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Date.prototype.getDay() - JavaScript
the getday() method returns the day of the week for the specified date according to local time, where 0 represents sunday.
... for the day of the month, see date.prototype.getdate().
... syntax dateobj.getday() return value an integer number, between 0 and 6, corresponding to the day of the week for the given date, according to local time: 0 for sunday, 1 for monday, 2 for tuesday, and so on.
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Date.prototype.getUTCDay() - JavaScript
the getutcday() method returns the day of the week in the specified date according to universal time, where 0 represents sunday.
... syntax dateobj.getutcday() return value an integer number corresponding to the day of the week for the given date, according to universal time: 0 for sunday, 1 for monday, 2 for tuesday, and so on.
... examples using getutcday() the following example assigns the weekday portion of the current date to the variable weekday.
... var today = new date(); var weekday = today.getutcday(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getutcday' in that specification.
firstdayofweek - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home firstdayofweek type: integer which day of the week to display as the first day in the grid.
... the values range from 0 to 6, where 0 is sunday and 6 is saturday.
Software accessibility: Where are we today?
where are we today?'s how non-print readers use desktop software today: text-to-speech (tts) makes the computer talk to the user: those who can't read print at all usually use talking programs (text-to-speech).
Date and time formats used in HTML - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
a year is normally 365 days long, except during leap years.
...although the calendar year is normally 365 days long, it actually takes the planet earth approximately 365.2422 days to complete a single orbit around the sun.
...adding a day to the year every four years essentially makes the average year 365.25 days long, which is close to correct.
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<input type="date"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the resulting value includes the year, month, and day, but not the time.
... for date inputs, the value of step is given in days; and is treated as a number of milliseconds equal to 86,400,000 times the step value (the underlying numeric value is in milliseconds).
... the default value of step is 1, indicating 1 day.
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<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<input> elements of type datetime-local create input controls that let the user easily enter both a date and a time, including the year, month, and day as well as the time in hours and minutes. other words, an implementation should allow any valid combination of year, month, day, hour, and minute - even if such a combination is invalid in the user's local time zone (such as times within a daylight saving time spring-forward transition gap). the following example we are setting a minimum datetime of 2017-06-01t08:30 and a maximum datetime of 2017-06-30t16:30: <form> <label for="party">enter a date and time for your party booking:</label> <input id="party" type="datetime-local" name="partydate" min="2017-06-01t08:30" max="2017-06-30t16:30"> </form> the result here is that: only days in june 2017 can be selected — only the "days" part of the date value will be editable, and dates outside june can't be scrolled to in the datepicker widget.
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Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
} — check out the following more involved example, which could be part of a simple weather forecast application: <label for="weather">select the weather type today: </label> <select id="weather"> <option value="">--make a choice--</option> <option value="sunny">sunny</option> <option value="rainy">rainy</option> <option value="snowing">snowing</option> <option value="overcast">overcast</option> </select> <p></p> const select = document.queryselector('select'); const para = document.queryselector('p'); select.addeventlistener('change', setweathe...
...r); function setweather() { const choice = select.value; if (choice === 'sunny') { para.textcontent = 'it is nice and sunny outside today.
...cheese available for making cheese on toast.'); } else { console.log('no cheese on toast for you today.'); } and, returning to our previous example about the child doing a chore for their parent, you could write it like this: let shoppingdone = false; if (shoppingdone) { // don't need to explicitly specify '=== true' let childsallowance = 10; } else { let childsallowance = 5; } nesting if ...
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Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support - Archive of obsolete content
as a member of the netscape evangelism team who has spent over a year investigating existing web content, i can say without a doubt that most compatibility problems found on the web today are due to a lack of understanding of the standards combined with inadequate and inappropriate browser detection strategies.
... in the earliest days of the web, html was very simple, not standardized and did not include any support for client side scripting.
...this script and variants of it can be found today on many web sites where it is a common source of detection problems.
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Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file - HTTP
ns and environment these functions can be used in building the pac file: hostname based conditions isplainhostname() dnsdomainis() localhostordomainis() isresolvable() isinnet() related utility functions dnsresolve() convert_addr() myipaddress() dnsdomainlevels() url/hostname based conditions shexpmatch() time based conditions weekdayrange() daterange() timerange() logging utility alert() there was one associative array (object) already defined, because at the time javascript code was unable to define it by itself: proxyconfig.bindings note: pactester (part of the pacparser package) was used to test the following syntax examples.
... examples shexpmatch("" , "*/ari/*"); // returns true shexpmatch("", "*/ari/*"); // returns false weekdayrange() syntax weekdayrange(wd1, wd2, [gmt]) note: (before firefox 49) wd1 must be less than wd2 if you want the function to evaluate these parameters as a range.
... parameters wd1 and wd2 one of the ordered weekday strings: "sun"|"mon"|"tue"|"wed"|"thu"|"fri"|"sat" gmt is either the string "gmt" or is left out.
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Numbers and dates - JavaScript
the date object range is -100,000,000 days to 100,000,000 days relative to 01 january, 1970 utc.
... the parameters in the preceding syntax can be any of the following: nothing: creates today's date and time.
... for example, today = new date();.
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Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts() - JavaScript
the structure the formattoparts() method returns, looks like this: [ { type: 'day', value: '17' }, { type: 'weekday', value: 'monday' } ] possible types are the following: day the string used for the day, for example "17".
... dayperiod the string used for the day period, for example, "am", "pm", "in the morning", or "noon" era the string used for the era, for example "bc" or "ad".
... weekday the string used for the weekday, for example "m", "monday", or "montag".
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Checking when a deadline is due - Web APIs
the main complication here is checking the stored deadline info (month, hour, day, etc.) against the current time and date taken from a date object.
... <select> elements for inputting the day, month and year of the deadline.
... because these values are the most ambiguous for users to enter (7, sunday, sun?
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Date - JavaScript
instead, it is defined in ecma-262 that a maximum of ±100,000,000 (one hundred million) days relative to january 1, 1970 utc (that is, april 20, 271821 bce ~ september 13, 275760 ce) can be represented by the standard date object (equivalent to ±8,640,000,000,000,000 milliseconds).
... in addition to methods to read and alter individual components of the local date and time (such as getday() and sethours()), there are also versions of the same methods that read and manipulate the date and time using utc (such as getutcday() and setutchours()).
... instance methods date.prototype.getdate() returns the day of the month (1–31) for the specified date according to local time.
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Extentsions FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
return to mozilla-dev-extensions faq friday, september 22 - 29, 2006 (↑ top) how to write an xpcom component in c++ that can communicate to a com component?
... friday, september 29 - october 6, 2006 (↑ top) is there anyway, via plugin or extension, for firefox to mimic the functionality of ie in this respect?
... friday, october 06 - 13, 2006 (↑ top) any suggestions to remove tool tip appears on the menu it when it should not?
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syntax #include <prtime.h> typedef struct prexplodedtime { print32 tm_usec; print32 tm_sec; print32 tm_min; print32 tm_hour; print32 tm_mday; print32 tm_month; print16 tm_year; print8 tm_wday; print16 tm_yday; prtimeparameters tm_params; } prexplodedtime; description the prexplodedtime structure represents clock/calendar time.
... prexplodedtime has the familiar time components: year, month, day of month, hour, minute, second.
... it also has a microsecond component, as well as the day of week and the day of year.
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Forms related code snippets - Archive of obsolete content
"-decr-year-" + nid; = sprefs + "-decr-month-" + nid; = sprefs + "-incr-month-" + nid; = sprefs + "-incr-year-" + nid; odecryear.onmousedown = oincryear.onmousedown = odecrmonth.onmousedown = oincrmonth.onmousedown = onheadclick; for (var nthid = 0; nthid < 7; nthid++) { oth = document.createelement("th"); oth.innerhtml = sdays[nthid]; ohrow.appendchild(oth); } othead.appendchild(ohrow); ocapt.appendchild(odecryear); ocapt.appendchild(odecrmonth); ocapt.appendchild(oincryear); ocapt.appendchild(oincrmonth); ocapt.appendchild(this.display); this.container.appendchild(ocapt); this.container.appendchild(othead); this.current.setdate(1); this.writedays(); otarget.onclick = function () {...
... otable.parentnode.removechild(otable); return; } = nzindex++; = "absolute"; = otarget.offsetleft + "px"; = (otarget.offsettop + otarget.offsetheight) + "px"; otarget.parentnode.insertbefore(otable, otarget); }; ainstances.push(this); } datepicker.prototype.writedays = function () { const nendblanks = (this.current.getday() + bzeroismonday * 6) % 7, nend = amonthlengths[this.current.getmonth()] + nendblanks, ntotal = nend + ((7 - nend % 7) % 7); var otd, otr; if (this.otbody) { this.container.removechild(this.otbody); } this.otbody = document.createelement("tbody"); for (var nday, oday, niter = 0; niter < nt...
...otal; niter++) { if (niter % 7 === 0) { otr = document.createelement("tr"); this.otbody.appendchild(otr); } nday = niter - nendblanks + 1; otd = document.createelement("td"); if (niter + 1 > nendblanks && niter < nend) { otd.classname = sprefs + "-active-cell"; = sprefs + "-day-" + + "-" + nday; otd.onclick = ondayclick; otd.appendchild(document.createtextnode(nday)); } else { otd.classname = sprefs + "-empty-cell"; } otr.appendchild(otd); } this.display.innerhtml = smonthsnames[this.current.getmonth()] + " " + this.current.getfullyear(); this.container.appendchild(this.otbody); }; function ondocclick (opssevt) { const oevt = opssevt || /* ie */ window.
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Index - Archive of obsolete content
these days, we recommend using the add-on sdk instead, but there are times when you need the additional control offered by a more direct approach.
...between resolving conflicts, finding a good time to land, watching the tree, and marking bugs as fixed, it takes around half a day.
... 745 svg and canvas in mozilla presentations, svg today's web browsers offer somewhat limited graphics capabilities to web developers.
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A Web PKI x509 certificate primer
generate csr using this command: openssl req -new -key key.pem -days 1096 -extensions v3_ca -batch -out example.csr -utf8 -subj '/' this creates a new certificate signing request (csr) that will be valid for 3 years.
...self-sign csr (using sha256) and append the extensions described in the file "openssl x509 -req -sha256 -days 3650 -in example.csr -signkey key.pem -set_serial $any_integer -extfile -out example.pem" you can now use example.pem as your certfile cas included in firefox when you visit a secure website, firefox will validate the website’s certificate by checking that the certificate that signed it is valid, and checking that the certificate that signed the parent certificate is valid and so forth up to a root certificate that is known to be valid.
... generate csr "openssl req -new -key rootkey.pem -days 5480 -extensions v3_ca -batch -out root.csr -utf8 -subj '/c=us/o=orgname/ou=someinternalname' make a new certificate signing request (csr) that will be valid for 15 years.
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Date.prototype.setMonth() - JavaScript
syntax dateobj.setmonth(monthvalue[, dayvalue]) versions prior to javascript 1.3 dateobj.setmonth(monthvalue) parameters monthvalue a zero-based integer representing the month of the year offset from the start of the year.
... dayvalue optional.
... an integer from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.
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Intl.DateTimeFormat() constructor - JavaScript
dayperiod the way day periods should be expressed.
...implementations are required to support at least the following subsets: weekday, year, month, day, hour, minute, second weekday, year, month, day year, month, day year, month month, day hour, minute, second hour, minute implementations may support other subsets, and requests will be negotiated against all available subset-representation combinations to find the best match.
... weekday the representation of the weekday.
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calICalendarView - Archive of obsolete content
for instance, when the showdate method of the the calendar-multiday-view (an implementation of this interface) will sometimes show an entire week of dates, and sometimes show only the single date passed in.
...attribute calidatetime enddate; readonly attribute boolean supportsdisjointdates; readonly attribute boolean hasdisjointdates; void setdatelist(in unsigned long acount, [array,size_is(acount)] in calidatetime adates); void getdatelist(out unsigned long acount, [array,size_is(acount),retval] out calidatetime adates); attribute caliitembase selecteditem; attribute calidatetime selectedday; attributes displaycalendar the displaycalendar is an implementation of the calicalendar interface.
...typically, one more day must be added to it, in order to make it exclusive.
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2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
on the same day tony replied to gavin's posting stating the possible choices to solve the problem.
... peter weilbacher responded to alex's posting on the same day, stating that he is not sure what packaging system solaris 10 x86 uses but thinks that he might need to install the developer packages of x and/or xrender and freetype which should contain the libxrender.* and libfreetype.* files that are need for the linking.
...later that day alex able to successful complete his firefox 2 build by using masaki'swork around that he had posted.
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HTML table basics - Learn web development
a table allows you to quickly and easily look up values that indicate some kind of connection between different types of data, for example a person and their age, or a day of the week, or the timetable for a local swimming pool.
... name mass (1024kg) diameter (km) density (kg/m3) gravity (m/s2) length of day (hours) distance from sun (106km) mean temperature (°c) number of moons notes terrestial planets mercury 0.330 4,879 5427 3.7 4222.6 57.9 167 0 closest to the sun venus 4.87 12,104 5243 8.9 2802.0 108.2 464 0 earth 5.97 12,756 5514 9.8 24.0 149.6 15 1 our world ...
...this was commonly used because css support across browsers used to be terrible; table layouts are much less common nowadays, but you might still see them in some corners of the web.
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Date.prototype.setDate() - JavaScript
the setdate() method sets the day of the date object relative to the beginning of the currently set month.
... syntax dateobj.setdate(dayvalue) parameters dayvalue an integer representing the day of the month.
... description if the dayvalue is outside of the range of date values for the month, setdate() will update the date object accordingly.
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XUL user interfaces - Archive of obsolete content
"1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="style7.css"?> <!doctype window> <window xmlns="" title="css getting started - xul demonstration" onload="init();"> <script type="application/javascript" src="script7.js"/> <label class="head-1" value="xul demonstration"/> <vbox> <groupbox class="demo-group"> <caption label="day of week calculator"/> <grid> <columns> <column/> <column/> </columns> <rows> <row> <label class="text-prompt" value="date:" accesskey="d" control="date-text"/> <textbox id="date-text" type="timed" timeout="750" oncommand="refresh();"/> </row> <row> <label value="day:"/> ...
... <hbox id="day-box"> <label class="day" value="sunday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="monday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="tuesday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="wednesday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="thursday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="friday" disabled="true"/> <label class="day" value="saturday" disabled="true"/> </hbox> </row> </rows> </grid> <hbox class="buttons"> <button id="clear" label="clear" accesskey="c" oncommand="cleardate();"/> <button id="today" label="today" accesskey="t" oncommand="settoday();"/> </hbox> </groupbox> <statusbar> <status...
...kground-color: -moz-dialog; font: -moz-dialog; padding: 2em; } .head-1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 200%; padding-left: 5px; } /* the group box */ .demo-group { padding: 1em; } .demo-group grid { margin-bottom: 1em; } .demo-group column { margin-right: .5em; } .demo-group row { margin-bottom: .5em; } .demo-group .buttons { -moz-box-pack: end; } /* the day-of-week labels */ .day { margin-left: 1em; } .day[disabled] { color: #777; } .day:first-child { margin-left: 4px; } /* the left column labels */ .text-prompt { padding-top: .25em; } /* the date input box */ #date-text { max-width: 8em; } /* the status bar */ statusbar { width: 100%; border: 1px inset -moz-dialog; margin: 4px; padding: 0px 4px; } #status { ...
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Responsive design - Learn web development
previous overview: css layout next in the early days of web design, pages were built to target a particular screen size.
... in the early days of responsive design, our only option for performing layout was to use floats.
... .col { width: 6.25%; /* 60 / 960 = 0.0625 */ } this approach will be found in many places across the web today, and it is documented here in the layout section of our legacy layout methods article.
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Localization and Plurals
pluralrule=2 seconds=seconde;secondes minutes=minute;minutes hours=heure;heures days=jour;jours like many other times when localizing words, gender agreement might force you to rearrange words in a way that the gender is always the same.
... pluralrule=0 seconds=秒 minutes=分 hours=時 days=日 polish there's a singular form for 1, a plural form for 2-4, and another for 5-21 at which point 22 is the same as 2.
... pluralrule=9 seconds=sekunda;sekundy;sekund minutes=minuta;minuty;minut hours=godzina;godziny;godzin days=dzień;dni;dni even though the last 2 plural forms of "day" are the same, both are still needed, because there needs to be 3 plural forms for each word.
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Date() constructor - JavaScript
syntax new date() new date(value) new date(datestring) new date(year, monthindex [, day [, hours [, minutes [, seconds [, milliseconds]]]]]) note: the only correct way to instantiate a new date object is by using the new operator.
... individual date and time component values given at least a year and month, this form of date() returns a date object whose component values (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond) all come from the following parameters.
... any missing fields are given the lowest possible value (1 for day and 0 for every other component).
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Date.prototype.setUTCFullYear() - JavaScript
syntax dateobj.setutcfullyear(yearvalue[, monthvalue[, dayvalue]]) parameters yearvalue an integer specifying the numeric value of the year, for example, 1995.
... dayvalue optional.
... an integer between 1 and 31 representing the day of the month.
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New Skin Notes - Archive of obsolete content
--dria took two days, but i finally got this sorted out. looks odd when someone who uses devmo on regular basis sees some violet links just because he already worked with this site yesterday.also, the current color for visited links makes them less visible.
...your statement that "it looks odd when someone who uses devmo on regular basis sees some violet links just because he already worked with this site yesterday" holds true for every single place on the web, yet visited links use different styling on most sites.
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datepicker - Archive of obsolete content
there are several ways to set the selected day.
...if not specified, the datepicker defaults to the current day.
... attributes disabled, firstdayofweek, readonly, type, tabindex, value properties date, dateleadingzero, datevalue, disabled, month, monthleadingzero, open, readonly, tabindex, value, year, yearleadingzero examples <datepicker type="grid" value="2007-03-26"/> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
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2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
in jan vávra's case he is modifying the thunderbird installer so he needs to modify "mail/installer/windows/packages-static" announcements decommissioning sparky on friday on october 17th j.
... irc: preed on phone: 650.903.0800 x256 uploading language packs to amo on october 17th benjamin smedberg brought the following to the attention of the localizers and the build team: that he is planning to upload the firefox 2 language packages currently located at to in the next few days.
... discussions sparky and comet going away on friday on october 19th j.
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XForms Input Element - Archive of obsolete content
(xhtml/xul) datepicker - used to represent data of type xsd:date (xhtml/xul) calendar - used to represent data of type xsd:date when appearance attribute also has the value 'full' (xhtml/xul) month list - used to represent data of type xsd:gmonth (xhtml only) days list - used to represent data of type xsd:gday (xhtml only) number field - used to represent data of numeric type (fx 3.0 only, xul only) more detail about each of these widgets follows below.
... days list this widget is similar to a combo box populated with the sequence of the possible days in a month.
...characteristics used when the instance node is of type xsd:gday or a type derived from it.
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HTML text fundamentals - Learn web development
semantics are relied on everywhere around us—we rely on previous experience to tell us what the function of an everyday object is; when we see something, we know what its function will be.
...lists are everywhere in life—from your shopping list to the list of directions you subconsciously follow to get to your house every day, to the lists of instructions you are following in these tutorials!
... playable code <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 200px; width: 95%"><h1>important notice</h1> <p>on sunday january 9th 2010, a gang of goths were spotted stealing several garden gnomes from a shopping center in downtown milwaukee.
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From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
they have since fallen out of fashion due to many problems, including accessibility, security, file size, and more; these days most mobile devices don't support such plugins anymore, and desktop support is on the way out.
... finally, the <iframe> element appeared (along with other ways of embedding content, such as <canvas>, <video>, etc.) this provides a way to embed an entire web document inside another one, as if it were an <img> or other such element, and is used regularly today. is unlikely that you'll come across any browser that doesn't support <iframe>s these days.
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Accessibility and Mozilla
accessibility api cross-referencethis cross-reference helps us see the difference between today's accessibility api's.
...since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.accessibility information for ui designers and developerswhen you design user interfaces with accessibility in mind, they will work for more people.
...since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.information for external developers dealing with accessibilityboth end users and developers are invited for discussion on the live irc channel at
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Localization formats
for example, below is the entire introduction used for a certificate that was presented to those who downloaded firefox during the download day campaign.
..." "allez-y et montrez-le en téléchargeant et en imprimant votre " "certificat personnalisé firefox 3 download day." advantages of gettext gettext has very powerful tools to update this site (if you use the actual english strings in msgids, not unique identifier strings like certificate_intro) very established with a large set of powerful tools harder to screw things up because existing tools will not allow localizers to edit the l10n file where they shouldn't separates localizable strings available for localizers for the rest of the code, protecting it from unintended changes disadvantage of gettext .po file needs to be compiled into a .mo...
... case study: download day in the above gettext example, notice how the web developer used "certificate_intro" as the value of the msgid.
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Mozilla Development Strategies
you (or someone else) will be back in that code someday. least one of them should be updated every day.
...if you update every day for a week, you might not have any conflicts, but if you update once a week and you've changed a lot of code, you'll most likely have conflicts.
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syntax #include <prtime.h> typedef struct prtimeparameters { print32 tp_gmt_offset; print32 tp_dst_offset; } prtimeparameters; description each geographic location has a standard time zone, and if daylight saving time (dst) is practiced, a daylight time zone.
... tp_dst_offset if daylight savings time (dst) is in effect, the dst adjustment from the local standard time.
... for example, the us pacific time zone has both a standard time zone (pacific standard time, or pst) and a daylight time zone (pacific daylight time, or pdt).
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for example, if you have a ] object that represents the date 3 march 1998 and you want to say "forty days from 3 march 1998", you can simply add 40 to the tm_mday field and then call pr_normalizetime().
... to calculate the optional field values tm_wday and tm_yday.
... for example, suppose you want to compute the day of week for 3 march 1998.
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Frecency algorithm
100 (places.frecency.firstbucketweight, 4 days bucket size, in places.frecency.firstbucketcutoff) ....
... 70 (places.frecency.secondbucketweight, 14 days bucket size, in places.frecency.secondbucketcutoff) ....
... 50 (places.frecency.thirdbucketweight, 31 days bucket size, in places.frecency.thirdbucketcutoff) ....
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<input type="month"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
you can set a default value for the input control by including a month and year inside the value attribute, like so: <label for="bday-month">what month were you born in?</label> <input id="bday-month" type="month" name="bday-month" value="2017-06"> one thing to note is that the displayed date format differs from the actual value; most user agents display the month and year in a locale-appropriate form, based on the set locale of the user's operating system, whereas the date value is always formatted yyyy-mm.
... when the above value is submitted to the server, for example, it will look like bday-month=1978-06.
... you can also get and set the date value in javascript using the htmlinputelement.value property, for example: <label for="bday-month">what month were you born in?</label> <input id="bday-month" type="month" name="bday-month" value="2017-06"> var monthcontrol = document.queryselector('input[type="month"]'); monthcontrol.value = '1978-06'; additional attributes in addition to the attributes common to <input> elements, month inputs offer the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options max the latest year and month to accept as a valid input min the earliest year and month to accept as a valid input readonly a boolean which,...
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Date.prototype.setUTCMonth() - JavaScript
syntax dateobj.setutcmonth(monthvalue[, dayvalue]) parameters monthvalue an integer between 0 and 11, representing the months january through december.
... dayvalue optional.
... an integer from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.
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Intl.RelativeTimeFormat() constructor - JavaScript
possible values are: "always" (default, e.g., 1 day ago), or "auto" (e.g., yesterday).
...rtf.format(-1, "day"); // > "1 day ago" // format relative time using positive value (1).
... rtf.format(1, "day"); // > "in 1 day" using the auto option if numeric:auto option is passed, it will produce the string yesterday or tomorrow instead of 1 day ago or in 1 day.
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Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.prototype.format() - JavaScript
possible values are: "year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second".
...rtf.format(-1, "day"); // > "1 day ago" // format relative time using positive value (1).
... rtf.format(1, "day"); // > "in 1 day" using the auto option if numeric:auto option is passed, it will produce the string yesterday or tomorrow instead of 1 day ago or in 1 day.
...And 2 more matches
XUL accessibility guidelines - Archive of obsolete content
learn more accessibility platform features mozilla community software accessibility - where are we today?
...for example, the first item in the privacy panel in the firefox option dialog (discussed and shown above) is [checkbox] remember visited pages for the last [textbox] days.
... the difficulty here arises from the fact that the correct label for the checkbox ("remember visited pages for the last x days.") includes three different pieces, the second of which is the current value entered into the textbox.
... <checkbox id="rememberhistorydays" aria-labelledby="historydaysprelabel historybox historydayspostlabel"> <label id="historydaysprelabel">remember visited pages for the last</label> <textbox id="historydays" aria-labelledby="historydaysprelabel historybox historydayspostlabel"/> <label id="historydayspostlabel" >days.</label> the aria-labelledby attribute comes in handy for controls embedded within controls (usually embe...
What is RSS - Archive of obsolete content
it was much much different than today's rss. rss 0.90, netscape's rss 0.91 was also a format for providing a summary of a website, and not really a syndication format (as it is today).
...(this tutorial uses rss 2.0.) how rss is used today today, rss is mostly used for syndication.
...0700</lastbuilddate> <link></link> <item> <title>news flash: i like bread</title> <guid ispermalink="false">4d4a0a12-f188-4c97-908b-eea27213c2fe</guid> <pubdate>wed, 27 jul 2005 00:30:30 -0700</pubdate> <link></link> </item> <item> <title>big news today: birds fly</title> <guid ispermalink="false">c4a63f09-b45b-466b-8773-6ff264001ab7</guid> <pubdate>tue, 19 jul 2005 04:32:51 -0700</pubdate> <link></link> </item> <item> <title>fire is hot</title> <guid ispermalink="false">c1795324-d5ea-44fa-95b1-b5ce2090d4f1</guid> <pubdate>su...
Server-Side JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
here's a radical idea: use one language to write entire web apps -- the same language which billions of web pages already use, every day.
... the simplicity of using javascript on the server was part of netscape's original vision back in the day with netscape livewire. with computing cycles having increased more than 10-fold and mozilla's work on rhino (javascript interpreter in java) and spidermonkey (javascript interpreter in c) and javascript itself, we have very solid foundations for javascript to be extraordinarily useful and applicable on the server-side again -- with performance in the same range as popular server-side environments like php and ruby on rails.
...server-side javascript is another way in which, as this article quotes eich, "mozilla wants to 'get people thinking about javascript as a more general-purpose language' and show them that 'it really is a platform for writing full applications.'" many vendors today are embedding mozilla rhino or mozilla spidermonkey into web server environments.
Handling common JavaScript problems - Learn web development
these days, most cross-browser javascript problems are seen: when poor-quality browser-sniffing code, feature-detection code, and vendor prefix usage block browsers from running code they could otherwise use just fine.
...this was more useful back when dhtml was a popular buzzword, and implementing an effect involved a lot of complex javascript, but these days browsers have a lot of built in css3 features and apis to implementing effects more easily.
... using bad browser sniffing code all browsers have a user-agent string, which identifies what the browser is (version, name, os, etc.) in the bad only days when pretty much everyone used netscape or internet explorer, developers used to use so-called browser sniffing code to detect which browser the user was using, and give them appropriate code to work on that browser.
...the only real use case for browser sniffing code in the modern day is if you are implementing a fix for a bug in a very specific version of a particular browser.
Command line crash course - Learn web development
the terminal originates from around the 1950s-60s and its original form really doesn’t resemble what we use today (for that we should be thankful).
... many developers today are using unix-based tools (e.g.
...many tutorials and tools that exist on the web today support (and sadly assume) unix-based systems, but not to worry — they are available on most systems.
... better programs exist for providing a terminal experience on windows, such as powershell (see here to find installers), and gitbash (which comes as part of the git for windows toolset) however, the best option for windows in the modern day is the windows subsystem for linux (wsl) — a compatibility layer for running linux operating systems directly from inside windows 10, allowing you to run a “true terminal” directly on windows, without needing a virtual machine.
Client-side tooling overview - Learn web development
there are some extremely well-established tools that have become common "household names" amongst the development community, and new tools are being written and released every day to solve specific problems.
... the modern tooling ecosystem today's modern developer tooling ecosystem is huge, so it's useful to have a broad idea of what main problems the tools are solving.
... git is the source code control system that most people use these days.
...transformation offers two main benefits (amongst others): the ability to write code using the latest language features and have that transformed into code that works on everyday devices.
Storage access policy: Block cookies from trackers
if we discover that an origin is abusing this heuristic to gain tracking access, that origin will have the additional requirement that it must have received user interaction as a first party within the past 30 days.
...the tracking origin must have received user interaction as a first party within the past 30 days, and the storage access permission expires after 15 minutes.
... http: yes js: no storage access expiration the storage access grant expires after 30 days.
... each time the heuristic is activated, or a success call to the storage access api is made, the pre-existing storage access expiration will be extended by 30 days, counting from the time the previous access was granted.
removed at 30 days.
...removed at 180 days.
... expire_days 6 for short-lived temporary data that you still want to outlast a session.
... removed at 7 days.
skipdays nsiarray an array of days of the week on which the feed should not be fetched.
... each entry in the array is the name of one day of the week to skip.
... for example, to skip fetching on mondays, a feed that does not want to be fetched on mondays would specify "monday" in this array.
... skiphours nsiarray an array of the hours of the day during which the feed should not be fetched.
Index - Web APIs
3095 pointer events api, landing, overview, pointer events much of today's web content assumes the user's pointing device will be a mouse.
...however, the reality is the vast majority of today's web content is designed only to work with mouse input.
... 4286 using touch events guide, touchevent, touch today, most web content is designed for keyboard and mouse input.
...this article offers a brief high-level overview of how dtmf works over webrtc, then provides a guide for everyday developers about how to send dtmf over an rtcpeerconnection.
Multipart labels: Using ARIA for labels with embedded fields inside them - Accessibility
a classic example we all know from our browser settings is the setting “delete history after x days”.
... “delete history after” is to the left of the textbox, x is the number, for example 21, and the word “days” follows the textbox, forming a sentence that is easy to understand.
... if you’re using a screen reader, have you noticed that, when you go to this setting in firefox, it tells you “delete history after 21 days”?, followed by the announcement that you’re in a textbox, and that it contains the number 21.
...“days” could easily be “months” or “years”, and in many ordinary dialogs, there is no way to find this out other than navigating around with screen reviewing commands.
Web Accessibility: Understanding Colors and Luminance - Accessibility
luminance is of particular importance, however, because at the end of the day, understanding of what it is and how it is employed enables accessibility for those who are color-blind, as well as those who can perceive color.
... this is because the companies behind the evolution of digital technology set the standards, and these standards still retain a powerful presence today.
... in speaking specifically to relative luminance, wcag's definition of relative luminance notes: "note 2: almost all systems used today to view web content assume srgb encoding.
... measuring relative luminance when evaluating luminance, bear in mind the w3c's wiki on relative luminance "almost all systems used today to view web content assume srgb encoding.
Writing Web Audio API code that works in every browser - Developer guides
writing for today (and tomorrow) first, get a copy of audiocontext-monkeypatch by chris wilson.
...for example, the way to create instances of gainnode used to be var gain = audiocontext.creategainnode(); but nowadays it is just var gain = audiocontext.creategain(); since the old method names are not present in firefox, existing code may crash with something like creategainnode is not a function, and you now know why.
...for example, up until a couple of days ago pannernode did not support the default hrtf panning model yet, and attempting to use a pannernode with that configuration simply resulted in silence or a mono output coming out from that node, depending on the build you used.
... today the support is already present in nightly, but not quite yet in aurora.
The HTML autocomplete attribute - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
"bday" a birth date, as a full date.
... "bday-day" the day of the month of a birth date.
... "bday-month" the month of the year of a birth date.
... "bday-year" the year of a birth date.
Expressions and operators - JavaScript
suppose you define the following variables: var myfun = new function('5 + 2'); var shape = 'round'; var size = 1; var foo = ['apple', 'mango', 'orange']; var today = new date(); the typeof operator returns the following results for these variables: typeof myfun; // returns "function" typeof shape; // returns "string" typeof size; // returns "number" typeof foo; // returns "object" typeof today; // returns "object" typeof doesntexist; // returns "undefined" for the keywords true and null, the typeof operator returns the ...
... for example, the following code uses instanceof to determine whether theday is a date object.
... because theday is a date object, the statements in the if statement execute.
... var theday = new date(1995, 12, 17); if (theday instanceof date) { // statements to execute } operator precedence the precedence of operators determines the order they are applied when evaluating an expression.
Date.prototype.getDate() - JavaScript
the getdate() method returns the day of the month for the specified date according to local time.
... syntax dateobj.getdate() return value an integer number, between 1 and 31, representing the day of the month for the given date according to local time.
... examples using getdate() the second statement below assigns the value 25 to the variable day, based on the value of the date object xmas95.
... var xmas95 = new date('december 25, 1995 23:15:30'); var day = xmas95.getdate(); console.log(day); // 25 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getdate' in that specification.
Date.prototype.getUTCDate() - JavaScript
the getutcdate() method returns the day (date) of the month in the specified date according to universal time.
... syntax dateobj.getutcdate() return value an integer number, between 1 and 31, representing the day of the month in the given date according to universal time.
... examples using getutcdate() the following example assigns the day portion of the current date to the variable day.
... var today = new date(); var day = today.getutcdate(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getutcdate' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setUTCDate() - JavaScript
the setutcdate() method sets the day of the month for a specified date according to universal time.
... syntax dateobj.setutcdate(dayvalue) parameters dayvalue an integer from 1 to 31, representing the day of the month.
...for example, if you use 40 for dayvalue, and the month stored in the date object is june, the day will be changed to 10 and the month will be incremented to july.
... examples using setutcdate() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setutcdate(20); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setutcdate' in that specification.
Date.prototype.toLocaleDateString() - JavaScript
the default value for each date-time component property is undefined, but if the weekday, year, month, day properties are all undefined, then year, month, and day are assumed to be "numeric". order to get the format of the language used in the user interface of your application, make sure to specify that language (and possibly some fallback languages) using the locales argument: var date = new date(date.utc(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0)); // formats below assume the local time zone of the locale; // america/los_angeles for the us // us english uses month-day-year order console.log(date.tolocaledatestring('en-us')); // → "12/19/2012" // british english uses day-month-year order console.log(date.tolocaledatestring('en-gb')); // → "20/12/2012" // korean uses year-month-day order console.log(date.tolocaledatestring('ko-kr')); // → "2012.
...�� "24/12/20" // when requesting a language that may not be supported, such as // balinese, include a fallback language, in this case indonesian console.log(date.tolocaledatestring(['ban', 'id'])); // → "20/12/2012" using options the results provided by tolocaledatestring() can be customized using the options argument: var date = new date(date.utc(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0)); // request a weekday along with a long date var options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; console.log(date.tolocaledatestring('de-de', options)); // → "donnerstag, 20.
... dezember 2012" // an application may want to use utc and make that visible options.timezone = 'utc'; options.timezonename = 'short'; console.log(date.tolocaledatestring('en-us', options)); // → "thursday, december 20, 2012, gmt" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.tolocaledatestring' in that specification.
Date.prototype.toLocaleString() - JavaScript
but, if the weekday, year, month, and day properties are all undefined, then year, month, and day are assumed to be "numeric". order to get the format of the language used in the user interface of your application, make sure to specify that language (and possibly some fallback languages) using the locales argument: let date = new date(date.utc(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0)); // formats below assume the local time zone of the locale; // america/los_angeles for the us // us english uses month-day-year order and 12-hour time with am/pm console.log(date.tolocalestring('en-us')); // → "12/19/2012, 7:00:00 pm" // british english uses day-month-year order and 24-hour time without am/pm console.log(date.tolocalestring('en-gb')); // → "20/12/2012 03:00:00" // korean uses year-month-day order and 12-hour time with am/pm console.log(date.tolocalestring('ko-kr')); // → "2012.
... 12:00:00" // when requesting a language that may not be supported, such as // balinese, include a fallback language (in this case, indonesian) console.log(date.tolocalestring(['ban', 'id'])); // → "20/12/2012 11.00.00" using options the results provided by tolocalestring() can be customized using the options argument: let date = new date(date.utc(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0)); // request a weekday along with a long date let options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; console.log(date.tolocalestring('de-de', options)); // → "donnerstag, 20.
... dezember 2012" // an application may want to use utc and make that visible options.timezone = 'utc'; options.timezonename = 'short'; console.log(date.tolocalestring('en-us', options)); // → "thursday, december 20, 2012, gmt" // sometimes even the us needs 24-hour time console.log(date.tolocalestring('en-us', { hour12: false })); // → "12/19/2012, 19:00:00" avoid comparing formatted date values to static values most of the time, the formatting returned by tolocalestring() is consistent.
Date.prototype.toString() - JavaScript
date.prototype.tostring() returns a string representation of the date in the format specified in ecma-262 which can be summarised as: week day: 3 letter english week day name, e.g.
..."sep" space date: 2 digit day in month, e.g.
..."2018" space hour: 2 digit hour of day, e.g.
...console.log(new date()), or when a date is used in a string concatenation, such as var today = 'today is ' + new date().
Intl.DateTimeFormat - JavaScript
in order to get the format of the language used in the user interface of your application, make sure to specify that language (and possibly some fallback languages) using the locales argument: var date = new date(date.utc(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0)); // results below use the time zone of america/los_angeles (utc-0800, pacific standard time) // us english uses month-day-year order console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('en-us').format(date)); // → "12/19/2012" // british english uses day-month-year order console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('en-gb').format(date)); // → "19/12/2012" // korean uses year-month-day order console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('ko-kr').format(date)); // → "2012.
...→ "24/12/19" // when requesting a language that may not be supported, such as // balinese, include a fallback language, in this case indonesian console.log(new intl.datetimeformat(['ban', 'id']).format(date)); // → "19/12/2012" using options the date and time formats can be customized using the options argument: var date = new date(date.utc(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0, 200)); // request a weekday along with a long date var options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('de-de', options).format(date)); // → "donnerstag, 20.
... dezember 2012" // an application may want to use utc and make that visible options.timezone = 'utc'; options.timezonename = 'short'; console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('en-us', options).format(date)); // → "thursday, december 20, 2012, gmt" // sometimes you want to be more precise options = { hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric', timezone: 'australia/sydney', timezonename: 'short' }; console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('en-au', options).format(date)); // → "2:00:00 pm aedt" // sometimes you want to be very precise options.fractionalseconddigits = 3; console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('en-au', options).format(date)); // → "2:00:00.200 pm aedt" // sometimes even the us needs 24-hour time options = { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', hour...
...d: 'numeric', hour12: false, timezone: 'america/los_angeles' }; console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('en-us', options).format(date)); // → "12/19/2012, 19:00:00" // to specify options but use the browser's default locale, use 'default' console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('default', options).format(date)); // → "12/19/2012, 19:00:00" // sometimes it's helpful to include the period of the day options = {hour: "numeric", dayperiod: "short"}; console.log(new intl.datetimeformat('en-us', options).format(date)); // → 10 at night the used calendar and numbering formats can also be set independently via options arguments: var options = {calendar: 'chinese', numberingsystem: 'arab'}; var dateformat = new intl.datetimeformat('default', options); var usedoptions = dateformat.resolvedoptio...
Numeric Controls - Archive of obsolete content
a numeric textbox would normally be used when the value was important to the user, for instance, a field to enter a number of days, or the maximum size of a file.
...this way, you do not have to check for valid dates, ensure that the day isn't greater than the number of days in the month, handle leap years, and so forth.
...this type has three fields for entering the year, month and date, as well as a dropdown button for displaying a popup calendar grid for selecting a day.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
discussions sparky and comet going away on friday preed wants to get rid of sparky and comet (both older desktop class linux boxes).
... decommissioning sparky on friday preed wants to get rid of sparky (a linux build box) and wants to know if there are reasons wy not to do it.
...meeting notes gecko status meeting october 19 (*thursday*) gecko 1.9 status meeting.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
announced by tim on friday october 13, 2006.
... discussions none for this week meetings upcoming firefox test day - testing will be emphasized on ajax/web 2.0, dhtml, and plugin heavy sites!
... meet in irc chat room #testday on friday october 20, 2006 7am-5pm pacific time.
Date.prototype.toLocaleFormat() - Archive of obsolete content
names for months and days of the week are localized using the operating system's locale.
... however, ordering of the day and month and other localization tasks are not handled automatically since you have control over the order in which they occur.
... examples using tolocaleformat() var today = new date(); var date = today.tolocaleformat('%a, %b %e, %y'); in this example, tolocaleformat() returns a string such as "wednesday, october 3, 2007".
Implementation Status - Archive of obsolete content
5.2.1 additional xforms datatypes to allow empty content unsupported 5.2.2 xforms:listitem supported 5.2.3 xforms:listitems supported 5.2.4 xforms:daytimeduration supported 5.2.5 xforms:yearmonthduration supported 5.2.6 xforms:email unsupported 5.2.7 xforms:card-number unsupported supported types: string, normalized string, token, language, boolean, gday, gmonth, gyear, gyearmonth, gm...
...onthday, date, time, datetime, duration, integer, nonpositiveinteger, negativeinteger, positiveinteger, long, int, short, unsignedlong, unsignedint, unsignedshort, byte, unsignedbyte, float, decimal, anyuri, base64binary, hexbinary, qname 6.
... 334333; 7.8.3 digest() unsupported 7.8.4 hmac() unsupported 7.9.1 local-date() supported 7.9.2 local-datetime() supported 7.9.3 now() supported 7.9.4 days-from-date() supported 7.9.5 days-to-date() unsupported 7.9.6 seconds-from-datetime() supported 7.9.7 seconds-to-datetime() unsupported 7.9.8 adjust-datetime-to-timezone() unsupported 7...
Gecko FAQ - Gecko Redirect 1
outeach, abouteachprefix, and parsetype javascript 1.5, including ecma-262 edition 3 (ecmascript) compliance, except for date.todatestring and date.totimestring, which are not implemented transfer protocols: http 1.1 (including gzip compression), ftp ssl unicode oji (open java interface) image formats png gif jpeg, pjpeg does "full support" mean that gecko has zero bugs today or will have zero bugs at some point in the future?
... gecko runs today on win32 (windows xp service pack 2, windows vista, windows 7, windows 8, windows 8.1, windows 10), mac os x 10.5 and later, and linux.
...ary networking library (necko) platform-specific graphics rendering and widget sets for win32, x, and mac user preferences library mozilla plug-in api (npapi) to support the navigator plug-in interface open java interface (oji), with sun java 1.2 jvm rdf back end font library security library (nss) original document information author(s): angus other contributors: ekrock, vidur, hidday, drunclear copyright information: portions of this content are © 1998–2006 by individual contributors; content available under a creative commons license ...
Mobile accessibility - Learn web development
long gone are the days when mobile devices ran completely different web technologies to desktop browsers, forcing developers to use browser sniffing and serve them completely separate sites (although quite a few companies still detect usage of mobile devices and serve them a separate mobile domain).
... these days, mobile devices can usually handle fully-featured websites, and the main platforms even have screenreaders built in to enable visually impaired users to use them successfully. addition, many image requirements can be fulfilled using the svg vector images format, which is well-supported across browsers today.
CSS FAQ - Learn web development
<style type="text/css"> .news { background: black; color: white; } .today { font-weight: bold; } </style> <div class="news today"> ...
... content of today's news ...
... .news { color: black; } .corpname { font-weight: bold; color: red; } <!-- news item text is black, but corporate name is red and in bold --> <div class="news"> (reuters) <span class="corpname">general electric</span> (ge.nys) announced on thursday...
The HTML5 input types - Learn web development
previous overview: forms next in the previous article we looked at the <input> element, covering the original values of the type attribute available since the early days of html.
... weeks start on monday and run to sunday.
... additionally, the first week 1 of each year contains the first thursday of that year—which may not include the first day of the year, or may include the last few days of the previous year.
Video and audio content - Learn web development
video and audio on the web web developers have wanted to use video and audio on the web for a long time, ever since the early 2000s when we started to have bandwidth fast enough to support any kind of video (video files are much larger than text or even images.) in the early days, native web technologies such as html didn't have the ability to embed video and audio on the web, so proprietary (or plugin-based) technologies like flash (and later, silverlight) became popular for handling such content.
...including webm and mp4 sources should be enough to play your video on most platforms and browsers these days.
... active learning: embedding your own audio and video for this active learning, we'd (ideally) like you to go out into the world and record some of your own video and audio — most phones these days allow you to record audio and video very easily, and provided you can transfer it on to your computer, you can use it.
Index - Learn web development
153 test your skills: fundamental layout comprehension assessment, beginner, css, layout, learn if you have worked through this module then you will have already covered the basics of what you need to know to do css layout today, and to work with older css as well.
... 252 use html to solve common problems codingscripting, html the following links point to solutions to common everyday problems you'll need to solve with html.
... 310 basic native form controls beginner, controls, example, forms, guide, html, input, web, widgets this article has covered the older input types — the original set introduced in the early days of html that is well supported in all browsers.
Client-side storage - Learn web development
since the early days of the web, sites have used cookies to store information to personalize user experience on websites.
... these days, there are easier mechanisms available for storing client-side data, therefore we won't be teaching you how to use cookies in this article.
... however, this does not mean cookies are completely useless on the modern-day web — they are still used commonly to store data related to user personalization and state, e.g.
Storing the information you need — Variables - Learn web development
in the early days of javascript, constants didn't exist.
... in modern javascript, we have the keyword const, which lets us store values that can never be changed: const daysinweek = 7; const hoursinday = 24; const works in exactly the same way as let, except that you can't give a const a new value.
... in the following example, the second line would throw an error: const daysinweek = 7; daysinweek = 8; test your skills!
Introducing a complete toolchain - Learn web development
many of today's code editors (such as vs code and atom) have integration support for a lot of tools via plugins.
... netlify is a hosting service for static websites (that is, websites that entirely consist of files that do not change in real time), which lets us deploy multiple times a day and freely hosts static sites of all kinds.
... let's use the postcss-preset-env, which lets us "use tomorrow's css today".
AsyncTestUtils extended framework
if you pass an object, it should be an object with one or more of the following attributes: minutes, hours, days, weeks.
...for example, {weeks: 2, days: 3} would be a message sent exactly 17 days ago.
...(we will probably auto-correct that in the future.) if your set definition was {count: 3, age: {days: 7}, age_incr: {days: -1}}, then you would generate messages from 7, 6, and 5 days ago.
Querying Places
basic query search parameters const unsigned long time_relative_epoch = 0 const unsigned long time_relative_today = 1 const unsigned long time_relative_now = 2 attribute prtime begintime attribute unsigned long begintimereference readonly attribute boolean hasbegintime readonly attribute prtime absolutebegintime attribute prtime endtime attribute unsigned long endtimereference readonly attribute boolean hasendtime readonly attribute prtime absoluteendtime attribute astring searchterms readonly att...
...lean domainishost attribute autf8string domain readonly attribute boolean hasdomain attribute boolean uriisprefix attribute nsiuri uri readonly attribute boolean hasuri attribute boolean annotationisnot attribute autf8string annotation readonly attribute boolean hasannotation readonly attribute unsigned long foldercount basic query configuration options const unsigned short group_by_day = 0 const unsigned short group_by_host = 1 const unsigned short group_by_domain = 2 const unsigned short group_by_folder = 3 const unsigned short sort_by_none = 0 const unsigned short sort_by_title_ascending = 1 const unsigned short sort_by_title_descending = 2 const unsigned short sort_by_date_ascending = 3 const unsigned short sort_by_date_descending = 4 const unsigned short sort_by_ur...
... example of querying for any pages i've visited that contain the word "firefox" in the title/url or that i've visited today from
Using the Places annotation service
expire_days : removed at 7 days.
... expire_weeks : removed at 30 days.
... expire_months : removed at 180 days.
which explains how this information came to be associated with the notion of a "registry." someday (i hope) this page will be properly titled so that everybody knows it is the place to come to in order to find out how they are supposed to link together the various xpcom components that together form the mozilla browser.
... nsrepository this is basically the same as is provided today (see mozilla/xpcom/public/nsrepository.h).
... the primary change to this component is that we will modify it to utilize the new moziregistry interface versus the nsreg.h functions it calls today.
time_relative_today 1 the time is relative to this morning at midnight.
... normally used for queries relative to today.
... for example, a "past week" query would be (today-6 days -> today+1 day).
even if you ask for all uris for a given date range long ago, this might contain today's date if the uri was visited today.
...for days, this is midnight on the morning of the day in question in utc.
... title autf8string title of the web page or of the node's grouping (day, host, folder, and so on.).
IDBRequest: error event - Web APIs
() => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }); dbopenrequest.addeventlistener('success', event => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transaction(['todolist'], 'readwrite'); const objectstore ...
...= transaction.objectstore('todolist'); const newitem = { tasktitle: 'my task', hours: 10, minutes: 10, day: 10, month: 'january', year: 2020 }; const objectstorerequest = objectstore.add(newitem); objectstorerequest.addeventlistener('error', () => { console.log(`error adding new item: ${newitem.tasktitle}`); }); }); the same example, using the onerror property instead of addeventlistener(): // open the database const dbopenrequest ='todolist', 4); dbopenrequest.onupgradeneeded = event => { const db =; db.onerror = () => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the ob...
...jectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = event => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transaction(['todolist'], 'readwrite'); const objectstore = transaction.objectstore('todolist'); const newitem = { tasktitle: 'my task', hours: 10, minutes: 10, day: 10, month: 'january', year: 2020 }; const objectstorerequest = objectstore.add(newitem); objectstorerequest.onerror = ()...
IDBTransaction: complete event - Web APIs
() => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = event => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transaction(['todolist'], 'readwrite'); // add a listener for `complete` ...
... transaction.addeventlistener('complete', event => { console.log('transaction was competed'); }); const objectstore = transaction.objectstore('todolist'); const newitem = { tasktitle: 'my task', hours: 10, minutes: 10, day: 10, month: 'january', year: 2019 }; const objectstorerequest = objectstore.add(newitem); }; using the oncomplete property: // open the database const dbopenrequest ='todolist', 4); dbopenrequest.onupgradeneeded = event => { const db =; db.onerror = () => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createind...
...ex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = event => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transaction(['todolist'], 'readwrite'); // add a listener for `complete` transaction.oncomplete = event => { console.log('transaction was competed'); }; const objectstore = transaction.objectstore('todolist'); const newitem = { tasktitle: 'my task', hours: 10, minutes: 10, day: 10, month: 'january', year: 2019 }; const ob...
IDBTransaction: error event - Web APIs
eeded = (event) => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transaction(['todolist'], 'readwrite'); transaction.addeventlistener('er...
...ror', () => { console.log(`error adding new item: ${newitem.tasktitle}`); }); const objectstore = transaction.objectstore('todolist'); const newitem = { tasktitle: 'my task', hours: 10, minutes: 10, day: 10, month: 'january', year: 2020 }; const objectstorerequest = objectstore.add(newitem); }; the same example, using the onerror property instead of addeventlistener(): // open the database const dbopenrequest ='todolist', 4); dbopenrequest.onupgradeneeded = (event) => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); o...
...bjectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transaction(['todolist'], 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = () => { console.log(`error adding new item: ${newitem.tasktitle}`); }; const objectstore = transaction.objectstore('todolist'); const newitem = { tasktitle: 'my task', hours: 10, minutes: 10, day: 10, month: 'january', year: 2020 }; const objectstorerequest = objectstore.add(newitem); }; ...
Key Values - Web APIs
vk_guide qt::key_guide (0x0100011a) keycode_guide (172) "guidenextday" if the guide is currently displayed, this button tells the guide to display the next day's content.
... vk_next_day "guidepreviousday" if the guide is currently displayed, this button tells the guide to display the previous day's content.
... vk_prev_day "info" toggles the display of information about the currently selected content, program, or media.
Storage Access API - Web APIs
access requests are automatically denied if the browser detects that the user hasn’t interacted with the embedded content in a first-party context recently (in firefox, "recently" is "within 30 days"). properties unique to firefox are summarized here: if the embedded origin tracker.example has already obtained first-party storage access on the top-level origin foo.example, and the user visits a page from foo.example embedding a page from tracker.example again in less than 30 days, the embedded origin will have storage access immediately when loading.
... in firefox, the storage access grants are phased out after 30 calendar days passing, whereas in safari the storage access grants are phased out after 30 days of browser usage passed without user interaction.
Using the aria-valuetext attribute - Accessibility
examples example 1: the snippet below shows a simple slider for selecting a day of the week.
... the value of the slider is numeric, and the aria-valuetext attribute is used to provide the name of the day.
... <div role="slider" aria-valuenow="1" aria-valuemin="1" aria-valuemax="7" aria-valuetext="sunday"> working examples: notes used with aria roles progressbar scrollbar slider spinbutton related aria techniques aria-valuenow compatibility tbd: add support information for common ua and at product combinations additional resources wai-aria specification for the aria-valuetext attribute ...
Backwards Compatibility of Flexbox - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the history of flexbox as with all css specifications the flexbox specification went through a large number of changes before it became the candidate recommendation that we have today. create a flex container you would use display: box and there were a number of box-* properties, which did things that you will recognise from flexbox today.
...this is becoming less and less of a requirement today as support is widespread.
<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<input type="color" name="color"/> html5 date a control for entering a date (year, month, and day, with no time).
... opens a date picker or numeric wheels for year, month, day when active in supporting browsers.
... if not explicitly included, step defaults to 1 for number and range, and 1 unit type (second, week, month, day) for the date/time input types.
If-Range - HTTP
header type request header forbidden header name no syntax if-range: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> gmt if-range: <etag> directives <etag> an entity tag uniquely representing the requested resource.
... <day-name> one of "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", or "sun" (case-sensitive).
... <day> 2 digit day number, e.g.
Inheritance and the prototype chain - JavaScript
pe = proto; var inst = new bar; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop); function foo(){} foo.prototype = { foo_prop: "foo val" }; function bar(){} var proto = object.create( foo.prototype, { bar_prop: { value: "bar val" } } ); bar.prototype = proto; var inst = new bar; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop) support in all in-use-today browsers which are all non-microsoft browsers plus ie9 and up.
...); bar.prototype = proto; var inst = new bar; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop); function foo(){} foo.prototype = { foo_prop: "foo val" }; function bar(){} var proto; proto=object.setprototypeof( { bar_prop: "bar val" }, foo.prototype ); bar.prototype = proto; var inst = new bar; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop) support in all in-use-today browsers which are all non-microsoft browsers plus ie9 and up.
...r proto = { bar_prop: "bar val", __proto__: foo.prototype }; bar.prototype = proto; var inst = new bar; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop); var inst = { __proto__: { bar_prop: "bar val", __proto__: { foo_prop: "foo val", __proto__: object.prototype } } }; console.log(inst.foo_prop); console.log(inst.bar_prop) support in all in-use-today browsers which are all non-microsoft browsers plus ie11 and up.
Warning: Date.prototype.toLocaleFormat is deprecated - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var date = today.tolocaleformat('%a, %e.
... var today = new date(); var options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; var date = today.tolocaledatestring('de-de', options); console.log(date); // "freitag, 10.
... var options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; var dateformatter = new intl.datetimeformat('de-de', options) var dates = [date.utc(2012, 11, 20, 3, 0, 0), date.utc(2014, 04, 12, 8, 0, 0)]; dates.foreach(date => console.log(dateformatter.format(date))); // "donnerstag, 20.
Date.prototype.toUTCString() - JavaScript
description the value returned by toutcstring() is a string in the form www, dd mmm yyyy hh:mm:ss gmt, where: format sring description www day of week, as three letters (e.g.
... sun, mon, ...) dd day of month, as two digits with leading zero if required mmm month, as three letters (e.g.
... examples using toutcstring() let today = new date('wed, 14 jun 2017 00:00:00 pdt'); let utcstring = today.toutcstring(); // wed, 14 jun 2017 07:00:00 gmt specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.toutcstring' in that specification.
Intl.RelativeTimeFormat - JavaScript
rtf.format(-1, "day"); // > "1 day ago" // format relative time using positive value (1).
... rtf.format(1, "day"); // > "in 1 day" using formattoparts the following example shows how to create a relative time formatter returning formatted parts const rtf = new intl.relativetimeformat("en", { numeric: "auto" }); // format relative time using the day unit.
... rtf.formattoparts(-1, "day"); // > [{ type: "literal", value: "yesterday"}] rtf.formattoparts(100, "day"); // > [{ type: "literal", value: "in " }, // > { type: "integer", value: "100", unit: "day" }, // > { type: "literal", value: " days" }] specifications specification status comment ecmascript internationalization api (ecma-402)the definition of 'relativetimeformat' in that specification.
eval() - JavaScript
but, in the code using eval(), the browser cannot assume this since what if your code looked like the following: function date(n){ return ["monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday","saturday","sunday"][n%7 || 0]; } function loosejsonparse(obj){ return eval("(" + obj + ")"); } console.log(loosejsonparse( "{a:(4-1), b:function(){}, c:new date()}" )) thus, in the eval() version of the code, the browser is forced to make the expensive lookup call to check to see if there are any local variables called date().
... function date(n){ return ["monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday","saturday","sunday"][n%7 || 0]; } function runcodewithdatefunction(obj){ return function('"use strict";return (' + obj + ')')()( date ); } console.log(runcodewithdatefunction( "function(date){ return date(5) }" )) the code above may seem inefficiently slow because of the triple nested function, but let's analyze the benefits of the above efficient method: it allows the code in the string passed to ...
... console.log(function('"use strict";return(function(a){return a(5)})')()(function(a){ return"monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday".split(" ")[a%7||0]})); there are also additional safer (and faster!) alternatives to eval() or function() for common use-cases.
Digital audio concepts - Web media technologies
some audio does travel through water, or even through the rock comprising the planet itself (if you've ever heard the rumble or boom of an earthquake, you've experienced this phenomenon), but nearly all of the sounds you hear every day travel to your ears through the air.
... the sounds a person hears every day are, then, actually vibrations in the air which cause the inner workings of the ear.
... stereo audio is probably the most commonly used channel arrangement in web audio, and 16-bit samples are used for the majority of day-to-day audio in use today.
Web video codec guide - Web media technologies
it's a motion compensation based codec that is widely used today for all sorts of media, including broadcast television, rtp videoconferencing, and as the video codec for blu-ray discs.
...that said, 8 bits per component is still the most commonly-used color format in use today, so this is only a minor inconvenience in most cases.
... recommendations for everyday videos first, let's look at the best options for videos presented on a typical web site such as a blog, informational site, small business web site where videos are used to demonstrate products (but not where the videos themselves are a product), and so forth.
Appendix: What you should know about open-source software licenses - Archive of obsolete content
applying an oss license oss licensing today and in the future references what is an oss license?
... oss licensing today and in the future finally, let’s look at the current state of affairs in oss licensing and some of the issues it faces.
An Interview With Douglas Bowman of Wired News - Archive of obsolete content
besides the idea that we're changing our entire color scheme every day of the week by merely pointing to a different css file and altering an image variable?
...our writers and editors must get used to some new rules when generating the day's stories.
Inner-browsing extending the browser navigation paradigm - Archive of obsolete content
today, this publishing system allows your users to modify content for the portal, but in order to have their text spell checked they must click somewhere and wait for the response page.
...forms with nested selects in today's web pages it is common to see selects where content is dependent on the selection made on another select.
Twitter - Archive of obsolete content
example: jetpack.lib.twitter.statuses.update({ data: { status: "o frabjous day!" }, username: "basic_auth_username", password: "basic_auth_password", success: function () console.log("hey!") }); user authentication you can supply a username and password to methods that require authentication using the second, more advanced call style described above.
... example usage tweeting jetpack.lib.twitter.statuses.update({ status: "o frabjous day!" }); firefox will prompt for a username and password if the user is not already authenticated with twitter.
Using addresses of stack variables with NSPR threads on win16 - Archive of obsolete content
with the speed of today's processors (even those running win-16), the copying of 10 - 50 kilobytes of data between two locations in memory is barely measurable 1.
... original document information author:, wan teh chang last updated date: december 1, 2004 this note is about writing win16-portable code that uses nspr threads, probably not interesting to today's developers ...
Introduction to XUL - Archive of obsolete content
someday, there will be a complete description of this mechanism at packages, but for now there's a good but somewhat out of date document at configurable chrome available for more information.
... </window> </package> and a window (or other service) could be instantiated by first parsing the whole package and then picking out a window from its contents package *package = loadpackage("http://xxx/package.xul"); instantiatewindow(package, getnodewithid("main"); this happy scheme doesn't work today, because the code expects the result of parsing an xml document to be a window.
The Joy of XUL - Archive of obsolete content
it uses simple xul components like boxes, grids, and stacks to compose views for the weeks, days, and months.
... fortunately, an implementation of the libical library was already available for macintosh so, with the cross platform nature of xpcom, a macintosh calendar implementation was working within a few days.
Manipulating Lists - Archive of obsolete content
here is an example: example 1 : source view <script> function additem(){ document.getelementbyid('thelist').appenditem("thursday", "thu"); } </script> <listbox id="thelist"/> <button label="add" oncommand="additem();"/> the appenditem() takes two arguments, the label, in this case 'thursday', and a value 'thu'.
...the syntax is as follows: list.insertitemat(3, "thursday", "thu"); list.removeitemat(3); the insertitemat() function takes an additional argument, the position to insert the new item.
2006-09-29 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - september 22 - september 29, 2006 announcements lightning and sunbird 0.3 rc1 test day!
... clint announced the lightning and sunbird 0.3 rc1 test day oct.3 to oct.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
meetings sign off deadline is this thursday there was a status meeting on tuesday, october 17, 2006.
... sign off deadline was on thursday, october 19, 2006.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
more tbox changes on the way, most hitting on friday preed discusses killing more tboxes.
... bon echo status meeting: october 31st, 2006: (possibly final meeting) get notes here weekly project status meeting monday oct 30 1pm *pst*: get notes here ...
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
discussions none for this week meetings community test day - on friday october 6th, 2006 in irc chat room #testday there will be a test day focusing on safe browsing between 7am to 5pm pdt.
... bug day - in irc chat room #bugday on oct 3rd.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 24 - december 01, 2006 announcements december 5th test day coming up!
... test day for sunbird and lightning on tuesday december 5th.
Element - Archive of obsolete content
rss elements a <author> (rss author element) b c <category> (rss category element) <channel> (rss channel element) <cloud> (rss cloud element) <comments> (rss comments element) <copyright> (rss copyright element) d <day> (rss day element) <description> (rss description element) <docs> (rss docs element) e <enclosure> (rss enclosure element) f g <generator> (rss generator element) <guid> (rss guid element) h <height> (rss height element) <hour> (rss hour element) i <image> (rss image element) <item> (rss item element) j k l <language> (rss language element) <lastbuilddate> (rss last build date element) <link> (rss link element) m <managingeditor> (rss managing editor element) n <name> (rss name element) o p <pubdate> (rss p...
...ublished date element) q r <rating> (rss rating element) <rss> (rss's root "rss" element) s <skipdays> (rss skip days element) <skiphours> (rss skip hours element) <source> (rss source element) t <textinput> (rss text input element) <title> (rss title element) <ttl> (rss ttl element) u <url> (rss url element) v w <webmaster> (rss web master element) <width> (rss width element) x y z ...
Introduction to SSL - Archive of obsolete content
although the fourth question is not technically part of the ssl protocol, it is the client's responsibility to support this requirement, which provides some assurance of the server's identity and thus helps protect against a form of security attack known as "man in the middle." an ssl-enabled client goes through these steps to authenticate a server's identity: is today's date within the validity period?
... is today's date within the validity period?
Back to the Server: Server-Side JavaScript On The Rise - Archive of obsolete content
now more than 10 years later, with netscape's technology group having been transformed into the mozilla foundation, server-side javascript is seeing a strong resurgence because of the simplicity it provides to web developers reinvigorated by the fact that today's cpus can process javascript more than 10x faster than the cpus of the mid-90's ever could.
...advances such as ajax and running ajax on the server side with the jaxer server boosted by today's faster javascript engines and radically faster ones like tracemonkey to come from mozilla, sets the stage for significant use of server-side javascript now.
The Business Benefits of Web Standards - Archive of obsolete content
conclusion using web standards and separating structure from presentation brings a host of benefits for today and tomorrow.
... today, it means more audience, lower cost to produce new content, and becoming compliant with accessibility requirements.
Using the Right Markup to Invoke Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
during the netscape communicator 4.x days, netscape communications used to develop a java virtual machine which supported java 1.5.0 and below.
... the embed element the embed element has been used to invoke plugins since the early days of netscape browsers.
Introduction to game development for the Web - Game development
and we're not talking about simple card games or multi-player social games that have in the olden days been done using flash®. waiting breathlessly for approval while someone hidden within another company decides whether or not your critical bug fix will ship today or tomorrow.
Localization - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the following are common factors to consider: language unit of measure (e.g., kilometers in europe, miles in u.s.) text direction (e.g., european languages are left-to-right, arabic right-to-left) capitalization in latin script (e.g., english uses capitals for weekdays, spanish uses lowercase) adaptation of idioms (e.g., "raining cats and dogs" makes no sense when translated literally) use of register (e.g., in japanese respectful speech differs exceptionally from casual speech) number format (e.g., 10 000,00 in germany vs.
... 10,000.00 in the u.s.) date format currency cultural references paper size color psychology compliance with local laws local holidays personal names learn more general knowledge localization at mozilla on mdn localization on wikipedia ...
MVC - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
in the early days of the web, mvc architecture was mostly implemented on the server-side, with the client requesting updates via forms or links, and receiving updated views back to display in the browser.
... however, these days, more of the logic is pushed to the client with the advent of client-side data stores, and xmlhttprequest allowing partial page updates as required.
Polyfill - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
although this reason for polyfilling is very rare today, it was especially prevalent back in the days of ie6, netscape, and nnav where each browser implemented javascript very differently.
...using a polyfill to handle browser-specific implementations is practically non-existent today because modern browsers mostly implement a broad set of apis according to standard semantics.
How much does it cost to do something on the Web? - Learn web development
because ftp is inherently insecure, you should make sure to use sftp — the secure, encrypted version of ftp that most hosting sites you'll deal with these days will offer by default — or another secure solution like rsync over ssh.
...for example, your provider may have a plan that includes up to several thousand visitors per day, for “reasonable” bandwidth usage.
What is a URL? - Learn web development
in the early days of the web, a path like this represented a physical file location on the web server.
... nowadays, it is mostly an abstraction handled by web servers without any physical reality.
Basic native form controls - Learn web development
in this particular article we will look at the original set of form controls, available in all browsers since the early days of the web.
... summary this article has covered the older input types — the original set introduced in the early days of html that is well supported in all browsers.
Advanced text formatting - Learn web development
for example: <p>my birthday is on the 25<sup>th</sup> of may 2001.</p> <p>caffeine's chemical formula is c<sub>8</sub>h<sub>10</sub>n<sub>4</sub>o<sub>2</sub>.</p> <p>if x<sup>2</sup> is 9, x must equal 3 or -3.</p> the output of this code looks like so: representing computer code there are a number of elements available for marking up computer code using html: <code>: for marking up generic pieces of computer code.
... the basic example above just provides a simple machine readable date, but there are many other options that are possible, for example: <!-- standard simple date --> <time datetime="2016-01-20">20 january 2016</time> <!-- just year and month --> <time datetime="2016-01">january 2016</time> <!-- just month and day --> <time datetime="01-20">20 january</time> <!-- just time, hours and minutes --> <time datetime="19:30">19:30</time> <!-- you can do seconds and milliseconds too!
What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development
l support favicons in more common formats like .gif or .png, but using the ico format will ensure it works as far back as internet explorer 6.) adding the following line into your html's <head> block to reference it: <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon"> here is an example of a favicon in a bookmarks panel: there are lots of other icon types to consider these days as well.
... applying css and javascript to html just about all websites you'll use in the modern day will employ css to make them look cool, and javascript to power interactive functionality, such as video players, maps, games, and more.
Fetching data from the server - Learn web development
note: in the early days, this general technique was known as asynchronous javascript and xml (ajax), because it tended to use xmlhttprequest to request xml data.
... this is normally not the case these days (you'd be more likely to use xmlhttprequest or fetch to request json), but the result is still the same, and the term "ajax" is still often used to describe the technique.
Useful string methods - Learn web development
<h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 125px;"> <ul> </ul> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="playable-code" style="height: 290px; width: 95%"> const list = document.queryselector('.output ul'); list.innerhtml = ''; let greetings = ['happy birthday!', 'merry christmas my love', 'a happy christmas to all the family', 'you\'re all i want for christmas', 'get well soon']; for (let i = 0; i < greetings.length; i++) { let input = greetings[i]; // your conditional test needs to go inside the parentheses // in the line below, replacing what's currently there if (greetings...
...addeventlistener('click', function() { if(solution.value === 'show solution') { textarea.value = solutionentry; solution.value = 'hide solution'; } else { textarea.value = userentry; solution.value = 'show solution'; } updatecode(); }); const jssolution = 'const list = document.queryselector(\'.output ul\');' + '\nlist.innerhtml = \'\';' + '\nlet greetings = [\'happy birthday!\',' + '\n \'merry christmas my love\',' + '\n \'a happy christmas to all the family\',' + '\n \'you\\\'re all i want for christmas\',' + '\n \'get well soon\'];' + '\n' + '\nfor (let i = 0; i < greetings.length; i++) {' + '\n let input = greetings[i];' + '\n if (greetings[i].indexof(\'christmas\') !== -1) {' + '\n let result = ...
Multimedia: Images - Learn web development
other formats improve on jpeg's capabilities in regards to compression, but are not available on every browser: webp — created by google and nowadays supported by all major browsers except safari.
... given the narrow support for jpeg-xr and jpeg2000, and also taking decode costs into the equation, the only serious contender for jpeg today is webp.
Server-side web frameworks - Learn web development
how many questions have been posted in the last few days how many have responses?
... back in the early days of the web, many people learned perl because of a wonderful perl library called cgi.
Introduction to client-side frameworks - Learn web development
javascript frameworks power much of the impressive software on the modern web – including many of the websites you likely use every day.
...they don't bring brand-new powers to javascript; they give you easier access to javascript's powers so you can build for today's web.
Introduction to automated testing - Learn web development
previous overview: cross browser testing next manually running tests on several browsers and devices, several times per day, can get tedious, and time-consuming.
... setting up node and npm most tools these days are based on node.js, so you'll need to install it from download the installer for your system from the above site.
Accessibility Features in Firefox
screen magnifier users can also benefit from firefox's powerful features today, as caret and focus tracking are fully enabled.
... here are a couple of success stories from businesses who contributed accessibility code because they needed an accessible web browser which supported their software: contributes accessible web applications (dhtml and ajax) ibm realized it needed a way to enable accessibility for ever more powerful web applications, beyond what you see on typical web pages today.
CSUN Firefox Materials
screen magnifier users can also benefit from firefox's powerful features today, as caret and focus tracking are fully enabled. are a couple of success stories from businesses who contributed accessibility code because they needed an accessible web browser which supported their software: ibm contributes accessible web applications (dhtml and ajax) ibm realized it needed a way to enable accessibility for ever more powerful web applications, beyond what you see on typical web pages today.
What to do and what not to do in Bugzilla
if you need faster access to get canconfirm or editbugs, especially in order to triage bugs or to participate in a bug day, then you can ask in #bmo on irc, or you may create a bug requesting permissions. a result, bugs which are unconfirmed for more than a few days do not qualify for the blocker severity.
Contributing to the Mozilla code base
step 4b: follow it up once you've asked for a review, a reviewer will often respond within a day or two, reviewing the patch, or saying when they will be able to review it, perhaps due to a backlog.
...if they don't respond within a day or two, you can ask for help on matrix in the or channels, or contact mike hoye directly.
Performance best practices for Firefox front-end engineers
interruptible reflow since the early days, gecko has had the notion of interruptible reflow.
...note that a significant number of the graphics team members are in the us eastern time zone (utc-5 or utc-4 during daylight saving time), so let that information guide your timing when you ask questions in the gfx room .
Hacking with Bonsai
the process everyone who checks into the tree, joins a group called "the hook" at 8:00 am pst every weekday morning, the source tree is closed.
...these people, when they check in, will be "on the hook" for the next day's build.
IME handling guide
this is a technical term from windows but these days, this is used on other platforms as well.
...however, especially on mobile devices nowadays, ime is also used for inputting latin languages like autocomplete.
Mozilla Content Localized in Your Language
and what is the order of year, month and day?
... reference material can be find here calendar calendar view: which date is considered the first day of the week, sunday or monday?
Optimizing Applications For NSPR
one can only determine the immediate setting of daylight savings time, not what it would be at some arbitrary time in the past or the future.
...the implementation is well suited for high performance application, such as a server, but clients may find the win-95 version more suited (and adequate) for interactive applications such as are prevalent on today's workstations.
Date and Time
clock/calendar time, used for human interfaces, represents time in the familiar year, month, day, hour, minute, second components.
... pr_msec_per_sec pr_usec_per_sec pr_nsec_per_sec pr_usec_per_msec pr_nsec_per_msec types and constants types and constants defined for nspr dates and times are: prtime prtimeparameters prexplodedtime time parameter callback functions in some geographic locations, use of daylight saving time (dst) and the rule for determining the dates on which dst starts and ends have changed a few times.
An overview of NSS Internals
a high-level overview to the internals of network security services (nss) software developed by the projects traditionally used its own implementation of security protocols and cryptographic algorithms, originally called netscape security services, nowadays called network security services (nss). was originally developed for telecommunication systems at times where it was critical to minimize data as much as possible (although it still makes sense to use that principle today for good performance).
2 an overview of nss internals api, intermediate, intro, nss, tools a high-level overview to the internals of network security services (nss) software developed by the projects traditionally used its own implementation of security protocols and cryptographic algorithms, originally called netscape security services, nowadays called network security services (nss). was originally developed for telecommunication systems at times where it was critical to minimize data as much as possible (although it still makes sense to use that principle today for good performance).
NSS functions
er_asciitotime mxr 3.5 and later der_decodetimechoice mxr 3.9 and later der_encode mxr 3.4 and later der_encodetimechoice mxr 3.9 and later der_generalizedtimetotime mxr 3.2 and later der_getinteger mxr 3.2 and later der_generalizeddaytoascii mxr 3.11.7 and later der_lengths mxr 3.2 and later der_timetoutctime mxr 3.2 and later der_timechoicedaytoascii mxr 3.11.7 and later der_timetogeneralizedtime mxr 3.11.7 and later der_timetogeneralizedtimearena mxr 3.11.7 and later ...
... der_utcdaytoascii mxr 3.2 and later der_utctimetoascii mxr 3.2 and later der_utctimetotime mxr 3.2 and later dsau_decodedersig mxr 3.2 and later dsau_decodedersigtolen mxr 3.9 and later dsau_encodedersig mxr 3.2 and later dsau_encodedersigwithlen mxr 3.9 and later hash_begin mxr 3.4 and later hash_clone mxr 3.10 and later hash_create mxr 3.4 and later hash_destroy mxr 3.4 and later hash_end mxr 3.4 and later hash_gethashobject mxr 3.2 and late...
Utility functions
er_asciitotime mxr 3.5 and later der_decodetimechoice mxr 3.9 and later der_encode mxr 3.4 and later der_encodetimechoice mxr 3.9 and later der_generalizedtimetotime mxr 3.2 and later der_getinteger mxr 3.2 and later der_generalizeddaytoascii mxr 3.11.7 and later der_lengths mxr 3.2 and later der_timetoutctime mxr 3.2 and later der_timechoicedaytoascii mxr 3.11.7 and later der_timetogeneralizedtime mxr 3.11.7 and later der_timetogeneralizedtimearena mxr 3.11.7 and later ...
... der_utcdaytoascii mxr 3.2 and later der_utctimetoascii mxr 3.2 and later der_utctimetotime mxr 3.2 and later dsau_decodedersig mxr 3.2 and later dsau_decodedersigtolen mxr 3.9 and later dsau_encodedersig mxr 3.2 and later dsau_encodedersigwithlen mxr 3.9 and later hash_begin mxr 3.4 and later hash_clone mxr 3.10 and later hash_create mxr 3.4 and later hash_destroy mxr 3.4 and later hash_end mxr 3.4 and later hash_gethashobject mxr 3.2 and late...
Future directions
that means the code as it is today won't match this document, and that's ok.
...also, we will someday want a more modern c++ api.
syntax jsobject * js_newdateobject(jscontext *cx, int year, int mon, int mday, int hour, int min, int sec); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new date object.
... mday int the day of the month to set the new object to.
Handling Mozilla Security Bugs
the applicant's nomination for membership will then be considered for a period of a few days, during which members of the security bug group can speak out in favor of or against the applicant.
... however, we will ask all individuals and organizations reporting security bugs through bugzilla to follow the voluntary guidelines below: before making a security bug world-readable, please provide a few days notice to the mozilla security bug group by sending an email to the private security bug group mailing list.
History Service Design
visits are expired based on user preferences, there is an hard limit on the minimum number of days that should be retained, visits in that range won't never expire.
... finally expiration can be forced by the user himself to clean up the full history or slices of it (last hour, last day, ...).
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview wstring computenextautoupdatetime(in nsicrlinfo info, in unsigned long autoupdatetype, in double noofdays); void deletecrl(in unsigned long crlindex); nsiarray getcrls(); void importcrl([array, size_is(length)] in octet data, in unsigned long length, in nsiuri uri, in unsigned long type, in boolean dosilentdownload, in wstring crlkey); void reschedulecrlautoupdate(); boolean updatecrlfromurl(in wstring url, in wstring key); constants constant value description type_autoupdate_time_based 1 type_autoupdate_freq_based 2 methods computenextautoupdatetime() wstring computenextautoupdatetime( ...
... in nsicrlinfo info, in unsigned long autoupdatetype, in double noofdays ); parameters info autoupdatetype noofdays return value deletecrl() delete the crl.
Building a Thunderbird extension 6: Adding JavaScript
window.addeventlistener("load", function(e) { startup(); }, false); window.setinterval( function() { startup(); }, 60000); //update date every minute function startup() { var mypanel = document.getelementbyid("my-panel"); var date = new date(); var day = date.getday(); var datestring = date.getfullyear() + "." + (date.getmonth()+1) + "." + date.getdate(); mypanel.label = "date: " + datestring; } the first part registers a new event listener that will be executed automatically when thunderbird loads.
... we use the function window.setinterval to update the date in case thunderbird is left running for more than one day.
HTMLElement.hidden - Web APIs
the welcome panel <div id="welcome" class="panel"> <h1>welcome to!</h1> <p>by clicking "ok" you agree to be awesome every day!</p> <button class="button" id="okbutton">ok</button> </div> this html creates a panel (in a <div> block) that welcomes the user to a site and tells them what they're agreeing to by clicking the ok button.
...the follow-up panel looks like this in html: <div id="awesome" class="panel" hidden> <h1>thanks!</h1> <p>thank you <strong>so</strong> much for agreeing to be awesome today!
HTMLImageElement.longDesc - Web APIs
consider the following older html: <img src="taco-tuesday.jpg" longdesc="image-descriptions/taco-tuesday.html"> here, the longdesc is used to indicate that the user should be able to access a detailed description of the image taco-tuesday.jpg in the html file image-descriptions/taco-tuesday.html.
... this can be easily converted into modern html: <a href="image-descriptions/taco-tuesday.html"> <img src="taco-tuesday.jpg"> </a> with that, the image is a link to the html file describing the image in more detail.
HTMLInputElement.stepUp() - Web APIs
input type default step value example step declaration date 1 (day) 7 day (one week) increments: <input type="date" min="2019-12-25" step="7"> month 1 (month) 12 month (one year) increments: <input type="month" min="2019-12" step="12"> week 1 (week) two week increments: <input type="week" min="2019-w23" step="2"> time 60 (seconds) 900 second (15 minute) increments: <input type="time" min="09:00" ste...
...p="900"> datetime-local 1 (day) same day of the week: <input type="datetime-local" min="019-12-25t19:30" step="7"> number 1 0.1 increments <input type="number" min="0" step="0.1" max="10"> range 1 increments by 2: <input type="range" min="0" step="2" max="10"> the method, when invoked, changes the form control's value by the value given in the step attribute, multiplied by the parameter, within the constraints set on the form control.
HTMLInputElement.webkitdirectory - Web APIs
for example, consider this file system: photoalbums birthdays jamie's 1st birthday pic1000.jpg pic1004.jpg pic1044.jpg don's 40th birthday pic2343.jpg pic2344.jpg pic2355.jpg pic2356.jpg vacations mars pic5533.jpg pic5534.jpg pic5556.jpg pic5684.jpg pic5712.jpg i...
...the entry for pic2343.jpg will have a webkitrelativepath of photoalbums/birthdays/don's 40th birthday/pic2343.jpg.
IDBDatabase: abort event - Web APIs
eeded = (event) => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; db.addeventlistener('abort', () => { console.log('transaction aborted'); }); // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transa...
...eeded = (event) => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; db.onabort = () => { console.log('transaction aborted'); }; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transa...
IDBDatabase: close event - Web APIs
eeded = (event) => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; db.addeventlistener('close', () => { console.log('database connection closed'); }); }; the same example, using the onclose property instead of addeventlis...
...eeded = (event) => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; db.onclose = () => { console.log('database connection closed'); }; }; ...
IDBDatabase: error event - Web APIs
eeded = (event) => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { const newitem = { tasktitle: 'my task', hours: 10, minutes: 10, day: 10, month: 'january', year: 2020 }; const db = dbopenrequest.result; db.addeventlistener('error', () => { console.log(`er...
...eeded = (event) => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { const newitem = { tasktitle: 'my task', hours: 10, minutes: 10, day: 10, month: 'january', year: 2020 }; const db = dbopenrequest.result; db.onerror = () => { console.log(`error adding new i...
IDBDatabase: versionchange event - Web APIs
deneeded = event => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.addeventlistener('success', event => { const db =; db.addeventlistener('versionchange', event => { console.log('the version of this database has changed'); }); }); the same example, using the on...
...deneeded = event => { const db =; // create an objectstore for this database const objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = event => { const db =; db.onversionchange = event => { console.log('the version of this database has changed'); }; }; ...
IDBObjectStore - Web APIs
.innerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); note.innerhtml += '<li>object store created.</li>'; }; // create a new item to add in to the object store var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: ...
...30, day: 24, month: 'december', year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of the transaction completing, when everything is done transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed.</li>'; }; transaction.onerror = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction not opened due to error.
IDBOpenDBRequest: blocked event - Web APIs
() => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { // let's try to open the same database with a higher revision version const req2 ='todolist', 5); // in this case the onblocked handler will be executed req2.addeventlistener('...
...() => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { // let's try to open the same database with a higher revision version const req2 ='todolist', 5); // in this case the onblocked handler will be executed req2.onblocked = () => ...
IDBOpenDBRequest: upgradeneeded event - Web APIs
lt; console.log(`upgrading to version ${db.version}`); // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }); this is the same example, but uses the onupgradeneeded event handler property.; console.log(`upgrading to version ${db.version}`); // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; ...
IDBRequest: success event - Web APIs
() => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; openrequest.addeventlistener('success', (event) => { console.log('database opened successfully!'); }); the same example, but using the onsuccess event handler property: // open the database const openrequest ='t...
...() => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; openrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { console.log('database opened successfully!'); }; ...
IDBTransaction: abort event - Web APIs
() => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = event => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transaction(['todolist'], 'readwrite'); // add a listener for `abort` tr...
...() => { console.log('error creating database'); }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore('todolist', { keypath: 'tasktitle' }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex('hours', 'hours', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('minutes', 'minutes', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('day', 'day', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('month', 'month', { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex('year', 'year', { unique: false }); }; dbopenrequest.onsuccess = event => { const db = dbopenrequest.result; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data const transaction = db.transaction(['todolist'], 'readwrite'); // add a listener for `abort` tr...
Pointer events - Web APIs
much of today's web content assumes the user's pointing device will be a mouse.
... #target { touch-action: pan-x; } compatibility with mouse events although the pointer event interfaces enable applications to create enhanced user experiences on pointer enabled devices, the reality is the vast majority of today's web content is designed to only work with mouse input.
Using the slider role - Accessibility
in the example below, the slider is used to select a day of the week.
... <label id="day-label">days</label> <div class="day-slider"> <div id="day-handle" class="day-slider-handle" role="slider" aria-labelledby="day-label" aria-valuemin="1" aria-valuemax="7" aria-valuenow="2" aria-valuetext="monday"> </div> </div> the code snippet below shows a function that responds to user input and updates the aria-valuenow and aria-valuetext attributes: var daynames = ["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"]; var updateslider = function (newvalue) { var handle = document.getelementbyid("day-handle"); handle.setattribute("aria-valuenow", newvalue.tostring()); handle.setattribute("aria-valuetext", daynames[newvalue]); }; working examples: slider example notes aria attributes used aria-va...
ARIA: grid role - Accessibility
examples calendar example html <table role="grid" aria-labelledby="calendarheader" aria-readonly=true> <caption id="calendarheader">september 2018</caption> <thead role="rowgroup"> <tr role="row"> <td></td> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="sunday">s</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="monday">m</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="tuesday">t</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="wednesday">w</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="thursday">t</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="friday">f</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="saturday">s</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody role="rowgr...
...set.col); i--; } while (result == false); break; case "enter": alert(; break; } event.preventdefault(); }); html <table role="grid" aria-labelledby="calendarheader"> <caption id="calendarheader">september 2018</caption> <thead role="rowgroup"> <tr role="row"> <td></td> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="sunday">s</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="monday">m</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="tuesday">t</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="wednesday">w</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="thursday">t</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="friday">f</th> <th role="columnheader" aria-label="saturday">s</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody role="rowgr...
Accessibility Information for Web Authors - Accessibility
in 30 days, you will know why your website should be accessible and how to make it more accessible.
...since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
prefers-color-scheme - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
html <div class="day">day (initial)</div> <div class="day light-scheme">day (changes in light scheme)</div> <div class="day dark-scheme">day (changes in dark scheme)</div> <br> <div class="night">night (initial)</div> <div class="night light-scheme">night (changes in light scheme)</div> <div class="night dark-scheme">night (changes in dark scheme)</div> css .day { background: #eee; color: black; } .night { back...
...ground: #333; color: white; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { .day.dark-scheme { background: #333; color: white; } .night.dark-scheme { background: black; color: #ddd; } } @media (prefers-color-scheme: light) { .day.light-scheme { background: white; color: #555; } .night.light-scheme { background: #eee; color: black; } } .day, .night { display: inline-block; padding: 1em; width: 7em; height: 2em; vertical-align: middle; } result specifications specification status comment media queries level 5the definition of 'prefers-color-scheme' in that specification.
HTML attribute: step - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if not explicitly included, step defaults to 1 for number and range, and 1 unit type (minute, week, month, day) for the date/time input types.
... default values for step input type value example date 1 (day) <input type="date" min="2019-12-25" step="1"> month 1 (month) <input type="month" min="2019-12" step="12"> week 1 (week) <input type="week" min="2019-w23" step="2"> time 60 (seconds) <input type="time" min="09:00" step="900"> datetime-local 1 (day) <input type="datetime-local" min="019-12-25t19:30" step="7"> number ...
<input type="time"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for example, specifying a min of 14:00 and a max of 2:00 means that the permitted time values start at 2:00 pm, run through midnight to the next day, ending at 2:00 am.
...e the if() {} block if(test.type === 'text') { // hide the native picker and show the fallback = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'block'; // populate the hours and minutes dynamically populatehours(); populateminutes(); } function populatehours() { // populate the hours <select> with the 6 open hours of the day for(var i = 12; i <= 18; i++) { var option = document.createelement('option'); option.textcontent = i; hourselect.appendchild(option); } } function populateminutes() { // populate the minutes <select> with the 60 minutes of each hour for(var i = 0; i <= 59; i++) { var option = document.createelement('option'); option.textcontent = (i < 10) ?
<title>: The Document Title element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
example <title>menu - blue house chinese food - foodyum: online takeout today!</title> to help the user, update the page title value to reflect significant page state changes (such as form validation problems).
... example <title>2 errors - your order - blue house chinese food - foodyum: online takeout today!</title> mdn understanding wcag, guideline 2.4 explanations understanding success criterion 2.4.2 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of '<title>' in that specification.
<u>: The Unarticulated Annotation (Underline) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
result the result should be familiar to anyone who has used any of the more popular word processors available today.
... html <span class="underline">today's special</span> <br> chicken noodle soup with carrots css .underline { text-decoration: underline; } result presenting a book title book titles should be presented using the <cite> element instead of <u> or even <i>.
itemscope - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<div itemscope itemtype=""> <h2 itemprop="name">grandma's holiday apple pie</h2> <img itemprop="image" src="" width="50" height="50" /> <p> by <span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype=""> <span itemprop="name">carol smith</span> </span> </p> <p> published: <time datetime="2009-11-05" itemprop="datepublished">november 5, 2009</time> </p> <span itemprop=...
... structured data itemscope itemtype recipe itemprop name grandma's holiday apple pie itemprop image itemprop datepublished 2009-11-05 itemprop description this is my grandmother's apple pie recipe.
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
124 <input type="datetime-local"> date, date and time, element, form input, html, html forms, input, input element, input type, reference, time, datetime-local <input> elements of type datetime-local create input controls that let the user easily enter both a date and a time, including the year, month, and day as well as the time in hours and minutes.
... 236 quirks mode and standards mode gecko, guide, html, needsupdate, web development, web standards, xhtml in the old days of the web, pages were typically written in two versions: one for netscape navigator, and one for microsoft internet explorer.
Quirks Mode and Standards Mode - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
in the old days of the web, pages were typically written in two versions: one for netscape navigator, and one for microsoft internet explorer.
...earlier versions of the html standard recommended other variants, but all existing browsers today will use full standards mode for this doctype, even the dated internet explorer 6.
Identifying resources on the Web - HTTP
in the early days of the web, a path like this represented a physical file location on the web server.
... nowadays, it is mostly an abstraction handled by web servers without any physical reality.
Date - HTTP
note that date is listed in the forbidden header names in the fetch spec - so this code will not send date header: fetch('', { 'headers': { 'date': (new date()).toutcstring() } }) header type general header forbidden header name yes syntax date: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> gmt directives <day-name> one of "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", or "sun" (case-sensitive).
... <day> 2 digit day number, e.g.
If-Modified-Since - HTTP
header type request header forbidden header name no syntax if-modified-since: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> gmt directives <day-name> one of "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", or "sun" (case-sensitive).
... <day> 2 digit day number, e.g.
If-Unmodified-Since - HTTP
header type request header forbidden header name no syntax if-unmodified-since: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> gmt directives <day-name> one of "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", or "sun" (case-sensitive).
... <day> 2 digit day number, e.g.
Last-Modified - HTTP
header type response header forbidden header name no cors-safelisted response header yes syntax last-modified: <day-name>, <day> <month> <year> <hour>:<minute>:<second> gmt directives <day-name> one of "mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", or "sun" (case-sensitive).
... <day> 2 digit day number, e.g.
Regular expression syntax cheatsheet - JavaScript
for example, /.y/ matches "my" and "ay", but not "yes", in "yes make my day".
...for example, /\bon/ matches "on" in "at noon", and /ye\b/ matches "ye" in "possibly yesterday".
Text formatting - JavaScript
(the result is different in another time zone.) const msperday = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // july 17, 2014 00:00:00 utc.
... const july172014 = new date(msperday * (44 * 365 + 11 + 197)); const options = { year: '2-digit', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit', timezonename: 'short' }; const americandatetime = new intl.datetimeformat('en-us', options).format; console.log(americandatetime(july172014)); // 07/16/14, 5:00 pm pdt number formatting the numberformat object is useful for formatting numbers, for example currencies.
Date.UTC() - JavaScript
syntax since ecmascript 2017: date.utc(year[, month[, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, millisecond]]]]]]) ecmascript 2016 and earlier: (month used to be required) date.utc(year, month[, day[, hour[, minute[, second[, millisecond]]]]]) parameters year a full year. of es2017, it no longer is.) day optional an integer between 1 and 31 representing the day of the month.
Date.prototype.getTimezoneOffset() - JavaScript
if the host system is configured for daylight saving, the offset will change depending on the date and time that the date represents and that daylight saving applies.
... examples using gettimezoneoffset() // get current timezone offset for host device let x = new date(); let currenttimezoneoffsetinhours = x.gettimezoneoffset() / 60; // 1 // get timezone offset for international labour day (may 1) in 2016 // be careful, the date() constructor uses 0-indexed months, so may is // represented with 4 (and not 5) let labourday = new date(2016, 4, 1) let labourdayoffset = labourday.gettimezoneoffset() / 60; specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.gettimezoneoffset' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setFullYear() - JavaScript
an integer between 1 and 31 representing the day of the month.
... examples using setfullyear() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setfullyear(1997); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setfullyear' in that specification.
Date.prototype.toDateString() - JavaScript
the todatestring() method returns the date portion of a date object in english in the following format separated by spaces: first three letters of the week day name first three letters of the month name two digit day of the month, padded on the left a zero if necessary four digit year (at least), padded on the left with zeros if necessary e.g. spidermonkey, this consists of the date portion (day, month, and year) followed by the time portion (hours, minutes, seconds, and time zone).
Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format() - JavaScript
examples using format use the format getter function for formatting a single date, here for serbia: var options = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric' }; var datetimeformat = new intl.datetimeformat('sr-rs', options); console.log(datetimeformat.format(new date())); // → "недеља, 7.
... for this reason you cannot expect to be able to compare the results of format() to a static value: let d = new date("2019-01-01t00:00:00.000000z"); let formatteddate = intl.datetimeformat(undefined, { year: 'numeric', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', second: 'numeric' }).format(d); "1.1.2019, 01:00:00" === formatteddate; // true in firefox and others // false in ie and edge note: see also this stackoverflow thread for more details and examples.
Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.prototype.formatToParts() - JavaScript
possible values are: "year", "quarter", "month", "week", "day", "hour", "minute", "second".
... examples using formattoparts const rtf = new intl.relativetimeformat("en", { numeric: "auto" }); // format relative time using the day unit rtf.formattoparts(-1, "day"); // > [{ type: "literal", value: "yesterday"}] rtf.formattoparts(100, "day"); // > [{ type: "literal", value: "in " }, // > { type: "integer", value: "100", unit: "day" }, // > { type: "literal", value: " days" }] specifications specification status comment ecmascript internationalization api (ecma-402)the definition of 'relativetimef...
Number - JavaScript
there is no separate integer type in common everyday use.
... (javascript now has a bigint type, but it was not designed to replace number for everyday uses.
String.prototype.concat() - JavaScript
have a nice day.')) // hello, kevin.
... have a nice day.
Digital video concepts - Web media technologies
the name "yuv" is generally used today to describe this color system, even though the term was originally used specifically for analog coding of color, while ycbcr was used for digital color.
... however, today both terms are used for digital color.
Graphic design for responsive sites - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
but today it is very much a reality.
...this is why we have included an entire docs section covering each of these topics (the one you are currently in, and app layout.) in addition, these days there are so many more technologies to choose from than your humble bmps, jpgs, gifs and pngs.
Cross-domain Content Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
pageworker.on("message", function(message) { console.log(message); }); the "page.html" file embeds an iframe whose content is served from "": <!doctype html> <!-- page.html --> <html> <head></head> <body> <iframe id="wikipedia" src=""></iframe> </body> </html> the "page-script.js" file locates "today's featured article" and sends its content to "main.js": // page-script.js var iframe = window.document.getelementbyid("wikipedia"); var todaysfeaturedarticle = iframe.contentwindow.document.getelementbyid("mp-tfa"); self.postmessage(todaysfeaturedarticle.textcontent); for this to work, we need to add the "cross-domain-content" key to "package.json": "permissions": { "cross-domain-content": ...
simple-storage - Archive of obsolete content
to store a value, just assign it to a property on storage: var ss = require("sdk/simple-storage"); = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]; = true; = null; = 3.1337; = { a: "foo", b: { c: true }, d: null }; = "o frabjous day!"; you can store array, boolean, number, object, null, and string values.
lang/functional - Archive of obsolete content
let { chain } = require("sdk/lang/functional"); function person (age) { this.age = age; } person.prototype.happybirthday = chain(function () this.age++); let person = new person(30); person .happybirthday() .happybirthday() .happybirthday() console.log(person.age); // 33 parameters fn : function the function that will be wrapped by the chain function.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Extensions - Archive of obsolete content
what features are considered standard for web browsers these days?
Chapter 5: Let's build a Firefox extension - Archive of obsolete content
create a development profile if you want to partition your everyday browsing environment from your development environment in firefox, set up a second profile for development.
Firefox addons developer guide - Archive of obsolete content
these days, we recommend using the add-on sdk instead, but there are times when you need the additional control offered by a more direct approach.
Mozilla Documentation Roadmap - Archive of obsolete content
it can be hard to follow due of the sheer mass of information coming out of it (dozens of posts per day), but you'll certainly be up to date with pretty much everything if you take the time to read at least part of it.
Setting Up a Development Environment - Archive of obsolete content
you don't want unstable extensions to break your everyday firefox profile, risking data loss.
Useful Mozilla Community Sites - Archive of obsolete content
the community is very active, and you can be sure to get translations for the most commonly used languages within a few days of submitting your extension.
Setting up an extension development environment - Archive of obsolete content
to quickly achieve our task of creating just a developer profile, we will start the application with the parameters: /path/to/firefox -no-remote -p profilename without these parameters, the default behavior of your mozilla applications is to only open the everyday user profile: named default.
CSS3 - Archive of obsolete content
though today no module with a level greater than 3 is standardized, this will change in the future.
Images, Tables, and Mysterious Gaps - Archive of obsolete content
back in the early days, this approach worked, because browsers would usually make a table cell exactly as wide and tall as an image it contained.
MCD, Mission Control Desktop, AKA AutoConfig - Archive of obsolete content
hence a single computer might connect many different users all day long.
Source Navigator - Archive of obsolete content
i hope i can finish it within one day or two if i have more time.
Misc top level - Archive of obsolete content
back in the early days, this approach worked, because browsers would usually make a table cell exactly as wide and tall as an image it proxy for configurationthis document provides a comprehensive discussion of the manual proxy feature "no proxy for:", including configuration issues, testing and bugs.same-origin policy for file: urisin gecko 1.8 or earlier, any two file: uris are considered to be same-ori...
Bonsai - Archive of obsolete content
start at the main bonsai query page or seamonkey tree control page here are some example queries that will give you a taste of what bonsai is capable of: today's checkins to the mozilla source mainline.
External CVS snapshots in mozilla-central - Archive of obsolete content
eventually we'd like to have acls, but as of today there is no protection for accidental commits to those directories.
Monitoring downloads - Archive of obsolete content
what times of day do you get the best download performance?
New Security Model for Web Services - Archive of obsolete content
this is offered in the mozilla implementation of soap today.
Merging TraceMonkey Repo - Archive of obsolete content
between resolving conflicts, finding a good time to land, watching the tree, and marking bugs as fixed, it takes around half a day.
Archived SpiderMonkey docs - Archive of obsolete content
between resolving conflicts, finding a good time to land, watching the tree, and marking bugs as fixed, it takes around half a day.spidermonkey coding conventionsthe spidermonkey project owners enforce coding conventions pretty strictly during code reviews.
Actionscript Acceptance Tests - Archive of obsolete content
# (see for details) # e.g.: eastern standard time/eastern daylight time = ('est','edt') # write timezones as tuples, one to each line.
The new nsString class implementation (1999) - Archive of obsolete content
(these are stubbed out today awaiting their review and implementation).
URIs and URLs - Archive of obsolete content
familiar examples include an electronic document, an image, a service (e.g., "today's weather report for los angeles"), and a collection of other resources.
Example Sticky Notes - Archive of obsolete content
fax - respond today.</p></div> <div class="sticker"><p>don't forget the eggs!</p></div> <div class="sticker"><p>the new project - who's on charge?</p></div> <div class="sticker"><p>learn more about xbl.</p></div> <p style="clear: left"><a href=""><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="valid html 4.01" styl...
Properties - Archive of obsolete content
buildid of netscape 6 is represented by a time stamp of teh format:yyyymmddhh: 2001031808 means in the year 2001, in the month of march, on the 18th day of the month, at 8:00am.
Properties - Archive of obsolete content
note that due to branching (different versions of gecko with different feature sets might be built on the same day), using this property to "detect" the application version may produce false results.
SVG And Canvas In Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
presentation view online download summary today's web browsers offer somewhat limited graphics capabilities to web developers.
XTech 2005 Presentations - Archive of obsolete content
rich web: svg and canvas in mozilla - robert o'callahan today's web browsers offer somewhat limited graphics capabilities to web developers.
Attribute (XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
omindex customizable cycler datasources decimalplaces default defaultbutton defaultset description dir disableautocomplete disableautoselect disableclose disabled disablehistory disablekeynavigation disablesecurity dlgtype dragging editable editortype element empty emptytext deprecated since gecko 2 enablecolumndrag enablehistory equalsize eventnode events expr firstdayofweek firstpage first-tab fixed flags flex focused forcecomplete grippyhidden grippytooltiptext group handlectrltab height helpuri hidden hidechrome hidecolumnpicker hideheader hideseconds hidespinbuttons highlightnonmatches homepage href icon id ignoreblurwhilesearching ignorecase ignoreincolumnpicker ignorekeys image inactivetitlebarcolor increment index input...
Index - Archive of obsolete content
123 firstdayofweek xul attributes, xul reference no summary!
RDF Datasources - Archive of obsolete content
you can also use the value nc:historybydate to get the history sorted into days.
Skinning XUL Files by Hand - Archive of obsolete content
when this day comes, skins defined in a global skin file will be applied to a whole application -- like the mozilla browser -- so that all the various windows and parts will look consistent.
Using Remote XUL - Archive of obsolete content
global web site navigation most web sites today have poor global navigation (features for locating and visiting pages across the entire site).
The Implementation of the Application Object Model - Archive of obsolete content
look at the difference between the two tree widgets that exist in nglayout today as an example.
Application Update - Archive of obsolete content
//pref("app.update.url.override", ""); // interval: time between checks for a new version (in seconds) // default=1 day pref("app.update.interval", 86400); // interval: time before prompting the user to download a new version that // is available (in seconds) default=1 day pref("", 86400); // interval: time before prompting the user to restart to install the latest // download (in seconds) default=30 minutes pref("app.update.nagtimer.restart", 1800); // interval: ...
calICalendarViewController - Archive of obsolete content
it remains unfrozen today.
Gecko Compatibility Handbook - Archive of obsolete content
the most common version of ssl on the web today is ssl 3.0, however the newest version tls (ssl 3.1), which is supported by gecko browsers is not supported by many web servers today.
Mozilla release FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
if you're new to the mozilla newsgroups, you probably should be reading the newsgroup for a few days regularly before you post anything.
Format - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - july 17-23, 2006 announcements firefox 2/gecko 1.8.1 bug approvals starting on friday july 21 at 10:00a pdt the release triage team will no longer be accepting bugs unless they meet one of the posted criteria.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
important dates: technical submissions: monday 19th feb 2007 technical paper notification: friday 16th march 2007 communication submissions: monday 26th march 2007 communication paper notification: friday 06th april 2007 all camera ready due: monday 16th april 2007 conference dates: monday 07th and tuesday 08th may 2007 notable keynotes representatives from w3c, ibm, university of manchester, uk and oxford brookes university, uk.
mozilla-dev-apps-calendar - Archive of obsolete content
weekly summaries friday september 29, 2006 friday october 6, 2006 ...
mozilla-dev-apps-firefox - Archive of obsolete content
weekly summaries friday september 29, 2006 friday october 6, 2006 friday october 13, 2006 friday october 20, 2006 friday november 3, 2006 friday november 10, 2006 friday november 17, 2006 friday november 24, 2006 friday december 1, 2006 ...
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
more tbox changes on the way, most hitting on friday on october 30th j.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
on the same day he posted the answer to his posting that he found in last weeks posting.
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
ffx 2 rc2 testing today l10n builds were completed was completed and ready for test.
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
l10n freeze on seamonkey 1.1 code is imminent in the next days, as well as beta release.
2006-11-3 - Archive of obsolete content
seamonkey 1.0.6 and 1.1 beta upcoming the seamonkey projet is planning a security release of the stable 1.0 series as well as a beta for the 1.1 version, all possibly in the next days or week.
2006-07-17 - Archive of obsolete content
announcements sfirefox 2/gecko 1.8.1 bug approvals starting on friday july 21 at 10:00a pdt the release triage team will no longer be accepting bugs unless they meet one of the posted criteria.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
announcements code freeze - friday, november 24 code freeze for and on friday nov.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
chat with the creator of javascript and mozilla cto brendan eich this tuesday, november 7th at 10am pst (utc-8) traffic xepra wants to know how to open multiple tabs in a new window.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
discussions none meetings community test day - on friday, november 3, 2006 another community test day focusing on security and stability release, and you can help by verifying bugs, and by running the litmus test cases under the ffts or the bfts.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
discussions none meetings gecko 1.0a1 community test day - there will be a community test day to test an early alpha of the next firefox release.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
--------------010306060708080008030904 content-type: audio/mpeg; name="eternals - babalus's wedding dayfinal.mp3" content-transfer-encoding: base64 content-id: <> content-disposition: inline; filename="eternals - babalus's wedding dayfinal.mp3" he wonders why this is.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
announcements developer chat with javascript developer brendan eich on tuesday, november 7th at 10am pst (utc-8) brendan eich and some special guests will be hosting a developer chat about new technologies comming to mozilla 2.
mozilla-dev-tech-layout - Archive of obsolete content
friday september 29, 2006 friday october 27, 2006 friday november 3, 2006 friday november 10, 2006 friday november 17, 2006 friday november 24, 2006 saturday december 2, 2006 friday december 8, 2006 ...
2006-10-13 - Archive of obsolete content
sunbird release notes lightning release notes inter-operability test day on tuesday october 17 interoperability testing for sunbird on tuesday.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 13 - october 20, 2006 announcements inter-operability test day on tuesday october 17 interoperability testing on tuesday, for calendar applications test on how sunbird works with published calendars that were generated.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 20 - october 27, 2006 announcements calendar test day october 31st a test date has been set for october 31st.
2006-11-03 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - october 27 - november 3, 2006 announcements test day results the calendar qa team had a successful test day on tuesday discussions storage format for events storage format of timestamps in lightning.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - november 3 - november 10, 2006 announcements calendar-qa team announces november 14th testday calendar-qa team celebrate some new functionality of calendar.
XEmbed Extension for Mozilla Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
overview recent versions of mozilla include an extension for writing plugins that use xembed instead of using the old xt-based mainloop that most plugins have been using since the netscape 3.x days.
Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
xembed extension for mozilla plugins recent versions of mozilla on *nix-based systems include an extension for writing plugins that use xembed instead of using the old xt-based main loop that most plugins have been using since the netscape 3.x days.
0.90 - Archive of obsolete content
(and not only a syndication format, as it is today.) rss 0.90 is an rdf-based format.
Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability - Archive of obsolete content
nearly all the major security incidents reported in the media today involve major losses of confidentiality.
Introduction to Public-Key Cryptography - Archive of obsolete content
instead of requiring a user to send passwords across the network throughout the day, single sign-on requires the user to enter the private-key database password just once, without sending it across the network.
Vulnerabilities - Archive of obsolete content
the arp protocol was standardized over 25 years ago, and threats have changed a great deal since then, so the trust assumptions inherent in its design then are unlikely to still be reasonable today.
Developing cross-browser and cross-platform pages - Archive of obsolete content
browser identification approach (aka "browser sniffing"): not best, not reliable approach this approach, still commonly used nowadays, attempts to identify the browser and makes the web author at design time decide what that implies in terms of capabilities of the visiting browser.
New in JavaScript 1.3 - Archive of obsolete content
changed functionality in javascript 1.3 changes to date to conform with ecma-262 new constructor date(year, month, day, [,hours [, minutes [, seconds [, milliseconds ]]]]) additional method parameters: setmonth(month[, date]) sethours(hours[, min[, sec[, ms]]]) setminutes(min[, sec[, ms]]) setseconds(sec[, ms]) the length of an array (property length) is now an unsigned, 32-bit integer.
Styling the Amazing Netscape Fish Cam Page - Archive of obsolete content
you could see the actual fish in the mythical netscape headquarters, any time of the day or night!
Reference - Archive of obsolete content
well, may be it's no so common in today's world...
Building Mozilla XForms - Archive of obsolete content
the built xpi file will only install on a nightly snapshot from the same day or your self-built firefox version.
XForms Range Element - Archive of obsolete content
type restrictions the range element can be bound to a node of type xsd:duration, xsd:date, xsd:time, xsd:datetime, xsd:gyearmonth, xsd:gyear, xsd:gmonthday, xsd:gday, xsd:gmonth, xsd:float, xsd:decimal or xsd:double or any type derived from one of these.
Mozilla XForms User Interface - Archive of obsolete content
days list - used when the data has a data type of day.
Archived open Web documentation - Archive of obsolete content
server-side javascript here's a radical idea: use one language to write entire web apps -- the same language which billions of web pages already use, every day.
RDF in Mozilla FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
some examples of datasources that exist today are "browser bookmarks", "browser global history", "imap mail accounts", "nntp news servers", and "rdf/xml files".
Windows Media in Netscape - Archive of obsolete content
ing code snippet shorter to illustrate the relevant points about the api: var player; try { if(window.activexobject) { player = new activexobject("wmplayer.ocx.7"); } else if (window.geckoactivexobject) { player = new geckoactivexobject("wmplayer.ocx.7"); } } catch(e) { // handle error -- no wmp 7 or 9 control // can use wmp 6 also if necessary, but this is legacy software nowadays } if (player) { // windows media player control exists and it is version 7 or 9 // can use wmp 7 or 9 api -- call versioninfo property, only in 7 and 9 var versionstring = player.versioninfo; alert(versionstring); } only geckoactivexobject allows for the use of the windows media player classid as an argument.
Examples - Game development
save the day fly your rescue chopper around the disaster area and save the stranded victims ( polycraft a shipwreck 'n survive game.
Game distribution - Game development
instant updates you don't have to wait several days to have your game's code updated.
Game promotion - Game development
press you can try and reach the press about your game, but bear in mind that they get a tonne of requests like this every single day, so be humble and patient if they don't answer right away, and be polite when talking to them.
Crisp pixel art look with image-rendering - Game development
but since today's screens render content at high resolutions, there is a problem with making sure the pixel art does not look blurry.
DOM (Document Object Model) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
today, the whatwg maintains the dom living standard.
Google Chrome - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
learn more general knowledge google chrome on wikipedia for chrome users use one of these links if you're an everyday user.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the equivalent of internet forums in its day, usenet functioned like a bulletin board system.
QUIC - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
there is limited browser and server support for quic today.
TLD - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
iana today distinguishes the following groups of top-level domains: country-code top-level domains (cctld) two-character domains established for countries or territories.
Usenet - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the equivalent of internet forums in its day, usenet functioned like a bulletin board system.
World Wide Web - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the system we know today as "the web" consists of several components: the http protocol governs data transfer between a server and a client.
CSS and JavaScript accessibility best practices - Learn web development
modern javascript is a powerful language, and we can do so much with it these days, from simple content and ui updates to fully-fledged 2d and 3d games.
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
page layouts in the bad old days, people used to create page layouts using html tables — using different table cells to contain the header, footer, sidebar, main content column, etc.
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
page layouts in the bad old days, people used to create page layouts using html tables — using different table cells to contain the header, footer, sidebar, main content column, etc.
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
most browsers and operating systems these days have zoom capabilities.
Organizing your CSS - Learn web development
t classes applied: <div class="media comment"> <img /> <div class="content"></div> </div> the list-item would have media and list-item applied: <ul> <li class="media list-item"> <img /> <div class="content"></div> </li> </ul> the work that nicole sullivan did in describing this approach and promoting it means that even people who are not strictly following an oocss approach today will generally be reusing css in this way — it has entered our understanding as a good way to approach things in general.
Test Your Skills: Fundamental layout comprehension - Learn web development
if you have worked through this module then you will have already covered the basics of what you need to know to do css layout today, and to work with older css as well.
Legacy layout methods - Learn web development
however these days, with css grid layout, many developers are moving away from these frameworks to use the inbuilt native grid that css provides.
Beginner's guide to media queries - Learn web development
how to choose breakpoints in the early days of responsive design, many designers would attempt to target very specific screen sizes.
What is CSS? - Learn web development
a website built in 2000, using the limited css available then, should still be usable in a browser today!
create fancy boxes - Learn web development
it will not be done in one day, and some web developers spend their whole life having fun with it.
Styling links - Learn web development
ou should be able to focus on the links on this page with the keyboard by pressing the tab key (on mac, you'll need to use option + tab, or enable the full keyboard access: all controls option by pressing ctrl + f7.) active links are red (try holding down the mouse button on the link as you click it.) interestingly enough, these default styles are nearly the same as they were back in the early days of browsers in the mid-1990s.
How to build custom form controls - Learn web development
however, there are cases in which javascript isn't able to run in the browser: the user has turned off javascript: this is unusual; very few people turn off javascript nowadays.
Sending forms through JavaScript - Learn web development
note: the fetch api is often used in place of xhr these days — it is a modern, updated version of xhr, which works in a similar fashion but has some advantages.
HTML basics - Learn web development
however these days, they don't do much, and are basically just needed to make sure your document behaves correctly.
The web and web standards - Learn web development
after that other technologies followed such as css and javascript, and the web started to look more like the web we know today.
Add a hitmap on top of an image - Learn web development
in case of overlap, source order carries the day.
Define terms with HTML - Learn web development
dictionaries and glossaries formally associate keywords with one or more descriptions, as in this case: blue (adjective) of a color like the sky in a sunny day.
Use HTML to solve common problems - Learn web development
the following links point to solutions to common everyday problems you'll need to solve with html.
Debugging HTML - Learn web development
the web would probably not be as popular as it is today, if it had been more strict from the very beginning.
Build your own function - Learn web development
let's test out our updated function, try updating the displaymessage() call from this: displaymessage('woo, this is a different message!'); to one of these: displaymessage('your inbox is almost full — delete some mails', 'warning'); displaymessage('brian: hi there, how are you today?','chat'); you can see how useful our (now not so) little function is becoming.
Introduction to events - Learn web development
well, in the bad old days when browsers were much less cross-compatible than they are now, netscape only used event capturing, and internet explorer used only event bubbling.
Basic math in JavaScript — numbers and operators - Learn web development
for example, booleans can be used to: display the correct text label on a button depending on whether a feature is turned on or off display a game over message if a game is over or a victory message if the game has been won display the correct seasonal greeting depending what holiday season it is zoom a map in or out depending on what zoom level is selected we'll look at how to code such logic when we look at conditional statements in a future article.
Aprender y obtener ayuda - Learn web development
it can be as simple as: "it'll take me 500 hours to learn what i need to know, and i have a year to do it, so if i assume 2 weeks' holiday i'll need to do work on this for 10 hours per week.
The "why" of web performance - Learn web development
from a mobile device in northwest africa, it might cost two days of an average salary.
Introduction to the server side - Learn web development
continue to visit the site over a few hours/days.
Handling common accessibility problems - Learn web development
using native keyboard accessibility certain html features can be selected using only the keyboard — this is default behavior, available since the early days of the web.
Handling common HTML and CSS problems - Learn web development
support for new layout features much of the layout work on the web today is done using floats — this is because floats are well-supported (way back to ie4, albeit with a number of bugs that would also need to be investigated if you were to try to support ie that far back).
Introduction to cross browser testing - Learn web development
browsers are much better at following standards these days, but differences and bugs still creep through sometimes.
Cross browser testing - Learn web development
introduction to automated testing manually running tests on several browsers and devices, several times per day, can get tedious and time-consuming.
Package management basics - Learn web development
let's say we want to show human-readable relative dates, such as "2 hours ago", "4 days ago" and so on.
Tools and testing - Learn web development
this module gives you some fundamental background knowledge about how client-side frameworks work and how they fit into your toolset, before moving on to tutorial series covering some of today's most popular ones.
Accessibility API cross-reference
this cross-reference helps us see the difference between today's accessibility api's.
Accessibility Information for Core Gecko Developers
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Mozilla accessibility architecture
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Accessibility information for UI designers and developers
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Information for Assistive Technology Vendors
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Information for External Developers Dealing with Accessibility
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Information for users
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Frequently Asked Questions for Lightweight themes
there are hundreds of thousands community-designed themes to choose from, with more added every day.
Theme concepts
for example, the following code, from the dynamic theme example defines the content for the day and night elements of the dynamic theme: const themes = { 'day': { images: { theme_frame: 'sun.jpg', }, colors: { frame: '#cf723f', tab_background_text: '#111', } }, 'night': { images: { theme_frame: 'moon.jpg', }, colors: { frame: '#000', tab_background_text: '#fff', } } }; the theme.theme object is then passed to theme.upda...
Adding a new event
however, in these days, this is not necessary.
Building SpiderMonkey with UBSan
this enables all the cheap undefined behavior checks other than: alignment, which hits known bugs in spidermonkey, and is more implementation-defined (slow on x86 / crash on arm) than undefined behavior float-cast-overflow, which hits known bugs in spidermonkey, and isn't exploited by today's compilers float-divide-by-zero, which jesse doesn't think is actually undefined behavior (aside from the question of whether cpu overflow flags are set) vptr, a check that requires rtti, which is disabled by default in spidermonkey 4.
Cookies Preferences in Mozilla
cookies) 2 = block all cookies by default 3 = use p3p settings (note: this is only applicable to older mozilla suite and seamonkey versions.) 4 = storage access policy: block cookies from trackers network.cookie.lifetimepolicy default value: 0 0 = accept cookies normally 1 = prompt for each cookie (prompting was removed in firefox 44) 2 = accept for current session only 3 = accept for n days network.cookie.lifetime.days default value: 90 only used if network.cookie.lifetimepolicy is set to 3 sets the number of days that the lifetime of cookies should be limited to.
Eclipse CDT
keeping the index up-to-date as the source changes from day-to-day, you'll want to update the index to keep the code assistance working well.
Eclipse CDT Manual Setup
for now it's stored here until that integration happens in order that the eclipse cdt page isn't hugely cluttered with mostly redundant information, make setting up eclipse look much more complicated than it is nowadays.
Experimental features in Firefox
in order to test new features, mozilla publishes a test version of the firefox browser, firefox nightly, every day.
Firefox UI considerations for web developers
usa today the only icon provided by usa today is its classic favicon: <link rel="shortcut icon" href=""> since no rich icon is available, firefox creates a screenshot of the home page rendered 560 pixels wide.
Embedding the editor
composer embedded in a xul application developers need to embed composer widgets in their xul applications, by using the <editor> tag as we do today.
Getting Started with Chat
mozilla's channels are most active between 9am and 7pm pst monday to friday, excluding us holidays.
How to get a stacktrace with WinDbg
(again, press enter after each command.) ~* kp !analyze -v -f lm after these steps are completed, find the file c:\temp\firefox-debug-(today's date).txt on your hard drive.
Application Translation with Mercurial
this can happen on the same day, on the next weekend or later, but should happen in the timeframe given for the localization of aurora.
Localization content best practices
date and time formats for example, you shouldn't hard code date formats into applications: %a, %b %e // resulting in wednesday, may 20 this is fine in english, but in italian results in "mercoledì, mag 20", which sounds unnatural.
Localizing with Mozilla Translator
mt could be changed for a mt product to have a list of ''root'' directories instead of just one, and maybe someday it will do, but it will probably won't happen before seamonkey 1.1.x dies (and seamonkey 2.0 finally conquers the web, if i may add).
Uplifting a localization from Central to Aurora
you should be good doing it the day after.
What every Mozilla translator should know
we have the main repository called mozilla-central (or trunk) where the day to day developing work is done.
Mozilla DOM Hacking Guide
"what do you want to code today?" ;-) all the dom classes are listed in an enum defined in nsidomclassinfo.h, nsdomclassinfoid.
Mozilla Port Blocking
enabling ports user_pref(", "port1,port2"); disabling ports user_pref("", "port3,port4"); blocked ports ports blocked by default in mozilla: port service 1 tcpmux 7 echo 9 discard 11 systat 13 daytime 15 netstat 17 qotd 19 chargen 20 ftp data 21 ftp control 22 ssh 23 telnet 25 smtp 37 time 42 name 43 nicname 53 domain 77 priv-rjs 79 finger 87 ttylink 95 supdup 101 hostriame 102 ...
Gecko Profiler FAQ
what you *don’t* want to do is writing a micro-benchmark that call malloc/free in a loop and the like and call it a day!
A guide to searching crash reports
the numbers are large because this search matched all firefox crash reports from the past seven days.
by default (at least today), this is true.
About NSPR
today nspr may still be appropriate as the platform dependent layer under java, but its primary application is supporting clients written entirely in c or c++.
NSPR Contributor Guide
it must be your own invention, free and clear of encumberment of anyone or anything else; pay close attention to the rights of your "day-job" employer.
NSPR release procedure
this design comes from the netscape days.
Interval Timing
conceptually, they are based on free-running counters that increment at a fixed rate without possibility of outside influence (as might be observed if one was using a time-of-day clock that gets reset due to some administrative action).
waiting on events more than half a day in the future must therefore be based on a calendar time.
NSPR release process
the build+test cycles of the nss tinderboxes are very long, so you usually need to wait half a day for them to cycle through.
(174) bug 396045: warning: usage of uninitialized variable in ckfw/mechanism.c(719) bug 401986: mac os x leopard build failure in legacydb bug 325805: diff considers mozilla/security/nss/cmd/pk11util/scripts/pkey a binary file bug 385151: remove the link time dependency from nss to softoken bug 387892: add entrust root ca certificate(s) to nss bug 433386: when system clock is off by more than two days, oscp check fails, can result in crash if user tries to view certificate [[@ secitem_compareitem_util] [[@ memcmp] bug 396256: certutil and pp do not print all the generalnames in a crldp extension bug 398019: correct confusing and erroneous comments in der_asciitotime bug 422866: vfychain -pp command crashes in nss_shutdown bug 345779: useless assignment statements in ec_gf2m_pt_mul_mont bug 34...
Notes on TLS - SSL 3.0 Intolerant Servers
cause there are some number of web servers in production today which incorrectly implement the ssl 3.0 specification.
(a step-down key is needed when the server's public key is stronger than is allowed for export ciphers.) in this case, if the server is expected to continue running for a long time, you should call this function periodically (once a day, for example) to generate a new step-down key.
SpiderMonkey Build Documentation
developer (debug) build for developing and debugging spidermonkey itself, it is best to have both a debug build (for everyday debugging) and an optimized build (for performance testing), in separate build directories.
that means the code as it is today won't match this document, and that's ok.
SpiderMonkey Internals
jslong.cpp, jslong.h 64-bit integer emulation, and compatible macros that use intrinsic c types, like long long, on platforms where they exist (most everywhere, these days).
Running Automated JavaScript Tests
developers will often want to use the -d option: -d path_to_js_shell the -d option skips tests that are marked as randomly failing; random failures are usually just noise when being run for day-to-day developer testing.
Redis Tips
talk to your doctor today to find out whether zsets might be right for you.
Secure Development Guidelines
buffer bounds validations (bbv) thou shalt check the array bounds of all strings (indeed, all arrays), for surely where thou typest "foo" someone someday shall type "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".
AT Development
introduction software accessibility: where are we today?
XForms Accessibility
days list - see the docs.
Using the Places favicon service
currently, the default expiration time is set to one day in the future.
Mozilla internal string guide
nowadays, all supported platforms have 16-bit literals using u""_ns, so we longer need to rely on macros for portability.
Observer Notifications
sent once a day while the user is idle.
string workcity astring workstate astring workzipcode astring workcountry astring jobtitle astring department astring company astring aimscreenname astring anniversaryyear astring anniversarymonth astring anniversaryday astring spousename astring familyname astring defaultaddress astring category astring webpage1 astring used for the contact's work web page webpage2 astring used for the contact's home web page birthyear astring birthmonth astring birthday astring...
this property is used for upload, input[type="xsd:gday"] and input[type="xsd:gmonth"] xformslabel 0x00002001 used for label element.
to use this service, use: var etldservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsieffectivetldservice); the name "effective tld service" is a historical one; today, the items this interface manipulates are called public suffixes, and the list of them is the public suffix list, or psl.
this function will not save favicons for non-bookmarked urls when history is disabled (expiration time is 0 days).
gecko 1.9.2 note starting in gecko 1.9.2, there is a once a day notification sent out if the user remains idle for an extended period: 'idle-daily'.
ring astring, in string charset, in boolean charsetoverride); matchrfc2047string boolean matchrfc2047string(in string astring, in string charset, in boolean charsetoverride); matchdate boolean matchdate(in prtime atime); matchstatus boolean matchstatus(in unsigned long astatus); matchpriority boolean matchpriority(in nsmsgpriorityvalue priority); matchage boolean matchage(in prtime days); matchsize boolean matchsize(in unsigned long size); matchlabel boolean matchlabel(in nsmsglabelvalue alabelvalue); matchjunkstatus boolean matchjunkstatus(in string ajunkscore); matchjunkpercent /* * test search term match for junkpercent * * @param ajunkpercent junkpercent for message (0-100, 100 is junk) * @return true if matches */ boolean matchjunkpercent(i...
attribute astring str; attribute nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; attribute prtime date; // see nsmsgmessageflags.idl and nsmsgfolderflags.idl attribute unsigned long status; attribute unsigned long size; attribute nsmsgkey msgkey; attribute long age; // in days attribute nsimsgfolder folder; attribute nsmsglabelvalue label; attribute nsmsgjunkstatus junkstatus; /* * junkpercent is set by the message filter plugin, and is approximately * proportional to the probability that a message is junk.
for host and day groupings, doing this has no performance cost since the children have already been computed.
currently, history is disabled if the browser.history_expire_days pref is "0".
toolkit/mozapps/update/nsiupdatetimermanager.idlscriptable this interface provides a global application service that provides support for long-duration timers (on the order of many days, weeks, or even months).
e msgstatus = 5; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue to = 6; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue cc = 7; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue toorcc = 8; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue alladdresses = 9; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue location = 10; /* result list only */ const nsmsgsearchattribvalue messagekey = 11; /* message result elems */ const nsmsgsearchattribvalue ageindays = 12; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue folderinfo = 13; /* for "view thread context" from result */ const nsmsgsearchattribvalue size = 14; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue anytext = 15; const nsmsgsearchattribvalue keywords = 16; // keywords are the internal representation of tags.
%{c++ #define is_string_attribute(_a) \ (!(_a == nsmsgsearchattrib::priority || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::date || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::msgstatus || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::messagekey || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::size || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::ageindays || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::folderinfo || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::location || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::label || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::junkstatus || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::folderflag || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::uint32hdrproperty || \ _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::junkpercent || _a == nsmsgsearchattrib::hasattachmentstatus)) %} ...
h/ public/ nsmsgsearchcore.idl use this to specify the value of a search term [ptr] native nsmsgsearchvalue(nsmsgsearchvalue); %{c++ typedef struct nsmsgsearchvalue { nsmsgsearchattribvalue attribute; union { nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; prtime date; pruint32 msgstatus; /* see msg_flag in msgcom.h */ pruint32 size; nsmsgkey key; print32 age; /* in days */ nsimsgfolder *folder; nsmsglabelvalue label; pruint32 junkstatus; pruint32 junkpercent; } u; char *string; } nsmsgsearchvalue; ...
earch dialog box typedef long nsmsgsearchwidgetvalue; /* fes use this to help build the search dialog box */ [scriptable,uuid(903dd2e8-304e-11d3-92e6-00a0c900d445)] interface nsmsgsearchwidget { const nsmsgsearchwidgetvalue text = 0; const nsmsgsearchwidgetvalue date = 1; const nsmsgsearchwidgetvalue menu = 2; const nsmsgsearchwidgetvalue int = 3; /* added to account for age in days which requires an integer field */ const nsmsgsearchwidgetvalue none = 4; }; ...
XPCOM primitive
(however, if you are designing that kind of api today, you should probably use nsivariant instead.) idl data type interface component idl nsidptr nsisupportsid;1 [scriptable, uuid(d18290a0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsid : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute nsidptr data; string tostring(); }; astring nsisupportsstring;1 [scriptable, uuid(d79dc970-4a1c-11d3-9890-...
attribute astring str; attribute nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; attribute prtime date; // see nsmsgmessageflags.idl and nsmsgfolderflags.idl attribute unsigned long status; attribute unsigned long size; attribute nsmsgkey msgkey; attribute long age; // in days attribute nsimsgfolder folder; attribute nsmsglabelvalue label; attribute nsmsgjunkstatus junkstatus; /* * junkpercent is set by the message filter plugin, and is approximately * proportional to the probability that a message is junk.
same as home, but with `work' instead of `home' other contact: faxnumber, faxnumbertype pagernumber, pagernumbertype cellularnumber, cellularnumbertype jobtitle, department, company _aimscreenname dates: anniversaryyear, anniversarymonth, anniversaryday birthyear, birthmonth, birthday webpage1 (work), webpage2 (home) custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4 notes integral properties: lastmodifieddate popularityindex prefermailformat (see nsiabprefermailformat) boolean properties: allowremotecontent inherits from: nsiabitem method overview nsivariant getproperty(in autf8string name, in nsivariant...
Working with Multiple Versions of Interfaces
maybe the ugly hack can be replaced by even more preprocessor magic, but not today.
xptcall FAQ
this all works and is being used in mozilla today on numerous platforms.
Xptcall Porting Status
i am doing the porting work with egcs-1.1.2 on netbsd 1.4p (netbsd-current snapshot from a couple of days ago).
Gloda examples
l messages having any (or several) of all tags defined in tb let query = gloda.newquery(gloda.noun_message); let tagarray = mailservices.tags.getalltags({}); query.tags(...tagarray); let collection = query.getcollection(mylistener); search messages by daterange searches for all messages within a date range id_q=gloda.newquery(gloda.noun_message); // define a date range form yesterday to now id_q.daterange([new date() - 86400000, new date()]); var mylistener = { /* called when new items are returned by the database query or freshly indexed */ onitemsadded: function _onitemsadded(aitems, acollection) { }, /* called when items that are already in our collection get re-indexed */ onitemsmodified: function _onitemsmodified(aitems, acollection) { }, /* c...
Using popup notifications
tils.import('resource://gre/modules/popupnotifications.jsm'); var notify = new popupnotifications(gbrowser, document.getelementbyid("notification-popup"), document.getelementbyid("notification-popup-box")); var notification = // browser gbrowser.selectedbrowser, // popup id "pdes-popup", // message "hi, there!, i'm gonna show you something today!!", // anchor id null, // main action { label: "click here", accesskey: "d", callback: function() { // you can call your function here } }, // secondary action null, // options { // alternative way to set the popup icon popupiconurl: "chrome://popupnotifications/skin/mozlogo.png" } ); settimeout(function(){ notification.remove(); }, 900); // time in milliseconds to di...
Using the Mozilla symbol server
symbols are available for at least 30 previous days worth of nightly builds, and firefox releases from
Declaring types
{ fieldn: typen } ] example for example, to support the c tm structure using js-ctypes, you would use the following code: const struct_tm = new ctypes.structtype("tm", [ { "tm_sec": }, { "tm_min": }, { "tm_hour": }, { "tm_mday": }, { "tm_mon": }, { "tm_year": }, { "tm_wday": }, { "tm_yday": }, { "tm_isdst": } ]); to find other types see here: predefined types - primitive types.
symbols are available for at least 30 previous days worth of nightly builds, and firefox releases from
Firefox Developer Tools
unlike the "core tools" above, you might not use them every day.
CanvasRenderingContext2D - Web APIs
the methods listed below remain for historical and compatibility reasons as svgmatrix objects are used in most parts of the api nowadays and will be used in the future instead.
Canvas tutorial - Web APIs
today, all major browsers support it.
Document.lastModified - Web APIs
alert(document.lastmodified); // returns: tuesday, december 16, 2017 11:09:42 transforming lastmodified into a date object this example transforms lastmodified into a date object.
Document.requestStorageAccess() - Web APIs
reset after 30 days.
Event.preventDefault() - Web APIs
nowadays, you should usually use native html form validation instead.
FileError - Web APIs
a web app could fail for various reasons, so you don't want to spend the rest of your day guessing what's going on and going through maddening troubleshooting.
HTMLInputElement.stepDown() - Web APIs
<!-- decrements by intervals of 900 seconds (15 minute) --> <input type="time" max="17:00" step="900"> <!-- decrements by intervals of 7 days (one week) --> <input type="date" max="2019-12-25" step="7"> <!-- decrements by intervals of 12 months (one year) --> <input type="month" max="2019-12" step="12"> the method, when invoked, changes the form control's value by the value given in the step attribute, multiplied by the parameter, within the constraints set within the form control.
HTMLInputElement.webkitEntries - Web APIs
it's likely to be renamed someday.
In depth: Microtasks and the JavaScript runtime environment - Web APIs
when multiple programs and multiple code objects within those programs start to try to work at once, alongside a browser which also needs processor time—let alone time to render and draw the site and its own ui, handle user events, and so forth—everything becomes clogged up far too easily nowadays.
IDBDatabase.createObjectStore() - Web APIs
.innerhtml += "<li>error loading database.</li>"; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); note.innerhtml += "<li>object store created.</li>"; }; specification specification status comment indexed database api 2.0the definition of 'cr...
IDBDatabase.onabort - Web APIs
nnerhtml += '<li>database opening aborted!</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); note.innerhtml += '<li>object store created.</li>'; }; specifications specification status comment indexed database api 2.0the definition of 'on...
IDBDatabase.onerror - Web APIs
nnerhtml += '<li>database opening aborted!</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); note.innerhtml += '<li>object store created.</li>'; }; specifications specification status comment indexed database api 2.0the definition of 'on...
IDBDatabase.onversionchange - Web APIs
nnerhtml += '<li>database opening aborted!</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); note.innerhtml += '<li>object store created.</li>'; db.onversionchange = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>a database change has occurred; you should refres...
IDBDatabase - Web APIs
.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database using // idbdatabase.createobjectstore var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); note.innerhtml += '<li>object store created.</li>'; }; this next line opens up a transaction on the database, then opens an object store that we can then manipulate the ...
IDBObjectStore.add() - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready to insert into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of the transaction completing, when everything is done transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed.</li>'; }; transaction.onerror =...
IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready to insert into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of the transaction completing, when everything is done transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed.</li>'; }; transaction.onerror =...
IDBObjectStore.createIndex() - Web APIs
nerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); }; specifications specification status comment indexed database api 2.0the definition of 'createindex()' in that specification.
IDBObjectStore.deleteIndex() - Web APIs
nerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); objectstore.deleteindex("seconds"); objectstore.deleteindex("contact"); }; specifications specification status comment indexed database api 2.
IDBObjectStore.getKey() - Web APIs
example let openrequest ="telemetry"); openrequest.onsuccess = (event) => { let db =; let store = db.transaction("netlogs").objectstore("netlogs"); let today = new date(); let yesterday = new date(today); yesterday.setdate(today.getdate() - 1); let request = store.getkey(idbkeyrange(yesterday, today)); request.onsuccess = (event) => { let when =; alert("the 1st activity in last 24 hours was occurred at " + when); }; }; specifications specification status comment indexed database api draft...
IDBObjectStore.indexNames - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = this.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready to insert into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of the transaction completing, when everything is done transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed.</li>'; }; transaction.onerror ...
IDBObjectStore.keyPath - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready to insert into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of the transaction completing, when everything is done transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed.</li>'; }; transaction.onerror =... - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready to insert into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of the transaction completing, when everything is done transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed.</li>'; }; transaction.onerror =...
IDBObjectStore.transaction - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready to insert into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of the transaction completing, when everything is done transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed.</li>'; }; transaction.onerror =...
IDBOpenDBRequest - Web APIs
nerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will contain objectstore.createindex("hours", "hours", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("minutes", "minutes", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("day", "day", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("month", "month", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("year", "year", { unique: false }); objectstore.createindex("notified", "notified", { unique: false }); }; specifications specification status comment indexed database api 2.0the definition of 'idbopendbrequest' in that specification.
IDBTransaction.abort() - Web APIs
this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready for being inserted into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.oner...
IDBTransaction.db - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready for being inserted into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.onerr...
IDBTransaction.error - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready for being inserted into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.oner...
IDBTransaction.mode - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready for being inserted into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.onerr...
IDBTransaction.objectStore() - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready for being inserted into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.onerr...
IDBTransaction.onabort - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready for being inserted into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.onerr...
IDBTransaction.oncomplete - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready for being inserted into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.onerr...
IDBTransaction.onerror - Web APIs
// this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the adddata() function to add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object ready for being inserted into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready for adding the data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.oner...
IDBTransaction - Web APIs
this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // add the data to the database adddata(); }; function adddata() { // create a new object to insert into the idb var newitem = [ { tasktitle: "walk dog", hours: 19, minutes: 30, day: 24, month: "december", year: 2013, notified: "no" } ]; // open a read/write db transaction, ready to add data var transaction = db.transaction(["todolist"], "readwrite"); // report on the success of opening the transaction transaction.oncomplete = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>transaction completed: database modification finished.</li>'; }; transaction.onerror = fu...
Microdata DOM API - Web APIs
nowadays, they have been abandoned and removed from all browsers and are therefore deprecated.
PaymentRequest: shippingoptionchange event - Web APIs
for example, if there are three options (such as "free ground shipping", "2-day air", and "next day"), each time the user chooses one of those options, this event handler is called to recalculate the total based on the changed shipping option.
PublicKeyCredential.isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable() - Web APIs
as of today (march 2019), this is basically indicating if windows hello may be used with the web authentication api and that the user has accepted its use.
Web Push API Notifications best practices - Web APIs
let’s say you and your team commonly use a chat program to communicate, but today you’re happily working somewhere, and problem comes up.
Supporting both TouchEvent and MouseEvent - Web APIs
however, the reality is the vast majority of today's web content is designed only to work with mouse input.
Using Touch Events - Web APIs
today, most web content is designed for keyboard and mouse input.
Establishing a connection: The WebRTC perfect negotiation pattern - Web APIs
the perfect negotiation pattern is an example of the ways in which negotiation have improved since the early days of webrtc.
Lifetime of a WebRTC session - Web APIs
you need to look up her address and include it on the package, or she'll wind up wondering why you forgot her birthday again.
Using DTMF with WebRTC - Web APIs
this article offers a brief high-level overview of how dtmf works over webrtc, then provides a guide for everyday developers about how to send dtmf over an rtcpeerconnection.
Fundamentals of WebXR - Web APIs
these are not common among everyday users; they're mostly either experimental, used for demonstration purposes, or used by larger organizations.
Lighting a WebXR setting - Web APIs
the directionality of this bright light source combined with the time of day can be used to determine the user's geographic location without involving the geolocation api.
Movement, orientation, and motion: A WebXR example - Web APIs
by importing this polyfill, we allow the example to work on many browsers that don't yet have webxr implementations in place, and we smooth out any transient deviations from the specification that occur during these still somewhat experimental days of the webxr specification.
Rendering and the WebXR frame animation callback - Web APIs
but not all displays run at 60 hz; nowadays, higher performance displays are beginning to use much higher refresh rates.
Using the Web Animations API - Web APIs
} } note: getanimations() and effect are not shipping in all browsers as of this writing, but the polyfill does support them today.
Web Animations API Concepts - Web APIs
polyfill the web animation api has a polyfill that you can use today.
Visualizations with Web Audio API - Web APIs
however, we are also multiplying that width by 2.5, because most of the frequencies will come back as having no audio in them, as most of the sounds we hear every day are in a certain lower frequency range.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setTimeout() - Web APIs
this causes an integer overflow when using delays larger than 2,147,483,647 ms (about 24.8 days), resulting in the timeout being executed immediately.
ARIA: contentinfo role - Accessibility
<article> <h2>everyday pad thai</h2> <!-- article content --> <footer aria-label="everyday pad thai metadata"> <p>posted on <time datetime="2018-09-23 12:17">may 16</time> by <a href="#">lisa</a>.</p> </footer> </article> ...
ARIA: gridcell role - Accessibility
examples the following example creates a table-style grouping of information: <h3 id="table-title">jovian gas giant planets</h3> <div role="grid" aria-describedby="table-title"> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row"> <div role="columnheader">name</div> <div role="columnheader">diameter (km)</div> <div role="columnheader">length of day (hours)</div> <div role="columnheader">distance from sun (10<sup>6</sup>km)</div> <div role="columnheader">number of moons</div> </div> </div> <div role="rowgroup"> <div role="row"> <div role="gridcell">jupiter</div> <div role="gridcell">142,984</div> <div role="gridcell">9.9</div> <div role="gridcell">778.6</div> <div role="gridcell">67</div>...
Web accessibility for seizures and physical reactions - Accessibility
the specifications also note the difference in technology, such as e-ink, which remains readable in bright daylight, versus liquid crystals, which do not.
light-level - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for example: bright daylight.
Box alignment for block, absolutely positioned and table layout - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
aligning in these layout methods today as we do not currently have browser support for box alignment in block layout, your options for alignment are either to use one of the existing alignment methods or, to make even a single item inside a container a flex item in order to use the alignment properties as specified in flexbox.
Relationship of flexbox to other layout methods - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
css was therefore modularised, and the various css specifications are different modules that make up css today.
Typical use cases of Flexbox - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
in this guide i look at some of the typical things you might use flexbox for today.
CSS Grid Layout and Accessibility - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
back in the early days of web design, the way we constructed page layout was to use html tables, then fragment our design into the cells of those tables in order to create a layout.
Specificity - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/ the :is() and :not() exceptions the matches-any pseudo-class :is() and the negation pseudo-class :not() are not considered a pseudo-class in the specificity calculation.
CSS Tutorials - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
media queries the size of the screens, or the kind of devices like touchscreens or printed sheets vary greatly nowadays.
Adapting to the new two-value syntax of display - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the value display: inline-block has been around since the early days of css.
font-variant-alternates - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
historical-forms this keyword enables historical forms — glyphs that were common in the past but not today.
transition-property - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
as such, you should avoid including any properties in the list that don't currently animate, as someday they might, causing unexpected results.
Ajax - Developer guides
although x in ajax stands for xml, json is used more than xml nowadays because of its many advantages such as being lighter and a part of javascript.
Adding captions and subtitles to HTML5 video - Developer guides
the webvtt specification is still being worked on, but major parts of it are stable so we can use it today.
Constraint validation - Developer guides
valuemissing constraint violation step date an integer number of days unless the step is set to the any literal, the value must be min + an integral multiple of the step.
Mobile-friendliness - Developer guides
goal #1 (presentation) “make websites that work well on a variety of screen sizes.” these days, users can access the web on devices in a wide range of form factors, including phones, tablets, and ereaders.
Writing forward-compatible websites - Developer guides
when using cutting-edge features (even standard ones) that are not universally implemented, make sure to test fallback paths make sure to test what happens in a browser that doesn't implement the feature you're using, especially if you don't use such a browser day-to-day while working on the site.
HTML attribute: min - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if not explicitly included, step defaults to 1 for number and range, and 1 unit type (second, week, month, day) for the date/time input types.
<header> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
examples page header <header> <h1>main page title</h1> <img src="mdn-logo-sm.png" alt="mdn logo"> </header> article header <article> <header> <h2>the planet earth</h2> <p>posted on wednesday, <time datetime="2017-10-04">4 october 2017</time> by jane smith</p> </header> <p>we live on a planet that's blue and green, with so many things still unseen.</p> <p><a href="">continue reading....</a></p> </article> specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of '<header>' in that speci...
<isindex> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
in 2016, after it was removed from edge and chrome, it was proposed to remove isindex from the standard; this removal was completed the next day, after which safari and firefox also removed support.
<p>: The Paragraph element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
nowadays, this is considered claustrophobic and hard to read.</p> <p>how hard to read?
<s> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
examples <s>today's special: salmon</s> sold out<br> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">today's special: salmon</span> sold out accessibility concerns the presence of the s element is not announced by most screen reading technology in its default configuration.
<strike> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
example &lt;strike&gt;: <strike>today's special: salmon</strike> sold out<br /> &lt;s&gt;: <s>today's special: salmon</s> sold out the result of this code is: specifications specification status comment html5the definition of '<strike>' in that specification.
itemprop - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
an item with one property, "birthday", whose value is a date <div itemscope> i was born on <time itemprop="birthday" datetime="2009-05-10">may 10th 2009</time>.
Inline elements - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
since this is a presentational characteristic it is nowadays specified by css in the flow layout.
Microformats - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
"dt-start", "dt-end", "dt-bday" special parsing: time element datetime attribute, value-class-pattern and separate date time value parsing for readability.
Evolution of HTTP - HTTP
the environment in which http is used today is quite different from that seen in the early 1990s.
MIME types (IANA media types) - HTTP
alternative mime types for xhtml (like application/xhtml+xml) are mostly useless nowadays.
Compression in HTTP - HTTP
nowadays, only two are relevant: gzip, the most common one, and br the new challenger.
Connection management in HTTP/1.x - HTTP
today, every http/1.1-compliant proxy and server should support pipelining, though many have limitations in practice: a significant reason no modern browser activates this feature by default.
Content-Encoding - HTTP
like the compress program, which has disappeared from most unix distributions, this content-encoding is not used by many browsers today, partly because of a patent issue (it expired in 2003).
Cookie2 - HTTP
the obsolete cookie2 http request header used to advise the server that the user agent understands "new-style" cookies, but nowadays user agents will use the cookie header instead, not this one.
Index - HTTP
55 cookie2 http, obsolete, reference, header, request the obsolete cookie2 http request header used to advise the server that the user agent understands "new-style" cookies, but nowadays user agents will use the cookie header instead, not this one.
Transfer-Encoding - HTTP
like the compress program, which has disappeared from most unix distributions, this content-encoding is used by almost no browsers today, partly because of a patent issue (which expired in 2003).
Firefox user agent string reference - HTTP
general form the ua string of firefox itself is broken down into four components: mozilla/5.0 (platform; rv:geckoversion) gecko/geckotrail firefox/firefoxversion mozilla/5.0 is the general token that says the browser is mozilla compatible, and is common to almost every browser today.
User-Agent - HTTP
for historical reasons, almost every browser today sends it.
110 cookie2 http, obsolete, reference, header, request the obsolete cookie2 http request header used to advise the server that the user agent understands "new-style" cookies, but nowadays user agents will use the cookie header instead, not this one.
access-control-max-age the above permissions may be cached for 86,400 seconds (1 day).
HTTP resources and specifications - HTTP
modern apis for application are defines using the restful pattern nowadays.
web pages today very commonly load cross-site resources, including css stylesheets, images, scripts, and other resources.
Grammar and types - JavaScript
// basic literal string creation `in javascript '\n' is a line-feed.` // multiline strings `in javascript, template strings can run over multiple lines, but double and single quoted strings cannot.` // string interpolation var name = 'bob', time = 'today'; `hello ${name}, how are you ${time}?` // construct an http request prefix used to interpret the replacements and construction post`${a}&b=${b} content-type: application/json x-credentials: ${credentials} { "foo": ${foo}, "bar": ${bar}}`(myonreadystatechangehandler); you should use string literals unless you specifically need to use a string object.
JavaScript modules - JavaScript
a background on modules javascript programs started off pretty small — most of its usage in the early days was to do isolated scripting tasks, providing a bit of interactivity to your web pages where needed, so large scripts were generally not needed.
Assertions - JavaScript
for example, /\bon/ matches "on" in "at noon", and /ye\b/ matches "ye" in "possibly yesterday".
Character classes - JavaScript
for example, /.y/ matches "my" and "ay", but not "yes", in "yes make my day".
Using Promises - JavaScript
in the old days, doing several asynchronous operations in a row would lead to the classic callback pyramid of doom: dosomething(function(result) { dosomethingelse(result, function(newresult) { dothirdthing(newresult, function(finalresult) { console.log('got the final result: ' + finalresult); }, failurecallback); }, failurecallback); }, failurecallback); with modern functions, we attach our...
JavaScript technologies overview - JavaScript
the internationalization specification is nowadays also ratified on a yearly basis and browsers constantly improve their implementation.
Default parameters - JavaScript
llsomething() // 1 callsomething() // 2 earlier parameters are available to later default parameters parameters defined earlier (to the left) are available to later default parameters: function greet(name, greeting, message = greeting + ' ' + name) { return [name, greeting, message] } greet('david', 'hi') // ["david", "hi", "hi david"] greet('david', 'hi', 'happy birthday!') // ["david", "hi", "happy birthday!"] this functionality can be approximated like this, which demonstrates how many edge cases are handled: function go() { return ':p' } function withdefaults(a, b = 5, c = b, d = go(), e = this, f = arguments, g = this.value) { return [a, b, c, d, e, f, g] } function withoutdefaults(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { switch (arguments.len...
Date.prototype.getFullYear() - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var year = today.getfullyear(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getfullyear' in that specification.
Date.prototype.getMilliseconds() - JavaScript
examples using getmilliseconds() the following example assigns the milliseconds portion of the current time to the variable milliseconds: var today = new date(); var milliseconds = today.getmilliseconds(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getmilliseconds' in that specification.
Date.prototype.getTime() - JavaScript
// since month is zero based, birthday will be january 10, 1995 var birthday = new date(1994, 12, 10); var copy = new date(); copy.settime(birthday.gettime()); measuring execution time subtracting two subsequent gettime() calls on newly generated date objects, give the time span between these two calls.
Date.prototype.getUTCFullYear() - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var year = today.getutcfullyear(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getutcfullyear' in that specification.
Date.prototype.getUTCHours() - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var hours = today.getutchours(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getutchours' in that specification.
Date.prototype.getUTCMilliseconds() - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var milliseconds = today.getutcmilliseconds(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getutcmilliseconds' in that specification.
Date.prototype.getUTCMinutes() - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var minutes = today.getutcminutes(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getutcminutes' in that specification.
Date.prototype.getUTCMonth() - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var month = today.getutcmonth(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getutcmonth' in that specification.
Date.prototype.getUTCSeconds() - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var seconds = today.getutcseconds(); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.getutcseconds' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setHours() - JavaScript
examples using sethours() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.sethours(7); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.sethours' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setMilliseconds() - JavaScript
examples using setmilliseconds() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setmilliseconds(100); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setmilliseconds' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setMinutes() - JavaScript
examples using setminutes() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setminutes(45); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setminutes' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setSeconds() - JavaScript
examples using setseconds() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setseconds(30); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setseconds' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setTime() - JavaScript
examples using settime() var thebigday = new date('july 1, 1999'); var sameasbigday = new date(); sameasbigday.settime(thebigday.gettime()); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.settime' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setUTCHours() - JavaScript
examples using setutchours() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setutchours(8); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setutchours' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setUTCMilliseconds() - JavaScript
examples using setutcmilliseconds() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setutcmilliseconds(500); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setutcmilliseconds' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setUTCMinutes() - JavaScript
examples using setutcminutes() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setutcminutes(43); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setutcminutes' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setUTCSeconds() - JavaScript
examples using setutcseconds() var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setutcseconds(20); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setutcseconds' in that specification.
Date.prototype.setYear() - JavaScript
var thebigday = new date(); thebigday.setyear(96); thebigday.setyear(1996); thebigday.setyear(2000); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'date.prototype.setyear' in that specification.
Date.prototype.toGMTString() - JavaScript
var today = new date(); var str = today.togmtstring(); // deprecated!
Date.prototype.toISOString() - JavaScript
nction() { return this.getutcfullyear() + '-' + pad(this.getutcmonth() + 1) + '-' + pad(this.getutcdate()) + 't' + pad(this.getutchours()) + ':' + pad(this.getutcminutes()) + ':' + pad(this.getutcseconds()) + '.' + (this.getutcmilliseconds() / 1000).tofixed(3).slice(2, 5) + 'z'; }; })(); } examples using toisostring() let today = new date('05 october 2011 14:48 utc') console.log(today.toisostring()) // returns 2011-10-05t14:48:00.000z the above example uses parsing of a non–standard string value that may not be correctly parsed in non–mozilla browsers.
Date.prototype.toTimeString() - JavaScript
in spidermonkey, this consists of the date portion (day, month, and year) followed by the time portion (hours, minutes, seconds, and time zone).
Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRange() - JavaScript
let date1 = new date(date.utc(2007, 0, 10, 10, 0, 0)); let date2 = new date(date.utc(2007, 0, 10, 11, 0, 0)); let date3 = new date(date.utc(2007, 0, 20, 10, 0, 0)); // > 'wed, 10 jan 2007 10:00:00 gmt' // > 'wed, 10 jan 2007 11:00:00 gmt' // > 'sat, 20 jan 2007 10:00:00 gmt' let fmt1 = new intl.datetimeformat("en", { year: '2-digit', month: 'numeric', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric' }); console.log(fmt1.format(date1)); console.log(fmt1.formatrange(date1, date2)); console.log(fmt1.formatrange(date1, date3)); // > '1/10/07, 10:00 am' // > '1/10/07, 10:00 – 11:00 am' // > '1/10/07, 10:00 am – 1/20/07, 10:00 am' let fmt2 = new intl.datetimeformat("en", { year: 'numeric', month: 'short', day: 'numeric' }); co...
Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.formatRangeToParts() - JavaScript
// { type: 'minute', value: '00', source: "startrange" }, // { type: 'literal', value: ' – ', source: "shared" }, // { type: 'hour', value: '11', source: "endrange" }, // { type: 'literal', value: ':', source: "endrange" }, // { type: 'minute', value: '00', source: "endrange" }, // { type: 'literal', value: ' ', source: "shared" }, // { type: 'dayperiod', value: 'am', source: "shared" } // ] specifications specification intl.datetimeformat.formatrangethe definition of 'formatrangetoparts()' in that specification.
Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
weekday era year month day hour minute second timezonename the values resulting from format matching between the corresponding properties in the options argument and the available combinations and representations for date-time formatting in the selected locale.
Intl.Locale.prototype.numberingSystem - JavaScript
l numerals — may be algorithmic fullwide full width digits geor georgian numerals — algorithmic gong gunjala gondi digits gonm masaram gondi digits grek greek upper case numerals — algorithmic greklow greek lower case numerals — algorithmic gujr gujarati digits guru gurmukhi digits hanidays han-character day-of-month numbering for lunar/other traditional calendars hanidec positional decimal system using chinese number ideographs as digits hans simplified chinese numerals — algorithmic hansfin simplified chinese financial numerals — algorithmic hant traditional chinese numerals — algorithmic hantfin traditional chi...
Intl.RelativeTimeFormat.prototype.resolvedOptions() - JavaScript
possible values are: "always" (default, e.g., 1 day ago), or "auto" (e.g., yesterday).
Object.prototype.__proto__ - JavaScript
warning: while object.prototype.__proto__ is supported today in most browsers, its existence and exact behavior has only been standardized in the ecmascript 2015 specification as a legacy feature to ensure compatibility for web browsers.
RegExp - JavaScript
using regular expression on multiple lines let s = 'please yes\nmake my day!' s.match(/yes.*day/); // returns null s.match(/yes[^]*day/); // returns ["yes\nmake my day"] using a regular expression with the sticky flag the sticky flag indicates that the regular expression performs sticky matching in the target string by attempting to match starting at regexp.prototype.lastindex.
this module gives you some fundamental background knowledge about how client-side frameworks work and how they fit into your toolset, before moving on to tutorial series covering some of today's most popular ones.
shortcuts - Web app manifests
examples the following is a list of shortcuts a calendar app might have: "shortcuts" : [ { "name": "today's agenda", "url": "/today", "description": "list of events planned for today" }, { "name": "new event", "url": "/create/event" }, { "name": "new reminder", "url": "/create/reminder" } ] specification specification status comment feedback web app manifestthe definition of 'shortcuts' in that specification.
Media container formats (file types) - Web media technologies
mp4 is a popular container today, as it supports several of the most-used codecs and is broadly supported.
Image file type and format guide - Web media technologies
long ago, some browsers supported tiff images in web content; today, however, you need to use special libraries or browser add-ons to do so.
Mapping the width and height attributes of media container elements to their aspect-ratio - Web media technologies
jank problems when loading images in the olden days of web development, it was always seen as a good practice to add width and height attributes to your html <img> elements, so that when browsers first loaded the page, they could put a correctly-sized placeholder box in the layout for each image to appear in when it finally loads.
Web media technologies
today, there are a large number of apis available, as well as html elements, dom interfaces, and other features that make it possible to not only perform these tasks, but use media in tandem with other technologies to do truly remarkable things.
Add to Home screen - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
a2hs is thought to be part of the progressive web app philosophy — giving web apps the same user experience advantages as native apps so they can compete in today's ecosystem wars.
The building blocks of responsive design - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
responsive images/video another problem that comes up more and more these days is making image/video weight (size in kb) responsive as well as the dimensions of the image on screen.
<switch> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
html content <svg viewbox="0 -20 100 50"> <switch> <text systemlanguage="ar">مرحبا</text> <text systemlanguage="de,nl">hallo!</text> <text systemlanguage="en-us">howdy!</text> <text systemlanguage="en-gb">wotcha!</text> <text systemlanguage="en-au">g'day!</text> <text systemlanguage="en">hello!</text> <text systemlanguage="es">hola!</text> <text systemlanguage="fr">bonjour!</text> <text systemlanguage="ja">こんにちは</text> <text systemlanguage="ru">Привет!</text> <text>☺</text> </switch> </svg> result specifications specification status comment scalable vector g...
SVG 1.1 Support in Firefox - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
Certificate Transparency - Web security
in the context of certificate transparency, the data hashed by the leaf nodes are the certificates that have been issued by the various different cas operating today.
Features restricted to secure contexts - Web security
web crypto api has been restricted to https since early days (api was visible in http as well but operations failed).
For Further Reading - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
day location: understanding xslt author: jay greenspan location: what is xslt?
Caching compiled WebAssembly modules - WebAssembly
setting up a caching library because indexeddb is a somewhat old-fashioned api, we wanted to provide a library function to speed up writing caching code, and make it work better along with today's more modern apis.
WebAssembly Concepts - WebAssembly
this has worked well for us as javascript is powerful enough to solve most problems people have on the web today.