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SubmitEvent.submitter - Web APIs
the read-only submitter property found on the submitevent interface specifies the submit button or other element that was invoked to cause the form to be submitted.
... syntax let submitter = submitevent.submitter; value an element, indicating the element that sent the submit event to the form.
... while this is often an <input> element whose type or a <button> whose type is submit, it could be some other element which has initiated a submission process.
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<input type="submit"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<input> elements of type submit are rendered as buttons.
... when the click event occurs (typically because the user clicked the button), the user agent attempts to submit the form to the server.
... <input type="submit" value="send request"> value a domstring used as the button's label events click supported common attributes type and value idl attributes value methods none value an <input type="submit"> element's value attribute contains a domstring which is displayed as the button's label.
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HTMLFormElement.requestSubmit() - Web APIs
the htmlformelement method requestsubmit() requests that the form be submitted using a specific submit button.
... syntax htmlformelement.requestsubmit(submitter); parameters submitter optional the submit button whose attributes describe the method by which the form is to be submitted.
... this may be either an <input> or <button> element whose type attribute is submit.
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HTMLFormElement: submit event - Web APIs
the submit event fires when a <form> is submitted.
... bubbles yes (although specified as a simple event that doesn't bubble) cancelable yes interface submitevent event handler property globaleventhandlers.onsubmit note that the submit event fires on the <form> element itself, and not on any <button> or <input type="submit"> inside it.
... however, the submitevent which is sent to indicate the form's submit action has been triggered includes a submitter property, which is the button that was invoked to trigger the submit request.
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SubmitEvent - Web APIs
the submitevent interface defines the object used to represent an html form's submit event.
... this event is fired at the <form> when the form's submit action is invoked.
... constructor submitevent() creates and returns a new submitevent object whose type and other options are configured as specified.
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SubmitEvent() - Web APIs
the submitevent() constructor creates and returns a new submitevent object, which is used to represent a submit event fired at an html form.
... syntax let submitevent = new submitevent(type,eventinitdict); parameters type a domstring indicating the event which occurred.
... for submitevent, this is always submit.
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XForms Submit Element - Archive of obsolete content
upon receiving a domactivate event, this form control dispatches a xforms-submit event to the submission element (see the spec) specified in its submission attibute.
... type restrictions the submit element can be bound to a node containing data of any type.
... actually, the submit element doesn't interact with the data in the bound node.
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HTMLFormElement.submit() - Web APIs
the htmlformelement.submit() method submits a given <form>.
... this method is similar, but not identical to, activating a form's submit <button>.
... when invoking this method directly, however: no submit event is raised.
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GlobalEventHandlers.onsubmit - Web APIs
the onsubmit property of the globaleventhandlers mixin is an eventhandler that processes submit events.
... the submit event fires when the user submits a form.
... syntax target.onsubmit = functionref; value functionref is a function name or a function expression.
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:-moz-submit-invalid - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the :-moz-submit-invalid css pseudo-class is a mozilla extension that represents any submit <button> on forms whose contents aren't valid based on their validation constraints. can use this pseudo-class to customize the appearance of the submit button when there are invalid form fields.
<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<input type="file" accept="image/*, text/*" name="file"/> hidden a control that is not displayed but whose value is submitted to the server.
... image a graphical submit button.
... <input type="search" name="search"/> html5 submit a button that submits the form.
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Client-side form validation - Learn web development
previous overview: forms next before submitting data to the server, it is important to ensure all required form controls are filled out, in the correct format.
... this is called client-side form validation, and helps ensure data submitted matches the requirements set forth in the various form controls.
...your apps should always perform security checks on any form-submitted data on the server-side as well as the client-side, because client-side validation is too easy to bypass, so malicious users can still easily send bad data through to your server.
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Adding a new todo form: Vue events, methods, and models - Learn web development
what we really need next is the ability to allow our users to enter their own todo items into the app, and for that we'll need a text <input>, an event to fire when the data is submitted, a method to fire upon submission to add the data and rerender the list, and a model to control the data.
... add a blank <template> and a <script> tag like before: <template></template> <script> export default {}; </script> let's add in an html form that lets you enter a new todo item and submit it into the app.
... </label> <input type="text" id="new-todo-input" name="new-todo" autocomplete="off" /> <button type="submit"> add </button> </form> </template> so we now have a form component into which we can enter the title of a new todo item (which will become a label for the corresponding todoitem when it is eventually rendered).
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<input type="image"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<input> elements of type image are used to create graphical submit buttons, i.e.
... submit buttons that take the form of an image rather than text.
... additional attributes in addition to the attributes shared by all <input> elements, image button inputs support the following attributes: attribute description alt alternate string to display when the image can't be shown formaction the url to which to submit the data formenctype the encoding method to use when submitting the form data formmethod the http method to use when submitting the form formnovalidate a boolean which, if present, indicates that the form shouldn't be validated before submission formtarget a string indicating a browsing context from where to load the results of submitting the form ...
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Using XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
submitting forms and uploading files instances of xmlhttprequest can be used to submit forms in two ways: using only ajax using the formdata api using the formdata api is the simplest and fastest, but has the disadvantage that data collected can not be stringified.
... using nothing but xmlhttprequest submitting forms without the formdata api does not require other apis for most use cases.
... a brief introduction to the submit methods an html <form> can be sent in four ways: using the post method and setting the enctype attribute to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (default); using the post method and setting the enctype attribute to text/plain; using the post method and setting the enctype attribute to multipart/form-data; using the get method (in this case the enctype attribute will be ignored).
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<button>: The Button element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the html <button> element represents a clickable button, used to submit forms or anywhere in a document for accessible, standard button functionality.
... content categories flow content, phrasing content, interactive content, listed, labelable, and submittable form-associated element, palpable content.
... formaction html5 the url that processes the information submitted by the button.
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Sending form data - Learn web development
previous overview: forms once the form data has been validated on the client-side, it is okay to submit the form.
... and, since we covered validation in the previous article, we're ready to submit!
... this article looks at what happens when a user submits a form — where does the data go, and how do we handle it when it gets there?
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A first splash into JavaScript - Learn web development
we'll tell you if your guess was too high or too low.</p> <div class="form"> <label for="guessfield">enter a guess: </label><input type="text" id="guessfield" class="guessfield"> <input type="submit" value="submit guess" class="guesssubmit"> </div> <div class="resultparas"> <p class="guesses"></p> <p class="lastresult"></p> <p class="loworhi"></p> </div> <script> // your javascript goes here let randomnumber = math.floor(math.random() * 100) + 1; const guesses = document.queryselector('.guesses'); const lastresult = document.queryselector('.las...
...tresult'); const loworhi = document.queryselector('.loworhi'); const guesssubmit = document.queryselector('.guesssubmit'); const guessfield = document.queryselector('.guessfield'); let guesscount = 1; let resetbutton; function checkguess() { let userguess = number(guessfield.value); if (guesscount === 1) { guesses.textcontent = 'previous guesses: '; } guesses.textcontent += userguess + ' '; if (userguess === randomnumber) { lastresult.textcontent = 'congratulations!
...); } else { lastresult.textcontent = 'wrong!'; = 'red'; if(userguess < randomnumber) { loworhi.textcontent = 'last guess was too low!' ; } else if(userguess > randomnumber) { loworhi.textcontent = 'last guess was too high!'; } } guesscount++; guessfield.value = ''; } guesssubmit.addeventlistener('click', checkguess); function setgameover() { guessfield.disabled = true; guesssubmit.disabled = true; resetbutton = document.createelement('button'); resetbutton.textcontent = 'start new game'; document.body.append(resetbutton); resetbutton.addeventlistener('click', resetgame); } function resetgame() { guesscount = 1; ...
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<input type="checkbox"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this is never seen on the client-side, but on the server this is the value given to the data submitted with the checkbox's name.
... take the following example: <form> <div> <input type="checkbox" id="subscribenews" name="subscribe" value="newsletter"> <label for="subscribenews">subscribe to newsletter?</label> </div> <div> <button type="submit">subscribe</button> </div> </form> in this example, we've got a name of subscribe, and a value of newsletter.
... when the form is submitted, the data name/value pair will be subscribe=newsletter.
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<input type="hidden"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<input> elements of type hidden let web developers include data that cannot be seen or modified by users when a form is submitted.
... value the <input> element's value attribute holds a domstring that contains the hidden data you want to include when the form is submitted to the server.
... additional attributes in addition to the attributes common to all <input> elements, hidden inputs offer the following attributes: attribute description name like all input types, the name of the input to report when submitting the form; the special value _charset_ causes the hidden input's value to be reported as the character encoding used to submit the form name this is actually one of the common attributes, but it has a special meaning available for hidden inputs.
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<input type="radio"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
type="radio" id="contactchoice1" name="contact" value="email"> <label for="contactchoice1">email</label> <input type="radio" id="contactchoice2" name="contact" value="phone"> <label for="contactchoice2">phone</label> <input type="radio" id="contactchoice3" name="contact" value="mail"> <label for="contactchoice3">mail</label> </div> <div> <button type="submit">submit</button> </div> </form> here you see the three radio buttons, each with the name set to contact and each with a unique value that uniquely identifies that individual radio button within the group.
... you can try out this example here: data representation of a radio group when the above form is submitted with a radio button selected, the form's data includes an entry in the form contact=value.
... for example, if the user clicks on the "phone" radio button then submits the form, the form's data will include the line contact=phone.
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Basic native form controls - Learn web development
this article covers: the common input types button, checkbox, file, hidden, image, password, radio, reset, submit, and text.
... keep in mind this is just a user interface feature; unless you submit your form securely, it will get sent in plain text, which is bad for security — a malicious party could intercept your data and steal passwords, credit card details, or whatever else you've submitted.
...this is used to create a form control that is invisible to the user, but is still sent to the server along with the rest of the form data once submitted — for example you might want to submit a timestamp to the server stating when an order was placed.
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React interactivity: Events and state - Learn web development
handling form submission at the top of the form() component function, create a function named handlesubmit().
... this function should prevent the default behavior of the submit event. should end up looking something like this: function handlesubmit(e) { e.preventdefault(); alert('hello, world!'); } to use this function, add an onsubmit attribute to the <form> element, and set its value to the handlesubmit function: <form onsubmit={handlesubmit}> now if you head back to your browser and click on the "add" button, your browser will show you an alert dialog with the words "hello, world!" — or whatever you chose to write there.
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HTMLInputElement - Web APIs
formaction string: returns / sets the element's formaction attribute, containing the uri of a program that processes information submitted by the element.
... formenctype string: returns / sets the element's formenctype attribute, containing the type of content that is used to submit the form to the server.
... formmethod string: returns / sets the element's formmethod attribute, containing the http method that the browser uses to submit the form.
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HTMLFormElement - Web APIs
htmlformelement.method a domstring reflecting the value of the form's method html attribute, indicating the http method used to submit the form.
... a domstring reflecting the value of the form's target html attribute, indicating where to display the results received from submitting the form.
... htmlformelement.action a domstring reflecting the value of the form's action html attribute, containing the uri of a program that processes the information submitted by the form.
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Index - Web APIs
662 constraint validation api api, constraint validation, landing, reference the constraint validation api enables checking values that users have entered into form controls, before submitting the values to the server.
...the transmitted data is in the same format that the form's submit() method would use to send the data if the form's encoding type were set to multipart/form-data.
... 1542 globaleventhandlers.onsubmit api, event handler, globaleventhandlers, html dom, property, reference the onsubmit property of the globaleventhandlers mixin is an eventhandler that processes submit events.
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HTML attribute reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
action <form> the uri of a program that processes the information submitted via the form.
... challenge <keygen> a challenge string that is submitted along with the public key.
... formenctype <button>, <input> if the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this attribute sets the encoding type to use during form submission.
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<form> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the html <form> element represents a document section containing interactive controls for submitting information.
...this value can be overridden by a formaction attribute on a <button>, <input type="submit">, or <input type="image"> element.
... this value can be overridden by formenctype attributes on <button>, <input type="submit">, or <input type="image"> elements.
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<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when the above value submitted to the server, for example, it will look like partydate=2017-06-01t08:30.
... note: also bear in mind that if such data is submitted via http get, the colon character will need to be escaped for inclusion in the url parameters, e.g.
... </select> in either case, the date/time and time zone values would be submitted to the server as separate data points, and then you'd need to store them appropriately in the database on the server-side.
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UI pseudo-classes - Learn web development
styling inputs based on whether they are required or not one of the most basic concepts with regards to client-side form validation is whether a form input is required (it has to be filled in before the form can be submitted) or optional.
... <input>, <select>, and <textarea> elements have a required attribute available which, when set, means that you have to fill in that control before the form will successfully submit.
... for="fname">first name: </label> <input id="fname" name="fname" type="text" required> </div> <div> <label for="lname">last name: </label> <input id="lname" name="lname" type="text" required> </div> <div> <label for="email">email address (include if you want a response): </label> <input id="email" name="email" type="email"> </div> <div><button>submit</button></div> </fieldset> </form> here, the first name and last name are required, but the email address is optional.
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Vue conditional rendering: editing existing todos - Learn web development
copy the following code into that file: <template> <form class="stack-small" @submit.prevent="onsubmit"> <div> <label class="edit-label">edit name for &quot;{{label}}&quot;</label> <input :id="id" type="text" autocomplete="off" v-model.lazy.trim="newlabel" /> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="btn" @click="oncancel"> cancel <span class="visually-hidden">editing {{label}}</span> </button> <button ty..."submit" class="btn btn__primary"> save <span class="visually-hidden">edit for {{label}}</span> </button> </div> </form> </template> <script> export default { props: { label: { type: string, required: true }, id: { type: string, required: true } }, data() { return { newlabel: this.label }; }, methods: { onsubmit() { if (this.newlabel && this.newlabel !== this.label) { this.$emit("item-edited", this.newlabel); } }, oncancel() { this.$emit("edit-cancelled"); } } }; </script> <style scoped> .edit-label { font-family: arial, sans-serif; -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; color: #0b0c0c; display: block; margin-bott...
... for example: app.vue <to-do-form> listens for: todo-added event emitted by the onsubmit() method inside the todoform component when the form is submitted.
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HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
52 disabled attribute, attributes, constraint validation, forms, required the boolean disabled attribute, when present, makes the element not mutable, focusable, or even submitted with the form.
... 75 <button>: the button element element, forms, html, html forms, reference, web the html <button> element represents a clickable button, used to submit forms or anywhere in a document for accessible, standard button functionality.
... 104 <form> element, form element, forms, html, html form element, html forms, reference, web the html <form> element represents a document section containing interactive controls for submitting information.
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How to get a stacktrace for a bug report
crash and submit a report to the system.
...the crash reporter should now submit the crash report and firefox should open again.
...tell us the id of the report you submitted.
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Using FormData Objects - Web APIs
the transmitted data is in the same format that the form's submit() method would use to send the data if the form's encoding type were set to multipart/form-data.
...var blob = new blob([content], { type: "text/xml"}); formdata.append("webmasterfile", blob); var request = new xmlhttprequest();"post", ""); request.send(formdata); note: the fields "userfile" and "webmasterfile" both contain a file.
... var formdata = new formdata(someformelement); for example: var formelement = document.queryselector("form"); var request = new xmlhttprequest();"post", "submitform.php"); request.send(new formdata(formelement)); you can also append additional data to the formdata object between retrieving it from a form and sending it, like this: var formelement = document.queryselector("form"); var formdata = new formdata(formelement); var request = new xmlhttprequest();"post", "submitform.php"); formdata.append("serialnumber", serialnumber++); request...
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HTMLButtonElement - Web APIs
htmlbuttonelement.formaction is a domstring reflecting the uri of a resource that processes information submitted by the button.
... htmlbuttonelement.formenctype is a domstring reflecting the type of content that is used to submit the form to the server.
... htmlbuttonelement.formmethod is a domstring reflecting the http method that the browser uses to submit the form.
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<input type="text"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
basic example <form> <div> <label for="uname">choose a username: </label> <input type="text" id="uname" name="name"> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> this renders like so: when submitted, the data name/value pair sent to the server will be uname=chris (if "chris" was entered as the input value before submission).
... you must remember to include name attribute on the <input> element, otherwise the text field's value won't be included with the submitted data.
...look at the following example: <form> <div> <label for="uname">choose a username: </label> <input type="text" id="uname" name="name" placeholder="lower case, all one word"> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> you can see how the placeholder is rendered below: the placeholder is typically rendered in a lighter color than the element's foreground color, and automatically vanishes when the user begins to enter text into the field (or whenever the field has a value set programmatically by setting its value attribute.
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Implementation Status - Archive of obsolete content
xforms-refresh supported 4.3.5 xforms-reset supported 4.3.6 xforms-next xforms-previous supported 4.3.7 xforms-focus supported 4.3.8 xforms-help xforms-hint supported 4.3.9 xforms-submit partial see section 11.2 for more details 4.3.10 xforms-submit-serialize supported 4.4 notification events supported 4.4.1 xforms-insert supported 4.4.2 xforms-delete supported 4.4.3 ...
... 4.4.15 xforms-select xforms-deselect supported 4.4.16 xforms-in-range supported 4.4.17 xforms-out-of-range supported 4.4.18 xforms-scroll-first xforms-scroll-last supported 4.4.19 xforms-submit-done supported 4.5 error indications partial we don't support the xforms-version-exception event, yet 4.5.1 xforms-binding-exception supported 4.5.2 xforms-compute-exception supported 4.5.3 xforms-link-error partial ...
... 333782; 4.5.4 xforms-link-exception supported 4.5.5 xforms-output-exception unsupported 4.5.6 xforms-submit-error supported 4.5.7 xforms-version-exception unsupported 4.6 event sequencing supported 4.6.1 for input, secret, textarea, range, or upload controls supported 4.6.2 for output controls supported 4.6.3 for select or select1 controls partial 4.6.4 for trigger controls supported ...
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<input type="date"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
basic uses of date the simplest use of <input type="date"> involves one <input> combined with its <label>, as seen below: <form action=""> <label> enter your birthday: <input type="date" name="bday"> </label> <p><button>submit</button></p> </form> this html submits the entered date under the key bday to — resulting in a url like
... if you use min and max to restrict the available dates (see setting maximum and minimum dates), supporting browsers will display an error if you try to submit a date that is out of bounds.
... however, you'll need to double-check the submitted results to ensure the value is within these dates, if the date picker isn't fully supported on the user's device.
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<input type="month"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when the above value is submitted to the server, for example, it will look like bday-month=1978-06.
...the ui implementations generally don't let you enter anything that isn't a date — which is helpful — but you can still submit the form with the month input empty, or enter an invalid date (e.g. a result, supporting browsers will display an error if you try to submit a date that is outside the set bounds, or an empty date field.
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<input type="number"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ng example exhibits all of the above features, as well as using some css to display valid and invalid icons, depending on the input's value: <form> <div> <label for="balloons">number of balloons to order (multiples of 10):</label> <input id="balloons" type="number" name="balloons" step="10" min="0" max="100" required> <span class="validity"></span> </div> <div> <input type="submit"> </div> </form> try submitting the form with different invalid values entered — e.g., no value; a value below 0 or above 100; a value that is not a multiple of 10; or a non-numerical value — and see how the error messages the browser gives you differ with different ones.'s also possible for someone to bypass your html and submit the data directly to your server.
... if your server-side code fails to validate the data it receives, disaster could strike when improperly-formatted data is submitted (or data which is too large, is of the wrong type, and so forth).
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<input type="tel"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
unlike <input type="email"> and <input type="url"> , the input value is not automatically validated to a particular format before the form can be submitted, because formats for telephone numbers vary so much around the world.
...when submitted to the server, the above input's data would be represented as, for example, telno=+12125553151.'s also possible for someone to simply bypass your html entirely and submit the data directly to your server.
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passwords - Archive of obsolete content
formsubmiturl the value of the form's "action" attribute.
...ogin with the following html: <form action=""> <div>please log in.</div> <label>username:</label> <input type="text" name="uname"> <label>password:</label> <input type="password" name="pword"> </form> the corresponding values for the credential (excluding username and password) should be: url: "" formsubmiturl: "" usernamefield: "uname" passwordfield: "pword" note that for both url and formsubmiturl, the portion of the url after the hostname is omitted.
... formsubmiturl string the url an html form credential is submitted to.
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Client-side storage - Learn web development
add the following lines to your javascript file: // create needed constants const rememberdiv = document.queryselector('.remember'); const forgetdiv = document.queryselector('.forget'); const form = document.queryselector('form'); const nameinput = document.queryselector('#entername'); const submitbtn = document.queryselector('#submitname'); const forgetbtn = document.queryselector('#forgetname'); const h1 = document.queryselector('h1'); const personalgreeting = document.queryselector('.personal-greeting'); next up, we need to include a small event listener to stop the form from actually submitting itself when the submit button is pressed, as this is not the behavior we want.
... add this snippet below your previous code: // stop the form from submitting when a button is pressed form.addeventlistener('submit', function(e) { e.preventdefault(); }); now we need to add an event listener, the handler function of which will run when the "say hello" button is clicked.
...add this to the bottom of your code: // run function when the 'say hello' button is clicked submitbtn.addeventlistener('click', function() { // store the entered name in web storage localstorage.setitem('name', nameinput.value); // run namedisplaycheck() to sort out displaying the // personalized greetings and updating the form display namedisplaycheck(); }); at this point we also need an event handler to run a function when the "forget" button is clicked — this is only displayed after the "sa...
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Constraint validation - Developer guides
by submitting the form itself.
... calling checkvalidity() is called statically validating the constraints, while calling reportvalidity() or submitting the form is called interactively validating the constraints.
... calling the submit() method on the htmlformelement interface doesn't trigger a constraint validation.
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<input type="search"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when submitted, the data name/value pair sent to the server will be q=searchterm.
... you must remember to set a name for your input, otherwise nothing will be submitted.'s also possible for someone to simply bypass your html entirely and submit the data directly to your server.
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<input type="time"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
var starttime = document.getelementbyid("starttime"); var valuespan = document.getelementbyid("value"); starttime.addeventlistener("input", function() { valuespan.innertext = starttime.value; }, false); when a form including a time input is submitted, the value is encoded before being included in the form's data. a result, supporting browsers will display an error if you try to submit a time that is outside the set bounds, or an empty time field.
... let's look at an example; here we've set minimum and maximum times, and also made the field required: <form> <div> <label for="appt-time">choose an appointment time (opening hours 12:00 to 18:00): </label> <input id="appt-time" type="time" name="appt-time" min="12:00" max="18:00" required> <span class="validity"></span> </div> <div> <input type="submit" value="submit form"> </div> </form> if you try to submit the form with an incomplete time (or with a time outside the set bounds), the browser displays an error.
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<input type="url"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the input value is automatically validated to ensure that it's either empty or a properly-formatted url before the form can be submitted.
...submitting this form would cause the following data to be sent to the server:'s also possible for someone to simply bypass your html entirely and submit the data directly to your server.
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<input type="week"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when the above value is submitted to the server, for example, browsers may display it as week 01, 2017, but the submitted value will always look like week=2017-w01.
...the ui implementations generally don't let you specify anything that isn't a valid week/year, which is helpful, but it's still possible to submit with the field empty, and you might want to restrict the range of choosable weeks. a result, supporting browsers will display an error if you try to submit an empty week field.
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Create Your Own Firefox Background Theme - Archive of obsolete content
you can submit it right now!
... submitting your theme images to get started submitting your images, go to the theme submission page: name your theme — pick a unique name for your theme.
...simply mouse over the image above the submit theme button, and see how it looks instantly.
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Back to the Server: Server-Side JavaScript On The Rise - Archive of obsolete content
btn_comments = new ext.button({ text: "submit", fieldlabel: "", handler: formhandler }); // create the form panel, attach the inputs form_comments = new ext.form.formpanel({ labelalign: "right", width: 400, title: "comments", items: [ txt_name, txt_email, txt_message, btn_comments ], renderto: "form-comments" }); }); </script> the code in listing 6 starts by hooking in the ext js l...
...the example application uses this capability to log comments submitted by the form to a plain text file named dump.txt.
... listing 8 - submitting comment data <script> function formhandler() { // get the form values var name = txt_name.getvalue(); var email = txt_email.getvalue(); var message = txt_message.getvalue(); // if the form passes validation client-side, submit results to the processor if( validatecomments( name, email, message ) ) { formprocessor( name, email, message ); // update the logger with the most recent entry document.getelementbyid( "out-logger" ).innerhtml += "name: " + name + "<br/>email: " + email + "<br/>message: " + message + "<br/><br/>"; } else { ext.msg.alert( "error", "please enter the required fields" ); } } </script> <!-- processes the form contents --> <script...
...And 2 more matches
CSS and JavaScript accessibility best practices - Learn web development
here you'll see a simple form; when you try to submit the form with one or both fields left empty, the submit fails, and an error message box appears to tell you what is wrong.
...we've used <label> elements to make sure the form labels are unambiguously linked to their inputs, so screen readers can read them out alongside: <label for="name">enter your name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name"> we only do the validation when the form is submitted — this is so that we don't update the ui too often and potentially confuse screen reader (and possibly other) users: form.onsubmit = validate; function validate(e) { errorlist.innerhtml = ''; for(let i = 0; i < formitems.length; i++) { const testitem = formitems[i]; if(testitem.input.value === '') { = '360px'; createlink(testitem); } } ...
... when the validation has been performed, if the tests pass then the form is submitted.
...And 2 more matches
Styling web forms - Learn web development
on the left is the default rendering of an <input type="text">, <input type="date">, <select>, <textarea>, <input type="submit">, and a <button> in chrome on macos, with the platform's default font style in use.
...they all do, with a strange exception — <input type="submit"> does not inherit from the parent paragraph in chrome.
... property along with some consistent values for other properties: input, textarea, select, button { width : 150px; padding: 0; margin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } in the screenshot below, the left column shows the default rendering of an <input type="radio">, <input type="checkbox">, <input type="range">, <input type="text">, <input type="date"> input, <select>, <textarea>,<input type="submit">, and <button>.
...And 2 more matches
Your first form - Learn web development
all of its attributes are optional, but it's standard practice to always set at least the action and method attributes: the action attribute defines the location (url) where the form's collected data should be sent when it is submitted.
...s element is filled with this text"> on the other hand, if you want to define a default value for a <textarea>, you put it between the opening and closing tags of the <textarea> element, like this: <textarea> by default this element is filled with this text </textarea> the <button> element the markup for our form is almost complete; we just need to add a button to allow the user to send, or "submit", their data once they have filled out the form.
... this is done by using the <button> element; add the following just above the closing </ul> tag: <li class="button"> <button type="submit">send your message</button> </li> the <button> element also accepts a type attribute — this accepts one of three values: submit, reset, or button.
...And 2 more matches
Client-Server Overview - Learn web development
when you click a link on a web page, submit a form, or run a search, the browser sends an http request to the server.
...url parameters are inherently "insecure" as they can be changed by users and then resubmitted.
... post request/response example an http post is made when you submit a form containing information to be saved on the server.
...And 2 more matches
the usual approach is to create a certificate signing request (csr) as soon as an application is done with the creation step, which will have created a handle to the key pair, and which can be used for the necessary related operations, like producing a proof-of-ownership of the private key, which is usually required when submitting the public key with a csr to a ca.
... for example, if you wanted to create your own pair of keys and request a new certificate from a ca, you could use certutil to create an empty database, then use certutil to operate on your database and create a certificate request (which involves creating the desired key pair) and export it to a file, submit the request file to the ca, receive the file from the ca, and import the certificate into your database.
... modutil -create -dbdir [sql:]directory adding a cryptographic module adding a pkcs #11 module means submitting a supporting library file, enabling its ciphers, and setting default provider status for various security mechanisms.
...And 2 more matches
to create an instance, use: var logininfo = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsilogininfo); method overview nsilogininfo clone(); boolean equals(in nsilogininfo alogininfo); void init(in astring ahostname, in astring aformsubmiturl, in astring ahttprealm, in astring ausername, in astring apassword, in astring ausernamefield, in astring apasswordfield); boolean matches(in nsilogininfo alogininfo, in boolean ignorepassword); attributes attribute type description formsubmiturl astring the origin, not url, a form-based login was submitted to.
...forms with no action attribute default to submitting to their origin url, so that is stored here.
... void init( in astring ahostname, in astring aformsubmiturl, in astring ahttprealm, in astring ausername, in astring apassword, in astring ausernamefield, in astring apasswordfield ); parameters ahostname the value to assign to the hostname field.
...And 2 more matches
Beacon API - Web APIs
to solve this problem, analytics and diagnostics code will typically make a synchronous xmlhttprequest in an unload or beforeunload handler to submit the data.
... there are other techniques used to ensure that data is submitted.
... one such technique is to delay the unload to submit data by creating an image element and setting its src attribute within the unload handler.
...And 2 more matches
Constraint validation API - Web APIs
the constraint validation api enables checking values that users have entered into form controls, before submitting the values to the server.
... setcustomvalidity(message) sets a custom error message string to be shown to the user upon submitting the form, explaining why the value is not valid — when a message is set, the validity state is set to invalid.
... examples take the following form: <form> <label for="name">enter username (upper and lowercase letters): </label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" required pattern="[a-za-z]+"> <button>submit</button> </form> the basic html form validation features will cause this to produce a default error message if you try to submit the form with either no valid filled in, or a value that does not match the pattern.
...And 2 more matches
GlobalEventHandlers.oninvalid - Web APIs
the invalid event fires when a submittable element has been checked and doesn't satisfy its constraints.
... the validity of submittable elements is checked before submitting their owner form, or after the checkvalidity() method of the element or its owner form is called.
... example this example demonstrates oninvalid and onsubmit event handlers on a form.
...And 2 more matches
HTMLInputElement: invalid event - Web APIs
the invalid event fires when a submittable element has been checked for validity and doesn't satisfy its constraints.
...when a form is submitted, invalid events are fired at each form control that is invalid.
... the validity of submittable elements is checked before submitting their owner <form>, or after the checkvalidity() method of the element or its owner <form> is called.
...And 2 more matches
PaymentRequest.PaymentRequest() - Web APIs
the paymentrequest() constructor creates a new paymentrequest object which will be used to handle the process of generating, validating, and submitting a payment request.
...this parameter contains the following fields: requestpayername a boolean indicating whether the user agent should collect the payer's name and submit it with the payment request.
... requestpayeremail a boolean indicating whether the user agent should collect the payer's email address and submit it with the payment request.
...And 2 more matches
ARIA: textbox role - Accessibility
the default is a single line input, in which return or enter submits the form; in this case, it is preferable to use an html <input> with type="text".
... aria-multiline attribute if aria-multiline="true" is set, the at informs the user that the textbox supports multi-line input, with the expectation that enter or return will create a line break rather than submitting the form.
...if false is set, or the the attribute is omitted and defaults to false, the user expectation is that the control is a single line text box, and enter or return submits the form.
...And 2 more matches
<keygen> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
content categories flow content, phrasing content, interactive content, listed, labelable, submittable, resettable form-associated element, palpable content.
... challenge a challenge string that is submitted along with the public key.
... name the name of the control, which is submitted with the form data.
...And 2 more matches
<textarea> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the above example demonstrates a number of features of <textarea>: an id attribute to allow the <textarea> to be associated with a <label> element for accessibility purposes a name attribute to set the name of the associated data point submitted to the server when the form is submitted.
...the value of a read-only control is still submitted with the form.
... required this attribute specifies that the user must fill in a value before submitting a form.
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jpm - Archive of obsolete content
once you have built an xpi file, you can distribute your add-on by submitting it to
... jpm sign --api-key ${jwt_issuer} --api-secret ${jwt_secret} this submits an xpi it to the signing api, then downloads a signed xpi to the working directory if it passes validation.
...if you need to create a listed add-on, just submit it directly to where it is signed automatically.
... if you list your add-on on, then all you have to do here is submit the new version; add-ons default to checking for new versions of themselves.
JavaScript crypto - Archive of obsolete content
with public key of key recovery authority (kra) (passed in in the form of a certificate as part of the script, and checked against a pre-installed certificate copy in the local certificate database) the public keys, wrapped encryption private key, and text string from the script (possibly containing naming or enrollment info) are signed by the user signed blob is returned to the script script submits signed blob and any other necessary info to the ca/ra ca/ra verifies signature on signed blob ca/ra validates identity of user ca/ra sends wrapped encryption private key to kra kra sends escrow verification back to ca ca creates and signs certificates ca sends certificates back to the user (importusercertificates) typical use the ca's enrollment page could look something like this: <!d...
...octype html> <h2>request a cert</h2> <form name="reqform" method="post" action=""> <p><input type=hidden name=cert_request value=""> <p>name: <input type=text name=name value=""> <p>password: <input type=password name="password" value=""> <p><input type=submit name="send" value="submit"> </form> <script> /* the following values could be filled in by the server cgi */ var authenticator = "server_magic"; var keytransportcert = null; var crmfobject = null; var form = document.forms[0]; function validate() { // generate keys for nsm.
... if (typeof(crypto.version) != "undefined") { crmfobject = crypto.generatecrmfrequest( "cn=" +, form.password.value, authenticator, keytransportcert, "setcrmfrequest();", 1024, null, "rsa-dual-use"); } return false; } function setcrmfrequest() { form.cert_request.value = crmfobject.request; form.submit(); } form.onsubmit = validate; </script> on completion of the request, the ca may submit a page that looks something like this: <!doctype html> <h2>certificate request successful</h2> <p>hit 'load' to load your certificate</p> <form name="reqform"> <p><input type=submit name="load" value="submit"></p> </form> <script> /* the following values could be filled in by the server cgi */ var nickname= "mycertnickname"; var...
... cert = "mkjflakdjfiwjflaksufklasf ..."; var forcebackup = false; function loadcertificate() { window.crypto.importusercertificates(nickname, cert, forcebackup); return false; } document.forms[0].onsubmit = loadcertificate; </script> signing text domstring signtext(domstring stringtosign, domstring caoption /* ...
Control flow - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the script submits validated data, but if the user, say, leaves a required field empty, the script prompts them to fill it in.
... to do this, the script uses a conditional structure or if...else, so that different code executes depending on whether the form is complete or not: if (field==empty) { promptuser(); } else { submitform(); } a typical script in javascript or php (and the like) includes many control structures, including conditionals, loops and functions.
... for example, the above excerpt might be inside a function that runs when the user clicks the submit button for the form.
...looking back at the code in the if and else sections, the lines promptuser and submitform could also be calls to other functions in the script.
Sending forms through JavaScript - Learn web development
the html is typical: <form id="myform"> <label for="myname">send me your name:</label> <input id="myname" name="name" value="john"> <input type="submit" value="send me!"> </form> but javascript takes over the form: window.addeventlistener( "load", function () { function senddata() { const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); // bind the formdata object and the form element const fd = new formdata( form ); // define what happens on successful data submission xhr.addeventlistener( "load", function(event) { alert( event.targe...
... const form = document.getelementbyid( "myform" ); // ...and take over its submit event.
... form.addeventlistener( "submit", function ( event ) { event.preventdefault(); senddata(); } ); } ); here's the live result: you can even get more involved with the process by using the form's elements property to get a list of all of the data elements in the form and manually manage them one at a time.
... const form = document.getelementbyid( "theform" ); // take over the submit event form.addeventlistener( 'submit', function ( event ) { event.preventdefault(); senddata(); } ); } ); here's the live result: conclusion depending on the browser and the type of data you are dealing with, sending form data through javascript can be easy or difficult.
Introduction to events - Learn web development
a form is submitted.
...when you fill in the details and select the submit button, the natural behavior is for the data to be submitted to a specified page on the server for processing, and the browser to be redirected to a "success message" page of some kind (or the same page, if another is not specified.) the trouble comes when the user has not submitted the data correctly — as a developer, you want to prevent the submission to the server and give an error message ...
... first, a simple html form that requires you to enter your first and last name: <form> <div> <label for="fname">first name: </label> <input id="fname" type="text"> </div> <div> <label for="lname">last name: </label> <input id="lname" type="text"> </div> <div> <input id="submit" type="submit"> </div> </form> <p></p> div { margin-bottom: 10px; } now some javascript — here we implement a very simple check inside an onsubmit event handler (the submit event is fired on a form when it is submitted) that tests whether the text fields are empty.
...if they are, we call the preventdefault() function on the event object — which stops the form submission — and then display an error message in the paragraph below our form to tell the user what's wrong: const form = document.queryselector('form'); const fname = document.getelementbyid('fname'); const lname = document.getelementbyid('lname'); const para = document.queryselector('p'); form.onsubmit = function(e) { if (fname.value === '' || lname.value === '') { e.preventdefault(); para.textcontent = 'you need to fill in both names!'; } } obviously, this is pretty weak form validation — it wouldn't stop the user validating the form with spaces or numbers entered into the fields, for example — but it is ok for example purposes.
Third-party APIs - Learn web development
this runs a function called submitsearch() when the form is submitted (the button is pressed).
... searchform.addeventlistener('submit', submitsearch); now add the submitsearch() and fetchresults() function definitions, below the previous line: function submitsearch(e) { pagenumber = 0; fetchresults(e); } function fetchresults(e) { // use preventdefault() to stop the form submitting e.preventdefault(); // assemble the full url url = baseurl + '?api-key=' + key + '&page=' + pagenumber + '&q=' + searchterm.value + '&fq=document_type:("article")'; if(startdate.value !== '') { url += '&begin_date=' + startdate.value; }; if(enddate.value !== '') { url += '&end_date=' + enddate.value; }; } submitsearch() sets the page number back to 0 to begin with, then calls fetchresults().
... this first calls preventdefault() on the event object, to stop the form actually submitting (which would break the example).
... note: the example has rudimentary form data validation — the search term field has to be filled in before the form can be submitted (achieved using the required attribute), and the date fields have pattern attributes specified, which means they won't submit unless their values consist of 8 numbers (pattern="[0-9]{8}").
What went wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript - Learn web development
try playing the game — you'll notice that when you press the "submit guess" button, it doesn't work!
... an error message to indicate what's gone wrong: "typeerror: guesssubmit.addeventlistener is not a function" a "learn more" link that links through to an mdn page that explains what this error means in greater detail.
... if we look at line 86 in our code editor, we'll find this line: guesssubmit.addeventlistener('click', checkguess); the error message says "guesssubmit.addeventlistener is not a function", which means that the function we're calling is not recognized by the javascript interpreter.
... now if you try to enter a guess and press the submit guess button, you'll see ...
React interactivity: Editing, filtering, conditional rendering - Learn web development
-group"> <label classname="todo-label" htmlfor={}> new name for {} </label> <input id={} classname="todo-text" type="text" /> </div> <div classname="btn-group"> <button type="button" classname="btn todo-cancel"> cancel <span classname="visually-hidden">renaming {}</span> </button> <button type="submit" classname="btn btn__primary todo-edit"> save <span classname="visually-hidden">new name for {}</span> </button> </div> </form> ); const viewtemplate = ( <div classname="stack-small"> <div classname="c-cb"> <input id={} type="checkbox" defaultchecked={props.completed} onchange={() => props.toggleta...
... editing from the ui much of what we're about to do will mirror the work we did in form.js: as the user types in our new input field, we need to track the text they enter; once they submit the form, we need to use a callback prop to update our state with the new name of the task.
...update it as follows: <input id={} classname="todo-text" type="text" value={newname} onchange={handlechange} /> finally, we need to create a function to handle the edit form’s onsubmit event; add the following just below the previous function you added: function handlesubmit(e) { e.preventdefault(); props.edittask(, newname); setnewname(""); setediting(false); } remember that our edittask() callback prop needs the id of the task we're editing as well as its new name.
... bind this function to the form’s submit event by adding the following onsubmit handler to the editingtemplate's <form>: <form classname="stack-small" onsubmit={handlesubmit}> you should now be able to edit a task in your browser!
Componentizing our Svelte app - Learn web development
the editing ui (the upper half) will contain an <input> field and two buttons to cancel or save the changes: <div class="stack-small"> {#if editing} <form on:submit|preventdefault={onsave} class="stack-small" on:keydown={e => e.key === 'escape' && oncancel()}> <div class="form-group"> <label for="todo-{}" class="todo-label">new name for '{}'</label> <input bind:value={name} type="text" id="todo-{}" autocomplete="off" class="todo-text" /> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button class="btn todo-cancel" on:cli...{oncancel} type="button"> cancel<span class="visually-hidden">renaming {}</span> </button> <button class="btn btn__primary todo-edit" type="submit" disabled={!name}> save<span class="visually-hidden">new name for {}</span> </button> </div> </form> {:else} [...] when the user presses the edit button, the editing variable will be set to true, and svelte will remove the markup in the {:else} part of the dom and replace it with the markup in the {#if...} section.
...update yours now: <div class="stack-small"> {#if editing} <!-- markup for editing todo: label, input text, cancel and save button --> <form on:submit|preventdefault={onsave} class="stack-small" on:keydown={e => e.key === 'escape' && oncancel()}> <div class="form-group"> <label for="todo-{}" class="todo-label">new name for '{}'</label> <input bind:value={name} type="text" id="todo-{}" autocomplete="off" class="todo-text" /> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button class="btn todo-cancel" on:cli...{oncancel} type="button"> cancel<span class="visually-hidden">renaming {}</span> </button> <button class="btn btn__primary todo-edit" type="submit" disabled={!name}> save<span class="visually-hidden">new name for {}</span> </button> </div> </form> {:else} <!-- markup for displaying todo: checkbox, label, edit and delete button --> <div class="c-cb"> <input type="checkbox" id="todo-{}" on:click={ontoggle} checked={todo.completed} > <label for="todo-{}" class="todo-label">{}</label> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button type="button" class="btn" on:click={onedit}> edit<span class="visually-hidden"> {}</span> </button> <button type="button" class="btn btn__dang...
682 submitting an add-on add-ons, beginner, tutorial, webextensions this article walks through the process of publishing an add-on.
... if you just want to get started, head to the submit a new add-on page on amo.
...once you have defined the colors and image for your theme, the generator will submit your new theme to amo.
... you may submit themes for publishing on amo or for self-distribution.
Lightweight themes
you can submit it right now!
... submitting your theme image to get started submitting your images, go to the theme submission page: name your theme — pick a unique name for your theme.
... submit your theme — if everything looks right, click the submit theme button and you're done!
... submit your theme now frequently asked questions for more information about lightweight themes, including content guidelines, please see these frequently asked questions.
Using the Browser API
MozillaGeckoChromeAPIBrowser APIUsing
when you press the keyboard's return button, the 'submit' event is fired, which we handle like this: urlform.addeventlistener('submit',function(e) { e.preventdefault(); browser.src = urlbar.value; urlbar.blur(); }); we first call preventdefault() to stop the form just submitting and reloading the page — which is really not what we want.
... var searchactive = false; prev.disabled = true; next.disabled = true; next, we add an event listener to the searchform so that when it is submitted, the htmliframeelement.findall() method is used to do a search for the string entered into the search input element (searchbar) within the text of the current page (the second parameter can be changed to 'case-insensitive' if you want a case-insensitive search.) we then enable the previous and next buttons, set searchactive to true, and blur() the search bar to make the keyboard disappear and ...
...stop taking up our screen once the search is submitted.
... searchform.addeventlistener('submit',function(e) { e.preventdefault(); browser.findall(searchbar.value, 'case-sensitive'); searchactive = true; prev.disabled = false; next.disabled = false; searchbar.blur(); }); with this all done, you'll see your search results are highlighted; you can cycle through these using the htmliframeelement.findnext() method (specify forward and backward to go in either direction through the results), which is what our next two event listeners do: prev.addeventlistener('touchend',function() { browser.findnext("backward"); }); next.addeventlistener('touchend',function() { browser.findnext("forward"); }); the last event listener in this section controls what happens when the search toggle button is pressed.
Creating localizable web applications
_("step 4: submit your persona!") .
...bad: <div class="tut_didyouknow"> <img src="/static/img/question-64.png" class="tut_icon"> <?printf (_("did you know you can test a persona before you submit it?
...good: css: div.tut_didyouknow { background: url(/static/img/question-64.png) no-repeat 0 0; padding-left: 64px; } html[dir='rtl'] div.tut_didyouknow { background-image: url(/static/img/question-64.png); background-position: 100% 0; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 64px; } html/php: <div class="tut_didyouknow"> <?printf (_("did you know you can test a persona before you submit it?
... display:inline; line-height: 25px; padding: 6px 6px 6px 10px; } .button .arrow { background: transparent url(../img/main-sprites.png) no-repeat scroll -651px 1px; padding: 6px 15px; } html[dir='rtl'] .button .arrow { /* flip the arrow to point to the left*/ background: transparent url(../img/main-sprites.png) no-repeat scroll -601px 1px; } html/php: <button type="submit" class="button"><span><?= _('get started'); ?></span><span class="arrow"></span></button> don't put captions in the images image 1.
Crash reporting
this system is combination of projects: google breakpad client and server libraries mozilla-specific crash reporting user interface and bootstrap code socorro collection and reporting server where did my crash get submitted?
... crash data submitted using the mozilla crash reporter is located on crash-stats.
... if you want to find a specific crash that you submitted, you first need to find the crash id that the server has assigned your crash.
... type about:crashes into your location bar to get a page listing both submitted and unsubmitted crash reports.
serverurl nsiurl get or set the url to which crash reports will be submitted.
... submitreports boolean user preference for submitting crash reports.
... methods annotatecrashreport() add some extra data to be submitted with a crash report.
... appendappnotestocrashreport() append some data to the "notes" field, to be submitted with a crash report.
FormDataEvent - Web APIs
this happens when the form is submitted, but can also be triggered by the invocation of a formdata() constructor.
... this allows a formdata object to be quickly obtained in response to a formdata event firing, rather than needing to put it together yourself when you wish to submit form data via a method like xmlhttprequest (see using formdata objects).
... examples // grab reference to form const formelem = document.queryselector('form'); // submit handler formelem.addeventlistener('submit', (e) => { // on form submission, prevent default e.preventdefault(); // construct a formdata object, which fires the formdata event new formdata(formelem); }); // formdata handler to retrieve data formelem.addeventlistener('formdata', (e) => { console.log('formdata fired'); // get the form data from the event object let data = e.formda...
...ta; for (var value of data.values()) { console.log(value); } // submit the data via xhr var request = new xmlhttprequest();"post", "/formhandler"); request.send(data); }); specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'formdataevent' in that specification.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
651 abcasm abcasm - an abc assembler 652 tamarin acceptance testing in order to ensure that changes to the tamarin code base are high quality before submitting, all developers are required to complete the following steps.
... 2231 xforms submit element xforms this form control initiates a submission.
...upon receiving a domactivate event, this form control dispatches a xforms-submit event to the submission element (see the spec) specified in its submission attibute.
Environment variables affecting crash reporting - Archive of obsolete content
the following environment variables affect crash reporting: moz_crashreporter_url sets the url that the crash reporter will submit reports to.
...don't submit it to the server.
... (windows only.) moz_crashreporter_no_delete_dump don't delete the crash report dump file after submitting it to the server.
Tamarin Build System Documentation - Archive of obsolete content
quests will trigger a buildbot build when all build slaves are idle the next build begins before the build begins buildbot waits for 2 minutes of no checkin activity the build system prioritizes tamarin-redux checkins over sandbox builds when several tamarin-redux checkins occur the newest change is built including all checkins since the last build each sandbox build occurs in the order they were submitted, the submitter may cancel a build.
... the description appears in the buildbot status page, please describe what you are trying to build and test after submitting a sandbox build view the build status page or the queue (if buildbot is busy) how do i view and change the queue?
... if buildbot is busy the queue is displayed the submitter of a sandbox build may remove a build request by clicking on the cancel button tamarin-redux builds are higher priority than sandbox builds, they cannot be removed but the most checkin including all new checkins are built how can i run buildbot scripts locally?
XForms Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
* this really only applies to the submit element.
...disable() is called by the xforms processor to indicate to a submit element that it needs to disable/enable due to the beginning/ending of the submission process.
...the following list shows where the base bindings for our xforms controls are defined: xforms.xml - contains the base bindings for output, label, trigger, submit, case, message, hint, help, alert, upload and repeat xforms controls.
Game distribution - Game development
this includes hosting it yourself online, submitting it to open marketplaces, and submitting it to closed ones like google play or the ios app store.'s still quite hard to be noticed there as the number of apps submitted daily is huge. can be good to submit your game there as it will be a lot easier to be noticed.
HTML forms in legacy browsers - Learn web development
<label for="mycolor"> pick a color <input type="color" id="mycolor" name="color"> </label> supported not supported form buttons there are two ways to define buttons within html forms: the <input> element with its attribute type set to the values button, submit, reset or image the <button> element <input> the <input> element can make things a little difficult if you want to apply some css by using the element selector: <input type="button" value="click me"> if we remove the border on all inputs, can we restore the default appearance on input buttons only?
... some very old browsers did not use submit as the default value for the type attribute.
... <!-- clicking this button sent "<em>do a</em>" instead of "a" in some cases --> <button type="submit" name="iwantto" value="a"> <em>do a</em> </button> choosing one solution or the other is up to you based on your project's constraints.
Other form controls - Learn web development
pressing return) that will be included when the data is submitted.
...the values are soft (the default value), which means the text submitted is not wrapped but the text rendered by the browser is wrapped; hard (the cols attribute must be specified when using this value), which means both the submitted and rendered texts are wrapped, and off, which stops wrapping.
... if an <option> element has an explicit value attribute set on it, that value is sent when the form is submitted with that option selected.
Web forms — Working with user data - Learn web development
in the articles listed below, we'll cover all the essential aspects of web forms including marking up their html structure, styling form controls, validating form data, and submitting data to the server.
... validating and submitting form data client-side form validation sending data is not enough — we also need to make sure that the data users enter into forms is in the correct format to process it successfully, and that it won't break our applications.
... sending form data this article looks at what happens when a user submits a form — where does the data go, and how do we handle it when it gets there?
Website security - Learn web development
john constructs a form that includes his bank details and an amount of money as hidden fields, and emails it to other site users (with the submit button disguised as a link to a "get rich quick" site).
... if a user clicks the submit button, an http post request will be sent to the server containing the transaction details and any client-side cookies that the browser associated with the site (adding associated site cookies to requests is normal browser behavior).
... the result is that any user who clicks the submit button while they are logged in to the trading site will make the transaction.
Styling Vue components with CSS - Learn web development
add class="btn btn__primary btn__lg" to your form’s <button> element: <button type="submit" class="btn btn__primary btn__lg"> add </button> while we're here, there's one more semantic and styling change we can make.
... update your todoform template so that it looks like this: <template> <form @submit.prevent="onsubmit"> <h2 class="label-wrapper"> <label for="new-todo-input" class="label__lg"> what needs to be done?
... </label> </h2> <input type="text" id="new-todo-input" name="new-todo" autocomplete="off" v-model.lazy.trim="label" class="input__lg" /> <button type="submit" class="btn btn__primary btn__lg"> add </button> </form> </template> let's also add the stack-large class to the <ul> tag in our app.vue file.
458 nsicrashreporter interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom interface reference add some extra data to be submitted with a crash report.
... 479 nsidomfile dom, file i/o, files, firefox 3, gecko, interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, xpcom, xpcom api reference the nsidomfile interface retrieves data from a file submitted to a form using the input type "file".
... this allows the file reference to be saved when the form is submitted while the user is using a web application offline, so that the data can be retrieved and uploaded once the internet connection is restored.
Using nsILoginManager
an nsilogininfo object contains the following attributes: hostname, form submit url, http realm, username, username field, password, and password field.
...defining an nsilogininfo object is simple: var nslogininfo = new components.constructor( ";1", components.interfaces.nsilogininfo, "init" ); var logininfo = new nslogininfo( hostname, formsubmiturl, httprealm, username, password, usernamefield, passwordfield ); examples creating a login for a web page var formlogininfo = new nslogininfo( '', '', null, 'joe', 'secret123', 'uname', 'pword' ); this login would correspond to a html form such as: <form action=""> <div>please log in.</div>...
...required server: apache/1.3.27 www-authenticate: basic realm="exampleco login" creating a local extension login var extlogininfo = new nslogininfo( 'chrome://firefoo', null, 'user registration', 'bob', '123secret', "", "" ); from a component creating a new info block is done slightly differently: var nslogininfo = new constructor("@org/manager/ci.init"); var extlogininfo = new aformsubmiturl, ausername, ausernamefield, ...
HTMLFormElement: formdata event - Web APIs
this happens when the form is submitted, but can also be triggered by the invocation of a formdata() constructor.
... general info bubbles no cancelable no interface formdataevent event handler property globaleventhandlers.onformdata examples // grab reference to form const formelem = document.queryselector('form'); // submit handler formelem.addeventlistener('submit', (e) => { // on form submission, prevent default e.preventdefault(); // construct a formdata object, which fires the formdata event new formdata(formelem); }); // formdata handler to retrieve data formelem.addeventlistener('formdata', (e) => { console.log('formdata fired'); // get the form data from the event object let data = e.formdata; for (var value of data.values()) { console.log(value); } // submit the data via xhr var request = new xmlhttprequest();...
..."post", "/formhandler"); request.send(data); }); the onformdata version would look like this: formelem.onformdata = (e) => { console.log('formdata fired'); // get the form data from the event object let data = e.formdata; for (var value of data.values()) { console.log(value); } // submit the data via xhr var request = new xmlhttprequest();"post", "/formhandler"); request.send(data); }; specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'formdata' in that specification.
Navigator.sendBeacon() - Web APIs
historically, this was addressed with some of the following workarounds to delay the page unload long enough to send data to some url: submitting the data with a blocking synchronous xmlhttprequest call in unload or beforeunload event handlers.
... the following example shows theoretical analytics code that attempts to submit data to a server with a synchronous xmlhttprequest in an unload handler.
... the following example shows a theoretical analytics code pattern that submits data to a server using the sendbeacon() method.
Using the aria-invalid attribute - Accessibility
authors may prevent a form from being submitted.
...nvalid="false" onblur="checkvalidity('name', ' ', 'invalid name entered (requires both first and last name)');"/> <br /> <input name="email" id="email" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" onblur="checkvalidity('email', '@', 'invalid e-mail address');"/> note that it is not necessary to validate the fields immediately on blur; the application could wait until the form is submitted (though this is not necessarily recommended).
...ent.createtextnode(msg); newalert.appendchild(content); document.body.appendchild(newalert); } } note that the alert has the aria role attribute set to "alert." working examples: alert role example (uses the aria-invalid attribute) notes when aria-invalid is used in conjunction with the aria-required attribute, aria-invalid should not be set to true before the form is submitted - only in response to validation.
ARIA: form role - Accessibility
keyboard interactions no role specific keyboard interactions required javascript features onsubmit the onsubmit event handler handles the event raised when the form is submitted.
... anything that is not a <form> cannot be submitted, therefore you would have to use javascript to build an alternative data submission mechanism, for example with xmlhttprequest.">username</label> <input id="username" name="username" autocomplete="nickname" autocorrect="off" type="text"> <label for="email">email</label> <input id="email" name="email" autocomplete="email" autocapitalize="off" autocorrect="off" spellcheck="false" type="text"> <label for="comment">comment</label> <textarea id="comment" name="comment"></textarea> <input value="comment" type="submit"> </div> it is recommended to use <form> instead.
Event reference
form events event name fired when reset the reset button is pressed submit the submit button is pressed printing events event name fired when beforeprint the print dialog is opened afterprint the print dialog is closed text composition events event name fired when compositionstart the composition of a passage of text is prepared (similar to keydown for a keyboard input, but wo...
... invalid event html5 a submittable element has been checked and doesn't satisfy its constraints.
... submit event dom l2, html5 a form is submitted.
disabled - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the boolean disabled attribute, when present, makes the element not mutable, focusable, or even submitted with the form.
... attribute interactions the difference between disabled and readonly is that read-only controls can still function and are still focusable, whereas disabled controls can not receive focus and are not submitted with the form and generally do not function as controls until they are enabled.
... usability browsers display disabled form controls greyed as disabled form controls are immutable, won't receive focus or any browsing events, like mouse clicks or focus-related ones, and aren't submitted with the form.
HTML attribute: multiple - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
orm method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p> <label for="uploads"> choose the images you want to upload: </label> <input type="file" id="uploads" name="uploads" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .gif" multiple> </p> <p> <label for="text">pick a text file to upload: </label> <input type="file" id="text" name="text" accept=".txt"> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </p> </form> note the difference in appearance between the example with multiple set and the other file input without.
... when the form is submitted,had we used method="get" each selected file's name would have been added to url parameters as?uploads=img1.jpg&uploads=img2.svg.
...e:</label> <select name="favoriteonly" id="favoriteonly"> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> <option></option> </select> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="submit"> </p> </form> note the difference in appearance between the two form controls.
<input type="email"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the input value is automatically validated to ensure that it's either empty or a properly-formatted e-mail address (or list of addresses) before the form can be submitted.'s also possible for someone to simply bypass your html entirely and submit the data directly to your server." pattern="" title="please provide only a best startup ever corporate e-mail address"> </div> <div class="messagebox"> <label for="message">request</label><br> <textarea id="message" cols="80" rows="8" required placeholder="my shoes are too tight, and i have forgotten how to dance."></textarea> </div> <input type="submit" value="send request"> </form> our <form> contains one <input> of type email for the user's e-mail address, a <textarea> to enter their message for it into, and an <input> of type "submit", which creates a button to submit the form.
<input type="file"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
r that needs content that can be presented as an image, including both standard image formats and pdf files, might look like this: <input type="file" accept="image/*,.pdf"> using file inputs a basic example <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="file">choose file to upload</label> <input type="file" id="file" name="file" multiple> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; } this produces the following output: note: you can find this example on github too — see the source code, and also see it running live.
... let's look at a more complete example: <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="profile_pic">choose file to upload</label> <input type="file" id="profile_pic" name="profile_pic" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png"> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; } this produces a similar-looking output to the previous example: note: you can find this example on github too — see the source code, and also see it running live.
... first of all, let's look at the html: <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="image_uploads">choose images to upload (png, jpg)</label> <input type="file" id="image_uploads" name="image_uploads" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png" multiple> </div> <div class="preview"> <p>no files currently selected for upload</p> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> html { font-family: sans-serif; } form { width: 580px; background: #ccc; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px; border: 1px solid black; } form ol { padding-left: 0; } form li, div > p { background: #eee; display: flex; justify-content: space-between; margin-bottom: 10px; list-style-type: none; border: 1px solid black; } form img { height: 64px;...
<input type="password"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<label for="userpassword">password:</label> <input id="userpassword" type="password" autocomplete="current-password"> making the password mandatory to tell the user's browser that the password field must have a valid value before the form can be submitted, simply specify the boolean required attribute.
... <label for="userpassword">password: </label> <input id="userpassword" type="password" required> <input type="submit" value="submit"> specifying an input mode if your recommended (or required) password syntax rules would benefit from an alternate text entry interface than the standard keyboard, you can use the inputmode attribute to request a specific one.
...additionally, disabled field values aren't submitted with the form.
<select>: The HTML Select element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
it is given an id attribute to enable it to be associated with a <label> for accessibility purposes, as well as a name attribute to represent the name of the associated data point submitted to the server.
... each <option> element should have a value attribute containing the data value to submit to the server when that option is selected.
... technical summary content categories flow content, phrasing content, interactive content, listed, labelable, resettable, and submittable form-associated element permitted content zero or more <option> or <optgroup> elements.
HTML elements reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
forms html provides a number of elements which can be used together to create forms which the user can fill out and submit to the web site or application.
... element description <button> the html <button> element represents a clickable button, used to submit forms or anywhere in a document for accessible, standard button functionality.
... <form> the html <form> element represents a document section containing interactive controls for submitting information.
How to turn off form autocompletion - Web security
by default, browsers remember information that the user submits through <input> fields on websites.
...however, some data submitted in forms either are not useful in the future (for example, a one-time pin) or contain sensitive information (for example, a unique government identifier or credit card security code).
...when form data is cached in session history, the information filled in by the user is shown in the case where the user has submitted the form and clicked the back button to go back to the original form page.
Creating annotations - Archive of obsolete content
you should see the highlight appearing when you move the mouse over certain elements: click on the highlight and you should see something like this in the console output: info: show info:, post-2249,when you submit a new add-on, you will have to choose between 2 review tracks: full review and preliminary review. should see a panel with a text area for a note: enter the note and press the return key: you should see console output like this: info:, post-2249,when you submit a new add-on, you will have to choose between 2 review tracks: full review and preliminary review.
Useful Mozilla Community Sites - Archive of obsolete content
developers submit their extensions using the web translation system (wts) and volunteers around the world translate them to different languages.
... the community is very active, and you can be sure to get translations for the most commonly used languages within a few days of submitting your extension.
JXON - Archive of obsolete content
}, { "th": { "@style": "text-align: right;", "keyvalue": "quantity:" }, "td": { "input": { "@type": "text", "@name": "myinput", "@onkeypress": "return numbersonly(this, event);", "@onpaste": "return false;" } } }] }, "p": { "input": { "@type": "submit", "@value": "purchase!" } }, "@action": "", "@name": "buyform", "@method": "post" } }); will populate the previous element in the following way: <div id="form_container"> <form action="" name="buyform" method="post"> <script type="text/javascript"> function numbe...
...t type="radio" name="nome" id="rel_pullover" value="pullover"/><label for="rel_pullover">pullover</label></span> </td> </tr> <tr> <th style="text-align: right;">quantity:</th> <td> <input type="text" name="myinput" onkeypress="return numbersonly(this, event);" onpaste="return false;" /> </td> </tr> </table> <p> <input type="submit" value="purchase!" /> </p> </form> </div> other examples example #1: how to use jxon to create an html document instead of an xml document: /* the structure of my document */ var omyhtmlstruct = { "html": { "head": { "meta": { "@http-equiv": "content-type", "@content": "text/html; charset=utf-8" }, "title": "my html document", "script": { ...
Developing New Mozilla Features - Archive of obsolete content
try hard to design your feature so that it can be implemented and reviewed in manageable size patches if you can implement and submit core elements first and build on them in subsequent patches, so much the better.
... if it is not possible to submit your feature in manageable size patches and you submit a 500k patch, be prepared for several months of review and revision before the patch is ready to be checked in it may not take this long.
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
is.options).filter(function(l){return l.selected;}));},getcomputedstyle:function(m){if(this.currentstyle){return this.currentstyle[m.camelcase()]; }var l=this.getdocument().defaultview.getcomputedstyle(this,null);return(l)?l.getpropertyvalue([m.hyphenate()]):null;},toquerystring:function(){var l=[]; this.getelements("input, select, textarea",true).each(function(m){if(!||m.disabled||m.type=="submit"||m.type=="reset"||m.type=="file"){return;}var n=(m.tagname.tolowercase()=="select")?element.getselected(m).map(function(o){return o.value; }):((m.type=="radio"||m.type=="checkbox")&&!m.checked)?null:m.value;$splat(n).each(function(o){if(typeof o!="undefined"){l.push("="+encodeuricomponent(o)); }});});return l.join("&");},clone:function(o,l){o=o!==false;var r=this.clonenode(o);var n=functi...
...vents");if(!c){return this;}if(!a){for(var b in c){this.cloneevents(d,b); }}else{if(c[a]){c[a].keys.each(function(e){this.addevent(a,e);},this);}}return this;}});element.nativeevents={click:2,dblclick:2,mouseup:2,mousedown:2,contextmenu:2,mousewheel:2,dommousescroll:2,mouseover:2,mouseout:2,mousemove:2,selectstart:2,selectend:2,keydown:2,keypress:2,keyup:2,focus:2,blur:2,change:2,reset:2,select:2,submit:2,load:1,unload:1,beforeunload:2,resize:1,move:1,domcontentloaded:1,readystatechange:1,error:1,abort:1,scroll:1}; (function(){var a=function(b){var c=b.relatedtarget;if(c==undefined){return true;}if(c===false){return false;}return($type(this)!="document"&&c!=this&&c.prefix!="xul"&&!this.haschild(c)); }; hash({mouseenter:{base:"mouseover",condition:a},mouseleave:{base:"mouseout",...
Tamarin Acceptance Testing - Archive of obsolete content
in order to ensure that changes to the tamarin code base are high quality before submitting, all developers are required to complete the following steps.
... successfully build release and debug versions of the shell with the debugger enabled [info] successfully run the following test suites: acceptance test suite [info] self tests [info] submit a sandbox build request to test against platforms that you may not have locally [info] available tamarin acceptance test suites actionscript acceptance tests: actionscript acceptance tests running tamarin acceptance tests abc assembler tests cmdline tests performance tests actionscript performance tests running tamarin performance tests built-in self tests see instructions in doc/selftest.html in the tamarin repository.
Using XForms and PHP - Archive of obsolete content
parsing submitted data depending on the submission type, you might get different data formats on the server side.
... to really use the power of xforms (/xml) you would probably submit xml.
The HTML5 input types - Learn web development
any other content causes the browser to display an error when the form is submitted.
...your apps should always perform security checks on any form-submitted data on the server-side as well as the client-side, because client-side validation is too easy to turn off, so malicious users can still easily send bad data through to your server.
How to structure a web form - Learn web development
<input type="tel" id="number" name="cardnumber"> </p> <p> <label for="date"> <span>expiration date:</span> <strong><abbr title="required">*</abbr></strong> <em>formatted as mm/dd/yyyy</em> </label> <input type="date" id="date" name="expiration"> </p> </section> the last section we'll add is a lot simpler, containing only a <button> of type submit, for submitting the form data.
... add this to the bottom of your form now: <p> <button type="submit">validate the payment</button> </p> you can see the finished form in action below (also find it on github — see our payment-form.html source and running live): test your skills!
Test your skills: Basic controls - Learn web development
basic controls 1 this task starts you off nice and gently by asking you to create two <input> elements, for a user's id and password, along with a submit button.
... create a submit button inside the remaining list item, with button text of "log in".
Test your skills: Form validation - Learn web development
form validation 1 in this task, we are providing you with a simple support query form, and we want you to add some validation features to it: make all of the input fields mandatory to complete before the form can be submitted.
... try submitting your form — it should refuse to submit until the above constaints are followed, and give suitable error messages.
Introduction to the server side - Learn web development
when you click a link on a web page, submit a form, or run a search, an http request is sent from your browser to the target server.
...the server-side code handles tasks like validating submitted data and requests, using databases to store and retrieve data and sending the correct data to the client as required.
Ember interactivity: Events, classes and state - Learn web development
creating todos for our card-header / todo input, we'll want to be able to submit our typed in todo task when we press the enter key and have it appear in the todos list. should find that now the text submitted in the <input> is properly reflected in the ui: summary ok, so that's great progress for now.
Beginning our React todo list - Learn web development
</label> </h2> <input type="text" id="new-todo-input" classname="input input__lg" name="text" autocomplete="off" /> <button type="submit" classname="btn btn__primary btn__lg"> add </button> </form> <div classname="filters btn-group stack-exception"> <button type="button" classname="btn toggle-btn" aria-pressed="true"> <span classname="visually-hidden">show </span> <span>all</span> <span classname="visually-hidden"> tasks</span> </button> <button ty...
...first, consider the jsx we have, and how it corresponds to our user stories: we have a <form> element, with an <input type="text"> for writing out a new task, and a button to submit the form.
Starting our Svelte Todo list app - Learn web development
</label> </h2> <input type="text" id="todo-0" autocomplete="off" class="input input__lg" /> <button type="submit" disabled="" class="btn btn__primary btn__lg"> add </button> </form> <!-- filter --> <div class="filters btn-group stack-exception"> <button class="btn toggle-btn" aria-pressed="true"> <span class="visually-hidden">show</span> <span>all</span> <span class="visually-hidden">tasks</span> </button> <button class="btn toggle-btn" aria-pressed="false"> ...
... </label> <input type="text" id="todo-1" autocomplete="off" class="todo-text" /> </div> <div class="btn-group"> <button class="btn todo-cancel" type="button"> cancel <span class="visually-hidden">renaming create a svelte starter app</span> </button> <button class="btn btn__primary todo-edit" type="submit"> save <span class="visually-hidden">new name for create a svelte starter app</span> </button> </div> </form> </div> </li> <!-- todo-2 --> <li class="todo"> <div class="stack-small"> <div class="c-cb"> <input type="checkbox" id="todo-2" checked/> <label for="todo-2" class="todo-label"> ...
Advanced Svelte: Reactivity, lifecycle, accessibility - Learn web development
put the following contents inside it: <script> import { createeventdispatcher } from 'svelte' const dispatch = createeventdispatcher() let name = '' const addtodo = () => { dispatch('addtodo', name) name = '' } const oncancel = () => name = '' </script> <form on:submit|preventdefault={addtodo} on:keydown={e => e.key === 'escape' && oncancel()}> <h2 class="label-wrapper"> <label for="todo-0" class="label__lg">what needs to be done?</label> </h2> <input bind:value={name} type="text" id="todo-0" autocomplete="off" class="input input__lg" /> <button type="submit" disabled={!name} class="btn btn__primary btn__lg">add</button> </form> here we are bindi...
...te' const dispatch = createeventdispatcher() let name = '' let nameel // reference to the name input dom node const addtodo = () => { dispatch('addtodo', name) name = '' nameel.focus() // give focus to the name input } const oncancel = () => { name = '' nameel.focus() // give focus to the name input } </script> <form on:submit|preventdefault={addtodo} on:keydown={e => e.key === 'escape' && oncancel()}> <h2 class="label-wrapper"> <label for="todo-0" class="label__lg">what needs to be done?</label> </h2> <input bind:value={name} bind:this={nameel} type="text" id="todo-0" autocomplete="off" class="input input__lg" /> <button type="submit" disabled={!name} class="btn btn__primary btn__lg">add</button> </form> ...
Dynamic behavior in Svelte: working with variables and props - Learn web development
now we want to update our html so that we call addtodo() whenever the form is submitted.
... update the newtodo form's opening tag like so: <form on:submit|preventdefault={addtodo}> the on:eventname directive supports adding modifiers to the dom event with the | character.
Setting up your own test automation environment - Learn web development
add the following code and try running your test again: const input = driver.findelement('name')); input.sendkeys('filling in my form'); you can submit key presses that can't be represented by normal characters using properties of the webdriver.key object.
... for example, above we used this construct to tab out of the form input before submitting it: driver.sleep(1000).then(function() { driver.findelement('q')).sendkeys(; }); waiting for something to complete there are times where you'll want to make webdriver wait for something to complete before carrying on.
Accessibility information for UI designers and developers
or provide an opportunity to review the input before submitting it.
... links vs buttons to keep your interface in line with user expectations, use links for interactions that go somewhere (on the current page or another page) and buttons for interactions that do something (like submit a form or open an overlay).
Theme concepts
package your theme and submit it to amo, following these instructions.
... themes can be submitted to amo for hosting or for self-distribution.
casesensitivity a string to declare whether you want the search to be case sensitive (case-sensitive) or insensitive (case-insensitive.) example the following function is taken from our browser api demo, and executes a search when a search form is submitted.
... searchform.addeventlistener('submit', function(e) { e.preventdefault(); browser.findall(searchbar.value, 'case-sensitive'); searchactive = true; prev.disabled = false; next.disabled = false; searchbar.blur(); }); specification not part of any specification.
How to get a stacktrace with WinDbg
(the keystroke for a pipe character on us keyboards is shift+\) submit the log file on a bug or via the support site, even if nothing seems to happen during the debug process start debugging now that firefox is opened in the debugger, you need to configure your windbg to download symbols from the mozilla symbol server. provide the information to the development community, submit this file with a support request or attach it to a related bug on bugzilla.
How to investigate Disconnect failures
crashes (not freezes) if we have a crash we always should submit it.
... under about:crashes we have links to all the crashes submitted by firefox to crash-stats.
Application Translation with Mercurial
submitting the patch for review now the patch has to be shared so the people currently trusted to change the official translation can review the suggested changes.
... submit the bug report.
Localization sign-off reviews
in principle, they share basic elements, but sign-off reviews are only for evaluating the changes between your latest approved revision and the new revision you've submitted for release approval.
... how it all works a large part of the review process takes place before you even submit your request for a sign-off review.
Fonts for Mozilla's MathML engine
an enhancement request has been submitted to microsoft to install latin modern math and stix by default.
...enhancement requests have been submitted to apple to ship opentype math fonts in the default installation.
Productization guide
the first page will cover performing research and preparing to submit productization recommendations.
... the following (and last) page will cover the technical steps to creating and submitting productization patches.
L20n HTML Bindings
consider the following source html: <p data-l10n-id="save"> <input type="submit"> <a href="/main" class="btn-cancel"></a> </p> assume the following malicious translation: <save """ <input value="save" type="text"> or <a href="" onclick="alert('pwnd!')" title="back to the homepage">cancel</a>.
... """> the result will be: <p data-l10n-id="back"> <input value="save" type="submit"> or <a href="/main" class="btn-cancel" title="back to the homepage">cancel</a>.
An overview of NSS Internals
the usual approach is to create a certificate signing request (csr) as soon as an application is done with the creation step, which will have created a handle to the key pair, and which can be used for the necessary related operations, like producing a proof-of-ownership of the private key, which is usually required when submitting the public key with a csr to a ca.
... for example, if you wanted to create your own pair of keys and request a new certificate from a ca, you could use certutil to create an empty database, then use certutil to operate on your database and create a certificate request (which involves creating the desired key pair) and export it to a file, submit the request file to the ca, receive the file from the ca, and import the certificate into your database.
NSS tools : certutil
-r create a certificate request file that can be submitted to a certificate authority (ca) for processing into a finished certificate.
...this request is submitted separately to a certificate authority and is then approved by some mechanism (automatically or by human review).
-r create a certificate request file that can be submitted to a certificate authority (ca) for processing into a finished certificate.
...this request is submitted separately to a certificate authority and is then approved by some mechanism (automatically or by human review).
TPS Password Lists
for example: var password_list = [ { hostname: "", submiturl: "", username: "joe", password: "secret123", usernamefield: "uname", passwordfield: "pword", changes: { password: "zippity-do-dah" } }, { hostname: "", realm: "login", username: "joe", password: "secretlogin" } ]; each object has the following properties: hostname: the hostname for the password.
...submiturl: the submit url for the password.
the nsidomfile interface retrieves data from a file submitted to a form using the input type "file".
... this allows the file reference to be saved when the form is submitted while the user is using a web application offline, so that the data can be retrieved and uploaded once the internet connection is restored.
aactionurl for form logins, this parameter should specify the url to which the form will be submitted.
... aactionurl for form logins, this parameter should specify the url to which the form will be submitted.
aactionurl the url of the form to which the login will be submitted.
...aactionurl the url of the form to which the login will be submitted.
timelastused unsigned long long the time, in unix epoch milliseconds, when the login was last submitted in a form or used to begin an http auth session.
... timesused unsigned long the number of times the login was submitted in a form or used to begin an http auth session.
the code implementing this method may use this information to start a tcp and/or ssl level handshake for that resource immediately so that it is ready (or at least in the process of becoming ready) when the transaction is actually submitted.
... no obligation is taken on by the implementer, nor is the submitter obligated to actually open the new channel.
Filelink Providers
custom settings fields to handle custom settings, the settings xhtml page should contain a form with the id "provider-form", with its onsubmit attribute set to "return false;".
... example: <form id="provider-form" onsubmit="return false;"> <label for="username">username:</label> <input id="username" type="text" required="true" /> <label for="server">server:</label> <input id="server" type="text" required="true" /> <label for="port">port:</label> <input id="port" pattern="[0-9]+" required="true" /> </form> the form is expected to use html5 form validation.
Using the Beacon API - Web APIs
if (!navigator.sendbeacon) return; var url = ""; // create the data to send var data = "state=" + event.type + "&location=" + location.href; // send the beacon var status = navigator.sendbeacon(url, data); // log the data and result console.log("sendbeacon: url = ", url, "; data = ", data, "; status = ", status); }; the following example creates a submit handler and when that event is fired, the handler calls sendbeacon().
... window.onsubmit = function send_analytics() { var data = json.stringify({ location: location.href, time: date() }); navigator.sendbeacon('/analytics', data); }; workernavigator.sendbeacon() the beacon api's workernavigator.sendbeacon() method works identically to the usual method, but is accessible from worker global scope.
FormData() - Web APIs
syntax var formdata = new formdata(form) parameters form optional an html <form> element — when specified, the formdata object will be populated with the form's current keys/values using the name property of each element for the keys and their submitted value for the values.
...d="myform" name="myform"> <div> <label for="username">enter name:</label> <input type="text" id="username" name="username"> </div> <div> <label for="useracc">enter account number:</label> <input type="text" id="useracc" name="useracc"> </div> <div> <label for="userfile">upload file:</label> <input type="file" id="userfile" name="userfile"> </div> <input type="submit" value="submit!"> </form> note: only successful form controls are included in a formdata object, i.e.
FormDataEvent.formData - Web APIs
examples // grab reference to form const formelem = document.queryselector('form'); // submit handler formelem.addeventlistener('submit', (e) => { // on form submission, prevent default e.preventdefault(); // construct a formdata object, which fires the formdata event new formdata(formelem); }); // formdata handler to retrieve data formelem.addeventlistener('formdata', (e) => { console.log('formdata fired'); // get the form data from the event object let data = e.formdata; for (var value of data.values()) { console.log(value); } //...
... submit the data via xhr var request = new xmlhttprequest();"post", "/formhandler"); request.send(data); }); specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'formdata' in that specification.
GlobalEventHandlers.onformdata - Web APIs
this happens when the form is submitted, but can also be triggered by the invocation of a formdata() constructor.
... examples // grab reference to form const formelem = document.queryselector('form'); // submit handler formelem.addeventlistener('submit', (e) => { // on form submission, prevent default e.preventdefault(); // construct a formdata object, which fires the formdata event new formdata(formelem); }); // formdata handler to retrieve data formelem.onformdata = (e) => { console.log('formdata fired'); // get the form data from the event object let data = e.formdata; for (var value of data.values()) { console.log(value); } // submit the data via xhr var ...
HTMLDialogElement.close() - Web APIs
from there you can click the cancel button to close the dialog (via the htmldialogelement.close() method), or submit the form via the submit button.
... <section> <p><label for="favanimal">favorite animal:</label> <select id="favanimal" name="favanimal"> <option></option> <option>brine shrimp</option> <option>red panda</option> <option>spider monkey</option> </select></p> </section> <menu> <button id="cancel" type="reset">cancel</button> <button type="submit">confirm</button> </menu> </form> </dialog> <menu> <button id="updatedetails">update details</button> </menu> <script> (function() { var updatebutton = document.getelementbyid('updatedetails'); var cancelbutton = document.getelementbyid('cancel'); var dialog = document.getelementbyid('favdialog'); dialog.returnvalue = 'favanimal'; functio... - Web APIs
from there you can click the cancel button to close the dialog (via the htmldialogelement.close() method), or submit the form via the submit button.
... <section> <p><label for="favanimal">favorite animal:</label> <select id="favanimal" name="favanimal"> <option></option> <option>brine shrimp</option> <option>red panda</option> <option>spider monkey</option> </select></p> </section> <menu> <button id="cancel" type="reset">cancel</button> <button type="submit">confirm</button> </menu> </form> </dialog> <menu> <button id="updatedetails">update details</button> </menu> <script> (function() { var updatebutton = document.getelementbyid('updatedetails'); var cancelbutton = document.getelementbyid('cancel'); var dialog = document.getelementbyid('favdialog'); dialog.returnvalue = 'favanimal'; functio... - Web APIs
from there you can click the cancel button to close the dialog (via the htmldialogelement.close() method), or submit the form via the submit button.
... <section> <p><label for="favanimal">favorite animal:</label> <select id="favanimal" name="favanimal"> <option></option> <option>brine shrimp</option> <option>red panda</option> <option>spider monkey</option> </select></p> </section> <menu> <button id="cancel" type="reset">cancel</button> <button type="submit">confirm</button> </menu> </form> </dialog> <menu> <button id="updatedetails">update details</button> </menu> <script> (function() { var updatebutton = document.getelementbyid('updatedetails'); var cancelbutton = document.getelementbyid('cancel'); var dialog = document.getelementbyid('favdialog'); dialog.returnvalue = 'favanimal'; functio...
HTMLDialogElement.showModal() - Web APIs
from there you can click the cancel button to close the dialog (via the htmldialogelement.close() method), or submit the form via the submit button.
... <section> <p><label for="favanimal">favorite animal:</label> <select id="favanimal" name="favanimal"> <option></option> <option>brine shrimp</option> <option>red panda</option> <option>spider monkey</option> </select></p> </section> <menu> <button id="cancel" type="reset">cancel</button> <button type="submit">confirm</button> </menu> </form> </dialog> <menu> <button id="updatedetails">update details</button> </menu> <script> (function() { var updatebutton = document.getelementbyid('updatedetails'); var cancelbutton = document.getelementbyid('cancel'); var dialog = document.getelementbyid('favdialog'); dialog.returnvalue = 'favanimal'; functio...
HTMLDialogElement - Web APIs
from there you can click the cancel button to close the dialog (via the htmldialogelement.close() function), or submit the form via the submit button.
... <section> <p><label for="favanimal">favorite animal:</label> <select id="favanimal" name="favanimal"> <option></option> <option>brine shrimp</option> <option>red panda</option> <option>spider monkey</option> </select></p> </section> <menu> <button id="cancel" type="reset">cancel</button> <button type="submit">confirm</button> </menu> </form> </dialog> <menu> <button id="updatedetails">update details</button> </menu> <script> (function() { var updatebutton = document.getelementbyid('updatedetails'); var cancelbutton = document.getelementbyid('cancel'); var dialog = document.getelementbyid('favdialog'); dialog.returnvalue = 'favanimal'; functio...
HTMLKeygenElement - Web APIs
challenge is a domstring that reflects the challenge html attribute, containing a challenge string that is packaged with the submitted key.
... name is a domstring that reflects the name html attribute, containing the name for the control that is submitted with form data.
HTMLTextAreaElement - Web APIs
required boolean: returns / sets the element's required attribute, indicating that the user must specify a value before submitting the form.
... javascript function autogrow (ofield) { if (ofield.scrollheight > ofield.clientheight) { = ofield.scrollheight + "px"; } } css textarea.noscrollbars { overflow: hidden; width: 300px; height: 100px; } html <form> <fieldset> <legend>your comments</legend> <p><textarea class="noscrollbars" onkeyup="autogrow(this);"></textarea></p> <p><input type="submit" value="send" /></p> </fieldset> </form> insert html tags example insert some html tags or smiles or any custom text in a textarea.
eventsource examples in this example, an <input> element's input event is monitored in order to update the state of a form's "submit" button based on whether or not a given field currently has a value.
...items marked with "*" are required.</p> <form action="" method="get"> <p> <label for="username" required>your name:</label> <input type="text" id="username"> (*) </p> <p> <label for="email">email:</label> <input type="email" id="useremail"> </p> <input type="submit" value="send" id="sendbutton"> </form> result specifications specification status comment html living standard living standard whatwg html specification html5 recommendation no change from document object model (dom) level 2 html specification document object model (dom) level 2 html specification obsolete no change from docume...
MediaConfiguration - Web APIs
a valid media decoding configuration, to be submitted as the parameter for mediacapabilities.decodinginfo() method, has it's `type` set as: file: for plain playback file.
... a valid media encoding configuration, to be submitted as the parameter for mediacapabilities.encodinginfo() method, has it's `type` set as: record: for recording media.
Media Capabilities API - Web APIs
mediadecodingconfiguration defines the valid values for allowed types of media when the media configuration is submitted as the parameter for mediacapabilities.decodinginfo().
... mediaencodingconfiguration defines the valid values for allowed types of media when the media configuration is submitted as the parameter for mediacapabilities.encodinginfo().
PasswordCredential.idName - Web APIs
the idname property of the passwordcredential interface returns a usvstring, representing the name that will be used for the id field, when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
... syntax var idname = passwordcredential.idname passwordcredential.idname = "userid" value a usvstring represents the name used for the id field, when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
PasswordCredential.passwordName - Web APIs
the passwordname property of the passwordcredential interface returns a usvstring, depicting the name used by the password field, when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
... syntax var passwordname = passwordcredential.passwordname passwordcredential.passwordname = "passcode" value a usvstring representing the password field name, used when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
PasswordCredential - Web APIs
passwordcredential.idname secure context a usvstring containing the name that will be used for the id field when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
... passwordcredential.passwordname secure context a usvstring representing the name that will be used for the password field when submitting the current object to a remote endpoint via fetch.
Payment processing concepts - Web APIs
payment method the instrument by which payment is submitted, such as a credit card or online payment service.
... payment method provider an organization that provides the technology needed to submit payments using a given payment method.
SpeechSynthesis.speak() - Web APIs
when a form containing the text we want to speak is submitted, we (amongst other things) create a new utterance containing this text, then speak it by passing it into speak() as a parameter.
... inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } specifications specification status comment web speech apithe definition of 'speak()' in that specification.
SpeechSynthesis - Web APIs
inside the inputform.onsubmit handler, we stop the form submitting with preventdefault(), create a new speechsynthesisutterance instance containing the text from the text <input>, set the utterance's voice to the voice selected in the <select> element, and start the utterance speaking via the speechsynthesis.speak() method.
... + voices[i].lang + ')'; if(voices[i].default) { option.textcontent += ' -- default'; } option.setattribute('data-lang', voices[i].lang); option.setattribute('data-name', voices[i].name); voiceselect.appendchild(option); } } populatevoicelist(); if (speechsynthesis.onvoiceschanged !== undefined) { speechsynthesis.onvoiceschanged = populatevoicelist; } inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.pitch = pitch.value; utterthis.rate = rate.value; synth.speak(...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance - Web APIs
inside the inputform.onsubmit handler, we stop the form submitting with preventdefault(), use the constructor to create a new utterance instance containing the text from the text <input>, set the utterance's voice to the voice selected in the <select> element, and start the utterance speaking via the speechsynthesis.speak() method.
...= synth.getvoices(); var inputform = document.queryselector('form'); var inputtxt = document.queryselector('input'); var voiceselect = document.queryselector('select'); for(var i = 0; i < voices.length; i++) { var option = document.createelement('option'); option.textcontent = voices[i].name + ' (' + voices[i].lang + ')'; option.value = i; voiceselect.appendchild(option); } inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); utterthis.voice = voices[voiceselect.value]; synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } specifications specification status comment web speech apithe definition of 'speechsynthesisutterance' in that specification.
Using the Web Speech API - Web APIs
we are using an onsubmit handler on the form so that the action happens when enter/return is pressed.
... inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.pitch = pitch.value; utterthis.rate = rate.value; synth.speak(...
Window.speechSynthesis - Web APIs
inside the inputform.onsubmit handler, we stop the form submitting with preventdefault(), create a new speechsynthesisutterance instance containing the text from the text <input>, set the utterance's voice to the voice selected in the <select> element, and start the utterance speaking via the speechsynthesis.speak() method.
... + voices[i].lang + ')'; if(voices[i].default) { option.textcontent += ' -- default'; } option.setattribute('data-lang', voices[i].lang); option.setattribute('data-name', voices[i].name); voiceselect.appendchild(option); } } populatevoicelist(); if (speechsynthesis.onvoiceschanged !== undefined) { speechsynthesis.onvoiceschanged = populatevoicelist; } inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } specifications speci...
Synchronous and asynchronous requests - Web APIs
the following example shows theoretical analytics code that attempts to submit data to a server by using a synchronous xmlhttprequest in an unload handler.
... the following example shows a theoretical analytics code pattern that submits data to a server by using the sendbeacon() method.
Using the alert role - Accessibility
<h2 role="alert">your form could not be submitted because of 3 validation errors.</h2> example 2: dynamically adding an element with the alert role this snippet dynamically creates an element with an alert role and adds it to the document structure.
...the pseudo code snippet below illustrates this approach: <p id="forminstruction">you must select at least 3 options</p> // when the user tries to submit the form with less than 3 checkboxes selected: document.getelementbyid("forminstruction").setattribute("role", "alert"); example 4: making an element with an alert role visible if an element already has role="alert" and is initially hidden using css, making it visible will cause the alert to fire as if it was just added to the page.
Using the article role - Accessibility
examples of an article include web log posts, newspaper or magazine articles and use-submitted comments.
... articles can be nested; for example, a web log entry on a site that accepts user-submitted comments could represent the comments as articles nested within the article for the web log entry.
ARIA: button role - Accessibility
a button is a widget used to perform actions such as submitting a form, opening a dialog, cancelling an action, or performing a command such as inserting a new record or displaying information.
... where possible, it is recommended to use native html buttons (<button>, <input type="button">, <input type="submit">, <input type="reset"> and <input type="image">) rather than the button role, as native html buttons are supported by all user agents and assistive technology and provide keyboard and focus requirements by default, without need for additional customization.
Cognitive accessibility - Accessibility
also be sure to provide a submit button to initiate the change of context, and describe what will happen before the change is made.
...also, be sure to include a confirmation checkbox in addition to a submit button.
HTML To MSAA - Accessibility
ented state_system_ linked if @href attribute is presented or click event listener is registered state_system_ traversed if link is traversed n/a "jump" if @href is valid n/a br role_system_ whitespace '\n' (new line char) state_system_ readonly n/a n/a n/a button role_system_ pushbutton from child nodes n/a state_system_ focusable state_system_ default if @type attribute has value "submit" n/a "press" n/a caption bstr role n/a n/a n/a description_for (0x100f), points to table element div bstr role n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a fieldset role_system_ grouping text equivalent from child legend element n/a n/a labelled_by (1003), points to legend element n/a n/a hr role_system_ separator n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a img, input @type=image role_system_ graphic from @alt...
... attribute, empty @alt attribute means name can't be calculated at all n/a state_system_ animated if image has more than one frame n/a "showlongdesc" if @longdesc attribute is presented n/a if @usemap attribute is used then image accessible has children for each map item input @type=button, submit, reset role_system_ pushbutton from @value attribute, @alt attribute, default label, @src attribute, @data attribute n/a state_system_ default if @type attribute has value "submit" n/a "press" n/a input @type=text, textarea role_system_ text n/a value property of input dom element state_system_ readonly if @readonly attribute is used n/a "activate" n/a input @type=password role_system_ text n/a n/a state_system_ readonly if @readonly attribute is used state_system_ protected n/a "activate"...
Accessibility documentation index - Accessibility
25 using the aria-required attribute aria, accessibility, needscontent the aria-required attribute is used to indicate that user input is required on an element before a form can be submitted.
...examples of an article include web log posts, newspaper or magazine articles and use-submitted comments.
:-moz-ui-invalid - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if the element is required, the preceding rules apply only if the user has changed the value or attempted to submit the form.
...required items have the pseudo-class applied only if the user changes them or attempts to submit an unchanged valid value.
:-moz-ui-valid - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if the element is required, the preceding rules apply only if the user has changed the value or attempted to submit the form.
...required items are flagged as invalid only if the user changes them or attempts to submit an unchanged invalid value.
::-moz-focus-inner - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the ::-moz-focus-inner css pseudo-element is a mozilla extension that represents an inner focus ring of the <button> element as well as the button, submit, reset, and color types of the <input> element.
... examples html <input type="submit" value="input"/> <button type="submit">button</button> css button::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="color"]::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="reset"]::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="button"]::-moz-focus-inner, input[type="submit"]::-moz-focus-inner { padding-block-start: 0px; padding-inline-end: 2px; padding-block-end: 0px; padding-inline-start: 2px; border: 1px dotted red; } result specifications not part of any standard.
Rich-Text Editing in Mozilla - Developer guides
ink { border: 0; } #toolbar1 select { font-size:10px; } #textbox { width: 540px; height: 200px; border: 1px #000000 solid; padding: 12px; overflow: scroll; } #textbox #sourcetext { padding: 0; margin: 0; min-width: 498px; min-height: 200px; } #editmode label { cursor: pointer; } </style> </head> <body onload="initdoc();"> <form name="compform" method="post" action="sample.php" onsubmit="if(validatemode()){this.mydoc.value=odoc.innerhtml;return true;}return false;"> <input type="hidden" name="mydoc"> <div id="toolbar1"> <select onchange="formatdoc('formatblock',this[this.selectedindex].value);this.selectedindex=0;"> <option selected>- formatting -</option> <option value="h1">title 1 &lt;h1&gt;</option> <option value="h2">title 2 &lt;h2&gt;</option> <option value="h3">title 3 &lt...
...scgbqaocwjf5gwquvyksfbwze+awibv0ghfog2ewidchjwriqo9e2fx4xd5r+b0ddaenbxbhbhn2dgwdaqfjjyvhcqyrfgoidgiqjawtcqmriwwmfgicnvcaaamoak+blaortluyt7i5uiuhads=" /> </div> <div id="textbox" contenteditable="true"><p>lorem ipsum</p></div> <p id="editmode"><input type="checkbox" name="switchmode" id="switchbox" onchange="setdocmode(this.checked);" /> <label for="switchbox">show html</label></p> <p><input type="submit" value="send" /></p> </form> </body> </html> note: if you want to see how to standardize the creation and the insertion of your editor in your page, please see our more complete rich-text editor example.
Making content editable - Developer guides
ink { border: 0; } #toolbar1 select { font-size:10px; } #textbox { width: 540px; height: 200px; border: 1px #000000 solid; padding: 12px; overflow: scroll; } #textbox #sourcetext { padding: 0; margin: 0; min-width: 498px; min-height: 200px; } #editmode label { cursor: pointer; } </style> </head> <body onload="initdoc();"> <form name="compform" method="post" action="sample.php" onsubmit="if(validatemode()){this.mydoc.value=odoc.innerhtml;return true;}return false;"> <input type="hidden" name="mydoc"> <div id="toolbar1"> <select onchange="formatdoc('formatblock',this[this.selectedindex].value);this.selectedindex=0;"> <option selected>- formatting -</option> <option value="h1">title 1 &lt;h1&gt;</option> <option value="h2">title 2 &lt;h2&gt;</option> <option value="h3">title 3 &lt...
...scgbqaocwjf5gwquvyksfbwze+awibv0ghfog2ewidchjwriqo9e2fx4xd5r+b0ddaenbxbhbhn2dgwdaqfjjyvhcqyrfgoidgiqjawtcqmriwwmfgicnvcaaamoak+blaortluyt7i5uiuhads=" /> </div> <div id="textbox" contenteditable="true"><p>lorem ipsum</p></div> <p id="editmode"><input type="checkbox" name="switchmode" id="switchbox" onchange="setdocmode(this.checked);" /> <label for="switchbox">show html</label></p> <p><input type="submit" value="send" /></p> </form> </body> </html> note: if you want to see how to standardize the creation and the insertion of your editor in your page, please see our more complete rich-text editor example.
HTML attribute: accept - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
r that needs content that can be presented as an image, including both standard image formats and pdf files, might look like this: <input type="file" accept="image/*,.pdf"> using file inputs a basic example <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="file">choose file to upload</label> <input type="file" id="file" name="file" multiple> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; } this produces the following output: note: you can find this example on github too — see the source code, and also see it running live.
... let's look at a more complete example: <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="profile_pic">choose file to upload</label> <input type="file" id="profile_pic" name="profile_pic" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png"> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; } specifications specification status html living standardthe definition of 'accept attribute' in that specification.
HTML attribute: required - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the boolean required attribute which, if present, indicates that the user must specify a value for the input before the owning form can be submitted.
... example html <form> <div class="group"> <input type="text"> <label>normal</label> </div> <div class="group"> <input type="text" required="required"> <label>required</label> </div> <input type="submit"> </form> result ...
<dialog>: The Dialog element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when such a form is submitted, the dialog closes with its returnvalue property set to the value of the button that was used to submit the form.
...selector('select'); var confirmbtn = document.getelementbyid('confirmbtn'); // "update details" button opens the <dialog> modally updatebutton.addeventlistener('click', function onopen() { if (typeof favdialog.showmodal === "function") { favdialog.showmodal(); } else { alert("the <dialog> api is not supported by this browser"); } }); // "favorite animal" input sets the value of the submit button selectel.addeventlistener('change', function onselect(e) { confirmbtn.value = selectel.value; }); // "confirm" button of form triggers "close" on dialog because of [method="dialog"] favdialog.addeventlistener('close', function onclose() { outputbox.value = favdialog.returnvalue + " button clicked - " + (new date()).tostring(); }); result specifications specification st...
<input type="reset"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
they're rarely useful, and are instead more likely to frustrate users who click them by mistake (often while trying to click the submit button).
... adding a reset keyboard shortcut to add a keyboard shortcut to a submit button — just as you would with any <input> for which it makes sense — you use the accesskey global attribute.
OpenSearch description format
inputencoding the character encoding to use when submitting input to the search engine.
...if you want to put your search plugin on amo, remove the auto-updating feature before submitting it.
Performance fundamentals - Web Performance
testcases and submitting bugs if the firefox and chrome developer tools don't help you find a problem, or if they seem to indicate that the web browser has caused the problem, try to provide a reduced test case that maximally isolates the problem.
...if so, edit the static files to remove any private information, then send them to others for help (submit a bugzilla report, for example, or host it on a server and share the url).
Progressive web app structure - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
the folder structure looks like this: the html from the html point of view, the app shell is everything outside the content section: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>js13kgames a-frame entries</title> <meta name="description" content="a list of a-frame entries submitted to the js13kgames 2017 competition, used as an example for the mdn articles about progressive web apps."> <meta name="author" content="end3r"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#b12a34"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta property="og:image" content="icons/icon-512.png"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sty...
...le.css"> <link rel="manifest" href="js13kpwa.webmanifest"> <script src="data/games.js" defer></script> <script src="app.js" defer></script> </head> <body> <header> <p><a class="logo" href=""><img src="img/js13kgames.png" alt="js13kgames"></a></p> </header> <main> <h1>js13kgames a-frame entries</h1> <p class="description">list of games submitted to the <a href="">a-frame category</a> in the <a href="">js13kgames 2017</a> competition.
Structural overview of progressive web apps - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>js13kgames a-frame entries</title> <meta name="description" content="a list of a-frame entries submitted to the js13kgames 2017 competition, used as an example for the mdn articles about progressive web apps."> <meta name="author" content="end3r"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#b12a34"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta property="og:image" content="icons/icon-512.png"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="sty...
...le.css"> <link rel="manifest" href="js13kpwa.webmanifest"> <script src="data/games.js" defer></script> <script src="app.js" defer></script> </head> <body> <header> <p><a class="logo" href=""><img src="img/js13kgames.png" alt="js13kgames"></a></p> </header> <main> <h1>js13kgames a-frame entries</h1> <p class="description">list of games submitted to the <a href=""> a-frame category</a> in the <a href="">js13kgames 2017</a> competition.
Certificate Transparency - Web security
implementation when certificates are submitted to a ct log, a signed certificate timestamp (sct) is generated and returned.
... this serves as a proof that the certificate has been submitted and will be added to the log.
Types of attacks - Web security
reflected xss attacks when a user is tricked into clicking a malicious link, submitting a specially crafted form, or browsing to a malicious site, the injected code travels to the vulnerable website.
...for endpoints that require a post request, it's possible to programmatically trigger a <form> submit (perhaps in an invisible <iframe>) when the page is loaded: <form action="" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="account" value="bob"> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="1000000"> <input type="hidden" name="for" value="mallory"> </form> <script>window.addeventlistener('domcontentloaded', (e) => { document.queryselector('form').submit(); }</scrip...
cfx - Archive of obsolete content
once you have built an xpi file you can distribute your add-on by submitting it to
Getting Started (jpm) - Archive of obsolete content
to distribute your add-on, submit the xpi file to or run jpm sign if you wish to distribute the add-on on your own server.
Examples and demos from articles - Archive of obsolete content
ajax – submitting forms and uploading files this paragraph shows how to submit forms in pure-ajax.
Developing add-ons - Archive of obsolete content
add-ons topics submitting an add-on to amo provides helpful information for add-on developers to help them properly package and deliver their add-ons.
Multiple item extension packaging - Archive of obsolete content
this means that the contained add-ons need to be submitted to amo individually for signing.
Appendix: What you should know about open-source software licenses - Archive of obsolete content
when giving feedback on a project if you want to contribute modified source code to an existing project, you need to familiarize yourself with that project’s procedure for submitting modified code.
Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
listing 2: setting privileges'universalxpconnect'); note: this is unneeded when the code is part of an extension, and will result in rejection if submitted to
Custom XUL Elements with XBL - Archive of obsolete content
xbl was submitted to the w3c for standardization, but for now it's used in xul almost exclusively.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
xforms help element xforms hint element xforms input element xforms label element xforms message element xforms output element xforms range element xforms repeat element xforms secret element xforms select element xforms select1 element xforms submit element xforms switch module xforms textarea element xforms trigger element xforms upload element other resources requests for enhancement rfe to the custom controls rfe to the custom controls interfaces rfe to the xforms ...
New Skin Notes - Archive of obsolete content
this is too complex to deal with right now, unless someone wants to write and submit an extension.
Table Layout Regression Tests - Archive of obsolete content
change the source if necessary until the regression tests indicate that your patch does not fork the block and table layout submit your patch and lists the remaining differences in the bug be prepared to cycle.
Video presentations - Archive of obsolete content
learn how to properly file a good bug report, how the bug reports are handled, and how to submit and get reviews for patches.
XBL 1.0 Reference - Archive of obsolete content
notes.html notes.xml notes.css view this example download all files (.zip archive) need to ask to adjust the server - it gives "access denied" for zip files (?) references initial xbl 1.0 proposal submitted as a note to w3c (does not reflect mozilla implementation, nor future plans) xbl 2.0 project original document information last updated date: april 24, 2006 ...
disabled - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
textbox (Toolkit autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
Textbox (XPFE autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
Using Remote XUL - Archive of obsolete content
p> </menu> <menu label="tools"> <menupopup> <menuitem label="view source" value="" /> <menuitem label="tree status" value="" /> <menuitem label="new checkins" value=";..." /> <menuitem label="submit a bug" value="" /> </menupopup> </menu> <button label="faq" value="" /> <button label="search" value="" /> </menubar> <iframe src="" flex="1" /> </window> the menupopup element is a container for menu items.
arrowscrollbox - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
button - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
checkbox - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
colorpicker - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
command - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
datepicker - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
description - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
key - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
keyset - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
label - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
listbox - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
listcell - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
listhead - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
listheader - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
listitem - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
menu - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
menuitem - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
menulist - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
menuseparator - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
preference - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
radio - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
radiogroup - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
richlistbox - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
richlistitem - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
scale - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
tab - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
tabs - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
textbox - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
timepicker - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
toolbarbutton - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
tree - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of form elements, it will not be submitted.
Using Crash Reporting in a XULRunner Application - Archive of obsolete content
to enable crash reporting on the client, set the following items in application.ini: [crash reporter] enabled=true serverurl=https://your.server.url/submit note: because crash reports can contain private data including passwords, in production environments they should only be sent via https.
Archived Mozilla and build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
when you have only a few uncommitted patches, you can get by using cvs diff, and just editing the output to remove other patches before submitting.
Gecko Compatibility Handbook - Archive of obsolete content
an html page can be quickly checked for the use of proprietary html markup by submitting the page to the w3's html validator using the html 4.01 doctype.
Mozilla release FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
how do i submit it?
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
he is looking for xptcall port maintainers to submit patches to bug 349002.
2006-09-22 - Archive of obsolete content
caldwell submitted a patch for rhino (filed under bug #353501) with a number of improvements.
2006-11-10 - Archive of obsolete content
summary: - oct 04-nov 10, 2006 announcements xptcall changes in process - ports owners needed if you maintain an xptcall port, you are needed to submit a patch to that bug 349002 with xptcall updates.
Troubleshooting XForms Forms - Archive of obsolete content
if you are trying to submit to a different domain than the form is loaded from, make sure that you have allowed cross-domain submission for that specific "form domain".
Mozilla XForms Specials - Archive of obsolete content
for security reasons, it is not per default possible for an xforms to submit data to another domain.
Mozilla XForms User Interface - Archive of obsolete content
submit invokes the submission of the selected instance data to its target destination, which could be local or remote (see the spec).
XForms - Archive of obsolete content
other strengths that xforms brings to the table is the separation of data from presentation, strong data typing, the ability to submit xml data to servers instead of name/value pairs, and a descriptive way to author forms so that they can be displayed by a wide variety of devices.
Game promotion - Game development
many great games get started as a quick, sloppy demo submitted to a competition.
Publishing games - Game development
game distribution provides all you need to know about the ways you can distribute your newly created game into the wild — including hosting it yourself online, submitting it to open marketplaces, and submitting it to closed ones like google play or the ios app store.
Implementing controls using the Gamepad API - Game development
the theme for the competition was "change", so they submitted a game where you have to feed the hungry fridge by tapping the healthy food (apples, carrots, lettuces) and avoid the "bad" food (beer, burgers, pizza.) a countdown changes the type of food the fridge wants to eat every few seconds, so you have to be careful and act quickly.
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
284 navigation directive csp, http, security csp navigation directives are used in a content-security-policy header and govern to which location a user can navigate to or submit a form to, for example.
Navigation directive - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
csp navigation directives are used in a content-security-policy header and govern to which location a user can navigate to or submit a form to, for example.
Page prediction - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
for example, as the user types in the address bar, the browser might send the current text in the address bar to the search engine before the user submits the request.
WAI-ARIA basics - Learn web development
at the end of this section we showed that we have included some aria attributes on the error message box that displays any validation errors when you try to submit the form: <div class="errors" role="alert" aria-relevant="all"> <ul> </ul> </div> role="alert" automatically turns the element it is applied to into a live region, so changes to it are read out; it also semantically identifies it as an alert message (important time/context sensitive information), and represents a better, more accessible way of delivering an alert to a user (modal dialogs ...
Organizing your CSS - Learn web development
for example, look at the classes applied to this html from the page about bem naming conventions: <form class="form form--theme-xmas form--simple"> <input class="form__input" type="text" /> <input class="form__submit form__submit--disabled" type="submit" /> </form> the additional classes are similar to those used in the oocss example, however they use the strict naming conventions of bem.
Overflowing content - Learn web development
if the submit button on a form disappears and no one can complete the form, this could be a big problem!
Advanced form styling - Learn web development
abel> <input id="text" name="text" type="text"> </p> <p> <label for="date">date: </label> <input id="date" name="date" type="datetime-local"> </p> <p> <label for="radio">radio: </label> <input id="radio" name="radio" type="radio"> </p> <p> <label for="checkbox">checkbox: </label> <input id="checkbox" name="checkbox" type="checkbox"> </p> <p><input type="submit" value="submit"></p> <p><input type="button" value="button"></p> </form> applying the following css to them removes system-level styling.
How to build custom form controls - Learn web development
such a control will keep track of the value with all the built-in controls provided by the browser, and the value will be sent as usual when a form is submitted.
Example - Learn web development
equired">*</abbr></strong> </label> <input type="tel" id="number" name="cardnumber"> </p> <p> <label for="date"> <span>expiration date:</span> <strong><abbr title="required">*</abbr></strong> <em>formatted as mm/dd/yyyy</em> </label> <input type="date" id="date" name="expiration"> </p> </section> <section> <p> <button type="submit">validate the payment</button> </p> </section> </form> css content h1 { margin-top: 0; } ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; } form { margin: 0 auto; width: 400px; padding: 1em; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 1em; } div+div { margin-top: 1em; } label span { display: inline-block; width: 120px; text-align: right; } inpu...
CSS property compatibility table for form controls - Learn web development
buttons see the button, submit, and reset input types and the <button> element.
Example - Learn web development
ndling-form-page" method="post"> <div> <label for="name">name:</label> <input type="text" id="name" name="user_name"> </div> <div> <label for="mail">e-mail:</label> <input type="email" id="mail" name="user_email"> </div> <div> <label for="msg">message:</label> <textarea id="msg" name="user_message"></textarea> </div> <div class="button"> <button type="submit">send your message</button> </div> </form> css content form { /* just to center the form on the page */ margin: 0 auto; width: 400px; /* to see the limits of the form */ padding: 1em; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-radius: 1em; } div + div { margin-top: 1em; } label { /* to make sure that all label have the same size and are properly align */ display: inline-block; wi...
Document and website structure - Learn web development
--> <form> <input type="search" name="q" placeholder="search query"> <input type="submit" value="go!"> </form> </nav> <!-- here is our page's main content --> <main> <!-- it contains an article --> <article> <h2>article heading</h2> <p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.
From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
unsandboxed content can do way too much (executing javascript, submitting forms, popup windows, etc.) by default, you should impose all available restrictions by using the sandbox attribute with no parameters, as shown in our previous example.
Index - Learn web development
in the articles listed below, we'll cover all the essential aspects of web forms including marking up their html structure, styling form controls, validating form data, and submitting data to the server.
Cooperative asynchronous JavaScript: Timeouts and intervals - Learn web development
(note: this will only work with lowercase a and l — if an uppercase a or l is submitted (the key plus shift), it is counted as a different key!) if one of these keys was pressed, set isover to true.
Looping code - Learn web development
first, some simple html — a text <input> allowing us to enter a name to search for, a <button> element to submit a search, and a <p> element to display the results in: <label for="search">search by contact name: </label> <input id="search" type="text"> <button>search</button> <p></p> now on to the javascript: const contacts = ['chris:2232322', 'sarah:3453456', 'bill:7654322', 'mary:9998769', 'dianne:9384975']; const para = document.queryselector('p'); const input = document.queryselector('input'); const...
Function return values - Learn web development
it runs whenever the change event fires on the text input — that is, when a new value is entered into the text input, and submitted (e.g., enter a value, then unfocus the input by pressing tab or return).
Componentizing our React app - Learn web development
</label> </h2> <input type="text" id="new-todo-input" classname="input input__lg" name="text" autocomplete="off" /> <button type="submit" classname="btn btn__primary btn__lg"> add </button> </form> ); } export default form; the <filterbutton /> do the same things you did to create form.js inside filterbutton.js, but call the component filterbutton() and copy the html for the first button inside the <div> element with the class of filters from app.js into the return statement.
Rendering a list of Vue components - Learn web development
what we really need next is the ability to allow our users to enter their own todo items into the app, and for that we'll need a text <input>, an event to fire when the data is submitted, a method to fire upon submission to add the data and rerender the list, and a model to control the data.
Understanding client-side JavaScript frameworks - Learn web development
what we really need next is the ability to allow our users to enter their own todo items into the app, and for that, we'll need a text <input>, an event to fire when the data is submitted, a method to fire upon submission to add the data and rerender the list, and a model to control the data.
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
const unsigned long state_required = state_alert_low; // used on form controls // to indicate that this field must be filled out to submit the form const unsigned long state_invalid = state_alert_high; // used on form controls to // indicate the the field does not currently have a legal value const unsigned long state_???
Frequently Asked Questions for Lightweight themes
if at any point you need to edit or delete your theme design after it has been submitted to the gallery, you can access it from the submissions dashboard.
browser themes browser theme concepts get an introduction to creating themes for the latest versions of firefox using the amo theme generator use the theme generator to create and submit a new theme to amo lightweight themes lightweight themes have been deprecated and are no longer accepted by amo.
Creating a Login Manager storage module
his.stub(arguments); }, getalldisabledhosts: function slms_getalldisabledhosts(count) { this.stub(arguments); }, getloginsavingenabled: function slms_getloginsavingenabled(hostname) { this.stub(arguments); }, setloginsavingenabled: function slms_setloginsavingenabled(hostname, enabled) { this.stub(arguments); }, findlogins: function slms_findlogins(count, hostname, formsubmiturl, httprealm) { this.stub(arguments); }, countlogins: function slms_countlogins(ahostname, aformsubmiturl, ahttprealm) { this.stub(arguments); } }; function nsgetmodule(compmgr, filespec) xpcomutils.generatemodule([sampleloginmanagerstorage]); sample c++ implementation bug 309807 contains a complete example.
Capturing a minidump
unlike the minidumps submitted by breakpad, these minidumps contain the complete contents of program memory.
Debugging on Mac OS X
at this time, developers can obtain a hardened runtime build with the entitlement allowed by submitting a try build and downloading the dmg generated by the "rpk" shippable build job.
Configuring Build Options
ac_add_options --enable-crashreporter this enables the machinery that allows firefox to write out a minidump files when crashing as well as the tools to process and submit crash reports to mozilla.
Contributing to the Mozilla code base
let the bug submitter, reviewer, and component owner know that you'd like to work on the bug.
Reviewer Checklist
submitting patches to mozilla source code needn't be complex.
Working with Mozilla source code
creating a patch once you've made a change to the mozilla code, the next step (after making sure it works) is to create a patch and submit it for review.
submitting a mach command for approval once you've authored a mach command, submit the patch for approval.
How to Report a Hung Firefox
submit a crash report for a hung firefox the easiest way to help the firefox stability team to debug these kinds of hangs is to make the hung firefox crash and submit a crash report.
IME handling guide
this is useful for deciding the caption for the submit button in virtual keyboard.
submitting post data httprequest allows attaching data to the post requests.
Localizing extension metadata on
the localizable data fields of an extension are: name homepage summary description eula privacy policy version notes developer comments when you submit a new extension to amo, the process is divided into several steps.
Translation phase
this tutorial will walk you through performing these productization tasks, creating productization patches, and submitting them for review.
Localization technical reviews
most locales should have the following: #filter substitution pref("general.useragent.locale", "@ab_cd@") how it all works a large part of the review process takes place before you even submit your request for a technical review.
Localization formats
you may choose to present just the html for localization: we give an html file which lists several pieces of content like, <h1>getting started</h1> and the localizer translates to <h1>débuter avec firefox</h1> the localizer then submits the translated html or php back to us by either checking in changes to svn or sending us a patch that pascal checks in.
Setting up the infrastructure
this is useful when a localizer submits a new version of the messages.po file.
NSS Certificate Download Specification
certificates are pasted into a text input field in an html form, and then the form is submitted to the admin server.
NSS 3.12.4 release notes
major changes in nss 3.12.4 nss 3.12.4 is the version that we submitted to nist for fips 140-2 validation.
nss tech note6
the softoken and freebl binaries won't match any nss binaries that may have been submitted to nist for validation, and thus may not be verified as being the actual fips 140 validated cryptographic module .
NSS tools : modutil
modutil -create -dbdir [sql:]directory adding a cryptographic module adding a pkcs #11 module means submitting a supporting library file, enabling its ciphers, and setting default provider status for various security mechanisms.
NSS Tools certutil
-r create a certificate-request file that can be submitted to a certificate authority (ca) for processing into a finished certificate.
NSS tools : modutil
modutil -create -dbdir [sql:]directory adding a cryptographic module adding a pkcs #11 module means submitting a supporting library file, enabling its ciphers, and setting default provider status for various security mechanisms.
Rhino community
if you have the inclination to fix it, you are also encouraged to fix it and submit a pull request.
Creating JavaScript jstest reftests
if you are contributing directly to test262, you must submit the tests in the test262 format, which you can see in the test262 git repository and read about here.
Exploitable crashes
finding exploitable crashes exploitable crashes are most often discovered through normal testing and usage, when developers recognize a crash stack in gdb or submitted to a bug as exploitable.
Handling Mozilla Security Bugs
in addition, will maintain a second well-known address,, through which people not in the security group can submit reports of security bugs.
XForms Accessibility
submit invokes the submission of the selected instance data to its target destination (see the spec, the docs).
xformstrigger 0x00002003 used for trigger and submit elements.
it is used for xul:button, html:button, role="button", xforms:trigger, xforms:submit.
method the http request method used when submitting a search query.
0x00000020 click 0x00000040 dblclick 0x00000080 keydown 0x00000100 keyup 0x00000200 keypress 0x00000400 dragdrop 0x00000800 focus 0x00001000 blur 0x00002000 select 0x00004000 change 0x00008000 reset 0x00010000 submit 0x00020000 scroll 0x00040000 load 0x00080000 unload 0x00100000 xfer_done 0x00200000 abort 0x00400000 error 0x00800000 locate 0x01000000 move 0x02000000 resize 0x04000000 forward 0x08000000 help 0x10000000 ba...
the names correspond to form field names, and the values correspond to values the user has submitted.
uri nsiuri the uri to submit a search to.
load_flags_allow_third_party_fixup 8192 this flag specifies that the uri may be submitted to a third-party server for correction.
Autoconfiguration in Thunderbird
how to add support for your domain classification if you are a big isp (> 100,000 users) providing email addresses solely under a few domains like "" and "", you may either submit the configuration to the ispdb or set up a configuration server.
Mailnews and Mail code review requirements
unit test rules patches are required to include automated tests which are run during make check or via mozmill in thunderbird, but submitters are encouraged to request exceptions from reviewers in cases where the cost is believed to outweigh the benefit.
Network request list - Firefox Developer Tools
start performance analysis use as fetch in console submits the request as a call to the fetch() method in the console.
Console messages - Firefox Developer Tools
forms containing password fields must submit them over https, not http.
Web Console UI Tour - Firefox Developer Tools
instant evaluation: when enabled, the interpreter displays the evaluated results of an expression, when possible, before you press enter to submit it.
Body.formData() - Web APIs
if a user submits a form and a service worker intercepts the request, you could for example call formdata() on it to obtain a key-value map, modify some fields, then send the form onwards to the server (or use it locally).
Applying styles and colors - Web APIs
25 : -25; ctx.lineto(math.pow(i, 1.5) * 2, 75 + dy); } ctx.stroke(); return false; } <table> <tr> <td><canvas id="canvas" width="150" height="150"></canvas></td> <td>change the <code>miterlimit</code> by entering a new value below and clicking the redraw button.<br><br> <form onsubmit="return draw();"> <label>miter limit</label> <input type="number" size="3" id="miterlimit"/> <input type="submit" value="redraw"/> </form> </td> </tr> </table> document.getelementbyid('miterlimit').value = document.getelementbyid('canvas').getcontext('2d').miterlimit; draw(); screenshotlive sample using line dashes the setlinedash method and the linedashof...
Using channel messaging - Web APIs
when our button is clicked, we prevent the form from submitting as normal and then send the value entered in our text input to the iframe via the messagechannel.
Document.createCDATASection() - Web APIs
will throw a ns_error_dom_invalid_character_err exception if one tries to submit the closing cdata sequence ("]]>") as part of the data, so unescaped user-provided data cannot be safely used without with this method getting this exception (createtextnode() can often be used in its place).
Document.forms - Web APIs
/form> </body> </html> getting an element from within a form var selectform = document.forms[index]; var selectformelement = document.forms[index].elements[index]; named form access <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>document.forms example</title> </head> <body> <form name="login"> <input name="email" type="email"> <input name="password" type="password"> <button type="submit">log in</button> </form> <script> var loginform = document.forms.login; // or document.forms['login'] = ''; loginform.elements.password.placeholder = 'password'; </script> </body> </html> specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'document.forms' in that specification...
Document - Web APIs
globaleventhandlers.onsubmit is an eventhandler representing the code to be called when the submit event is raised.
Element.innerHTML - Web APIs
for example, if you use innerhtml in a browser extension and submit the extension to, it will not pass the automated review process.
Element.scrollHeight - Web APIs
</textarea> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" id="agree" name="accept" /> <label for="agree">i agree</label> <input type="submit" id="nextstep" value="next" /> </p> </form> css #notice { display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 12px; border-radius: 5px; width: 600px; padding: 5px; border: 2px #7fdf55 solid; } #rules { width: 600px; height: 130px; padding: 5px; border: #2a9f00 solid 2px; border-radius: 5px; } javascript function checkreading () { if ( { return; } checkre...
Using files from web applications - Web APIs
e following example shows a possible use of the size property: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>file(s) size</title> </head> <body> <form name="uploadform"> <div> <input id="uploadinput" type="file" name="myfiles" multiple> selected files: <span id="filenum">0</span>; total size: <span id="filesize">0</span> </div> <div><input type="submit" value="send file"></div> </form> <script> function updatesize() { let nbytes = 0, ofiles = this.files, nfiles = ofiles.length; for (let nfileid = 0; nfileid < nfiles; nfileid++) { nbytes += ofiles[nfileid].size; } let soutput = nbytes + " bytes"; // optional code for multiples approximation const amultiples = ["kib", "mib", "gib", "tib", "pib"...
GlobalEventHandlers - Web APIs
globaleventhandlers.onsubmit is an eventhandler representing the code to be called when the submit event is raised.
HTMLFormElement.action - Web APIs
the action of a form is the program that is executed on the server when the form is submitted.
HTMLFormElement.enctype - Web APIs
the htmlformelement.enctype property is the mime type of content that is used to submit the form to the server.
HTMLFormElement.method - Web APIs
the htmlformelement.method property represents the http method used to submit the <form>.
HTMLFormElement.reportValidity() - Web APIs
syntax htmlformelement.reportvalidity() return value boolean example document.forms['myform'].addeventlistener('submit', function() { document.forms['myform'].reportvalidity(); }, false); specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'htmlformelement.reportvalidity()' in that specification.
HTMLObjectElement.setCustomValidity - Web APIs
as long as the error message is not null, the form will not pass validation and will not be submitted.
Option() - Web APIs
for the associated <select> element's value when the form is submitted to the server.
HTMLOutputElement - Web APIs a domstring reflecting the name html attribute, containing the name for the control that is submitted with form data.
HTMLSelectElement.form - Web APIs
syntax edit aform = aselectelement.form.selectname; example html <form action="" method="get"> <label>google: <input type="search" name="q"></label> <input type="submit" value="search..."> </form> javascript a property available on all form elements, "type" returns the type of the calling form element.
HTMLSelectElement - Web APIs
htmlselectelement.required a boolean reflecting the required html attribute, which indicates whether the user is required to select a value before submitting the form.
Ajax navigation example - Web APIs
to see how it works, please create the following files (or git clone ): note: for fully integrating the <form> elements within this mechanism, please take a look at the paragraph submitting forms and uploading files.
IDBDatabase.createObjectStore() - Web APIs
example // let us open our database var request ="todolist", 4); // this handler is called when a new version of the database // is created, either when one has not been created before // or when a new version number is submitted by calling //
IDBDatabase - Web APIs
this is used a lot later on db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the displaydata() function to populate the task // list with all the to-do list data already in the idb displaydata(); }; // this event handles the event whereby a new version of // the database needs to be created either one has not // been created before, or a new version number has been // submitted via the line above dbopenrequest.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { var db =; db.onerror = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database using // idbdatabase.createobjectstore var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // d...
IDBObjectStore.createIndex() - Web APIs
db = request.result; // run the displaydata() function to populate the task list with // all the to-do list data already in the idb displaydata(); }; // this handler fires when a new database is created and indicates // either that one has not been created before, or a new version // was submitted with
IDBObjectStore.deleteIndex() - Web APIs
this is used a lot below db = this.result; // run the displaydata() function to populate the task list with all the to-do list data already in the idb displaydata(); }; // this event handles the event whereby a new version of the database needs to be created // either one has not been created before, or a new version number has been submitted via the // line above //it is only implemented in recent browsers dbopenrequest.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { var db = this.result; db.onerror = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // defin...
IDBObjectStore - Web APIs
db = dbopenrequest.result; }; // this event handles the event whereby a new version of // the database needs to be created either one has not // been created before, or a new version number has been // submitted via the line above dbopenrequest.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { var db =; db.onerror = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define what data items the objectstore will...
IDBOpenDBRequest.onblocked - Web APIs
either one has not been created // before, or a new version number has been submitted via the // line above //it is only implemented in recent browsers request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { var db =; db.onerror = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); ...
IDBOpenDBRequest.onupgradeneeded - Web APIs
either one has not been created // before, or a new version number has been submitted via the // line above.
IDBOpenDBRequest - Web APIs
this is used a lot below db = dbopenrequest.result; // run the displaydata() function to populate the task // listwith all the to-do list data already in the idb displaydata(); }; // this event handles the event whereby a new version of // the database needs to be created either one has not // been created before, or a new version number has been // submitted via the line above // it is only implemented in recent browsers dbopenrequest.onupgradeneeded = function(event) { var db = this.result; db.onerror = function(event) { note.innerhtml += '<li>error loading database.</li>'; }; // create an objectstore for this database var objectstore = db.createobjectstore("todolist", { keypath: "tasktitle" }); // define ...
Checking when a deadline is due - Web APIs
when the form's submit button is pressed, we run the adddata() function, which starts like this: function adddata(e) { e.preventdefault(); if(title.value == '' || hours.value == null || minutes.value == null || day.value == '' || month.value == '' || year.value == null) { note.innerhtml += '<li>data not submitted — form incomplete.</li>'; return; } in this segment, we check to see if the form fields...
Timing element visibility with the Intersection Observer API - Web APIs
we then report that data; in this case, by logging it to console, but in the real world, you'd submit the information to an ad service's api or save it into a database.
MediaPositionState.duration - Web APIs
example in this example, an app performing a live stream provides information to the browser by preparing a mediapositionstate object and submitting it by calling navigator.mediasession.setpositionstate().
MediaPositionState.playbackRate - Web APIs
it begins by creating a mediapositionstate object, then submits it to the browser it by calling navigator.mediasession.setpositionstate().
Navigator.mediaSession - Web APIs
example in this example, metadata is submitted to the mediasession object.
PaymentCurrencyAmount.value - Web APIs
you need to convert the value to this format before submitting the payment.
PaymentDetailsUpdate.error - Web APIs
this message can be used to explain to the user why they cannot submit their payment as currently specified—whether that's because the selected products cannot be shipped to their region or because their address is not served by any of the shipping companies you use.
PaymentRequest: shippingoptionchange event - Web APIs
the revised total is submitted back to the payment request by calling the event's updatewith() method. - Web APIs
the validateresponse() method, below, is called once show() returns, in order to look at the returned response and either submit the payment or reject the payment as failed: async function validateresponse(response) { try { if (await checkallvalues(response)) { await response.complete("success"); } else { await response.complete("fail"); } } catch(err) { await response.complete("fail"); } } here, a custom function called checkallvalues() looks at each value in the response and ensures t...
PaymentResponse.retry() - Web APIs
async function handlepayment() { const payrequest = new paymentrequest(methoddata, details, options); try { let payresponse = await; while (payresponse has errors) { /* let the user edit the payment information, wait until they submit */ await response.retry(); } await payresponse.complete("success"); } catch(err) { /* handle the exception */ } } examples try { await paymentrequest.retry(errorfields); } catch (domexception err) { ...
RTCOfferOptions.iceRestart - Web APIs
note: rather than manually creating and submitting an offer with icerestart set to true, you should consider calling the rtcpeerconnection method restartice() instead.
RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription() - Web APIs
because descriptions will be exchanged until the two peers agree on a configuration, the description submitted by calling setlocaldescription() does not immediately take effect.
RTCPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription() - Web APIs
because descriptions will be exchanged until the two peers agree on a configuration, the description submitted by calling setremotedescription() does not immediately take effect.
ScrollToOptions.behavior - Web APIs
when the form is submitted, an event handler is run that puts the entered values into a scrolltooptions dictionary, and then invokes the window.scrollto() method, passing the dictionary as a parameter: form.addeventlistener('submit', (e) => { e.preventdefault(); var scrolloptions = { left: leftinput.value, top: topinput.value, behavior: scrollinput.checked ?
ScrollToOptions.left - Web APIs
when the form is submitted, an event handler is run that puts the entered values into a scrolltooptions dictionary, and then invokes the window.scrollto() method, passing the dictionary as a parameter: form.addeventlistener('submit', (e) => { e.preventdefault(); var scrolloptions = { left: leftinput.value, top: topinput.value, behavior: scrollinput.checked ? - Web APIs
when the form is submitted, an event handler is run that puts the entered values into a scrolltooptions dictionary, and then invokes the window.scrollto() method, passing the dictionary as a parameter: form.addeventlistener('submit', (e) => { e.preventdefault(); var scrolloptions = { left: leftinput.value, top: topinput.value, behavior: scrollinput.checked ?
ScrollToOptions - Web APIs
when the form is submitted, an event handler is run that puts the entered values into a scrolltooptions dictionary, and then invokes the window.scrollto() method, passing the dictionary as a parameter: form.addeventlistener('submit', (e) => { e.preventdefault(); var scrolloptions = { left: leftinput.value, top: topinput.value, behavior: scrollinput.checked ?
SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent.error - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onerror = function(event) { consol...
SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onerror = function(event) { consol...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.SpeechSynthesisUtterance() - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } specifications speci...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.lang - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.lang = 'en-us'; synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } sp...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.onboundary - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onboundary = function(event) { con...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.onend - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onend = function(event) { console.
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.onerror - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onerror = function(event) { consol...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.onmark - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onmark = function(event) { console...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.onpause - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onpause = function(event) { consol...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.onresume - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onresume = function(event) { conso...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.onstart - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onstart = function(event) { consol...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.pitch - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.pitch = 1.5; synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } speci...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.rate - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.rate = 1.5; synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } specif...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.text - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } console.log(utterthis.text); synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } ...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.voice - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } specifications speci...
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.volume - Web APIs
inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.volume = 0.5; synth.speak(utterthis); inputtxt.blur(); } spec...
SpeechSynthesisVoice - Web APIs
+ voices[i].lang + ')'; if(voices[i].default) { option.textcontent += ' -- default'; } option.setattribute('data-lang', voices[i].lang); option.setattribute('data-name', voices[i].name); voiceselect.appendchild(option); } } populatevoicelist(); if (speechsynthesis.onvoiceschanged !== undefined) { speechsynthesis.onvoiceschanged = populatevoicelist; } inputform.onsubmit = function(event) { event.preventdefault(); var utterthis = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.pitch = pitch.value; utterthis.rate = rate.value; synth.speak(...
the url standard also defines concepts such as domains, hosts, and ip addresses, and also attempts to describe in a standard way the legacy application/x-www-form-urlencoded mime type used to submit web forms' contents as a set of key/value pairs.
WebGLTransformFeedback - Web APIs
it allows to preserve the post-transform rendering state of an object and resubmit this data multiple times.
Window.captureEvents() - Web APIs
ntax window.captureevents(eventtype) eventtype is a combination of the following values: event.abort, event.blur,, event.change, event.dblclick, event.dragddrop, event.error, event.focus, event.keydown, event.keypress, event.keyup, event.load, event.mousedown, event.mousemove, event.mouseout, event.mouseover, event.mouseup, event.move, event.reset, event.resize,, event.submit, event.unload.
Window.releaseEvents() - Web APIs
ntax window.releaseevents(eventtype) eventtype is a combination of the following values: event.abort, event.blur,, event.change, event.dblclick, event.dragddrop, event.error, event.focus, event.keydown, event.keypress, event.keyup, event.load, event.mousedown, event.mousemove, event.mouseout, event.mouseover, event.mouseup, event.move, event.reset, event.resize,, event.submit, event.unload.
Window - Web APIs
see storage event globaleventhandlers.onsubmit called when a form is submitted windoweventhandlers.onunhandledrejection an event handler for unhandled promise rejection events.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setInterval() - Web APIs
cras sodales eleifend interdum.</textarea></p> <input type="submit" value="send" /> </form> <p>duis lobortis sapien quis nisl luctus porttitor.
WritableStream.WritableStream() - Web APIs
the controller parameter passed to this method is a writablestreamdefaultcontroller that can be used by the developer to control the stream as more chunks are submitted for writing.
Sending and Receiving Binary Data - Web APIs
submitting forms and uploading files please, read this paragraph.
XRRigidTransform.position - Web APIs
finally, an animation frame request is submitted.
Web APIs
r speechrecognitionerrorevent speechrecognitionevent speechrecognitionresult speechrecognitionresultlist speechsynthesis speechsynthesiserrorevent speechsynthesisevent speechsynthesisutterance speechsynthesisvoice staticrange stereopannernode storage storageestimate storageevent storagemanager storagequota stylepropertymap stylepropertymapreadonly stylesheet stylesheetlist submitevent subtlecrypto syncevent syncmanager t taskattributiontiming text textdecoder textencoder textmetrics textrange texttrack texttrackcue texttracklist timeevent timeranges touch touchevent touchlist trackdefault trackdefaultlist trackevent transferable transformstream transitionevent treewalker typeinfo u uievent ulongrange url urlsearchparams urlutilsreadonly usb usbaltern...
Using the aria-required attribute - Accessibility
description the aria-required attribute is used to indicate that user input is required on an element before a form can be submitted.
ARIA: search role - Accessibility
examples <form id="search" role="search"> <label for="search-input">search this site</label> <input type="search" id="search-input" name="search" spellcheck="false"> <input value="submit" type="submit"> </form> accessibility concerns landmark roles are intended to be used sparingly, to identify larger overall sections of the document.
ARIA: dialog role - Accessibility
rstname" type="text" /> </p> <p> <label for="lastname">last name</label> <input id="lastname" type="text"/> </p> <p> <label for="interests">interests</label> <textarea id="interests"></textarea> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" id="autologin"/> <label for="autologin">auto-login?</label> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="save information"/> </p> </form> </div> working examples: jquery-ui dialog notes note: while it is possible to prevent keyboard users from moving focus to elements outside of the dialog, screen reader users may still be able to navigate to that content using their screen reader's virtual cursor.
Alerts - Accessibility
abel> <input name="email" id="email" aria-required="true"/> <br /> <label for="website">website (optional):</label> <input name="website" id="website"/> </fieldset> <label for="message">please enter your message (required):</label> <br /> <textarea name="message" id="message" rows="5" cols="80" aria-required="true"></textarea> <br /> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="send message"/> <input type="reset" name="reset" value="reset form"/> </form> checking for validity and notifying the user form validations consists of several steps: checking if the e-mail address or entered name are valid.
An overview of accessible web applications and widgets - Accessibility
within a form, the spacebar key should select or activate the control, while the enter key should submit the form's default action.
-moz-orient - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
though submitted to the w3c, with positive initial feedback, this property is not yet part of any specification; currently, this is a mozilla-specific extension (that is, -moz-orient).
:default - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this also applies to <input> types that submit forms, like image or submit.
:enabled - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
html <form action="url_of_form"> <label for="firstfield">first field (enabled):</label> <input type="text" id="firstfield" value="lorem"><br> <label for="secondfield">second field (disabled):</label> <input type="text" id="secondfield" value="ipsum" disabled="disabled"><br> <input type="button" value="submit"> </form> css input:enabled { color: #2b2; } input:disabled { color: #aaa; } result specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of ':enabled' in that specification.
:optional - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* selects any optional <input> */ input:optional { border: 1px dashed black; } this pseudo-class is useful for styling fields that are not required to submit a form.
:placeholder-shown - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
">enter student name:</label> <input id="name" placeholder="student name"/> </p> <p> <label for="branch">enter student branch:</label> <input id="branch" placeholder="student branch"/> </p> <p> <label for="sid">enter student id:</label> <input type="number" pattern="[0-9]{8}" title="8 digit id" id="sid" class="studentid" placeholder="8 digit id"/> </p> <input type="submit"/> </form> css input { background-color: #e8e8e8; color: black; } input.studentid:placeholder-shown { background-color: yellow; color: red; font-style: italic; } result specifications specification status comment selectors level 4the definition of ':placeholder-shown' in that specification.
:read-only - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
input:read-only, textarea:read-only { background-color: #ccc; } p:read-only { background-color: #ccc; } syntax :read-only examples confirming form information in read-only/read-write controls one use of readonly form controls is to allow the user to check and verify information that they may have entered in an earlier form (for example, shipping details), while still being able to submit the information along with the rest of the form.
:read-write - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
input:read-write, textarea:read-write { background-color: #bbf; } p:read-write { background-color: #bbf; } syntax :read-write examples confirming form information in read-only/read-write controls one use of readonly form controls is to allow the user to check and verify information that they may have entered in an earlier form (for example, shipping details), while still being able to submit the information along with the rest of the form.
:required - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* selects any required <input> */ input:required { border: 1px dashed red; } this pseudo-class is useful for highlighting fields that must have valid data before a form can be submitted.
Mozilla CSS extensions - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
moz-page-sequence ::-moz-pagebreak ::-moz-pagecontent :-moz-placeholderobsolete since gecko 51 ::-moz-placeholderdeprecated since gecko 51 ::-moz-progress-bar ::-moz-range-progress ::-moz-range-thumb ::-moz-range-track :-moz-read-only :-moz-read-write s ::-moz-scrolled-canvas ::-moz-scrolled-content ::-moz-scrolled-page-sequence ::-moz-selectiondeprecated since gecko 62 :-moz-submit-invalid :-moz-suppressed ::-moz-svg-foreign-content t ::-moz-table ::-moz-table-cell ::-moz-table-column ::-moz-table-column-group ::-moz-table-outer ::-moz-table-row ::-moz-table-row-group :-moz-tree-cell :-moz-tree-cell-text :-moz-tree-cell-text(hover) :-moz-tree-checkbox :-moz-tree-column :-moz-tree-drop-feedback :-moz-tree-image :-moz-tree-indentation :-moz-tree-line ...
Getting Started - Developer guides
note 2: if you do not set header cache-control: no-cache the browser will cache the response and never re-submit the request, making debugging challenging.
Ajax - Developer guides
this article will explain how to use some ajax techniques, like: analyzing and manipulating the response of the server monitoring the progress of a request submitting forms and upload binary files – in pure ajax, or using formdata objects using ajax within web workers fetch api the fetch api provides an interface for fetching resources.
Content categories - Developer guides
submittable elements that can be used for constructing the form data set when the form is submitted.
Writing forward-compatible websites - Developer guides
here's an example that works in browsers without html5 support but breaks in a browser supporting html5: <form action=""> <input type="submit" value="submit the form" </form> due to the missing > on the input tag.
Developer guides
the transmission is in the same format that the form's submit() method would use to send the data if the form's encoding type were set to "multipart/form-data".
The HTML autocomplete attribute - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
in order to provide autocompletion, user-agents might require <input>/<select>/<textarea> elements to: have a name and/or id attribute be descendants of a <form> element the form to have a submit button values "off" the browser is not permitted to automatically enter or select a value for this field.
HTML attribute: pattern - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<form> <div> <label for="uname">choose a username: </label> <input type="text" id="uname" name="name" required size="45" pattern="[a-z]{4,8}" title="4 to 8 lowercase letters"> <span class="validity"></span> <p>usernames must be lowercase and 4-8 characters in length.</p> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; position: relative; } p { font-size: 80%; color: #999; } input + span { padding-right: 30px; } input:invalid+span:after { position: absolute; content: '✖'; padding-left: 5px; } input:valid+span:after { position: absolute; content: '✓'; padding-left: 5px; } this renders like so: accessibility concerns when a...
HTML attribute: readonly - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
attribute interactions the difference between disabled and readonly is that read-only controls can still function and are still focusable, whereas disabled controls can not receive focus and are not submitted with the form and generally do not function as controls until they are enabled.
<fieldset>: The Field Set element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
disabled if this boolean attribute is set, all form controls that are descendants of the <fieldset>, are disabled, meaning they are not editable and won't be submitted along with the <form>.
<iframe>: The Inline Frame element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
allow-forms: allows the resource to submit forms.
<input type="button"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<input type="button" value="click me"> if you don't specify a value, you get an empty button: <input type="button"> using buttons <input type="button"> elements have no default behavior (their cousins, <input type="submit"> and <input type="reset"> are used to submit and reset forms, respectively).
<object> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
content categories flow content; phrasing content; embedded content, palpable content; if the element has a usemap attribute, interactive content; listed, submittable form-associated element.
<option>: The HTML Option element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
value the content of this attribute represents the value to be submitted with the form, should this option be selected.
<output>: The Output element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the <output> value, name, and contents are not submitted during form submission.
hidden - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
hidden elements shouldn't be linked from non-hidden elements, and elements that are descendants of a hidden element are still active, which means that script elements can still execute and form elements can still submit.
inputmode - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for instance, the return/submit key may be labeled "search", along with possible other optimizations.
Global attributes - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
onchange, onemptied, onended, onerror, onfocus, oninput, oninvalid, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onload, onloadeddata, onloadedmetadata, onloadstart, onmousedown, onmouseenter, onmouseleave, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup, onmousewheel, onpause, onplay, onplaying, onprogress, onratechange, onreset, onresize, onscroll, onseeked, onseeking, onselect, onshow, onsort, onstalled, onsubmit, onsuspend, ontimeupdate, ontoggle, onvolumechange, onwaiting.
HTTP conditional requests - HTTP
the concept is to allow all clients to get copies of the resource, then let them modify it locally, controlling concurrency by successfully allowing the first client submitting an update.
Content-Location - HTTP
<input type="number" name="amount"> </label> </p> <button type="submit">send money</button> </form> when the form is submitted, the site generates a receipt for the transaction.
CSP: form-action - HTTP
<meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" content="form-action 'none'"> <form action="javascript:alert('foo')" id="form1" method="post"> <input type="text" name="fieldname" value="fieldvalue"> <input type="submit" id="submit" value="submit"> </form> // error: refused to send form data because it violates the following // content security policy directive: "form-action 'none'".
CSP: navigate-to - HTTP
<meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" content="navigate-to 'none'"> <form action="javascript:alert('foo')" id="form1" method="post"> <input type="text" name="fieldname" value="fieldvalue"> <input type="submit" id="submit" value="submit"> </form> specifications specification status comment content security policy level 3the definition of 'navigate-to' in that specification.
CSP: sandbox - HTTP
allow-forms allows the page to submit forms.
Content-Security-Policy - HTTP
navigation directives navigation directives govern to which locations a user can navigate or submit a form, for example.
Content-Type - HTTP
<form action="/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="text" name="description" value="some text"> <input type="file" name="myfile"> <button type="submit">submit</button> </form> the request looks something like this (less interesting headers are omitted here): post /foo http/1.1 content-length: 68137 content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------974767299852498929531610575 -----------------------------974767299852498929531610575 content-disposition: form-data; name="description" some text ----------------------------...
Pragma - HTTP
forces caches to submit the request to the origin server for validation before releasing a cached copy.
Strict-Transport-Security - HTTP
by following the guidelines and successfully submitting your domain, browsers will never connect to your domain using an insecure connection.
WWW-Authenticate - HTTP
charset=<charset> tells the client the server's prefered encoding scheme when submitting a username and password.
as described in the http 1.1 specification, post is designed to allow a uniform method to cover the following functions: annotation of existing resources posting a message to a bulletin board, newsgroup, mailing list, or similar group of articles; adding a new user through a signup modal; providing a block of data, such as the result of submitting a form, to a data-handling process; extending a database through an append operation.
HTTP request methods - HTTP
post the post method is used to submit an entity to the specified resource, often causing a change in state or side effects on the server.
431 Request Header Fields Too Large - HTTP
the request may be resubmitted after reducing the size of the request headers.
HTTP response status codes - HTTP
the request may be resubmitted after reducing the size of the request header fields.
A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) - JavaScript
several months after that, netscape submitted javascript to ecma international, a european standards organization, which resulted in the first edition of the ecmascript standard that year.
Strict mode - JavaScript
a few strict mode tweaks, plus requiring that user-submitted javascript be strict mode code and that it be invoked in a certain manner, substantially reduce the need for those runtime checks.
Populating the page: how browsers work - Web Performance
it occurs whenever a user requests a page by entering a url into the address bar, clicking a link, submitting a form, as well as other actions.
How to make PWAs installable - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
the content of the file looks like this: { "name": "js13kgames progressive web app", "short_name": "js13kpwa", "description": "progressive web app that lists games submitted to the a-frame category in the js13kgames 2017 competition.", "icons": [ { "src": "icons/icon-32.png", "sizes": "32x32", "type": "image/png" }, // ...
Introduction to progressive web apps - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
an example application in this series of articles we will examine the source code of a super simple website that lists information about games submitted to the a-frame category in the js13kgames 2017 competition.
SVG Event Attributes - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
ondurationchange, onemptied, onended, onerror, onfocus, oninput, oninvalid, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onload, onloadeddata, onloadedmetadata, onloadstart, onmousedown, onmouseenter, onmouseleave, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup, onmousewheel, onpause, onplay, onplaying, onprogress, onratechange, onreset, onresize, onscroll, onseeked, onseeking, onselect, onshow, onstalled, onsubmit, onsuspend, ontimeupdate, ontoggle, onvolumechange, onwaiting graphical event attributes onactivate, onfocusin, onfocusout ...
SVG Attribute reference - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
ondurationchange, onemptied, onended, onerror, onfocus, oninput, oninvalid, onkeydown, onkeypress, onkeyup, onload, onloadeddata, onloadedmetadata, onloadstart, onmousedown, onmouseenter, onmouseleave, onmousemove, onmouseout, onmouseover, onmouseup, onmousewheel, onpause, onplay, onplaying, onprogress, onratechange, onreset, onresize, onscroll, onseeked, onseeking, onselect, onshow, onstalled, onsubmit, onsuspend, ontimeupdate, ontoggle, onvolumechange, onwaiting graphical event attributes onactivate, onfocusin, onfocusout ...
Example - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
</div> <form action="" onsubmit="return false;"> <p> <label>number of motes:</label> <input id='num_motes' value='5'/> <br/> <label>max.
Getting started - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
submit the url of one of your svg files and look at the http response headers.
Introduction - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
svg came about in 1999 after several competing formats had been submitted to the w3c and failed to be fully ratified.