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RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats.remoteTimestamp - Web APIs
the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats property remotetimestamp indicates the timestamp on the remote peer at which these statistics were sent.
... syntax let remotetimestamp = rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats.remotetimestamp; value a domhighrestimestamp value indicating the timestamp on the remote peer at which it sent these statistics.
... if this property is present, it comes from the rtcp sender report (sr) block, which reflects the clock on the remote peer at the time the message was sent.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats.remotetimestamp' in that specification.
RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription() - Web APIs
the rtcpeerconnection method setremotedescription() sets the specified session description as the remote peer's current offer or answer.
... the description specifies the properties of the remote end of the connection, including the media format.
...keep in mind that if setremotedescription() is called while a connection is already in place, it means renegotiation is underway (possibly to adapt to changing network conditions).
...And 21 more matches
RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats.localId - Web APIs
the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary's localid property is a string which can be used to identify the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats object whose remoteid matches this value.
... syntax let localid = rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats.localid; value a domstring which can be compared to the value of an rtcinboundrtpstreamstats object's remoteid property to see if the two represent statistics for each of the two sides of the same set of data received by the local peer.
... usage notes you can think of the local and remote views of the same rtp stream as pairs, each of which has a reference back to the other one.
...And 14 more matches
remote/parent - Archive of obsolete content
usage in multiprocess firefox: the browser ui runs in one process, sometimes called the chrome process or the parent process web content runs in one or more other processes, sometimes called content processes or remote processes or child processes.
... the sdk/remote/parent module enables you to load sdk modules into the child process to give them direct access to content frames.
...multiprocess applications can have other remote processes where untrusted content like webpages are loaded.
...And 13 more matches
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic interface of the web bluetooth api represents a gatt characteristic, which is a basic data element that provides further information about a peripheral’s service.
... interface interface bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic { readonly attribute bluetoothremotegattservice service; readonly attribute uuid uuid; readonly attribute bluetoothcharacteristicproperties properties; readonly attribute dataview?
... value; promise<bluetoothremotegattdescriptor> getdescriptor(bluetoothdescriptoruuid descriptor); promise<sequence<bluetoothremotegattdescriptor>> getdescriptors(optional bluetoothdescriptoruuid descriptor); promise<dataview> readvalue(); promise<void> writevalue(buffersource value); promise<void> startnotifications(); promise<void> stopnotifications(); }; bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic implements eventtarget; bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic implements characteristiceventhandlers; properties bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.serviceread only returns the bluetoothgattservice this characteristic belongs to.
...And 10 more matches
BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor interface of the web bluetooth api provides a gatt descriptor, which provides further information about a characteristic’s value.
... interface interface bluetoothremotegattdescriptor { readonly attribute bluetoothgattcharacteristic characteristic; readonly attribute uuid uuid; readonly attribute arraybuffer?
... value; promise<arraybuffer> readvalue(); promise<void> writevalue(buffersource value); }; properties bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.characteristicread only returns the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic this descriptor belongs to.
...And 6 more matches
BluetoothRemoteGATTService - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattservice interface of the web bluetooth api represents a service provided by a gatt server, including a device, a list of referenced services, and a list of the characteristics of this service.
... interface interface bluetoothremotegattservice : serviceeventhandlers { readonly attribute uuid uuid; readonly attribute boolean isprimary; readonly attribute bluetoothdevice device; promise<bluetoothgattcharacteristic> getcharacteristic(bluetoothcharacteristicuuid characteristic); promise<sequence<bluetoothgattcharacteristic>> getcharacteristics(optional bluetoothcharacteristicuuid characteristic); promise<bluetoothgattservice> getincludedservice(bluetoothserviceuuid service); promise<sequence<bluetoothgattservice>> getincludedservices(optional bluetoothserviceuuid service); }; properties bluetoothremotegattservice.deviceread only returns information about a bluetooth device through an instance of bluetoothdevice.
... bluetoothremotegattservice.isprimaryread only returns a boolean indicating whether this is a primary or secondary service.
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BluetoothRemoteGATTServer - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattserver interface of the web bluetooth api represents a gatt server on a remote device.
... interface interface bluetoothremotegattserver { readonly attribute bluetoothdevice device; readonly attribute boolean connected; promise<bluetoothremotegattserver> connect(); void disconnect(); promise<bluetoothremotegattservice> getprimaryservice(bluetoothserviceuuid service); promise<sequence<bluetoothremotegattservice>> getprimaryservices(optional bluetoothserviceuuid service); }; properties bluetoothremotegattserver.connectedread only a boolean value that returns true while this script execution environment is connected to this.device.
... bluetoothremotegattserver.deviceread only a reference to the bluetoothdevice running the server.
...And 5 more matches
remote/child - Archive of obsolete content
usage the sdk/remote/parent module enables sdk code to load modules into child processes.
... the sdk/remote/child module is for these "child process modules".
... it provides two main things: access to web content loaded into this child process port mechanisms to communicate with the main process interacting with web content to interact with web content, the sdk/remote/child module provides a frames property that's a list of all content frames loaded into this child process.
...And 4 more matches
Remotely debugging Firefox for Metro - Archive of obsolete content
this article explains how to use remote debugging to inspect and code running in the new windows 8 ("metro-style") firefox app, using the developer tools in firefox on the desktop.
... set up firefox for metro go to about:config in firefox for metro, and set the following required preference: devtools.debugger.remote-enabled = true you may also want to set these optional preferences: devtools.debugger.force-local = false (if you want to connect from a different machine over the network) devtools.debugger.remote-host (to change the tcp hostname where firefox will listen for connections) devtools.debugger.remote-port (to change the tcp port number where firefox will listen for connections) devtools.debu...
... this can be a security risk, especially if you also set the force-local preference to false.) set up firefox for desktop on the desktop, remote debugging is enabled by a setting in the toolbox.
...And 4 more matches
Connecting to Remote Content - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » using xmlhttprequest xmlhttprequest is an api for transferring xml between a local script and a remote server via http.
... following initialization, onload and onerror handlers are registered to a callback function to handle the response returned from the remote server.
... now let's look at the most common types of content you can use to communicate with remote servers.
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Using Remote XUL - Archive of obsolete content
introduction note: support for remote xul has long been a potential security concern; support for it was disabled in gecko 2.0.
...however, there is a whitelist that lets you specify sites that can still use remote xul.
... the remote xul manager extension lets you manage this whitelist, which is maintained using nsipermissionmanager, by creating entries of type "allowxulxbl", like this: components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsipermissionmanager) .add(uri, 'allowxulxbl', components.interfaces.nsipermissionmanager.allow_action); xul (pronounced like "zool"), which is short for xml-based user interface language, is an xml-based language for describing application interfaces.
...And 3 more matches
RTCIceTransport.getRemoteCandidates() - Web APIs
the rtcicetransport method getremotecandidates() returns an array which contains one rtcicecandidate for each of the candidates that have been received from the remote peer so far during the current ice gathering session.
... syntax remotecandidates = rtcicetransport.getremotecandidates(); parameters none.
... return value an array containing one rtcicecandidate object for each candidate that has been received so far from the remote peer during the current ice candidate gathering session.
...And 3 more matches
RTCPeerConnection.currentRemoteDescription - Web APIs
the read-only property rtcpeerconnection.currentremotedescription returns an rtcsessiondescription object describing the remote end of the connection as it was most recently successfully negotiated since the last time the rtcpeerconnection finished negotiating and connecting to a remote peer.
... to change the currentremotedescription, call rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription(), which triggers a series of events which leads to this value being set.
... unlike rtcpeerconnection.remotedescription, this value represents the actual current state of the local end of the connection; remotedescription may specify a description which the connection is currently in the process of switching over to.
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RTCPeerConnection.pendingRemoteDescription - Web APIs
the read-only property rtcpeerconnection.pendingremotedescription returns an rtcsessiondescription object describing a pending configuration change for the remote end of the connection.
...use rtcpeerconnection.currentremotedescription or rtcpeerconnection.remotedescription to get the current session description for the remote endpoint.
... syntax sessiondescription = rtcpeerconnection.pendingremotedescription; return value if a remote description change is in progress, this is an rtcsessiondescription describing the proposed configuration.
...And 3 more matches
RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
the webrtc statistics model's rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary extends the underlying rtcsentrtpstreamstats dictionary with properties measuring metrics specific to outgoing rtp streams.
... properties in addition to the properties defined by rtcsentrtpstreamstats and its underlying rtcrtpstreamstats and rtcstats dictionaries, rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats defines the following properties.
... remotetimestamp a domhighrestimestamp specifying the timestamp (on the remote device) at which the statistics in the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats object were sent by the remote endpoint.
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RTCIceCandidatePair.remote - Web APIs
the remote property of the rtcicecandidatepair dictionary specifies the rtcicecandidate describing the configuration of the remote end of a viable webrtc connection.
... syntax remotecandidate = rtcicecandidatepair.remote; value an rtcicecandidate which describes the configuration of the remote end of a viable pair of ice candidates.
... example this one-line example simply obtains the current candidate pair and then from that gets the remote candidate.
...And 2 more matches
RTCIceTransport.getRemoteParameters() - Web APIs
the rtcicetransport method getremoteparameters() returns an rtciceparameters object which provides information uniquely identifying the remote peer for the duration of the ice session.
... the remote peer's parameters are received during ice signaling and delivered to the transport when the client calls rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription().
... syntax parameters = rtcicetransport.getremoteparameters(); parameters none.
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RTCPeerConnection.remoteDescription - Web APIs
the read-only property rtcpeerconnection.remotedescription returns a rtcsessiondescription describing the session (which includes configuration and media information) for the remote end of the connection.
... the returned value typically reflects a remote description which has been received over the signaling server (as either an offer or an answer) and then put into effect by your code calling rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription() in response.
... syntax var sessiondescription = peerconnection.remotedescription; on a more fundamental level, the returned value is the value of rtcpeerconnection.pendingremotedescription if that property isn't null; otherwise, the value of rtcpeerconnection.currentremotedescription is returned.
...And 2 more matches
Remote XUL - Archive of obsolete content
note: support for remote xul has long been a potential security concern; support for it was disabled in gecko 2.0.
...however, there is a whitelist that lets you specify sites that can still use remote xul.
... the remote xul manager extension lets you manage this whitelist, which is maintained using nsipermissionmanager, by creating entries of type "allowxulxbl", like this: components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsipermissionmanager) .add(uri, 'allowxulxbl', components.interfaces.nsipermissionmanager.allow_action); see using remote xul.
... oreillynet article, part 1 oreillynet article, part 2 restrictions see remote xul bugs for needless restrictions, features which don't work in remote xul (but in chrome xul) although they really should.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.startNotifications() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.startnotifications() method returns a promise to the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic instance when there is an active notification on it.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.startnotifications().then(function(bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic) { ...
... }) returns a promise to the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic instance.
BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connect() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattserver.connect() method causes the script execution environment to connect to this.device.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattserver.connect() .then(function(bluetoothremotegattserver) { ...
... }) returns a promise that resolves to a bluetoothremotegattserver.
HTMLMediaElement.disableRemotePlayback - Web APIs
the htmlmediaelement.disableremoteplayback property determines whether the media element is allowed to have a remote playback ui.
... syntax var remoteplaybackdisabled ​= element.disableremoteplayback; value a boolean indicating whether the media element may have a remote playback ui.
... (false means "not disabled", which means "enabled") example var obj = document.createelement('audio'); obj.disableremoteplayback = true; specifications specification status comment remote playback apithe definition of 'disableremoteplayback' in that specification.
MediaStreamTrack.remote - Web APIs
the mediastreamtrack.remote read-only property allows javascript to know whether a webrtc mediastreamtrack is from a remote source or a local one.
... it returns a boolean with a value of true if the track is sourced remotely (that is, sourced by an rtcpeerconnection), or false if it is sourced locally.
... syntax var bool ​= track.remote; ...
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.remoteCandidateId - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property remotecandidateid is a string that uniquely identifies the remote ice candidate which was analyzed to generate the rtcicecandidatestats used to compute the statistics for this pair of candidates.
... syntax remotecandidateid = rtcicecandidatepairstats.remotecandidateid; value a domstring uniquely identifies the remote ice candidate—that is, the candidate describing a configuration for the remote peer—which is represented by the remote end of these statistics.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepairstats.remotecandidateid' in that specification.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.remoteId - Web APIs
the remoteid property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary specifies the id of the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats object representing the remote peer's rtcrtpsender which is sending the media to the local peer.
... syntax var remotestatsid = rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid; value a domstring containing the id of the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats object that represents the remote peer's rtcrtpsender for the synchronization source represented by this stats object.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid' in that specification.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.remoteId - Web APIs
the remoteid property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary specifies the id of the rtcremoteinboundrtpstreamstats object representing the remote peer's rtcrtpreceiver which is sending the media to the local peer for this ssrc.
... syntax var remotestatsid = rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid; value a domstring containing the id of the rtcremoteinboundrtpstreamstats object that represents the remote peer's rtcrtpreceiver for the synchronization source represented by this stats object.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.remoteid' in that specification.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.getDescriptor() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.getdescriptor() method returns a promise that resolves to the first bluetoothgattdescriptor for a given descriptor uuid.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.getdescriptor(bluetoothdescriptoruuid).then(function(bluetoothgattdescriptor) { ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.getDescriptors() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.getdescriptors() method returns a promise that resolves to an array of all bluetoothgattdescriptor objects for a given descriptor uuid.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.getdescriptors(bluetoothdescriptoruuid).then(function(bluetoothgattdescriptors[]) { ... - Web APIs
the read-only property returns a bluetoothcharacteristicproperties instance containing the properties of this characteristic.
... syntax var properties = returns the properties of this characteristic.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.readValue() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.readvalue() method returns a promise that resolves to a dataview holding a duplicate of the value property if it is available and supported.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.readvalue().then(function(dataview) { ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.service - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.service read-only property returns the bluetoothgattservice this characteristic belongs to.
... syntax var bluetoothremotegattserviceinstance = bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.service returns an instance bluetoothgattservice.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.stopNotifications() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.stopnotifications() method returns a promise to the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic instance when there is no longer an active notification on it.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.stopnotifications().then(function(bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic) { ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.uuid - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.uuid read-only property returns domstring containing the uuid of the characteristic, for example '00002a37-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb' for the heart rate measurement characteristic.
... syntax var uuid = bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.uuid returns a domstring.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.value - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.value read-only property returns currently cached characteristic value.
... syntax var value = bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.value returns the currently cached characteristic value.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.writeValue() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.writevalue() method sets the value property to the bytes contained in an arraybuffer and returns a promise.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.writevalue(value).then(function() { ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connected - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattserver.connected read-only property returns a boolean value that returns true while this script execution environment is connected to this.device.
... syntax var connected = bluetoothremotegattserver.connected specifications specification status comment web bluetooththe definition of 'connected' in that specification.
BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.device - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattserver.device read-only property returns a reference to the bluetoothdevice running the server.
... syntax var device = bluetoothremotegattserver.device specifications specification status comment web bluetooththe definition of 'device' in that specification.
BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.disconnect() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattserver.disconnect() method causes the script execution environment to disconnect from this.device.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattserver.disconnect() returns none.
BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.getPrimaryService() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattserver.getprimaryservice() method returns a promise to the primary bluetoothgattservice offered by the bluetooth device for a specified bluetoothserviceuuid.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattserver.getprimaryservice(bluetoothserviceuuid).then(function(bluetoothgattservice) { ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.getPrimaryServices() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattserver.getprimaryservices() method returns a promise to a list of primary bluetoothgattservice objects offered by the bluetooth device for a specified bluetoothserviceuuid.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattserver.getprimaryservices(bluetoothserviceuuid).then(function(bluetoothgattservices) { ...
RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats.reportsSent - Web APIs
the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary's reportssent property provides the number of sender reports (srs) the remote peer has transmitted to the local peer.
... syntax let reportcount = rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats.reportssent; value an integer value which indicates the total number of rtcp sender reports so far sent by the remote peer to the local peer.
Remote debugging - Archive of obsolete content
examples: 391851 share your computer with remote desktop offer to let a developer control your computer using remote desktop software such as vnc or fog creek copilot.
Index - Web APIs
this stream can be used in a similar way as a mediastream obtained via navigator.getusermedia — it can, for example, be sent to a remote peer using the rtcpeerconnection addstream() method.
... 307 bluetoothcharacteristicproperties api, bluetoothcharacteristicproperties, experimental, interface, reference, web bluetooth api the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface of the the web bluetooth api provides an object provides propertieds of a particular bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.
... 309 bluetoothdevice.gatt api, bluetoothdevice, experimental, gatt server, property, reference the bluetoothdevice.gatt read-only property returns a reference to the device's bluetoothremotegattserver.
...And 95 more matches
RTCPeerConnection - Web APIs
the rtcpeerconnection interface represents a webrtc connection between the local computer and a remote peer.
... it provides methods to connect to a remote peer, maintain and monitor the connection, and close the connection once it's no longer needed.
...e="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">rtcpeerconnection</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} constructorrtcpeerconnection() the rtcpeerconnection() constructor returns a newly-created rtcpeerconnection, which represents a connection between the local device and a remote peer.propertiesalso inherits properties from: eventtargetcantrickleicecandidatesthe read-only rtcpeerconnection property cantrickleicecandidates returns a boolean which indicates whether or not the remote peer can accept trickled ice candidates.connectionstate the read-only connectionstate property of the rtcpeerconnection interface indicates the current state of the peer connection by returning...
...And 32 more matches
the remote system was configured to support only the cipher suites permitted for export use.
...peer requires high-grade encryption which is not supported." the remote system was configured to support the cipher suites permitted for domestic use.
... ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap -12286 "cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s)." the local and remote systems share no cipher suites in common.
...And 24 more matches
Establishing a connection: The WebRTC perfect negotiation pattern - Web APIs
const constraints = { audio: true, video: true }; const config = { iceservers: [{ urls: "stun:stun.mystunserver.tld" }] }; const selfvideo = document.queryselector("video.selfview"); const remotevideo = document.queryselector("video.remoteview"); const signaler = new signalingchannel(); const pc = new rtcpeerconnection(config); this code also gets the <video> elements using the classes "selfview" and "remoteview"; these will contain, respectively, the local user's self-view and the view of the incoming stream from the remote peer.
... connecting to a remote peer the start() function shown here can be called by either of the two end-points that want to talk to one another.
... pc.ontrack = ({track, streams}) => { track.onunmute = () => { if (remotevideo.srcobject) { return; } remotevideo.srcobject = streams[0]; }; }; when the track event occurs, this handler executes.
...And 22 more matches
A simple RTCDataChannel sample - Web APIs
we'll cover the mechanics of accomplishing the connection and transmitting and receiving data, but we will save the bits about locating and linking to a remote computer for another example.
... note: even though both ends of our connection will be on the same page, we're going to refer to the one that starts the connection as the "local" one, and to the other as the "remote" end.
... set up the remote peer remoteconnection = new rtcpeerconnection(); remoteconnection.ondatachannel = receivechannelcallback; the remote end is set up similarly, except that we don't need to explicitly create an rtcdatachannel ourselves, since we're going to be connected through the channel established above.
...And 18 more matches
IME handling guide
e10s support even when a remote process has focus, native ime handler in chrome process does its job.
...unfortunately, it's not allowed to use syncronous communication from chrome process to a remote process.
... mozilla::contentcacheinchild this exists only in remote processes.
...And 17 more matches
The Implementation of the Application Object Model - Archive of obsolete content
in the absence of any modifications to xul, etc., this is what would be used by default to hold the tree for a remote xul file.
...the data itself can be fed in from any number of different sources (e.g., from a local file system, from your bookmarks file, or from some remote downloadable rdf file), and can then be combined into a single graph.
...because rdf can suck up data from a remote location (e.g., from a downloadable rdf file), and also suck up data from a local source, it can take the remote data and combine it with local data.
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WebRTC connectivity - Web APIs
each peer, then, keeps two descriptions on hand: the local description, describing itself, and the remote description, describing the other end of the call.
... the recipient receives the offer and calls rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription() to record it as the remote description (the description of the other end of the connection).
... the caller calls rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription() to set the answer as the remote description for its end of the call.
...And 14 more matches
Signaling and video calling - Web APIs
sdp the sdp (session description protocol) string describing the local end of the connection from the perspective of the sender (or the remote end of the connection from the receiver's point of view).
... each ice candidate is sent to the other peer by sending a json message of type "new-ice-candidate" over the signaling server to the remote peer.
...all your code needs to do is route it through to the remote peer using the signaling server.
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RDF in Mozilla FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
by loading chunks of it into a xul ui from a remote site), don't forget to let mozilla-rdf and the rdf interest group lists know. assertions will not // be immediately available alternatively, you can create one directly using the xpcom component manager, as the following code fragment illustrates: // create an rdf/xml datasource using the xpcom component manager var ds = components .classes[";1?name=xml-datasource"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsirdfdatasource); // the nsirdfremotedatasource interface has the interfaces // that we need to setup the datasource.
... var remote = ds.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsirdfremotedatasource); // be sure that your web server will deliver this as text/xml (recommended) or text/rdf!
...And 9 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
102 remote/child module, reference, sdk enables an sdk module loaded into a child process to access web content in the child process and communicate with modules in the main process.
... 103 remote/parent reference, sdk enables you to load modules, and privileged parts of your add-on in general, into child processes.
... 230 displaying web content in an extension without security issues extensions, security, xmlhttprequest, xul one of the most common security issues with extensions is execution of remote code in privileged context.
...And 8 more matches
Setting up your own test automation environment - Learn web development
'test passed'); } else { console.log('test failed'); } driver.quit(); }); }); } in terminal, make sure you are inside your project folder, then enter the following command: node google_test_multiple if you are using a mac and do decide to test safari, you might get an error message along the lines of "could not create a session: you must enable the 'allow remote automation' option in safari's develop menu to control safari via webdriver." if you get this, follow the given instruction and try again.
... you can use any url to point to your resource, including a file:// url to test a local document: driver.get('file:///users/chrismills/git/learning-area/tools-testing/cross-browser-testing/accessibility/fake-div-buttons.html'); or driver.get('http://localhost:8888/fake-div-buttons.html'); but it is better to use a remote server location so the code is more flexible — when you start using a remote server to run your tests (see later on), your code will break if you try to use local paths.
... running remote tests it turns out that running tests on remote servers isn't that much more difficult than running them locally.
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RTCConfiguration - Web APIs
properties bundlepolicy optional specifies how to handle negotiation of candidates when the remote peer is not compatible with the sdp bundle standard.
...if this value is set (it defaults to null), the rtcpeerconnection will not connect to a remote peer unless it can successfully authenticate with the given name.
... constants rtcbundlepolicy enum the rtcbundlepolicy enum defines string constants which are used to request a specific policy for gathering ice candidates if the remote peer isn't "bundle-aware" (compatible with the sdp bundle standard for bundling multiple media streams on a single transport link).
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RTCPeerConnection.addIceCandidate() - Web APIs
when a web site or app using rtcpeerconnection receives a new ice candidate from the remote peer over its signaling channel, it delivers the newly-received candidate to the browser's ice agent by calling rtcpeerconnection.addicecandidate().
... this adds this new remote candidate to the rtcpeerconnection's remote description, which describes the state of the remote end of the connection.
...the same is the case if the value of the specified object's candidate is either missing or an empty string (""), it signals that all remote candidates have been delivered.
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Release phase
you've setup up your local and remote environments, you've selected your l10n tools and projects, done some localization and even some testing!
... add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config file, replacing user@host.domain with your mozilla ldap account name: host user user@host.domain if you have already cloned the remote repository using the http protocol using this command: $ hg clone then you will need to edit the .hg/hgrc file (inside the x-testing local clone) to tell mercurial to push using ssh.
... your .hg/hgrc file shoud look like this (add the emphasized line): [paths] default = default-push = ssh:// if you haven't already cloned the remote repository, enter this command: hg clone ssh:// mercurial will let you know that it's cloning the repository: destination directory: x-testing requesting all changes adding changesets adding manifests adding file changes added 4 changesets with 242 changes to 239 files updating to branch default 239 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved the default push url is the same as the default pull url (i.e., ssh://
...And 7 more matches
RTCPeerConnection.createOffer() - Web APIs
the createoffer() method of the rtcpeerconnection interface initiates the creation of an sdp offer for the purpose of starting a new webrtc connection to a remote peer.
... offertoreceiveaudio optional (legacy) a legacy boolean option which used to control whether or not to offer to the remote peer the opportunity to try to send audio.
... if this value is false, the remote peer will not be offered to send audio data, even if the local side will be sending audio data.
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Command line options
do not run profile_name while running an instance of the application, you can use the -no-remote option to avoid connecting to a running instance. can use the -no-remote option to avoid connecting to a running instance.
... -no-remote do not accept or send remote commands.
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RTCPeerConnection.addTrack() - Web APIs
any tracks that are added to the same stream on the local end of the connection will be on the same stream on the remote end.
...the associated receiver is muted (indicating that it is not able to deliver packets) until and unless one or more streams are added to the receiver by the remote peer.
...this is perfectly acceptable, although it will be up to the remote peer to decide what stream to insert the track into, if any.
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Introduction to the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) - Web APIs
those conditions may be affected by everything from the underlying layers of the network stack to the physical network connection, the intervening networks, the performance of the remote endpoint, noise levels, traffic levels, and so forth.
...these correspond to the following three types of transport supported by rtcpeerconnection: rtcrtpsender rtcrtpsenders handle the encoding and transmission of mediastreamtrack data to a remote peer.
... in the examples below, we'll refer to the peer which is turning "hold" mode on and off as the local peer and the user being placed on hold as the remote peer.
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How do you upload your files to a web server? - Learn web development
here and there: local and remote view once connected, your screen should look something like this (we've connected to an example of our own to give you an idea): let's examine what you're seeing: on the center left pane, you see your local files.
... on the center right pane, you see remote files.
... once you've found the correct remote directory to put your files in, to upload your files to the server you need to drag-and-drop them from the left pane to the right pane.
...And 5 more matches
Localizing with Koala
e's code) version: 3.6 location: choose the folder where you want to keep the localized files or leave empty for now check "mercurial" if you wish to use mercurial to keep the revision history of your files (very recommended) existing localizations: url: if you're editing an existing localization or you already have a repository set up (either on or bitbucket), type the url of the remote repository, e.g. localizations: url: if you already have a repository set up by l10n-drivers (on bitbucket), type the url of the remote repository, e.g.
...if you're starting a new localization, you may not have a remote repository set up yet.
...And 5 more matches
(the value is normally pr_true.) isserver pr_true means the callback function should evaluate the certificate as a server does, treating the remote end as a client.
... pr_false means the callback function should evaluate the certificate as a client does, treating the remote end as a server.
... if isserver is false, the callback should also check that the domain name in the remote server's certificate matches the desired domain name specified in a previous call to ssl_seturl.
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dev/panel - Archive of obsolete content
note that at the moment you can't debug remote targets (for example, firefox os, the firefox os simulator, or firefox for android) using tools developed with this api.
...the messages follow the remote debugging protocol.
...the remote debugging protocol page describes the protocol in detail.
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Introduction to automated testing - Learn web development
commercial cross-browser testing apps like lambdatest, sauce labs, browserstack, and testingbot are based on selenium, but allow you to access their set up remotely using a simple interface, saving you the hassle of setting up your own testing system.
... when loading has finished, you can then start to remotely test the web site running in the chosen browser.
...the top menu allows you to: stop the session give someone else a url so they can observe the test remotely.
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about:debugging - Firefox Developer Tools
in the tools > web developer menu, click remote debugging.
... when about:debugging opens, on the left-hand side, you'll see a sidebar with two options and information about your remote debugging setup: setup use the setup tab to configure the connection to your remote device.
... setup tab connecting to a remote device firefox supports debugging over usb with android devices, using the about:debugging page.
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RTCConfiguration.bundlePolicy - Web APIs
if the remote peer isn't bundle-aware, the ice agent chooses one audio track and one video track and those two tracks are each assigned to the corresponding rtcdtlstransport.
...if the remote endpoint can't handle bundling, each media track is negotiated on its own separate transport.
... this introduces bundling but will fall back to not bundling if the remote peer can't handle it.
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RTCIceTransportState - Web APIs
values "new" the rtcicetransport is currently gathering local candidates, or is waiting for the remote device to begin to transmit the remote candidates, or both.
... "checking" at least one remote candidate has been received, and the rtcicetransport has begun examining pairings of remote and local candidates in order to attempt to identify viable pairs that could be used to establish a connection.
... keep in mind that gathering of local candidates may still be underway, and, similarly, the remote device also may still be gathering candidates of its own.
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RTCPeerConnection: icecandidate event - Web APIs
the event handler should transmit the candidate to the remote peer over the signaling channel so the remote peer can add it to its set of remote candidates.
...this candidate needs to be delivered to the remote peer over the signaling channel your code manages.
... rtcpeerconnection.onicecandidate = (event) => { if (event.candidate) { sendcandidatetoremotepeer(event.candidate) } else { /* there are no more candidates coming during this negotiation */ } } the remote peer, upon receiving the candidate, will add the candidate to its candidate pool by calling addicecandidate(), passing in the candidate string you have passed along using the signaling server.
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RTCStatsReport - Web APIs
inbound-rtp an rtcinboundrtpstreamstats object providing statistics about inbound data being received from remote peers.
...this information considers only the outbound rtp stream, so any data which requires information about the state of the remote peers (such as round-trip time) is unavailable, since those values can't be computed without knowing about the other peers' states.
... remote-candidate the report is an rtcicecandidatestats object containing statistics about the remote candidate's rtcicetransport.
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RTCStatsType - Web APIs
inbound-rtp an rtcinboundrtpstreamstats object providing statistics about inbound data being received from remote peers.
...this information considers only the outbound rtp stream, so any data which requires information about the state of the remote peers (such as round-trip time) is unavailable, since those values can't be computed without knowing about the other peers' states.
... remote-candidate the report is an rtcicecandidatestats object containing statistics about the remote candidate's rtcicetransport.
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Setting up an extension development environment - Archive of obsolete content
to quickly achieve our task of creating just a developer profile, we will start the application with the parameters: /path/to/firefox -no-remote -p profilename without these parameters, the default behavior of your mozilla applications is to only open the everyday user profile: named default.
... on ubuntu (and many other linux distributions): /usr/bin/firefox -no-remote -p dev on other distributions of linux/unix: /usr/local/bin/firefox -no-remote -p dev on macos mavericks (10.9) and newer: /applications/ -no-remote -p dev & on windows: start -> run "%programfiles%\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe" -no-remote -p dev on windows 64 bit: start -> run "%programfiles(x86)%\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe" -no-remote -p dev to s...
... the parameter -p profilename doesn't imply -no-remote, therefore use them together.
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List of Mozilla-Based Applications - Archive of obsolete content
adobe acrobat and adobe reader portable document format (pdf) software uses mozilla spidermonkey adobe flash player popular browser plug-in uses nss in linux version adwatch content management system uses xul and xpcom aicpcu/iia exam app exam delivery software aliwal geocoder geocoding & data on a map amarok xul remote remote control for amarok music player ample sdk javascript gui-framework aol instant messenger im client uses nss apache web server doesn't use nss by default, but can be configured to use nss with mod_nss ssl module apicawatch site performance monitoring tool uses firefox as part of its monitoring package astyle css ed...
...chromium and google chrome web browser uses mozilla nss and npapi libraries chromeless browser with html-based interface classilla mozilla browser for mac os 9 clines a clone of color lines (game) standalone version cloud web operating system cloud browse iphone/ipad/ipod touch browser seems to be firefox running remotely on servers that people access through device conkeror keyboard-oriented browser convertigo enterprise mashup server server tool for transactional web scraping and for web clipping cometbird another firefox mod modified version of firefox correo email couac (fr) web-based email and jabber app couchdb docum...
... dogtag certificate system uses nss dojo javascript toolkit uses mozilla rhino in shrinksafe eclipse platform open development platform the ajax toolkit framework, standard widget toolkit and eclipsemozilla projects make use of mozilla elixon wcms/xul web content management system fully remote xul wcms (no need to install extensions).
...And 3 more matches
XUL Structure - Archive of obsolete content
content from remote sources (e.g. much the same way as an 'http://' url always refers to remote web sites accessed using http, and the 'file://' url always refers to local files, the 'chrome://' url always refers to installed packages and extensions.
... remote xul was disabled in firefox 8, so the following is of historic interest only.
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Unconventional controls - Game development
tv remote playing games on a tv screen doesn't always have to be done through consoles. tvs are shipped with remote controls, which can be used to control your games if you know how.
... using a tv remote to control the game ended up being surprisingly easy, because the events fired by the controller are emulating conventional keyboard keys.
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Localizing with Mercurial
mercurial allows localizers to work locally (on their machines) and then push (an hg term) changes to a remote repository, which usually is hosted on the mozilla servers (
... to update your local l10n repo after your first clone, run this command from your local l10n directory: hg pull -u creating l10n patches another thing you can do with hg without needing account priviledges is creating l10n patches of your work for someone else to commit to your remote l10n repo on the mozilla servers.
... doing this ensures that your dashboards are always accurate, as they look at your remote repo.
...And 3 more matches
method overview void activateframeevent(in astring atype, in boolean capture); void activateremoteframe(); void destroy(); void loadframe(); void loaduri(in nsiuri auri); void sendcrossprocesskeyevent(in astring atype, in long akeycode, in long acharcode, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean apreventdefault); void sendcrossprocessmouseevent(in astring atype, in float ax, in float ay, in long abutton, in long aclickcount, in long amodifiers, ...
... attributes attribute type description delayremotedialogs boolean depthtoogreat boolean find out whether the loader's frame is at too great a depth in the frame tree.
... methods activateframeevent() activates event forwarding from client (remote frame) to parent.
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RTCIceCandidatePairStats - Web APIs
firstrequesttimestamp optional a domhighrestimestamp value which specifies the time at which the first stun request was sent from the local peer to the remote peer for this candidate pair.
... lastpacketreceivedtimestamp optional a domhighrestimestamp value indicating the time at which the last packet was received by the local peer from the remote peer for this candidate pair.
... lastpacketsenttimestamp optional a domhighrestimestamp value indicating the time at which the last packet was sent from the local peer to the remote peer for this candidate pair.
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RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
fircount an integer value which indicates the total number of full intra request (fir) packets which this rtcrtpsender has sent to the remote rtcrtpreceiver.
... nackcount an integer value indicating the total number of negative acknolwedgement (nack) packets this rtcrtpsender has received from the remote rtcrtpreceiver.
... plicount an integer specifying the number of times the remote receiver has notified this rtcrtpsender that some amount of encoded video data for one or more frames has been lost, using picture loss indication (pli) packets.
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RTCPeerConnection.canTrickleIceCandidates - Web APIs
the read-only rtcpeerconnection property cantrickleicecandidates returns a boolean which indicates whether or not the remote peer can accept trickled ice candidates.
... this property is only set after having called rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription().
... syntax var cantrickle = rtcpeerconnection.cantrickleicecandidates; value a boolean that is true if the remote peer can accept trickled ice candidates and false if it cannot.
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RTCPeerConnection.peerIdentity - Web APIs
the read-only rtcpeerconnection property peeridentity returns a javascript promise that resolves to an rtcidentityassertion which contains a domstring identifying the remote peer.
... syntax var identity = rtcpeerconnection.peeridentity; value a javascript promise which resolves to an rtcidentityassertion that describes the remote peer's identity.
... note: the promise returned by setremotedescription() cannot resolve until any target peer identity that's been set is validated.
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RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription() - Web APIs
if the signaling state is one of stable, have-local-offer, or have-remote-pranswer, the webrtc runtime automatically creates a new offer and sets that as the new local description. that time, the offer can be sent to a remote peer via the signaling server.
...just add the signaling server code, which here is represented by the call to signalremotepeer().
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Using DTMF with WebRTC - Web APIs
in order to more fully support audio/video conferencing, webrtc supports sending dtmf to the remote peer on an rtcpeerconnection.
...webrtc currently ignores these payloads; this is because webrtc's dtmf support is primarily intended for use with legacy telephone services that rely on dtmf tones to perform tasks such as: teleconferencing systems menu systems voicemail systems entry of credit card or other payment information passcode entry note: while the dtmf is not sent to the remote peer as audio, browsers may choose to play the corresponding tone to the local user as part of their user experience, since users are typically used to hearing their phone play the tones audibly.
... function handlecallernegotiationneeded() { log("negotiating..."); callerpc.createoffer(offeroptions) .then(function(offer) { log("setting caller's local description: " + offer.sdp); return callerpc.setlocaldescription(offer); }) .then(function() { log("setting receiver's remote description to the same as caller's local"); return receiverpc.setremotedescription(callerpc.localdescription) }) .then(function() { log("creating answer"); return receiverpc.createanswer(); }) .then(function(answer) { log("setting receiver's local description to " + answer.sdp); return receiverpc.setlocaldescription(answer); }) .then(function() { log("setting ...
...And 3 more matches
Border-image generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ab.png" data-stateid="border5"/> <img class="image" src="" data-stateid="border6"/> </div> </div> <div id="load-actions" class="group section"> <div id="toggle-gallery" data-action="hide"> </div> <div id="load-image" class="button"> upload image </div> <input id="remote-url" type="text" placeholder="load an image from url"/> <div id="load-remote" class="button"> </div> </div> <div id="general-controls" class="group section"> <div class="name"> control box </div> <div class="separator"></div> <div class="property"> <div class="name">scale</div> <div class="ui-input-sl...
...tion='hide'] { background-image: url(''); } .button { width: 100px; height: 25px; margin: 10px; color: #fff; text-align: center; font-size: 12px; line-height: 25px; background-color: #379b4a; border-radius: 2px; float: left; } .button:hover { cursor: pointer; background-color: #3380c4; } #load-image { float: left; } #load-remote { width: 30px; background-image: url(''); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } #remote-url { width: 200px; height: 23px; margin: 10px; padding: 0 5px; border: 1px solid #379b4a; border-radius: 2px; float: left; transition: width 0.5s; } #remote-url:focus { box-shadow: 0px 0px 3px -1px #379b... = (function imagereader() { var freader = new filereader(); var browse = document.createelement('input'); var loadimage = function loadimage(e) { if (browse.files.length === 0) return; var file = browse.files[0]; if (file.type.slice(0, 5) !== 'image') return; freader.readasdataurl(file); return false; }; freader.onload = function(e) { imagecontrol.loadremoteimage(; }; var load = function load() {; }; browse.setattribute('type', 'file'); = 'none'; browse.onchange = loadimage; return { load: load }; })(); var imagecontrol = (function imagecontrol() { var scale = 0.5; var imgsource = new image(); var imgstate = null; var selected = null; var topics = ['slice', ...
...And 3 more matches
panel - Archive of obsolete content
you can load remote html into the panel: var mypanel = require("sdk/panel").panel({ width: 180, height: 180, contenturl: "" });; you can also load html that's been packaged with your add-on, and this is most probably how you will create dialogs.
...that is, they can't refer to remote scripts.
...that is, they can't refer to remote scripts.
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Canvas code snippets - Archive of obsolete content
var reader = new filereader; var blob = yield new promise(accept => canvas.toblob(accept, type, options)); reader.readasarraybuffer(blob); yield new promise(accept => { reader.onloadend = accept }); return yield os.file.writeatomic(path, new uint8array(reader.result), { tmppath: path + '.tmp' }); }); } loading a remote page onto a canvas element the following class first creates a hidden iframe element and attaches a listener to the frame's load event.
... once the remote page has loaded, the remotepageloaded method fires.
... remotecanvas = function() { this.url = ''; }; remotecanvas.canvas_width = 300; remotecanvas.canvas_height = 300; remotecanvas.prototype.load = function() { var windowwidth = window.innerwidth - 25; var iframe; iframe = document.createelement('iframe'); = 'test-iframe'; iframe.height = '10px'; iframe.width = windowwidth + 'px'; = 'hidden'; iframe.src = this.url; // here is where the magic happens...
...And 2 more matches
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
not all http responses can be cached, these are the following constraints for an http response to be cached: 61 caldav caldav, glossary, infrastructure caldav (calendaring extensions to webdav) is a protocol standardized by the ietf and used to remotely access calendar data from a server.
... 67 carddav carddav, glossary, infrastructure carddav (vcard extension to webdav) is a protocol standardized by the ietf and used to remote-access or share contact information over a server.
...if your computer were a remote control and the streaming server a television, rtsp would describe how the instruction of the remote control affects the tv.
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Deploying our app - Learn web development
you should now have a "remote" url that points to your new github repo.
... this remote location needs to be added to our local git repository before we can push it up there, otherwise it won't be able to find it.
... you'll need to run a command with the following structure (use the provided https option for now — especially if you are new to github — not the ssh option): git remote add github so if your remote url was, as in the screenshot above, your command would be git remote add github change the url to your own repository, and run it now.
...And 2 more matches
QA phase
after you test your localization, you should send it to a remote repository, which will serve as a backup for your work and will let others follow your progress.
... enter the following command: $ hg log -l 1 you should see an output similar to the one below: changeset: 0:7c543e8f3a6a tag: tip user: your name <> date: mon nov 23 18:08:25 2009 +0100 summary: added search bar strings now compare the local repository on your machine with the remote hg repository by entering this command: $ hg outgoing the hg outgoing command compares the two repositories and lists all changesets that are present locally, but not in the remote repository.
... these changesets will need to be "pushed" to the remote repository.
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RTCIceTransport.state - Web APIs
its value will be one of the following: "new" the rtcicetransport is currently gathering local candidates, or is waiting for the remote device to begin to transmit the remote candidates, or both.
... "checking" at least one remote candidate has been received, and the rtcicetransport has begun examining pairings of remote and local candidates in order to attempt to identify viable pairs that could be used to establish a connection.
... keep in mind that gathering of local candidates may still be underway, and, similarly, the remote device also may still be gathering candidates of its own.
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RTCPeerConnection.onicecandidate - Web APIs
this lets the ice agent perform negotiation with the remote peer without the browser itself needing to know any specifics about the technology being used for signaling; simply implement this method to use whatever messaging technology you choose to send the ice candidate to the remote peer.
...the function should deliver the ice candidate, whose sdp can be found in the event's candidate property, to the remote peer through the signaling server.
...this message should not be sent to the remote peer.
...And 2 more matches
interfaces rtcpeerconnection represents a webrtc connection between the local computer and a remote peer.
... datachannel a new rtcdatachannel is available following the remote peer opening a new data channel.
...this happens as a result of a call to either setlocaldescription() or setremotedescription().
...And 2 more matches
Web Bluetooth API - Web APIs
bluetoothcharacteristicproperties provides properties of a particular bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.
... bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic represents a gatt characteristic, which is a basic data element that provides further information about a peripheral’s service.
... bluetoothremotegattdescriptor represents a gatt descriptor, which provides further information about a characteristic’s value.
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context-menu - Archive of obsolete content
the url can be remote, a reference to an image in the add-on's data directory, or a data uri.
...the url can be remote, a reference to an image in the add-on's data directory, or a data uri.
...the url can be remote, a reference to an image in the add-on's data directory, or a data uri.
...the url can be remote, a reference to an image in the add-on's data directory, or a data uri.
Appendix C: Avoiding using eval in Add-ons - Archive of obsolete content
additionally, parsing json retrieved from a remote location becomes a security vulnerability when parsed with the eval function.
... basically, you are executing remote code with full chrome access; that is, introducing a remote code execution vulnerability.
... even if you trust the remote server; for example, because it is one you rent and administer yourself, there is a huge security risk, because of, but not limited to: you might discontinue your project or sell it, so that it is possible another person with malicious intentions takes over your domain.
... jsonp, which really is just another script tag containing generated, remotely retrieved code, is generally not secure.
Appendix E: DOM Building and Insertion (HTML & XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
failure to do so can lead to execution or remote scripts, and in the worst cases to privilege escalation which can leave a user's pc open to remote attack.
...the following methods will all safely create a dom tree without risk of remote execution.
... function createscript(href, otherstuff) { var script = function (href, otherstuff) { dostuffwith(href); dootherstuff(); for (var somestuff in otherstuff) dosomemorestuffwith(somestuff); } return script.tosource() + "(" + [string.quote(href), uneval(otherstuff)] + ")"; } safely using remote html in the above cases, we're working with text content that needs to appear in generated dom.
... there are cases, however, where we need to safely display formatted html sent by a remote server.
Inner-browsing extending the browser navigation paradigm - Archive of obsolete content
an implementation can also use other transport technologies such as soap-based remote procedure calls, xmlhttprequest interfaces, or dom 3 load.
...there are basically two steps in this process: data load: acquisition of information data acquisition can be implemented using javascript and remote procedure calls using soap-based rpc mechanism or using interfaces like xmlhttprequest (currently offered in netscape 7 and internet explorer 6).
...var x = new xmlremoterequest(); doc=x.getremotedocument(loaddata); note: the above code snippet shows an object being instanciated based on a class named xmlremoterequest.
... * * contributor(s): marcio galli <> * * ***** end license block ***** */ //// /// calldevedge represents the inner-browsing function here // function calldevedge(loaddata,ele) { var x = new xmlremoterequest(); doc=x.getremotedocument(loaddata); document.getelementbyid("container").innerhtml=""; if(doc!=null) { tagname="article"; // ie fix if(document.all) tagname="nde:"+tagname; articles=doc.getelementsbytagname(tagname); for(i=0;i<articles.length;i++) { article=articles.item(i); tagname="title"; // ie fix if(docum...
Deployment and next steps - Learn web development
you will have a remote url that points to your new gitlab git repository, like[your-user]/[your-project].git.
...follow the steps listed under the push an existing folder heading: cd your_root_directory # go into your project's root directory git init git remote add origin[your-user]/mdn-svelte-todo.git git add .
... with these instructions we initialize a local git repository, then set our remote origin (where we will push our code to) as our repo on gitlab.
... next we commit all the files to the local git repo, and then push those to the remote origin on gitlab.
390 nsichromeframemessagemanager interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom interface reference loads a script into the remote frame.
... 664 nsiframeloader interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom interface reference activates event forwarding from client (remote frame) to parent.
...this listener will receive messages sent from the remote frame.
... 863 nsipushservice interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, push, xpcom, xpcom interface reference push lets a remote server send payloads to a web site, add-on, or component running in the browser.
this may be the original command line of this instance or a command line provided remotely by another instance of the application. most cases, this will be null (xremote will sometimes set this attribute).
... state_remote_auto 1 a remote command line automatically redirected to this instance.
... state_remote_explicit 2 a remote command line explicitly redirected to this instance using xremote/windde/appleevents.
Index - Firefox Developer Tools
if you open a json file in the browser, or view a remote url with the content-type set to application/json, it is parsed and given syntax highlighting.
... 93 ui tour the performance tool's ui consists of 4 main pieces: 94 waterfall 95 remote debugging tools, l10n:priority you can use the firefox developer tools on your desktop to debug web sites and web apps running in other browsers or runtimes.
...for communication between the server and the client we use the remote debugging protocol.
... 157 about:debugging debugger, remote debugging, about:debugging the about:debugging page provides a single place from which you can attach the firefox developer tools to a number of debugging targets.
Web Console remoting - Firefox Developer Tools
for communication between the server and the client we use the remote debugging protocol.
... the remote web console is a feature introduced in firefox 18.
...this actor is used for the browser console implementation and for debugging remote firefox/b2g instances.
...the web console actor sends these messages to the remote debugging client.
Key Values - Web APIs
media controller keys because modern remote controls for media devices often include buttons beyond the basic controls covered elsewhere in this document, key values are defined for a broad array of these additional buttons.
... the values below are derived in part form a number of consumer electronics technical specifications: dtv application software environment (part of the atsc specification) open cable application platform 1.1.3 ansi/cea-2014-b: web-based protocol and framework for remote user interface on upnp™ networks and the internet android keyevent key code values note: remote controls typically include keys whose values are already defined elsewhere, such as under multimedia keys or audio control keys.
... vk_on_demand "pairing" starts the process of pairing the remote with a device to be controlled.
... vk_random_toggle gdk_key_audiorandomplay (0x1008ff99) "rclowbattery" a code sent when the remote control's battery is low.
RTCIceCandidate.address - Web APIs
security notes it's important to note here that although webrtc does not require the two peers on an rtcpeerconnection to know one another's true ip addresses, the address property on rtcicecandidate can expose more information about the source of the remote peer than the user expects.
... the ip address can be used to derive information about the remote device's location, network topology, and so forth.
...this can occur without the remote peer's consent.
...doing so prevents the remote user's address from being exposed, but reduces the pool of available candidates to choose from.
RTCIceCandidateStats.networkType - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatestats dictionary's networktype property specifies the type of network used by a local candidate to communicate with a remote peer.
... note: the networktype property is only included in rtcicecandidatestats objects for local candidates (that is, candidates generated locally and included in an sdp offer or answer that has been sent to the remote peer).
... note: keep in mind that the specified value only reflects the initial connection between the local peer and the next hop along the network toward reaching the remote peer.
... window.setinterval(function() { mypeerconnection.getstats(null).then(stats => { let statsoutput = ""; stats.foreach(report => { if ((stats.type === "local-candidate" || stats.type === "remote.candidate") && stats.networktype === "cellular") { statsoutput += `<h2>report: ${report.type}</h3>\n<strong>id:</strong> ${}<br>\n` + `<strong>timestamp:</strong> ${report.timestamp}<br>\n`; // now the statistics for this report; we intentially drop the ones we // sorted to the top above object.keys(report).foreach(statname => { ...
RTCIceTransport - Web APIs
these are the same candidates which have already been sent to the remote peer by sending an icecandidate event to the rtcpeerconnection for transmission.
... getremotecandidates() returns an array of rtcicecandidate objects, one for each of the remote device's ice candidates that have been received by the local end of the rtcpeerconnection and delivered to ice by calling addicecandidate().
... getremoteparameters() returns a rtciceparameters object containing the ice parameters for the remote device, as set by a call to rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription().
... if setremotedescription() hasn't been called yet, the return value is null.
RTCPeerConnection.onaddstream - Web APIs
such an event is sent when a mediastream is added to this connection by the remote peer.
... the event is sent immediately after the call setremotedescription() and doesn't wait for the result of the sdp negotiation.
...these events, of type mediastreamevent, are sent when streams are added to the connection by the remote peer.
... the first time an event occurs may be nearly immediately after the remote end of the connection is set using rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription(); it doesn't wait for a particular stream to be accepted or rejected using sdp negotiation.
RTCPeerConnection.signalingState - Web APIs
this may mean that the rtcpeerconnection object is new, in which case both the localdescription and remotedescription are null; it may also mean that negotiation is complete and a connection has been established.
... "have-remote-offer" the remote peer has created an offer and used the signaling server to deliver it to the local peer, which has set the offer as the remote description by calling rtcpeerconnection.setremotedescription().
... "have-local-pranswer" the offer sent by the remote peer has been applied and an answer has been created (usually by calling rtcpeerconnection.createanswer()) and applied by calling rtcpeerconnection.setlocaldescription().
... "have-remote-pranswer" a provisional answer has been received and successfully applied in response to an offer previously sent and established by calling setlocaldescription().
Request.cache - Web APIs
if there is a match but it is stale, the browser will make a conditional request to the remote server.
... no-store — the browser fetches the resource from the remote server without first looking in the cache, and will not update the cache with the downloaded resource.
... reload — the browser fetches the resource from the remote server without first looking in the cache, but then will update the cache with the downloaded resource.
... if there is a match, fresh or stale, the browser will make a conditional request to the remote server.
Using WebRTC data channels - Web APIs
creating a data channel the underlying data transport used by the rtcdatachannel can be created in one of two ways: let webrtc create the transport and announce it to the remote peer for you (by causing it to receive a datachannel event).
...this will automatically trigger the rtcpeerconnection to handle the negotiations for you, causing the remote peer to create a data channel and linking the two together across the network.
...this process should signal to the remote peer that it should create its own rtcdatachannel with the negotiated property also set to true, using the same id.
... let datachannel = pc.createdatachannel("myapp channel", { negotiated: true }); datachannel.addeventlistener("open", (event) => { begintransmission(datachannel); }); requestremotechannel(; in this code snippet, the channel is created with negotiated set to true, then a function called requestremotechannel() is used to trigger negotiation, to create a remote channel with the same id as the local channel.
WebRTC Statistics API - Web APIs
rtcaudioreceiverstats or rtcvideoreceiverstats rtcaudiohandlerstats or rtcvideohandlerstats rtcmediahandlerstats rtcstats remote-candidate statistics about a remote ice candidate associated with the connection's rtcicetransports.
... rtcicecandidatestats rtcstats remote-inbound-rtp statistics describing the state of the inbound data stream from the perspective of the remote peer.
... rtcremoteinboundrtpstreamstats rtcreceivedrtpstreamstats rtcrtpstreamstats rtcstats remote-outbound-rtp statistics describing the state of the outbound data stream from the perpsective of the remote peer.
... rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats rtcsentrtpstreamstats rtcrtpstreamstats rtcstats sctp-transport statistics about an rtcsctptransport.
widget - Archive of obsolete content
this can be local content or remote content, an image or web content.
...this can point to local content loaded from your add-on's "data" directory or remote content, an image or web content.
...this can point to local content loaded from your add-on's "data" directory or remote content, an image or web content.
Security best practices in extensions - Archive of obsolete content
remote javascript and content there are a number of ways of remote scripts being used in extensions.
... non-chrome urls in chrome xul or html such as the following example are not allowed: <script type="text/javascript" src="" /> in general, scripts that are from remote sources that run in the chrome context are not acceptable, as many times the source of the script can never be 100% guaranteed, and they are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
... the only legitimate environment for remote scripts is to run in a sandbox.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
/file io/text-streams lang/functional lang/type loader/cuddlefish loader/sandbox net/url net/xhr places/bookmarks places/favicon places/history platform/xpcom preferences/event-target preferences/service remote/child remote/parent stylesheet/style stylesheet/utils system/child_process system/environment system/events system/runtime system/unload system/xul-app tabs/utils test/assert test/harness test/httpd test...
...adding sidebars adding windows and dialogs appendix a: add-on performance appendix b: install and uninstall scripts appendix c: avoiding using eval in add-ons appendix d: loading scripts appendix e: dom building and insertion (html & xul) appendix f: monitoring dom changes connecting to remote content custom xul elements with xbl getting started with firefox extensions handling preferences intercepting page loads introduction javascript object management local storage mozilla documentation roadmap observer notifications setting up a development env...
... blogposts build bundlelibrary bundles configuration extensions faq hostwindow installer scripting styling proxy ui pydom rdf api rdf datasource how-to reading textual data remote xul remote debugging rsyncing the cvs repository running windows debug builds downloaded from tinderbox sxsw 2007 presentations safe browsing safe browsing: design documentation safely loading uris same origin policy for xbl space manager detailed design space manager high level design st...
Autodial for Windows NT - Archive of obsolete content
microsoft added a windows system service (remote access auto connection) to handle autodial for all other applications.
...if you are using a system with just a modem, the best approach is to configure the remote access auto connection service to automatically start.
...starting in mozilla 1.1, autodial is triggered whenever an address can't be reached (mozilla now mimics the remote access autodial service.) see bug 160846, bug 167624, and bug 160846.
JavaScript Client API - Archive of obsolete content
the next three methods are called by the sync algorithm when it determines that the state of the local application needs to be changed to keep it up-to-date with the user's remote activities.
... update(record) the argument is a record which has been remotely modified; your store should locate the matching local item (presumably using the guid, which is available in and update it to the new values provided in record.
... remove(record) the argument is a record which has been remotely deleted; your store should locate the matching local item and delete it.
Multiple Firefox profiles
if you would also like to allow multiple instances of firefox to run at the same time, add -no-remote after the profile name.
... if you would also like to allow multiple instances of firefox to run at the same time, add "-no-remote" after the profile name. will want to, for sure, add the -no-remote part to the end of the command field, so that you could run multiple instances at the same time.
Limitations of frame scripts
security restrictions on file access processes that host remote content are isolated from the local system through a content security sandbox.
... one of the functions of the sandbox is to restrict access to the local file system by processes that host remote content.
... since frame and process scripts often execute in remote content processes these scripts are subject to the same file access rules placed on remote content.
IPDL Tutorial
using mozilla::plugins::npremoteevent; sync protocol pplugininstance { child: async handleevent(npremoteevent); }; unions ipdl has built-in support for declaring discriminated unions.
... virtual bool recvinit(bool* windowless, bool* ok) = 0; } rpc semantics "rpc" stands for "remote procedure call," and this third semantics models procedure call semantics. mozilla there are two main top-level protocols: ppluginmodule for remote plugins, and pcontent for remote tabs.
content/base/public/nsimessagemanager.idlscriptable handles loading of content in a remote chrome frame.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsiframemessagemanager last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void loadframescript(in astring aurl, in boolean aallowdelayedload); void removedelayedframescript(in astring aurl); methods loadframescript() loads a script into the remote frame.
... aallowdelayedload if true, the script will be loaded when the remote frame becomes available; otherwise, the script will only be loaded if the frame is already available.
note: if network address translation (nat) is in effect, this may not be the same address the remote host thinks it is talking to.
... obsolete since gecko 1.9 remoteaddress autf8string the ip address of the remote host to which this channel is bound, in the same format produced by pr_netaddrtostring().
... remoteport print32 the remote port number to which the channel is bound.
if this container is a remote container, this flag may be redefined by the remote container provider.
... remotecontainertype obsolete since gecko 1.9 autf8string a string representing the remote container service api that is responsible for this container.
...the container may be a result_type_remote_container node that has been dynamically generated by the remote container api, or a bookmark folder (result_type_folder) for which some service (such as livemarks) has registered to provide certain operations.
refresh() reloads any rdf datasources that support nsirdfremotedatasource.
... note: this is a temporary hack so that remote-xul authors can reload remote datasources.
... when rdf becomes remote-scriptable, this will no longer be necessary.
Address Book examples
assuming you wish to search across multiple directories: let abmanager = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiabmanager); let alladdressbooks = abmanager.directories; while (alladdressbooks.hasmoreelements()) { let ab = alladdressbooks.getnext(); if (ab instanceof components.interfaces.nsiabdirectory && !ab.isremote) { let searchresult = abmanager.getdirectory(ab.uri + "?" + searchquery).childcards; // ...
... } } note: this method doesn't work with remote address books (e.g.
...hence the additional !ab.isremote check how do i add/edit/delete contacts?
Deprecated tools - Firefox Developer Tools
description webide allowed you to connect the firefox developer tools to remote browsers, such as firefox for android.
... alternatives remote debugging is available in about:debugging as of firefox 68.
...features that are planned but not ported yet: remote browser screenshots and edit remote browser configuration.
Network request list - Firefox Developer Tools
remote ip: the ip address of the server answering the request.
... remote-ip shows resources coming from a server with the specified ip.
... remote-ip: remote-ip:[2400:cb00:2048:1::6810:2802] cause shows resources matching a specific cause type.
about:debugging (before Firefox 68) - Firefox Developer Tools
the "enable add-on debugging" button works by turning on the and devtools.debugger.remote-enabled preferences.
... you can also modify the preferences directly in about:config, or by checking "enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes" and "enable remote debugging" in the developer tools settings.
... note that this feature isn't that immediately useful to debugging desktop tabs — you can open up a toolbox to debug a tab easily enough already — but this will become far more useful when about:debugging starts to support remote debugging, and this page can begin to list tabs available for debugging on mobile device browsers, simulators, etc.
connectGATT() - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.connectgatt() method returns a promise that resolves to an instance of bluetoothgattremoteserver.
... syntax instanceofbluetoothdevice.connectgatt().then(function(bluetoothgattremoteserver) { ...
... }) returns a promise that resolves to an instance of bluetoothgattremoteserver.
BluetoothDevice - Web APIs
name; readonly attribute bluetoothremotegattserver?
... bluetoothdevice.gatt read only a reference to the device's bluetoothremotegattserver.
... bluetoothdevice.connectgatt() a promise that resolves to an instance of bluetoothgattremoteserver.
PasswordCredential - Web APIs
the data in the objects will be added to the request body and sent to the remote endpoint with the credentials.
... passwordcredential.idname secure context a usvstring containing the name that will be used for the id field when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
... passwordcredential.passwordname secure context a usvstring representing the name that will be used for the password field when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
RTCConfiguration.certificates - Web APIs
]; let certificates = rtcconfiguration.certificates; value an array of rtccertificate objects, each specifying one security certificate available for use when connecting to a remote peer.
...the implementation of rtcpeerconnection will choose which certificate to use based on the algorithms it and the remote peer support, as determined during dtls handshake. obvious benefit to providing your own is identity key continuity—if you use the same certificate for subsequent calls, the remote peer can tell you're the same caller.
RTCDataChannel - Web APIs
to create a data channel and ask a remote peer to join you, call the rtcpeerconnection's createdatachannel() method.
...either peer is permitted to call this method to initiate closure of the channel.send()the send() method of the rtcdatachannel interface sends data across the data channel to the remote peer.
... message sent to the onmessage event handler when a message has been received from the remote peer.
RTCDtlsTransport.state - Web APIs
connecting dtls is in the process of negotiating a secure connection and verifying the remote fingerprint.
... connected dtls has completed negotiation of a secure connection and verified the remote fingerprint.
... failed the transport has failed as the result of an error (such as receipt of an error alert or failure to validate the remote fingerprint).
RTCIceCandidate.priority - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidate interface's read-only priority property specifies the candidate's priority according to the remote peer; the higher this value is, the better the remote peer considers the candidate to be.
... syntax var priority = rtcicecandidate.priority; value a long, unsigned integer value indicating the priority of the candidate according to the remote peer.
... the larger this value is, the more preferable the remote peer considers this candidate to be.
RTCIceTransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange - Web APIs
syntax rtcicetransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = candidatepairhandler; value this propoerty should be set to reference an event handler function to be called by the ice agent when it discovers a new candidate pair that the rtcicetransport will be using for communication with the remote peer.
... the event handler can determine the current state by calling the transport's getselectedcandidatepair() method, which returns a rtcicecandidatepair whose rtcicecandidatepair.local and properties specify rtcicecandidate objects describing the local and remote candidates that are currently being used.
... var icetransport = pc.getsenders()[0].transport.icetransport; var localproto = document.getelementbyid("local-protocol"); var remoteproto = document.getelementbyid("remote-protocol"); icetransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = function(event) { var pair = icetransport.getselectedcandidatepair(); localprotocol.innertext = pair.local.protocol.touppercase(); remoteprotocol.innertext = pair.remote.protocol.touppercase(); } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcicetransport.onselectedcandidatepairch...
RTCIceTransport: selectedcandidatepairchange event - Web APIs
the pair of candidates is in turn described by an rtcicecandidatepair object which contains one rtcicecandidate representing the local end of the connection, and another representing the remote end of the connection.
... let icetransport = pc.getsenders[0].transport.icetransport; let localprotoelem = document.getelementbyid("local-protocol"); let remoteprotoelem = document.getelementbyid("remote-protocol"); icetransport.addeventlistener("selectedcandidatepairchange", ev => { let pair = icetransport.getselectedcandidatepair(); localprotoelem.innertext = pair.local.protocol.touppercase(); remoteprotoelem.innertext = pair.remote.protocol.touppercase(); }, false) this can also be done by setting the onselectedcandidatepairchange event handle...
... let icetransport = pc.getsenders[0].transport.icetransport; let localprotoelem = document.getelementbyid("local-protocol"); let remoteprotoelem = document.getelementbyid("remote-protocol"); icetransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = ev => { let pair = icetransport.getselectedcandidatepair(); localprotoelem.innertext = pair.local.protocol.touppercase(); remoteprotoelem.innertext = pair.remote.protocol.touppercase(); } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'selectedcandidatepairchange' in that specification.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.pliCount - Web APIs
the plicount property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary states the number of times the remote peer's rtcrtpreceiver sent a picture loss indication (pli) packet to the rtcrtpsender for which this object provides statistics.
... syntax var plicount = rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats.plicount; value an integer value indicating the number of times a pli packet was sent to this sender by the remote peer's rtcrtpreceiver.
... usage notes upon receiving a pli packet, the sender may have responded by sending a full frame to the remote peer to allow it to re-synchronize with the media.
RTCPeerConnection() - Web APIs
the rtcpeerconnection() constructor returns a newly-created rtcpeerconnection, which represents a connection between the local device and a remote peer.
... rtcconfiguration dictionary bundlepolicy optional specifies how to handle negotiation of candidates when the remote peer is not compatible with the sdp bundle standard.
...if this value is set (it defaults to null), the rtcpeerconnection will not connect to a remote peer unless it can successfully authenticate with the given name.
RTCPeerConnection.getStreamById() - Web APIs
the rtcpeerconnection.getstreambyid() method returns the mediastream with the given id that is associated with local or remote end of the connection.
... this property has been replaced with the rtcpeerconnection.getlocalstreams and rtcpeerconnection.getremotestreams properties.
... // from: rtcpeerconnection.prototype.getstreambyid = function(id) { try { var localstreams = this.getlocalstreams(); var remotestreams = this.getremotestreams(); var i; for (i = 0; i < localstreams.length; i++) { if (localstreams[i].id == id) return localstreams[i]; } for (i = 0; i < remotestreams.length; i++) { if (remotestreams[i].id == id) return remotestreams[i]; } } catch(e) {} return null; } ...
RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState - Web APIs
constant description "new" the ice agent is gathering addresses or is waiting to be given remote candidates through calls to rtcpeerconnection.addicecandidate() (or both).
... "checking" the ice agent has been given one or more remote candidates and is checking pairs of local and remote candidates against one another to try to find a compatible match, but has not yet found a pair which will allow the peer connection to be made.
... "connected" a usable pairing of local and remote candidates has been found for all components of the connection, and the connection has been established.
RTCPeerConnection: negotiationneeded event - Web APIs
its role is to create an sdp offer and send it through the signaling channel to the remote peer.
...d", ev => { pc.createoffer() .then(offer => return pc.setlocaldescription(offer)) .then(() => sendsignalingmessage({ type: "video-offer", sdp: pc.localdescription })) .catch(err => { /* handle error */ ); }, false); after creating the offer, the local end is configured by calling rtcpeerconnection.setlocaldescription(); then a signaling message is created and sent to the remote peer through the signaling server, to share that offer with the other peer.
... the other peer should recognize this message and follow up by creating its own rtcpeerconnection, setting the remote description with setremotedescription(), and then creating an answer to send back to the offering peer.
RTCPeerConnection.onnegotiationneeded - Web APIs
example this example, derived from the example in signaling and video calling, establishes a handler for negotiationneeded events to handle creating an offer, configuring the local end of the connection, and sending the offer to the remote peer.
... pc.onnegotiationneeded = function() { pc.createoffer().then(function(offer) { return pc.setlocaldescription(offer); }) .then(function() { // send the offer to the remote peer through the signaling server }); }) .catch(reporterror); } first, it creates the offer by calling createoffer().
...once that's succeeded in turn, the offer can be sent to the signaling server for delivery to the remote peer.
RTCRtpSender - Web APIs
the rtcrtpsender interface provides the ability to control and obtain details about how a particular mediastreamtrack is encoded and sent to a remote peer. can also obtain access to an rtcdtmfsender which can be used to send dtmf codes (to simulate the user pressing buttons on a telephone's dial pad) to the remote peer.
... rtcrtpsender.setparameters() applies changes to parameters which configure how the track is encoded and transmitted to the remote peer.
RTCRtpTransceiver - Web APIs
this association is established, when possible, whenever either a local or remote description is applied.
... this field is null if neither a local or remote description has been applied, or if its associated m-line is rejected by either a remote offer or any answer.
... sender read only the rtcrtpsender object responsible for encoding and sending data to the remote peer.
RTCStats - Web APIs
rtcstats is the foundation of all webrtc statistics objects rtcrtpstreamstats adds to rtcstats information that applies to all rtp endpoints (that is, both local and remote endpoints, and regardless of whether the endpoint is a sender or a receiver) rtcreceivedrtpstreamstats further adds statistics measured at the receiving end of an rtp stream, regardless of whether it's local or remote.
... rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats contains statistics related to the receiver at the remote end of the rtp stream.
... rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats holds statistics related to the remote sending end an rtp stream.
Using XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
analyzing and manipulating the responsexml property if you use xmlhttprequest to get the content of a remote xml document, the responsexml property will be a dom object containing a parsed xml document.
... processing a responsetext property containing an html document if you use xmlhttprequest to get the content of a remote html webpage, the responsetext property is a string containing the raw html.
... for example, consider this snippet, which uses the responsetype of "arraybuffer" to fetch the remote content into a arraybuffer object, which stores the raw binary data.
CORS errors - HTTP
if the cors configuration isn't setup correctly, the browser console will present an error like "cross-origin request blocked: the same origin policy disallows reading the remote resource at $somesite" indicating that the request was blocked due to violating the cors security rules.'s possible that the request is in fact intentionally being disallowed by the user's web application and remote external service. will probably look like this: the text of the error message will be something similar to the following: cross-origin request blocked: the same origin policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://some-url-here.
page-worker - Archive of obsolete content
this can point to a remote file: pageworker = require("sdk/page-worker").page({ contentscript: "console.log(document.body.innerhtml);", contenturl: "" }); it can also point to an html file which you've packaged with your add-on.
...this can point to local content loaded from your add-on's "data" directory or remote content.
Low-Level APIs - Archive of obsolete content
remote/child enables an sdk module loaded into a child process to access web content in the child process and communicate with modules in the main process.
... remote/parent enables you to load modules, and privileged parts of your add-on in general, into child processes.
cfx - Archive of obsolete content
for example, if you type: cfx run ---no-run you will see something like: to launch the application, enter the following command: /path/to/firefox/firefox-bin -profile /path/to/profile/tmpjdnlp6.mozrunner -foreground -no-remote this enables you to run the add-on without going through cfx, which might be useful if you want to run it inside a debugger like gdb.
... for example, if you type: cfx run ---no-run you will see something like: to launch the application, enter the following command: /path/to/firefox/firefox-bin -profile /path/to/profile/tmpjdnlp6.mozrunner -foreground -no-remote this enables you to run the add-on without going through cfx, which might be useful if you want to run it inside a debugger like gdb.
HTML to DOM - Archive of obsolete content
safely parsing simple html to dom when using xmlhttprequest to get the html of a remote webpage, it is often advantageous to turn that html string into dom for easier manipulation.
... however, there are potential dangers involved in injecting remote content in a privileged context in your extension, so it can be desirable to parse the html safely.
Downloading JSON and JavaScript in extensions - Archive of obsolete content
a common practice found in many extensions is using xmlhttprequest (or some other mechanism) to download javascript or json (they are different) from a remote website.
...downloading state from a remote webserver using json is becoming extremely popular.
Enhanced Extension Installation - Archive of obsolete content
if the item is not compatible, the extension system asks the appropriate update service (either the one specified by the item, or the default one) if there is remote compatibility information that supercedes the compatibility information held by the item.
... if there is, and this remote information makes it so that the item is now compatible with the running version of the application, the item is configured in the manner described above (metadata written, added to container).
Promises - Archive of obsolete content
notifyuser(xhr.responsetext); }); downloading remote files nearly all previous methods of downloading remote files have been superseded by the much simpler downloads.jsm module.
... the downloads object provides a promise-based api for downloading remote files, with full support for progress tracking, pause and resume, and, optionally, integration with the download manager ui.
Creating Dialogs - Archive of obsolete content
this means it will not work on remote sites; for those, use instead.
... amongst other useful attributes are buttonlabelaccept - label to appear on the accept button egsave buttonaccesskeyaccept - access key to use for the accept button egs defaultbutton - button is activated when the enter key is pressed note: the label attributes are required by remote sites and are probably missing in the above examples due to bug 224996.
Introduction - Archive of obsolete content
remote xul application you could also just place xul code on a web server and open it in firefox, as you would any other web page, however this is discouraged and was disabled in firefox 8.
... it is still possible to enable this for selected sites to let legacy apps to continue working, but for new remote applications you should use html to create your user interface instead; most of the features you used to have to use xul for are available in html5.
XUL Questions and Answers - Archive of obsolete content
is localizing remote xul possible?
... loading remote dtds for xml documents is currenty not supported in xul.
iframe - Archive of obsolete content
currently, xul iframes running in remote processes are not supported.
... if you want to run content in a remote process, use a xul browser element.
Back to the Server: Server-Side JavaScript On The Rise - Archive of obsolete content
armed with some basic java knowledge, you can extend javascript to include some of the most desired capability such as database access, remote web requests, and xml processing.
... importpackage( ); // connect to the remote resource var u = new url( "" ); var c = u.openconnection(); c.connect(); // read in the raw data var s = new c.getinputstream() ); var b = new s ); var l, str = ""; while( ( l = b.readline() ) != null ) { // skip if( l != "" ) { str = str + l + "\n"; } } // define the namespaces, first the default, // then add...
WebDAV - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
webdav (web distributed authoring and versioning) is an http extension that lets web developers update their content remotely from a client.
... webdav is rarely used alone, but two extensions are very common: caldav (remote-access calendar) and carddav (remote-access address book).
How much does it cost to do something on the Web? - Learn web development
however, people often choose dedicated (s)ftp clients to display local or remote directories side-by-side and store server passwords.
... you need to upload content to a remote server (see hosting below), so you need a modem.
How do you set up a local testing server? - Learn web development
remote files throughout most of the learning area, we tell you to just open your examples directly in a browser — this can be done by double clicking the html file, dragging and dropping it into the browser window, or choosing file > open... contrast, if you view one of our examples hosted on github (or an example on some other remote server), the web address will start with http:// or https://, to show that the file has been received via http.
Choosing the right approach - Learn web development
for example: remotedb.alldocs({ include_docs: true, attachments: true }).then(function (result) { let docs = result.rows; docs.foreach(function(element) { localdb.put(element.doc).then(function(response) { alert("pulled doc with id " + element.doc._id + " and added to local db."); }).catch(function (err) { if ( == 'conflict') { localdb.get(element.doc._id).then(function (r...
... it is better to use the chaining power of promises to go with a flatter, easier to parse structure: remotedb.alldocs(...).then(function (resultofalldocs) { return localdb.put(...); }).then(function (resultofput) { return localdb.get(...); }).then(function (resultofget) { return localdb.put(...); }).catch(function (err) { console.log(err); }); or even: remotedb.alldocs(...) .then(resultofalldocs => { return localdb.put(...); }) .then(resultofput => { return localdb.get(...); }) .then(resultofget => { return localdb.put(...); }) .catch(err => console.log(err)); that covers a lot of the basics.
Introducing a complete toolchain - Learn web development
git is currently the most popular source code revision control tool available to developers — revision control provides many advantages, such as a way to backup your work in a remote place, and a mechanism to work in a team on the same project without fear of overwriting each other's code.
... making sure you are inside the root of the will-it-miss directory, enter the following command to start git’s source control functionality working on the directory: git init this means that you'll now be able to start storing revisions to the folder's contents, saving it to a remote repository, etc.
Client-side tooling overview - Learn web development
you then "push" changes to a "master" version of the code inside a remote repository stored on a server somewhere.
...for example, a typical toolchain will wait for you to push changes to a remote repo, run some tests to see if the changes are ok, and then if the tests pass, automatically deploy your app to a production site.
Using the Browser API
MozillaGeckoChromeAPIBrowser APIUsing
the html an <iframe> is turned into a browser iframe by setting the mozbrowser attribute on it: <iframe src="" mozbrowser> in addition, the <iframe> can be loaded in its own child process — separate to the page embedding this frame — by including the remote attribute.
... <iframe src="http://hostname.tld" mozbrowser remote> warning: this last attribute is necessary for security reasons if you plan to load content from an untrusted/unknown origin.
Bootstrapping a new locale
with that level of authority, you will be able to push and pull and manage the repository remotely.
...this is why you need to do hg push, which sends the already made commits to the remote repository ( in the example above).
you've setup up your local and remote environments, you've selected your l10n tools and projects, done some localization and even some testing!
...mercurial allows localizers to work locally (on their machines) and then push (an hg term) changes to a remote repository, which usually is hosted on the mozilla servers (
Profiling with the Firefox Profiler
a build job with the "nightly configuration.) profiling firefox mobile firefox 61 for android supports gecko profiler again; see remote profiling on android for details.
... set devtools.debugger.remote-enabled to true in about:config for fennec.
Profile Manager
launch option command line argument run firefox in offline mode -offline run firefox in safe mode -safe-mode start firefox with a console -console start new instance -no-remote note: it isn't possible to start a second instance of firefox without passing it the -no-remote command line argument.
... for this reason, if you attempt to launch firefox using profile manager, and it detects that another instance of firefox is already running, it will automatically add the -no-remote argument for you, regardless of whether this launch option was checked.
Hacking Tips
one way to investigate is to let valgrind start gdb for you, the other way documented here is to let valgrind act as a gdb server which can be manipulated from the gdb remote.
... $ valgrind --smc-check=all-non-file --vex-iropt-register-updates=allregs-at-mem-access --vgdb-error=0 ./js … this command will tell you how to start gdb as a remote.
Security and the jar protocol
inotes has since been updated so that it no longer needs remote jars, so they have been disabled again in firefox 55.
... you may re-enable the feature if necessary by setting the network.jar.block-remote-files preference to false.
Finishing the Component
if you care to extend this implementation so that the list of urls is held remotely on a server somewhere - as might be the case when the weblock component is used in a corporate intranet, for example - there are networking apis in gecko that will support this.
...but it only should do this comparison for remote urls, because we don't want to block the application from loading local content that it requires, like files it gets via the resource:// protocol.
this provides a way for local frames to receive messages from remote frames.
...this listener will receive messages sent from the remote frame.
methods void loadframescript(in astring aurl, in boolean aallowdelayedload, [optional] in boolean aruninglobalscope) void removedelayedframescript(in astring aurl); jsval getdelayedframescripts(); loadframescript() load a script in the remote frame.
... getdelayedframescripts() returns all delayed scripts that will be loaded once a (remote) frame becomes available.
) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview long calculateupdateinterval(in nsidomnode apagecontent); boolean equals(in nsimicrosummarygenerator aother); astring generatemicrosummary(in nsidomnode apagecontent); attributes attribute type description loaded boolean has the generator itself (which may be a remote resource) been loaded.
...for generators installed via nsisidebar.addmicrosummarygenerator(), this uri is a urn of the form urn:source:<url>, where <url> is the remote location from which we installed the generator.
dom/interfaces/push/nsipushservice.idlscriptable a service for components to subscribe and receive push messages from remote servers.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 46.0 (firefox 46.0 / thunderbird 46.0 / seamonkey 2.43) push lets a remote server send payloads to a web site, add-on, or component running in the browser.
embedding/components/webbrowserpersist/nsiwebbrowserpersist.idlscriptable interface for persisting dom documents and uris to local or remote storage.
...this flag does nothing for failed upload operations to remote servers.
the default charset if this function is not called is "utf-8" void setauthentication ( in string encoding ) ; parameters encoding encoding charset to be used asynccall() call remote method methodname asynchronously with given arguments.
...parameters listener a nsixmlrpcclientlistener that will get notified of xml-rpc events ctxt a context to be passed on to the listener methodname remote method to call arguments array of arguments to pass to the remote method count void asynccall ( in nsixmlrpcclientlistener listener, in nsisupports ctxt, in string methodname, [array, size_is(count)] in nsisupports arguments, in pruint32 count ); createtype() convenience: return the correct nsisupportsprimitive for a given xml-rpc type, or nsisupportsarray or ns...
Using the Multiple Accounts API
incoming servers (nsimsgincomingserver): an incoming server represents a remote message store such as a pop, imap, or nntp server.
... it holds all the information necessary to retrieve mail from the remote server, such as hostname, user login name, and biff settings.
Working with windows in chrome code
todo: link to how to pass an xpcom object to a new window when it has a more useful example opener code: window.opendialog("chrome://test/content/progress.xul", "myprogress", "chrome,centerscreen", {status: "reading remote data", maxprogress: 50, progress: 10} ); progress.xul: <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window onload="onload();" xmlns=""> <script><![cdata[ var gstatus, gprogressmeter; var maxprogress = 100; function onload() { gstatus = document.getelementbyid("status"); gprogressmeter =...
... window.opendialog( "chrome://test/content/progress.xul", "myprogress", "chrome,centerscreen", {status: "reading remote data", maxprogress: 50, progress: 10}, oncancel ); the progress dialog can then run the callback like this: <button label="cancel" oncommand="window.arguments[1](); close();" /> example 3: using nsiwindowmediator when opener is not enough the window.opener property is very easy to use, but it's only useful when you're sure that your window was opened from one of a few well-known places.
URLs - Plugins
plug-ins can use this capability to post form data to cgi scripts using http or upload files to a remote server using ftp.
... char* ppostdata = "content-type:\tapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded\ncontent-length:\t17\n\\n"; uint32 npostdatalen = (uint32)strlen(ppostdata); npn_posturl(npinstance, "","_blank", npostdatalen, ppostdata, false); uploading files to an ftp server plug-ins can use npn_posturl or npn_posturlnotify to upload files to a remote server using ftp.
Browser Toolbox - Firefox Developer Tools
to enable it you need to check the settings "enable chrome and addon debugging" and "enable remote debugging".
... to do this, open the developer tools settings, go to the section "advanced settings", and check the settings "enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes" and "enable remote debugging".
The Firefox JavaScript Debugger - Firefox Developer Tools
you can use it to debug code running locally in firefox or running remotely, for example on an android device running firefox for android.
... see remote debugging to learn how to connect the debugger to a remote target.
DevTools API - Firefox Developer Tools
a target is usually a web page (a tab), but can be other things (a chrome window, a remote tab,…).
... id: "inspector", icon: "chrome://browser/skin/devtools/inspector-icon.png", url: "chrome://browser/content/devtools/inspector/inspector.xul", get label() { let strings = services.strings.createbundle("chrome://browser/locale/devtools/"); return strings.getstringfromname("inspector.label"); }, istargetsupported: function(target) { return !target.isremote; }, build: function(iframewindow, toolbox, node) { return new inspectorpanel(iframewindow, toolbox, node); } }); open a tool, or select it if the toolbox is already open: let target = targetfactory.fortab(gbrowser.selectedtab); let toolbox = gdevtools.opentoolbox(target, null, "inspector"); toolbox.once("inspector-ready", function(event, panel) { let inspector = toolbox.gettoolpa...
Migrating from Firebug - Firefox Developer Tools
view remote address the remote address of a request is shown within the remote ip column within firebug.
... in the network monitor the address is shown at remote address in the headers tab when a request is selected.
Page Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
you can examine pages loaded in the local copy of firefox or in a remote target such as firefox for android.
... see remote debugging to learn how to connect the developer tools to a remote target.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties - Web APIs
the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface of the the web bluetooth api provides the operations that are valid on the given bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.
... this interface is returned by calling
BluetoothDevice.gatt - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.gatt read-only property returns a reference to the device's bluetoothremotegattserver.
... syntax var gattserver = instanceofbluetoothdevice.gatt returns a reference to the device's bluetoothremotegattserver.
characteristic - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.characteristic read-only property returns the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic this descriptor belongs to.
... syntax var characteristic = bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.characteristic returns an instance of bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.
readValue() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.readvalue() method returns a promise that resolves to an arraybuffer holding a duplicate of the value property if it is available and supported.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.readvalue().then(function(value[]) { ...
uuid - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.uuid read-only property returns the uuid of the characteristic descriptor, for example '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb' for theclient characteristic configuration descriptor.
... syntax var uuid = bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.uuid returns a uuid.
value - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.value read-only property returns an arraybuffer containing the currently cached descriptor value.
... syntax var characteristic = bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.characteristic returns an arraybuffer.
writeValue() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.writevalue() method sets the value property to the bytes contained in an arraybuffer and returns a promise.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.writevalue(array[]).then(function() { ...
EventSource() - Web APIs
the eventsource() constructor returns a newly-created eventsource, which represents a remote resource.
... syntax eventsource = new eventsource(url, configuration); parameters url a usvstring that represents the location of the remote resource serving the events/messages.
HTMLMediaElement - Web APIs
the domtokenlist takes one or more of three possible values: nodownload, nofullscreen, and noremoteplayback.
... htmlmediaelement.disableremoteplayback a boolean that sets or returns the remote playback state, indicating whether the media element is allowed to have a remote playback ui.
Keyboard API - Web APIs
the intended use of the keyboard api is by web applications such as games or remote access apps that provide a full-screen immersive experience.
...} keyboard locking richly interactive web pages, games, and remote-streaming experiences often require access to special keys and keyboard shortcuts while in full-screen mode.
PasswordCredential.idName - Web APIs
the idname property of the passwordcredential interface returns a usvstring, representing the name that will be used for the id field, when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
... syntax var idname = passwordcredential.idname passwordcredential.idname = "userid" value a usvstring represents the name used for the id field, when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
PasswordCredential.passwordName - Web APIs
the passwordname property of the passwordcredential interface returns a usvstring, depicting the name used by the password field, when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
... syntax var passwordname = passwordcredential.passwordname passwordcredential.passwordname = "passcode" value a usvstring representing the password field name, used when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
RTCDataChannel.negotiated - Web APIs
example the code snippet below checks the value of negotiated; if it's true, a function called shutdownremotechannel() is called with the channel's id; presumably this would be implemented to transmit a shutdown signal to the remote peer prior to terminating the connection.
... if (datachannel.negotiated) { shutdownremotechannel(; } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcdatachannel.negotiated' in that specification.
RTCDataChannel.send() - Web APIs
the send() method of the rtcdatachannel interface sends data across the data channel to the remote peer.
... example in this example, a routine called sendmessage() is created; it accepts an object as input and sends to the remote peer, over the rtcdatachannel, a json string with the specified object and a time stamp.
RTCDtlsTransport - Web APIs
description allocation of dtls transports rtcdtlstransport objects are created when an app calls either setlocaldescription() or setremotedescription().
... because transports are established early in the negotiation process, it's likely that it won't be known until after they're created whether or not the remote peer supports bundling or not.
RTCIceCandidate.relatedAddress - Web APIs
if the candidate is a host candidate (that is, its ip is in fact the real ip address of the remote peer), relatedaddress is null.
... here's an sdp attribute line (a-line) describing an ice candidate discovered by the stun server: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 6502 typ srflx raddr rport 32768 generation 0 the remote address, relatedaddress, is the dotted quad (for ipv4) or colon-delineated 64-bit address (for ipv6) immediately following the text "raddr", or "".
RTCIceCandidate.relatedPort - Web APIs
if the candidate is a host candidate (that is, its ip is in fact the real ip address of the remote peer), relatedport is null.
... here's an sdp attribute line (a-line) describing an ice candidate discovered by the stun server: a=candidate:4234997325 1 udp 2043278322 6502 typ srflx raddr rport 32768 generation 0 the remote port, relatedport, is the number immediately following the "rport" label on the a-line, or 32768.
RTCIceCandidate.type - Web APIs
host the candidate is a host candidate, whose ip address as specified in the rtcicecandidate.ip property is in fact the true address of the remote peer.
... example in this example, the candidate's type is used to present a modified user interface for host candidates (those where the ip refers directly to the remote peer, rather than an intermediary).
RTCIceCandidateInit.candidate - Web APIs
the complete list of attributes for this example candidate is: foundation = 4234997325 component = "rtp" (the number 1 is encoded to this string; 2 becomes "rtcp") protocol = "udp" priority = 2043278322 ip = "" port = 44323 type = "host" example when a new ice candidate is received by your signaling code from the remote peer, you need to construct the rtcicecandidate object that encapsulates it.
...if your client-side signaling layer builds and transmits a json string including the candidate to the remote peer, the remote peer might handle receiving that json message like this: function goticecandidatemessage(msg) { var icecandidate = new rtcicecandidate({ candidate: msg.candidate; }); pc.addicecandidate(icecandidate).catch({ /* handle error */ }); } it's helpful to note that for backward compatibility with older versions of the webrtc specification, the rtcicecandidate() constructor accepts the value of candidate as its only input, in place of the rtcicecandidateinit dictionary.
RTCIceCandidatePair - Web APIs
remote the rtcicecandidate describing the configuration of the remote end of the connection.
... var icetransport = pc.getsenders()[0].transport.icetransport; var localproto = document.getelementbyid("local-protocol"); var remoteproto = document.getelementbyid("remote-protocol"); icetransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = function(event) { var pair = icetransport.getselectedcandidatepair(); localprotocol.innertext = pair.local.protocol.touppercase(); remoteprotocol.innertext = pair.remote.protocol.touppercase(); } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcicecandidatepair' in that specificati...
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.currentRoundTripTime - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property currentroundtriptime is a floating-point value indicating the number of seconds it takes for data to be sent by this peer to the remote peer and back over the connection described by this pair of ice candidates.
... this value is computed by observing the time that elapsed between the most recent stun request being sent to the remote peer and the response to that request arriving.
RTCIceCandidateStats.deleted - Web APIs
remote (turn) candidate a value of true means the candidate's turn allocation is no longer active.
... window.setinterval(function() { mypeerconnection.getstats(null).then(stats => { let statsoutput = ""; stats.foreach(report => { if ((stats.type === "local-candidate" || stats.type === "remote.candidate") && !stats.deleted) { statsoutput += `<h2>report: ${report.type}</h3>\n<strong>id:</strong> ${}<br>\n` + `<strong>timestamp:</strong> ${report.timestamp}<br>\n`; // now the statistics for this report; we intentially drop the ones we // sorted to the top above object.keys(report).foreach(statname => { if (statna...
RTCIceParameters - Web APIs
during ice negotiation, each peer's username fragment and password are recorded in an rtciceparameters object, which can be obtained from the rtcicetransport by calling its getlocalparameters() or getremoteparameters() method, depending on which end interests you.
... usage notes the username fragment and password uniquely identify the remote peer for the duration of the ice session, and are used to both ensure security and to avoid crosstalk across multiple ongoing ice sessions.
RTCIceTransport.getLocalCandidates() - Web APIs
the local candidates are placed in this list by the ice agent prior to being delivered to the local client's code in an icecandidate event so that the client can forward the candidates to the remote peer.
... you can't correlate these local candidates with matching remote candidates.
RTCIceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair() - Web APIs
local describes the configuration of the local end of the connection, while remote describes the remote peer's configuration.
... var icetransport = pc.getsenders()[0].transport.icetransport; var localproto = document.getelementbyid("local-protocol"); var remoteproto = document.getelementbyid("remote-protocol"); icetransport.onselectedcandidatepairchange = function(event) { var pair = icetransport.getselectedcandidatepair(); localprotocol.innertext = pair.local.protocol.touppercase(); remoteprotocol.innertext = pair.remote.protocol.touppercase(); } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time com...
RTCIceTransport.ongatheringstatechange - Web APIs
"complete" the transport has finished gathering ice candidates and has sent the end-of-candidates indicator to the remote device.
... example this snippet establishes a handler for the gatheringstatechange event that checks to see if the state has changed to "complete", indicating that all ice candidates from both the local and remote peers have been received and processed.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.fecPacketsReceived - Web APIs
the fecpacketsreceived property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates how many forward error correction (fec) packets have been received by this rtp receiver from the remote peer.
... syntax var fecpacketsreceived = rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.fecpacketsreceived; value an unsigned integer value which indicates the total number of fec packets which have been recieved from the remote peer during this rtp session.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.sliCount - Web APIs
the slicount property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates how many slice loss indication (sli) packets the rtcrtpreceiver for which this object provdes statistics sent to the remote rtcrtpsender.
... syntax var slicount = rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.slicount; value an unsigned integer indicating the number of sli packets this receiver sent to the remote sender due to lost runs of macroblocks.
RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer() - Web APIs
the createanswer() method on the rtcpeerconnection interface creates an sdp answer to an offer received from a remote peer during the offer/answer negotiation of a webrtc connection.
...the contents of the object being passed to the sendtoserver() function, along with everything else in the promise fulfillment handler, depend entirely on your design pc.createanswer().then(function(answer) { return pc.setlocaldescription(answer); }) .then(function() { // send the answer to the remote peer through the signaling server.
RTCPeerConnection: datachannel event - Web APIs
a datachannel event is sent to an rtcpeerconnection instance when an rtcdatachannel has been added to the connection, as a result of the remote peer calling rtcpeerconnection.createdatachannel().
... pc.addeventlistener("datachannel", ev => { receivechannel =; receivechannel.onmessage = myhandlemessage; receivechannel.onopen = myhandleopen; receivechannel.onclose = myhandleclose; }, false); receivechannel is set to the value of the event's channel property, which specifies the rtcdatachannel object representing the data channel linking the remote peer to the local one.
RTCPeerConnection.onremovestream - Web APIs
the removestream event has been removed from the webrtc specification in favor of the existing removetrack event on the remote mediastream and the corresponding mediastream.onremovetrack event handler property of the remote mediastream.
... the rtcpeerconnection api is now track-based, so having zero tracks in the remote stream is equivalent to the remote stream being removed and the old removestream event.
RTCPeerConnection.onsignalingstatechange - Web APIs
the function receives as input the event object of type event; this event is sent when the peer connection's signalingstate changes, which may happen either because of a call to setlocaldescription() or to setremotedescription().
...entlistener(): myrtcpeerconnection.addeventlistener("signalingstatechange", mysignalingstatechangehandler); or, using an anonymous (inline) handler: myrtcpeerconnection.addeventlistener("signalingstatechange", event => { /* handle the event here */ }); example this snippet shows a handler for signalingstatechange that looks for the "have-local-pranswer" signaling state—indicating that a remote offer has been received and a local description of type "pranswer" has been applied in response.
RTCPeerConnection: removestream event - Web APIs
bubbles no cancelable no interface mediastreamevent event handler property rtcpeerconnection.onremovestream important: this event has been removed from the webrtc specification in favor of the existing removetrack event on the remote mediastream and the corresponding mediastream.onremovetrack event handler property of the remote mediastream.
... the rtcpeerconnection api is now track-based, so having zero tracks in the remote stream is equivalent to the remote stream being removed, which caused a removestream event.
RTCPeerConnection.restartIce() - Web APIs
after restartice() returns, the offer returned by the next call to createoffer() is automatically configured to trigger ice restart on both the local peer (once the local peer has been set) and on the remote peer, once the offer is sent across your signaling mechanism and the remote peer has set its description as well.
... usage notes after calling restartice(), the next offer created using createoffer() will initiate ice restart once sent to the remote peer over your signaling mechanism.
RTCTrackEvent - Web APIs
in addition, the mediastreamtrack specified by the receiver's track is the same one specified by the event's track, and the track has been added to any associated remote mediastream objects.
... note: it may be helpful to keep in mind that you receive the track event when a new inbound track has been added to your connection, and you call addtrack() to add a track to the far end of the connection, thereby triggering a track event on the remote peer.
SpeechSynthesisVoice.voiceURI - Web APIs
this is a generic uri and can point to local or remote services, e.g.
... it could be a proprietary system urn or a a url to a remote service. - Web APIs
note that remote urls won't load immediately.
...moving and resizing a window remotely on the user's screen via script will very often annoy the users, will disorient the user, and will be wrong at best.
Web APIs
udioworkletnodeoptions audioworkletprocessor authenticatorassertionresponse authenticatorattestationresponse authenticatorresponse b baseaudiocontext basiccardrequest basiccardresponse batterymanager beforeinstallpromptevent beforeunloadevent biquadfilternode blob blobbuilder blobevent bluetooth bluetoothadvertisingdata bluetoothcharacteristicproperties bluetoothdevice bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic bluetoothremotegattdescriptor bluetoothremotegattserver bluetoothremotegattservice body broadcastchannel budgetservice budgetstate buffersource bytelengthqueuingstrategy bytestring c cdatasection css cssconditionrule csscounterstylerule cssgroupingrule cssimagevalue csskeyframerule csskeyframesrule csskeywordvalue cssmathproduct cssmathsum cssmathvalue...
...dentialtype rtcicegathererstate rtciceparameters rtciceprotocol rtcicerole rtciceserver rtcicetcpcandidatetype rtcicetransport rtcicetransportstate rtcidentityassertion rtcidentityerrorevent rtcidentityevent rtcinboundrtpstreamstats rtcnetworktype rtcofferansweroptions rtcofferoptions rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats rtcpeerconnection rtcpeerconnectioniceerrorevent rtcpeerconnectioniceevent rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats rtcrtcpparameters rtcrtpcapabilities rtcrtpcodeccapability rtcrtpcodecparameters rtcrtpcontributingsource rtcrtpencodingparameters rtcrtpparameters rtcrtpreceiveparameters rtcrtpreceiver rtcrtpsendparameters rtcrtpsender rtcrtpstreamstats rtcrtpsynchronizationsource rtcrtptransceiver rtcrtptransceiverdirection rtcrtptransceiverinit rtcsctptransport rtcsessiondescription ...
@font-face - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the @font-face css at-rule specifies a custom font with which to display text; the font can be loaded from either a remote server or a locally-installed font on the user's own computer.
...this can be a url to a remote font file location or the name of a font on the user's computer.
<video>: The Video Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the allowed values are nodownload, nofullscreen and noremoteplayback.
... disableremoteplayback a boolean attribute used to disable the capability of remote playback in devices that are attached using wired (hdmi, dvi, etc.) and wireless technologies (miracast, chromecast, dlna, airplay, etc).
HTTP conditional requests - HTTP
avoiding the lost update problem with optimistic locking a common operation in web applications is to update a remote document.
... this is very common in any file system or source control applications, but any application that allows to store remote resources needs such a mechanism.
OpenSearch description format
note: for icons loaded remotely (that is, from https:// uris as opposed to data: uris), firefox will reject icons larger than 10 kilobytes.
... remotely fetched favicons must not be larger than 10kb (see bug 361923).
SVG documentation index - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
it serves as container for <font-face-name>, pointing to locally installed copies of this font, and <font-face-uri>, utilizing remotely defined fonts.
... 339 <font-face-uri> deprecated, element, needsexample, reference, svg, svg font the <font-face-uri> svg element points to a remote definition of the current font.
XUL Migration Guide - Archive of obsolete content
ween: add-on scripts, which can use the sdk apis, but are not able to interact with web pages content scripts, which can access web pages, but do not have access to the sdk's apis content scripts and add-on scripts communicate by sending each other json messages: in fact, the ability to communicate with the add-on scripts is the only extra privilege a content script is granted over a normal remote web page script.
notifications - Archive of obsolete content
it may be a remote url, a data uri, or a url returned by the self module.
frame/utils - Archive of obsolete content
remote boolean if true separate process will be used for this frame, and all the following options are ignored.
Adding a Button to the Toolbar - Archive of obsolete content
the icon file must be packaged with your add-on: it may not refer to a remote file.
HTML in XUL for rich tooltips - Archive of obsolete content
this is recommended for security reasons, especially if remote html is to be inserted.
Creating custom Firefox extensions with the Mozilla build system - Archive of obsolete content
if so, try setting the moz_no_remote environment variable to "1" before running the development version of firefox.
Displaying web content in an extension without security issues - Archive of obsolete content
one of the most common security issues with extensions is execution of remote code in privileged context.
Chapter 5: Let's build a Firefox extension - Archive of obsolete content
to create this dev profile start firefox with firefox.exe -no-remote -p dev on the first start the profile manager will appear, where you can create the dev profile and configure its home-path.
Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
listing 10: creating a backup of a specific file in a separate folder file.initwithpath('c:\\temp\\temp.txt'); backupfolder = file.parent.parent; // c:\ backupfolder.append('backup'); // c:\backup backupfolder.create(components.interfaces.nsifile.directory_type, 0666); file.copyto(backupfolder, file.leafname+'.bak'); converting between file paths and file urls xpcom functions can use both remote resources and local files, and these functions almost always specify their targets using uris.
Adding Events and Commands - Archive of obsolete content
there's a reason for the division between remote content and local chrome, so make sure you respect it.
Adding menus and submenus - Archive of obsolete content
this seems to happen when remote images are used.
Adding sidebars - Archive of obsolete content
we would use data from a datasource such as a database or a remote api.
Appendix A: Add-on Performance - Archive of obsolete content
most add-ons use the load event handler in the main overlay to initialize their objects and sometimes read files or even fetch remote data.
JavaScript Object Management - Archive of obsolete content
common cases include interacting with a local database or a remote api.
Setting Up a Development Environment - Archive of obsolete content
you can do this by opening the automator application, choosing run shell script and then entering the profile-loading script in the textbox: /applications/ -no-remote -p myprofile > /dev/null & you can change "/dev/null" to a file location, in case you want to see dump output from firefox, or other extensions.
The Box Model - Archive of obsolete content
in order to use this page, you'll need to install the remote xul manager extension and add to the whitelist.
XUL School Tutorial - Archive of obsolete content
efox extensions the essentials of an extension setting up a development environment javascript object management basic functionality adding menus and submenus adding toolbars and toolbar buttons adding events and commands adding windows and dialogs adding sidebars user notifications and alerts intermediate functionality intercepting page loads connecting to remote content handling preferences local storage advanced topics the box model xpcom objects observer notifications custom xul elements with xbl mozilla documentation roadmap useful mozilla community sites appendices appendix a: add-on performance appendix b: install and uninstall scripts appendix c: avoiding using eval in add-ons appendix d: loading scripts ...
First run - Archive of obsolete content
this page can be defined as either html or a remote url.
First Run - Archive of obsolete content
this page can be defined as either html or a remote url.
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
'"';for(var i in h){j+=" "+i+'="'+h[i]+'"';}j+=">";for(var c in e){if(e[c]){j+='<param name="'+c+'" value="'+e[c]+'" />'; }}j+="</object>";this.object=((a)?a.empty():new element("div")).set("html",j).firstchild;},replaces:function(a){,true);a.parentnode.replacechild(this.toelement(),a); return this;},inject:function(a){,true).appendchild(this.toelement());return this;},remote:function(){return swiff.remote.apply(swiff,[this.toelement()].extend(arguments)); }});swiff.callbacks={};swiff.remote=function(obj,fn){var rs=obj.callfunction('<invoke name="'+fn+'" returntype="javascript">'+__flash__argumentstoxml(arguments,2)+"</invoke>"); return eval(rs);};var fx=new class({implements:[chain,events,options],options:{fps:50,unit:false,duration:500,link:"ignore"},initialize:func...
Microsummary XML grammar reference - Archive of obsolete content
generators installed from the web via nssidebar::addmicrosummarygenerator are identified by the remote url from which they were downloaded, and firefox ignores the value of this attribute for them.
RDF Datasource How-To - Archive of obsolete content
this is a space-separated list that may include internal xpcom datasource "identifiers" (as described above) and uris for local or remote rdf/xml documents.
Table Layout Regression Tests - Archive of obsolete content
as you will probably run your normal mozilla in parallel with the testing issue then: set moz_no_remote=1 at the command prompt.
Tamarin build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
you should be connected and able to see the devices file system in windows explorer in tamarin repository go to the utils/wmremote directory, open the ceremoteshell2008.sln file in visual studio 2008 build all targets in release mode (for more information see utils/wmremote/readme.txt) copy release/avmremote.dll to the device in the \windows directory export avm=release/ceremoteshell.exe, the ceremoteshell.exe behaves as a proxy copying and running abc files on the windows mobile device build a windows mobile tamarin sh...
Learn XPI Installer Scripting by Example - Archive of obsolete content
note also that for the installation script in a xpi to be automatically triggered from a web page, you must use a "trigger script." the following installtrigger function, called from an event handler on a regular web page, will point to the remotely-hosted xpi (called here 'cdrip.xpi') and trigger its installation: function putit() { xpi={'cd_ripper':'cdrip.xpi'}; installtrigger.install(xpi); } ...
datasources - Archive of obsolete content
when the xul document is contained on a remote web site, the datasources may only be loaded from the same domain as the document.
statustext - Archive of obsolete content
example <!-- sets the status message when mouse is over buttons --> <button label="connect" statustext="connect to remote server" onmouseover="setstatusmessage(this)" onmouseout="clearstatusmessage()"/> <button label="ping" statustext="ping the server" onmouseover="setstatusmessage(this)" onmouseout="clearstatusmessage()"/> <statusbar> <statusbarpanel id="mystatuspanel" label="" flex="1"/> <spacer flex="1"/> </statusbar> <script> function setstatusmessage(obj){ document.getelementbyid('mystatuspa...
validate - Archive of obsolete content
this would be useful if the images are stored remotely or you plan on swapping the image frequently.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
964 using remote xul xul xul (pronounced like "zool"), which is short for xml-based user interface language, is an xml-based language for describing application interfaces.
International characters in XUL JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
earlier versions always interpreted js files loaded from xul as iso-8859-1 (latin-1), in both local and remote cases.
Introduction to XUL - Archive of obsolete content
mozilla's xul content models also support nifty features like local/remote merging; see the xul and rdf document for details.
Tooltips - Archive of obsolete content
<tooltip id="iconic"> <image src="help.png"/> <label value="save a file to a remote site"/> </tooltip> <button label="save" tooltip="iconic"/> in this example, a tooltip with the id 'iconic' contains an image and a label.
Template Builder Interface - Archive of obsolete content
the builder is accessible to unprivileged code, so the rebuild and refresh methods may be called by remote code.
XML Templates - Archive of obsolete content
the datasources attribute should be set to the url of an xml document, either a local file or a remote web site.
Adding Style Sheets - Archive of obsolete content
if your xul file is stored remotely and accessed via an http url, you can store the style sheet remotely as well.
Content Panels - Archive of obsolete content
an example: <browser src="" type="content" flex="1" /> important: you must set the type attribute correctly if you are going to be displaying remote web sites inside the browser element.
Creating an Installer - Archive of obsolete content
you can use this object in local or remote content, meaning that it is suitable for a download from a web site.
Input Controls - Archive of obsolete content
seamonkey or waterfox and remote-xul-manager from find files example so far : source view in the next section, we will look at some elements for entering and selecting numbers.
RDF Datasources - Archive of obsolete content
the file can be either a local file or a remote file.
XUL element attributes - Archive of obsolete content
when the xul document is contained on a remote web site, the datasources may only be loaded from the same domain as the document.
image - Archive of obsolete content
this would be useful if the images are stored remotely or you plan on swapping the image frequently.
menuitem - Archive of obsolete content
this would be useful if the images are stored remotely or you plan on swapping the image frequently.
tab - Archive of obsolete content
this would be useful if the images are stored remotely or you plan on swapping the image frequently.
toolbarbutton - Archive of obsolete content
this would be useful if the images are stored remotely or you plan on swapping the image frequently.
window - Archive of obsolete content
<window xmlns="" xmlns:html=""> <!-- icon from chrome --> <html:link rel="icon" href="chrome://myextension/content/path/to/favicon.png"/> <!-- from a remote site --> <html:link rel="icon" href=""/> since firefox 3.6 the above listed code does not work correctly - it produces the following message: "warning: xul box for box element contained an inline link child, forcing all its children to be wrapped in a block".
XUL - Archive of obsolete content
xul periodic table this collection of xul demos used to be available as a web page, but can no longer be viewed in firefox since support for remote xul was disabled.
Debugging a XULRunner Application - Archive of obsolete content
resource://gre/modules/devtools/dbg-server.jsm'); if (!debuggerserver.initialized) { debuggerserver.init(); debuggerserver.addbrowseractors(); debuggerserver.allowchromeprocess = true; } let dbglistener=debuggerserver.createlistener(); dbglistener.portorpath=6000;; add the following to your prefs.js: (in recent ffox, edit about:config instead) pref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", true); in firefox, go to tools > web developer > connect...
XULRunner Hall of Fame - Archive of obsolete content
emusic remote the emusic remote makes downloading from emusic a snap.
Archived Mozilla and build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
proxy ui (recently added - some support for reading os and account settings.) remote xul how to use xul delivered from a webserver, not as part of chrome.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
jesper kristensen pointed the requester here change download action for .rdp files on windows and os x a question regarding enabling firefox to associate .rdp files with microsoft remote desktop client so that the correct application opens the files automatically.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
william vanderpol asks, regarding remote xul applications, if is it possible (or does it exist?) to have an extension that will allow chrome access to certain specified url's?
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
discussion about the problem remotely connecting to a particular calendar meetings none this week.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
webdav server a discussion related to remote calendar modifications.
NPN_PostURL - Archive of obsolete content
plug-ins can use this function to post form data to cgi scripts using http or upload files to a remote server using ftp.
Shipping a plugin as a Toolkit bundle - Archive of obsolete content
this allows a remote update file to be read periodically and an updated version of the plugin offered to the user or to mark the plugin as compatible with a wider range of applications.
Threats - Archive of obsolete content
threats may involve intentional actors (e.g., attacker who wants to access information on a server) or unintentional actors (e.g., administrator who forgets to disable user accounts of a former employee.) threats can be local, such as a disgruntled employee, or remote, such as an attacker in another geographical area.
ActiveXObject - Archive of obsolete content
note: creating an activexobject on a remote server is not supported in internet explorer 9 standards mode, internet explorer 10 standards mode, internet explorer 11 standards mode, and windows store apps or later.
XForms Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
it is possible to re-enable this by following the steps on using remote xul.
Developing Mozilla XForms - Archive of obsolete content
then start firefox out of the build directory: cd obj-*/dist/firefox ./firefox -no-remote -jsconsole -p yourprofilename the xforms extension that was built together with firefox should be already installed.
XForms Alert Element - Archive of obsolete content
the message of the alert element can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text.
XForms Help Element - Archive of obsolete content
the message of the help element can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text.
XForms Hint Element - Archive of obsolete content
the message of the hint element can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text.
XForms Label Element - Archive of obsolete content
the label text can be specified in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text.
XForms Message Element - Archive of obsolete content
the message of the message element can exist in instance data, in a remote document, or as inline text.
XForms Submit Element - Archive of obsolete content
the result of which is all or part of an instance document being sent to a target destination, which could be local or remote (see the spec).
Mozilla XForms User Interface - Archive of obsolete content
submit invokes the submission of the selected instance data to its target destination, which could be local or remote (see the spec).
RDF in Fifty Words or Less - Archive of obsolete content
fundamentally, it means that parts of the rdf data model can be communicated across network boundaries, and the contents of the graph can dynamically change as information arrives from a remote service.
Game distribution - Game development
you can upload it to a remote server, grab a catchy domain name, and host it yourself.
Implementing game control mechanisms - Game development
in the following articles we will show how to implement various different control mechanisms for captain rogers to support different platforms — from touch on mobile, through keyboard/mouse/gamepad on desktop, to more unconventional ones like tv remote, shouting to or waving your hand in front of the laptop, or squeezing bananas.
Plug-in Development Overview - Gecko Plugin API Reference
working with urls the plug-in api provides methods that plug-ins can use to retrieve data from or post data to a url anywhere on the network, provide hyperlinks to other documents, post form data to cgi scripts using http, or upload files to a remote server using ftp.
CalDAV - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
caldav (calendaring extensions to webdav) is a protocol standardized by the ietf and used to remotely access calendar data from a server.
CardDAV - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
carddav (vcard extension to webdav) is a protocol standardized by the ietf and used to remote-access or share contact information over a server.
Network throttling - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the network speeds of a mobile user accessing that web application, possibly while traveling or in a remote area with poor data plan covereage, will likely be very slow, if they are able to get online at all.
RTSP: Real-time streaming protocol - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
if your computer were a remote control and the streaming server a television, rtsp would describe how the instruction of the remote control affects the tv.
Telnet - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
telnet is a command line tool and an underlying tcp/ip protocol for accessing remote computers.
How do I use GitHub Pages? - Learn web development
the command should look something like this: git remote add origin next, type the following two commands, pressing enter after each one.
What software do I need to build a website? - Learn web development
browserstack actually gives you full remote access to virtual machines so you can test your site in the most common environments.
From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
you should serve your websites using https whenever possible: https reduces the chance that remote content has been tampered with in transit, https prevents embedded content from accessing content in your parent document, and vice versa.
Ember resources and troubleshooting - Learn web development
for framework-specific things, there is the ember-inspector add-on, which allows inspection of: routes & controllers components services promises data (i.e: from a remote api — from ember-data, by default) deprecation information render performance for general javascript debugging, check out our guides on javascript debugging as well as interacting with the browser's other debugging tools.
Multiprocess on Windows
as you should already know from the prerequisite reading, single threaded apartments receive remote procedure calls (rpcs) from com, via the windows message queue.
What to do and what not to do in Bugzilla
remote execution of arbitrary code) get the critical severity.
Debugging JavaScript
go to about:config and set the following two prefs: true devtools.debugger.remote-enabled: true after you restart the browser, you can access the browser debugger through tools > web developer > browser toolbox.
Debugging on Mac OS X
repeat that to also add the argument "-no-remote".
Debugging on Windows
debug and optimized) simultaneously by setting the environment variable moz_no_remote: set moz_no_remote=1 or, starting with firefox 2 and other gecko 1.8.1-based applications, you can use the -no-remote command-line switch instead (implemented in bug 325509).
remote debugging core dumps and examples of remote debugging.
Makefile - variables
dest=$(moz_objdir)/$project moz_current_project moz_debug moz_enable_xremote moz_feeds moz_help_viewer moz_native_nspr moz_metro moz_pkg_mainfest moz_preflight_all moz_rdf moz_toolkit_search moz_url_classifier moz_widget_toolkit ...
Eclipse CDT
select the arguments tab and enter any args you want to pass to firefox (such as "--no-remote -p my-testing-profile").
Limitations of chrome scripts
you can do this by loading a frame script or, with the add-on sdk, you can use remoterequire() in the "remote/parent" module.
Process scripts
if you're using the addon sdk you can use the remote/parent module's remoterequire instead.
Tracking Protection
note that with firefox for android, you can access console output using the remote debugger.
possible values are: fatal(crash) unknownprotocolfound filenotfound dnsnotfound connectionfailure netinterrupt nettimeout cspblocked phishingblocked malwareblocked unwantedblocked offline malformeduri redirectloop unknownsockettype netreset notcached isprinting deniedportaccess proxyresolvefailure proxyconnectfailure contentencodingfailure remotexul unsafecontenttype corruptedcontenterror certerror other example var browser = document.queryselector("iframe"); browser.addeventlistener("mozbrowsererror", function( event ) { console.log("an error occurred:" + event.detail); }); related events mozbrowserasyncscroll mozbrowserclose mozbrowsercontextmenu mozbrowsericonchange mozbrowserloadend mozbrowserloadstart mozb...
Embedding Tips
again, use the webbrowser persist object, but specify a remote location as the target uri.
How to Report a Hung Firefox
getservice(ci.nsiwindowmediator); let win = wm.getmostrecentwindow("navigator:browser"); let browser = win.gbrowser.selectedbrowser; if (browser.isremotebrowser) { browser.messagemanager.loadframescript('data:,let appinfo = components.classes[";1"];if (appinfo && appinfo.getservice(components.interfaces.nsixulruntime).processtype != components.interfaces.nsixulruntime.process_type_default) {components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm");var zero = new ctypes.intptr_t(8);var badptr = ctypes.cast(zero, ctypes...
Creating a New Protocol
writing the tests protocols which are managed by pbrowser must be tested using the mochitest-chrome test framework with a <browser remote="true">.
becausesourcefailed read only boolean indicates an error occurred while reading from the remote location.
fetch() downloads data from a remote network location to a local file.
Using JavaScript code modules
firefox 3.6 doesn't support them at all, and there's only one case in which it's remotely useful: a firefox 4-only add-on which must be installed unpacked.
Localizing without a specialized tool
assuming that you have installed mercurial, issue the following command: $ hg clone this will pull the mozilla 1.9.2 sources from the remote repository and create a mercurial clone in mozilla-1.9.2 inside your working directory.
Mozilla Port Blocking
19 nntp 123 ntp 135 loc-srv / epmap 139 netbios 143 imap2 179 bgp 389 ldap 465 smtp+ssl 512 print / exec 513 login 514 shell 515 printer 526 tempo 530 courier 531 chat 532 netnews 540 uucp 556 remotefs 563 nntp+ssl 587 submission 601 syslog 636 ldap+ssl 993 imap+ssl 995 pop3+ssl 2049 nfs 4045 lockd 6000 x11 protocol specific exceptions each protocol handler can override the global blocked ports to allow it's own protocol to function.
Mozilla projects on GitHub
fxdt-adapters the firefox developer tools adapter that lets you debug various remote targets from the firefox developer tools.
Profiling with Xperf
to start a trace session, launching a new firefox instance: xperf -on base xperf -start heapsession -heap -pidnewprocess "./firefox.exe -p test -no-remote" -stackwalk heapalloc+heaprealloc -buffersize 512 -minbuffers 128 -maxbuffers 512 to stop a session and merge the resulting files: xperf -stop heapsession -d heap.etl xperf -d main.etl xperf -merge main.etl heap.etl result.etl "result.etl" will contain your merged data; you can delete main.etl and heap.etl.
it is available on all platforms and release channels, and also supports remote profiling b2g and fennec.
NSPR Error Handling
pr_remote_file_error access to the remote file has been severed.
on return, peeraddr points to the address of the remote socket.
NSS release notes
an attacker that successfully exploited these issues can overflow the heap and may be able to obtain remote code execution.
NSS 3.19.4 release notes
an attacker that successfully exploited these issues can overflow the heap and may be able to obtain remote code execution.
NSS 3.20.1 release notes
an attacker that successfully exploited these issues can overflow the heap and may be able to obtain remote code execution.
NSS Sample Code Sample1
this becomes the input to // the exportkeys method on the remote server.
js_connectshark js_disconnectshark js_startchudremote js_stopchudremote the following jsnative functions can be used to expose the above four apis to scripts.
Redis Tips
in the case where you want to do something akin to a join, like, say, associate an email and a remote url to store a browserid assertion, just make a new key.
Places utilities for JavaScript
boolean nodeislivemarkcontainer(anode) determines whether a result node is a remote container registered by the livemark service.
Querying Places
e.queryinterface(ci.nsinavhistoryfullvisitresultnode); dump("full visit result " + node.uri + " session = " + fullvisit.sessionid + " transitiontype = " + fullvisit.transitiontype + "\n"); break; case node.result_type_host: var container = node.queryinterface(ci.nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode); dump("host " + container.title + "\n"); break; case node.result_type_remote_container: var container = node.queryinterface(ci.nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode); dump("remote container " + container.title + " type = " + container.remotecontainertype + "\n"); break; case node.result_type_query: var query = node.queryinterface(ci.nsinavhistoryqueryresultnode); dump("query, place uri = " + query.uri + "\n"); break; case node.result_type_folder: ...
it is badly out of date, and much of what it says is either no longer remotely accurate, or is severely deprecated.
Starting WebLock
file interface hierarchy remote files and nsifile it is not inconceivable for remote files to be represented by the nsifile interface.
Observer Notifications
remote-listening string sent after when the remote agent is listening for incoming connections after remoteagent.listen() is called.
allowremotecontent boolean allow remote content to be displayed in html mail received from this contact methods getcardvalue() astring getcardvalue(in string name) parameters name the attribute you want the value for.
to get an out of process element you want to communicate with via message manager, then append a browser element with remote attribute set to true.
it was not initiated by the remote server, but is specific to the channel implementation.
for example, a non-exposed protocol would not be loaded by the application in response to a link click or a x-remote openurl command.
content/base/public/nsimessagemanager.idlscriptable implement this interface in a remote frame handling process to receive messages from the browser process.
js/jetpack/nsijetpack.idlscriptable this interface enables communication between the chrome process and a remote jetpack process.
return value an nsijetpack interface representing the remote process.
since generators and pages can be remote resources, and we need them to generate the content, this may not always be available.
the remote server can use these keys to encrypt and authenticate message payloads.
externalproxyaddr prnetaddrptr the external (remote) proxy address.
nsISupports proxies
for instance, if you need to not only use an object remotely, but also have it created remotely, use the second api.
onerror() called when an error occurs while loading the remote update service file.
chrome_remote_window 1048576 whether this window should use remote (out-of-process) tabs.
browsertabsremoteautostart boolean if true, browser tabs may be opened by default in a different process from the main browser ui.
numbertype jobtitle, department, company _aimscreenname dates: anniversaryyear, anniversarymonth, anniversaryday birthyear, birthmonth, birthday webpage1 (work), webpage2 (home) custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4 notes integral properties: lastmodifieddate popularityindex prefermailformat (see nsiabprefermailformat) boolean properties: allowremotecontent inherits from: nsiabitem method overview nsivariant getproperty(in autf8string name, in nsivariant defaultvalue); [noscript] astring getpropertyasastring(in string name); [noscript] autf8string getpropertyasautf8string(in string name); [noscript] pruint32 getpropertyasuint32(in string name); [noscript] boolean getpropertyasbool(in strin...
Testing Mozilla code
asan nightly projectthe asan nightly project involves building a firefox nightly browser with the popular addresssanitizer tool and enhancing it with remote crash reporting capabilities for any errors detected.clang static analysisthis document is split in two parts.
to test it 17 content tabs thunderbird content tabs enable thunderbird to display remote content in a tab, which users can browse in (mostly) the same way as with a browser.
Mail client architecture overview
url display and dispatching - in order to perform network operations such as downloading new mail, copying and moving messages, and displaying messages from a remote server, the url system interacts with necko and reflects it's state to the mail window.
Plug-in Development Overview - Plugins
working with urls the plug-in api provides methods that plug-ins can use to retrieve data from or post data to a url anywhere on the network, provide hyperlinks to other documents, post form data to cgi scripts using http, or upload files to a remote server using ftp.
Tutorial: Set a breakpoint - Firefox Developer Tools
to do this, open the firefox developer tools, click on the options gear at the upper right of the toolbox, and make sure that both “enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes” and “enable remote debugging” are checked.
JSON viewer - Firefox Developer Tools
if you open a json file in the browser, or view a remote url with the content-type set to application/json, it is parsed and given syntax highlighting.
Debugging Firefox Desktop - Firefox Developer Tools
enable remote debugging first, you'll need to ensure that both debugger and debuggee have the "enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes" and "enable remote debugging" settings checked in the developer tools settings.
Settings - Firefox Developer Tools
enable remote debugging enable the developer tools to debug remote firefox instances.
Toolbox - Firefox Developer Tools
the array may include the following tools: web console javascript debugger page inspector style editor profiler network monitor note that not all the hosted tools are always listed here: only the tools actually available in this context are shown (for example, not all tools support remote debugging yet, so if the debugging target is not the firefox instance that launched the window, not all the hosted tools will be shown).
AudioContext.createMediaStreamDestination() - Web APIs
this stream can be used in a similar way as a mediastream obtained via navigator.getusermedia — it can, for example, be sent to a remote peer using the rtcpeerconnection addstream() method.
BluetoothDevice.uuids - Web APIs
use bluetoothremotegattserver.getprimaryservices instead.
How to create a DOM tree - Web APIs
dom trees can be queried using xpath expressions, converted to strings or written to a local or remote files using xmlserializer (without having to first convert to a string), posted to a web server (via xmlhttprequest), transformed using xslt, xlink, converted to a javascript object through a jxon algorithm, etc.
FileReader - Web APIs
important note: filereader is used to read file content from the user's (remote) system in secure ways only.
HTMLMediaElement.controlsList - Web APIs
the domtokenlist takes one or more of three possible values: nodownload, nofullscreen, and noremoteplayback.
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode - Web APIs
this media could be from a microphone (through getusermedia()) or from a remote peer on a webrtc call (using the rtcpeerconnection's audio tracks).
MediaStreamTrack: ended event - Web APIs
a remote peer has permanently stopped sending data; pausing media does not generate an ended event.
MediaStreamTrack.onended - Web APIs
this event occurs when the track will no longer provide data to the stream for any reason, including the end of the media input being reached, the user revoking needed permissions, the source device being removed, or the remote peer ending a connection.
MediaStreamTrack - Web APIs
mediastreamtrack.remote read only returns a boolean with a value of true if the track is sourced by a rtcpeerconnection, false otherwise.
msPlayToSource - Web APIs
syntax ptr = object.msplaytosource; value playto is a means through which an app can connect local playback/display for audio, video, and img elements to a remote device.
Online and offline events - Web APIs
according to the specification: the attribute must return false if the user agent will not contact the network when the user follows links or when a script requests a remote page (or knows that such an attempt would fail)...
Navigator.onLine - Web APIs
the update occurs when the user follows links or when a script requests a remote page.
PasswordCredential.additionalData - Web APIs
the data in the objects will be added to the request body and sent to the remote endpoint with the credentials.
RTCAnswerOptions - Web APIs
the rtcansweroptions dictionary is used to provide optional settings when creating an sdp answer using rtcpeerconnection.createoffer() after receiving an offer from a remote peer.
RTCConfiguration.iceTransportPolicy - Web APIs
this can be used to prevent the remote endpoint from receiving the user's ip addresses, which may be important in some security situations.
RTCDTMFSender.insertDTMF() - Web APIs
the insertdtmf() method on the rtcdtmfsender interface starts sending dtmf tones to the remote peer over the rtcpeerconnection.
RTCDTMFSender.toneBuffer - Web APIs
the rtcdtmfsender interface's tonebuffer property returns a string containing a list of the dtmf tones currently queued for sending to the remote peer over the rtcpeerconnection.
RTCDataChannel: message event - Web APIs
the webrtc message event is sent to the onmessage event handler on an rtcdatachannel object when a message has been received from the remote peer.
RTCDataChannel.readyState - Web APIs
this is the default state of a new rtcdatachannel created by the webrtc layer when the remote peer created the channel and delivered to the site or app in a datachannel event of type rtcdatachannelevent. - Web APIs
syntax var channel =; value a rtcdatachannel object representing the data channel linking the receiving rtcpeerconnection to its remote peer.
RTCDataChannelEvent - Web APIs
these events sent to an rtcpeerconnection when its remote peer is asking to open an rtcdatachannel between the two peers.
RTCIceCandidate.candidate - Web APIs
the complete list of attributes for this example candidate is: foundation = 4234997325 component = "rtp" (the number 1 is encoded to this string; 2 becomes "rtcp") protocol = "udp" priority = 2043278322 ip = "" port = 44323 type = "host" example in this example, we see a function which receives as input an sdp string containing an ice candidate received from the remote peer during the signaling process.
RTCIceCandidate - Web APIs
an ice candidate describes the protocols and routing needed for webrtc to be able to communicate with a remote device.
RTCIceCandidateInit - Web APIs
usernamefragment optional a domstring containing a string which uniquely identifies the remote peer.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.consentRequestsSent - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatepairstats property consentrequestssent specifies the number of consent requests that have been sent by this peer to the remote peer on the connection described by the pair of candidates.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.selected - Web APIs
the non-standard, firefox-specific rtcicecandidatepairstats property selected indicates whether or not the candidate pair described by the object is the one currently being used to communicate with the remote peer.
RTCIceCandidateStats.candidateType - Web APIs
syntax candidatetype = rtcicecandidatestats.candidatetype; value a domstring whose value is one of the strings found in the rtcicecandidatetype enumerated type:host the candidate is a host candidate, whose ip address as specified in the rtcicecandidate.ip property is in fact the true address of the remote peer.
RTCIceCandidateStats.priority - Web APIs
during ice negotiation while setting up a webrtc peer connection, the priority values reported to the remote peer by a user agent are used to determine which candidates are considered "more desirable".
RTCIceCandidateStats.protocol - Web APIs
the rtcicecandidatestats dictionary's protocol property specifies the protocol the specified candidate would use for communication with the remote peer.
RTCIceCandidateStats.url - Web APIs
note: this property does not exist for remote candidates.
RTCIceCandidateStats - Web APIs
this property is not present for remote candidates.
RTCIceCandidateType - Web APIs
host the candidate is a host candidate, whose ip address as specified in the rtcicecandidate.ip property is in fact the true address of the remote peer.
RTCIceGathererState - Web APIs
"complete" the transport has finished gathering ice candidates and has sent the end-of-candidates indicator to the remote device.
RTCIceTransport.gatheringState - Web APIs
"complete" the transport has finished gathering ice candidates and has sent the end-of-candidates indicator to the remote device.
RTCIdentityAssertion - Web APIs
the rtcidentityassertion interface of the the webrtc api represents the identity of the a remote peer of the current connection.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.qpSum - Web APIs
function calculateaverageqp(stats) { let framecount = 0; switch(stats.type) { case "inbound-rtp": case "remote-inbound-rtp": framecount = stats.framesdecoded; break; case "outbound-rtp": case "remote-outbound-rtp": framecount = stats.framesencoded; break; default: return 0; } return status.qpsum / framecount; } specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcinboundrtpstreamst...
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
remoteid a string which identifies the rtcremoteoutboundrtpstreamstats object that provides statistics for the remote peer for this same ssrc.
RTCNetworkType - Web APIs
note: keep in mind that the specified value only reflects the initial connection between the local peer and the next hop along the network toward reaching the remote peer.
RTCOfferOptions.iceRestart - Web APIs
syntax var options = { icerestart: trueorfalse }; value a boolean value indicating whether or not the rtcpeerconnection should generate new values for the connection's ice-ufrag and ice-pwd values, which will trigger ice renegotiation on the next message sent to the remote peer.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.firCount - Web APIs
the fircount property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates the number of full intra request (fir) that the remote rtcrtpreceiver has sent to this rtcrtpsender.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.lastPacketSentTimestamp - Web APIs
the lastpacketsenttimestamp property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates the time at which the rtcrtpsender described by this rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats object last transmitted a packet to the remote receiver.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.nackCount - Web APIs
the nackcount property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary is a numeric value indicating the number of times the rtcrtpsender described by this object received a nack packet from the remote receiver.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.qpSum - Web APIs
function calculateaverageqp(stats) { let framecount = 0; switch(stats.type) { case "inbound-rtp": case "remote-inbound-rtp": framecount = stats.framesdecoded; break; case "outbound-rtp": case "remote-outbound-rtp": framecount = stats.framesencoded; break; default: return 0; } return status.qpsum / framecount; } specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcoutboundrtpstreams...
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.sliCount - Web APIs
the slicount property of the rtcoutboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates how many slice loss indication (sli) packets the rtcrtpsender received from the remote rtcrtpreceiver for the rtp stream described by this object.
RTCPeerConnection.addStream() - Web APIs
instead of using this obsolete method, you should instead use addtrack() once for each track you wish to send to the remote peer.
RTCPeerConnection.addTransceiver() - Web APIs
streams optional a list of mediastream objects to add to the transceiver'srtcrtpreceiver; when the remote peer's rtcpeerconnection's track event occurs, these are the streams that will be specified by that event.
RTCPeerConnection.close() - Web APIs
make sure that you delete all references to the previous rtcpeerconnection before attempting to create a new one that connects to the same remote peer, as not doing so might result in some errors depending on the browser.
RTCPeerConnection.createDataChannel() - Web APIs
the createdatachannel() method on the rtcpeerconnection interface creates a new channel linked with the remote peer, over which any kind of data may be transmitted.
RTCPeerConnection.currentLocalDescription - Web APIs
the read-only property rtcpeerconnection.currentlocaldescription returns an rtcsessiondescription object describing the local end of the connection as it was most recently successfully negotiated since the last time the rtcpeerconnection finished negotiating and connecting to a remote peer.
RTCPeerConnection.ondatachannel - Web APIs
this event, of type rtcdatachannelevent, is sent when an rtcdatachannel is added to the connection by the remote peer calling createdatachannel().
RTCPeerConnection.removeStream() - Web APIs
if the negotiation already happened, a new one will be needed for the remote peer to be able to use it.
RTCPeerConnection.removeTrack() - Web APIs
if the connection has already been negotiated (signalingstate is set to "stable"), it is marked as needing to be negotiated again; the remote peer won't experience the change until this negotiation occurs.
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent.address - Web APIs
this address identifies the network interface on the local device which is being used to attempt to establish the connection to the remote peer.
RTCRtpCodecParameters - Web APIs
note: on an rtcrtpreceiver, the format-specific parameters come from the sdp sent by the remote peer, while for rtcrtpsender, they're provided by the local description.
RTCRtpReceiveParameters - Web APIs
it describes the parameters being used by the receiver's rtp connection to the remote peer.
RTCRtpReceiver.transport - Web APIs
syntax let transport = rtcrtpreceiver.transport; value an rtcdtlstransport object representing the underlying transport being used by the receiver to exchange packets with the remote peer, or null if the receiver isn't yet connected to a transport.
RTCRtpSender.transport - Web APIs
syntax let transport = rtcrtpsender.transport; value an rtcdtlstransport object representing the underlying transport being used by the sender to exchange packets with the remote peer, or null if the sender isn't yet connected to a transport.
RTCRtpStreamStats.qpSum - Web APIs
function calculateaverageqp(stats) { let framecount = 0; switch(stats.type) { case "inbound-rtp": case "remote-inbound-rtp": framecount = stats.framesdecoded; break; case "outbound-rtp": case "remote-outbound-rtp": framecount = stats.framesencoded; break; default: return 0; } return status.qpsum / framecount; } specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcinboundrtpstreamst...
RTCRtpTransceiver.mid - Web APIs
the read-only rtcrtptransceiver interface's mid property specifies the negotiated media id (mid) which the local and remote peers have agreed upon to uniquely identify the stream's pairing of sender and receiver.
RTCRtpTransceiver.stopped - Web APIs
the transceiver is stopped if the stop() method has been called or if a change to either the local or the remote description has caused the transceiver to be stopped for some reason.
RTCRtpTransceiverInit - Web APIs
streams optional a list of mediastream objects to add to the transceiver'srtcrtpreceiver; when the remote peer's rtcpeerconnection's track event occurs, these are the streams that will be specified by that event.
RTCSessionDescription.sdp - Web APIs
ue = sessiondescription.sdp; sessiondescription.sdp = value; value the value is a domstring containing an sdp message like this one: v=0 o=alice 2890844526 2890844526 in ip4 s= c=in ip4 t=0 0 m=audio 49170 rtp/avp 0 a=rtpmap:0 pcmu/8000 m=video 51372 rtp/avp 31 a=rtpmap:31 h261/90000 m=video 53000 rtp/avp 32 a=rtpmap:32 mpv/90000 example // the remote description has been set previously on pc, an rtcpeerconnection alert(pc.remotedescription.sdp); specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcsessiondescription.sdp' in that specification.
RTCSessionDescription.type - Web APIs
example // the remote description has been set previously on pc, a rtcpeerconnection alert(pc.remotedescription.type); specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcsessiondescription.type' in that specification.
RTCSessionDescription - Web APIs
example signalingchannel.onmessage = function (evt) { if (!pc) start(false); var message = json.parse(; if (message.sdp) pc.setremotedescription(new rtcsessiondescription(message), function () { // if we received an offer, we need to answer if (pc.remotedescription.type == "offer") pc.createanswer(localdesccreated, logerror); }, logerror); else pc.addicecandidate(new rtcicecandidate(message.candidate), function () {}, logerror); }; specifications ...
Screen Wake Lock API - Web APIs
if you app is synchronizing data from a remote server, consider using background sync.
SpeechSynthesisVoice.localService - Web APIs
the localservice read-only property of the speechsynthesisvoice interface returns a boolean indicating whether the voice is supplied by a local speech synthesizer service (true), or a remote speech synthesizer service (false.) this property is provided to allow differentiation in the case that some voice options are provided by a remote service; it is possible that remote voices might have extra latency, bandwidth or cost associated with them, so such distinction may be useful.
SpeechSynthesisVoice - Web APIs
speechsynthesisvoice.localservice read only a boolean indicating whether the voice is supplied by a local speech synthesizer service (true), or a remote speech synthesizer service (false.) read only returns a human-readable name that represents the voice.
Lifetime of a WebRTC session - Web APIs
each peer establishes a handler for track event, which is received when the remote peer adds a track to the stream.
Lighting a WebXR setting - Web APIs
this could be done remotely, or it could be performed by an attacker who's located in the same room but wants to determine if the other person is also in the same room.
Web Audio API - Web APIs
mediastreamaudiosourcenode the mediastreamaudiosourcenode interface represents an audio source consisting of a mediastream (such as a webcam, microphone, or a stream being sent from a remote computer).
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setInterval() - Web APIs
for example, if using setinterval() to poll a remote server every 5 seconds, network latency, an unresponsive server, and a host of other issues could prevent the request from completing in its allotted time.
WorkerGlobalScope.dump() - Web APIs
for example, on mac os x you'd run it using something like this (assuming you are inside the applications folder): ./ -profile /tmp -no-remote now go into about:config and enable the browser.dom.window.dump.enabled pref.
Synchronous and asynchronous requests - Web APIs
but developers typically don't notice the problem because the hang only manifests with poor network conditions or when the remote server is slow to respond.
XRView - Web APIs
it's possible to have xrview objects which represent overlapping regions as well as entirely disparate regions; in a game, you might have views that can be presented to observe a remote site using a security camera or other device, for example.
Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server - Accessibility
this means the client must use accessibleobjectfromevent immediately, because there is a danger that the object will go away, and another different object will be created with the same pointer value.that case seems extremely remote, because information from events is generally retrieved right after the event.
Allowing cross-origin use of images and canvas - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this protects users from having private data exposed by using images to pull information from remote web sites without permission.
<audio>: The Embed Audio element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
disableremoteplayback a boolean attribute used to disable the capability of remote playback in devices that are attached using wired (hdmi, dvi, etc.) and wireless technologies (miracast, chromecast, dlna, airplay, etc).
<mark>: The Mark Text element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
although the death star has been destroyed, <mark class="match">imperial</mark> troops have driven the rebel forces from their hidden base and pursued them across the galaxy.</p> <p>evading the dreaded <mark class="match">imperial</mark> starfleet, a group of freedom fighters led by luke skywalker has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of hoth.</p> to help distinguish the use of <mark> for search results from other potential usage, this example applies the custom class "match" to each match.
Evolution of HTTP - HTTP
he envisioned a web where people can add and move documents remotely, a kind of distributed file system.
HTTP headers - HTTP
if-range creates a conditional range request that is only fulfilled if the given etag or date matches the remote resource.
Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file - HTTP
this is useful, for example, when making the autoconfig file act differently based on the client ip address (the remote_addr environment variable in cgi).
getter - JavaScript
this is useful in the following situations: if the calculation of a property value is expensive (takes much ram or cpu time, spawns worker threads, retrieves remote file, etc).
Codecs used by WebRTC - Web media technologies
that's done for each transceiver on the rtcpeerconnection; once all of the transceivers have been updated, we call the onnegotiationneeded event handler, which will create a new offer, update the local description, send the offer along to the remote peer, and so on, thereby triggering the renegotiation of the connection.
Performance fundamentals - Web Performance
note: you can use these tools with the android browser by running firefox and enabling remote debugging.
<font-face-src> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
it serves as container for <font-face-name>, pointing to locally installed copies of this font, and <font-face-uri>, utilizing remotely defined fonts.
<font-face-uri> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the <font-face-uri> svg element points to a remote definition of the current font.
SVG fonts - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
option: use css @font-face you can use @font-face to reference remote (and not so remote) fonts: <font id="super_sans"> <!-- and so on --> </font> <style type="text/css"> @font-face { font-family: "super sans"; src: url(#super_sans); } </style> <text font-family="super sans">my text uses super sans</text> option: reference a remote font the above mentioned font-face-uri element allows you to reference an external font, hence allowing greater re-usability...
XPath snippets - XPath
if you are using xmlhttprequest to read a local or remote xml file into a dom tree (as described in parsing and serializing xml), the first argument to evaluatexpath() should be req.responsexml.