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Equality comparisons and sameness - JavaScript
there are four equality algorithms in es2015: abstract equality comparison (==) strict equality comparison (===): used by array.prototype.indexof, array.prototype.lastindexof, and case-matching samevaluezero: used by %typedarray% and arraybuffer constructors, as well as map and set operations, and also string.prototype.includes and array.prototype.includes since es2016 samevalue: used in all other places javascript provides three different value-comparison operations: === - strict equality comparison ("strict equality", "identity", "triple equals") == - abstract equality comparison ("loose equality", "double equals") provides samevalue (new in es2015).
... which operation you choose depends on what sort of comparison you are looking to perform.
... briefly: double equals (==) will perform a type conversion when comparing two things, and will handle nan, -0, and +0 specially to conform to ieee 754 (so nan != nan, and -0 == +0); triple equals (===) will do the same comparison as double equals (including the special handling for nan, -0, and +0) but without type conversion; if the types differ, false is returned.
...And 11 more matches
netwerk/base/public/nsisockettransportservice.idlscriptable this interface provides a mapping between a socket type and its associated socket provider instance. create an instance, use: var sockettransportservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsisockettransportservice); method overview void attachsocket(in prfiledescptr afd, in nsasockethandlerptr ahandler); native code only!
... nsisockettransport createtransport(in array<acstring> asockettypes, in autf8string ahost, in long aport, in nsiproxyinfo aproxyinfo); void init(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void notifywhencanattachsocket(in nsirunnable aevent); native code only!
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the iso8601dateutils.jsm javascript code module provides methods that make it easy to convert javascript date objects into iso 8601 format date strings and back.
... to use this, you first need to import the code module into your javascript scope: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/iso8601dateutils.jsm"); once you've imported the module, you can then use the iso8601dateutils object it exports.
... using the iso 8601 date utilities to convert a date string into a date object, simply use: dateobj = iso8601dateutils.parse(datestring); to convert a date object into a date string: datestring = iso8601dateutils.create(dateobj); method overview string create(adate); date parse(adatestring); methods create creates an iso 8601 format date string, e.g.
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USBIsochronousInTransferPacket - Web APIs
the usbisochronousintransferpacket interface of the webusb api is part of the response from a call to the isochronoustransferin() method of the usbdevice interface.
... it represents the status of an individual packet from a request to transfer data from the usb device to the usb host over an isochronous endpoint.
... constructor usbisochronousintransferpacket.usbisochronousintransferpacket() creates a new usbisochronousintransferpacket object with the provided status and data fields.
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USBIsochronousOutTransferPacket - Web APIs
the usbisochronousouttransferpacket interface of the webusb api is part of the response from a call to the isochronoustransferout() method of the usbdevice interface.
... it represents the status of an individual packet from a request to transfer data from the usb host to the usb device over an isochronous endpoint.
... constructor usbisochronousouttransferpacket.usbisochronousouttransferpacket() creates a new usbisochronousouttransferpacket object with the provided status and byteswritten fields.
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divisor - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the divisor attribute specifies the value by which the resulting number of applying the kernelmatrix of a <feconvolvematrix> element to the input image color value is divided to yield the destination color value.
... a divisor that is the sum of all the matrix values tends to have an evening effect on the overall color intensity of the result.
... only one element is using this attribute: <feconvolvematrix> html, body, svg { height: 100%; } <svg viewbox="0 0 420 200" xmlns=""> <filter id="convolvematrix1" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <feconvolvematrix kernelmatrix="1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1" divisor="1"/> </filter> <filter id="convolvematrix2" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"> <feconvolvematrix kernelmatrix="1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1" divisor="8"/> </filter> <image xlink:href="//" width="200" height="200" style="filter:url(#convolvematrix1);"/> <image xlink:href="//" width="200" height="200" style="filter:url(#convolvematrix2); transform:translatex(220px);...
...And 4 more matches
netwerk/socket/nsisocketproviderservice.idlscriptable provides a mapping between a socket type and its associated socket provider instance.
... 66 introduced gecko 1.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsisocketprovider getsocketprovider(in string sockettype); methods getsocketprovider() given a string representing a socket type, this method returns an nsisocketprovider representing that socket type.
... nsisocketprovider getsocketprovider( in string sockettype ); parameters sockettype the socket type for which to get a socket provider.
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ANGLE_instanced_arrays.vertexAttribDivisorANGLE() - Web APIs
the angle_instanced_arrays.vertexattribdivisorangle() method of the webgl api modifies the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance when rendering multiple instances of primitives with ext.drawarraysinstancedangle() and ext.drawelementsinstancedangle().
... note: when using webgl2, this method is available as gl.vertexattribdivisor() by default.
... syntax void ext.vertexattribdivisorangle(index, divisor); parameters index a gluint specifying the index of the generic vertex attributes.
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USBIsochronousInTransferResult - Web APIs
the usbisochronousintransferresult interface of the webusb api provides the result from a call to the isochronoustransferin() method of the usbdevice interface.
... constructor usbisochronousintransferresult.usbisochronousintransferresult() creates a new usbisochronousintransferresult object with the provided packets and data fields.
... properties usbisochronousintransferresult.dataread only returns a dataview object containing the data received from the device.
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WebGL2RenderingContext.vertexAttribDivisor() - Web APIs
the webgl2renderingcontext.vertexattribdivisor() method of the webgl 2 api modifies the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance when rendering multiple instances of primitives with gl.drawarraysinstanced() and gl.drawelementsinstanced().
... syntax void gl.vertexattribdivisor(index, divisor); parameters index a gluint specifying the index of the generic vertex attributes.
... divisor a gluint specifying the number of instances that will pass between updates of the generic attribute.
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isolation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the isolation css property determines whether an element must create a new stacking context.
... syntax /* keyword values */ isolation: auto; isolation: isolate; /* global values */ isolation: inherit; isolation: initial; isolation: unset; the isolation property is specified as one of the keyword values listed below.
... isolate a new stacking context must be created.
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Date.prototype.toISOString() - JavaScript
the toisostring() method returns a string in simplified extended iso format (iso 8601), which is always 24 or 27 characters long (yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss.sssz or ±yyyyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss.sssz, respectively).
... syntax dateobj.toisostring() return value a string representing the given date in the iso 8601 format according to universal time.
...engines which have not been updated to support this method can work around the absence of this method using the following shim: if (!date.prototype.toisostring) { (function() { function pad(number) { if (number < 10) { return '0' + number; } return number; } date.prototype.toisostring = function() { return this.getutcfullyear() + '-' + pad(this.getutcmonth() + 1) + '-' + pad(this.getutcdate()) + 't' + pad(this.getutchours()) + ':' + pad(this.getutcminutes()) + ':' + pad(this.getutcseconds()) + '.' + (this.getutcmilliseconds() / 1000).tofixed(3).slice(2, 5) + 'z'; }; })(); } examples using toisostring() let today...
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EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic - Web APIs
the ext_texture_filter_anisotropic extension is part of the webgl api and exposes two constants for anisotropic filtering (af).
... constants ext.max_texture_max_anisotropy_ext this is the pname argument to the gl.getparameter() call, and it returns the maximum available anisotropy.
... ext.texture_max_anisotropy_ext this is the pname argument to the gl.gettexparameter() and gl.texparameterf() / gl.texparameteri() calls and sets the desired maximum anisotropy for a texture.
... examples var texture = gl.createtexture(); gl.bindtexture(gl.texture_2d, texture); var ext = ( gl.getextension('ext_texture_filter_anisotropic') || gl.getextension('moz_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic') || gl.getextension('webkit_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic') ); if (ext){ var max = gl.getparameter(ext.max_texture_max_anisotropy_ext); gl.texparameterf(gl.texture_2d, ext.texture_max_anisotropy_ext, max); } specifications specification status comment ext_texture_filter_anisotropicthe definition of 'ext_texture_filter_anisotropic' in that specification.
USBDevice.isochronousTransferOut() - Web APIs
the isochronoustransferout() method of the usbdevice interface returns a promise that resolves with a usbisochronousouttransferresult when time sensitive information has been transmitted to the usb device.
... syntax var promise = usbdevice.isochronoustransferout(endpointnumber, data, packetlengths) parameters endpointnumber the number of a device-specific endpoint (buffer).
... return value a promise that resolves with a usbisochronousouttransferresult.
... specifications specification status comment webusbthe definition of 'isochronoustransferout()' in that specification.
USBIsochronousOutTransferResult - Web APIs
the usbisochronousouttransferresult interface of the webusb api provides the result from a call to the isochronoustransferout() method of the usbdevice interface.
... constructor usbisochronousouttransferresult.usbisochronousouttransferresult() creates a new usbisochronousouttransferresult object with the provided packet field.
... properties usbisochronousouttransferresult.packetsread only returns an array of usbisochronousouttransferpacket objects containing the result of each request to send a packet to the device.
... specifications specification status comment webusbthe definition of 'usbisochronousouttransferresult' in that specification.
<bdi>: The Bidirectional Isolate element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the html bidirectional isolate element (<bdi>) tells the browser's bidirectional algorithm to treat the text it contains in isolation from its surrounding text.
... the <bdi> element is used to wrap a span of text and instructs the bidirectional algorithm to treat this text in isolation from its surroundings.
... though the same visual effect can be achieved using the css rule unicode-bidi: isolate on a <span> or another text-formatting element, html authors should not use this approach because it is not semantic and browsers are allowed to ignore css styling.
...these elements instruct the browser to treat the name in isolation from its embedding context, so the example output is properly ordered: <ul> <li><bdi class="name">اَلأَعْشَى</bdi> - 1st place</li> <li><bdi class="name">jerry cruncher</bdi> - 2nd place</li> </ul> body { border: 1px solid #3f87a6; max-width: calc(100% - 40px - 6px); padding: 20px; width: calc(100% - 40px - 6px); border-width: 1px 1px 1px 5px; } specificatio...
netwerk/base/public/nsisockettransport.idlscriptable this interface specializes nsitransport for communication over network sockets. create an instance, call nsisockettransportservice.createtransport() method overview prnetaddr getpeeraddr(); native code only!
...see also nsitransport nsisockettransportservice ...
widget/public/nsisound.idlscriptable this interface provides a way to play sounds.
... note that nsisound instances may play the sounds using another thread; however, this is not controlled by the caller. use this interface, use: var sound = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsisound); method overview void beep(); void init(); void play(in nsiurl aurl); void playeventsound(in unsigned long aeventid); void playsystemsound(in astring soundalias); constants sound event constants constant value description event_new_mail_received 0 the system receives email.
USBDevice.isochronousTransferIn() - Web APIs
the isochronoustransferin() method of the usbdevice interface returns a promise that resolves with a usbisochronousintransferresult when time sensitive information has been transmitted received from the usb device.
... syntax var promise = usbdevice.isochronoustransferin(endpointnumber, packetlengths) parameters endpointnumber the number of a device-specific endpoint (buffer).
... return value a promise that resolves with a usbisochronousintransferresult specifications specification status comment webusbthe definition of 'isochronoustransferin()' in that specification.
syntax static jsbool js_isconstructing_possiblywithgiventhisobject(jscontext *cx, const jsval *vp, jsobject **maybethis); name type description cx jscontext * the context.
... jsbool foo_native(jscontext *cx, unsigned int argc, jsval *vp) { jsobject *maybethis; if (js_isconstructing_possiblywithgiventhisobject(cx, vp, &maybethis)) { // native called as a constructor if (maybethis) // native called as a constructor with maybethis as 'this' } else { // native called as function, maybethis is still uninitialized } } note: a spidermonkey embedding does not need to use this query unless the embedding uses js_constructobject(), js_initclass() and jsclass_construct_prototype as desc...
netwerk/socket/nsisocketprovider.idlscriptable this interface represents a socket provider. create an instance, use: var socketprovider = components.classes[";2?type="] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsisocketprovider); method overview void addtosocket(in long afamily, in string ahost, in long aport, in string aproxyhost, in long aproxyport, in unsigned long aflags, in prfiledescstar afiledesc, out nsisupports asecurityinfo); native code only!
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.crossOriginIsolated - Web APIs
the crossoriginisolated read-only property of the windoworworkerglobalscope interface returns a boolean value that indicates whether a sharedarraybuffer can be sent via a window.postmessage() call.
... syntax var mycrossoriginisolated = self.crossoriginisolated; // or just crossoriginisolated value a boolean value examples if(crossoriginisolated) { // post sharedarraybuffer } else { // do something else } specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'crossoriginisolated' in that specification.
ISO - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
iso (international organization for standardization) is a global association that develops uniform criteria coordinating the companies in each major industry.
netwerk/socket/nsisockssocketinfo.idlscriptable this interface provides information about a socks socket.
Flash Activation: Browser Comparison - Plugins
ui comparison mozilla firefox in-page ui is displayed when the site attempts to use flash.
Comparison of Event Targets - Web APIs
examples <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>comparison of event targets</title> <style> table { border-collapse: collapse; height: 150px; width: 100%; } td { border: 1px solid #ccc; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; min-height: 30px; } .standard { background-color: #99ff99; } .non-standard { ...
The "codecs" parameter in common media types - Web media technologies
the list may also contain codecs not present in the file.= codec options by container the containers below support extended codec options in their codecs parameters: 3gp av1 iso bmff mpeg-4 quicktime webm several of the links above go to the same section; that's because those media types are all based on iso base media file format (iso bmff), so they share the same syntax.
... av1 the syntax of the codecs parameter for av1 is defined the av1 codec iso media file format binding specification, section 5: codecs parameter string.
... iso base media file format: mp4, quicktime, and 3gp all media types based upon the iso base media file format (iso bmff) share the same syntax for the codecs parameter.
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Index - Web APIs
5 angle_instanced_arrays.vertexattribdivisorangle() angle_instanced_arrays, api, method, reference, webgl, webgl extension the angle_instanced_arrays.vertexattribdivisorangle() method of the webgl api modifies the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance when rendering multiple instances of primitives with ext.drawarraysinstancedangle() and ext.drawelementsinstancedangle().
... 1082 ext_texture_filter_anisotropic api, reference, webgl, webgl extension the ext_texture_filter_anisotropic extension is part of the webgl api and exposes two constants for anisotropic filtering (af).
... 1235 comparison of event targets dom, gecko, guide, needscontent, needsexample, needshelp it's easy to get confused about which target to examine when writing an event handler.
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Date.parse() - JavaScript
syntax direct call: date.parse(datestring) implicit call: new date(datestring) parameters datestring a string representing a simplification of the iso 8601 calendar date extended format.
... date time string format the standard string representation of a date time string is a simplification of the iso 8601 calendar date extended format.
...unrecognizable strings or dates containing illegal element values in iso formatted strings shall cause date.parse() to return nan.
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Getting Started Guide
all good getters addref the interface pointers they produce, thus providing you with an owning reference; you will hold onto the reference longer than the scope of the function in which you acquired it, e.g., you got it as a parameter, but you're hanging onto it in a member variable (see, for example, comparison 1, below).
... comparison 1.
... comparison 2.
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A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) - JavaScript
comparisons in javascript can be made using <, >, <= and >=. can have expressions in both the switch part and the cases if you like; comparisons take place between the two using the === operator: switch (1 + 3) { case 2 + 2: yay(); break; default: neverhappens(); } objects javascript objects can be thought of as simple collections of name-value pairs.
... a.sort([cmpfn]) takes an optional comparison function.
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Localizing with Koala
running a comparison open koala's start page.
... when the comparison is done, you should see a new line in "last used compares" section of koala's startpage.
... it's a handy shortcut to run the comparison in the future.
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Key Values - Web APIs
enables the iso level 3 shift modifier (where shift is the level 2 modifier).
... gdk_key_mode_switch (0xff7e) gdk_key_iso_level3_shift (0xfe03) gdk_key_iso_level3_latch (0xfe04) gdk_key_iso_level3_lock (0xfe05) gdk_key_iso_level5_shift (0xfe11) gdk_key_iso_level5_latch (0xfe12) gdk_key_iso_level5_lock (0xfe13) qt::key_altgr (0x01001103 qt::key_mode_switch (0x0100117e) "capslock" the caps lock key.
... vk_return (0x0d) kvk_return (0x24) kvk_ansi_keypadenter (0x4c) kvk_powerbook_keypadenter (0x34) gdk_key_return (0xff0d) gdk_key_kp_enter (0xff8d) gdk_key_iso_enter (0xfe34) gdk_key_3270_enter (0xfd1e) qt::key_return (0x01000004) qt::key_enter (0x01000005) keycode_enter (66) keycode_numpad_enter (160) keycode_dpad_center (23) "tab" the horizontal tab key, tab.
...And 6 more matches
TextDecoder() - Web APIs
if the value for utflabel is unknown, or is one of the two values leading to a 'replacement' decoding algorithm ( "iso-2022-cn" or "iso-2022-cn-ext"), a domexception with the "typeerror" value is thrown.
...each label is associated with a specific encoding type: possible values of utflabel encoding "unicode-1-1-utf-8", "utf-8", "utf8" 'utf-8' "866", "cp866", "csibm866", "ibm866" 'ibm866' "csisolatin2", "iso-8859-2", "iso-ir-101", "iso8859-2", "iso88592", "iso_8859-2", "iso_8859-2:1987", "l2", "latin2" 'iso-8859-2' "csisolatin3", "iso-8859-3", "iso-ir-109", "iso8859-3", "iso88593", "iso_8859-3", "iso_8859-3:1988", "l3", "latin3" 'iso-8859-3' "csisolatin4", "iso-8859-4", "iso-ir-110", "iso8859-4", "iso88594", "iso_8859-4", "iso_8859-4:1988", "l4", "latin4" ...
... 'iso-8859-4' "csisolatincyrillic", "cyrillic", "iso-8859-5", "iso-ir-144", "iso88595", "iso_8859-5", "iso_8859-5:1988" 'iso-8859-5' "arabic", "asmo-708", "csiso88596e", "csiso88596i", "csisolatinarabic", "ecma-114", "iso-8859-6", "iso-8859-6-e", "iso-8859-6-i", "iso-ir-127", "iso8859-6", "iso88596", "iso_8859-6", "iso_8859-6:1987" 'iso-8859-6' "csisolatingreek", "ecma-118", "elot_928", "greek", "greek8", "iso-8859-7", "iso-ir-126", "iso8859-7", "iso88597", "iso_8859-7", "iso_8859-7:1987", "sun_eu_greek" 'iso-8859-7' "csiso88598e", "csisolatinhebrew", "hebrew", "iso-8859-8", "iso-8859-8-e", "iso-ir-138", "iso8859-8", "iso88598", "iso_8859-8", "iso_8859-8:1988", "visual" 'iso-8859-8' "csiso88598i", "iso-8859-8-i", "...
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Web accessibility for seizures and physical reactions - Accessibility
this article introduces concepts behind making web content accessibile for those with vestibular disorders, and how to measure and prevent content leading to seizures and / or other physical reactions.
... the fact that static images may cause seizures and other disorders is documented in such articles as “gamma oscillations and photosensitive epilepsy”, where it is noted “certain visual images, even in the absence of motion or flicker, can trigger seizures in patients with photosensitive epilepsy” the epilepsy foundation, in its article, "shedding light on photosensitivity, one of epilepsy's most complex conditions" talks about static images and patt...
...other disorders, such as disorientation, nausea, vomiting, and more can also be so severe that the user is unable to function.
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Expressions and operators - JavaScript
« previousnext » this chapter describes javascript's expressions and operators, including assignment, comparison, arithmetic, bitwise, logical, string, ternary and more.
... assignment operators comparison operators arithmetic operators bitwise operators logical operators string operators conditional (ternary) operator comma operator unary operators relational operators javascript has both binary and unary operators, and one special ternary operator, the conditional operator.
... var foo = ['one', 'two', 'three']; // without destructuring var one = foo[0]; var two = foo[1]; var three = foo[2]; // with destructuring var [one, two, three] = foo; comparison operators a comparison operator compares its operands and returns a logical value based on whether the comparison is true.
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JavaScript Daemons Management - Archive of obsolete content
date.parse(vdate) : vdate; if (isfinite(ntime) && ntime > { this.length = math.floor((ntime - / this.rate) + this.index; this.pause(); this.start(); } return this.length; }; manual the constructor syntax var mydaemon = new daemon(thisobject, callback[, rate[, length[, init[, onstart]]]]); description constructs a javascript object containing all information needed by an animation (like the this object, the callback function, the length, the frame rate, the number of cycles, and the init and onstart functions).
... arguments thisobject the this object on which will be called the callback function. will be something like, index, length, backwards).
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Additional Navigation - Archive of obsolete content
in/images/t/palace.jpg"/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> <rdf:li rdf:resource=""/> </rdf:seq> <rdf:description rdf:about="" dc:title="palace from above"> <r:country resource=""/> </rdf:description> <rdf:description rdf:about="" dc:title="canal"> <r:country resource=""/> </rdf:description> <rdf:description rdf:about="" dc:title="obelisk"> <r:country resource="http://ww..."/> </rdf:description> <rdf:description about="" dc:title="italy"/> <rdf:description about="" dc:title="netherlands"/> </rdf:rdf> a new country predicate has been added to each photo pointing to another resource.
... <hbox datasources="template-guide-ex2.rdf" ref=""> in this example, three triples will be used.
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JSAPI Cookbook
to query whether a value has a particular type, use a correspondingly named member testing function: // javascript var v = computesomevalue(); var isstring = typeof v === "string"; var isnumber = typeof v === "number"; var isnull = v === null; var isboolean = typeof v === "boolean"; var isobject = typeof v === "object" && v !== null; /* jsapi */ js::rootedvalue v(cx, computesomevalue()); bool isstring = v.isstring(); bool isnumber = v.isnumber(); bool isint32 = v.isint32(); // note: internal representation, not numeric value bool isnull = v.isnull(); bool isboolean = v.isboolean(); bool isobject = v.isobject(); // note: not broken like typeof === "object" is :-) to set a value us...
...*/ js::rootedvalue constructor_val(cx); if (!js_getproperty(cx, js_getglobalobject(cx), "person", &constructor_val)) return false; if (!constructor_val.isobject()) { js_reporterror(cx, "person is not a constructor"); return false; } js::rootedobject constructor(cx, &constructor_val.toobject()); /* step 2 - set up the arguments.
... /* jsapi */ js::rootedvalue x(cx); assert(y.isobject()); js::rootedobject yobj(cx, &y.toobject()); if (!js_getproperty(cx, yobj, "myprop", &x)) return false; that code will crash if y is not an object.
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Indexed collections - JavaScript
each one takes an optional second argument called thisobject.
... if provided, thisobject becomes the value of the this keyword inside the body of the callback function.
... let a = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'a', 'b'] console.log(a.lastindexof('b')) // logs 5 // now try again, starting from before the last match console.log(a.lastindexof('b', 4)) // logs 1 console.log(a.lastindexof('z')) // logs -1 foreach(callback[, thisobject]) executes callback on every array item and returns undefined.
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StringView - Archive of obsolete content
awhole.subarray(nstartidx, nendidx) : awhole; } this.buffer = awhole.buffer; this.bufferview = awhole; this.rawdata = araw; object.freeze(this); } /* constructor's methods */ stringview.loadutf8charcode = function (achars, nidx) { /* the iso 10646 view of utf-8 considers valid codepoints encoded by 1-6 bytes, * while the unicode view of utf-8 in 2003 has limited them to 1-4 bytes in order to * match utf-16's codepoints.
... instances' methods unsigned long stringview.makeindex(optional unsigned long characterslength, optional unsigned long startfrom); domstring stringview.tobase64(optional boolean wholebuffer); stringview stringview.subview(unsigned long characteroffset, optional unsigned long characterslength); void stringview.foreachchar(function callback, optional object thisobject, optional unsigned long characteroffset, optional unsigned long characterslength); domstring stringview.valueof(); domstring stringview.tostring(); properties overview attribute type description encoding read only domstring a string expressing the encoding type. this case it will be treated as ascii iso/iec 8859-15 during conversion to and/or from string.
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NSS Tools modutil
if communicator iscurrently running, you should exit communicator before continuing thisoperation.
...if communicator iscurrently running, you should exit communicator before continuing thisoperation.
...if communicator iscurrently running, you should exit communicator before continuing thisoperation.
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unicode-bidi - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* keyword values */ unicode-bidi: normal; unicode-bidi: embed; unicode-bidi: isolate; unicode-bidi: bidi-override; unicode-bidi: isolate-override; unicode-bidi: plaintext; /* global values */ unicode-bidi: inherit; unicode-bidi: initial; unicode-bidi: unset; syntax values normal the element does not offer an additional level of embedding with respect to the bidirectional algorithm.
... isolate this keyword indicates that the element's container directionality should be calculated without considering the content of this element.
... the element is therefore isolated from its siblings.
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Localizations and character encodings - Developer guides
for most locales, the fallback encoding is windows-1252 (often called iso-8859-1), which was the encoding emitted by most windows applications in the 1990s and a superset of the encoding emitted by most unix applications in the 1990s as a deployed in the america has and in western europe.
... for locales where the fallback encoding is currently iso-8859-1, it should be changed to windows-1252.
... iso-8859-1 is decoded in the exact same way as windows-1252, but firefox is moving to treating windows-1252 as the preferred label for this encoding in accordance with the encoding standard.
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MMgc - Archive of obsolete content
poisoned memory in debug builds, mmgc writes "poison" into deallocated memory as a debugging aid.
... here's what the different poison values mean: 0xfafafafa uninitialized unmanaged memory 0xedededed unmanaged memory that was freed explicitly 0xbabababa managed memory that was freed by the sweep phase of the garbage collector 0xcacacaca managed memory that was freed by an explicit call to gc::free (including drc reaping) 0xdeadbeef this is written to the 4 bytes just after any object allocated via mmgc.
...deleted object poisoning and write detection mmgc will "poison" memory for deleted objects, and will detect if the poison has been written over by the application, which would indicate a write to a deleted object.
...And 2 more matches
addFile - Archive of obsolete content
method of install object syntax public int addfile ( string registryname, installversion version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); public int addfile ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); public int addfile ( string xpisourcepath); public int addfile ( string registryname, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); public int addfile ( string registryname, string version, str... xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); parameters the addfile method has the following parameters: registryname the pathname in the client version registry about the file.
...this parameter can also be null, in which case the xpisourcepath parameter is used as a relative pathname.note that the registry pathname is not the location of the software on the machine; it is the location of information about the software inside the client version registry.
...And 2 more matches
Sorting and filtering a custom tree view - Archive of obsolete content
es", description: "goalie masked man", weapon: "hockey stick"}); data.push({name: "april o'neil", description: "journalist", weapon: "none"}); } if (filtertext == "") { //show all of them table = data; } else { //filter out the ones we want to display table = []; data.foreach(function(element) { //we'll match on every property for (var i in element) { if (prepareforcomparison(element[i]).indexof(filtertext) != -1) { table.push(element); break; } } }); } sort(); //restore scroll position if (topvisiblerow) { settopvisiblerow(topvisiblerow); } } //generic custom tree view stuff function treeview(table) { this.rowcount = table.length; this.getcelltext = function(row, col) { return table[row][]; }; this.getcellvalue = function(row...
...1 : -1; //if the column is passed and it's already sorted by that column, reverse sort if (column) { columnname =; if (tree.getattribute("sortresource") == columnname) { order *= -1; } } else { columnname = tree.getattribute("sortresource"); } function columnsort(a, b) { if (prepareforcomparison(a[columnname]) > prepareforcomparison(b[columnname])) return 1 * order; if (prepareforcomparison(a[columnname]) < prepareforcomparison(b[columnname])) return -1 * order; //tie breaker: name ascending is the second level sort if (columnname != "name") { if (prepareforcomparison(a["name"]) > prepareforcomparison(b["name"])) return 1; if (prepareforcomparison(a["name"]) < prepareforcomp...
...arison(b["name"])) return -1; } return 0; } table.sort(columnsort); //setting these will make the sort option persist tree.setattribute("sortdirection", order == 1 ?
...And 2 more matches
Application Translation with Mercurial
file comparison program for the translation, it is recommend to use file comparison program to compare the english file (containing the new texts) with the file of your locale (which is still missing the new strings).
...a comparison of alternatives (e.g.
... save this comparison as project so you can easily relaunch this comparision without selecting the directories again.
...And 2 more matches
Gecko Profiler FAQ
profile comparison is tricky.
... does not have a comparison view at the moment.
... is there a way to isolate or filter a profile (at least of mainthread and maybe one or two other ones that make sense) to a specific tab/document/eventqueue?
...And 2 more matches
description the comparison performed by cert_verifycertname is not a simple string comparison.
... returns the function returns one of these values: kt_null = 0 kt_rsa kt_dh kt_fortezza kt_kea_size comparing secitem objects secitem_compareitem compares two secitem objects and returns a seccomparison enumerator that shows the difference between them.
... syntax #include <secitem.h> #include <seccomon.h> seccomparison secitem_compareitem( secitem *a, secitem *b); parameters this function has the following parameters: a a pointer to one of the items to be compared.
...And 2 more matches
28 js::call jsapi reference, reference, spidermonkey js::call calls a specified function, fun, on an object, thisobj.
... 194 js_cstringsareutf8 jsapi reference, obsolete, spidermonkey by default, all c/c++ strings passed into the jsapi are treated as iso/iec 8859-1, also known as iso-latin-1.
... 369 js_isconstructing_possiblywithgiventhisobject jsapi, jsapi reference, obsolete, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey in the case of a constructor called from js_constructobject and js_initclass where the class has the jsclass_construct_prototype flag set, spidermonkey passes the constructor a non-standard this object.
...And 2 more matches
Bytecode Descriptions
the comparison may perform conversions that call .tostring()/.valueof() methods and can throw.
... implements: abstract equality comparison.
...implements: strict equality comparison.
...And 2 more matches
, val.isdouble(), val.isnumber() js::numbervalue(any number type), js::int32value(int32_t), js::doublevalue(double), js::float32value(float) val.toint32(), val.todouble(), val.tonumber() val.setint32(int32_t), val.setnumber(uint32_t), val.setnumber(double) string val.isstring() js::stringvalue(jsstring*) val.tostring() val.setstring(jsstring *) object val.isobject() js::objectvalue(jsobject&amp;), js::objectornullvalue(jsobject*) val.toobject() val.setobject(jsobject &) symbol val.issymbol() js::symbolvalue(js::symbol*) val.tosymbol() val.setsymbol(js::symbol &) numbers are stored in a js::value either as a double or as an int32_t.
... val.isobjectornull() returns true if the value is either an object or undefined. is equivalent to !val.isobject().
...And 2 more matches
874 nsisockssocketinfo interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, sockets, xpcom interface reference no summary! create an instance, use: 914 nsisocketprovider interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, reference, référence(2), sockets, xpcom interface reference implemented by:;2?type=foo.
... to create an instance, use: 915 nsisocketproviderservice interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, sockets, xpcom interface reference given a string representing a socket type, this method returns an nsisocketprovider representing that socket type.
...And 2 more matches
MediaStreamTrack - Web APIs
mediastreamtrack.isolated read only returns a boolean value which is true if the track is isolated; that is, the track cannot be accessed by the document that owns the mediastreamtrack.
... isolationchange sent whenever the value of the isolated property changes due to the document gaining or losing permission to access the track.
... also available through the onisolationchange event handler property.
...And 2 more matches
Cognitive accessibility - Accessibility
it also includes people with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd).
...for example, being able to extend the expiration time on an application requiring an authentication code sent to a mobile device via text message helps with the following scenarios: people with attention or anxiety disorders.
... people with attention deficit disorders should be able to focus on content without distractions.
...And 2 more matches
size - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
<page-size> a5 this matches the standard, iso dimensions: 148mm x 210mm.
... a4 this matches the standard, iso dimensions: 210mm x 297mm.
... (most frequently used dimensions for personal printing.) a3 this matches the standard, iso dimensions: 297mm x 420mm.
...And 2 more matches
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy - HTTP
coop will process-isolate your document and potential attackers can't access to your global object if they were opening it in a popup, preventing a set of cross-origin attacks dubbed xs-leaks.
... same-origin-allow-popups retains references to newly opened windows or tabs which either don't set coop or which opt out of isolation by setting a coop of unsafe-none.
... same-origin isolates the browsing context exclusively to same-origin documents.
...And 2 more matches
Mozilla Crypto FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
encryption export regulations published on january 14, 2000, the release on february 11, 2000, of source code for ssl, s/mime, and general pki functionality for use in the mozilla project, and the "bernstein advisory" issued by the bureau of export administration on february 17, 2000.
... however, in an advisory opinion issued in reference to the bernstein case, the bureau of export administration (bxa) has stated the following: "concerning the posting onto a mirror or archive site of already-posted source code, notification is required only for the initial posting." bxa and nsa have already been notified of the posting of encryption-related source code on the mozilla site, and in light of this opinion...
...for the statement by the bureau of export administration on notification requirements for mirror sites, see the section "notification requirements" in the bernstein advisory opinion contained in the letter dated february 17, 2000, from james lewis of bxa to cindy cohn, counsel for daniel bernstein.
...see also the request for an advisory opinion made to the bureau of export administration by bernstein's lawyers and the resulting advisory opinion issued by bxa in response to that request.
Tamarin-central rev 703:2cee46be9ce0 - Archive of obsolete content
performance testsuite time metric the following is a comparison of the current tamarin-central (tc-703) versus the prior build (tc-700) as well as current against the vm in flash player 10.
...sh10: 148.7% fastertc-703 vs tc-700: 0.1% slowertc-703 vs flash10: 5.2% faster linux (ubuntu linux, 2.13 ghz dual core)tc-703 vs tc-700: 6.0% fastertc-703 vs flash10: 1.7% fastertc-703 vs tc-700: 89.5% fastertc-703 vs flash10: 182.0% fastertc-703 vs tc-700: 6.1% fastertc-703 vs flash10: 1.4% faster performance testuite memory metric the following is a comparison of the current tamarin-central (tc-703) versus the prior build (tc-700).
... there is no linux comparison due to a linux memstat bug only recently resolved in the tamarin-central branch.
... tc-700: 16.4% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 2.1% larger windows (xp pro, 2.13ghz dual core)tc-703 vs tc-700: 3.2% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 7.6% largertc-703 vs tc-700: 3.9% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 12.4% largertc-703 vs tc-700: 3.3% largertc-703 vs tc-663: 21.4% larger linux (ubuntu linux, 2.13 ghz dual core)n/an/an/a vm code size the following is a comparison of the current tamarin-central compiled size (tc-703) versus the prior build (tc-700) as well as the current build against the vm in flash player 10.
addDirectory - Archive of obsolete content
method of install object syntax public int adddirectory ( string xpisourcepath); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, installversion version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); parameter...
...a relative pathname is appended to the registry name of the package as specified by the package parameter to the initinstall method.this parameter can also be null, in which case the xpisourcepath parameter is used as a relative pathname.note that the registry pathname is not the location of the software on the computer; it is the location of information about the software inside the client version registry.
... xpisourcepath a string specifying the location of the directory within the xpi empty string ("") causes the creation of a subdirectory node in the registry without actually unpacking any files, which may be useful when you are updating a package that contains subcomponents that could also be updated separately.
... when xpisourcepath is an empty string, registryname cannot be null.
patch - Archive of obsolete content
method of install object syntax int patch ( string registryname, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); int patch ( string registryname, installversion version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); int patch ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); parameters the patch method has the following parameters: registryname the pathname in the client version registry for the component that is to be patched.this parameter can be an absolute pathname, such as /royalairways/royalsw/executable or a relative pathname, such as executable.
...this parameter can also be null, in which case the xpisourcepath parameter is used as a relative pathname.
... xpisourcepath a string specifying the location of the differences file within the xpi file.
...if this parameter is blank or null, xpisourcepath is used.
Broadcasters and Observers - Archive of obsolete content
<broadcasterset> <broadcaster id="isoffline" label="offline"/> </broadcasterset> any elements that are watching the broadcaster will be modified automatically whenever the broadcaster has its label attribute changed.
...for example, to make a button an observer of the broadcaster above: <button id="offline_button" observes="isoffline"/> the observes attribute has been placed on the button and its value has been set to the value of the id on the broadcaster to observe.
... here the button will observe the broadcaster which has the id isoffline, which is the one defined earlier. example is shown below: example 2 : source view <broadcasterset> <broadcaster id="isoffline" label="offline" accesskey="f"/> </broadcasterset> <button id="offline_button"> <observes element="isoffline" attribute="label"/> </button> two attributes have been added to the observes element.
Parsing microformats in JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
after getting the text, it is normalized into an iso 8601 date.
...iso8601fromdate converts a javascript date object into an iso 8601 formatted date.
... isodate = microformats.parser.iso8601fromdate(date, punctuation) parameters date the javascript date object to convert.
... return value a string containing the iso 8601 formatted date.
Cooperative asynchronous JavaScript: Timeouts and intervals - Learn web development
add the following function to your code next: function setendgame() { cancelanimationframe(raf); = 'none'; = 'block'; result.textcontent = 'players go!!'; document.addeventlistener('keydown', keyhandler); function keyhandler(e) { let isover = false; console.log(e.key); if (e.key === "a") { result.textcontent = 'player 1 won!!'; isover = true; } else if (e.key === "l") { result.textcontent = 'player 2 won!!'; isover = true; } if (isover) { document.removeeventlistener('keydown', keyhandler); settimeout(reset, 5000); } }; } stepping through this: first, cance...
... set the variable isover to false, so we can track whether the correct keys were pressed for player 1 or 2 to win.
...(note: this will only work with lowercase a and l — if an uppercase a or l is submitted (the key plus shift), it is counted as a different key!) if one of these keys was pressed, set isover to true.
... only if isover is true, remove the keydown event listener using removeeventlistener() so that once the winning press has happened, no more keyboard input is possible to mess up the final game result.
the address of the client can be found by calling the nsisockettransport.getaddress() method or by inspecting nsisockettransport.gethost(), which returns a string representation of the client's ip address, which may be either an ipv4 or an ipv6 address.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void onsocketaccepted(in nsiserversocket aserv, in nsisockettransport atransport); void onstoplistening(in nsiserversocket aserv, in nsresult astatus); methods onsocketaccepted() this method is called when a client connection is accepted.
... void onsocketaccepted( in nsiserversocket aserv, in nsisockettransport atransport ); parameters aserv the server socket.
... see also nsiserversocket nsisockettransport ...
note: this is more than a string comparison, as two different uri strings can represent the same location.
... note: this is more than a string comparison, as two different uri strings can represent the same location.
...this comparison is case-insensitive.
... note: this is an optimization, allowing you to check the scheme of the uri without having to get the scheme and do the comparison yourself; this saves memory allocations.
return value the value is converted to an 8-bit string in the iso-8859-1 character set. iso-8859-1 string is widened to a utf16 string first.
...return value the value is converted to an 8-bit string in the iso-8859-1 character set.
... str the value is converted to an 8-bit string in the iso-8859-1 character set.
TextDecoder.prototype.encoding - Web APIs
the legacy single-byte encodings: 'ibm866', 'iso-8859-2', 'iso-8859-3', 'iso-8859-4', 'iso-8859-5', 'iso-8859-6', 'iso-8859-7', 'iso-8859-8'', 'iso-8859-8i', 'iso-8859-10', 'iso-8859-13', 'iso-8859-14', 'iso-8859-15', 'iso-8859-16', 'koi8-r', 'koi8-u', 'macintosh', 'windows-874', 'windows-1250', 'windows-1251', 'windows-1252', 'windows-1253', 'windows-1254', 'windows-1255', 'windows-1256', 'windows-1257', 'windows-1258', or 'x-mac-cyrillic'.
... the legacy multi-byte japanese encodings: 'euc-jp', 'iso-2022-jp', and 'shift-jis'.
... the legacy multi-byte korean encodings: 'euc-kr', and 'iso-2022-kr'. can happen with iso-2022-cn and iso-2022-cn-ext.
WebGL constants - Web APIs
oat_mat4x3 0x8b6a unsigned_int_vec2 0x8dc6 unsigned_int_vec3 0x8dc7 unsigned_int_vec4 0x8dc8 unsigned_normalized 0x8c17 signed_normalized 0x8f9c vertex attributes constant name value description vertex_attrib_array_integer 0x88fd vertex_attrib_array_divisor 0x88fe transform feedback constant name value description transform_feedback_buffer_mode 0x8c7f max_transform_feedback_separate_components 0x8c80 transform_feedback_varyings 0x8c83 transform_feedback_buffer_start 0x8c84 transform_feedback_buffer_size 0x8c85 transform_f...
... dynamic_copy 0x88ea depth_component32f 0x8cac depth32f_stencil8 0x8cad invalid_index 0xffffffff timeout_ignored -1 max_client_wait_timeout_webgl 0x9247 constants defined in webgl extensions angle_instanced_arrays constant name value description vertex_attrib_array_divisor_angle 0x88fe describes the frequency divisor used for instanced rendering.
... ext_texture_filter_anisotropic constant name value description max_texture_max_anisotropy_ext 0x84ff returns the maximum available anisotropy.
... texture_max_anisotropy_ext 0x84fe passed to texparameter to set the desired maximum anisotropy for a texture. - Web APIs
all browser manufacturers try to make the opening of new secondary windows noticed by users and noticeable by users to avoid confusion, to avoid disorienting users.
...moving and resizing a window remotely on the user's screen via script will very often annoy the users, will disorient the user, and will be wrong at best.
... the purpose is to warn users in advance of context changes to minimize confusion on the user's part: changing the current window or popping up new windows can be very disorienting to users (back toolbar button is disabled).
...opening new browser windows, jakob nielsen, may 1999 when extreme changes in context are explicitly identified before they occur, then the users can determine if they wish to proceed or so they can be prepared for the change: not only they will not be confused or feel disoriented, but more experienced users can better decide how to open such links (in a new window or not, in the same window, in a new tab or not, in "background" or not).
mix-blend-mode - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
nimation typediscretecreates stacking contextyes formal syntax <blend-mode>where <blend-mode> = normal | multiply | screen | overlay | darken | lighten | color-dodge | color-burn | hard-light | soft-light | difference | exclusion | hue | saturation | color | luminosity examples effect of different mix-blend-mode values <div class="grid"> <div class="col"> <div class="note">blending in isolation (no blending with the background)</div> <div class="row isolate"> <div class="cell"> normal <div class="container normal"> <div class="group"> <div class="item firefox"></div> <svg viewbox="0 0 150 150"> <defs> <lineargradient id="red"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="hsl(0,100%,50%)" /> ...
...t 50%, #fff 100%), linear-gradient(to bottom, #ff0 0%, #f0f 50%, #0ff 100%); width: 150px; height: 150px; margin: 0 auto; } .r { transform-origin: center; transform: rotate(-30deg); fill: url(#red); } .g { transform-origin: center; transform: rotate(90deg); fill: url(#green); } .b { transform-origin: center; transform: rotate(210deg); fill: url(#blue); } .isolate .group { isolation: isolate; } .normal .item { mix-blend-mode: normal; } .multiply .item { mix-blend-mode: multiply; } .screen .item { mix-blend-mode: screen; } .overlay .item { mix-blend-mode: overlay; } .darken .item { mix-blend-mode: darken; } .lighten .item { mix-blend-mode: lighten; } .color-dodge .item { mix-blend-mode: color-dodge; } .color-burn .item { mix-...
...} .soft-light .item { mix-blend-mode: soft-light; } .difference .item { mix-blend-mode: difference; } .exclusion .item { mix-blend-mode: exclusion; } .hue .item { mix-blend-mode: hue; } .saturation .item { mix-blend-mode: saturation; } .color .item { mix-blend-mode: color; } .luminosity .item { mix-blend-mode: luminosity; } using mix-blend-mode with html html <div class="isolate"> <div class="circle circle-1"></div> <div class="circle circle-2"></div> <div class="circle circle-3"></div> </div> css .circle { width: 80px; height: 80px; border-radius: 50%; mix-blend-mode: screen; position: absolute; } .circle-1 { background: red; } .circle-2 { background: lightgreen; left: 40px; } .circle-3 { background: blue; left: 20px; top: 40px; } .
...isolate { isolation: isolate; /* without isolation, the background color will be taken into account */ position: relative; } result using mix-blend-mode with svg svg <svg> <g class="isolate"> <circle cx="40" cy="40" r="40" fill="red"/> <circle cx="80" cy="40" r="40" fill="lightgreen"/> <circle cx="60" cy="80" r="40" fill="blue"/> </g> </svg> css circle { mix-blend-mode: screen; } .isolate { isolation: isolate; } /* without isolation, the background color will be taken into account */ result specifications specification status comment compositing and blending level 1the definition of 'mix-blend-mode' in that specification.
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
6 date and time formats used in html date, element, format, html, iso 8601, input, reference, string, time, week, datetime, datetime-local, del, ins, month, month-year, week-year certain html elements use date and/or time values.
... 32 title global attributes, html, reference, title the title global attribute contains text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to.
... 67 <bdi>: the bidirectional isolate element bdi, bidi, directionality, element, html, html text-level semantics, html:flow content, html:palpable content, html:phrasing content, internationalization, left-to-right, reference, right-to-left, text, web, direction, i18n, ltr, rtl the html bidirectional isolate element (<bdi>) tells the browser's bidirectional algorithm to treat the text it contains in isolation from its...
... 141 <input type="week"> element, forms, html, html input types, html forms, html input, input, input element, input type, input types, reference, week, weeks <input> elements of type week create input fields allowing easy entry of a year plus the iso 8601 week number during that year (i.e., week 1 to 52 or 53).
Intl.DisplayNames.prototype.of() - JavaScript
syntax displaynames.of(code); parameters code the code to provide depends on the type: if the type is "region", code should be either an iso-3166 two letters region code, or a three digits un m49 geographic regions.
... if the type is "script", code should be an iso-15924 four letters script code.
...languagecode is either a two letters iso 639-1 language code or a three letters iso 639-2 language code.
... if the type is "currency", code should be a 3-letter iso 4217 currency code.
Intl.NumberFormat() constructor - JavaScript
possible values are the iso 4217 currency codes, such as "usd" for the us dollar, "eur" for the euro, or "cny" for the chinese rmb — see the current currency & funds code list.
...possible values are: "symbol" to use a localized currency symbol such as €, this is the default value, "narrowsymbol" to use a narrow format symbol ("$100" rather than "us$100"), "code" to use the iso currency code, "name" to use a localized currency name such as "dollar", currencysign in many locales, accounting format means to wrap the number with parentheses instead of appending a minus sign.
...possible values are from 0 to 20; the default for plain number and percent formatting is 0; the default for currency formatting is the number of minor unit digits provided by the iso 4217 currency code list (2 if the list doesn't provide that information).
...possible values are from 0 to 20; the default for plain number formatting is the larger of minimumfractiondigits and 3; the default for currency formatting is the larger of minimumfractiondigits and the number of minor unit digits provided by the iso 4217 currency code list (2 if the list doesn't provide that information); the default for percent formatting is the larger of minimumfractiondigits and 0.
Equality (==) - JavaScript
syntax x == y description the equality operators (== and !=) use the abstract equality comparison algorithm to compare two operands.
... examples comparison with no type conversion 1 == 1; // true "hello" == "hello"; // true comparison with type conversion "1" == 1; // true 1 == "1"; // true 0 == false; // true 0 == null; // false 0 == undefined; // false 0 == !!null; // true, look at logical not operator 0 == !!undefined; // true, look at logical not operator null == u...
...ndefined; // true const number1 = new number(3); const number2 = new number(3); number1 == 3; // true number1 == number2; // false comparison of objects const object1 = {"key": "value"} const object2 = {"key": "value"}; object1 == object2 // false object2 == object2 // true comparing strings and string objects note that strings constructed using new string() are objects.
...however, if both operands are string objects, then they are compared as objects and must reference the same object for comparison to succeed: const string1 = "hello"; const string2 = string("hello"); const string3 = new string("hello"); const string4 = new string("hello"); console.log(string1 == string2); // true console.log(string1 == string3); // true console.log(string2 == string3); // true console.log(string3 == string4); // false console.log(string4 == string4); // true comparing dates and strings const d = new date('december 17, 1995 03:24:00'); const s = d.tostring(); // for example: "sun dec 17 1995 03:24:00 gmt-0800 (pacific standard time)...
Media container formats (file types) - Web media technologies
this media container format is derived from the iso base media file format and mpeg-4, but is specifically streamlined for lower bandwidth scenarios.
...the mp4 file format is derived from the iso base media file format, which is directly derived from the quicktime file format developed by apple.
... specifications specification comment etsi 3gpp defines the 3gp container format iso/iec 14496-3 (mpeg-4 part 3 audio) defines mp4 audio including adts flac format the flac format specification iso/iec 11172-1 (mpeg-1 part 1 systems) defines the mpeg-1 container format iso/iec 13818-1 (mpeg-2 part 1 systems) defines the mpeg-2 container format iso/iec 14496-14 (mpeg-4 part 14: mp4 file format) defines the mpeg-4 (mp4) version 2 c...
...ontainer format iso/iec 14496-1 (mpeg-4 part 1 systems) defines the original mpeg-4 (mp4) container format rfc 3533 defines the ogg container format rfc 5334 defines the ogg media types and file extensions quicktime file format specification defines the quicktime movie (mov) format multimedia programming interface and data specifications 1.0 the closest thing to an official wave specification resource interchange file format (used by wav) defines the riff format; wave files are a form of riff webm container guidelines guide for adapting matroska for webm matroska specifications the specification for the matroska container format upon which webm is based webm byte stream format webm byte...
Web video codec guide - Web media technologies
hdr support yes variable frame rate (vfr) support yes browser compatibility feature chrome edge firefox internet explorer opera safari av1 support 70 75 67 no 57 no container support isobmff[1], mpeg-ts, mp4, webm rtp / webrtc compatible yes supporting/maintaining organization alliance for open media specification licensing royalty-free, open standard [1] iso base media file format [2] see the av1 specification's tables of levels, which describe the maximum resolutions and...
...efox internet explorer opera safari hevc / h.265 support no 18[1] no[2] 11[1] no 11 container support mp4 rtp / webrtc compatible no supporting/maintaining organization itu / mpeg specifications licensing proprietary; confirm your compliance with the licensing requirements.
... feature chrome edge firefox internet explorer opera safari mpeg-1 support no no no no no yes container support mpeg rtp / webrtc compatible no supporting/maintaining organization mpeg specification licensing proprietary; however, all patents have expired, so mpeg-1 may be used freely mpeg-2 part 2 video mpeg-2 part 2 is the video format defined by the mpeg-2 specification, and is also occasionally referred to by its itu designation, h.262.
... opera safari mpeg-2 support no no no no no yes container support mpeg, mpeg-ts (mpeg transport stream), mp4, quicktime rtp / webrtc compatible no supporting/maintaining organization mpeg / itu specification licensing proprietary; all patents have expired worldwide with the exception of in malaysia and the philippines as of april 1, 2019, so mpeg-2 can be used freely outside those two countries.
SVG documentation index - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
after applying the kernelmatrix of the <feconvolvematrix> element to the input image to yield a number and applied the divisor attribute, the bias attribute is added to each component.
... 60 divisor filters, svg, svg attribute the divisor attribute specifies the value by which the resulting number of applying the kernelmatrix of a <feconvolvematrix> element to the input image color value is divided to yield the destination color value.
... 232 unicode-range deprecated, svg, svg attribute the unicode-range attribute defines the range of iso 10646 characters possibly covered by the glyphs in a font. is purely advisory and has no influence on rendering or processing.
Creating annotations - Archive of obsolete content
updating main.js go back to main.js and add the code to create the selector into the main function: var selector = pagemod.pagemod({ include: ['*'], contentscriptwhen: 'ready', contentscriptfile: [data.url('jquery-1.4.2.min.js'), data.url('selector.js')], onattach: function(worker) { worker.postmessage(annotatorison); selectors.push(worker); worker.port.on('show', function(data) { console.log(data); }); worker.on('detach', function () { detachworker(this, selectors); }); } }); make sure the name you use to load jquery matches the name of the jquery version you downloaded.'); var selectors = []; add detachworker(): function detachworker(worker, workerarray) { var index = workerarray.indexof(worker); if(index != -1) { workerarray.splice(index, 1); } } edit toggleactivation() to notify the workers of a change in activation state: function activateselectors() { selectors.foreach( function (selector) { selector.postmessage(annotatorison); }); } function toggleactivation() { annotatorison = !annotatorison; activateselectors(); return annotatorison; } we'll be using this url in all our screenshots.
...ctor so that on receiving the show message we assign the content of the message to the panel using a new property annotationanchor, and show the panel: var selector = pagemod.pagemod({ include: ['*'], contentscriptwhen: 'ready', contentscriptfile: [data.url('jquery-1.4.2.min.js'), data.url('selector.js')], onattach: function(worker) { worker.postmessage(annotatorison); selectors.push(worker); worker.port.on('show', function(data) { annotationeditor.annotationanchor = data;; }); worker.on('detach', function () { detachworker(this, selectors); }); } }); execute cfx run again, activate the annotator, move your mouse over an element and click the element when it is highlighted.
Filtering - Archive of obsolete content
for example, the resulting triple for the netherlands might be: <triple subject="?photo" predicate="" object=""/> this triple is then appended to the query.
...we need to add the type to the two countries in the datasource, as well as ensure that the namespace is declared on the root rdf tag: <nso:country about="" dc:title="italy"/> <nso:country about="" dc:title="netherlands"/> the type of these two resources, when expanded with the namespace (not shown here), will be ''.
... the resulting rdf triples for the first country will be: -> -> -> -> italy the type is just like any other triple in the datasource, so we don't need any special syntax to navigate over it.
Simple Query Syntax - Archive of obsolete content
for example, to filter for photos with a specific country: <hbox id="photoslist" datasources="template-guide-photos4.rdf" ref="" xmlns:r=""> <template> <rule r:country=""> <vbox class="box-padded" uri="rdf:*"> <image src="rdf:*"/> <label value="rdf:"/> </vbox> </rule> </template> </hbox> this example shows how a single attribute may be used to filter for only those results that have a country set to ''.
...the equivalent triple for the above example might be: <triple subject="?photo" predicate="" object=""/> adjusting simple query conditions the simple syntax is limited in the kind of filtering it can do, however it is often sufficient for many purposes.
...for instance: <rule id="filterrule" dc:title="obelisk" r:country=""> this rule filters on two criteria which must both match.
XPCOM Interfaces - Archive of obsolete content
for example, the nsiaddressbook is the interface for interacting with an address book, nsisound is used for playing files and nsilocalfile is used for files.
...for example, once we have a component, we can check if it implements nsisound, and, if so, we can play sound through it.
...for example, to get a sound interface, you can do the following: var sound = components.classes[";1"].createinstance(); if (sound) sound.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsisound); xpcom interfaces can inherit from other interfaces.
where - Archive of obsolete content
attributes ignorecase, multiple, negate, rel, subject, value examples (example needed) attributes ignorecase type: boolean set to true to indicate that the case does not matter when making comparisons.
... negate type: boolean set to true to indicate that the comparison should be reversed.
... rel type: one of the values below the type of comparison to perform.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
watch #grandparadiso for updates.
... discussion november 29th gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting other than annoucing the meeting, this thread discusses where else can info about what happens at the meetings be found (since the agenda often seems bare).
... meetings november 29th gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting: (agenda).
Mozilla's DOCTYPE sniffing - Archive of obsolete content
the public identifier "iso/iec 15445:2000//dtd hypertext markup language//en".
... the public identifier "iso/iec 15445:2000//dtd html//en".
... note that all public identifier comparisons are case-insensitive due to the significant number of pages that use public identifiers with incorrect case.
Examples - Game development
angry bots a futuristic aliens-esque isometric 3rd person shooter demo, made with unity3d.
... rpg mo isometric mmorpg with similarities to runescape classic and ultima.
... svg isometic tiles generating isometric tiles with svg matricies.
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
hearing-impaired people do use ats (see assistive devices for people with hearing, voice, speech, or language disorders), but there are not really special ats specific for computer/web use.
... people with mobility impairments these people have disabilities concerning movement, which might involve purely physical issues (such as loss of limb or paralysis), or neurological/genetic disorders that lead to weakness or loss of control in limbs. also includes people with learning disabilities, such as dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
JavaScript basics - Learn web development
!, !== for "not", the basic expression is true, but the comparison returns false because we negate it: let myvariable = 3; !(myvariable === 3); "does-not-equal" gives basically the same result with different syntax.
...if this comparison returns true, the first block of code runs.
... if the comparison is not true, the second block of code—after the else statement—runs instead.
What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development
for example, your page could handle english and japanese just fine: if you set your character encoding to iso-8859-1, for example (the character set for the latin alphabet), your page rendering may appear all messed up: note: some browsers (e.g.
... active learning: experiment with character encoding to try this out, revisit the simple html template you obtained in the previous section on <title> (the title-example.html page), try changing the meta charset value to iso-8859-1, and add the japanese to your page.
...for example, we could set our japanese language section to be recognised as japanese, like so: <p>japanese example: <span lang="ja">ご飯が熱い。</span>.</p> these codes are defined by the iso 639-1 standard.
Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
the condition makes use of the comparison operators we discussed in the last module and returns true or false.
... note: you can also find this example on github (see it running live on there also.) a note on comparison operators comparison operators are used to test the conditions inside our conditional statements.
... we first looked at comparison operators back in our basic math in javascript — numbers and operators article.
Ember Interactivity: Footer functionality, conditional rendering - Learn web development
strong>{{this.todos.incomplete.length}}</strong> todos left with the following: <strong>{{this.todos.incomplete.length}}</strong> {{#if this.todos.incomplete.length === 1}} todo {{else}} todos {{/if}} left this will give us an error, however — in ember, these simple if statements can currently only test for a truthy/falsy value, not a more complex expression such as a comparison.
... get todocountisone() { return this.incomplete.length === 1; } then go back over to footer.hbs and update the previous template section we edited to the following: <strong>{{this.todos.incomplete.length}}</strong> {{#if this.todos.todocountisone}} todo {{else}} todos {{/if}} left now save and test, and you'll see the correct pluralization used when you only have one todo item present!
... note that this is the block form of if in ember; you could also use the the inline form: {{if this.todos.todocountisone "todo" "todos"}} completing todos as with the other components, we need a class to access the service.
add the following to your mozconfig in order to build with level 2: ac_add_options rustc_opt_level=2 gc poisoning many firefox builds have a diagnostic tool that causes crashes to happen sooner and produce much more actionable information, but also slow down regular usage substantially.
... in particular, "gc poisoning" is used in all debug builds, and in optimized nightly builds (but not opt developer edition or beta builds).
... the poisoning can be disabled by setting the environment variable jsgc_disable_poisoning=1 before starting the browser.
the bug fixes in nss are described in the "security advisories" section below.
...the bug fixes in nss 3.19.4 are described in the "security advisories" section below.
...the bug fixes in nss 3.20.1 are described in the "security advisories" section below.
Proxies in Necko
socks and nsisockettransportservice the aforementioned methods work very well for application-level proxies.
...therefore, nsisockettransportservice supports creating socket transports using an nsiproxyinfo.
...note that socks is implemented as an nsisocketprovider, and the socket transport service will therefore use it as as the downmost socket type.
SpiderMonkey Internals
an example, from perfect.js: function perfect(n) { print("the perfect numbers up to " + n + " are:"); // we build sumofdivisors[i] to hold a string expression for // the sum of the divisors of i, excluding i itself.
... var sumofdivisors = new exprarray(n + 1, 1); for (var divisor = 2; divisor <= n; divisor++) { for (var j = divisor + divisor; j <= n; j += divisor) { sumofdivisors[j] += " + " + divisor; } // at this point everything up to 'divisor' has its sumofdivisors // expression calculated, so we can determine whether it's perfect // already by evaluating.
... if (eval(sumofdivisors[divisor]) == divisor) { print("" + divisor + " = " + sumofdivisors[divisor]); } } delete sumofdivisors; print("that's all."); } the line number to pc and back mappings can be tested using the js program with the following script: load("perfect.js"); print(perfect); dis(perfect); print(); for (var ln = 0; ln <= 40; ln++) { var pc = line2pc(perfect, ln); var ln2 = pc2line(perfect, pc); print("\tline " + ln + " => pc " + pc + " => line " + ln2); } the result of the for loop over lines 0 to 40 inclusive is: line 0 => pc 0 => line 16 line 1 => pc 0 => line 16 line 2 => pc 0 => line 16 line 3 => pc 0 => line 16 line 4 => pc 0 => line 16 line 5 => pc 0 => line 16 line 6 => pc 0 => line 16 line 7 => pc 0 => line 16 line 8 => pc 0 => line 16...
syntax bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject thisobj, js::handlefunction fun, const js::handlevaluearray &args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject thisobj, const char *name, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject thisobj, js::handlevalue fun, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handlevalue thisv, js::handlevalue fun, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handlevalue thisv, js::handleobject funobj, const js::ha...
... thisobj js::handleobject / js::handlevalue the "current" object on which the function operates; the object specified here is "this" when the function executes.
... description js::call calls a specified function, fun, on an object, thisobj.
received the comparison result.
... on successful, js_stringequalsascii stores the comparison result into *match and returns true, otherwise returns false.
... js_flatstringequalsascii always succeeds, and returns the comparison result.
Creating the Component Code
includes and constants in weblock1.cpp #include <stdio.h> // may be defined at the project level // in the makefile #define mozilla_strict_api #include "nsimodule.h" #include "nsifactory.h" #include "nsicomponentmanager.h" #include "nsicomponentregistrar.h" // use classes to handle iids // classes provide methods for comparison: equals, etc.
...the variable kifactoryiid, for example, provides methods like equals() that can be used to facilitate comparisons in the code, as in the following example from the mozilla source: using class methods to handle identifiers if (aiid.equals(ns_get_iid(nsisupports))) { *ainstanceptr = (void*)(nsisupports*)this; ns_addref_this(); return ns_ok; } finally, sample_cid is an example of a cid that uniquely identifies the component.
...if you have a factory that knows every iid supported by the concrete base class, for example, then when you go to add a new supported interface you add this iid comparison in both the factory and the queryinterface implementation in the concrete class.
Finishing the Component
but it only should do this comparison for remote urls, because we don't want to block the application from loading local content that it requires, like files it gets via the resource:// protocol.
... instead of extracting the string spec out of the nsiuri to do a string comparison, which would require you to do the parsing yourself, you can compare the nsiuri objects with each other, as in the following section.
... the string comparison with the url type "http", "https", and "ftp" looks like this: nsembedcstring scheme; contentlocation->getscheme(scheme); if (strcmp("http", scheme.get()) != 0 && strcmp("https", scheme.get()) != 0 && strcmp("ftp", scheme.get()) != 0) { // this isn't a type of uri that we deal with.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void comvariant2jsval(in comvariantptr comvar, out jsval val); unsigned long gethostingflags(in string acontext); boolean isclassmarkedsafeforscripting(in nscidref cid, out boolean classexists); boolean isclasssafetohost(in jscontextptr cx, in nscidref cid, in boolean capscheck, out boolean classexists); boolean isobjectsafeforscripting(in voidptr theobject, in nsiidref id); void jsval2comvariant(in jsval var, out comvariant comvar); methods comvariant2jsval() converts a com variant to a jsval.
... return value isobjectsafeforscripting() test if the instantiated object is safe for scripting on the specified interface.
... boolean isobjectsafeforscripting( in voidptr theobject, in nsiidref id ); parameters theobject the object to test (an iunknown cast into a void *).
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.6 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void dispatch(in nsirunnable event, in unsigned long flags); boolean isoncurrentthread(); void postevent(in pleventptr aevent); native code only!
... isoncurrentthread() check to see if this event target is associated with the current thread.
... boolean isoncurrentthread(); parameters none.
(the binary data will be treated as an iso-latin-1 character string, which it is not).
...javascript callers should take care with the value passed to this method since it will be truncated from a js string (unicode) to a iso-latin-1 string.
... (the binary data will be treated as an iso-latin-1 character string, which it is not).
void insertcontainernode( in nsirdfcompositedatasource db, in nsrdfsortstate sortstateptr, in nsicontent root, in nsicontent trueparent, in nsicontent container, in nsicontent node, in boolean anotify ); parameters db sortstateptr root trueparent container node anotify sort() sort the contents of the widget containing anode using asortkey as the comparison key, and asorthints as how to sort.
...asortkey the value to be used as the comparison key.
... asorthints one or more hints as to how to sort: ascending: sort the contents in ascending order descending: sort the contents in descending order comparecase: perform case sensitive comparisons integer: treat values as integers, non-integers are compared as strings twostate: do not allow the natural (unordered state) see also nsixultemplatequeryprocessor ...
virtualenv is software for isolating python package environments (e.g.
... virtualenv tools virtualenv does one thing well: creates isolated virtual environments of python packages. are a few such tools: carton: make a self-extracting virtualenv from directories or urls of packages; velcro: a script that sets up a python project for local installation; virtualenvwrapper: a set of extensions to ian bicking’s virtualenv tool for creating isolated python development environments; the mozilla-central virtualenv in order to make use of various python modules located throughout mozilla-central, a virtualenv is created as part of the build process: .
WebIDL bindings
int16_t somemethod(const nsastring& somestring, errorresult& rv, exceptionhandling aexceptionhandling = ereportexceptions); }; class myothercallback : public callbackinterface { public: int16_t dosomething(nsinode& somenode, errorresult& rv, exceptionhandling aexceptionhandling = ereportexceptions); template<typename t> int16_t dosomething(const t& thisobj, nsinode& somenode, errorresult& rv, exceptionhandling aexceptionhandling = ereportexceptions); }; and these c++ function declarations on the implementation of myinterface: already_addrefed<mycallback> getfoo(); void setfoo(mycallback&); already_addrefed<mycallback> getbar(); void setbar(mycallback*); a consumer of mycallback would be able to use it like this: void someclass:...; }; will lead to this c++ class declaration, in the mozilla::dom namespace: class mycallback : public callbackfunction { public: int32_t call(myinterface& arg1, bool arg2, errorresult& rv, exceptionhandling aexceptionhandling = ereportexceptions); template<typename t> int32_t call(const t& thisobj, myinterface& arg1, bool arg2, errorresult& rv, exceptionhandling aexceptionhandling = ereportexceptions); }; and these c++ function declarations in the myinterface class: already_addrefed<mycallback> getfoo(); void setfoo(mycallback&); already_addrefed<mycallback> getbar(); void setbar(mycallback*); a consumer of mycallback would be able to use it like this: void someclass::dosomet...
...for example, objectorlong would have the following methods: bool isobject() const; jsobject* getasobject() const; void settoobject(jscontext*, jsobject*); bool islong() const; int32_t getaslong() const; int32_t& setaslong() owning unions used on the stack should be declared as a rootedunion<uniontype>, for example, rootedunion<owningobjectorlong>.
IDBDatabaseSync - Web APIs
exceptions this method can raise an idbdatabaseexception with the following code: constraint_err if an object store with the same name (based on case-sensitive comparison) already exists in the connected database.
... exceptions this method can raise an idbdatabaseexception with the following code: not_found_err if an object store with the given name (based on case-sensitive comparison) already exists in the connected database.
... returns void exceptions this method can raise an idbdatabaseexception with the following code: not_found_err if the object store with the given name (based on case-sensitive comparison) does not exist in the connected database.
PaymentCurrencyAmount.currencySystem - Web APIs
for example, the default is urn:iso:std:iso:4217, which specifies that the standard used is iso 4217.
... warning: this property has been removed from the specification and should no longer be used; the currency is now always specified using iso 4127.
...the default, urn:iso:std:iso:4217, indicates the iso 4217 standard.
RTCPeerConnection - Web APIs
isolationchange sent to the rtcpeerconnection when the isolated property on one of the mediastreamtrack objects associated with the connection changes value.
... a track is isolated if its content cannot be accessed by the owning document due to lack of authentication or if the track comes from a cross-origin source.
... also available through the onisolationchange event handler property.
WebGLRenderingContext.getTexParameter() - Web APIs
additionally available when using the ext_texture_filter_anisotropic extension ext.texture_max_anisotropy_ext glfloat maximum anisotropy for a texture any float values.
... gl.texture_compare_func glenum comparison function gl.lequal (default value), gl.gequal, gl.less, gl.greater, gl.equal, gl.notequal, gl.always, gl.never.
... gl.texture_compare_mode glenum texture comparison mode gl.none (default value), gl.compare_ref_to_texture.
WebGLRenderingContext.texParameter[fi]() - Web APIs
additionally available when using the ext_texture_filter_anisotropic extension ext.texture_max_anisotropy_ext maximum anisotropy for a texture a glfloat value.
... gl.texture_compare_func texture comparison function gl.lequal (default value), gl.gequal, gl.less, gl.greater, gl.equal, gl.notequal, gl.always, gl.never.
... gl.texture_compare_mode texture comparison mode gl.none (default value), gl.compare_ref_to_texture.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setInterval() - Web APIs
syntax var mydaemon = new minidaemon(thisobject, callback[, rate[, length]]); description returns a javascript object containing all information needed by an animation (like the this object, the callback function, the length, the frame-rate).
... arguments thisobject the this object on which the callback function is called. is something like, index, length, backwards).
Accessibility documentation index - Accessibility
85 accessibility: what users can do to browse more safely color, epilepsy, photosensitivity, prefers-reduced-motion, reflex epilepsy, saturation, seizure disorders, seizures, user settings, web animation this article discusses making web content accessible for those with vestibular disorders, and those who support them, by taking advantage of personalization and accessibility settings built into the operating systems.
... 104 web accessibility: understanding colors and luminance accessibility, photosensitve epilepsy analysis tool, color, epilepsy, photosensitivity, reflex epilepsy, saturation, seizure disorders, seizures understaning color, luminance, and saturation is important in meeting wcag 2 accessibility guidelines in terms of ensuring enough color contrast for sighted users with color blindness or reduced vision and preventing seizures and other physical reactions in people with vestibular disorders.
... 105 web accessibility for seizures and physical reactions media queries, peat, photosensitve epilepsy analysis tool, the harding test, color, epilepsy, musicogenic seizures, photosensitivity, prefers-reduced-motion, reflex epilepsy, saturation, seizure disorders, seizures, web animation this article introduces concepts behind making web content accessibile for those with vestibular disorders, and how to measure and prevent content leading to seizures and / or other physical reactions.
The Unicode Bidirectional Text Algorithm - Developer guides
fundamentals (base direction, character types, etc) the algorithm character level directionality directional runs (what they are, how base direction applies) handling neutral characters overriding the algorithm content about using html and css to override the default behavior of the algorithm; include info about isolating ranges etc.
... initial unicode bidi algorithm control characters character code point html entity markup equivalent description left-to-right isolate (lri) u+2066 &#x2066; dir="ltr" sets the base direction to ltr, isolating the embedded content from the surrounding text right-to-left isolate (lri) u+2067 &#x2067; dir="rtl" sets the base direction to rtl, isolating the embedded content from the surrounding text first strong isolate (fsi) u+2068 &#x2068; dir="auto" isolates the content an...
...ers in reverse memory order, from right to left closing unicode bidi algorithm control characters character code point html entity markup equivalent description pop directional formatting (pdf) u+202c &#x202c; closing whatever opening tag used the dir attribute used for rle or lre </bdo> used for rlo or lro pop directional isolate (pdi) u+2069 &#x2069; closing whatever opening tag used the dir attribute used for rli, lri, or fsi ...
<link>: The External Resource Link element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
it is purely advisory.
...the values generally are given by the http protocol when it is used, but it might (for similar reasons as for the title attribute) be useful to include advisory information in advance in the link.
...the default value is iso-8859-1.
Accept-Charset - HTTP
in early versions of http/1.1, a default character encoding was defined: iso-8859-1.
... header type request header forbidden header name yes syntax accept-charset: <charset> // multiple types, weighted with the quality value syntax: accept-charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.5 directives <charset> a character encoding name, like utf-8 or iso-8859-15.
... examples accept-charset: iso-8859-1 accept-charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.5 accept-charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.5, *;q=0.1 specifications specification title rfc 7231, section 5.3.3: accept-charset hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): semantics and context ...
a comparison of them can determine whether two representations of a resource are the same.
...weak etags are easy to generate, but are far less useful for comparisons.
... strong validators are ideal for comparisons but can be very difficult to generate efficiently.
Array.prototype.sort() - JavaScript
firstel the first element for comparison.
... secondel the second element for comparison.
...the value of each code unit is taken separately into account for the comparison.
Promise - JavaScript
// throw new error("bad setup"); } catch(err) { reject(`error during setup: ${err}`); } return; } function determineparity(value) { const isodd = value % 2 ?
... true : false ; const parityinfo = { thenumber: value, isodd: isodd }; return parityinfo; } function troublewithgetnumber(reason) { console.error(`trouble getting number: ${reason}`); throw -999; // must "throw" something, to maintain error state down the chain } function promisegetword(parityinfo) { // the "tetheredgetword()" function gets "parityinfo" as closure variable.
... var tetheredgetword = function(resolve,reject) { const thenumber = parityinfo.thenumber; const threshold_b = threshold_a - 1; if(thenumber >= threshold_b) { reject(`still too large: ${thenumber}`); } else { parityinfo.wordevenodd = parityinfo.isodd ?
Planned changes to shared memory - JavaScript
these changes provide further isolation between sites and help reduce the impact of attacks with high-resolution timers, which can be created with shared memory.
... to avoid having to check whether postmessage() throws, self.crossoriginisolated is being standardized (a getter that returns a boolean; true if the headers are set), available in window and worker contexts.
... postmessage() changes and self.crossoriginisolated: whatwg/html issue #4732, whatwg/html issue #4872, draft specification.
Inequality (!=) - JavaScript
it is the negation of the equality operator so the following two lines will always give the same result: x != y !(x == y) for details of the comparison algorithm, see the page for the equality operator.
... like the equality operator, the inequality operator will attempt to convert and compare operands of different types: 3 != "3"; // false to prevent this, and require that different types are considered to be different, use the strict inequality operator instead: 3 !== "3"; // true examples comparison with no type conversion 1 != 2; // true "hello" != "hola"; // true 1 != 1; // false "hello" != "hello"; // false comparison with type conversion "1" != 1; // false 1 != "1"; // false 0 != false; // false 0 != null; // true 0 != undefined; // true 0 != !!null; // false, look at logical not operator 0 != !!undefined; // false, look at logical not operator null != undefined; // false const numb...
...er1 = new number(3); const number2 = new number(3); number1 != 3; // false number1 != number2; // true comparison of objects const object1 = {"key": "value"} const object2 = {"key": "value"}; object1 != object2 // true object2 != object2 // false specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'equality operators' in that specification.
Less than (<) - JavaScript
syntax x < y description the operands are compared using the abstract relational comparison algorithm, which is roughly summarised below: first, objects are converted to primitives using symbol.toprimitive.
... examples string to string comparison console.log("a" < "b"); // true console.log("a" < "a"); // false console.log("a" < "3"); // false string to number comparison console.log("5" < 3); // false console.log("3" < 3); // false console.log("3" < 5); // true console.log("hello" < 5); // false console.log(5 < "hello"); // false console.log("5" < 3n); // false console...
....log("3" < 5n); // true number to number comparison console.log(5 < 3); // false console.log(3 < 3); // false console.log(3 < 5); // true number to bigint comparison console.log(5n < 3); // false console.log(3 < 5n); // true comparing boolean, null, undefined, nan console.log(true < false); // false console.log(false < true); // true console.log(0 < true); // true console.log(true < 1); // false console.log(null < 0); // false console.log(null < 1); // true console.log(undefined < 3); // false console.log(3 < undefined); // false console.log(3 < nan); // false console.log(nan < 3); // false specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)...
<feConvolveMatrix> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the basic convolution formula which is applied to each color value for a given pixel is: colorx,y = ( sum i=0 to [ordery-1] { sum j=0 to [orderx-1] { source x-targetx+j, y-targety+i * kernelmatrixorderx-j-1, ordery-i-1 } } ) / divisor + bias * alphax,y where "orderx" and "ordery" represent the x and y values for the ‘order’ attribute, "targetx" represents the value of the ‘targetx’ attribute, "targety" represents the value of the ‘targety’ attribute, "kernelmatrix" represents the value of the ‘kernelmatrix’ attribute, "divisor" represents the value of the ‘divisor’ attribute, and "bias" represents the v...
...assuming the simplest case (where the input image's pixel grid aligns perfectly with the kernel's pixel grid) and assuming default values for attributes ‘divisor’, ‘targetx’ and ‘targety’, then resulting color value will be: (9* 0 + 8* 20 + 7* 40 + 6*100 + 5*120 + 4*140 + 3*200 + 2*220 + 1*240) / (9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1) usage context categoriesfilter primitive elementpermitted contentany number of the following elements, in any order:<animate>, <set> attributes global attributes core attributes presentation attributes filter primitive ...
...attributes class style specific attributes in order kernelmatrix divisor bias targetx targety edgemode kernelunitlength preservealpha dom interface this element implements the svgfeconvolvematrixelement interface.
XUL Migration Guide - Archive of obsolete content
first we'll outline how to decide whether your add-on is a good candidate for migration via a comparison of the benefits and limitations of the sdk versus xul development.
... see this comparison of the benefits and limitations of sdk development and xul development.
lang/type - Archive of obsolete content
isobject(value) returns true if value is an object and not null, false otherwise.
... let { isobject } = require('sdk/lang/type'); isobject({}); // true isobject(new class()); // true isobject(null); // false isobject(5); // false function class () {} parameters value : mixed the variable to check.
system/xul-app - Archive of obsolete content
isoneof(names) checks whether the host application is one of the given applications.
...see the mdn documentation for details on version comparisons.
Chapter 5: Let's build a Firefox extension - Archive of obsolete content
the chapters so far have each focused on technologies in isolation—xul, javascript, css, and xpcom.
...wrapping everything in one object is a good way to isolate extensions from each other and keep them from trampling each others’ toes.
Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
nents.classes[''] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiscriptableunicodeconverter); converter.charset = 'euc-jp'; var unicode_str = '\u5909\u63db\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8'; var eucjp_str = converter.convertfromunicode(unicode_str); converting from other encodings to unicode listing 18 shows how to do the reverse, converting from text saved as iso-2022-jp to unicode.
... listing 18: converting text from iso-2022-jp to unicode converter.charset = 'iso-2022-jp'; var unicode_str = converter.converttounicode(iso2022jp_str); reading and writing preferences you can use the nsiprefbranch function to access firefox's preferences system.
Setting up an extension development environment - Archive of obsolete content
development profile the use of a separate user profile for development can be advantageous, averting performance degradation from development related settings, and further isolating personal data (such as bookmarks, extensions, and settings) from your testing environment.
...however, you won't enjoy the benefits of isolated resources, which we discussed earlier.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
35 sdk and xul comparison no summary!
... 743 mozilla e4x e4x, javascript, presentations "ecmascript for xml" (ecma-357), a new standard for writing and processing xml directly in javascript (ecma-262, iso-16262).
List of Mozilla-Based Applications - Archive of obsolete content
ent tools mozilla-based application (pre-xulrunner style), xul ui kompozer wysiwyg html editor unofficial bug-fix release of nvu kylo video browser uses gecko biofortis labmatrix web-accessible software application used for information management and integration of patient clinical, specimen, genetic and molecular assay data based on xul liaison groupware client for novell’s email and collaboration server previously called mozngw linbox kiosk browser (fr) web browser dedicated browser for french prefecture and town hall litl internet computer for home uses spidermonkey and gecko lizilayers gis application 3liz also creates some gis firefox add-ons logitech harmony remote soft...
...tensions (formerly known as milimail) tuneup music collection organizer listed on xulrunner hall of fame but haven't seen information elsewhere tuxguitar tabulature editor uses xulrunner twitfactory standalone twitter/ client uis university information system intranet application, 1000 users, thin client based on ff3 unison desktop enterprise email i think it's using mailnews code but don't have any information to link to.
Creating a hybrid CD - Archive of obsolete content
mkhybrid -o ~/party.iso -r -j -hfs -v -map ~/hfsmapping ~/party/ cdrecord -v speed=2 dev=0,6,0 ~/party.iso its also handy to be able to mount an image file to test it.
... mount ~/party.iso /mnt/cdrom -t iso9660 -o loop=/dev/loop3,blocksize=1024 umount /mnt/cdrom here is the hfs mapping that i used.
The new nsString class implementation (1999) - Archive of obsolete content
in addition to the nsstrimpl api shown above, nsstring, nsautostring and nscstring all offer additional api's (that all degrade to those found in nsstrimpl) for construction, searching and comparison.
...first, nsstrimpl offers charset conversion hooks for use during construction, comparison and assignment.
XUL Template Primer - Bindings - Archive of obsolete content
<?xml version="1.0"?> <rdf:rdf xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:nc=""> <rdf:description about="urn:root"> <nc:friends> <rdf:seq> <rdf:li> <rdf:description nc:name="alison appel"> <nc:address resource="#home"/> </rdf:description> </rdf:li> <rdf:li> <rdf:description nc:name="jack"> <nc:address resource="#doghouse"/> </rdf:description> </rdf:li> <rdf:li> <rdf:description nc:name="lumpy"/> </rdf:li> </rdf:seq> </nc:friends> </rdf:description> <rdf:des...
...(see the nsirdfdatasource interface for more details.) in our example, the <rule> will be instantiated three times: once each for alison, jack, and lumpy.
XUL accessibility guidelines - Archive of obsolete content
function movefocus(element) { if(element == document.commanddispatcher.focusedelement) { document.commanddispatcher.advancefocus(); return true; } return false; } changing focus unexpectedly can confuse or disorient users.
... learn more captioning webaim article: web captioning overview webaim resource: captioning resources animation animation, movement, and audio can all be distracting to some users with attention disorders.
Examples - Archive of obsolete content
tyle within comments" example 1 <!-- this file should have a .html extension --> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> <head> <title>example 1 - xhtml 1.0 strict as text/html</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body { padding-top: 8em; } html { color: #fff; background: #000 no-repeat fixed;} p {width: 30em; font-weight: bold;} --> </style> </head> <body> <h1>example 1 - xhtml 1.0 strict as text/html</h1> <p> this document is valid xhtml 1.0 strict served as <code>text/html</code>.
...les in external file" example 4 <!-- this file should have a .html extension --> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> <head> <title>example 4 - xhtml 1.0 strict as text/html</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> </head> <body> <h1>example 4 - xhtml 1.0 strict as text/html</h1> <p> this document is valid xhtml 1.0 strict served as <code>text/html</code>.
Tiles and tilemaps overview - Game development
isometric tilemaps isometric tilemaps create the illusion of a 3d environment, and are extremely popular in 2d simulation, strategy or rpg games.
...the below image shows an example of an atlas for an isometric tileset.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
223 iso glossary, iso, infrastructure, web standards, web specifications iso (international organization for standardization) is a global association that develops uniform criteria coordinating the companies in each major industry.
... 384 sgml codingscripting, composing, glossary, sgml the standard generalized markup language (sgml) is an iso specification for defining declarative markup languages.
Type - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
types also provides us with useful knowledge about the comparison between different values.
... comparison between structured types is not always an easy assumption, as even if the previous data structure is the same, there could be inherited structures inside of the prototype chain.
Debugging CSS - Learn web development
view source in comparison, is simply the html source code as stored on the server.
... you can use this to do an a/b comparison, deciding if something looks better with a rule applied or not, and also to help debug it — for example if a layout is going wrong and you are trying to work out which property is causing the problem.
Client-Server Overview - Learn web development
org connection: keep-alive pragma: no-cache cache-control: no-cache upgrade-insecure-requests: 1 user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/52.0.2743.116 safari/537.36 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 referer: accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br accept-charset: iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.8,es;q=0.6 cookie: sessionid=6ynxs23n521lu21b1t136rhbv7ezngie; csrftoken=zipujsazv6pcgcbjscj1zu6pqzbfmuat; dwf_section_edit=false; dwf_sg_task_completion=false; _gat=1; _ga=ga1.2.1688886003.1471911953; ffo=true the first and second lines contain most of the information we talked about above: the type of request (get).
... it can accept the specified set of characters (accept-charset: iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7) and languages (accept-language: de,en;q=0.7,en-us;q=0.3).
Introduction to client-side frameworks - Learn web development
each of our goals is theoretically simple in isolation.
...there may be some bias in this comparison (which they note), but it's a valuable resource nonetheless.
Chrome Worker Modules
no attempt is made to fully isolate modules from each other. other words, the true isolation unit is the worker itself, not the module.
Configuring Build Options
localization mk_add_options moz_co_locales=isocode tbd.
... ac_add_options --enable-ui-locale=isocode tbd.
Localization Use Cases
anslate crash-banner-os2 into polish without sounding like a robot: <crashbanneros2[brandshortname::_gender] { masculine: "{{ brandshortname }} uległ awarii", feminine: "{{ brandshortname }} uległa awarii", neutral: "{{ brandshortname }} uległo awarii" }> this will give us, depending on the current branding, the following messages: firefox os uległ awarii boot2gecko uległo awarii isolation let's look at how the settings app formats sizes.
... solution l20n isolates each language so that grammatical requirements of one don't affect others.
NSS 3.12.6 release notes
new functions for sni (see ssl.h for more information): sslsnisocketconfig return values: ssl_sni_current_config_is_used: libssl must use the default cert and key.
... ssl_snisocketconfighook ssl_reconfigfd ssl_configserversessionidcachewithopt ssl_settrustanchors ssl_getnegotiatedhostinfo new enum for sni: sslsninametype (see sslt.h) new functions in cert.h certdistnames: duplicate distinguished name array.
NSS release notes
the bug fixes in nss are described in the "security advisories" section below.
... nss and nspr 4.10.10 source distributions are available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss
NSS 3.19.4 release notes
the bug fixes in nss 3.19.4 are described in the "security advisories" section below.
... nss 3.19.4 and nspr 4.10.10 source distributions are available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.19.4.
NSS 3.20.1 release notes
the bug fixes in nss 3.20.1 are described in the "security advisories" section below.
... nss 3.20.1 and nspr 4.10.10 source distributions are available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.20.1.
ypeof obj === "undefined" obj converts to false when obj is converted to a boolean when used in boolean contexts (if conditions, loop continuation/termination conditions [for/while/do { } while], the condition in a ternary ?: expression, and so on) (obj == undefined) is true, and (obj != undefined) is false (obj == null) is true, and (obj != null) is false == and != comparisons to values other than null or undefined (including to an object that emulates undefined) are unaffected by this flag.
... strict equality (=== and !==) comparisons are also unaffected by this flag.
this function imposes a total order on all javascript strings, the same order imposed by the javascript string comparison operators (<, <=, >, >=), as described in ecma 262-3 § 11.8.5.
... as the standard says: the comparison of strings uses a simple lexicographic ordering on sequences of code point value values.
receives the comparison result.
...if the comparison attempt was successful, the method returns js_true and stores the result in *equal; otherwise it returns js_false.
receives the comparison result.
...if the comparison attempt was successful, the method returns true and stores the result in *equal; otherwise it returns false.
SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
multithreaded programs are allowed, but each thread must operate on objects in a separate compartment, isolated from the other threads.
... js_getpropertyattrsgetterandsetterbyid js_getpropertybyid js_getpropertybyiddefault js_getpropertydefault js_getpropertydescriptorbyid js_getruntimesecuritycallbacks js_getsecuritycallbacks js_getstringcharsandlength js_getstringcharsz js_getstringcharszandlength js_getstringencodinglength js_haspropertybyid js_initctypesclass js_internjsstring js_isconstructing_possiblywithgiventhisobject js_isextensible js_isinrequest js_leavecrosscompartmentcall js_lookuppropertybyid js_lookuppropertywithflagsbyid js_new js_newcompartmentandglobalobject js_newdateobject js_newdateobjectmsec js_newfunctionbyid body new c++ helpers while jsapi remains a c api, the engine is now implemented in c++.
passing a content window object, setting wantxrays:true (default) and using an extended principal provides a clean, isolated execution environment in which javascript code that needs web apis (such as accessing the window's dom) can be executed without interference from untrusted content code.
...true provides a safer, isolated context.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
... parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
gcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const char*) const - source parameters char* data prbool equals(const char*, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters char* data nscstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
nst - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous> prbool equals(const prunichar*) const - source parameters prunichar* data prbool equals(const prunichar*, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters prunichar* data nsstringcomparator& comp equalsascii prbool equalsascii(const char*, pruint32) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
...parameters char* data pruint32 len prbool equalsascii(const char*) const - source an efficient comparison with ascii that can be used even for wide strings.
the sqlite code uses a simple string comparison to see if there is already a connection.
...the sqlite code uses a simple string comparison to see if there is already a connection.
acasesensitive whether to do case-sensitive comparisons.
...acasesensitive whether to do case-sensitive comparisons.
typically, this is an iso language code, such as "en-us".
...typically, this is an iso language code such as "en-us".
method overview void ontransportavailable(in nsisockettransport atransport, in nsiasyncinputstream asocketin, in nsiasyncoutputstream asocketout); methods ontransportavailable() called when an http protocol upgrade attempt is completed, passing in the information needed by the protocol handler to take over the channel that is no longer being used by http.
...void ontransportavailable( in nsisockettransport atransport, in nsiasyncinputstream asocketin, in nsiasyncoutputstream asocketout ); parameters atransport the nsisockettransport describing the socket connection between the browser and the server; this socket can now be used for the new protocol instead of http.
the listener will be passed a reference to an already connected socket transport (nsisockettransport).
...this does not affect already connected client sockets (i.e., the nsisockettransport instances created from this server socket).
see nsisockettransport for more info about socket transport specifics.
...nsitransport implementations may override these status codes with their own more specific status codes (for example, see nsisockettransport).
see nsisockettransport for socket specific status codes and more comments.
... see also nsitransport nsisockettransport ...
note this method is advisory only: it changes nothing either in windowmediator's internal state or with the window.
...they are expected to hand us comparison values which are pulled from general storage in the native widget, and may not correspond to an nsiwidget at all.
exceptions thrown missing exception missing description native code only!createsandbox create a sandbox for evaluating code in isolation using evalinsandboxobject().
... return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description native code only!evalinsandboxobject evaluate script in a sandbox, completely isolated from all other running scripts.
the comparison should only consider the values for the specified variable.
... if the comparison variable is null, the results may be sorted in a natural order, for instance, based on the order the data in stored in the datasource.
supported arguments are: nsisupportspruint8, nsisupportspruint16, nsisupportsprint16, nsisupportsprint32: i4, nsisupportsprbool: boolean, nsisupportschar, nsisupportscstring: string, nsisupportsfloat, nsisupportsdouble: double, nsisupportsprtime: datetime.iso8601, nsiinputstream: base64, nsisupportsarray: array, nsidictionary: struct note that both nsisupportsarray and nsidictionary can only hold any of the supported input types.
... return value will be converted as follows: i4 or int: nsisupportsprint32 boolean: nsisupportsprbool string: nsisupportscstring double: nsisupportsdouble datetime.iso8601: nsisupportsprtime base64: nsisupportscstring array: nsisupportsarray struct: nsidictionary faults (server side errors) are indicated by returning ns_error_failure.
see also nsisound.playsystemsound().
...see also nsisound.playeventsound().
XPCOM Interface Reference
...rsocketnsiserversocketlistenernsiservicemanagernsisessionstartupnsisessionstorensisimpleenumeratornsismsdatabaseservicensismsrequestmanagernsismsservicensisocketprovidernsisocketproviderservicensisockettransportnsisockettransportservicensisoundnsispeculativeconnectnsistackframensistandardurlnsistreamconverternsistreamlistenernsistringbundlensistringbundleoverridensistringbundleservicensistringenumeratornsistructuredclonecontainernsistylesheetservicensisupportsnsisupports proxiesnsisupportsarraynsisupportscstringnsisupportscharnsisupportsdoublensisupportsfloatnsisupportsidnsisupportsinterfacepointernsisupportsprboolnsisupportsprint16nsisupportsprint32nsisupportsprint64nsisupportsprtimensisupportspruint8nsisupportspruint16nsisupportspruint32nsisupportspruint64nsisupportsprimitivensisupportsprio...
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
ference nsifactory nsiinterfacerequestor nsijscid nsijsid nsijsiid nsimodule nsiobserver nsiobserverservice nsiproperties nsiproperty nsipropertybag nsipropertybag2 nsipropertyelement nsiserversocket nsiserversocketlistener nsiservicemanager nsisocketprovider nsisocketproviderservice nsisockettransport nsisockettransportservice nsisupports nsiuuidgenerator debug nsistackframe device display nsiscreen nsiscreenmanager geolocation nsigeolocationprovider ...
... nsigeolocationupdate orientation nsiacceleration nsiaccelerationlistener nsiaccelerometer misc nsisound nsiwifimonitor document nsiwebnavigation environment nsienvironment event nsieventlistenerinfo nsieventlistenerservice nsieventtarget exception nsiexception extention nsiextensionmanager nsiinstalllocation external nsiexternalprotocolservice frame nsicontentframemessagemanager history nsishentry ...
when you execute a sql statement in isolation, an implicit transaction is created around that statement.
... isolation: multiple transactions do not affect each other.
Working with data
this affects comparisons of pointers, integers that are the same size as pointers, and 64-bit integers. while the above comparison succeeds if the address of i is 5, it also only succeeds if i is in fact of type ctypes.int32_t.
Color vision simulation - Firefox Developer Tools
"color blindness" is a bit of a misnomer, since most people with these disorders can see colors, but do not see all of the distinctions that people with normal color vision can see; color vision deficiencies affect perception across the color spectrum, not only of specific colors like red or green.
... contrast sensitivity loss can be caused by cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and other disorders of the retina; it can be age-related, congenital, or due to an injury.
ANGLE_instanced_arrays - Web APIs
constants this extension exposes one new constant, which can be used in the gl.getvertexattrib() method: ext.vertex_attrib_array_divisor_angle returns a glint describing the frequency divisor used for instanced rendering when used in the gl.getvertexattrib() as the pname parameter.
... ext.vertexattribdivisorangle() modifies the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance when rendering multiple instances of primitives with ext.drawarraysinstancedangle() and ext.drawelementsinstancedangle().
Animation - Web APIs
accessibility concerns blinking and flashing animation can be problematic for people with cognitive concerns such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd).
... additionally, certain kinds of motion can be a trigger for vestibular disorders, epilepsy, and migraine, and scotopic sensitivity.
BasicCardResponse - Web APIs
56notes disabled full support 56notes disabled notes available only in nightly builds.disabled from version 56: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the dom.payments.request.supportedregions preference (needs to be set to a comma-delineated list of one or more 2-character iso country codes indicating the countries in which to support payments (for example, us,ca.).
... 56notes disabled full support 56notes disabled notes available only in nightly builds.disabled from version 56: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the dom.payments.request.supportedregions preference (needs to be set to a comma-delineated list of one or more 2-character iso country codes indicating the countries in which to support payments (for example, us,ca.).
CacheStorage - Web APIs
async function deleteoldcaches( currentcache ) { const keys = await caches.keys(); for ( const key of keys ) { const isourcache = 'myapp-' === key.substr( 0, 6 ); if ( currentcache === key || !
... isourcache ) { continue; } caches.delete( key ); } } try { const data = await getdata(); console.log( { data } ); } catch ( error ) { console.error( { error } ); } specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'cachestorage' in that specification.
IDBFactory.cmp() - Web APIs
return value an integer that indicates the result of the comparison; the table below lists the possible values and their meanings: returned value description -1 1st key is less than the 2nd key 0 1st key is equal to the 2nd key 1 1st key is greater than the 2nd key exceptions this method may raise a domexception of the following types: attribute description dataerror one of the sup...
... example var a = 1; var b = 2; var result = window.indexeddb.cmp(a, b); console.log( "comparison results: " + result ); specifications specification status comment indexed database api 2.0the definition of 'cmp()' in that specification.
MediaStreamConstraints - Web APIs
streams isolated in this way can only be displayed in a media element (<audio> or <video>) where the content is protected just as if cors cross-origin rules were in effect.
... when a peer identity is set, mediastreamtracks from that peer have their isolated flag set to true.
Transcoding assets for Media Source Extensions - Web APIs
depending on the codec, you might need to fragment the file to comply with the iso bmff spec.
... $ ffmpeg -i -c:v copy -c:a copy bunny.mp4 $ ls bunny.mp4 checking fragmentation in order to properly stream mp4, we need the asset to be an iso bmf format mp4. - Web APIs
the country read-only property of the paymentaddress interface is a string identifying the address's country using the iso 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
... syntax var paymentcountry =; value a domstring which contains the iso3166-1 alpha-2 code identifying the country in which the address is located, or an empty string if no country is available, which frequently can be assumed to mean "same country as the site owner." usage notes if the payment handler validates the address and determines that the value of country is invalid, a call to paymentrequestupdateevent.updatewith() will be made with a details object containing a shippingaddresserrors field.
PaymentAddress.regionCode - Web APIs
the code is derived from the iso 3166-2 standard, which defines codes for identifying the subdivisions (e.g., states, provinces, autonomous regions, etc.) of all countries in the world.
...this should correspond to region, but should be the iso 3166--2 standard's region code.
PaymentAddress.toJSON() - Web APIs
requires the comma-delineated list in dom.payments.request.supportedregions to contain one or more of the supported 2-character iso locales, currently us and ca.disabled from version 62: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true).
...requires the comma-delineated list in dom.payments.request.supportedregions to contain one or more of the supported 2-character iso locales, currently us and ca.disabled from version 62: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true).
PaymentAddress - Web APIs read only a domstring specifying the country in which the address is located, using the iso-3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
... paymentaddress.regioncode read only a domstring specifying the region of the address, represented as a "code element" of an iso3166-2 country subdivision name (e.g.
PaymentCurrencyAmount.currency - Web APIs
the value is always specified using the 3-letter codes defined by the iso 4127 standard.
... syntax currency = paymentcurrencyamount.currency; value a domstring specifying the canonical, three-character currency identification code defined by the iso 4217 standard.
PaymentCurrencyAmount - Web APIs
currency a string containing a valid 3-letter iso 4217 currency identifier (iso 4217) indicating the currency used for the payment value.
...this has been removed; instead of allowing sites to choose the standard to use, iso 4217 is always used for the currency identifier now. - Web APIs
starting with firefox 79, high resolution timers can be used if you cross-origin isolate your document using the cross-origin-opener-policy and cross-origin-embedder-policy headers: cross-origin-opener-policy: same-origin cross-origin-embedder-policy: require-corp these headers ensure a top-level document does not share a browsing context group with cross-origin documents.
... coop process-isolates your document and potential attackers can't access to your global object if they were opening it in a popup, preventing a set of cross-origin attacks dubbed xs-leaks.
Using server-sent events - Web APIs
echo "event: ping\n"; $curdate = date(date_iso8601); echo 'data: {"time": "' .
...each event's data is a json object containing the iso 8601 timestamp corresponding to the time at which the event was generated.
USBDevice - Web APIs
usbdevice.isochronoustransferin() returns a promise that resolves with a usbisochronousintransferresult when time sensitive information has been transmitted to the usb device.
... usbdevice.isochronoustransferout() returns a promise that resolves with a usbisochronousouttransferresult when time sensitive information has been transmitted from the usb device.
WebGL2RenderingContext.getSamplerParameter() - Web APIs
possible values: gl.texture_compare_func: returns a glenum indicating the texture comparison function.
... gl.texture_compare_mode: returns a glenum indicating the texture comparison mode.
WebGL2RenderingContext.samplerParameter[if]() - Web APIs
possible values: gl.texture_compare_func: a glenum specifying the texture comparison function.
... gl.texture_compare_mode: a glenum specifying the texture comparison mode.
WebGLRenderingContext.getVertexAttrib() - Web APIs
gl.vertex_attrib_array_divisor: returns a glint describing the frequency divisor used for instanced rendering.
... when using the angle_instanced_arrays extension: ext.vertex_attrib_array_divisor_angle: returns a glint describing the frequency divisor used for instanced rendering.
window.postMessage() - Web APIs
secure shared memory messaging if postmessage() throws when used with sharedarraybuffer objects, you might need to make sure you cross-site isolated your site properly.
... shared memory is gated behind two http headers: cross-origin-opener-policy with same-origin as value (protects your origin from attackers) cross-origin-embedder-policy with require-corp as value (protects victims from your origin) cross-origin-opener-policy: same-origin cross-origin-embedder-policy: require-corp to check if cross origin isolation has been successful, you can test against the crossoriginisolated property available to window and worker contexts: if (crossoriginisolated) { // post sharedarraybuffer } else { // do something else } see also planned changes to shared memory which is starting to roll out to browsers (firefox 79, for example).
Web APIs
ymediastreamconstraints document documentfragment documentorshadowroot documenttimeline documenttouch documenttype doublerange dragevent dynamicscompressornode e ext_blend_minmax ext_color_buffer_float ext_color_buffer_half_float ext_disjoint_timer_query ext_float_blend ext_frag_depth ext_srgb ext_shader_texture_lod ext_texture_compression_bptc ext_texture_compression_rgtc ext_texture_filter_anisotropic eckeygenparams eckeyimportparams ecdhkeyderiveparams ecdsaparams effecttiming element elementcssinlinestyle elementtraversal errorevent event eventlistener eventsource eventtarget extendableevent extendablemessageevent f featurepolicy federatedcredential fetchevent file fileentrysync fileerror fileexception filelist filereader filereadersync filerequest filesystem files...
...tencoder textmetrics textrange texttrack texttrackcue texttracklist timeevent timeranges touch touchevent touchlist trackdefault trackdefaultlist trackevent transferable transformstream transitionevent treewalker typeinfo u uievent ulongrange url urlsearchparams urlutilsreadonly usb usbalternateinterface usbconfiguration usbdevice usbendpoint usbintransferresult usbinterface usbisochronousintransferpacket usbisochronousintransferresult usbisochronousouttransferpacket usbisochronousouttransferresult usbouttransferresult usvstring userdatahandler userproximityevent v vttcue vttregion validitystate videoconfiguration videoplaybackquality videotrack videotracklist visualviewport w webgl_color_buffer_float webgl_compressed_texture_astc webgl_compressed_text...
Understandable - Accessibility
success criteria how to conform to the criteria practical resource 3.2.1 on focus (a) when a control or other page feature receives focus, it should not change the context in a way that may confuse or disorientate the user.
... 3.2.5 change on request (aaa) changes in context that could possibly confuse or disorient users should only occur only when requested by the user, or the user should be able to turn them off.
@charset - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
assume that the document is utf-8 syntax @charset "utf-8"; @charset "iso-8859-15"; where: charset is a <string> denoting the character encoding to be used.
... formal syntax @charset "<charset>"; examples valid and invalid charset declarations @charset "utf-8"; /* set the encoding of the style sheet to unicode utf-8 */ @charset 'iso-8859-15'; /* invalid, wrong quoting style used */ @charset "utf-8"; /* invalid, more than one space */ @charset "utf-8"; /* invalid, there is a character (a space) before the at-rule */ @charset utf-8; /* invalid, without ' or ", the charset is not a css <string> */ specifications specification status comment css level 2 (revision 1)the definitio...
prefers-reduced-motion - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
readers with vestibular motion disorders may wish to enable the reduce motion feature on their device before viewing the animation.
... reduce indicates that user has notified the system that they prefer an interface that removes or replaces the types of motion-based animation that trigger discomfort for those with vestibular motion disorders.
Relationship of grid layout to other layout methods - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for now, here is a comparison between simple examples of flexbox and grid.
... in comparison, the grid version always has three column tracks.
Using Media Queries for Accessibility - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
reduced motion blinking and flashing animation can be problematic for people with cognitive concerns such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd).
... additionally, certain kinds of motion can be a trigger for vestibular disorders, epilepsy, and migraine and scotopic sensitivity.
animation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
accessibility concerns blinking and flashing animation can be problematic for people with cognitive concerns such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd).
... additionally, certain kinds of motion can be a trigger for vestibular disorders, epilepsy, and migraine and scotopic sensitivity.
<easing-function> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples easing function comparison this example creates an animation that can be started and stopped again using the provided button, and a select menu that can be used to switch its easing function between the available keywords, plus a couple of cubic-bezier() and steps() options.
... the idea is to provide an easy comparison between different easing functions.
Setting up adaptive streaming media sources - Developer guides
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mpd xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" xsi:schemalocation="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011 dash-mpd.xsd" type="static" mediapresentationduration="pt654s" minbuffertime="pt2s" profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-on-demand:2011"> <baseurl></baseurl> <period> <!-- english audio --> <adaptationset mimetype="audio/mp4" codecs="mp4a.40.5" lang="en" subsegmentalignment="true" subsegmentstartswithsap="1"> <representation id="1" bandwidth="64000"> <baseurl>elephantsdream_aac48k_064.mp4.dash</baseurl> </representation> </adaptationset> <!-- vi...
... <?xml version="1.0"?> <mpd xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" xsi:schemalocation="urn:mpeg:dash:schema:mpd:2011" profiles="urn:mpeg:dash:profile:isoff-main:2011" type="static" mediapresentationduration="pt0h9m56.46s"> <baseurl> </baseurl> <period start="pt0s"> <adaptationset bitstreamswitching="true"> <representation id="0" codecs="avc1" mimetype="video/mp4" width="320" height="240" startwithsap="1" bandwidth="46986"> <segmentbase> <initialization sourceurl="ma...
Date and time formats used in HTML - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
html uses a variation of the iso 8601 standard for its date and time strings.
... it's worth reviewing the descriptions of the formats you're using in order to ensure that your strings are in fact compatible with html, as the html specification includes algorithms for parsing these strings that is actually more precise than iso 8601, so there can be subtle differences in how date and time strings are expected to look.
<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for example, the date.toisostring() method can be used for this purpose. is javascript code for programmatically setting the value: function setvalue(element, date) { var isostring = date.toisostring() element.value = isostring.substring(0, (isostring.indexof("t")|0) + 6|0); } why worry about the y10k problem if it is going to happen many centuries after your death?
Microformats - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for example: h-card describes a person or organization h-entry describes episodic or date stamped online content like a blog post h-feed describes a stream or feed of posts you can find many more vocabularies on the microformats2 wiki.
... h-entry the h-entry microformat represents episodic or datestamped content on the web.
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy - HTTP
examples certain features depend on cross-origin isolation you can only access certain features like sharedarraybuffer objects or with unthrottled timers, if your document has a coep header with the value require-corp value set.
... to check if cross origin isolation has been successful, you can test against the crossoriginisolated property available to window and worker contexts: if (crossoriginisolated) { // post sharedarraybuffer } else { // do something else } avoiding coep blockage with cors if you enable coep using require-corp and have a cross origin resource that needs to be loaded, it needs to support cors and you need to explicitly mark the resource as loadable from another origin to avoid blockage from coep.
If-Match - HTTP
the comparison with the stored etag uses the strong comparison algorithm, meaning two files are considered identical byte to byte only.
... if a listed etag has the w/ prefix indicating a weak entity tag, it will never match under this comparison algorithm.
If-None-Match - HTTP
the comparison with the stored etag uses the weak comparison algorithm, meaning two files are considered identical if the content is equivalent — they don't have to be identical byte for byte.
...they are a string of ascii characters placed between double quotes (like "675af34563dc-tr34") and may be prefixed by w/ to indicate that the weak comparison algorithm should be used (this is useless with if-none-match as it only uses that algorithm).
JavaScript language resources - JavaScript
this is the second revision of the ecmascript standard; also iso standard 16262.
... ecma-262 5.1 edition pdf, html june 2011 this version is fully aligned with the 3rd edition of the international standard iso/iec 16262:2011.
ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side - JavaScript
this might be due to a mismatch of a assignment operator and a comparison operator, for example.
... examples typical invalid assignments if (math.pi = 3 || math.pi = 4) { console.log('no way!'); } // referenceerror: invalid assignment left-hand side var str = 'hello, ' += 'is it me ' += 'you\'re looking for?'; // referenceerror: invalid assignment left-hand side in the if statement, you want to use a comparison operator ("=="), and for the string concatenation, the plus ("+") operator is needed.
RangeError: invalid date - JavaScript
examples invalid cases unrecognizable strings or dates containing illegal element values in iso formatted strings usually return nan.
... however, depending on the implementation, non–conforming iso format strings, may also throw rangeerror: invalid date, like the following cases in firefox: new date('foo-bar 2014'); new date('2014-25-23').toisostring(); new date('foo-bar 2014').tostring(); this, however, returns nan in firefox: date.parse('foo-bar 2014'); // nan for more details, see the date.parse() documentation.
BigInt - JavaScript
const expected = 4n / 2n // ↪ 2n const rounded = 5n / 2n // ↪ 2n, not 2.5n comparisons a bigint is not strictly equal to a number, but it is loosely so: 0n === 0 // ↪ false 0n == 0 // ↪ true a number and a bigint may be compared as usual: 1n < 2 // ↪ true 2n > 1 // ↪ true 2 > 2 // ↪ false 2n > 2 // ↪ false 2n >= 2 // ↪ true they may be mixed in arrays and sorted: const mixed = [4n, 6, -12n, 10, 4, 0, 0n] // ↪ [4n, 6, -12n, 10, 4, 0, 0n] mixed.sort() /...
...1 : 0)) // ↪ [ -12n, 0, 0n, 4n, 4, 6, 10 ] note that comparisons with object-wrapped bigints act as with other objects, only indicating equality when the same object instance is compared: 0n === object(0n) // false object(0n) === object(0n) // false const o = object(0n) o === o // true conditionals a bigint behaves like a number in cases where: it is converted to a boolean: via the boolean function; when used with logical operators ||, &&, and !; or within a...
Date() constructor - JavaScript
(these formats are ietf-compliant rfc 2822 timestamps, and also strings in a version of iso8601.) note: parsing of date strings with the date constructor (and date.parse(), which works the same way) is strongly discouraged due to browser differences and inconsistencies.
... support for iso 8601 formats differs in that date-only strings (e.g.
Date - JavaScript
date.prototype.toisostring() converts a date to a string following the iso 8601 extended format.
... date.prototype.tojson() returns a string representing the date using toisostring().
Intl.Collator() constructor - JavaScript
the intl.collator object is a constructor for collators, objects that enable language sensitive string comparison.
... usage whether the comparison is for sorting or for searching for matching strings.
Intl.DateTimeFormat() constructor - JavaScript
possible values include: "buddhist", "chinese", "coptic", "ethiopia", "ethiopic", "gregory", "hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "iso8601", "japanese", "persian", "roc".
...possible values include: "buddhist", "chinese", " coptic", "ethiopia", "ethiopic", "gregory", " hebrew", "indian", "islamic", "iso8601", " japanese", "persian", "roc".
Intl.PluralRules() constructor - JavaScript
possible values are from 0 to 20; the default for plain number and percent formatting is 0; the default for currency formatting is the number of minor unit digits provided by the iso 4217 currency code list (2 if the list doesn't provide that information).
...possible values are from 0 to 20; the default for plain number formatting is the larger of minimumfractiondigits and 3; the default for currency formatting is the larger of minimumfractiondigits and the number of minor unit digits provided by the iso 4217 currency code list (2 if the list doesn't provide that information); the default for percent formatting is the larger of minimumfractiondigits and 0.
Intl - JavaScript
the intl object is the namespace for the ecmascript internationalization api, which provides language sensitive string comparison, number formatting, and date and time formatting.
... constructor properties intl.collator() constructor for collators, which are objects that enable language-sensitive string comparison.
Number.isNaN() - JavaScript
this situation is unlike all other possible value comparisons in javascript.
... in comparison to the global isnan() function, number.isnan() doesn't suffer the problem of forcefully converting the parameter to a number.
SharedArrayBuffer - JavaScript
for top-level documents, two headers will need to be set to cross-origin isolate your site: cross-origin-opener-policy with same-origin as value (protects your origin from attackers) cross-origin-embedder-policy with require-corp as value (protects victims from your origin) cross-origin-opener-policy: same-origin cross-origin-embedder-policy: require-corp to check if cross origin isolation has been successful, you can test against the crossoriginisolated property ...
...available to window and worker contexts: if (crossoriginisolated) { // post sharedarraybuffer } else { // do something else } see also planned changes to shared memory which is starting to roll out to browsers (firefox 79, for example.) always use the new operator to create a sharedarraybuffer sharedarraybuffer constructors are required to be constructed with a new operator.
String.prototype.charCodeAt() - JavaScript
backward compatibility: in historic versions (like javascript 1.2) the charcodeat() method returns a number indicating the iso-latin-1 codeset value of the character at the given index.
... the iso-latin-1 codeset ranges from 0 to 255.
String - JavaScript
console.log(eval(s2.valueof())) // returns the number 4 escape notation special characters can be encoded using escape notation: code output \xxx (where xxx is 1–3 octal digits; range of 0–377) iso-8859-1 character / unicode code point between u+0000 and u+00ff \' single quote \" double quote \\ backslash \n new line \r carriage return \v vertical tab \t tab \b backspace \f form feed \uxxxx (where xxxx is 4 hex digits; range of 0x0000–0xffff) utf-16 code unit / unicode c...
...\u{xxxxxx} (where x…xxxxxx is 1–6 hex digits; range of 0x0–0x10ffff) utf-32 code unit / unicode code point between u+0000 and u+10ffff \xxx (where xx is 2 hex digits; range of 0x00–0xff) iso-8859-1 character / unicode code point between u+0000 and u+00ff long literal strings sometimes, your code will include strings which are very long.
TypedArray.from() - JavaScript
if (!int8array.__proto__.from) { (function () { int8array.__proto__.from = function (obj, func, thisobj) { var typedarrayclass = int8array.__proto__; if(typeof this !== 'function') { throw new typeerror('# is not a constructor'); } if (this.__proto__ !== typedarrayclass) { throw new typeerror('this is not a typed array.'); } func = func || function (elem) { return elem; ...
...ction') { throw new typeerror('specified argument is not a function'); } obj = object(obj); if (!obj['length']) { return new this(0); } var copy_data = []; for(var i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) { copy_data.push(obj[i]); } copy_data =, thisobj); var typed_array = new this(copy_data.length); for(var i = 0; i < typed_array.length; i++) { typed_array[i] = copy_data[i]; } return typed_array; } })(); } examples from an iterable object (set) const s = new set([1, 2, 3]); uint8array.from(s); // uint8array [ 1, 2, 3 ] from a string int16array.from('123'); // i...
Greater than (>) - JavaScript
syntax x > y description the operands are compared using the abstract relational comparison algorithm.
... examples string to string comparison console.log("a" > "b"); // false console.log("a" > "a"); // false console.log("a" > "3"); // true string to number comparison console.log("5" > 3); // true console.log("3" > 3); // false console.log("3" > 5); // false console.log("hello" > 5); // false console.log(5 > "hello"); // false console.log("5" > 3n); // true console.log("3" > 5n); // false number to number comparison console.log(5 > 3); // true console.log(3 > 3); // false console.log(3 > 5); // false number to bigint comparison console.log(5n > 3); // true console.log(3 > 5n); //...
Greater than or equal (>=) - JavaScript
syntax x >= y description the operands are compared using the abstract relational comparison algorithm.
... examples string to string comparison console.log("a" >= "b"); // false console.log("a" >= "a"); // true console.log("a" >= "3"); // true string to number comparison console.log("5" >= 3); // true console.log("3" >= 3); // true console.log("3" >= 5); // false console.log("hello" >= 5); // false console.log(5 >= "hello"); // false number to number comparison console.log(5 >= 3); // true console.log(3 >= 3); // true console.log(3 >= 5); // false number to bigint comparison console.log(5n >= 3); // true console.log(3 >= 3n); // true console.log(3 >= 5n); // false comparing boolean, null, undefined, nan console.log(true >= fa...
Less than or equal (<=) - JavaScript
syntax x <= y description the operands are compared using the abstract relational comparison algorithm.
... examples string to string comparison console.log("a" <= "b"); // true console.log("a" <= "a"); // true console.log("a" <= "3"); // false string to number comparison console.log("5" <= 3); // false console.log("3" <= 3); // true console.log("3" <= 5); // true console.log("hello" <= 5); // false console.log(5 <= "hello"); // false number to number comparison console.log(5 <= 3); // false console.log(3 <= 3); // true console.log(3 <= 5); // true number to bigint comparison console.log(5n <= 3); // false console.log(3 <= 3n); // true console.log(3 <= 5n); // true comparing boolean, null, undefined, nan console.log(true <= fa...
Expressions and operators - JavaScript
relational operators a comparison operator compares its operands and returns a boolean value based on whether the comparison is true.
... equality operators the result of evaluating an equality operator is always of type boolean based on whether the comparison is true.
Authoring MathML - MathML
it's a small stream filter written in c/c++ and generated with flex and bison ; in particular it is very fast.
... install flex/bison as well as the classical compiler and make tools.
arabic-form - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
only one element is using this attribute: <glyph> context notes value initial | medial | terminal | isolated default value isolated animatable no initial this value indicates that the glyph represents the initial form.
... isolated this value indicates that the glyph represents the isolated form.
unicode-bidi - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
as a presentation attribute, it can be applied to any element but it has effect only on the following eleven elements: <altglyph>, <textpath>, <text>, <tref>, and <tspan> context notes value normal | embed | isolate | bidi-override | isolate-override | plaintext default value normal animatable no for a description of the values, please refer to the css unicode-bidi property.
... introduced isolate, isolate-override, and plaintext keywords.
unicode-range - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the unicode-range attribute defines the range of iso 10646 characters possibly covered by the glyphs in a font.
... only one element is using this attribute: <font-face> usage notes value <urange># default value none animatable no <urange># this value is a comma-separated list of iso 10646 characters possibly covered by the glyphs in the font.
<animate> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
accessibility concerns blinking and flashing animation can be problematic for people with cognitive concerns such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd).
... additionally, certain kinds of motion can be a trigger for vestibular disorders, epilepsy, and migraine and scotopic sensitivity.
Same-origin policy - Web security
it helps isolate potentially malicious documents, reducing possible attack vectors.
...(a "tuple" is a set of items that together comprise a whole — a generic form for double/triple/quadruple/quintuple/etc.) the following table gives examples of origin comparisons with the url url outcome reason same origin only the path differs same origin only the path differs failure different protocol failure ...
Classes and Inheritance - Archive of obsolete content
otherwise, it repeats the comparison for the prototype of the right hand side, and so on, until either it returns true, or the prototype becomes null, in which case it returns false.
Guides - Archive of obsolete content
xul versus the sdk a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the sdk, compared to traditional xul-based add-ons.
request - Archive of obsolete content
for example, if you're retrieving text content which was encoded as iso-8859-1 (latin 1), it will be given a content type of "utf-8" and certain characters will not display correctly.
/loader - Archive of obsolete content
secure each module in an isolated js sandbox and makes any capability imports explicit via calls to the require() function.
util/array - Archive of obsolete content
let { find } = require('sdk/util/array'); let isodd = (x) => x % 2; find([2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9], isodd); // => 5 find([2, 4, 6, 8], isodd); // => undefiend find([2, 4, 6, 8], isodd, null); // => null fromiterator(i) // ['otoro', 'unagi', 'keon'] parameters iterator : iterator the iterator object over which to iterate and place results into an array.
Implementing the widget - Archive of obsolete content
main.js now in the lib directory open main.js and add the following code: var widgets = require('sdk/widget'); var data = require('sdk/self').data; var annotatorison = false; function toggleactivation() { annotatorison = !annotatorison; return annotatorison; } exports.main = function() { var widget = widgets.widget({ id: 'toggle-switch', label: 'annotator', contenturl: data.url('widget/pencil-off.png'), contentscriptwhen: 'ready', contentscriptfile: data.url('widget/widget.js') }); widget.port.on('left-click', function() { ...
Add-on SDK - Archive of obsolete content
this guide includes a comparison of the two toolsets and a working example of porting a xul add-on.
JavaScript Debugger Service - Archive of obsolete content
var jsd = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.jsdidebuggerservice); jsd.on(); // enables the service till firefox 3.6, for 4.x use asyncon if (jsd.ison); // disables the service hooks jsd operates using the events hook mechanism.
Downloading JSON and JavaScript in extensions - Archive of obsolete content
in this case, javascript sandboxing should be used to isolate the downloaded javascript from the rest of the extension, and host application.
Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
you cannot mix string variables and literals in comparison operators.
Appendix A: Add-on Performance - Archive of obsolete content
make sure your comparison code is as efficient as possible.
Appendix B: Install and Uninstall Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
and then do a version comparison to decide which code to run.
Appendix D: Loading Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
javascript modules can therefor be used for communication and data sharing between otherwise isolated contexts.
Updating addons broken by private browsing changes - Archive of obsolete content
nsistricttransportsecurityservice: processstsheader, removestsstate, isstshost, and isstsuri now take a flags parameter that understands nsisocketprovider.no_permanent_storage or nothing.
An Interview With Douglas Bowman of Wired News - Archive of obsolete content
we've noted that some of the file size comparison's aren't necessarily fair, because we're not comparing apples to apples-- we're comparing an old design using html, tables, and spacer gifs to a new design much richer in imagery and style.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
classes and inheritance content processes getting started modules private properties firefox compatibility module structure of the sdk porting the library detector program id sdk api lifecycle sdk and xul comparison testing the add-on sdk two types of scripts working with events xul migration guide high-level apis addon-page base64 clipboard context-menu hotkeys indexed-db l10n ...
Defining Cross-Browser Tooltips - Archive of obsolete content
on the other hand, the html 4.01 definition of the title attribute states: title = text cs this attribute offers advisory information about the element for which it is set.
No Proxy For configuration - Archive of obsolete content
filter comparison notable bugs bug 172083 - [meta] proxy: "no proxy for" items bug 80917 - proxy: "no proxy" w/ form based ui bug 91587 - proxy: "no proxy for" default domain filtering fails w/ non-fqdn (e.g., http://web/) bug 201685 - no proxy for: support ipv6 address literals bug 136789 - proxy: no proxy ip entries do not block dns resolved ips bug 314712 - no proxy for: "" should ...
Developing New Mozilla Features - Archive of obsolete content
if you can find the resources, designate someone on your team as the liaison to for project management issues.
Metro browser chrome tests - Archive of obsolete content
test comparison functions used in metro browser chrome tests are identical to those supported by mochitests, see how the comparison functions work in the mochitest documentation for more details.
Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
if the page is in strict standards mode, and no units are used, then mozilla ignores the style: <doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01//en" ""> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>css and units example</title> </head> <body> // works in strict mode <div style="width: 40px; border: 1px solid black;"> text </div> // will fail in strict mode <div style="width: 40; border: 1px solid black;"> text </div> </body> </html> since the above example has a strict doctype, the page is rendered in strict standards mode.
LIR - Archive of obsolete content
48 not in use immediate 49 immi int immediate 50 immq 64 bit quad immediate 51 immd double immediate 52 not in use comparisons 53 eqi integer int equality 54 lti integer signed int less-than 55 gti integer signed int greater-than 56 lei integer signed int less-than-or-equal 57 gei integer signed int greater-than-or-equal 58 ltui integer unsigned int less-than 59 gtui integer unsigned int greater-than 60 leui integer ...
Space Manager Detailed Design - Archive of obsolete content
o the linked list bandrect* splitvertically(nscoord abottom); // split the band rect into two horizontally, with this band rect becoming // the left part, and a new band rect being allocated and returned for the // right part // // does not insert the new band rect into the linked list bandrect* splithorizontally(nscoord aright); // accessor functions prbool isoccupiedby(const nsiframe*) const; void addframe(const nsiframe*); void removeframe(const nsiframe*); prbool hassameframelist(const bandrect* abandrect) const; print32 length() const; }; // circular linked list of band rects struct bandlist : bandrect { bandlist(); // accessors prbool isempty() const {return pr_clist_is_empty((prcliststr*)this);} ba...
Space Manager High Level Design - Archive of obsolete content
bandrects are a linked list (provided by prcliststr super-class) and also provide some geometry-management methods (splitvertically, splithorizontally) and some methods that query or manipulate the frames associated with the band (isoccupiedby, addframe, removeframe).
File object - Archive of obsolete content
file.isopen true if the file is open.
Table Layout Regression Tests - Archive of obsolete content
ft: 1[0x1]enum top: 1[0x1]enum right: 1[0x1]enum bottom: 1[0x1]enum left: null top: null right: null bottom: null left: null top: null right: null bottom: null 1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: auto top: auto right: auto bottom: auto auto 0[0x0]tw null auto 0[0x0]tw null 0 auto |0 0 0 normal normal 0[0x0]tw normal |0 11 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 null comparison for file:///e:/moz_src/mozilla/layout/html/tests/table/core/baseline/standards1.rgd failed.
Elements - Archive of obsolete content
an explicit encoding declarations may be present to override the default, for example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> uri in namespace declarations is an opaque string used to uniquely identify the namespace.
Example Sticky Notes - Archive of obsolete content
view this example <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01//en" ""> <html> <head> <title>xbl demo : sticky notes</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; font: 1em verdana, sans-serif; } h1 { font-size: 1.5em; } /* binding: */ .sticker { -moz-binding: url(notes.xml#default); } </style> </head> <body> <h1><a href="">xbl</a> demo : sticky notes</h1> <div class="sticker"><p>acme,&nbsp;inc.
XBL 1.0 Reference - Archive of obsolete content
there are numerous adjustments in the current implementation in comparison of earlier xbl proposals, and not all of them are reflected yet in this document.
XBL - Archive of obsolete content
see also: xbl removal design review packet, problems with xbl and the xbl and web components comparison.
File Object - Archive of obsolete content
overview the file object has methods for analyzing the file system and preparing it (as when new directories, program shortcuts, version comparisons, or deletions are required) for newly installed software packages.
confirm - Archive of obsolete content
buildid comparisons) are not recommended.
execute - Archive of obsolete content
method of install object syntax int execute ( string xpisourcepath [, boolean blocking]); int execute ( string xpisourcepath, string args [, boolean blocking]); parameters the execute method has the following parameters: xpisourcepath the pathname of the file to extract and execute.
XPJS Components Proposal - Archive of obsolete content
the xpconnectcomponents object allows access to the whole repository of native and js xpcom components, so this is not as isolated an environment as it might at first sound.
Mozilla E4X - Archive of obsolete content
presentation view online download summary "ecmascript for xml" (ecma-357), a new standard for writing and processing xml directly in javascript (ecma-262, iso-16262).
XTech 2005 Presentations - Archive of obsolete content
web 1.6: a rope of sand - opening keynote, mike shaver mozilla e4x - brendan eich "ecmascript for xml" (ecma-357), a new standard for writing and processing xml directly in javascript (ecma-262, iso-16262).
ignorecase - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ignorecase type: boolean set to true to indicate that the case does not matter when making comparisons.
negate - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home negate type: boolean set to true to indicate that the comparison should be reversed.
rel - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home rel type: one of the values below the type of comparison to perform.
How to implement a custom XUL query processor component - Archive of obsolete content
from the beginning of the name var name = avar.tostring().slice(1); return this._data[name]; }, // return an object instead of a string for convenient comparison purposes // or null to say just use string value getbindingobjectfor: function(avar) { return null; }, // called when a rule matches this item.
International characters in XUL JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
earlier versions always interpreted js files loaded from xul as iso-8859-1 (latin-1), in both local and remote cases.
The Joy of XUL - Archive of obsolete content
while such changes are extensive and affect most (if not all) of the application, they are also isolated from one another, enabling the core xul definition and application logic to be shared among all of the custom versions.
Tree Widget Changes - Archive of obsolete content
ies of it: column.index - the index of the column in displayed order - the id attribute of the column column.element - the treecol element column.x - the x position in the tree of the left edge of the column column.width - the width of the column in c++ code, you can also get the atom attribute of nsitreecolumn which returns an nsiatom for the column, making it fast to do comparisons.
XUL Coding Style Guidelines - Archive of obsolete content
disobeying them might not cause any parsing error for now, however, it might cause future maintenance headache: convert html files to xul files.
Format - Archive of obsolete content
meetings mozilla project weekly status meeting - 2006/07/24 1:00p pdt (last meeting notes) firefox 2 (bon echo) status meeting - 2006/07/25 11:00a pdt (last meeting notes) firefox 3 (gran paradiso) status meeting - 2006/07/26 11:00a pdt ...
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
updated l10n status for sunbird 0.3 release according to simon paquet, we now have a full l10n comparison on the trunk between en-us and all locales with a calendar localization.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
question regarding how to make a firefox extension that would insert an image next to all links in the loaded web pages similar to the mcafee siteadvisor extension.
2006-07-17 - Archive of obsolete content
meetings mozilla project weekly status meeting - 2006/07/24 1:00p pdt (last meeting notes) firefox 2 (bon echo) status meeting - 2006/07/25 11:00a pdt (last meeting notes) firefox 3 (gran paradiso) status meeting - 2006/07/26 11:00a pdt ...
2006-09-22 - Archive of obsolete content
meetings weekly status meeting - 09/25/2006 1pm pdt (last meeting notes) gran paradiso/gecko 1.9 status meeting - 09/27/2006 11am pdt (last meeting notes) gecko 1.9 bug triage meeting - 09/28/2006 3pm pdt ...
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
this launches a (misguided?) discussion and comparison of sunbird and lightning to outlook.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
10 (meeting notes) gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting a gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting was held on oct.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
meetings gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting: october 25th, 2006 - 11am pdt.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
meetings nov 1 gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting: get agenda here.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
discussion version numbering changes some discussion about paul's announcement of version number changes meetings november 6 project status meeting (notes) november 7 bon echoe status meeting (notes) november 8 gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting: (agenda) ...
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
others gave input on this as well meetings because of the firefox summit last week there is no project status meeting this week november 22 gecko 1.9/gran paradiso status meeting: (agenda) ...
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
peter wilson lists some important comparisons between spidermonkey and php.
NPN_GetValue - Archive of obsolete content
indow on which plug-in drawing occurs; returns hwnd unix/x11: gets the browser toplevel window in which the plug-in is displayed; returns window npnvjavascriptenabledbool: tells whether javascript is enabled; true=javascript enabled, false=not enabled npnvasdenabledbool: tells whether smartupdate (former name: asd) is enabled; true=smartupdate enabled, false=not enabled npnvisofflinebool: tells whether offline mode is enabled; true=offline mode enabled, false=not enabled npnvtoolkit: npnvsupportsxembedbool: npnvwindownpobject: returns the npobject * pointer for the dom window object; see getting the page url in npapi plugin for a rough example npnvpluginelementnpobject: npnvsupportswindowless: tells whether the browser supports windowless plugins.
Why use RSS - Archive of obsolete content
if it is episodic, it can be syndicated with rss.
SSL and TLS - Archive of obsolete content
bits of security rsa key length ecc key length table 1: comparison of rsa and ecc cipher strength 80 1024 160-223 112 2048 224-255 128 3072 256-383 192 7860 384-511 256 15360 512+ the information in this table is from the national institute of standards and technology (nist).
Vulnerabilities - Archive of obsolete content
however, an attacker could generate false arp messages to poison a system’s arp table and thereby launch a denial-of-service or a man-in-the-middle attack.
Using the W3C DOM - Archive of obsolete content
useful references on changing an element's text using the dom whitespace in the dom by david baron element.innerhtml speed and performance comparison between innerhtml attribute and dom's nodevalue when modifying the text data of a text node by gérard talbot interactive dom level 2 characterdata interface attributes and methods tests: other ways to modify (replace, delete, manipulate) efficiently text nodes in the dom by gérard talbot <- previous section: using web standards: how next section: developing cross-browser pages -> ...
Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support - Archive of obsolete content
since these values are strings, it is not possible to use relative string comparisons to determine which branch tag came later.
Browser Feature Detection - Archive of obsolete content
/p>'); generatereport(document, 'domcore1', 'document'); generatereport(document, 'domcore2', 'document'); generatereport(document, 'domhtml', 'document'); generatereport(, 'domcss1', ''); generatereport(, 'domcss2', ''); window.onerror = oldonerror; see also browser detection and cross browser support comparison of layout engines web specifications supported in opera 9 what's new in internet explorer 7 (script) original document information author(s): (unknown) last updated date: updated march 16, 2003 copyright information: copyright © 2001-2003 netscape.
E4X for templating - Archive of obsolete content
pression closure <output> {sort(fruits.*, function (a, b) a.text() > b.text() /* text() call may not be necessary */ )} </output>.toxmlstring() ); /* <output> <item>banana</item> <item>grapes</item> <item>pear</item> </output> */ the above utility also works if the input is an htmlcollection, an array of strings, an array of dom objects, or an array of e4x objects (assuming the comparison function is changed or adapted accordingly).
Processing XML with E4X - Archive of obsolete content
this node has one attribute, type, which can be accessed and updated in a number of ways: alert(languages.@type); // alerts "dynamic" languages.@type = "agile"; alert(languages.@type); // alerts "agile" alert(languages.tostring()); /* alerts: <languages type="agile"><lang>javascript</lang><lang>python</lang></languages> */ note that if one wishes to make comparisons of retrieved attributes with other strings, it is necessary to convert the attribute first, even though the attribute may be converted to a string when used in other contexts (such as insertion into a textbox).
New in JavaScript 1.3 - Archive of obsolete content
non-ecma-262 features of javascript 1.3 the following is a comparison between the june 1998 version of ecma-262 and javascript 1.3.
New in JavaScript 1.8.5 - Archive of obsolete content
changed functionality in javascript 1.8.5 iso 8601 support in date: the date object's parse() method now supports simple iso 8601 format date strings.
ECMAScript 2015 support in Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
it will also appear as the international industry standard iso/iec 16262:2016.
Writing JavaScript for XHTML - Archive of obsolete content
for name comparisons, first convert to lower case before doing the comparison (e.g., "el.nodename.tolowercase() === 'html'").
Choosing Standards Compliance Over Proprietary Practices - Archive of obsolete content
for example, if an organization is developing a web-based client, they may have to adhere to standards imposed by these organizations: ansi (american national standards institute ) atsc (advanced television systems committee ) ieee (institute of electrical and electronics engineers ) ietf (internet engineering task force ) irtf (internet research task force ) iso (international standards organization ) itu (international telecommunication union ) oasis (organization for the advancement of structured information standards ) oma (open mobile alliance ), uni (unicode consortium ) w3c (world wide web consortium ) iana (internet assigned numbers authority ) ecma international like the processes and standards that accountants and project managers must ...
Describing microformats in JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
possible values are: datetime an iso date anyuri a uri email an email address tel a telephone number html html including tags float a floating-point number microformat a microformat microformat_property a specific property within the microformat specified by microformat.
3D collision detection - Game development
the overlapping area between two non-rotated boxes can be checked with logical comparisons alone, whereas rotated boxes require additional trigonometric operations, which are slower to calculate.
Endianness - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
naturally, big-endian is the opposite order, comparable to an iso date (2050-12-31).
HTML - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
html 4.0 was released in 1999 and became an iso standard in 2000.
JSON - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
(date objects by default serialize to a string containing the date in iso format, so the information isn't completely lost.) if you need json to represent additional data types, transform values as they are serialized or before they are deserialized.
Method - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
learn more learn about it method (computer programming) in wikipedia defining a method in javascript (comparison of the traditional syntax and the new shorthand) technical reference list of javascript built-in methods ...
NaN - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
fortunately, since the result will be nan and i know my divisor may turn out to be 0, i can set up testing conditions that prevent any such computations in the first place or notify me of where they happen.
SGML - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the standard generalized markup language (sgml) is an iso specification for defining declarative markup languages.
Same-origin policy - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
it helps isolate potentially malicious documents, reducing possible attack vectors.
Web standards - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
ust conform to: ietf (internet engineering task force): internet standards (std), which among other things govern set-up and use of uris, http, and mime w3c: specifications for markup language (e.g., html), style definitions (i.e., css), dom, accessibility iana (internet assigned numbers authority): name and number registries ecma intl.: scripting standards, most prominently for javascript iso (international organization for standardization): standards governing a diverse array of aspects, including character encodings, website management, and user-interface design learn more general knowledge web standards on wikipedia ...
MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
ide idempotent identifier idl ietf iife imap immutable index indexeddb information architecture inheritance input method editor instance internationalization internet intrinsic size ip address ipv4 ipv6 irc iso isp itu j jank java javascript jpeg jquery json k key keyword l latency layout viewport lazy load lgpl ligature local scope local variable locale localization long task ...
Cascade and inheritance - Learn web development
the following table shows a few isolated examples to get you in the mood.
Handling different text directions - Learn web development
you can see a comparison between physical and logical properties below.
Introduction to CSS layout - Learn web development
the page layout techniques we'll be covering in more detail in this module are normal flow the display property flexbox grid floats positioning table layout multiple-column layout each technique has its uses, advantages, and disadvantages, and no technique is designed to be used in isolation.
Positioning - Learn web development
this is very useful: it means that we can create isolated ui features that don't interfere with the layout of other elements on the page.
create fancy boxes - Learn web development
i want to be fancy.</div> let's have an example by turning our box into a cloud: .fancy { text-align: center; /* same trick as previsouly used to make circles */ box-sizing: border-box; width : 150px; height : 150px; padding : 80px 1em 0 1em; /* we make room for the "ears" of our cloud */ margin : 0 100px; position: relative; background-color: #a4c9cf; /* well, actually we are not making a full circle as we want the bottom of our cloud to be flat.
Looping code - Learn web development
this is generally an expression featuring a comparison operator, a test to see if the exit condition has been met.
A first splash into JavaScript - Learn web development
for example, if you want to simply add a new text string to an existing one and return the result, you could do this: name += ' says hello!'; this is equivalent to name = name + ' says hello!'; when we are running true/false tests (for example inside conditionals — see below) we use comparison operators.
Basic math in JavaScript — numbers and operators - Learn web development
comparison operators sometimes we will want to run true/false tests, then act accordingly depending on the result of that test — to do this we use comparison operators.
Test your skills: Math - Learn web development
store the results of those tests in variables called weightcomparison, heightcomparison, and pwdmatch, respectively.
Measuring performance - Learn web development
for example, you can use performance metrics to determine how your app performs in comparison to a competitor or you can compare your app's performance across releases.
Getting started with Ember - Learn web development
that said, because this tutorial is a focus on the javascript side of making a small web application, todomvc's value comes from providing pre-made css and recommended html structure, which eliminates small differences between implementations, allowing for easier comparison.
Getting started with Vue - Learn web development
for a good (but potentially biased) comparison between vue and many of the other frameworks, see vue docs: comparison with other frameworks.
Focus management with Vue refs - Learn web development
this can be disorienting for keyboard and non-visual users.
Introduction to automated testing - Learn web development
if you get errors, check that you've added all the dependencies and the tests as shown above; also try commenting out the html/css/javascript code sections and then rerunning gulp to see if you can isolate what the problem is.
Strategies for carrying out testing - Learn web development
iso file) for the operating system you want to emulate.
Client-side tooling overview - Learn web development
how to choose and get help with a particular tool most tools tend to get written and released in isolation, so although there’s almost certainly help available it’s never in the same place or format.
Accessibility API cross-reference
in aria, a type of live region whose content is advisory information for the user but is not important enough to justify an alert, often but not necessarily presented as a status bar.
Mozilla accessibility architecture
finally, because the msaa client gets the same accessible for the event and for tree traversal each time, it can do comparisons with its own internal data model.
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
hresult get_innerhtml([out, retval] bstr *innerhtml); finally we provide a method for getting the current iso 639 language code, such as "en" for english or even possible "en-cockney" for the british cockney dialect.
Links and Resources
cynthia says™ from hisoftware® company "cynthia says™" is a free online webpage accessibility validation service that identifies accessibility errors in webpage related to section 508 standards and/or the wcag guidelines.
Accessible Toolkit Checklist
tab order must wrap, not have invisible items in tab order dynamically added items must not corrupt the tab cycle or make it disorderly tab cycle must be identical backwards and forwards the f6 and shift+f6 key combinations should cycle through panes in a window making focus visible on any widget, and focus must always be visible shift+f10 or context menu key should work like right click on focused item, and context menu should show just under and to the right of the current focus.
Browser chrome tests
the comparison functions are identical to those supported by mochitests, see how the comparison functions work in the mochitest documentation for more details.
Chrome registration
note: versions of gecko before gecko and gecko contained a bug where if you use the comparisons <, > or =, the version string had be two or more characters long.
Creating reftest-based unit tests
other comparisons note that it should also be possible to create a reftest that tests markup against an actual graphic image of the visual construct that should result.
Debugging Frame Reflow
log file analysis the log file for a simple table like <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body> <table width="100"> <tbody> <tr> <td>foo</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> will create the following log: vp 00b97c30 r=0 a=9180,4470 c=9180,4470 cnt=856 scroll 00b97ee0 r=0 a=9180,4470 c=9180,4470 cnt=857 scroll 00b97ee0 r=0 a=9180,4470 c=9180,4470 cnt=858 canvas 00b97c6c r=0 a=9180,uc c=9180,4470 cnt=859 area 02d7afe4 r=0 a=9180,uc ...
Windows SDK versions
windows 7 sdk features that depend on this sdk include: windows 7 taskbar previews windows 7 download taskbar progress windows 7 jump lists you can download the sdk (v7.0 [web setup or iso image] or unsupported v7.1 [web setup or iso image]) from the microsoft download center.
Listening to events on all tabs
note: some status values are defined by nsitransport and nsisockettransport.
Limitations of frame scripts
security restrictions on file access processes that host remote content are isolated from the local system through a content security sandbox.
Partitioned: All third-party storage access requests
a request to access cookies or storage was partitioned because it came from a third-party (a different origin) and dynamic first-party isolation is enabled.
ss cookies or storage was blocked because of a custom cookie permission blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled blocked because we are blocking all storage access requests blocked because we are blocking all third-party storage access requests and content blocking is enabled granted partitioned access because it came from a third-party and dynamic first-party isolation is enabled ...
Roll your own browser: An embedding how-to
all of this is somewhat generic and has been isolated into a static library that you can simply call on.
How Mozilla determines MIME Types
however, starting in mozilla 1.7alpha, mozilla does do content sniffing, like this: when the content-type sent by the server is one of (case-sensitively) text/plain text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 and the server did not send a content-encoding header, mozilla will sniff the first block of data it gets and check for non-text bytes.
IPDL Tutorial
subprotocols and protocol management so far we've seen a single protocol, but no real-world situation would have a single protocol in isolation.
JavaScript code modules
iso8601dateutils.jsm provides routines to convert between javascript date objects and iso 8601 date strings.
Bootstrapping a new locale
first, you should specify your locale's language identifier in ab-cd format, where "ab" is the iso 639 language code, and cd is the iso 3166 country code.
Localization and Plurals
(turkish), thai, lao everything: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, … plural rule #1 (2 forms) families: germanic (danish, dutch, english, faroese, frisian, german, norwegian, swedish), finno-ugric (estonian, finnish, hungarian), language isolate (basque), latin/greek (greek), semitic (hebrew), romanic (italian, portuguese, spanish, catalan), vietnamese is 1: 1 everything else: 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, … plural rule #2 (2 forms) families: romanic (french, brazilian ...
Localizing without a specialized tool
you will use a tool called compare-locales to do the comparison between your locale's files and the en-us reference.
Patching a Localization
get the source first, you need to get the source for the localization in question using its two or three character iso language code.
Mozilla DOM Hacking Guide
static jsval *sx_id: strings used in the global resolve methods for comparison with the passed in arguments.
Mozilla Port Blocking
ime 15 netstat 17 qotd 19 chargen 20 ftp data 21 ftp control 22 ssh 23 telnet 25 smtp 37 time 42 name 43 nicname 53 domain 77 priv-rjs 79 finger 87 ttylink 95 supdup 101 hostriame 102 iso-tsap 103 gppitnp 104 acr-nema 109 pop2 110 pop3 111 sunrpc 113 auth 115 sftp 117 uucp-path 119 nntp 123 ntp 135 loc-srv / epmap 139 netbios 143 imap2 179 bgp 389 ldap 465 smtp+ssl 512 print / exe...
Mozilla Quirks Mode Behavior
(this also applies to getelementsbyclassname.) stylesheets linked in the document with an advisory mime type of text/css will still be treated as css even if the server gives a content-type header other than text/css.
Power profiling overview
via tools/power/rapl, or mach power on mac, or intel power gadget on windows) for the comparisons.
it is important to use this function to rather than calling directly into malloc in order to isolate the runtime's semantics regarding storage management.
this is a string comparison of sorts, though the details of the comparison will vary over time.
Thread Pools
butenhof inprogramming with posix threads (addison-wesley, 1997).
oid_x509_inhibit_any_policy sec_oid_x509_subject_info_access camellia oids (rfc3657) sec_oid_camellia_128_cbc sec_oid_camellia_192_cbc sec_oid_camellia_256_cbc pkcs 5 v2 oids sec_oid_pkcs5_pbkdf2 sec_oid_pkcs5_pbes2 sec_oid_pkcs5_pbmac1 sec_oid_hmac_sha1 sec_oid_hmac_sha224 sec_oid_hmac_sha256 sec_oid_hmac_sha384 sec_oid_hmac_sha512 sec_oid_pkix_timestamping sec_oid_pkix_ca_repository sec_oid_iso_sha1_with_rsa_signature changed oids (see secoidt.h) sec_oid_pkcs12_key_usage changed to sec_oid_bogus_key_usage sec_oid_ansix962_ecdsa_signature_with_sha1_digest changed to sec_oid_ansix962_ecdsa_sha1_signature note: sec_oid_ansix962_ecdsa_signature_with_sha1_digest is also kept for compatibility reasons.
NSS 3.14.4 release notes
nss 3.14.4 source distributions are also available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.14.4.
NSS 3.14.5 release notes
nss 3.14.5 source distributions are also available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.14.5.
NSS 3.15.2 release notes
distribution information nss 3.15.2 source distributions are also available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.15.2.
NSS release notes
nss source distributions are also available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss
NSS 3.15.3 release notes
nss 3.15.3 source distributions are also available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.15.3.
NSS 3.15.4 release notes
nss 3.15.4 source distributions are also available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.15.4.
NSS release notes
nss source distributions are also available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss
NSS 3.16.5 release notes
nss 3.16.5 source distributions are also available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.16.5.
NSS 3.17.1 release notes
nss 3.17.1 source distributions are available on for secure https download: source tarballs: security advisories the following security-relevant bugs have been resolved in nss 3.17.1.
NSS 3.30 release notes
new functions in cert.h cert_compareava - performs a comparison of two certava structures, and returns a seccomparison result.
NSS 3.46 release notes
ail address in nss taskgraph bug 1563778 - increase maxruntime on mac taskcluster tools, ssl tests bug 1561591 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in tstclnt.c bug 1561587 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in lgattr.c bug 1561558 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in httpserv.c bug 1561556 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in tls13esni.c bug 1561332 - ec.c:28 warning: comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'unsigned long' bug 1564714 - print certutil commands during setup bug 1565013 - hacl image builder times out while fetching gpg key bug 1563786 - update hacl-star docker image to pull specific commit bug 1559012 - improve gcm perfomance using pmull2 bug 1528666 - correct resumption validation checks bug 1568803 - more tests for client certificate ...
NSS 3.51 release notes
bug 1538980 - secu_readderfromfile calls strstr on a string that isn't guaranteed to be null-terminated bug 1561337 - correct a warning for comparison of integers of different signs: 'int' and 'unsigned long' in security/nss/lib/freebl/ecl/ecp_25519.c:88 bug 1609751 - add test for mp_int clamping bug 1582169 - don't attempt to read the fips_enabled flag on the machine unless nss was built with fips enabled bug 1431940 - fix a null pointer dereference in blake2b_update bug 1617387 - fix compiler warning in secsign.c bug 1618400 - fix a ope...
NSS Sample Code Sample1
ist); n = privkey_list_next(n)) { char *name; name = pk11_getprivatekeynickname(n->key); cout << "key: " << name << endl; } list_done: if (slot) pk11_freeslot(slot); if (list) seckey_destroyprivatekeylist(list); cout << "done" << endl; } // let's see if the keys are the same rv = server1->comparekeys(server2); if (rv) { cout << "key comparison failed" << endl; } server1->shutdown(); server2->shutdown(); done: if (server1) delete server1; if (server2) delete server2; nss_shutdown(); return rv; } ...
records the target server url for comparison with the url specified by the server certificate.
Installing Pork
prerequisites flex >2.5.4 (flex-old on ubuntu) bison gcc pork uses gcc to generate .i/.ii files (preprocessed c/c++) for elsa to parse.
Creating JavaScript jstest reftests
comparison functions and shared test functionality the jstest runner loads the code in js/src/tests/shell.js for every test.
GCIntegration - SpiderMonkey Redirect 1
brian hackett has written a dynamic analysis that uses the existing conservative stack scanner to find unrooted pointers to gc things on the stack and poisons them.
Property cache
vword.isobject() the property has a stub getter and its value is vword.toobject().
Introduction to the JavaScript shell
this system makes it easier to do comparisons between strings.
JSAPI User Guide
these are isobject(), isnumber(), isint32(), isdouble(), isstring(), isboolean(), isnull(), and isundefined().
typedef jsobject * (*jsobjectop)(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj); the callbacks of this type are: jsextendedclass.outerobject jsextendedclass.innerobject jsextendedclass.wrappedobject jsobjectops.thisobject ...
syntax jsbool js_cstringsareutf8(void); void js_setcstringsareutf8(void); // added in spidermonkey 1.8 description by default, all c/c++ strings passed into the jsapi are treated as iso/iec 8859-1, also known as iso-latin-1.
JSAPI reference
pi 24 js_setglobalobject obsolete since jsapi 25 js_initclass js_initstandardclasses js_resolvestandardclass js_enumeratestandardclasses js_enumerateresolvedstandardclasses obsolete since jsapi 24 js_isrunning js_saveframechain js_restoreframechain js_isassigning obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 js_isconstructing obsolete since jsapi 26 js_isconstructing_possiblywithgiventhisobject obsolete since jsapi 17 js_getscopechain obsolete since javascript 1.8.7 compartments: class jsautocompartment added in spidermonkey 24 js_newglobalobject added in spidermonkey 17 js_entercompartment added in spidermonkey 24 js_leavecompartment added in spidermonkey 24 js_getcompartmentprivate added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_setcompartmentprivate added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_ge...
SpiderMonkey 1.8.7
js_getpropertyattrsgetterandsetterbyid js_getpropertybyid js_getpropertybyiddefault js_getpropertydefault js_getpropertydescriptorbyid js_getruntimesecuritycallbacks js_getsecuritycallbacks js_getstringcharsandlength js_getstringcharsz js_getstringcharszandlength js_getstringencodinglength js_haspropertybyid js_initctypesclass js_internjsstring js_isconstructing_possiblywithgiventhisobject js_isextensible js_isinrequest js_leavecrosscompartmentcall js_lookuppropertybyid js_lookuppropertywithflagsbyid js_new js_newcompartmentandglobalobject js_newdateobject js_newdateobjectmsec js_newfunctionbyid body new c++ helpers while jsapi remains a c api, the engine is now implemented in c++.
Running Parsemark
a typical run can be done like so: cd js/src/tests python /path/to/baseline/js /path/to/parse-tests-dir/ -q > /tmp/baseline.json python /path/to/current/js /path/to/parse-tests-dir/ -q > /tmp/current.json python /tmp/current.json /tmp/baseline.json note: unfortunately the comparisons done are very noisy and not reliable!
Web Replay
comparison with other projects there is lots of existing work in this area.
An Overview of XPCOM
you can not have two methods with the same name that take different parameters, and the workaround - having multiple function names - isn't pretty: void foowithint(in int x); void foowithstring(in string x); void foowithuri(in nsiuri x); however, these shortcomings pale in comparison to the functionality gained by using xpidl.
Mozilla internal string guide
it provides an api for assignment, individual character access, basic manipulation of characters in the string, and string comparison.
Introduction to XPCOM for the DOM
nscomptr's are an extension of the c auto_ptr, managing the reference counting operations for you, and providing several facilities for comparison, initialization, etc...
obsolete since gecko 2.0 currentframeisopaque boolean whether the current frame is opaque; that is, needs the background painted behind it.
if it cannot be determined because one or both uris do not have a base domain (for instance, in the case of ip addresses, host aliases such as 'localhost', or a file:// uri), an exact string comparison on host is performed.
see also nsisockettransport ...
result comparison result of the previous two parameters.
let charset = "iso-8859-1"; try { // this pref has been removed, see bug 910192 charset = services.prefs.getcomplexvalue("intl.charset.default", ci.nsipreflocalizedstring).data; } catch (e) { } let conv = cc[""] .createinstance(ci.n...
latin 1 is specified as "iso-8859-1".
imeisopen boolean returns the ime open state.
isoffscreenbrowser boolean if true, this docshell is not visible in the traditional sense, but is being actively rendered to the screen (such as by being painted to a canvas), and should be treated accordingly.
if the activity type is activity_type_socket_transport, this value will be one of the status_* constants defined by nsisockettransport.
a locale code is of the form language[-country[-region]], where "language" is an iso 639 language code (two letter codes preferred over three letter codes when available), "country" is an iso 3166 two letter country code, and "region" is a string of up to 5 letters.
see nsisockettransport for socket specific status codes.
this method may be useful in conjunction with nsisockettransportservice.createtransport() for creating, for example, a socks connection.
see also nsisockettransport ...
in particular, some bindings may convert the byte values into unicode code points, by assuming the byte values are encoded as iso-latin-1.
removedataflavor() removes the data flavor matching the given one (as determined by a string comparison), along with the corresponding data.
see also nsisockettransport ...
nsitreecolumn getnext(); nsitreecolumn getprevious(); void invalidate(); attributes attribute type description atom nsiatom the atom attribute of nsitreecolumn which returns an nsiatom for the column, making it fast to do comparisons.
the most common case is the input is in 7bit non-ascii character sets like iso-2022-jp, hz or utf-7 (in its original form or a modified form used in imap folder names).
note: some status values are defined by nsitransport and nsisockettransport.
for comparisons, you should instead use the rawssid attribute.
Status, Recent Changes, and Plans
added an entire section to the getting started guide on nscomptrs in function signatures added references to recent bugs influencing the use of nscomptr machinery: bug 59212, and bug 59414 fixed comparisons 1 and 3, as per comments by morten welinder updated examples to prefer direct initialization over copy initialization.
customDBHeaders Preference
because comparisons are case-insensitive, all of the custom headers get set to lowercase when the data gets migrated to the message database.
Toolkit version format
== 1.0 == 1.0.0 < 1.1a < 1.1aa < 1.1ab < 1.1b < 1.1c < 1.1pre == 1.1pre0 == 1.0+ < 1.1pre1a < 1.1pre1aa < 1.1pre1b < 1.1pre1 < 1.1pre2 < 1.1pre10 < 1.1.-1 < 1.1 == 1.1.0 == 1.1.00 < 1.10 < 1.* < 1.*.1 < 2.0 technical reference for those interested in seeing the implementation of toolkit version comparison, see nsversioncomparator.cpp.
Add to iPhoto
cfarray the cfarray type is used to create arrays of objects; the objects in the array can be of any type, thanks to a set of callbacks you can provide to handle managing their memory and performing operations such as comparisons.
virtualenv virtualenv is software for isolating python package environments (e.g.
Plug-in Basics - Plugins
in general, if you want a plug-in to generate additional threads to handle processing at any stage in its lifespan, you should be careful to isolate these from plug-in api calls.
flash activation: browser comparison each browser activates flash slightly differently, which can be confusing for users and web authors.
DOM Inspector internals - Firefox Developer Tools
this comparison turns out to be quite apt, since each panel actually contains an anonymous browser, and individual viewers exist in separate documents loaded in the browser.
Index - Firefox Developer Tools
86 sorting algorithms comparison this article describes a simple example program that we use in two of the performance guides: the guide to the call tree and the guide to the flame chart.
Basic operations - Firefox Developer Tools
the tool then shows you the differences between the two snapshots: when you're looking at a comparison, you can't use the dominators view or the tree map view.
Examples - Firefox Developer Tools
sorting algorithms comparison ...
AddressErrors.regionCode - Web APIs
usage notes the region code is derived from the iso 3166-2 country subdivision name standard.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineCap - Web APIs
html <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> javascript const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(20, 20); ctx.linewidth = 15; ctx.linecap = 'round'; ctx.lineto(100, 100); ctx.stroke(); result comparison of line caps in this example three lines are drawn, each with a different value for the linecap property.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.lineJoin - Web APIs
html <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> javascript const canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); const ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.linewidth = 20; ctx.linejoin = 'round'; ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(20, 20); ctx.lineto(190, 100); ctx.lineto(280, 20); ctx.lineto(280, 150); ctx.stroke(); result comparison of line joins the example below draws three different paths, demonstrating each of the three linejoin options.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.scale() - Web APIs
a non-scaled rectangle is then drawn for comparison.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.textBaseline - Web APIs
examples comparison of property values this example demonstrates the various textbaseline property values.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.translate() - Web APIs
an unmoved square of the same size is then drawn for comparison.
Document.characterSet - Web APIs
syntax var string = document.characterset; examples <button onclick="console.log(document.characterset);"> log character encoding </button> <!-- displays document's character encoding in the dev console, such as "iso-8859-1" or "utf-8" --> specifications specification status comment domthe definition of 'characterset' in that specification.
Document.styleSheetSets - Web APIs
duplicates are dropped from the list (using a case-sensitive comparison).
Element.scrollWidth - Web APIs
oobar-foobar-foobar </div> <button id="anotherbutton"> check for overflow </button> </body> <script> var buttonone = document.getelementbyid('abutton'), buttontwo = document.getelementbyid('anotherbutton'), divone = document.getelementbyid('adiv'), divtwo = document.getelementbyid('anotherdiv'); //check to determine if an overflow is happening function isoverflowing(element) { return (element.scrollwidth > element.offsetwidth); } function alertoverflow(element) { if (isoverflowing(element)) { alert('contents are overflowing the container.'); } else { alert('no overflows!'); } } buttonone.addeventlistener('click', function() { alertoverflow(divone); }); button...
Event.originalTarget - Web APIs
see also comparison of event targets example need an example that makes sense here specification this is a mozilla-specific property.
FileReaderSync.readAsText() - Web APIs
encoding the optional parameter specifies encoding to be used (e.g., iso-8859-1 or utf-8).
FileReaderSync - Web APIs
the optional encoding parameter indicates the encoding to be used (e.g., iso-8859-1 or utf-8).
FileHandle API - Web APIs
this is not a problem because to access the file, a lockedfile object is required and operations on such object are performed in isolation, meaning that once a lockedfile is active, all operations of this lockedfile are guaranteed to happen sequentially on the underlying file without being interleaved with operations from other lockedfile.
GlobalEventHandlers.onerror - Web APIs
a workaround is to isolate "script error." and handle it knowing that the error detail is only viewable in the browser console and not accessible via javascript.
HTMLImageElement.alt - Web APIs
if the image doesn't require a fallback (such as for an image which is simply decorative or an advisory icon of minimal importance), you may specify an empty string ("").
IDBDatabase.createObjectStore() - Web APIs
has been deleted or removed.) in firefox previous to version 41, an invalidstateerror was raised in this case as well, which was misleading; this has now been fixed (see bug 1176165.) constrainterror an object store with the given name (based on case-sensitive comparison) already exists in the connected database.
IDBObjectStoreSync - Web APIs
mode readonly unsigned short the mode for isolating access to the data in this object store.
IDBTransaction.mode - Web APIs
syntax var mycurrentmode = idbtransaction.mode; value an idbtransactionmode object defining the mode for isolating access to data in the current object stores: value explanation readonly allows data to be read but not changed.
IDBTransaction - Web APIs
idbtransaction.mode read only the mode for isolating access to data in the object stores that are in the scope of the transaction.
KeyboardEvent: code values - Web APIs
"keys" kvk_ansi_d (0x02) "keyd" "keyd" kvk_ansi_f (0x03) "keyf" "keyf" kvk_ansi_h (0x04) "keyh" "keyh" kvk_ansi_g (0x05) "keyg" "keyg" kvk_ansi_z (0x06) "keyz" "keyz" kvk_ansi_x (0x07) "keyx" "keyx" kvk_ansi_c (0x08) "keyc" "keyc" kvk_ansi_v (0x09) "keyv" "keyv" kvk_iso_section (0x0a) "intlbackslash" "intlbackslash" kvk_ansi_b (0x0b) "keyb" "keyb" kvk_ansi_q (0x0c) "keyq" "keyq" kvk_ansi_w (0x0d) "keyw" "keyw" kvk_ansi_e (0x0e) "keye" "keye" kvk_ansi_r (0x0f) "keyr" "keyr" kvk_ansi_y (0x10) "keyy" "keyy" kvk_ansi_t (0x11) "keyt" "keyt" kvk_ansi...
MediaMetadata.MediaMetadata() - Web APIs
example the following example creates a new media session and assigns action handlers to it: if ('mediasession' in navigator){ navigator.mediasession.metadata = new mediametadata({ title: "podcast episode title", artist: "podcast host", album: "podcast name", artwork: [{src: "podcast.jpg"}] }); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('play', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('pause', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('seekbackward', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('seekforward', function() {}); navigator.
MediaRecorder.onerror - Web APIs
this also happens when a mediastreamtrack within the stream is marked as isolated due to the peeridentity constraint on the source stream.
MediaRecorder.start() - Web APIs
this also happens when a mediastreamtrack within the stream is marked as isolated due to the peeridentity constraint on the source stream.
MediaRecorderErrorEvent.error - Web APIs
this also happens when a mediastreamtrack within the stream is marked as isolated due to the peeridentity constraint on the source stream.
MediaSession.metadata - Web APIs
example the following example creates a new media session and assigns action handlers to it: if ('mediasession' in navigator){ navigator.mediasession.metadata = new mediametadata({ title: "podcast episode title", artist: "podcast host", album: "podcast name", artwork: [{src: "podcast.jpg"}] }); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('play', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('pause', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('seekbackward', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('seekforward', function() {}); navigator.
MediaSession - Web APIs
examples the following example creates a new media session and assigns action handlers to it: if ('mediasession' in navigator){ navigator.mediasession.metadata = new mediametadata({ title: "podcast episode title", artist: "podcast host", album: "podcast name", artwork: [{src: "podcast.jpg"}] }); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('play', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('pause', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('seekbackward', function() {}); navigator.mediasession.setactionhandler('seekforward', function() {}); navigator.
MediaStream Image Capture API - Web APIs
}) next, isolate the visual part of the media stream.
MediaTrackConstraints - Web APIs
iso a constraindouble (a double-precision integer) specifying a desired iso setting.
Using Navigation Timing - Web APIs
the navigation timing api lets you easily obtain detailed and highly accurate timing information to help isolate performance problems with your site's code or resources.
Navigator.mediaSession - Web APIs
if ("mediasession" in navigator){ navigator.mediasession.metadata = new mediametadata({ title: "podcast episode title", artist: "podcast host", album: "podcast name", artwork: [{src: "podcast.jpg"}] }); } specifications specification status comment media session standardthe definition of 'navigator.mediasession' in that specification.
Notification.Notification() - Web APIs
see the sitepoint iso 2 letter language codes page for a simple reference.
Notification.lang - Web APIs
see the sitepoint iso 2 letter language codes page for a simple reference.
Push API - Web APIs
in comparison, chrome applies no limit, but requires that every push message causes a notification to be displayed.
RTCRtpEncodingParameters.scaleResolutionDownBy - Web APIs
syntax rtpencodingparameters.scaleresolutiondownby = scalingfactor; rtpencodingparameters = { scaleresolutiondownby: scalingfactor }; value a double-precison floating-point number specifying the amount by which to reduce the size of the video during encoding.
Range.compareBoundaryPoints() - Web APIs
parameters how a constant describing the comparison method: range.end_to_end compares the end boundary-point of sourcerange to the end boundary-point of range.
SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement - Web APIs
svgfeconvolvematrixelement.divisor read only an svganimatednumber corresponding to the divisor attribute of the given element.
StyleSheet.title - Web APIs
the title property of the stylesheet interface returns the advisory title of the current style sheet.
StyleSheet - Web APIs
stylesheet.title read only returns a domstring representing the advisory title of the current style sheet.
SubtleCrypto.digest() - Web APIs
as the planet earth.'; async function digestmessage(message) { const encoder = new textencoder(); const data = encoder.encode(message); const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest('sha-256', data); return hash; } const digestbuffer = await digestmessage(text); console.log(digestbuffer.bytelength); converting a digest to a hex string the digest is returned as an arraybuffer, but for comparison and display digests are often represented as hex strings.
TextDecoder - Web APIs
the textdecoder interface represents a decoder for a specific text encoding, such as utf-8, iso-8859-2, koi8-r, gbk, etc.
USBEndpoint - Web APIs
"isochronous" - provides unreliable data transfer for payloads that must be delivered periodically.
WebGL2RenderingContext - Web APIs
drawing buffers webgl2renderingcontext.vertexattribdivisor() modifies the rate at which generic vertex attributes advance when rendering multiple instances of primitives with gl.drawarraysinstanced() and gl.drawelementsinstanced().
WebGLRenderingContext.depthFunc() - Web APIs
syntax void gl.depthfunc(func); parameters func a glenum specifying the depth comparison function, which sets the conditions under which the pixel will be drawn.
WebGLRenderingContext.disable() - Web APIs
gl.depth_test deactivates depth comparisons and updates to the depth buffer.
WebGLRenderingContext.enable() - Web APIs
gl.depth_test activates depth comparisons and updates to the depth buffer.
WebGLRenderingContext.getExtension() - Web APIs
the current extensions are: angle_instanced_arrays ext_blend_minmax ext_color_buffer_float ext_color_buffer_half_float ext_disjoint_timer_query ext_float_blend ext_frag_depth ext_srgb ext_shader_texture_lod ext_texture_compression_bptc ext_texture_compression_rgtc ext_texture_filter_anisotropic khr_parallel_shader_compile oes_element_index_uint oes_fbo_render_mipmap oes_standard_derivatives oes_texture_float oes_texture_float_linear oes_texture_half_float oes_texture_half_float_linear oes_vertex_array_object ovr_multiview2 webgl_color_buffer_float webgl_compressed_texture_astc webgl_compressed_texture_atc webgl_compressed_texture_etc webgl_compressed_texture_etc1 w...
WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter() - Web APIs
webgl extensions you can query the following pname parameters when using webgl extensions: constant returned type extension description ext.max_texture_max_anisotropy_ext glfloat ext_texture_filter_anisotropic maximum available anisotropy.
WebGLRenderingContext.getSupportedExtensions() - Web APIs
the current extensions are: angle_instanced_arrays ext_blend_minmax ext_color_buffer_float ext_color_buffer_half_float ext_disjoint_timer_query ext_float_blend ext_frag_depth ext_srgb ext_shader_texture_lod ext_texture_compression_bptc ext_texture_compression_rgtc ext_texture_filter_anisotropic khr_parallel_shader_compile oes_element_index_uint oes_fbo_render_mipmap oes_standard_derivatives oes_texture_float oes_texture_float_linear oes_texture_half_float oes_texture_half_float_linear oes_vertex_array_object ovr_multiview2 webgl_color_buffer_float webgl_compressed_texture_astc webgl_compressed_texture_atc webgl_compressed_texture_etc webgl_compressed_texture_etc1 w...
WebGLRenderingContext.isEnabled() - Web APIs
gl.depth_test depth comparisons and updates to the depth buffer.
Using WebGL extensions - Web APIs
extension list the current extensions are: angle_instanced_arrays ext_blend_minmax ext_color_buffer_float ext_color_buffer_half_float ext_disjoint_timer_query ext_float_blend ext_frag_depth ext_srgb ext_shader_texture_lod ext_texture_compression_bptc ext_texture_compression_rgtc ext_texture_filter_anisotropic khr_parallel_shader_compile oes_element_index_uint oes_fbo_render_mipmap oes_standard_derivatives oes_texture_float oes_texture_float_linear oes_texture_half_float oes_texture_half_float_linear oes_vertex_array_object ovr_multiview2 webgl_color_buffer_float webgl_compressed_texture_astc webgl_compressed_texture_atc webgl_compressed_texture_etc webgl_compressed_texture_etc1 w...
WebGL model view projection - Web APIs
the value of w is used as a divisor for the other components of the coordinate, so that the true values of x, y, and z are computed as x/w, y/w, and z/w (and w is then also w/w, becoming 1).
WebGL: 2D and 3D graphics for the web - Web APIs
precisionformat webglsync webgltexture webgltransformfeedback webgluniformlocation webglvertexarrayobject extensions angle_instanced_arrays ext_blend_minmax ext_color_buffer_float ext_color_buffer_half_float ext_disjoint_timer_query ext_float_blend ext_frag_depth ext_srgb ext_shader_texture_lod ext_texture_compression_bptc ext_texture_compression_rgtc ext_texture_filter_anisotropic khr_parallel_shader_compile oes_element_index_uint oes_fbo_render_mipmap oes_standard_derivatives oes_texture_float oes_texture_float_linear oes_texture_half_float oes_texture_half_float_linear oes_vertex_array_object ovr_multiview2 webgl_color_buffer_float webgl_compressed_texture_astc webgl_compressed_texture_atc webgl_compressed_texture_etc webgl_compressed_texture_etc1 w...
Introduction to the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) - Web APIs
the more time lag there is between one user saying something and another hearing it, the more likely there is to be episodes of cross-talking and other forms of confusion.
Fundamentals of WebXR - Web APIs
virtual reality sickness virtual reality sickness is a condition in which a person experiencing virtual reality feels discomfort, disorientation, or even serious nausea during and sometimes for a short time after the experience.
Using the Web Animations API - Web APIs
getting information out of animations imagine other ways we could use playbackrate, such as improving accessibility for users with vestibular disorders by letting them slow down animations across an entire site.
Functions and classes available to Web Workers - Web APIs
comparison of the properties and methods of the different type of workers function dedicated workers shared workers service workers chrome workers outside workers atob() yes, on workerglobalscope yes, on workerglobalscope yes, on workerglobalscope yes, on workerglobalscope yes, on window btoa() yes, on workerglobalscope yes, on workerglobals...
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope - Web APIs
windoworworkerglobalscope.crossoriginisolated read only returns a boolean value that indicates whether a sharedarraybuffer can be sent via a window.postmessage() call.
XRView.eye - Web APIs
t(viewport.x, viewport.y, viewport.width, viewport.height); renderscene(gl, view); } } for each of the views, the value of eye is checked and if it's either left or right, we check to see if the body.lefteye.injured or body.righteye.injured property is true; if so, we call a function updateinjury() on that eye to do things such as allow a bit of healing to occur, track the progress of a poison effect, or the like, as appropriate for the game's needs.
XRView - Web APIs
this allows the two views, when projected in isolation into the appropriate eyes, to simulate a 3d world.
Using the aria-labelledby attribute - Accessibility
example below, the definition of a term that is described in the natural flow of the narrative is associated with the term itself using the aria-labelledby attribute: <p>the doctor explained it had been a <dfn id="placebo">placebo</dfn>, or <span role="definition" aria-labelledby="placebo"> an inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder.</span> </p> example 6: definition lists in the example below, the definitions in a formal definition list are associated with the terms they define using the aria-labelledby attribute: <dl> <dt id="anathema">anathema</dt> <dd role="definition" aria-labelledby="anathema">a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority ...
Using the status role - Accessibility
the status role is a type of live region and a container whose content is advisory information for the user that is not important enough to justify an alert, and is often presented as a status bar.
Accessibility: What users can do to browse more safely - Accessibility
this article discusses making web content accessible for those with vestibular disorders, and those who support them, by taking advantage of personalization and accessibility settings built into the operating systems.
Architecture - Accessibility
api comparison nsiaccessible (internal).
Accessibility Information for Web Authors - Accessibility
automated checking & repair cynthia says™ from hisoftware® company "cynthia says™" is a free online webpage accessibility validation service that is designed to identify errors in webpage related to section 508 standards and/or the wcag guidelines.
Web Accessibility: Understanding Colors and Luminance - Accessibility
understaning color, luminance, and saturation is important in meeting wcag 2 accessibility guidelines in terms of ensuring enough color contrast for sighted users with color blindness or reduced vision and preventing seizures and other physical reactions in people with vestibular disorders.
Operable - Accessibility
guideline 2.3 — seizures and physical reactions: do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures or physical reactions this refers to content that, if not changed, could cause seizures in users with conditions such as epilepsy or could cause physical reactions (like dizziness) for users with conditions such as vestibular disorders.
accessibility for seizure disorders some types of visual web content can induce seizures in people with certain brain disorders.
CSS Containment - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the aim of the css containment specification is to improve performance of web pages by allowing developers to isolate a subtree of the page from the rest of the page.
Relationship of flexbox to other layout methods - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for more comparisons of grid and flexbox see the article relationship of grid layout to other layout methods.
Variable fonts guide - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for comparison, it is typical in a typographic system for a magazine to use 10–15 or more different weight and width combinations throughout the publication — giving a much wider range of styles than currently typical on the web (or indeed practical for performance reasons alone).
The stacking context - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
element with any of the following properties with value other than none: transform filter perspective clip-path mask / mask-image / mask-border element with a isolation value isolate.
CSS values and units - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for example, the value of grid-area can be a <custom-ident>, so if we had a grid area named content we would use it without quotes: .item { grid-area: content; } in comparison, a data type that is a <string>, such as a string value of the content property, must be quoted: .item::after { content: "this is my content."; } while you can generally create any name you want, including using emojis, the identifier can't be none, unset, initial, or inherit, start with a digit or two dashes, and generally you don't want it to be any other pre-defined css keyword.
Compositing and Blending - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
reference properties background-blend-mode isolation mix-blend-mode data types <blend-mode> specifications specification status comment compositing and blending level 1 candidate recommendation initial definition ...
CSS reference - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
template-areasgrid-template-columnsgrid-template-rowshhzhanging-punctuationheightheight (@viewport)@historical-forms:hoverhsl()hsla()hue-rotate()hyphensi<ident><image>image()image-orientationimage-renderingimage-set()@importin:in-range:indeterminateinheritinitialinline-sizeinsetinset()inset-blockinset-block-endinset-block-startinset-inlineinset-inline-endinset-inline-start<integer>:invalidinvert()isolationjjustify-contentjustify-itemsjustify-selfkkhz@keyframesl:lang:last-child:last-of-typeleader():leftleft@left-bottom<length><length-percentage>letter-spacingline-breakline-heightlinear-gradient():linklist-stylelist-style-imagelist-style-positionlist-style-typelocal()mmarginmargin-blockmargin-block-endmargin-block-startmargin-bottommargin-inlinemargin-inline-endmargin-inline-startmargin-leftmar...
<blend-mode> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples blend mode comparison in the following example, we have a <div> with two background images set on it — a firefox logo on top of a linear gradient.
box-decoration-break - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for comparison, the first "im" is without line breaks.
clamp() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
formal syntax clamp( <calc-sum>#{3} )where <calc-sum> = <calc-product> [ [ '+' | '-' ] <calc-product> ]*where <calc-product> = <calc-value> [ '*' <calc-value> | '/' <number> ]*where <calc-value> = <number> | <dimension> | <percentage> | ( <calc-sum> ) examples min, max, and clamp comparison in this example we have a simple responsive example that makes use of min(), max(), and clamp() for some of the sizes.
clip-path - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
| [ [ left | right ] <length-percentage> ] && [ [ top | bottom ] <length-percentage> ] ]<fill-rule> = nonzero | evenodd<box> = border-box | padding-box | content-box examples comparison of html and svg <svg class="defs"> <defs> <clippath id="mypath" clippathunits="objectboundingbox"> <path d="m0.5,1 c0.5,1,0,0.7,0,0.3 a0.25,0.25,1,1,1,0.5,0.3 a0.25,0.25,1,1,1,1,0.3 c1,0.7,0.5,1,0.5,1 z" /> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <div class="grid"> <div class="col"> <div class="note">clip-path: none</div> <div class="row"> <div class="cell"> <span>html</s...
display - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
&& list-item<display-internal> = table-row-group | table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row | table-cell | table-column-group | table-column | table-caption | ruby-base | ruby-text | ruby-base-container | ruby-text-container<display-box> = contents | none<display-legacy> = inline-block | inline-list-item | inline-table | inline-flex | inline-grid examples display value comparison in this example we have two block-level container elements, each one with three inline children.
<filter-function> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples filter function comparison this example provides a simple graphic, along with a select menu to allow you to choose between the different types of filter function, and a slider to allow you to vary the values used inside the filter function.
<length> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples length unit comparison the following demo provides you with an input field in which you can enter a <length> value (e.g.
scale() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if both coordinates are equal, the scaling is uniform (isotropic) and the aspect ratio of the element is preserved (this is a homothetic transformation).
scale3d() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if all three coordinates are equal, the scaling is uniform (isotropic) and the aspect ratio of the element is preserved (this is a homothetic transformation).
scaleX() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scaling is not isotropic, and the angles of the element are not conserved.
scaleY() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scaling is not isotropic, and the angles of the element are not conserved.
scaleZ() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scaling is not isotropic, and the angles of the element are not conserved.
<transform-function> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples transform function comparison the following example provides a 3d cube created from dom elements and transforms, and a select menu allowing you to choose different transform functions to transform the cube with, so you can compare the effects of the different types.
transition-timing-function - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
however, some animations can be problematic for people with cognitive concerns such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) and certain kinds of motion can be a trigger for vestibular disorders, epilepsy, and migraine and scotopic sensitivity.
WAI ARIA Live Regions/API Support - Developer guides
they are synchronous with what the user is doing and can thus likely be read without disorienting the user.
Adding captions and subtitles to HTML5 video - Developer guides
radiant media player supports multi-languages webvtt closed captions note: you can find an excellent list of html5 video players and their current "state" at html5 video player comparison.
Live streaming web audio and video - Developer guides
eg-dash deployment look, no plugins: live streaming to the browser using media source extensions and mpeg-dash media source extensions (w3c) icecast shoutcast gstreamer streaming gstreamer pipelines via http streaming media using gstreamer on the web gstreamer and raspberry pi acceptance of media source extensions as w3c candidate recommendation will accelerate adoption of dash.js comparison of streaming media systems mozilla hacks - streaming media on demand with media source extensions ...
Audio and Video Delivery - Developer guides
mse defines byte streams according to isobmff and m2ts (both supported in dash, the latter supported in hls).
Content categories - Developer guides
do not confuse this content model with the sectioning root category, which isolates its content from the regular outline.
Rich-Text Editing in Mozilla - Developer guides
yntp8/fzvgwjofmgg7gox0sakkgqgdmgkbi0njgmeimpgdk5+wacewed0ywblhguz4hw5oduekrblt7dtgdegxacsiznx8zpmwh7k4rkpjcuhdxcul6mdsmmbxdlwch2+xozsgbnzsncee4euyv4pwcpswypw0uhdybkswu1nyjendreqtkjwn2+zvttc1vmstb/mvev/weyslasslimcohobjxw+n3ap/sjefnl5gepzmpu4kg7opr1+tofpyuu3becwykcwqcdfmwfkauo90fhkdinbcamvqnymgqueagqwcohbdc1rjv9pild8ibvkz6qyviibqgtjpx4k0xpigezorn1da0cij4vfr0ta3wvbxh/rjdcufv6r2zpgph/e4pxsbcpeatqprjniso203/5s/za171mv8+w1loaaaaaelftksuqmcc"> <img class="intlink" title="undo" onclick="formatdoc('undo');" src="" /> <img class="intlink" title="redo" onclick="for...
Making content editable - Developer guides
yntp8/fzvgwjofmgg7gox0sakkgqgdmgkbi0njgmeimpgdk5+wacewed0ywblhguz4hw5oduekrblt7dtgdegxacsiznx8zpmwh7k4rkpjcuhdxcul6mdsmmbxdlwch2+xozsgbnzsncee4euyv4pwcpswypw0uhdybkswu1nyjendreqtkjwn2+zvttc1vmstb/mvev/weyslasslimcohobjxw+n3ap/sjefnl5gepzmpu4kg7opr1+tofpyuu3becwykcwqcdfmwfkauo90fhkdinbcamvqnymgqueagqwcohbdc1rjv9pild8ibvkz6qyviibqgtjpx4k0xpigezorn1da0cij4vfr0ta3wvbxh/rjdcufv6r2zpgph/e4pxsbcpeatqprjniso203/5s/za171mv8+w1loaaaaaelftksuqmcc"> <img class="intlink" title="undo" onclick="formatdoc('undo');" src="" /> <img class="intlink" title="redo" onclick="for...
<audio>: The Embed Audio element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
in this episode we're discussing which swisswatch is a wrist switchwatch?
<cite>: The Citation element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
example <p>more information can be found in <cite>[iso-0000]</cite>.</p> the html above outputs: specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of '<cite>' in that specification.
<input type="date"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the date is formatted according to iso8601, described in format of a valid date string in date and time formats used in html.
<input type="week"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<input> elements of type week create input fields allowing easy entry of a year plus the iso 8601 week number during that year (i.e., week 1 to 52 or 53).
<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
title global attribute valid for all elements, including all input types, containing a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to.
<meta>: The Document-level Metadata element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the abrupt, unannounced updating of the page content may also be disorienting for people experiencing low vision conditions.
HTML elements reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<bdi> the html bidirectional isolate element (<bdi>) tells the browser's bidirectional algorithm to treat the text it contains in isolation from its surrounding text.
title - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the title global attribute contains text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to.
Global attributes - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
title contains a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to.
HTTP authentication - HTTP
firefox once used iso-8859-1, but changed to utf-8 for parity with other browsers and to avoid potential problems as described in bug 1419658.
Common MIME types - HTTP
or graphics (svg) image/svg+xml .swf small web format (swf) or adobe flash document application/x-shockwave-flash .tar tape archive (tar) application/x-tar .tif .tiff tagged image file format (tiff) image/tiff .ts mpeg transport stream video/mp2t .ttf truetype font font/ttf .txt text, (generally ascii or iso 8859-n) text/plain .vsd microsoft visio application/vnd.visio .wav waveform audio format audio/wav .weba webm audio audio/webm .webm webm video video/webm .webp webp image image/webp .woff web open font format (woff) font/woff .woff2 web open font format (woff) font/woff2 .xhtml ...
Resource URLs - HTTP
resources that have to be exposed to web content have been moved to a new location named resource://content-accessible/, which is isolated and only contains non-sensitive resources.
Content negotiation - HTTP
traditionally, it was set to a different value for each locale for the browser, like iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 for a western european locale.
Content-Language - HTTP
note: language tags are formaly defined in rfc 5646, which rely on the iso 639 standard (quite often the iso 639-1 code list) for language codes to be used.
CSP: trusted-types - HTTP
this allows authors to define rules guarding writing values to the dom and thus reducing the dom xss attack surface to small, isolated parts of the web application codebase, facilitating their monitoring and code review.
If-Range - HTTP
it is a string of ascii characters placed between double quotes (like "675af34563dc-tr34") and may be prefixed by w/ to indicate that the weak comparison algorithm should be used.
Warning - HTTP
<warn-text> advisory text describing the error.
this allows authors to define rules guarding writing values to the dom and thus reducing the dom xss attack surface to small, isolated parts of the web application codebase, facilitating their monitoring and code review.
Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file - HTTP
gmt is either the string "gmt", which makes time comparison occur in gmt timezone, or is left out.
HTTP range requests - HTTP
comparison to chunked transfer-encoding the transfer-encoding header allows chunked encoding, which is useful when larger amounts of data are sent to the client and the total size of the response is not known until the request has been fully processed.
JavaScript data types and data structures - JavaScript
wherever possible, comparisons with other languages are drawn.
Details of the object model - JavaScript
comparison of class-based (java) and prototype-based (javascript) object systems category class-based (java) prototype-based (javascript) class vs.
Grammar and types - JavaScript
you can use most of iso 8859-1 or unicode letters such as å and ü in identifiers.
Introduction - JavaScript
the ecma-262 standard is also approved by the iso (international organization for standardization) as iso-16262.
Keyed collections - JavaScript
key and value equality of map and set both the key equality of map objects and the value equality of set objects, are based on the "same-value-zero algorithm": equality works like the identity comparison operator ===.
JavaScript modules - JavaScript
a background on modules javascript programs started off pretty small — most of its usage in the early days was to do isolated scripting tasks, providing a bit of interactivity to your web pages where needed, so large scripts were generally not needed.
Text formatting - JavaScript
internationalization the intl object is the namespace for the ecmascript internationalization api, which provides language sensitive string comparison, number formatting, and date and time formatting.
Working with objects - JavaScript
two variables, a single object var fruit = {name: 'apple'}; var fruitbear = fruit; // assign fruit object reference to fruitbear // here fruit and fruitbear are pointing to same object fruit == fruitbear; // return true fruit === fruitbear; // return true = 'grape'; console.log(fruitbear); // output: { name: "grape" }, instead of { name: "apple" } for more information about comparison operators, see comparison operators.
JavaScript Guide - JavaScript
ructures and types literals control flow and error handling if...else switch try/catch/throw error objects loops and iteration for while do...while break/continue for..of functions defining functions calling functions function scope closures arguments & parameters arrow functions expressions and operators assignment & comparisons arithmetic operators bitwise & logical operators conditional (ternary) operator numbers and dates number literals number object math object date object text formatting string literals string object template literals internationalization regular expressions indexed collections arrays typed arrays keyed collections map weakmap set wea...
JavaScript technologies overview - JavaScript
the internationalization api provides collation (string comparison), number formatting, and date-and-time formatting for javascript applications, letting the applications choose the language and tailor the functionality to their needs.
Deprecated and obsolete features - JavaScript
you should use toisostring instead of the deprecated togmtstring method in new code.
SyntaxError: test for equality (==) mistyped as assignment (=)? - JavaScript
for example: if ((x = y)) { // do the right thing } otherwise, you probably meant to use a comparison operator (e.g.
SyntaxError: missing ) after condition - JavaScript
if (done is true) { console.log("we are done!"); } // syntaxerror: missing ) after condition instead you need to use a correct comparison operator.
Array.prototype.indexOf() - JavaScript
let same be the result of applying the // strict equality comparison algorithm to // searchelement and elementk. - JavaScript
expected) // same as above, but using the concise arrow function syntax ['1', '2', '3'].map( str => parseint(str) ) // a simpler way to achieve the above, while avoiding the "gotcha": ['1', '2', '3'].map(number) // [1, 2, 3] // but unlike parseint(), number() will also return a float or (resolved) exponential notation: ['1.1', '2.2e2', '3e300'].map(number) // [1.1, 220, 3e+300] // for comparison, if we use parseint() on the array above: ['1.1', '2.2e2', '3e300'].map( str => parseint(str) ) // [1, 2, 3] one alternative output of the map method being called with parseint as a parameter runs as follows: let xs = ['10', '10', '10'] xs = console.log(xs) // actual result of 10,nan,2 may be unexpected based on the above description.
Date.prototype.toJSON() - JavaScript
calling tojson() returns a string (using toisostring()) representing the date object's value.
Function.prototype.bind() - JavaScript
the partial implementation creates functions that do not have immutable "poison pill" caller and arguments properties that throw a typeerror upon get, set, or deletion.
Intl.Collator - JavaScript
the intl.collator objects enable language sensitive string comparison.
Intl.Locale.prototype.calendar - JavaScript
amic islamic calendar islamic-umalqura islamic calendar, umm al-qura islamic-tbla islamic calendar, tabular (intercalary years [2,5,7,10,13,16,18,21,24,26,29] - astronomical epoch) islamic-civil islamic calendar, tabular (intercalary years [2,5,7,10,13,16,18,21,24,26,29] - civil epoch) islamic-rgsa islamic calendar, saudi arabia sighting iso8601 iso calendar (gregorian calendar using the iso 8601 calendar week rules) japanese japanese imperial calendar persian persian calendar roc republic of china calendar the islamicc calendar key has been deprecated.
JSON.stringify() - JavaScript
the instances of date implement the tojson() function by returning a string (the same as date.toisostring()).
Map - JavaScript
nsole.log([...mymap]) // or use the keys() or values() iterators, and convert them to an array console.log(array.from(mymap.keys())) // ["key1", "key2"] cloning and merging maps just like arrays, maps can be cloned: let original = new map([ [1, 'one'] ]) let clone = new map(original) console.log(clone.get(1)) // one console.log(original === clone) // false (useful for shallow comparison) important: keep in mind that the data itself is not cloned.
NaN - JavaScript
or perform a self-comparison: nan, and only nan, will compare unequal to itself.
Number.isFinite() - JavaScript
description in comparison to the global isfinite() function, this method doesn't forcibly convert the parameter to a number.
Object.freeze() - JavaScript
comparison to object.seal() objects sealed with object.seal() can have their existing properties changed.
Object.seal() - JavaScript
comparison to object.freeze() existing properties in objects frozen with object.freeze() are made immutable.
Object - JavaScript
equates all nan values (which differs from both abstract equality comparison and strict equality comparison).
Promise.all() - JavaScript
in comparison, the promise returned by promise.allsettled() will wait for all input promises to complete, regardless of whether or not one rejects.
Promise.allSettled() - JavaScript
in comparison, the promise returned by promise.all() may be more appropriate if the tasks are dependent on each other / if you'd like to immediately reject upon any of them rejecting.
SharedArrayBuffer() constructor - JavaScript
chrome re-enabled it in v67 on platforms where its site-isolation feature is enabled to protect against spectre-style vulnerabilities.
String.prototype.normalize() - JavaScript
let string1 = '\u00f1'; let string2 = '\u006e\u0303'; console.log(string1); // ñ console.log(string2); // ñ however, since the code points are different, string comparison will not treat them as equal.
undefined - JavaScript
see comparison operators for details.
Division (/) - JavaScript
the division operator (/) produces the quotient of its operands where the left operand is the dividend and the right operand is the divisor.
Strict equality (===) - JavaScript
syntax x === y description the strict equality operators (=== and !==) use the strict equality comparison algorithm to compare two operands.
Strict inequality (!==) - JavaScript
it is the negation of the strict equality operator so the following two lines will always give the same result: x !== y !(x === y) for details of the comparison algorithm, see the page for the strict equality operator.
switch - JavaScript
it then looks for the first case clause whose expression evaluates to the same value as the result of the input expression (using the strict comparison, ===) and transfers control to that clause, executing the associated statements.
Transitioning to strict mode - JavaScript
poisoned arguments and function properties accessing arguments.callee, arguments.caller, anyfunction.caller, or anyfunction.arguments throws an error in strict mode.
equality comparisons and sameness javascript provides three different value-comparison operations: strict equality using ===, loose equality using ==, and the method.
start_url - Web app manifests
note: the start_url member is purely advisory, and a user agent may ignore it or allow the user to alter it at install time or afterwards.
Web audio codec guide - Web media technologies
vorbis vorbis is an open format from the foundation which supports a wide range of channel combinations, including monaural, stereo, polyphonic, quadraphonic, 5.1 surround, ambisonic, or up to 255 discrete audio channels.
CSS and JavaScript animation performance - Web Performance
performance comparison: transitions vs.
Performance fundamentals - Web Performance
testcases and submitting bugs if the firefox and chrome developer tools don't help you find a problem, or if they seem to indicate that the web browser has caused the problem, try to provide a reduced test case that maximally isolates the problem.
Navigation and resource timings - Web Performance
for comparison, we can look at the network tab and see that we transferred 22.04kb for an uncompressed file size of 87.24kb.
Performance Monitoring: RUM vs synthetic monitoring - Web Performance
if an issue arises in production, synthetic monitoring can provide insight, helping identify, isolate, and resolve problems before they negatively user experience.
Privacy, permissions, and information security
for example, if a web site queries a user's browser for the elapsed time, a comparison of that time to the time as reported by the server might be useful as a factor in fingerprinting.
How to make PWAs re-engageable using Notifications and Push - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
let’s look at them in isolation to begin with.
begin - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the time syntax is based upon the syntax defined in iso 8601.
bias - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
after applying the kernelmatrix of the <feconvolvematrix> element to the input image to yield a number and applied the divisor attribute, the bias attribute is added to each component.
end - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the time syntax is based upon the syntax defined in iso 8601.
version - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
it is purely advisory and has no influence on rendering or processing.
widths - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
only one element is using this attribute: <font-face> usage notes value <number> default value none animatable no <number> this value is a comma-separated list of ucs range values as defined in iso 10646, each followed by one or more glyph widths.
SVG Attribute reference - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
attributetype autoreverse azimuth b basefrequency baseline-shift baseprofile bbox begin bias by c calcmode cap-height class clip clippathunits clip-path clip-rule color color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering contentscripttype contentstyletype cursor cx cy d d decelerate descent diffuseconstant direction display divisor dominant-baseline dur dx dy e edgemode elevation enable-background end exponent externalresourcesrequired f fill fill-opacity fill-rule filter filterres filterunits flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight format from fr fx fy g g1 g2 glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal gly...
Web security
it helps isolate potentially malicious documents, reducing possible attack vectors.
false - XPath
notes this function is useful part of a comparison: <xsl:if test="boolean((1 &gt; 2) = false())"> the expression evaluates as true </xsl:if> defined xpath 1.0 4.3 gecko support supported.
Index - XPath
16 comparison of css selectors and xpath css, draft, needscontent, reference, selectors, xpath this article seeks to document the difference between css selectors and xpath for web developers to be able to better choose the right tool for the right job.
related topics xslt, xquery, xml, dom, jxon, jsonpath comparison of css selectors and xpath ...
For Further Reading - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
ken holman location: tutorials/examples zvon xsl programmers: jeni's xslt pages index: stylesheet center: xsl tutorial index: other cover pages extensible stylesheet language (xsl): xsl-list subscribe: archives: http://www.biglis...
Using the WebAssembly JavaScript API - WebAssembly
this allows a single web app to use multiple independent libraries — each of which are using webassembly internally — to have separate memories that are fully isolated from each other.