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DeviceMotionEventRotationRate - Web APIs
a devicemotioneventrotationrate object provides information about the rate at which the device is rotating around all three axes.
... properties devicemotioneventrotationrate.alpha read only the amount of rotation around the z axis, in degrees per second.
... devicemotioneventrotationrate.beta read only the amount of rotation around the x axis, in degrees per second.
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DeviceMotionEventRotationRate: alpha - Web APIs
this property indicates the rate of rotation around the z axis -- in degrees per second -- in a devicemotioneventrotationrate object.
... syntax var alpha = devicerotationrate.alpha; this property is read-only.
... return value alpha a double indicating the rate of rotation around the z axis, in degrees per second.
... specifications specification status comment deviceorientation event specificationthe definition of 'devicemotioneventrotationrate: alpha' in that specification.
DeviceMotionEventRotationRate: beta - Web APIs
this property indicates the rate of rotation around the x axis -- in degrees per second -- in a devicemotioneventrotationrate object.
... syntax var beta = devicerotationrate.beta; this property is read-only.
... return value beta a double indicating the rate of rotation around the x axis, in degrees per second.
... specifications specification status comment deviceorientation event specificationthe definition of 'devicemotioneventrotationrate: beta' in that specification.
DeviceMotionEventRotationRate: gamma - Web APIs
this property indicates the rate of rotation around the y axis -- in degrees per second -- in a devicemotioneventrotationrate object.
... syntax var gamma = devicerotationrate.gamma; this property is read-only.
... return value gamma a double indicating the rate of rotation around the y axis, in degrees per second.
... specifications specification status comment deviceorientation event specificationthe definition of 'devicemotioneventrotationrate: gamma' in that specification.
Touch.rotationAngle - Web APIs
summary returns the rotation angle, in degrees, of the contact area ellipse defined by touch.radiusx and touch.radiusy.
... syntax var angle = touchitem.rotationangle; return value angle the number of degrees of rotation to apply to the described ellipse to align with the contact area between the user and the touch surface.
DeviceMotionEvent.rotationRate - Web APIs
syntax var rotationrate = devicemotionevent.rotationrate; value the rotationrate property is a read only object describing the rotation rates of the device around each of its axes: alpha the rate at which the device is rotating about its z axis; that is, being twisted about a line perpendicular to the screen.
Index - Web APIs
593 canvasrenderingcontext2d.rotate() api, canvas, canvasrenderingcontext2d, method, reference the canvasrenderingcontext2d.rotate() method of the canvas 2d api adds a rotation to the transformation matrix.
... 718 dommatrix api, dommatrix, experimental, geometry, geometry interfaces, interface, reference, matrix the dommatrix interface represents 4x4 matrices, suitable for 2d and 3d operations including rotation and translation.
... 840 devicemotionevent.rotationrate api, dom, dom reference, device orientation, experimental, mobile, motion, needsexample, orientation, property, reference returns the rate at which the device is rotating around each of its axes in degrees per second.
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Movement, orientation, and motion: A WebXR example - Web APIs
the code looks like this: const xrotationdegreespersecond = 25; const yrotationdegreespersecond = 15; const zrotationdegreespersecond = 35; const enablerotation = true; const allowmouserotation = true; const allowkeyboardmotion = true; const enableforcepolyfill = false; //const session_type = "immersive-vr"; const session_type = "inline"; const mouse_speed = 0.003; xrotationdegreespersecond the number of degrees of rotation to apply...
... yrotationdegreespersecond the number of degrees to rotate around the y axis each second.
... zrotationdegreespersecond the number of degrees per second to rotate around the z axis.
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rotate3d() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
in 3d space, rotations have three degrees of liberty, which together describe a single axis of rotation.
... the axis of rotation is defined by an [x, y, z] vector and pass by the origin (as defined by the transform-origin property).
...a non-normalizable vector, such as the null vector, [0, 0, 0], will cause the rotation to be ignored, but without invaliding the whole css property.
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A basic 2D WebGL animation example - Web APIs
<script id="vertex-shader" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> attribute vec2 avertexposition; uniform vec2 uscalingfactor; uniform vec2 urotationvector; void main() { vec2 rotatedposition = vec2( avertexposition.x * urotationvector.y + avertexposition.y * urotationvector.x, avertexposition.y * urotationvector.y - avertexposition.x * urotationvector.x ); gl_position = vec4(rotatedposition * uscalingfactor, 0.0, 1.0); } </script> the main program shares with us the attribute avertexposit...
...the rotated position of the vertex is computed by applying the rotation vector, found in the uniform urotationvector, that's been computed by the javascript code.
... let gl = null; let glcanvas = null; // aspect ratio and coordinate system // details let aspectratio; let currentrotation = [0, 1]; let currentscale = [1.0, 1.0]; // vertex information let vertexarray; let vertexbuffer; let vertexnumcomponents; let vertexcount; // rendering data shared with the // scalers.
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mozrotategesturestart - generated when the user begins the rotation gesture.
... the "delta" value represents the initial rotation.
... mozrotategestureupdate - generated periodically while the user is continuing the rotation gesture.
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Building up a basic demo with A-Frame - Game development
add it now: <a-box color="#0095dd" position="0 1 0" rotation="20 40 0"> </a-box> it contains a few parameters already defined: color, position and rotation — these are fairly obvious, and define the base color of the cube, the position inside the 3d scene, and the rotation of the cube.
...let's try adding a torus — add this element below the previous code: <a-entity geometry=" primitive: torus; radius: 1; radiustubular: 0.1; segmentstubular: 12;" rotation="10 0 0" position="-3 1 0"> </a-entity> our entity has a torus primitive, which represents its shape.
...rotation and position are set in the same way as we saw earlier.
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Web audio spatialization basics - Web APIs
tiony.value += 0.3; } break; } } it's a similar story for our move in and out values too: case 'back': if (transform.zaxis > innerbound) { transform.zaxis -= 0.01; panner.positionz.value += 40; } break; case 'forward': if (transform.zaxis < outerbound) { transform.zaxis += 0.01; panner.positionz.value -= 40; } break; our rotation values are a little more involved, however, as we need to move the sound around.
...the rotation is a circle and we need math.sin and math.cos to help us draw that circle.
... let's set up a rotation rate, which we'll convert into a radian range value for use in math.sin and math.cos later, when we want to figure out the new coordinates when we're rotating our boombox: // set up rotation constants const rotationrate = 60; // bigger number equals slower sound rotation const q = math.pi/rotationrate; //rotation increment in radians we can also use this to work out degrees rotated, which will help with the css transforms we will have to create (note we need both an x and y-axis for the css transforms): // get degrees for css const degreesx = (q * 180)/math.pi; const degreesy = (q * 180)/math.pi; let's take a look at our left rotation as an example.
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Viewpoints and viewers: Simulating cameras in WebXR - Web APIs
but the location isn't enough to describe an object in 3d space because an object's state in space isn't only about its location, but about its rotation or facing direction, otherwise known as its orientation.
...3]; let scaletransform = [ 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]; vec4.transformmat4(myvector, myvector, scaletransform); or, using scaling along every axis by the same factor using the createscalingmatrix() function shown above: let myvector = [2, 1, -3]; vec4.transformmat4(myvector, myvector, createscalingmatrix(2.0)); panning (yawing left or right) panning or yaw is the rotation of the camera left to right or right to left, with its base otherwise fixed in place.
... to do this, then, we need to rotate around the y axis, to simulate the left and right rotation of the camera.
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Linear-gradient Generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
data-topic="axis-unit" data-selected="1"> <div data-value='px'> pixels (px) </div> <div data-value='%'> percentage (%) </div> </div> <div id="delete-axis" class="button"> delete line </div> </div> <div class="property"> <div class="ui-slider" data-topic="axis-rotation" data-info="rotation" data-min="-180" data-value="0" data-max="180"></div> </div> </div> <div id="tool-section" class="section"> <div class="title"> tool settings </div> <div class="property"> <div class="name"> alpha background </div> <div id="canvas-bg"></div>...
...ground-color: #ccc !important; cursor: default !important; } #controls .button:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color: #208b20; } /* active point */ .ui-input-slider { height: 24px; line-height: 20px; } #delete-point { margin: 0 58px 0 0; float: right !important; } #controls .ui-color-picker[data-topic="picker"] { margin: 20px 0 0 0; } #controls .ui-input-slider[data-topic="axis-rotation"] { } #controls .ui-dropdown { width: 130px; height: 24px; } #controls .ui-dropdown-select { line-height: 24px; } #controls .ui-dropdown-list { height: 66px; line-height: 2.5em; overflow: hidden; } #delete-axis { margin: 0 38px 0 0; float: right !important; } /* tool controls */ #tool-section .property .name { width: 150px; } #canvas-bg { width: 16px; height: 16px; margin: 5px;... = id; this.axis = axis; this.unit = '%'; this.line = line; this.container = container; this.lsize = container.clientwidth / 2; this.firstpoint = null; this.activepoint = null; this.gradient = ''; this.num_points = 0; this.size = 0; this.angle = 0; this.state = false; this.updateonresize(); trackmouse(rotate_point, this.updateaxisangle.bind(this), this.startrotation.bind(this)); container.appendchild(axis); line.addeventlistener('click', this.placegradientpoint.bind(this)); }; gradientaxis.prototype.createsvgarrow = function createsvgarrow(id) { var xmlns = ''; var svg = document.createelementns(xmlns, 'svg'); var path = document.createelementns(xmlns, 'path'); svg.setattribute('class', 'gradient-arrow');
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Building up a basic demo with Three.js - Game development
let's apply a little rotation to the cube, so we can see more than one face.
... again, adding our code below the previous: cube.rotation.set(0.4, 0.2, 0); congratulations, you've created an object in a 3d environment!
... animation we already used rotation, to adjust the position of the cube.
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PannerNode.coneInnerAngle - Web APIs
however, normally this would mean the pannernode points to the left of the listener at 0° rotation – since `x = cos(0) = 1` and `z = sin(0) = 0`.
... it's more useful to offset the angle by -90°, which means the pannernode will point directly at the listener at 0° rotation.
... // this utility converts amount of rotation around the y axis // (i.e.
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PannerNode.coneOuterAngle - Web APIs
however, normally this would mean the pannernode points to the left of the listener at 0° rotation – since `x = cos(0) = 1` and `z = sin(0) = 0`.
... it's more useful to offset the angle by -90°, which means the pannernode will point directly at the listener at 0° rotation.
... // this utility converts amount of rotation around the y axis // (i.e.
...And 4 more matches
PannerNode.coneOuterGain - Web APIs
however, normally this would mean the pannernode points to the left of the listener at 0° rotation – since `x = cos(0) = 1` and `z = sin(0) = 0`.
... it's more useful to offset the angle by -90°, which means the pannernode will point directly at the listener at 0° rotation.
... // this utility converts amount of rotation around the y axis // (i.e.
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PannerNode.orientationX - Web APIs
however, normally this would mean the pannernode points to the left of the listener at 0° rotation – since `x = cos(0) = 1` and `z = sin(0) = 0`.
... it's more useful to offset the angle by -90°, which means the pannernode will point directly at the listener at 0° rotation.
... // this utility converts amount of rotation around the y axis // (i.e.
...And 4 more matches
PannerNode.orientationY - Web APIs
however, normally this would mean the pannernode points to the left of the listener at 0° rotation – since `x = cos(0) = 1` and `z = sin(0) = 0`.
... it's more useful to offset the angle by -90°, which means the pannernode will point directly at the listener at 0° rotation.
... // this utility converts amount of rotation around the y axis // (i.e.
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PannerNode.orientationZ - Web APIs
however, normally this would mean the pannernode points to the left of the listener at 0° rotation – since `x = cos(0) = 1` and `z = sin(0) = 0`.
... it's more useful to offset the angle by -90°, which means the pannernode will point directly at the listener at 0° rotation.
... // this utility converts amount of rotation around the y axis // (i.e.
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Touch.radiusX - Web APIs
this value, in combination with touch.radiusy and touch.rotationangle constructs an ellipse that approximates the size and shape of the area of contact between the user and the screen.
... example this example illustrates using the touch interface's touch.radiusx, touch.radiusx and touch.rotationangle properties.
...finger, stylus) along the axis indicated by the touch point's touch.rotationangle.
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Matrix math for the web - Web APIs
we'll look at the type of matrix (cleverly called a rotation matrix) you use to do this later.
... let w = 1.5; // width (x) let h = 0.7; // height (y) let d = 1; // depth (z) let scalematrix = [ w, 0, 0, 0, 0, h, 0, 0, 0, 0, d, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ]; view on jsfiddle rotation matrix a rotation matrix is used to rotate a point or object.
... rotation matrices look a little bit more complicated than scaling and transform matrices.
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WebGL model view projection - Web APIs
it assumes a knowledge of basic matrix math using translation, scale, and rotation matrices.
... the model, view, and projection matrices individual transformations of points and polygons in space in webgl are handled by the basic transformation matrices like translation, scale, and rotation.
... in this case, for every frame of the animation a series of scale, rotation, and translation matrices move the data into the desired spot in clip space.
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image-orientation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
obsolete since gecko 63 */ image-orientation: 90deg; /* rotate 90deg */ image-orientation: 90deg flip; /* rotate 90deg, and flip it horizontally */ image-orientation: flip; /* no rotation, only applies a horizontal flip */ syntax values none default initial value.
... will not apply any additional image rotation; the image is oriented as encoded or as other css property values dictate.
... <angle> obsolete since gecko 63 the <angle> of rotation to apply to the image.
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rotation unsigned long the screen's current rotation; you may set this to any of the values listed in screen rotation constants.
... this will only have an effect on platforms that support screen rotation.
... screen rotation constants requires gecko 13.0(firefox 13.0 / thunderbird 13.0 / seamonkey 2.10) constant value description rotation_0_deg 0 0° of rotation (that is, no rotation, or default orientation).
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Detecting device orientation - Web APIs
by receiving and processing the data reported by these orientation events, it's possible to interactively respond to rotation and elevation changes caused by the user moving the device.
...ationevent.beta deviceorientationevent.gamma the event handler function can look something like this: function handleorientation(event) { var absolute = event.absolute; var alpha = event.alpha; var beta = event.beta; var gamma = event.gamma; // do stuff with the new orientation data } orientation values explained the value reported for each axis indicates the amount of rotation around a given axis in reference to a standard coordinate frame.
... the motion event contains four properties: devicemotionevent.acceleration devicemotionevent.accelerationincludinggravity devicemotionevent.rotationrate devicemotionevent.interval motion values explained the devicemotionevent objects provide web developers with information about the speed of changes for the device's position and orientation.
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Inputs and input sources - Web APIs
the rotation component of the viewer pose's transform matrix is the viewer's facing direction.
... if you need to peel out the actual position of the target ray's origin and the ray's directionality, you can do so like this: const targetrayorigin = vec3.create(); const targetraydirection = quat.create(); mat4.gettranslation(targetrayorigin, viewerrefspace); mat4.getrotation(targetraydirection, viewerrefspace); <<<--- add diagram showing the targeting ray space (overlaid on the grip space) --->>> to determine what object is targeted, follow the targeting ray until it intersects an object.
...simply apply any needed offset transform to shift the origin to the start point for rendering your object as you apply any rotation needed to orient your model correctly to align with the grip space's orientation.
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rotate - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the rotate css property allows you to specify rotation transforms individually and independently of the transform property.
...equivalent to a rotate() (2d rotation) function.
...equivalent to a rotatex()/rotatey()/rotatez() (3d rotation) function.
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rotate() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax the amount of rotation created by rotate() is specified by an <angle>.
...a rotation by 180° is called point reflection.
... rotate(a) values a is an <angle> representing the angle of the rotation.
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rotateX() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the axis of rotation passes through an origin, defined by the transform-origin css property.
... note: unlike rotations in the 2d plane, the composition of 3d rotations is usually not commutative.
... in other words, the order in which the rotations are applied impacts the result.
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rotateY() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the axis of rotation passes through an origin, defined by the transform-origin css property.
... note: unlike rotations in the 2d plane, the composition of 3d rotations is usually not commutative.
... in other words, the order in which the rotations are applied impacts the result.
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rotateZ() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the axis of rotation passes through an origin, defined by the transform-origin css property.
... note: unlike rotations in the 2d plane, the composition of 3d rotations is usually not commutative.
... in other words, the order in which the rotations are applied impacts the result.
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Building up a basic demo with Babylon.js - Game development
let's apply a little bit of rotation to the box, so we can see more than one face — again, add these lines below the previous one: box.rotation.x = -0.2; box.rotation.y = -0.4; the box looks black at the moment, because we haven't defined any material to apply to its faces.
... torus let's try adding a torus — add the following lines below the previous code: var torus = babylon.mesh.createtorus("torus", 2, 0.5, 15, scene); torus.position.x = -5; torus.rotation.x = 1.5; this will create a torus and add it to the scene; the parameters are: name, diameter, thickness, tessellation (number of segments) and the scene to add it to.
...add the following code, again at the bottom of your script: var cylinder = babylon.mesh.createcylinder("cylinder", 2, 2, 2, 12, 1, scene); cylinder.position.x = 5; cylinder.rotation.x = -0.2; var cylindermaterial = new babylon.standardmaterial("material", scene); cylindermaterial.emissivecolor = new babylon.color3(1, 0.58, 0); cylinder.material = cylindermaterial; the cylinder parameters are: name, height, diameter at the top, diameter at the bottom, tessellation, height subdivisions and the scene to add it to.
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CanvasRenderingContext2D.rotate() - Web APIs
the canvasrenderingcontext2d.rotate() method of the canvas 2d api adds a rotation to the transformation matrix.
... syntax void ctx.rotate(angle); parameters angle the rotation angle, clockwise in radians.
... the rotation center point is always the canvas origin.
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Touch() - Web APIs
finger, stylus) along the axis indicated by rotationangle, in css pixels of the same scale as screenx; 0 if no value is known.
...finger, stylus) along the axis perpendicular to that indicated by rotationangle, in css pixels of the same scale as screeny; 0 if no value is known.
... "rotationangle", optional and defaulting to 0, of type float, that is the angle (in degrees) that the ellipse described by radiusx and radiusy is rotated clockwise about its center; 0 if no value is known.
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Animating objects with WebGL - Web APIs
the first thing we'll need is a variable in which to track the current rotation of the square: var squarerotation = 0.0; now we need to update the drawscene() function to apply the current rotation to the square when drawing it.
... after translating to the initial drawing position for the square, we apply the rotation like this: mat4.rotate(modelviewmatrix, // destination matrix modelviewmatrix, // matrix to rotate squarerotation, // amount to rotate in radians [0, 0, 1]); // axis to rotate around this rotates the modelviewmatrix by the current value of squarerotation, around the z axis.
... to actually animate, we need to add code that changes the value of squarerotation over time.
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vector-effect - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
as a presentation attribute, it can be applied to any element but it has effect only on the following ten elements: <circle>, <ellipse>, <foreignobject>, <image>, <line>, <path>, <polygon>, <polyline>, <rect>, <text>, <textpath> <tspan>, and <use> usage notes value none | non-scaling-stroke | non-scaling-size | non-rotation | fixed-position default value none animatable yes none this value specifies that no vector effect shall be applied, i.e.
...however, it does not specify the suppression of rotation and skew.
... non-rotation this value specifies a special user coordinate system used by the element and its descendants.
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n unsigned long athirdclauseattr, in long acaretstart, in long acaretlength); obsolete since gecko 26 boolean sendtouchevent(in astring atype, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 aidentifiers, [array, size_is(count)] in print32 axs, [array, size_is(count)] in print32 ays, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 arxs, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 arys, [array, size_is(count)] in float arotationangles, [array, size_is(count)] in float aforces, in pruint32 count, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean aignorerootscrollframe); void setcssviewport(in float awidthpx, in float aheightpx); void setdisplayport(in float axpx, in float aypx, in float awidthpx, in float aheightpx); void setresolution(in float axresolution, in float ayresolution); void sta...
... adelta amount of magnification or rotation for magnify and rotation events.
... boolean sendtouchevent( in astring atype, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 aidentifiers, [array, size_is(count)] in print32 axs, [array, size_is(count)] in print32 ays, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 arxs, [array, size_is(count)] in pruint32 arys, [array, size_is(count)] in float arotationangles, [array, size_is(count)] in float aforces, in pruint32 count, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean aignorerootscrollframe ); parameters atype the touch event type to dispatch to the window.
... arotationangles an array of angles in degrees for each touch's touch oval.
EffectTiming.fill - Web APIs
note that there's no rotation applied.
... var boxrotationkeyframes = [ { transform: "rotate(-90deg)" }, { transform: "rotate(90deg)" } ]; the boxrotationkeyframes object is an array of keyframes, each describing the state of the affected element at a point in the animation process.
... var boxrotationtiming = { duration: 2000, iterations: 1, fill: "none" }; the boxrotationtiming object describes how long the animation should take to run, how many times it should run, what state the element should be in before the animation begins and after it ends, and so forth.
... document.getelementbyid("animatebutton").addeventlistener("click", event => { document.getelementbyid("box").animate( boxrotationkeyframes, boxrotationtiming ); }, false); the rest of the code is pretty simple: it adds an event listener to the "animate" button so that when it's clicked by the user, the box is animated by calling element.animate() on it, providing the boxrotationkeyframes and boxrotationtiming objects to describe the animation that should occur.
KeyboardEvent.code - Web APIs
moverate and turnrate are the number of pixels forward and backward each keystroke moves the ship and how many degrees of rotation the left and right steering controls apply per keystroke.
... angle is the current amount of rotation applied to the ship, in degrees; it starts at 0° (pointing straight up).
...updateposition(offset) { let rad = angle * (math.pi/180); position.x += (math.sin(rad) * offset); position.y -= (math.cos(rad) * offset); if (position.x < 0) { position.x = 399; } else if (position.x > 399) { position.x = 0; } if (position.y < 0) { position.y = 399; } else if (position.y > 399) { position.y = 0; } } the refresh() function handles applying the rotation and position by using an svg transform.
... function refresh() { let x = position.x - (shipsize.width/2); let y = position.y - (shipsize.height/2); let transform = "translate(" + x + " " + y + ") rotate(" + angle + " 15 15) "; spaceship.setattribute("transform", transform); } finally, the addeventlistener() method is used to start listening for keydown events, acting on each key by updating the ship position and rotation angle, then calling refresh() to draw the ship at its new position and angle.
WebGLRenderingContext.getUniformLocation() - Web APIs
gl.useprogram(shaderprogram); uscalingfactor = gl.getuniformlocation(shaderprogram, "uscalingfactor"); uglobalcolor = gl.getuniformlocation(shaderprogram, "uglobalcolor"); urotationvector = gl.getuniformlocation(shaderprogram, "urotationvector") gl.uniform2fv(uscalingfactor, currentscale); gl.uniform2fv(urotationvector, currentrotation); gl.uniform4fv(uglobalcolor, [0.1, 0.7, 0.2, 1.0]); this code snippet is taken from the function animatescene() in "a basic 2d webgl animation example." see that article for the full sample and to see the resulting animation in action.
... after setting the current shading program to shaderprogram, this code fetches the three uniforms "uscalingfactor", "uglobalcolor", and "urotationvector", calling getuniformlocation() once for each uniform.
... the uniform urotationvector is set to the contents of the variable currentrotation.
... having done this, the next time the shading functions are called, their own variables named uscalingfactor, uglobalcolor, and urotationvector will all have the values provided by the javascript code.
XRRigidTransform.matrix - Web APIs
the returned matrix can then be premultiplied with a column vector to rotate the vector by the 3d rotation specified by the orientation, then translate it by the position.
... next, the position is placed into the right-hand column, like this, resulting in a translation matrix that will transform a coordinate system by the specified distance in each dimension, with no rotational change.
... [100px010py001pz0001]\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 & 0 & x\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & y\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & z\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} then a rotation matrix is created by computing a column-vector rotation matrix from the unit quaternion specified by orientation: [1-2(qy2+qz2)2(qxqy-qzqw)2(qxqz+qyqw)02(qxqy+qzqw)1-2(qx2+qz2)2(qyqz-qxqw)02(qxqz-qyqw)2(qyqz+qxqw)1-2(qx2+qy2)00001]\begin{bmatrix} 1 - 2(q_y^2 + q_z^2) & 2(q_xq_y - q_zq_w) & 2(q_xq_z + q_yq_w) & p_x\\ 2(q_xq_y + q_zq_w) & 1 - 2(q_x^2 + q_z^2) & 2(q_yq_z - q_xq_w) & p_y\\ 2(q_xq_z - q_yq_w) & 2(q_yq_z + q_xq_w) & 1 - 2(q_x^2 + q_y^2) & p_z\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} the final transform matrix is calculated by multiplying the translation matrix by the rota...
...tion matrix, in the order (translation * rotation).
Orientation and motion data explained - Developer guides
about rotation rotation is described about any given axis in terms of the number of degrees of difference between the device's coordinate frame and the earth coordinate frame, and is measured in degrees.
... alpha rotation around the z axis -- that is, twisting the device -- causes the alpha rotation angle to change: the alpha angle is 0° when top of the device is pointed directly toward the earth's north pole, and increases as the device is rotated toward the left.
... beta rotation around the x axis -- that is, tipping the device away from or toward the user -- causes the beta rotation angle to change: the beta angle is 0° when the device's top and bottom are the same distance from the earth's surface; it increases toward 180° as the device is tipped forward toward the user, and it decreases toward -180° as the device is tipped backward away from the user.
... gamma rotation around the y axis -- that is, tilting the device toward the left or right -- causes the gamma rotation angle to change: the gamma angle is 0° when the device's left and right sides are the same distance from the surface of the earth, and increases toward 90° as the device is tipped toward the right, and toward -90° as the device is tipped toward the left.
transform - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
="red" transform="scale(4)" /> <!-- vertical scale --> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="yellow" transform="scale(1,4)" /> <!-- horizontal scale --> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="pink" transform="scale(4,1)" /> <!-- no scale --> <circle cx="0" cy="0" r="10" fill="black" /> </svg> rotate the rotate(<a> [<x> <y>]) transform function specifies a rotation by a degrees about a given point.
... if optional parameters x and y are not supplied, the rotation is about the origin of the current user coordinate system.
... if optional parameters x and y are supplied, the rotation is about the point (x, y).
... example html,body,svg { height:100% } <svg viewbox="-12 -2 34 14" xmlns=""> <rect x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10" /> <!-- rotation is done around the point 0,0 --> <rect x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10" fill="red" transform="rotate(100)" /> <!-- rotation is done around the point 10,10 --> <rect x="0" y="0" width="10" height="10" fill="green" transform="rotate(100,10,10)" /> </svg> skewx the skewx(<a>) transform function specifies a skew transformation along the x axis by a degrees.
SVG animation with SMIL - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
smil allows you to: animate the numeric attributes of an element (x, y, ...) animate transform attributes (translation or rotation) animate color attributes follow a motion path this is done adding an svg element like <animate> inside the svg element to animate.
...rotation attributes look like this: rotation(theta, x, y), where theta is the angle in degrees, and x and y are absolute positions.
... in the example below, we animate the center of the rotation and the angle.
... <rect x="0" y="50" width="15" height="34" fill="blue" stroke="black" stroke-width="1"> <animatetransform attributename="transform" begin="0s" dur="20s" type="rotate" from="0 60 60" to="360 100 60" repeatcount="indefinite" /> </rect> </svg> animation following a path the <animatemotion> element lets you animate an element position and rotation according to a path.
Paths - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
because of that, arcs require quite a few parameters: a rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y a rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag dx dy at its start, the arc element takes in two parameters for the x-radius and y-radius.
... the third parameter describes the rotation of the arc. the first one, the x-axis-rotation has been left at 0, so the ellipse that the arc travels around (shown in gray) is oriented straight up and down.
... for the second arc, though, the x-axis-rotation is set to -45 degrees.
3D collision detection - Game development
if you have entities that will be rotating, you can either modify the dimensions of the bounding box so it still wraps the object, or opt to use another bounding geometry type, such as spheres (which are invariant to rotation.) the animated gif below shows a graphic example of an aabb that adapts its size to fit the rotating entity.
...the main advantage of spheres is that they are invariant to rotation, so if the wrapped entity rotates, the bounding sphere would still be the same.
...this body has properties such as velocity, position, rotation, torque, etc., and also a physical shape.
Quaternion - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a quaternion is the quotient of two 3d vectors and is used in 3d graphics and in accelerometer-based sensors to represent orientation or rotational data.
... while mathematical quaternions are more involved than this, the unit quaternions (or rotational quaternions) used to represent rotation while using webgl or webxr, for example, are represented using the same syntax as a 3d point.
... learn more general knowledge quaternions and spatial rotation on wikipedia quaternion on wikipedia related xrrigidtransform.orientation in the webxr device api reference ...
GestureEvent - Web APIs
gestureevent.rotation read only change in rotation (in degrees) since the event's beginning.
... positive values indicate clockwise rotation; negative values indicate anticlockwise rotation.
... nochrome android no support nofirefox android no support noopera android no support nosafari ios full support 2samsung internet android no support norotation non-standardchrome no support noedge no support nofirefox no support noie no support noopera no support nosafari full support 9we...
MSGestureEvent - Web APIs
msgestureevent.rotation read only amount of rotation (in radians) since the previous msgestureevent of the current gesture.
... positive values indicate clockwise rotation; negative values indicate anticlockwise rotation.
... nochrome android no support nofirefox android no support noopera android no support nosafari ios no support nosamsung internet android no support norotation non-standardchrome no support noedge no support 12 — 79firefox no support noie full support 10opera no support nosafari no support nowebview andro...
SVGMatrix - Web APIs
svgmatrix.rotate() post-multiplies a rotation transformation on the current matrix and returns the resulting matrix as svgmatrix.
... svgmatrix.rotatefromvector() post-multiplies a rotation transformation on the current matrix and returns the resulting matrix as svgmatrix.
... the rotation angle is determined by taking (+/-) atan(y/x).
SVGTransform - Web APIs
for svg_transform_rotate, a, b, c, d, e and f together represent the matrix which will result in the given rotation.
... when the rotation is around the center point (0, 0), e and f will be zero.
... setrotate(in float angle, in float cx , in float cy) void sets the transform type to svg_transform_rotate, with parameter angle defining the rotation angle and parameters cx and cy defining the optional center of rotation.
Touch - Web APIs
the touch.radiusx, touch.radiusy, and touch.rotationangle describe the area of contact between the user and the screen, the touch area.
... touch.rotationangle read only returns the angle (in degrees) that the ellipse described by radiusx and radiusy must be rotated, clockwise, to most accurately cover the area of contact between the user and the surface.
... draft added radiusx, radiusy, rotationangle, force properties, as well as the touch() constructor.
TouchEvent - Web APIs
touchevent.rotation read only change in rotation (in degrees) since the event's beginning.
... positive values indicate clockwise rotation; negative values indicate anticlockwise rotation.
... this event is also sent if the values of the radius, rotation angle, or force attributes of a touch point change.
Fundamentals of WebXR - Web APIs
freedom of rotational movement the first three degrees of freedom are rotational.
... the rotational degrees of freedom are: pitch: looking up and down yaw: looking left and right roll: tilting left and right in all of these cases, the viewer remains in the same location in space while pivoting on one or more of the three axes to alter the direction in which they're looking.
... a typical baseline headset offers three degrees of freedom, recognizing rotation around all three axes.
XRReferenceSpace.getOffsetReferenceSpace() - Web APIs
this is demonstrated in the example implementing rotation based on non-xr inputs, which demonstrates a way to use this method to let the user use their mouse to pitch and yaw their viewing angle.
... implementing rotation based on non-xr inputs the input controls supported directly by webxr are all dedicated vr or ar input devices.
... first, we add an event handler for mousemove events, which calls our code to perform the rotation if the right mouse button is down.
conic-gradient() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
90deg at 0 0, blue, red); /* colorwheel */ background: conic-gradient( hsl(360, 100%, 50%), hsl(315, 100%, 50%), hsl(270, 100%, 50%), hsl(225, 100%, 50%), hsl(180, 100%, 50%), hsl(135, 100%, 50%), hsl(90, 100%, 50%), hsl(45, 100%, 50%), hsl(0, 100%, 50%) ); values <angle> preceded by the from keyterm, and taking an angle as its value, defines the gradient rotation in clockwise direction.
... to create a conic gradient that repeats so as to fill a 360 degree rotation, use the repeating-conic-gradient() function instead.
... a conic gradient is specified by indicating a rotation angle, the center of the gradient, and then specifying a list of color-stops.
offset-rotate - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: early versions of the spec called this property motion-rotation.
... syntax /* follow the path direction, with optional additional angle */ offset-rotate: auto; offset-rotate: auto 45deg; /* follow the path direction but facing the opposite direction of `auto` */ offset-rotate: reverse; /* keep a constant rotation regardless the position on the path */ offset-rotate: 90deg; offset-rotate: .5turn; auto the element is rotated by the angle of the direction of the offset-path, relative to the positive x-axis.
... <angle> the element has a constant clockwise rotation transformation applied to it by the specified rotation angle.
repeating-conic-gradient() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ient is a starburst of lighter and darker blue, centered in the upper left quandrant, offset by 3degrees so there is no up/down straight line */ background: repeating-conic-gradient( from 3deg at 25% 25%, hsl(200, 100%, 50%) 0deg 15deg, hsl(200, 100%, 60%) 10deg 30deg); ); values <angle> preceded by the from keyterm, and taking an angle as its value, defines the gradient rotation in clockwise direction.
... to create a conic gradient that doe not repeat, make the gradient a full 360 degree rotation, or use the conic-gradient() function instead.
... a repeating conic gradient is specified by indicating a rotation angle, the center of the gradient, and then specifying a list of color-stops.
Mouse gesture events - Developer guides
delta the amount by which the gesture moved; for rotation, this value is in degrees.
... simplegestureevent.rotation_counterclockwise counter-clockwise rotation.
... simplegestureevent.rotation_clockwise clockwise rotation.
Using device orientation with 3D transforms - Developer guides
e however two corrections that should be applied to those values: the initial alpha value is 180 (device flat on the back, top of the screen pointing 12:00), so the rotatez value should be alpha - 180 the y axis of the screen coordinate system is inverted, such that translatey(100px) moves an element 100px down, so the rotatey value should be -gamma finally, the order of the three different rotations is very important to accurately convert an orientation to a 3d rotation: rotatez, then rotatex and then rotatey.
...this is achieved by inverting the previous order of rotations and negating the alpha value: var elem = document.getelementbyid("view3d"); window.addeventlistener("deviceorientation", function(e) { // again, use vendor-prefixed transform property = "rotatey(" + ( -e.gamma ) + "deg)" + "rotatex(" + e.beta + "deg) " + "rotatez(" + - ( e.alpha - 180 ) + "deg) "; }); rotate3d to orientation should you ever need to conve...
...rt a rotate3d axis-angle to orientation euler angles, you can use the following algorithm: // convert a rotate3d axis-angle to deviceorientation angles function orient( aa ) { var x = aa.x, y = aa.y, z = aa.z, a = aa.a, c = math.cos( aa.a ), s = math.sin( aa.a ), t = 1 - c, // axis-angle to rotation matrix rm00 = c + x*x * t, rm10 = z*s + y*x * t, rm20 = -y*s + z*x * t, rm01 = -z*s + x*y * t, rm11 = c + y*y * t, rm21 = x*s + z*y * t, rm02 = y*s + x*z * t, rm12 = -x*s + y*z * t, rm22 = c + z*z * t, to_deg = 180 / math.pi, ea = [], n = math.sqrt( rm22 * rm22 + rm20 * rm20 ); // rotation matrix to euler angles ea[1] = math.atan2( -rm21, n ); i...
rotate - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
usage notes value auto | auto-reverse | <number> default value 0 animatable no the auto and auto-reverse values allow the animated element's rotation to change dynamically as it travels along the path.
... setting rotate's value to a number specifies a constant rotation, in degrees, that does not change with the animation.
...ackwards along the motion path --> <path fill="blue" d="m-5,-5 l10,0 -5,5 0,0 z"> <!-- define the motion path animation --> <animatemotion dur="6s" repeatcount="indefinite" rotate="auto-reverse"> <mpath href="#themotionpath"/> </animatemotion> </path> </g> <g transform="translate(300, 0)"> <use href="#themotionpath"/> <!-- purple arrow which will have a static rotation of 210 degrees --> <path fill="purple" d="m-5,-5 l10,0 -5,5 0,0 z"> <!-- define the motion path animation --> <animatemotion dur="6s" repeatcount="indefinite" rotate="210"> <mpath href="#themotionpath"/> </animatemotion> </path> </g> </svg> result specifications specification status comment svg animations level 2the definition of 'rotate' ...
Bounding volume collision detection with THREE.js - Game development
var box3 = new three.box3(); box3.setfromobject(knotboxhelper); if we change the mesh position, rotation, scale, etc.
... knot.position.set(-3, 2, 1); knot.rotation.x = -math.pi / 4; // update the bounding box so it stills wraps the knot knotboxhelper.update(); box3.setfromobject(knotboxhelper); performing collision tests is done in the same way as explained in the above section — we use our box3 object in the same way as described above.
Building up a basic demo with PlayCanvas editor - Game development
click on the box to bring up its entity sidebar — you'll see options for changing its position, rotation, and scale.
... try applying the rotation values x: 10 and y: 20.
Building up a basic demo with the PlayCanvas engine - Game development
rotation rotating is quite easy — all you need to do is to add a defined value to the given direction of rotation on each frame.
... moving beside rotation and scaling we can also move objects around the scene.
syntax instanceofhtmliframeelement.sendtouchevent(type, x, y, rx, ry, rotationangles, forces, count, modifiers); returns void.
... rotationangles an array of numbers representing the angle of each touch point in degrees.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.ellipse() - Web APIs
syntax void ctx.ellipse(x, y, radiusx, radiusy, rotation, startangle, endangle [, anticlockwise]); the ellipse() method creates an elliptical arc centered at (x, y) with the radii radiusx and radiusy.
... rotation the rotation of the ellipse, expressed in radians.
CanvasRenderingContext2D - Web APIs
canvasrenderingcontext2d.rotate() adds a rotation to the transformation matrix.
... the angle argument represents a clockwise rotation angle and is expressed in radians.
DOMMatrix - Web APIs
the dommatrix interface represents 4×4 matrices, suitable for 2d and 3d operations including rotation and translation.
... a, b, c, d, e, f double-precision floating-point values representing the components of a 4×4 matrix which are required in order to perform 2d rotations and translations.
DOMMatrixReadOnly - Web APIs
a 4×4 matrix is suitable to describe any rotation and translation in 3d.
... a, b, c, d, e, f double-precision floating-point values representing the components of a 4×4 matrix which are required in order to perform 2d rotations and translations.
DeviceMotionEvent.DeviceMotionEvent() - Web APIs
rotationrate: an object giving the rate of change of the device's orientation on the three orientation axis alpha, beta and gamma.
... rotation rate is express in degrees per seconds.
DeviceMotionEvent - Web APIs
devicemotionevent.rotationrateread only an object giving the rate of change of the device's orientation on the three orientation axis alpha, beta and gamma.
... rotation rate is expressed in degrees per seconds.
OrientationSensor.populateMatrix() - Web APIs
the populatematrix method of the orientationsensor interface populates the given target matrix with the rotation matrix based on the latest sensor reading.
... the rotation matrix is shown below.
OrientationSensor - Web APIs
methods orientationsensor.populatematrix() populates the given object with the rotation matrix based on the latest sensor reading.
... the rotation maxtrix is shown below.
Using Touch Events - Web APIs
together, these interfaces define a relatively low-level set of features, yet they support many kinds of touch-based interaction, including the familiar multi-touch gestures such as multi-finger swipe, rotation, pinch and zoom.
...the touch point's rotation angle - the number of degrees of rotation to apply to the described ellipse to align with the contact area - is also be standardized as is the amount of pressure applied to a touch point.
XRView - Web APIs
model view matrix the model view matrix is a matrix which defines the position of an object relative to the space in which it's located: if objectmatrix is a transform applied to the object to provide its basic position and rotation, then the model view matrix can be computed by multiplying the object's matrix by the inverse of the view transform matrix, like this: mat4.multiply(modelviewmatrix, view.transform.inverse.matrix, objectmatrix); normal matrix the model view's normal matrix is used when lighting the scene, in order to transform each surface's normal vectors to ensure that the light is reflected in the correct d...
...this represents the rotation of the object given the values of mousepitch (rotation around the object's reference's space's x axis) and mouseyaw (rotation around the object's y axis).
Using CSS transforms - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
these transformations include rotation, skewing, scaling, and translation both in the plane and in the 3d space. is used by several transforms, like rotations, scaling or skewing, that need a specific point as a parameter.
hue-rotate() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
a positive hue rotation increases the hue value, while a negative rotation decreases the hue value.
... examples hue-rotate(-90deg) /* same as 270deg rotation */ hue-rotate(0deg) /* no effect */ hue-rotate(90deg) /* 90deg rotation */ hue-rotate(.5turn) /* 180deg rotation */ hue-rotate(405deg) /* same as 45deg rotation */ specifications specification status filter effects module level 1the definition of 'hue-rotate()' in that specification.
<transform-function> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
rotation rotate() rotates an element around a fixed point on the 2d plane.
...thus, each coordinate changes based on the values in the matrix: ac bd xy = ax+cy bx+dy it is even possible to apply several transformations in a row: a1 c1 b1 d1 a2 c2 b2 d2 = a1 a2 + c1 b2 a1 c2 + c1 d2 b1 a2 + d1 b2 b1 c2 + d1 d2 with this notation, it is possible to describe, and therefore compose, most common transformations: rotations, scaling, or skewing.
d - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the center of the ellipse used to draw the arc is determined automatically based on the other parameters of the command: rx and ry are the two radii of the ellipse; angle represents a rotation (in degrees) of the ellipse relative to the x-axis; large-arc-flag and sweep-flag allows to chose which arc must be drawn as 4 possible arcs can be drawn out of the other parameters.
...the center of the ellipse used to draw the arc is determined automatically based on the other parameters of the command: rx and ry are the two radii of the ellipse; angle represents a rotation (in degrees) of the ellipse relative to the x-axis; large-arc-flag and sweep-flag allows to chose which arc must be drawn as 4 possible arcs can be drawn out of the other parameters.
Index - Game development
12 2d collision detection 2d, games, javascript, collision detection one of the simpler forms of collision detection is between two rectangles that are axis aligned — meaning no rotation.
2D collision detection - Game development
axis-aligned bounding box one of the simpler forms of collision detection is between two rectangles that are axis aligned — meaning no rotation.
GLSL Shaders - Game development
.z = 50; scene.add(camera); var boxgeometry = new three.boxgeometry(10, 10, 10); var shadermaterial = new three.shadermaterial( { vertexshader: document.getelementbyid( 'vertexshader' ).textcontent, fragmentshader: document.getelementbyid( 'fragmentshader' ).textcontent }); var cube = new three.mesh(boxgeometry, shadermaterial); scene.add(cube); cube.rotation.set(0.4, 0.2, 0); function render() { requestanimationframe(render); renderer.render(scene, camera); } render(); css body { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 0; } canvas { width: 100%; height: 100%; } result conclusion this article has taught the very basics of shaders.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
350 quaternion definition, glossary, orientation, quaternion, webxr, rotation a quaternion is the quotient of two 3d vectors and is used in 3d graphics and in accelerometer-based sensors to represent orientation or rotational data.
Drawing graphics - Learn web development
last of all, let's add our draw() function to the bottom of the code: function draw() { cube.rotation.x += 0.01; cube.rotation.y += 0.01; renderer.render(scene, camera); requestanimationframe(draw); } this is fairly intuitive; on each frame, we rotate our cube slightly on its x and y axes, then render the scene as viewed by our camera, then finally call requestanimationframe() to schedule drawing our next frame.
depending on the current load of the kernel, the current disk activity, the current load of the bus, the current rotation speed of the disk, the amount of battery power, etc.
ect width="100" height="70" requiredextensions=""> <math display="block"> <mrow> <mo>(</mo> <mtable> <mtr> <mtd><mi>cos</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> <mtd><mo>−</mo><mi>sin</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> </mtr> <mtr> <mtd><mi>sin</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> <mtd><mi>cos</mi><mi>θ</mi></mtd> </mtr> </mtable> <mo>)</mo> </mrow> </math> </foreignobject> <text>rotation matrix</text> </switch> </g></g></g> <g> <animatemotion path="m 32,69 c 64,121 100,27 152,42 203,56 239,257 275,161 295,109 144,221 88,214 -2,202 11,35 32,69 z" begin="0s" dur="20s" repeatcount="indefinite"/> <animatetransform attributename="transform" attributetype="xml" type="scale" values="1;2;.5;1" keytimes="0;.25;.75;1" dur="20s" ...
these disk syncs are very slow and limit the speed of a commit to the rotational speed of the mechanical disk.
3D view - Firefox Developer Tools
eft/right a / d mouse left/right rotate up/down w / s mouse up/down pan left/right ← / → mouse left/right pan up/down ↑ / ↓ mouse up/down reset zoom level 0 resets the zoom level to the default focus on selected node f makes sure the currently selected node is visible reset view r resets zoom, rotation, and panning to the default hide current node x makes the currently selected node invisible; this can be helpful if you need to get at a node that's obscured use cases for the 3d view there are a variety of ways the 3d view is useful: if you have broken html causing layout problems, looking at the 3d view can help find where you've gone wrong.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.filter - Web APIs
applies a hue rotation on the drawing.
Transformations - Web APIs
the rotation center point is always the canvas origin.
DeviceOrientationEvent.alpha - Web APIs
returns the rotation of the device around the z axis; that is, the number of degrees by which the device is being twisted around the center of the screen.
DeviceOrientationEvent.beta - Web APIs
returns the rotation of the device around the x axis; that is, the number of degrees, ranged between -180 and 180, by which the device is tipped forward or backward.
DeviceOrientationEvent.gamma - Web APIs
returns the rotation of the device around the y axis; that is, the number of degrees, ranged between -90 and 90, by which the device is tilted left or right.
Document.createTouch() - Web APIs
rotationangle the value for touch.rotationangle.
GlobalEventHandlers.onscroll - Web APIs
onwheel handles general wheel rotation, while onscroll handles scrolling of an object's content.
GlobalEventHandlers.onwheel - Web APIs
note: don't confuse onwheel with onscroll: onwheel handles general wheel rotation, while onscroll handles scrolling of an object's content.
PointerEvent.twist - Web APIs
the twist read-only property of the pointerevent interface represents the clockwise rotation of the pointer (e.g., pen stylus) around its major axis, in degrees.
PointerEvent - Web APIs
pointerevent.twist read only the clockwise rotation of the pointer (e.g.
Pointer Lock API - Web APIs
without pointer lock, the rotation or manipulation stops the moment the pointer reaches the edge of the browser or screen.
Pointer events - Web APIs
twist the clockwise rotation of the pointer (e.g.
SVGTextContentElement - Web APIs
svgtextcontentelement.getrotationofchar() returns a float representing the rotation of typographic character.
Touch.radiusY - Web APIs
this value, in combination with touch.radiusx and touch.rotationangle constructs an ellipse that approximates the size and shape of the area of contact between the user and the screen.
Touch events - Web APIs
draft added radiusx, radiusy, rotationangle, force properties touch eventsthe definition of 'touch' in that specification.
Creating 3D objects using WebGL - Web APIs
finally, let's replace our variable squarerotation by cuberotation and add a second rotation around the x axis: mat4.rotate(modelviewmatrix, modelviewmatrix, cuberotation * .7, [0, 1, 0]); at this point, we now have an animated cube rotating, its six faces rather vividly colored.
Taking still photos with WebRTC - Web APIs
these filters can range from the simple (making the image black and white) to the extreme (gaussian blurs and hue rotation).
Geometry and reference spaces in WebXR - Web APIs
rotation is the application of a matrix that rotates a point around the origin of the object's coordinate system.
WebXR performance guide - Web APIs
// apply rotation updates to the object if needed mat4.rotate( } } this renders a scene.
Rendering and the WebXR frame animation callback - Web APIs
for instance, if an object is rotating, you might apply the rotation like this: const xdeltarotation = (xrotationdegreespersecond * radians_per_degree) * deltatime; const ydeltarotation = (yrotationdegreespersecond * radians_per_degree) * deltatime; const zdeltarotation = (zrotationdegreespersecond * radians_per_degree) * deltatime; this computes the amount by which the object has rotated around each of the three axes since the last time the frame was drawn.
Spaces and reference spaces: Spatial tracking in WebXR - Web APIs
thus a pose can be used to not only convert and determine positions, but also rotational information.
Using the Web Animations API - Web APIs
��s the simplified css that controls alice’s animation: #alice { animation: alicetumbling infinite 3s linear; } @keyframes alicetumbling { 0% { color: #000; transform: rotate(0) translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); } 30% { color: #431236; } 100% { color: #000; transform: rotate(360deg) translate3d(-50%, -50%, 0); } } this changes alice’s color and her transform’s rotation over 3 seconds at a constant (linear) rate and loops infinitely.
Window: devicemotion event - Web APIs
it also provides information about the rate of rotation, if available.
Window: deviceorientation event - Web APIs
bubbles no cancelable no interface deviceorientationevent event handler property window.ondeviceorientation examples if (window.deviceorientationevent) { window.addeventlistener("deviceorientation", function(event) { // alpha: rotation around z-axis var rotatedegrees = event.alpha; // gamma: left to right var lefttoright = event.gamma; // beta: front back motion var fronttoback = event.beta; handleorientationevent(fronttoback, lefttoright, rotatedegrees); }, true); } var handleorientationevent = function(fronttoback, lefttoright, rotatedegrees) { // do something amazing ...
Window - Web APIs
devicemotion fired at a regular interval, indicating the amount of physical force of acceleration the device is receiving and the rate of rotation, if available.
XRPose - Web APIs
stead of getpose(), specifying a reference space which has been adjusted to position and orient the node to provide the desired viewing position and angle: viewerpose = xrframe.getviewerpose(adjreferencespace); here, adjreferencespace is a reference space which has been updated using the base frame of reference for the frame and any adjustments needed to position the viewer based on movement or rotation which is being supplied from a source other than the xr device, such as keyboard or mouse inputs.
XRRigidTransform.orientation - Web APIs
the read-only xrrigidtransform property orientation is a dompointreadonly containing a normalized quaternion (also called a unit quaternion or versor) specifying the rotational component of the transform represented by the object.
XRRigidTransform - Web APIs
xrrigidtransform.orientation read only a dompointreadonly which contains a unit quaternion describing the rotational component of the transform.
Web APIs
mmatrix dommatrixreadonly domobject domparser dompoint dompointinit dompointreadonly domquad domrect domrectreadonly domstring domstringlist domstringmap domtimestamp domtokenlist domuserdata datatransfer datatransferitem datatransferitemlist dedicatedworkerglobalscope delaynode deprecationreportbody devicelightevent devicemotionevent devicemotioneventacceleration devicemotioneventrotationrate deviceorientationevent deviceproximityevent directoryentrysync directoryreadersync displaymediastreamconstraints document documentfragment documentorshadowroot documenttimeline documenttouch documenttype doublerange dragevent dynamicscompressornode e ext_blend_minmax ext_color_buffer_float ext_color_buffer_half_float ext_disjoint_timer_query ext_float_blend ext_frag_depth ext_srgb ext_...
Using CSS gradients - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you can change their rotation by specifying a direction.
filter - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
border: 1px solid rgb(187, 187, 187); padding: 0px 5px; background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(238, 238, 238); text-align: left; font-weight: bold; } table.standard-table td { padding: 5px; border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); text-align: left; vertical-align: top; width:25%; height:auto; } #img3 { height:100%; } hue-rotate() the hue-rotate() function applies a hue rotation on the input image.
offset-path - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
each shape or path must define an initial position for the computed value of 0 for offset-distance and an initial direction which specifies the rotation of the object to the initial position.
offset - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ituent properties this property is a shorthand for the following css properties: offset-anchor offset-distance offset-path offset-position offset-rotate syntax /* offset position */ offset: auto; offset: 10px 30px; offset: none; /* offset path */ offset: ray(45deg closest-side); offset: path('m 100 100 l 300 100 l 200 300 z'); offset: url(arc.svg); /* offset path with distance and/or rotation */ offset: url(circle.svg) 100px; offset: url(circle.svg) 40%; offset: url(circle.svg) 30deg; offset: url(circle.svg) 50px 20deg; /* including offset anchor */ offset: ray(45deg closest-side) / 40px 20px; offset: url(arc.svg) 2cm / 0.5cm 3cm; offset: url(arc.svg) 30deg / 50px 100px; formal definition initial valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:offset-position: autooffset-path: non...
transform-origin - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for example, the transformation origin of the rotate() function is the center of rotation.
Index - Developer guides
23 orientation and motion data explained intermediate, mobile, motion, needscontent, orientation, páginas_a_traducir, rotation when using orientation and motion events, it's important to understand what the values you're given by the browser mean.
Date and time formats used in HTML - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
scientists occasionally add leap seconds to the calendar (seriously) to handle the remaining three ten-thousandths of a day and to compensate for the gradual, naturally occurring slowing of earth's rotation.
HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) - HTTP
extracting the base64 encoded public key information note: while the example below shows how to set a pin on a server certificate, it is recommended to place the pin on the intermediate certificate of the ca that issued the server certificate, to ease certificates renewals and rotations.
Web video codec guide - Web media technologies
this is a temporal (time-based) aliasing issue; the speed of the rotation interferes with the frequency of the sampling performed during compression or encoding.
glyph-orientation-vertical - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
all further embedding of writing modes or bidirectional processing will be based on the first-level rotation.
<altGlyph> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
value type: <list-of-coordinates> ; default value: relative y-coordinate of ancestor <text> or <tspan>; animatable: yes rotate this attribute defines the supplemental rotation that will be applied to the element.
<animateMotion> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
value type: <string>; default value: none; animatable: no rotate this attribute defines a rotation applied to the elment animated along a path, usually to make it pointing in the direction of the animation.
<animateTransform> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the animatetransform element animates a transformation attribute on its target element, thereby allowing animations to control translation, scaling, rotation, and/or skewing.
SVG documentation index - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
301 <animatetransform> element, svg, svg animation the animatetransform element animates a transformation attribute on its target element, thereby allowing animations to control translation, scaling, rotation, and/or skewing.
SVG 2 support in Mozilla - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
te systems, transformations and units change notes exception for bad values on svgmatrix.skewx() and svgmatrix.skewy() implementation status unknown bounding box for element with no position at (0, 0) implementation status unknown defer keyword removed from preserveaspectratio attribute removed (bug 1280425) added non-scaling-size, non-rotation and fixed-position keywords for vector-effect property not implemented yet (bug 1318208) vector-effect has no effect within 3d rendering context implementation status unknown consider clip and overflow on svg document referenced by <image> implementation status unknown paths change notes b and b path commands implementation status unk...
Basic Transformations - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
rotation rotating an element is quite a common task.
Introduction - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
svg supports gradients, rotations, filter effects, animations, interactivity with javascript, and so on.
Other content in SVG - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
this means, that you can use clips, masks, filters, rotations and all other tools of svg on the content: <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="200" height="200"> <image x="90" y="-65" width="128" height="146" transform="rotate(45)" xlink:href=""/> </svg> screenshotlive sample embedding arbitrary xml since svg is an ...
advanced level using css transforms apply rotation, skewing, scaling, and translation using css.