary a top-level object used to access java classes from within javascript code.
java - Archive of obsolete content
summary core object a top-level object used to access any java class in the package java.*.
netscape - Archive of obsolete content
summary core object a top-level object used to access any java class in the package netscape.*.
sun - Archive of obsolete content
summary core object a top-level object used to access any java class in the package sun.*.
Styling the Amazing Netscape Fish Cam Page - Archive of obsolete content
summary: a classic reborn!
Window.importDialog() - Archive of obsolete content
summary because opening windows on mobile isn't necessarily appropriate, the firefox mobile team designed the importdialog() method to replace window.opendialog().
Choosing Standards Compliance Over Proprietary Practices - Archive of obsolete content
summary as organizations expand product development across multiple devices and product families, integration and compatibility must be a key requirement.
Fixing Incorrectly Sized List Item Markers - Archive of obsolete content
summary: an obscure bug in gecko causes list-item markers to be differently sizeed than the text of the list item, but there is a fix authors can use.
Fixing Table Inheritance in Quirks Mode - Archive of obsolete content
summary: when in quirks mode, gecko-based browsers will appear to ignore inheritance of font styles into tables from parent elements.
Issues Arising From Arbitrary-Element hover - Archive of obsolete content
summary: thanks to long-standing limitations, we're used to thinking of hover styles as applying only to hyperlinks, which has led to some sloppy authoring practices that are now causing problems for some web sites.
Styling Abbreviations and Acronyms - Archive of obsolete content
summary: the html elements abbr and acronym are useful accessibility aids, but their styling can come as a surprise to authors.
Windows Media in Netscape - Archive of obsolete content
summary: cross browser use of windows media player in ie and netscape 7.1 don't use proprietary dom sniffs such as looking for document.all-- this will rule out netscape 7.1.
Archive of obsolete content
for instructions on tamarin central, please see the basics of web services summary: a current hot topic on the web right now are web services.
Game distribution - Game development
summary distribution is the way to give the world access to your game.
Game monetization - Game development
summary there are many ways to earn money — everything that applies to the "normal" aaa gaming world can be, more or less, applied to casual html5 games.
Game promotion - Game development
summary any way of promoting your game is good.
Building up a basic demo with PlayCanvas editor - Game development
summary now you can check the playcanvas engine article if you haven't seen it yet, go back to the building up a basic demo with playcanvas page, or go back a level higher to the main 3d games on the web page.
Building up a basic demo with the PlayCanvas engine - Game development
summary now you can continue reading the playcanvas editor article, go back to the building up a basic demo with playcanvas page, or go back a level higher to the main 3d games on the web page.
Building up a basic demo with PlayCanvas - Game development
summary of course, it depends on your approach — designers may favor the online editor while programmers will prefer having the full control over the coding environment and will probably use the engine's source files.
Desktop gamepad controls - Game development
summary that's it!
Desktop mouse and keyboard controls - Game development
summary ok, we've dealt with touch, keyboard and mouse controls.
Mobile touch controls - Game development
summary that covers adding touch controls for mobile; in the next article we'll see how to add keyboard and mouse support.
Unconventional controls - Game development
summary i hope you liked the experiments — if you have any others that you think might interest other people, feel free to add details of them here.
Implementing controls using the Gamepad API - Game development
summary the gamepad api is very easy to develop with.
asm.js - Game development
asm.js language summary asm.js is an intermediate programming language.
Randomizing gameplay - Game development
compare your code you can check the finished code for this lesson in the live demo below, and play with it to understand better how it works: summary you've finished all the lessons — congratulations!
2D maze game with device orientation - Game development
summary i hope this tutorial will help you dive into 2d game development and inspire you to create awesome games on your own.
Touch Event Horizon - Game development
this article is for touch event horizon and a game related to it touch gestures and events link the example game github repository live demo setting up the canvas counting the taps touchstart, touchend collecting the bonus touchmove future developments summary this tutorial shows how to use touch events to create a game on a <canvas>.
Gecko FAQ - Gecko Redirect 1
cko is expected to support the following recommended open internet standards fully except for the areas noted below and open bugs documented in bugzilla: html 4.0 - full support except for: elements: bdo, basefont attributes: shape attribute on the a element, abbr, axis, headers, scope-row, scope-col, scope-rowgroup, scope-colgroup, charoff, datasrc, datafld, dataformat, datapagesize, summary, event, dir, align on table columns, label attribute of option, alternate text of area elements, longdesc various metadata attributes: cite, datetime, lang, hreflang bidirectional text layout, which is only used in hebrew and arabic (ibm has begun work to add bidi support in a future release) style sheets css 1 - full support, except for: the application of styles to h...
Accessibility tree (AOM) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
think checked/unchecked for checkboxes, or collapsed/expanded for the <summary> element.
Call stack - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
call stack list: empty in summary, then, we start with an empty call stack.
JavaScript - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
summary javascript (or "js") is a programming language used most often for dynamic client-side scripts on webpages, but it is also often used on the server-side, using a runtime such as node.js.
Metadata - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
for example, an html document is data, but html can also contain metadata in its <head> element that describes the document — for example who wrote it, and its summary.
Responsive web design - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
learn more general knowledge summary and resources pros and cons of going responsive responsive web design ...
Semantics - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
semantic elements these are some of the roughly 100 semantic elements available: <article> <aside> <details> <figcaption> <figure> <footer> <header> <main> <mark> <nav> <section> <summary> <time> learn more html element reference on mdn using html sections and outlines on mdn the meaning of semantics in computer science on wikipedia ...
Assessment: Accessibility troubleshooting - Learn web development
the table the data table is not currently very accessible — it is hard for screenreader users to associate data rows and columns together, and the table also has no kind of summary to make it clear what it shows.
CSS and JavaScript accessibility best practices - Learn web development
summary we hope this article has given you a good amount of detail and understanding about the accessibility issues surrounding css and javascript use on web pages.
Accessible multimedia - Learn web development
summary this chapter has provided a summary of accessibility concerns for multimedia content, along with some practical solutions.
WAI-ARIA basics - Learn web development
summary this article has by no means covered all that's available in wai-aria, but it should have given you enough information to understand how to use it, and know some of the most common patterns you will encounter that require it.
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
summary this article should have given you a useful high-level overview of accessibility, shown you why it's important, and looked at how you can fit it into your workflow.
Advanced styling effects - Learn web development
summary we hope this article was fun — playing with shiny toys generally is, and it is always interesting to see what kinds of advanced styling tools are becoming available in modern browsers.
Backgrounds and borders - Learn web development
summary we have covered quite a lot here, and you can see that there is quite a lot to adding a background or a border to a box.
Handling different text directions - Learn web development
summary the concepts explained in this lesson are becoming increasingly important in css.
Images, media, and form elements - Learn web development
summary this lesson has highlighted some of the differences you will encounter when working with images, media, and other unusual elements in css.
Overflowing content - Learn web development
summary this lesson introduced the concept of overflow.
Sizing items in CSS - Learn web development
summary this lesson has given you a rundown of some key issues that you might run into when sizing things on the web.
The box model - Learn web development
summary that's most of what you need to understand about the box model.
CSS values and units - Learn web development
summary this has been a quick run through of the most common types of values and units you might encounter.
Flexbox - Learn web development
summary that concludes our tour of the basics of flexbox.
Floats - Learn web development
summary you now know all there is to know about floats in modern web development.
Grids - Learn web development
summary in this overview we have toured the main features of css grid layout.
Introduction to CSS layout - Learn web development
cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.</p> </div> body { max-width: 800px; margin: 0 auto; } .container { column-width: 200px; } summary this article has provided a brief summary of all the layout technologies you should know about.
Legacy layout methods - Learn web development
summary you now understand how various grid systems are created, which will be useful in working with older sites and in understanding the difference between the native grid of css grid layout and these older systems.
Beginner's guide to media queries - Learn web development
summary in this lesson you have learned about media queries, and also discovered how to use them in practice to create a mobile first responsive design.
Multiple-column layout - Learn web development
summary you now know how to use the basic features of multiple-column layout, another tool at your disposal when choosing a layout method for the designs you are building.
Normal Flow - Learn web development
le (like this one containing text)</span>, or just go on to a new line if not, much like this image will do: <img src=""></p> body { width: 500px; margin: 0 auto; } p { background: rgba(255,84,104,0.3); border: 2px solid rgb(255,84,104); padding: 10px; margin: 10px; } span { background: white; border: 1px solid black; } summary now that you understand normal flow, and how the browser lays things out by default, move on to understand how to change this default display to create the layout needed by your design.
Positioning - Learn web development
summary i'm sure you had fun playing with basic positioning; while it is not a method you would use for entire layouts, as you can see there are many tasks it is suited for.
Practical positioning examples - Learn web development
summary so that rounds off our look at positioning — by now, you should have an idea of how the basic mechanics work, as well as understanding how to start applying these to build some interesting ui features.
Responsive design - Learn web development
summary responsive design refers to a site or application design that responds to the environment in which it is viewed.
Supporting older browsers - Learn web development
summary you now have the knowledge to confidently use techniques such as grid and flexbox, create fallbacks for older browsers, and make use of any new techniques that might come along in the future.
Fundamental text and font styling - Learn web development
summary we hoped you enjoyed playing with text in this article!
Styling links - Learn web development
summary we hope this article has provided you with all you'll need to know about links — for now!
Web fonts - Learn web development
summary now that you have worked through our articles on text styling fundamentals, it is time to test your comprehension with our assessment for the module, typesetting a community school homepage.
What text editors are available? - Learn web development
summary a website consists mostly of text files, so for a fun, pleasant development experience you should choose your text editor wisely.
What do common web layouts contain? - Learn web development
summary there's a reason we talk about web design.
How can we design for all types of users? - Learn web development
summary when you're building a website, one top issue to consider is universal design: accommodating all users regardless of disability, technical constraints, culture, location, and so on.
How does the Internet work? - Learn web development
summary the internet is the backbone of the web, the technical infrastructure that makes the web possible.
How much does it cost to do something on the Web? - Learn web development
summary when launching a website, you may spend nothing, or your costs may go through the roof.
What is the difference between webpage, website, web server, and search engine? - Learn web development
summary as with any area of knowledge, the web comes with a lot of jargon.
How do I start to design my website? - Learn web development
summary when starting with a web project, many people focus on the technical side.
What are hyperlinks? - Learn web development
summary hyperlinks, usually called links, are a foundational concept behind the web.
What is a URL? - Learn web development
summary with hypertext and http, url is one of the key concepts of the web.
What is a Domain Name? - Learn web development
summary domain names are a key part of the internet infrastructure.
What is a web server? - Learn web development
summary the term web server can refer to hardware or software, or both of them working together.
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
summary because of physical or technical limitations, maybe your visitors can't experience your website the way you hoped.
What software do I need to build a website? - Learn web development
summary you can download most of the programs you need for web development for free.
Advanced form styling - Learn web development
summary while there are still difficulties using css with html forms, there are ways to get around many of the problems.
Basic native form controls - Learn web development
summary this article has covered the older input types — the original set introduced in the early days of html that is well supported in all browsers.
Client-side form validation - Learn web development
summary client-side form validation sometimes requires javascript if you want to customize styling and error messages, but it always requires you to think carefully about the user.
The HTML5 input types - Learn web development
summary that brings us to the end of our tour of the html5 form input types.
How to structure a web form - Learn web development
summary you now have all the knowledge you'll need to properly structure your web forms.
Other form controls - Learn web development
summary as you'll have seen in the last few articles, there are a lot of different types of available form element.
Sending form data - Learn web development
summary as we'd alluded to above, sending form data is easy, but securing an application can be tricky.
Styling web forms - Learn web development
summary as you can see, as long as we want to build forms with just text fields and buttons, it's easy to style them using css.
UI pseudo-classes - Learn web development
summary this completes our look at ui pseudo-classes that relate to form inputs.
Your first form - Learn web development
summary congratulations, you've built your first web form.
The web and web standards - Learn web development
ok, that's a very simple summary of what happened, but i did promise you a brief summary.
HTML Cheatsheet - Learn web development
aditional information <details><summary>html cheatsheet</summary><p>inline elements</p><p>block elements</p></details> html cheatsheet inline elements block elements an unordered list <ul> <li>i'm an item</li> <li>i'm another item</li> </ul> i'm an item i'm another item an ordered list <ol> <li>i'm the first item</li> <li>i'm the s...
Advanced text formatting - Learn web development
summary that marks the end of our study of html text semantics.
Creating hyperlinks - Learn web development
summary that's it for links, for now anyway!
Debugging HTML - Learn web development
you will know when all your errors are fixed when you see the following banner in your output: summary so there we have it, an introduction to debugging html, which should give you some useful skills to count on when you start to debug css, javascript, and other types of code later on in your career.
Document and website structure - Learn web development
summary at this point you should have a better idea about how to structure a web page/site.
Getting started with HTML - Learn web development
summary you made it to the end of the article!
HTML text fundamentals - Learn web development
summary that's it for now!
What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development
summary that marks the end of our quickfire tour of the html head — there's a lot more you can do in here, but an exhaustive tour would be boring and confusing at this stage, and we just wanted to give you an idea of the most common things you'll find in there for now!
Adding vector graphics to the Web - Learn web development
/ update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onkeyup = function(){ // we only want to save the state when the user code is being shown, // not the solution, so that solution is not saved over the user code if(solution.value === 'show solution') { userentry = textarea.value; } else { solutionentry = textarea.value; } updatecode(); }; summary this article has provided you with a quick tour of what vector graphics and svg are, why they are useful to know about, and how to include svg inside your webpages.
Images in HTML - Learn web development
summary that's all for now.
From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
summary the topic of embedding other content in web documents can quickly become very complex, so in this article, we've tried to introduce it in a simple, familiar way that will immediately seem relevant, while still hinting at some of the more advanced features of the involved technologies.
Responsive images - Learn web development
summary that's a wrap for responsive images — we hope you enjoyed playing with these new techniques.
Video and audio content - Learn web development
summary and that's a wrap; we hope you had fun playing with video and audio in web pages!
HTML table basics - Learn web development
summary that just about wraps up the basics of html tables.
Client-side storage - Learn web development
summary that's it for now.
Drawing graphics - Learn web development
summary at this point, you should have a useful idea of the basics of graphics programming using canvas and webgl and what you can do with these apis, as well as a good idea of where to go for further information.
Fetching data from the server - Learn web development
summary this article shows how to start working with both xhr and fetch to fetch data from the server.
Introduction to web APIs - Learn web development
summary at this point, you should have a good idea of what apis are, how they work, and what you can do with them in your javascript code.
Manipulating documents - Learn web development
note: if you get really stuck, have a look at our finished shopping list (see it running live also.) summary we have reached the end of our study of document and dom manipulation.
Third-party APIs - Learn web development
summary this article has given you a useful introduction to using third-party apis to add functionality to your websites.
Video and Audio APIs - Learn web development
summary i think we've taught you enough in this article.
Basic math in JavaScript — numbers and operators - Learn web development
summary in this article we have covered the fundamental information you need to know about numbers in javascript, for now.
Storing the information you need — Variables - Learn web development
summary by now you should know a reasonable amount about javascript variables and how to create them.
What is JavaScript? - Learn web development
summary so there you go, your first step into the world of javascript.
What went wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript - Learn web development
summary so there we have it, the basics of figuring out errors in simple javascript programs.
JavaScript object basics - Learn web development
summary congratulations, you've reached the end of our first js objects article — you should now have a good idea of how to work with objects in javascript — including creating your own simple objects.
Working with JSON - Learn web development
summary in this article, we've given you a simple guide to using json in your programs, including how to create and parse json, and how to access data locked inside it.
Object-oriented JavaScript for beginners - Learn web development
summary this article has provided a simplified view of object-oriented theory — this isn't the whole story, but it gives you an idea of what we are dealing with here.
Object building practice - Learn web development
summary we hope you had fun writing your own real world random bouncing balls example, using various object and object-oriented techniques from throughout the module!
Measuring performance - Learn web development
at the time of writing, mdn's performance report summary looks similar to the following: a performance report contains information about things like how long a user has to wait before anything is displayed on the page, how many bytes need to be downloaded to display a page, and much more.
Client-Server Overview - Learn web development
summary at this point you should have a good overview of the operations that server-side code has to perform, and know some of the ways in which a server-side web framework can make this easier.
Introduction to the server side - Learn web development
summary congratulations, you've reached the end of the first article about server-side programming.
Server-side web frameworks - Learn web development
summary this article has shown that web frameworks can make it easier to develop and maintain server-side code.
Website security - Learn web development
summary this article has explained the concept of web security and some of the more common threats against which your website should attempt to protect.
Ember Interactivity: Footer functionality, conditional rendering - Learn web development
summary that's enough for now.
Getting started with Ember - Learn web development
summary so far so good.
Ember interactivity: Events, classes and state - Learn web development
you should find that now the text submitted in the <input> is properly reflected in the ui: summary ok, so that's great progress for now.
Routing in Ember - Learn web development
summary congratulations!
Ember app structure and componentization - Learn web development
summary great!
Framework main features - Learn web development
le("button"); expect(btn).tobeinthedocument(); expect(btn).tohavetextcontent("clicked 0 times"); }); it("increments the count when clicked", () => { const { getbyrole } = render(<counterbutton />); const btn = getbyrole("button");; expect(btn).tohavetextcontent("clicked 1 times");; expect(btn).tohavetextcontent("clicked 2 times"); }); summary at this point you should have more of an idea about the actual languages, features, and tools you'll be using as you create applications with frameworks.
Componentizing our React app - Learn web development
summary and that's it for this article — we've gone into some depth on how to break up your app nicely into components, end render them efficiently.
Getting started with React - Learn web development
summary this brings us to the end of our initial look at react, including how to install it locally, creating a starter app, and how the basics work.
React interactivity: Events and state - Learn web development
summary that's enough for one article.
React interactivity: Editing, filtering, conditional rendering - Learn web development
summary so that's it — our app is now functionally complete.
Beginning our React todo list - Learn web development
summary now our todo list app actually looks a bit more like a real app!
Starting our Svelte Todo list app - Learn web development
repl to see the current state of the code in a repl, visit: summary with our markup and styling in place our todo list app is starting to take shape, and we have everything ready so that we can start to focus on the features we have to implement.
TypeScript support in Svelte - Learn web development
summary in this article we took our to-do list application and ported it to typescript.
Componentizing our Svelte app - Learn web development
repl to see the current state of the code in a repl, visit: summary now we have all of our app's required functionality in place.
Getting started with Svelte - Learn web development
repl to code along with us using the repl, start at summary this brings us to the end of our initial look at svelte, including how to install it locally, create a starter app, and how the basics work.
Advanced Svelte: Reactivity, lifecycle, accessibility - Learn web development
repl to see the current state of the code in a repl, visit: summary in this article we have finished adding all the required functionality to our app, plus we've taken care of a number of accessibility and usability issues.
Working with Svelte stores - Learn web development
repl to see the current state of the code in a repl, visit: summary in this article we added two new features: an alert component and persisting todos to web storage.
Dynamic behavior in Svelte: working with variables and props - Learn web development
repl to see the current state of the code in a repl, visit: summary that will do for now!
Vue conditional rendering: editing existing todos - Learn web development
summary this article has been fairly intense, and we covered a lot here.
Creating our first Vue component - Learn web development
alse, type: boolean } }, data() { return { isdone: this.done, id: uniqueid('todo-') }; } }; next, bind the id to both our checkbox’s id attribute and the label’s for attribute, updating the existing id and for attributes as shown: <template> <div> <input type="checkbox" :id="id" :checked="isdone" /> <label :for="id">{{label}}</label> </div> </template> summary and that will do for this article.
Getting started with Vue - Learn web development
summary let's leave this here for now.
Adding a new todo form: Vue events, methods, and models - Learn web development
summary excellent.
Rendering a list of Vue components - Learn web development
summary and that brings us to the end of another article.
Handling common accessibility problems - Learn web development
summary hopefully this article has given you a good grounding in the main accessibility problems you might encounter, and how to test and overcome them.
Introduction to automated testing - Learn web development
summary this was quite a ride, but i'm sure you can start to see the benefits of using automation tools to do some of the heavy lifting in terms of testing.
Handling common HTML and CSS problems - Learn web development
summary now you should be familiar with the main types of cross browser html and css problems that you'll meet in web development, and how to go about fixing them.
Introduction to cross browser testing - Learn web development
reporting bugs just to reiterate on what was said above, if you discover bugs in browsers, you should report them: firefox bugzilla edgehtml issue tracker safari chrome opera summary this article should have given you a high-level understanding of the most important concepts you need to know about cross browser testing.
Handling common JavaScript problems - Learn web development
summary so that's javascript.
Strategies for carrying out testing - Learn web development
summary after reading this article you should now have a good idea of what you can do to identify your target audience/target browser list, and then effectively carry out cross-browser testing on that list.
Setting up your own test automation environment - Learn web development
summary this module should have proven fun, and should have given you enough of an insight into writing and running automated tests for you to get going with writing your own automated tests.
Command line crash course - Learn web development
summary that brings us to the end of our brief tour of the terminal/command line.
Deploying our app - Learn web development
summary that's it for our sample case study, and for the module!
Introducing a complete toolchain - Learn web development
summary we've come a long way in this chapter, building up a rather nice local development environment to create an application in.
Client-side tooling overview - Learn web development
summary that rounds off our gentle introduction to the topic of client-side web tooling, from a high level.
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
unique features role_table html: <table> dhtml: role="wairole:grid" (in this case state_focusable is set) accname is supported via <caption> first child of table or summary attribute role_columnheader xul: tree column headers html: <th> dhtml: role="wairole:colheader" role_rowheader dhtml: role="wairole:rowheader" role_column not supported.
Links and Resources
accessibility valet from webthing description and summary to be written.
found 689 pages: # page tags and summary 1 add-ons add-ons, extension, extensions, landing, mozilla add-ons allow developers to extend and modify the functionality of firefox.
A bird's-eye view of the Mozilla framework
xpcom in summary to summarize, the xpcom object model specifies the structure of xpcom components, builds a central registry based on the xpcom components loaded at startup, generates xpcom component instances on demand using the registry, which specifies the supported interfaces, their corresponding implementation objects, and the nsifactory interface, provides api facilities clients can use to dynamicall...
Eclipse CDT
when the indexing is done, open the log using "window > show view > other > general > error log" and check the summary and look for exceptions.
Reviewer Checklist
documentation the commit message should describe what the patch is changing (not be a copy of the bug summary).
mach will colorize terminal output (on terminals that support it - typically most terminals except on windows) mach will scan build output for compiler warnings and will automatically record them to a database which can be queried with mach warnings-list and mach warnings-summary.
found 172 pages: # page tags and summary 1 firefox firefox, landing, mozilla here you can learn about how to contribute to the firefox project and you will also find links to information about the construction of firefox add-ons, using the developer tools in firefox, and other topics.
summary if you're developing privileged code, and would like to create a worker that can use js-ctypes to perform calls to native code, you can do so by using chromeworker instead of the standard worker object.
Getting Started with Chat
the following are some helpful commands which can be used by firebot: bug ###### when a bug number is mentioned in a message, firebot automatically displays the link and summary from bugzilla for that bug.
How to investigate Disconnect failures
from there use “signature” as summary for bugzilla bug.
IPDL Tutorial
a quick summary of the difference between rpc and sync semantics is that rpc allows "re-entrant" message handlers: while an actor is blocked waiting for an "answer" to an rpc "call", it can be unblocked to handle a new, incoming rpc call.
Application Translation with Mercurial
choose a meaningful bug summary which will be shown for searches etc.
L10n Checks
the output closes with a summary, giving the total counts of missing and obsolete strings and some statistics on how many strings are changed or not, excluding access and command keys.
Localizing extension metadata on
the localizable data fields of an extension are: name homepage summary description eula privacy policy version notes developer comments when you submit a new extension to amo, the process is divided into several steps.
please see introduction_to_nspr for a high-level summary of its semantics.
please see introduction_to_nspr for a high-level summary of its semantics.
please see introduction_to_nspr for a high-level summary of its semantics.
Leak-hunting strategies and tips
(or allocations?) all tier 1 platforms build with --enable-trace-malloc leak tools for simple objects and summary statistics tracemalloc all allocations all tier 1 platforms build with --enable-trace-malloc valgrind all allocations mac, linux build with --enable-valgrind and some other options lsan all allocations mac, linux any build apple tools ?
mach power you can use the mach power command to run powermetrics in combination with rapl in a way that gives the most useful summary measurements for each of firefox, chrome and safari.
Crash reporting
finally, a set of mozilla employees have access to directly query the underlying data in either sql summary or using mapreduce on the storage cluster.
found 1 pages: # page tags and summary 1 index found 1 pages: ...
EncDecMAC using token object - sample 3
encdecmac using token object example: <h2 id="nss_sample_code_3_hashing.">nss sample code 3: enc/dec/mac using token object id.</h2> <p class="summary">computes the hash of a file and saves it to another file, illustrates the use of nss message apis.</p> <pre class="brush: cpp"> /* this source code form is subject to the terms of the mozilla public * license, v.
NSS sources building testing
once the test suite has completed, a summary will be printed that shows the number of failures.
nss tech note2
a summary of performance data is dumped during nss shutdown.
NSS Tools sslstrength
sslstrength summary a simple command-line client which connects to an ssl-server, and reports back the encryption cipher and strength used.
Python binding for NSS
add certificate_summary_format_lines() utility to generate concise certificate identification info for output.
Migration to HG
however, below is a brief summary that shows how to checkout the source code and build both nspr and nss: mkdir workarea cd workarea hg clone hg clone cd nss # set use_64=1 on 64 bit architectures # set build_opt=1 to get an optimized build make nss_build_all note that the jss project has been given a private copy of the f...
summary fc_initialize - initialize the pkcs #11 library.
in summary, ssl uses three pieces of information to identify a server's entry in the client session cache: the hostname, port number, and peer id.
NSS Tools sslstrength
sslstrength summary a simple command-line client which connects to an ssl-server, and reports back the encryption cipher and strength used.
Network Security Services
documentation background information overview of nss provides a brief summary of nss and its capabilities.
GC Rooting Guide
summary use js::rooted<t> typedefs for local variables on the stack.
recordings can be manually analyzed to determine this information, but it would be nice to automate this process and provide a summary of the allocation sites and places where objects are linked together that end up entraining the most amount of memory later on.
Gecko events
event_table_summary_changed a table's summary changed.
for example, the message summary format files use a table for each thread, where the meta-rows represent information about the thread in general.
Places utilities for JavaScript
bookmarks nsinavbookmarksservice history nsinavhistoryservice globalhistory nsibrowserhistory livemarks nsilivemarkservice annotations nsiannotationservice favicons nsifaviconservice microsummaries nsimicrosummaryservice tagging nsitaggingservice rdf nsirdfservice ptm nsiplacestransactionsservice clipboard nsiclipboard urifixup nsiurifixup special places these are essentially references to the id's of special folders within places.
Generic factory
summary most xpcom factories can be very simple.
Creating the Component Code
the component manager is an interface implemented by xpcom that encapsulates the creation of objects and provides summary information about all registered components.
Finishing the Component
weblock interfaces interface name defined by status summary nsisupports xpcom frozen provides interface discovery, and object reference counting nsiobserver xpcom frozen allows messaging passing between objects nsicontentpolicy content not frozen interface for policy control mechanism iweblock web lock not frozen enables and disables weblock.
Introduction to XPCOM for the DOM
in summary, manipulate an interface rather than its implementation whenever possible!
summary creates a javascript function which can be used to create or construct new instances of xpcom components.
summary components.exception is a javascript constructor to create nsixpcexception objects.
summary is a constructor that creates native objects that conform to the nsijsid interface.
summary determines whether a given xpcom return code (that is, an nsresult value) indicates the success or failure of an operation, returning true or false respectively.
« xpcom api reference summary the xpcom category manager.
« xpcom api reference summary the xpcom directory service.
« xpcom api reference summary a component implementing nsilocalfile.
« xpcom api reference summary a component implementing nsiscriptableinputstream.
« xpcom api reference summary infallibly allocates a block of memory using the xpcom memory manager.
« xpcom api reference summary frees a block of memory using the xpcom memory manager.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_getcomponentmanager function returns a reference to the xpcom component manager.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_getcomponentregistrar function returns a reference to the xpcom component registrar.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_getmemorymanager function returns a reference to the xpcom memory manager.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_getservicemanager function returns a reference to the xpcom service manager.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_initxpcom2 function initiates use of xpcom in the calling process.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_initxpcom3 function initiates use of xpcom in the calling process with support for statically defined xpcom modules.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_newlocalfile function creates an instance of nsilocalfile that provides a platform independent representation of a file path.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_newnativelocalfile function creates an instance of nsilocalfile that provides a platform independent representation of a file path.
« xpcom api reference summary reallocates a block of memory using the xpcom memory manager.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_shutdownxpcom function terminates use of xpcom in the calling process.
summary macro has the same effect as ns_assertion.
summary macro has the same effect as ns_assertion.
« xpcom api reference summary the append family of functions appends a value to the end of a string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the assign family of functions sets the value of a string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the beginreading function returns a const pointer to the first element of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the cut function removes a section of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the endreading function returns a const char_type pointer to the element just beyond the last element of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the insert family of functions inserts a value into a string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the length function returns the number of storage units in the string's internal buffer (not including the null-terminator if present).
« xpcom api reference summary the replace family of functions sets the value of a string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary this operator is a shortcut for the assign family of functions.
« xpcom api reference summary this operator+= is a shortcut for the append family of functions.
« xpcom api reference summary the nsacstring abstract class represents a character string composed of single-byte storage units.
« xpcom api reference summary the append family of functions appends a value to the end of a string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the assign family of functions sets the value of a string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the beginreading function returns a const pointer to the first element of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the cut function removes a section of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the endreading function returns a const char_type pointer to the element just beyond the last element of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the insert family of functions inserts a value into a string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the length function returns the number of storage units in the string's internal buffer (not including the null-terminator if present).
« xpcom api reference summary the replace family of functions sets the value of a string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary this operator= is a shortcut for the append family of functions.
« xpcom api reference summary this operator+= is a shortcut for the append family of functions.
« xpcom api reference summary the nsastring abstract class represents a character string composed of double-byte storage units.
« xpcom api reference summary this utility class simplifies managing xpcom interface references from c++ code.
« xpcom api reference summary the nscstringencoding enumeration describes the set of character encodings understood by the ns_cstringtoutf16 and ns_utf16tocstring functions.
« xpcom api reference summary the get function returns a const pointer to the string's null-terminated, internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary constructors for nsembedcstring.
« xpcom api reference summary this operator is a shortcut for the inherited nsacstring::assign family of functions.
« xpcom api reference summary the nsembedcstring concrete class provides a way to construct a nsacstring object that allocates null-terminated storage.
« xpcom api reference summary the get function returns a const pointer to the string's null-terminated, internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary constructors for nsembedstring.
« xpcom api reference summary this operator is a shortcut for the inherited nsastring::assign family of functions.
« xpcom api reference summary the nsembedstring concrete class provides a way to construct a nsastring object that allocates null-terminated storage.
« xpcom api reference summary the alloc function allocates a block of memory of a particular size.
« xpcom api reference summary the clone function creates a copy of an existing memory block up to the size specified.
« xpcom api reference summary the free function frees a block of memory that was allocated by xpcom's memory manager.
« xpcom api reference summary the getglobalmemoryservice function returns a reference to xpcom's global nsimemory object.
« xpcom api reference summary the heapminimize function attempts to shrink the size of the heap.
« xpcom api reference summary the realloc function reallocates a block of memory to a new size.
« xpcom api reference summary the nsmemory class provides static helper routines to manage memory.
« xpcom api reference summary inherit from this c++ class to add canonical support for nsisupportsweakreference.
other-licenses/ia2/accessible2.idlnot scriptable please add a summary to this article.
image/public/imgicache.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
modules/libpr0n/public/imgiencoder.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
modules/libpr0n/public/imgiloader.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
modules/libpr0n/public/imgirequest.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
js/jsd/idl/jsdidebuggerservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
summary clients will rely on nsrepository to create instances of a given class.
storage/public/mozistorageaggregatefunction.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragebindingparams.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragebindingparamsarray.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragecompletioncallback.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistorageerror.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragefunction.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragependingstatement.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistorageprogresshandler.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistorageresultset.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragerow.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragestatementcallback.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragestatementwrapper.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
storage/public/mozistoragevaluearray.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/streamconv/public/mozitxttohtmlconv.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibilityservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
« nsiaccessible page summary attributes of accessible.
« nsiaccessible page summary number of accessible children.
« nsiaccessible page summary array of all this node's children.
« nsiaccessible page summary provides localized string of global keyboard accelerator for default action, such as ctrl+o for open file (ctrl + o).
« nsiaccessible page summary accessible description -- long text associated with this node.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method performs the accessible action at the given zero-based index.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method extends the current selection from its current accessible anchor node to this accessible.
« nsiaccessible page summary returns first child node in accessible tree.
« nsiaccessible page summary focused accessible child of node.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible node geometrically above this one.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible node geometrically below this one.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible related to this one by the given relation type.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible node geometrically to the left of this one.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible node geometrically to the right of this one.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method retrieves the description (localized name) of the accessible action at the given zero-based index.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method retrieves the name of the accessible action at the given zero-based index.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns accessible's (x and y) coordinates relative to the screen and accessible's width and height.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns nth accessible child using zero-based index.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns an accessible child which contains the coordinate at (x, y) in screen pixels.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method provides array of localized string of global keyboard accelerator for the given action index supported by accessible.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns accessible relation for this accessible object by index.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns multiple accessible relations for this accessible object.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method retrieves states of the accessible.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method returns grouping information.
« nsiaccessible page summary help text associated with node.
« nsiaccessible page summary the 0-based index of this accessible in its parent's list of children, or -1 if this accessible does not have a parent.
« nsiaccessible page summary provides localized string of accesskey name, such as alt+d (alt + d).
« nsiaccessible page summary returns last child node in accessible tree.
« nsiaccessible page summary accessible name -- the main text equivalent for this node.
« nsiaccessible page summary returns next sibling in accessible tree.
« nsiaccessible page summary the number of accessible actions associated with this accessible.
« nsiaccessible page summary returns parent node in accessible tree.
« nsiaccessible page summary returns previous node in accessible tree.
« nsiaccessible page summary returns the number of accessible relations for this object.
« nsiaccessible page summary enumerated accessible role for the associated element.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method adds or remove this accessible to the current selection.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method focuses this accessible node.
« nsiaccessible page summary this method selects this accessible node only.
« nsiaccessible page summary accessible value -- a number or a secondary text equivalent for this node.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
event_table_summary_changed 0x003e 0x003a a table's summary changed.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessiblestates.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletable.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletext.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibletreecache.idlnot scriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/nsiaccessiblevalue.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/msaa/nsiaccessiblewin32object.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/places/public/nsiannotationservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/io/nsiasyncinputstream.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/io/nsiasyncoutputstream.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
embedding/components/windowwatcher/public/nsiauthpromptwrapper.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpfe/components/autocomplete/public/nsiautocompleteresults.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/autocomplete/public/nsiautocompletesearch.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/system/nsiblocklistservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/xul/base/public/nsiboxobject.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/xul/base/public/nsibrowserboxobject.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsibrowsersearchservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
security/manager/ssl/public/nsicrlmanager.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/cache/public/nsicache.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsicachingchannel.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
intl/chardet/public/nsicharsetresolver.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
widget/public/nsiclipboardowner.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/commandlines/public/nsicommandlinerunner.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/xul/base/public/nsicontainerboxobject.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/base/nsicontentprefservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/cookie/nsicookie.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/cookie/nsicookie2.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/cookie/public/nsicookieconsent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/cookie/nsicookiemanager.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/cookie/nsicookiemanager2.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
the nsicookiepermission interface is used to test for cookie permissions netwerk/cookie/nsicookiepermission.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
extensions/cookie/nsicookiepromptservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
modules/plugin/base/public/nsicookiestorage.idlnot scriptable please add a summary to this article.
intl/uconv/idl/nsicurrentcharsetlistener.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/dns/nsidnslistener.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/dns/nsidnsrequest.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/base/public/nsidomfile.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/base/public/nsidomfileexception.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/base/public/nsidomfilereader.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/geolocation/nsidomgeopositioncallback.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/geolocation/nsidomgeopositioncoords.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/geolocation/nsidomgeopositionerror.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/geolocation/nsidomgeopositionerrorcallback.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/geolocation/nsidomgeopositionoptions.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/html/nsidomhtmlaudioelement.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/html/nsidomhtmlsourceelement.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/html/nsidomhtmltimeranges.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/events/nsidommoztouchevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/offline/nsidomofflineresourcelist.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/events/nsidomorientationevent.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/public/idl/storage/nsidomstorage2.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/xul/nsidomxulselectcntrlel.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/xul/nsidomxulselectcntrlitemel.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
embedding/base/nsidialogcreator.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
66 introduced gecko 1.0 obsolete gecko 1.9.1 inherits from: nsisummary last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) note: this interface was removed in firefox 3.5; use dict.jsm instead.
xpcom/obsolete/nsifilespec.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
« xpcom api reference summary this method is called by the directory service to query an enumeration of file or directory locations.
netwerk/cache/nsidiskcachestreaminternal.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
js/src/xpconnect/idl/nsidispatchsupport.idlnot scriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsidownloader.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/base/public/nsidragdrophandler.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/base/nsidroppedlinkhandler.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/base/nsidroppedlinkhandler.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/xul/base/public/nsieditorboxobject.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
editor/idl/nsieditorimesupport.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
editor/idl/nsieditorlogging.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/base/nsiexception.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/protocol/ftp/nsiftpchannel.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/protocol/ftp/nsiftpchannel.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/places/public/nsifaviconservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsifilestreams.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/interfaces/base/nsifocusmanager.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/system/nsigsettingsservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/system/nsigsettingsservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
editor/idl/nsihtmleditor.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/xul/base/public/nsiiframeboxobject.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
« xpcom api reference summary [scriptable, uuid(e08dcda0-d651-11d2-9843-006008962422)] interface nsijsiid : nsijsid {}; ...
widget/public/nsijumplistbuilder.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/io/nsilocalfilemac.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/passwordmgr/public/nsilogininfo.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/passwordmgr/public/nsiloginmanagercrypto.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/passwordmgr/public/nsiloginmanagerprompter.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
method summary void activateapplication(in boolean aignoreotherapplications); attributes attribute type description badgetext astring text to display in a badge on the application's dock icon.
// please add a summary to this article.
« xpcom api reference summary the nsimsgcompfields interface provides properties for an composition of an outgoing message.
mailnews/base/public/nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
mailnews/base/public/nsimsgdbview.idl#349scriptable please add a summary to this article.
mailnews/base/public/nsimsgwindow.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/places/public/nsinavhistoryservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsipermission.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/nsipermissionmanager.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
dom/plugins/base/nsipluginhost.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
widget/nsiprintoptions.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
defaults for platform service: showprintdialog - displays a native dialog showpagesetup() - displays a xul dialog showprogress() - displays a xul dialog summary for windows embedders: stated once again: there is no "fallback" native platform support in gfx for the displaying of the native print dialog.
xpcom/ds/nsiproperty.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsiproxyinfo.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
network/base/public/nsiscriptableio.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsibrowsersearchservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsibrowsersearchservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/base/public/nsiselection2.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/base/public/nsiselection3.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/base/public/nsiselectioncontroller.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/base/nsiselectionimageservice.idlnot scriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsiserversocket.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/base/nsiexception.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/ds/nsistringenumerator.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/base/nsistylesheetservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/ds/nsisupportsarray.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
services/crypto/component/nsisyncjpake.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/threads/nsithread.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/threads/nsithreadinternal.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/threads/nsithreadinternal.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/threads/nsithreadmanager.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/threads/nsithreadinternal.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/threads/nsithreadpool.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/threads/nsitimer.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
editor/txmgr/idl/nsitransaction.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
editor/txmgr/idl/nsitransactionlist.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
/layout/xul/base/src/tree/public/nsitreeboxobject.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/xul/base/src/tree/public/nsitreecolumns.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/xul/base/src/tree/public/nsitreecolumns.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
layout/xul/base/src/tree/public/nsitreecontentview.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
intl/uconv/idl/nsiutf8converterservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
netwerk/base/public/nsiuploadchannel2.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
security/manager/ssl/public/nsiusercertpicker.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
uriloader/base/nsiwebprogress.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
uriloader/base/nsiwebprogresslistener2.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
toolkit/components/webapps/nsiwebappssupport.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
accessible/public/msaa/nsiwinaccessnode.idlnot scriptable please add a summary to this article.
browser/components/shell/public/nsiwindowsshellservice.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpcom/ds/nsiwritablepropertybag.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
extensions/xforms/nsixformsnsinstanceelement.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
extensions/xforms/nsixformsnsmodelelement.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
js/src/xpconnect/idl/nsixpcscriptable.idlnot scriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/xslt/public/nsixsltexception.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
/xul/templates/public/nsixultemplatebuilder.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
xpfe/appshell/nsixulwindow.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
extensions/xml-rpc/idl/nsixmlrpcclient.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
content/base/public/nsidomserializer.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
modules/libjar/nsizipreader.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
XPCOM Interface Reference
summary macro addrefs the argument.
summary macro throws an assertion failure if the first macro argument does not evaluate to true.
summary macro returns ns_error_invalid_pointer if the macro argument evaluates to false and shows a warning (ns_warning) in this case.
summary macro returns return-value if ns_failed(nsresult) evaluates to true, and shows a warning on stderr in that case.
summary macro returns return-value if expr evaluates to false.
summary macro throws a assertion (ns_assertion) with the text "error: (error text)", so writes this text to console (stderr) and to debug logs (nspr logging).
summary macro addrefs the argument, if it is non-null.
summary macro decrements the reference count of a pointer by one.
summary macro decrements the reference count of a pointer by one.
summary macro shows a warning on the console (stderr) and in debug logs (nspr logging).
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
nsimsgcompfields nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler nsimsgdatabase nsimsgdbhdr nsimsgdbview nsimsgdbviewcommandupdater nsimsgfolder nsimsgidentity nsimsgmessageservice nsimsgsendlater nsimsgthread nsimsgwindow nsimsgwindowcommands user history nsibrowserhistory nsibrowsersearchservice nsimicrosummary nsimicrosummarygenerator nsimicrosummaryobserver nsimicrosummaryservice nsimicrosummaryset ...
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringappenddata function appends data to the existing value of a nsacstring instance.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringclonedata function returns a null-terminated, heap allocated copy of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringcontainerfinish function releases any memory allocated by a nscstringcontainer instance.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringcontainerinit function initializes a nscstringcontainer instance for use as a nsacstring.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringcontainerinit2 function initializes a nscstringcontainer instance for use as a nsacstring.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringcopy function copies the value from one nsacstring instance to another.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringcutdata function removes a section of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringgetdata function gives the caller read access to the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringgetmutabledata function gives the caller write access to the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringinsertdata function appends data to the existing value of a nsacstring instance.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringsetdata function copies data into the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringsetdatarange function copies data into a section of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_cstringtoutf16 function converts the value of a nsacstring instance to utf-16 and stores the result in a nsastring instance.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringappenddata function appends data to the existing value of a nsastring instance.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringclonedata function returns a null-terminated, heap allocated copy of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringcontainerfinish function releases any memory allocated by a nsstringcontainer instance.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringcontainerinit function initializes a nsstringcontainer instance for use as a nsastring.
removed by bug 1332639 « xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringcopy function copies the value from one nsastring instance to another.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringcutdata function removes a section of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringgetdata function gives the caller access to the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringinsertdata function appends data to the existing value of a nsacstring instance.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringsetdata function copies data into the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_stringsetdatarange function copies data into a section of the string's internal buffer.
« xpcom api reference summary the ns_utf16tocstring function converts the value of a nsastring instance from utf-16 to the specified multi-byte encoding and stores the result in a nsacstring instance.
summary this function prototype provides the xpcom entry-point into a module.
netwerk/cookie/public/nsicookie2.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
ex = new object(); var threadindex = new object(); gdbview.viewnavigate(components.interfaces.nsmsgnavigationtype.nextmessage, resultid, resultindex, threadindex, true); the nsmsgnavigationtype interface is defined as a global variable in thunderbird: var nsmsgviewcommandtype = components.interfaces.nsmsgviewcommandtype; mailnews/base/public/nsimsgdbview.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
mailnews/base/public/nsimsgdbview.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
for example to mark a message read, you would call: // assuming gdbview is a global nsimsgdbview gdbview.docommand(components.interfaces.nsmsgviewcommandtype.markmessagesread); mailnews/base/public/nsimsgdbview.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
for example to sort by date you would pass a function the value: components.interfaces.nsmsgviewsortorder.ascending mailnews/base/public/nsimsgdbview.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
for example to sort by date you would pass a function the value: components.interfaces.nsmsgviewsorttype.bydate mailnews/base/public/nsimsgdbview.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
summary this data structure is used by ns_initxpcom3 to specify static xpcom modules.
Getting Started Guide
summary an nscomptr is an owning reference.
Reference Manual
see code bloat [long, summary at top] for details, though the recommendations from that document are re-iterated here.
Using nsCOMPtr
contents status, recent changes, and plans recent changes to nscomptr getting started guide introduction using nscomptr summary reference manual the basics initialization and assignment using an nscomptr<t> as a t* efficiency and correctness compiler annoyances frequently asked questions buildtime errors runtime errors how do i...
test-info has several sub-commands; the "report" sub-command is used by the test-info tasks mozilla-central$ mach help test-info report to reproduce test-info(all): mozilla-central$ mach test-info report --show-tests --show-summary --show-activedata running test-info on try to run these tasks on try, use something like: mach try fuzzy -q test-info contact information test-info is maintained by :gbrown.
Mail client architecture overview
msgdb - a message database for a given folder is a summary of some of the key attributes in a folder such as the author and subject.
the mailbox protocol is also used to regenerate a summary file, in conjunction with nsmsgmailboxparser ...
Thunderbird developer reference docs
folder classes db views (message list) message summary database mailnews protocols mailnews filters ...
Thunderbird extensions
an overview of thunderbird components developer reference docs: folder classes db views (message list) message summary database mailnews protocols mailnews filters error reporting tools steel library (obsolete as of thunderbird 52, use developing new account types useful newsgroup discussions (anything that's very old should be regarded suspiciously, because there has been significant api rewrite over the past y...
Browser Side Plug-in API - Plugins
netscape plug-in method summary « previousnext » npn_destroystream closes and deletes a stream.
Plug-in Side Plug-in API - Plugins
plugin method summary npp_destroy deletes a specific instance of a plug-in.
Structures - Plugins
structure summary npanycallbackstruct contains information required during embedded mode printing.
Network monitor toolbar - Firefox Developer Tools
a summary of this page, including the number of requests, total size, and total time.
Page inspector 3-pane mode - Firefox Developer Tools
feature summary from firefox 62 onwards, the page inspector has a new mode available — 3-pane mode.
Frame rate - Firefox Developer Tools
the frame rate graph is correlated with the waterfall summary directly above it, and there we can see that the first two drops in the frame rate are correlated with orange bars, which denote time spent executing javascript.
Intensive JavaScript - Firefox Developer Tools
the bottom half, which is correlated with the timeline summary in time, shows frame rate.
Tips - Firefox Developer Tools
network monitor click the request summary to compare performance of cache vs.
Console messages - Firefox Developer Tools
summary the http version, response code, and time taken to complete.
Web Console remoting - Firefox Developer Tools
conclusions as of this writing, this document is a dense summary of the work we did in bug 768096 and subsequent changes.
AnimationEvent.initAnimationEvent() - Web APIs
summary the animationevent.initanimationevent() method initializes an animation event created using the deprecated document.createevent("animationevent") method.
AnimationEvent.pseudoElement - Web APIs
summary the animationevent.pseudoelement read-only property is a domstring, starting with '::', containing the name of the pseudo-element the animation runs on.
Using the CSS Typed Object Model - Web APIs
summary this should get you started with understanding the css typed om.
DeviceMotionEventAcceleration: x - Web APIs
summary this read-only property indicates the amount of acceleration that occurred along the x axis in a devicemotioneventacceleration object.
DeviceMotionEventAcceleration: y - Web APIs
summary this read-only property indicates the amount of acceleration that occurred along the y axis in a devicemotioneventacceleration object.
DeviceMotionEventAcceleration: z - Web APIs
summary this read-only property indicates the amount of acceleration that occurred along the z axis in a devicemotioneventacceleration object.
Introduction to the DOM - Web APIs
const table = document.getelementbyid("table"); const tableattrs = table.attributes; // node/element interface for (let i = 0; i < tableattrs.length; i++) { // htmltableelement interface: border attribute if(tableattrs[i].nodename.tolowercase() == "border") table.border = "1"; } // htmltableelement interface: summary attribute table.summary = "note: increased border"; core interfaces in the dom this section lists some of the most commonly-used interfaces in the dom.
Element.runtimeStyle - Web APIs
summary element.runtimestyle is a proprietary property similar to, except its styles, that have higher precedence and modification.
File.getAsBinary() - Web APIs
summary the getasbinary method allows to access the file's data in raw binary format.
File.getAsDataURL() - Web APIs
summary the getasdataurl provides a data: url that encodes the entire contents of the referenced file.
File.getAsText() - Web APIs
summary the getastext method provides the file's data interpreted as text using a given encoding.
File.size - Web APIs
summary returns the size of a file in bytes.
FileRequest.lockedFile - Web APIs
summary the lockedfile property represents the lockedfile object from which the request was started.
FileRequest.onprogress - Web APIs
summary this property specifies a callback function to be run repeatedly while the operation represented by a filerequest object is in progress.
FileRequest - Web APIs
summary the filerequest interface extends the domrequest interface to provide some extra properties necessary for the lockedfile objects.
HTMLDetailsElement - Web APIs is a boolean reflecting the open html attribute, indicating whether or not the element’s contents (not counting the <summary>) is to be shown to the user.
HTMLImageElement.alt - Web APIs
umicon.svg" alt="albums"</a> <a href="artists.html" aria-role="button"><img src="artisticon.svg" alt="artists"</a> <a href="playlists.html" aria-role="button"><img src="playlisticon.svg" alt="playlists"</a> </li> images containining diagrams or maps when an image contains information presented as a diagram, chart, graph, or map, the alt text should provide the same information, at least in summary form.
HTMLInputElement: invalid event - Web APIs
bubbles no cancelable yes interface event event handler property globaleventhandlers.oninvalid this event can be useful for displaying a summary of the problems with a form on submission.
FileHandle.getFile() - Web APIs
summary the getfile method allows to retrieve a read-only snapshot of the handled file in the form of a file object. - Web APIs
summary provides the name of the file.
FileHandle.onabort - Web APIs
summary specifies an event listener to receive abort events.
FileHandle.onerror - Web APIs
summary specifies an event listener to receive error events. - Web APIs
summary the open method returns a lockedfile object that allows to safely write in the file.
FileHandle.type - Web APIs
summary provides the mime type of the file.
IDBMutableFile - Web APIs
summary the idbmutablefile interface provides access in read or write mode to a file, dealing with all the necessary locks.
enabled - Web APIs
summary indicates whether or not software installation is enabled for this client machine.
install - Web APIs
summary installs one or more xpi files on the local machine.
startSoftwareUpdate - Web APIs
summary triggers the downloading and installation of the software at the specified url.
LockedFile.abort() - Web APIs
summary the abort method is used to release the lock on the lockedfile object, making it inactive: its active property is set to false and all ongoing operations are canceled.
LockedFile.append() - Web APIs
summary the append method is used to write some data at the end of the file.
LockedFile.fileHandle - Web APIs
summary the filehandle property gives access to the filehandle object that produced the lockedfile object.
LockedFile.flush() - Web APIs
summary the flush method is used to ensure any change made to a file is properly written on disk.
LockedFile.getMetadata() - Web APIs
summary the getmetadata method allows to retrieve some metadata about the locked file.
LockedFile.location - Web APIs
summary the location property is a zero-based index representing the position of the read/write pointer within the file.
LockedFile.mode - Web APIs
summary the mode property provides the read/write status of the lockedfile file.
LockedFile.onabort - Web APIs
summary specifies an event listener to receive abort events.
LockedFile.oncomplete - Web APIs
summary specifies an event listener to receive complete events.
LockedFile.onerror - Web APIs
summary specifies an event listener to receive error events.
LockedFile.readAsArrayBuffer() - Web APIs
summary the readasarraybuffer method is used to read the content of the lockedfile object and provide the result of that reading as an arraybuffer.
LockedFile.readAsText() - Web APIs
summary the readastext method is used to read the content of the lockedfile object and provide the result of that reading as a string.
LockedFile.truncate() - Web APIs
summary the truncate method is used to remove some data within the file.
LockedFile.write() - Web APIs
summary the write method is used to write some data within the file.
LockedFile - Web APIs
summary the lockedfile interface provides tools to deal with a given file with all the necessary locks.
MediaError - Web APIs
mediaerror.message a domstring object containing a human-readable string which provides specific diagnostic information to help the reader understand the error condition which occurred; specifically, it isn't simply a summary of what the error code means, but actual diagnostic information to help in understanding what exactly went wrong.
Transcoding assets for Media Source Extensions - Web APIs
summary with your video properly encoded and adaptive bitrate media generated, you're now ready to begin adaptive bitrate streaming on the web using dash and mse.
Performance Timeline - Web APIs
implementation status a summary of the interfaces' implementation status is provided below, including a link to more detailed information.
Web Push API Notifications best practices - Web APIs
this article provides a useful summary of best practices to keep in mind when developing web sites and applications that use push notifications for user engagement.
Using Service Workers - Web APIs
the below graphic shows a summary of the available service worker events: promises promises are a great mechanism for running async operations, with success dependant on one another.
Using readable streams - Web APIs
// fetch the original image fetch('png-logo.png') // retrieve its body as readablestream .then(response => response.body) // create a gray-scaled png stream out of the original .then(rs => logreadablestream('fetch response stream', rs)) .then(body => body.pipethrough(new pngtransformstream())) .then(rs => logreadablestream('png chunk stream', rs)) summary that explains the basics of “default” readable streams.
Touch.radiusX - Web APIs
summary returns the x radius of the ellipse that most closely circumscribes the area of contact with the touch surface.
Touch.radiusY - Web APIs
summary returns the y radius of the ellipse that most closely circumscribes the area of contact with the touch surface.
Touch.rotationAngle - Web APIs
summary returns the rotation angle, in degrees, of the contact area ellipse defined by touch.radiusx and touch.radiusy.
Touch.screenX - Web APIs
summary returns the x coordinate of the touch point relative to the screen, not including any scroll offset.
Touch.screenY - Web APIs
summary returns the y coordinate of the touch point relative to the screen, not including any scroll offset. - Web APIs
summary returns the element (eventtarget) on which the touch contact started when it was first placed on the surface, even if the touch point has since moved outside the interactive area of that element or even been removed from the document.
TouchEvent.altKey - Web APIs
summary a boolean value indicating whether or not the alt (alternate) key is enabled when the touch event is created.
TouchEvent.ctrlKey - Web APIs
summary a boolean value indicating whether the control (control) key is enabled when the touch event is created.
TouchEvent.metaKey - Web APIs
summary a boolean value indicating whether or not the meta key is enabled when the touch event is created.
TouchEvent.shiftKey - Web APIs
summary a boolean value indicating whether or not the shift key is enabled when the touch event is created.
UserDataHandler - Web APIs
summary when associating user data with a key on a node, node.setuserdata() can also accept, in its third argument, a handler which will be called when the object is cloned, imported, deleted, renamed, or adopted.
Signaling and video calling - Web APIs
here's a summary of each of the event handlers we will be implementing: rtcpeerconnection.onicecandidate the local ice layer calls your icecandidate event handler, when it needs you to transmit an ice candidate to the other peer, through your signaling server.
Advanced techniques: Creating and sequencing audio - Web APIs
this.dataset.playing = 'true'; } else { window.cleartimeout(timerid); this.dataset.playing = 'false'; } }) }); summary we've now got an instrument inside our browser!
Using IIR filters - Web APIs
-spacing+fontsize); // loop over our magnitude response data and plot our filter canvasctx.beginpath(); for(let i = 0; i < magresponseoutput.length; i++) { if (i === 0) { canvasctx.moveto(spacing, height-(magresponseoutput[i]*100)-spacing ); } else { canvasctx.lineto((width/totalarrayitems)*i, height-(magresponseoutput[i]*100)-spacing ); } } canvasctx.stroke(); summary that's it for our iirfilter demo.
Using the Web Audio API - Web APIs
summary great!
Web audio spatialization basics - Web APIs
tion() { let direction = this.dataset.control; if (moving && moving.frameid) { window.cancelanimationframe(moving.frameid); } moving = moveboombox(direction); }, false); window.addeventlistener('mouseup', function() { if (moving && moving.frameid) { window.cancelanimationframe(moving.frameid); } }, false) }) summary hopefully, this article has given you an insight into how web audio spatialization works, and what each of the pannernode properties do (there are quite a few of them).
window.cancelIdleCallback() - Web APIs
summary the window.cancelidlecallback() method cancels a callback previously scheduled with window.requestidlecallback().
Window.defaultStatus - Web APIs
summary gets/sets the status bar text for the given window.
Window.directories - Web APIs
summary returned the window personalbar toolbar object.
Window.mozInnerScreenX - Web APIs
summary gets the x coordinate of the top-left corner of the window's viewport, in screen coordinates.
Window.mozInnerScreenY - Web APIs
summary gets the y coordinate of the top-left corner of the window's viewport, in screen coordinates.
window.ondeviceorientation - Web APIs
summary an event handler for the deviceorientation event, which contains information about a relative device orientation change.
Window.ondeviceorientationabsolute - Web APIs
summary an event handler for the deviceorientationabsolute event containing information about an absolute device orientation change.
Window.ondragdrop - Web APIs
summary an event handler for drag and drop events sent to the window.
Window.onmozbeforepaint - Web APIs
summary an event handler for the mozbeforepaint event.
Window.orientation - Web APIs
summary returns the orientation in degrees (in 90-degree increments) of the viewport relative to the device's natural orientation.
Window.pkcs11 - Web APIs
summary returns the pkcs11 object, which is used to install drivers and other software associated with the pkcs11 protocol.
Window.releaseEvents() - Web APIs
summary releases the window from trapping events of a specific type.
Window.updateCommands() - Web APIs
summary updates the state of commands of the current chrome window (ui).
WorkerGlobalScope.onclose - Web APIs
summary the onclose property of the workerglobalscope interface represents an eventhandler to be called when the close event occurs and bubbles through the worker.
Using the group role - Accessibility
the group role is used to identify a set of user interface objects which, in contrast with a region, are not intended to be included in a table of contents or a page summary (such as the structures that are dynamically created by a script or assistive technologies); a group should not be considered a major perceivable section on a page.
How to file ARIA-related bugs - Accessibility
ari file bugs google chrome file chromium bugs microsoft internet explorer file ie bugs microsoft edge file ms edge bugs view existing ms edge aria bugs mozilla firefox file firefox bugs use component: disability access apis opera file opera bugs use [aria] in the summary field js libraries dojo toolkit file dojo bug put accessibility in the component field yahoo user interface file yui bugs file against specific component in category combobox and include aria in summary field ...
ARIA: Region role - Accessibility
the region role should be reserved for sections of content sufficiently important that users will likely want to navigate to the section easily and to have it listed in a summary of the page.
ARIA - Accessibility
using aria live regions to announce content changes a quick summary of live regions, by the makers of jaws screen reader software.
An overview of accessible web applications and widgets - Accessibility
here's a summary of how keyboard navigation should work in an aria-enabled web application: the tab key should provide focus to the widget as a whole.
HTML To MSAA - Accessibility
ate_system_ multiselectable if multiselectable n/a n/a n/a select @size = 1 role_system_ combobox n/a name of focused option state_system_ expanded if combobox open state_system_ collapsed if combobox is collapsed state_system_ haspopup state_system_ focusable n/a "open"/"close" depending on state event_object_ valuechange when selected option is changed table role_system_ table from @summary attribute n/a described_by (0x100e) points to caption element n/a n/a td, th role_system_ cell n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a thead role_system_ columnheader n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a abbr, acronym, blockquote, form, frame, h1-h6, iframe bstr role n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a ...
Accessibility Information for Web Authors - Accessibility
accessibility valet from webthing description and summary to be written.
::after (:after) - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this shows how flexible ::before and ::after can be, though for the most accessible experience a semantic disclosure widget created in some other way (such as with details and summary elements) is likely to be more appropriate.
::marker - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
it works on any element or pseudo-element set to display: list-item, such as the <li> and <summary> elements.
@media - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
name summary notes any-hover does any available input mechanism allow the user to hover over elements?
@supports - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
unsupported */ ul > li, ol > li { … /* the above expanded for browsers which don't support :is(…) */ } } @supports selector(:nth-child(1n of a, b)) { /* this rule needs to be inside the @supports block, otherwise it will be partially applied in browsers which don't support the `of` argument of :nth-child(…) is supported */ :is(:nth-child(1n of ul, ol) a, details > summary) { … /* css applied when the :is(…) selector and the `of` argument of :nth-child(…) are both supported */ } } specifications specification status comment css conditional rules module level 4the definition of '@supports' in that specification.
Styling Columns - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
summary this details all the current ways in which column boxes can be styled.
Using feature queries - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
summary feature queries can help you start to use newer features by enhancing a simpler display of the site used for older browsers.
Block and inline layout in normal flow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
summary in this guide, we have looked at how elements display in normal flow, as block and inline elements.
Flow Layout and Overflow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
summary whether you are in continuous media on the web or in a paged media format such as print or epub, understanding how content overflows is useful when dealing with any layout method.
Flow Layout and Writing Modes - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
summary in most cases, flow layout works as you would expect it to when changing the writing mode of the document or parts of the document.
In Flow and Out of Flow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
summary in this guide we have covered the ways to take an element out of flow in order to achieve some very specific types of positioning.
Introduction to formatting contexts - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
summary in this guide, we have looked in more detail at the block and inline formatting contexts and the important subject of creating a block formatting context (bfc).
The stacking context - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
in summary: stacking contexts can be contained in other stacking contexts, and together create a hierarchy of stacking contexts.
Using media queries - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
name summary notes any-hover does any available input mechanism allow the user to hover over elements?
Scaling of SVG backgrounds - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the algorithm, in summary the algorithm can for the most part be summarized by these four rules.
Value definition syntax - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
summary sign name description example combinators juxtaposition components are mandatory and should appear in that order solid <length> && double ampersand components are mandatory but may appear in any order <length> && <string> || double bar at least one of the components must be present, and they may appear in any orde...
list-style-type - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
only a few elements (<li> and <summary>) have a default value of display: list-item.
Index - Event reference
found 2 pages: # page tags and summary 1 event reference event, overview, reference dom events are sent to notify code of interesting things that have taken place.
Orientation and motion data explained - Developer guides
summary when using orientation and motion events, it's important to understand what the values you're given by the browser mean.
Event developer guide - Developer guides
the overview page provides an introduction to the design pattern and a summary of the types of incidents which are defined and reacted to by modern web browsers.
Index - Developer guides
found 43 pages: # page tags and summary 1 developer guides api, guide, landing, web these articles provide how-to information to help make use of specific web technologies and apis.
A hybrid approach - Developer guides
summary no approach is a one-size-fits-all solution.
HTML attribute reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary <table> tabindex global attribute overrides the browser's default tab order and follows the one specified instead.
<h1>–<h6>: The HTML Section Heading elements - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<h1>heading elements</h1> <h2>summary</h2> <p>some text here...</p> <h2>examples</h2> <h3>example 1</h3> <p>some text here...</p> <h3>example 2</h3> <p>some text here...</p> <h2>see also</h2> <p>some text here...</p> here is the result of this code: accessibility concerns navigation a common navigation technique for users of screen reading software is jumping from heading to heading to quickly determine the content of the p...
<acronym> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary the html acronym element (<acronym>) allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that compose an acronym or abbreviation for a word.
<audio>: The Embed Audio element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
</p> </audio> mdn adding captions and subtitles to html5 video web video text tracks format (webvtt) webaim: captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions mdn understanding wcag, guideline 1.2 explanations understanding success criterion 1.2.1 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 understanding success criterion 1.2.2 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 technical summary content categories flow content, phrasing content, embedded content.
<b>: The Bring Attention To element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
usage notes use the <b> for cases like keywords in a summary, product names in a review, or other spans of text whose typical presentation would be boldfaced (but not including any special importance).
<br>: The Line Break element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
technical summary content categories flow content, phrasing content.
<fieldset>: The Field Set element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<form action="#"> <fieldset disabled> <legend>disabled fieldset</legend> <div> <label for="name">name: </label> <input type="text" id="name" value="chris"> </div> <div> <label for="pwd">archetype: </label> <input type="password" id="pwd" value="wookie"> </div> </fieldset> </form> technical summary content categories flow content, sectioning root, listed, form-associated element, palpable content.
<font> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary the html font element (<font>) defines the font size, color and face for its content.
<img>: The Image Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
using the html title attribute – updated | the paciello group technical summary content categories flow content, phrasing content, embedded content, palpable content.
<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
technical summary content categories flow content, listed, submittable, resettable, form-associated element, phrasing content.
<isindex> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary <isindex> was an obsolete html element that put a text field in a page for querying the document.
<label> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
technical summary content categories flow content, phrasing content, interactive content, form-associated element, palpable content.
<link>: The External Resource Link element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
technical summary content categories metadata content.
<listing> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary the html listing element (<listing>) renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the html in between and using a monospaced font.
Standard metadata names - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
description: a short and accurate summary of the content of the page.
<select>: The HTML Select element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
technical summary content categories flow content, phrasing content, interactive content, listed, labelable, resettable, and submittable form-associated element permitted content zero or more <option> or <optgroup> elements.
<slot> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
arial, sans-serif } .name {font-weight: bold; color: #217ac0; font-size: 120% } h4 { margin: 10px 0 -8px 0; background: #217ac0; color: white; padding: 2px 6px; border: 1px solid #cee9f9; border-radius: 4px; } .attributes { margin-left: 22px; font-size: 90% } .attributes p { margin-left: 16px; font-style: italic } </style> <details> <summary> <code class="name">&lt;<slot name="element-name">need name</slot>&gt;</code> <i class="desc"><slot name="description">need description</slot></i> </summary> <div class="attributes"> <h4>attributes</h4> <slot name="attributes"><p>none</p></slot> </div> </details> <hr> </template> note: you can see this complete example in action at element-details (see it...
<style>: The Style Information element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <style> p { color: white; background-color: blue; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black; } </style> <style media="all and (max-width: 500px)"> p { color: blue; background-color: yellow; } </style> </head> <body> <p>this is my paragraph.</p> </body> </html> technical summary content categories metadata content, and if the scoped attribute is present: flow content.
<textarea> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<textarea name="textarea" rows="5" cols="30" disabled>i am a disabled textarea</textarea> <textarea name="textarea" rows="5" cols="30" readonly>i am a readonly textarea</textarea> technical summary content categories flow content, phrasing content, interactive content, listed, labelable, resettable, and submittable form-associated element.
<tr>: The Table Row element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
technical summary content categories none permitted content zero or more <td> and/or <th> elements; script-supporting elements (<script> and <template>) are also allowed tag omission start tag is mandatory.
<video>: The Video Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
mdn adding captions and subtitles to html5 video web video text tracks format (webvtt) webaim: captions, transcripts, and audio descriptions mdn understanding wcag, guideline 1.2 explanations understanding success criterion 1.2.1 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 understanding success criterion 1.2.2 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 technical summary content categories flow content, phrasing content, embedded content.
<xmp> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary the html example element (<xmp>) renders text between the start and end tags without interpreting the html in between and using a monospaced font.
HTML elements reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<summary> the html disclosure summary element (<summary>) element specifies a summary, caption, or legend for a <details> element's disclosure box.
Link types - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this allows for bookmarking a single article in a page containing multiple articles, such as on a monthly summary blog page, or a blog aggregator.
Browser detection using the user agent - HTTP
mozilla/5.0 (windows phone 10.0; android 6.0.1; xbox; xbox one) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/58.0.3029.110 mobile safari/537.36 edge/16.16299 in summary, we recommend looking for the string “mobi” anywhere in the user agent to detect a mobile device.
Content Security Policy (CSP) - HTTP
in summary, this is done to prevent leaking sensitive information about cross-origin resources.
Index - HTTP
found 122 pages: # page tags and summary 1 http headers http, http header, networking, overview, reference http headers allow the client and the server to pass additional information with the request or the response.
Details of the object model - JavaScript
summary of differences the following table gives a short summary of some of these differences.
Inheritance and the prototype chain - JavaScript
summary of methods for extending the prototype chain here are all 4 ways and their pros/cons.
Object.prototype.constructor - JavaScript
summary: manually updating or setting the constructor can lead to differrent and sometimes confusing consequences.
Greater than (>) - JavaScript
see the documentation for the less than operator for a summary of this algorithm.
Greater than or equal (>=) - JavaScript
see the documentation for the less than operator for a summary of this algorithm.
Less than or equal (<=) - JavaScript
see the documentation for the less than operator for a summary of this algorithm.
MathML documentation index - MathML
found 40 pages: # page tags and summary 1 mathml landing, mathml, reference, web, xml mathematical markup language (mathml) is a dialect of xml for describing mathematical notation and capturing both its structure and content.
Mapping the width and height attributes of media container elements to their aspect-ratio - Web media technologies
summary so there you have it — eliminating another piece of jank from web layout!
OpenSearch description format
<opensearchdescription xmlns="" xmlns:moz=""> <shortname>[snk]</shortname> <description>[search engine full name and summary]</description> <inputencoding>[utf-8]</inputencoding> <image width="16" height="16" type="image/x-icon">[]</image> <url type="text/html" template="[searchurl]"> <param name="[key name]" value="{searchterms}"/> <!-- other params if you need them… --> <param name="[other key name]" value="[parameter value]"/> </url> <url type="application/x-sug...
Web Performance
in summary, we should always try to create our animations using css transitions/animations where possible.
How to make PWAs installable - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
summary in this article, we learned about how we can make pwas installable with a properly-configured web manifest, and how the user can then install the pwa with the "add to home screen" feature of their browser.
Making PWAs work offline with Service workers - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
summary in this article we took a simple look at how you can make your pwa work offline with service workers.
XML Index - XML: Extensible Markup Language
found 4 pages: # page tags and summary 1 xml: extensible markup language draft, landing, web, xml the extensible markup language is a strict serialisation of the document object model.
WebAssembly Concepts - WebAssembly
summary this article has given you an explanation of what webassembly is, why it is so useful, how it fits into the web, and how you can make use of it.
Index - WebAssembly
found 12 pages: # page tags and summary 1 webassembly landing, webassembly, wasm webassembly is a new type of code that can be run in modern web browsers — it is a low-level assembly-like language with a compact binary format that runs with near-native performance and provides languages such as c/c++ with a compilation target so that they can run on the web.
Understanding WebAssembly text format - WebAssembly
summary this finishes our high-level tour of the major components of the webassembly text format and how they get reflected in the webassembly js api.
Using the WebAssembly JavaScript API - WebAssembly
summary this article has taken you through the basics of using the webassembly javascript api to include a webassembly module in a javascript context and make use of its functions, and how to use webassembly memory and tables in javascript.