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455 results for "failed":
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412 Precondition Failed - HTTP
the hypertext transfer protocol (http) 412 precondition failed client error response code indicates that access to the target resource has been denied.
... status 412 precondition failed examples etag: "33a64df551425fcc55e4d42a148795d9f25f89d4" etag: w/"0815" avoiding mid-air collisions with the help of the etag and the if-match headers, you can detect mid-air edit collisions.
... if-match: "33a64df551425fcc55e4d42a148795d9f25f89d4" if the hashes don't match, it means that the document has been edited in-between and a 412 precondition failed error is thrown.
... specifications specification title rfc 7232, section 4.2: 412 precondition failed hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): conditional requests ...
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.packetsFailedDecryption - Web APIs
the packetsfaileddecryption property of the rtcinboundrtpstreamstats dictionary indicates the total number of rtp packets which failed to be decrypted successfully after being received by the local end of the connection during this session.
... syntax var packetsfaileddecryption = rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.packetsfaileddecryption; value an integer value which indicates how many packets the local end of the rtp connection could not be successfully decrypted.
... specifications specification status comment identifiers for webrtc's statistics apithe definition of 'rtcinboundrtpstreamstats.packetsfaileddecryption' in that specification.
Automatically Handle Failed Asserts in Debug Builds - Archive of obsolete content
as of 2004-12-8, it is now possible to automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds of mozilla for windows. an example, consider the following failed assertion: assertion: no document: 'mdocument != nsnull', file d:/cvs-1.11.4/mozilla/content/xul/content/src/nsxulelement.cpp, line 3173 (note that i have my source tree in d:/cvs-1.11.4/mozilla) if you have a dword in hkcu\software\\windbgdlg\ named "d:/cvs-1.11.5/mozilla/content/xul/content/src/nsxulelement.cpp," (with the comma - matches are whole-word only) and value 0x5, the asser...
417 Expectation Failed - HTTP
the http 417 expectation failed client error response code indicates that the expectation given in the request's expect header could not be met.
... status 417 expectation failed specifications specification title rfc 7231, section 6.5.14: 417 expectation failed hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): semantics and content ...
Enc Dec MAC Using Key Wrap CertReq PKCS10 CSR
n", "-v"); exit(-1); } /* * validate the options used for generate csr command */ static void validategeneratecsrcommand(const char *progname, const char *dbdir, certname *subject, const char *subjectstr, const char *certreqfilename) { prbool validationfailed = pr_false; if (!subject) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -g -d %s -s: improperly formatted name: \"%s\"\n", progname, dbdir, subjectstr); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!certreqfilename) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -g -d %s -s %s -r: certificate request file name not found\n", progname, dbdir, subjectstr); ...
...validationfailed = pr_true; } if (validationfailed) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s %s \n\n", progname, "-g -d <dbdirpath> -s <subject> -r <csr> \n"); exit(-1); } } /* * validate the options used for add cert to db command */ static void validateaddcerttodbcommand(const char *progname, const char *dbdir, const char *nicknamestr, const char *truststr, const char *certfilename, const char *certreqfilename, const char *issuernamestr, const char *serialnumberstr, prbool selfsign) { prbool validationfailed = pr_f...
...alse; if (!nicknamestr) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n : nick name is missing\n", progname, dbdir); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!truststr) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t: trust flag is missing\n", progname, dbdir, nicknamestr); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!certfilename) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t %s -c: certificate file name not found\n", progname, dbdir, nicknamestr, truststr, serialnumberstr, certreqfilename); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (pr_access(certfilename, pr_access_exists) == pr_failure) { if (!certreqfilename) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t %s ...
...And 21 more matches
err, "%-30s - to enable ascii [optional]\n\n", "-a"); fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - to save certificate to header file as sig verification [optional]\n\n", "-v"); exit(-1); } /* * validate the options used for generate csr command */ static void validategeneratecsrcommand(const char *progname, const char *dbdir, certname *subject, const char *subjectstr, const char *certreqfilename) { prbool validationfailed = pr_false; if (!subject) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -g -d %s -s: improperly formatted name: \"%s\"\n", progname, dbdir, subjectstr); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!certreqfilename) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -g -d %s -s %s -r: certificate request file name not found\n", progname, dbdir, subjectstr); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (validationfailed) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s %s \n\n"..., "-g -d <dbdirpath> -s <subject> -r <csr> \n"); exit(-1); } } /* * validate the options used for add cert to db command */ static void validateaddcerttodbcommand(const char *progname, const char *dbdir, const char *nicknamestr, const char *truststr, const char *certfilename, const char *certreqfilename, const char *issuernamestr, const char *serialnumberstr, prbool selfsign) { prbool validationfailed = pr_false; if (!nicknamestr) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n : nick name is missing\n", progname, dbdir); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!truststr) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t: trust flag is missing\n", progname, dbdir, nicknamestr); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!certfilename) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t %s -c: certificate file name not found\n...
...", progname, dbdir, nicknamestr, truststr, serialnumberstr, certreqfilename); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (pr_access(certfilename, pr_access_exists) == pr_failure) { if (!certreqfilename) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t %s -c %s -r: certificate file or certificate request file is not found\n", progname, dbdir, nicknamestr, truststr, certfilename); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!selfsign && !issuernamestr) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t %s -c %s -r %s -u : issuer name is missing\n", progname, dbdir, nicknamestr, truststr, certfilename, certreqfilename); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!serialnumberstr) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t %s -c %s -r %s -u %s -m : serial number is missing\n", progname, dbdir, nicknamestr, truststr, certfilename, ce...
...And 16 more matches
this property is reset to null when a failed download is restarted.
... haspartialdata read only boolean indicates whether, at this time, there is any partially downloaded data that can be used when restarting a failed or canceled download.
... this property is relevant while the download is in progress, and also if it failed or has been canceled.
...And 11 more matches
Enc Dec MAC Output Public Key as CSR
pk11symkey * generatesymkey(pk11slotinfo *slot, ck_mechanism_type mechanism, int keysize, secitem *keyid, secupwdata *pwdata) { secstatus rv; pk11symkey *key; /* generate the symmetric key */ key = pk11_tokenkeygen(slot, mechanism, null, keysize, keyid, pr_false, pwdata); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digest...
...op(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); ...
...for encryption or decryption - common code */ pk11context * cryptinit(pk11symkey *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned int ivlen, ck_mechanism_type type, ck_attribute_type operation) { secitem ivitem = { sibuffer, iv, ivlen }; pk11context *ctx = null; secitem *secparam = pk11_paramfromiv(type, &ivitem); if (secparam == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : secparam null\n"); return null; } ctx = pk11_createcontextbysymkey(type, operation, key, secparam); if (ctx == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : can't create a context\n"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (secparam) { secitem_freeitem(secparam, pr_true); } return ctx; } /* * common encryption and decryption code */ secstatu...
...And 11 more matches
-12278 (unused) ssl_error_wrong_certificate -12277 "client authentication failed: private key in key database does not correspond to public key in certificate database." ssl_error_bad_cert_domain -12276 "unable to communicate securely with peer: requested domain name does not match the server's certificate." this error code should be returned by the certificate authentication callback function when it detects that the common name in the remote server...
... ssl_error_bad_mac_read -12273 "ssl received a record with an incorrect message authentication code." this usually indicates that the client and server have failed to come to agreement on the set of keys used to encrypt the application data and to check message integrity.
...this usually indicates that the client and server have failed to come to agreement on the set of keys used to encrypt the application data and to check message integrity.
...And 11 more matches
Encrypt Decrypt_MAC_Using Token
*/ key = pk11_tokenkeygen(slot, mechanism, null, keysize, keyid, pr_true, pwdata); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digest...
...op(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing.
... */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac.
...And 10 more matches
to use this service, use: var faviconservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsifaviconservice); method overview void addfailedfavicon(in nsiuri afaviconuri); void expireallfavicons(); void getfavicondata(in nsiuri afaviconuri, out autf8string amimetype, [optional] out unsigned long adatalen, [array,retval,size_is(adatalen)] out octet adata); obsolete since gecko 22.0 astring getfavicondataasdataurl(in nsiuri afaviconuri); obsolete since gecko 22.0 nsiuri getfaviconforpage(in nsiuri a...
...pageuri); obsolete since gecko 22.0 nsiuri getfaviconimageforpage(in nsiuri apageuri); obsolete since gecko 22.0 nsiuri getfaviconlinkforicon(in nsiuri afaviconuri); boolean isfailedfavicon(in nsiuri afaviconuri); void removefailedfavicon(in nsiuri afaviconuri); void setandloadfaviconforpage(in nsiuri apageuri, in nsiuri afaviconuri, in boolean aforcereload, in unsigned long afaviconloadtype, [optional] in nsifavicondatacallback acallback); obsolete since gecko 22.0 void setfavicondata(in nsiuri afaviconuri, [const,array,size_is(adatalen)] in octet adata, in unsigned long adatalen, in autf8string amimetype, in prtime aexpiration); obsolete since gecko 22.0 void setfavicondatafromdataurl(in nsiuri afaviconuri, in astring adataurl, in ...
... methods addfailedfavicon() this method adds a given favicon's uri to the failed favicon cache.
...And 10 more matches
Encrypt Decrypt MAC Keys As Session Objects
ecsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not authenticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); return null; } } /* generate the symmetric key */ key = pk11_tokenkeygen(slot, mechanism, null, keysize, keyid, pr_true, pwdata); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digest...
...op(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); ...
...ryption or decryption - common code */ pk11context * cryptinit(pk11symkey *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned int ivlen, ck_mechanism_type type, ck_attribute_type operation) { secitem ivitem = { sibuffer, iv, ivlen }; pk11context *ctx = null; secitem *secparam = pk11_paramfromiv(ckm_aes_cbc, &ivitem); if (secparam == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : secparam null\n"); return null; } ctx = pk11_createcontextbysymkey(ckm_aes_cbc, operation, key, secparam); if (ctx == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : can't create a context\n"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (secparam) { secitem_freeitem(secparam, pr_true); } return ctx; } /* * common encryption and decryption code */ s...
...And 8 more matches
Encrypt and decrypt MAC using token
ecsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not authenticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); return null; } } /* generate the symmetric key */ key = pk11_tokenkeygen(slot, mechanism, null, keysize, keyid, pr_true, pwdata); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digest...
...op(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); ...
...ryption or decryption - common code */ pk11context * cryptinit(pk11symkey *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned int ivlen, ck_mechanism_type type, ck_attribute_type operation) { secitem ivitem = { sibuffer, iv, ivlen }; pk11context *ctx = null; secitem *secparam = pk11_paramfromiv(ckm_aes_cbc, &ivitem); if (secparam == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : secparam null\n"); return null; } ctx = pk11_createcontextbysymkey(ckm_aes_cbc, operation, key, secparam); if (ctx == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : can't create a context\n"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (secparam) { secitem_freeitem(secparam, pr_true); } return ctx; } /* * common encryption and decryption code */ s...
...And 8 more matches
NSS Sample Code Sample_3_Basic Encryption and MACing
ecsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not authenticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); return null; } } /* generate the symmetric key */ key = pk11_tokenkeygen(slot, mechanism, null, keysize, keyid, pr_true, pwdata); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digest...
...op(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); ...
...ryption or decryption - common code */ pk11context * cryptinit(pk11symkey *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned int ivlen, ck_mechanism_type type, ck_attribute_type operation) { secitem ivitem = { sibuffer, iv, ivlen }; pk11context *ctx = null; secitem *secparam = pk11_paramfromiv(ckm_aes_cbc, &ivitem); if (secparam == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : secparam null\n"); return null; } ctx = pk11_createcontextbysymkey(ckm_aes_cbc, operation, key, secparam); if (ctx == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : can't create a context\n"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (secparam) { secitem_freeitem(secparam, pr_true); } return ctx; } /* * common encryption and decryption code */ s...
...And 8 more matches
EncDecMAC using token object - sample 3
rv; pk11symkey *key; if (pk11_needlogin(slot)) { rv = pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_true, pwdata); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not authenticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); return null; } } /* generate the symmetric key */ key = pk11_tokenkeygen(slot, mechanism, null, keysize, keyid, pr_true, pwdata); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestop(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fpri...
...ntf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macfinal(ctxmac, mac, maclen, maxlen); return rv; } /* * writetoheaderfile */ secstatus writetoheaderfile(const char *buf,...
...; return secsuccess; } /* * initialize for encryption or decryption - common code */ pk11context * cryptinit(pk11symkey *key, unsigned char *iv, unsigned int ivlen, ck_mechanism_type type, ck_attribute_type operation) { secitem ivitem = { sibuffer, iv, ivlen }; pk11context *ctx = null; secitem *secparam = pk11_paramfromiv(ckm_aes_cbc, &ivitem); if (secparam == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : secparam null\n"); return null; } ctx = pk11_createcontextbysymkey(ckm_aes_cbc, operation, key, secparam); if (ctx == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "crypt failed : can't create a context\n"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: if (secparam) { secitem_freeitem(secparam, pr_true); } return ctx; } /* * common encryption and decryption code */ secstatus crypt(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *out, unsigned in...
...And 8 more matches
Setting up your own test automation environment - Learn web development
indelement('q')).sendkeys('webdriver'); driver.sleep(1000).then(function() { driver.findelement('q')).sendkeys(; }); driver.findelement('btnk')).click(); driver.sleep(2000).then(function() { driver.gettitle().then(function(title) { if(title === 'webdriver - google search') { console.log('test passed'); } else { console.log('test failed'); } driver.quit(); }); }); in terminal, make sure you are inside your project folder, then enter the following command: node google_test you should see an instance of firefox automatically open up!
...q')).sendkeys('webdriver'); driver.sleep(1000).then(function() { driver.findelement('q')).sendkeys(; }); driver.findelement('btnk')).click(); driver.sleep(2000).then(function() { driver.gettitle().then(function(title) { if(title === 'webdriver - google search') { console.log('test passed'); } else { console.log('test failed'); } driver.quit(); }); }); } in terminal, make sure you are inside your project folder, then enter the following command: node google_test_multiple if you are using a mac and do decide to test safari, you might get an error message along the lines of "could not create a session: you must enable the 'allow remote automation' option in safari's develop menu to control s...
... in our google_test.js test for example, we included this block: driver.sleep(2000).then(function() { driver.gettitle().then(function(title) { if(title === 'webdriver - google search') { console.log('test passed'); } else { console.log('test failed'); } }); }); the sleep() method accepts a value that specifies the time to wait in milliseconds — the method returns a promise that resolves at the end of that time, at which point the code inside the then() executes.
...And 7 more matches
Error codes returned by Mozilla APIs
ns_error_abort (0x80004004) this error indicates that an operation failed and the caller should abort whatever action is being performed.
... ns_error_file_execution_failed (0x80520003) an attempt to launch or execute a file failed because the file is not executable.
... ns_error_file_copy_or_move_failed (0x80520007) a call to nsifile.copyto() or nsifile.moveto() failed.
...And 6 more matches
JIT Optimization Outcomes
genericfailure the optimization attempt failed, and the reason was not recorded.
... notypeinfo optimization failed because there was no type information associated with an object containing the property.
... unknownproperties optimization failed because the object containing the property was marked as having unknown properties.
...And 6 more matches
Starting WebLock
you can then use the service manager to add the component to the category: nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman = do_queryinterface((nsisupports*)acompmgr, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; do_queryinterface the previous code uses the special nscomptr function do_queryinterface that lets you queryinterface without having to worry about reference counting, error handling, and other overhead.
... nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catman; rv = servman->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; there are two service getters on the nsiservicemanager interface: one that takes a cid and another interface that takes a contract id.
...icomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *apath, const char *registrylocation, const char *componenttype, const nsmodulecomponentinfo *info) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman = do_queryinterface((nsisupports*)acompmgr, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catman; rv = servman->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char* previous = nsnull; rv = catman->addcategoryentry("xpcom-startup", ...
...And 5 more matches
Working with Multiple Versions of Interfaces
to do this i used the accessibility framework: hwnd gethwnd(nsidomnode *node){ hwnd self = null; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiaccessibleretrieval> refp; refp = do_createinstance( ";1", &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } //line 6.
... nscomptr<nsiaccessible> accnode; rv = refp->getaccessiblefor(node, getter_addrefs(accnode)); if(ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } void *wh = null; nscomptr<nsiaccessibledocument> accdocnode; accdocnode = do_queryinterface(accnode, &rv); if(ns_failed(rv)){ return self; } rv = accdocnode->getwindowhandle(&wh); if(ns_succeeded(rv)){ self = static_cast<hwnd>(wh); } return self; } this approach worked, as is, for versions as early as firefox 1.5.
... the optimist's solution the first thing we do is replace line 6 above by our plan b: if (ns_failed(rv)){ return gethwndb(node); } //new line 6.
...And 5 more matches
Index - Web APIs
1003 document: pointerlockerror event document, event, reference, web, pointerlockerror the pointerlockerror event is fired when locking the pointer failed (for technical reasons or because the permission was denied).
... 1194 element: error event audio, dom, error handling, errors, event, media, reference, ui, ui events, uievent, video, web, events the error event is fired on an element object when a resource failed to load, or can't be used.
... 1350 filereader: error event api, error, event, filereader, progressevent, reference, web, onerror the error event is fired when the read failed due to an error (for example, because the file was not found or not readable).
...And 5 more matches
Using Dependent Libraries In Extension Components - Archive of obsolete content
// assume that we're in <extensiondir>/components, and we want to find // <extensiondir>/libraries nscomptr<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); // loop through and load dependent libraries for (char const *const *dependent = kdependentlibraries; *dependent; ++dependent) { ...
... library->setnativeleafname(nsdependentcstring(*dependent)); prlibrary *lib; library->load(&lib); // 1) we don't care if this failed!
... } library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring(krealcomponent)); prlibrary *lib; rv = library->load(&lib); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nsgetmoduleproc getmoduleproc = (nsgetmoduleproc) pr_findfunctionsymbol(lib, ns_get_module_symbol); if (!getmoduleproc) return ns_error_failure; return getmoduleproc(acompmgr, alocation, aresult); } extensions/stub/bdsstubloader.cpp (for mac os x) the code as written above won't work for mac os x.
...And 4 more matches
let lastpromise = newpromise.then(function onfulfill(){ }) .catch(function onreject(arejectreason) { console.warn('newpromise failed with reason: ', arejectreason); }); using a promise returned by a function (verbose) this example uses a verbose syntax, showing all the involved promises.
... console.log(filescontent); }, function onfail() { console.error("failed to load all files"); } ); see also the ask.m.o topic: doing multiple promises in function in pareallel, how return when last done?
... components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/promise.jsm"); var mypromise = myuserdefinedpromise(); mypromise.then( function(asuccessreason) { alert('mypromise was succesful and reason was = "' + asuccessreason + '"'); }, function(arejectreason) { alert('mypromise failed for reason = "' + uneval(arejectreason) + '"'); } ); function myuserdefinedpromise() { try { //var myvariscommented = 'hi'; // i commented this out s oit is undefined, this will cause rejected alert(myvariscommented); return promise.resolve('yay success'); // this makes the success function trigger with asuccessreason being 'yay success' but because i commented out the var 2 lin...
...And 4 more matches
nsISmsRequestManager;1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsismsrequestmanager); method overview long addrequest(in nsidommozsmsrequest arequest); long createrequest(in nsidommozsmsmanager amanager, out nsidommozsmsrequest arequest); void notifycreatemessagelist(in long arequestid, in long alistid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifygetsmsfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifygotnextmessage(in long arequestid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifygotsms(in long arequestid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); void notifymarkedmessageread(in long arequestid, in bool aread); void notifymarkmessagereadfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifynomessageinlist(in long arequestid); void notifyread...
...messagelistfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmsdeleted(in long arequestid, in bool adeleted); void notifysmsdeletefailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmssendfailed(in long arequestid, in long aerror); void notifysmssent(in long arequestid, in nsidommozsmsmessage amessage); constants all sms related errors that could apply to smsrequest objects.
... notifygetsmsfailed() void notifygetsmsfailed( in long arequestid, in long aerror ); parameters arequestid a number representing the id of the request.
...And 4 more matches
RTCPeerConnection - Web APIs
"failed" the ice candidate has checked all candidates pairs against one another and has failed to find compatible matches for all components of the connection.
... "disconnected" checks to ensure that components are still connected failed for at least one component of the rtcpeerconnection.
... this is a less stringent test than "failed" and may trigger intermittently and resolve just as spontaneously on less reliable networks, or during temporary disconnections.
...And 4 more matches
MCD, Mission Control Desktop, AKA AutoConfig - Archive of obsolete content
netscape.cfg/autoconfig failed.
... error: getldapattibutes failed: [exception...
... // getldapattributes("","ou=people,dc=int-evry,dc=fr","uid=" + env_user,"uid,cn,mail,labeleduri"); // close the try, and call the catch() } catch(e) {displayerror("lockedpref", e);} if ldap call are uncommented in the preference file above, then i get a popup with: netscape.cfg/autoconfig failed.
...And 3 more matches
Using XPInstall to Install Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
a workaround to this would be to detect if initinstall has failed, and then invoke it again without the "=" string.
... here is an example: var plid = "myplugin.plug/version=6.5"; err = initinstall(software_name, plid, version); if (err != 0) { // install may have failed because of n6 and = // replace plid with a simple string err = initinstall(software_name, "mypluginstring", version); if (err != 0) cancelinstall(err); } note that above, the plid contains an "=" and in case the xpi package is running on browsers that treat "=" as an illegal token, the workaround is to handle the error and invoke initinstall again.
... err = addfile(",version=", "", plugin_file, pluginsfolder, null); if (err != 0) { //alert("installation of myplugin plug-in failed.
...And 3 more matches
returns false if it failed to duplicate owning properties.
...returns false if it failed to duplicate.
...returns false if it failed to duplicate.
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Creating the Component Code
le::registerself(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile* apath, const char* registrylocation, const char* componenttype) { printf("hello mozilla registration!\n\n"); nsicomponentregistrar* compreg = nsnull; nsresult rv = acompmgr->queryinterface(kicomponentregistrariid,(void**)& compreg); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; rv = compreg->registerfactorylocation(ksamplecid, "sample class", nsnull, apath, registrylocation, componenttype); compreg->release(); return rv; } unr...
... ns_imethodimp samplefactory::createinstance(nsisupports *aouter, const nsiid & iid, void * *result) { if (!result) return ns_error_invalid_arg; sample* sample = new sample(); if (!sample) return ns_error_out_of_memory; nsresult rv = sample->queryinterface(iid, result); if (ns_failed(rv)) { *result = nsnull; delete sample; } return rv; } weblock1.cpp before any of the improvements and xpcom tools we describe in the following chapter are brought in, the source code for the weblock component that implements all the necessary interfaces looks like this.
...; return 0; } return mrefcnt; } ns_imethodimp samplefactory::createinstance(nsisupports *aouter, const nsiid & iid, void * *result) { if (!result) return ns_error_invalid_arg; sample* sample = new sample(); if (!sample) return ns_error_out_of_memory; nsresult rv = sample->queryinterface(iid, result); if (ns_failed(rv)) { *result = nsnull; delete sample; } return rv; } ns_imethodimp samplefactory::lockfactory(prbool lock) { return ns_error_not_implemented; } // module implementation class samplemodule : public nsimodule { public: samplemodule(); virtual ~samplemodule(); // nsisupports methods: ns_imethod queryinterface(const nsiid & uuid, void * *result); ns_imethod_(...
...And 3 more matches
Event reference
most common categories resource events event name fired when error a resource failed to load.
... error progression has failed.
... error uievent dom l3 a resource failed to load.
...And 3 more matches
Network Error Logging - HTTP
this experimental header allows web sites and applications to opt-in to receive reports about failed (and, if desired, successful) network fetches from supporting browsers.
... failure_fraction floating point value between 0 and 1 which specifies the proportion of failed network requests to report.
... defaults to 1, so that all failed network requests will be reported if the key is not present in the json payload.
...And 3 more matches
method overview void onnewinstall(in addoninstall install) void ondownloadstarted(in addoninstall install) void ondownloadprogress(in addoninstall install) void ondownloadended(in addoninstall install) void ondownloadcancelled(in addoninstall install) void ondownloadfailed(in addoninstall install) void oninstallstarted(in addoninstall install) void oninstallended(in addoninstall install, in addon addon) void oninstallcancelled(in addoninstall install) void oninstallfailed(in addoninstall install) void onexternalinstall(in addon install, in addon existingaddon, in boolean needsrestart) methods onnewinstall() call...
... void ondownloadcancelled( in addoninstall install ) parameters install the addoninstall representing the install ondownloadfailed() called if there is some error downloading the add-on.
... void ondownloadfailed( in addoninstall install ) parameters install the addoninstall representing the install oninstallstarted() called when installation of an add-on begins.
...And 2 more matches
NSS Sample Code Sample1
int initnss() { int rv = 0; secstatus s; s = nss_initreadwrite("."); if (s != secsuccess) rv = 1; // error // for this example, we don't use database passwords pk11_initpin(pk11_getinternalkeyslot(), "", ""); return rv; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int rv; server *server1 = 0; server *server2 = 0; // initialize nss rv = initnss(); if (rv) { cout << "initnss failed" << endl; goto done; } // create the first "server" server1 = new server("server1"); if (!server1 || server1->init()) { cout << "server1 could not be created" << endl; rv = 1; goto done; } // generate encryption and mac keys.
... rv = server1->generatekeys(); if (rv) { cout << "generatekeys failed" << endl; goto done; } // now that everything is ready, start server1.
... { cout << "server2 could not be created" << endl; rv = 1; // error goto done; } // transfer the keys from server1 { secitem *wrappedenckey = 0; secitem *wrappedmackey = 0; secitem *pubkeydata = 0; // get the public key for server 2 so that it can // be sent to server 1 rv = server2->exportpublickey(&pubkeydata); if (rv) { cout << "exportpublickey failed" << endl; goto trans_done; } // send the public key to server 1 and get back the // wrapped key values rv = server1->exportkeys(pubkeydata, &wrappedenckey, &wrappedmackey); if (rv) { cout << "exportkeys failed" << endl; goto trans_done; } // print - for information cout << "wrapped encryption key" << endl; printbuffer(wrappedenckey->data, wrappedenckey->len); cou...
...And 2 more matches
NSS Sample Code sample3
* this code uses the simplest of the init functions, which does not * require a nss database to exist */ nss_nodb_init("."); /* get a slot to use for the crypto operations */ slot = pk11_getinternalkeyslot(); if (!slot) { cout << "getinternalkeyslot failed" << endl; status = 1; goto done; } /* * part 1 - simple hashing */ cout << "part 1 -- simple hashing" << endl; /* initialize data */ memset(data, 0xbc, sizeof data); /* create a context for hashing (digesting) */ context = pk11_createdigestcontext(sec_oid_md5); if (!context) { cout << "createdigestcontext failed" << endl; goto done; } s = pk11_digestbegin(cont...
...ext); if (s != secsuccess) { cout << "digestbegin failed" << endl; goto done; } s = pk11_digestop(context, data, sizeof data); if (s != secsuccess) { cout << "digestupdate failed" << endl; goto done; } s = pk11_digestfinal(context, digest, &len, sizeof digest); if (s != secsuccess) { cout << "digestfinal failed" << endl; goto done; } /* print digest */ printdigest(digest, len); pk11_destroycontext(context, pr_true); context = 0; /* * part 2 - hashing with included secret key */ cout << "part 2 -- hashing with included secret key" << endl; /* initialize data */ memset(data, 0xbc, sizeof data); /* create a key */ key = pk11_keygen(slot, ckm_generic_secret_key_gen, 0, 128, 0); if (!key) { cout << "create key failed" << endl; goto done; } cout << (voi...
... for crypto context */ /* note: params must be provided, but may be empty */ secitem noparams; noparams.type = sibuffer; = 0; noparams.len = 0; /* create context using the same slot as the key */ // context = pk11_createdigestcontext(sec_oid_md5); context = pk11_createcontextbysymkey(ckm_md5, cka_digest, key, &noparams); if (!context) { cout << "createdigestcontext failed" << endl; goto done; } s = pk11_digestbegin(context); if (s != secsuccess) { cout << "digestbegin failed" << endl; goto done; } s = pk11_digestkey(context, key); if (s != secsuccess) { cout << "digestkey failed" << endl; goto done; } s = pk11_digestop(context, data, sizeof data); if (s != secsuccess) { cout << "digestupdate failed" << endl; goto done; } s = pk11_digestfinal(cont...
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JIT Optimization Strategies
an outcome is either success or a reason why the strategy failed to apply.
... inline caches are an order of magnitude slower than the other optimization strategies, and are an indication that the type inference engine has failed to collect enough information to guide the optimization process.
... inline caches are an order of magnitude slower than the other optimization strategies, and are an indication that the type inference engine has failed to collect enough information to guide the optimization process.
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cancleanup boolean whether or not there are downloads that can be cleaned up (removed) that is downloads that have completed, have failed or have been canceled.
... download_failed 2 the download failed due to error.
... cleanup() removes completed, failed, and canceled downloads from the list.
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WebIDL bindings
e c++ function declarations on the implementation of myinterface: already_addrefed<mycallback> getfoo(); void setfoo(mycallback&); already_addrefed<mycallback> getbar(); void setbar(mycallback*); a consumer of mycallback would be able to use it like this: void someclass::dosomethingwithcallback(mycallback& acallback) { errorresult rv; int32_t number = acallback.getsomenumber(rv); if (rv.failed()) { // the error has already been reported to the js console; you can handle // things however you want here.
... acallback.setsomenumber(2*number, rv, erethrowexceptions); if (rv.failed()) { // the exception is now stored on rv.
...terface class: already_addrefed<mycallback> getfoo(); void setfoo(mycallback&); already_addrefed<mycallback> getbar(); void setbar(mycallback*); a consumer of mycallback would be able to use it like this: void someclass::dosomethingwithcallback(mycallback& acallback, myinterface& ainterfaceinstance) { errorresult rv; int32_t number =, false, rv); if (rv.failed()) { // the error has already been reported to the js console; you can handle // things however you want here.
...And 2 more matches
DOMException - Web APIs
(legacy code value: 25 and legacy constant name: data_clone_err) encodingerror the encoding or decoding operation failed (no legacy code value and constant name).
... notreadableerror the input/output read operation failed (no legacy code value and constant name).
... unknownerror the operation failed for an unknown transient reason (e.g.
...And 2 more matches
WebGL best practices - Web APIs
instead of: function compileonce(gl, shader) { if (shader.compiled) return; gl.compileshader(shader); shader.compiled = true; } for (const [vs, fs, prog] of programs) { compileonce(gl, vs); compileonce(gl, fs); gl.linkprogram(prog); if (!gl.getprogramparameter(prog, gl.link_status)) { console.error('link failed: ' + gl.getprograminfolog(prog)); console.error('vs info-log: ' + gl.getshaderinfolog(vs)); console.error('fs info-log: ' + gl.getshaderinfolog(fs)); } } consider: function compileonce(gl, shader) { if (shader.compiled) return; gl.compileshader(shader); shader.compiled = true; } for (const [vs, fs, prog] of programs) { compileonce(gl, vs); compileonce(gl, fs); } for (const ...
...[vs, fs, prog] of programs) { gl.linkprogram(prog); } for (const [vs, fs, prog] of programs) { if (!gl.getprogramparameter(prog, gl.link_status)) { console.error('link failed: ' + gl.getprograminfolog(prog)); console.error('vs info-log: ' + gl.getshaderinfolog(vs)); console.error('fs info-log: ' + gl.getshaderinfolog(fs)); } } khr_parallel_shader_compile for non-blocking compile/link status while we've described a pattern to allow browsers to compile and link in parallel, normally checking compile_status or link_status blocks until the compile or link completes.
... instead of: gl.compileshader(vs); if (!gl.getshaderparameter(vs, gl.compile_status)) { console.error('vs compile failed: ' + gl.getshaderinfolog(vs)); } gl.compileshader(fs); if (!gl.getshaderparameter(fs, gl.compile_status)) { console.error('fs compile failed: ' + gl.getshaderinfolog(fs)); } gl.linkprogram(prog); if (!gl.getprogramparameter(vs, gl.link_status)) { console.error('link failed: ' + gl.getprograminfolog(prog)); } consider: gl.compileshader(vs); gl.compileshader(fs); gl.linkprogram(prog); if (...
...And 2 more matches
How to check the security state of an XMLHTTPRequest over SSL - Web APIs
const {cc,ci} = require("chrome"); function createtcperrorfromfailedxhr(xhr) { let status =; let errtype; if ((status & 0xff0000) === 0x5a0000) { // security module const nsinsserrorsservice = ci.nsinsserrorsservice; let nsserrorsservice = cc[';1'].getservice(nsinsserrorsservice); let errorclass; // geterrorclass will throw a generic ns_error_failure if the erro...
...d_version, ssl(9) errname = 'securityunsupportedtlsversionerror'; break; case 12: // ssl_error_bad_cert_domain, ssl(12) errname = 'securitycertificatedomainmismatcherror'; break; default: errname = 'securityerror'; break; } } } else { errtype = 'network'; switch (status) { // connect to host:port failed case 0x804b000c: // ns_error_connection_refused, network(13) errname = 'connectionrefusederror'; break; // network timeout error case 0x804b000e: // ns_error_net_timeout, network(14) errname = 'networktimeouterror'; break; // hostname lookup failed case 0x804b001e: // ns_error_unknown_host, network(30) errname = 'domainnotfound...
... let error = cc[";1"].createinstance(ci.nsidomdomerror); error.wrappedjsobject.init(errname); return error; // xxx: errtype goes unused } function dumpsecurityinfo(xhr, error) { let channel =; try { dump("connection status:\n"); if (!error) { dump("\tsucceeded\n"); } else { dump("\tfailed: " + + "\n"); } let secinfo = channel.securityinfo; // print general connection security state dump("security information:\n"); if (secinfo instanceof ci.nsitransportsecurityinfo) { secinfo.queryinterface(ci.nsitransportsecurityinfo); dump("\tsecurity state of connection: "); // check security state flags if ((secinfo.securitystate & ci.
...And 2 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
374 automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds as of 2004-12-8, it is now possible to automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds of mozilla for windows.
...for this we have to first create four icons, one for each tinderbox state (none, success, test failed, and busted), then create a set of css rules that displays the icon corresponding to the current tinderbox state: 398 tinderbox add-ons, extensions tinderbox is a web tool for tracking the status of the mozilla source code. calling this method, the editor is created underneath and the event listeners are all prepa if (ns_failed(rv)) return ns_error_failure; // we are not setup??!!
... 629 running windows debug builds downloaded from tinderbox if you run the windows debug builds you will often get "this application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect..." this is because the debug builds need the msvc80 crt debug dlls.
Table Layout Regression Tests - Archive of obsolete content
execute the baseline test shutdown the layoutdebugger execute mozilla -layoutdebug - p foo >selftest.txt execute the verify test make a note which tests have failed grep 'failed' selftest.txt (these are false positives, quite frequently they indicate reflow problems, pages showing differently when loaded from cache) make your changes to the source, recompile.
... execute mozilla -layoutdebug - p foo >outputfile.txt execute the verify test make a note which tests have failed grep 'failed' outputfile.txt check how many tests have failed and analyze your results: if the regression tests have failed at the same place as the previous diagnosed false positives => ignore try to figure out what the other regressions are: are they improving the picture or are they regressions?
...right: null bottom: null left: null top: null right: null bottom: null 1[0x1]enum 0|1 1 [none]|left: auto top: auto right: auto bottom: auto auto 0[0x0]tw null auto 0[0x0]tw null 0 auto |0 0 0 normal normal 0[0x0]tw normal |0 11 1,000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [none]|0 0 0 -1 1 |0 0 0 null comparison for file:///e:/moz_src/mozilla/layout/html/tests/table/core/baseline/standards1.rgd failed.
... the first regression test has failed and it is marked so.
Overview of Mozilla embedding APIs
webbrowser = do_createinstance(ns_webbrowser_contractid, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // give the webbrowser a pointer to the embedding component which // implements the callback interfaces.
... rv = webbrowser->setcontainerwindow((nsiwebbrowserchrome*)this); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; basewindow = do_queryinterface(webbrowser); // initialize the webbrowser with a native parent window // (ie.
... if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // create the child window for the webbrowser.
... rv = basewindow->create(); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // at this point webbrowser contains the new initialized instance // of the nswebbrowser component...
cross-platform attributes operation the human-readable name of the failed operation.
... becauseexists true if the operation failed because a file or directory exists, false otherwise.
... becausenosuchfile true if the operation failed because a file or directory does not exist, false otherwise.
... becauseclosed true if the operation failed because a file or directory is closed, false otherwise.
Initialize NSS database - sample 2
(newpwfile) { newpwdata.source = pw_fromfile; = null; } else { newpwdata.source = pw_none; = null; } if (pk11_needuserinit(slot)) { newpw = initslotpassword(slot, pr_false, &pwdata); rv = pk11_initpin(slot, (char*)null, newpw); if (rv == secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "pk11_initpin failed.\n"); return secfailure; } } else { for (;;) { oldpw = getmodulepassword(slot, pr_false, &pwdata); if (pk11_checkuserpassword(slot, oldpw) != secsuccess) { if (pwdata.source == pw_none) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "invalid password.
... port_memset(oldpw, 0, pl_strlen(oldpw)); port_free(oldpw); return secfailure; } } else { break; } port_free(oldpw); } newpw = initslotpassword(slot, pr_false, &newpwdata); if (pk11_changepw(slot, oldpw, newpw) != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed to change password.\n"); return secfailure; } port_memset(oldpw, 0, pl_strlen(oldpw)); port_free(oldpw); pr_fprintf(pr_stdout, "password changed successfully.\n"); } port_memset(newpw, 0, pl_strlen(newpw)); port_free(newpw); return secsuccess; } /* * this example illustrates initialization of the nss database.
... = strdup(optstate->value); break; default: usage(progname); break; } } pl_destroyoptstate(optstate); if (!dbdir) usage(progname); pr_init(pr_user_thread, pr_priority_normal, 0); /* create the database */ rv = nss_initreadwrite(dbdir); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "nss_initialize failed"); pr_cleanup(); exit(rv); } if (pl_strcmp(slotname, "internal") == 0) slot = pk11_getinternalkeyslot(); /* if creating new database, initialize the password.
... */ rv = changepw(slot, plainpass, 0, pwfile, 0); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed to change password\n"); } if (slot) { pk11_freeslot(slot); } rvshutdown = nss_shutdown(); if (rvshutdown != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed : nss_shutdown()\n"); rv = secfailure; } pr_cleanup(); return rv; } ...
nsresult loaddll(nsilocalfile *alocalfile) { prlibrary *dll; nsresult rv = alocalfile->load(&dll); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // do something with the library now that it is open...
... nsresult readlocalfile(nsilocalfile *alocalfile) { file *fp; nsresult rv = alocalfile->openansifiledesc("r", &fp); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char buf[512]; size_t n; while ((n = fread(buf, sizeof(buf), 1, fp)) > 0) { // do something with n-byte block of data from file...
...returns a null pointer if the open failed.
... nsresult readlocalfile(nsilocalfile *alocalfile) { prfiledesc *fd; nsresult rv = alocalfile->opennsprfiledesc(pr_rdonly, 0, &fd); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char buf[512]; print32 n; while ((n = pr_read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0) { // do something with n-byte block of data from file...
errorcode long a numeric error code that conveys additional information about the state of a failed update or failed certificate attribute check during an update check.
... if the update is not in the "failed" state, this value is zero.
..."download-failed" the update failed to be downloaded.
... "failed" installing the update failed.
Troubleshooting XPCOM components registration
you can be certain that a component has failed to register by going to the error console and evaluating components.classes["contract-id"].name where contract-id is your contract id.
...set nspr_log_modules=nsnativemoduleloader:5 set nspr_log_file=c:\path\to\logfile "c:\program files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe" examining this log for warning and errors may provide valuable clues why the component failed to load.
... you can also use the profiling feature of dependency walker to view failed module loads while running your application. will see any modules that failed to load in the module list.
autherr 0x8055001e returned when authorizing has failed.
... uploaderr 0x8055311a returned when uploading has failed for an unknown reason.
... uploadwouldexceedquota 0x8055311b returned when uploading has failed because the user has exceeded their storage quota.
... uploadexceedsfilelimit 0x8055311c returned when uploading has failed because the file being uploaded is larger than the file size limit.
RTCPeerConnection.connectionState - Web APIs
constant description "new" at least one of the connection's ice transports (rtcicetransports or rtcdtlstransports) are in the "new" state, and none of them are in one of the following states: "connecting", "checking", "failed", or "disconnected", or all of the connection's transports are in the "closed" state.
... "connecting" one or more of the ice transports are currently in the process of establishing a connection; that is, their rtciceconnectionstate is either "checking" or "connected", and no transports are in the "failed" state.
... "disconnected" at least one of the ice transports for the connection is in the "disconnected" state and none of the other transports are in the state "failed", "connecting", or "checking".
... "failed" one or more of the ice transports on the connection is in the "failed" state.
there are a couple of reasons why preflighting might fail: 27 reason: cors request did not succeed cors, corsdidnotsucceed, cross-origin, error, http, https, messages, reasons, security, console, troubleshooting the http request which makes use of cors failed because the http connection failed at either the network or protocol level.
...if the resource has been modified after the given date, the response will be a 412 (precondition failed) error.
... 247 412 precondition failed error, http, reference, status code the hypertext transfer protocol (http) 412 precondition failed client error response code indicates that access to the target resource has been denied.
... 252 417 expectation failed client error, http, http status code, reference, status code the http 417 expectation failed client error response code indicates that the expectation given in the request's expect header could not be met.
passwords - Archive of obsolete content
onerror function the callback function that is called if the function failed.
... onerror function the callback function that is called if the function failed.
... onerror function the callback function that is called if the function failed.
Enabling the behavior - updating the status bar panel - Archive of obsolete content
function updatetinderboxstatus() { var icon = document.getelementbyid('tinderbox-status'); if (gxmlhttprequest.responsetext.match("ee0000")) icon.setattribute("status", "busted"); else if (gxmlhttprequest.responsetext.match("ffaa00")) icon.setattribute("status", "testfailed"); else if (gxmlhttprequest.responsetext.match("11dd11")) icon.setattribute("status", "success"); else icon.setattribute("status", ""); } updatetinderboxstatus() retrieves a reference to the statusbarpanel element then searches through the retrieved html document (stored in the responsetext property of the xmlhttprequest instance) for one of several color references.
... the color red (represented by the rgb code ee0000) means a tinderbox client failed to build mozilla.
... the color orange ("ffaaoo") means a client successfully built mozilla, but the build failed tests.
Monitoring downloads - Archive of obsolete content
items values " + "(?1, ?2, ?3, 0, 0.0, 0)"); statement.bindstringparameter(0, adownload.source.spec); statement.bindint64parameter(1, adownload.size); statement.bindint64parameter(2, adownload.starttime); statement.execute(); statement.reset(); dbconn.close(); break; // record the completion (whether failed or successful) of the download case components.interfaces.nsidownloadmanager.download_finished: case components.interfaces.nsidownloadmanager.download_failed: case components.interfaces.nsidownloadmanager.download_canceled: this.logtransfercompleted(adownload); break; } }, we're interested in four states.
... if the download's state indicates that the download is finished, canceled, or failed, we call our logtransfercompleted routine to update the log to indicate that state change.
...ell); var status = statement.getint32(5); var style = "color:black"; cell = document.createelement('listcell'); var statusstr; switch(status) { case 0: statusstr = "downloading"; break; case 1: statusstr = "complete"; style = "color:green"; break; case 2: statusstr = "failed"; style = "color:red"; break; case 3: statusstr = "canceled"; style = "color:purple"; break; case 4: statusstr = "paused"; style = "color:blue"; break; case 5: statusstr = "queued"; style = "color:teal"; break; case 6: statusstr = ...
Tamarin Build System Documentation - Archive of obsolete content
the page is divided into the phase table at the top and the waterfall table below the phase table shows all phases at the top of the page, each slave is shown as a box with a red,green, or yellow color: red means failed, green passed, and yellow has warnings.
... most recent phase run or click on an individual box to display the test result below the phase table the waterfall displays each buildstep and result the left side contains the time column and the user/revision link to represent the revision triggering a build, mouse over the user to see the revision and submission notes each buildstep run on a slave is a box with color indicating status, red is failed, green passed, yellow has warnings click the stdio link to see the output click on the build yellow box at the bottom of a set of buildsteps to see the result of all of the buildsteps for a build and the time each buildstep took scroll down to see previous builds triggered at the bottom of the page click on the [next page] link to display more previous builds what are the goals of the build ...
... the list of smoke tests are located in the tamarin-repository, test/run-smokes.txt, assume the start directory is test format is cd testdir; command to run test above the test should be a # comment describing why the test in the smokes, when test failed, possibly a bugzilla bug the tests can be run by following the above instructions for running buildbot scripts locally and executing the all/ as a rule any test failure should be immediately added to the top of the smoke test list so the list is prioritized how to exclude tests from acceptance or mark them as known failures?
Install script template - Archive of obsolete content
* you should not stop the install process because the function failed, * you still have a chance to install the plugin for the already * installed gecko browsers.
... * you should not stop the install process because the function failed, * you still have a chance to install the plugin for the already * installed gecko browsers.
... * you should not stop the install process because the function failed.
Return Codes - Archive of obsolete content
patch_bad_checksum_result -222 the checksum of the patched file failed.
... uninstall_failed -223 an error occurred while uninstalling a package.
... package_folder_not_set -224 install folder not set in installation script extraction_failed -225 extraction of xpi file failed.
Using LDAP XPCOM with XULRunner - Archive of obsolete content
ll_suffix, #endif //ns_unix nsnull }; // component.dll on windows, libcomponent.dll on linux static char krealcomponent[] = moz_dll_prefix "mozldap" moz_dll_suffix; nsresult nsgetmodule(nsicomponentmanager* acompmgr, nsifile* alocation, nsimodule* *aresult) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); // loop through and load dependent libraries for (char const *const *dependent = kdependentlibraries; *dependent; ++dependent) { ...
... library->setnativeleafname(nsdependentcstring(*dependent)); prlibrary *lib; library->load(&lib); // 1) we don't care if this failed!
... } library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring(krealcomponent)); prlibrary *lib; rv = library->load(&lib); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nsgetmoduleproc getmoduleproc = (nsgetmoduleproc) pr_findfunctionsymbol(lib, ns_get_module_symbol); if (!getmoduleproc) return ns_error_failure; return getmoduleproc(acompmgr, alocation, aresult); } then change your .mozconfig to add this line: ac_add_options --enable-extensions=ldapstub rebuild xulrunner.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
the test program failed to compile or link. the latter case, you may want to edit the gtk-config script: /usr/bin/gtk-config configure: error: test for gtk failed bryan is asking for help as he is confused and has no idea what is causing the build process to fail.
...paul reed announced that: there was a power outage at his office and the machines, which are responsible for running autoconf ( -> configure), located in his office failed to boot up after power was restored.
Application cache implementation overview
falling back on a resource load failure when a resource previously matching a fallback namespace failed to load from the network, we perform fallback to the previously remembered fallback entry.
... if the manifest load failed, onerror event is invoked and the update 'finishes'.
... when the manifest has changed, the update is simply rescheduled, with limit of up to 3 retries (then it fails.) when load of the manifest has failed or redirected, the original update invokes onerror and 'finishes'.
HTML parser threading
otherwise it has failed.
...(nshtml5treeopexecutor::runflushloop is on the call stack already in this case and will loop around to start flushing the ops right away.) if there's only one speculation or the speculation failed, it's necessary to bother the parser thread.
...if the speculation failed, the first buffer corresponding to the starting point of the speculation gets its start index restored to the index stored on the speculation object.
How Mozilla determines MIME Types
the list in edit/preferences/helper applications) if that failed, a list of "extra" mime types is searched for an extension match.
... if that also failed, the list of loaded plugins is checked for a plugin that can handle this extension, and is asked for the mime type if no plugin is registered, the ext-to-type-mapping xpcom category is searched for the extension.
... if this also failed, the extras are searched again, and will supply the extension-list and a description of the mime type.
ual, expected, message); undefined throws(block, expected, message); promise rejects(promise, expected, message); undefined greater(lhs, rhs, message); undefined greaterorequal(lhs, rhs, message); undefined less(lhs, rhs, message); undefined lessorequal(lhs, rhs, message); undefined setreporter(reporterfunc); undefined report(failed, actual, expected, message, operator); constructor creates a new assert object.
... arguments passed in to this function are: err an error object when the assertion failed or null when it passed message message describing the assertion stack stack trace of the assertion function.
... undefined report( failed, actual, expected, message, operator ); parameters failed indicates if the assertion failed or not actual the result of evaluating the assertion expected expected result from the test author message short explanation of the expected result operator operation qualifier used by the assertion method (ex: '==') examples custom reporter example components.utils.import("resour...
example (using task.jsm): try { yield downloads.fetch(sourceuri, targetfile); } catch (ex if ex instanceof downloads.error && ex.becausetargetfailed) { console.log("unable to write to the target file, ignoring the error."); } methods createdownload() creates a new download object.
... promise can be rejected with downloaderror if the download failed.
... the start() method can be used to restart a failed download.
Interfacing with the Add-on Repository
handling failed requests the callback object must have a searchfailed() method; this gets called when a repository search fails to execute.
...for example: searchfailed: function() { this.shownotification("i have no recommendations for you right now!", "oh noes!", null); }, here, we call a shownotification() method with some parameters that we'll look at shortly when we get to our shownotification() method below.
... installing the add-on the shownotification() routine displays a notification box offering to install the recommended add-on, if one was found, or reports an error if the search failed: shownotification: function(prompt, button, installobj) { this.install = installobj; var box =, "sample-popup", prompt, null, /* anchor id */ { label: button, accesskey: "i", callback: function() { if (popupnotifications.install) { popupnotification...
OS.File for the main thread
"newname.txt", {nooverwrite:true}); here's a working example which renames test.txt to testrenamed.txt if the file is located in directory c:\jean\ var promise = os.file.move(os.path.join('c:', 'jean', 'test.txt'), os.path.join('c:', 'jean', 'testrenamed.txt')); promise.then( function() { console.log('rename successful') }, function(arejectreason) { console.log('rename failed, arejectreason = ', arejectreason) } ) the nooverwrite true is important, as default is false which means if a file in the directory exists already with the same name it will no longer be there after this "rename" operation, which is a "move".
....join(os.constants.path.desktopdir, 'savedimage.png'); var promise = os.file.writeatomic(writepath, new uint8array(r.result), { tmppath: writepath + '.tmp' }); promise.then( function(aval) { console.log('successfully saved image to disk'); }, function(areason) { console.log('writeatomic failed for reason:', areason); } ); }; r.readasarraybuffer(b); }, 'image/png'); }; //var path = os.path.tofileuri(os.path.join(os.contants.path.desktopdir, 'my.png')); //do it like this for images on disk var path = ''; //do like this for images online img.src = path; exampl...
... maxattempts used to limit the amount of tries after a failed file creation.
Running NSPR tests
sprintf failed ...
... what if some of the tests crashed or reported failed as the results?
... it doesn't necessarily mean the test suite failed because some of the test programs are known to fail.
NSS Sample Code Sample_2_Initialization of NSS
port_memset(oldpw, 0, pl_strlen(oldpw)); port_free(oldpw); return secfailure; } } else { break; } port_free(oldpw); } newpw = initslotpassword(slot, pr_false, &newpwdata); if (pk11_changepw(slot, oldpw, newpw) != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed to change password.\n"); return secfailure; } port_memset(oldpw, 0, pl_strlen(oldpw)); port_free(oldpw); pr_fprintf(pr_stdout, "password changed successfully.\n"); } port_memset(newpw, 0, pl_strlen(newpw)); port_free(newpw); return secsuccess; } /* * this example illustrates initialization of the nss database.
... = strdup(optstate->value); break; default: usage(progname); break; } } pl_destroyoptstate(optstate); if (!dbdir) usage(progname); pr_init(pr_user_thread, pr_priority_normal, 0); /* create the database */ rv = nss_initreadwrite(dbdir); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "nss_initialize failed"); pr_cleanup(); exit(rv); } if (pl_strcmp(slotname, "internal") == 0) slot = pk11_getinternalkeyslot(); /* if creating new database, initialize the password.
... */ rv = changepw(slot, plainpass, 0, pwfile, 0); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed to change password\n"); } if (slot) { pk11_freeslot(slot); } rvshutdown = nss_shutdown(); if (rvshutdown != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed : nss_shutdown()\n"); rv = secfailure; } pr_cleanup(); return rv; } </plainpasswc></plainpasswc></dbdirpath></passwdffile></plainpasswc></dbdirpath></pk11func.h></nss.h></prprf.h></plgetopt.h></prthread.h> ...
NSS Sample Code Utilities_1
k11_gettokenname(slot)); return getpassword(stdin, stdout, prompt, checkpassword); case pw_fromfile: pw = filepasswd(slot, retry, pwdata->data); pwdata->source = pw_plaintext; pwdata->data = pl_strdup(pw); return pw; case pw_plaintext: return pl_strdup(pwdata->data); default: break; } pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "password check failed: no password found.\n"); return null; } /* * generaterandom */ secstatus generaterandom(unsigned char *rbuf, int rsize) { char meter[] = { "\r| |" }; int fd, count; int c; secstatus rv = secsuccess; cc_t orig_cc_min; cc_t orig_cc_time; tcflag_t ...
...way it was */ tio.c_lflag = orig_lflag; tio.c_cc[vmin] = orig_cc_min; tio.c_cc[vtime] = orig_cc_time; tcsetattr(fd, tcsaflush, &tio); return rv; } /* * seedfromnoisefile */ secstatus seedfromnoisefile(const char *noisefilename) { char buf[2048]; prfiledesc *fd; print32 count; fd = pr_open(noisefilename, pr_rdonly, 0); if (!fd) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open noise file."); return secfailure; } do { count = pr_read(fd,buf,sizeof(buf)); if (count > 0) { pk11_randomupdate(buf,count); } } while (count > 0); pr_close(fd); return secsuccess; } /* * filesize */ long filesize(const char* filename) { struct stat stbuf; stat(filename, &stbuf); return stbuf.st_size; } /* ...
...* readderfromfile */ secstatus readderfromfile(secitem *der, const char *infilename, prbool ascii) { secstatus rv = secsuccess; prfiledesc *infile = null; infile = pr_open(infilename, pr_rdonly, 0); if (!infile) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed to open file \"%s\" (%ld, %ld).\n", infilename, pr_geterror(), pr_getoserror()); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } if (ascii) { /* first convert ascii to binary */ secitem filedata; char *asc, *body; /* read in ascii data */ rv = filetoitem(&filedata, infile); asc = (char *); if (!asc) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "unable to read data from input file\n"); rv = secfailure; goto clean...
NSS Sample Code sample4
argv) { secstatus rv; certcertificate *cert = null; seckeypublickey *pubkey = null; seckeyprivatekey *pvtkey = null; int modulus_len, i, outlen; char *buf1 = null; char *buf2 = null; /* initialize nss */ pk11_setpasswordfunc(passwdcb); rv = nss_init("."); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "nss initialization failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } cert = pk11_findcertfromnickname("testca", null); if (cert == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find cert testca in nss db (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } pubkey = cert_extractpublickey(cert); if (pubkey == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't extract public key from cert testca (err %...
...f2 = (char *)malloc(modulus_len); /* initialize buf1 */ for (i=0;i<modulus_len;i++) { buf1[i]= (i %26) + 'a'; } buf1[modulus_len-1] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "buffer being encrypted = \n%s\n", buf1); /* encrypt buf1, result will be in buf2 */ rv = pk11_pubencryptraw(pubkey, buf2, buf1, modulus_len, null); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "encrypt with public key failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } pvtkey = pk11_findkeybyanycert(cert, null); if (pvtkey == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find private key for cert testca (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } /* clear buf1 */ for (i=0;i<modulus_len;i++) { buf1[i]= '\0'; } /* decrypt buf2, result will be in buf1 */ rv = pk11_pu...
...bdecryptraw(pvtkey, buf1, &outlen, modulus_len, buf2, modulus_len); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "decrypt with private key failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } fprintf(stderr, "result of decryption, outlen = %d\n", outlen); fprintf(stderr, "result of decryption, buf = \n%s\n", buf1); exit(0); cleanup: if (cert) cert_destroycertificate(cert); if (pubkey) seckey_destroypublickey(pubkey); if (pvtkey) seckey_destroyprivatekey(pvtkey); if (buf1) free(buf1); if (buf2) free(buf2); exit(1); } char *passwdcb(pk11slotinfo *info, prbool retry, void *arg) { if (!retry) return pl_strdup("test"); else return null; } ...
NSS Sample Code sample5
nickname; pk11slotinfo *slot = null; /* initialize nss * you need to explicitly authenticate to the internal token if you use * nss_init insteadf of nss_nodb_init * invoke this after getting the internal token handle * pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_false, null); */ rv = nss_nodb_init("."); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "nss initialization failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } /* get internal slot */ slot = pk11_getinternalkeyslot(); if (slot == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find slot (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } rv = atob_convertasciitoitem(&der, pubkstr); if (rv!= secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "atob_convertasciitoitem failed %d\n", pr_geterror()); goto...
...f2 = (char *)malloc(modulus_len); /* initialize buf1 */ for (i=0;i<modulus_len;i++) { buf1[i]= (i %26) + 'a'; } buf1[modulus_len-1] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "buffer being encrypted = \n%s\n", buf1); /* encrypt buf1, result will be in buf2 */ rv = pk11_pubencryptraw(pubkey, buf2, buf1, modulus_len, null); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "encrypt with public key failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } nickname.type = sibuffer; = "pvtkeynickname"; nickname.len = strlen("pvtkeynickname"); rv = atob_convertasciitoitem(&der, pvtkstr); if (rv!= secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "atob_convertasciitoitem failed %d\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } /* ku_all includes a lot of different key usages, ku_d...
...rintf(stderr, "couldn't extract private key (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } /* clear buf1 */ for (i=0;i<modulus_len;i++) { buf1[i]= '\0'; } /* decrypt buf2, result will be in buf1 */ rv = pk11_pubdecryptraw(pvtkey, buf1, &outlen, modulus_len, buf2, modulus_len); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "decrypt with private key failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } fprintf(stderr, "result of decryption, outlen = %d\n", outlen); fprintf(stderr, "result of decryption, buf = \n%s\n", buf1); cleanup: if (cert) cert_destroycertificate(cert); if (pubkey) seckey_destroypublickey(pubkey); if (pvtkey) seckey_destroyprivatekey(pvtkey); if (spki) seckey_destroysubjectpublickey...
NSS Sample Code sample6
*/ rv = nss_initreadwrite("."); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "nss initialization failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); exit(1); } /* generate a key with id 1.
... * since we're using aes in this example, we're specifying * one of the valid keysizes (16, 24, 32) */ key = pk11_tokenkeygen(slot, ciphermech, 0, 32 /*keysize*/, &keyiditem, pr_true, 0); if (key == null) { fprintf(stderr, "pk11_tokenkeygen failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return; } fprintf(stderr, "key length of generated key is %d\n", pk11_getkeylength(key)); fprintf(stderr, "mechanism of key is %d (asked for %d)\n", pk11_getmechanism(key), ciphermech); pk11_freesymkey(key); key = pk11_findfixedkey(slot, ciphermech, &keyiditem, 0); if (key == null) { fp...
...rintf(stderr, "pk11_findfixedkey failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return; } fprintf(stderr, "found key!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "key length of generated key is %d\n", pk11_getkeylength(key)); fprintf(stderr, "mechanism of key is %d (asked for %d)\n", pk11_getmechanism(key), ciphermech); pk11_freesymkey(key); pk11_freeslot(slot); } char *passwdcb(pk11slotinfo *info, prbool retry, void *arg) { if (!retry) return pl_strdup("test"); else return null; } ...
Utilities for nss samples
k11_gettokenname(slot)); return getpassword(stdin, stdout, prompt, checkpassword); case pw_fromfile: pw = filepasswd(slot, retry, pwdata->data); pwdata->source = pw_plaintext; pwdata->data = pl_strdup(pw); return pw; case pw_plaintext: return pl_strdup(pwdata->data); default: break; } pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "password check failed: no password found.\n"); return null; } /* * generaterandom */ secstatus generaterandom(unsigned char *rbuf, int rsize) { char meter[] = { "\r| |" }; int fd, count; int c; secstatus rv = secsuccess; cc_t orig_cc_min; cc_t orig_cc_time; tcflag_t ...
...way it was */ tio.c_lflag = orig_lflag; tio.c_cc[vmin] = orig_cc_min; tio.c_cc[vtime] = orig_cc_time; tcsetattr(fd, tcsaflush, &tio); return rv; } /* * seedfromnoisefile */ secstatus seedfromnoisefile(const char *noisefilename) { char buf[2048]; prfiledesc *fd; print32 count; fd = pr_open(noisefilename, pr_rdonly, 0); if (!fd) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to open noise file."); return secfailure; } do { count = pr_read(fd,buf,sizeof(buf)); if (count > 0) { pk11_randomupdate(buf,count); } } while (count > 0); pr_close(fd); return secsuccess; } /* * filesize */ long filesize(const char* filename) { struct stat stbuf; stat(filename, &stbuf); return stbuf.st_size; } /* ...
...* readderfromfile */ secstatus readderfromfile(secitem *der, const char *infilename, prbool ascii) { secstatus rv = secsuccess; prfiledesc *infile = null; infile = pr_open(infilename, pr_rdonly, 0); if (!infile) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "failed to open file \"%s\" (%ld, %ld).\n", infilename, pr_geterror(), pr_getoserror()); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } if (ascii) { /* first convert ascii to binary */ secitem filedata; char *asc, *body; /* read in ascii data */ rv = filetoitem(&filedata, infile); asc = (char *); if (!asc) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "unable to read data from input file\n"); rv = secfailure; goto clean...
Python binding for NSS
when cert validation fails you can now obtain diagnostic information as to why the cert failed to validate.
... certificate() constructor signature changed from certificate(data=none, der_is_signed=true) to certificate(data, certdb=cert_get_default_certdb(), perm=false, nickname=none) this change was necessary because all certs should be added to the nss temporary database when they are loaded, but earlier code failed to to that.
... nss.ssl.config_server_session_id_cache_with_opt() nss.ssl.get_max_server_cache_locks() nss.ssl.set_max_server_cache_locks() nss.ssl.shutdown_server_session_id_cache() the following constants were added the following files were added test/run_tests test/ (replaces test/ te...
a bad-certificate callback function gives the application the opportunity to choose to accept the certificate as authentic and authorized even though it failed the check performed by the certificate authentication callback function.
... ssl_badcerthook sets up a callback function to deal with a situation where the ssl_authcertificate callback function has failed.
... the callback function returns one of these values: secsuccess: the callback has chosen to authorize the certificate for use in this ssl connection, despite the fact that it failed the examination by the certificate authentication callback.
Tracing JIT
the term bail denotes "exiting a trace due to to a failed guard".
... when a guard bails, it means that there is no logic in the trace to handle the failed guard, and so the exit condition encodes the state of the interpreter before the guarded condition.
...bailing from a regular guard involves executing precise per-guard write-flushing code, as the guard encodes a specific failed condition on a specific set of operands, and so the exit code can be much more fine-grained about and reconstructing the pre-bail state.
Running Automated JavaScript Tests
the first time this is run, it runs the suite and writes a list of tests that failed to the given filename.
... the next time it is run, it will run only the tests in the given filename, and then will write the list of tests that failed when it is done.
... thus, you can keep retesting as you fix bugs and only the tests that failed the last time will run, speeding things up a bit.
TPS Tests
determines if the phase passed or failed; if it passed, it continues to the next phase block and repeats the process.
... tps runs one "cleanup" phase for each profile (even for failed tests), which means most tests have two cleanup phases.
...this means you may want to run a tps test twice to see if it really failed, or it just started with garbage.
Finishing the Component
sicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *apath, const char *registrylocation, const char *componenttype, const nsmodulecomponentinfo *info) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman = do_queryinterface((nsisupports*)acompmgr, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catman; servman->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char* previous = nsnull; rv = catman->addcategoryentry("xpcom-startup", "web...
... *_retval = pr_false; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman; rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(servman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsiioservice> mioservice; // get a pointer to the ioservice rv = servman->getservicebycontractid(";1", ns_get_iid(nsiioservice), getter_addrefs(mioservice)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; urlnode* node = mrooturlnode; prbool match = pr_false; ...
... while (node) { nscomptr<nsiuri> uri; nsembedcstring urlstring(node->urlstring); rv = mioservice->newuri(urlstring, nsnull, nsnull, getter_addrefs(uri)); // if anything bad happens, just abort if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nsembedcstring host; uri->gethost(host); if (strcmp(hosttoload.get(), host.get()) == 0) { // match found.
Observer Notifications
bookmarks-restore-failed json sent when bookmarks could not be sucessfully restored from json.
... bookmarks-restore-failed html sent when bookmarks could not be successfully restored from html.
... bookmarks-restore-failed html-initial sent when bookmarks could not be successfully restored from html on intial import.
Using the Mozilla symbol server
the output of this command should be similar to: symchk: fullsoft.dll failed - image is split correctly, but fullsoft.dbg is missing symchk: qfaservices.dll failed - qfaservices.pdb mismatched or not found symchk: talkback.exe failed - built without debugging information.
... symchk: helper.exe failed - built without debugging information.
... symchk: failed files = 4 symchk: passed + ignored files = 179 downloading symbols on linux / mac os x if you are on linux and running gdb 7.9 or newer, you can use this gdb python script to automatically fetch symbols.
Constants - Plugins
nperr_module_load_failed_error 4 loading of plug-in failed.
... nperr_out_of_memory_error 5 memory allocation failed.
... npres_network_err 1 stream failed due to problems with network, disk i/o, lack of memory, or other problems.
console.assert() - Web APIs
bject following the assertion: const errormsg = 'the # is not even'; for (let number = 2; number <= 5; number += 1) { console.log('the # is ' + number); console.assert(number % 2 === 0, {number: number, errormsg: errormsg}); // or, using es2015 object property shorthand: // console.assert(number % 2 === 0, {number, errormsg}); } // output: // the # is 2 // the # is 3 // assertion failed: {number: 3, errormsg: "the # is not even"} // the # is 4 // the # is 5 // assertion failed: {number: 5, errormsg: "the # is not even"} note that, while a string containing a substitution string works as a parameter for console.log in node and many, if not most, browsers...
...firefox v60.0.2): // assertion failed: the word is foo // incorrect output in some browsers // (e.g.
... chrome v67.0.3396.87): // assertion failed: the word is %s foo see outputting text to the console in the documentation of console for further details.
IDBDatabaseException - Web APIs
constraint_err 4 a mutation operation in the transaction failed because a constraint was not satisfied.
... not_found_err 3 the operation failed because the requested database object could not be found; for example, an object store did not exist but was being opened.
... unknown_err 1 the operation failed for reasons unrelated to the database itself, and it is not covered by any other error code--for example, a failure due to disk io errors. - Web APIs
processing the result and, if necessary, calling paymentresponse.retry() to retry a failed payment can all be done either asynchronously or synchronously, depending on your needs.
... the validateresponse() method, below, is called once show() returns, in order to look at the returned response and either submit the payment or reject the payment as failed: async function validateresponse(response) { try { if (await checkallvalues(response)) { await response.complete("success"); } else { await response.complete("fail"); } } catch(err) { await response.complete("fail"); } } here, a custom function called checkallvalues() looks at each value in the response and ensures that they're valid, returning true if every f...
... if any fields have unacceptable values, or if an exception is thrown by the previous code, complete() is called with the string "fail", which indicates that the payment process is complete and failed.
PaymentResponse.retry() - Web APIs
payer optional a payererrors compliant object which provides appropriate error messages for any of the fields describing the payer which failed validation.
... shippingaddress optional an addresserrors object which contains error messages for any of the fields in the shipping address that failed validation.
... if show() is rejected, the payment request failed, usually because either there's already one being processed, because the user agent doesn't support any of the specified payment methods, or because of a security issue.
Using the Payment Request API - Web APIs
checkoutbutton = document.getelementbyid('checkout-button'); if (window.paymentrequest) { let request = new paymentrequest(buildsupportedpaymentmethodnames(), buildshoppingcartdetails()); checkoutbutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { { // handle successful payment }).catch(function(error) { // handle cancelled or failed payment.
...ponse.complete('success') .then(function() { // for demo purposes: = 'none'; = 'block'; }); }).catch(function(error) { if (error.code == domexception.not_supported_err) { window.location.href = ''; } else { // other kinds of errors; cancelled or failed payment.
... } else { // pre-authorization failed or payment handler not installed.
RTCDtlsTransport.state - Web APIs
failed the transport has failed as the result of an error (such as receipt of an error alert or failure to validate the remote fingerprint).
...*/ function tallysenders(pc) { let results = { transportmissing: 0, connectionpending: 0, connected: 0, closed: 0, failed: 0, unknown: 0 }; let senderlist = pc.getsenders(); senderlist.foreach(sender => { let transport = sender.transport; if (!transport) { results.transportmissing++; } else { switch(transport.state) { case "new": case "connecting": results.connectionpending++; break; case "connected": results.connected++; ...
... break; case "closed": results.closed++; break; case "failed": results.failed++; break; default: results.unknown++; break; } } }); return results; } note that in this code, the new and connecting states are being treated as a single connectionpending status in the returned object.
RTCIceTransport.state - Web APIs
if consent checks fail on all successful candidate pairs, the transport state will change to "failed".
...this is not a failure state (that's "failed").
... "failed" the rtcicetransport has finished the gathering process, has received the "no more candidates" notification from the remote peer, and has finished checking pairs of candidates, without successfully finding a pair that is both valid and for which consent can be obtained.
RTCIceTransportState - Web APIs
if consent checks fail on all successful candidate pairs, the transport state will change to "failed".
...this is not a failure state (that's "failed").
... "failed" the rtcicetransport has finished the gathering process, has received the "no more candidates" notification from the remote peer, and has finished checking pairs of candidates, without successfully finding a pair that is both valid and for which consent can be obtained.
RTCOfferOptions.iceRestart - Web APIs
usage notes when the rtcpeerconnection object's ice connection state changes to failed, you should try to trigger an ice restart. watches for the ice connection state to transition to "failed", which indicates that an ice restart should be tried in order to attempt to bring the connection back up.
... pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function(evt) { if (pc.iceconnectionstate === "failed") { if (pc.restartice) { pc.restartice(); } else { pc.createoffer({ icerestart: true }) .then(pc.setlocaldescription) .then(sendoffertoserver); } } } if the state changes to failed, this handler starts by looking to see if the rtcpeerconnection includes the restartice() method; if it does, we call that to request an ice restart.
RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState - Web APIs
"failed" the ice candidate has checked all candidates pairs against one another and has failed to find compatible matches for all components of the connection.
... "disconnected" checks to ensure that components are still connected failed for at least one component of the rtcpeerconnection.
... this is a less stringent test than "failed" and may trigger intermittently and resolve just as spontaneously on less reliable networks, or during temporary disconnections.
ServiceWorkerContainer.register() - Web APIs
navigator.serviceworker.register('/sw.js').then(function(registration) { console.log('service worker registration succeeded:', registration); }, /*catch*/ function(error) { console.log('service worker registration failed:', error); }); } else { console.log('service workers are not supported.'); } the following code, if included in, at the root of a site, would apply to exactly the same pages as the example above.
... if ('serviceworker' in navigator) { // declaring scope manually navigator.serviceworker.register('/sw.js', {scope: './'}).then(function(registration) { console.log('service worker registration succeeded:', registration); }, /*catch*/ function(error) { console.log('service worker registration failed:', error); }); } else { console.log('service workers are not supported.'); } there is frequent confusion surrounding the meaning and use of scope.
... if ('serviceworker' in navigator) { // declaring scope manually navigator.serviceworker.register('/sw.js', {scope: '/product/'}).then(function(registration) { console.log('service worker registration succeeded:', registration); }, /*catch*/ function(error) { console.log('service worker registration failed:', error); }); } else { console.log('service workers are not supported.'); } however, servers can remove this restriction by setting a service-worker-allowed header on the service worker script, and then you can specify a max scope for that service worker above the service worker's location.
Using XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
load the transfer is complete; all data is now in the response var oreq = new xmlhttprequest(); oreq.addeventlistener("progress", updateprogress); oreq.addeventlistener("load", transfercomplete); oreq.addeventlistener("error", transferfailed); oreq.addeventlistener("abort", transfercanceled);; // ...
... } else { // unable to compute progress information since the total size is unknown } } function transfercomplete(evt) { console.log("the transfer is complete."); } function transferfailed(evt) { console.log("an error occurred while transferring the file."); } function transfercanceled(evt) { console.log("the transfer has been canceled by the user."); } lines 3-6 add event listeners for the various events that are sent while performing a data transfer using xmlhttprequest.
...the upload events are fired on the xmlhttprequest.upload object, as shown below: var oreq = new xmlhttprequest(); oreq.upload.addeventlistener("progress", updateprogress); oreq.upload.addeventlistener("load", transfercomplete); oreq.upload.addeventlistener("error", transferfailed); oreq.upload.addeventlistener("abort", transfercanceled);; note: progress events are not available for the file: protocol.
Audio and Video Delivery - Developer guides
this lets you detect which sources failed to load, which may be useful.
...sic and video player handbrake — open source video transcoder firefogg — video and audio encoding for firefox ffmpeg2 — comprehensive command line encoder libav — comprehensive command line encoder — video player,transcoding and delivery internet archive — free transcoding and storage detecting when no sources have loaded to detect that all child <source> elements have failed to load, check the value of the media element's networkstate attribute.
... if this is htmlmediaelement.network_no_source, you know that all the sources failed to load.
HTTP response status codes - HTTP
412 precondition failed the client has indicated preconditions in its headers which the server does not meet.
... 417 expectation failed this response code means the expectation indicated by the expect request header field can't be met by the server.
... 424 failed dependency (webdav) the request failed due to failure of a previous request.
core/promise - Archive of obsolete content
promises consider another approach, instead of continuation via callbacks, a function returns an object that represents a eventual result, either successful or failed.
...this can be used to perform an action that requires values from several promises, like getting user information and server status, for example: const { all } = require('sdk/core/promise'); all([getuser, getserverstatus]).then(function (result) { return result[0] + result[1] }); if one of the promises in the array is rejected, the rejection handler handles the first failed promise and remaining promises remain unfulfilled.
Making it into a dynamic overlay and packaging it up for distribution - Archive of obsolete content
copy the following files into the content sub-subdirectory: tinderstatusoverlay.xul tinderstatus.js tinderstatus.css tb-busted.png tb-nostatus.png tb-success.png tb-testfailed.png these are the files we're going to put into the xpi.
... status="none"/> </statusbar> </overlay> we also need to change the urls in the copy of tinderstatus.css: statusbarpanel#tinderbox-status { list-style-image: url("chrome://tinderstatus/content/tb-nostatus.png"); } statusbarpanel#tinderbox-status[status="success"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://tinderstatus/content/tb-success.png"); } statusbarpanel#tinderbox-status[status="testfailed"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://tinderstatus/content/tb-testfailed.png"); } statusbarpanel#tinderbox-status[status="busted"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://tinderstatus/content/tb-busted.png"); } then we need to create two files in the directory, one called contents.rdf which contains information for the chrome registry about the component being installed and one called install.js t...
Specifying the appearance - Archive of obsolete content
for this we have to first create four icons, one for each tinderbox state (none, success, test failed, and busted), then create a set of css rules that displays the icon corresponding to the current tinderbox state: statusbarpanel#tinderbox-status { list-style-image: url("chrome://navigator/content/tb-nostatus.png"); } statusbarpanel#tinderbox-status[status="success"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://navigator/content/tb-success.png"); } statusbarpanel#tinderbox-status[status="testfailed"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://navigator/content/tb-testfailed.png"); } statusbarpanel#tinderbox-status[status="busted"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://navigator/content/tb-buste...
...make your own icons for the four states or use the following icons: no status , success , test failed and busted .
Tinderbox - Archive of obsolete content
whether or not any clients have failed.
...if any clients have failed to build, we will display a red icon that signifies a build failure; if all clients built successfully but some failed tests we will display an orange icon that signifies a test failure.
Embedding Mozilla in a Java Application using JavaXPCOM - Archive of obsolete content
on 1.9a1 ^^ try { file grepath = mozilla.getgrepathwithproperties(range, null); locationprovider locprovider = new locationprovider(grepath); mozilla.initembedding(grepath, grepath, locprovider); } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { // this exception is thrown if gregrepathwithproperties cannot find a gre } catch (xpcomexception e) { // this exception is thrown if initembedding failed } locationprovider is a class provided by the java application.
...once the java application is done using mozilla, it needs to terminate the embedding process: try { mozilla.termembedding(); } catch (xpcomexception e) { // this exception is thrown if termembedding failed } working with xpcom objects now that mozilla is embedded, the java application can work with xpcom objects.
Document Loading - From Load Start to Finding a Handler - Archive of obsolete content
if at this point we do not have an nsiuricontentlistener, we have failed to find a way to handle this content type.
... if we still do not have a stream listener, that means that we failed to find an nsiuricontentlistener or nsicontenthandler for this type.
Plug-n-Hack Phase1 - Archive of obsolete content
configuresectoolfailed - this notifies the document that configuration has failed for some reason.
... the user should be notified that configuration has failed.
Standalone XPCOM - Archive of obsolete content
test failed: what went wrong?
... the most common case of why the sample would have failed if you didn't run it from the bin directory.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
reflow branch build failed with vc 7.1 sp1 november 8th: roy received an error when he tried to reflow a branch build using vc 7.1 sp1.
...n downloaded the latest firefox 2 rc3 and tried to build it on fc3 with the following options: ./configure --enable-application=browser --prefix=$prefix --enable-extensions=default,spatialnavigation then he tried running "make" and received the following error: /usr/bin/ld: testtarray.o(.text+0x2237): unresolvable relocation against symbol `nstarray_base::semptyhdr' /usr/bin/ld: final link failed: nonrepresentable section on output collect2: ld returned 1 exit status gmake[3]: *** [testtarray] error 1 gmake[3]: leaving directory `/usr/mozilla2/src/mozilla/xpcom/tests' gmake[2]: *** [libs] error 2 gmake[2]: leaving directory `/usr/mozilla2/src/mozilla/xpcom' gmake[1]: *** [tier_2] error 2 gmake[1]: leaving directory `/usr/mozilla2/src/mozilla' make: *** [default] error 2 he is not sure w...
Vulnerabilities - Archive of obsolete content
an example is the number of consecutive failed authentication attempts to permit before locking out a user account.
... setting this to 1 would be the most secure setting against password guessing attacks, but it would also cause legitimate users to be locked out after mistyping a password once, and it would also permit attackers to perform denial-of-service attacks against users more easily by generating a single failed login attempt for each user account.
LiveConnect Overview - Archive of obsolete content
use a try...catch statement such as the following to handle liveconnect exceptions in javascript 1.3 and earlier versions: try { global.eval(" = 999;"); } catch (exception e) { if (e instanceof jsexception) { jscodefailed(); } else { othercodefailed(); } } in this example, the eval statement fails if foo is not defined.
... the catch block executes the jscodefailed method if the eval statement in the try block throws a jsexception; the othercodefailed method executes if the try block throws any other error.
Graceful asynchronous programming with Promises - Learn web development
something like this: function handlecallbutton(evt) { setstatusmessage("calling..."); navigator.mediadevices.getusermedia({video: true, audio: true}) .then(chatstream => { selfviewelem.srcobject = chatstream; chatstream.gettracks().foreach(track => mypeerconnection.addtrack(track, chatstream)); setstatusmessage("connected"); }).catch(err => { setstatusmessage("failed to connect"); }); } this function starts by using a function called setstatusmessage() to update a status display with the message "calling...", indicating that a call is being attempted.
... if a promise has succeeded or failed and you later add a success/failure callback, the correct callback will be called, even though the event took place earlier.
Client-side storage - Learn web development
now add the following event handlers just below your previous addition — again inside the window.onload handler: // onerror handler signifies that the database didn't open successfully request.onerror = function() { console.log('database failed to open'); }; // onsuccess handler signifies that the database opened successfully request.onsuccess = function() { console.log('database opened successfully'); // store the opened database object in the db variable.
... this is used a lot below db = request.result; // run the displaydata() function to display the notes already in the idb displaydata(); }; the request.onerror handler will run if the system comes back saying that the request failed.
Deploying our app - Learn web development
if there's a failure the test fails with an exit code of 1 — this is a system-level value that says "something failed".
... could you set up a notification to let you know when a new deploy succeeded or failed?
Extending a Protocol
the method in ./dom/base/navigator.cpp - we add a little bit of error boilerplate stuff, as is customary: already_addrefed<promise> navigator::echo(const nsastring& astring, errorresult& arv) { if (!mwindow || !mwindow->getdocshell()) { arv.throw(ns_error_unexpected); return nullptr; } refptr<promise> echopromise = promise::create(mwindow->asglobal(), arv); if (ns_warn_if(arv.failed())) { return nullptr; } // message passing magic will happen here!
...we can now finally finish off ::echo(): already_addrefed<promise> navigator::echo(const nsastring& astring, errorresult& arv) { if (!mwindow || !mwindow->getdocshell()) { arv.throw(ns_error_unexpected); return nullptr; } refptr<promise> echopromise = promise::create(mwindow->asglobal(), arv); if (ns_warn_if(arv.failed())) { return nullptr; } errorresult rv; auto echochild = getechochild(rv); puts("[navigator.cpp] sending echo!"); // let's send astring to the parent!
Infallible memory allocation
this is in contrast to a traditional, fallible memory allocator that can return null indicating that the request failed.
... the term "infallible" means that your memory allocation request is guaranteed to succeed: your code can never see a failed request, and so doesn't need to check for failure.
state_download_failed an install that failed to download.
... state_install_failed an install that has failed to install.
becausesourcefailed read only boolean indicates an error occurred while reading from the remote location.
... becausetargetfailed read only boolean indicates an error occurred while writing to the local target.
if you see the message "a promise chain failed to handle a rejection", there is likely something to be fixed in the code.
... warning: if the onfulfill callback throws an exception, the onreject callback is not invoked and the exception won't be caught, nor shown in the console (you will see a promise chain failed error).
Investigating leaks using DMD heap scan mode
dmd heap scan mode is a "tool of last resort" that should only be used when all other avenues have been tried and failed, except possibly ref count logging.
...secondly, you may need to comment out the call to moz_crash("nss_shutdown failed"); in xpcom/build/xpcominit.cpp, as this also seems to trigger when shutdown is extremely slow.
NSPR Error Handling
pr_directory_lookup_error a directory lookup on a network address has failed.
... pr_file_is_locked_error an attempt to acquire a lock on a file has failed because the file is already locked.
if pr_geterror returns pr_in_progress_error, the nonblocking connection is still in progress and has not completed yet.other errors indicate that the connection has failed.
...when pr_poll returns, call pr_getconnectstatus on the socket to determine whether the nonblocking connect has succeeded or failed.
ckr_token_write_protected we don't have a reference to the key database (we failed to open the key database or we have released our reference).
... ckr_device_error: failed to reset the key database.
ckr_device_error we failed to create the oid tables, random number generator, or internal locks.
... (note: we probably should return ckr_host_memory instead.) the software integrity test or power-up self-tests failed.
slot 1 doesn't have a key database.) we don't have a reference to the key database (we failed to open the key database or we have released our reference).
... ckr_device_error: failed to reset the key database.
Hacking Tips
now you can run rr replay to replay that last (failed) run under gdb.
... run the engine under a debugger and set a breakpoint on the function js_failedallocbreakpoint.
Using XPCOM Utilities to Make Things Easier
if (ns_failed(error)) return; // <------------ leaks |value| //...
... if (ns_failed(error)) return; // ...
const cc = components.classes; const ci = components.interfaces; const cr = components.results; // global flags polled externally var copyfailed = false; var copyinprogress = false; function copybufferedstream(instream, outstream) { var copyobserver = { onstartrequest: function(request, context) { copyinprogress = true; }, onstoprequest: function(request, context, statuscode) { copyinprogress = false; // did the copy fail?
... if (!components.issuccesscode(statuscode)) copyfailed = true; }, queryinterface: function(aiid) { if (aiid.equals(ci.nsirequestobserver) || aiid.equals(ci.nsisupports)) return this; throw cr.ns_error_no_interface; } }; var copier = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsiasyncstreamcopier); copier.init(instream, outstream, null, true, false, 8192, true, true); copier.asynccopy(copyobserver, null); } ...
similarly, if the icon is in the failed favicon cache we will not do anything unless aforcereload is true, in which case we'll try to reload the favicon.
...icons that fail to load will automatically be added to the failed favicon cache, and this function will not save favicons for non-bookmarked uris when history is disabled.
full 13 an insertion failed because the database is full.
... nomem 7 a memory allocation failed.
ns_error_out_of_memory allocating a new storage object failed.
... ns_error_out_of_memory allocating a new storage object failed.
"download-failed" the update failed to be downloaded.
... "failed" installing the update failed.
nsresult printallcategories() { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> svcmgr; rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(svcmgr)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catmgr; rv = svcmgr->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catmgr)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsisimpleenumerator> cats; rv = catmgr->enumeratecategories(getter_addrefs(cats))...
...; if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; prbool hasmore; while (ns_succeeded(cats->hasmoreelements(&hasmore) && hasmore) { nscomptr<nsisupports> elem; cats->getnext(getter_addrefs(elem)); nscomptr<nsisupportscstring> category = do_queryinterface(elem, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) break; nsembedcstring categoryname; rv = category->getdata(categoryname); if (ns_failed(rv)) break; printf("%s\n", categoryname.get()); } return ns_ok; } this snippet shows how to print out a list of all categories in javascript.
"bookmarks-restore-failed" is fired right after a failure occurs when importing the bookmarks.
..."bookmarks-restore-failed" is fired right after a failure occurs when importing the bookmarks.
the observer will receive this nsiprocess instance as the subject and "process-finished" or "process-failed" as the topic.
...the observer will receive this nsiprocess instance as the subject and "process-finished" or "process-failed" as the topic.
when this flag is passed to resolve, resolve may throw the exception ns_base_stream_would_block to indicate that it failed due to this flag being present.
...a proxy is disabled if it had previously failed-over to another proxy (see getfailoverforproxy()).
return value when there is no composition which was created by the instance and if compositionstart is consumed by web contents, i.e., failed to start new composition, this returns false.
... return value when there is no composition which was created by the instance and if compositionstart is consumed by web contents, i.e., failed to start new composition, this returns false.
persist_flags_cleanup_on_failure 8192 automatically cleanup after a failed or cancelled operation, deleting all created files and directories.
... this flag does nothing for failed upload operations to remote servers.
summary macro returns return-value if ns_failed(nsresult) evaluates to true, and shows a warning on stderr in that case.
... syntax ns_ensure_success(nsresult, return-value); usage nsresult mozmyclass::mozstringmucking() { nsresult rv = ns_cstringcopy(mdeststring, msrcstring); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); // this is the same as doing: nsresult rv = ns_cstringcopy(mdeststring, msrcstring); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; return ns_ok; } ...
Streams - Plugins
npres_network_err: the stream failed because of problems with the network, disk i/o error, lack of memory, or some other problem.
... npres_network_err: the stream failed because of network problems.
GeolocationPositionError.code - Web APIs
the following values are possible: value associated constant description 1 permission_denied the acquisition of the geolocation information failed because the page didn't have the permission to do it.
... 2 position_unavailable the acquisition of the geolocation failed because one or several internal sources of position returned an internal error.
GeolocationPositionError - Web APIs
the following values are possible: value associated constant description 1 permission_denied the acquisition of the geolocation information failed because the page didn't have the permission to do it.
... 2 position_unavailable the acquisition of the geolocation failed because at least one internal source of position returned an internal error.
IDBRequest.error - Web APIs
unknownerror if the operation failed for reasons unrelated to the database itself.
...for example, if the the request failed and the result is not available, the invalidstateerror exception is thrown.
Node.removeChild() - Web APIs
f child was in fact a child of element at the time of the call, but was removed by an event handler invoked in the course of trying to remove the element (e.g., blur.) errors thrown the method throws an exception in 2 different ways: if the child was in fact a child of element and so existing on the dom, but was removed the method throws the following exception: uncaught notfounderror: failed to execute 'removechild' on 'node': the node to be removed is not a child of this node.
... if the child doesn't exist on the dom of the page, the method throws the following exception: uncaught typeerror: failed to execute 'removechild' on 'node': parameter 1 is not of type 'node'.
PayerErrors - Web APIs
name optional if this domstring is present in the object, the paymentresponse.payername property failed validation, and this string explains what needs to be corrected.
... if this property is absent, the paer name is fine phone optional if present, this string is an error message explaining why the payer's phone number (paymentresponse.payerphone) failed validation.
PaymentValidationErrors - Web APIs
payer optional a payererrors compliant object which provides appropriate error messages for any of the fields describing the payer which failed validation.
... shippingaddress optional an addresserrors object which contains error messages for any of the fields in the shipping address that failed validation.
RTCDtlsTransport - Web APIs
*/ function tallysenders(pc) { let results = { transportmissing: 0, connectionpending: 0, connected: 0, closed: 0, failed: 0, unknown: 0 }; let senderlist = pc.getsenders(); senderlist.foreach(sender => { let transport = sender.transport; if (!transport) { results.transportmissing++; } else { switch(transport.state) { case "new": case "connecting": results.connectionpending++; break; case "connected": results.connected++; ...
... break; case "closed": results.closed++; break; case "failed": results.failed++; break; default: results.unknown++; break; } } }); return results; } note that in this code, the new and connecting states are being treated as a single connectionpending status in the returned object.
RTCIceTransport.onstatechange - Web APIs
example this snippet establishes a handler for the statechange event that looks to see if the transport has entered the "failed" state, which indicates that the connection has failed with no chance of being automatically restored.
... var icetransport = pc.getsenders()[0].transport.icetransport; icetransport.onstatechange = function(event) { if (icetransport.state == "failed") { handlefailure(pc); } } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcicetransport.onstatechange' in that specification.
RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer() - Web APIs
failurecallback an rtcpeerconnectionerrorcallback which will be passed a single domexception object explaining why the request to create an answer failed.
... operationerror generation of the sdp failed for some reason; this is a general failure catch-all exception.
RTCPeerConnection.createOffer() - Web APIs
errorcallback an rtcpeerconnectionerrorcallback which will be passed a single domexception object explaining why the request to create an offer failed.
... operationerror examining the state of the system to determine resource availability in order to generate the offer failed for some reason.
RTCPeerConnection: iceconnectionstatechange event - Web APIs
bubbles no cancelable no interface event event handler property oniceconnectionstatechange one common task performed by the iceconnectionstatechange event listener: to trigger ice restart when the state changes to failed.
...if no suitable candidates were found, the state transitions to failed.
RTCPeerConnection.restartIce() - Web APIs
example this example creates a handler for the iceconnectionstatechange event that handles a transition to the failed state by restarting ice in order to try again.
... pc.addeventlistener("iceconnectionstatechange", event => { if (pc.iceconnectionstate === "failed") { /* possibly reconfigure the connection in some way here */ /* then request ice restart */ pc.restartice(); } }); with this code in place, a transition to the failed state during ice negotiation will cause a negotiationneeded event to be fired, in response to which your code should renegotiate as usual.
Using Service Workers - Web APIs
scope is ' + reg.scope); }).catch((error) => { // registration failed console.log('registration failed with ' + error); }); } the outer block performs a feature detection test to make sure service workers are supported before trying to register one.’t available, you could just match the request with some kind of default fallback page as a response using match(), like this: caches.match('./fallback.html'); you can retrieve a lot of information about each request by calling parameters of the request object returned by the fetchevent: event.request.url event.request.method event.request.headers event.request.body recovering failed requests so caches.match(event.request) is great when there is a match in the service worker cache, but what about cases when there isn’t a match?
SpeechRecognitionError.error - Web APIs
audio-capture audio capture failed.
... network network communication required for completing the recognition failed.
SpeechRecognitionErrorEvent.error - Web APIs
audio-capture audio capture failed.
... network network communication required for completing the recognition failed.
SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent.error - Web APIs
e (for example, the user may need to correct this by closing another application.) audio-hardware the operation couldn't be completed at this time because the user-agent couldn't identify an audio output device (for example, the user may need to connect a speaker or configure system settings.) network the operation couldn't be completed at this time because some required network communication failed.
... synthesis-unavailable the operation couldn't be completed at this time because no synthesis engine was available (for example, the user may need to install or configure a synthesis engine.) synthesis-failed the operation failed because the synthesis engine raised an error.
Clearing by clicking - Web APIs
// if failed, alert user of failure.
... if (!gl) { gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { alert("failed to get webgl context.\n" + "your browser or device may not support webgl."); return; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); } // get a random color value using a helper function.
Clearing with colors - Web APIs
var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); // if failed, inform user of failure.
... if (!gl) { paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context.
Adding 2D content to a WebGL context - Web APIs
rce, fssource) { const vertexshader = loadshader(gl, gl.vertex_shader, vssource); const fragmentshader = loadshader(gl, gl.fragment_shader, fssource); // create the shader program const shaderprogram = gl.createprogram(); gl.attachshader(shaderprogram, vertexshader); gl.attachshader(shaderprogram, fragmentshader); gl.linkprogram(shaderprogram); // if creating the shader program failed, alert if (!gl.getprogramparameter(shaderprogram, gl.link_status)) { alert('unable to initialize the shader program: ' + gl.getprograminfolog(shaderprogram)); return null; } return shaderprogram; } // // creates a shader of the given type, uploads the source and // compiles it.
...if that's false, we know the shader failed to compile, so show an alert with log information obtained from the compiler using gl.getshaderinfolog(), then delete the shader and return null to indicate a failure to load the shader.
Establishing a connection: The WebRTC perfect negotiation pattern - Web APIs
the old way in the past, if you encountered an ice error and needed to restart negotiation, you might have done something like this: pc.onnegotiationneeded = async options => { await pc.setlocaldescription(await pc.createoffer(options)); signaler.send({ description: pc.localdescription }); }; pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = () => { if (pc.iceconnectionstate === "failed") { pc.onnegotiationneeded({ icerestart: true }); } }; this has a number of reliability issues and outright bugs (such as failing if the iceconnectionstatechange event fires when the signaling state isn't stable), but there was no way you could actually request an ice restart other than by creating and sending an offer with the icerestart option set to true.
... using restartice() now, you can use restartice() to do this much more cleanly: pc.onnegotiationneeded = async options => { await pc.setlocaldescription(await pc.createoffer(options)); signaler.send({ description: pc.localdescription }); }; pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = () => { if (pc.iceconnectionstate === "failed") { pc.restartice(); } }; with this improved technique, instead of directly calling onnegotiationneeded with options to trigger ice restart, the failed ice connection state simply calls restartice().
Signaling and video calling - Web APIs
this can help you know when the connection has failed, or been lost.
... function handleiceconnectionstatechangeevent(event) { switch(mypeerconnection.iceconnectionstate) { case "closed": case "failed": closevideocall(); break; } } here, we apply our closevideocall() function when the ice connection state changes to "closed" or "failed".
Migrating from webkitAudioContext - Web APIs
d then decoded it using createbuffer(): var xhr = new xmlhttprequest();"get", "/path/to/audio.ogg", true); xhr.responsetype = "arraybuffer"; xhr.send(); xhr.onload = function() { var decodedbuffer = context.createbuffer(xhr.response, false); if (decodedbuffer) { // decoding was successful, do something useful with the audio buffer } else { alert("decoding the audio buffer failed"); } }; converting this code to use decodeaudiodata() is relatively simple, as can be seen below: var xhr = new xmlhttprequest();"get", "/path/to/audio.ogg", true); xhr.responsetype = "arraybuffer"; xhr.send(); xhr.onload = function() { context.decodeaudiodata(xhr.response, function onsuccess(decodedbuffer) { // decoding was successful, do something useful with the audio buff... }, function onfailure() { alert("decoding the audio buffer failed"); }); }; note that the decodeaudiodata() method is asynchronous, which means that it will return immediately, and then when the decoding finishes, one of the success or failure callback functions will get called depending on whether the audio decoding was successful.
Expect - HTTP
the only expectation defined in the specification is expect: 100-continue, to which the server shall respond with: 100 if the information contained in the header is sufficient to cause an immediate success, 417 (expectation failed) if it cannot meet the expectation; or any other 4xx status otherwise.
... put /somewhere/fun http/1.1 host: content-type: video/h264 content-length: 1234567890987 expect: 100-continue the server now checks the request headers and may respond with a 100 (continue) response to instruct the client to go ahead and send the message body, or it will send a 417 (expectation failed) status if any of the expectations cannot be met.
Using Promises - JavaScript
a catch, which is useful to accomplish new actions even after an action failed in the chain.
... read the following example: new promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log('initial'); resolve(); }) .then(() => { throw new error('something failed'); console.log('do this'); }) .catch(() => { console.error('do that'); }) .then(() => { console.log('do this, no matter what happened before'); }); this will output the following text: initial do that do this, no matter what happened before note: the text do this is not displayed because the something failed error caused a rejection.
constructor - JavaScript
if your class is a base class, the default constructor is empty: constructor() {} if your class is a derived class, the default constructor calls the parent constructor, passing along any arguments that were provided: constructor(...args) { super(...args); } that enables code like this to work: class validationerror extends error { printcustomermessage() { return `validation failed :-( (details: ${this.message})`; } } try { throw new validationerror("not a valid phone number"); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof validationerror) { console.log(; // this is error instead of validationerror!
...for example: class validationerror extends error { constructor(message) { super(message); // call parent class constructor = 'validationerror'; this.code = '42'; } printcustomermessage() { return `validation failed :-( (details: ${this.message}, code: ${this.code})`; } } try { throw new validationerror("not a valid phone number"); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof validationerror) { console.log(; // now this is validationerror!
Promise - JavaScript
rejected: meaning that the operation failed.
... examples basic example let myfirstpromise = new promise((resolve, reject) => { // we call resolve(...) when what we were doing asynchronously was successful, and reject(...) when it failed.
Caching compiled WebAssembly modules - WebAssembly
function storeindatabase(db, module) { var store = db.transaction([storename], 'readwrite').objectstore(storename); var request = store.put(module, url); request.onerror = err => { console.log(`failed to store in wasm cache: ${err}`) }; request.onsuccess = err => { console.log(`successfully stored ${url} in wasm cache`) }; } using our helper functions with all the promise-based helper functions defined, we can now express the core logic of an indexeddb cache lookup.
... if opening the database failed (for example due to permissions or quota), we fall back to simply fetching and compiling the module and don't try to store the results (since there is no database to store them into).
jpm - Archive of obsolete content
your add-on failed validation, was not signed, and you got a link to a detailed report.
Finding window handles - Archive of obsolete content
elltreeitem) .treeowner .queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiinterfacerequestor) .getinterface(components.interfaces.nsibasewindow); then in c++ part, a function take nsibasewindow as param hwnd getparentwindowhwnd(nsibasewindow *window) { nativewindow hwnd; nsresult rv = window->getparentnativewindow(&hwnd); if (ns_failed(rv)) return null; return (hwnd)hwnd; } that's it; use with caution!
Common Pitfalls - Archive of obsolete content
iobj = ioserv.newuri(uristring, uricharset, baseuri); } catch (e) { // may want to catch ns_error_malformed_uri for some applications } c++: nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiioservice> ioserv = do_getservice(";1"); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); nscomptr<nsiuri> uriobj; rv = ioserv->newuri(uristring, uricharset, baseuri, getter_addrefs(uriobj)); if (ns_failed(rv)) { // may want to handle ns_error_malformed_uri for // some applications return rv; } or, if the code can include nsnetutil.h: nscomptr<nsiuri> uriobj; nsresult rv = ns_newuri(getter_addrefs(uriobj), uristring, uricharset, baseuri); in all cases the baseuri can be null if the uristring should be treated as an absolute uri and uricharset can be null if there is no clear origin chars...
Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
ng.h"- #include "nsreadableutils.h"- #include "nsescape.h" + #include "nsstringapi.h" on windows, if you see the following error, you are including a header you shouldn't be: nsstringfwd.h(60) : fatal error c1001: internal compiler error to debug this error, make in the failing directory, adding the /showincludes directive to figure out what is being included incorrectly: make -c directory/that/failed os_cppflags=-showincludes the frozen string api is similar but not identical to the nonfrozen string api.
Chapter 6: Firefox extensions and XUL applications - Archive of obsolete content
when you run it, you should see a red bar, showing that it failed.
Promises - Archive of obsolete content
a task example like the following: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/task.jsm"); task.spawn(function* () { var response = yield request("login", { username: user, password: password }); if (response.messages) { try { yield publish({ username: user, messages: response.messages }); } catch (e) { self.reporterror("publication failed", e); } } }); can be converted to a pure promise-based equivalent as such: request("login", { username: user, password: password }) .then(response => { if (response.messages) return publish({ username: user, messages: response.messages }); }) .then(null, (e) => { self.reporterror("publication failed", e); }); file io file io in add-ons s...
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
launch for all users how mozilla finds its configuration files how thunderbird and firefox find their configuration files introduction kill the xul.mfl file for good locked config settings other mozilla customization pages protecting mozilla's registry.dat file automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds blackconnect blackwood bonsai bookmark keywords build building transformiix standalone chromeless compiling the npruntime sample plugin in visual studio creating a firefox sidebar extension creating a microsummary creating a mozilla extension ...
Editor Embedding Guide - Archive of obsolete content
in calling this method, the editor is created underneath and the event listeners are all prepa if (ns_failed(rv)) return ns_error_failure; // we are not setup??!!
Makefile.mozextension.2 - Archive of obsolete content
which mkdir) mkdir=/bin/mkdir zipprog=/usr/bin/zip shell = /bin/sh noop = $(shell) -c true noecho = @ rm_rf=rm -f cp=/bin/cp -i .phony: all all :: make_structure make_files $(noecho) $(noop) package:: make_xpi $(noecho) $(noop) #install :: make_xpi make_install # $(noecho) $(noop) clean :: make_clean $(noecho) $(noop) make_structure: @$(mkdir) $(project) || { echo "creating directory failed; it probably exists.
Running Windows Debug Builds Downloaded From Tinderbox - Archive of obsolete content
if you run the windows debug builds you will often get "this application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect..." this is because the debug builds need the msvc80 crt debug dlls.
createKey - Archive of obsolete content
returns 0 if it succeeded; a nonzero number if it failed to schedule the creation.
deleteKey - Archive of obsolete content
returns 0 if it succeeded; a nonzero number if it failed to schedule the deletion.
deleteValue - Archive of obsolete content
returns 0 if it succeeded; a nonzero number if it failed to schedule the deletion.
setValue - Archive of obsolete content
returns 0 if it succeeded; a nonzero number if it failed to schedule the action.
setValueNumber - Archive of obsolete content
returns 0 if it succeeded; a nonzero number if it failed to schedule the action.
setValueString - Archive of obsolete content
returns 0 if it succeeded; a nonzero number if it failed to schedule the action. FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
visual studio express 2005 q: when i try to run xulrunner-stub.exe i get the error "this application failed to start because msvcr80.dll was not found." a: see bug 350616 ...
Archived Mozilla and build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
automated testing tips and tricks automatic mozilla configurator ankh8 automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds as of 2004-12-8, it is now possible to automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds of mozilla for windows.
2006-10-26 - Archive of obsolete content
tony inquires why tinderbox is showing that the fx 1.5.0.x (linux) has failed since october 20.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
tony inquires why tinderbox is showing that the fx 1.5.0.x (linux) has failed since october 20.
2006-11-24 - Archive of obsolete content
a user questions if there is something broken in a nightly build since the user keeps getting this error from the trunk: "firefox.exe - application error: the application failed to initialize properly." removal of false positives in firefox 2 phishing a user inquires how to remove false positives from the firefox phising filters.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
though he has succeeded in building firefox he has so far failed to compile firefox with his own extensions of choice so that his custom build would have those extensions enabled in the end product.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 23-29, 2006 announcements litmus down because of hardware failure - we are working to fix it - the hardware that litmus runs on failed over the weekend, so litmus is still down.
NPN_DestroyStream - Archive of obsolete content
npres_network_err: stream failed due to network problems.
NPN_GetURLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
this notification is the only way the plug-in can tell whether a request with a null target failed, or that a request with a non-null target completed.
NPP_DestroyStream - Archive of obsolete content
npres_network_err: stream failed due to problems with network, disk i/o, lack of memory, or other problems.
NPP_URLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
npres_network_err: stream failed due to problems with network, disk i/o, lack of memory, or other problems.
Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support - Archive of obsolete content
these strategies of classifying browsers by vendor/version, assuming that the only browsers being used where either netscape navigator 4 or internet explorer 4 failed when alternative browsers such as those based upon gecko were introduced.
RDF in Mozilla FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
this is kludgy, and even worse, won't detect a failed load, for example, if there wasn't any data at the url!
Windows Media in Netscape - Archive of obsolete content
therefore detecting whether the component was successfully instantiated can help provide users with the right component if a failed instantiation is detected.
Visual typescript game engine - Game development
-run services database server (locally and leave it alive to develop process): npm run dataserver looks like this : mongod --dbpath ./server/database/data fix: "failed: address already in use" : netstat -ano | findstr :27017 taskkill /pid typeyourpidhere /f also important "run visual studio code as administrator".
Packet - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
it is a field that is decreases by one each time a packet goes through, once it reaches 0 it has failed and the packet is discarded.
Transport Layer Security (TLS) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
from version 74 onwards, firefox will return a secure connection failed error when connecting to servers using the older tls versions (bug 1606734).
XInclude - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
xt var textnode = docu.createtextnode(response); xincludeparent.replacechild(textnode, xinclude); } // replace xinclude in doc with response now (as plain text or xml) } } } catch (e) { // use xi:fallback if xinclude retrieval above failed var xifallbackchildren = xifallback.childnodes; // prepend any node(s) then remove xinclude for (j=0; j < xifallbackchildren.length ; j++) { xincludeparent.insertbefore(xifallbackchildren[j], xinclude); } xincludeparent.removechild(xinclude); } } } return docu; } ...
Fetching data from the server - Learn web development
you'll see a message similar to "network request for produc.json failed with response 404: file not found".
Handling common JavaScript problems - Learn web development
loadscript() looks like this: function loadscript(src, done) { const js = document.createelement('script'); js.src = src; js.onload = function() { done(); }; js.onerror = function() { done(new error('failed to load script ' + src)); }; document.head.appendchild(js); } this function creates a new <script> element, then sets its src attribute to the path we specified as the first argument ('polyfills.js' when we called it in the code above).
Multiprocess on Windows
accessible = ....; mozilla::mscom::stauniqueptr<iaccessible> acctowrap; myaccessible->getnativeinterface(mozilla::mscom::getter_addrefs(acctowrap)); mozilla::mscom::proxyuniqueptr<iaccessible> wrapped; hresult hr = mozilla::mscom::mainthreadhandoff::wrapinterface(mozilla::move(acctowrap), mozilla::mscom::getter_addrefs(wrapped)); if (failed(hr)) { // handle your error here } // the wrapped interface should be given to the at from within the mta.
Browser chrome tests
be aware that the test harness will mark tests that take too long to complete as failed (the current timeout is 30 seconds).
Continuous Integration
these test jobs can sometimes run even if a build job fails, if the build job failed during 'make check'.
Creating Sandboxed HTTP Connections
ableinputstream;1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiscriptableinputstream); scriptableinputstream.init(astream); this.mdata +=; }, onstoprequest: function (arequest, acontext, astatus) { if (components.issuccesscode(astatus)) { // request was successfull this.mcallbackfunc(this.mdata); } else { // request failed this.mcallbackfunc(null); } gchannel = null; }, // nsichanneleventsink onchannelredirect: function (aoldchannel, anewchannel, aflags) { // if redirecting, store the new channel gchannel = anewchannel; }, // nsiinterfacerequestor getinterface: function (aiid) { try { return this.queryinterface(aiid); } catch (e) { throw components.results.ns...
failed commands spew lots of extra error output, e.g.
the mozbrowserloadend event is fired when the browser <iframe> has finished loading all its assets, or has failed to load.
HTTP Cache
en found on disk (is new): state = empty otherwise: state = ready since the cache file has been found and is usable containing meta data and data of the entry call to cacheentry::invokecallbacks cacheentry::onhandleclosed (entry atomic): called when any consumer throws the cache entry away if the handle is not the handle given to the current writer, then exit state == writing: the writer failed to call metadataready on the entry - state = empty state == revalidating: the writer failed the re-validation process and failed to call setvalid on the entry - state = ready call to cacheentry::invokecallbacks all consumers release the reference: the entry may now be purged (removed) from memory when found expired or least used on overrun of the memory pool limit when this is a disk cach...
IPDL Type Serialization
return false if deserialization failed } }; } // namespace ipc the standard ipdl types (integers, floats, and xpcom strings) already have serializers.
removefinished() removes downloads from the list that have finished, have failed, or have been canceled without keeping partial data.
methods refresh() updates the state of a finished, failed, or canceled download based on the current state as indicated by the file system.
the sections are marked with passed, failed, not-tested or some parts pass, giving the status of trunk builds with the appropriate fonts installed.
A brief guide to Mozilla preferences
if the application encounters any error during loading of a default pref file, the application will issue a warning that a configuration file has failed to load and then quit.
NSPR's Position On Abrupt Thread Termination
apparently they have failed to consider the ramifications.
Interval Timing
this chapter describes printervaltime and the functions that allow you to use it for timing purposes: interval time type and constants interval functions interval time type and constants all timed functions in nspr require a parameter that depicts the amount of time allowed to elapse before the operation is declared failed.
- other errors: the nonblocking connect has failed with this error code.
PR ImportTCPSocket
if the import of the native tcp socket failed, null.
if the creation of a new tcp socket failed, null.
if the creation of a new udp socket failed, null.
if the creation of a new tcp socket failed, null.
PR OpenUDPSocket
if the creation of a new udp socket failed, null.
the value -1 indicates the function failed.
the compiler error will include the number of the line for which the compile-time assertion failed.
the value -1 indicates that the operation failed.
the value -1 indicates that the operation failed.
NSS CERTVerify Log
the log tells you what the problem was with the chain and what certificate in the chain failed.
the log tells you what the problem was with the chain and what certificate in the chain failed.
MozillaProjectsNSSJSSJSS FAQ
it runs nss's cert authentication check, then calls the callback regardless of whether the cert passed or failed.
new in nss 3.12.2 new functions in the nss shared library: sec_pkcs12addcertorchainandkey (see p12.h) new pkcs11 errors (see secerr.h) sec_error_pkcs11_general_error sec_error_pkcs11_function_failed sec_error_pkcs11_device_error bugs fixed the following bugs have been fixed in nss 3.12.2.
NSS 3.12.4 release notes
new functions in the nss shared library: pk11_isinternalkeyslot (see pk11pub.h) secmod_opennewslot (see pk11pub.h) new error codes (see secerr.h): sec_error_bad_info_access_method sec_error_crl_import_failed new oids (see secoidt.h) sec_oid_x509_any_policy the nssckbi pkcs #11 module's version changed to 1.75.
m_camellia_mac ckm_camellia_mac_general ckm_camellia_cbc_pad ckm_camellia_ecb_encrypt_data ckm_camellia_cbc_encrypt_data ckg: mfgs ckg_mgf1_sha224 new error codes (see secerr.h): sec_error_not_initialized sec_error_token_not_logged_in sec_error_ocsp_responder_cert_invalid sec_error_ocsp_bad_signature sec_error_out_of_search_limits sec_error_invalid_policy_mapping sec_error_policy_validation_failed sec_error_unknown_aia_location_type sec_error_bad_http_response sec_error_bad_ldap_response sec_error_failed_to_encode_data sec_error_bad_info_access_location sec_error_libpkix_internal new mechanism flags (see secmod.h) public_mech_aes_flag public_mech_sha256_flag public_mech_sha512_flag public_mech_camellia_flag new oids (see secoidt.h) new ec signature oids sec_oid_ansix962_ecdsa_signat...
NSS 3.15.1 release notes
bug 565296 - fix the bug that shlibsign exited with status 0 even though it failed.
NSS 3.27.1 release notes
this resulted in connectivity failures, as some tls servers are version 1.3 intolerant, and failed to negotiate an earlier tls version with nss 3.27 clients.
NSS 3.46 release notes
nsions bug 1415118 - nss build with ./ --enable-libpkix fails bug 1539788 - add length checks for cryptographic primitives (cve-2019-17006) bug 1542077 - mp_set_ulong and mp_set_int should return errors on bad values bug 1572791 - read out-of-bounds in der_decodetimechoice_util from sslexp_delegatecredential bug 1560593 - script does not set error exit code for tests that "failed with core" bug 1566601 - add wycheproof test vectors for aes-kw bug 1571316 - curve25519_32.c:280: undefined reference to `pr_assert' when building nss 3.45 on armhf-linux bug 1516593 - client to generate new random during renegotiation bug 1563258 - fails due to non-existent "resp" directories bug 1561598 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in pqg.c bug 1560806 - increase softok...
NSS 3.56 release notes
the known issue where makefile builds failed to locate seccomon.h was fixed in bug 1653975.
NSS Sample Code Sample_1_Hashing
progname + 1 : argv[0]; rv = nss_nodb_init("/tmp"); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: nss_init failed in directory %s\n", progname, "/tmp"); return -1; } /* parse command line arguments */ optstate = pl_createoptstate(argc, argv, "t:"); while ((status = pl_getnextopt(optstate)) == pl_opt_ok) { switch (optstate->option) { case 't': require_arg(optstate->option, optstate->value); hashname = strdup(optstate->value); ...
NSS Sample Code sample2
* this code uses the simplest of the init functions, which does not * require a nss database to exist */ rv = nss_nodb_init("."); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "nss initialization failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto out; } /* choose mechanism: ckm_des_cbc_pad, ckm_des3_ecb, ckm_des3_cbc.....
Hashing - sample 1
progname + 1 : argv[0]; rv = nss_nodb_init("/tmp"); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: nss_init failed in directory %s\n", progname, "/tmp"); return -1; } /* parse command line arguments */ optstate = pl_createoptstate(argc, argv, "t:"); while ((status = pl_getnextopt(optstate)) == pl_opt_ok) { switch (optstate->option) { case 't': require_arg(optstate->option, optstate->value); hashname = strdup(optstate->value); ...
progname + 1 : argv[0]; rv = nss_nodb_init("/tmp"); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: nss_init failed in directory %s\n", progname, "/tmp"); return -1; } /* parse command line arguments */ optstate = pl_createoptstate(argc, argv, "t:"); while ((status = pl_getnextopt(optstate)) == pl_opt_ok) { switch (optstate->option) { case 't': require_arg(optstate->option, optstate->value); hashname = strdup(optstate->value); ...
NSS sources building testing
in order to learn about the details of test failures, search the file for the uppercase test failed.
ckr_host_memory: memory allocation failed.
ckr_host_memory: memory allocation failed.
NSPR functions
call pr_geterror to get the error code of the last failed nss or nspr function.
specifies a callback function to deal with a situation where authentication has failed.
secfailure the operation failed.
backwards compatibility (wildcards) bug 334678: prng_fips1861.c redefines the macro bsize on hp-ux bug 335016: mpp_pprime (miller-rabin probabilistic primality test) may choose 0 or 1 as the random integer bug 347037: make shlibsign depend on the softoken only bug 371522: auto-update of crls stops after first update bug 380784: pk11mode in non fips mode failed.
Rebranding SpiderMonkey (1.8.5)
if you have failed to insert your brand name in any of the previous steps where it is called for, you must delete this build directory and restart this process from the beginning.
Creating JavaScript jstest reftests
earlier we discussed the deprecated approach of using the -n naming scheme to identify tests whose passed, failed status is flipped by the post test processing code in and
435 js_reportoutofmemory jsapi reference, spidermonkey call js_reportoutofmemory to report that an operation failed because the system is out of memory.
JSAPI Cookbook
// javascript throw new error("failed to grow " + varietal + ": too many greenflies."); /* jsapi */ js_reporterror(cx, "failed to grow %s: too many greenflies.", varietal); return false; to internationalize your error messages, and to throw other error types, such as syntaxerror or typeerror, use js_reporterrornumber instead.
JSAPI User Guide
*/ js_reporterror(cx, "command failed with exit code %d", rc); return false; } this is very much like the javascript statement throw new error("command failed with exit code " + rc);.
for example, if the object is a revocable proxy that has been revoked, it makes no sense to say that an attempt to prevent extensions either succeeded or failed: it's a category error.
description call js_reportoutofmemory to report that an operation failed because the system is out of memory.
SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
strings js_comparestrings received a new function signature with bug 609440, allowing us to correctly propagate exceptions when the underlying functions to retrieve the characters in the string failed.
SpiderMonkey 1.8.7
strings js_comparestrings received a new function signature with bug 609440, allowing us to correctly propagate exceptions when the underlying functions to retrieve the characters in the string failed.
Shell global objects
reportlargeallocationfailure() call the large allocation failure callback, as though a large malloc call failed, then return undefined.
Web Replay
failed operations currently just produce a placeholder "incomplete" result.
An Overview of XPCOM
ns_failed return true if the passed status code was a failure.
Using XPCOM Components
managing cookies from cpp nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman; nsresult rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(servman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; nscomptr<nsicookiemanager> cookiemanager; rv = servman->getservicebycontractid("", ns_get_iid(nsicookiemanager), getter_addrefs(cookiemanager)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return -1; pruint32 len; deletedcookies->getlength(&len); for (int c=0; c<len; c++) cookiemanager->remove(d...
Making cross-thread calls using runnables
ogether to start a new thread, create it using the thread manager: #include "nsxpcomcidinternal.h" void calculatepiasynchronously(int digits, picallback callback) { // to create a new thread, get the thread manager nscomptr<nsithreadmanager> tm = do_getservice(ns_threadmanager_contractid); nscomptr<nsithread> mythread; nsresult rv = tm->newthread(0, 0, getter_addrefs(mythread)); if (ns_failed(rv)) { // in case of failure, call back immediately with an empty string which indicates failure callback(emptycstring()); return; } nscomptr<nsirunnable> r = new picalculatetask(callback, digits); mythread->dispatch(r, nsieventtarget::dispatch_normal); // the result callback will shut down the worker thread, we can let it go here...
*/ nsresult gettempdir(nsifile **aresult) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> svcmgr; rv = ns_getservicemanager(getter_addrefs(svcmgr)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsiproperties> directory; rv = svcmgr->getservicebycontractid(";1", ns_get_iid(nsiproperties), getter_addrefs(directory)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; rv = directory->get(ns_os_temp_dir, ns_get_iid(nsifile), aresult); return rv; } note ...
} } catch (e) { dump("error: failed reading from stream:\n" + e + "\n"); } } see also nsiscriptableinputstream ...
return values this function returns a pointer to the allocated block of memory, which is suitably aligned for any kind of variable, or null if the allocation failed.
example code // create a local file that references c:\foo.txt nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> file; rv = ns_newlocalfile(nsembedstring(l"c:\\foo.txt"), pr_false, getter_addrefs(file)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; note: gcc requires the -fshort-wchar option to compile this example since prunichar is an unsigned short.
example code // create a local file that references c:\foo.txt nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> file; rv = ns_newnativelocalfile(nsembedcstring("c:\\foo.txt"), pr_false, getter_addrefs(file)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; here, nsembedcstring is used to convert the ascii string literal to an object that can be passed as a const nsacstring& parameter.
return values this function returns a pointer to the allocated block of memory, which is suitably aligned for any kind of variable, or null if the allocation failed.
NS ConvertASCIItoUTF16 external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
NS ConvertUTF16toUTF8 external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
NS ConvertUTF8toUTF16 external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
NS LossyConvertUTF16toASCII external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
PromiseFlatCString (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
PromiseFlatString (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsACString (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsAString (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsAutoString (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsCAutoString (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsCStringContainer (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsCString external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsDependentCString external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsDependentCSubstring external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsDependentString external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsDependentSubstring external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsLiteralCString (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsLiteralString (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
note: prior to gecko 13.0, this function returned nsnull if memory allocation failed.
nsStringContainer (External)
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
nsString external
@return the new length of the string, or 0 if resizing failed.
this will be false if the connection failed to open, or it has been closed.
void handleerror( in nsresult aresultcode, in moziplaceinfo aplaceinfo ); parameters aresultcode nsresult indicating the reason why the change failed.
previous_failed 16 we have already tried to log in for this channel (with auth values from a previous promptauth call), but it failed, so we now ask the user to provide a new, correct login.
astatus if the lookup failed, this parameter gives the reason.
aexpr expression that failed.
ns_error_failure if the directory close failed.
completed states are nsidownloadmanager::download_finished, nsidownloadmanager::download_failed, and nsidownloadmanager::download_canceled.
r); void removeeditactionlistener(in nsieditactionlistener listener); void adddocumentstatelistener(in nsidocumentstatelistener listener); void removedocumentstatelistener(in nsidocumentstatelistener listener); debug methods void dumpcontenttree(); void debugdumpcontent() ; void debugunittests(out long outnumtests, out long outnumtestsfailed); [notxpcom] boolean ismodifiablenode(in nsidomnode anode); constants load flags constant value description enone 0 enext 1 eprevious 2 enextword 3 epreviousword 4 etobeginningofline 5 etoendofline 6 attributes attribute ...
nsresult consumestream(nsiinputstream* astream) { nsresult rv; uint32_t numread; char buf[512]; while (1) { rv = astream->read(buf, sizeof(buf), &numread); if (ns_failed(rv)) { printf("### error reading stream: %x\n", rv); break; } if (numread == 0) break; // buf now contains numread bytes of data } return rv; } consume all data from an input stream using readsegments().
the observer will receive this nsiprocess2 instance as the subject and "process-finished" or "process-failed" as the topic.
if a nsiproxyinfo is reported as failed via nsiprotocolproxyservice.getfailoverforproxy(), then the failed proxy will not be used again for this many seconds.
nsISupports proxies
example usage nsresult rv = ns_ok; nscomptr<nsiproxyobjectmanager> piproxyobjectmanager(do_getservice(";1", &rv)); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<ifoo> ptestobj(do_createinstance(foo_contractid, &rv)); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<ifoo> pproxy; rv = piproxyobjectmanager->getproxyforobject(ns_proxy_to_main_thread, ifoo::getiid(), ptestobj, ns_proxy_sync | ns_proxy_always, getter_addrefs(pproxy)); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // we do not care about the real object anymore.
a true value indicates that the transactions were merged successfully, a false value if the merge was not possible or failed.
void showupdateerror( in nsiupdate update ); parameters update an nsiupdate describing the update that failed to install.
27e054429d1e18b576?s=24&d=identicon&r=pg&f=1', data => { services.prompt.alert(null, 'xhr success', data); var file = os.path.join(os.constants.path.desktopdir, "test.png"); var promised = os.file.writeatomic(file, new uint8array(data)); promised.then( function() { alert('succesfully saved image to desktop') }, function(ex) { alert('failed in saving image to desktop') } ); }); ...
this value will be zero if the function failed to resize its internal buffer to the size requested.
Reference Manual
we just failed to release p before putting a new pointer into it.
Using nsIPasswordManager
alert(pass.user); // the username alert(pass.password); // the password break; } } catch (ex) { // do something if decrypting the password failed--probably a continue } } note that the user will be prompted for their master password if they have chosen to set one to secure their passwords.
Autoconfiguration in Thunderbird
guessing if all other mechanisms failed, thunderbird tries to guess the configuration, by trying common server names like imap.<domain>, smtp.<domain>, mail.<domain> etc., and, when a mail server answers, checking whether it supports ssl, starttls and encrypted passwords (cram-md5).
older is being loaded onleavingfolder a folder is being unloaded, includes deletion onloadingfolder a folder is being loaded onmakeactive a folderdisplaywidget becomes active onmessagecountschanged the counts of the messages changed onmessagesloaded the messages in the folder have been loaded onmessagesremovalfailed removing some messages from the current folder failed onmessagesremoved some messages of the current message list have been removed onsearching a folder view derived from a search is being loaded, e.g.
Mail composition back end
if message creation fails, the nsimsgsend operation will return an ns_failed() return code.
Activity Manager examples
ts ns_decl_nsiactivityundohandler mycopyeventundo() {} private: ~mycopyeventundo() {} }; ns_impl_isupports1(mycopyeventundo, nsiactivityundohandler) ns_imethodimp mycopyeventundo::undo(nsiactivityevent *event, nsresult *result) { nsresult rv; // get the subjects of this copy event pruint32 length; nsivariant **subjectlist; rv = event->getsubjects(&length, &subjectlist); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; // first subject in the list is the source folder in this particular case nscomptr<nsimsgfolder> folder = do_queryinterface(subjectlist[0]); // get the initiator nsivariant *initiator; event->getinitiator(&initiator); if (initiator) { nsisupports* ptr; rv = object->getasisupports(&ptr); if(ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsimsgcopyser...
Using js-ctypes
fusernotificationdisplaynotice(0, kcfusernotificationcautionalertlevel, null, null, null, mycfstrs.head, mycfstrs.body, null);'rez:', rez, rez.tostring(), uneval(rez)); // cfusernotificationdisplaynotice does not block till user clicks dialog, it will return immediately if (rez.tostring() == '0') { console.log('notification was succesfully shown!!'); } else { console.error('failed to show notification...
this is in contrast to a traditional, fallible memory allocator that can return null indicating that the request failed.
URLs - Plugins
without this notification, the plug-in cannot tell whether a request with a null target failed or a request with a non-null target was completed.
Network request list - Firefox Developer Tools
image thumbnails if the request is for an image, hovering over its filename shows a preview of the image in a tooltip: security icons the network monitor displays an icon in the domain column: this gives you extra information about the security status of the request: icon meaning https weak https (for example, a weak cipher was used) failed https (for example, a certificate was invalid) http localhost indicates that the url belongs to a known tracker that would be blocked with content blocking enabled.
Cache.match() - Web APIs
if (event.request.method === 'get' && event.request.headers.get('accept').indexof('text/html') !== -1) { console.log('handling fetch event for', event.request.url); event.respondwith( fetch(event.request).catch(function(e) { console.error('fetch failed; returning offline page instead.', e); return { return cache.match(offline_url); }); }) ); } }); specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'cache match' in that specification.
Clipboard.writeText() - Web APIs
navigator.clipboard.writetext("<empty clipboard>").then(function() { /* clipboard successfully set */ }, function() { /* clipboard write failed */ }); specifications specification status comment clipboard api and eventsthe definition of 'writetext()' in that specification.
console - Web APIs
for example: console.log("failed to open the specified link") this page documents the methods available on the console object and gives a few usage examples.
ContentIndex.add() - Web APIs
zes: '128x128', type: 'image/png', }], category: 'article' }; // our asynchronous function to add indexed content async function registercontent(data) { const registration = await navigator.serviceworker.ready; // feature detect content index if (!registration.index) { return; } // register content try { await registration.index.add(data); } catch (e) { console.log('failed to register content: ', e.message); } } the add method can also be used within the service worker scope.
ContentIndex - Web APIs
zes: '128x128', type: 'image/png', }], category: 'article' }; // our asynchronous function to add indexed content async function registercontent(data) { const registration = await navigator.serviceworker.ready; // feature detect content index if (!registration.index) { return; } // register content try { await registration.index.add(data); } catch (e) { console.log('failed to register content: ', e.message); } } retrieving items within the current index the below example shows an asynchronous function that retrieves items within the content index and iterates over each entry, building a list for the interface.
Content Index API - Web APIs
zes: '128x128', type: 'image/png', }], category: 'article' }; // our asynchronous function to add indexed content async function registercontent(data) { const registration = await navigator.serviceworker.ready; // feature detect content index if (!registration.index) { return; } // register content try { await registration.index.add(data); } catch (e) { console.log('failed to register content: ', e.message); } } retrieving items within the current index the below example shows an asynchronous function that retrieves items within the content index and iterates over each entry, building a list for the interface.
DataTransfer - Web APIs
it will be false in all other cases, including if the drag failed for any other reason, for instance due to a drop over an invalid location.
DirectoryEntrySync - Web APIs
this specification is pretty much abandoned, having failed to reach any substantial traction.
DirectoryReaderSync - Web APIs
this specification is pretty much abandoned, having failed to reach any substantial traction.
Document: fullscreenerror event - Web APIs
bubbles yes cancelable no interface event event handler property onfullscreenerror as with the fullscreenchange event, two fullscreenerror events are fired; the first is sent to the element which failed to change modes, and the second is sent to the document which owns that element.
Document: pointerlockerror event - Web APIs
the pointerlockerror event is fired when locking the pointer failed (for technical reasons or because the permission was denied).
Document.requestStorageAccess() - Web APIs
in the latter case, code can run to inform the user of why the request failed and what they can do to continue (for example asking them to log in, if that is a requirement).
Document - Web APIs
pointerlockerror fired when locking the pointer failed.
Element.classList - Web APIs
string.prototype.trim = function(){ return this.replace(/^[\s]+|[\s]+$/g, ''); }; (function(window){"use strict"; // prevent global namespace pollution if(!window.domexception) (domexception = function(reason){this.message = reason}).prototype = new error; var wsre = /[\11\12\14\15\40]/, wsindex = 0, checkifvalidclasslistentry = function(o, v) { if (v === "") throw new domexception( "failed to execute '" + o + "' on 'domtokenlist': the token provided must not be empty." ); if((!==-1) throw new domexception("failed to execute '"+o+"' on 'domtokenlist': " + "the token provided ('"+v[wsindex]+"') contains html space characters, which are not valid in tokens."); } // 2.
Element: error event - Web APIs
the error event is fired on an element object when a resource failed to load, or can't be used.
Element: fullscreenerror event - Web APIs
bubbles yes cancelable no interface event event handler property onfullscreenerror as with the fullscreenchange event, two fullscreenerror events are fired; the first is sent to the element which failed to change modes, and the second is sent to the document which contains that element.
Element.insertAdjacentElement() - Web APIs
return value the element that was inserted, or null, if the insertion failed.
Element - Web APIs
error fired when a resource failed to load, or can't be used.
EventSource.onerror - Web APIs
syntax eventsource.onerror = function examples evtsource.onerror = function() { console.log("eventsource failed."); }; note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource - Web APIs
events error fired when a connection to an event source failed to open.
ExtendableEvent - Web APIs
efetch); event.waituntil(['prefetch']).then(function(cache) { return cache.addall( { return new request(urltoprefetch, {mode: 'no-cors'}); })).then(function() { console.log('all resources have been fetched and cached.'); }); }).catch(function(error) { console.error('pre-fetching failed:', error); }) ); }); important: when fetching resources, it's very important to use {mode: 'no-cors'} if there is any chance that the resources are served off of a server that doesn't support cors.
FetchEvent.request - Web APIs
about to fetch from network...'); return fetch(event.request).then(function(response) { console.log('response from network is:', response); return response; }).catch(function(error) { console.error('fetching failed:', error); throw error; }); }) ); }); specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'request' in that specification.
FileReader: error event - Web APIs
the error event is fired when the read failed due to an error (for example, because the file was not found or not readable).
onerror - Web APIs
the filereader onerror handler receives an event object, not an error object, as a parameter, but an error can be accessed from the filereader object, as instanceoffilereader.error // callback from a <input type="file" onchange="onchange(event)"> function onchange(event) { var file =[0]; var reader = new filereader(); reader.onerror = function(event) { alert("failed to read file!\n\n" + reader.error); reader.abort(); // (...does this do anything useful in an onerror handler?) }; reader.readastext(file); } ...
FileReader - Web APIs
error fired when the read failed due to an error.
FileSystemEntry.getParent() - Web APIs
errors fileerror.invalid_state_err the operation failed because the file system's state doesn't permit it.
FileSystemFileEntry - Web APIs
fileentry.createwriter(function(filewriter) { filewriter.onwriteend = function(e) { console.log('write completed.'); }; filewriter.onerror = function(e) { console.log('write failed: ' + e.tostring()); }; // create a new blob and write it to log.txt.
Introduction to the File and Directory Entries API - Web APIs
you want to know why your calls failed.
FontFace.load - Web APIs
exceptions networkerror indicates that the attempt to load the font failed.
FontFaceSet.load() - Web APIs
the promise is fulfilled when all the fonts are loaded; it is rejected if one of the fonts failed to load.
Guide to the Fullscreen API - Web APIs
when a fullscreen request fails, firefox will log an error message to the web console explaining why the request failed.
HTMLCanvasElement.mozFetchAsStream() - Web APIs
also uses netutil.jsm var canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); var d = canvas.width; ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.beginpath(); ctx.moveto(d / 2, 0); ctx.lineto(d, d); ctx.lineto(0, d); ctx.closepath(); ctx.fillstyle = 'yellow'; ctx.fill(); var netutilcallback = function() { return function(result) { if (!components.issuccesscode(result)) { alert('failed to create icon'); } else { alert('succesfully made'); } }; } var mfascallback = function(iconname) { return function(instream) { var file = fileutils.getfile('desk', [iconname + '.ico']); var outstream = fileutils.openfileoutputstream(file); cu.import('resource://gre/modules/netutil.jsm'); netutil.asynccopy(instream, outstream, netutil...
HTMLImageElement.complete - Web APIs
the image is "broken;" that is, the image failed to load due to an error or because image loading is disabled.
HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange() - Web APIs
for example, on input of type number: "failed to read the 'selectionstart' property from 'htmlinputelement': the input element's type ('number') does not support selection".
HTMLMediaElement: stalled event - Web APIs
using addeventlistener(): const video = document.queryselector('video'); video.addeventlistener('stalled', (event) => { console.log('failed to fetch data, but trying.'); }); using the onstalled event handler property: const video = document.queryselector('video'); video.onstalled = (event) => { console.log('failed to fetch data, but trying.'); }; specifications specification status html living standardthe definition of 'stalled media event' in that specification.
HTMLTrackElement - Web APIs
error 3 indicates that the text track was enabled, but when the user agent attempted to obtain it, this failed in some way.
Ajax navigation example - Web APIs
401: "unauthorized", 402: "payment required", 403: "forbidden", 404: "not found", 405: "method not allowed", 406: "not acceptable", 407: "proxy authentication required", 408: "request timeout", 409: "conflict", 410: "gone", 411: "length required", 412: "precondition failed", 413: "request entity too large", 414: "request-uri too long", 415: "unsupported media type", 416: "requested range not satisfiable", 417: "expectation failed", 422: "unprocessable entity", 423: "locked", 424: "failed dependency", 425: "unassigned", 426: "upgrade required", ...
IDBObjectStore.add() - Web APIs
constrainterror an insert operation failed because the primary key constraint was violated (due to an already existing record with the same primary key value).
IDBRequest.result - Web APIs
if the request failed and the result is not available, an invalidstateerror exception is thrown.
IDBRequest - Web APIs
if the the request failed and the result is not available, an invalidstateerror exception is thrown.
Basic concepts - Web APIs
you get notified by a dom event when the operation finishes, and the type of event you get lets you know if the operation succeeded or failed.
Checking when a deadline is due - Web APIs
the next few lines open the database transaction and provide messages to notify the user if this was successful or failed.then an objectstore is created into which the new item is added.
InstallEvent - Web APIs
efetch); event.waituntil(['prefetch']).then(function(cache) { return cache.addall( { return new request(urltoprefetch, {mode: 'no-cors'}); })).then(function() { console.log('all resources have been fetched and cached.'); }); }).catch(function(error) { console.error('pre-fetching failed:', error); }) ); }); specifications specification status comment service workers working draft as of may 2015, the install event is an instance of extendableevent rather than a child of it.
install - Web APIs
example function xpinstallcallback(url, status) { if (status == 0) msg = "xpinstall test: passed\n"; else msg = "xpinstall test: failed\n"; dump(msg); alert(msg); } xpi={'xpinstall pre-checkin test':'pre_checkin.xpi'}; installtrigger.install(xpi,xpinstallcallback); ...
load() - Web APIs
return value a promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the load succeeded or failed.
remove() - Web APIs
return value a promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the load succeeded or failed.
Using the Media Capabilities API - Web APIs
navigator.mediacapabilities.decodinginfo(videoconfiguration).then( console.log('it worked') ).catch(error => console.log('it failed: ' + error) ); media capabilities live example css li { margin : 1em; } html <form> <p>select your video configuration and find out if this browser supports the codec, and whether decoding will be smooth and power efficient:</p> <ul> <li> <label for="codec">select a codec</label> <select id="codec"> <option>video/webm; codecs=vp8</option> <option>video/webm; codecs=v...
Capabilities, constraints, and settings - Web APIs
} else { let constraints = { width: { min: 640, ideal: 1920, max: 1920 }, height: { min: 400, ideal: 1080 }, aspectratio: 1.777777778, framerate: { max: 30 }, facingmode: { exact: "user" } }; mytrack.applyconstraints(constraints).then(function() => { /* do stuff if constraints applied successfully */ }).catch(function(reason) { /* failed to apply constraints; reason is why */ }); } here, after ensuring that the constrainable properties for which matches must be found are supported (width, height, framerate, and facingmode), we set up constraints which request a width no smaller than 640 and no larger than 1920 (but preferably 1920), a height no smaller than 400 (but ideally 1080), an aspect ratio of 16:9 (1.777777778), and a ...
NDEFWriter.write() - Web APIs
networkerror transfer failed after it already started (e.g., the tag was removed from the reader).
Navigator.share() - Web APIs
if (navigator.canshare && navigator.canshare({ files: filesarray })) { navigator.share({ files: filesarray, title: 'pictures', text: 'our pictures.', }) .then(() => console.log('share was successful.')) .catch((error) => console.log('sharing failed', error)); } else { console.log(`your system doesn't support sharing files.`); } specifications specification status comment web share apithe definition of 'share()' in that specification.
Using the Notifications API - Web APIs
inside here we explicitly set the notification.permission value (some old versions of chrome failed to do this automatically), and show or hide the button depending on what the user chose in the permission dialog.
OfflineAudioContext.startRendering() - Web APIs
console.log('rendering completed successfully'); var audioctx = new (window.audiocontext || window.webkitaudiocontext)(); var song = audioctx.createbuffersource(); song.buffer = renderedbuffer; song.connect(audioctx.destination); play.onclick = function() { song.start(); } }).catch(function(err) { console.log('rendering failed: ' + err); // note: the promise should reject when startrendering is called a second time on an offlineaudiocontext }); }); } request.send(); } // run getdata to start the process off getdata(); specifications specification status comment web audio apithe definition of 'startrendering()' in that specification.
OfflineAudioContext - Web APIs
= true; offlinectx.startrendering().then(function(renderedbuffer) { console.log('rendering completed successfully'); var song = audioctx.createbuffersource(); song.buffer = renderedbuffer; song.connect(audioctx.destination); play.onclick = function() { song.start(); } }).catch(function(err) { console.log('rendering failed: ' + err); // note: the promise should reject when startrendering is called a second time on an offlineaudiocontext }); }); } request.send(); } // run getdata to start the process off getdata(); specifications specification status comment web audio apithe definition of 'offlineaudiocontext' in that specification. - Web APIs
the email property is included in a payererrors object if the paymentresponse.payeremail property failed validation; in this case, the property should contain a string describing how to correct the problem.
Permissions.query() - Web APIs
exceptions exception explanation typeerror retrieving the permissiondescriptor information failed in some way, or the permission doesn't exist or is currently unsupported (e.g.
Permissions.revoke() - Web APIs
exceptions typeerror retrieving the permissiondescriptor information failed in some way, or the permission doesn't exist or is currently unsupported (e.g.
Pointer Lock API - Web APIs
document.addeventlistener('pointerlockerror', lockerror, false); document.addeventlistener('mozpointerlockerror', lockerror, false); function lockerror(e) { alert("pointer lock failed"); } note: until firefox 50 the above events were prefixed with moz in firefox.
ProgressEvent.initProgressEvent() - Web APIs
error the operation failed and didn't complete.
PromiseRejectionEvent.promise - Web APIs
examples this example listens for unhandled promises and, if the reason is an object with a code field containing the text "module not ready", it sets up an idle callback that will retry the task that failed to execute correctly.
PushSubscription.unsubscribe() - Web APIs
example navigator.serviceworker.ready.then(function(reg) { reg.pushmanager.getsubscription().then(function(subscription) { subscription.unsubscribe().then(function(successful) { // you've successfully unsubscribed }).catch(function(e) { // unsubscription failed }) }) }); specifications specification status comment push apithe definition of 'unsubscribe()' in that specification.
PushSubscription - Web APIs
example navigator.serviceworker.ready.then(function(reg) { reg.pushmanager.getsubscription().then(function(subscription) { subscription.unsubscribe().then(function(successful) { // you've successfully unsubscribed }).catch(function(e) { // unsubscription failed }) }) }); specifications specification status comment push apithe definition of 'pushsubscription' in that specification.
Web Push API Notifications best practices - Web APIs
after a few failed attempts to get your attention, they send you an email, and your email app produces a push notification that successfully alerts you, even though your mail web app is not open.
RTCDataChannel.readyState - Web APIs
"closed" the underlying data transport has closed, or the attempt to make the connection failed.
RTCError - Web APIs
sctpcausecode read only if errordetail is sctp-failure, this property is a long integer specifying the sctp cause code indicating the cause of the failed sctp negotiation.
RTCErrorEvent.error - Web APIs
sctpcausecode read only if errordetail is sctp-failure, this property is a long integer specifying the sctp cause code indicating the cause of the failed sctp negotiation.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.state - Web APIs
if the check fails for any reason, the pair moves into its final state, failed.
RTCIceTransport: statechange event - Web APIs
let icetransport = pc.getsenders()[0].transport.icetransport; icetransport.addeventlistener("statechange", ev => { if (icetransport.state === "failed") { handlefailure(pc); } }, false); the same code, using the onstatechange event handler property, looks like this: let icetransport = pc.getsenders()[0].transport.icetransport; icetransport.onstatechange = ev => { if (icetransport.state === "failed") { handlefailure(pc); } }; specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communi...
RTCIceTransport - Web APIs
the value of state can be used to determine whether the ice agent has made an initial connection using a viable candidate pair ("connected"), made its final selection of candidate pairs ("completed"), or in an error state ("failed"), among other states.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
packetsfaileddecryption an integer totaling the number of rtp packets that could not be decrypted.
RTCPeerConnection: connectionstatechange event - Web APIs
pc.onconnectionstatechange = ev => { switch(pc.connectionstate) { case "new": case "checking": setonlinestatus("connecting..."); break; case "connected": setonlinestatus("online"); break; case "disconnected": setonlinestatus("disconnecting..."); break; case "closed": setonlinestatus("offline"); break; case "failed": setonlinestatus("error"); break; default: setonlinestatus("unknown"); break; } } you can also create a handler for connectionstatechange by using addeventlistener(): pc.addeventlistener("connectionstatechange", ev => { switch(pc.connectionstate) { /* ...
RTCPeerConnection.onconnectionstatechange - Web APIs
example pc.onconnectionstatechange = function(event) { switch(pc.connectionstate) { case "connected": // the connection has become fully connected break; case "disconnected": case "failed": // one or more transports has terminated unexpectedly or in an error break; case "closed": // the connection has been closed break; } } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcpeerconnection.onconnectionstatechange' in that specification.
RTCPeerConnection.oniceconnectionstatechange - Web APIs
pc.oniceconnectionstatechange = function(event) { if (pc.iceconnectionstate === "failed" || pc.iceconnectionstate === "disconnected" || pc.iceconnectionstate === "closed") { // handle the failure } }; of course, "disconnected" and "closed" don't necessarily indicate errors; these can be the result of normal ice negotiation, so be sure to handle these properly (if at all).
RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription() - Web APIs
it is passed a single domexception object explaining why the request failed.
RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription() - Web APIs
it is passed a single domexception object explaining why the request failed.
RTCStatsIceCandidatePairState - Web APIs
values failed a check for this pair has been performed but failed.
ReadableStream.cancel() - Web APIs
searchterm.tolowercase() : searchterm; var buffersize = math.max(tomatch.length - 1, contextbefore); var bytesreceived = 0; var buffer = ''; var matchfoundat = -1; return process(result) { if (result.done) { console.log('failed to find match'); return; } bytesreceived += result.value.length; console.log(`received ${bytesreceived} bytes of data so far`); buffer += decoder.decode(result.value, {stream: true}); // already found match & just context-gathering?
ReadableStream.pipeThrough() - Web APIs
in this case the method will return a promise rejected with an error indicating piping to a closed stream failed, or with any error that occurs during canceling the source.
ReadableStream.pipeTo() - Web APIs
in this case the method will return a promise rejected with an error indicating piping to a closed stream failed, or with any error that occurs during canceling the source.
Request.cache - Web APIs
// in reality; this would be a function that takes a path and a // reference to the controller since it would need to change the value let controller = new abortcontroller(); fetch("some.json", {cache: "only-if-cached", mode: "same-origin", signal: controller.signal}) .catch(e => e instanceof typeerror && e.message === "failed to fetch" ?
Screen.lockOrientation() - Web APIs
examples usage with a domstring argument screen.lockorientationuniversal = screen.lockorientation || screen.mozlockorientation || screen.mslockorientation; if (screen.lockorientationuniversal("landscape-primary")) { // orientation was locked } else { // orientation lock failed } usage with an array argument screen.lockorientationuniversal = screen.lockorientation || screen.mozlockorientation || screen.mslockorientation; if (screen.lockorientationuniversal(["landscape-primary", "landscape-secondary"])) { // orientation was locked } else { // orientation lock failed } specifications specification status comment screen orientation api...
Screen.unlockOrientation() - Web APIs
example var unlockorientation = screen.unlockorientation || screen.mozunlockorientation || screen.msunlockorientation || (screen.orientation && screen.orientation.unlock); if (unlockorientation()) { // orientation was unlocked } else { // orientation unlock failed } specifications specification status comment screen orientation apithe definition of 'lockorientation()' in that specification.
Using server-sent events - Web APIs
you can take action on this programmatically by implementing the onerror callback on the eventsource object: evtsource.onerror = function(err) { console.error("eventsource failed:", err); }; closing event streams by default, if the connection between the client and server closes, the connection is restarted.
ServiceWorkerContainer - Web APIs
see /docs/web/api/serviceworkerregistration }).catch(function(error) { console.log('service worker registration failed:', error); }); // independent of the registration, let's also display // information about whether the current page is controlled // by an existing service worker, and when that // controller changes.
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope.onfetch - Web APIs
about to fetch from network...'); return fetch(event.request).then(function(response) { console.log('response from network is:', response); return response; }).catch(function(error) { console.error('fetching failed:', error); throw error; }); }) ); }); specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'event handlers' in that specification.
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope - Web APIs
about to fetch from network...'); return fetch(event.request).then(function(response) { console.log('response from network is:', response); return response; }, function(error) { console.error('fetching failed:', error); throw error; }); }) ); }); specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'serviceworkerglobalscope' in that specification.
ServiceWorkerRegistration.unregister() - Web APIs
y unregisters it again: if ('serviceworker' in navigator) { navigator.serviceworker.register('/sw-test/sw.js', {scope: 'sw-test'}).then(function(registration) { // registration worked console.log('registration succeeded.'); registration.unregister().then(function(boolean) { // if boolean = true, unregister is successful }); }).catch(function(error) { // registration failed console.log('registration failed with ' + error); }); }; specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'serviceworkerregistration.unregister()' in that specification.
ServiceWorkerRegistration.update() - Web APIs
tton so you can explicitly update the service worker whenever desired: if ('serviceworker' in navigator) { navigator.serviceworker.register('/sw-test/sw.js', {scope: 'sw-test'}).then(function(registration) { // registration worked console.log('registration succeeded.'); button.onclick = function() { registration.update(); } }).catch(function(error) { // registration failed console.log('registration failed with ' + error); }); }; specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'serviceworkerregistration.update()' in that specification.
ServiceWorkerRegistration - Web APIs
var installingworker = registration.installing; console.log('a new service worker is being installed:', installingworker); // you can listen for changes to the installing service worker's // state via installingworker.onstatechange }); }) .catch(function(error) { console.log('service worker registration failed:', error); }); } else { console.log('service workers are not supported.'); } specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'serviceworkerregistration' in that specification.
SubtleCrypto.decrypt() - Web APIs
operationerror raised when the operation failed for an operation-specific reason (e.g.
SubtleCrypto.encrypt() - Web APIs
operationerror raised when the operation failed for an operation-specific reason (e.g.
ValidityState - Web APIs
properties for each of these boolean properties, a value of true indicates that the specified reason validation may have failed is true, with the exception of the valid property, which is true if the element's value obeys all constraints.
WEBGL_debug_shaders.getTranslatedShaderSource() - Web APIs
an empty string is returned, if: no source has been defined or, webglrenderingcontext.compileshader() has not yet been called or, the translation for the shader failed.
WebGL2RenderingContext.clientWaitSync() - Web APIs
gl.wait_failed: indicates that an error occurred during the execution.
WebGLContextEvent.statusMessage - Web APIs
var canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); var gl = canvas.getcontext('webgl'); canvas.addeventlistener('webglcontextcreationerror', function(e) { console.log('webgl context creation failed:' + e.statusmessage || 'unknown error'); }, false); specifications specification status comment webgl 1.0the definition of 'webglcontextevent.statusmessage' in that specification.
WebGLRenderingContext.getProgramInfoLog() - Web APIs
it contains errors that occurred during failed linking or validation of webglprogram objects.
WebGLRenderingContext.makeXRCompatible() - Web APIs
exceptions this method doesn't throw traditional exceptions; instead, the promise rejects with one of the following errors as the value passed into the rejection handler: aborterror switching the context over to the webxr-compatible context failed.
WebGLRenderingContext - Web APIs
bytagname("canvas")[0], secondcanvas = document.getelementsbytagname("canvas")[1]; firstcanvas.width = firstcanvas.clientwidth; firstcanvas.height = firstcanvas.clientheight; [firstcanvas, secondcanvas].foreach(function(canvas) { var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { document.queryselector("p").innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context.
Basic scissoring - Web APIs
canvas.width = canvas.clientwidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientheight; var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context.
Boilerplate 1 - Web APIs
ize : inherit; margin : auto; padding : 0.6em; } javascript function getrenderingcontext() { var canvas = document.queryselector("canvas"); canvas.width = canvas.clientwidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientheight; var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { var paragraph = document.queryselector("p"); paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context." + "your browser or device may not support webgl."; return null; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); gl.clearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl.clear(gl.color_buffer_bit); return gl; } the source code of this example is also available on github.
Canvas size and WebGL - Web APIs
bytagname("canvas")[0], secondcanvas = document.getelementsbytagname("canvas")[1]; firstcanvas.width = firstcanvas.clientwidth; firstcanvas.height = firstcanvas.clientheight; [firstcanvas, secondcanvas].foreach(function(canvas) { var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { document.queryselector("p").innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context.
Color masking - Web APIs
green; } #blue-toggle { background-color : blue; } window.addeventlistener("load", function setupanimation (evt) { "use strict" window.removeeventlistener(evt.type, setupanimation, false); var canvas = document.queryselector("canvas"); var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { document.queryselector("p").innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context." + "your browser or device may not support webgl."; return; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); var timer = setinterval(drawanimation, 1000); var mask = [true, true, true]; var redtoggle = document.queryselector("#red-toggle"), greentoggle = document.queryselector("#green-toggle"), bluetoggle = document.querys...
Detect WebGL - Web APIs
your browser supports webgl."; } else { paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context.
Hello GLSL - Web APIs
letebuffer(buffer); if (program) gl.deleteprogram(program); } function getrenderingcontext() { var canvas = document.queryselector("canvas"); canvas.width = canvas.clientwidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientheight; var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { var paragraph = document.queryselector("p"); paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context." + "your browser or device may not support webgl."; return null; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); gl.clearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl.clear(gl.color_buffer_bit); return gl; } })(); the source code of this example is also available on github.
Hello vertex attributes - Web APIs
buffer(buffer); if (program) gl.deleteprogram(program); } function getrenderingcontext() { var canvas = document.queryselector("canvas"); canvas.width = canvas.clientwidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientheight; var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { var paragraph = document.queryselector("p"); paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context." + "your browser or device may not support webgl."; return null; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); gl.clearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl.clear(gl.color_buffer_bit); return gl; } })(); the source code of this example is also available on github.
Raining rectangles - Web APIs
return [math.random(), math.random(), math.random()]; } } function getrenderingcontext() { var canvas = document.queryselector("canvas"); canvas.width = canvas.clientwidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientheight; var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { var paragraph = document.queryselector("p"); paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context." + "your browser or device may not support webgl."; return null; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); gl.clearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl.clear(gl.color_buffer_bit); return gl; } })(); the source code of this example is also available on github.
Scissor animation - Web APIs
r() { return [math.random(), math.random(), math.random()]; } function getrenderingcontext() { var canvas = document.queryselector("canvas"); canvas.width = canvas.clientwidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientheight; var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { var paragraph = document.queryselector("p"); paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context." + "your browser or device may not support webgl."; return null; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); gl.clearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl.clear(gl.color_buffer_bit); return gl; } })(); the source code of this example is also available on github.
Simple color animation - Web APIs
stopanimation({type: "click"}); var gl; function drawanimation () { if (!gl) { var canvas = document.getelementbyid("canvas-view"); gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") ||canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { clearinterval(timer); alert("failed to get webgl context.\n" + "your browser or device may not support webgl."); return; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); } // get a random color value using a helper function.
Textures from code - Web APIs
letebuffer(buffer); if (program) gl.deleteprogram(program); } function getrenderingcontext() { var canvas = document.queryselector("canvas"); canvas.width = canvas.clientwidth; canvas.height = canvas.clientheight; var gl = canvas.getcontext("webgl") || canvas.getcontext("experimental-webgl"); if (!gl) { var paragraph = document.queryselector("p"); paragraph.innerhtml = "failed to get webgl context." + "your browser or device may not support webgl."; return null; } gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingbufferwidth, gl.drawingbufferheight); gl.clearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); gl.clear(gl.color_buffer_bit); return gl; } })(); the source code of this example is also available on github.
WebGL constants - Web APIs
sync_condition 0x9113 sync_status 0x9114 sync_flags 0x9115 sync_fence 0x9116 sync_gpu_commands_complete 0x9117 unsignaled 0x9118 signaled 0x9119 already_signaled 0x911a timeout_expired 0x911b condition_satisfied 0x911c wait_failed 0x911d sync_flush_commands_bit 0x00000001 miscellaneous constants constant name value description color 0x1800 depth 0x1801 stencil 0x1802 min 0x8007 max 0x8008 depth_component24 0x81a6 stream_read 0x88e1 stream_copy ...
Using DTMF with WebRTC - Web APIs
if successful, the function gotstream() is called, otherwise we log the error because calling has failed.
Writing WebSocket servers - Web APIs
as usual, it may also give the reason why the handshake failed in the http response body, but the message may never be displayed (browsers do not display it).
Geometry and reference spaces in WebXR - Web APIs
to support progressive enhancement—and thus broaden the availability of your app or site—you should choose a reference space that offers the lowest amount of functionality needed, or provide a fallback mechanism that detects failed attempts to obtain reference spaces and tries again with a less powerful alternative.
Window: error event - Web APIs
the error event is fired on a window object when a resource failed to load or couldn't be used — for example if a script has an execution error.
Window - Web APIs
error fired when a resource failed to load, or can't be used.
XMLHttpRequest.readyState - Web APIs
this could mean that either the data transfer has been completed successfully or failed.
XMLHttpRequest.responseText - Web APIs
syntax var resulttext = xmlhttprequest.responsetext; value a domstring which contains either the textual data received using the xmlhttprequest or null if the request failed or "" if the request has not yet been sent by calling send().
XMLHttpRequest.upload - Web APIs
error onerror the upload failed due to an error.
XMLHttpRequestEventTarget - Web APIs
xmlhttprequesteventtarget.onloadend contains the function that is called when the load is completed, even if the request failed, and the loadend event is received by this object.
Using the aria-invalid attribute - Accessibility
true the value has failed validation.
Accessibility Information for Web Authors - Accessibility
the output data report is displayed in a clear and well structured table where each and all checkpoints are identified and described (along with an helpful clickable link to the related reference guideline) into logical groups and according to measurable results: passed, warning, failed for automated verification, warning for manual verification, not selected, not available, not related, etc.
font-display - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
font failure period if the font face is not loaded, the user agent treats it as a failed load causing normal font fallback.
<body>: The Document Body element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
onoffline function to call when network communication has failed.
<img>: The Image Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
visual browsers will also hide the broken image icon if the alt is empty and the image failed to display.
<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ditystate.valuemissing validitystate.typemismatch validitystate.patternmismatch validitystate.toolong validitystate.tooshort validitystate.rangeunderflow validitystate.rangeoverflow validitystate.stepmismatch validitystate.badinput validitystate.valid validitystate.customerror for each of these boolean properties, a value of true indicates that the specified reason validation may have failed is true, with the exception of the valid property, which is true if the element's value obeys all constraints.
Reason: CORS request did not succeed - HTTP
the http request which makes use of cors failed because the http connection failed at either the network or protocol level.
HTTP conditional requests - HTTP
if the etag doesn't match the original file, or if the file has been modified since it has been obtained, the change is simply rejected with a 412 precondition failed error.
Content negotiation - HTTP
they failed to get traction and got abandoned.
if-match: "33a64df551425fcc55e4d42a148795d9f25f89d4" if the hashes don't match, it means that the document has been edited in-between and a 412 precondition failed error is thrown.
If-Match - HTTP
if the request cannot be fulfilled, the 412 (precondition failed) response is returned.
If-None-Match - HTTP
for methods that apply server-side changes, the status code 412 (precondition failed) is used.
If-Unmodified-Since - HTTP
if the resource has been modified after the given date, the response will be a 412 (precondition failed) error.
Index - HTTP
if the resource has been modified after the given date, the response will be a 412 (precondition failed) error.
Warning - HTTP
111 revalidation failed an attempt to validate the response failed, due to an inability to reach the server.
428 Precondition Required - HTTP
when a precondition header is not matching the server side state, the response should be 412 precondition failed.
508 Loop Detected - HTTP
this status indicates that the entire operation failed.
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad parsing - JavaScript
the javascript exceptions thrown by json.parse() occur when string failed to be parsed as json.
TypeError: can't delete non-configurable array element - JavaScript
when shortening an array, the elements beyond the new array length will be deleted, which failed in this situation.
Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs - Web media technologies
this indicates that playback failed due to a permission issue, such as autoplay being denied.
Namespaces crash course - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
dtds were never designed with mixed content in mind, and past attempts to create mixed content dtds are now considered to have failed.
Introduction - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
svg came about in 1999 after several competing formats had been submitted to the w3c and failed to be fully ratified.
Features restricted to secure contexts - Web security
web crypto api has been restricted to https since early days (api was visible in http as well but operations failed).
Subresource Integrity - Web security
if the script or stylesheet doesn’t match its associated integrity value, the browser must refuse to execute the script or apply the stylesheet, and must instead return a network error indicating that fetching of that script or stylesheet failed.
Transport Layer Security - Web security
from version 74 onwards, firefox will return a secure connection failed error when connecting to servers using the older tls versions (bug 1606734).
Compiling a New C/C++ Module to WebAssembly - WebAssembly
file://your_path/hello.html), you will end up with an error message along the lines of both async and sync fetching of the wasm failed.