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1827 results for "Boolean":
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Boolean - JavaScript
the boolean object is an object wrapper for a boolean value.
... description the value passed as the first parameter is converted to a boolean value, if necessary.
... do not confuse the primitive boolean values true and false with the true and false values of the boolean object.
...And 12 more matches
replaced by js::toboolean convert any javascript value to a boolean value.
... syntax jsbool js_valuetoboolean(jscontext *cx, jsval v, jsbool *bp); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform the conversion.
...on success, *bp receives the converted boolean value.
...And 5 more matches
Boolean.prototype.toString() - JavaScript
the tostring() method returns a string representing the specified boolean object.
... syntax bool.tostring() return value a string representing the specified boolean object.
... description the boolean object overrides the tostring method of the object object; it does not inherit object.prototype.tostring().
...And 4 more matches
cast a c integer to a boolean js::value without any type checking or error handling.
... please use js::booleanvalue/js::truevalue/js::falsevalue instead in spidermonkey 45 or later.
... syntax jsval boolean_to_jsval(bool b); name type description b bool c integer value to be converted to a boolean jsval.
...And 2 more matches
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 17 convert any javascript value to a boolean.
... syntax bool js::toboolean(js::handlevalue v) name type description v js::handlevalue the value to convert.
... description js::toboolean converts a javascript value to a boolean.
...And 2 more matches
cast a boolean javascript value to a c integer, either 0 or 1, without any type checking or error handling.
... syntax jsbool jsval_to_boolean(jsval v); description jsval_to_boolean casts the value v to a c integer, either 0 or 1.
... as a precondition, jsval_is_boolean(v) must be true.
...And 2 more matches
ConstrainBoolean - Web APIs
the constrainboolean dictionary is used to specify a constraint for a property whose value is a boolean value.
... properties exact a boolean which indicates a value the property must have.
... ideal a boolean value indicating the ideal, but not required, value the property should ideally have.
...And 2 more matches
SVGAnimatedBoolean - Web APIs
svg animated boolean interface the svganimatedboolean interface is used for attributes of type boolean which can be animated.
... interface overview also implement none methods none properties readonly boolean baseval readonly boolean animval normative document svg 1.1 (2nd edition) properties name type description baseval boolean the base value of the given attribute before applying any animations.
... animval boolean if the given attribute or property is being animated, contains the current animated value of the attribute or property.
...And 2 more matches
XPathResult.booleanValue - Web APIs
the read-only booleanvalue property of the xpathresult interface returns the boolean value of a result with xpathresult.resulttype being boolean_type.
... syntax var value = result.booleanvalue; return value the return value is the boolean value of the xpathresult returned by document.evaluate().
... exceptions type_err in case xpathresult.resulttype is not boolean_type, an xpathexception of type type_err is thrown.
...And 2 more matches
boolean - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the boolean function evaluates an expression and returns true or false.
... syntax boolean( expression ) arguments expression the expression to be evaluated.
... the expression can refer to numbers and node-sets as well as booleans.
...And 2 more matches
Boolean - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
in computer science, a boolean is a logical data type that can have only the values true or false.
... for example, in javascript, boolean conditionals are often used to decide which sections of code to execute (such as in if statements) or repeat (such as in for loops).
... /* javascript if statement */ if (boolean conditional) { // code to execute if the conditional is true } if (boolean conditional) { console.log("boolean conditional resolved to true"); } else { console.log("boolean conditional resolved to false"); } /* javascript for loop */ for (control variable; boolean conditional; counter) { // code to execute repeatedly if the conditional is true } for (var i=0; i < 4; i++) { console.log("i print only when the boolean conditional is true"); } the boolean value is named after english mathematician george boole, who pioneered the field of mathematical logic.
... learn more general knowledge boolean on wikipedia technical reference the javascript global object: boolean javascript data types and data structures ...
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 24 convert a c boolean of type bool to a js::value.
... syntax js::value js::booleanvalue(bool boo) name type description boo bool c bool to convert.
... description js::booleanvalue converts a c boolean of type bool to js::value, the type of javascript values.
... see also mxr id search for js::booleanvalue js::value js::truevalue js::falsevalue ...
determines if a given jsval is a javascript boolean.
... syntax jsval_is_boolean(v) description jsval_is_boolean(v) is true if the given javascript value, v, is a boolean value (that is, it is either jsval_true or jsval_false).
... to convert between javascript boolean values (jsval) and c boolean values, use jsval_to_boolean and boolean_to_jsval.
Boolean() constructor - JavaScript
the boolean() constructor is used to create boolean objects.
... syntax new boolean([value]) parameters value optional the initial value of the boolean object.
... examples creating boolean objects with an initial value of false var bnoparam = new boolean(); var bzero = new boolean(0); var bnull = new boolean(null); var bemptystring = new boolean(''); var bfalse = new boolean(false); creating boolean objects with an initial value of true var btrue = new boolean(true); var btruestring = new boolean('true'); var bfalsestring = new boolean('false'); var bsulin = new boolean('su lin'); var barrayproto = new boolean([]); var bobjproto = new boolean({}); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'boolean constructor' in that specification.
Boolean.prototype.valueOf() - JavaScript
the valueof() method returns the primitive value of a boolean object.
... syntax bool.valueof() return value the primitive value of the given boolean object description the valueof() method of boolean returns the primitive value of a boolean object or literal boolean as a boolean data type.
... examples using valueof() x = new boolean(); myvar = x.valueof(); // assigns false to myvar specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'boolean.prototype.valueof' in that specification.
Boolean.prototype.toSource() - JavaScript
syntax booleanobj.tosource() boolean.tosource() return value a string representing the source code of the object.
... examples native function for the built-in boolean object, tosource returns the following string indicating that the source code is not available: function boolean() { [native code] } specifications not part of any standard.
Index - Web APIs
11 abortsignal.aborted api, abortsignal, experimental, property, reference, aborted the aborted read-only property returns a boolean that indicates whether the dom request(s) the signal is communicating with is/are aborted (true) or not (false).
... 265 batterymanager.charging api, battery api, needsmarkupwork, property, reference, référence(2) a boolean value indicating whether or not the device's battery is currently being charged.
... 311 bluetoothdevice.paired api, bluetooth, bluetoothdevice, non-standard, obsolete, property, reference, web bluetooth api the bluetoothdevice.paired read-only property returns a boolean value indicating whether the device is paired with the system.
...And 150 more matches
Editor Embedding Guide - Archive of obsolete content
getcommandstate "state_all"(boolean), "state_begin"(boolean), "state_end"(boolean), "state_mixed"(boolean), "state_enabled" (boolean) docommand no parameters example normal bold cmd_italics toggles italics style on selection.
... getcommandstate "state_all"(boolean), "state_begin"(boolean), "state_end"(boolean), "state_mixed"(boolean), "state_enabled" (boolean) docommand no parameters example normal italics cmd_underline toggles underline on selection.
... getcommandstate "state_all"(boolean), "state_begin"(boolean), "state_end"(boolean), "state_mixed"(boolean), "state_enabled" (boolean) docommand no parameters example normal underline cmd_tt toggles teletype style (monospace font) on selection.
...And 66 more matches
Textbox (XPFE autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
alwaysopenpopup obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean note: applies to: thunderbird and seamonkeyif true, the autocomplete popup will be displayed even when there are no matches.
... autofill obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean note: applies to: thunderbird and seamonkeyif set to true, the best match will be filled into the textbox as the user types.
... autofillaftermatch obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean if set to true, the entire text of the best match will be displayed at the end of the input.
...And 41 more matches
dfolderloading(); void updatefolder(in nsimsgwindow awindow); nsimsgfilterlist getfilterlist(in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void setfilterlist(in nsimsgfilterlist filterlist); void forcedbclosed(); void delete(); void deletesubfolders(in nsisupportsarray folders, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void propagatedelete(in nsimsgfolder folder, in boolean deletestorage,in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void recursivedelete(in boolean deletestorage, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void createsubfolder(in astring foldername, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); nsimsgfolder addsubfolder(in astring foldername); void createstorageifmissing(in nsiurllistener urllistener); void compact(in nsiurllistener alistener, in nsimsgwind...
...ow amsgwindow); void compactall(in nsiurllistener alistener, innsimsgwindow amsgwindow,in nsisupportsarray afolderarray, in boolean acompactofflinealso,in nsisupportsarray aofflinefolderarray); void compactallofflinestores(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow,in nsisupportsarray aofflinefolderarray); void emptytrash(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener alistener); void rename(in astring name, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void renamesubfolders( in nsimsgwindow msgwindow, in nsimsgfolder oldfolder); astring generateuniquesubfoldername(in astring prefix,in nsimsgfolder otherfolder); void updatesummarytotals(in boolean force); void summarychanged(); long getnumunread(in boolean deep); long gettotalmessages(in bool...
...ean deep); void clearnewmessages(); void clearrequirescleanup(); void setflag(in unsigned long flag); void clearflag(in unsigned long flag); boolean getflag(in unsigned long flag); void toggleflag(in unsigned long flag); void onflagchange(in unsigned long flag); void setprefflag(); nsimsgfolder getfolderswithflag(in unsigned long flags, in unsigned long resultsize, out unsigned long numfolders); nsisupportsarray getallfolderswithflag(in unsigned long aflag); void getexpansionarray(in nsisupportsarray expansionarray); acstring geturiformsg(in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr); void deletemessages(in nsisupportsarray messages,in nsimsgwindow msgwindow, in boolean deletestorage, in boolean ismove, ...
...And 40 more matches
method overview void addsessionstorage(in nsiprincipal principal, in nsidomstorage storage); void addstate(in nsivariant adata, in domstring atitle, in domstring aurl, in boolean areplace); void beginrestore(in nsicontentviewer viewer, in boolean top); void createaboutblankcontentviewer(in nsiprincipal aprincipal); void createloadinfo(out nsidocshellloadinfo loadinfo); void detacheditorfromwindow(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void finishrestore(); void firepagehidenotification(in boolean isunload); na...
...obsolete since gecko 1.8 nsisimpleenumerator getdocshellenumerator(in long aitemtype, in long adirection); nsidomstorage getsessionstorageforprincipal(in nsiprincipal principal, in domstring documenturi, in boolean create); nsidomstorage getsessionstorageforuri(in nsiuri uri, in domstring documenturi); void historypurged(in long numentries); void internalload(in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri areferrer, in nsisupports aowner, in pruint32 aflags, in wstring awindowtarget, in string atypehint, in nsiinputstream apostdatastream, in nsiinputstream aheadersstream, in unsigned long aloadflags, in nsishentry ashentry, in boolean firstparty, out nsidocshell adocshell, out nsirequest arequest...
... boolean isbeingdestroyed(); void loadstream(in nsiinputstream astream, in nsiuri auri, in acstring acontenttype, in acstring acontentcharset, in nsidocshellloadinfo aloadinfo); native code only!
...And 30 more matches
textbox (Toolkit autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
completedefaultindex new in thunderbird 3 requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, the best match value will be filled into the textbox as the user types.
... completeselectedindex type: boolean if true, the text in the text field will be autocompleted as the user selects from the popup list.
... crop type: boolean this attribute is not used and is only provided for compatibility with the menulist element.
...And 28 more matches
parecanvases(in nsidomhtmlcanvaselement acanvas1, in nsidomhtmlcanvaselement acanvas2, out unsigned long amaxdifference); double computeanimationdistance(in nsidomelement element, in astring property, in astring value1, in astring value2); nsicompositionstringsynthesizer createcompositionstringsynthesizer(); obsolete since gecko 38.0 void disablenontestmouseevents(in boolean adisable); boolean dispatchdomeventviapresshell(in nsidomnode atarget, in nsidomevent aevent, in boolean atrusted); nsidomelement elementfrompoint(in float ax, in float ay, in boolean aignorerootscrollframe, in boolean aflushlayout); void entermodalstate(); nsidomelement findelementwithviewid(in nsviewid aid); void focus(in nsidomelement aelement)...
...ecollectorlistener alistener); short getcursortype(); astring getdocumentmetadata(in astring aname); nsidomwindow getouterwindowwithid(in unsigned long long aouterwindowid); long getpccountscriptcount(); astring getpccountscriptsummary(in long ascript); astring getpccountscriptcontents(in long ascript); void getscrollxy(in boolean aflushlayout, out long ascrollx, out long ascrolly); astring getvisiteddependentcomputedstyle(in nsidomelement aelement, in astring apseudoelement, in astring apropertyname); boolean isinmodalstate(); void leavemodalstate(); void loadsheet(in nsiuri sheeturi, in unsigned long type); nsidomnodelist nodesfromrect(in float ax, in float ay, in float a...
...topsize, in float arightsize, in float abottomsize, in float aleftsize, in boolean aignorerootscrollframe, in boolean aflushlayout); void processupdates(); obsolete since gecko 13.0 void purgepccounts(); unsigned long redraw([optional] in unsigned long acount); void renderdocument(in nsconstrect arect, in pruint32 aflags, in nscolor abackgroundcolor, in gfxcontext athebescontext); native code only!
...And 24 more matches
1.9.1 (firefox 3.5 / thunderbird 3.0 / seamonkey 2.0) method overview void clearallvalues(); void cleartemporaryreturnreceiptsfilter(); void closecachedconnections(); void configuretemporaryfilters(in nsimsgfilterlist filterlist); void configuretemporaryreturnreceiptsfilter(in nsimsgfilterlist filterlist); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void displayofflinemsg(in nsimsgwindow awindow); boolean equals(in nsimsgincomingserver server); void forgetpassword(); void forgetsessionpassword(); astring generateprettynameformigration(); boolean getboolattribute(in string name); boolean getboolvalue(in string attr); acstring getcharattribute(in string name); acstring getcharvalue(in string attr); nsilocalfile getfilevalue(in string relpref, in string abspref); nsimsgfilterlist ge...
...ow amsgwindow); long getintattribute(in string name); long getintvalue(in string attr); nsimsgfolder getmsgfolderfromuri(in nsimsgfolder afolderresource, in acstring auri); void getnewmessages(in nsimsgfolder afolder, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener); acstring getpasswordwithui(in astring apromptstring, in astring aprompttitle, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, out boolean okayvalue); astring getunicharattribute(in string name); astring getunicharvalue(in string attr); boolean isnewhdrduplicate(in nsimsgdbhdr anewhdr); void onuserorhostnamechanged(in acstring oldname, in acstring newname); void performbiff(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void performexpand(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void removefiles(); void setboolattribute(in string name, in boolea...
...n value); void setboolvalue(in string attr, in boolean value); void setcharattribute(in string name, in acstring value); void setcharvalue(in string attr, in acstring value); void setdefaultlocalpath(in nsilocalfile adefaultlocalpath); void setfilevalue(in string relpref, in string abspref, in nsilocalfile avalue); void setfilterlist(in nsimsgfilterlist afilterlist); void setintattribute(in string name, in long value); void setintvalue(in string attr, in long value); void setunicharattribute(in string name, in astring value); void setunicharvalue(in string attr, in astring value); void shutdown(); void storepassword(); astring tostring(); void writetofoldercache(in nsimsgfoldercache foldercache); attributes attribute type description accountmanagerchrome astrin...
...And 24 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 5.0 (firefox 5.0 / thunderbird 5.0 / seamonkey 2.2) method overview void adddefaultproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue); void addinsertionlistener(in nsicontentfilter infilter); void align(in astring aalign); boolean breakisvisible(in nsidomnode anode); boolean candrag(in nsidomevent aevent); void checkselectionstateforanonymousbuttons(in nsiselection aselection); nsidomelement createanonymouselement(in astring atag, in nsidomnode aparentnode, in astring aanonclass, in boolean aiscreatedhidden); nsidomelement createelementwithdefaults(in astring atagname); void de...
...creasefontsize(); void dodrag(in nsidomevent aevent); void getalignment(out boolean amixed, out short aalign); astring getbackgroundcolorstate(out boolean amixed); nsidomelement getelementorparentbytagname(in astring atagname, in nsidomnode anode); astring getfontcolorstate(out boolean amixed); astring getfontfacestate(out boolean amixed); astring getheadcontentsashtml(); astring gethighlightcolorstate(out boolean amixed); void getindentstate(out boolean acanindent, out boolean acanoutdent); void getinlineproperty(in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue, out boolean afirst, out boolean aany, out boolean aall); astring getinlinepropertywithattrvalue(in nsiatom aproperty, in ast...
...ring aattribute, in astring avalue, out boolean afirst, out boolean aany, out boolean aall); nsisupportsarray getlinkedobjects(); void getlistitemstate(out boolean amixed, out boolean ali, out boolean adt, out boolean add); void getliststate(out boolean amixed, out boolean aol, out boolean aul, out boolean adl); astring getparagraphstate(out boolean amixed); nsidomelement getselectedelement(in astring atagname); nsidomelement getselectioncontainer(); void ignorespuriousdragevent(in boolean aignorespuriousdragevent); void increasefontsize(); void indent(in astring aindent); void insertelementatselection(in nsidomelement aelement, in boolean adeleteselection); void insertfromdrop(in nsidomevent aevent...
...And 23 more matches
method overview initialization and destruction void destroy(); void init(element aelement, object aconfig, function acallback); search operations number find(string astring, [optional] object options); number findnext(boolean awrap); number findprevious(boolean awrap); event management void addeventlistener(string aeventtype, function acallback); void removeeventlistener(string aeventtype, function acallback); undo stack operations boolean canredo(); boolean canundo(); void endcompoundchange(); boolean redo(); void resetundo(); ...
... void startcompoundchange(); boolean undo(); display management operations void focus(); number gettopindex(); boolean hasfocus(); void settopindex(number atopindex); content management operations number getcharcount(); string getindentationstring(); string getlinedelimiter(); number getlinecount(); number getlineend(number alineindex, boolean aincludedelimiter); number getlinestart(number alineindex); string getmode(); string gettext([optional] number astart, [optional] number aend); string getselectedtext(); void setmode(string amode); void settext(string atext, [optional] number astart, [optional] number aend); selecti...
...retposition(); object getselection(); void setcaretoffset(number aoffset); void setcaretposition(number aline, [optional] number acolumn, [optional] number aalign); void setselection(number astart, number aend); breakpoint management void addbreakpoint(number alineindex, [optional] string acondition); array getbreakpoints(); boolean removebreakpoint(number alineindex); properties attribute type description dirty boolean set this value to false whenever you save the text; the editor will update it to true when the content is changed.
...And 22 more matches
Parser API
additional options may be provided via the options object, which can include any of the following properties: loc boolean default: true when loc is true, the parser includes source location information in the returned ast nodes.
... functions interface function <: node { id: identifier | null; params: [ pattern ]; defaults: [ expression ]; rest: identifier | null; body: blockstatement | expression; generator: boolean; expression: boolean; } a function declaration or expression.
... interface switchstatement <: statement { type: "switchstatement"; discriminant: expression; cases: [ switchcase ]; lexical: boolean; } a switch statement.
...And 22 more matches
NSS environment variables
before 3.0 nss_allow_weak_signature_alg boolean (any non-empty value to enable) enables the use of md2 and md4 inside signatures.
... 3.11.8 nss_enable_audit boolean (1 to enable) enable auditing of activities of the nss cryptographic module in fips mode.
... audit data 3.11.2 nss_enable_pkix_verify boolean (any non-empty value to enable) use libpkix, rather than the old cert library, to verify certificates.
...And 20 more matches
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsidbchangeannouncer method overview void open(in nsilocalfile afoldername, in boolean acreate, in boolean aleaveinvaliddb); void forcefolderdbclosed(in nsimsgfolder afolder); void close(in boolean aforcecommit); void commit(in nsmsgdbcommit committype); void forceclosed(); void clearcachedhdrs; void resethdrcachesize(in unsigned long size); nsimsgdbhdr getmsghdrforkey(in nsmsgkey key); nsimsgdbhdr getmsghdrformessageid(in string messageid); boolean containskey(in nsmsgkey key); nsimsgdbhdr createnewhdr(in nsmsgkey key);...
... void addnewhdrtodb(in nsimsgdbhdr newhdr, in boolean notify); nsimsgdbhdr copyhdrfromexistinghdr(in nsmsgkey key, in nsimsgdbhdr existinghdr, in boolean addhdrtodb); void listallkeys(in nsmsgkeyarrayref outputkeys); native code only!
... nsisimpleenumerator enumeratemessages(); nsisimpleenumerator enumeratethreads(); void synccounts; nsimsgthread getthreadcontainingmsghdr(in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr); void markhdrread(in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr, in boolean bread, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markhdrreplied(in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr, in boolean breplied, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markhdrmarked(in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr, in boolean mark,in nsidbchangelistener instigator); void markmdnneeded(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean bneeded,in nsidbchangelistener instigator); boolean ismdnneeded(in nsmsgkey key); void markmdnsent(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean bneeded, in nsidbchangelistener instigator); boolean ismdnsent(in nsmsgkey key); void markread(in nsmsgkey key, in boolean bread, in nsidbchangelistener instig...
...And 20 more matches
void charactermove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); boolean checkvisibility(in nsidomnode node, in short startoffset, in short endoffset); void completemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void completescroll(in boolean forward); boolean getcaretenabled(); short getdisplayselection(); nsiselection getselection(in sho...
...rt type); void intralinemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void linemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void pagemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void repaintselection(in short type); void scrollhorizontal(in boolean left); void scrollline(in boolean forward); void scrollpage(in boolean forward); void scrollselectionintoview(in short type, in short region, in short flags); void selectall(); void setcaretenabled(in boolean enabled); void setcaretreadonly(in boolean readonly); void setcaretvisibilityduringselection(in boolean visibility); void setcaretwidth(in sho...
...rt pixels); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void setdisplayselection(in short toggle); void wordextendfordelete(in boolean forward); native code only!
...And 19 more matches
LiveConnect Overview - Archive of obsolete content
these conversions are described in the following sections: javascript to java conversions java to javascript conversions javascript to java conversions when you call a java method and pass it parameters from javascript, the data types of the parameters you pass in are converted according to the rules described in the following sections: number values boolean values string values undefined values null values javaarray and javaobject objects javaclass objects other javascript objects the return values of methods of netscape.javascript.jsobject are always converted to instances of java.lang.object.
...for example: 237 becomes "237" boolean 0 and nan values are converted to false.
...boolean values when you pass javascript boolean types as parameters to java methods, java converts the values according to the rules described in the following table: java parameter type conversion rules boolean all values are converted directly to the java equivalents.
...And 17 more matches
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints - Web APIs
autogaincontrol a boolean whose value is true if the autogaincontrol constraint is supported in the current environment.
... width a boolean value whose value is true if the width constraint is supported in the current environment.
... height a boolean value whose value is true if the height constraint is supported in the current environment.
...And 16 more matches
lang/type - Archive of obsolete content
returns boolean : boolean indicating if value is undefined.
... returns boolean : boolean indicating if value is null.
... returns boolean : boolean indicating if value is a string.
...And 14 more matches
17 jsapi reference needscontent, spidermonkey js::deflatestringtoutf8buffer 18 boolean_to_jsval jsapi reference, obsolete, spidermonkey boolean_to_jsval converts a bool argument, b, to a boolean jsval.
... 27 js::booleanvalue jsapi reference, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey js::booleanvalue converts a c boolean of type bool to js::value, the type of javascript values.
... 72 js::toboolean jsapi reference, spidermonkey js::toboolean converts a javascript value to a boolean.
...And 13 more matches
e, use: var promptservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsipromptservice); method overview void alert(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext); void alertcheck(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate); boolean confirm(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext); boolean confirmcheck(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate); print32 confirmex(in nsidomwindow aparent,in wstring adialogtitle,in wstring atext, in unsigned long abuttonflags,in wstring abutton0t...
...itle, in wstring abutton1title,in wstring abutton2title,in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate); boolean prompt(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, inout wstring avalue, in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate); boolean promptusernameandpassword(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, inout wstring ausername, inout wstring apassword, in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate); boolean promptpassword(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, inout wstring apassword, in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate); boolean select(in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, in pruint32 acount, [array, size_is(acount)] in wstring ase...
...void alertcheck( in nsidomwindow aparent, in wstring adialogtitle, in wstring atext, in wstring acheckmsg, inout boolean acheckstate ); parameters aparent the parent window for the dialog.
...And 13 more matches
Using the Multiple Accounts API
incoming servers preference: mail.server.server.type : string id of the server type: pop3, nntp, imap, or local preference: mail.server.server.hostname - hostname of the server preference: mail.server.server.username - user login name preference: mail.server.server.password - user login password preference: mail.server.server.check_new_mail - boolean, should we check for new mail on a regular basis?
... preference: mail.server.server.check_time - integer, number of minutes between checks for new mail preference: mail.server.server.remember_password - boolean, should we remember the password?
...- boolean, should we download new messags on biff (true) or just alert user that there is new mail (false) preference: - local platform-specific path to store messages and folder indexes preference: - user-visible name of server the following are specific to imap: preference: mail.server.server.admin_url - administration url for server preference: mail.server.server.using_subscription - boolean, should we use subscriptions?
...And 13 more matches
Bytecode Descriptions
false, true stack: ⇒ true/false push a boolean constant.
...val is first converted with toboolean, then logically negated.
... the result is always a boolean value.
...And 12 more matches
void appendrelativenativepath(in acstring relativefilepath); void appendrelativepath(in astring relativefilepath); nsifile clone(); boolean contains(in nsifile infile); void copyto(in nsifile newparentdir, in astring newname); void copytofollowinglinks(in nsifile newparentdir, in astring newname); void copytofollowinglinksnative(in nsifile newparentdir, in acstring newname); native code only!
... void create(in unsigned long type, in unsigned long permissions); void createunique(in unsigned long type, in unsigned long permissions); boolean equals(in nsifile infile); boolean exists(); acstring getrelativedescriptor(in nsifile fromfile); void initwithfile(in nsifile afile); void initwithnativepath(in acstring filepath); void initwithpath(in astring filepath); boolean isdirectory(); boolean isexecutable(); boolean isfile(); boolean ishidden(); boolean isreadable(); boolean isspecial(); boolean issymlink(); boolean iswritable(); void launch(); ...
... void normalize(); file openansifiledesc(in string mode); prfiledescstar opennsprfiledesc(in long flags, in long mode); void renameto(in nsifile newparentdir, in astring newname); void remove(in boolean recursive); void reveal(); void setrelativedescriptor(in nsifile fromfile, in acstring relativedesc); attributes attribute type description directoryentries nsisimpleenumerator returns an enumeration of the elements in a directory.
...And 12 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports method overview void clearallvalues(); void copy(in nsimsgidentity identity); astring getunicharattribute(in string name); void setunicharattribute(in string name, in astring value); acstring getcharattribute(in string name); void setcharattribute(in string name, in acstring value); boolean getboolattribute(in string name); void setboolattribute(in string name, in boolean value); long getintattribute(in string name); void setintattribute(in string name, in long value); astring tostring(); attributes attribute type description identityname astring fullname astring user's full name, i.e. organization astring optional organization composehtml boolean should we compose with html by default?
... attachsignature boolean should we attach a signature by default?
...And 12 more matches
Component; nsIPrefBranch
method overview void addobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak); void clearuserpref(in string aprefname); void deletebranch(in string astartingat); boolean getboolpref(in string aprefname, requires gecko 54 [optional] in boolean adefaultvalue); string getcharpref(in string aprefname,requires gecko 54 [optional] in string adefaultvalue); requires gecko 58 utf8tring getstringpref(in string aprefname, [opt...
...t unsigned long acount, [array, size_is(acount), retval] out string achildarray); void getcomplexvalue(in string aprefname, in nsiidref atype, [iid_is(atype), retval] out nsqiresult avalue); long getintpref(in string aprefname,requires gecko 54 [optional] in long adefaultvalue); long getpreftype(in string aprefname); void lockpref(in string aprefname); boolean prefhasuservalue(in string aprefname); boolean prefislocked(in string aprefname); void removeobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver); void resetbranch(in string astartingat); void setboolpref(in string aprefname, in long avalue); void setcharpref(in string aprefname, in string avalue); requires gecko 58 void setstringpref(in str...
... void addobserver( in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak ); parameters adomain the preference on which to listen for changes.
...And 12 more matches
<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the id attribute of the <datalist> of autocomplete options max numeric types maximum value maxlength password, search, tel, text, url maximum length (number of characters) of value min numeric types minimum value minlength password, search, tel, text, url minimum length (number of characters) of value multiple email, file boolean.
... pattern password, text, tel pattern the value must match to be valid placeholder password, search, tel, text, url text that appears in the form control when it has no value set readonly almost all boolean.
... the value is not editable required almost all boolean.
...And 12 more matches
Places utilities for JavaScript
placesutils method overview nsiuri createfixeduri(string aspec); string getformattedstring(string key, string params); string getstring(string key); boolean nodeisfolder(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeisbookmark(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeisseparator(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeisvisit(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeisuri(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeisquery(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeisreadonly(nsinavhistor...
...yresultnode anode); boolean nodeishost(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeiscontainer(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeisdynamiccontainer(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); boolean nodeislivemarkcontainer(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); obsolete since gecko 21 boolean nodeislivemarkitem(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); obsolete since gecko 21 boolean isreadonlyfolder(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); int getindexofnode(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); string wrapnode(nsinavhistoryresultnode anode, string atype, nsiuri aoverrideuri); array unwrapnodes(string blob, string atype); nsitransaction maketransaction(string data, string type, nsinavhistoryresultnode container, int index, boolean...
... copy); nsinavhistoryresult getfoldercontents(int afolderid, boolean aexcludeitems, boolean aexpandqueries); boolean showaddbookmarkui(nsiuri auri, string atitle, string adescription, int adefaultinsertionpoint, boolean ashowpicker, boolean aloadinsidebar, string akeyword, string apostdata); boolean showminimaladdbookmarkui(nsiuri auri, string atitle, string adescription, int adefaultinsertionpoint, boolean ashowpicker, boolean aloadinsidebar, string akeyword, string apostdata); boolean showaddlivemarkui(nsiuri afeeduri, nsiuri asiteuri, string atitle, string adescription, int adefaultinsertionpoint, boolean ashowpicker); boolean showminimaladdlivemarkui(nsiuri afeeduri, nsiuri asiteuri, string atitle, string adescription, int adefaultinsertionpoint, b...
...And 11 more matches
JavaScript data types and data structures - JavaScript
variables in javascript are not directly associated with any particular value type, and any variable can be assigned (and re-assigned) values of all types: let foo = 42; // foo is now a number foo = 'bar'; // foo is now a string foo = true; // foo is now a boolean data and structure types the latest ecmascript standard defines nine types: six data types that are primitives, checked by typeof operator: undefined : typeof instance === "undefined" boolean : typeof instance === "boolean" number : typeof instance === "number" string : typeof instance === "string" bigint : typeof instance === "bigint" symbol : typeof instance === "sym...
... boolean type boolean represents a logical entity and can have two values: true and false.
... see boolean and boolean for more details.
...And 11 more matches
textbox - Archive of obsolete content
disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... focused type: boolean this attribute is true if the element is focused.
... hidespinbuttons type: boolean if true, the number box does not have arrow buttons next to it to allow the user to adjust the value.
...And 10 more matches
method overview boolean candrop(in long index, in long orientation, in nsidomdatatransfer datatransfer); boolean candropbeforeafter(in long index, in boolean before); obsolete since gecko 1.8 boolean candropon(in long index); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void cyclecell(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); void cycleheader(in nsitreecolumn col); void drop(in long row, in long orie...
...lumn col, in nsisupportsarray properties obsolete since gecko 22); astring getimagesrc(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); long getlevel(in long index); long getparentindex(in long rowindex); long getprogressmode(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); astring getrowproperties(in long index, in nsisupportsarray properties obsolete since gecko 22); boolean hasnextsibling(in long rowindex, in long afterindex); boolean iscontainer(in long index); boolean iscontainerempty(in long index); boolean iscontaineropen(in long index); boolean iseditable(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); boolean isselectable(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); boolean isseparator(in long index); boolean issorted...
... boolean candrop( in long index, in long orientation, in nsidomdatatransfer datatransfer ); parameters index the index of the row.
...And 10 more matches
HTMLInputElement - Web APIs
formnovalidate boolean: returns / sets the element's formnovalidate attribute, indicating that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted.
... disabled boolean: returns / sets the element's disabled attribute, indicating that the control is not available for interaction.
...see also readonly autofocus boolean: returns / sets the element's autofocus attribute, which specifies that a form control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control.
...And 10 more matches
Dehydra Object Reference - Archive of obsolete content
dehydra only sets boolean flags when they are true.
... .isstatic boolean flag .isreturn boolean flag the variable is being returned.
... .isdecl boolean flag the variable is being declared (local variables only).
...And 9 more matches
preference - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... instantapply type: boolean if true, the preference will be changed as soon as the user interface is modified.
... inverted type: boolean for boolean preferences, if this attribute is set to true, it indicates that the value of the preference is the reverse of the user interface element attached to it.
...And 9 more matches
tab - Archive of obsolete content
afterselected type: boolean this is set to true if the tab is immediately after the currently selected tab.
... beforeselected type: boolean this is set to true if the tab is immediately before the currently selected tab.
...for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
...And 9 more matches
method overview boolean deserialize(in constipcmessageptr amsg, out voidptr aiter); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void duplicateprivatedata(); native code only!
... nseventptr getinternalnsevent(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean getpreventdefault(); deprecated since gecko 16.0 void initevent(in domstring eventtypearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg); boolean isdispatchstopped(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void preventbubble(); obsolete since gecko 24 void preventcapture(); obsolete since gecko 24 void preventdefault(); void serialize(in ipcmessageptr amsg, in boolean aserializeinterfacetype); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void settarget(in nsidomeventtarget atarget); native code only!
... void settrusted(in boolean atrusted); native code only!
...And 9 more matches
sgwindow amsgwindow, in nsimsgdbviewcommandupdater acommandupdater); void sort(in nsmsgviewsorttypevalue sorttype, in nsmsgviewsortordervalue sortorder); void docommand(in nsmsgviewcommandtypevalue command); void docommandwithfolder(in nsmsgviewcommandtypevalue command, in nsimsgfolder destfolder); void getcommandstatus(in nsmsgviewcommandtypevalue command, out boolean selectable_p, out nsmsgviewcommandcheckstatevalue selected_p); void viewnavigate(in nsmsgnavigationtypevalue motion, out nsmsgkey resultid, out nsmsgviewindex resultindex, out nsmsgviewindex threadindex, in boolean wrap); boolean navigatestatus(in nsmsgnavigationtypevalue motion); nsmsgkey getkeyat(in nsmsgviewindex index); nsimsgdbhdr getmsghdrat(in nsmsgviewi...
... void loadmessagebymsgkey(in nsmsgkey amsgkey); void loadmessagebyviewindex(in nsmsgviewindex aindex); void loadmessagebyurl(in string aurl); void reloadmessage(); void reloadmessagewithallparts(); void selectmsgbykey(in nsmsgkey key); void selectfoldermsgbykey(in nsimsgfolder afolder, in nsmsgkey akey); void ondeletecompleted(in boolean succeeded); nsmsgviewindex findindexfromkey(in nsmsgkey amsgkey, in boolean aexpand); void expandandselectthreadbyindex(in nsmsgviewindex aindex, in boolean aaugment); void addcolumnhandler(in astring acolumn, in nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler ahandler); void removecolumnhandler(in astring acolumn); nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler getcolumnhandler(in astring acol...
... suppressmsgdisplay boolean suppress displaying messages.
...And 9 more matches
WebIDL bindings
otherinstance); [throws] myinterface dosomethingelse(optional long maybenumber); [throws] void dosomethingelse(myinterface otherinstance); void dotheother(any something); void doyetanotherthing(optional boolean actuallydoit = false); static void staticoperation(any arg); }; will require these method declarations: class myclass { void dosomething(int32_t anumber); double dosomething(myclass* aotherinstance); already_addrefed<myinterface> dosomethingelse(optional<int32_t> amaybenumber, errorresult& rv); void dosomethingelse(myclass& aotherinst...
... webidl type argument type return type dictionary/member type any js::handle<js::value> js::mutablehandle<js::value> js::value boolean bool bool bool byte int8_t int8_t int8_t bytestring const nsacstring& nscstring& (outparam) nsacstring& (outparam) nscstring date mozilla::dom::date domstring const nsastring& mozilla::dom::domstring& (outparam) nsastring& (outparam) nsstring& (outparam) nsstring utf8string const nsacstring&...
...; will correspond to these c++ function declarations: void myattr(jscontext* cx, js::mutablehandle<js::value> retval); void setmyattr(jscontext* cx, js::handle<js::value> value); void mymethod(jscontext* cx, js::handle<js::value> arg1, const sequence<js::value>& arg2, const optional<js::handle<js::value> >& arg3, js::mutablehandle<js::value> retval); boolean the boolean webidl type is represented as a c++ bool.
...And 9 more matches
ValidityState - Web APIs
properties for each of these boolean properties, a value of true indicates that the specified reason validation may have failed is true, with the exception of the valid property, which is true if the element's value obeys all constraints.
... badinput read only a boolean that is true if the user has provided input that the browser is unable to convert.
... customerror read only a boolean indicating whether the element's custom validity message has been set to a non-empty string by calling the element's setcustomvalidity() method.
...And 9 more matches
WebGLRenderingContext.getParameter() - Web APIs
constant returned type description gl.active_texture glenum gl.aliased_line_width_range float32array (with 2 elements) gl.aliased_point_size_range float32array (with 2 elements) gl.alpha_bits glint gl.array_buffer_binding webglbuffer gl.blend glboolean gl.blend_color float32array (with 4 values) gl.blend_dst_alpha glenum gl.blend_dst_rgb glenum gl.blend_equation glenum gl.blend_equation_alpha glenum gl.blend_equation_rgb glenum gl.blend_src_alpha glenum gl.blend_src_rgb glenum gl.blue_bits glint ...
... gl.color_clear_value float32array (with 4 values) gl.color_writemask sequence<glboolean> (with 4 values) gl.compressed_texture_formats uint32array returns the compressed texture formats.
...astc_10x6_khr ext.compressed_rgba_astc_10x6_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_10x6_khr ext.compressed_rgba_astc_10x10_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_10x10_khr ext.compressed_rgba_astc_12x10_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_12x10_khr ext.compressed_rgba_astc_12x12_khr ext.compressed_srgb8_alpha8_astc_12x12_khr gl.cull_face glboolean gl.cull_face_mode glenum gl.front, gl.back or gl.front_and_back.
...And 9 more matches
JXON - Archive of obsolete content
it is very similar to the previous one, except that nodes which do not contain other recognizable nodes than text or cdatasection are not treated as objects, but directly as booleans, strings, numbers or date objects (see the parker convention).
...with this algorithm, all element nodes that contain other child element, text, or cdatasection nodes in the same level are treated as instances of boolean, number, string, or date constructors.
... as for the third algorithm, nodes which do not contain other recognizable nodes than text or cdatasection are not treated as objects, but directly as booleans, strings, numbers (primitive values) or date objects; and empty nodes (i.e.
...And 8 more matches
Download Manager preferences - Archive of obsolete content
a boolean value that indicates whether the anti virus software should try to clean a downloaded file when a virus is detected.
... a boolean value that indicates whether or not new downloads should be added to the recent documents list.
... a boolean value that indicates whether the ui should alert the user about the dangers of opening (executing) an exe.
...And 8 more matches
menulist - Archive of obsolete content
for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disableautoselect type: boolean if this attribute is true or omitted, the selected item on the menu will update to match what the user entered in the textbox.
... disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... editable type: boolean indicates that the value of the menulist can be modified by typing directly into the value field.
...And 8 more matches
timepicker - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled, hideseconds, increment, readonly, tabindex, value properties amindicator, datevalue, disabled, hideseconds, hour, hourleadingzero, increment, is24hourclock, ispm, minute, minuteleadingzero, pmindicator, readonly, second, secondleadingzero, tabindex, value examples <timepicker value="12:05"/> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... hideseconds type: boolean indicates whether to show the seconds field.
... readonly type: boolean if set to true, then the user cannot change the value of the element.
...And 8 more matches
method overview void setdisplaycharset(in acstring acharset); void setwindow(in nsidomwindow ptr, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void openurl(in acstring aurl); void loadurl(in nsidomwindow ptr, in acstring aurl); void launchexternalurl(in acstring aurl); boolean canundo(); boolean canredo(); unsigned long getundotransactiontype(); unsigned long getredotransactiontype(); void undo(in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void redo(in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void sendunsentmessages(in nsimsgidentity aidentity, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void setdocumentcharset(in acstring characterset); void sav...
...eas(in acstring auri, in boolean aasfile, in nsimsgidentity aidentity, in astring amsgfilename); void openattachment(in acstring contenttpe, in acstring url, in acstring displayname, in acstring messageuri, in boolean isexternalattachment); void saveattachment(in acstring contenttpe, in acstring url, in acstring displayname, in acstring messageuri, in boolean isexternalattachment); void saveallattachments(in unsigned long count, [array, size_is(count)] in string contenttypearray, [array, size_is(count)] in string urlarray, [array, size_is(count)] in string displaynamearray, [array, size_is(count)] in string messageuriarray); void saveattachmenttofile(in nsifile afile, in acstring aurl, in acstring amessageuri, in acstring acontenttype, in nsiurllistener alisten...; void detachattachment(in string contenttpe, in string url, in string displayname, in string messageuri, in boolean savefirst, [optional] in boolean withoutwarning); void detachallattachments(in unsigned long count, [array, size_is(count)] in string contenttypearray, [array, size_is(count)] in string urlarray, [array, size_is(count)] in string displaynamearray, [array, size_is(count)] in string messageuriarray, in boolean savefirst, [optional] in boolean withoutwarning); nsilocalfile saveattachmenttofolder(in acstring contenttype, in acstring url, in acstring displayname, in acstring messageuri, in nsilocalfile adestfolder); nsimsgmessageservice messageservicefromuri(in acstring auri); nsimsgdbhdr msghdrfromuri(in acstring auri); acstring ...
...And 8 more matches
method overview long getdefaultserverport(in boolean issecure); attributes attribute type description candelete boolean true if an account of this type may be deleted.
... canduplicate boolean unused.
... cangetincomingmessages boolean true if junk ui actions should be enabled for the account type.
...And 8 more matches
annotationisnot boolean test for existance or non-existance of a given annotation.
... domainishost boolean this controls the meaning of domain, and whether it is an exact match domainishost = true, or hierarchical (= false).
... hasannotation boolean read only: whether or not, annotation exists.
...And 8 more matches
method overview void appendclausetopendingcomposition(in unsigned long alength, in unsigned long aattribute); boolean begininputtransaction(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsitextinputprocessorcallback acallback); boolean begininputtransactionfortests(in nsidomwindow awindow, [optional] in nsitextinputprocessorcallback acallback); void cancelcomposition([optional] in nsidomkeyevent adomkeyevent, [optional] in unsigned long akeyflags); boolean commitcomposition([optional] in nsidomkeyevent ...
...adomkeyevent, [optional] in unsigned long akeyflags); boolean commitcompositionwith(in domstring acommitstring, [optional] in nsidomkeyevent adomkeyevent, [optional] in unsigned long akeyflags); boolean flushpendingcomposition([optional] in nsidomkeyevent adomkeyevent, [optional] in unsigned long akeyflags); boolean getmodifierstate(in domstring amodifierkeyname); boolean keydown([optional] in nsidomkeyevent adomkeyevent, [optional] in unsigned long akeyflags); boolean keyup([optional] in nsidomkeyevent adomkeyevent, [optional] in unsigned long akeyflags); void setcaretinpendingcomposition(in unsigned long aoffset); void setpendingcompositionstring(in domstring astring); void sharemodifierstateof(in nsitextinputprocessor aoth...; boolean startcomposition([optional] in nsidomkeyevent adomkeyevent, [optional] in unsigned long akeyflags); attributes attribute type description hascomposition boolean whether the instance has composition or not.
...And 8 more matches
HTMLMediaElement - Web APIs
htmlmediaelement.autoplay a boolean that reflects the autoplay html attribute, indicating whether playback should automatically begin as soon as enough media is available to do so without interruption.
... htmlmediaelement.controls is a boolean that reflects the controls html attribute, indicating whether user interface items for controlling the resource should be displayed.
... htmlmediaelement.defaultmuted a boolean that reflects the muted html attribute, which indicates whether the media element's audio output should be muted by default.
...And 8 more matches
XUL element attributes - Archive of obsolete content
allowevents type: boolean if true, events are passed to children of the element.
... allownegativeassertions type: boolean valid on any element that has a datasources attribute.
... coalesceduplicatearcs type: boolean valid on any element that has a datasources attribute.
...And 7 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview acstring getsearchat(in unsigned long index); void onsearchbegin(); void onsearchcomplete(); boolean ontextentered(); boolean ontextreverted(); void selecttextrange(in long startindex, in long endindex); attributes attribute type description completedefaultindex boolean if a search result has its defaultindex set, this will optionally try to complete the text in the textbox to the entire text of the r...
... completeselectedindex boolean if true, the text in the text field will be autocompleted as the user selects from the popup list.
... consumerollupevent boolean if true, the event that rolls up the popup should be consumed by the popup itself.
...And 7 more matches
void loadcomplete(in unsigned long astatus); void loadstart(in nsisupports adoc); void move(in long ax, in long ay); void open(in nsisupports astate, in nsishentry ashentry); void pagehide(in boolean isunload); boolean permitunload([optional] in boolean acallercloseswindow); boolean requestwindowclose(); void resetclosewindow(); void setbounds([const] in nsintrectref abounds); native code only!
... void setdocumentinternal(in nsidocumentptr adocument, in boolean aforcereuseinnerwindow); native code only!
... [noscript,notxpcom,nostdcall] void setnavigationtiming(in nsdomnavigationtimingptr atiming); void setpagemode(in boolean apagemode, in nsiprintsettings aprintsettings); void show(); void stop(); void unload(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 attributes attribute type description container nsisupports domdocument nsidomdocument enablerendering boolean obsolete since gecko 2.0 historyentry nsishentry get the history entry that this viewer will save itself into when destroyed.
...And 7 more matches
void checkmayload(in nsiuri uri, in boolean report); void disablecapability(in string capability, inout voidptr annotation); native code only!
... boolean equals(in nsiprincipal other); jsprincipals getjsprincipals(in jscontext cx); native code only!
... void getpreferences(out string prefbranch, out string id, out string subjectname, out string grantedlist, out string deniedlist, out boolean istrusted); boolean iscapabilityenabled(in string capability, in voidptr annotation); native code only!
...And 7 more matches
od overview void addchildshell(in nsidocshelltreeitem shell); nsidocshelltreeitem childshellat(in long index); void clearchildshells(); nsishentry clone(); void create(in nsiuri uri, in astring title, in nsiinputstream inputstream, in nsilayouthistorystate layouthistorystate, in nsisupports cachekey, in acstring contenttype, in nsisupports owner, in unsigned long long docshellid, in boolean dynamiccreation); native code only!
... boolean hasdetachededitor(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean hasdynamicallyaddedchild(); boolean isdynamicallyadded(); void seteditordata(in nsdocshelleditordataptr adata); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void setissubframe(in boolean aflag); void setscrollposition(in long x, in long y); void settitle(in astring atitle); void setuniquedocidentifier(); void seturi(in nsiuri auri); void setviewerbounds(in nsintrect bounds); native code only!
...obsolete since gecko 1.8 expirationstatus boolean indicates whether the page is already expired in cache.
...And 7 more matches
JavaScript Daemons Management - Archive of obsolete content
**/ daemon.prototype.start = function (breverse) { var bbackw = boolean(breverse); if (this.backw === bbackw && (this.isatend() || !this.paused)) { return false; } this.backw = bbackw; this.paused = false; if (this.onstart) {, this.index, this.length, this.backw); } this.synchronize(); return true; }; daemon.prototype.stop = function () { this.pause(); if (this.onstop) {, th...
...*/ daemon.prototype.makesteps = function (nhowmany, breverse, bforce) { if (nhowmany === 0) { return true; } if (isnan(nhowmany)) { return false; } var nidx = 0, nlen = math.round(math.abs(nhowmany)), bcontinue = true, bbackw = nhowmany > 0 === boolean(breverse); this.backw = bbackw; for (nidx; nidx < nlen && bcontinue; nidx++) { if (this.backw === bbackw && this.isatend()) { if (this.reversals > 0) { this.backw = bbackw = !this.backw; } else { break; } } bcontinue = daemon.forcecall(this) || bforce; } return nidx === nlen; }; daemon.prototype.skipto = function (nidx, bforce) { /* warni... will be called with three parameters: index (the iterative index of each invocation), length (the number of total invocations assigned to the daemon - finite or infinity), and backwards (a boolean expressing whether the process is going backwards or not).
...And 6 more matches
Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
hasattribute( aattributename ) returns a boolean stating if the current node has an attribute defined with the specified name.
... haschildnodes() returns a boolean stating whether the current node has any child nodes.
...event properties differences between mozilla and internet explorer internet explorer name mozilla name description altkey altkey boolean property that returns whether the alt key was pressed during the event.
...And 6 more matches
tree - Archive of obsolete content
eeitem container="true" open="true"> <treerow> <treecell label="2"/> <treecell label="b"/> </treerow> <treechildren> <treeitem> <treerow> <treecell label="2a"/> <treecell label="ba"/> </treerow> </treeitem> </treechildren> </treeitem> </treechildren> </tree> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... disablekeynavigation type: boolean if this attribute is not used, the user can navigate to specific items within the element by pressing keys corresponding to letters in the item's label.
... editable type: boolean indicates that the cells of the tree may be edited.
...And 6 more matches
treecol - Archive of obsolete content
for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } cycler type: boolean if true, then the column is a cycler column.
... dragging type: boolean this attribute will be set to true if the column is being dragged.
... editable type: boolean allows the contents of cells in the column to be changed, especially useful when type="checkbox".
...And 6 more matches
mndescription([in] long column, [out] bstr description ); [propget] hresult columnextentat([in] long row, [in] long column, [out] long ncolumnsspanned ); [propget] hresult columnheader([out] iaccessibletable accessibletable, [out] long startingrowindex ); [propget] hresult columnindex([in] long cellindex, [out] long columnindex ); [propget] hresult iscolumnselected([in] long column, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult isrowselected([in] long row, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult isselected([in] long row, [in] long column, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult modelchange([out] ia2tablemodelchange modelchange ); [propget] hresult ncolumns([out] long columncount ); [propget] hresult nrows([out] long rowcount ); [propget] hresult nselectedchildren([...
...out] long cellcount ); [propget] hresult nselectedcolumns([out] long columncount ); [propget] hresult nselectedrows([out] long rowcount ); [propget] hresult rowcolumnextentsatindex([in] long index, [out] long row, [out] long column, [out] long rowextents, [out] long columnextents, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult rowdescription([in] long row, [out] bstr description ); [propget] hresult rowextentat([in] long row, [in] long column, [out] long nrowsspanned ); [propget] hresult rowheader([out] iaccessibletable accessibletable, [out] long startingcolumnindex ); [propget] hresult rowindex([in] long cellindex, [out] long rowindex ); hresult selectcolumn([in] long column ); [propget] hresult selectedchildren([in] long maxchildren, [out, size_is(,maxchildren), length_is(, nc...
...iscolumnselected() returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is completely selected.
...And 6 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void captureevents(in long eventflags); void clear(); boolean execcommand(in domstring commandid, in boolean doshowui, in domstring value); boolean execcommandshowhelp(in domstring commandid); obsolete since gecko 14.0 domstring getselection(); nsidomdocument open(in acstring acontenttype, in boolean areplace); boolean querycommandenabled(in domstring commandid); boolean querycommandindeterm(in domstring commandid); ...
... boolean querycommandstate(in domstring commandid); boolean querycommandsupported(in domstring commandid); domstring querycommandtext(in domstring commandid); obsolete since gecko 14.0 domstring querycommandvalue(in domstring commandid); void releaseevents(in long eventflags); void routeevent(in nsidomevent evt); void write(); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void writeln(); obsolete since gecko 2.0 attributes attribute type description alinkcolor domstring same as body.alink bgcolor domstring same as body.bgcolor compatmode domstring returns "backcompat" if the document is in quirks mode or "css1compat" if the document is in full standards or almost standards mode.
...execcommand() boolean execcommand( in domstring commandid, in boolean doshowui, in domstring value ); parameters commandid the name of the command to execute.
...And 6 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports method overview void copymessage(in string asrcuri, in nsistreamlistener acopylistener, in boolean amovemessage, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, out nsiuri aurl); [noscript] void copymessages(in nsmsgkeyarrayptr keys, in nsimsgfolder srcfolder, in nsistreamlistener acopylistener, in boolean amovemessage, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, out nsiuri aurl); void displaymessage(in string amessageuri, in nsisupports adisplayconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiur...
...llistener aurllistener, in string acharsetoverride, out nsiuri aurl); void openattachment(in string acontenttype, in string afilename, in string aurl, in string amessageuri, in nsisupports adisplayconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener); void savemessagetodisk(in string amessageuri, in nsifilespec afile, in boolean ageneratedummyenvelope, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, out nsiuri aurl, in boolean canonicallineending, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void geturlforuri(in string amessageuri, out nsiuri aurl, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void displaymessageforprinting(in string amessageuri, in nsisupports adisplayconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, out nsiuri aurl); void search(in nsimsgsearchse...
...ssion asearchsession, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsimsgfolder amsgfolder, in string asearchuri); nsiuri streammessage(in string amessageuri, in nsisupports aconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in boolean aconvertdata, in string aadditionalheader); nsiuri streamheaders(in string amessageuri, in nsistreamlistener aconsumer, in nsiurllistener aurllistener [optional] in boolean alocalonly); boolean ismsginmemcache(in nsiuri aurl, in nsimsgfolder afolder, out nsicacheentrydescriptor acacheentry); nsimsgdbhdr messageuritomsghdr(in string uri); methods copymessage() pass in the uri for the message you want to have copied.
...And 6 more matches
to use this service, use: var navbookmarksservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsinavbookmarksservice); method overview void addobserver(in nsinavbookmarkobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak); void beginupdatebatch(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void changebookmarkuri(in long long aitemid, in nsiuri anewuri); long long createdynamiccontainer(in long long aparentfolder, in autf8string aname, in astring acontractid, in long aindex); note: renamed from createcontainer in gecko 1.9 obsolete since gecko 13.0 long long createfolder(in long long apa...
... obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiuri getbookmarkuri(in long long aitemid); long long getchildfolder(in long long afolder, in astring asubfolder); obsolete since gecko 2.0 long long getfolderidforitem(in long long aitemid); boolean getfolderreadonly(in long long aitemid); astring getfoldertitle(in print64 folder); obsolete since gecko 1.9 nsiuri getfolderuri(in print64 folder); obsolete since gecko 1.9 long long getidforitemat(in long long aparentid, in long aindex); prtime getitemdateadded(in long long aitemid); astring getitemguid(in long long aitemid); obsolete since gecko ...
...ko 1.9 print32 indexofitem(in print64 folder, in nsiuri uri); obsolete since gecko 1.9 long long insertbookmark(in long long aparentid, in nsiuri auri, in long aindex, in autf8string atitle); void insertitem(in print64 folder, in nsiuri item, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 long long insertseparator(in long long aparentid, in long aindex); boolean isbookmarked(in nsiuri auri); void movefolder(in print64 folder, in print64 newparent, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void moveitem(in long long aitemid, in long long anewparentid, in long aindex); void removechildat(in long long afolder, in long aindex); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void removefolder(in long long afolder); obsolete since gecko 2.0 ...
...And 6 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 13.0 (firefox 13.0 / thunderbird 13.0 / seamonkey 2.10) method overview nsinavhistoryqueryoptions clone(); attributes attribute type description applyoptionstocontainers boolean if true, the query options are only applied to the containers.
... asyncenabled boolean when true, the root container node generated by these options and all of its descendant containers are opened asynchronously if they support doing so.
... excludeitems boolean this option excludes all uris and separators from a bookmarks query.
...And 6 more matches
hod overview void didbeginbatch(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsresult aresult); void diddo(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atransaction, in nsresult adoresult); void didendbatch(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsresult aresult); void didmerge(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atoptransaction, in nsitransaction atransactiontomerge, in boolean adidmerge, in nsresult amergeresult); void didredo(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atransaction, in nsresult aredoresult); void didundo(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atransaction, in nsresult aundoresult); boolean willbeginbatch(in nsitransactionmanager amanager); boolean willdo(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atransaction);...
... boolean willendbatch(in nsitransactionmanager amanager); boolean willmerge(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atoptransaction, in nsitransaction atransactiontomerge); boolean willredo(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atransaction); boolean willundo(in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atransaction); methods didbeginbatch() called after a nsitransactionmanager begins a batch.
...void didmerge( in nsitransactionmanager amanager, in nsitransaction atoptransaction, in nsitransaction atransactiontomerge, in boolean adidmerge, in nsresult amergeresult ); parameters amanager the nsitransactionmanager ending a batch.
...And 6 more matches
to create an instance, use: var zipwriter = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsizipwriter); method overview void addentrychannel(in autf8string azipentry, in prtime amodtime, in print32 acompression, in nsichannel achannel, in boolean aqueue); void addentrydirectory(in autf8string azipentry, in prtime amodtime, in boolean aqueue); void addentryfile(in autf8string azipentry, in print32 acompression, in nsifile afile, in boolean aqueue); void addentrystream(in autf8string azipentry, in prtime amodtime, in print32 acompression, in nsiinputstream astream, in boolean aqueue); void close(); ...
... nsizipentry getentry(in autf8string azipentry); boolean hasentry(in autf8string azipentry); void open(in nsifile afile, in print32 aioflags); void processqueue(in nsirequestobserver aobserver, in nsisupports acontext); void removeentry(in autf8string azipentry, in boolean aqueue); attributes attribute type description comment acstring gets or sets the comment associated with the currently open zip file.
... inqueue boolean true if operations are being performed in the background queue, or false if background operations are not in progress.
...And 6 more matches
ype cellularnumber, cellularnumbertype jobtitle, department, company _aimscreenname dates: anniversaryyear, anniversarymonth, anniversaryday birthyear, birthmonth, birthday webpage1 (work), webpage2 (home) custom1, custom2, custom3, custom4 notes integral properties: lastmodifieddate popularityindex prefermailformat (see nsiabprefermailformat) boolean properties: allowremotecontent inherits from: nsiabitem method overview nsivariant getproperty(in autf8string name, in nsivariant defaultvalue); [noscript] astring getpropertyasastring(in string name); [noscript] autf8string getpropertyasautf8string(in string name); [noscript] pruint32 getpropertyasuint32(in string name); [noscript] bool...
...(in string name); void setproperty(in autf8string name, in nsivariant value); [noscript] void setpropertyasastring(in string name, in astring value); [noscript] void setpropertyasautf8string(in string name, in autf8string value); [noscript] void setpropertyasuint32(in string name, in pruint32 value); [noscript] void setpropertyasbool(in string name, in boolean value); void deleteproperty(in autf8string name); autf8string translateto(in autf8string atype); void copy(in nsiabcard srccard) boolean equals(in nsiabcard card) astring generatephoneticname(in boolean alastnamefirst) attributes attribute type description properties nsisimpleenumerator readonly: a list of all the ...
... ismaillist boolean if ismaillist is true then maillisturi will contain the uri of the associated mail list.
...And 6 more matches
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties - Web APIs
properties authenticatedsignedwritesread only returns a boolean that is true if signed writing to the characteristic value is permitted.
... broadcastread only returns a boolean that is true if the broadcast of the characteristic value is permitted using the server characteristic configuration descriptor.
... indicateread only returns a boolean that is true if indications of the characteristic value with acknowledgement is permitted.
...And 6 more matches
Node - Web APIs
node.isconnectedread only a boolean indicating whether or not the node is connected (directly or indirectly) to the context object, e.g.
... node.contains() returns a boolean value indicating whether or not a node is a descendant of the calling node.
... node.haschildnodes() returns a boolean indicating whether or not the element has any child nodes.
...And 6 more matches
browser - Archive of obsolete content
progresslistener, goback, goforward, gohome, gotoindex, loaduri, loaduriwithflags, reload, reloadwithflags, removeprogresslistener, stop, swapdocshells examples <!-- shows mozilla homepage inside a groupbox --> <groupbox flex="1"> <caption label="mozilla homepage"/> <browser type="content" src="" flex="1"/> </groupbox> attributes autocompleteenabled type: boolean set to true to enable autocomplete of fields.
... autoscroll type: boolean set to false to disable autoscroll for this browser.
... disablehistory type: boolean disables both session and global history for the docshell attached to the browser.
...And 5 more matches
button - Archive of obsolete content
autocheck type: boolean if this attribute is true or left out, the checked state of the button will be switched each time the button is pressed.
... checked type: boolean indicates whether the element is checked or not.
... disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
...And 5 more matches
datepicker - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled, firstdayofweek, readonly, type, tabindex, value properties date, dateleadingzero, datevalue, disabled, month, monthleadingzero, open, readonly, tabindex, value, year, yearleadingzero examples <datepicker type="grid" value="2007-03-26"/> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... readonly type: boolean if set to true, then the user cannot change the value of the element.
... dateleadingzero type: boolean a read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the date when it is less than 10.
...And 5 more matches
listitem - Archive of obsolete content
checked type: boolean indicates whether the element is checked or not.
...for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } current type: boolean this attribute will be set to true if the listitem is the current item.
... disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
...And 5 more matches
toolbarbutton - Archive of obsolete content
autocheck type: boolean if this attribute is true or left out, the checked state of the button will be switched each time the button is pressed.
... checked type: boolean indicates whether the element is checked or not.
... disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
...And 5 more matches
XForms Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
*/ boolean focus(); /** * is called when control should be disabled.
... */ void disable(in boolean disable); /** * is called to get current value of control.
... */ boolean isreadonly(); /** * return true if the instance node is relevant as determined by the mdg.
...And 5 more matches
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
...its properties are: canselectall: a boolean indicating whether the select all command can be issued (true) or not (false).
...And 5 more matches
overview of required methods void iscompatiblewith(in string appversion, in string platformversion) void findupdates(in updatelistener listener, in integer reason, in string appversion, in string platformversion) overview of optional methods void uninstall() void canceluninstall() boolean hasresource(in string path) nsiuri getresourceuri(in string path) void getdatadirectory(in datadirectorycallback callback) required properties attribute type description appdisabled read only boolean true if this add-on cannot be used in the application based on version compatibility, dependencies, and blocklisting.
... foreigninstall read only boolean true or false depending on whether the add-on is a third party add-on installation or not.
... isactive read only boolean true if the add-on is currently functional.
...And 5 more matches
method overview promise start(); promise launch(); promise showcontainingdirectory(); promise cancel(); promise removepartialdata(); promise whensucceeded(); promise finalize([optional] boolean aremovepartialdata); properties attribute type description canceled read only boolean indicates that the download has been canceled.
... haspartialdata read only boolean indicates whether, at this time, there is any partially downloaded data that can be used when restarting a failed or canceled download.
... hasprogress read only boolean indicates whether this download's progress property is able to report partial progress while the download proceeds, and whether the value in totalbytes is relevant.
...And 5 more matches
in gecko 1.9.2 void getselectedcolumnindices(out unsigned long columnsarraysize, [retval, array, size_is(columnsarraysize)] out long columnsarray); note: renamed from getselectedcolumns in gecko 1.9.2 void getselectedrowindices(out unsigned long rowsarraysize, [retval, array, size_is(rowsarraysize)] out long rowsarray); note: renamed from getselectedrows in gecko 1.9.2 boolean iscellselected(in long rowindex, in long columnindex); boolean iscolumnselected(in long columnindex); boolean isprobablyforlayout(); boolean isrowselected(in long rowindex); void selectcolumn(in long columnindex); void selectrow(in long rowindex); void unselectcolumn(in long columnindex); void unselectrow(in long rowindex); ...
... iscellselected() return a boolean value indicating whether the specified cell is selected.
... boolean iscellselected( in long rowindex, in long columnindex ); parameters rowindex the row index of the cell.
...And 5 more matches
boolean createstartupstate(in long awindowwidth, in long awindowheight); obsolete since gecko 1.8 nsixulwindow createtoplevelwindow(in nsixulwindow aparent, in nsiuri aurl, in pruint32 achromemask, in long ainitialwidth, in long ainitialheight, in nsiappshell aappshell); nsiwebnav createwindowlessbrowser (in bool aischrome) void destroyhiddenwindow(); void doprofilest...
...artup(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice, in boolean caninteract); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void ensure1window(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void enterlastwindowclosingsurvivalarea(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void exitlastwindowclosingsurvivalarea(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void gethiddenwindowandjscontext(out nsidomwindow ahiddendomwindow, out jscontext ajscontext); native code only!
...solete since gecko 1.8 void initialize(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice, in nsisupports nativeappsupportorsplashscreen); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void quit(in pruint32 aferocity); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void registertoplevelwindow(in nsixulwindow awindow); void run(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void toplevelwindowismodal(in nsixulwindow awindow, in boolean amodal); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void unregistertoplevelwindow(in nsixulwindow awindow); note: prior to gecko 8.0, all references to nsidomwindow used in this interface were nsidomwindowinternal.
...And 5 more matches
cko 1.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 18.0 (firefox 18.0 / thunderbird 18.0 / seamonkey 2.15) method overview [noscript] void init(in nsidomdocument doc, in nsicontent aroot, in nsiselectioncontroller aselcon, in unsigned long aflags); void setattributeorequivalent(in nsidomelement element, in astring sourceattrname, in astring sourceattrvalue, in boolean asuppresstransaction); void removeattributeorequivalent(in nsidomelement element, in domstring sourceattrname, in boolean asuppresstransaction); void postcreate(); void predestroy(in boolean adestroyingframes); selected content removal void deleteselection(in short action, in short stripwrappers); document info and file methods void...
... resetmodificationcount(); long getmodificationcount(); void incrementmodificationcount(in long amodcount); void incrementmodificationcount(in long amodcount); transaction methods void dotransaction(in nsitransaction txn); void enableundo(in boolean enable); void undo(in unsigned long count); void canundo(out boolean isenabled, out boolean canundo); void redo(in unsigned long count); void canredo(out boolean isenabled, out boolean canredo); void begintransaction(); void endtransaction(); void beginplaceholdertransaction(in nsiatom name); void endplaceholdertransaction(); boolean shouldtxnsetselection(); void setshouldtxnsetselection(in boolean should); ...
... inline spellchecking methods nsiinlinespellchecker getinlinespellchecker(in boolean autocreate); void syncrealtimespell(); void setspellcheckuseroverride(in boolean enable); clipboard methods void cut(); boolean cancut(); void copy(); boolean cancopy(); void paste(in long aselectiontype); boolean canpaste(in long aselectiontype); selection methods void selectall(); void beginningofdocument(); void endofdocument(); drag/drop methods boolean candrag(in nsidomevent aevent); void dodrag(in nsidomevent aevent); void insertfromdrop(in nsidomevent aevent); node manipulation methods void setattribute(in nsidomelement ael...
...And 5 more matches
org/network/io-service;1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiioservice); var ch = ios.newchannel("", null, null); method overview void getoriginalresponseheader(in acstring aheader, in nsihttpheadervisitor avisitor); acstring getrequestheader(in acstring aheader); acstring getresponseheader(in acstring header); boolean isnocacheresponse(); boolean isnostoreresponse(); void redirectto(in nsiuri anewuri); void setemptyrequestheader(in acstring aheader); void setreferrerwithpolicy(in nsiuri referrer, in unsigned long referrerpolicy); void setrequestheader(in acstring aheader, in acstring avalue, in boolean amerge); void setresponseheader(in acstring header, ... acstring value, in boolean merge); void visitoriginalresponseheaders(in nsihttpheadervisitor avisitor); void visitrequestheaders(in nsihttpheadervisitor avisitor); void visitresponseheaders(in nsihttpheadervisitor avisitor); constants constant description referrer_policy_no_referrer_when_downgrade default; indicates not to pass on the referrer when downgrading from https to http referrer_policy_no_referrer indicates no referrer will be sent referrer_policy_origin only send the origin of the referring uri referrer_policy_origin_when_xorigin same as the default; only send the origin of the referring uri for cross-origin requests referrer_policy_unsafe_url always send the referrer, even whe...
...n downgrading from https to http attributes attribute type description allowpipelining boolean this attribute is a hint to the channel to indicate whether or not the underlying http transaction should be allowed to be pipelined with other transactions.
...And 5 more matches
searchsession.addscopeterm(components.interfaces.nsmsgsearchscope.offlinemail, afolder); var searchterm = searchsession.createterm(); var value = searchterm.value; value.str = avalue; searchterm.value = value; searchterm.op = searchsession.booleanor; searchterm.booleanand = false; searchsession.appendterm(searchterm);; inherits from: nsisupports method overview void addsearchterm(in nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib, in nsmsgsearchopvalue op, in nsimsgsearchvalue value, in boolean booleanand, in string arbitraryheader); nsimsgsearchterm createterm(); void appendterm(in nsimsgsearchterm ... nsmsgsearchopvalue op, in nsimsgsearchvalue value); long countsearchscopes(); void getnthsearchscope(in long which,out nsmsgsearchscopevalue scopeid, out nsimsgfolder folder); void addscopeterm(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in nsimsgfolder folder); void adddirectoryscopeterm(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope); void clearscopes(); [noscript] boolean scopeusescustomheaders(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in voidptr selection, in boolean forfilters); boolean isstringattribute(in nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib); void addallscopes(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue attrib); void search(in nsimsgwindow awindow); void interruptsearch(); void pausesearch(); void resumesearch(); [noscript] nsmsgsea...
...rchtype setsearchparam(in nsmsgsearchtype type, in voidptr param); [noscript] void addresultelement(in nsmsgresultelement element); boolean matchhdr(in nsimsgdbhdr amsghdr, in nsimsgdatabase adatabase); void addsearchhit(in nsimsgdbhdr header, in nsimsgfolder folder); attributes attribute type description searchterms nsisupportsarray readonly: numsearchterms unsigned long readonly: runningadapter nsimsgsearchadapter readonly: searchparam voidptr not scriptable and readonly: searchtype nsmsgsearchtype readonly: numresults long readonly: window nsimsgwindow constants name value description booleanor 0 ...
...And 5 more matches
yservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsinavhistoryservice); method overview astring getpagetitle(in nsiuri auri); void markpageasfollowedbookmark(in nsiuri auri); void markpageasfollowedlink(in nsiuri auri); void markpageastyped(in nsiuri auri); boolean canadduri(in nsiuri auri); long long addvisit(in nsiuri auri, in prtime atime, in nsiuri areferringuri, in long atransitiontype, in boolean aisredirect, in long long asessionid); obsolete since gecko 22.0 nsinavhistoryquery getnewquery(); nsinavhistoryqueryoptions getnewqueryoptions(); nsinavhistoryresult executequery(in nsinavhistoryquery aquery, in nsinavhist...
... autf8string aquerystring, [array, size_is(aresultcount)] out nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, out unsigned long aresultcount, out nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); autf8string queriestoquerystring([array, size_is(aquerycount)] in nsinavhistoryquery aqueries, in unsigned long aquerycount, in nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); void addobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak); void removeobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver observer); void runinbatchmode(in nsinavhistorybatchcallback acallback, in nsisupports aclosure); void importhistory(in nsifile file); astring getcharsetforuri(in nsiuri auri); astring setcharsetforuri(in nsiuri auri, in astring acharset); attributes attribute type descripti...
...on hashistoryentries boolean true if there is any history.
...And 5 more matches
s last changed in gecko 7.0 (firefox 7.0 / thunderbird 7.0 / seamonkey 2.4) implemented by:;1 as a service: let telemetry = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsitelemetry); method overview jsval gethistogrambyid(in acstring id); jsval snapshothistograms(in uint32_t adataset, in boolean asubsession, in boolean aclear); jsval getkeyedhistogrambyid(in acstring id); void capturestack(in acstring name); jsval snapshotcapturedstacks([optional] in boolean clear); nsisupports getloadedmodules(); jsval snapshotkeyedhistograms(in uint32_t adataset, in boolean asubsession, in boolean aclear); void sethistogramrecordingenabled(in acstr... id, in boolean enabled); void asyncfetchtelemetrydata(in nsifetchtelemetrydatacallback acallback); double mssinceprocessstart(); void scalaradd(in acstring aname, in jsval avalue); void scalarset(in acstring aname, in jsval avalue); void scalarsetmaximum(in acstring aname, in jsval avalue); jsval snapshotscalars(in uint32_t adataset, [optional] in boolean aclear); void keyedscalaradd(in acstring aname, in astring akey, in jsval avalue); void keyedscalarset(in acstring aname, in astring akey, in jsval avalue); void keyedscalarsetmaximum(in acstring aname, in astring akey, in jsval avalue); jsval snapshotkeyedscalars(in uint32_t adataset, [optional] in boolean aclear); void clearscalars(); test ...
...only void flushbatchedchildtelemetry(); void recordevent(in acstring acategory, in acstring amethod, in acstring aobject, [optional] in jsval avalue, [optional] in jsval extra); void seteventrecordingenabled(in acstring acategory, in boolean aenabled); jsval snapshotevents(in uint32_t adataset, [optional] in boolean aclear); void registerevents(in acstring acategory, in jsval aeventdata); void registerscalars(in acstring acategoryname, in jsval ascalardata); void clearevents(); test only attributes attribute type description canrecordbase boolean a flag indicating if telemetry can record base data (fhr data).
...And 5 more matches
Element - Web APIs
element.tabstop is a boolean indicating if the element can receive input focus via the tab key.
... element.undoscope is a boolean indicating if the element is an undo scope host, or not.
... eventtarget.dispatchevent() dispatches an event to this node in the dom and returns a boolean that indicates whether no handler canceled the event.
...And 5 more matches
EventTarget.addEventListener() - Web APIs
the available options are: capture a boolean indicating that events of this type will be dispatched to the registered listener before being dispatched to any eventtarget beneath it in the dom tree.
... once a boolean indicating that the listener should be invoked at most once after being added.
... passive a boolean that, if true, indicates that the function specified by listener will never call preventdefault().
...And 5 more matches
HTMLCanvasElement.getContext() - Web APIs
contextattributes you can use several context attributes when creating your rendering context, for example: const gl = canvas.getcontext('webgl', { antialias: false, depth: false }); 2d context attributes: alpha: boolean that indicates if the canvas contains an alpha channel.
... desynchronized: boolean that hints the user agent to reduce the latency by desynchronizing the canvas paint cycle from the event loop (gecko only) willreadfrequently: boolean that indicates whether or not a lot of read-back operations are planned.
... webgl context attributes: alpha: boolean that indicates if the canvas contains an alpha buffer.
...And 5 more matches
HTMLElement - Web APIs
htmlelement.iscontenteditable read only returns a boolean that indicates whether or not the content of the element can be edited.
... htmlelement.draggable is a boolean indicating if the element can be dragged.
... htmlelement.hidden is a boolean indicating if the element is hidden or not.
...And 5 more matches
OffscreenCanvas.getContext() - Web APIs
contextattributes you can use several context attributes when creating your rendering context, for example: offscreen.getcontext("webgl", { antialias: false, depth: false }); 2d context attributes: alpha: boolean that indicates if the canvas contains an alpha channel.
... (gecko only) willreadfrequently: boolean that indicates whether or not a lot of read-back operations are planned.
... webgl context attributes: alpha: boolean that indicates if the canvas contains an alpha buffer.
...And 5 more matches
HTML attribute reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
formnovalidate <button>, <input> if the button/input is a submit button (type="submit"), this boolean attribute specifies that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted.
... idl attributes can reflect other types such as unsigned long, urls, booleans, etc.
... boolean attributes some content attributes (e.g.
...And 5 more matches
Grammar and types - JavaScript
var input; if (input === undefined) { dothis(); } else { dothat(); } the undefined value behaves as false when used in a boolean context.
... var a; a + 2; // evaluates to nan when you evaluate a null variable, the null value behaves as 0 in numeric contexts and as false in boolean contexts.
... const my_array = ['html','css']; my_array.push('javascript'); console.log(my_array); //logs ['html','css','javascript']; data structures and types data types the latest ecmascript standard defines eight data types: seven data types that are primitives: boolean.
...And 5 more matches
Logical NOT (!) - JavaScript
it is typically used with boolean (logical) values.
... when used with non-boolean values, it returns false if its single operand can be converted to true; otherwise, returns true.
...operator can be used with operands that are not boolean values, it can still be considered a boolean operator since its return value can always be converted to a boolean primitive.
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Index - XPath
18 boolean xslt, xslt_reference the boolean function evaluates an expression and returns true or false.
... 20 choose function, xpath, xslt the choose function returns one of the specified objects based on a boolean parameter.
... 22 contains xslt, xslt_reference the contains function determines whether the first argument string contains the second argument string and returns boolean true or false.
...And 5 more matches
menuitem - Archive of obsolete content
allowevents type: boolean if true, events are passed to children of the element.
... autocheck type: boolean if this attribute is true or left out, the checked state of the button will be switched each time the button is pressed.
... checked type: boolean indicates whether the element is checked or not.
...And 4 more matches
panel - Archive of obsolete content
<panel id="thepanel"> <hbox align="start"> <image src="warning.png"/> <vbox> <description value="you have 6 new messages."/> <hbox> <button label="read mail"/> <button label="new message"/> </hbox> </vbox> </hbox> </panel> <description value="6 new messages" popup="thepanel"/> attributes backdrag type: boolean setting the backdrag attribute on a xul panel lets the user move the panel by clicking and dragging anywhere on its background area.
... close type: boolean if the panel has a titlebar, set the panel's close attribute to true to have a close button appear on the titlebar.
... consumeoutsideclicks type: boolean controls whether or not the event that caused the popup to be automatically dismissed (or "rolled up") should be consumed or be dispatched as a normal event.
...And 4 more matches
window - Archive of obsolete content
> <label control="your-lname" value="enter last name:"/> <textbox id="your-lname" value="hernandez"/> </hbox> <hbox> <button oncommand="alert('save!')"> <description>save</description> </button> </hbox> </vbox> </radiogroup> </groupbox> </vbox> </window> attributes accelerated type: booleanset this attribute to true to allow hardware layer managers to accelerate the window.
... disablechrome type: boolean set this attribute to true to disable chrome in the window.
... disablefastfindtype: booleanput disablefastfind="true" on the root element of a xul document, which is intended to be loaded in a tab, to disable the find bar for the tab with this document.
...And 4 more matches
nterfaces.inidomutils); method overview void addpseudoclasslock(in nsidomelement aelement, in domstring apseudoclass); void clearpseudoclasslocks(in nsidomelement aelement); [implicit_jscontext] jsval colornametorgb(in domstring acolorname); nsiarray getbindingurls(in nsidomelement aelement); nsidomnodelist getchildrenfornode(in nsidomnode anode, in boolean ashowinganonymouscontent); unsigned long long getcontentstate(in nsidomelement aelement); void getcsspropertynames([optional] in unsigned long aflags, [optional] out unsigned long acount, [retval, array, size_is(acount)] out wstring aprops); nsisupportsarray getcssstylerules(in nsidomelement aelement, [optional] in domstring apseudo); nsidomnode getparentforn...
...ode(in nsidomnode anode, in boolean ashowinganonymouscontent); unsigned long getruleline(in nsidomcssstylerule arule); unsigned long getrulecolumn(in nsidomcssstylerule arule); unsigned long getselectorcount(in nsidomcssstylerule arule); astring getselectortext(in nsidomcssstylerule arule, in unsigned long aselectorindex); unsigned long long getspecificity(in nsidomcssstylerule arule, in unsigned long aselectorindex); nsidomfontfacelist getusedfontfaces(in nsidomrange arange); bool haspseudoclasslock(in nsidomelement aelement, in domstring apseudoclass); boolean isignorablewhitespace(in nsidomcharacterdata adatanode); bool isinheritedproperty(in astring apropertyname); void parsestylesheet(in nsidomcssstyle...
... nsidomnodelist getchildrenfornode( in nsidomnode anode, in boolean ashowinganonymouscontent ); parameters anode a dom node for which to retrieve the style nodes.
...And 4 more matches
method overview void asyncclose([optional] in mozistoragecompletioncallback acallback); void begintransaction(); void begintransactionas(in print32 transactiontype); mozistoragestatement clone([optional] in boolean areadonly); void close(); void committransaction(); void createaggregatefunction(in autf8string afunctionname, in long anumarguments, in mozistorageaggregatefunction afunction); mozistorageasyncstatement createasyncstatement(in autf8string asqlstatement); void createfunction(in autf8string afunctionname, in long anumarguments, in mozistoragefunctio...
...estatement(in autf8string asqlstatement); void createtable(in string atablename, in string atableschema); mozistoragependingstatement executeasync([array, size_is(anumstatements)] in mozistoragebasestatement astatements, in unsigned long anumstatements, [optional] in mozistoragestatementcallback acallback ); void executesimplesql(in autf8string asqlstatement); boolean indexexists(in autf8string aindexname); void preload(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void removefunction(in autf8string afunctionname); mozistorageprogresshandler removeprogresshandler(); void rollbacktransaction(); void setgrowthincrement(in print32 aincrement, in autf8string adatabasename); mozistorageprogresshandler setprogresshandler(in pri...
...nt32 agranularity, in mozistorageprogresshandler ahandler); boolean tableexists(in autf8string atablename); attributes attribute type description connectionready boolean indicates if the connection is open and ready to use.
...And 4 more matches
uri auri, in autf8string aname, in nsivariant avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setitemannotation(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, in nsivariant avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setpageannotationstring(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname, in astring avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); boolean setitemannotationstring(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, in astring avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setpageannotationint32(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname, in long avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned short aexpiration); void setitemannotationint32(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname, in long avalue, in long aflags, in unsigned ...
...] out unsigned long resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out long long results); void getpageannotationnames(in nsiuri auri, [optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsivariant result); void getitemannotationnames(in long long aitemid, [optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsivariant result); boolean pagehasannotation(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); boolean itemhasannotation(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname); void removepageannotation(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); void removeitemannotation(in long long aitemid, in autf8string aname); void removepageannotations(in nsiuri auri); void removeitemannotations(in long long aitemi...
...d); void copypageannotations(in nsiuri asourceuri, in nsiuri adesturi, in boolean aoverwritedest); void copyitemannotations(in long long asourceitemid, in long long adestitemid, in boolean aoverwritedest); void addobserver(in nsiannotationobserver aobserver); void removeobserver(in nsiannotationobserver aobserver); nsiuri getannotationuri(in nsiuri auri, in autf8string aname); constants constant value description expire_session 0 for temporary data that can be discarded when the user exits.
...And 4 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview boolean cancopyimagecontents(); boolean cancopyimagelocation(); boolean cancopylinklocation(); boolean cancopyselection(); boolean cancutselection(); boolean canpaste(); void copyimagecontents(); void copyimagelocation(); void copylinklocation(); void copyselection(); void cutselection(); void paste(); void selectall(); void selectnone(); methods cancopyimagecontents() returns whether we can copy an ...
...boolean cancopyimagecontents(); parameters none.
...boolean cancopyimagelocation(); parameters none.
...And 4 more matches
derinfo = components.classes[""] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsidbfolderinfo); method overview long andflags(in long flags); void changeexpungedbytes(in long delta); void changenummessages(in long delta); void changenumunreadmessages(in long delta); boolean getbooleanproperty(in string propertyname, in boolean defaultvalue); void getcharacterset(out acstring charset, out boolean overriden); void getcharactersetoverride(out boolean charactersetoverride); obsolete since gecko 1.8 string getcharptrcharacterset(); string getcharptrproperty(in string propertyname); void getlo...
...obsolete since gecko 1.8 astring getproperty(in string propertyname); nsidbfolderinfo gettransferinfo(); unsigned long getuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long defaultvalue); void initfromtransferinfo(in nsidbfolderinfo transferinfo); long orflags(in long flags); void setbooleanproperty(in string propertyname, in boolean apropertyvalue); void setcharacterset(in string charset); void setcharactersetoverride(in boolean charactersetoverride); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void setcharptrproperty(in string apropertyname, in string apropertyvalue); void sethighwater(in nsmsgkey highwater, in boolean force); ...
...obsolete since gecko 1.8 void setproperty(in string propertyname, in astring propertystr); void setuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long propertyvalue); attributes attribute type description charactersetoverride boolean expiredmark nsmsgkey expungedbytes long flags long folderdate unsigned long foldername string foldersize unsigned long highwater nsmsgkey imaphierarchyseparator ...
...And 4 more matches
to create an instance, use: var editorspellcheck = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsieditorspellcheck); method overview void addwordtodictionary(in wstring word); boolean canspellcheck(); void checkcurrentdictionary(); boolean checkcurrentword(in wstring suggestedword); boolean checkcurrentwordnosuggest(in wstring suggestedword); astring getcurrentdictionary(); void getdictionarylist([array, size_is(count)] out wstring dictionarylist, out pruint32 count); wstring getnextmisspelledword(); void getper...
...sonaldictionary(); wstring getpersonaldictionaryword(); wstring getsuggestedword(); void ignorewordalloccurrences(in wstring word); void initspellchecker(in nsieditor editor, in boolean enableselectionchecking); void removewordfromdictionary(in wstring word); void replaceword(in wstring misspelledword, in wstring replaceword, in boolean alloccurrences); void savedefaultdictionary(); obsolete since gecko 9.0 void setcurrentdictionary(in astring dictionary); void setfilter(in nsitextservicesfilter filter); void uninitspellchecker(); void updatecurrentdictionary(); methods addwordtodictionary() adds the specified word to the current personal dictionary.
...boolean canspellcheck(); parameters none.
...And 4 more matches
me); void setproperty(in string propertyname, in astring propertystr); void setstringproperty(in string propertyname, in string propertyvalue); string getstringproperty(in string propertyname); unsigned long getuint32property(in string propertyname); void setuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long propertyval); void markread(in boolean read); void markflagged(in boolean flagged); void markhasattachments(in boolean hasattachments); void setprioritystring(in string priority); unsigned long orflags(in unsigned long flags); unsigned long andflags(in unsigned long flags); void setreferences(in string references); acstring getstringreference(in long refnum); void...
...igned long numaddresses);new in thunderbird 3.1 [noscript] void getauthorcollationkey(out octetptr key, out unsigned long len); [noscript] void getsubjectcollationkey(out octetptr key, out unsigned long len); [noscript] void getrecipientscollationkey(out octetptr key, out unsigned long len); attributes attribute type description isread boolean readonly: indicates whether or not the message is read.
... isflagged boolean readonly: indicates whether or not the message is starred in the ui.
...And 4 more matches
to create an instance, use: var process = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiprocess); method overview void init(in nsifile executable); void initwithpid(in unsigned long pid); obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 void kill(); void run(in boolean blocking, [array, size_is(count)] in string args, in unsigned long count); void runasync([array, size_is(count)] in string args, in unsigned long count, [optional] in nsiobserver observer, [optional] in boolean holdweak); void runw(in boolean blocking, [array, size_is(count)] in wstring args, in unsigned long count); void runwasync([array, size_is(count)] in wstring a...
...rgs, in unsigned long count, [optional] in nsiobserver observer, [optional] in boolean holdweak); attributes attribute type description exitvalue long the value returned by the process upon exit.
... isrunning boolean true if the process is running, otherwise false.
...And 4 more matches
as a service: var selection = components.classes[""] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiselection); method overview void addrange(in nsidomrange range); void collapse(in nsidomnode parentnode, in long offset); [noscript,notxpcom,nostdcall] boolean collapsed(); void collapsenative(in nsidomnode parentnode, in long offset); native code only!
... void collapsetoend(); void collapsetostart(); boolean containsnode(in nsidomnode node, in boolean partlycontained); void deletefromdocument(); void extend(in nsidomnode parentnode, in long offset); void extendnative(in nsidomnode parentnode, in long offset); native code only!
... nsidomrange getrangeat(in long index); void modify(in domstring alter, in domstring direction, in domstring granularity); void removeallranges(); void removerange(in nsidomrange range); void selectallchildren(in nsidomnode parentnode); void selectionlanguagechange(in boolean langrtl); domstring tostring(); attributes attribute type description anchornode nsidomnode returns the node in which the selection begins.
...And 4 more matches
inherits from: nsicollection last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview boolean appendelements(in nsisupportsarray aelements); violates the xpcom interface guidelines nsisupportsarray clone(); void compact(); void deleteelementat(in unsigned long aindex); void deletelastelement(in nsisupports aelement); nsisupports elementat(in unsigned long aindex); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean enumeratebackwards(in nsisupportsarrayenumfunc afunc, in voidptr adata); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean enumerateforwards(in nsisupportsarrayenumfunc afunc, in voidptr adata); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean equals([const] in nsisupportsarray other); violates t...
...ssibleelement); long getindexofstartingat(in nsisupports apossibleelement, in unsigned long astartindex); long getlastindexof(in nsisupports apossibleelement); long indexof([const] in nsisupports apossibleelement); violates the xpcom interface guidelines long indexofstartingat([const] in nsisupports apossibleelement, in unsigned long astartindex); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean insertelementat(in nsisupports aelement, in unsigned long aindex); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean insertelementsat(in nsisupportsarray aother, in unsigned long aindex); violates the xpcom interface guidelines long lastindexof([const] in nsisupports apossibleelement); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean moveelement(in long afrom, in long ato); violates the xpcom ...
...interface guidelines boolean removeelementat(in unsigned long aindex); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean removeelementsat(in unsigned long aindex, in unsigned long acount); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean removelastelement([const] in nsisupports aelement); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean replaceelementat(in nsisupports aelement, in unsigned long aindex); violates the xpcom interface guidelines boolean sizeto(in long asize); violates the xpcom interface guidelines methods violates the xpcom interface guidelines appendelements() boolean appendelements( in nsisupportsarray aelements ); parameters aelements return value clone() nsisupportsarray clone(); parameters none.
...And 4 more matches
method overview void close(); void create(in unsigned long rootkey, in astring relpath, in unsigned long mode); nsiwindowsregkey createchild(in astring relpath, in unsigned long mode); astring getchildname(in unsigned long index); astring getvaluename(in unsigned long index); unsigned long getvaluetype(in astring name); boolean haschanged(); boolean haschild(in astring name); boolean hasvalue(in astring name); boolean iswatching(); void open(in unsigned long rootkey, in astring relpath, in unsigned long mode); nsiwindowsregkey openchild(in astring relpath, in unsigned long mode); acstring readbinaryvalue(in astring name); unsigned long long readint64value(in...
... astring name); unsigned long readintvalue(in astring name); astring readstringvalue(in astring name); void removechild(in astring relpath); void removevalue(in astring name); void startwatching(in boolean recurse); void stopwatching(); void writebinaryvalue(in astring name, in acstring data); void writeint64value(in astring name, in unsigned long long data); void writeintvalue(in astring name, in unsigned long data); void writestringvalue(in astring name, in astring data); attributes attribute type description childcount unsigned long this attribute returns the number of child keys.
...haschanged() boolean haschanged(); parameters none.
...And 4 more matches
KeyboardEvent.initKeyEvent() - Web APIs
bubbles is a boolean indicating whether the event should bubble up through the event chain or not (see bubbles).
... cancelable is a boolean i indicating whether the event can be canceled (see cancelable).
... ctrlkeyarg is a boolean that is true if the virtual key to be generated is a combination of keys containing the ctrl key.
...And 4 more matches
KeyboardEvent - Web APIs
keyboardevent.altkey read only returns a boolean that is true if the alt ( option or ⌥ on os x) key was active when the key event was generated.
... keyboardevent.ctrlkey read only returns a boolean that is true if the ctrl key was active when the key event was generated.
... keyboardevent.iscomposing read only returns a boolean that is true if the event is fired between after compositionstart and before compositionend.
...And 4 more matches
Logical AND (&&) - JavaScript
it is typically used with boolean (logical) values.
... when it is, it returns a boolean value.
... however, the && operator actually returns the value of one of the specified operands, so if this operator is used with non-boolean values, it will return a non-boolean value.
...And 4 more matches
Logical OR (||) - JavaScript
it is typically used with boolean (logical) values.
... when it is, it returns a boolean value.
... however, the || operator actually returns the value of one of the specified operands, so if this operator is used with non-boolean values, it will return a non-boolean value.
...And 4 more matches
MathML attribute reference - MathML
name elements accepting attribute description accent <mo>, <mover>, <munderover> a boolean value specifying whether the operator should be treated as an accent.
... accentunder <munder>, <munderover> a boolean value specifying whether the operator should be treated as an accent.
... unimplemented alignmentscope <mtable> a boolean value specifying whether table columns should act as alignment scopes or not.
...And 4 more matches
listbox - Archive of obsolete content
(var i = 0; i < gems.length; i++) { var row = document.createelement('listitem'); var cell = document.createelement('listcell'); cell.setattribute('label', gems[i].gem); row.appendchild(cell); cell = document.createelement('listcell'); cell.setattribute('label', gems[i].price ); row.appendchild(cell); thelist.appendchild(row); } attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... disablekeynavigation type: boolean if this attribute is not used, the user can navigate to specific items within the element by pressing keys corresponding to letters in the item's label.
... suppressonselect type: boolean if this attribute is not specified, a select event is fired whenever an item is selected, either by the user or by calling one of the select methods.
...And 3 more matches
menu - Archive of obsolete content
allowevents type: boolean if true, events are passed to children of the element.
...for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... menuactive type: boolean this attribute is set on an item in a menu when it is being hovered over.
...And 3 more matches
richlistbox - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... disablekeynavigation type: boolean if this attribute is not used, the user can navigate to specific items within the element by pressing keys corresponding to letters in the item's label.
... suppressonselect type: boolean if this attribute is not specified, a select event is fired whenever an item is selected, either by the user or by calling one of the select methods.
...And 3 more matches
wizard - Archive of obsolete content
firstpage type: boolean true if the wizard is on the first page.
... lastpage type: boolean true if the wizard is on the last page.
... values for window type as found on mxr: navigator:browser - looks like if window has gbrowser it has this window type devtools:scratchpad - scratchpad windows navigator:view-source - the view source windows properties canadvance type: boolean this property is set to true if the user can press the next button to go to the next page.
...And 3 more matches
TypeScript support in Svelte - Learn web development
give todo.type.ts the following content: export type todotype = { id: number name: string completed: boolean } note: the svelte template uses svelte-preprocess 4.0.0 to support typescript.
...(ts) (message, ms) => { you can fix these by specifying the corresponding types, like so: export let ms = 3000 let visible: boolean let timeout: number const onmessagechange = (message: string, ms: number) => { cleartimeout(timeout) if (!message) { // hide alert if message is empty note: there's no need to specify the ms type with export let ms:number = 3000 because typescript is already inferring it from its default value.
...todos.filter(t => t.completed) : todos $: { if (filter === filter.all) $alert = 'browsing all todos' else if (filter === $alert = 'browsing active todos' else if (filter === filter.completed) $alert = 'browsing completed todos' } const checkalltodos = (completed: boolean) => { todos = => ({...t, completed})) $alert = `${completed ?
...And 3 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview boolean enabled(); boolean install(in nsivariant aargs, [optional] in amiinstallcallback acallback); boolean installchrome(in pruint32 atype, in astring aurl, in astring askin); deprecated since gecko 2.0 boolean startsoftwareupdate(in astring aurl, [optional] in print32 aflags); deprecated since gecko 2.0 boolean updateenabled(); deprecated since gecko 2.0 constants retained for backwards compatibility.
... boolean enabled(); parameters none.
... boolean install( in nsivariant aargs, in amiinstallcallback acallback optional ); parameters aargs the add-ons to install.
...And 3 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void adddownloadlistener(in nsirequestobserver listener); astring downloadupdate(in nsiupdate update, in boolean background); void pausedownload(); void removedownloadlistener(in nsirequestobserver listener); nsiupdate selectupdate([array, size_is(updatecount)] in nsiupdate updates, in unsigned long updatecount); attributes attribute type description backgroundchecker nsiupdatechecker the update checker being used for background update checking.
... canapplyupdates boolean true if the update service can download and install updates.
... cancheckforupdates boolean true if the update service can check for updates.
...And 3 more matches
if any errors occur (without setting the boolean result) the default action will occur.
... method overview boolean allowdrop(in nsidomevent event, in nsidragsession session); boolean allowstartdrag(in nsidomevent event); boolean oncopyordrag(in nsidomevent aevent, in nsitransferable trans); boolean onpasteordrop(in nsidomevent event, in nsitransferable trans); methods allowdrop() tells gecko whether a drop is allowed on this content area.
... boolean allowdrop( in nsidomevent event, in nsidragsession session ); parameters event the dom event (drag gesture).
...And 3 more matches
method overview long findflag(in astring aflag, in boolean acasesensitive); astring getargument(in long aindex); boolean handleflag(in astring aflag, in boolean acasesensitive); astring handleflagwithparam(in astring aflag, in boolean acasesensitive); void removearguments(in long astart, in long aend); nsifile resolvefile(in astring aargument); nsiuri resolveuri(in astring aargument); attributes attribute type description length long ...
... preventdefault boolean there may be a command-line handler which performs a default action if there was no explicit action on the command line (open a default browser window, for example).
...long findflag( in astring aflag, in boolean acasesensitive ); parameters aflag the flag name to locate.
...And 3 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview boolean permitsancestry(in nsidocshell docshell); void refinepolicy(in astring policystring, in nsiuri selfuri); void scanrequestdata(in nsihttpchannel achannel); void sendreports(in astring blockeduri, in astring violateddirective); short shouldload(in unsigned long acontenttype, in nsiuri acontentlocation, in nsiuri arequestorigin, in nsisupports acontext, in acstring amimetypeguess, in nsisupports aextra); short shouldprocess(in unsigned long acontenttype, in nsiuri ac...
...ontentlocation, in nsiuri arequestorigin, in nsisupports acontext, in acstring amimetype, in nsisupports aextra); attributes attribute type description allowseval boolean whether this policy allows eval and eval-like functions such as settimeout("code string", time).
... allowsinlinescript boolean whether this policy allows in-page script.
...And 3 more matches
method overview boolean externalprotocolhandlerexists(in string aprotocolscheme); astring getapplicationdescription(in autf8string ascheme); nsihandlerinfo getprotocolhandlerinfo(in acstring aprotocolscheme); nsihandlerinfo getprotocolhandlerinfofromos(in acstring aprotocolscheme, out boolean afound); boolean isexposedprotocol(in string aprotocolscheme); void loaduri(in nsiuri auri, [optional] in nsiinterfa...
...cerequestor awindowcontext); void loadurl(in nsiuri aurl); void setprotocolhandlerdefaults(in nsihandlerinfo ahandlerinfo, in boolean aoshandlerexists); methods externalprotocolhandlerexists() check whether a handler for a specific protocol exists.
...boolean externalprotocolhandlerexists( in string aprotocolscheme ); parameters aprotocolscheme the scheme from a url: http, ftp, mailto, and so on.
...And 3 more matches
method overview void activateframeevent(in astring atype, in boolean capture); void activateremoteframe(); void destroy(); void loadframe(); void loaduri(in nsiuri auri); void sendcrossprocesskeyevent(in astring atype, in long akeycode, in long acharcode, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean apreventdefault); void sendcrossprocessmouseevent(in astring atype, in float ax, in float ay, in long abutton, i...
...n long aclickcount, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean aignorerootscrollframe); void updatepositionandsize(in nsiframe aiframe); native code only!
... attributes attribute type description delayremotedialogs boolean depthtoogreat boolean find out whether the loader's frame is at too great a depth in the frame tree.
...And 3 more matches
method overview void abortlistbuild(); boolean addlisttobuild(in short acattype, in nsiarray items optional, in astring catname optional); boolean commitlistbuild(); boolean deleteactivelist(); boolean initlistbuild(in nsimutablearray removeditems); attributes attribute type description available short indicates whether jump list taskbar features are supported by the current host.
... islistcommitted boolean jumplist management.
...boolean addlisttobuild( in short acattype, in nsiarray items, optional in astring catname optional ); parameters acattype the type of list to add.
...And 3 more matches
method overview string encodemimepartiistr(in string header, in boolean structured, in string mailcharset, in long fieldnamelen, in long encodedwordsize); string encodemimepartiistr_utf8(in autf8string header, in boolean structured, in string mailcharset, in long fieldnamelen, in long encodedwordsize); string decodemimeheadertocharptr(in string header, in string default_charset, in boolean override_charset, in boolean eatcontinuations); astring decodemimeheader(in string header, in string default_charset, in boolean override_charset, in boolean eatcontinuations); mimeenc...
...oderdata *b64encoderinit(in mimeconverteroutputcallback output_fn, in void *closure); mimeencoderdata *qpencoderinit(in mimeconverteroutputcallback output_fn, in void *closure); void encoderdestroy(in mimeencoderdata *data, in boolean abort_p); long encoderwrite(in mimeencoderdata *data, in string buffer, in long size); methods encodemimepartiistr() an variant of encodemimepartiistr_utf8() which treats the header as written in the given charset.
... string encodemimepartiistr(in string header, in boolean structured, in string mailcharset, in long fieldnamelen, in long encodedwordsize); parameters propertyname the name of the property to retrieve.
...And 3 more matches
to create an instance, use: var parentalcontrolsservice = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiparentalcontrolsservice); method overview void log(in short aentrytype, in boolean aflag, in nsiuri asource, [optional] in nsifile atarget); boolean requesturioverride(in nsiuri atarget, [optional] in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext); boolean requesturioverrides(in nsiarray atargets, [optional] in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext); attributes attribute type description blockfiledownloadsenabled boolean true if the...
... loggingenabled boolean true if the current user account has parental controls logging enabled.
... parentalcontrolsenabled boolean true if the current user account has parental controls restrictions enabled.
...And 3 more matches
method overview boolean onhistorygoback(in nsiuri abackuri); boolean onhistorygoforward(in nsiuri aforwarduri); boolean onhistorygotoindex(in long aindex, in nsiuri agotouri); void onhistorynewentry(in nsiuri anewuri); boolean onhistorypurge(in long anumentries); boolean onhistoryreload(in nsiuri areloaduri, in unsigned long areloadflags); methods onhistorygoback() called when navigating to a previous sessi...
...boolean onhistorygoback( in nsiuri abackuri ); parameters abackuri the uri of the session history entry being navigated to.
...boolean onhistorygoforward( in nsiuri aforwarduri ); parameters aforwarduri the uri of the session history entry being navigated to.
...And 3 more matches
void getrangesforinterval(in nsidomnode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsidomnode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in prbool allowadjacent, out pruint32 resultcount, [retval, array, size_is(resultcount)] out nsidomrange results); void getrangesforintervalarray(in nsinode beginnode, in print32 beginoffset, in nsinode endnode, in print32 endoffset, in boolean allowadjacent, in rangearray results); native code only!
...obsolete since gecko 12.0 long gettableselectiontype(in nsidomrange range); void removeselectionlistener(in nsiselectionlistener listenertoremove); void scrollintoview(in short aregion, in boolean aissynchronous, in short avpercent, in short ahpercent); void setancestorlimiter(in nsicontent acontent); native code only!
... void startbatchchanges(); wstring tostringwithformat(in string formattype, in unsigned long flags, in print32 wrapcolumn); attributes attribute type description cancacheframeoffset boolean frame offset cache can be used just during calling nseditor::endplaceholdertransaction.
...And 3 more matches
method overview boolean findnext(); attributes attribute type description entireword boolean whether to match entire words only.
... findbackwards boolean whether to find backwards (towards the beginning of the document).
... matchcase boolean whether to match case (case sensitive) when searching.
...And 3 more matches
DevTools API - Firefox Developer Tools
parameters: force {boolean} - if true the target is shift-reloaded i.e.
... return value: a boolean indicating if the tool supports the given target.
...default: {icon} icononly boolean, optional.
...And 3 more matches
HTMLButtonElement - Web APIs
htmlbuttonelement.autofocus is a boolean indicating whether or not the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control.
... htmlbuttonelement.disabled is a boolean indicating whether or not the control is disabled, meaning that it does not accept any clicks.
... htmlbuttonelement.formnovalidate is a boolean indicating that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted.
...And 3 more matches
KeyboardEvent() - Web APIs
"ctrlkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that sets the value of keyboardevent.ctrlkey.
... "shiftkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that sets the value of keyboardevent.shiftkey.
... "altkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that sets the value of keyboardevent.altkey.
...And 3 more matches
WebGLRenderingContext - Web APIs
webglrenderingcontext.isbuffer() returns a boolean indicating if the passed buffer is valid.
... webglrenderingcontext.isframebuffer() returns a boolean indicating if the passed webglframebuffer object is valid.
... webglrenderingcontext.isrenderbuffer() returns a boolean indicating if the passed webglrenderingbuffer is valid.
...And 3 more matches
<video>: The Video Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autoplay a boolean attribute; if specified, the video automatically begins to play back as soon as it can do so without stopping to finish loading the data.
... autopictureinpicture a boolean attribute which if true indicates that the element should automatically toggle picture-in-picture mode when the user switches back and forth between this document and another document or application.
... disableremoteplayback a boolean attribute used to disable the capability of remote playback in devices that are attached using wired (hdmi, dvi, etc.) and wireless technologies (miracast, chromecast, dlna, airplay, etc).
...And 3 more matches
HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
it can have the following values: 17 hidden global attributes, html, reference the hidden global attribute is a boolean attribute indicating that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.
... 24 itemscope attribute, global attribute, html, html microdata, microdata, reference itemscope is a boolean global attribute that defines the scope of associated metadata.
... 44 html attribute: multiple attribute, attributes, constraint validation the boolean multiple attribute, if set, means the form control accepts one or more values.
...And 3 more matches
A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) - JavaScript
javascript's types are: number string boolean function object symbol (new in es2015) ... the type diagram looks more like this: number string boolean symbol (new in es2015) object function array date regexp null undefined and there are some built-in error types as well.
... javascript has a boolean type, with possible values true and false (both of which are keywords.) any value can be converted to a boolean according to the following rules: false, 0, empty strings (""), nan, null, and undefined all become false.
...And 3 more matches
Expressions and operators - JavaScript
logical operators logical operators are typically used with boolean (logical) values; when they are, they return a boolean value.
... however, the && and || operators actually return the value of one of the specified operands, so if these operators are used with non-boolean values, they may return a non-boolean value.
...thus, when used with boolean values, && returns true if both operands are true; otherwise, returns false.
...And 3 more matches
Reflect - JavaScript
returns a boolean that is true if the property was successfully defined.
... reflect.has(target, propertykey) returns a boolean indicating whether the target has the property.
...returns a boolean that is true if the target is extensible.
...And 3 more matches
Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs - Web media technologies
firefox media.allowed-to-play.enabled a boolean preference which specifies whether or not the htmlmediaelement.allowedtoplay property is exposed to the web.
... media.autoplay.allow-extension-background-pages this boolean preference, if true, allows browser extensions' background scripts to autoplay audio media.
... media.autoplay.allow-muted a boolean preference which if true (the default) allows audio media which is currently muted to be automatically played.
...And 3 more matches
panel - Archive of obsolete content
focus boolean set to false to prevent taking the focus away when the panel is shown. should contain a single key named script whose value is a boolean that indicates whether or not to execute script in the content.
... contextmenu boolean new in firefox 33 whether to show a context menu when the user context-clicks in the panel.
...And 2 more matches
tabs - Archive of obsolete content
optional options: name type isprivate boolean boolean which will determine whether the new tab should be private or not.
... innewwindow boolean if present and true, a new browser window will be opened and the url will be opened in the first tab in that window.
... inbackground boolean if present and true, the new tab will be opened to the right of the active tab and will not be active.
...And 2 more matches
preferences/service - Archive of obsolete content
value : string,number,boolean preference value.
... parameters name : string defaultvalue : string,number,boolean preference value.
... returns string,number,boolean : preference value, returns defaultvalue if no preference is set, returns undefined if defaultvalue is not provided.
...And 2 more matches
command - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not?
... ctrlkey read only boolean true if the control key was down when the event was fired.
... shiftkey read only boolean true if the shift key was down when the event was fired.
...And 2 more matches
arrowscrollbox - Archive of obsolete content
size, flags, flex, height, hidden, id, insertafter, insertbefore, left, maxheight, maxwidth, menu, minheight, minwidth, mousethrough, observes, ordinal, orient, pack, persist, popup, position, preference-editable, querytype, ref, removeelement, sortdirection, sortresource, sortresource2, statustext, style, template, tooltip, tooltiptext, top, uri, wait-cursor, width clicktoscroll type: boolean clicktoscroll, if true, the arrows must be clicked to scroll the scrollbox content.
... disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... smoothscroll type: boolean true initially enables smooth scrolling for the corresponding arrowscrollbox, false disables it.
...And 2 more matches
menuseparator - Archive of obsolete content
allowevents type: boolean if true, events are passed to children of the element.
...for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... selected type: boolean indicates whether the element is selected or not.
...And 2 more matches
radio - Archive of obsolete content
for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... focused type: boolean this attribute is true if the element is focused.
... selected type: boolean indicates whether the element is selected or not.
...And 2 more matches
tabbrowser - Archive of obsolete content
oup, goforward, goforwardgroup, gohome, gotoindex, loadgroup, loadonetab, loadtabs, loaduri, loaduriwithflags, movetabto, pintab, reload, reloadalltabs, reloadtab, reloadwithflags, removealltabsbut, removecurrenttab, removeprogresslistener, removetab, removetabsprogresslistener,replacegroup, selecttabatindex, seticon, showonlythesetabs, stop, unpintab attributes autocompleteenabled type: boolean set to true to enable autocomplete of fields.
... autoscroll type: boolean set to false to disable autoscroll for this browser.
... cangoback type: boolean this read-only property is true if there is a page to go back to in the session history and the back button should be enabled.
...And 2 more matches
tabs - Archive of obsolete content
etab, onnewtab, onselect, setfocus, selectedindex, tabbox, tabindex, tooltiptextnew, value, properties accessibletype, disabled, itemcount, selectedindex, selecteditem, tabindex, value, methods advanceselectedtab, appenditem, getindexofitem, getitematindex, insertitemat, removeitemat examples (example needed) attributes closebutton obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 type: boolean if this attribute is set to true, the tabs row will have a "new tab" button and "close" button on the ends.
... disableclose type: boolean if this attribute is true the close button will be disabled.
... disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
...And 2 more matches
NPVariant - Archive of obsolete content
it may be a boolean, integer, double, string, or object, depending on the variant type.
... javascript type to npvarianttype enumeration mapping when using npvariants to access javascript objects in the browser, or vise versa, the mapping of javascript values to npvariants is as follows: javascript type npvarianttype undefined npvarianttype_void null npvarianttype_null boolean npvarianttype_bool number npvarianttype_int32 or npvarianttype_double string npvarianttype_string all other types npvarianttype_object functions npn_releasevariantvalue() npn_getstringidentifier() npn_getstringidentifiers() npn_getintidentifier() npn_identifierisstring() npn_utf8fromidentifier() npn_intfromidentifier() macros plug...
... npvariant_is_boolean() evaluates to true if v is of type npvarianttype_bool.
...And 2 more matches
Visual typescript game engine - Game development
client config if you want web app without any networking then setup: appusenetwork: boolean = false; you want to use communication for multiplayer but you don't want to use server database account sessions.
...appuseaccountssystem: boolean = false; networking is disabled by default.
... */ private networkdeeplogs: boolean = false; /** * masterserverkey is channel access id used to connect * multimedia server channel.
...And 2 more matches
Falsy - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a falsy (sometimes written falsey) value is a value that is considered false when encountered in a boolean context.
... javascript uses type conversion to coerce any value to a boolean in contexts that require it, such as conditionals and loops.
... there are 8 falsy values: false the keyword false 0 the number zero -0 the number negative zero 0n bigint, when used as a boolean, follows the same rule as a number.
...And 2 more matches
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
36 boolean boolean, codingscripting, glossary, javascript, programming languages, data types in computer science, a boolean is a logical data type that can have only the values true or false.
... 141 falsy codingscripting, glossary, javascript a falsy (sometimes written falsey) value is a value that is considered false when encountered in a boolean context.
...there are 6 primitive data types: string, number, bigint, boolean, undefined, and symbol.
...And 2 more matches
Creating our first Vue component - Learn web development
next add a type field with a value of boolean.
... this tells vue we expect the value prop to be a javascript boolean type.
... your component object should now look like this: <script> export default { props: { label: { required: true, type: string }, done: { default: false, type: boolean } } }; </script> using registered props with these props defined inside the component object, we can now use these variable values inside our template.
...And 2 more matches
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
... extendedvalidation a boolean indicating if the current ssl certificate is an extended validation certificate (true) or not (false).
...And 2 more matches
method overview void onenabling(in addon addon, in boolean needsrestart) void onenabled(in addon addon) void ondisabling(in addon addon, in boolean needsrestart) void ondisabled(in addon addon) void oninstalling(in addon addon, in boolean needsrestart) void oninstalled(in addon addon) void onuninstalling(in addon addon, in boolean needsrestart) void onuninstalled(in addon addon) void...
... void onenabling( in addon addon, in boolean needsrestart ) parameters addon the addon that is being enabled needsrestart true if an application restart is necessary for the change to take effect onenabled() called when an add-on has been enabled.
... void ondisabling( in addon addon, in boolean needsrestart ) parameters addon the addon that is being disabled needsrestart true if an application restart is necessary for the change to take effect ondisabled() called when an add-on has been disabled.
...And 2 more matches
sharedmemorycache (optional) boolean indicating whether multiple connections to the database share the same memory cache.
... transactioninprogress this boolean property indicates whether a transaction is in progress. returns a promise that is resolved with a boolean indicating whether the table exists.
...And 2 more matches
JSAPI reference
exceptionstate js_restoreexceptionstate js_dropexceptionstate these functions translate errors into exceptions and vice versa: js_reportpendingexception js_errorfromexception js_throwreportederror obsolete since jsapi 29 values and types typedef jsval js::value js::value constructors: js::nullvalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::undefinedvalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::booleanvalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::truevalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::falsevalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::numbervalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::int32value added in spidermonkey 24 js::doublevalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::float32value added in spidermonkey 24 js::stringvalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::objectvalue added in spidermonkey 24 js::objectornullvalue added in spid...
... jsval_is_null obsolete since jsapi 32 jsval_is_void obsolete since jsapi 32 jsval_is_boolean obsolete since jsapi 32 jsval_is_number obsolete since jsapi 32 jsval_is_int obsolete since jsapi 32 jsval_is_double obsolete since jsapi 32 jsval_is_string obsolete since jsapi 32 jsval_is_object obsolete since jsapi 15 jsval_is_primitive obsolete since jsapi 32 jsval_is_gcthing obsolete since jsapi 32 high-level type-conversion routines for packing and unpacking function arguments.
... js::toboolean added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint16 added in spidermonkey 17 js::toint32 added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint32 added in spidermonkey 17 js::toint64 added in spidermonkey 17 js::touint64 added in spidermonkey 17 js::tonumber added in spidermonkey 17 js::tostring added in spidermonkey 31 js::ordinarytoprimitive added in spidermonkey 38 js_valuetoconstructor js_valuetofunction js_valuet...
...And 2 more matches
Starting WebLock
*/ boolean hasmoreelements(); /** * called to retrieve the next element in the enumerator.
... */ boolean has(in string prop); /** * undefines a property.
... lock and unlock the lock and unlock methods simply set a boolean representing state in the object.
...And 2 more matches
method overview [propget] hresult caption([out] iunknown accessible ); [propget] hresult cellat([in] long row, [in] long column, [out] iunknown cell ); [propget] hresult columndescription([in] long column, [out] bstr description ); [propget] hresult iscolumnselected([in] long column, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult isrowselected([in] long row, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult modelchange([out] ia2tablemodelchange modelchange ); [propget] hresult ncolumns([out] long columncount ); [propget] hresult nrows([out] long rowcount ); [propget] hresult nselectedcells([out] long cellcount ); [propget] hresult nselectedcolumns([out] long columncount ); [propge...
...iscolumnselected() returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified column is completely selected.
... [propget] hresult iscolumnselected( [in] long column, [out] boolean isselected ); parameters column 0 based index of the column for which to determine whether it is selected.
...And 2 more matches
method overview boolean eval(in astring bytes, in autf8string filename, in unsigned long line, out jsdivalue result); attributes attribute type description callee jsdivalue function object running in this stack frame.
... isconstructing boolean true if stack frame is constructing a new object.
... isdebugger boolean true if stack frame represents a frame created as a result of a debugger evaluation.
...And 2 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports method overview astring getcardvalue(in string name) void setcardvalue(in string attrname, in astring value) void copy(in nsiabcard srccard) boolean equals(in nsiabcard card) string converttobase64encodedxml() astring converttoxmlprintdata() string converttoescapedvcard() astring generatename(in long agenerateformat,[optional] in nsistringbundle abundle) astring generatephoneticname(in boolean alastnamefirst) attributes attribute type description firstname astring...
... ismaillist boolean maillisturi string if ismaillist is true then maillisturi will contain the uri of the associated mailing list.
... allowremotecontent boolean allow remote content to be displayed in html mail received from this contact methods getcardvalue() astring getcardvalue(in string name) parameters name the attribute you want the value for.
...And 2 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview nsiaccessible getanchor(in long index); note: renamed from getobject in gecko 1.9 nsiuri geturi(in long index); boolean isselected(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 boolean isvalid(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 attributes attribute type description anchorcount long the number of anchors within this hyperlink.
... selected boolean determines whether the element currently has the focus, for example after returning from the destination page.
... valid boolean determines whether the hyperlink is valid, for example points to a valid url.
...And 2 more matches
var downloadmanager = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsidownloadmanager); method overview nsidownload adddownload(in short adownloadtype, in nsiuri asource, in nsiuri atarget, in astring adisplayname, in nsimimeinfo amimeinfo, in prtime astarttime, in nsilocalfile atempfile, in nsicancelable acancelable, in boolean aisprivate); void addlistener(in nsidownloadprogresslistener alistener); void canceldownload(in unsigned long aid); void cleanup(); void endbatchupdate(); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void flush(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 nsidownload getdownload(in unsigned long aid); void onclose(); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void open(in n...
...sidomwindow aparent, in nsidownload adownload); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void openprogressdialogfor(in nsidownload adownload, in nsidomwindow aparent, in boolean acanceldownloadonclose); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void pausedownload(in unsigned long aid); void removedownload(in unsigned long aid); void removedownloadsbytimeframe(in long long abegintime, in long long aendtime); void removelistener(in nsidownloadprogresslistener alistener); void resumedownload(in unsigned long aid); void retrydownload(in unsigned long aid); void savestate(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void startbatchupdate(); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 attributes attribute type description activedownloadcount long...
... cancleanup boolean whether or not there are downloads that can be cleaned up (removed) that is downloads that have completed, have failed or have been canceled.
...And 2 more matches
.getservice(components.interfaces.nsiloginmanager); method overview void addlogin(in nsilogininfo alogin); nsiautocompleteresult autocompletesearch(in astring asearchstring, in nsiautocompleteresult apreviousresult, in nsidomhtmlinputelement aelement); unsigned long countlogins(in astring ahostname, in astring aactionurl, in astring ahttprealm); boolean fillform(in nsidomhtmlformelement aform); void findlogins(out unsigned long count, in astring ahostname, in astring aactionurl, in astring ahttprealm, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); void getalldisabledhosts([optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out wstring hostnames); void getalllogins([optional] out unsigned lon...
...g count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); boolean getloginsavingenabled(in astring ahost); void modifylogin(in nsilogininfo oldlogin, in nsisupports newlogindata); void removealllogins(); void removelogin(in nsilogininfo alogin); void searchlogins(out unsigned long count, in nsipropertybag matchdata, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); void setloginsavingenabled(in astring ahost, in boolean isenabled); methods addlogin() stores a new login in the login manager.
... boolean fillform( in nsidomhtmlformelement aform ); parameters aform the htmlform to attempt to fill out.
...And 2 more matches
defined in mozilla/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgsearchterm.idl attributes attrib attribute nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib; op attribute nsmsgsearchopvalue op; value attribute nsimsgsearchvalue value; booleanand attribute boolean booleanand; arbitraryheader attribute acstring arbitraryheader; hdrproperty /** * not to be confused with arbitraryheader, which is a header in the * rfc822 message.
...attribute acstring customid; beginsgrouping attribute boolean beginsgrouping; endsgrouping attribute boolean endsgrouping; methods matchrfc822string boolean matchrfc822string(in string astring, in string charset, in boolean charsetoverride); matchrfc2047string boolean matchrfc2047string(in string astring, in string charset, in boolean charsetoverride); matchdate boolean matchdate(in prtime atime); matchstatus boolean matchstatus(in unsigned long astatus); matchpriority boolean matchpriority(in n...
...smsgpriorityvalue priority); matchage boolean matchage(in prtime days); matchsize boolean matchsize(in unsigned long size); matchlabel boolean matchlabel(in nsmsglabelvalue alabelvalue); matchjunkstatus boolean matchjunkstatus(in string ajunkscore); matchjunkpercent /* * test search term match for junkpercent * * @param ajunkpercent junkpercent for message (0-100, 100 is junk) * @return true if matches */ boolean matchjunkpercent(in unsigned long ajunkpercent); matchjunkscoreorigin /* * test search term match for junkscoreorigin * @param ajunkscoreorigin who set junk score?
...And 2 more matches
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsinavhistoryresultnode last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsinavhistoryresultnode findnodebydetails(in autf8string auristring, in prtime atime, in long long aitemid, in boolean arecursive); nsinavhistoryresultnode getchild(in unsigned long aindex); unsigned long getchildindex(in nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); attributes attribute type description childcount unsigned long the number of child nodes; accessing this throws an ns_error_not_available exception of containeropen is false.
... childrenreadonly boolean false if the node's list of children can be modified (by adding or removing children, or rearranging them), or true if the user interface should not allow the list of children to be altered.
... containeropen boolean set this to true to allow descent into this container.
...And 2 more matches
ng abody, in unsigned long long adate); long savesentmessage(in domstring areceiver, in domstring abody, in unsigned long long adate); void getmessage(in long messageid, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); void deletemessage(in long messageid, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); void createmessagelist(in nsidommozsmsfilter filter, in boolean reverse, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); void getnextmessageinlist(in long listid, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); void clearmessagelist(in long listid); void markmessageread(in long messageid, in boolean value, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid) methods savereceivedmessage() void savereceivedmes...
... createmessagelist() void createmessagelist( in nsidommozsmsfilter filter, in boolean reverse, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid ); parameters filter a smsfilter to filter out sms messages from a list.
... reverse a boolean indicating whether to reverse the ordering.
...And 2 more matches
nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void adjustselection(in long index, in long count); void clearrange(in long startindex, in long endindex); void clearselection(); void getrangeat(in long i, out long min, out long max); long getrangecount(); void invalidateselection(); void invertselection(); boolean isselected(in long index); void rangedselect(in long startindex, in long endindex, in boolean augment); void select(in long index); void selectall(); void timedselect(in long index, in long delay); void toggleselect(in long index); attributes attribute type description count long the number of rows currently selected...
... selecteventssuppressed boolean this attribute is a boolean indicating whether or not the "select" event should fire when the selection is changed using one of our methods.
... single boolean this attribute is a boolean indicating single selection.
...And 2 more matches
oservice); return ioservice.newuri(aurl, aorigincharset, abaseuri); } components of a uri prepath path scheme userpass host port ref ftp :// username@password @ hostname : portnumber /pathname?query=value #ref method overview nsiuri clone(); nsiuri cloneignoringref(); boolean equals(in nsiuri other); boolean equalsexceptref(in nsiuri other); autf8string resolve(in autf8string relativepath); boolean schemeis(in string scheme); attributes attribute type description asciihost acstring the uri host with an ascii compatible encoding.
... hasref boolean returns if there is a reference portion (the part after the "#") of the uri.
... boolean equals( in nsiuri other ); parameters other another nsiuri to compare to.
...And 2 more matches
iscompleteupdate boolean true if the update is a complete replacement of the existing installation; false if the update is a patch representing the difference between the new version and the existing version.
... issecurityupdate boolean true if the update is a security update.
... showneverforversion boolean whether to show the "no thanks" button in the update prompt.
...And 2 more matches
implemented by:;1 as a service: var windowmediator = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiwindowmediator); method overview void addlistener(in nsiwindowmediatorlistener alistener); boolean calculatezposition(in nsixulwindow inwindow, in unsigned long inposition, in nsiwidget inbelow, out unsigned long outposition, out nsiwidget outbelow); native code only!
... nsisimpleenumerator getzorderdomwindowenumerator(in wstring awindowtype, in boolean afronttoback); nsisimpleenumerator getzorderxulwindowenumerator(in wstring awindowtype, in boolean afronttoback); void registerwindow(in nsixulwindow awindow); native code only!
... boolean calculatezposition( in nsixulwindow inwindow, in unsigned long inposition, in nsiwidget inbelow, out unsigned long outposition, out nsiwidget outbelow ); parameters inwindow the window in question.
...And 2 more matches
to get an instance, use: var xulruntime = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsixulruntime); method overview void invalidatecachesonrestart(); attributes attribute type description accessibilityenabled boolean if true, the accessibility service is running.
... browsertabsremoteautostart boolean if true, browser tabs may be opened by default in a different process from the main browser ui.
... insafemode boolean whether the application was launched in safe mode.
...And 2 more matches
HTMLSelectElement - Web APIs
htmlselectelement.autofocus a boolean reflecting the autofocus html attribute, which indicates whether the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control.
... htmlselectelement.disabled a boolean reflecting the disabled html attribute, which indicates whether the control is disabled.
... htmlselectelement.multiple a boolean reflecting the multiple html attribute, which indicates whether multiple items can be selected.
...And 2 more matches
HTMLTextAreaElement - Web APIs
autocomplete autofocus boolean: returns / sets the element's autofocus attribute, indicating that the control should have input focus when the page loads cols unsigned long: returns / sets the element's cols attribute, indicating the visible width of the text area.
... disabled boolean: returns / sets the element's disabled attribute, indicating that the control is not available for interaction.
... readonly boolean: returns / sets the element's readonly attribute, indicating that the user cannot modify the value of the control.
...And 2 more matches
MediaStreamTrack - Web APIs
mediastreamtrack.enabled a boolean whose value of true if the track is enabled, that is allowed to render the media source stream; or false if it is disabled, that is not rendering the media source stream but silence and blackness.
... mediastreamtrack.isolated read only returns a boolean value which is true if the track is isolated; that is, the track cannot be accessed by the document that owns the mediastreamtrack.
... mediastreamtrack.muted read only returns a boolean value indicating whether the track is unable to provide media data due to a technical issue.
...And 2 more matches
MediaTrackConstraints - Web APIs
properties of audio tracks autogaincontrol a constrainboolean object which specifies whether automatic gain control is preferred and/or required.
... echocancellation a constrainboolean object specifying whether or not echo cancellation is preferred and/or required.
... noisesuppression a constrainboolean which specifies whether noise suppression is preferred and/or required.
...And 2 more matches
Window.find() - Web APIs
acasesensitive boolean.
... abackwards boolean.
... awraparound boolean.
...And 2 more matches
XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
xmlhttprequest.withcredentials is a boolean that indicates whether or not cross-site access-control requests should be made using credentials such as cookies or authorization headers.
... xmlhttprequest.mozanonread only is a boolean.
... xmlhttprequest.mozsystemread only is a boolean.
...And 2 more matches
XRWebGLLayer() - Web APIs
the options available are: alpha optional the frame buffer's color buffer will be established with an alpha channel if the alpha boolean property is true.
... antialias optional a boolean value which is true if anti-aliasing is to be used when rendering in the context; otherwise false.
... depth optional a boolean value which, if true, requests that the new layer have a depth buffer; otherwise, no depth layer is allocated.
...And 2 more matches
XRWebGLLayerInit - Web APIs
properties alpha optional the frame buffer's color buffer will be established with an alpha channel if the alpha boolean property is true.
... antialias optional a boolean value which is true if anti-aliasing is to be used when rendering in the context; otherwise false.
... depth optional a boolean value which, if true, requests that the new layer have a depth buffer; otherwise, no depth layer is allocated.
...And 2 more matches
simple-prefs - Archive of obsolete content
you can store booleans, integers, and string values, and users can configure these preferences in the add-ons manager.
...depending on the preference type, this may be an integer, string, or boolean value.
... hidden a boolean value which, if present and set to true, means that the preference won't appear in the add-ons manager interface, so users of your add-on won't be able to see or alter it.
... type description example specification bool displayed as a checkbox and stores a boolean.
frame/utils - Archive of obsolete content
remote boolean if true separate process will be used for this frame, and all the following options are ignored.
... allowauth boolean whether to allow auth dialogs.
... allowjavascript boolean whether to allow javascript execution.
... allowplugins boolean whether to allow plugin execution.
util/array - Archive of obsolete content
returns boolean : a boolean indicating whether or not the element was found in the array.
... returns boolean : a boolean indicating whether or not any of the elements were found in the array.
... element : * the element to add returns boolean : a boolean indicating whether or not the element was added to the array.
... returns boolean : a boolean indicating whether or not the element was removed from the array.
window/utils - Archive of obsolete content
options : object options object containing the following property: name type includeprivate boolean whether to include private windows.
... parameters window : nsidomwindow returns boolean: true if the document is completely loaded.
... parameters window : nsidomwindow returns boolean getwindowtitle(window) get the title of the document hosted by the given window parameters window: nsidomwindow returns string: this document's title.
... parameters window : nsidomwindow returns boolean getfocusedwindow() gets the child window within the topmost browser window that is focused.
Inline options - Archive of obsolete content
here is an example of an options.xul file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!doctype mydialog system "chrome://myaddon/locale/mydialog.dtd"> <vbox xmlns=""> <setting type="bool" pref="extensions.myaddon.bool" title="boolean" desc="stored as a boolean preference" /> </vbox> note that it's limited to <setting> tags.
... setting types there are several types of <setting>s, each with a different type attribute: type attribute displayed as preference stored as bool checkbox boolean boolint checkbox integer (use the attributes on and off to specify what values to store) integer textbox integer string textbox string color colorpicker string (in the #123456 format) file browse button and label string directory browse button and label string menulist menulist dependent on the menu item values radio radio buttons dependent o...
... some examples: <!-- boolean examples --> <setting pref="extensions.myaddon.bool1" type="bool" title="boolean 1"/> <setting pref="extensions.myaddon.bool2" type="bool" title="boolean 2"> description of boolean 2 </setting> <!-- boolean stored as an integer --> <setting pref="extensions.myaddon.boolint" type="boolint" title="boolean 3" on="1" off="2"/> <!-- integer example --> <setting pref="" type="...
...mple (this example would be stored as an integer) --> <setting pref="extensions.myaddon.options1" type="menulist" title="options 1"> <menulist> <menupopup> <menuitem value="500" label="small"/> <menuitem value="800" label="medium"/> <menuitem value="1200" label="large"/> </menupopup> </menulist> </setting> <!-- radio button example (this example would be stored as a boolean) --> <setting pref="extensions.myaddon.options2" type="radio" title="options 2"> <radiogroup> <radio value="false" label="disabled"/> <radio value="true" label="enabled"/> </radiogroup> </setting> <!-- button example - not tied to a preference, but attached to a command --> <setting title="do something" type="control"> <button id="myaddon-button" label="click me" oncommand="alert(...
Updating addons broken by private browsing changes - Archive of obsolete content
nsihttpauthmanager: setauthidentity and getauthidentity now take an optional boolean parameter to indicate whether the identity is classified as private. obtain this, acquire the nsix509certdb service, and use the new getrecentbadcerts method, passing a boolean indicating whether the private bad certificates or public ones are desired.
... openlinkin: can receive an extra private boolean property in the parameter object.
... internalsave: takes a new required document argument (prior to the optional boolean and string arguments) indicating the document that originated the save action.
Microsummary XML grammar reference - Archive of obsolete content
child elements: <condition> (optional) an xpath boolean expression along with a conditional interval of time, in minutes, that must elapse between updates if the expression evaluates to true.
...for each one, firefox evaluates the element's xpath boolean expression against the page being summarized.
... the <condition> element the optional <condition> element specifies an xpath boolean expression along with a conditional interval of time, in minutes, that must elapse between updates if the expression evaluates to true when evaluated against the page being summarized.
...attributes: expression (required) an xpath boolean expression to be evaluated against the page being summarized.
checkbox - Archive of obsolete content
checked type: boolean indicates whether the element is checked or not.
...for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... checked type: boolean gets and sets the value of the checked attribute.
... disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
prefwindow - Archive of obsolete content
the first one is browser.preferences.instantapply, a boolean preference.
... the second preference is browser.preferences.animatefadein, again a boolean preference.
...warning: if the accept and cancel buttons are actually shown is system dependent and is mainly controlled by the value of the boolean preference browser.preferences.instantapply.
...the value is read from browser.preferences.instantapply boolean user preference.
richlistitem - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled, searchlabel, selected, tabindex, value properties accessible, control, disabled, label, selected, tabindex, value examples (example needed) attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... selected type: boolean indicates whether the element is selected or not.
... disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
... selected type: boolean this property's value is true if this element is selected, or false if it is not.
Old Proxy API - Archive of obsolete content
delete delete: function(name) -> boolean delete the named property from the proxy.
... the boolean return value of this method should indicate whether or not the name property was successfully deleted.
... emulated javascript code handler method default implementation description name in proxy has: function(name) -> boolean function(name) { return !!this.getpropertydescriptor(name); }, name) hasown: function(name) -> boolean function(name) { return !!this.getownpropertydescriptor(name); } (in the context of "getting the value") (if receiver inherits from a proxy and does not over...
... = val (in the context of "setting the value") = val (if receiver inherits from a proxy and does not override name) set: function(receiver, name, val) -> boolean function(receiver, name, val) { var desc = this.getownpropertydescriptor(name); if (desc) { if ('writable' in desc) { if (desc.writable) { desc.value = val; this.defineproperty(name, desc); return true; } else { return false; } } else { // accessor if (desc.set) {, val); return true...
Implementing controls using the Gamepad API - Game development
(we could use the gamepad.connected boolean for this purpose, but we wanted to have a separate variable for turning on turbo mode without needing to have a gamepad connected, for reasons explained above.) disconnect: function(evt) { gamepadapi.turbo = false; delete gamepadapi.controller; console.log('gamepad disconnected.'); }, the disconnect function sets the gamepad.turbo property to false and removes the variable containing the ...
... connected: a boolean variable, true if the device is connected.
... if(gamepadapi.buttonsstatus[i] == button) { // set the boolean variable to true newpress = true; // if we want to check the single press if(!hold) { // loop through the cached states from the previous frame for(var j=0,p=gamepadapi.buttonscache.length; j<p; j++) { // if the button was already pressed, ignore new press if(gamepadapi.buttonscache[j] == button) { newpress = false; } ...
...the newpress boolean variable will indicate whether there's a new press of a button or not.
Getting started with HTML - Learn web development
/ update the saved usercode every time the user updates the text area code textarea.onkeyup = function(){ // we only want to save the state when the user code is being shown, // not the solution, so that solution is not saved over the user code if(solution.value === 'show solution') { userentry = textarea.value; } else { solutionentry = textarea.value; } updatecode(); }; boolean attributes sometimes you will see attributes written without values.
...these are called boolean attributes.
... boolean attributes can only have one value, which is generally the same as the attribute name.
...ref attribute, like this: <a href=>favorite website</a> however, as soon as we add the title attribute in this way, there are problems: <a href= title=the mozilla homepage>favorite website</a> as written above, the browser misinterprets the markup, mistaking the title attribute for three attributes: a title attribute with the value the, and two boolean attributes, mozilla and homepage.
Accessibility API cross-reference
checked checked checked aria-checked checked (boolean attribute) defines the total number of columns in a table, grid, or treegrid.
...note the reversed logic in some apis invisible visible visible aria-hidden hidden (boolean attribute) indicates whether the object is in an iconified or minimized state.
... n/a <q> <quote> note the reversed logic in some apis readonly editable editable aria-readonly=true this object can be selected selectable selectable selectable this object is selected selected selected selected aria-selected=true selected (boolean attribute) for a button that is "consistent".
... unavailable enabled n/a aria-disabled=true disabled (boolean attribute) especially used for sliders and scrollbars n/a vertical vertical aria-orientation=vertical accessible events msaa event (event_object_*, event_system_*) java accessibility event gnome accessibility signals mac os x accessibility event description & notes javascript relevant xul focus ...
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
...its properties are canselectall: a boolean indicating whether the selectall command is available (true) or not (false.) cancut: a boolean indicating whether the cut command is available (true) or not (false.) cancopy: a boolean indicating whether the copy command is available (true) or not (false.) canpaste: a boolean indicating whether the paste command is available (true) or not (false.) reason a domstring that defines the r...
... collapsed a boolean indicating whether the current selection is collapsed (true) or not (false.) caretvisible a boolean indicating whether the caret is currently visible (true) or not (false.) selectionvisible a boolean indicating whether the current selection is visible (true) or not (false.) selectioneditable a boolean indicating whether the current selection is editable (true) or not (false.) selectedtextcontext a domstring containing the currently-selected text content.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
... cangoback a boolean that defines whether it's possible to go back in the navigation history (true) or not (false).
... cangoforward a boolean that defines whether it's possible to go forward in the navigation history (true) or not (false).
this is usually done by evaluating a boolean expression involving the monitored data.
... while the boolean expression is false, the thread should wait.
...the boolean expression must be evaluated while in the monitor and within a loop.
...if a timeout value is used, the boolean expression must include elapsed time as part of the monitored data.
Using XPCOM Components
findbackwards boolean attribute that adjusts findnext() to search backwards up the document.
... searchframes boolean attribute that indicates whether to search subframes of current document.
... matchcase boolean attribute that indicates whether to match case in the search.
... entireword boolean attribute that specifies whether the entire word should be matched or not.
ion boolean read only.
... strict boolean strict mode is enabled.
... strict_mode boolean read only.
... werror boolean warnings should be treated as errors.
from: iunknown last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) method overview [propget] hresult columnextent([out] long ncolumnsspanned ); [propget] hresult columnheadercells([out, size_is(, ncolumnheadercells,)] iunknown cellaccessibles, [out] long ncolumnheadercells ); [propget] hresult columnindex([out] long columnindex ); [propget] hresult isselected([out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult rowcolumnextents([out] long row, [out] long column, [out] long rowextents, [out] long columnextents, [out] boolean isselected ); [propget] hresult rowextent([out] long nrowsspanned ); [propget] hresult rowheadercells([out, size_is(, nrowheadercells,)] iunknown cellaccessibles, [out] long nrowheadercells ); [propget] hresult rowindex([out] long rowindex ); ...
...isselected() returns a boolean value indicating whether this cell is selected.
... [propget] hresult isselected( [out] boolean isselected ); parameters isselected returns true if the specified cell is selected and false otherwise.
...[propget] hresult rowcolumnextents( [out] long row, [out] long column, [out] long rowextents, [out] long columnextents, [out] boolean isselected ); parameters row 0 based row index.
method overview void ondataavailable(in imgirequest arequest, in boolean acurrentframe, [const] in nsintrect arect); native code only!
...est, in unsigned long aframe); void onstartrequest(in imgirequest arequest); void onstopcontainer(in imgirequest arequest, in imgicontainer acontainer); void onstopdecode(in imgirequest arequest, in nsresult status, in wstring statusarg); void onstopframe(in imgirequest arequest, in unsigned long aframe); void onstoprequest(in imgirequest arequest, in boolean aislastpart); methods native code only!ondataavailable decode notification.
...void ondataavailable( in imgirequest arequest, in boolean acurrentframe, [const] in nsintrect arect ); parameters arequest the request on which data is available, or null if being called for an imgidecoder object.
...void onstoprequest( in imgirequest arequest, in boolean aislastpart ); parameters arequest the request on which data is available, or null if being called for an imgidecoder object.
method overview void adddirectory(in nsifile dir); boolean check(in wstring word); void getdictionarylist([array, size_is(count)] out wstring dictionaries, out pruint32 count); void removedirectory(in nsifile dir); void suggest(in wstring word,[array, size_is(count)] out wstring suggestions, out pruint32 count); attributes attribute type description copyr...
... providespersonaldictionary boolean does the engine provide its own personaldictionary?
... provideswordutils boolean does the engine provide its own word utilities?
...boolean check( in wstring word ); parameters word a word to check for correct spelling.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview boolean isthirdpartychannel(in nsichannel achannel, [optional] in nsiuri auri); boolean isthirdpartyuri(in nsiuri afirsturi, in nsiuri aseconduri); boolean isthirdpartywindow(in nsidomwindow awindow, [optional] in nsiuri auri); methods isthirdpartychannel() determine whether the given channel and its content window hierarchy is third party.
...boolean isthirdpartychannel( in nsichannel achannel, in nsiuri auri optional ); parameters achannel the channel associated with the load.
...boolean isthirdpartyuri( in nsiuri afirsturi, in nsiuri aseconduri ); parameters afirsturi missing description aseconduri missing description return value true if afirsturi is third party with respect to aseconduri.
...boolean isthirdpartywindow( in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri optional ); parameters awindow the bottommost window in the hierarchy.
to use the service: var appstartup = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiappstartup); method overview void createhiddenwindow(); boolean createstartupstate(in long awindowwidth, in long awindowheight); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void destroyhiddenwindow(); void doprofilestartup(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice, in boolean caninteract); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void ensure1window(in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void enterlastwindowclosingsurvivalarea(); ...
...a(); void getstartupinfo(); void hidesplashscreen(); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void initialize(in nsisupports nativeappsupportorsplashscreen); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 void quit(in pruint32 amode); void restartinsafemode(in pruint32 aquitmode); void run(); attributes attribute type description interrupted boolean true if the startup process was interrupted by an interactive prompt.
... boolean createstartupstate( in long awindowwidth, in long awindowheight ); parameters awindowwidth the width to make the initial window(s) opened.
... void doprofilestartup( in nsicmdlineservice acmdlineservice, in boolean caninteract ); parameters acmdlineservice the arguments given to the program.
to create an instance, use: var authprompt = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiauthprompt); method overview boolean prompt(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, in wstring defaulttext, out wstring result); boolean promptpassword(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, inout wstring pwd); boolean promptusernameandpassword(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm,...
... boolean prompt( in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, in wstring defaulttext, out wstring result ); parameters dialogtitle the title of the dialog.
... boolean promptpassword( in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, inout wstring pwd ); parameters dialogtitle the title of the dialog.
... boolean promptusernameandpassword( in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring passwordrealm, in pruint32 savepassword, inout wstring user, inout wstring pwd ); parameters dialogtitle the title of the dialog.
inherits from: nsiinputstream last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview pruint8 read8(); pruint16 read16(); pruint32 read32(); pruint64 read64(); unsigned long readarraybuffer(in pruint32 alength, in jsval aarraybuffer); prbool readboolean(); void readbytearray(in pruint32 alength, [array, size_is(alength), retval] out pruint8 abytes); void readbytes(in pruint32 alength, [size_is(alength), retval] out string astring); acstring readcstring(); double readdouble(); float readfloat(); astring readstring(); void setinputstream(in nsiinputstream ainputstream); methods ...
... readboolean() reads an 8-bit value from the stream, treating it as a boolean value.
... prbool readboolean(); parameters none.
... return value a boolean value read from the stream.
xpcom/io/nsibinaryoutputstream.idlscriptable this interface allows writing of primitive data types (integers, floating-point values, booleans, and so on.) to a stream in a binary, untagged, fixed-endianness format.
... inherits from: nsioutputstream last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void setoutputstream(in nsioutputstream aoutputstream); void write8(in pruint8 abyte); void write16(in pruint16 a16); void write32(in pruint32 a32); void write64(in pruint64 a64); void writeboolean(in prbool aboolean); void writebytearray([array, size_is(alength)] in pruint8 abytes, in pruint32 alength); void writebytes(alength)] in string astring, in pruint32 alength); void writedouble(in double adouble); void writefloat(in float afloat); void writestringz(in string astring); void writeutf8z(in wstring astring); void writewstringz(in wstring astring); methods setoutputstre...
... writeboolean() writes a boolean value (as a byte) to the stream.
... void writeboolean( in prbool aboolean ); parameters aboolean the boolean value to write to the stream; the value will consist of one byte in the output stream.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 30.0 (firefox 30.0 / thunderbird 30.0 / seamonkey 2.27) method overview void emptyclipboard(in long awhichclipboard); void forcedatatoclipboard(in long awhichclipboard); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void getdata(in nsitransferable atransferable, in long awhichclipboard); boolean hasdatamatchingflavors([array, size_is(alength)] in string aflavorlist, in unsigned long alength, in long awhichclipboard); void setdata(in nsitransferable atransferable, in nsiclipboardowner anowner, in long awhichclipboard); boolean supportsselectionclipboard(); boolean supportsfindclipboard(); constants most clipboard operations in firefox use kglobalclipboar...
... boolean hasdatamatchingflavors( [array, size_is(alength)] in string aflavorlist, in unsigned long alength, in long awhichclipboard ); parameters aflavorlist an array of ascii strings.
... boolean supportsselectionclipboard(); parameters none.
... boolean supportsfindclipboard(); parameters none.
to create an object implementing this interface: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/services.jsm"); var cookieservice = services.cookies; method overview void add(in autf8string ahost, in autf8string apath, in acstring aname, in acstring avalue, in boolean aissecure, in boolean aishttponly, in boolean aissession, in print64 aexpiry); boolean cookieexists(in nsicookie2 acookie); unsigned long countcookiesfromhost(in autf8string ahost); boolean findmatchingcookie(in nsicookie2 acookie, out unsigned long acountfromhost); obsolete since gecko 1.9 nsisimpleenumerator getcookiesfromhost(in autf8string ahost); ...
... void add( in autf8string ahost, in autf8string apath, in acstring aname, in acstring avalue, in boolean aissecure, in boolean aishttponly, in boolean aissession, in print64 aexpiry ); parameters ahost the host or domain for which the cookie is set.
... boolean cookieexists( in nsicookie2 acookie ); parameters acookie the cookie to look for.
... boolean findmatchingcookie( in nsicookie2 acookie, out unsigned long acountfromhost ); parameters acookie the cookie to look for.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 0.9.6 method overview nsidomnode appendchild(in nsidomnode newchild) nsidomnode clonenode(in boolean deep); boolean hasattributes(); boolean haschildnodes(); nsidomnode insertbefore(in nsidomnode newchild, in nsidomnode refchild) boolean issupported(in domstring feature, in domstring version); void normalize(); nsidomnode removechild(in nsidomnode oldchild) nsidomnode replacechild(in nsidomnode newchild, in nsidomnode oldchild) attributes attribute type description attributes nsidomnamednodemap read only.
...node 2 text_node 3 cdata_section_node 4 entity_reference_node 5 entity_node 6 processing_instruction_node 7 comment_node 8 document_node 9 document_type_node 10 document_fragment_node 11 notation_node 12 methods appendchild() nsidomnode appendchild( in nsidomnode newchild ); parameters newchild return value clonenode() nsidomnode clonenode( in boolean deep ); parameters deep return value hasattributes() boolean hasattributes(); parameters none.
... return value haschildnodes() boolean haschildnodes(); parameters none.
... return value insertbefore() nsidomnode insertbefore( in nsidomnode newchild, in nsidomnode refchild ); parameters newchild refchild return value issupported() boolean issupported( in domstring feature, in domstring version ); parameters feature version return value normalize() void normalize(); parameters none.
void alert(in domstring text) boolean confirm(in domstring text) domstring prompt([optional] in domstring amessage, [optional] in domstring ainitial, [optional] in domstring atitle, [optional] in unsigned long asavepassword) void focus() void blur() void back() void forward() void home() void stop() void print() void moveto(in long xpos, in long ypos) ...
...if the name doesn't exist, then a new window is opened and the specified resource is loaded into its browsing context.">open(in domstring url, in domstring name, in domstring options) nsidomwindow nsisupports aextraargument) void close() void updatecommands(in domstring action) boolean find([optional] in domstring str,[optional] in boolean casesensitive, [optional] in boolean backwards, [optional] in boolean wraparound, [optional] in boolean wholeword, [optional] in boolean searchinframes, [optional] in boolean showdialog) domstring atob(in domstring aasciistring) domstring btoa(in domstring abase64data) nsivariant showmodaldialog(in nsivariant aargs...
... closed boolean readonly: this property indicates whether the referenced window is closed or not.
... fullscreen boolean whether the window is displayed in full screen mode or not frameelement nsidomelement readonly: the element in which the window is embedded, or null if the window is top-level.
dom/interfaces/xpath/nsidomxpathresult.idlscriptable this interface describes an xpath result returned by nsidomxpathevaluator or document.evaluate inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsidomnode iteratenext(); nsidomnode snapshotitem(in unsigned long index); attributes attribute type description booleanvalue boolean if resulttype is boolean_type, the boolean value.
... invaliditeratorstate boolean true if the iterator state has become invalid.
... stringvalue domstring if resulttype is string_type, the boolean value.
... boolean_type 3 type is a single boolean value.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void comvariant2jsval(in comvariantptr comvar, out jsval val); unsigned long gethostingflags(in string acontext); boolean isclassmarkedsafeforscripting(in nscidref cid, out boolean classexists); boolean isclasssafetohost(in jscontextptr cx, in nscidref cid, in boolean capscheck, out boolean classexists); boolean isobjectsafeforscripting(in voidptr theobject, in nsiidref id); void jsval2comvariant(in jsval var, out comvariant comvar); methods comvariant2jsval() converts a com variant to a jsval.
...boolean isclassmarkedsafeforscripting( in nscidref cid, out boolean classexists ); parameters cid the nsid representation of the clsid to test.
...boolean isclasssafetohost( in jscontextptr cx, in nscidref cid, in boolean capscheck, out boolean classexists ); parameters cx cid capscheck classexists returns containing pr_false if the class is not registered.
...boolean isobjectsafeforscripting( in voidptr theobject, in nsiidref id ); parameters theobject the object to test (an iunknown cast into a void *).
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview boolean candroplink(in nsidomdragevent aevent, in prbool aallowsamedocument); astring droplink(in nsidomdragevent aevent, out astring aname, [optional] in boolean adisallowinherit); void droplinks(in nsidomdragevent aevent, [optional] in boolean adisallowinherit, [optional] out unsigned long acount, [retval, array, size_is(acount)] out nsidroppedlinkitem alinks); methods candroplink() determines if a link being dragged can be dropped.
... boolean candroplink( in nsidomdragevent aevent, in prbool aallowsamedocument ); parameters aevent a dragenter or dragover event.
... astring droplink( in nsidomdragevent aevent, out astring aname, [optional] in boolean adisallowinherit ); parameters aevent a drop event.
... void droplinks( in nsidomdragevent aevent, [optional] in boolean adisallowinherit, [optional] out unsigned long acount, [retval, array, size_is(acount)] out nsidroppedlinkitem alinks ); parameters aevent a drop event.
method overview void geteventtargetchainfor(in nsidomeventtarget aeventtarget, [optional] out unsigned long acount, [retval, array, size_is(acount)] out nsidomeventtarget aoutarray); void getlistenerinfofor(in nsidomeventtarget aeventtarget, [optional] out unsigned long acount, [retval, array, size_is(acount)] out nsieventlistenerinfo aoutarray); boolean haslistenersfor(in nsidomeventtarget aeventtarget, in domstring atype); void addsystemeventlistener(in nsidomeventtarget target, in domstring type, in nsidomeventlistener listener, in boolean usecapture); void removesystemeventlistener(in nsidomeventtarget target, in domstring type, in nsidomeventlistener listener, in boolean usecapture); attributes ...
...boolean haslistenersfor( in nsidomeventtarget aeventtarget, in domstring atype ); parameters aeventtarget the nsidomeventtarget for which to check if this has any listener for atype.
...void addsystemeventlistener( in nsidomeventtarget target, in domstring type, in nsidomeventlistener listener, in boolean usecapture ); parameters target the nsidomeventtarget for the event target to listen an event.
...void removesystemeventlistener( in nsidomeventtarget target, in domstring type, in nsidomeventlistener listener, in boolean usecapture ); parameters target the nsidomeventtarget for the event target listening the event.
to create an instance, use: var fileview = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsifileview); method overview void setdirectory(in nsifile directory); void setfilter(in astring filterstring); void sort(in short sorttype, in boolean reversesort); attributes attribute type description reversesort boolean if true results will be sorted in ascending order.
... showhiddenfiles boolean if true hidden files will be shown.
... showonlydirectories boolean if true only directory entries will be returned.
...void sort( in short sorttype, in boolean reversesort ); parameters sorttype one of the sort* constants.
method overview void addentry(in astring name, in astring value); boolean entryexists(in astring name, in astring value); boolean nameexists(in astring name); void removeallentries(); void removeentriesbytimeframe(in long long abegintime, in long long aendtime); void removeentriesforname(in astring name); void removeentry(in astring name, in astring value); attributes attribute type description dbconnection mozistorageconnection returns the underlyin...
... hasentries boolean returns true if the form history has any entries.
...boolean entryexists( in astring name, in astring value ); parameters name value return value nameexists() returns true if there is no entry that is paired with a name.
... boolean nameexists( in astring name ); parameters name return value removeallentries() removes all entries in the entire form history.
obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 boolean ispackage(); void launchwithdoc(in nsilocalfile adoctoload, in boolean alaunchinbackground); void opendocwithapp(in nsilocalfile aapptoopenwith, in boolean alaunchinbackground); void setfiletypeandcreatorfromextension(in string aextension); obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 void setfiletypeandcreatorfrommimetype(in string amimetype); obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 attributes attribute type des...
... ispackage() boolean ispackage(); parameters none.
...void launchwithdoc( in nsilocalfile adoctoload, in boolean alaunchinbackground ); parameters adoctoload must not be null.
...void opendocwithapp( in nsilocalfile aapptoopenwith, in boolean alaunchinbackground ); parameters aapptoopenwith the application with which to open the document.
ize_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); void getalldisabledhosts([optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out wstring hostnames); void getallencryptedlogins([optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); void getalllogins([optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); boolean getloginsavingenabled(in astring ahost); void init(); void initwithfile(in nsifile ainputfile, in nsifile aoutputfile); void modifylogin(in nsilogininfo oldlogin, in nsisupports newlogindata); void removealllogins(); void removelogin(in nsilogininfo alogin); void searchlogins(out unsigned long count, in nsipropertybag matchdata, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins)...
...; void setloginsavingenabled(in astring ahost, in boolean isenabled); attributes attribute type description uibusy boolean true when a master password prompt is being shown.
...boolean getloginsavingenabled( in astring ahost ); parameters ahost the hostname whose login saving status should be returned.
...void setloginsavingenabled( in astring ahost, in boolean isenabled ); parameters ahost the host for which to enable or disable login saving.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) to get access to the box object for a given menu, use code like this: var boxobject = xulmenu.boxobject.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsimenuboxobject); method overview boolean handlekeypress(in nsidomkeyevent keyevent); void openmenu(in boolean openflag); attributes attribute type description activechild nsidomelement the currently active menu or menuitem child of the menu box.
... openedwithkey boolean true if the menubar was opened using the keyboard; otherwise false.
...methods handlekeypress() boolean handlekeypress( in nsidomkeyevent keyevent ); parameters keyevent the key event to handle for the menu.
...openmenu() void openmenu( in boolean openflag ); parameters openflag true to open the menu or false to close it.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview long calculateupdateinterval(in nsidomnode apagecontent); boolean equals(in nsimicrosummarygenerator aother); astring generatemicrosummary(in nsidomnode apagecontent); attributes attribute type description loaded boolean has the generator itself (which may be a remote resource) been loaded.
... needspagecontent boolean whether or not this generator needs page content to generate a microsummary.
...boolean equals( in nsimicrosummarygenerator aother ); parameters aother the generator to compare against.
... return value a boolean indicating if the two generators are equal.
(in nsiuri generatoruri); nsimicrosummary createmicrosummary(in nsiuri pageuri, in nsiuri generatoruri); nsisimpleenumerator getbookmarks(); nsimicrosummarygenerator getgenerator(in nsiuri generatoruri); nsimicrosummaryset getmicrosummaries(in nsiuri pageuri, in long long bookmarkid); nsimicrosummary getmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); boolean hasmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); nsimicrosummarygenerator installgenerator(in nsidomdocument xmldefinition); boolean ismicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid, in nsimicrosummary microsummary); nsimicrosummary refreshmicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); void removemicrosummary(in long long bookmarkid); void setmicrosummary(in long long bookmark...
...boolean hasmicrosummary( in long long bookmarkid ); parameters bookmarkid the bookmark for which to set the current microsummary.
... return value returns a boolean representing whether or not the given bookmark has a current microsummary.
...boolean ismicrosummary( in long long bookmarkid, in nsimicrosummary microsummary ); parameters bookmarkid the bookmark to check.
* * @param type the filter type * @param scope the search scope * * @return true if valid */ boolean isvalidfortype(in nsmsgfiltertypetype type, in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope); /** * after the user inputs a particular action value for the action, determine * if that value is valid.
...*/ attribute boolean allowduplicates; /* * the custom action itself * * generally for the apply method, folder-based methods give correct * results and are preferred if available.
... */ readonly attribute boolean isasync; /// does this action need the message body?
... readonly attribute boolean needsbody; }; ...
readonly attribute boolean needsbody; methods getenabled /** * is this custom term enabled?
... * * @return true if enabled */ boolean getenabled(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in nsmsgsearchopvalue op); getavailable /** * is this custom term available?
... * * @return true if available */ boolean getavailable(in nsmsgsearchscopevalue scope, in nsmsgsearchopvalue op); getavailableoperators /** * list the valid operators for this term.
...sgsearchopvalue operators); match /** * apply the custom search term to a message * * @param msghdr header database reference representing the message * @param searchvalue user-set value to use in the search * @param searchop search operator (contains, ishigherthan, etc.) * * @return true if the term matches the message, else false */ boolean match(in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr, in autf8string searchvalue, in nsmsgsearchopvalue searchop); ...
method overview void displayhtmlinmessagepane(in astring title, in astring body, in boolean clearmsghdr); void stopurls(); void closewindow(); attributes attribute type description windowcommands nsimsgwindowcommands this allows the backend code to send commands to the ui, such as clearmsgpane.
... charsetoverride boolean remember the message's charset was overridden, so it can be inherited (e.g for quoting).
... stopped boolean check if a running url been stopped.
...void displayhtmlinmessagepane(in astring title, in astring body, in boolean clearmsghdr); parameters title not used.
method overview void appendelement(in nsisupports element, in boolean weak); void clear(); void insertelementat(in nsisupports element, in unsigned long index, in boolean weak); void removeelementat(in unsigned long index); void replaceelementat(in nsisupports element, in unsigned long index, in boolean weak); methods appendelement() append an element at the end of the array.
... void appendelement( in nsisupports element, in boolean weak ); parameters element the element to append.
...void insertelementat( in nsisupports element, in unsigned long index, in boolean weak ); parameters element the element to insert.
...void replaceelementat( in nsisupports element, in unsigned long index, in boolean weak ); parameters element the new element to insert.
rg/import-export-service;1 as a service: var placesimportexportservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiplacesimportexportservice); method overview void backupbookmarksfile(); void exporthtmltofile(in nsilocalfile afile); void importhtmlfromfile(in nsilocalfile afile, in boolean aisinitialimport); obsolete since gecko 14.0 void importhtmlfromfiletofolder(in nsilocalfile afile, in print64 afolder, in boolean aisinitialimport); obsolete since gecko 14.0 void importhtmlfromuri(in nsiuri auri, in boolean aisinitialimport); obsolete since gecko 14.0 methods backupbookmarksfile() backs up the bookmarks.html file.
... void importhtmlfromfile( in nsilocalfile afile, in boolean aisinitialimport ); parameters afile the html file to import into places.
... void importhtmlfromfiletofolder( in nsilocalfile afile, in print64 afolder, in boolean aisinitialimport ); parameters afile the file to import.
... void importhtmlfromuri( in nsiuri auri, in boolean aisinitialimport ); parameters auri the uri from which to import bookmarks.
method overview void cloneprofile(in wstring profilename); void createnewprofile(in wstring profilename, in wstring nativeprofiledir, in wstring langcode, in boolean useexistingdir); void deleteprofile(in wstring name, in boolean candeletefiles); void getprofilelist(out unsigned long length, [retval, array, size_is(length)] out wstring profilenames); boolean profileexists(in wstring profilename); void renameprofile(in wstring oldname, in wstring newname); void shutdowncurrentprofile(in unsigned long shutdowntype); ...
...void createnewprofile( in wstring profilename, in wstring nativeprofiledir, in wstring langcode, in boolean useexistingdir ); parameters profilename the name to assign to the new profile.
...void deleteprofile( in wstring name, in boolean candeletefiles ); parameters name the name of the profile to delete.
...boolean profileexists( in wstring profilename ); parameters profilename the name of the profile to look for.
attributes attribute type description disabled boolean if true, the button is disabled.
... dismissonclick boolean if true, the array of previews should be dismissed when the button is clicked.
... hasborder boolean if true, the taskbar should draw a border around this button's image.
... visible boolean if true, the button is displayed.
method overview boolean drawpreview(in nsidomcanvasrenderingcontext2d ctx); boolean drawthumbnail(in nsidomcanvasrenderingcontext2d ctx, in unsigned long width, in unsigned long height); boolean onactivate(); void onclick(in nsitaskbarpreviewbutton button); void onclose(); attributes attribute type description height unsigned long the height in pi...
... boolean drawpreview( in nsidomcanvasrenderingcontext2d ctx ); parameters ctx an nsidomcanvasrenderingcontext2d object representing the drawing context into which the preview is to be rendered.
... boolean drawthumbnail( in nsidomcanvasrenderingcontext2d ctx, in unsigned long width, in unsigned long height ); parameters ctx an nsidomcanvasrenderingcontext2d object representing the drawing context into which the thumbnail is to be rendered.
... boolean onactivate(); parameters none.
cycler boolean if true, then the column is a cycler column.
... editable boolean if true the nsitreecolumn content is editable.
... primary boolean if true the nsitreecolumn is the primary column.
... selectable boolean if true the nsitreecolumn is able to be selected.
void setdefaultsecuritymanager(in nsixpcsecuritymanager amanager, in pruint16 flags); nsixpcfunctionthistranslator setfunctionthistranslator(in nsiidref aiid, in nsixpcfunctionthistranslator atranslator); void setreportalljsexceptions(in boolean reportalljsexceptions); void setsafejscontextforcurrentthread(in jscontextptr cx); void setsecuritymanagerforjscontext(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in nsixpcsecuritymanager amanager, in pruint16 flags); void syncjscontexts(); void updatexows(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in nsixpconnectwrappednative aobject, in pruint32 away); native code only! ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ajsobj, in nsiidref aiid, [iid_is(aiid),retval] out nsqiresult result); nsixpconnectjsobjectholder wrapnative(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ascope, in nsisupports acomobj, in nsiidref aiid); void wrapnativetojsval(in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ascope, in nsisupports acomobj, in nswrappercacheptr acache, in nsiidptr aiid, in boolean aallowwrapper, out jsval aval, out nsixpconnectjsobjectholder aholder); attributes attribute type description collectgarbageonmainthreadonly prbool obsolete since gecko 1.9 currentjsstack nsistackframe read only.
... void setreportalljsexceptions( in boolean reportalljsexceptions ); parameters reportalljsexceptions missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description setsafejscontextforcurrentthread() set fallback jscontext to use when xpconnect can't find an appropriate context to use to execute javascript.
... void wrapnativetojsval( in jscontextptr ajscontext, in jsobjectptr ascope, in nsisupports acomobj, in nswrappercacheptr acache, in nsiidptr aiid, in boolean aallowwrapper, out jsval aval, out nsixpconnectjsobjectholder aholder ); parameters ajscontext missing description ascope missing description acomobj missing description acache missing description aiid missing description aallowwrapper missing description aval missing description aholder missing description ...
word); void setencoding(in string encoding); void setencoding(in unsigned long type, out nsiidref uuid, out nsqiresult result); void asynccall (in nsixmlrpcclientlistener listener, in nsisupports ctxt, in string methodname, in nsisupports arguments, in pruint32 count); attributes attribute type description serverurl readonly nsiurl the url of the xml-rpc server inprogress readonly boolean whether or not a call is in progress fault readonly nsixmlrpcfault the most recent xml-rpc fault from returned from this server.
... constants constant type description int unsigned long nsisupportsprint32 boolean unsigned long nsisupportsprbool string unsigned long nsisupportscstring double unsigned long nsisupportsdouble datetime unsigned long nsisupportsprtime array readonly unsigned long nsisupportsarray struct readonly unsigned long nsisupportsdictionary methods init() set server url.
...supported arguments are: nsisupportspruint8, nsisupportspruint16, nsisupportsprint16, nsisupportsprint32: i4, nsisupportsprbool: boolean, nsisupportschar, nsisupportscstring: string, nsisupportsfloat, nsisupportsdouble: double, nsisupportsprtime: datetime.iso8601, nsiinputstream: base64, nsisupportsarray: array, nsidictionary: struct note that both nsisupportsarray and nsidictionary can only hold any of the supported input types.
... return value will be converted as follows: i4 or int: nsisupportsprint32 boolean: nsisupportsprbool string: nsisupportscstring double: nsisupportsdouble datetime.iso8601: nsisupportsprtime base64: nsisupportscstring array: nsisupportsarray struct: nsidictionary faults (server side errors) are indicated by returning ns_error_failure.
Debugger - Firefox Developer Tools
accessor properties of the debugger prototype object a debugger instance inherits the following accessor properties from its prototype: enabled a boolean value indicating whether this debugger instance’s handlers, breakpoints, and the like are currently enabled.
... allowunobservedasmjs a boolean value indicating whether asm.js code running inside this debugger instance’s debuggee globals is invisible to debugger api handlers and breakpoints.
... allowwasmbinarysource a boolean value indicating whether webassembly sources will be available in binary form.
... collectcoverageinfo a boolean value indicating whether code coverage should be enabled inside each debuggee of this debugger instance.
CustomEvent - Web APIs
this interface inherits properties from its parent, event: event.bubbles read only a boolean indicating whether or not the event bubbles up through the dom.
... event.cancelable read only a boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable.
... event.composed read only a boolean indicating whether or not the event can bubble across the boundary between the shadow dom and the regular dom.
...(a boolean indicating whether the given event will bubble across through the shadow root into the standard dom.) methods customevent.initcustomevent() initializes a customevent object. - Web APIs
this value may simply be a boolean, where true specifies that a default selection of input source be made (typically the entire display area of the device in use, spanning every screen in a multiple screen configuration).
... syntax = allowvideoflag; = mediatrackconstraints; displaymediastreamconstraints = { video: allowvideoflag | mediatrackconstraints; } value the value may be either a boolean or a mediatrackconstraints object.
... if a boolean is specified, a value of true (the default) indicates that the stream returned by getdisplaymedia() should be in whatever format the user agent feels is best.
... logicalsurface a constrainboolean value which may contain a single boolean value or a set of them, indicating whether or not to allow the user to choose source surfaces which do not directly correspond to display areas.
Document.execCommand() - Web APIs
syntax document.execcommand(acommandname, ashowdefaultui, avalueargument) return value a boolean that is false if the command is unsupported or disabled.
... ashowdefaultui a boolean indicating whether the default user interface should be shown.
...this requires a boolean true/false as the value argument.
...requires a boolean true/false as a value argument.
Event - Web APIs
properties event.bubbles read only a boolean indicating whether or not the event bubbles up through the dom.
... event.cancelable read only a boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable.
... event.composed read only a boolean indicating whether or not the event can bubble across the boundary between the shadow dom and the regular dom.
... deprecated properties event.scoped read only a boolean indicating whether the given event will bubble across through the shadow root into the standard dom.
HTMLObjectElement - Web APIs
htmlobjectelement.declare is a boolean that reflects the declare html attribute, indicating that this is a declaration, not an instantiation, of the object.
... htmlobjectelement.typemustmatch is a boolean that reflects the typemustmatch html attribute, indicating if the resource specified by data must only be played if it matches the type attribute.
... htmlobjectelement.willvalidate read only returns a boolean that indicates whether the element is a candidate for constraint validation.
... htmlobjectelement.checkvalidity() retuns a boolean that always is true, because object objects are never candidates for constraint validation.
MediaTrackSettings - Web APIs
properties of audio tracks autogaincontrol a boolean which indicates the current value of the autogaincontrol property, which is true if automatic gain control is enabled and is false otherwise.
... echocancellation a boolean indicating the current value of the echocancellation property, specifying true if echo cancellation is enabled, otherwise false.
... noisesuppression a boolean which indicates the current value of the noisesupression property, which is true if noise suppression is enabled and is false otherwise.
... logicalsurface a boolean value which, if true, indicates that the video contained in the stream's video track contains a background rendering context, rather than a user-visible one.
MouseEvent() - Web APIs
"ctrlkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that indicates if the ctrl key was simultaneously pressed.
... "shiftkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that indicates if the shift key was simultaneously pressed.
... "altkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that indicates if the alt key was simultaneously pressed.
... "metakey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that indicates if the meta key was simultaneously pressed.
PaymentRequest.PaymentRequest() - Web APIs
this parameter contains the following fields: requestpayername a boolean indicating whether the user agent should collect the payer's name and submit it with the payment request.
... requestpayeremail a boolean indicating whether the user agent should collect the payer's email address and submit it with the payment request.
... requestpayerphone a boolean indicating whether the user agent should collect the payer's phone number and submit it with the payment request.
... requestshipping a boolean indicating whether the user agent should collect the payer's shipping address and submit it with the payment request.
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.extensions - Web APIs
exts boolean supported extensions.
... uvi boolean user verification index.
... loc boolean location.
... uvm boolean user verification method.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats - Web APIs
nominated optional a boolean value which, if true, indicates that the candidate pair described by this object is one which has been proposed for use, and will be (or was) used if its priority is the highest among the nominated candidate pairs.
... readable optional a boolean value indicating whether or not data can be sent over the connection described by the candidate pair.
... writable optional a boolean value indicating whether or not data can be received on the connection described by the candidate pair.
... non-standard properties selected optional a firefox-specific boolean value which is true if the candidate pair described by this object is the one currently in use.
Screen Capture API - Web APIs
mediatracksettings.logicalsurface a boolean value which is true if the video being captured doesn't directly correspond to a single onscreen display area.
... mediatracksupportedconstraints mediatracksupportedconstraints.cursor a boolean which is true if the user agent and device support the mediatrackconstraints.cursor constraint.
... mediatracksupportedconstraints.displaysurface a boolean which is true if the current environment supports the mediatrackconstraints.displaysurface constraint.
... mediatracksupportedconstraints.logicalsurface a boolean which is true if the current environment supports the constraint mediatrackconstraints.logicalsurface.
TextTrack.mode - Web APIs
safari additionally requires the default boolean attribute to be set to true when implementing your own video player controls in order for the subtitles cues to be shown.
...this is the default value, unless the text track has the default boolean attribute is specified, in which case the default is showing.
...this is the default value if the text track's default boolean attribute is specified.
... usage notes the default mode is disabled, unless the default boolean attribute is specified, in which case the default mode is showing.
TouchEvent() - Web APIs
"ctrlkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that indicates if the ctrl key was simultaneously pressed.
... "shiftkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that indicates if the shift key was simultaneously pressed.
... "altkey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that indicates if the alt key was simultaneously pressed.
... "metakey", optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that indicates if the meta key was simultaneously pressed.
TouchEvent - Web APIs
touchevent.altkey read only a boolean value indicating whether or not the alt key was down when the touch event was fired.
... touchevent.ctrlkey read only a boolean value indicating whether or not the control key was down when the touch event was fired.
... touchevent.metakey read only a boolean value indicating whether or not the meta key was down when the touch event was fired.
... touchevent.shiftkey read only a boolean value indicating whether or not the shift key was down when the touch event was fired.
WebGLRenderingContext.colorMask() - Web APIs
syntax void gl.colormask(red, green, blue, alpha); parameters red a glboolean specifying whether or not the red color component can be written into the frame buffer.
... green a glboolean specifying whether or not the green color component can be written into the frame buffer.
... blue a glboolean specifying whether or not the blue color component can be written into the frame buffer.
... alpha a glboolean specifying whether or not the alpha (transparency) component can be written into the frame buffer.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setInterval() - Web APIs
his.index < 1 : this.index + 1 > this.length; }; minidaemon.prototype.synchronize = function () { if (this.paused) { return; } clearinterval(this.session); this.session = setinterval(minidaemon.forcecall, this.rate, this); }; minidaemon.prototype.pause = function () { clearinterval(this.session); this.paused = true; }; minidaemon.prototype.start = function (breverse) { var bbackw = boolean(breverse); if (this.backw === bbackw && (this.isatend() || !this.paused)) { return; } this.backw = bbackw; this.paused = false; this.synchronize(); }; minidaemon passes arguments to the callback function. is called with three arguments: index (the iterative index of each invocation), length (the number of total invocations assigned to the daemon - finite or infinity) and backwards (a boolean expressing whether the index is increasing or decreasing). is called with three arguments: index (the iterative index of each invocation), length (the number of total invocations assigned to the daemon - finite or infinity) and backwards (a boolean expressing whether the index is decreasing or not) – see above.
... minidaemon instances methods mydaemon.isatend() returns a boolean expressing whether the daemon is at the start/end position or not.
<audio>: The Embed Audio element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autoplay a boolean attribute: if specified, the audio will automatically begin playback as soon as it can do so, without waiting for the entire audio file to finish downloading.
... disableremoteplayback a boolean attribute used to disable the capability of remote playback in devices that are attached using wired (hdmi, dvi, etc.) and wireless technologies (miracast, chromecast, dlna, airplay, etc).
... loop a boolean attribute: if specified, the audio player will automatically seek back to the start upon reaching the end of the audio.
... muted a boolean attribute that indicates whether the audio will be initially silenced.
<input type="email"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid multiple whether or not to allow multiple, comma-separated, e-mail addresses to be entered pattern a regular expression the input's contents must match in order to be valid placeholder an exemplar value to display in the input field whenever it is empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether or not the contents of the input should be read-only size a number indicating how many characters wide the input field should be list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... multiple a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the user can enter a list of multiple e-mail addresses, separated by commas and, optionally, whitespace characters.
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
... allowing multiple e-mail addresses by adding the multiple boolean attribute, the input can be configured to accept multiple e-mail addresses.
<input type="file"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
tion to the common attributes shared by all <input> elements, inputs of type file also support the following attributes: attribute description accept one or more unique file type specifiers describing file types to allow capture what source to use for capturing image or video data files a filelist listing the chosen files multiple a boolean which, if present, indicates that the user may choose more than one file accept the accept attribute value is a string that defines the file types the file input should accept.
... note: capture was previously a boolean attribute which, if present, requested that the device's media capture device(s) such as camera or microphone be used instead of requesting a file input.
... multiple when the multiple boolean attribute is specified, the file input allows the user to select more than one file.
... attribute description webkitdirectory a boolean indicating whether or not to only allow the user to choose a directory (or directories, if multiple is also present) webkitdirectory the boolean webkitdirectory attribute, if present, indicates that only directories should be available to be selected by the user in the file picker interface.
<input type="password"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
attribute description maxlength the maximum length the value may be, in utf-16 characters minlength the minimum length in characters that will be considered valid pattern a regular expression the value must match in order to be valid placeholder an example value to display in the field when the field is empty readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the field's contents should not be editable size the number of characters wide the input field should be maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the password field.
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
... <label for="userpassword">password:</label> <input id="userpassword" type="password" autocomplete="current-password"> making the password mandatory to tell the user's browser that the password field must have a valid value before the form can be submitted, simply specify the boolean required attribute.
... <label for="hexid">hex id: </label> <input id="hexid" type="password" pattern="[0-9a-fa-f]{4,8}" title="enter an id consisting of 4-8 hexadecimal digits" autocomplete="new-password"> disabled this boolean attribute indicates that the password field is not available for interaction.
<select>: The HTML Select element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autofocus this boolean attribute lets you specify that a form control should have input focus when the page loads.
... disabled this boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the control.
... multiple this boolean attribute indicates that multiple options can be selected in the list.
... required a boolean attribute indicating that an option with a non-empty string value must be selected.
Control flow and error handling - JavaScript
(see boolean for an explanation of what evaluates to true and false.) if condition evaluates to true, statement_1 is executed.
... caution: do not confuse the primitive boolean values true and false with the true and false values of the boolean object!
... for example: var b = new boolean(false); if (b) // this condition evaluates to true if (b == true) // this condition evaluates to false example in the following example, the function checkdata returns true if the number of characters in a text object is three.
...the following code throws several exceptions of varying types: throw 'error2'; // string type throw 42; // number type throw true; // boolean type throw {tostring: function() { return "i'm an object!"; } }; note: you can specify an object when you throw an exception.
Object - JavaScript
object.prototype.hasownproperty() returns a boolean indicating whether an object contains the specified property as a direct property of that object and not inherited through the prototype chain.
... object.prototype.isprototypeof() returns a boolean indicating whether the object this method is called upon is in the prototype chain of the specified object.
... object.prototype.propertyisenumerable() returns a boolean indicating if the internal ecmascript [[enumerable]] attribute is set.
... examples using object given undefined and null types the following examples store an empty object object in o: let o = new object() let o = new object(undefined) let o = new object(null) using object to create boolean objects the following examples store boolean objects in o: // equivalent to o = new boolean(true) let o = new object(true) // equivalent to o = new boolean(false) let o = new object(boolean()) object prototypes when altering the behavior of existing object.prototype methods, consider injecting code by wrapping your extension before or after the existing logic.
Reflect.defineProperty() - JavaScript
the static reflect.defineproperty() method is like object.defineproperty() but returns a boolean.
... return value a boolean indicating whether or not the property was successfully defined.
...reflect.defineproperty, however, simply returns a boolean indicating whether or not the property was successfully defined.
...] because reflect.defineproperty returns a boolean success status, you can just use an if...else block here: if (reflect.defineproperty(target, property, attributes)) { // success } else { // failure } specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'reflect.defineproperty' in that specification.
typeof - JavaScript
type result undefined "undefined" null "object" (see below) boolean "boolean" number "number" bigint (new in ecmascript 2020) "bigint" string "string" symbol (new in ecmascript 2015) "symbol" function object (implements [[call]] in ecma-262 terms) "function" any other object "object" note: ecmascript 2019 and older permitted implementations to have typeof return any implementation-...
...oerced to a number typeof 42n === 'bigint'; // strings typeof '' === 'string'; typeof 'bla' === 'string'; typeof `template literal` === 'string'; typeof '1' === 'string'; // note that a number within a string is still typeof string typeof (typeof 1) === 'string'; // typeof always returns a string typeof string(1) === 'string'; // string converts anything into a string, safer than tostring // booleans typeof true === 'boolean'; typeof false === 'boolean'; typeof boolean(1) === 'boolean'; // boolean() will convert values based on if they're truthy or falsy typeof !!(1) === 'boolean'; // two calls of the !
... (logical not) operator are equivalent to boolean() // symbols typeof symbol() === 'symbol' typeof symbol('foo') === 'symbol' typeof symbol.iterator === 'symbol' // undefined typeof undefined === 'undefined'; typeof declaredbutundefinedvariable === 'undefined'; typeof undeclaredvariable === 'undefined'; // objects typeof {a: 1} === 'object'; // use array.isarray or // to differentiate regular objects from arrays typeof [1, 2, 4] === 'object'; typeof new date() === 'object'; typeof /regex/ === 'object'; // see regular expressions section for historical results // the following are confusing, dangerous, and wasteful.
...typeof new boolean(true) === 'object'; typeof new number(1) === 'object'; typeof new string('abc') === 'object'; // functions typeof function() {} === 'function'; typeof class c {} === 'function'; typeof math.sin === 'function'; typeof null // this stands since the beginning of javascript typeof null === 'object'; in the first implementation of javascript, javascript values were represented as a type tag and a value.
Introduction to using XPath in JavaScript - XPath
simple types when the desired result type in resulttype is specified as either: number_type - a double string_type - a string boolean_type - a boolean we obtain the returned value of the expression by accessing the following properties respectively of the xpathresult object.
... numbervalue stringvalue booleanvalue example the following uses the xpath expression count(//p) to obtain the number of <p> elements in an html document: var paragraphcount = document.evaluate( 'count(//p)', document, null, xpathresult.any_type, null ); alert( 'this document contains ' + paragraphcount.numbervalue + ' paragraph elements' ); although javascript allows us to convert the number to a string for display, the xpath interface will not automatically convert the numerical result if the stringvalue property is requested, so the following code will not work: var paragraphcount = document.evaluate('count(//p)', document, null, xpathresult.any_type, null ); alert( 'this document contains ' + paragraphcount.stringvalue + ' paragraph elements' ); instead, it will return an exce...
... it could be any of the simple types (number_type, string_type, boolean_type), but, if the returned result type is a node-set then it will only be an unordered_node_iterator_type.
... boolean_type 3 a result containing a single boolean value.
widget - Archive of obsolete content
it should contain a single key named script whose value is a boolean that indicates whether or not to execute script in the content. contains a single key named script whose value is a boolean that indicates whether or not to execute script in the content. contains a single key named script whose value is a boolean that indicates whether or not to execute script in the content.
platform/xpcom - Archive of obsolete content
register boolean by default, the factory is registered as soon as it is constructed.
... unregister boolean by default, the factory is unregistered as soon as the add-on which created it is unloaded.
... parameters factory : object returns boolean : true if the factory or service is registered, false otherwise.
system/xul-app - Archive of obsolete content
returns boolean : true if the host application is name and false otherwise.
... returns boolean : true if the host application is one of the names and false otherwise.
... returns boolean : true if version falls in the given range and false otherwise.
tabs/utils - Archive of obsolete content
options : object optional options: name type inbackground boolean if true, open the new tab, but keep the currently selected tab selected.
... pinned boolean pin this tab.
... returns boolean : true if the tab is open, otherwise false.
ui/button/toggle - Archive of obsolete content
l not quite fill the space available, so you can instead supply four icons: icon: { "18": "./addon18.png", // toolbar icon non hidpi "32": "./addon32.png", // menu panel icon non hidpi "36": "./addon36.png", // toolbar icon hidpi "64": "./addon64.png" // menu panel icon hidpi } optional options: name type disabled boolean determines whether the button is disabled.
... disabled boolean property indicating whether or not the button is disabled.
... checked boolean property indicating whether or not the button is checked.
package.json - Archive of obsolete content
boolean value: true if the add-on contains an embedded webextension.
... private-browsing: a boolean indicating whether or not the add-on supports private browsing.
... multiprocess: a boolean value declaring whether this add-on is, or is not, compatible with multiprocess firefox.
Preferences - Archive of obsolete content
.org/preferences-service;1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch); // get the "extensions.myext." branch var prefs = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice); prefs = prefs.getbranch("extensions.myext."); simple types there are three types of preferences: string, integer, and boolean.
...var value = prefs.getboolpref("typeaheadfind"); // get a pref (accessibility.typeaheadfind) prefs.setboolpref("typeaheadfind", !value); // set a pref (accessibility.typeaheadfind) complex types as noted in the previous section, each entry in the preferences database (prefs.js) must have a string, an integer, or a boolean value.;1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice); this._branch = prefservice.getbranch(branch_name); this._branch.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch2); this._callback = callback; } preflistener.prototype.observe = function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == 'nspref:changed') this._callback(this._branch, data); }; /** * @param {boolean=} trigger if true triggers the registered function * on registration, that is, when this method is called.
StringView - Archive of obsolete content
nstartidx + nlength : ninptlen); } break typeswitch; default: /* the input argument is a number, a boolean or a function: a new typedarray will be created.
...signed char stringview.getutf16charlength(unsigned long charcode); unsigned char stringview.b64touint6(unsigned char charcode); unsigned char stringview.uint6tob64(unsigned char uint6); instances' methods unsigned long stringview.makeindex(optional unsigned long characterslength, optional unsigned long startfrom); domstring stringview.tobase64(optional boolean wholebuffer); stringview stringview.subview(unsigned long characteroffset, optional unsigned long characterslength); void stringview.foreachchar(function callback, optional object thisobject, optional unsigned long characteroffset, optional unsigned long characterslength); domstring stringview.valueof(); domstring stringview.tostring(); properties overvi...
... arguments wholebuffer optional a boolean expressing whether the returned base64-encoded string will correspond to the whole buffer (true) or to the stringview (false or omitted).
Install Manifests - Archive of obsolete content
examples <em:abouturl>chrome://myext/content/about.xul</em:abouturl> bootstrap a boolean value that tells the application whether the extension is boot-strappable.
... skinnable a true or false value property that tells the application whether the (complete) theme can be skinned by lightweight themes/personas: examples <em:skinnable>true</em:skinnable> strictcompatibility a boolean value indicating if the add-on should be enabled when the version of the application is greater than its max version.
... hidden firefox 1.0 - 3.5 a boolean value that when true makes the add-on not show up in the add-ons list, provided the add-on is installed in a restricted access area (so it does not work for add-ons installed in the profile).
XPCOM Objects - Archive of obsolete content
void addobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak); luckily, you don't have to do anything special if you want to register your js object as a preference observer.
... floating point float boolean boolean, prbool void void timestamps prtime this type is used to pass timestamps measured in milliseconds, such as the output of the gettime() method in a javascript date object.
... you can define numeric and boolean constants in idl files, but not string constants.
progress - Archive of obsolete content
canbubble boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
... lengthcomputable boolean specifies whether or not the total size of the transfer is known.
isDirectory - Archive of obsolete content
summary returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified filespecobject is a directory.
... method of file object syntax boolean isdirectory ( filespecobject nativefolderpath ); parameters the isdirectory method has the following parameters: nativefolderpath a filespecobject representing the queried directory.
... returns a boolean value indicating whether the object is a directory or not.
isFile - Archive of obsolete content
summary returns a boolean value indicating whether the given filespecobject is a file.
... method of file object syntax boolean isfile (filespecobject nativefolderpath); parameters the isfile method has the following parameter: nativefolderpath a filespecobject representing the queried file object.
... returns a boolean value indicating whether the filespecobject is a file or not.
Methods - Archive of obsolete content
exists returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified file exists or not.
... isdirectory returns a boolean value indicating whether an object is a directory.
... isfile returns a boolean value indicating whether an object is a file.
colorpicker - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled, color, onchange, preference, tabindex, type properties accessibletype, color, disabled, open, tabindex, value examples <colorpicker/> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
... open type: boolean returns true if the popup for a button-type colorpicker is open.
prefpane - Archive of obsolete content
selected type: boolean this attribute will be set to true for the currently selected prefpane.
... selected type: boolean this property's value is true if this element is selected, or false if it is not.
... void writepreferences(in boolean flushtodisk); writes all changes in this pane to preferences, optionally flushes to disk.
radiogroup - Archive of obsolete content
cessibletype, disabled, focuseditem, itemcount, selectedindex, selecteditem, tabindex, value methods appenditem, checkadjacentelement, getindexofitem, getitematindex, insertitemat, removeitemat examples <radiogroup> <radio id="orange" label="red"/> <radio id="violet" label="green" selected="true"/> <radio id="yellow" label="blue"/> </radiogroup> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... focused type: boolean this attribute is true if the element is focused.
... disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
scale - Archive of obsolete content
disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... movetoclick type: boolean if true, clicking the slide area of the scale moves the thumb directly to that position.
... properties disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
tabbox - Archive of obsolete content
handlectrltab type: boolean if set to true or omitted, the tabbox will switch to the next tab when the control and tab keys are pressed.
... handlectrlpageupdown type: boolean gets and sets the value of the handlectrlpageupdown attribute.
... handlectrltab type: boolean gets and sets the value of the handlectrltab attibute.
toolbar - Archive of obsolete content
, toolboxid methods insertitem style classes chromeclass-toolbar examples <toolbox> <toolbar id="nav-toolbar"> <toolbarbutton id="nav-users" accesskey="u" label="users"/> <toolbarbutton id="nav-groups" accesskey="p" label="groups"/> <toolbarbutton id="nav-events" accesskey="e" label="events" disabled="true"/> </toolbar> </toolbox> attributes autohide type: boolean when set to true, the toolbar will be invisible unless the alt key is pressed by the user.
... customizable not in seamonkey 1.x type: boolean set this attribute to true on toolbars that can be customized.
... grippyhidden seamonkey only type: boolean when set to true, the grippy will be hidden.
tooltip - Archive of obsolete content
for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } default type: boolean if true, the tooltip is used as the default popup for displaying tooltips in the window.
... noautohide type: boolean if this attribute is set to false or omitted, the tooltip will automatically disappear after a few seconds.
... page type: boolean setting the page attribute to true will result in the tooltip being filled automatically as appropriate for a browser content area tooltip, i.e.
treeitem - Archive of obsolete content
attributes container, empty, label, open, uri examples (example needed) attributes container type: boolean set to true if the element is to act as a container which can have child elements.
... empty type: boolean set to true if the element is a container that contains no children.
... open type: boolean for the menu type buttons, the open attribute is set to true when the menu is open.
where - Archive of obsolete content
attributes ignorecase, multiple, negate, rel, subject, value examples (example needed) attributes ignorecase type: boolean set to true to indicate that the case does not matter when making comparisons.
... multiple type: boolean set to true to indicate that the value contains multiple values separated by commas.
... negate type: boolean set to true to indicate that the comparison should be reversed.
XForms Input Element - Archive of obsolete content
mozilla extensions labelposition - only for boolean types: show the label before or after the checkbox (see below) type restrictions the input element can be bound to a node containing simple content of any data type except xsd:base64binary, xsd:hexbinray or any data type derived from these.
... representations the xforms input element can be represented by the following widgets for the spcified data types (or types derived from these data types): text field - the default widget when no type is specified or the data is of type xsd:string (xhtml/xul) checkbox - used for xsd:boolean instance data.
...characteristics used when the instance node is of type xsd:boolean or a type derived from it analogous widgets are <xhtml:input type="checkbox"/> and <xul:checkbox/> the corresponding label can be displayed before or after the checkbox by using the labelposition attribute.
Desktop gamepad controls - Game development
{ active: false, controller: {}, connect: function(event) {}, disconnect: function(event) {}, update: function() {}, buttons: { layout: [], cache: [], status: [], pressed: function(button, state) {} } axes: { status: [] } }; the controller variable stores the information about the connected gamepad, and there's an active boolean variable we can use to know if the controller is connected or not.
...amepadapi.buttons.status[i] == button) { newpress = true; if(!hold) { for(var j=0,p=gamepadapi.buttons.cache.length; j<p; j++) { if(gamepadapi.buttons.cache[j] == button) { newpress = false; } } } } } return newpress; }, it loops through pressed buttons and if the button we're looking for is pressed, then the corresponding boolean variable is set to true.'s because axes are having floating point values while buttons are booleans.
Truthy - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
in javascript, a truthy value is a value that is considered true when encountered in a boolean context.
... javascript uses type coercion in boolean contexts.
... examples of truthy values in javascript (which will be coerced to true in boolean contexts, and thus execute the if block): if (true) if ({}) if ([]) if (42) if ("0") if ("false") if (new date()) if (-42) if (12n) if (3.14) if (-3.14) if (infinity) if (-infinity) specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'toboolean abstract operation' in that specification.
Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
hresult get_computedstyle( /* [in] */ unsigned short maxstyleproperties, /* [in] */ boolean usealternateview, // if true, returns properties for media // as set in nsidomdocument::set_alternateviewmediatypes /* [out] */ bstr *styleproperties, /* [out] */ bstr *stylevalues, /* [out] */ unsigned short *numstyleproperties); a variation on this method is get_computedstyleforproperties, which lets turns the styleproperties array into an [in] parameter, letting you specify only those...
... hresult get_computedstyleforproperties( /* [in] */ unsigned short numstyleproperties, /* [in] */ boolean usealternateview, // if true, returns properties for media // as set in nsidomdocument::set_alternateviewmediatypes /* [in] */ bstr *styleproperties, /* [out] */ bstr *stylevalues); to scroll the document in order make a specific element visible in the window, use scrollto(boolean placetopleft).
... hresult scrollto([in] boolean placetopleft); you can also get to any other node by traversing the isimpledomnode structure.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
... details the details property returns an anonymous javascript object with the following properties: success a boolean that indicates whether the activity has completed successfully (true) or not (false).
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
... details read only boolean indicates whether audio is playing in the browser.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
... hasvideo a boolean.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
... details the details property returns an anonymous javascript object with the following properties: active a boolean indicating whether a search is currently active (true), or not (false.) searchstring a domstring representing the string that is currently being searched for.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
... isproxy a boolean indicating whether the server dealing with the authentication is a proxy server (true) or not (false).
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
... details the details property returns an anonymous javascript object with the following properties: visible a boolean that indicates whether the browser iframe is visible (true) or not (false).
method overview dict copy(); boolean del(string akey); object get(string akey, [optional] object adefault); boolean has(string akey); array listitems(); array listkeys(); array listvalues(); void set(string akey, object avalue); string tojson(); string tostring(); properties attribute type description count number the numbe...
... boolean del( string akey ); parameters akey the key for the item to delete from the dictionary.
... boolean has( string akey ); parameters akey the key for which to determine existence in the dictionary.
OS.File for the main thread
hidden boolean.
... readonly boolean.
... system boolean.
method overview void locationchange(); notification getnotification(id, browser); void remove(notification); notification show(browser, id, message, anchorid, mainaction, secondaryactions, options); properties attribute type description ispanelopen boolean returns true if the notification panel is currently visible, false if it is not.
... persistwhilevisible a boolean value indicating whether or not the notification should persist across location changes.
... dismissed a boolean value indicating whether or not the notification should be added as a dismissed notification.
NSPR Types
miscellaneous types are used for representing size, pointer difference, boolean values, and return values.
... printn pruintn miscellaneous types size type pointer difference types boolean types status type for return values size type prsize pointer difference types types for pointer difference.
... prptrdiff pruptrdiff boolean types type and constants for boolean values.
NSS 3.30 release notes
nss 3.30 source distributions are available on for secure https download: source tarballs: new in nss 3.30 new functionality in the pkcs#11 root ca module (nssckbi), cas with positive trust are marked with a new boolean attribute, cka_nss_mozilla_ca_policy, set to true.
... in pk11pub.h pk11_hasattributeset - allows to check if a pkcs#11 object in a given slot has a specific boolean attribute set.
... new macros in ciferfam.h pkcs12_aes_cbc_128, pkcs12_aes_cbc_192, pkcs12_aes_cbc_256 - cipher family identifiers corresponding to the pkcs#5 v2.1 aes based encryption schemes used in the pkcs#12 support in nss in pkcs11n.h cka_nss_mozilla_ca_policy - identifier for a boolean pkcs#11 attribute, that should be set to true, if a ca is present because of it's acceptance according to the mozilla ca policy notable changes in nss 3.30 the tls server code has been enhanced to support session tickets when no rsa certificate (e.g.
nss_allow_weak_signature_alg boolean (any non-empty value to enable) enables the use of md2 and md4 hash algorithms inside signatures.
... nss_use_decoded_cka_ec_point boolean (any non-empty value to enable) tells nss to send ec key points across the pkcs#11 interface in the non-standard unencoded format that was used by default before nss 3.12.3.
... nss_use_shexp_in_cert_name boolean (any non-empty value to enable) tells nss to allow shell-style wildcard patterns in certificates to match ssl server host names.
JSAPI Cookbook
to query whether a value has a particular type, use a correspondingly named member testing function: // javascript var v = computesomevalue(); var isstring = typeof v === "string"; var isnumber = typeof v === "number"; var isnull = v === null; var isboolean = typeof v === "boolean"; var isobject = typeof v === "object" && v !== null; /* jsapi */ js::rootedvalue v(cx, computesomevalue()); bool isstring = v.isstring(); bool isnumber = v.isnumber(); bool isint32 = v.isint32(); // note: internal representation, not numeric value bool isnull = v.isnull(); bool isboolean = v.isboolean(); bool isobject = v.isobject(); // note: not broken like typeof === ...
...ull; v = undefined; v = false; /* jsapi */ js::rootedvalue v(cx); js::rootedstring somestring(cx, ...); v.setint32(0); // or: v = js::int32value(0); v.setdouble(0.5); // or: v = js::doublevalue(0.5); v.setstring(somestring); // or: v = js::stringvalue(somestring); v.setnull(); // or: v = js::nullvalue(); v.setundefined(); // or: v = js::undefinedvalue(); v.setboolean(false); // or: v = js::booleanvalue(false); finding the global object many of these recipes require finding the current global object first.
... in cases where it is certain that y is an object (that is, not a boolean, number, string, null, or undefined), this is fairly straightforward.
JSAPI User Guide
a js::value can be a number, a string, a boolean value, a reference to an object (like an object, array, date, or function), or one of the special values null or undefined.
... for integers and boolean values, a jsval contains the value itself.
...these are isobject(), isnumber(), isint32(), isdouble(), isstring(), isboolean(), isnull(), and isundefined().
a c++ variable of type js::value represents a value in javascript: a string, number, object (including arrays and functions), boolean, symbol, null, or undefined.
... the data in a js::value can be accessed using these member functions: js type js::value type tests constructor accessors mutators null val.isnull() js::nullvalue() n/a val.setnull() undefined val.isundefined() js::undefinedvalue() n/a val.setundefined() boolean val.isboolean(), val.istrue(), val.isfalse() js::booleanvalue(bool), js::truevalue(), js::falsevalue() val.toboolean() val.setboolean(bool) number val.isint32(), val.isdouble(), val.isnumber() js::numbervalue(any number type), js::int32value(int32_t), js::doublevalue(double), js::float32value(float) val.toint32(), val.todouble(), val.tonumber() val.setint32(int32_...
... js type jsval type tests jsval constants and constructors jsval accessors null jsval_is_null(v) jsval_null undefined jsval_is_void(v) jsval_void boolean jsval_is_boolean(v) jsval_true, jsval_false, boolean_to_jsval(b) jsval_to_boolean(v) number jsval_is_number(v), jsval_is_int(v), jsval_is_double(v) jsval_zero, jsval_one, int_to_jsval(i), double_to_jsval(d) jsval_to_int(v), jsval_to_double(v) string jsval_is_string(v) string_to_jsval(str) jsval_to_string(v), js_getstringchars(str), js_getstringlength(s...
test bool pass true to avoid creating match result array and store boolean value to rval.
...receives the result match result array or boolean value.
...if test is true, js_executeregexp and js_newregexpobjectnostatics store the boolean value true to *rval if matches, otherwise stores null to *rval.
Shell global objects
objectemulatingundefined() return a new object obj for which typeof obj === "undefined", obj == null and obj == undefined (and vice versa for !=), and toboolean(obj) === false.
... wasmissupported() returns a boolean indicating whether webassembly is supported on the current device.
...takes an optional options object, which may contain any or all of the boolean properties options.args - show arguments to each function options.locals - show local variables in each frame options.thisprops - show the properties of the this object of each frame bytesize(value) return the size in bytes occupied by value, or undefined if value is not allocated in memory.
Querying Places
basic query search parameters const unsigned long time_relative_epoch = 0 const unsigned long time_relative_today = 1 const unsigned long time_relative_now = 2 attribute prtime begintime attribute unsigned long begintimereference readonly attribute boolean hasbegintime readonly attribute prtime absolutebegintime attribute prtime endtime attribute unsigned long endtimereference readonly attribute boolean hasendtime readonly attribute prtime absoluteendtime attribute astring searchterms readonly attribute boolean hassearchterms attribute long minvisits attribute long maxvisits attribute boolean onlybookmarked attribute boolean domainishost...
... attribute autf8string domain readonly attribute boolean hasdomain attribute boolean uriisprefix attribute nsiuri uri readonly attribute boolean hasuri attribute boolean annotationisnot attribute autf8string annotation readonly attribute boolean hasannotation readonly attribute unsigned long foldercount basic query configuration options const unsigned short group_by_day = 0 const unsigned short group_by_host = 1 const unsigned short group_by_domain = 2 const unsigned short group_by_folder = 3 const unsigned short sort_by_none = 0 const unsigned short sort_by_title_ascending = 1 const unsigned short sort_by_title_descending = 2 const unsigned short sort_by_date_ascending = 3 const unsigned short sort_by_date_descending = 4 const unsigned short sort_by_uri_ascending = 5 cons...
...ned short sort_by_annotation_ascending = 15 const unsigned short sort_by_annotation_descending = 16 const unsigned short results_as_uri = 0 const unsigned short results_as_visit = 1 const unsigned short results_as_full_visit = 2 (not yet implemented -- see bug 320831) attribute unsigned short sortingmode attribute autf8string sortingannotation attribute unsigned short resulttype attribute boolean excludeitems attribute boolean excludequeries attribute boolean excludereadonlyfolders attribute boolean expandqueries attribute boolean includehidden attribute boolean showsessions attribute unsigned long maxresults const unsigned short query_type_history = 0 const unsigned short query_type_bookmarks = 1 const unsigned short query_type_unified = 2 (not yet implemented -- see bug 378798)...
method overview boolean quit() boolean restart() void getextensions(extiextensionscallback acallback) attributes the following interfaces are available to all applications: attribute type description id readonly attribute astring the id of the application.
... boolean quit() return value boolean value indicating whether the shutdown was successful.
... boolean restart() return value boolean value indicating whether the restart was successful.
method overview boolean has(in astring aname) extipreference get(in astring aname) nsivariant getvalue(in astring aname, in nsivariant adefaultvalue) void setvalue(in astring aname, in nsivariant avalue) void reset() attributes attribute type description root readonly attribute astring the name of the branch root.
... boolean has(in astring aname) parameters aname the name of preference return value true if the preference exists, false if not get() gets an object representing a preference extipreference get(in astring aname) parameters aname the name of preference return value a preference object, or null if the preference does not exist getvalue() gets the value of a preference.
... an integer preference appears as a javascript number, and a boolean appears as a javascript boolean.
wantcomponents a boolean indicating whether the components object is available or not in the sandbox.
... wantexporthelpers a boolean: if true, then createobjectin(), evalinwindow(), and exportfunction() are available in the sandbox.
... wantxrays a boolean value indicating whether the sandbox wants xray vision with respect to same-origin objects outside the sandbox.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 8.0 (firefox 8.0 / thunderbird 8.0 / seamonkey 2.5) method overview boolean onwebinstallblocked(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, [optional] in pruint32 acount); void onwebinstalldisabled(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, [optional] in pruint32 acount); boolean onwebinstallrequested(in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(ac...
...boolean onwebinstallblocked( in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, in pruint32 acount optional ); parameters awindow the window that triggered the installs.
...boolean onwebinstallrequested( in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri auri, [array, size_is(acount)] in nsivariant ainstalls, in pruint32 acount optional ); parameters awindow the window that triggered the installs.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 8.0 (firefox 8.0 / thunderbird 8.0 / seamonkey 2.5) method overview boolean installaddonsfromwebpage(in astring amimetype, in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri areferer, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring auris, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring ahashes, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring anames, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring aicons, [optional] in amiinstallcallback acallback, [optional] in pruint32 ainstallcount); boolean isinstallenabled(in astring amimetype, in nsiuri areferer); note: prior t...
...boolean installaddonsfromwebpage( in astring amimetype, in nsidomwindow awindow, in nsiuri areferer, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring auris, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring ahashes, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring anames, [array, size_is(ainstallcount)] in wstring aicons, in amiinstallcallback acallback, optional in pruint32 ainstallcount optional ); parameters amimetype the mimetype for the add-ons.
...boolean isinstallenabled( in astring amimetype, in nsiuri areferer ); parameters amimetype the mime type for the add-on to be installed.
value); void bindint64parameter(in unsigned long aparamindex, in long long avalue); void bindnullparameter(in unsigned long aparamindex); void bindblobparameter(in unsigned long aparamindex, [array,const,size_is(avaluesize)] in octet avalue, in unsigned long avaluesize); mozistoragependingstatement executeasync(mozistoragestatementcallback acallback); boolean executestep(); boolean step(); void execute(); attributes attribute type description columncount unsigned long number of columns returned.
... boolean executestep(); return value returns a boolean indicating whether there are more rows or not.
... boolean step() return value true if there are more rows left in the results, otherwise false.
method overview boolean onbeginvacuum(); void onendvacuum(in boolean asucceeded); attributes attribute type description databaseconnection mozistorageconnection a connection to the database file to be vacuumed.
...boolean onbeginvacuum(); parameters none.
...void onendvacuum( in boolean asucceeded ); parameters asucceeded true if the vacuum operation was successful, or false if it wasn't successful.
you can also get one from nsiaccessnode.getaccessibledocument() or nsiaccessibleevent.getaccessibledocument() method overview nsiaccessible getaccessibleinparentchain(in nsidomnode adomnode, in boolean acancreate); obsolete since gecko 2.0 nsiaccessnode getcachedaccessnode(in voidptr auniqueid); native code only!
...note: renamed from document in gecko 2.0 iseditable boolean true if the document is live in an editor.
... nsiaccessible getaccessibleinparentchain( in nsidomnode adomnode, in boolean acancreate ); parameters adomnode the dom node we need an accessible for.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void addchildtoselection(in long index); void clearselection(); nsiarray getselectedchildren(); boolean ischildselected(in long index); nsiaccessible refselection(in long index); void removechildfromselection(in long index); boolean selectallselection(); attributes attribute type description selectioncount long the number of accessible children currently selected.
...boolean ischildselected( in long index ); parameters index the zero-based accessible child index.
...boolean selectallselection(); parameters none.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview boolean isenabled(); boolean isextrastate(); attributes attribute type description state unsigned long returns the state of accessible (see constants declared in nsiaccessiblestates).
... methods isenabled() boolean isenabled(); parameters none.
...isextrastate() boolean isextrastate(); parameters none.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.2 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) method overview boolean isselected(); attributes attribute type description columnextent long return the number of columns occupied by this cell.
... methods isselected() boolean isselected(); parameters none.
... return value a boolean value indicating whether this cell is selected.
void markpageasfollowedlink(in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 22.0 void markpageastyped(in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 22.0 void registeropenpage(in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 9.0 void removeallpages(); void removepage(in nsiuri auri); void removepages([array, size_is(alength)] in nsiuri auris, in unsigned long alength, in boolean adobatchnotify); void removepagesbytimeframe(in long long abegintime, in long long aendtime); void removepagesfromhost(in autf8string ahost, in boolean aentiredomain); void removevisitsbytimeframe(in long long abegintime, in long long aendtime); void unregisteropenpage(in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 9.0 note: the markpageasfollowedlink and mar...
... void removepages( [array, size_is(alength)] in nsiuri auris, in unsigned long alength, in boolean adobatchnotify /* parameter removed in gecko 9.0 */ ); parameters auris an array of page uris to be removed from history.
... void removepagesfromhost( in autf8string ahost, in boolean aentiredomain ); parameters ahost the name of the host to be removed.
method overview void addengine(in astring engineurl, in long datatype, in astring iconurl, in boolean confirm, [optional] in nsisearchinstallcallback callback); void addenginewithdetails(in astring name, in astring iconurl, in astring alias, in astring description, in astring method, in astring url); void getdefaultengines([optional] out unsigned long enginecount, [retval, array, size_is(enginecount)] out nsisearchengine engines); nsisearchengine ge...
...void addengine( in astring engineurl, in long datatype, in astring iconurl, in boolean confirm, [optional] in nsisearchinstallcallback callback ); parameters engineurl the url to the search engine's description file.
... confirm a boolean value indicating whether the user should be asked for confirmation before this engine is added to the list.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview wstring computenextautoupdatetime(in nsicrlinfo info, in unsigned long autoupdatetype, in double noofdays); void deletecrl(in unsigned long crlindex); nsiarray getcrls(); void importcrl([array, size_is(length)] in octet data, in unsigned long length, in nsiuri uri, in unsigned long type, in boolean dosilentdownload, in wstring crlkey); void reschedulecrlautoupdate(); boolean updatecrlfromurl(in wstring url, in wstring key); constants constant value description type_autoupdate_time_based 1 type_autoupdate_freq_based 2 methods computenextautoupdatetime() wstring computenextautoupdatetime( in nsicrlinfo info, in unsigned long autoupdatetype, in double noofdays ); pa...
...void importcrl( [array, size_is(length)] in octet data, in unsigned long length, in nsiuri uri, in unsigned long type, in boolean dosilentdownload, in wstring crlkey ); parameters data length uri type dosilentdownload crlkey reschedulecrlautoupdate() this would reschedule the autoupdate of crls with auto update enable.
...boolean updatecrlfromurl( in wstring url, in wstring key ); parameters url key return value ...
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 14 (firefox 14 / thunderbird 14 / seamonkey 2.11) method overview void asyncopencacheentry(in acstring key, in nscacheaccessmode accessrequested, in nsicachelistener listener, [optional] in boolean nowait); void evictentries(); prbool isstorageenabled(); nsicacheentrydescriptor opencacheentry(in acstring key, in nscacheaccessmode accessrequested, in boolean blockingmode); void doomentry(in acstring key, in nsicachelistener listener); attributes attribute type description doomentriesifexpired prbool expired entries will be doomed or evicted if this attribute is set to true.
...void asyncopencacheentry( in acstring key, in nscacheaccessmode accessrequested, in nsicachelistener listener, [optional] in boolean nowait ); parameters key the key for cache entry.
...nsicacheentrydescriptor opencacheentry( in acstring key, in nscacheaccessmode accessrequested, in boolean blockingmode ); parameters key the key for cache entry.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview boolean visitdevice(in string deviceid, in nsicachedeviceinfo deviceinfo); boolean visitentry(in string deviceid, in nsicacheentryinfo entryinfo); methods visitdevice() this method is called to provide information about a cache device.
... boolean visitdevice( in string deviceid, in nsicachedeviceinfo deviceinfo ); parameters deviceid specifies the device being visited.
...boolean visitentry( in string deviceid, in nsicacheentryinfo entryinfo ); parameters deviceid specifies the device being visited.
method overview boolean isfromcache(); obsolete since gecko 2.0 attributes attribute type description cacheasfile boolean specifies whether or not the data should be cached to a file.
... cacheforofflineuse boolean specifies whether or not the data should be placed in the offline cache, in addition to normal memory/disk caching.
...boolean isfromcache(); parameters none.
to use this service, use: var categorymanager = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsicategorymanager); method overview string addcategoryentry(in string acategory, in string aentry, in string avalue, in boolean apersist, in boolean areplace); void deletecategory(in string acategory); void deletecategoryentry(in string acategory, in string aentry, in boolean apersist); nsisimpleenumerator enumeratecategories(); nsisimpleenumerator enumeratecategory(in string acategory); string getcategoryentry(in string acategory, in string aentry); methods addcategory...
... string addcategoryentry( in string acategory, in string aentry, in string avalue, in boolean apersist, in boolean areplace ); parameters acategory the name of the category being modified.
... void deletecategoryentry( in string acategory, in string aentry, in boolean apersist ); parameters acategory the name of the category being modified.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.0 method overview void autoregister(in nsifile aspec); void autounregister(in nsifile aspec); string cidtocontractid(in nscidref aclass); nscidptr contractidtocid(in string acontractid); nsisimpleenumerator enumeratecids(); nsisimpleenumerator enumeratecontractids(); boolean iscidregistered(in nscidref aclass); boolean iscontractidregistered(in string acontractid); void registerfactory(in nscidref aclass, in string aclassname, in string acontractid, in nsifactory afactory); void registerfactorylocation(in nscidref aclass, in string aclassname, in string acontractid, in nsifile afile, in string aloaderstr, in string atype); void unregisterfactory(in nscidref a...
...boolean iscidregistered( in nscidref aclass ); parameters aclass the classid to be queried.
...boolean iscontractidregistered( in string acontractid ); parameters acontractid the contractid to be queried.
.getservice(components.interfaces.nsicontentprefservice); method overview void addobserver(in astring aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver); nsivariant getpref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname, [optional] in nsicontentprefcallback acallback); nsipropertybag2 getprefs(in nsivariant agroup); nsipropertybag2 getprefsbyname(in astring aname); boolean haspref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname); void removegroupedprefs(); void removeobserver(in astring aname, in nsicontentprefobserver aobserver); void removepref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname); void removeprefsbyname(in astring aname); void setpref(in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname, in nsivariant avalue); attributes ...
... return value the preference's value is returned; this value may be a string, integer, boolean, or any other value.
... boolean haspref( in nsivariant agroup, in astring aname ); parameters agroup the group for which to see if a preference exists; this may be specified as either a uri or as a string.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void docommand(in string command); boolean iscommandenabled(in string command); void onevent(in string eventname); boolean supportscommand(in string command); methods docommand() when this method is called, your implementation should execute the command with the specified name.
...boolean iscommandenabled( in string command ); parameters command the name of the command whose availability is to be checked.
...boolean supportscommand( in string command ); parameters command the name of the command to determine whether or not it is supported.
g getattribute(in domstring name); nsidomattr getattributenode(in domstring name); nsidomattr getattributenodens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); domstring getattributens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); nsidomnodelist getelementsbytagname(in domstring name); nsidomnodelist getelementsbytagnamens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); boolean hasattribute(in domstring name); boolean hasattributens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname); void removeattribute(in domstring name) nsidomattr removeattributenode(in nsidomattr oldattr) void removeattributens(in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname) void setattribute(in domstring name, in domstring value) nsidomattr setattributenode(in nsidomattr newattr) n...
...boolean hasattribute( in domstring name ); parameters name attribute name return value a boolean, true if the given attribute is set.
...boolean hasattributens( in domstring namespaceuri, in domstring localname ); parameters namespaceuri namespace uri localname attribute name return value a boolean, true if the given attribute is set.
attribute type description fromfontgroup boolean indicates whether or not the font was located in a font group.
... fromlanguageprefs boolean indicates whether or not the font was located using language preferences.
... fromsystemfallback boolean indicates whether or not the font is the system fallback font.
last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) inherits from: nsidommouseevent method overview void initmoztouchevent(in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in nsidomabstractview viewarg, in long detailarg, in long screenxarg, in long screenyarg, in long clientxarg, in long clientyarg, in boolean ctrlkeyarg, ...
... in boolean altkeyarg, in boolean shiftkeyarg, in boolean metakeyarg, in unsigned short buttonarg, in nsidomeventtarget relatedtargetarg, in unsigned long streamidarg); attributes attribute type description streamid unsigned long a unique identifier for each finger, so that each finger's movement can be tracked separately.
...void initsimplegestureevent( in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in nsidomabstractview viewarg, in long detailarg, in long screenxarg, in long screenyarg, in long clientxarg, in long clientyarg, in boolean ctrlkeyarg, in boolean altkeyarg, in boolean shiftkeyarg, in boolean metakeyarg, in unsigned short buttonarg, in nsidomeventtarget relatedtargetarg, in unsigned long streamidarg ); parameters streamidarg the value to assign to the streamid attribute; this uniquely identifies the finger generating ...
allowevents boolean true if the element's allowevents attribute is the string "true", otherwise false.
... collapsed boolean true if the element's collapsed attribute is the string "true", otherwise false.
... hidden boolean true if the element's hidden attribute is the string "true", otherwise false.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void getdata( in nsitransferable atransferable, in unsigned long aitemindex ); boolean isdataflavorsupported( in string adataflavor ); attributes attribute type description candrop boolean set the current state of the drag, whether it can be dropped or not.
... onlychromedrop boolean indicates if the drop event should be dispatched only to chrome.
... boolean isdataflavorsupported( in string adataflavor ); parameters adataflavor a string representing the mime type of the data to be matched, such as "text/unicode".
method overview void makeeditable(in boolean inwaitforuriload); attributes attribute type description editable boolean this docshell is editable.
... haseditingsession boolean this docshell has an editing session.
...void makeeditable( in boolean inwaitforuriload ); parameters inwaitforuriload true to wait for a uri before creating the editor.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsisupportsarray getembeddedobjects(); nsidomnode insertascitedquotation(in astring aquotedtext, in astring acitation, in boolean ainserthtml); nsidomnode insertasquotation(in astring aquotedtext); void inserttextwithquotations(in domstring astringtoinsert); void pasteascitedquotation(in astring acitation, in long aselectiontype); void pasteasquotation(in long aselectiontype); void rewrap(in boolean arespectnewlines); void stripcites(); methods getembeddedobjects() get a list of img and object tags in the current document.
...nsidomnode insertascitedquotation( in astring aquotedtext, in astring acitation, in boolean ainserthtml ); parameters aquotedtext the actual text to be quoted.
...void rewrap( in boolean arespectnewlines ); parameters arespectnewlines try to maintain newlines in the original?
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.2 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) method overview nsisupports getdebugobject(); astring tosource(); attributes attribute type description allowsuntrusted boolean indicates whether or not the event listener allows untrusted events.
... capturing boolean indicates whether or not the event listener is in capture mode.
... insystemeventgroup boolean indicates whether or not the event listener is in the system event group.
to access this service, use: var externalhelperappservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiexternalhelperappservice); method overview boolean applydecodingforextension(in autf8string aextension, in acstring aencodingtype); nsistreamlistener docontent(in acstring amimecontenttype, in nsirequest arequest, in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext, in boolean aforcesave); methods applydecodingforextension() determines whether or not data whose filename has the specified extension should be decoded from the specified encoding ...
...boolean applydecodingforextension( in autf8string aextension, in acstring aencodingtype ); parameters aextension the filename extension to check.
...nsistreamlistener docontent( in acstring amimecontenttype, in nsirequest arequest, in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext, in boolean aforcesave ); parameters amimecontenttype the content type of the incoming data.
retval,size_is(adatalen)] out octet adata); obsolete since gecko 22.0 astring getfavicondataasdataurl(in nsiuri afaviconuri); obsolete since gecko 22.0 nsiuri getfaviconforpage(in nsiuri apageuri); obsolete since gecko 22.0 nsiuri getfaviconimageforpage(in nsiuri apageuri); obsolete since gecko 22.0 nsiuri getfaviconlinkforicon(in nsiuri afaviconuri); boolean isfailedfavicon(in nsiuri afaviconuri); void removefailedfavicon(in nsiuri afaviconuri); void setandloadfaviconforpage(in nsiuri apageuri, in nsiuri afaviconuri, in boolean aforcereload, in unsigned long afaviconloadtype, [optional] in nsifavicondatacallback acallback); obsolete since gecko 22.0 void setfavicondata(in nsiuri afaviconuri, [const,array,size_is(adatalen)] ...
...boolean isfailedfavicon( in nsiuri afaviconuri ); parameters afaviconuri the uri of an icon in the favicon service.
...void setandloadfaviconforpage( in nsiuri apageuri, in nsiuri afaviconuri, in boolean aforcereload, in unsigned long afaviconloadtype, in nsifavicondatacallback acallback optional from gecko 2.0 ); parameters apageuri uri of the page whose favicon is being set.
methods void loadframescript(in astring aurl, in boolean aallowdelayedload, [optional] in boolean aruninglobalscope) void removedelayedframescript(in astring aurl); jsval getdelayedframescripts(); loadframescript() load a script in the remote frame.
...for example data:,dump("foo\n"); aallowdelayedload boolean if true, this flag means that the frame script will be loaded into any new frames opened after the loadframescript() call, until removedelayedframescript() is called for that script.
... aruninglobalscope boolean optional, defaults to false.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 this interface replaces and deprecates nsiglobalhistory method overview void adduri(in nsiuri auri, in boolean aredirect, in boolean atoplevel, in nsiuri areferrer); boolean isvisited(in nsiuri auri); void setpagetitle(in nsiuri auri, in astring atitle); methods adduri() add a uri to global history.
...void adduri( in nsiuri auri, in boolean aredirect, in boolean atoplevel, in nsiuri areferrer ); parameters auri the nsiuri of the page being added.
...boolean isvisited( in nsiuri auri ); parameters auri the nsiuri of the page.
overview void getrequestversion(out unsigned long major, out unsigned long minor); void getresponseversion(out unsigned long major, out unsigned long minor); void httpupgrade(in acstring aprotocolname, in nsihttpupgradelistener alistener); void setcookie(in string acookieheader); void setupfallbackchannel(in string afallbackkey); attributes attribute type description canceled boolean returns true if and only if the channel has been canceled.
... channelisfordownload boolean external handlers may set this to true to notify the channel that it is open on behalf of a download.
... forceallowthirdpartycookie boolean force relevant cookies to be sent with this load even if normally they would not be.
nherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) implemented by:;1 as a service: var idnservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiidnservice); method overview autf8string convertacetoutf8(in acstring input); autf8string converttodisplayidn(in autf8string input, out boolean isascii); acstring convertutf8toace(in autf8string input); boolean isace(in acstring input); autf8string normalize(in autf8string input); methods convertacetoutf8() converts an ace (ascii compatible encoding) hostname into unicode format, returning a utf-8 format string.
...autf8string converttodisplayidn( in autf8string input, out boolean isascii ); parameters input the string to convert to display format.
...boolean isace( in acstring input ); parameters input the string to check.
implemented by;1 as a service: var ioservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiioservice); method overview boolean allowport(in long aport, in string ascheme); acstring extractscheme(in autf8string urlstring); unsigned long getprotocolflags(in string ascheme); nsiprotocolhandler getprotocolhandler(in string ascheme); nsichannel newchannel(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); obsolete since gecko 48 nsichannel newchannel2(in autf8stri...
...t32_t aproxyflags,in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype); nsiuri newfileuri(in nsifile afile); nsiuri newuri(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); attributes attribute type description offline boolean returns true if networking is in "offline" mode.
... boolean allowport( in long aport, in string ascheme ); parameters aport the port to check ascheme the scheme for the protocol handler that could override the ioservice's decision.
rface: var il = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiextensionmanager) .getinstalllocation("add-on id") method overview astring getidforlocation(in nsifile file); nsifile getitemfile(in astring id, in astring path); nsifile getitemlocation(in astring id); nsifile getstagefile(in astring id); boolean itemismanagedindependently(in astring id); void removefile(in nsifile file); nsifile stagefile(in nsifile file, in astring id); attributes attribute type description canaccess boolean whether or not the user can write to the install location with the current access privileges.
... restricted boolean whether or not this install location is on an area of the file system that could be restricted on a restricted-access account, regardless of whether or not the location is restricted with the current user privileges.
...boolean itemismanagedindependently( in astring id ); parameters id the guid of the item.
method overview boolean equals(in nsijsid other); const nsid* getid(); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void initialize(in string idstring); string tostring(); attributes attribute type description id nsidptr read only.
... valid boolean read only.
...boolean equals( in nsijsid other ); parameters other the other nsijsid to compare to.
to create an instance, use: var logininfo = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsilogininfo); method overview nsilogininfo clone(); boolean equals(in nsilogininfo alogininfo); void init(in astring ahostname, in astring aformsubmiturl, in astring ahttprealm, in astring ausername, in astring apassword, in astring ausernamefield, in astring apasswordfield); boolean matches(in nsilogininfo alogininfo, in boolean ignorepassword); attributes attribute type description formsubmiturl astri...
... boolean equals( in nsilogininfo alogininfo ); parameters alogininfo the login to which to compare for equality.
... boolean matches( in nsilogininfo alogininfo, in boolean ignorepassword ); parameters alogininfo the login to which to compare for equality.
method overview voidptr alloc(in size_t size); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void free(in voidptr ptr); violates the xpcom interface guidelines void heapminimize(in boolean immediate); boolean islowmemory(); deprecated since gecko 2.0 voidptr realloc(in voidptr ptr, in size_t newsize); violates the xpcom interface guidelines methods alloc allocates a block of memory of a particular size.
... void heapminimize( in boolean immediate ); parameters immediate if true, heap minimization will occur immediately if the call was made on the main thread.
... boolean islowmemory(); parameters none.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 obsolete gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) warning: microsummary support was removed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview void addobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); boolean equals(in nsimicrosummary aother); void removeobserver(in nsimicrosummaryobserver observer); void update(); attributes attribute type description content astring the content of the microsummary.
... needsremoval boolean used when a site author has indicated that a microsummary (or an associated generator) will no longer be available.
...boolean equals( in nsimicrosummary aother ); parameters aother the microsummary to compare against.
ount)] out wstring afullnames, [retval] out unsigned long count); void reformatheaderaddresses(in string line, out string reformattedaddress); wstring reformatunquotedaddresses(in wstring line); void removeduplicateaddresses(in string addrs, in string other_addrs, in prbool removealiasestome, out string newaddress); string unquotephraseoraddr(in string line, in boolean preserveintegrity); wstring unquotephraseoraddrwstring(in wstring line, in boolean preserveintegrity); methods extractheaderaddressmailboxes() given a string which contains a list of header addresses, returns a comma-separated list of just the 'mailbox' portions.
... string unquotephraseoraddr( in string line, in boolean preserveintegrity ); parameters line the header line to parse.
... wstring unquotephraseoraddrwstring( in wstring line, in boolean preserveintegrity ); parameters line the header line to parse.
inherits from: nsisupports method overview void addchild(in nsimsgdbhdr child, in nsimsgdbhdr inreplyto, in boolean threadinthread, in nsidbchangeannouncer announcer); nsimsgdbhdr getchildat(in long index); nsmsgkey getchildkeyat(in long index); nsimsgdbhdr getchild(in nsmsgkey msgkey); nsimsgdbhdr getchildhdrat(in long index); nsimsgdbhdr getroothdr(out long index); void removechildat(in long index); void removechildhdr(in nsimsgdbhdr child, in nsidbchangeannouncer announcer); void markchildread(in boolean bread); nsimsgdbhdr getfirstunreadchild(); nsisimpleenumerator enumeratemessages(in nsmsgkey parent); ...
... void addchild(in nsimsgdbhdr child, in nsimsgdbhdr inreplyto, in boolean threadinthread, in nsidbchangeannouncer announcer); parameters child the message to add inreplyto the message this should be in reply to threadinthread announcer an nsidbchangeannouncer to receive notification when the change is made.
... markchildread() void markchildread(in boolean bread); parameters bread true if the messages should be marked read.
method overview void addobserver(in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver, in boolean aownsweak); void removeobserver(in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver); attributes attribute type description root nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode the root of the results.
... suppressnotifications boolean if true, notifications are suppressed.
...void addobserver( in nsinavhistoryresultobserver aobserver, in boolean aownsweak ); parameters aobserver an object that implements the nsinavhistoryresultobserver interface, which will receive notifications of changes on the result.
void reloadplugins(in boolean reloadpages); void setisscriptableinstance(in nsiplugininstance ainstance, in boolean ascriptable); native code only!
... void reloadplugins( in boolean reloadpages ); parameters reloadpages indicates whether currently visible pages should also be reloaded.
... void setisscriptableinstance( in nsiplugininstance ainstance, in boolean ascriptable ); parameters ainstance ascriptable native code only!setupplugininstance void setupplugininstance( in string amimetype, in nsiuri aurl, in nsiplugininstanceowner aowner ); parameters amimetype aurl aowner native code only!stopplugininstance void stopplugininstance( in nsiplugininstance ainstance ); parameters ainstance native code on...
method overview void removedatafromdomain(in autf8string adomain); attributes attribute type description autostarted boolean indicates whether or not private browsing was started automatically at application launch time.
... lastchangedbycommandline boolean indicates whether or not the last private browsing mode transition was performed on the command line (using either the -private or -private-toggle switches) rather than the user interface.
... privatebrowsingenabled boolean indicates whether or not private browsing mode is currently enabled.
inherits from: nsipropertybag last changed in gecko 1.0 method overview nsivariant get(in astring prop); acstring getpropertyasacstring(in astring prop); astring getpropertyasastring(in astring prop); autf8string getpropertyasautf8string(in astring prop); boolean getpropertyasbool(in astring prop); double getpropertyasdouble(in astring prop); print32 getpropertyasint32(in astring prop); print64 getpropertyasint64(in astring prop); void getpropertyasinterface(in astring prop, in nsiidref iid, [iid_is(iid), retval] out nsqiresult result); pruint32 getpropertyasuint32(in astring prop); pruint64 getpropert...
...getpropertyasbool() boolean getpropertyasbool( in astring prop ); parameters prop property to return the value of.
... return value the property value as a boolean.
to create an instance, use: var shistory = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsishistory); method overview void addshistorylistener(in nsishistorylistener alistener); nsishentry getentryatindex(in long index, in boolean modifyindex); void purgehistory(in long numentries); void reloadcurrententry(); void removeshistorylistener(in nsishistorylistener alistener); attributes attribute type description count long the number of toplevel documents currently available in session history.
...nsishentry getentryatindex( in long index, in boolean modifyindex ); parameters index the index value whose entry is requested.
... modifyindex a boolean flag that indicates if the current index of session history should be modified to the parameter index.
inherits from: nsiscrollable last changed in gecko 29.0 (firefox 29.0 / thunderbird 29.0 / seamonkey 2.26) method overview long getcurscrollpos(in long scrollorientation); obsolete since gecko 29.0 long getdefaultscrollbarpreferences(in long scrollorientation); void getscrollbarvisibility(out boolean verticalvisible, out boolean horizontalvisible); void getscrollrange(in long scrollorientation, out long minpos, out long maxpos); obsolete since gecko 29.0 void setcurscrollpos(in long scrollorientation, in long curpos); obsolete since gecko 29.0 void setcurscrollposex(in long curhorizontalpos, in long curverticalpos); obsolete since gecko 29.0 void setdefault...
...getscrollbarvisibility() void getscrollbarvisibility( out boolean verticalvisible, out boolean horizontalvisible ); parameters verticalvisible boolean specifying the visibility of the vertical scrollbar.
... horizontalvisible boolean specifying the visibility of the horizontal scrollbar.
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void addparam(in astring name, in astring value, in astring responsetype); nsisearchsubmission getsubmission(in astring data, [optional] in astring responsetype, [optional] in astring purpose); boolean supportsresponsetype(in astring responsetype); attributes attribute type description alias astring an optional shortcut alias for the engine.
... hidden boolean whether the engine should be hidden from the user.
...boolean supportsresponsetype( in astring responsetype ); parameters responsetype the mime type to check for.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.0 method overview void getservice(in nscidref aclass, in nsiidref aiid, [iid_is(aiid),retval] out nsqiresult result); void getservicebycontractid(in string acontractid, in nsiidref aiid, [iid_is(aiid),retval] out nsqiresult result); boolean isserviceinstantiated(in nscidref aclass, in nsiidref aiid); boolean isserviceinstantiatedbycontractid(in string acontractid, in nsiidref aiid); methods getservice() this method returns a reference to a particular xpcom service given the classid of the service.
... boolean isserviceinstantiated( in nscidref aclass, in nsiidref aiid ); parameters aclass the classid of the service that is being tested.
... boolean isserviceinstantiatedbycontractid( in string acontractid, in nsiidref aiid ); parameters acontractid the contractid of the service that is being tested.
nsISmsService;1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsismsservice); method overview [implicit_jscontext] nsidommozsmsmessage createsmsmessage(in long id, in domstring delivery, in domstring sender, in domstring receiver, in domstring body, in jsval timestamp, in bool read ); unsigned short getnumberofmessagesfortext(in domstring text); boolean hassupport(); void send(in domstring number, in domstring message, in long requestid, [optional] in unsigned long long processid); methods createsmsmessage() [implicit_jscontext] nsidommozsmsmessage createsmsmessage( in long id, in domstring delivery, in domstring sender, in domstring receiver, in domstring body, in jsval timestamp, in bool read ); parameters ...
... read a boolean indicating whether a message is marked as read or unread.
... boolean hassupport(); return value boolean.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsieventtarget method overview void shutdown() boolean haspendingevents() boolean processnextevent(in boolean maywait) attributes attribute type description prthread prthread the nspr thread object corresponding to the nsithread.
... boolean haspendingevents() parameters none.
... boolean processnextevent( in boolean maywait ); parameters maywait if true, this method blocks until an event is available to process if the event queue is empty.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void dotransaction(); boolean merge(in nsitransaction atransaction); void redotransaction(); void undotransaction(); attributes attribute type description istransient boolean the transaction's transient state.
...this method returns a boolean value that indicates the merge result.
...boolean merge( in nsitransaction atransaction ); parameters atransaction the previously executed transaction to merge.
dataflavor ); nsisupportsarray flavorstransferablecanexport( ); nsisupportsarray flavorstransferablecanimport( ); void getanytransferdata( out string aflavor, out nsisupports adata, out unsigned long adatalen ); void gettransferdata( in string aflavor, out nsisupports adata, out unsigned long adatalen ); void init(in nsiloadcontext acontext); boolean islargedataset( ); void removedataflavor( in string adataflavor ); void settransferdata( in string aflavor, in nsisupports adata, in unsigned long adatalen ); attributes attribute type description converter nsiformatconverter an nsiformatconverter instance which implements the code needed to convert data into and out of the transferable give...
... isprivatedata boolean although this is not a read-only attribute, you should generally avoid changing it, since doing so may cause it not to actually reflect the status of the context in which the transferable was created.
... boolean islargedataset(); parameters none.
void invalidatecolumnrange(in long startindex, in long endindex, in nsitreecolumn col); long getrowat(in long x, in long y); void getcellat(in long x, in long y, out long row, out nsitreecolumn col, out acstring childelt); void getcoordsforcellitem(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col, in acstring element, out long x, out long y, out long width, out long height); boolean iscellcropped(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); void rowcountchanged(in long index, in long count); void beginupdatebatch(); void endupdatebatch(); void clearstyleandimagecaches(); attributes attribute type description columns nsitreecolumns readonly: obtain the columns.
... focused boolean whether or not we are currently focused.
... boolean iscellcropped(in long row, in nsitreecolumn col); parameters row the index of the row col the nsitreecolumn rowcountchanged() notify the tree that the number of rows changed.
aresult, in nsidomnode aquerynode); void removeresult(in nsixultemplateresult aresult); void replaceresult(in nsixultemplateresult aoldresult, in nsixultemplateresult anewresult, in nsidomnode aquerynode); void resultbindingchanged(in nsixultemplateresult aresult); nsixultemplateresult getresultforid(in astring aid); nsixultemplateresult getresultforcontent(in nsidomelement aelement); boolean hasgeneratedcontent(in nsirdfresource anode, in nsiatom atag); void addrulefilter(in nsidomnode arule, in nsixultemplaterulefilter afilter); [noscript] void init(in nsicontent aelement); [noscript] void createcontents(in nsicontent aelement, in boolean aforcecreation); void addlistener(in nsixulbuilderlistener alistener); void removelistener(in nsixulbuilderlistener alistener); attri...
...boolean hasgeneratedcontent( in nsirdfresource anode, in nsiatom atag ); parameters anode node to check.
...[noscript] void createcontents( in nsicontent aelement, in boolean aforcecreation ); parameters aelement the element whose contents need to be built.
iscontainer boolean true if the result represents a container.
... isempty boolean true if the result represents an empty container.
... mayprocesschildren boolean true if the template builder may use this result as the reference point for additional recursive processing of the template.
void assumechromeflagsarefrozen(); void center(in nsixulwindow arelative, in boolean ascreen, in boolean aalert); nsixulwindow createnewwindow(in print32 achromeflags, in nsiappshell aappshell); nsidocshelltreeitem getcontentshellbyid(in wstring id); void removechildwindow(in nsixulwindow achild); void showmodal(); attributes attribute type description chromeflags pruint32 chromeflags are from nsiwebbrowse...
... intrinsicallysized boolean indicates if this window is instrinsically sized.
... void center( in nsixulwindow arelative, in boolean ascreen, in boolean aalert ); parameters arelative if not null, the window relative to which the window is moved.
ipentry); obsolete since gecko 10 nsiinputstream getinputstream(in autf8string zipentry); nsiinputstream getinputstream(in string zipentry); obsolete since gecko 10 nsiinputstream getinputstreamwithspec(in autf8string ajarspec, in autf8string zipentry); nsiinputstream getinputstreamwithspec(in autf8string ajarspec, in string zipentry); obsolete since gecko 10 boolean hasentry(in autf8string zipentry); void init(in nsifile zipfile); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void open(in nsifile zipfile); void openinner(in nsizipreader zipreader, in autf8string zipentry); void openinner(in nsizipreader zipreader, in string zipentry); obsolete since gecko 10 void test(in autf8string aentryname); void test(in string aentryname); obs...
... boolean hasentry( in autf8string zipentry ); parameters zipentry the zip entry.
... return value boolean value, true if the zip entry exists, false is it does not exist.
the following is the correspondence table: table 1: standard idl types idl c++ in parameter c++ out parameter js type notes boolean bool bool* boolean char char char* string only chars in range \u0000-\u00ff permitted double double double* number float float float* number long int32_t int32_t* number long long int64_t int64_t* number octet uint8_t uint8_t* number short int...
...regular in parameters are reflected more or less normally, with numeric types all representing numbers, booleans as true or false, the various strings (including astring et al) as a javascript string, and nsid types as a instance.
...native code should pay particular attention to not passing in null values for out parameters (although some parts of the codebase are known to violate this, it is strictly enforced at the js<->native barrier), and also ensuring that boolean types only receive values of 0 (false) or 1 (true).
Type conversion
r somecfunction = library.declare("somecfunction", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.void_t, ctypes.char.ptr); somecfunction(buffer); // here ctypes.char.array(10)() is converted to ctypes.char.ptr type implicit conversion can be tested in the following way: var mystruct = ctypes.structtype("mystructtype", [ { "v": ctypes.bool } ])(); mystruct.v = 1; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'true' boolean type target type source converted value ctypes.bool js boolean src js number (0 or 1) if src == 0: false if src == 1: true var mystruct = ctypes.structtype("mystructtype", [ { "v": ctypes.bool } ])(); mystruct.v = true; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'true' mystruct.v = false; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'false' mystr...
... 'true' mystruct.v = 0; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'false' mystruct.v = 10; // throws error mystruct.v = "a"; // throws error integer types target type source converted value ctypes.char16_t js string (only if its length == 1) src.charcodeat(0) any integer types js number (only if fits to the size) src js boolean if src == true: 1 if src == false: 0 var mystruct = ctypes.structtype("mystructtype", [ { "v": ctypes.char16_t } ])(); mystruct.v = 0x41; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // "a" mystruct.v = true; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // "\x01" mystruct.v = "x"; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // "x" mystruct.v = "xx"; // throws error var mystruct = ctype...
... properties for all fields and no other properties) implicitly convert each enumerable property to corresponding field explicit convert in js-ctypes, data could be converted explicitly, when passing to cdata constructor: ctypes.int32_t("123"); // string "123" is parsed as 10-base string explicit convert tries implicit convert first, and if it fails, the following rules are applied: boolean type target type source converted value ctype.bool js value toboolean(src) console.log(ctypes.bool("123").tostring()); // 'ctypes.bool(true)' console.log(ctypes.bool("").tostring()); // 'ctypes.bool(false)' integer types target type source converted value any integer types js number except -infinity, infinity, nan c-style c...
Taking screenshots - Firefox Developer Tools
the command has the following optional parameters: command type description --clipboard boolean when present, this parameter will cause the screenshot to be copied to the clipboard.
... --file boolean when present, the screenshot will be saved to a file, even if other options (e.g.
... --fullpage boolean if included, the full webpage will be saved.
Web Console Helpers - Firefox Developer Tools
if you don't supply a filename, the image file will be named with the following format: screen shot yyy-mm-dd at the command has the following optional parameters: command type description --clipboard boolean when present, this parameter will cause the screenshot to be copied to the clipboard.
... --file boolean when present, the screenshot will be saved to a file, even if other options (e.g.
... --fullpage boolean if included, the full webpage will be saved.
The JavaScript input interpreter - Firefox Developer Tools
if you don't supply a filename, the image file will be named: screen shot yyy-mm-dd at the command has the following optional parameters: command type description --clipboard boolean when present, this parameter will cause the screenshot to be copied to the clipboard.
... --file boolean when present, the screenshot will be saved to a file, even if other options (e.g.
... --fullpage boolean if included, the full webpage will be saved.
BudgetService.reserve() - Web APIs
the reserve() property of the budgetservice interface returns a promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the requested budget operation can be reserved.
... syntax var apromise = budgetservice.reserve(operation); apromise.then(function(boolean){ ...
... }); parameters operation desc returns a promise that resolves to a boolean.
CSSNumericValue.equals() - Web APIs
the equals() method of the cssnumericvalue interface returns a boolean indicating whether the passed value are strictly equal.
... syntax var boolean = cssnumericvalue.equals(number); parameters number either a number or a cssnumericvalue.
... return value a boolean.
Cache.delete() - Web APIs
the available options are: ignoresearch: a boolean that specifies whether the matching process should ignore the query string in the url.
... ignoremethod: a boolean that, when set to true, prevents matching operations from validating the request http method (normally only get and head are allowed.) it defaults to false.
... ignorevary: a boolean that, when set to true, tells the matching operation not to perform vary header matching.
Cache.keys() - Web APIs
the available options are: ignoresearch: a boolean that specifies whether the matching process should ignore the query string in the url.
... ignoremethod: a boolean that, when set to true, prevents matching operations from validating the request http method (normally only get and head are allowed.) it defaults to false.
... ignorevary: a boolean that, when set to true, tells the matching operation not to perform vary header matching.
Cache.match() - Web APIs
the available options are: ignoresearch: a boolean that specifies whether to ignore the query string in the url.
... ignoremethod: a boolean that, when set to true, prevents matching operations from validating the request http method (normally only get and head are allowed.) it defaults to false.
... ignorevary: a boolean that when set to true tells the matching operation not to perform vary header matching — i.e.
Cache.matchAll() - Web APIs
the available options are: ignoresearch: a boolean that specifies whether the matching process should ignore the query string in the url.
... ignoremethod: a boolean that, when set to true, prevents matching operations from validating the request http method (normally only get and head are allowed.) it defaults to false.
... ignorevary: a boolean that when set to true tells the matching operation not to perform vary header matching — i.e.
CacheStorage.match() - Web APIs
the available options are: ignoresearch: a boolean that specifies whether the matching process should ignore the query string in the url.
... ignoremethod: a boolean that, when set to true, prevents matching operations from validating the request http method (normally only get and head are allowed.) it defaults to false.
... ignorevary: a boolean that, when set to true, tells the matching operation not to perform vary header matching. - Web APIs
this value may simply be a boolean, where true indicates that an audio track should be included an false (the default) indicates that no audio should be included in the stream.
... syntax = allowaudioflag; = mediatrackconstraints; displaymediastreamconstraints = { audio: allowaudioflag|mediatrackconstraints; } value the value may be either a boolean or a mediatrackconstraints object.
... if a boolean is specified, a value of true indicates that an audio track should be included in the stream returned by getdisplaymedia(), if an appropriate audio source exists and the user agent supports audio on display media.
Document - Web APIs
document.hiddenread only returns a boolean value indicating if the page is considered hidden or not.
... document.mozsyntheticdocument returns a boolean that is true only if this document is synthetic, such as a standalone image, video, audio file, or the like.
... document.hasstorageaccess() returns a promise that resolves with a boolean value indicating whether the document has access to its first-party storage.
Event() - Web APIs
eventinit optional this is an eventinit dictionary, having the following optional fields: bubbles optional a boolean indicating whether the event bubbles.
... cancelable optional a boolean indicating whether the event can be cancelled.
... composed optional a boolean indicating whether the event will trigger listeners outside of a shadow root (see event.composed for more details).
FormDataEvent() - Web APIs
formeventinit optional a formeventinit dictionary, which can take the following optional fields: bubbles: a boolean indicating whether the event bubbles.
... cancelable: a boolean indicating whether the event can be cancelled.
... composed: a boolean indicating whether the event will trigger listeners outside of a shadow root (see event.composed for more details).
HTMLKeygenElement - Web APIs
properties autofocus is a boolean that reflects the autofocus html attribute, indicating that the form control should have input focus when the page loads.
... willvalidate is a boolean that is always false because keygen objects are never candidates for constraint validation.
... methods name & arguments return description checkvalidity() boolean always returns true because keygen objects are never candidates for constraint validation.
HTMLOptionElement - Web APIs
htmloptionelement.defaultselected is a boolean that contains the initial value of the selected html attribute, indicating whether the option is selected by default or not.
... htmloptionelement.disabled is a boolean representing the value of the disabled html attribute, which indicates that the option is unavailable to be selected.
... htmloptionelement.selected is a boolean that indicates whether the option is currently selected.
KeyboardLayoutMap.has() - Web APIs
the has() method of the keyboardlayoutmap interface returns a boolean indicating whether the object has an element with the specified key.
... syntax var aboolean = keyboardlayoutmap.has(key) parameters key the key of an element to search for in the map.
... return value a boolean indicating whether the specifed key was found.
MSManipulationEvent.initMSManipulationEvent() - Web APIs
canbubblearg [in] type: boolean indicates whether the event can bubble.
... cancelablearg [in] type: boolean indicates whether the event’s default action can be prevented.
... example interface msmanipulationevent extends uievent { readonly currentstate: number; readonly inertiadestinationx: number; readonly inertiadestinationy: number; readonly laststate: number; initmsmanipulationevent(typearg: string, canbubblearg: boolean, cancelablearg: boolean, viewarg: window, detailarg: number, laststate: number, currentstate: number): void; readonly ms_manipulation_state_active: number; readonly ms_manipulation_state_cancelled: number; readonly ms_manipulation_state_committed: number; readonly ms_manipulation_state_dragging: number; readonly ms_manipulation_state_inertia: number; readonly ms_manipulati...
load() - Web APIs
the mediakeysession.load() method returns a promise that resolves to a boolean value after loading data for a specified session object.
... syntax mediakeysession.load(sessionid).then(function(booleanvalue) { ...
... return value a promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the load succeeded or failed.
Navigator - Web APIs
navigatorplugins.javaenabled read only returns a boolean flag indicating whether the host browser is java-enabled or not.
... read only returns a boolean indicating whether the browser is working online.
... navigator.standalone returns a boolean indicating whether the browser is running in standalone mode.
ProgressEvent.initProgressEvent() - Web APIs
canbubblearg is a boolean flag indicating if the event can bubble (true) or not (false).
... cancelablearg is a boolean flag indicating if the event associated action can be avoided (true) or not (false).
... lengthcomputable is a boolean flag indicating if the total work to be done, and the amount of work already done, by the underlying process is calculable.
PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions.extensions - Web APIs
uvi boolean user verification index.
... loc boolean location.
... uvm boolean user verification method.
PushSubscription.unsubscribe() - Web APIs
the unsubscribe() method of the pushsubscription interface returns a promise that resolves to a boolean when the current subscription is successfully unsubscribed.
... syntax ​pushsubscription.unsubscribe().then(function(boolean) { ...
... returns a promise that resolves to a boolean when the current subscription is successfully unsubscribed.
Range - Web APIs
range.collapsed read only returns a boolean indicating whether the range's start and end points are at the same position.
... range.intersectsnode() returns a boolean indicating whether the given node intersects the range.
... range.ispointinrange() returns a boolean indicating whether the given point is in the range.
Response - Web APIs
response.ok read only a boolean indicating whether the response was successful (status in the range 200–299) or not.
... response.usefinalurl a boolean indicating whether this is the final url of the response.
... body.bodyused read only stores a boolean that declares whether the body has been used in a response yet.
Sensor.activated - Web APIs
the activated read-only property of the sensor interface returns a boolean indicating whether the sensor is active.
... syntax var boolean = sensorinstance.activated because sensor is a base class, activated may only be read from one of its derived classes.
... value a boolean.
Sensor.hasReading - Web APIs
the hasreading read-only property of the sensor interface returns a boolean indicating whether the sensor has a reading.
... syntax var boolean = sensorinstance.hasreading because sensor is a base class, hasreading may only be read from one of its derived classes.
... value a boolean.
ServiceWorkerRegistration.unregister() - Web APIs
syntax serviceworkerregistration.unregister().then(function(boolean) { }); parameters none.
... return value promise resolves with a boolean indicating whether the service worker has unregistered or not.
... example the following simple example registers a service worker example, but then immediately unregisters it again: if ('serviceworker' in navigator) { navigator.serviceworker.register('/sw-test/sw.js', {scope: 'sw-test'}).then(function(registration) { // registration worked console.log('registration succeeded.'); registration.unregister().then(function(boolean) { // if boolean = true, unregister is successful }); }).catch(function(error) { // registration failed console.log('registration failed with ' + error); }); }; specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'serviceworkerregistration.unregister()' in that specification.
SpeechSynthesis - Web APIs
speechsynthesis.paused read only a boolean that returns true if the speechsynthesis object is in a paused state.
... speechsynthesis.pending read only a boolean that returns true if the utterance queue contains as-yet-unspoken utterances.
... speechsynthesis.speaking read only a boolean that returns true if an utterance is currently in the process of being spoken — even if speechsynthesis is in a paused state.
StorageEvent - Web APIs
"1" width="120" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="176" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">storageevent</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} method overview void initstorageevent( in domstring type, in boolean canbubble, in boolean cancelable, in domstring key, in domstring oldvalue, in domstring newvalue, in usvstring url, in storage storagearea ); attributes attribute type description key domstring represents the key changed.
... canbubble optional a boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the dom or not.
... cancelable optional a boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable.
TrackEvent() - Web APIs
bubbles optional a boolean indicating whether the event bubbles or not.
... cancelable optional a boolean indicating whether or not the event can be canceled.
... composed optional a boolean indicating whether or not the event will trigger listeners outside of a shadow root; see event.composed for more details.
WebGLRenderingContext.getProgramParameter() - Web APIs
possible values: gl.delete_status: returns a glboolean indicating whether or not the program is flagged for deletion.
... gl.link_status: returns a glboolean indicating whether or not the last link operation was successful.
... gl.validate_status: returns a glboolean indicating whether or not the last validation operation was successful.
WebGLRenderingContext.getVertexAttrib() - Web APIs
gl.vertex_attrib_array_enabled: returns a glboolean that is true if the vertex attribute is enabled at this index.
... gl.vertex_attrib_array_normalized: returns a glboolean that is true if fixed-point data types are normalized for the vertex attribute array at the given index.
... when using a webgl 2 context, the following values are available additionally: gl.vertex_attrib_array_integer: returns a glboolean indicating whether or not an integer data type is in the vertex attribute array at the given index.
Box-shadow generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
prototype.computecss = function computecss() { var value = ""; if (this.inset === true) value += "inset "; value += this.posx + "px "; value += this.posy + "px "; value += this.blur + "px "; value += this.spread + "px "; value += this.color.getcolor(); return value; } shadow.prototype.toggleinset = function toggleinset(value) { if (value !== undefined || typeof value === "boolean") this.inset = value; else this.inset = this.inset === true ?
... '-webkit-transform', cssvalue); outputmanager.updateproperty(, '-ms-transform', cssvalue); this.rotate = value; } cssclass.prototype.setzindex = function setzindex(value) { = value; outputmanager.updateproperty(, 'z-index', value); this.zindex = value; } cssclass.prototype.toggledisplay = function toggledisplay(value) { if (typeof value !== "boolean" || this.display === value) return; this.display = value; var display = this.display === true ?
... "block" : "none"; = display; = display; } cssclass.prototype.toggleborder = function toggleborder(value) { if (typeof value !== "boolean" || this.border === value) return; this.border = value; var border = this.border === true ?
disabled - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the boolean disabled attribute, when present, makes the element not mutable, focusable, or even submitted with the form.
... this boolean disabled attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the control or it's descendant controls.
... this boolean attribute prevents the user from interacting with the button.
<button>: The Button element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autofocus html5 this boolean attribute specifies that the button should have input focus when the page loads.
... disabled this boolean attribute prevents the user from interacting with the button: it cannot be pressed or focused.
... formnovalidate html5 if the button is a submit button, this boolean attribute specifies that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted.
<input type="image"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
utton inputs support the following attributes: attribute description alt alternate string to display when the image can't be shown formaction the url to which to submit the data formenctype the encoding method to use when submitting the form data formmethod the http method to use when submitting the form formnovalidate a boolean which, if present, indicates that the form shouldn't be validated before submission formtarget a string indicating a browsing context from where to load the results of submitting the form height the height, in css pixels, at which to draw the image src the url from which to load the image width the width, in css pixels, at which to draw the image ...
... formnovalidate a boolean attribute which, if present, specifies that the form should not be validated before submission to the server.
... formnovalidate html5 a boolean attribute specifying that the form is not to be validated when it is submitted.
<input type="search"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ons maxlength the maximum number of characters the input should accept minlength the minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid pattern a regular expression the input's contents must match in order to be valid placeholder an exemplar value to display in the input field whenever it is empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether or not the contents of the input should be read-only size a number indicating how many characters wide the input field should be spellcheck controls whether or not to enable spell checking for the input field, or if the default spell checking configuration should be used list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> el...
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
... incremental the boolean attribute incremental is a webkit and blink extension (so supported by safari, opera, chrome, etc.) which, if present, tells the user agent to process the input as a live search.
<keygen> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autofocus this boolean attribute lets you specify that the control should have input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it, for example by typing in a different control.
... only one form element in a document can have the autofocus attribute, which is a boolean.
... disabled this boolean attribute indicates that the form control is not available for interaction.
<menuitem> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
checked boolean attribute which indicates whether the command is selected.
... default this boolean attribute indicates use of the same command as the menu's subject element (such as a button or input).
... disabled boolean attribute which indicates that the command is not available in the current state.
<script>: The Script element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this is a boolean attribute: the presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the false value.
... defer this boolean attribute is set to indicate to a browser that the script is meant to be executed after the document has been parsed, but before firing domcontentloaded.
... nomodule this boolean attribute is set to indicate that the script should not be executed in browsers that support es2015 modules — in effect, this can be used to serve fallback scripts to older browsers that do not support modular javascript code.
<textarea> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
autofocus this boolean attribute lets you specify that a form control should have input focus when the page loads.
... disabled this boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the control.
... readonly this boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot modify the value of the control.
Array.prototype.some() - JavaScript
it returns a boolean value.
... description the some() method executes the callback function once for each element present in the array until it finds the one where callback returns a truthy value (a value that becomes true when converted to a boolean).
...ailability(fruits, 'kela'); // false checkavailability(fruits, 'banana'); // true checking whether a value exists using an arrow function const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'mango', 'guava']; function checkavailability(arr, val) { return arr.some(arrval => val === arrval); } checkavailability(fruits, 'kela'); // false checkavailability(fruits, 'banana'); // true converting any value to boolean const truthy_values = [true, 'true', 1]; function getboolean(value) { 'use strict'; if (typeof value === 'string') { value = value.tolowercase().trim(); } return truthy_values.some(function(t) { return t === value; }); } getboolean(false); // false getboolean('false'); // false getboolean(1); // true getboolean('true'); // true specifications specificati...
JSON.stringify() - JavaScript
boolean, number, and string objects are converted to the corresponding primitive values during stringification, in accord with the traditional conversion semantics.
...y('foo'); // '"foo"' json.stringify([1, 'false', false]); // '[1,"false",false]' json.stringify([nan, null, infinity]); // '[null,null,null]' json.stringify({ x: 5 }); // '{"x":5}' json.stringify(new date(2006, 0, 2, 15, 4, 5)) // '"2006-01-02t15:04:05.000z"' json.stringify({ x: 5, y: 6 }); // '{"x":5,"y":6}' json.stringify([new number(3), new string('false'), new boolean(false)]); // '[3,"false",false]' // string-keyed array elements are not enumerable and make no sense in json let a = ['foo', 'bar']; a['baz'] = 'quux'; // a: [ 0: 'foo', 1: 'bar', baz: 'quux' ] json.stringify(a); // '["foo","bar"]' json.stringify({ x: [10, undefined, function(){}, symbol('')] }); // '{"x":[10,null,null,null]}' // standard data structures json.stringify([new set([1]), new ...
... it should return the value that should be added to the json string, as follows: if you return a number, string, boolean, or null, the stringified version of that value is used as the property's value.
Equality (==) - JavaScript
the equality operator (==) checks whether its two operands are equal, returning a boolean result.
... if one of the operands is boolean, convert the boolean operand to 1 if it is true and +0 if it is false.
... boolean: return true only if operands are both true or both false.
Expressions and operators - JavaScript
relational operators a comparison operator compares its operands and returns a boolean value based on whether the comparison is true.
... equality operators the result of evaluating an equality operator is always of type boolean based on whether the comparison is true.
... binary logical operators logical operators are typically used with boolean (logical) values, and when they are, they return a boolean value.
if...else - JavaScript
in general, it is a good practice to always use block statements, especially in code involving nested if statements: if (condition) { statements1 } else { statements2 } do not confuse the primitive boolean values true and false with truthiness or falsiness of the boolean object.
... any value that is not false, undefined, null, 0, -0, nan, or the empty string (""), and any object, including a boolean object whose value is false, is considered truthy when used as the condition.
... for example: var b = new boolean(false); if (b) // this condition is truthy examples using if...else if (cipher_char === from_char) { result = result + to_char; x++; } else { result = result + clear_char; } using else if note that there is no elseif syntax in javascript.
<mtable> - MathML
displaystyle a boolean value specifying whether more vertical space is used for displayed equations or, if set to false, a more compact layout is used to display formulas.
... unimplemented equalcolumns a boolean value indicating whether to force all columns to have the same total height.
... unimplemented equalrows a boolean value indicating whether to force all rows to have the same total height.
choose - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the choose function returns one of the specified objects based on a boolean parameter.
...syntax choose( boolean , object1, object2 ) arguments boolean the boolean operation to use when determining which object to return.
... returns if the boolean parameter is true, the first object is returned; otherwise, the second object is returned.
false - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the false function returns boolean false.
... syntax false() returns boolean false.
... notes this function is useful part of a comparison: <xsl:if test="boolean((1 &gt; 2) = false())"> the expression evaluates as true </xsl:if> defined xpath 1.0 4.3 gecko support supported.
not - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the not function evaluates a boolean expression and returns the opposite value.
... syntax not(expression ) arguments expression the expression is evaluated exactly as if it were passed as an argument to the boolean() function.
... notes this function should behave similarly to the boolean() function except that it returns the opposite value.
page-worker - Archive of obsolete content
the boolean key script controls if scripts from the page are allowed to run. contains a single key named script whose value is a boolean that indicates whether or not to execute script in the content.
request - Archive of obsolete content
to force the response to be interpreted as latin-1, use overridemimetype: var request = require("sdk/request").request; var quijote = request({ url: "", overridemimetype: "text/plain; charset=latin1", oncomplete: function (response) { console.log(response.text); } }); quijote.get(); anonymous boolean if true, the request will be sent without cookies or authentication headers.
... to print all the headers you can do something like this: for (var headername in response.headers) { console.log(headername + " : " + response.headers[headername]); } anonymous boolean indicating if the request was anonymous.
simple-storage - Archive of obsolete content
to store a value, just assign it to a property on storage: var ss = require("sdk/simple-storage"); = [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13]; = true; = null; = 3.1337; = { a: "foo", b: { c: true }, d: null }; = "o frabjous day!"; you can store array, boolean, number, object, null, and string values. with array, boolean, number, object, null, and string values will be persisted.
content/symbiont - Archive of obsolete content
allow object permissions for the content, with the following keys: script boolean whether or not to execute script in the content.
... allow permissions for the content, with a single boolean key called script which defaults to true and indicates whether or not to execute scripts in the content.
event/core - Archive of obsolete content
message : object|number|string|boolean first argument that will be passed to listeners.
... arguments : object|number|string|boolean more arguments that will be passed to listeners.
remote/child - Archive of obsolete content
isremote a boolean property indicating whether this process is remote from the main process or not.
... istab a boolean property indicating whether this frame displays in one of the application's main browser tabs.
remote/parent - Archive of obsolete content
isremote a boolean property that indicates whether the attached process is remote from the main process.
... istab a boolean property indicating if this frame displays in one of the application's main browser tabs.
system/events - Archive of obsolete content
this object has three attributes: type: the event type name subject: the event subject object data: the event data string strong : boolean default is false, a weak reference, which means it can be garbage collected at any time if there are no other references to it.
... strong : boolean default is false, a weak reference, which means it can be garbage collected at any time if there are no other references to it.
ui/button/action - Archive of obsolete content
l not quite fill the space available, so you can instead supply four icons: icon: { "18": "./addon18.png", // toolbar icon non hidpi "32": "./addon32.png", // menu panel icon non hidpi "36": "./addon36.png", // toolbar icon hidpi "64": "./addon64.png" // menu panel icon hidpi } optional options: name type disabled boolean determines whether the button is disabled.
... disabled boolean property indicating whether or not the button is disabled.
ui/toolbar - Archive of obsolete content
hidden boolean boolean indicating whether the frame should be hidden initially or not.
... hidden boolean indicating whether the toolbar is hidden.
Enhanced Extension Installation - Archive of obsolete content
}; tracking install locations since there are only two locations, the installed location of an extension is expressed throughout the code using a boolean value, often referred to as isprofile - true if the item is installed in the profile directory's extensions folder.
... this boolean relationship itself is not stored directly in the datasource.
Listening to events in Firefox extensions - Archive of obsolete content
the pageshow event uses a boolean property called persisted that is set to false on the initial load. pageshow, the pagehide event uses a boolean property called persisted.
Chapter 5: Let's build a Firefox extension - Archive of obsolete content
some of these preferences do not exist—to create them, right-click, select “new>boolean”, and type in the name and set the value accordingly.
... table 6: preference formats fixme: make the table cleaner preference name type value extensions.sessionstore.warnonclear boolean activated when deleting sessions.
Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
this function can get and set preferences with three types of values: boolean, integer, and text; there are specific methods for each, as shown in table 2.
... listing 20: writing a text-string setting var string = 'this is test.'; pref.setcharpref('extensions.myextension.testpref', unescape(encodeuricomponent(string))); data type get set boolean getboolpref(prefname) setboolpref(prefname) integer getintpref(prefname) setintpref(prefname) text string getcharpref(prefname) setcharpref(prefname) using methods from xul elements xpcom gives you access to sophisticated functions in xul elements.
Appendix B: Install and Uninstall Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
instead of a boolean preference, it would be best to use a string preference with the last-installed add-on version.
...set a boolean flag that indicates if your add-on is set to be uninstalled or not, and reset it when necessary.
Appendix E: DOM Building and Insertion (HTML & XUL) - Archive of obsolete content
* @param {boolean} allowstyle if true, allow <style> nodes and * style attributes in the parsed fragment.
... * @param {boolean} isxml if true, parse the fragment as xml.
MozAudioAvailable - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable read only boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
MozBeforeResize - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
cached - Archive of obsolete content
canbubble boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
checking - Archive of obsolete content
canbubble boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
downloading - Archive of obsolete content
canbubble boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
error - Archive of obsolete content
canbubble boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
noupdate - Archive of obsolete content
canbubble boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
obsolete - Archive of obsolete content
canbubble boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
updateready - Archive of obsolete content
canbubble boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
Document Loading - From Load Start to Finding a Handler - Archive of obsolete content
nsuriloader::openuri gets a channel to open, a boolean indicating whether this load is the result of a link click, and an nsisupports "window context" (the docshell triggering the load, actually, but in drag and heavy makeup).
...if the load is not aborted, we create an nsdocumentopeninfo object for this load, passing it the "this is a link click" boolean and the window context.
Menu - Archive of obsolete content
isshowing boolean true if the menu is currently visible and false otherwise.
... disabled boolean if true, the menuitem is disabled.
jspage - Archive of obsolete content
nts); return b.prototype[c].apply(d.shift(),d);};}};native.implement=function(d,c){for(var b=0,a=d.length;b<a;b++){d[b].implement(c);}};native.typize=function(a,b){if(!a.type){a.type=function(c){return($type(c)===b); };}};(function(){var a={array:array,date:date,function:function,number:number,regexp:regexp,string:string};for(var h in a){new native({name:h,initialize:a[h],protect:true}); }var d={"boolean":boolean,"native":native,object:object};for(var c in d){native.typize(d[c],c);}var f={array:["concat","indexof","join","lastindexof","pop","push","reverse","shift","slice","sort","splice","tostring","unshift","valueof"],string:["charat","charcodeat","concat","indexof","lastindexof","match","replace","search","slice","split","substr","substring","tolowercase","touppercase","valueof"]}; for(var e i...
...floor(a.charcodeat()/16).tostring(16)+(a.charcodeat()%16).tostring(16); },encode:function(b){switch($type(b)){case"string":return'"'+b.replace(/[\x00-\x1f\\"]/g,json.$replacechars)+'"';case"array":return"["+string("]"; case"object":case"hash":var a=[];hash.each(b,function(e,d){var c=json.encode(e);if(c){a.push(json.encode(d)+":"+c);}});return"{"+a+"}";case"number":case"boolean":return string(b); case false:return"null";}return null;},decode:function(string,secure){if($type(string)!="string"||!string.length){return null;}if(secure&&!(/^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]*$/).test(string.replace(/\\./g,"@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"/g,""))){return null; }return eval("("+string+")");}});native.implement([hash,array,string,number],{tojson:function(){return json.encode(this);}})...
Venkman Introduction - Archive of obsolete content
icon data type icon data type void (undefined) value null value boolean value string value integer value double value object value function value figure 9.
... in the interactive session's input field, enter this.fpaused venkman evaluates the expression, giving you [boolean] false back.
dirRemove - Archive of obsolete content
method of file object syntax int dirremove( filespecobject dirtoremove [, boolean recursive] ); parameters the dirremove method has the following parameters: dirtoremove a filespecobject representing the directory to be removed.
... recursive an optional boolean value indicating whether the remove operation is to be performed recursively (1) or not (0).
exists - Archive of obsolete content
method of file object syntax boolean exists( filespecobject target ) parameters the exists method has the following parameters: target a filespecobject representing the file or directory being tested for existence.
... returns a boolean value specifying whether the file or directory does indeed exist or does not.
modDateChanged - Archive of obsolete content
method of file object syntax boolean moddatechanged (filespecobject asourcefolder, number anolddate); parameters the moddatechanged method has the following parameters: asourcefolder a filespecobject representing the file to be queried.
... returns a boolean value indicating whether the file has been modified since the input date or has not.
confirm - Archive of obsolete content
acheckstate an object with a boolean value property representing the state of the checkbox: when the dialog box is shown, its checkbox will be checked when this object's value is true.
...also: user closed the dialog window 1 'ok' or button 0 2 the third button previous versions of the xpinstall api stated the return value of confirm() to be a boolean.
execute - Archive of obsolete content
method of install object syntax int execute ( string xpisourcepath [, boolean blocking]); int execute ( string xpisourcepath, string args [, boolean blocking]); parameters the execute method has the following parameters: xpisourcepath the pathname of the file to extract and execute.
... blocking a boolean value that specifies whether the installation should wait for the execution of the file to finish before it resumes.
valueExists - Archive of obsolete content
method of winreg object syntax boolean valueexists ( string key, string value ); parameters the method has the following parameters: key a string representing the path to the key.
... returns boolean value: true if the key exists and the user has read access to it, otherwise false.
CheckboxStateChange - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable read only boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
DOMMenuItemActive - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
DOMMenuItemInactive - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
RadioStateChange - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable read only boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
ValueChange - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable read only boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
broadcast - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
close - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
commandupdate - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
popuphidden - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
popuphiding - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
popupshowing - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
popupshown - Archive of obsolete content
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
Writing to Files - Archive of obsolete content
the following methods are available, all of which take one argument, which is the value to write: writeboolean will write a boolean value to a stream.
...non-boolean values will be converted into booleans automatically.
OpenClose - Archive of obsolete content
the openpopup method is defined as follows: void openpopup(in domelement anchorelement, in string position, in long x, in long y, in boolean iscontextmenu, in boolean attributesoverride); first an example: somepopup.openpopup(anchor, "after_start", 0, 0, false, false); this example will open a popup located just underneath another element referenced by 'anchor'.
... void openpopupatscreen(in long x, in long y, in boolean iscontextmenu); the iscontextmenu argument indicates that a context menu is being opened, and functions the same as the corresponding argument for the openpopup method.
Modifying a XUL Interface - Archive of obsolete content
it takes one boolean argument which indicates whether to copy all of the node's children or not.
...note that while the label and value properties are strings, the checked property is a boolean property which will be set either true or false.
Simple Menu Bars - Archive of obsolete content
disabled this boolean attribute determines whether the menu is disabled.
... disabled this boolean attribute determines whether the menu item is disabled.
XULBrowserWindow - Archive of obsolete content
method overview boolean hidechromeforlocation(in string alocation); attributes attribute type description incontentwhitelist string[] an array of url strings for which chrome is automatically hidden.
... boolean hidechromeforlocation( in string alocation ); parameters alocation the url to check to see if chrome should be hidden while that location is displayed.
description - Archive of obsolete content
for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
dialog - Archive of obsolete content
buttondisabledaccept type: boolean if true, the accept button is disabled.
... warning: if the accept and cancel buttons are actually shown is system dependent and is mainly controlled by the value of the boolean preference browser.preferences.instantapply.
label - Archive of obsolete content
for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
listcell - Archive of obsolete content
for example, for a menuitem in a menu you can add the following css rule when you want to use the value none: menupopup > menuitem, menupopup > menu { max-width: none; } disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... properties disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
listhead - Archive of obsolete content
attributes disabled properties acesssibletype, disabled examples (example needed) attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
... disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
rule - Archive of obsolete content
attributes iscontainer, isempty, parent, parsetype examples (example needed) attributes iscontainer type: boolean indicates whether rules match based on containment.
... isempty type: boolean indicates whether rules match based on emptyness.
NPN_SetValue - Archive of obsolete content
remarks all four variable values are boolean.
... although the function prototype has type of value void *, the actual boolean should be placed there, not a pointer to a boolean.
Implementation Status - Archive of obsolete content
5.2.4 xforms:daytimeduration supported 5.2.5 xforms:yearmonthduration supported 5.2.6 xforms:email unsupported 5.2.7 xforms:card-number unsupported supported types: string, normalized string, token, language, boolean, gday, gmonth, gyear, gyearmonth, gmonthday, date, time, datetime, duration, integer, nonpositiveinteger, negativeinteger, positiveinteger, long, int, short, unsignedlong, unsignedint, unsignedshort, byte, unsignedbyte, float, decimal, anyuri, base64binary, hexbinary, qname 6. inside a repeat won't be bound correctly 333638; 7.4.5 ui binding in other xml vocabularies unsupported not a compliance requirement for an xforms processor 7.4.6 binding examples supported 7.5 xforms core function library supported 7.6.1 boolean-from-string() supported 7.6.2 is-card-number() unsupported 7.7.1 avg() supported 7.7.2 min() supported 7.7.3 max() supported 7.7.4 count-non-empty() supported ...
Describing microformats in JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
standard attributes are: plural a boolean value indicating that, if true indicates that the property can have multiple values.
... virtual a boolean value indicating whether or not the property is virtual.
Primitive - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
there are 6 primitive data types: string, number, bigint, boolean, undefined, and symbol.
... boolean for the boolean primitive.
Basic native form controls - Learn web development
you've met some of these already, but below is a list of those common attributes, for your reference: attribute name default value description autofocus false this boolean attribute lets you specify that the element should automatically have input focus when the page loads.
... disabled false this boolean attribute indicates that the user cannot interact with the element.
JavaScript basics - Learn web development
let myvariable = 10; boolean this is a true/false value. returns a true/false (boolean) result.
Basic math in JavaScript — numbers and operators - Learn web development
if you try entering some of these values in a console, you'll see that they all return true/false values — those booleans we mentioned in the last article.
...for example, booleans can be used to: display the correct text label on a button depending on whether a feature is turned on or off display a game over message if a game is over or a victory message if the game has been won display the correct seasonal greeting depending what holiday season it is zoom a map in or out depending on what zoom level is selected we'll look at how to code such logic when we look at conditional statements in a future article.
Beginning our React todo list - Learn web development
notes: to use boolean values (true and false) in jsx attributes, you must enclose them in curly braces.
... the aria-pressed attribute used in our earlier code snippet has a value of true because aria-pressed is not a true boolean attribute in the way checked is.
Displaying Places information using views
property type description flatlist boolean if true the view does not recurse into containers.
... showroot boolean if true the root nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode is shown as the first row in the tree.
the muted value is available in the request.result property, and is a boolean value — true means muted, and false means unmuted.
... promise version: a promise that resolves with the muted value — a boolean where true means muted, and false means unmuted.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
syntax instanceofhtmliframeelement.setactive(boolean); returns void.
... parameters boolean a boolean that indicates whether the iframe is to be the active frame (true) or not (false).
bubblesread only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelableread only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubblesread only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelableread only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
bubblesread only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelableread only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
to import the addonupdatechecker, use: components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/addonupdatechecker.jsm"); method overview updateinfo getcompatibilityupdate(in updateinfo updates[], in string version, in boolean ignorecompatibility, in string appversion, in string platformversion) updateinfo getnewestcompatibleupdate(in updateinfo updates[], in string appversion, in string platformversion) void checkforupdates(in string id, in string type, in string updatekey, string url, in updatechecklistener listener) constants constant description error_timeout the up...
... updateinfo getcompatibilityupdate( in updateinfo updates[], in string version, in boolean ignorecompatibility, in string appversion, in string platformversion ) parameters updates an array of update objects version the version of the add-on to get new compatibility information for ignorecompatibility an optional parameter to get the first compatibility update that is compatible with any version of the application or toolkit appversion the version of the application or n...
ed(in addoninstall install) void ondownloadfailed(in addoninstall install) void oninstallstarted(in addoninstall install) void oninstallended(in addoninstall install, in addon addon) void oninstallcancelled(in addoninstall install) void oninstallfailed(in addoninstall install) void onexternalinstall(in addon install, in addon existingaddon, in boolean needsrestart) methods onnewinstall() called when a new instance of addoninstall is created, primarily so ui can display some kind of progress for all installs.
... void onexternalinstall( in addon addon, in addon existingaddon, in boolean needsrestart ) parameters addon the newly installed addon existingaddon an addon that will be replaced by this install or null if no add-on is being replaced needsrestart true if the installation requires a restart ...
methods overview void addblocker(string name, function|promise condition, optional function info) boolean removeblocker(function|promise condition) methods addblocker () register a blocker for the completion of a phase.
... boolean removeblocker( in function|promise|* condition ) arguments condition a condition blocking the completion of the phase.
method overview bool ispending();obsolete since gecko 28 void start();obsolete since gecko 28 void flush();obsolete since gecko 28 void cancel();obsolete since gecko 28 void arm(); void disarm(); promise finalize(); attributes isarmed boolean indicates whether the task is currently requested to start again later, regardless of whether it is currently running.
... isrunning boolean indicates whether the task is currently running.
becausesourcefailed read only boolean indicates an error occurred while reading from the remote location.
... becausetargetfailed read only boolean indicates an error occurred while writing to the local target.
Introduction to NSPR
a monitored invariant is a boolean expression over the monitored data.
...manipulate monitored data exit(monitor); the need to evaluate the boolean expression again after rescheduling from a wait may appear unnecessary, but it is vital to the correct execution of the program.
boolean value.
...x : y, and so on to test boolean values, just as you would c int-valued conditions.
Scripting Java
the reason is that javascript has its own top-level objects boolean, math, number, object, and string that are different from the classes by those names defined in the java.lang package.
...additionally, a boolean property of the same name can be defined by an isfoo method.
most users should not call this -- use js::tonumber, js::toboolean, or js::tostring instead.
... see also mxr id search for js::ordinarytoprimitive js::tonumber js::toboolean js::tostring bug 1103152 ...
syntax jsval_true jsval_false description jsval_true and jsval_false are jsval constants that represent the javascript boolean values, true and false.
... they are equivalent to boolean_to_jsval(true) and boolean_to_jsval(false), respectively.
type must be one of jstype_void, jstype_object, jstype_function, jstype_string, jstype_number, or jstype_boolean.
... converting to jstype_boolean works exactly like js::toboolean.
type jstype one of jstype_void, jstype_object, jstype_function, jstype_string, jstype_number, or jstype_boolean.
...the following table lists jstypes and the string literals reported by js_gettypename: type literal jstype_void "undefined" jstype_object "object" jstype_function "function" jstype_string "string" jstype_number "number" jstype_boolean "boolean" any other value null see also js_convertvalue js_typeofvalue js_valuetoboolean js_valuetofunction js_valuetoint32 js_valuetonumber js_valuetoobject js_valuetostring bug 1037718 ...
the return value is always one of jstype_void, jstype_object, jstype_function, jstype_string, jstype_number, or jstype_boolean.
... see also mxr id search for js_typeofvalue js_convertvalue js_gettypename js_valuetoboolean js_valuetofunction js_valuetoint32 js_valuetonumber js_valuetoobject js_valuetostring ...
Places Developer Guide
}, onendupdatebatch: function() { this._inbatch = false; }, onitemadded: function(id, folder, index) { }, onitemremoved: function(id, folder, index) { }, onitemchanged: function(id, property, isannotationproperty, value) { // isannotationproperty is a boolean value that is true of the changed property is an annotation.
...importing: importhtmlfromfile (nsilocalfile afile, boolean aisinitialimport) - this imports all the bookmarks in the specified file into the current bookmarks collection.
enabled readonly attribute boolean true if the extension is currently enabled.
... firstrun readonly attribute boolean indicates whether this is the extension's first run after install prefs readonly attribute extipreferencebranch the preferences object for the extension.
return type method boolean has(in astring aname) void set(in astring aname, in nsivariant avalue) nsivariant get(in astring aname, in nsivariant adefaultvalue) attributes attribute type description events readonly attribute extievents the events object for the storage supports: "change" methods has() determines if a storage item exists with the given...
... boolean has(in astring aname) parameters aname the name of an item return value true if an item exists with the given name, false otherwise.
Mozilla internal string guide
bulkwrite() takes four arguments: the new capacity (which may be rounded up), the number of code units at the beginning of the string to preserve (typically the old logical length), a boolean indicating whether reallocating a smaller buffer is ok if the requested capacity would fit in a buffer that's smaller than current one, and a reference to an nsresult for indicating failure on oom. takes two arguments: the new logical length of the string (which must not exceed the capacity retuned by the length() method of the handle) and a boolean indicating whether it's ok to attempt to reallocate a smaller buffer in case a smaller mozjemalloc bucket could accommodate the new logical length.
options : object this optional parameter is an object with the following optional properties: clonefunctions: a boolean value that determines if functions should be cloned.
... wrapreflectors: a boolean value that determines if objects reflected from c++, such as dom objects, should be cloned.
boolean, defaulting to false.
...boolean, defaulting to false.
XPCshell Test Manifest Expressions
the conditions accept a simple boolean expression syntax, described here.
... operators in order of decreasing precedence: () == != && || literal values booleans: the literal strings true and false.
method overview [propget] hresult anchor([in] long index, [out] variant anchor ); [propget] hresult anchortarget([in] long index, [out] variant anchortarget ); [propget] hresult endindex([out] long index ); [propget] hresult startindex([out] long index ); [propget] hresult valid([out] boolean valid ); methods anchor() returns an object that represents the link anchor, as appropriate for the link at the specified index.
...[propget] hresult valid( [out] boolean valid ); parameters valid true if the referenced target is still valid and false otherwise.
method overview void clearcache(in boolean chrome); nsiproperties findentryproperties(in nsiuri uri); void removeentry(in nsiuri uri); methods clearcache() evict images from the cache.
... void clearcache( in boolean chrome ); parameters chrome if true, evict only chrome images.
ehasnoalpha(in unsigned long framenumber); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void setframetimeout(in unsigned long framenumber, in print32 atimeout); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void startanimation(); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void stopanimation(); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void unlockimage(); attributes attribute type description animated boolean whether this image is animated.
... obsolete since gecko 2.0 currentframeisopaque boolean whether the current frame is opaque; that is, needs the background painted behind it.
nsiuri areferreruri, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiloadgroup aloadgroup, in imgidecoderobserver aobserver, in nsisupports acx, in nsloadflags aloadflags, in nsisupports cachekey, in imgirequest arequest, in nsichannelpolicy channelpolicy); imgirequest loadimagewithchannel(in nsichannel achannel, in imgidecoderobserver aobserver, in nsisupports cx, out nsistreamlistener alistener); boolean supportimagewithmimetype(in string mimetype); constants constant value description load_cors_anonymous 1 << 16 load_cors_use_credentials 1 << 17 methods loadimage() start the load and decode of an image.
...boolean supportimagewithmimetype( in string mimetype ); parameters mimetype the type to find a decoder for.
method overview void getfaviconurlforpage(in nsiuri apageuri, in nsifavicondatacallback acallback); void getfavicondataforpage(in nsiuri apageuri, in nsifavicondatacallback acallback); void setandfetchfaviconforpage(in nsiuri apageuri, in nsiuri afaviconuri, in boolean aforcereload, in unsigned long afaviconloadtype, [optional] in nsifavicondatacallback acallback); void replacefavicondata(in nsiuri afaviconuri, [const,array,size_is(adatalen)] in octet adata, in unsigned long adatalen, in autf8string amimetype, [optional] in prtime aexpiration); void replacefavicondatafromdataurl(in nsiuri afaviconuri, in astring adataurl, [optio...
... note: this function is identical to nsifaviconservice.setandloadfaviconforpage() void setandfetchfaviconforpage( in nsiuri apageuri, in nsiuri afaviconuri, in boolean aforcereload, in unsigned long afaviconloadtype, in nsifavicondatacallback acallback optional ); parameters apageuri uri of the page whose favicon is being set.
to access this service, use var personaldictionary = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.mozipersonaldictionary); method overview void addcorrection(in wstring word,in wstring correction, in wstring lang); void addword(in wstring word, in wstring lang); boolean check(in wstring word, in wstring lang); void endsession(); void getcorrection(in wstring word, [array, size_is(count)] out wstring words, out pruint32 count); void ignoreword(in wstring word); void load(); void removecorrection(in wstring word,in wstring correction, in wstring lang); void removeword(in wstring word, in wstring lang); void save(); attributes attribute type des...
...boolean check( in wstring word, in wstring lang ); parameters word the word to check.
toolkit/components/places/mozicoloranalyzer.idlscriptable provides callback methods for mozicoloranalyzer 1.0 66 introduced gecko 17.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 17.0 (firefox 17.0 / thunderbird 17.0 / seamonkey 2.14) method overview void oncomplete(in boolean success, [optional] in unsigned long color); methods oncomplete() will be called when color analysis finishes.
... void oncomplete( in boolean success, [optional] in unsigned long color ); parameters success true if analysis was successful, false otherwise.
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsisupports method overview boolean onprogress(in mozistorageconnection aconnection); methods onprogress() the onprogress() method is called periodically while an sqlite operation is ongoing.
... boolean onprogress( in mozistorageconnection aconnection ); parameters <tt>aconnection</tt> a mozistorageconnection connection indicating the connection for which the callback was invoked.
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void initialize(in mozistoragestatement astatement); void reset(); boolean step(); void execute(); attributes attribute type description statement mozistoragestatement the statement that is wrapped.
... boolean step(); parameters none.
long getint32(in unsigned long aindex); long long getint64(in unsigned long aindex); double getdouble(in unsigned long aindex); autf8string getutf8string(in unsigned long aindex); astring getstring(in unsigned long aindex); void getblob(in unsigned long aindex, out unsigned long adatasize, [array,size_is(adatasize)] out octet adata); boolean getisnull(in unsigned long aindex); attributes attribute type description numentries unsigned long the number of entries in the array.
... boolean getisnull( in unsigned long aindex ); parameters aindex the zero-based numerical index for the column to get the data from.
toolkit/components/places/moziasynchistory.idlscriptable this interface provides callback handling functionality for moziasynchistory.isurivisited 1.0 66 introduced gecko 11.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 11.0 (firefox 11.0 / thunderbird 11.0 / seamonkey 2.8) method overview void isvisited(in nsiuri auri, in boolean avisitedstatus); methods isvisited() called when the moziasynchistory.isurivisited() method's check to determine whether a given uri has been visited has completed.
...void isvisited( in nsiuri auri, in boolean avisitedstatus ); parameters auri the uri that was checked to see if it's been visited.
ng startoffset, out long endoffset); astring gettext(in long startoffset, in long endoffset); astring gettextafteroffset(in long offset, in nsaccessibletextboundary boundarytype, out long startoffset, out long endoffset); astring gettextatoffset(in long offset, in nsaccessibletextboundary boundarytype, out long startoffset, out long endoffset); nsipersistentproperties gettextattributes(in boolean includedefattrs, in long offset, out long rangestartoffset, out long rangeendoffset); astring gettextbeforeoffset(in long offset, in nsaccessibletextboundary boundarytype, out long startoffset, out long endoffset); void removeselection(in long selectionnum); void scrollsubstringto(in long startindex, in long endindex, in unsigned long scrolltype); void scrollsubstringtopoint(in long sta...
...nsipersistentproperties gettextattributes( in boolean includedefattrs, in long offset, out long rangestartoffset, out long rangeendoffset ); parameters includedefattrs points whether text attributes applied to the entire accessible should be included or not.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview boolean isinserted(); attributes attribute type description length unsigned long returns length of changed text.
... methods isinserted() boolean isinserted(); parameters none.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview boolean setcurrentvalue(in double value); obsolete since gecko 1.9 attributes attribute type description currentvalue double maximumvalue double read only.
...boolean setcurrentvalue( in double value ); parameters value new value for current value.
implemented by:;1 as a service: var alertsservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsialertsservice); method overview void showalertnotification(in astring imageurl, in astring title, in astring text, [optional] in boolean textclickable, [optional] in astring cookie, [optional] in nsiobserver alertlistener, [optional] in astring name, [optional] in astring dir, [optional] in astring lang, [optional] in astring data, [optional] in nsiprincipal principal,[optional] in boolean inprivatebrowsing); void closealert([optional] in astring name, [optional] in nsiprincipal principal); methods showalertnotifi...
... void showalertnotification( in astring imageurl, in astring title, in astring text, in boolean textclickable, optional in astring cookie, optional in nsiobserver alertlistener, optional in astring name, optional in astring dir, optional in astring lang, optional in astring data, optional in nsiprincipal principal, optional in boolean inprivatebrowsing, optional ); parameters imageurl a url identifying the image to display in the notification alert.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void create(inout int argc, inout string argv); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void dispatchnativeevent(in prbool arealevent, in voidptr aevent); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void exit(); void favorperformancehint(in boolean favorperfoverstarvation, in unsigned long starvationdelay); void getnativeevent(in prboolref arealevent, in voidptrref aevent); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void listentoeventqueue(in nsieventqueue aqueue, in prbool alisten); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void resumenative(); void run(); void runinstablestate(in nsirunnable arunnable); void spindown(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void spinup...
...void favorperformancehint( in boolean favorperfoverstarvation, in unsigned long starvationdelay ); parameters favorperfoverstarvation true to favor event performance over event starvation, false to favor event starvation over event performance.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.1 inherits from: nsiapplicationcachecontainer last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void markofflinecacheentryasforeign(); attributes attribute type description chooseapplicationcache boolean when true, the channel will choose an application cache if one was not explicitly provided and none is available from the notification callbacks.
... inheritapplicationcache boolean true if the channel will ask its notification callbacks for an application cache if one is not explicitly provided.
inherits from: nsirequest last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) method overview void asynccopy(in nsirequestobserver aobserver, in nsisupports aobservercontext); void init(in nsiinputstream asource, in nsioutputstream asink, in nsieventtarget atarget, in boolean asourcebuffered, in boolean asinkbuffered, in unsigned long achunksize, in boolean aclosesource, in boolean aclosesink); methods asynccopy() starts the copy operation.
...void init( in nsiinputstream asource, in nsioutputstream asink, in nsieventtarget atarget, in boolean asourcebuffered, in boolean asinkbuffered, in unsigned long achunksize, in boolean aclosesource, in boolean aclosesink ); parameters asource contains the data to be copied.
oidptr aouttoken, out unsigned long aouttokenlength); void init(in string aservicename, in unsigned long aserviceflags, in wstring adomain, in wstring ausername, in wstring apassword); void unwrap([const] in voidptr aintoken, in unsigned long aintokenlength, out voidptr aouttoken, out unsigned long aouttokenlength); void wrap([const] in voidptr aintoken, in unsigned long aintokenlength, in boolean confidential, out voidptr aouttoken, out unsigned long aouttokenlength); constants constant value description req_default 0 default behavior.
...void wrap( [const] in voidptr aintoken, in unsigned long aintokenlength, in boolean confidential, out voidptr aouttoken, out unsigned long aouttokenlength ); parameters aintoken a buffer containing the data to be sent to the server.
to create an instance, use: var authprompt2 = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiauthprompt2); method overview nsicancelable asyncpromptauth(in nsichannel achannel, in nsiauthpromptcallback acallback, in nsisupports acontext, in pruint32 level, in nsiauthinformation authinfo); boolean promptauth(in nsichannel achannel, in pruint32 level, in nsiauthinformation authinfo); constants constant value description level_none 0 the password will be sent unencrypted.
... boolean promptauth( in nsichannel achannel, in pruint32 level, in nsiauthinformation authinfo ); parameters achannel the channel that requires authentication.
method overview void onauthavailable(in nsisupports acontext, in nsiauthinformation aauthinfo); void onauthcancelled(in nsisupports acontext, in boolean usercancel); methods onauthavailable() authentication information is available.
...void onauthcancelled( in nsisupports acontext, in boolean usercancel ); parameters acontext the context that was passed to nsiauthprompt2.asyncpromptauth().
method overview boolean notifycertproblem(in nsiinterfacerequestor socketinfo, in nsisslstatus status, in autf8string targetsite); methods notifycertproblem() called in case of a broken ssl status.
... boolean notifycertproblem( in nsiinterfacerequestor socketinfo, in nsisslstatus status, in autf8string targetsite ); parameters socketinfo a network communication context that can be used to obtain more information about the active connection.
a user is a bidirectional writer if they have keyboard layouts in both left-to-right and right-to-left directions (that is users who use arabic, iranian (persian), or israel (hebrew) keyboard layout, beside an us (english) layout.) inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 9.0 (firefox 9.0 / thunderbird 9.0 / seamonkey 2.6) method overview boolean islangrtl(); void setlangfrombidilevel(in pruint8 alevel); attributes attribute type description havebidikeyboards boolean indicates whether or not the system has at least one keyboard for each direction (left-to-right and right-to-left) installed.
...boolean islangrtl(); parameters none.
s from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 29 (firefox 29 / thunderbird 29 / seamonkey 2.26) method overview unsigned long getaddonblockliststate(in jsval addon, [optional] in astring appversion, [optional] in astring toolkitversion); unsigned long getpluginblockliststate(in nsiplugintag plugin, [optional] in astring appversion, [optional] in astring toolkitversion); boolean isaddonblocklisted(in jsval addon, [optional] in astring appversion, [optional] in astring toolkitversion); constants constant value description state_not_blocked 0 state_softblocked 1 state_blocked 2 state_outdated 3 methods getaddonblockliststate() determine the blocklist state of an add-on.
...boolean isaddonblocklisted( in jsval addon, in astring appversion, optional from gecko 1.9.1 in astring toolkitversion optional from gecko 1.9.1 ); parameters addon the addon object to be checked.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview boolean isstreambased(); attributes attribute type description clientid string get the client id associated with this cache entry.
...boolean isstreambased(); parameters none.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview boolean visitmetadataelement(in string key, in string value); methods visitmetadataelement() this method is called for each key/value pair in the meta data for a cache entry.
... boolean visitmetadataelement( in string key, in string value ); parameters key the key for visiting the meta data for a cache entry.
method overview nsicachesession createsession(in string clientid, in nscachestoragepolicy storagepolicy, in boolean streambased); acstring createtemporaryclientid(in nscachestoragepolicy storagepolicy); obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 void evictentries(in nscachestoragepolicy storagepolicy); void init(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void shutdown(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void visitentries(in nsicachevisitor visitor); attributes attribute type des...
... nsicachesession createsession( in string clientid, in nscachestoragepolicy storagepolicy, in boolean streambased ); parameters clientid specifies the name of the client using the cache.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void notifyresolvedcharset(in acstring charset, in nsisupports closure); acstring requestcharset(in nsiwebnavigation awebnavigation, in nsichannel achannel, out boolean awantcharset, out nsisupports aclosure); methods notifyresolvedcharset() some implementations may request that they be notified when the charset is actually detected.
...acstring requestcharset( in nsiwebnavigation awebnavigation, in nsichannel achannel, out boolean awantcharset, out nsisupports aclosure ); parameters awebnavigation the nsiwebnavigation the document is being loaded in.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsiframemessagemanager last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void loadframescript(in astring aurl, in boolean aallowdelayedload); void removedelayedframescript(in astring aurl); methods loadframescript() loads a script into the remote frame.
... void loadframescript( in astring aurl, in boolean aallowdelayedload ); parameters aurl the url of the script to load into the frame; this must be an absolute url, but data: urls are supported.
by:;1 as a service: var chromeregistry = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsichromeregistry); method overview void canonify(in nsiuri achromeurl); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void checkfornewchrome(); nsiuri convertchromeurl(in nsiuri achromeurl); boolean wrappersenabled(in nsiuri auri); violates the xpcom interface guidelines constants constant value description none 0 partial 1 full 2 methods canonify() obsolete since gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) note: this method is obsolete; use convertchromeurl() instead.
...boolean wrappersenabled( in nsiuri auri ); parameters auri the uri for which to determine if xpcnativewrappers are enabled.
you can do it simpler: domwindowutils.sendcompositionevent("compositioncommitasis", "", ""); if you need to commit composition with different commit string gecko 36 or later, you can use "compositioncommit": domwindowutils.sendcompositionevent("compositioncommit", "foo-bar-buzz", ""); method overview void appendclause(in unsigned long alength, in unsigned long aattribute); boolean dispatchevent(); void setcaret(in unsigned long aoffset, in unsigned long alength); void setstring(in astring astring); constants constant value description attr_raw_input 0x02 a clause attribute.
... boolean dispatchevent(); return value if dispatched event's default is prevented, returns true.
isdomain boolean true if the cookie is a domain cookie, false otherwise.
... issecure boolean true if the cookie was transmitted over ssl, false otherwise.
ishttponly boolean true if the cookie is an http only cookie.
... issession boolean true if the cookie is a session cookie.
it is implemented by the;1 component, but should generally be accessed via services.cookies method overview void remove(in autf8string ahost, in acstring aname, in autf8string apath, in boolean ablocked, in jsval aoriginattributes); void removeall(); attributes attribute type description enumerator nsisimpleenumerator called to enumerate through each cookie in the cookie list.
... void remove( in autf8string ahost, in acstring aname, in autf8string apath, in boolean ablocked, in jsval aoriginattributes ); parameters ahost the host or domain for which the cookie was set.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports method overview nscookieaccess canaccess(in nsiuri auri, in nsichannel achannel); boolean cansetcookie(in nsiuri auri, in nsichannel achannel, in nsicookie2 acookie, inout boolean aissession, inout print64 aexpiry); nsiuri getoriginatinguri(in nsichannel achannel); void setaccess(in nsiuri auri, in nscookieaccess aaccess); constants constant value description access_default 0 nscookieaccess's access default value access_allow 1 nscookieaccess's access allow value access_deny 2 nscookieaccess's access deny value access_session 8 additio...
...boolean cansetcookie( in nsiuri auri, in nsichannel achannel, in nsicookie2 acookie, inout boolean aissession, inout print64 aexpiry ); parameters auri the uri trying to set the cookie.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports method overview long cookiedialog(in nsidomwindow parent, in nsicookie cookie, in acstring hostname, in long cookiesfromhost, in boolean changingcookie, out boolean rememberdecision); constants constant value description deny_cookie 0 holds the value for a denying the cookie.
... long cookiedialog( in nsidomwindow parent, in nsicookie cookie, in acstring hostname, in long cookiesfromhost, in boolean changingcookie, out boolean rememberdecision ); parameters parent the parent window for the dialog.
attributes attribute type description enabled boolean enable or disable the crashreporter at runtime.
... submitreports boolean user preference for submitting crash reports.
method overview void begin(); void begindescriptions(); void describegcedobject(in unsigned long long aaddress, in boolean amarked); void describerefcountedobject(in unsigned long long aaddress, in unsigned long aknownedges, in unsigned long atotaledges); void end(); void noteedge(in unsigned long long afromaddress, in unsigned long long atoaddress, in string aedgename); void noteobject(in unsigned long long aaddress, in string aobjectdescription); methods begin() void begin(); parameters none.
...describegcedobject() void describegcedobject( in unsigned long long aaddress, in boolean amarked ); parameters aaddress amarked describerefcountedobject() void describerefcountedobject( in unsigned long long aaddress, in unsigned long aknownedges, in unsigned long atotaledges ); parameters aaddress aknownedges atotaledges end() void end(); parameters none.
acstring getnextaddrasstring(); boolean hasmore(); void rewind(); attributes attribute type description canonicalname acstring for example, -->
...boolean hasmore(); parameters none.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview boolean issameeventgroup(in nsidomeventgroup other); methods issameeventgroup() reports whether or not another event group is the same as this one.
... boolean issameeventgroup( in nsidomeventgroup other ); parameters other instance of nsidomeventgroup object to compare against.
method overview void initmousescrollevent(in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in nsidomabstractview viewarg, in long detailarg, in long screenxarg, in long screenyarg, in long clientxarg, in long clientyarg, in boolean ctrlkeyarg, in boolean altkeyarg, in boolean shiftkeyarg, in boolean metakeyarg, in unsigned short buttonarg, in nsidomeventtarget relatedtargetarg, in long axis); attributes attribute typ...
...void initmousescrollevent( in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in nsidomabstractview viewarg, in long detailarg, in long screenxarg, in long screenyarg, in long clientxarg, in long clientyarg, in boolean ctrlkeyarg, in boolean altkeyarg, in boolean shiftkeyarg, in boolean metakeyarg, in unsigned short buttonarg, in nsidomeventtarget relatedtargetarg, in long axis ); parameters typea...
last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void mozadd(in domstring uri); boolean mozhasitem(in domstring uri); domstring mozitem(in unsigned long index); void mozremove(in domstring uri); void swapcache(); void update(); attributes attribute type description mozitems nsidomofflineresourcelist the list of dynamically-managed entries in the offline resource list.
... mozhasitem returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the specified uri represents a resource that's in the application cache's list.
last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) inherits from: nsidomevent method overview void initorientationevent(in domstring eventtypearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in double x, in double y, in double z); attributes attribute type description x double the amount of tilt along the x axis.
...void initprogressevent( in domstring eventtypearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in double x, in double y, in double z ); parameters eventtypearg the type of event.
method overview void initprogressevent(in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in boolean lengthcomputablearg, in unsigned long long loadedarg, in unsigned long long totalarg); deprecated since gecko 22.0 attributes attribute type description lengthcomputable boolean specifies whether or not the total size of the transfer is known.
... void initprogressevent( in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in boolean lengthcomputablearg, in unsigned long long loadedarg, in unsigned long long totalarg ); parameters typearg the type of event.
method overview void initsimplegestureevent(in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in nsidomabstractview viewarg, in long detailarg, in long screenxarg, in long screenyarg, in long clientxarg, in long clientyarg, in boolean ctrlkeyarg, in boolean altkeyarg, in boolean shiftkeyarg, in boolean metakeyarg, in unsigned short buttonarg, in nsidomeventtarget relatedtargetarg, in unsigned long directionarg, in double deltaarg); attributes...
... void initsimplegestureevent( in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in nsidomabstractview viewarg, in long detailarg, in long screenxarg, in long screenyarg, in long clientxarg, in long clientyarg, in boolean ctrlkeyarg, in boolean altkeyarg, in boolean shiftkeyarg, in boolean metakeyarg, in unsigned short buttonarg, in nsidomeventtarget relatedtargetarg, in unsigned long directionarg, in doubl...
method overview void initstorageevent(in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in domstring keyarg, in domstring oldvaluearg, in domstring newvaluearg, in domstring urlarg, in nsidomstorage storageareaarg); attributes attribute type description domain domstring the domain of the storage area which changed, or "#session" if the event represents a change to session storage.
... void initstorageevent( in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in domstring domainarg ); parameters typearg the type argument.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview boolean verifydata(in acstring adata, in acstring asignature, in acstring apublickey); methods verifydata() verifies that the data matches the data that was used to generate the signature.
... boolean verifydata( in acstring adata, in acstring asignature, in acstring apublickey ); parameters adata the data to be tested.
method overview boolean haskey(in string key); void getkeys(out pruint32 count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out string keys); nsisupports getvalue(in string key); void setvalue(in string key, in nsisupports value); nsisupports deletevalue(in string key); void clear(); methods haskey() check if a given key is present in the dictionary.
... boolean haskey( in string key ); parameters key key to check for.
obsolete since gecko 1.8 nsiloadgroup getloadgroup(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 boolean isbusy(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void stop(); attributes attribute type description container nsisupports read only.
...return value isbusy() obsolete since gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) boolean isbusy(); parameters none.
getservice(components.interfaces.nsienvironment); method overview void set(in astring aname, in astring avalue); astring get(in astring aname); boolean exists(in astring aname); methods set() set the value of an environment variable.
... boolean exists( in astring aname ); parameters aname the variable name to probe.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.6 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void dispatch(in nsirunnable event, in unsigned long flags); boolean isoncurrentthread(); void postevent(in pleventptr aevent); native code only!
...boolean isoncurrentthread(); parameters none.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsihandlerinfo geturlhandlerinfofromos(in nsiuri aurl, out boolean afound); methods geturlhandlerinfofromos() given a url, looks up the handler info from the operating system.
...nsihandlerinfo geturlhandlerinfofromos( in nsiuri aurl, out boolean afound ); parameters aurl the url we are looking for.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void onftpcontrollog(in boolean server, in string msg) methods onftpcontrollog allows a consumer to receive a log of the ftp control connection conversation.
... void onftpcontrollog ( in boolean server, in string msg); parameters server a boolean value specifying whether you are a server or a client.
inherits from: nsifeedresultlistener last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) method overview void handleentry(in nsifeedentry entry, in nsifeedresult result); void handlefeedatfirstentry(in nsifeedresult result); void handlestartfeed(in nsifeedresult result); void reporterror(in astring errortext, in long linenumber, in boolean bozo); methods handleentry() called after each entry or item is processed.
... void reporterror( in astring errortext, in long linenumber, in boolean bozo ); parameters errortext a short description of the error.
method overview void addmessagelistener(in astring amessage, in nsiframemessagelistener alistener, [optional] in boolean listenwhenclosed); void removemessagelistener(in astring amessage, in nsiframemessagelistener alistener); void sendasyncmessage(in astring amessage, in astring json); methods addmessagelistener() adds a message listener to the local frame.
... void addmessagelistener( in astring amessage, in nsiframemessagelistener alistener [optional in boolean listenwhenclosed ); parameters amessage the name of the message for which to add a listener.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 6.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 6.0 (firefox 6.0 / thunderbird 6.0 / seamonkey 2.3) method overview boolean getboolean(in autf8string key); long getint(in autf8string key); autf8string getstring(in autf8string key); void setboolean(in autf8string key, in boolean value); void setint(in autf8string key, in long value); void setstring(in autf8string key, in autf8string value); methods getboolean() boolean getboolean( in autf8string key ); parameters key return value getint() long getint( in autf8string key ); parameters key return value getstring() autf8string getstring( in autf8string key ); parameters k...
...ey return value setboolean() void setboolean( in autf8string key, in boolean value ); parameters key value setint() void setint( in autf8string key, in long value ); parameters key value setstring() void setstring( in autf8string key, in autf8string value ); parameters key value ...
method overview boolean isready(); obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 void shutdown(); void startup(); void watch(in nsigeolocationupdate callback); methods isready() obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) reports whether or not the device is ready and has a position.
... boolean isready(); parameters none.
66 introduced gecko 1.0 deprecated gecko 2.0 obsolete gecko 15.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void addpage(in string aurl); boolean isvisited(in string aurl); methods addpage() add a page to the history.
...boolean isvisited( in string aurl ); parameters aurl the url to the page.
method overview void adddocumentredirect(in nsichannel aoldchannel, in nsichannel anewchannel, in print32 aflags, in boolean atoplevel); unsigned long geturigeckoflags(in nsiuri auri); void seturigeckoflags(in nsiuri auri, in unsigned long aflags); methods adddocumentredirect() notifies the history system that the page loading via aoldchannel redirected to anewchannel.
...void adddocumentredirect( in nsichannel aoldchannel, in nsichannel anewchannel, in print32 aflags, in boolean atoplevel ); parameters aoldchannel anewchannel aflags flags to add.
method overview unsigned long available();deprecated since gecko 17.0 unsigned long long available(); void close(); boolean isnonblocking(); unsigned long read(in charptr abuf, in unsigned long acount); native code only!
... isnonblocking() boolean isnonblocking(); parameters none.
void encodetostream(in nsioutputstream stream, in string charset, in boolean writebom, in jsobject value); jsval legacydecode(in astring str); deprecated since gecko 2.0 jsval legacydecodefromstream(in astring str); deprecated since gecko 2.0 jsval legacydecodetojsval(in astring str, in jscontext cx); native code only!
... void encodetostream( in nsioutputstream stream, in string charset, in boolean writebom in jsobject value ); parameters stream the nsioutputstream to which to write the json string.
method overview boolean equals(in nsijumplistitem item); attributes attribute type description type short retrieves the jump list item type.
...compares the type and other properties specific to this item's type: separator - type link - type, uri, title shortcut - type, handler application boolean equals( in nsijumplistitem item ); parameters item another nsijumplistitem to compare to.
long folder, in astring name, in nsiuri siteuri, in nsiuri feeduri, in long index); long long createlivemarkfolderonly(in long long folder, in astring name, in nsiuri siteuri, in nsiuri feeduri, in long index); nsiuri getfeeduri(in long long container); long long getlivemarkidforfeeduri(in nsiuri afeeduri); nsiuri getsiteuri(in long long container); boolean islivemark(in long long folder); void reloadalllivemarks(); void reloadlivemarkfolder(in long long folderid); void setfeeduri(in long long container, in nsiuri feeduri); void setsiteuri(in long long container, in nsiuri siteuri); void start(); void stopupdatelivemarks(); methods createlivemark() creates a new livemark.
... boolean islivemark( in long long folder ); parameters folder a folder id.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview astring decrypt(in astring ciphertext); astring encrypt(in astring plaintext); attributes attribute type description isloggedin boolean current login state of the token used for encryption.
... uibusy boolean true when a master password prompt is being displayed.
method summary void activateapplication(in boolean aignoreotherapplications); attributes attribute type description badgetext astring text to display in a badge on the application's dock icon.
...void activateapplication( in boolean aignoreotherapplications ); parameters aignoreotherapplications if true, the application is activated regardless of the state of other applications.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 7.0 (firefox 7.0 / thunderbird 7.0 / seamonkey 2.4) method overview void scrolltonode(in nsidomnode node); void sizetocontent(); attributes attribute type description allowplugins boolean if true, plugins are allowed within the doc shell.
...obsolete since gecko 1.8 authorstyledisabled boolean disable entire author style level (including html presentation hints) bidicharacterset octet whether to force the user's character set 1 - use the document character set 2 - use the character set chosen by the user.
to access this service, use: var globalmm = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsimessagelistenermanager); method overview void addmessagelistener(in astring messagename, in nsimessagelistener listener, [optional] in boolean listenwhenclosed) void removemessagelistener(in astring messagename, in nsimessagelistener listener); void addweakmessagelistener(in astring messagename, in nsimessagelistener listener); void removeweakmessagelistener(in astring messagename, in nsimessagelistener listener);...
... void addmessagelistener(in astring messagename, in nsimessagelistener listener, [optional] in boolean listenwhenclosed); parameters messagename a string indicating the name of the message to listen for.
as a service: var mimeheaders = components.classes[""] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsimimeheaders); method overview string extractheader([const] in string headername, in boolean getallofthem); void initialize([const] in string allheaders, in long allheaderssize); attributes attribute type description allheaders string read only.
... methods extractheader() string extractheader( [const] in string headername, in boolean getallofthem ); parameters headername missing description getallofthem missing description return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description initialize() void initialize( [const] in string allheaders, in long allheaderssize ); parameters allheaders insert the complete message content allheaderssize length of the passed in content exceptions thrown missing exception missing description remarks see also ...
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 0.9.9 method overview boolean canunload(in nsicomponentmanager acompmgr); void getclassobject(in nsicomponentmanager acompmgr, in nscidref aclass, in nsiidref aiid, [retval, iid_is(aiid)] out nsqiresult aresult); void registerself(in nsicomponentmanager acompmgr, in nsifile alocation, in string aloaderstr, in string atype); void unregisterself(in nsicomponentmanager acompmgr, in nsifile alocation, in string aloaderstr); methods canunload() this method may be queried to determine whether or not the component module can...
...boolean canunload( in nsicomponentmanager acompmgr ); parameters acompmgr the global component manager.
inherits from: nsisupports method overview boolean showpanel(in nsimsgincomingserver server); attributes attribute type description name acstring name of the account manager extension.
... boolean showpanel( in nsimsgincomingserver server ); parameters server the account for which the panel should be displayed.
wcolumn", columnhandler); after which it can be retrieved using the nsimsgdbview.getcolumnhandler() method: var handler = gdbview.getcolumnhandler("newcolumn"); and removed using the nsimsgdbview.removecolumnhandler() method: gdbview.removecolumnhandler("newcolumn"); method overview astring getsortstringforrow(in nsimsgdbhdr ahdr); unsigned long getsortlongforrow(in nsimsgdbhdr ahdr); boolean isstring(); methods getsortstringforrow() if the column displays a string, this will return the string that the column should be sorted by.
...isstring() boolean isstring(); parameters none.
ion id if type is custom attribute acstring customid; customaction // custom action associated with customid // (which must be set prior to reading this attribute) readonly attribute nsimsgfiltercustomaction customaction; methods addterm() void nsimsgfilter::addterm ( in nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib, in nsmsgsearchopvalue op, in nsimsgsearchvalue value, in boolean booleanand, in acstring arbitraryheader ) getterm() void nsimsgfilter::getterm ( in long termindex, in nsmsgsearchattribvalue attrib, in nsmsgsearchopvalue op, in nsimsgsearchvalue value, out boolean booleanand, out acstring arbitraryheader ) appendterm() void ns...
...imsgfilter::appendterm (in nsimsgsearchterm term) createterm() nsimsgsearchterm nsimsgfilter::createterm ( ) matchhdr() void nsimsgfilter::matchhdr ( in nsimsgdbhdr msghdr, in nsimsgfolder folder, in nsimsgdatabase db, in string headers, in unsigned long headersize, out boolean result ) logrulehit() void nsimsgfilter::logrulehit ( in nsimsgruleaction afilteraction, in nsimsgdbhdr aheader ) createaction() nsimsgruleaction nsimsgfilter::createaction ( ) getactionat() nsimsgruleaction nsimsgfilter::getactionat (in long aindex) appendaction() void nsimsgfilter::appendaction (in nsimsgruleaction action ) clearactionlist() void nsimsgfilter::clearactionlist() getsortedactionlist() void nsimsgfilter::getsortedactionl...
defined in comm-central/ mailnews/ base/ search/ public/ nsimsgfilterlist.idl attributes folder attribute nsimsgfolder nsimsgfilterlist::folder version readonly attribute short nsimsgfilterlist::version arbitraryheaders readonly attribute acstring nsimsgfilterlist::arbitraryheaders shoulddownloadallheaders readonly attribute boolean nsimsgfilterlist::shoulddownloadallheaders filtercount readonly attribute unsigned long nsimsgfilterlist::filtercount loggingenabled attribute boolean nsimsgfilterlist::loggingenabled defaultfile attribute nsilocalfile nsimsgfilterlist::defaultfile logstream attribute nsioutputstream nsimsgfilterlist::logstream logurl readonly attribute acstring nsimsgfilterlist::logurl methods getfilterat() nsimsgfilter nsimsgfilterlist::getfilterat (in unsigned lo...
... writestrattr() void nsimsgfilterlist::writestrattr ( in nsmsgfilterfileattribvalue attrib, in string value, in nsioutputstream stream ) writewstrattr() void nsimsgfilterlist::writewstrattr ( in nsmsgfilterfileattribvalue attrib, in string value, in nsioutputstream stream ) matchorchangefiltertarget() boolean nsimsgfilterlist::matchorchangefiltertarget ( in acstring olduri, in acstring newuri, in boolean caseinsensitive ) clearlog() void nsimsgfilterlist::clearlog () ensurelogfile() void nsimsgfilterlist::ensurelogfile () flushlogifnecessary () void nsimsgfilterlist::flushlogifnecessary () const const nsmsgfilterfileattribvalue nsimsgfilterlist::attribno...
id onfolderremoved(in print64 folder, in print64 parent, in print32 index); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void onitemadded(in long long aitemid, in long long aparentid, in long aindex, in unsigned short aitemtype, in nsiuri auri, in autf8string atitle, in prtime adateadded, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); void onitemchanged(in long long aitemid, in acstring aproperty, in boolean aisannotationproperty, in autf8string anewvalue, in prtime alastmodified, in unsigned short aitemtype, in long long aparentid, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid); void onitemmoved(in long long aitemid, in long long aoldparentid, in long aoldindex, in long long anewparentid, in long anewindex, in unsigned short aitemtype, in acstring aguid, in acstring aoldparentguid, in acstring...
...void onitemchanged( in long long aitemid, in acstring aproperty, in boolean aisannotationproperty, in autf8string anewvalue, in prtime alastmodified, in unsigned short aitemtype, in long long aparentid, in acstring aguid, in acstring aparentguid ); parameters aitemid the id of the item that was changed.
void onbeginupdatebatch(); void onclearhistory(); void ondeleteuri(in nsiuri auri, in acstring aguid); void ondeletevisits(in nsiuri auri, in prtime avisittime, in acstring aguid); void onendupdatebatch(); void onpagechanged(in nsiuri auri, in unsigned long awhat, in astring avalue); void onpageexpired(in nsiuri auri, in prtime avisittime, in boolean awholeentry); obsolete since gecko 2.0 void ontitlechanged(in nsiuri auri, in astring apagetitle); void onvisit(in nsiuri auri, in long long avisitid, in prtime atime, in long long asessionid, in long long areferringid, in unsigned long atransitiontype, in acstring aguid, out unsigned long aadded); constants constant value description attribute_fav...
...void onpageexpired( in nsiuri auri, in prtime avisittime, in boolean awholeentry ); parameters auri the uri of the page that expired.
method overview void batching(in boolean atogglemode); void containerclosed(in nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode acontainernode); deprecated since gecko 2.0 obsolete since gecko 11.0 void containeropened(in nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode acontainernode); deprecated since gecko 2.0 obsolete since gecko 11.0 void containerstatechanged(in nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode acontainernode, in unsigned long aoldstate, in unsigned long a...
...void batching( in boolean atogglemode ); parameters atogglemode specify true to start batch mode or false to finish the batch.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9.0 method overview boolean candrop(in long index, in long orientation); void ondrop(in long row, in long orientation); void ontoggleopenstate(in long index); void oncycleheader(in nsitreecolumn column); void oncyclecell(in long row, in nsitreecolumn column); void onselectionchanged(); void onperformaction(in wstring action); void onperformactiononrow(in wstring action, in long row); void onperformactiononcell(in wstring action...
... boolean candrop( in long index, in long orientation ); parameters index the item over which the drag is currently located.
s last changed in gecko 8.0 (firefox 8.0 / thunderbird 8.0 / seamonkey 2.5) implemented by:;1 as a service: var networklinkservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsinetworklinkservice); attributes attribute type description islinkup boolean this is set to true when the system is believed to have a usable network connection.
... linkstatusknown boolean this is set to true when we believe that islinkup is accurate.
implemented by;1 as a service: var observerservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiobserverservice); method overview void addobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic, in boolean ownsweak); nsisimpleenumerator enumerateobservers( in string atopic ); void notifyobservers( in nsisupports asubject, in string atopic, in wstring somedata ); void removeobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic ); methods addobserver() registers a given listener for a notifications regarding the specified topic.
... void addobserver( in nsiobserver anobserver, in string atopic, in boolean ownsweak ); parameters anobserver the nsiobserver object which will receive notifications.
method overview void close(); void flush(); boolean isnonblocking(); unsigned long write(in string abuf, in unsigned long acount); unsigned long writefrom(in nsiinputstream afromstream, in unsigned long acount); unsigned long writesegments(in nsreadsegmentfun areader, in voidptr aclosure, in unsigned long acount); native code only!
... boolean isnonblocking(); parameters none.
d by:;1 as a service: var parserutils = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiparserutils); method overview astring converttoplaintext(in astring src, in unsigned long flags, in unsigned long wrapcol); nsidomdocumentfragment parsefragment(in astring fragment, in unsigned long flags, in boolean isxml, in nsiuri baseuri, in nsidomelement element); astring sanitize(in astring src, in unsigned long flags); constants constant value description sanitizerallowcomments (1 << 0) flag for sanitizer: allow comment nodes.
... nsidomdocumentfragment parsefragment( in astring fragment, in unsigned long flags, in boolean isxml, in nsiuri baseuri, in nsidomelement element ); parameters fragment the input markup.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.6 method overview void init(in boolean nonblockinginput, in boolean nonblockingoutput, in unsigned long segmentsize, in unsigned long segmentcount, in nsimemory segmentallocator); attributes attribute type description inputstream nsiasyncinputstream the pipe's input end, which also implements nsisearchableinputstream.
...void init( in boolean nonblockinginput, in boolean nonblockingoutput, in unsigned long segmentsize, in unsigned long segmentcount, in nsimemory segmentallocator ); parameters nonblockinginput true specifies non-blocking input stream behavior.
method overview void addobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak); void removeobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver); methods addobserver() add a preference change observer.
... void addobserver( in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak ); parameters adomain the preference on which to listen for changes.
tive dialog showprogress() - displays a xul dialog method overview void showpagesetup(in nsiprintsettings printsettings, in nsiobserver aobs); void showprintdialog(in nsiwebbrowserprint webbrowserprint, in nsiprintsettings printsettings); void showprogress(in nsiwebbrowserprint webbrowserprint, in nsiprintsettings printsettings, in nsiobserver opendialogobserver, in boolean isforprinting, out nsiwebprogresslistener webprogresslistener, out nsiprintprogressparams printprogressparams, out boolean notifyonopen); methods showpagesetup() shows the print progress dialog.
... void showprogress( in nsiwebbrowserprint webbrowserprint, in nsiprintsettings printsettings, in nsiobserver opendialogobserver, in boolean isforprinting, out nsiwebprogresslistener webprogresslistener, out nsiprintprogressparams printprogressparams, out boolean notifyonopen ); parameters webbrowserprint represents the document to be printed.
to create an instance, use: var process2 = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiprocess2); method overview void runasync([array, size_is(count)] in string args, in unsigned long count, [optional] in nsiobserver observer, [optional] in boolean holdweak); methods runasync() asynchronously runs the process with which the object was initialized, optionally calling an observer when the process finishes running.
... void runasync( [array, size_is(count)] in string args, in unsigned long count, in nsiobserver observer, optional in boolean holdweak optional ); parameters args an array of arguments to pass into the process, using the native character set.
methods void loadprocessscript(in astring aurl, in boolean aallowdelayedload) void removedelayedprocessscript(in astring aurl); jsval getdelayedprocessscripts(); loadprocessscript() load a script in the child process.
...for example data:,dump("foo\n"); aallowdelayedload boolean if this flag is false, the process script will only be loaded into child processes that are already running at the time of the call.
method overview void alert(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text); void alertcheck(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring checkmsg, inout boolean checkvalue); boolean confirm(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text); boolean confirmcheck(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in wstring checkmsg, inout boolean checkvalue); print32 confirmex(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in unsigned long buttonflags, in wstring button0title, in wstring button1title, in wstring button2title, in wst...
...ring checkmsg, inout boolean checkvalue); boolean prompt(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, inout wstring value, in wstring checkmsg, inout boolean checkvalue); boolean promptpassword(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, inout wstring password, in wstring checkmsg, inout boolean checkvalue); boolean promptusernameandpassword(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, inout wstring username, inout wstring password, in wstring checkmsg, inout boolean checkvalue); boolean select(in wstring dialogtitle, in wstring text, in pruint32 count, [array, size_is(count)] in wstring selectlist, out long outselection); constants the button flags defined in nsiprompt are the same as those defined in nsipromptservice.constants.
to get an instance, use: var properties = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiproperties); method overview void get(in string prop, in nsiidref iid, [iid_is(iid),retval] out nsqiresult result); void getkeys(out pruint32 count, [array, size_is(count), retval] out string keys); boolean has(in string prop); void set(in string prop, in nsisupports value); void undefine(in string prop); methods get() gets the xpcom object associated with a particular name.
...boolean has( in string prop ); parameters prop the property name.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview boolean allowport(in long port, in string scheme); nsichannel newchannel(in nsiuri auri); nsiuri newuri(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); attributes attribute type description defaultport long the default port is the port the protocol uses by default.
... boolean allowport( in long port, in string scheme ); parameters port the port for which an override is being requested.
method overview void cancel(in nsresult astatus); boolean ispending(); void resume(); void suspend(); attributes attribute type description loadflags nsloadflags the load flags of this request.
... boolean ispending(); parameters none.
method overview boolean notifysslerror(in nsiinterfacerequestor socketinfo, in print32 error, in autf8string targetsite); methods notifysslerror() called in case of an ssl error.
... boolean notifysslerror( in nsiinterfacerequestor socketinfo, in print32 error, in autf8string targetsite ); parameters socketinfo a network communication context that can be used to obtain more information about the active connection.
void scrollintoview(in short aregion, in boolean aissynchronous, in short avpercent, in short ahpercent); attributes attribute type description type short returns the type of the selection (see nsiselectioncontroller for available constants).
... void scrollintoview( in short aregion, in boolean aissynchronous, in short avpercent, in short ahpercent ); parameters aregion the region inside the selection to scroll into view (see selection region constants defined in nsiselectioncontroller).
to create an instance, use: var serversocket = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiserversocket); method overview void init(in long aport, in boolean aloopbackonly, in long abacklog); void initwithaddress([const] in prnetaddrptr aaddr, in long abacklog);native code only!
... void init( in long aport, in boolean aloopbackonly, in long abacklog ); parameters aport the port of the server socket.
to use this service, use: var sessionstartup = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsisessionstartup); method overview boolean dorestore(); attributes attribute type description sessiontype unsigned long the type of session being restored; this will be one of the session type constants.
...boolean dorestore(); parameters none.
t(in nsidomwindow awindow); void persisttabattribute(in astring aname); void restorelastsession(); void setbrowserstate(in astring astate); void settabstate(in nsidomnode atab, in astring astate); void settabvalue(in nsidomnode atab, in astring akey, in astring astringvalue); void setwindowstate(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring astate, in boolean aoverwrite); void setwindowvalue(in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring akey, in astring astringvalue); nsidomnode undoclosetab(in nsidomwindow awindow, in unsigned long aindex); nsidomwindow undoclosewindow(in unsigned long aindex); attributes attribute type description canrestorelastsession boolean is it possible to restore the prev...
... void setwindowstate( in nsidomwindow awindow, in astring astate, in boolean aoverwrite ); parameters awindow the nsidomwindow whose state is to be set to the state indicated by astate.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 0.9.6 method overview nsisupports getnext(); boolean hasmoreelements(); methods getnext() called to retrieve the next element in the enumerator.
...boolean hasmoreelements(); parameters none.
aread a boolean indicating whether a message is read or unread.
...adeleted a boolean indictating whether the sms is deleted.
unsigned long gettimeout(in unsigned long atype); boolean isalive(); void settimeout(in unsigned long atype, in unsigned long avalue); attributes attribute type description connectionflags unsigned long a bitmask that can be used to modify underlying behavior of the socket connection.
... boolean isalive(); parameters none.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview astring getnext(); boolean hasmore(); methods getnext() called to retrieve the next string in the enumerator.
...boolean hasmore(); parameters none.
to create an instance, use: var stylesheetservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsistylesheetservice); method overview void loadandregistersheet(in nsiuri sheeturi, in unsigned long type); boolean sheetregistered(in nsiuri sheeturi, in unsigned long type); void unregistersheet(in nsiuri sheeturi, in unsigned long type); constants constant value description agent_sheet 0 user_sheet 1 author_sheet 2 methods loadandregistersheet() synchronously...
... sheetregistered() check if a stylesheet has been registered boolean sheetregistered( in nsiuri sheeturi, in unsigned long type ); parameters sheeturi uri of the stylesheet to check.
method overview void preformathtml(in boolean value); void settitle(in wstring text); prior versions of the interface named the methods using the initialcaps style instead of the intercaps style.
...void preformathtml( in boolean value ); parameters value true to wrap the resulting html in a <pre> block.
method overview void invalidate(); attributes attribute type description active boolean indicates whether or not the preview is marked as active (currently selected) in the taskbar.
... visible boolean indicates whether or not the preview is visible; by default, this is false.
}, } method overview boolean onnotify(in nsitextinputprocessor atextinputprocessor, in nsitextinputprocessornotification anotification); methods onnotify() this is called when gecko requests or notifies something to ime.
... boolean onnotify(in nsitextinputprocessor atextinputprocessor, in nsitextinputprocessornotification anotification); parameters atextinputprocessor the instance which receives the notification.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports method overview boolean acceptevent(in nsirunnable event);violates the xpcom interface guidelines methods violates the xpcom interface guidelines acceptevent() this method is called to determine whether or not an event may be accepted by a nested event queue.
... boolean acceptevent( in nsirunnable event ); parameters event the event being dispatched.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void afterprocessnextevent(in nsithreadinternal thread, in unsigned long recursiondepth); void ondispatchedevent(in nsithreadinternal thread); void onprocessnextevent(in nsithreadinternal thread, in boolean maywait, in unsigned long recursiondepth); methods afterprocessnextevent() called by the nsithread method nsithread.processnextevent() after an event is processed.
... void onprocessnextevent( in nsithreadinternal thread, in boolean maywait, in unsigned long recursiondepth ); parameters thread the nsithread on which the event is going to be processed.
method overview nsiprofilelock lock(out nsiprofileunlocker aunlocker); void remove(in boolean removefiles); attributes attribute type description localdir nsilocalfile the location of the profile local directory, which may be the same as the root directory.
...void remove( in boolean removefiles ); parameters removefiles indicates whether or not the profile directory should be removed when the profile is removed from the profile list.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsitransactionlist getchildlistforitem(in long aindex); nsitransaction getitem(in long aindex); long getnumchildrenforitem(in long aindex); boolean itemisbatch(in long aindex); attributes attribute type description numitems long the number of transactions contained in this list.
...boolean itemisbatch( in long aindex ); parameters aindex the index of the item in the list.
fixupchangedprotocol boolean if we changed the protocol; instead of using one raw from the input.
... fixupcreatedalternateuri boolean if we created an alternative uri.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview autf8string convertstringtoutf8(in acstring astring, in string acharset, in boolean askipcheck); autf8string converturispectoutf8(in acstring aspec, in string acharset); methods convertstringtoutf8() ensure that astring is encoded in utf-8.
...autf8string convertstringtoutf8( in acstring astring, in string acharset, in boolean askipcheck, in boolean aallowsubstitution ); parameters astring a string to ensure its utf8ness.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview autf8string getnext(); boolean hasmore(); methods getnext() returns the next string in the enumerator.
...boolean hasmore(); parameters none.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) method overview void checkforupdates(in nsiupdatechecklistener listener, in boolean force); void stopchecking(in unsigned short duration); constants constant value description current_check 1 constant for the stopchecking() method indicating that only the current update check should be stopped.
...void checkforupdates( in nsiupdatechecklistener listener, in boolean force ); parameters listener an object implementing nsiupdatechecklistener to be notified of the results of an update check.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) method overview void checkforupdates(); void showupdateavailable(in nsiupdate update); void showupdatedownloaded(in nsiupdate update, [optional] in boolean background); void showupdateerror(in nsiupdate update); void showupdatehistory(in nsidomwindow parent); void showupdateinstalled(); methods checkforupdates() presents a user interface that checks for and displays the available updates.
...void showupdatedownloaded( in nsiupdate update, in boolean background optional ); parameters update an nsiupdate describing the update that was downloaded.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.2 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9.2 (firefox 3.6 / thunderbird 3.1 / fennec 1.0) method overview void explicitsetuploadstream(in nsiinputstream astream, in acstring acontenttype, in long long acontentlength, in acstring amethod, in boolean astreamhasheaders); methods explicitsetuploadstream() sets a stream to be uploaded by this channel with the specified content-type and content-length header values.
... void explicitsetuploadstream( in nsiinputstream astream, in acstring acontenttype, in long long acontentlength, in acstring amethod, in boolean astreamhasheaders ); parameters astream the stream to be uploaded by this channel.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 0.9.6 method overview void destroybrowserwindow(); void exitmodaleventloop(in nsresult astatus); boolean iswindowmodal(); void setstatus(in unsigned long statustype, in wstring status); void showasmodal(); void sizebrowserto(in long acx, in long acy); attributes attribute type description chromeflags unsigned long the chrome flags for this browser chrome.
...boolean iswindowmodal(); parameters none.
searchparentframes boolean whether to allow the search to propagate out of the currentsearchframe into its parent frame(s).
... searchsubframes boolean whether to recurse down into subframes while searching.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsiwebprogresslistener method overview void onprogresschange64(in nsiwebprogress awebprogress, in nsirequest arequest, in long long acurselfprogress, in long long amaxselfprogress, in long long acurtotalprogress, in long long amaxtotalprogress); boolean onrefreshattempted(in nsiwebprogress awebprogress, in nsiuri arefreshuri, in long amillis, in boolean asameuri); methods onprogresschange64() notification that the progress has changed for one of the requests associated with awebprogress.
...boolean onrefreshattempted( in nsiwebprogress awebprogress, in nsiuri arefreshuri, in long amillis, in boolean asameuri ); parameters awebprogress the nsiwebprogress instance that fired the notification.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 2.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void installapplication(in wstring title, in wstring uri, in wstring iconuri, in wstring icondata); boolean isapplicationinstalled(in wstring uri); methods installapplication() this method installs a web application.
...boolean isapplicationinstalled( in wstring uri ); parameters uri the uri of the web application.
inherits from: nsishellservice last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview string getregistryentry(in long ahkeyconstant, in string asubkeyname, in string avaluename); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void restorefilesettings(in boolean aforallusers); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void shortcutmaintenance(); attributes attribute type description desktopbackgroundcolor unsigned long the desktop background color, visible when no background image is used, or if the background image is centered and does not fill the entire screen.
...void restorefilesettings( in boolean aforallusers ); parameters aforallusers whether or not firefox should restore settings for all users on a multi-user system.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9.1 inherits from: nsidomevent last changed in gecko 1.9.1 (firefox 3.5 / thunderbird 3.0 / seamonkey 2.0) method overview void initmessageevent(in domstring atypearg, in boolean acanbubblearg, in boolean acancelablearg, in domstring adataarg, in domstring aoriginarg, in nsisupports asourcearg); attributes attribute type description data domstring the event's data.
... void initmessageevent( in domstring atypearg, in boolean acanbubblearg, in boolean acancelablearg, in domstring adataarg, in domstring aoriginarg, in nsisupports asourcearg ); parameters atypearg the event type.
inherits from: nsipropertybag2 last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) method overview void setpropertyasacstring(in astring prop, in acstring value); void setpropertyasastring(in astring prop, in astring value); void setpropertyasautf8string(in astring prop, in autf8string value); void setpropertyasbool(in astring prop, in boolean value); void setpropertyasdouble(in astring prop, in double value); void setpropertyasint32(in astring prop, in print32 value); void setpropertyasint64(in astring prop, in print64 value); void setpropertyasinterface(in astring prop, in nsisupports value); void setpropertyasuint32(in astring prop, in pruint32 value); void setpropertyasuint64(in...
... setpropertyasbool() void setpropertyasbool( in astring prop, in boolean value ); parameters prop property to set the value of.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void insertcontainernode(in nsirdfcompositedatasource db, in nsrdfsortstate sortstateptr, in nsicontent root, in nsicontent trueparent, in nsicontent container, in nsicontent node, in boolean anotify); native code only!
...void insertcontainernode( in nsirdfcompositedatasource db, in nsrdfsortstate sortstateptr, in nsicontent root, in nsicontent trueparent, in nsicontent container, in nsicontent node, in boolean anotify ); parameters db sortstateptr root trueparent container node anotify sort() sort the contents of the widget containing anode using asortkey as the comparison key, and asorthints as how to sort.
nsiatom avar, in unsigned long asorthints); nsisupports compilequery(in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, in nsidomnode aquery, in nsiatom arefvariable, in nsiatom amembervariable); void done(); nsisimpleenumerator generateresults(in nsisupports adatasource, in nsixultemplateresult aref, in nsisupports aquery); nsisupports getdatasource(in nsiarray adatasources, in nsidomnode arootnode, in boolean aistrusted, in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, out boolean ashoulddelaybuilding); void initializeforbuilding(in nsisupports adatasource, in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, in nsidomnode arootnode); nsixultemplateresult translateref(in nsisupports adatasource, in astring arefstring); methods addbinding() add a variable binding for a particular rule.
...nsisupports getdatasource( in nsiarray adatasources, in nsidomnode arootnode, in boolean aistrusted, in nsixultemplatebuilder abuilder, out boolean ashoulddelaybuilding ); parameters adatasources the list of nsiuri objects and/or nsidomnode objects.
isdirectory boolean true if the name of the entry ends with '/' and false otherwise.
... issynthetic boolean use this attribute to determine whether this item is an actual zip entry or is one synthesized for part of a real entry's path.
Creating a gloda message query
starred: a boolean indicating whether this message is starred/flagged or not.
... read: a boolean indicating whether this message is read or not.
inherits from: nsisupports method overview void init(in string aaccountkey); void uploadfile(in nsilocalfile afile, in nsirequestobserver acallback); acstring urlforfile(in nsilocalfile afile); void cancelfileupload(in nsilocalfile afile); void refreshuserinfo(in boolean awithui, in nsirequestobserver acallback); void deletefile(in nsilocalfile afile, in nsirequestobserver acallback); void createnewaccount(in acstring aemailaddress, in acstring apassword, in acstring afirstname, in acstring alastname, in nsirequestobserver acallback); void createexistingaccount(in nsirequestobserver ac...
... void refreshuserinfo(in boolean awithui, in nsirequestobserver acallback); parameters awithui whether or not the provider should prompt the user for credentails in the event that the stored credentials have gone stale.
AbortSignal.aborted - Web APIs
the aborted read-only property returns a boolean that indicates whether the dom request(s) the signal is communicating with is/are aborted (true) or not (false).
... syntax var isaborted = abortsignal.aborted; value a boolean examples in the following snippet, we create a new abortcontroller object, and get its abortsignal (available in the signal property).
AnimationEvent.initAnimationEvent() - Web APIs
canbubblearg a boolean flag indicating if the event can bubble (true) or not (false).
... cancelablearg a boolean flag indicating if the event associated action can be avoided (true) or not (false).
AnimationPlaybackEvent.AnimationPlaybackEvent() - Web APIs
eventinitdict optional an optional eventinit dictionary object containing the following fields: bubbles optional defaults to false, of type boolean, indicating if the event bubbles or not.
... cancelable optional defaults to false, of type boolean, indicating if the event can be canceled or not.
AudioBufferSourceNode.loop - Web APIs
the loop property of the audiobuffersourcenode interface is a boolean indicating if the audio asset must be replayed when the end of the audiobuffer is reached.
... syntax var loopingenabled = audiobuffersourcenode.loop; audiobuffersourcenode.loop = true | false; value a boolean which is true if looping is enabled; otherwise, the value is false.
AudioProcessingEvent - Web APIs
bubbles read only boolean does the event normally bubble?
... cancelable read only boolean is it possible to cancel the event?
Bluetooth.getAvailability() - Web APIs
for a returns a boolean which is true if the deveice has a bluetooth adapter and false otherwise (unless user configured user agent not to expose a real value).
... return value a promise that resolves with boolean.
Bluetooth - Web APIs
interface interface bluetooth : eventtarget { promise<boolean> getavailability(); attribute eventhandler onavailabilitychanged; [sameobject] readonly attribute bluetoothdevice?
... methods bluetooth.getavailability() returns a promise that resolved to a boolean indicating whether the user-agent has the ability to support bluetooth.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.authenticatedSignedWrites - Web APIs
the authenticatedsignedwrites read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if signed writing to the characteristic value is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.authenticatedsignedwrites; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.broadcast - Web APIs
the broadcast read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if the broadcast of the characteristic value is permitted using the server characteristic configuration descriptor.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.broadcast; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.indicate - Web APIs
the indicate read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if indications of the characteristic value with acknowledgement is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.indicate; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.notify - Web APIs
the notify read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if notifications of the characteristic value without acknowledgement is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.notify; value a boolean. - Web APIs
the read read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if the reading of the characteristic value is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean =; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.reliableWrite - Web APIs
the reliablewrite read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if reliable writes to the characteristic is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.reliablewrite; value a boolean specifications specification status comment web bluetooththe definition of 'reliablewrite' in that specification.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.writableAuxiliaries - Web APIs
the writableauxiliaries read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if reliable writes to the characteristic descriptor is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.writableauxiliaries; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.write - Web APIs
the write read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if the writing to the characteristic with response is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.write; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.writeWithoutResponse - Web APIs
the writewithoutresponse read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if the writing to the characteristic without response is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.writewithoutresponse; value a boolean.
BluetoothDevice.paired - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.paired read-only property returns a boolean value indicating whether the device is paired with the system.
... syntax var paired = instanceofbluetoothdevice.paired returns a boolean.
BluetoothDevice - Web APIs
gatt; readonly attribute frozenarray uuids; promise watchadvertisements(); void unwatchadvertisements(); readonly attribute boolean watchingadvertisements; }; bluetoothdevice implements eventtarget; bluetoothdevice implements bluetoothdeviceeventhandlers; bluetoothdevice implements characteristiceventhandlers; bluetoothdevice implements serviceeventhandlers; properties read only a domstring that uniquely identifies a device.
... bluetoothdevice.paired read only a boolean value indicating whether the device is paired with the system.
isPrimary - Web APIs
the bluetoothgattservice.isprimary read-only property returns a boolean that indicates whether this is a primary service.
... syntax var isprimary = bluetoothgattservice.isprimary returns a boolean.
BluetoothRemoteGATTService - Web APIs
interface interface bluetoothremotegattservice : serviceeventhandlers { readonly attribute uuid uuid; readonly attribute boolean isprimary; readonly attribute bluetoothdevice device; promise<bluetoothgattcharacteristic> getcharacteristic(bluetoothcharacteristicuuid characteristic); promise<sequence<bluetoothgattcharacteristic>> getcharacteristics(optional bluetoothcharacteristicuuid characteristic); promise<bluetoothgattservice> getincludedservice(bluetoothserviceuuid service); promise<sequence<bluetoothgattservice>> getincludedservices(optional bluetoothserviceuuid...
... bluetoothremotegattservice.isprimaryread only returns a boolean indicating whether this is a primary or secondary service.
Body.bodyUsed - Web APIs
the bodyused read-only property of the body mixin contains a boolean that indicates whether the body has been read yet.
... syntax var mybodyused = response.bodyused; value a boolean.
CompositionEvent.initCompositionEvent() - Web APIs
canbubblearg a boolean specifying whether or not the event can bubble.
... cancelablearg a boolean shether or not the event can be canceled.
ConvolverNode.normalize - Web APIs
the normalize property of the convolvernode interface is a boolean that controls whether the impulse response from the buffer will be scaled by an equal-power normalization when the buffer attribute is set, or not.
... syntax var audioctx = new audiocontext(); var convolver = audioctx.createconvolver(); convolver.normalize = false; value a boolean.
CredentialsContainer.get() - Web APIs
it can contain the following properties: password: a boolean indicating that returned credential instances should include user (as opposed to federated) credentials.
... unmediated: a boolean indicating the returned credential instance should not require user mediation.
CustomEvent.initCustomEvent() - Web APIs
canbubble is a boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the dom or not.
... cancelable is a boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable.
DOMMatrix - Web APIs
is2d read only a boolean flag whose value is true if the matrix was initialized as a 2d matrix.
... isidentity read only a boolean whose value is true if the matrix is the identity matrix.
DOMMatrixReadOnly - Web APIs
is2d read only a boolean flag whose value is true if the matrix was initialized as a 2d matrix.
... isidentity read only a boolean whose value is true if the matrix is the identity matrix.
DOMTokenList.contains() - Web APIs
the contains() method of the domtokenlist interface returns a boolean — true if the underlying list contains the given token, otherwise false.
... return value a boolean, which is true if the calling list contains token, otherwise false.
DOMTokenList.toggle() - Web APIs
force optional a boolean that, if included, turns the toggle into a one way-only operation.
... return value a boolean indicating whether token is in the list after the call.
Document.hasStorageAccess() - Web APIs
the hasstorageaccess() method of the document interface returns a promise that resolves with a boolean value indicating whether the document has access to its first-party storage.
... return value a promise that resolves with a boolean value indicating whether the document has access to its first-party storage.
Document.hidden - Web APIs
the document.hidden read-only property returns a boolean value indicating if the page is considered hidden or not.
... syntax var boolean = document.hidden examples document.addeventlistener("visibilitychange", function() { console.log( document.hidden ); // modify behavior...
EXT_disjoint_timer_query.isQueryEXT() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean ext.isqueryext(query); parameters query a webglquery object to test.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether the given object is a webglquery object (true) or not (false).
EXT_disjoint_timer_query - Web APIs
ext.query_result_available_ext a glboolean indicating whether or not a query result is available.
... ext.gpu_disjoint_ext a glboolean indicating whether or not the gpu performed any disjoint operation.
Element.hasAttributeNS() - Web APIs
hasattributens returns a boolean value indicating whether the current element has the specified attribute.
... syntax result = element.hasattributens(namespace,localname) result is the boolean value true or false.
Element.setAttribute() - Web APIs
boolean attributes are considered to be true if they're present on the element at all, regardless of their actual value; as a rule, you should specify the empty string ("") in value (some people use the attribute's name; this works but is non-standard).
... to set the value of a boolean attribute, such as disabled, you can specify any value.
Element.toggleAttribute() - Web APIs
the toggleattribute() method of the element interface toggles a boolean attribute (removing it if it is present and adding it if it is not present) on the given element.
... force optional a boolean value to determine whether the attribute should be added or removed, no matter whether the attribute is present or not at the moment.
Event.cancelable - Web APIs
syntax bool = event.cancelable; value the result is a boolean, which is true if the event can be canceled.
... function preventscrollwheel(event) { if (typeof event.cancelable !== 'boolean' || event.cancelable) { // the event can be canceled, so we do so.
Event.composed - Web APIs
the read-only composed property of the event interface returns a boolean which indicates whether or not the event will propagate across the shadow dom boundary into the standard dom.
... syntax const iscomposed = event.composed; value a boolean which is true if the event will cross from the shadow dom into the standard dom after reaching the shadow root.
Event.defaultPrevented - Web APIs
the defaultprevented read-only property of the event interface returns a boolean indicating whether or not the call to event.preventdefault() canceled the event.
... syntax var defaultwasprevented = event.defaultprevented; value a boolean, where true indicates that the default user agent action was prevented, and false indicates that it was not.
Event.initEvent() - Web APIs
bubbles is a boolean deciding whether the event should bubble up through the event chain or not.
... cancelable is a boolean defining whether the event can be canceled.
Event.isTrusted - Web APIs
the istrusted read-only property of the event interface is a boolean that is true when the event was generated by a user action, and false when the event was created or modified by a script or dispatched via eventtarget.dispatchevent().
... syntax var eventistrusted = event.istrusted; value boolean example if (e.istrusted) { /* the event is trusted */ } else { /* the event is not trusted */ } specification specification status comment domthe definition of 'event.istrusted' in that specification.
EventSource.withCredentials - Web APIs
the withcredentials read-only property of the eventsource interface returns a boolean indicating whether the eventsource object was instantiated with cors credentials set.
... syntax var mywithcredentials = eventsource.withcredentials; value a boolean indicating whether the eventsource object was instantiated with cors credentials set (true), or not (false, the default).
EventTarget.removeEventListener() - Web APIs
the available options are: capture: a boolean which indicates that events of this type will be dispatched to the registered listener before being dispatched to any eventtarget beneath it in the dom tree.
... mozsystemgroup: available only in code running in xbl or in firefox' chrome, it is a boolean defining if the listener is added to the system group.
FeaturePolicy.allowsFeature() - Web APIs
it returns a boolean that is true if and only if the specified feature is allowed in the specified context (or the default context if no context is specified).
... return value a boolean that is true if and only if the feature is allowed.
FileSystemEntry - Web APIs
isdirectory read only a boolean which is true if the entry represents a directory; otherwise, it's false.
... isfile read only a boolean which is true if the entry represents a file.
FileSystemEntrySync - Web APIs
isdirectory readonly boolean true if filesystementrysync is a directory.
... isfile readonly boolean true if the filesystementrysync is a file.
FormData.has() - Web APIs
the has() method of the formdata interface returns a boolean stating whether a formdata object contains a certain key.
... returns a boolean.
Gamepad.connected - Web APIs
the gamepad.connected property of the gamepad interface returns a boolean indicating whether the gamepad is still connected to the system.
... syntax readonly attribute boolean connected; example var gp = navigator.getgamepads()[0]; console.log(gp.connected); value a boolean.
GamepadButton.pressed - Web APIs
the gamepadbutton.pressed property of the gamepadbutton interface returns a boolean indicating whether the button is currently pressed (true) or unpressed (false).
... syntax var ispressed = navigator.getgamepads()[0].pressed; example var gp = navigator.getgamepads()[0]; // get the first gamepad object if(gp.buttons[0].pressed == true) { // respond to button being pressed } value a boolean.
Using the Gamepad API - Web APIs
connected: a boolean indicating whether the gamepad is still connected to the system.
...each gamepadbutton has a pressed and a value property: the pressed property is a boolean indicating whether the button is currently pressed (true) or unpressed (false). - Web APIs
the open property of the htmldialogelement interface is a boolean reflecting the open html attribute, indicating whether the dialog is available for interaction.
... syntax = true; var myopenvalue =; value a boolean representing the state of the open html attribute.
HTMLElement.hidden - Web APIs
the htmlelement property hidden is a boolean which is true if the element is hidden; otherwise the value is false.
... syntax ishidden = htmlelement.hidden; htmlelement.hidden = true | false; value a boolean which is true if the element is hidden from view; otherwise, the value is false.
HTMLFieldSetElement - Web APIs
htmlfieldsetelement.disabled a boolean reflecting the disabled html attribute, indicating whether the user can interact with the control.
... htmlfieldsetelement.willvalidate a boolean false, because <fieldset> objects are never candidates for constraint validation.
HTMLIFrameElement.allowPaymentRequest - Web APIs
the allowpaymentrequest property of the htmliframeelement interface returns a boolean indicating whether the payment request api may be invoked on a cross-origin iframe.
... syntax var allow = htmliframeelement.allowpaymentrequest value a boolean.
HTMLIFrameElement - Web APIs
htmliframeelement.allowfullscreen is a boolean indicating whether the inline frame is willing to be placed into full screen mode.
... htmliframeelement.allowpaymentrequest is a boolean indicating whether the payment request api may be invoked inside a cross-origin iframe.
HTMLImageElement.complete - Web APIs
the read-only htmlimageelement interface's complete attribute is a boolean value which indicates whether or not the image has completely loaded.
... syntax let doneloading = htmlimageelement.complete; value a boolean value which is true if the image has completely loaded; otherwise, the value is false.
HTMLImageElement.isMap - Web APIs
the htmlimageelement proeprty ismap is a boolean value which indicates that the image is to be used by a server-side image map.
... syntax htmlimageelement.ismap = true|false; let ismap = htmlimageelement.ismap; value a boolean value which is true if the image is being used for a server-side image map; otherwise, the value is false.
HTMLImageElement - Web APIs
htmlimageelement.complete read only returns a boolean that is true if the browser has finished fetching the image, whether successful or not.
... htmlimageelement.ismap a boolean that reflects the ismap html attribute, indicating that the image is part of a server-side image map.
HTMLMediaElement.msInsertAudioEffect() - Web APIs
syntax htmlmediaelement.msinsertaudioeffect(activatableclassid: domstring, effectrequired: boolean, config); parameters activatableclassid a domstring defining the audio effects class.
... effectrequired a boolean which if set to true requires an audio effect to be defined.
HTMLMediaElement: pause event - Web APIs
using addeventlistener(): const video = document.queryselector('video'); video.addeventlistener('pause', (event) => { console.log('the boolean paused property is now true.
... either the ' + 'pause() method was called or the autoplay attribute was toggled.'); }); using the onpause event handler property: const video = document.queryselector('video'); video.onpause = (event) => { console.log('the boolean paused property is now true.
HTMLMediaElement: play event - Web APIs
using addeventlistener(): const video = document.queryselector('video'); video.addeventlistener('play', (event) => { console.log('the boolean paused property is now false.
... either the ' + 'play() method was called or the autoplay attribute was toggled.'); }); using the onplay event handler property: const video = document.queryselector('video'); video.onplay = (event) => { console.log('the boolean paused property is now false.
HTMLOListElement - Web APIs
htmlolistelement.reversed is a boolean value reflecting the reversed and defining if the numbering is descending, that is its value is true, or ascending (false).
...t decimal numbers are used: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … 'a' meaning that the lowercase latin alphabet is used: a, b, c, d, e, … 'a' meaning that the uppercase latin alphabet is used: a, b, c, d, e, … 'i' meaning that the lowercase latin numerals are used: i, ii, iii, iv, v, … 'i' meaning that the uppercase latin numerals are used: i, ii, iii, iv, v, … htmlolistelement.compact is a boolean indicating that spacing between list items should be reduced.
HTMLObjectElement.willValidate - Web APIs
the willvalidate read-only property of the htmlobjectelement interface returns a boolean that indicates whether the element is a candidate for constraint validation.
... syntax var boolean = htmlobjectelement.willvalidate; value a boolean.
Option() - Web APIs
defaultselected optional a boolean that sets the selected attribute value, i.e.
... selected optional a boolean that sets the option's selected state; the default is false (not selected).
HTMLOutputElement - Web APIs
htmloutputelement.willvalidateread only a boolean indicating whether the element is a candidate for constraint validation.
... htmloutputelement.checkvalidity() checks the validity of the element and returns a boolean holding the check result.
HTMLScriptElement - Web APIs
htmlscriptelement.async htmlscriptelement.defer the async and defer attributes are boolean attributes that control how the script should be executed.
... htmlscriptelement.nomodule is a boolean that if true, stops the script's execution in browsers that support es2015 modules — used to run fallback scripts in older browsers that do not support javascript modules.
HTMLStyleElement - Web APIs
htmlstyleelement.disabled is a boolean value representing whether or not the stylesheet is disabled (true) or not (false).
... linkstyle.sheet read only returns the stylesheet object associated with the given element, or null if there is none htmlstyleelement.scoped is a boolean value indicating if the element applies to the whole document (false) or only to the parent's sub-tree (true).
HTMLVideoElement.msInsertVideoEffect() - Web APIs
syntax str = htmlmediaelement.msinsertvideoeffect(activatableclassid: domstring, effectrequired: boolean, config); parameters activatableclassid a domstring defining the video effects class.
... effectrequired a boolean which if set to true requires a video effect to be defined.
Headers.has() - Web APIs
the has() method of the headers interface returns a boolean stating whether a headers object contains a certain header.
... returns a boolean.
IDBDatabaseSync - Web APIs
method overview idbobjectstoresync createobjectstore (in domstring name, in domstring keypath, in optional boolean autoincrement) raises (idbdatabaseexception); idbobjectstoresync openobjectstore (in domstring name, in optional unsigned short mode) raises (idbdatabaseexception); void removeobjectstore (in domstring storename) raises (idbdatabaseexception); void setversion (in domstring version); idbtransactionsync transaction (in optional domstringlist storenames, in optio...
... idbobjectstoresync createobjectstore( in domstring name, in domstring keypath, in optional boolean autoincrement ) raises (idbdatabaseexception); parameters name the name of a new object store.
IDBIndex.multiEntry - Web APIs
the multientry read-only property of the idbindex interface returns a boolean value that affects how the index behaves when the result of evaluating the index's key path yields an array.
... syntax var ismultientry = myindex.multientry; value a boolean: value effect true there is one record in the index for each item in an array of keys.
IDBIndex.unique - Web APIs
the unique read-only property returns a boolean that states whether the index allows duplicate keys.
... syntax var isunique = idbindex.unique; value a boolean: value effect true the current index does not allow duplicate values for a key.
IDBKeyRange.includes() - Web APIs
the includes() method of the idbkeyrange interface returns a boolean indicating whether a specified key is inside the key range.
... return value a boolean.
IDBKeyRange.lowerOpen - Web APIs
the loweropen read-only property of the idbkeyrange interface returns a boolean indicating whether the lower-bound value is included in the key range.
... syntax var loweropen = mykeyrange.loweropen value a boolean: value indication true the lower-bound value is not included in the key range.
IDBKeyRange.upperOpen - Web APIs
the upperopen read-only property of the idbkeyrange interface returns a boolean indicating whether the upper-bound value is included in the key range.
... syntax var upperopen = mykeyrange.upperopen value a boolean: value indication true the upper-bound value is not included in the key range.
IDBObjectStoreSync - Web APIs
method overview any add (in any value, in optional any key) raises (idbdatabaseexception); idbindexsync createindex (in domstring name, in domstring storename, in domstring keypath, in optional boolean unique); any get (in any key) raises (idbdatabaseexception); idbcursorsync opencursor (in optional idbkeyrange range, in optional unsigned short direction) raises (idbdatabaseexception); idbindexsync openindex (in domstring name) raises (idbdatabaseexception); any put (in any value, in optional any key) raises (idbdatabaseexception); void remove (in...
... idbindexsync createindex ( in domstring name, in domstring keypath, in optional boolean unique ); parameters name the name of a new index.
IdleDeadline.didTimeout - Web APIs
the read-only didtimeout property on the idledeadline interface is a boolean value which indicates whether or not the idle callback is being invoked because the timeout interval specified when window.requestidlecallback() was called has expired.
... syntax var timedout = idledeadline.didtimeout; value a boolean which is true if the callback is running due to the callback's timeout period elapsing or false if the callback is running because the user agent is idle and is offering time to the callback.
firesTouchEvents - Web APIs
the inputdevicecapabilities.firestouchevents read-only property returns a boolean that indicates whether the device dispatches touch events.
... syntax var boolean = inputdevicecapabilities.firestouchevents returns a boolean example mybutton.addeventlistener('mousedown', function(e) { if (!e.sourcecapabilities.firestouchevents) mybutton.classlist.add("pressed"); }); specifications specification status comment inputdevicecapabilitiesthe definition of 'firetouchevents' in that specification.
IntersectionObserverEntry.isIntersecting - Web APIs
the intersectionobserverentry interface's read-only isintersecting property is a boolean value which is true if the target element intersects with the intersection observer's root.
... syntax var isintersecting = intersectionobserverentry.isintersecting; value a boolean value which indicates whether the target element has transitioned into a state of intersection (true) or out of a state of intersection (false).
KeyboardEvent.altKey - Web APIs
the keyboardevent.altkey read-only property is a boolean that indicates if the alt key (option or ⌥ on os x) was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occured.
... syntax var altkeypressed = instanceofkeyboardevent.altkey return value boolean examples <html> <head> <title>altkey example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showchar(e){ alert( "key keydown: " + string.fromcharcode(e.charcode) + "\n" + "charcode: " + e.charcode + "\n" + "alt key keydown: " + e.altkey + "\n" ); } </script> </head> <body onkeydown="showchar(event);"> <p> press any character key, with or without holding down the alt key.<br /> you can also use the shift key together with the alt key.
KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey - Web APIs
the keyboardevent.ctrlkey read-only property returns a boolean that indicates if the control key was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occured.
... syntax var ctrlkeypressed = instanceofkeyboardevent.ctrlkey return value a boolean example <html> <head> <title>ctrlkey example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showchar(e){ alert( "key pressed: " + e.key + "\n" + "ctrl key pressed: " + e.ctrlkey + "\n" ); } </script> </head> <body onkeypress="showchar(event);"> <p>press any character key, with or without holding down the ctrl key.<br /> you can also use the shift key together with the ctrl key.</p> </body> </html> specifications specification status comment document object model (dom) level 3 events specificationthe definition of 'keyboardevent.ctrlkey' in that specification.
KeyboardEvent.metaKey - Web APIs
the keyboardevent.metakey read-only property returning a boolean that indicates if the meta key was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occurred.
... syntax var metakeypressed = instanceofkeyboardevent.metakey return value a boolean example function ismetakey(e) { alert("metakey = " + e.metakey); } <button onclick="ismetakey(event)">click me with the meta key</button> specifications specification status comment document object model (dom) level 3 events specificationthe definition of 'keyboardevent.metakey' in that specification.
KeyboardEvent.repeat - Web APIs
the repeat read-only property of the keyboardevent interface returns a boolean that is true if the given key is being held down such that it is automatically repeating.
... syntax var repeat = event.repeat; return value boolean specifications specification status comment document object model (dom) level 3 events specificationthe definition of 'keyboardevent.repeat' in that specification.
KeyboardEvent.shiftKey - Web APIs
the keyboardevent.shiftkey read-only property is a boolean that indicates if the shift key was pressed (true) or not (false) when the event occurred.
... syntax var shiftkeypressed = instanceofkeyboardevent.shiftkey return value a boolean example <html> <head> <title>shiftkey example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showchar(e){ alert( "key pressed: " + string.fromcharcode(e.charcode) + "\n" + "charcode: " + e.charcode + "\n" + "shift key pressed: " + e.shiftkey + "\n" + "alt key pressed: " + e.altkey + "\n" ); } </script> </head> <body onkeypress="showchar(event);"> <p>press any character key, with or without holding down the shift key.<br /> you can also use the shift key together with the alt key.</p> </body> </html> specifications specification status comment document object model (dom) level 3 events specificationthe definition of 'keyboardevent.shiftkey' in that spec...
MediaCapabilities.decodingInfo() - Web APIs
the mediacapabilities.decodinginfo() method, part of the media capabilities api, returns a promise with the tested media configuration's mediacapabilitiesinfo; this contains the three boolean properties supported, smooth, and powerefficient, which describe whether decoding the media described would be supported, smooth, and powerefficient.
... return value a promise fulfilling with a mediacapabilitiesinfo interface containing three boolean attributes: supported smooth powerefficient exceptions a typeerror is raised if the mediaconfiguration passed to the decodinginfo() method is invalid, either because the type is not video or audio, the contenttype is not a valid codec mime type, the media decoding configuration is not a valid value for the media decoding type, or any other error in the media configuration passed to the me...
MediaCapabilities.encodingInfo() - Web APIs
the mediacapabilities.encodinginfo() method, part of the mediacapabilities interface of the media capabilities api, returns a promise with the tested media configuration's mediacapabilitiesinfo; this contains the three boolean properties supported, smooth, and powerefficient, which describe how compatible the device is with the type of media.
... return value a promise fulfilling with a mediacapabilitiesinfo interface containing three boolean attributes: supported smooth powerefficient exceptions a typeerror is raised if the mediaconfiguration passed to the encodinginfo() method is invalid, either because the type is not video or audio, the contenttype is not a valid codec mime type, or any other error in the media configuration passed to the method, including omitting any of the media encoding configuration elements.
MediaKeyStatusMap.has() - Web APIs
the has property of the mediakeystatusmap interface returns a boolean, asserting whether a value has been associated with the given key.
... syntax var boolean = mediakeystatusmap(key) parameters key the key whose value you want returned returns a boolean.
MediaQueryList.matches - Web APIs
the matches read-only property of the mediaquerylist interface is a boolean that returns true if the document currently matches the media query list, or false if not.
... syntax var matches = <varm>mediaquerylist.matches; value a boolean which is true if the document currently matches the media query list; otherwise, it's false.
MediaQueryListEvent.matches - Web APIs
the matches read-only property of the mediaquerylistevent interface is a boolean that returns true if the document currently matches the media query list, or false if not.
... syntax var matches = mediaquerylistevent.matches; value a boolean; returns true if the document currently matches the media query list, false if not.
MediaSessionActionDetails.fastSeek - Web APIs
the boolean property fastseek in the mediasessionactiondetails dictionary is an optional value which, when specified and true, indicates that the requested seekto operation is part of an ongoing series of seekto operations.
... syntax let mediasessionactiondetails = { fastseek: shouldfastseek }; let shouldfastseek = mediasessionactiondetails.fastseek; value a boolean which is true if the action is part of an ongoing series of seek actions which should be treated as part of an overall seek operation.
MediaSource.isTypeSupported() - Web APIs
the mediasource.istypesupported() static method returns a boolean value which is true if the given mime type is likely to be supported by the current user agent.
... return value a boolean which is true if the browser feels that it can probably play media of the specified type.
active - Web APIs
the active read-only property of the mediastream interface returns a boolean value which is true if the stream is currently active; otherwise, it returns false.
... syntax var isactive =; value a boolean value which is true if the stream is currently active; otherwise, the value is false.
MediaStream.ended - Web APIs
the ended read-only property of the mediastream interface returns a boolean value which is true if the stream has been completely read, or false if the end of the stream has not been reached.
... syntax var hasended = mediastream.ended; value a boolean value that returns true if the end of the stream has been reached.
MediaStream - Web APIs read only a boolean value that returns true if the mediastream is active, or false otherwise.
... mediastream.ended read only a boolean value set to true if the end of the stream has been reached. - Web APIs
syntax var audioconstraints = true | false | mediatrackconstraints; value the value of the audio property can be specified as either of two types: boolean if a boolean value is specified, it simply indicates whether or not an audio track should be included in the returned stream; if it's true, an audio track is included; if no audio source is available or if permission is not given to use the audio source, the call to getusermedia() will fail.
... using a boolean value in this example, we provide a simple value of true for the audio property. - Web APIs
syntax var videoconstraints = true | false | mediatrackconstraints; value the value of the video property can be specified as either of two types: boolean if a boolean value is specified, it simply indicates whether or not a video track should be included in the returned stream; if it's true, a video track is included; if no video source is available or if permission is not given to use the video source, the call to getusermedia() will fail.
... examples using a boolean value in this example, we provide a simple value of true for the video property.
MediaStreamConstraints - Web APIs
track constraints audio either a boolean (which indicates whether or not an audio track is requested) or a mediatrackconstraints object providing the constraints which must be met by the audio track included in the returned mediastream.
... video either a boolean (which indicates whether or not a video track is requested) or a mediatrackconstraints object providing the constraints which must be met by the video track included in the returned mediastream.
MediaStreamTrack.muted - Web APIs
the muted read-only property of the mediastreamtrack interface returns a boolean value indicating whether or not the track is currently unable to provide media output.
... syntax const mutedflag = track.muted value a boolean which is true if the track is currently muted, or false if the track is currently unmuted.
MediaTrackConstraints.autoGainControl - Web APIs
the mediatrackconstraints dictionary's autogaincontrol property is a constrainboolean describing the requested or mandatory constraints placed upon the value of the autogaincontrol constrainable property.
...if, instead, the value is given as an object with an exact field, that field's boolean value indicates a required setting for the automatic gain control feature; if it can't be met, then the request will result in an error.
MediaTrackConstraints.echoCancellation - Web APIs
the mediatrackconstraints dictionary's echocancellation property is a constrainboolean describing the requested or mandatory constraints placed upon the value of the echocancellation constrainable property.
...if, instead, the value is given as an object with an exact field, that field's boolean value indicates a required setting for the echo cancellation feature; if it can't be met, then the request will result in an error.
MediaTrackConstraints.noiseSuppression - Web APIs
the mediatrackconstraints dictionary's noisesuppression property is a constrainboolean describing the requested or mandatory constraints placed upon the value of the noisesuppression constrainable property.
...if, instead, the value is given as an object with an exact field, that field's boolean value indicates a required setting for the noise suppression feature; if it can't be met, then the request will result in an error.
MediaTrackSettings.autoGainControl - Web APIs
the mediatracksettings dictionary's autogaincontrol property is a boolean value whose value indicates whether or not automatic gain control (agc) is enabled on an audio track.
... syntax var autogaincontrol = mediatracksettings.autogaincontrol; value a boolean value which is true if the track has automatic gain control enabled or false if agc is disabled.
MediaTrackSettings.echoCancellation - Web APIs
the mediatracksettings dictionary's echocancellation property is a boolean value whose value indicates whether or not echo cancellation is enabled on an audio track.
... syntax var echocancellation = mediatracksettings.echocancellation; value a boolean value which is true if the track has echo cancellation functionality enabled or false if echo cancellation is disabled.
MediaTrackSettings.noiseSuppression - Web APIs
the mediatracksettings dictionary's noisesuppression property is a boolean value whose value indicates whether or not noise suppression technology is enabled on an audio track.
... syntax var noisesuppression = mediatracksettings.noisesuppression; value a boolean value which is true if the input track has noise suppression enabled or false if agc is disabled.
MouseEvent.altKey - Web APIs
the mouseevent.altkey read-only property is a boolean that indicates whether the alt key was pressed or not when a given mouse event occurs.
... syntax var altkeypressed = instanceofmouseevent.altkey return value a boolean, where true indicates that the key is pressed, and false indicates that the key is not pressed.
MouseEvent.ctrlKey - Web APIs
the mouseevent.ctrlkey read-only property is a boolean that indicates whether the ctrl key was pressed or not when a given mouse event occurs.
... syntax var ctrlkeypressed = instanceofmouseevent.ctrlkey return value a boolean, where true indicates that the key is pressed, and false indicates that the key is not pressed.
MouseEvent.metaKey - Web APIs
the mouseevent.metakey read-only property is a boolean that indicates whether the meta key was pressed or not when a given mouse event occurs.
... syntax var metakeypressed = instanceofmouseevent.metakey return value a boolean, where true indicates that the key is pressed, and false indicates that the key is not pressed.
MouseEvent.shiftKey - Web APIs
the mouseevent.shiftkey read-only property is a boolean that indicates whether the shift key was pressed or not when a given mouse event occurs.
... syntax var shiftkeypressed = instanceofmouseevent.shiftkey return value a boolean, where true indicates that the key is pressed, and false indicates that the key is not pressed.
msIsBoxed - Web APIs
syntax isboxed = object.msisboxed value boolean value set to true activates boxed mode for the video player.
... boolean value set to false means the video player is zoomed to fill the screen.
msPlayToPrimary - Web APIs
syntax ptr = object.msplaytoprimary; value boolean value set to true indicates that the device is the primary dlna playto device, otherwise false.
... example // microsoft extensions interface htmlimageelement : htmlelement { attribute boolean msplaytodisabled; attribute boolean msplaytoprimary; attribute domstring msplaytopreferredsourceuri; }; see also htmlmediaelement ...
NDEFWriter.write() - Web APIs
options optional ignoreread -- boolean specifying whether or not to skip reading for the activated reader objects.
... overwrite -- boolean specifying whether or not existing record should be overwritten, if such exists.
NameList - Web APIs
properties namelist.length read only methods namelist.contains() returns a boolean.
... namelist.containsns() returns a boolean.
Navigator.cookieEnabled - Web APIs
navigator.cookieenabled returns a boolean value that indicates whether cookies are enabled or not.
... syntax var cookieenabled = navigator.cookieenabled; cookieenabled is a boolean: true or false.
Navigator.onLine - Web APIs
the property returns a boolean value, with true meaning online and false meaning offline.
... syntax online =; value online is a boolean true or false.
Node.hasChildNodes() - Web APIs
the node.haschildnodes() method returns a boolean value indicating whether the given node has child nodes or not.
... syntax bool = node.haschildnodes(); return value a boolean that is true if the node has child nodes, and false otherwise.
Node.isConnected - Web APIs
the isconnected read-only property of the node interface returns a boolean indicating whether the node is connected (directly or indirectly) to the context object, for example the document object in the case of the normal dom, or the shadowroot in the case of a shadow dom.
... syntax var isitconnected = nodeobjectinstance.isconnected return value a boolean that is true if the node is connected to its relevant context object, and false if not.
Node.isDefaultNamespace() - Web APIs
the node.isdefaultnamespace() method accepts a namespace uri as an argument and returns a boolean with a value of true if the namespace is the default namespace on the given node or false if not.
... return value result is a boolean that holds the return value true or false.
NodeIterator - Web APIs
nodeiterator.expandentityreferences read only is a boolean indicating if, when discarding an entityreference its whole sub-tree must be discarded at the same time.
... nodeiterator.pointerbeforereferencenode read only returns a boolean flag that indicates whether the nodeiterator is anchored before, the flag being true, or after, the flag being false, the anchor node.
Notification.Notification() - Web APIs
renotify: a boolean specifying whether the user should be notified after a new notification replaces an old one.
... silent: a boolean specifying whether the notification is silent (no sounds or vibrations issued), regardless of the device settings.
Notification.requireInteraction - Web APIs
the requireinteraction read-only property of the notification interface returns a boolean indicating that a notification should remain active until the user clicks or dismisses it, rather than closing automatically.
... syntax function spawnnotification(thetitle,thebody,shouldrequireinteraction) { var options = { body: thebody, requireinteraction: shouldrequireinteraction } var n = new notification(thetitle,options); } value a boolean.
OES_vertex_array_object.isVertexArrayOES() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean ext.isvertexarrayoes(arrayobject); parameters arrayobject a webglvertexarrayobject (vao) object to test.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether the given object is a webglvertexarrayobject object (true) or not (false).
PositionOptions.enableHighAccuracy - Web APIs
the positionoptions.enablehighaccuracy property is a boolean that indicates the application would like to receive the best possible results.
... syntax positionoptions.enablehighaccuracy = booleanvalue specifications specification status comment geolocation apithe definition of 'positionoptions.enablehighaccuracy' in that specification.
ProgressEvent() - Web APIs
syntax progressevent = new progressevent(type, {lengthcomputable: abooleanvalue, loaded: anumber, total: anumber}); arguments the progressevent() constructor also inherits arguments from event().
... lengthcomputable optional is a boolean flag indicating if the total work to be done, and the amount of work already done, by the underlying process is calculable.
PublicKeyCredential.isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable() - Web APIs
return value a promise which resolves to a boolean indicating whether or a not a user-verifying platform authenticator is available.
... note: in earlier versions of the specification, the boolean also conveyed the consent of the user to disclose such an authenticator existed.
RTCOfferOptions.iceRestart - Web APIs
the icerestart property of the rtcofferoptions dictionary is a boolean value which, when true, tells the rtcpeerconnection to start ice renegotiation.
... syntax var options = { icerestart: trueorfalse }; value a boolean value indicating whether or not the rtcpeerconnection should generate new values for the connection's ice-ufrag and ice-pwd values, which will trigger ice renegotiation on the next message sent to the remote peer.
RTCPeerConnection.canTrickleIceCandidates - Web APIs
the read-only rtcpeerconnection property cantrickleicecandidates returns a boolean which indicates whether or not the remote peer can accept trickled ice candidates.
... syntax var cantrickle = rtcpeerconnection.cantrickleicecandidates; value a boolean that is true if the remote peer can accept trickled ice candidates and false if it cannot.
RTCPeerConnection.createOffer() - Web APIs
offertoreceiveaudio optional (legacy) a legacy boolean option which used to control whether or not to offer to the remote peer the opportunity to try to send audio.
... offertoreceivevideo optional (legacy) a legacy boolean option which used to control whether or not to offer to the remote peer the opportunity to try to send video.
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent() - Web APIs
"bubbles" (optional, default is false): inherited from eventinit(), this boolean option indicates whether or not the event must bubble.
... "cancelable" (optional, default is false, inherited from eventinit(), this boolean indicates whether or not the event can be canceled.
Response.ok - Web APIs
the ok read-only property of the response interface contains a boolean stating whether the response was successful (status in the range 200-299) or not.
... syntax var myok = response.ok; value a boolean.
Response.useFinalURL - Web APIs
the usefinalurl property of the response interface contains a boolean stating whether this is the final url of the response.
... syntax var isfinalurl = response.usefinalurl; value a boolean indicating whether or not the url is final rather than a redirect.
SVGEvent - Web APIs
bubbles read only boolean whether the event normally bubbles or not.
... cancelable read only boolean whether the event is cancellable or not.
SVGGeometryElement.isPointInFill() - Web APIs
syntax boolean someelement.ispointinfill(dompointinit point); parameters point a dompointinit interpreted as a point in the local coordiante system of the element.
... return value a boolean indicating whether the given point is within the fill or not.
SVGGeometryElement.isPointInStroke() - Web APIs
syntax boolean someelement.ispointinstroke(dompointinit point); parameters point a dompointinit interpreted as a point in the local coordinate system of the element.
... return value a boolean indicating whether the given point is within the stroke or not.
Sensor - Web APIs
accelerometer ambientlightsensor gyroscope linearaccelerationsensor magnetometer orientationsensor properties sensor.activated read only returns a boolean indicating whether the sensor is active.
... sensor.hasreading read only returns a boolean indicating whether the sensor has a reading.
ShadowRoot.delegatesFocus - Web APIs
the delegatesfocus read-only property of the shadowroot interface returns a boolean that indicates whether delegatesfocus was set when the shadow was attached (see element.attachshadow()).
... syntax var df = shadowroot.delegatesfocus value a boolean value — true if the shadow root does delegate focus, false if it doesn't.
SpeechRecognitionResult.isFinal - Web APIs
the isfinal read-only property of the speechrecognitionresult interface is a boolean that states whether this result is final (true) or not (false) — if so, then this is the final time this result will be returned; if not, then this result is an interim result, and may be updated later on.
... syntax var myisfinal = speechrecognitionresultinstance.isfinal; returns a boolean.
SpeechSynthesis.paused - Web APIs
the paused read-only property of the speechsynthesis interface is a boolean that returns true if the speechsynthesis object is in a paused state, or false if not.
... syntax var amipaused = speechsynthesisinstance.paused; value a boolean.
SpeechSynthesis.pending - Web APIs
the pending read-only property of the speechsynthesis interface is a boolean that returns true if the utterance queue contains as-yet-unspoken utterances.
... syntax var amipending = speechsynthesisinstance.pending; value a boolean.
SpeechSynthesis.speaking - Web APIs
the speaking read-only property of the speechsynthesis interface is a boolean that returns true if an utterance is currently in the process of being spoken — even if speechsynthesis is in a paused state.
... syntax var amispeaking = speechsynthesisinstance.speaking; value a boolean.
SpeechSynthesisVoice.default - Web APIs
the default read-only property of the speechsynthesisvoice interface returns a boolean indicating whether the voice is the default voice for the current app (true), or not (false.) note: for some devices, it might be the default voice for the voice's language.
... syntax var amidefault = speechsynthesisvoiceinstance.default; value a boolean.
SpeechSynthesisVoice.localService - Web APIs
the localservice read-only property of the speechsynthesisvoice interface returns a boolean indicating whether the voice is supplied by a local speech synthesizer service (true), or a remote speech synthesizer service (false.) this property is provided to allow differentiation in the case that some voice options are provided by a remote service; it is possible that remote voices might have extra latency, bandwidth or cost associated with them, so such distinction may be useful.
... syntax var amilocal = speechsynthesisvoiceinstance.localservice; value a boolean.
SpeechSynthesisVoice - Web APIs
properties speechsynthesisvoice.default read only a boolean indicating whether the voice is the default voice for the current app language (true), or not (false.) speechsynthesisvoice.lang read only returns a bcp 47 language tag indicating the language of the voice.
... speechsynthesisvoice.localservice read only a boolean indicating whether the voice is supplied by a local speech synthesizer service (true), or a remote speech synthesizer service (false.) read only returns a human-readable name that represents the voice.
StylePropertyMapReadOnly.has() - Web APIs
syntax var boolean = stylepropertymapreadonly.has(property) parameters property the name of a property.
... return value a boolean.
SubtleCrypto.verify() - Web APIs
it returns a promise which will be fulfilled with a boolean value indicating whether the signature is valid.
... return value result is a promise that fulfills with a boolean: true if the signature is valid, false otherwise.
SyncManager.register() - Web APIs
the available options are: allowonbattery: a boolean that determines whether synchronization is allowed when the user agent is on a battery-powered device.
... idlerequired: a boolean that determines whether synchronization is allowed when the user agent's device is idle.
TextDecoder - Web APIs
textdecoder.prototype.fatalread only is a boolean indicating whether the error mode is fatal.
... textdecoder.prototype.ignorebomread only is a boolean indicating whether the byte order marker is ignored.
TextRange - Web APIs
textrange.querycommandenabled() returns a boolean indicating whether the specified command can be executed successfully with the execcommand method in the current state of the given document.
... textrange.querycommandstate() returns the boolean indicating the current state of the specified command.
TransitionEvent.initTransitionEvent() - Web APIs
canbubblearg is a boolean flag indicating if the event can bubble (true) or not (false).
... cancelablearg is a boolean flag indicating if the event associated action can be avoided (true) or not (false).
UIEvent.initUIEvent() - Web APIs
canbubble is a boolean deciding whether the event should bubble up through the event chain or not.
... cancelable is a boolean defining whether the event can be canceled.
UIEvent.isChar - Web APIs
the uievent.ischar read-only property returns a boolean indicating whether the event produced a key character or not.
... syntax var ischar = uievent.ischar; value a boolean which is true if the event produces a character; otherwise false.
UIEvent - Web APIs
uievent.cancelbubble is a boolean indicating whether the bubbling of the event has been canceled or not.
... uievent.ischar read only returns a boolean indicating whether the event produced a key character or not.
URLSearchParams.has() - Web APIs
the has() method of the urlsearchparams interface returns a boolean that indicates whether a parameter with the specified name exists.
... return value a boolean.
WebGL2RenderingContext.getActiveUniformBlockParameter() - Web APIs
gl.uniform_block_referenced_by_vertex_shader: returns a glboolean indicating whether the uniform block is referenced by the vertex shader.
... gl.uniform_block_referenced_by_fragment_shader: returns a glboolean indicating whether the uniform block is referenced by the fragment shader.
WebGL2RenderingContext.getQueryParameter() - Web APIs
gl.query_result_available: returns a glboolean indicating whether or not a query result is available.
... return value depends on the pname parameter, either a gluint or a glboolean.
WebGL2RenderingContext.isQuery() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.isquery(query); parameters query a webglquery object to test.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether the given object is a valid webglquery object (true) or not (false).
WebGL2RenderingContext.isSampler() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.issampler(sampler); parameters sampler a webglsampler object to test.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether the given object is a valid webglsampler object (true) or not (false).
WebGL2RenderingContext.isSync() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.issync(sync); parameters sync a webglsync object to test.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether the given object is a valid webglsync object (true) or not (false).
WebGL2RenderingContext.isTransformFeedback() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.istransformfeedback(transformfeedback); parameters transformfeedback a webgltransformfeedback object to test.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether the given object is a valid webgltransformfeedback object (true) or not (false).
WebGL2RenderingContext.isVertexArray() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.isvertexarray(vertexarray); parameters vertexarray a webglvertexarrayobject (vao) object to test.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether the given object is a valid webglvertexarrayobject object (true) or not (false).
WebGLRenderingContext.depthMask() - Web APIs
syntax void gl.depthmask(flag); parameters flag a glboolean specifying whether or not writing into the depth buffer is enabled.
... examples gl.depthmask(false); to get the current depth mask, query the depth_writemask constant which returns a boolean.
WebGLRenderingContext.getShaderParameter() - Web APIs
possible values: gl.delete_status: returns a glboolean indicating whether or not the shader is flagged for deletion.
... gl.compile_status: returns a glboolean indicating whether or not the last shader compilation was successful.
WebGLRenderingContext.getUniform() - Web APIs
return value the returned type depends on the uniform type: uniform type returned type webgl 1 only boolean glboolean int glint float glfloat vec2 float32array (with 2 elements) ivec2 int32array (with 2 elements) bvec2 array of glboolean (with 2 elements) vec3 float32array (with 3 elements) ivec3 int32array (with 3 elements) bvec3 array of glboolean (with 3 elements) vec4 float32array (with 4 ...
...elements) ivec4 int32array (with 4 elements) bvec4 array of glboolean (with 4 elements) mat2 float32array (with 4 elements) mat3 float32array (with 9 elements) mat4 float32array (with 16 elements) sampler2d glint samplercube glint additionally available in webgl 2 uint gluint uvec2 uint32array (with 2 elements) uvec3 uint32array (with 3 elements) uvec4 uint32array (with 4 elements) mat2x3 float32array (with 6 elements) mat2x4 float32array (with 8 elements) mat3x2 float32array (with 6 elements) mat3x4 float32array (with 12 elements) mat4x2 float32array (with 8 elements) mat4x3 float32arra...
WebGLRenderingContext.isBuffer() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.isbuffer(buffer); parameters buffer a webglbuffer to check.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether or not the buffer is valid.
WebGLRenderingContext.isContextLost() - Web APIs
the webglrenderingcontext.iscontextlost() method returns a boolean indicating whether or not the webgl context has been lost and must be re-established before rendering can resume.
... syntax let islost = gl.iscontextlost(); return value a boolean which is true if the context is lost, or false if not.
WebGLRenderingContext.isEnabled() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.isenabled(cap); parameters cap a glenum specifying which webgl capability to test.
... return value a glboolean indicating if the capability cap is enabled (true), or not (false).
WebGLRenderingContext.isFramebuffer() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.isframebuffer(framebuffer); parameters framebuffer a webglframebuffer to check.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether or not the frame buffer is valid.
WebGLRenderingContext.isProgram() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.isprogram(program); parameters program a webglprogram to check.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether or not the program is valid.
WebGLRenderingContext.isRenderbuffer() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.isrenderbuffer(renderbuffer); parameters renderbuffer a webglrenderbuffer to check.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether or not the renderbuffer is valid.
WebGLRenderingContext.isShader() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.isshader(shader); parameters shader a webglshader to check.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether or not the shader is valid.
WebGLRenderingContext.isTexture() - Web APIs
syntax glboolean gl.istexture(texture); parameters texture a webgltexture to check.
... return value a glboolean indicating whether or not the texture is valid.
WebGL constants - Web APIs
query_result_available_ext 0x8867 a boolean indicating whether or not a query result is available.
... gpu_disjoint_ext 0x8fbb a boolean indicating whether or not the gpu performed any disjoint operation.
Movement, orientation, and motion: A WebXR example - Web APIs
enablerotation a boolean indicating whether or not to enable the rotation of the cube at all.
... enableforcepolyfill if this boolean is true, the example will attempt to use the webxr polyfill even if the browser actually has support for webxr.
WindowClient.focused - Web APIs
the focused read-only property of the windowclient interface is a boolean that indicates whether the current client has focus.
... syntax var myfocused = windowclient.focused; value a boolean.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.crossOriginIsolated - Web APIs
the crossoriginisolated read-only property of the windoworworkerglobalscope interface returns a boolean value that indicates whether a sharedarraybuffer can be sent via a window.postmessage() call.
... syntax var mycrossoriginisolated = self.crossoriginisolated; // or just crossoriginisolated value a boolean value examples if(crossoriginisolated) { // post sharedarraybuffer } else { // do something else } specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'crossoriginisolated' in that specification.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.isSecureContext - Web APIs
the issecurecontext read-only property of the windoworworkerglobalscope interface returns a boolean indicating whether the current context is secure (true) or not (false).
... syntax var isitsecure = self.issecurecontext; // or just issecurecontext value a boolean.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope - Web APIs
windoworworkerglobalscope.crossoriginisolated read only returns a boolean value that indicates whether a sharedarraybuffer can be sent via a window.postmessage() call.
... windoworworkerglobalscope.issecurecontext read only returns a boolean indicating whether the current context is secure (true) or not (false).
WritableStream.locked - Web APIs
the locked read-only property of the writablestream interface returns a boolean indicating whether the writablestream is locked to a writer.
... syntax var locked = writablestream.locked; value a boolean indicating whether or not the writable stream is locked.
XMLHttpRequest() - Web APIs
const request = new xmlhttprequest(paramsdictionary); parameters (non-standard) objparameters there are two flags you can set: mozanon boolean: setting this flag to true will cause the browser not to expose the origin and user credentials when fetching resources.
... mozsystem boolean: setting this flag to true allows making cross-site connections without requiring the server to opt-in using cors.
XPathResult - Web APIs
properties xpathresult.booleanvalueread only a boolean representing the value of the result if resulttype is boolean_type.
... boolean_type 3 a result containing a single boolean value.
XRPose.emulatedPosition - Web APIs
the emulatedposition read-only attribute of the xrpose interface is a boolean value indicating whether or not both the the position component of the pose's transform is directly taken from the xr device, or it's simulated or computed based on other sources.
... syntax let emulated = xrpose.emulatedposition; value a boolean which is true if the pose's position is computed based on estimates or is derived from sources other than direct sensor data.
XRWebGLLayer.antialias - Web APIs
the read-only xrwebgllayer property antialias is a boolean value which is true if the rendering layer's frame buffer supports antialiasing.
... syntax let antialiasingsupported = xrwebgllayer.antialias; value a boolean value which is true if the webgl rendering layer's frame buffer is configured to support antialiasing.
XRWebGLLayer.ignoreDepthValues - Web APIs
the read-only xrwebgllayer property ignoredepthvalues is a boolean value which is true if the session has been configured to ignore the values in the depth buffer while rendering the scene.
... syntax let ignoringdepthbuffer = xrwebgllayer.ignoredepthvalues; value a boolean value which is true if the webgl context's depth buffer is being used while computing the locations of points in the 3d world.
XRWebGLLayer - Web APIs
properties antialias read only a boolean value indicating whether or not the webgl context's framebuffer supports anti-aliasing.
... ignoredepthvalues read only a boolean which indicates whether or not the webxr compositor should make use of the contents of the layer's depth buffer while compositing the scene.
XRWebGLLayerInit.alpha - Web APIs
the alpha property is a boolean value which, if present and set to true in the xrwebgllayerinit dictionary passed into the xrwebgllayer() constructor, specifies that the new layer's color buffer is to include an alpha channel.
... syntax let layerinit = { alpha: boolvalue }; let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, layerinit); let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { alpha: boolvalue }); value a boolean which can be set to true to request that the new webgl layer for rendering the webxr scene is to have an alpha channel.
XRWebGLLayerInit.antialias - Web APIs
the boolean antialias property, if present and set to true in the xrwebgllayerinit object provided as the xrwebgllayer() constructor's layerinit parameter, requests that the new webgl rendering layer support anti-aliasing.
... syntax let layerinit = { antialias: boolvalue }; let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, layerinit); let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { antialias: boolvalue }); value a boolean value which can be set to true to request anti-aliasing support in the new webgl rendering layer.
XRWebGLLayerInit.ignoreDepthValues - Web APIs
the xrwebgllayerinit dictionary's boolean ignoredepthvalues property can be provided in the options passed into the xrwebgllayer() constructor to indicate that the depth buffer, if it exists, should be ignored while composing the scene.
... syntax let layerinit = { ignoredepthvalues: boolvalue }; let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, layerinit); let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { ignoredepthvalues: boolvalue }); value a boolean value which can be set to true to disable the use of the depth buffer by the webgl rendering layer created by the xrwebgllayer() constructor.
msCachingEnabled - Web APIs
syntax var cachestate = xmlhttprequest.mscachingenabled(); parameters cachestate[out, retval] type = boolean.
... return value type: boolean.
Web APIs
nparsedvalue cssvalue cssvaluelist cssvariablereferencevalue cache cachestorage canvascapturemediastreamtrack canvasgradient canvasimagesource canvaspattern canvasrenderingcontext2d caretposition channelmergernode channelsplitternode characterdata childnode client clients clipboard clipboardevent clipboarditem closeevent comment compositionevent constantsourcenode constrainboolean constraindomstring constraindouble constrainulong contentindex contentindexevent convolvernode countqueuingstrategy crashreportbody credential credentialscontainer crypto cryptokey cryptokeypair customelementregistry customevent d domconfiguration domerror domexception domhighrestimestamp domimplementation domimplementationlist domlocator dommatrix dommatrixreadonly domobject... reportingobserveroptions request requestdestination resizeobserver resizeobserverentry response rsahashedimportparams rsahashedkeygenparams rsaoaepparams rsapssparams s svgaelement svgaltglyphdefelement svgaltglyphelement svgaltglyphitemelement svgangle svganimatecolorelement svganimateelement svganimatemotionelement svganimatetransformelement svganimatedangle svganimatedboolean svganimatedenumeration svganimatedinteger svganimatedlength svganimatedlengthlist svganimatednumber svganimatednumberlist svganimatedpoints svganimatedpreserveaspectratio svganimatedrect svganimatedstring svganimatedtransformlist svganimationelement svgcircleelement svgclippathelement svgcolorprofileelement svgcomponenttransferfunctionelement svgcursorelement svgdefselement svgdescelement svgel...
-webkit-animation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the -webkit-animation boolean css media feature is a chrome extension whose value is true if vendor-prefixed css animations are supported.
... syntax the -webkit-animation media feature is a boolean whose value is true if the vendor-prefixed css animation properties are supported.
-webkit-transform-2d - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the -webkit-transform-2d boolean css media feature is a chrome extension whose value is true if vendor-prefixed css 2d transforms are supported.
... syntax -webkit-transform-2d is a boolean css media feature whose value is true if the browser supports -webkit prefixed css 2d transforms.
-webkit-transform-3d - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the -webkit-transform-3d boolean css media feature is a chrome extension whose value is true if vendor-prefixed css 3d transforms are supported.
... syntax -webkit-transform-3d is a boolean css media feature whose value is true if the browser supports -webkit prefixed css 3d transforms.
font-feature-settings - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for non-boolean opentype features (e.g.
... stylistic alternates), the value implies a particular glyph to be selected; for boolean values, it is a switch.
Creating a cross-browser video player - Developer guides
mute mute.addeventlistener('click', function(e) { video.muted = !video.muted; }); the mute button is a simple toggle button that uses the media api's muted attribute to mute the video: this is a boolean indicating whether the video is muted or not.
...lscreen api and that it is enabled, the following may be called: var fullscreenenabled = !!(document.fullscreenenabled || document.mozfullscreenenabled || document.msfullscreenenabled || document.webkitsupportsfullscreen || document.webkitfullscreenenabled || document.createelement('video').webkitrequestfullscreen); this simply tests all the different prefixed (and of course the non-prefixed!) booleans to see if fullscreen is possible.
Constraint validation - Developer guides
value must be less than or equal to the value rangeoverflow constraint violation date, month, week a valid date datetime, datetime-local, time a valid date and time required text, search, url, tel, email, password, date, datetime, datetime-local, month, week, time, number, checkbox, radio, file; also on the <select> and <textarea> elements none as it is a boolean attribute: its presence means true, its absence means false there must be a value (if set).
...the checkvalidity() method returns a boolean indicating whether the element's value passes its constraints.
<details>: The Details disclosure element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
open this boolean attribute indicates whether or not the details — that is, the contents of the <details> element — are currently visible.
... an input device as well as some form of output device is recommended.</p> </details> the result from this html is this: creating an open disclosure box to start the <details> box in its open state, add the boolean open attribute: <details open> <summary>system requirements</summary> <p>requires a computer running an operating system.
<input type="month"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the attributes common to <input> elements, month inputs offer the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options max the latest year and month to accept as a valid input min the earliest year and month to accept as a valid input readonly a boolean which, if present, indicates that the input's value can't be edited step a stepping interval to use when incrementing and decrementing the value of the input field list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
<input type="number"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
upport these attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options max the maximum value to accept for this input min the minimum value to accept for this input placeholder an example value to display inside the field when it's empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether the value is read-only step a stepping interval to use when using up and down arrows to adjust the value, as well as for validation list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
<input type="submit"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
formnovalidate a boolean which, if present, means the form's fields will not be subjected to constraint validation before submitting the data to the server formtarget the browsing context into which to load the response returned by the server after submitting the form formaction a string indicating the url to which to submit the data.
... formnovalidate a boolean attribute which, if present, specifies that the form should not be validated before submission to the server.
<input type="tel"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ions maxlength the maximum length, in utf-16 characters, to accept as a valid input minlength the minimum length that is considered valid for the field's contents pattern a regular expression the entered value must match to pass constraint validation placeholder an example value to display inside the field when it has no value readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the field's contents should not be user-editable size the number of characters wide the input field should be onscreen list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
<input type="text"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ons maxlength the maximum number of characters the input should accept minlength the minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid pattern a regular expression the input's contents must match in order to be valid placeholder an exemplar value to display in the input field whenever it is empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether or not the contents of the input should be read-only size a number indicating how many characters wide the input field should be spellcheck controls whether or not to enable spell checking for the input field, or if the default spell checking configuration should be used list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> el...
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
<input type="time"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
common to all <input> elements, time inputs offer the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options max the latest time to accept, in the syntax described under time value format min the earliest time to accept as a valid input readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the contents of the time input should not be user-editable step the stepping interval to use both for user interfaces purposes and during constraint validation unlike many data types, time values have a periodic domain, meaning that the values reach the highest possible value, then wrap back around to the beginning again.
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
<input type="url"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ons maxlength the maximum number of characters the input should accept minlength the minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid pattern a regular expression the input's contents must match in order to be valid placeholder an exemplar value to display in the input field whenever it is empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether or not the contents of the input should be read-only size a number indicating how many characters wide the input field should be spellcheck controls whether or not to enable spell checking for the input field, or if the default spell checking configuration should be used list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> el...
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
<input type="week"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
document.queryselector('input[type="week"]'); weekcontrol.value = '2017-w45'; additional attributes in addition to the attributes common to <input> elements, week inputs offer the following attributes: attribute description max the latest year and week to accept as valid input min the earliest year and week to accept as valid input readonly a boolean which, if present, indicates that the user cannot edit the field's contents step the stepping interval (the distance between allowed values) to use for both user interface and constraint validation max the latest (time-wise) year and week number, in the string format discussed in the value section above, to accept.
... readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, means this field cannot be edited by the user.
<object> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
declarehtml 4 onlyobsolete since html5 the presence of this boolean attribute makes this element a declaration only.
... typemustmatchhtml5 this boolean attribute indicates if the type attribute and the actual content type of the resource must match to be used.
<option>: The HTML Option element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
disabled if this boolean attribute is set, this option is not checkable.
... selected if present, this boolean attribute indicates that the option is initially selected.
HTTP headers - HTTP
save-data a boolean that indicates the user agent's preference for reduced data usage. is a structured header whose value is a boolean so possible values are ?0 for false and ?1 for true.
Equality comparisons and sameness - JavaScript
the equality comparison is performed as follows for operands of the various types: operand b undefined null number string boolean object operand a undefined true true false false false false null true true false false false false number false false a === b a === tonumber(b) a === tonumber(b) a == toprimitive(b) string false false tonumber(a) === b a === b tonumber(a) === tonumber(b) a == toprimitive(b) ...
...boolean false false tonumber(a) === b tonumber(a) === tonumber(b) a === b tonumber(a) == toprimitive(b) object false false toprimitive(a) == b toprimitive(a) == b toprimitive(a) == tonumber(b) a === b in the above table, tonumber(a) attempts to convert its argument to a number before comparison.
TypeError: can't assign to property "x" on "y": not an object - JavaScript
the javascript strict mode exception "can't assign to property" occurs when attempting to create a property on primitive value such as a symbol, a string, a number or a boolean.
... in strict_mode, a typeerror is raised when attempting to create a property on primitive value such as a symbol, a string, a number or a boolean.
Array.prototype.every() - JavaScript
it returns a boolean value.
...if toboolean(testresult) is false, return false.
Array.prototype.slice() - JavaScript
for strings, numbers and booleans (not string, number and boolean objects), slice copies the values into the new array.
... changes to the string, number, or boolean in one array do not affect the other array.
BigInt - JavaScript
↪ [ -12n, 0, 0n, 4n, 4, 6, 10 ] note that comparisons with object-wrapped bigints act as with other objects, only indicating equality when the same object instance is compared: 0n === object(0n) // false object(0n) === object(0n) // false const o = object(0n) o === o // true conditionals a bigint behaves like a number in cases where: it is converted to a boolean: via the boolean function; when used with logical operators ||, &&, and !; or within a conditional test like an if statement.
... if (0n) { console.log('hello from the if!') } else { console.log('hello from the else!') } // ↪ "hello from the else!" 0n || 12n // ↪ 12n 0n && 12n // ↪ 0n boolean(0n) // ↪ false boolean(12n) // ↪ true !12n // ↪ false !0n // ↪ true constructor bigint() creates a new bigint value.
Object.prototype.constructor - JavaScript
function type () {} let types = [ new array(), [], new boolean(), true, // remains unchanged new date(), new error(), new function(), function () {}, math, new number(), 1, // remains unchanged new object(), {}, new regexp(), /(?:)/, new string(), 'test' // remains unchanged ] for (let i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { types[i].constructor = type types[i] = [types[i].constructor, types[i] i...
...nstanceof type, types[i].tostring()] } console.log(types.join('\n')) this example displays the following output (comments added for reference): function type() {},false, // new array() function type() {},false, // [] function type() {},false,false // new boolean() function boolean() { [native code] },false,true // true function type() {},false,mon sep 01 2014 16:03:49 gmt+0600 // new date() function type() {},false,error // new error() function type() {},false,function anonymous() { } // new function() function type() {},false,function () {} ...
Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty() - JavaScript
the hasownproperty() method returns a boolean indicating whether the object has the specified property as its own property (as opposed to inheriting it).
... return value a boolean indicating whether or not the object has the specified property as own property.
Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable() - JavaScript
the propertyisenumerable() method returns a boolean indicating whether the specified property is enumerable and is the object's own property.
... return value a boolean indicating whether the specified property is enumerable and is the object's own property.
Reflect.deleteProperty() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the property was successfully deleted. returns a boolean indicating whether or not the property was successfully deleted.
RegExp.prototype.test() - JavaScript
test() returns a boolean, unlike the method (which returns the index of a match, or -1 if not found).
... examples using test() simple example that tests if "hello" is contained at the very beginning of a string, returning a boolean result.
Symbol - JavaScript
symbol each time: symbol('foo') === symbol('foo') // false the following syntax with the new operator will throw a typeerror: let sym = new symbol() // typeerror this prevents authors from creating an explicit symbol wrapper object instead of a new symbol value and might be surprising as creating explicit wrapper objects around primitive data types is generally possible (for example, new boolean, new string and new number).
... symbol.isconcatspreadable a boolean value indicating if an object should be flattened to its array elements.
WeakMap.prototype.has() - JavaScript
the has() method returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified key exists in the weakmap object or not.
... return value boolean returns true if an element with the specified key exists in the weakmap object; otherwise false.
WeakSet.prototype.has() - JavaScript
the has() method returns a boolean indicating whether an object exists in a weakset or not.
... return value boolean returns true if an element with the specified value exists in the weakset object; otherwise false.
Standard built-in objects - JavaScript
this includes general objects, booleans, functions, and symbols.
... object function boolean symbol error objects error objects are a special type of fundamental object.
Lexical grammar - JavaScript
abstract boolean byte char double final float goto int long native short synchronized throws transient volatile additionally, the literals null, true, and false cannot be used as identifiers in ecmascript.
... null boolean literal see also boolean for more information.
Less than (<) - JavaScript
otherwise javascript attempts to convert non-numeric types to numeric values: boolean values true and false are converted to 1 and 0 respectively.
... // false console.log(5 < "hello"); // false console.log("5" < 3n); // false console.log("3" < 5n); // true number to number comparison console.log(5 < 3); // false console.log(3 < 3); // false console.log(3 < 5); // true number to bigint comparison console.log(5n < 3); // false console.log(3 < 5n); // true comparing boolean, null, undefined, nan console.log(true < false); // false console.log(false < true); // true console.log(0 < true); // true console.log(true < 1); // false console.log(null < 0); // false console.log(null < 1); // true console.log(undefined < 3); // false console.log(3 < undefined); // false console.log(3 < nan); // false console.log(nan...
Strict equality (===) - JavaScript
the strict equality operator (===) checks whether its two operands are equal, returning a boolean result.
... booleans must be both true or both false.
instanceof - JavaScript
the return value is a boolean value.
...(!mycar will be evaluated before instanceof, so you always try to know if a boolean is an instance of car).
The "codecs" parameter in common media types - Web media technologies
the constraint set flags byte is comprised of one-bit boolean flags, with the most significant bit being referred to as flag 0 (or constraint_set0_flag, in some resources), and each successive bit being numbered one higher.
... you can also use the codecs parameter when specifying a mime media type to the mediasource.istypesupported() method; this method returns a boolean which indicates whether or not the media is likely to work on the current device.
Web Components
the node.isconnected property returns a boolean indicating whether or not the node is connected (directly or indirectly) to the context object, e.g.
... event extensions extensions to the event interface related to shadow dom: event.composed: returns a boolean which indicates whether the event will propagate across the shadow dom boundary into the standard dom (true), or not (false).
function-available - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the function-available function determines if a given function is available and returns boolean true or false.
... returns boolean true or false.
string - XPath
boolean true is converted to the string true.
... boolean false is converted to the string false.
true - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the true function returns a boolean value of true.
... syntax true() returns boolean true.
Window: userproximity event - Archive of obsolete content
other properties property type description near read only boolean the current user proximity state.
port - Archive of obsolete content
this means that it needs to be a string, number, boolean, null, array of json-serializable values, or an object whose property values are themselves json-serializable.
Communicating using "port" - Archive of obsolete content
this means that it needs to be a string, number, boolean, null, array of json-serializable values, or an object whose property values are themselves json-serializable.
page-mod - Archive of obsolete content
showoptions: true, numbers: [1, 2], greeting: "hello!" } }); the values are accessible to content scripts via the self.options property: // show.js if (self.options.showoptions) { window.alert(self.options.greeting); var sum = self.options.numbers[0] + self.options.numbers[1]; window.alert(sum); } the values can be any json-serializable value: a string, number, boolean, null, array of json-serializable values, or an object whose property values are themselves json-serializable.
url - Archive of obsolete content
returns boolean : a boolean indicating whether or not the uri is valid.
windows - Archive of obsolete content
isprivate boolean boolean which will determine whether the new window should be private or not.
/loader - Archive of obsolete content
wantxrays: a boolean value indicating whether code outside the sandbox wants x-ray vision with respect to objects inside the sandbox.
io/file - Archive of obsolete content
returns boolean : true if the file exists and false otherwise.
lang/functional - Archive of obsolete content
useful for initialization functions, instead of having to set a boolean flag and checking it later.
net/url - Archive of obsolete content
options : object optional options: name type sync boolean if this option is set to true, the promise returned will be resolved synchronously.
places/bookmarks - Archive of obsolete content
descending boolean a boolean specifying whether the results should be in descending order.
places/history - Archive of obsolete content
descending boolean a boolean specifying whether the results should be in descending order.
stylesheet/utils - Archive of obsolete content
returns boolean : true if the type given is valid, otherwise false.
util/match-pattern - Archive of obsolete content
returns boolean : true if the url matches the pattern and false otherwise.
Adding a Button to the Toolbar - Archive of obsolete content
this is just like the action button api except it adds a boolean checked property which is toggled whenever the button is checked.
JS XPCOM - Archive of obsolete content
another difference is that queryinterface returns an object, where as instanceof returns a boolean.
Extension Versioning, Update and Compatibility - Archive of obsolete content
simply create the boolean preference extensions.checkcompatibility and set it to false.
Extension Etiquette - Archive of obsolete content
for instance, a boolean for the reporter extension's option for hiding the privacy statement is "extensions.reporter.hideprivacystatement".
How to convert an overlay extension to restartless - Archive of obsolete content
ranch.getintpref(prefname); // pref_int case 128: return branch.getboolpref(prefname); // pref_bool } } function setgenericpref(branch,prefname,prefvalue) { switch (typeof prefvalue) { case "string": setucharpref(prefname,prefvalue,branch); return; case "number": branch.setintpref(prefname,prefvalue); return; case "boolean": branch.setboolpref(prefname,prefvalue); return; } } function setdefaultpref(prefname,prefvalue) { var defaultbranch = services.prefs.getdefaultbranch(null); setgenericpref(defaultbranch,prefname,prefvalue); } function getucharpref(prefname,branch) // unicode getcharpref { branch = branch ?
Chapter 3: Introduction to XUL—How to build a more intuitive UI - Archive of obsolete content
note: with attributes like hidden, collapsed, and disabled, which take boolean values, setting disabled="false" in xul can have unintended consequences.
Adding windows and dialogs - Archive of obsolete content
} else { // do something else } the method returns a boolean value indicating the user's response.
Observer Notifications - Archive of obsolete content
the first parameter is an observer object, the second parameter is a notification topic, and the third parameter is a boolean which indicates whether the observer service should hold a weak reference to the observer.
Setting up an extension development environment - Archive of obsolete content
you will have to create new (boolean) entries for them.
Creating a dynamic status bar extension - Archive of obsolete content
the true boolean value in the third parameter indicates that we want to process the request asynchronously.
chargingchange - Archive of obsolete content
property type description batterymanager.charging boolean the system's battery charging status.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
2033 enumerator.atend enumerator, internet explorer, javascript, method, non-standard, atend the enumerator.atend method returns a boolean value indicating if the enumerator is at the end of the collection.
Using content preferences - Archive of obsolete content
var value = prefservice.getpref(uri, "devmo.somesetting"); built-in site-specific preferences preference name menu equivalent values notes browser.content.full-zoom view / zoom example: "1.10000002384186" (rounding variant of "1.1") related about:config preferences: browser.zoom.full boolean, set by the menu item view / zoom / zoom text only.
Dehydra Function Reference - Archive of obsolete content
strict boolean: controls js strict mode werror boolean: turns js warnings into errors gczeal int: this is a write-only parameter to set turn on frequent garbage collection.
Embedding Mozilla in a Java Application using JavaXPCOM - Archive of obsolete content
d over the application to xpcom/xul, this will block:; here is an example of a locationprovider that works : public class locationprovider implements iappfilelocprovider { private final file libxulpath; int counter = 0; public locationprovider(file grepath) { this.libxulpath = grepath; } public file getfile(string aprop, boolean[] apersistent) { file file = null; if (aprop.equals("gred") || aprop.equals("grecomsd")) { file = libxulpath; if (aprop.equals("grecomsd")) { file = new file(file, "components"); } } else if (aprop.equals("mozbind") || aprop.equals("curprocd") || aprop.equals("comsd") || apr...
Exception logging in JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
first, you can set the boolean preference dom.report_all_js_exceptions.
Hidden prefs - Archive of obsolete content
see nsabquerystringtoexpression::createbooleanconditionstring() for other operators.
importUserCertificates - Archive of obsolete content
forcebackup this is a boolean argument.
Settings - Archive of obsolete content
", type: "text", label: "username" }, { name: "password", type: "password", label: "password" } ] }, { name: "facebook", type: "group", label: "facebook", settings: [ { name: "username", type: "text", label: "username", default: "jdoe" }, { name: "password", type: "password", label: "secret" } ] }, { name: "music", type: "boolean", label: "music", default: true }, { name: "volume", type: "range", label: "volume", min: 0, max: 10, default: 5 } ] }; // import after defining manifest!
Settings - Archive of obsolete content
", type: "text", label: "username" }, { name: "password", type: "password", label: "password" } ] }, { name: "facebook", type: "group", label: "facebook", settings: [ { name: "username", type: "text", label: "username", default: "jdoe" }, { name: "password", type: "password", label: "secret" } ] }, { name: "music", type: "boolean", label: "music", default: true }, { name: "volume", type: "range", label: "volume", min: 0, max: 10, default: 5 } ] }; // import after defining manifest!
New Security Model for Web Services - Archive of obsolete content
boolean canaccess(in nsiuri atransporturi, in astring atype); atransporturi - the service uri atype - type requested by the script ( ex.
Safely loading URIs - Archive of obsolete content
this boolean preference, which defaults to true, can be set to false if the user doesn't want to strictly enforce the same origin policy on file: uris.
Using Breakpoints in Venkman - Archive of obsolete content
if the breakpoint script returns a true value (it doesn't have to strictly be a boolean true, any non-null, non-empty string, non-zero, non-undefined, and non-false value will do), execution will continue normally.
addDirectory - Archive of obsolete content
string registryname, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); public int adddirectory ( string registryname, installversion version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); parameters the adddirectory method has the following parameters: registryname the pathname in the client version registry for the root directory of the files that are to be installed.this ...
addFile - Archive of obsolete content
method of install object syntax public int addfile ( string registryname, installversion version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); public int addfile ( string registryname, string version, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath, boolean forceupdate); public int addfile ( string xpisourcepath); public int addfile ( string registryname, string xpisourcepath, object localdirspec, string relativelocalpath); public int addfile ( string registryname, string version, string ...
refreshPlugins - Archive of obsolete content
method of install object syntax int refreshplugins( [ areloadpages ] ); parameters the refreshplugins method has the following parameter: areloadpages areloadpages is an optional boolean value indicating whether you want to reload the open web pages after you have refreshed the plug-in list.
writeString - Archive of obsolete content
method of winprofile object syntax boolean writestring ( string section, string key, string value); parameters the method has the following parameters: section section in the file, such as "boot" or "drivers".
isKeyWritable - Archive of obsolete content
method of winreg object syntax boolean iskeywritable( string key); parameters the method has the following parameter: key a string representing the path to the key returns a boolean value: true if the key is writable; false if not.
keyExists - Archive of obsolete content
method of winreg object syntax boolean keyexists ( string key); parameters the method has the following parameter: key a string representing the path to the key returns boolean value description if the user does not have read access to the given key, this will also return false.
highlightnonmatches - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home highlightnonmatches new in thunderbird 3 requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, then the autocomplete field will be highlighted when no match has been found.
movetoclick - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home movetoclick type: boolean if true, clicking the slide area of the scale moves the thumb directly to that position.
norestorefocus - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home norestorefocus type: boolean if false, the default value, then when the panel is hidden, the keyboard focus will be restored to whatever had the focus before the panel was opened.
searchbutton - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home searchbutton type: boolean if true, the search field will only fire a command event when the user presses the search button or presses the enter key.
treelines - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home treelines type: boolean when set to true, lines are drawn connecting the lines in the tree; when false, the lines are not drawn.
accelerated - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference homeaccelerated type: booleanset this attribute to true to allow hardware layer managers to accelerate the window.
afterselected - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home afterselected type: boolean this is set to true if the tab is immediately after the currently selected tab.
allowevents - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home allowevents type: boolean if true, events are passed to children of the element.
allownegativeassertions - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home allownegativeassertions type: boolean valid on any element that has a datasources attribute.
alternatingbackground - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home alternatingbackground obsolete since gecko 2.0 type: boolean if true, the background of the tree's rows will alternate between two colors.
alwaysopenpopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home alwaysopenpopup obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean note: applies to: thunderbird and seamonkeyif true, the autocomplete popup will be displayed even when there are no matches.
autocheck - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home autocheck type: boolean if this attribute is true or left out, the checked state of the button will be switched each time the button is pressed.
autoFillAfterMatch - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home autofillaftermatch obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean if set to true, the entire text of the best match will be displayed at the end of the input.
autocompleteenabled - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home autocompleteenabled type: boolean set to true to enable autocomplete of fields.
autofill - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home autofill new in thunderbird 3 requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if set to true, the best match will be filled into the textbox as the user types.
autoscroll - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home autoscroll type: boolean set to false to disable autoscroll for this browser.
backdrag - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home backdrag type: boolean setting the backdrag attribute on a xul panel lets the user move the panel by clicking and dragging anywhere on its background area.
beforeselected - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home beforeselected type: boolean this is set to true if the tab is immediately before the currently selected tab.
buttondisabledaccept - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home buttondisabledaccept type: boolean if true, the accept button is disabled.
buttons - Archive of obsolete content
warning: if the accept and cancel buttons are actually shown is system dependent and is mainly controlled by the value of the boolean preference browser.preferences.instantapply.
checked - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home checked type: boolean indicates whether the element is checked or not.
clicktoscroll - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home clicktoscroll type: boolean clicktoscroll, if true, the arrows must be clicked to scroll the scrollbox content.
close - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home close type: boolean if the panel has a titlebar, set the panel's close attribute to true to have a close button appear on the titlebar.
closebutton - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home closebutton obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 type: boolean if this attribute is set to true, the tabs row will have a "new tab" button and "close" button on the ends.
coalesceduplicatearcs - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home coalesceduplicatearcs type: boolean valid on any element that has a datasources attribute.
collapsed - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home collapsed type: boolean if true, then the element is collapsed and does not appear.
commandupdater - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home commandupdater type: boolean if true, the commandset is used for updating commands.
completedefaultindex - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home completedefaultindex new in thunderbird 3 requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, the best match value will be filled into the textbox as the user types.
completeselectedindex - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home completeselectedindex type: boolean if true, the text in the text field will be autocompleted as the user selects from the popup list.
panel.consumeoutsideclicks - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home consumeoutsideclicks type: boolean controls whether or not the event that caused the popup to be automatically dismissed (or "rolled up") should be consumed or be dispatched as a normal event.
container - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home container type: boolean set to true if the element is to act as a container which can have child elements.
current - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home current type: boolean this attribute will be set to true if the listitem is the current item.
customizable - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home customizable not in seamonkey 1.x type: boolean set this attribute to true on toolbars that can be customized.
cycler - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home cycler type: boolean if true, then the column is a cycler column.
default - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home default type: boolean if true, the tooltip is used as the default popup for displaying tooltips in the window.
disableautocomplete - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disableautocomplete new in thunderbird 3requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, the autocomplete behavior will be disabled.
disableKeyNavigation - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disablekeynavigation type: boolean if this attribute is not used, the user can navigate to specific items within the element by pressing keys corresponding to letters in the item's label.
disableautoselect - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disableautoselect type: boolean if this attribute is true or omitted, the selected item on the menu will update to match what the user entered in the textbox.
disablechrome - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disablechrome type: boolean set this attribute to true to disable chrome in the window.
disableclose - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disableclose type: boolean if this attribute is true the close button will be disabled.
disabled - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
disablefastfind - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference homedisablefastfindtype: booleanput disablefastfind="true" on the root element of a xul document, which is intended to be loaded in a tab, to disable the find bar for the tab with this document.
disableglobalhistory - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disableglobalhistory type: boolean disables global history for the docshell attached to the browser while keeping session history active.
disablehistory - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disablehistory type: boolean disables both session and global history for the docshell attached to the browser.
disablesecurity - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disablesecurity type: boolean set this attribute to true to disable the security ui for this browser.
dragging - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home dragging type: boolean this attribute will be set to true if the column is being dragged.
drawintitlebar - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home drawintitlebar type: boolean if this attribute is true, the top of the window's content area will begin at the top edge of the title bar, instead of below the title bar.
editable - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home editable type: boolean indicates that the value of the menulist can be modified by typing directly into the value field.
empty - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home empty type: boolean set to true if the element is a container that contains no children.
enableColumnDrag - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home enablecolumndrag type: boolean when set to true, the user may drag the column headers around to change the order in which they are displayed.
enablehistory - Archive of obsolete content
enablehistory new in thunderbird 1requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, an arrow button will appear on the end of the textbox which, when pressed, will open a dropdown menu of all available results.
fadein - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home fadein type: boolean this attribute is set to true if the tab is fading in or out.
first-tab - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home first-tab type: boolean this attribute will be set to true for the first tab.
firstpage - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home firstpage type: boolean true if the wizard is on the first page.
fixed - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home fixed type: boolean if true, the size of the column in the tree cannot be adjusted by the user.
focused - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home focused type: boolean this attribute is true if the element is focused.
forcecomplete - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home forcecomplete new in thunderbird 3requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, the textbox will be filled in with the best match when it loses the focus.
fullscreenbutton - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home fullscreenbutton type: boolean set this attribute to true to display a button in the window chrome to allow the user to switch the window into full screen mode.
grippyhidden - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home grippyhidden seamonkey only type: boolean when set to true, the grippy will be hidden.
handleCtrlTab - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home handlectrltab type: boolean if set to true or omitted, the tabbox will switch to the next tab when the control and tab keys are pressed.
hidden - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hidden type: boolean if set to true, the element is not displayed.
hidechrome - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hidechrome type: boolean set this attribute to true to have the chrome including the titlebar hidden.
hidecolumnpicker - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hidecolumnpicker type: boolean when set to false, a drop-down will appear in the upper right corner of the tree, which the user may use to show and hide columns.
hideheader - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hideheader type: boolean set this to true to indicate that the tree column header should be displayed without any column header styling.
hideseconds - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hideseconds type: boolean indicates whether to show the seconds field.
hidespinbuttons - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hidespinbuttons type: boolean if true, the number box does not have arrow buttons next to it to allow the user to adjust the value.
ignoreblurwhilesearching - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ignoreblurwhilesearching new in thunderbird 3requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, blur events are ignored while searching, which means that the autocomplete popup will not disappear.
ignorecase - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ignorecase type: boolean set to true to indicate that the case does not matter when making comparisons.
ignoreincolumnpicker - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ignoreincolumnpicker type: boolean if true, the column does not appear in the column picker.
ignorekeys - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ignorekeys type: boolean if true, keyboard navigation between items in the popup is disabled.
instantApply - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home instantapply type: boolean if true, the preference will be changed as soon as the user interface is modified.
inverted - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home inverted type: boolean for boolean preferences, if this attribute is set to true, it indicates that the value of the preference is the reverse of the user interface element attached to it.
iscontainer - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home iscontainer type: boolean indicates whether rules match based on containment.
isempty - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home isempty type: boolean indicates whether rules match based on emptyness.
last-tab - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home last-tab type: boolean this attribute will be set to true for the last tab.
lastpage - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home lastpage type: boolean true if the wizard is on the last page.
lightweightthemes - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home lightweightthemes type: boolean true if the window supports lightweight themes, otherwise false.
menuactive - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home menuactive type: boolean this attribute is set on an item in a menu when it is being hovered over.
multiline - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home multiline type: boolean if true, the textbox displays multiple lines.
multiple - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home multiple type: boolean set to true to indicate that the value contains multiple values separated by commas.
negate - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home negate type: boolean set to true to indicate that the comparison should be reversed.
noautofocus - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home noautofocus type: boolean if false, the default value, the currently focused element will be unfocused whenever the popup is opened or closed.
noautohide - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home noautohide type: boolean if this attribute is set to false or omitted, the tooltip will automatically disappear after a few seconds.
noinitialfocus - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference homenoinitialfocustype: booleanif false, the default value, the element is considered when determining which element should be initially focused in a dialog.
nomatch - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home nomatch type: boolean this attribute will be set to true if the last search resulted in no matches.
open - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home open type: boolean for the menu type buttons, the open attribute is set to true when the menu is open.
panel.ignorekeys - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ignorekeys type: boolean if false, the default value, the escape key may be used to close the panel.
panel.noautohide - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home noautohide type: boolean if false, the default value, the panel will be hidden when the user clicks outside the panel or switches focus to another application.
pending - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home pending type: boolean this attribute is set to true if the tab is currently in the process of being restored by the session store service.
persist - Archive of obsolete content
persistence will not remember the absence of an attribute, so for boolean attributes like checked where absence means false, you will need to explicitly set the attribute to false before the window closes (bug 15232).
pinned - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home pinned type: boolean this attribute is set to true if the tab has been pinned (that is, if it's an app tab).
preference-editable - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home preference-editable mozilla 1.8 type: boolean if true, the element may be used as one that modifies a preference in a prefwindow.
preference.type - Archive of obsolete content
bool a boolean set to either true or false.
prefpane.selected - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home selected type: boolean this attribute will be set to true for the currently selected prefpane.
primary - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home primary type: boolean if set to true, the treecol will have indentation and twisties drawn to the left of it to indicate the hierarchy level of the rows.
readonly - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home readonly type: boolean if set to true, then the user cannot change the value of the element.
selected - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home selected type: boolean indicates whether the element is selected or not.
setfocus - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home setfocus type: boolean if true or omitted, the focus will be given to the first element in the corresponding tabpanel when the tabs are navigated via the keyboard.
showcommentcolumn - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home showcommentcolumn new in thunderbird 3requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, a comment column appears in the popup.
showcaret - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home showcaret type: boolean whether or not to cause a typing caret to be visible in the content area.
showimagecolumn - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home showimagecolumn type: boolean if true, an image column appears in the popup.
showpopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home showpopup type: boolean note: applies to: thunderbird, seamonkeyif true, the popup will be shown.
smoothscroll - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home smoothscroll type: boolean true initially enables smooth scrolling for the corresponding arrowscrollbox, false disables it.
sortActive - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home sortactive type: boolean this should be set to true for the column which should be sorted by default.
spellcheck - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home spellcheck type: boolean if true, spell checking is enabled by default for the text box; if false, spell checking is disabled by default.
suppressonselect - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home suppressonselect type: boolean if this attribute is not specified, a select event is fired whenever an item is selected, either by the user or by calling one of the select methods.
tab.selected - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home selected type: boolean this attribute is set to true if the tab is selected by default.
tabscrolling - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home tabscrolling new in thunderbird 3requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean if true, the user may cycle through the results list by pressing the tab key.
textbox.autoFill - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home autofill obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean note: applies to: thunderbird and seamonkeyif set to true, the best match will be filled into the textbox as the user types.
textbox.crop - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home crop type: boolean this attribute is not used and is only provided for compatibility with the menulist element.
textbox.disableAutocomplete - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disableautocomplete obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean if true, the autocomplete behavior will be disabled.
textbox.disablehistory - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home disablehistory obsolete since gecko 2.0 type: boolean note: applies to: thunderbird and seamonkeyif false, an arrow button will appear on the end of the textbox which will open a dropdown menu of all available results.
textbox.empty - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home empty type: boolean presence of this attribute indicates that the emptytext is now being displayed.
textbox.forceComplete - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home forcecomplete obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean if true, the textbox will be filled in with the best match when it loses the focus.
textbox.ignoreBlurWhileSearching - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home ignoreblurwhilesearching obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean if true, blur events are ignored while searching, which means that the autocomplete popup will not disappear.
textbox.showCommentColumn - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home showcommentcolumn obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean if true, a comment column appears in the popup.
textbox.tabScrolling - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home tabscrolling obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean if true, the user may cycle through the results list by pressing the tab key.
tree.editable - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home editable type: boolean indicates that the cells of the tree may be edited.
treecell.editable - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home editable type: boolean allows the contents of individual cells in the column to be changed, especially useful when <treecol type="checkbox">.
treecol.editable - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home editable type: boolean allows the contents of cells in the column to be changed, especially useful when type="checkbox".
unread - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home unread type: boolean this attribute is set to true if the tab is unread; that is, either it has not yet been selected during the current session, or has changed since the last time it was selected.
visuallyselected - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home visuallyselected type: boolean new in firefox 40.
wait-cursor - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home wait-cursor type: boolean set this attribute to true to have the cursor switch to a waiting cursor while the mouse is hovering over the element.
wraparound - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home wraparound type: boolean if true, the value of the number box will wrap around when the maximum or minimum value is exceeded.
Reading from Files - Archive of obsolete content
the following methods are available: readboolean will read a single byte from a stream and return false if the byte is zero and true if the byte has a non-zero value.
Moving, Copying and Deleting Files - Archive of obsolete content
this method takes one boolean argument which indicates whether to delete recursively or not.
contains - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home contains( item ) return type: boolean returns true if the menulist contains the specified menuitem as one of its items.
hasUserValue - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home hasuservalue() return type: boolean returns true if the preference has been changed from its default value.
loadTabs - Archive of obsolete content
the properties of params are following: boolean inbackground boolean replace boolean allowthirdpartyfixup tab targettab number newindex object postdatas number usercontextid ...
Node - Archive of obsolete content
evel-2-core short element_node 1 short attribute_node 2 short text_node 3 short cdata_section_node 4 short entity_reference_node 5 short entity_node 6 short processing_instruction_node 7 short comment_node 8 short document_node 9 short document_type_node 10 short document_fragment_node 11 short notation_node 12 methods node appendchild ( node newchild ) node clonenode ( boolean deep ) boolean hasattributes ( ) boolean haschildnodes ( ) node insertbefore ( node newchild , node refchild ) boolean issupported ( string feature , string version ) void normalize ( ) node removechild ( node oldchild ) node replacechild ( node newchild , node oldchild ) ...
Panels - Archive of obsolete content
this is a simple, boolean attribute, so you can enable this feature like this: <panel backdrag="true"> ...
hasUserValue - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference hasuservalue type: boolean true if the preference has been changed from its default value.
highlightNonMatches - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference highlightnonmatches new in thunderbird 1 requires seamonkey 1.0 type: boolean gets and sets the value of the highlightnonmatches attribute.
searchButton - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference searchbutton type: boolean gets and sets the value of the searchbutton attribute.
allowEvents - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference allowevents type: boolean gets and sets the value of the allowevents attribute.
alwaysOpenPopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference alwaysopenpopup obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean gets and sets the value of the alwaysopenpopup attribute.
autoCheck - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference autocheck type: boolean gets and sets the value of the autocheck attribute.
autoFill - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference autofill type: boolean gets and sets the value of the autofill (or autofill) attribute.
autoFillAfterMatch - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference autofillaftermatch obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 type: boolean gets and sets the value of the autofillaftermatch attribute.
canAdvance - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference canadvance type: boolean this property is set to true if the user can press the next button to go to the next page.
canGoBack - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference cangoback type: boolean this read-only property is true if there is a page to go back to in the session history and the back button should be enabled.
canGoForward - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference cangoforward type: boolean this read-only property is true if there is a page to go forward to in the session history and the forward button should be enabled.
canRewind - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference canrewind type: boolean this property is set to true if the user can press the back button to go to the previous page.
checked - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference checked type: boolean gets and sets the value of the checked attribute.
clickSelectsAll - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference clickselectsall type: boolean if set to true, the contents of the textbox are selected when focused; otherwise, the cursor is left unchanged.
collapsed - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference collapsed type: boolean gets and sets the value of the collapsed attribute. - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference open type: boolean returns true if the popup for a button-type colorpicker is open.
completeDefaultIndex - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference completedefaultindex new in thunderbird 3requires seamonkey 2.0 type: boolean gets and sets the value of the completedefaultindex attribute.
current - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference current type: boolean gets and sets the value of the current attribute.
dateLeadingZero - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference dateleadingzero type: boolean a read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the date when it is less than 10. - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference open type: boolean for popup type datepickers, specifies whether the popup is open.
disableAutocomplete - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference disableautocomplete type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disableautocomplete (or disableautocomplete) attribute.
disableKeyNavigation - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference disablekeynavigation type: boolean gets or sets the value of the disablekeynavigation attribute.
disableautoselect - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference disableautoselect type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disableautoselect attribute.
disabled - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference disabled type: boolean gets and sets the value of the disabled attribute.
editable - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference editable type: boolean returns true if the element is editable.
enableColumnDrag - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference enablecolumndrag type: boolean when set to true, the user may drag the column headers around to change the order in which they are displayed.
focused - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference focused type: boolean gets and sets the value of the focused attribute.
forceComplete - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference forcecomplete type: boolean gets and sets the value of the forcecomplete (or forcecomplete) attribute.
handleCtrlPageUpDown - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference handlectrlpageupdown type: boolean gets and sets the value of the handlectrlpageupdown attribute.
handleCtrlTab - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference handlectrltab type: boolean gets and sets the value of the handlectrltab attibute.
hidden - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference hidden type: boolean gets and sets the value of the hidden attribute.
hideSeconds - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference hideseconds type: boolean indicates whether the seconds field is visible or not.
hourLeadingZero - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference hourleadingzero type: boolean a read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the hour when it is less than 10.
ignoreBlurWhileSearching - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference ignoreblurwhilesearching type: boolean gets and sets the value of the ignoreblurwhilesearching (or ignoreblurwhilesearching) attribute.
instantApply - Archive of obsolete content
« xul referenceinstantapplytype: booleanyou can set this attribute to true to make the preference apply instantly, even when the global setting is not to use instant apply.
inverted - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference inverted type: boolean gets and sets the value of the inverted attribute.
is24HourClock - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference is24hourclock type: boolean a read only value indicating whether a 12-hour or 24-hour clock is used to display times.
isPM - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference ispm type: boolean if false, the hour is between 0 and 11, and if true, the hour is 12 or greater.
isSearching - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference issearching type: boolean this property is set to true while a search is occuring.
isWaiting - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference iswaiting type: boolean this property is set to true during the period while waiting for the timeout between the time when a user has pressed a key and a search is performed.
locked - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference locked type: boolean if true, the preference has been locked and disabled in the system configuration, preventing the value from being changed. - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference open type: boolean this property will be set to true when the menu is open.
minuteLeadingZero - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference minuteleadingzero type: boolean a read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the minute when it is less than 10.
monthLeadingZero - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference monthleadingzero type: boolean a read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the month when it is less than 10.
noMatch - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference nomatch type: boolean this property will be set to true if the last search resulted in no matches.
notificationsHidden - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference notificationshidden type: boolean indicating whether the notification area should be hidden.
onFirstPage - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference onfirstpage type: boolean this property is set to true if the user is on the first page, which may or may not be the first index.
onLastPage - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference onlastpage type: boolean this property is set to true if the user is on the last page of the wizard.
open - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference open type: boolean gets and sets the value of the open attribute.
popupOpen - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference popupopen new in thunderbird 15 requires seamonkey 2.12 type: boolean indicates whether the popup is open or not.
readOnly - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference readonly type: boolean if set to true, then the user cannot modify the value of the element.
secondLeadingZero - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference secondleadingzero type: boolean a read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the second when it is less than 10.
selected - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference selected type: boolean this property's value is true if this element is selected, or false if it is not.
showCommentColumn - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference showcommentcolumn type: boolean gets and sets the value of the showcommentcolumn (or showcommentcolumn) attribute.
showImageColumn - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference showimagecolumn type: boolean gets and sets the value of the showimagecolumn attribute.
showPopup - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference showpopup type: boolean gets and sets the value of the showpopup attribute.
smoothScroll - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference smoothscroll type: boolean can be set to enable or disable smooth scrolling for the corresponding arrowscrollbox.
suppressOnSelect - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference suppressonselect type: boolean gets and sets the value of the suppressonselect attribute.
tabScrolling - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference tabscrolling type: boolean gets and sets the value of the tabscrolling (or tabscrolling) attribute.
wrapAround - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference wraparound type: boolean gets and sets the value of the wraparound attribute.
yearLeadingZero - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference yearleadingzero type: boolean a read only value indicating whether a leading zero should be displayed before the year when it is less than 1000.
Document Object Model - Archive of obsolete content
there are differences, of course, for example, while getattribute("hidden") will return the string 'true' for a hidden element, whereas the hidden property returns a boolean true value.
Focus and Selection - Archive of obsolete content
it takes three parameters, the event type, a function to execute when the event occurs and a boolean indicating whether to capture or not.
Tree View Details - Archive of obsolete content
the two booleans in each row in the visibledata structure indicate whether a row is a container and whether it is open respectively.
Trees and Templates - Archive of obsolete content
both are boolean attributes.
XUL Event Propagation - Archive of obsolete content
the last boolean parameter specifies whether the event listener wants to use event capturing, or be registered to listen for events that bubble up the hiearchy normally.
autohide - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home autohide type: boolean when set to true, the toolbar will be invisible unless the alt key is pressed by the user.
clicktoscroll - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home clicktoscroll type: boolean if true, the up or down arrow(s) must be clicked to scroll the content.
command - Archive of obsolete content
e will send a paste command (cmd_paste) to the currently focused element: // first include chrome://global/content/globaloverlay.js godocommand("cmd_paste"); example with two buttons <commandset><command id="cmd_openhelp" oncommand="alert('help');"/></commandset> <button label="help" command="cmd_openhelp"/> <button label="more help" command="cmd_openhelp"/> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
commandset - Archive of obsolete content
attributes commandupdater, events, oncommandupdate, targets example <commandset> <command id="cmd_open" oncommand="alert('open!');"/> <command id="cmd_help" oncommand="alert('help!');"/> </commandset> attributes commandupdater type: boolean if true, the commandset is used for updating commands.
iframe - Archive of obsolete content
m label="sourceforge" value="" /> <menuitem label="freshmeat" value=""/> </menupopup> </menulist> <iframe id="myframe" flex="1"/> <script> function donav(obj) { var url = obj.selecteditem.value; // note the firstchild is the menupopup element document.getelementbyid('myframe').setattribute('src', url); } </script> attributes showcaret type: boolean whether or not to cause a typing caret to be visible in the content area.
key - Archive of obsolete content
disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
keyset - Archive of obsolete content
equalsize, flags, flex, height, hidden, id, insertafter, insertbefore, left, maxheight, maxwidth, menu, minheight, minwidth, mousethrough, observes, ordinal, orient, pack, persist, popup, position, preference-editable, querytype, ref, removeelement, sortdirection, sortresource, sortresource2, statustext, style, template, tooltip, tooltiptext, top, uri, wait-cursor, width disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
listheader - Archive of obsolete content
abel="name"/> <listheader label="occupation"/> </listhead> <listitem> <listcell label="george"/> <listcell label="house painter"/> </listitem> <listitem> <listcell label="mary ellen"/> <listcell label="candle maker"/> </listitem> <listitem> <listcell label="roger"/> <listcell label="swashbuckler"/> </listitem> </listbox> attributes disabled type: boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
menubar - Archive of obsolete content
m label="new"/> <menuitem label="save" disabled="true"/> <menuitem label="close"/> <menuseparator/> <menuitem label="quit"/> </menupopup> </menu> <menu id="edit-menu" label="edit"> <menupopup id="edit-popup"> <menuitem label="undo"/> <menuitem label="redo"/> </menupopup> </menu> </menubar> attributes grippyhidden seamonkey only type: boolean when set to true, the grippy will be hidden.
menupopup - Archive of obsolete content
<menupopup id="clipmenu"> <menuitem label="cut"/> <menuitem label="copy"/> <menuitem label="paste"/> </menupopup> <label value="right click for popup" context="clipmenu"/> attributes ignorekeys type: boolean if true, keyboard navigation between items in the popup is disabled.
notificationbox - Archive of obsolete content
notificationshidden type: boolean indicating whether the notification area should be hidden.
treecell - Archive of obsolete content
attributes editable, label, mode, properties, ref, src, value attributes editable type: boolean allows the contents of individual cells in the column to be changed, especially useful when <treecol type="checkbox">.
treechildren - Archive of obsolete content
attributes alternatingbackground attributes alternatingbackground obsolete since gecko 2.0 type: boolean if true, the background of the tree's rows will alternate between two colors.
Application Update - Archive of obsolete content
we use a separate boolean toggle for this to make // the ui easier to construct.
XUL Explorer - Archive of obsolete content
support attribute value checking where appropriate (boolean and enumerated values) - xul checker support “best practice” checks such as: using of commands and keys, strings in dtds and so on - xul checker multi-tabbed editor support support wizards to generate common projects - extensions support extension testing using firefox extension test mode venkman support dom inspector support future: support more “best practice” checks such as:...
calICalendarView - Archive of obsolete content
e567ccb-2ecf-4f59-b7ca-bf42b0fbf24a)] interface calicalendarview : nsisupports { attribute calicalendar displaycalender; attribute calicalendarviewcontroller controller; void showdate(in calidatetime adate); void setdaterange(in calidatetime astartdate, in calidatetime aenddate); readonly attribute calidatetime startdate; readonly attribute calidatetime enddate; readonly attribute boolean supportsdisjointdates; readonly attribute boolean hasdisjointdates; void setdatelist(in unsigned long acount, [array,size_is(acount)] in calidatetime adates); void getdatelist(out unsigned long acount, [array,size_is(acount),retval] out calidatetime adates); attribute caliitembase selecteditem; attribute calidatetime selectedday; attributes displaycalendar the displaycalendar is ...
Mozprofile - Archive of obsolete content
structor: obj = firefoxprofile(preferences=[("accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashbar", 0)]) using a json blob file: mozprofile --preferences myprefs.json using a .ini file: mozprofile --preferences myprefs.ini via the command line: mozprofile --pref key:value --pref key:value [...] when setting preferences from an .ini file or the --pref switch, the value will be interpolated as an integer or a boolean (true/false) if possible.
NPN_PostURL - Archive of obsolete content
file a boolean value that specifies whether to post a file.
NPP_NewStream - Archive of obsolete content
seekable boolean indicating whether the stream is seekable: true: seekable.
Function.prototype.isGenerator() - Archive of obsolete content
syntax fun.isgenerator() return value a boolean indicating whether or not the given function is a generator.
Enumerator.atEnd - Archive of obsolete content
the enumerator.atend method returns a boolean value indicating if the enumerator is at the end of the collection.
Enumerator - Archive of obsolete content
methods enumerator.atend returns a boolean value indicating if the enumerator is at the end of the collection.
@set - Archive of obsolete content
remarks numeric and boolean variables are supported for conditional compilation.
New in JavaScript 1.1 - Archive of obsolete content
--> new features in javascript 1.1 new objects array boolean function number new properties number.max_value number.min_value nan number.negative_infinity number.positive_infinity new methods array.prototype.join() array.prototype.reverse() array.prototype.sort() array.prototype.split() new operators typeof void other new features <noscript> liveconnect.
New in JavaScript 1.3 - Archive of obsolete content
changes to the boolean object.
JSException - Archive of obsolete content
declaration public int getwrappedexceptiontype() description getwrappedexceptiontype() returns an int that matches one of the following static ints declared by the jsexception class: exception_type_empty exception_type_void exception_type_object exception_type_function exception_type_string exception_type_number exception_type_boolean ...
JSObject - Archive of obsolete content
overrides: equals in class java.lang.object declaration public boolean equals(object obj) backward compatibility javascript 1.3.
Back to the Server: Server-Side JavaScript On The Rise - Archive of obsolete content
the function defined within this file checks the form to make sure it is complete, returning a boolean.
Reference - Archive of obsolete content
a subset of the "object > (function, everything else)" chain could be object > function > (object, function, array, string, boolean, number, date, regexp, error).
Mozilla XForms Specials - Archive of obsolete content
labelposition for xforms:input elements bound to a boolean node we support an attribute labelposition in the namespace, which allows the form author to define on which side of the checkbox the label will be shown.
Mozilla XForms User Interface - Archive of obsolete content
checkbox - used for boolean instance data datepicker - default representation for date data types.
RDF in Mozilla FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
boolean hasassertion(asource, aproperty, atarget, atruthvalue).
Implementing game control mechanisms - Game development
} this will be executed whenever the mouse button is pressed, and it will be checked against the input's isdown boolean variable on every frame of the game.
Paddle and keyboard controls - Game development
the ability to move the paddle left and right pressed buttons can be defined and initialized with boolean variables like in the example.
Buttons - Game development
new variables we will need a variable to store a boolean value representing whether the game is currently being played or not, and another one to represent our button.
IDL - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
idl attributes can reflect other types such as unsigned long, urls, booleans, etc.
JSON - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
json can represent numbers, booleans, strings, null, arrays (ordered sequences of values), and objects (string-value mappings) made up of these values (or of other arrays and objects).
Type - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
for example, a boolean data type can hold only a true or false value at any given time, whereas a string has the ability to hold a string or a sequence of characters, a number can hold numerical values of any kind, and so on.
MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
nt aria arpa arpanet array ascii asynchronous atag attribute b bandwidth base64 baseline beacon bézier curve bidi bigint blink block block (css) block (scripting) block cipher mode of operation boolean boot2gecko bootstrap bounding box breadcrumb brotli browser browsing context buffer c cache cacheable caldav call stack callback function canonical order canvas card sorting carddav caret cdn certificate...
Tips for authoring fast-loading HTML pages - Learn web development
you can determine if a given image is loaded by checking to see if the value of its boolean complete property is true.
Index - Learn web development
81 storing the information you need — variables arrays, booleans, javascript, numbers, objects, updating, variables, declaring, initializing, l10n:priority, loose typing, strings by now you should know a reasonable amount about javascript variables and how to create them.
Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
we wanted to make a special mention of testing boolean (true/false) values, and a common pattern you'll come across again and again.
Video and Audio APIs - Learn web development
this returns a boolean true/false result.
Storing the information you need — Variables - Learn web development
let dolphingoodbye = 'so long and thanks for all the fish'; booleans booleans are true/false values — they can have two values, true or false.
Adding features to our bouncing balls demo - Learn web development
this should be a boolean (true/false).
Working with JSON - Learn web development
you can include the same basic data types inside json as you can in a standard javascript object — strings, numbers, arrays, booleans, and other object literals.
Website security - Learn web development
sql injection types include error-based sql injection, sql injection based on boolean errors, and time-based sql injection.
Ember interactivity: Events, classes and state - Learn web development
update the content to the following: import component from '@glimmer/component'; import { action } from '@ember/object'; export default class headercomponent extends component { @action onkeydown({ target, key }) { let text = target.value.trim(); let hasvalue = boolean(text); if (key === 'enter' && hasvalue) { alert(text); target.value = '' } } } the @action decorator is the only ember-specific code here (aside from extending from the component superclass, and the ember-specific items we are importing using javascript module syntax) — the rest of the file is vanilla javascript, and would work in any application.
Componentizing our Svelte app - Learn web development
to handle the the editing mode we are using the editing variable, which is a boolean.
Rendering a list of Vue components - Learn web development
the <script> contents in your todoitem component should now look something like this: export default { props: { label: {required: true, type: string}, done: {default: false, type: boolean}, id: {required: true, type: string} }, data() { return { isdone : this.done, } }, } now, over in your app.vue component, pass as a prop to the todoitem component.
Implementing feature detection - Learn web development
note: the double not in the above example (!!) is a way to force a return value to become a "proper" boolean value, rather than a truthy/falsy value that may skew the results.
Creating JavaScript callbacks in components
remember (or discover) that addeventlistener is a method of the nsidomeventtarget interface and is defined as such: void addeventlistener(in domstring type, in nsidomeventlistener listener, in boolean usecapture); however, it is extremely common to see developers pass a normal javascript function for the listener instead of an nsidomeventlistener implementation: function doload(event) { // do something here } window.addeventlistener("load", doload, false); revealing the magic how is this possible?
Makefile - variables
moz_toolkit_search moz_url_classifier moz_widget_toolkit android, beos, cocoa, gtk2, os2, qt, windows moz_xpctools moz_xul moz_x11 test variable description enable_tests boolean value that should wrapper all unit tests to allow disabling on demand[1].
The Firefox codebase: CSS Guidelines
writing media queries boolean media queries do this: @media (-moz-mac-yosemite-theme: 0) { not this: @media not all and (-moz-mac-yosemite-theme) { privilege css for most common configuration it is better to put the most common configuration (latest version of an os, or default theme for example) outside of the media query.
Gecko Logging
the special boolean prefs logging.config.sync and logging.config.add_timestamp can be used to control the sync and timestamp properties described above.
Listening to events on all tabs
boolean onrefreshattempted( nsidomxulelement abrowser, nsiwebprogress webprogress, nsiuri arefreshuri, long amillis, boolean asameuri ); parameters abrowser the browser that fired the notification.
Error codes returned by Mozilla APIs
ns_error_dom_invalid_expression_err (0x805b0033) ns_error_dom_type_err (0x805b0034) ns_error_dom_security_err (0x805303e8) ns_error_dom_secman_err (0x805303e9) ns_error_dom_wrong_type_err (0x805303ea) ns_error_dom_not_object_err (0x805303eb) ns_error_dom_not_xpc_object_err (0x805303ec) ns_error_dom_not_number_err (0x805303ed) ns_error_dom_not_boolean_err (0x805303ee) ns_error_dom_not_function_err (0x805303ef) ns_error_dom_too_few_parameters_err (0x805303f0) ns_error_dom_bad_document_domain (0x805303f1) ns_error_dom_prop_access_denied (0x805303f2) ns_error_dom_xpconnect_access_denied (0x805303f3) ns_error_dom_bad_uri (0x805303f4) ns_error_dom_retval_undefined (0x805303f5) ns_error_dom_quota_reached (0x805303f6) ...
Communicating with frame scripts
sync boolean declaring whether the message was send synchronously or aynchronously.
Frame script loading and lifetime
the script just writes "foo" to the command line: // chrome script var mm = gbrowser.selectedbrowser.messagemanager; mm.loadframescript('data:,dump("foo\\n")', true); loadframescript() takes two mandatory parameters: a url that points to the frame script you want to load a boolean flag, allowdelayedload note: if the message manager is a global frame message manager or a window message manager, loadframescript() may load the script multiple times, once in each applicable frame.
Using the Browser API
MozillaGeckoChromeAPIBrowser APIUsing
these use htmliframeelement.getcangoback() and htmliframeelement.getcangoforward(), which return a boolean defining whether backward/forward navigation is possible at this point in the history.
syntax var amiactive = instanceofhtmliframeelement.getactive(); returns a boolean indicating whether the current browser <iframe> is the currently active frame (true) or not (false.) parameters none.
}); returns a promise that resolves with a boolean that equals true if the history can be navigated backward or false if not.
}); returns a promise that resolves with a boolean that equals true if the history can be navigated forward or false if not.
if the request is successful, the request's result is a boolean indicating the visible state of the browser <iframe>.
parameters hardreload optional a boolean that indicates whether all the resources to reload must be revalidated (true) or may be taken directly from the browser cache (false).
parameters visible a boolean that indicates if the browser <iframe> visible state is true or false.
CSS -moz-bool-pref() @supports function
the -moz-bool-pref() @supports condition is available to gecko chrome and ua stylesheets to check if a boolean preference is enabled.
Chrome-only CSS reference
moz-tree-row(hover)the ::-moz-tree-row(hover) css pseudo-class will match an element if the mouse cursor is presently hovering over a tree row.::-moz-tree-separatoractivated by the properties attribute.::-moz-tree-twistyactivated by the properties attribute.css -moz-bool-pref() @supports functionthe -moz-bool-pref() @supports condition is available to gecko chrome and ua stylesheets to check if a boolean preference is enabled.css <display-xul> component</display-xul>firefox supports the following -moz- prefixed xul display values:overflow-clip-boxthe overflow-clip-box css property specifies relative to which box the clipping happens when there is an overflow.
HTTP Cache
// it is a helper interface wrapping following four arguments into a single one: private-browsing boolean flag anonymous load boolean flag app id number (0 for no app) is-in-browser boolean flag helper functions to create nsiloadcontextinfo objects: c++ consumers: functions at loadcontextinfo.h exported header js consumers: resource://gre/modules/loadcontextinfo.jsm module methods two storage objects created w...
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Support in Mozilla Browsers
next create another new preference item using the right-mouse click menu new > boolean.
JavaScript Tips
(the property could have been implemented as ["class"'] but that just looks silly.) xul also maps the hidden and collapsed attributes to properties, but note that these are boolean properties whereas the above list are all string properties.
autoupdatedefault boolean whether add-ons should auto-update by default (overrideable per add-on).
Add-on Repository
issearching boolean true if a search is currently in progress; otherwise false.
Widget Wrappers
this will point to the overflow chevron on overflowable toolbars if and only if your widget node is overflowed, to the anchor for the panel menu if your widget is inside the panel menu, and to the node itself in all other cases overflowed boolean indicating whether the node is currently in the overflow panel of the toolbar isgroup false, will be true for the group widget label for api-provided widgets, convenience getter for the label attribute of the dom node tooltiptext for api-provided widgets, convenience getter for the tooltiptext attribute of the dom node disabled for api-provided widg...
isprivate read only boolean indicates whether the download originated from a private window.
method overview promise bindtolist(downloadlist alist); promise addview(object aview); promise removeview(object aview); properties attribute type description allhavestopped read only boolean indicates whether all the downloads are currently stopped.
method overview promise refresh() properties attribute type description exists read only boolean indicates whether or not the target file exists.
Following the Android Toasts Tutorial from a JNI Perspective
the sig's will be represented as javascript strings in jni.jsm, and the sig's of the types are as follows: java type signature boolean z byte b char c class/object lclass name in slash notation here; double d float f int i long j short s void v array of type [sig here method format (sig of type of each argument here)sig of the return type here declaring a class/object is done in a special ...
winattributes hidden boolean readonly boolean system boolean macos x macbirthdate a date representing the time at which the file was created.
for example, the os.file.exists function returns a promise that will eventually fulfill with a boolean: promise<boolean> exists(string path); the rejection reason may be specified separately in the function's documentation, and is considered to be an error object unless otherwise specified.
to perform one of these operations, include a property with the appropriate name in the object returned from the listener, and assign it the desired value, as detailed in the table below: operation available in return property cancel onbeforerequest cancel boolean value set to true.
identifier is a string that will be used for part of the filename (or a timestamp will be used if it is an empty string); anonymize is a boolean that indicates if the memory reports should be anonymized; and minimize is a boolean that indicates if memory usage should be minimized first.
type:boolean default value: false exists by default: yes application support:firefox 13.0 status: active; last updated 2012-03-19 introduction: pushed to nightly on 2012-03-02 bugs: bug 713052 values true clicking a link while holding the alt key starts the download of that link.
type:boolean default value:true exists by default: no application support:firefox 11.0 status: active; last updated 2012-02-15 introduction: pushed to nightly on 2011-12-11 bugs: bug 702748 values true (default) the last used directory for the website (host) serving the file for download will be preselected in the file picker.
type:boolean default value:true exists by default: no application support: firefox 14.0 status: active; last updated 2012-09-17 introduction: pushed to nightly on 2012-04-13 bugs: bug 726347 values false the application creates screenshots of visited web pages.
type:boolean default value:false exists by default: yes application support: firefox 13.0 status: active; last updated 2012-02-17 introduction: pushed to nightly on 2012-02-15 bugs: bug 727131 values true new tab with search results will be opened in the background, focus stays on the current tab.
type:boolean default value: true exists by default: yes application support:firefox 6.0 status: active; last updated 2012-04-03 introduction: pushed to nightly on 2011-05-03 bugs: bug 451833 values true (default) the domain name including the top level domain is highlighted in the address bar by coloring it black and the other parts grey.
type:boolean default value: true exists by default: yes application support:firefox 7.0 status: active; last updated 2012-04-03 introduction: pushed to nightly on 2011-06-23 bugs: bug 665580 values true (default) if the active url is exactly the domain name, the trailing slash (/) behind the top level domain will be hidden.
type:boolean default value:true exists by default: no application support: gecko 13.0 (firefox 13.0 / thunderbird 13.0 / seamonkey 2.10) status: active; last updated 2012-02-15 introduction: pushed to nightly on 2012-02-14 bugs: bug 542938 values true (default) the oncopy, oncut and onpaste events are enabled for web content.
type:boolean default value: false (true in debug builds) exists by default: yes application support:firefox 1.0 status: active introduction:2002-02-26 bugs: bug 125181 bug 337875 values false only errors and warnings from content code are shown.
type:boolean default value: true exists by default: yes application support:thunderbird 17.0 status: active; last updated 2012-09-17 introduction: pushed to daily on 2012-08-08 bugs: bug 771816 values true (default) the tabs are drawn in the title bar of the mail program.
nglayout.debug.disable xul fastload
type:boolean default value: false (true in debug builds) exists by default: yes application support:?
type:boolean default value: false exists by default: yes application support:firefox mobile 23.0 status: active; last updated 2013-05-11 introduction: pushed to nightly on 2013-05-06 bugs: bug 867875 values true reader mode is enabled independent of memory available.
type:boolean default value: true exists by default: yes application support:firefox 1.0 status: active introduction: bugs: bug 52154 values true (default) syntax hightlighting is enabled.
packed boolean value.
NSPR API Reference
d synchronization locks and monitors condition variables nspr sample code nspr types calling convention types algebraic types 8-, 16-, and 32-bit integer types signed integers unsigned integers 64-bit integer types floating-point integer type native os integer types miscellaneous types size type pointer difference types boolean types status type for return values threads threading types and constants threading functions creating, joining, and identifying threads controlling thread priorities controlling per-thread private data interrupting and yielding setting global thread concurrency getting a thread's scope process initialization identity and versioning name and ver...
nss tech note1
the following macros are provided for tag numbers within the universal class : sec_asn1_boolean, sec_asn1_integer, sec_asn1_bit_string, sec_asn1_octet_string, sec_asn1_null, sec_asn1_object_id, sec_asn1_object_descriptor,† sec_asn1_real, sec_asn1_enumerated, sec_asn1_embedded_pdv, sec_asn1_utf8_string, sec_asn1_sequence, sec_asn1_set, sec_asn1_numeric_string, sec_asn1_printable_string, sec_asn1_t61_string, sec_asn1_teletex_string, sec_asn1_t61_string, sec_asn1_videotex_string, sec_asn1_ia...
NSS PKCS11 Functions
recurse is a boolean indicates whether or not the module should also launch additional pkcs #11 modules.
asserver a boolean value.
Rhino overview
toboolean boolean(new boolean(false)) is false for all versions before 1.3.
The JavaScript Runtime
these types are implemented with the following java types and values: javascript fundamental type java type undefined a singleton object defined by context.getundefinedtype() null null boolean java.lang.boolean number java.lang.number, that is, any of java.lang.byte, java.lang.short, java.lang.integer, java.lang.float, or java.lang.double.
Rhino scopes and contexts
to seal all objects in the standard library passtrue for the sealed argument when calling context.initstandardobjects(scriptableobject, boolean): scriptableobject sealedsharedscope = cx.initstandardobjects(null, true); this seals only all standard library objects, it does not seal the shared scope itself thus after callinginitstandardobjects, sealedsharedscope can be farther populated with application-specific objects and functions.
How to embed the JavaScript engine
*/ if (rval.isboolean() && !rval.toboolean()) cancelevent(event); again, i've elided error checking (such as testing for !ok after the call), and i've faked up some c event management routines that emulate the dom's convention of canceling an event if its handler returns false.
SpiderMonkey Internals
standard library the methods for arrays, booleans, dates, functions, numbers, and strings are implemented using the js api.
see also mxr id search for js::falsevalue js::value js::booleanvalue js::truevalue ...
see also mxr id search for js::truevalue js::value js::booleanvalue js::falsevalue ...
instead, use jsval_true and jsval_false, and use boolean_to_jsval and jsval_to_boolean to convert.
an object obj that emulates undefined behaves like any other object, except in the following ways: typeof obj === "undefined" obj converts to false when obj is converted to a boolean when used in boolean contexts (if conditions, loop continuation/termination conditions [for/while/do { } while], the condition in a ternary ?: expression, and so on) (obj == undefined) is true, and (obj != undefined) is false (obj == null) is true, and (obj != null) is false == and != comparisons to values other than null or undefined (including to an object that emulates unde...
mxr search for jsproto_null jsproto_object object mxr search for jsproto_object jsproto_function function mxr search for jsproto_function jsproto_array array mxr search for jsproto_array jsproto_boolean boolean mxr search for jsproto_boolean jsproto_json json mxr search for jsproto_json jsproto_date date mxr search for jsproto_date jsproto_math math mxr search for jsproto_math jsproto_number number mxr search for jsproto_number jsproto_string string mxr search for jsproto_string jsproto_regexp ...
jstype_boolean boolean values, true and false.
if v is a string, number, boolean, or undefined, the result is false.
syntax jsval_is_primitive(v) description jsval_is_primitive(v) is true if v is undefined, null, a boolean, a number, or a string.
format can contain one or more instances of the following characters, as appropriate: character c type description b bool boolean c uint16_t ecma uint16_t, unicode character i int32_t ecma int32_t j int32_t ecma int32_t (used to be different, behaves like i now) obsolete since jsapi 28 u uint32_t ecma uint32_t d double ieee double i double integral ieee double s char * (c string) bug 607292 s jsstring * ...
these include all the standard ecmascript global properties defined in ecma 262-3 §15.1: array, boolean, date, decodeuri, decodeuricomponent, encodeuri, encodeuricomponent, error, eval, evalerror, function, infinity, isnan, isfinite, math, nan, number, object, parseint, parsefloat, rangeerror, referenceerror, regexp, string, syntaxerror, typeerror, undefined, and urierror as well as a few spidermonkey-specific globals, depending on compile-time options: escape, unescape, uneval, internalerror,...
if successful, js_pusharguments would return a pointer to the first element of an array of four jsvals: a boolean, a number, an object (or null), and a boolean.
if v is null, undefined, a boolean, a number, or a string, a typeerror is reported and js_valuetofunction returns null.
if v is a boolean value, a number, or a string, the result is a new wrapper object of type boolean, number, or string.
SpiderMonkey 31
obsolete apis js_convertarguments "j" type deleted apis js_newgrowablestring (can be replaced with js_newucstring) js_isconstructing (can be replaced with callargs::isconstructing or callreceiver::isconstructing) js_valuetoboolean (replaced by js::toboolean) js_valuetonumber (can be replaced with js::tonumber) js_valuetoint64 (replaced by js::toint64) js_valuetouint64 (replaced by js::touint64) js_valuetoecmauint32 (replaced by js::touint32) js_valuetoecmaint32 (replaced by js::toint32) js_valuetoint32 (can be replaced with js::toint32, which has a different behavior!) js_valuetouint16 (replaced by js::touint16) js...
SpiderMonkey 38
9) js::removeobjectrootrt (bug 1107639) js::removescriptroot (bug 1107639) js::removescriptrootrt (bug 1107639) js::removestringroot (bug 1107639) js::removestringrootrt (bug 1107639) js::removevalueroot (bug 1107639) js::removevaluerootrt (bug 1107639) jsclass_new_enumerate (bug 1097267) jsclass_new_resolve (bug 993026) jsid_is_object (bug 915482) jsnewresolveop (bug 993026) jsval_is_boolean (bug 952650) jsval_is_double (bug 952650) jsval_is_gcthing (bug 952650) jsval_is_int (bug 952650) jsval_is_null (bug 952650) jsval_is_number (bug 952650) jsval_is_primitive (bug 952650) jsval_is_string (bug 952650) jsval_is_void (bug 952650) jsval_to_boolean (bug 952650) jsval_to_double (bug 952650) jsval_to_gcthing (bug 952650) jsval_to_int (bug 952650) jsval_to_object (bug 952650) ...
Using the Places history service
nsinavhistoryservice.hashistoryentries: exactly the same as nsibrowserhistory.count, except with a better name and actually returning a boolean.
Preferences API
preferences api allows you to save and read strings, numbers, booleans, and references to files to the preferences store.
Accessing the Windows Registry Using XPCOM
the method takes one parameter, a boolean indicating whether child keys should be watched.
Building the WebLock UI
a boolean wlocked variable can do this: // initialize the wlocked variable as unlocked var wlocked = 0; then the functions that get called from the interface and call through to the lock and unlock methods of the weblock component must also adjust this variable accordingly: function wlock() { // check to see if locking is on or off weblock.lock(); wlocked = 1; } function wunlock() { // check t...
XPCOM hashtable guide
data type hashtable class none (for a hash set) nsthashtable simple types (numbers, booleans, etc) nsdatahashtable structs or classes (nsstring, custom defined structs or classes that are not reference-counted) nsclasshashtable reference-counted concrete classes nsrefptrhashtable interface pointers nsinterfacehashtable each of these classes is a template with two parameters.
the conditions accept a simple boolean expression syntax, described here.
Introduction to XPCOM for the DOM
the syntax of xpidl is straightforward: #include "domstubs.idl"; [scriptable, uuid(xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)] interface nsidomfabian : nsisupports { void fabian(); readonly attribute boolean neat; }; this is the definition of the nsidomfabian interface.
note: nsiasyncstreamcopier.init() has changed in gecko 1.9.2, omit last 2 boolean parameters if you're using gecko 1.9.1 and earlier.
syntax boolean components.utils.isxraywrapper(obj); parameters obj the object to check.
as a result, it was possible for code to misuse it, such as returning an nsresult value from a function whose signature indicates it returns a boolean.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
@param astring is the string to check @param aignorecase tells us how to treat case @param acount tells us how many chars to compare @return boolean parameters char* astring print32 acount tofloat float tofloat(print32*) const - source perform string to float conversion.
ignorecache boolean if present and set to true, the cache will be bypassed when reading the file.
return value in versions of gecko prior to gecko 1.9.2, this returned a boolean value that was true if the query was canceled successfully or false if not.
atehtmltableheadaccessible(in nsidomnode adomnode); nsiaccessible createhtmltextaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmltextfieldaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible createhtmlcaptionaccessible(in nsisupports aframe); nsiaccessible getaccessible(in nsidomnode anode, in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsiweakreference aweakshell, inout nsiframe framehint, out boolean aishidden); nsiaccessible addnativerootaccessible(in voidptr aatkaccessible); void removenativerootaccessible(in nsiaccessible arootaccessible); void invalidatesubtreefor(in nsipresshell apresshell, in nsicontent achangedcontent, in pruint32 aevent); methods removenativerootaccessible() void removenativerootaccessible( in nsiaccessible arootaccessible ); invalidatesubtreef...
remarks accessible states are stored as bit fields which describe boolean properties of node.
void setselected( in boolean aisselected ); parameters aisselected[out] the current selection exceptions thrown ns_error_failure indicates that the accessible is unattached from the accessible tree.
getstate provides a bit fields of accessible states which describe boolean properties of accessible.
isfromuserinput boolean returns true if the event was caused by explicit user input, as opposed to purely originating from a timer or mouse movement.
xformsinputboolean 0x00002005 used for input[xsd:boolean] element.
it is used for xul:checkbox, html:input@type="checkbox", role="checkbox", boolean xforms:input.
[array, size_is(count)] out string keys); nsiapplicationcachenamespace getmatchingnamespace(in acstring key); unsigned long gettypes(in acstring key); void initashandle(in acstring groupid, in acstring clientid); void markentry(in acstring key, in unsigned long typebits); void unmarkentry(in acstring key, in unsigned long typebits); attributes attribute type description active boolean true if the cache is the active cache for this group, otherwise false.
nscookiestatus getconsent( in nsiuri uri, in nsihttpchannel httpchannel, in boolean isforeign, out nscookiepolicy policy ); parameters uri the uri to find the policy for.
turi, in nsichannel achannel); void setcookiestring(in nsiuri auri, in nsiprompt aprompt, in string acookie, in nsichannel achannel); void setcookiestringfromhttp(in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri afirsturi, in nsiprompt aprompt, in string acookie, in string aservertime, in nsichannel achannel); attributes attribute type description cookieiconisvisible boolean this attribute really doesn't belong on this interface.
last changed in gecko 1.9.1 (firefox 3.5 / thunderbird 3.0 / seamonkey 2.0) inherits from: nsisupports attributes attribute type description enablehighaccuracy boolean if true, high accuracy mode is used.
browsingtrafficonly a boolean set to filter network stats by browsing traffic.
attributes attribute type description secure boolean if true, the item was stored for an https page.
66 introduced gecko 1.0 inherits from: nsidomxulelement last changed in gecko 1.0 attributes attribute type description disabled boolean indicates whether the element is disabled or not.
crop domstring disabled boolean image domstring label domstring selected boolean read only.
isdebugbuild boolean whether xpcom was compiled with debug defined.
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsisupports method overview void init(in nsifilespec parent, in boolean resolvesymlink); boolean exist(); void next(); attributes attribute type description currentspec nsifilespec init() void init( in nsifilespec parent, in boolean resolvesymlink ); parameters parent resolvesymlink exist() boolean exists(); next() void next(); ...
nsifile getfile( in string aname, out boolean apersistent ); parameters aname [in] the symbolic name for a file or directory location.
resumable boolean indicates if the download can be resumed after being paused or not.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void getattention(); void show([optional] in nsiinterfacerequestor awindowcontext, [optional] in unsigned long aid, [optional] in short areason); attributes attribute type description visible boolean true if the download manager ui is visible; otherwise false.
obsolete since gecko 2.0 attributes attribute type description composing boolean whether this editor has active ime transaction.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) method overview void registerextensionprefix(in astring anamespace, in astring aprefix); attributes attribute type description bozo boolean the feed processor sets the bozo bit when a feed triggers a fatal error during xml parsing.
void appendfilter(in astring title, in astring filter); void appendfilters(in long filtermask); void init(in nsidomwindow parent, in astring title, in short mode); void open(in nsifilepickershowncallback afilepickershowncallback); short show(); obsolete since gecko 57.0 attributes attribute type description addtorecentdocs boolean if true, the file is added to the operating system's "recent documents" list (if the operating system has one; nothing happens if there is no such concept on the user's platform).
boolean elementisfocusable(in nsidomelement aelement, in unsigned long aflags); parameters aelement aflags return value true if aelement is focusable.
sync a boolean value indicating whether or not the message should be handled synchronously.
66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) method overview void observeactivity(in nsisupports ahttpchannel, in pruint32 aactivitytype, in pruint32 aactivitysubtype, in prtime atimestamp, in pruint64 aextrasizedata, in acstring aextrastringdata); attributes attribute type description isactive boolean true when the interface is active and should observe http activity, otherwise false.
ate an instance, use: var mimeinputstream = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsimimeinputstream); method overview void addheader(in string name, in string value); void setdata(in nsiinputstream stream); attributes attribute type description addcontentlength boolean when true a "content-length" header is automatically added to the stream.
method overview nsinavhistoryresultnode nodefortreeindex(in unsigned long aindex); unsigned long treeindexfornode(in nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); attributes attribute type description collapseduplicates boolean controls whether duplicate adjacent elements are collapsed into a single item in the tree.
w nsinavhistoryresultnode[] getdragableselection(); nsinavhistoryresultnode[][] getremovableselectionranges(); nsinavhistoryresult getresult(); nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode getresultnode(); nsinavhistoryresultnode[] getselectionnodes(); void selectall(); attributes attribute type description hasselection boolean whether or not there are selected items.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview void proxystartssl(); void starttls(); attributes attribute type description forcehandshake boolean obsolete since gecko 1.9 notificationcallbacks nsiinterfacerequestor methods proxystartssl() starts an ssl proxy connection.
void shutdown(); obsolete since gecko 1.8 attributes attribute type description autodialenabled boolean controls whether or not the socket transport service should poke the autodialer on connection failure.
to create an instance, use: var standardurl = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsistandardurl); method overview void init(in unsigned long aurltype, in long adefaultport, in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); attributes attribute type description mutable boolean control whether or not this url can be modified.
xpcom/ds/nsisupportsprimitives.idlscriptable this interface provides scriptable access for boolean values.
xpcom/ds/nsisupportsprimitives.idlscriptable this interface provides scriptable access for boolean values.
method overview nsitaskbarpreviewbutton getbutton(in unsigned long index); attributes attribute type description enablecustomdrawing boolean if true, the nsitaskbarpreviewcontroller object's nsitaskbarpreviewcontroller.drawpreview() and nsitaskbarpreviewcontroller.drawthumbnail() methods will be called to draw the preview.
ismainthread boolean this attribute is true if the calling thread is the main thread of the application process.
startoffline boolean startwithlastprofile boolean methods createprofile() creates a new profile.
selected boolean true if this patch is currently selected as the patch to be downloaded and installed for this update transaction.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview nsix509cert pickbyusage(in nsiinterfacerequestor ctx, in wstring selectednickname, in long certusage, in boolean allowinvalid, in boolean allowduplicatenicknames, out boolean canceled); methods pickbyusage() nsix509cert pickbyusage( in nsiinterfacerequestor ctx, in wstring selectednickname, in long certusage, in boolean allowinvalid, in boolean allowduplicatenicknames, out boolean canceled ); parameters ctx selectednickname certusage allowinvalid allowduplicatenicknames canceled return value ...
isactive boolean indicates whether this web browser is active.
n nsiuri auri, in nsisupports acachekey, in nsiuri areferrer, in long areferrerpolicy, in nsiinputstream apostdata, in string aextraheaders, in nsisupports afile, in nsiloadcontext aprivacycontext); void saveprivacyawareuri(in nsiuri auri, in nsisupports acachekey, in nsiuri areferrer, in long areferrerpolicy, in nsiinputstream apostdata, in string aextraheaders, in nsisupports afile, in boolean aisprivate); attributes attribute type description currentstate unsigned long current state of the persister object.
note: this is guaranteed not to change, so that boolean tests can be done on the return value if istypesupported to detect whether a type is supported at all.
method overview void fixreg(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 void postupdate(in nsilocalfile logfile); obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 attributes attribute type description usercanelevate boolean read only.
plistbuilder(); nsitaskbartabpreview createtaskbartabpreview(in nsidocshell shell, in nsitaskbarpreviewcontroller controller); nsitaskbarprogress gettaskbarprogress(in nsidocshell shell); nsitaskbarwindowpreview gettaskbarwindowpreview(in nsidocshell shell); void setgroupidforwindow(in nsidomwindow aparent, in astring aidentifier); attributes attribute type description available boolean returns true if the operating system supports windows 7 or later taskbar features; you can use this instead of in-place operating system version checking.
for example, callers must guarantee that they set the *_retval of the various methods that return a boolean to pr_true before making the call.
last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) inherits from: nsicookie2 attributes attribute type description ishttponly boolean holds true if the cookie is an http only cookie.
XPIDL Syntax
string_literal = 1*(%x22 *(any char except %x22 or %x0a) (%x22 / %x0a)) ; same as above, but s/"/'/g char_literal = 1*(%x27 *(any char except %x27 or %x0a) (%x27 / %x0a)) type_spec = "float" / "double" / "string" / "wstring" type_spec /= ["unsigned"] ("short" / "long" / "long" "long") type_spec /= "char" / "wchar" / "boolean" / "octet" type_spec /= scoped_name prop_list = "[" *(property ",") property "]" property = ident [parens] raise_list = "raises" "(" *(scoped_name) ",") scoped_name ")" scoped_name = *(ident "::") ident / "::" ident ; in regex: [a-za-z_][a-za-z0-9_]*; identifiers beginning with _ cause warnings ident = (%x41-5a / %x61-7a / "_") *(%x41-5a / %x61-7a / %x30-39 / "_") parens = "(" 1*(any ...
Xray vision
for example: window.confirm() is a dom api that's supposed to ask the user to confirm an action, and return a boolean depending on whether they clicked "ok" or "cancel".
Address Book examples
formulate a boolean search string (see nsiabcard for built-in property names): var searchquery = "(or(primaryemail,bw,@v)(nickname,bw,@v)(and(ismaillist,=,true)(notes,bw,@v)))"; searchquery = searchquery.replace(/@v/g, encodeuricomponent("mystr") the search queries use lisp syntax with operators enumerated in nsabquerystringtoexpression.cpp.
MailNews fakeserver
setmultiline the new value of multiline nothing the value is a boolean, with true invoking multiline mode.
Mail composition back end
currently, this pref is a "char *" which is the specific name of the folder, but this will more than likely change to a prbool (boolean) preference.
Add to iPhoto
in c, the callback structure, and the predefined callback record, look like this: typedef const void * (*cfarrayretaincallback)(cfallocatorref allocator, const void *value); typedef void (*cfarrayreleasecallback)(cfallocatorref allocator, const void *value); typedef cfstringref (*cfarraycopydescriptioncallback)(const void *value); typedef boolean (*cfarrayequalcallback)(const void *value1, const void *value2); typedef struct { cfindex version; cfarrayretaincallback retain; cfarrayreleasecallback release; cfarraycopydescriptioncallback copydescription; cfarrayequalcallback equal; } cfarraycallbacks; cf_export const cfarraycallbacks kcftypearraycallbacks; the kcftypearraycallbacks constant refers to a predefine...
type description bool a boolean type that behaves like the corresponding c type on the platform.
Version, UI, and Status Information - Plugins
void npn_reloadplugins(npbool reloadpages); the reloadpages parameter is a boolean that indicates whether to reload the page (true) or not (false).
Debugger.Memory - Firefox Developer Tools
accessor properties of the debugger.memory.prototype object ifdbg is a debugger instance, then <i>dbg</i>.memory is a debugger.memory instance, which inherits the following accessor properties from its prototype: trackingallocationsites a boolean value indicating whether this debugger.memory instance is capturing the javascript execution stack when each object is allocated.
AbortSignal - Web APIs
abortsignal.aborted read only a boolean that indicates whether the request(s) the signal is communicating with is/are aborted (true) or not (false).
AbstractRange.collapsed - Web APIs
syntax var iscollpased = range.collapsed value a boolean value which is true if the range is collapsed.
AbstractRange - Web APIs
target="_top"><rect x="1" y="1" width="130" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="66" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">abstractrange</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties collapsed read only a boolean value which is true if the range is collapsed.
AudioBufferSourceNode.AudioBufferSourceNode() - Web APIs
loop: a boolean indicating whether the audio should play in a loop.
AudioBufferSourceNode - Web APIs
audiobuffersourcenode.loop a boolean attribute indicating if the audio asset must be replayed when the end of the audiobuffer is reached.
AudioTrack.enabled - Web APIs
syntax isaudioenabled = audiotrack.enabled; audiotrack.enabled = true | false; value the enabled property is a boolean whose value is true if the track is enabled; enabled tracks produce audio while the media is playing.
AudioTrack - Web APIs
properties enabled a boolean value which controls whether or not the audio track's sound is enabled.
AudioWorkletProcessor.process - Web APIs
return value a boolean value indicating whether or not to force the audioworkletnode to remain active even if the user agent's internal logic would otherwise decide that it's safe to shut down the node.
BatteryManager.charging - Web APIs
a boolean value indicating whether or not the device's battery is currently being charged.
BatteryManager - Web APIs
properties batterymanager.charging read only a boolean value indicating whether or not the battery is currently being charged.
Bluetooth.requestDevice() - Web APIs
acceptalldevices: a boolean indicating that the requesting script can accept all bluetooth devices.
BluetoothRemoteGATTServer.connected - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattserver.connected read-only property returns a boolean value that returns true while this script execution environment is connected to this.device.
BluetoothRemoteGATTServer - Web APIs
interface interface bluetoothremotegattserver { readonly attribute bluetoothdevice device; readonly attribute boolean connected; promise<bluetoothremotegattserver> connect(); void disconnect(); promise<bluetoothremotegattservice> getprimaryservice(bluetoothserviceuuid service); promise<sequence<bluetoothremotegattservice>> getprimaryservices(optional bluetoothserviceuuid service); }; properties bluetoothremotegattserver.connectedread only a boolean value that returns true while this script execution environment is connected to this.device.
Body - Web APIs
body.bodyused read only a boolean that indicates whether the body has been read.
BudgetService - Web APIs
budgetservice.reserve() returns a promise that resolves to a boolean, indicating whether the requested budget operation can be reserved.
CSS.registerProperty() - Web APIs
inherits a boolean value defining whether the defined property should be inherited (true), or not (false).
CSS.supports() - Web APIs
the css.supports() method returns a boolean value indicating if the browser supports a given css feature, or not.
CSS - Web APIs
css.supports() returns a boolean indicating if the pair property-value, or the condition, given in parameter is supported.
CacheStorage.delete() - Web APIs
syntax caches.delete(cachename).then(function(boolean) { // your cache is now deleted }); parameters cachename the name of the cache you want to delete.
CacheStorage.has() - Web APIs
syntax caches.has(cachename).then(function(boolean) { // true: your cache exists!
CanvasRenderingContext2D.arc() - Web APIs
anticlockwise optional an optional boolean.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.ellipse() - Web APIs
anticlockwise optional an optional boolean which, if true, draws the ellipse anticlockwise (counter-clockwise).
CanvasRenderingContext2D.imageSmoothingEnabled - Web APIs
syntax ctx.imagesmoothingenabled = value; options value a boolean indicating whether to smooth scaled images or not.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInPath() - Web APIs
return value boolean a boolean, which is true if the specified point is contained in the current or specified path, otherwise false.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.isPointInStroke() - Web APIs
return value boolean a boolean, which is true if the point is inside the area contained by the stroking of a path, otherwise false.
Drawing shapes with canvas - Web APIs
the anticlockwise parameter is a boolean value which, when true, draws the arc anticlockwise; otherwise, the arc is drawn clockwise.
Clients.matchAll() - Web APIs
available options are: includeuncontrolled: a boolean — if set to true, the matching operation will return all service worker clients who share the same origin as the current service worker.
CloseEvent - Web APIs
closeevent.wasclean read only returns a boolean that indicates whether or not the connection was cleanly closed.
console.assert() - Web APIs
syntax console.assert(assertion, obj1 [, obj2, ..., objn]); console.assert(assertion, msg [, subst1, ..., substn]); // c-like message formatting parameters assertion any boolean expression.
Constraint validation API - Web APIs
willvalidate a read-only boolean property that returns true if the element is a candidate for constraint validation; and false otherwise.
ConvolverNode() - Web APIs
disablenormalization: a boolean controlling whether the impulse response from the buffer will be scaled by an equal-power normalization, or not.
ConvolverNode - Web APIs
convolvernode.normalize a boolean that controls whether the impulse response from the buffer will be scaled by an equal-power normalization when the buffer attribute is set, or not.
CryptoKey - Web APIs
cryptokey.extractable boolean indicating whether or not the key may be extracted using subtlecrypto.exportkey() or subtlecrypto.wrapkey().
DOMConfiguration - Web APIs
atatype-normalization", "element-content-whitespace", "entities", "error-handler", "infoset", "namespaces", "namespace-declarations", "normalize-characters","schema-location", "schema-type", "split-cdata-sections", "validate", "validate-if-schema", "well-formed" properties domconfiguration.parameternames read only is a domstringlist methods domconfiguration.cansetparameter() returns a boolean domconfiguration.getparameter() returns a domuserdata domconfiguration.setparameter() sets a parameter specification ...
DOMImplementation.hasFeature() - Web APIs
the domimplementation.hasfeature() method returns a boolean flag indicating if a given feature is supported.
DOMImplementation - Web APIs
domimplementation.hasfeature() returns a boolean indicating if a given feature is supported or not.
DOMStringList - Web APIs
domstringlist.contains() returns boolean indicating if the given string is in the list specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'domstringlist' in that specification.
DOMTokenList.replace() - Web APIs
return value a boolean value, which is true if oldtoken was successfully replaced, or false if not.
DOMTokenList.supports() - Web APIs
returns a boolean indicating whether the token was found.
DOMTokenList - Web APIs
returns a boolean indicating whether token is in the list after the operation.
DataTransfer.mozSetDataAt() - Web APIs
the data should be either a string, a boolean or number type (which will be converted into a string) or an nsisupports.
DataTransfer.mozUserCancelled - Web APIs
syntax datatransfer.mozusercancelled; return value a boolean representing true if the user canceled the drag event and returns false otherwise.
DeviceOrientationEvent.DeviceOrientationEvent() - Web APIs
absolute: a boolean that indicates whether or not the device is providing orientation data absolutely.
DeviceOrientationEvent - Web APIs
properties deviceorientationevent.absolute read only a boolean that indicates whether or not the device is providing orientation data absolutely.
DisplayMediaStreamConstraints - Web APIs
properties audio a boolean or mediatrackconstraints value; if a boolean, this value simply indicates whether or not to include an audio track in the mediastream returned by getdisplaymedia().
Document.all - Web APIs
conversion to boolean document.all is the only falsy object accessible to javascript, because it has the [[ishtmldda]] internal slot.
Document.createTreeWalker() - Web APIs
entityreferenceexpansion optional a boolean flag indicating if when discarding an entityreference its whole sub-tree must be discarded at the same time.
Document.evaluate() - Web APIs
boolean_type 3 a result set containing a single boolean value.
Document.fullscreen - Web APIs
syntax var isfullscreen = document.fullscreen; value a boolean value which is true if the document is currently displaying an element in full-screen mode; otherwise, the value is false.
Document.fullscreenEnabled - Web APIs
syntax var isfullscreenavailable = document.fullscreenenabled; value a boolean value which is true if the document and the elements within can be placed into full-screen mode by calling element.requestfullscreen().
Document.hasFocus() - Web APIs
the hasfocus() method of the document interface returns a boolean value indicating whether the document or any element inside the document has focus.
Document.importNode() - Web APIs
deep optional a boolean which controls whether to include the entire dom subtree of the externalnode in the import.
Document.ononline - Web APIs
WebAPIDocumentononline returns boolean true if the browser is online and false if it is definitely offline (disconnected from the network).
Document.queryCommandEnabled() - Web APIs
return value returns a boolean which is true if the command is enabled and false if the command isn't.
Document.queryCommandState() - Web APIs
syntax querycommandstate(string command) parameters command is a command from document.execcommand() return value querycommandstate() can return a boolean value or null if the state is unknown.
Document.queryCommandSupported() - Web APIs
return value returns a boolean which is true if the command is supported and false if the command isn't.
Document Object Model (DOM) - Web APIs
zontalrel svgpathseglinetoverticalabs svgpathseglinetoverticalrel svgpathsegcurvetocubicsmoothabs svgpathsegcurvetocubicsmoothrel svgpathsegcurvetoquadraticsmoothabs svgpathsegcurvetoquadraticsmoothrel svgpathseglist svgpoint svgpointlist svgpreserveaspectratio svgrect svgstringlist svgtransform svgtransformlist animated type svganimatedangle svganimatedboolean svganimatedenumeration svganimatedinteger svganimatedlength svganimatedlengthlist svganimatednumber svganimatednumberlist svganimatedpathdata svganimatedpoints svganimatedpreserveaspectratio svganimatedrect svganimatedstring svganimatedtransformlist smil-related interfaces elementtimecontrol timeevent other svg interfaces getsvgdocument shadowanimation svgcolorprofi...
EXT_disjoint_timer_query.getQueryObjectEXT() - Web APIs
if pname is ext.query_result_available_ext: a glboolean indicating whether or not a query result is available.
Element.attachShadow() - Web APIs
this can be one of: open: elements of the shadow root are accessible from javascript outside the root, for example using element.shadowroot: element.shadowroot; // returns a shadowroot obj closed: denies access to the node(s) of a closed shadow root from javascript outside it: element.shadowroot; // returns null delegatesfocus a boolean that, when set to true, specifies behavior that mitigates custom element issues around focusability.
Element.classList - Web APIs
"add" : "remove"](val), !!arguments[1]); var oldvalue = this.value; return (this.remove(oldvalue), oldvalue === this.value && (this.add(val), true) /*|| false*/); }; if (!domtokenlistproto.replace || typeof testclass.replace("a", "b") !== "boolean") domtokenlistproto.replace = function(oldtoken, newtoken){ checkifvalidclasslistentry("replace", oldtoken), checkifvalidclasslistentry("replace", newtoken); var oldvalue = this.value; return (this.remove(oldtoken), this.value !== oldvalue && (this.add(newtoken), true)); }; if (!domtokenlistproto.contains) domtokenlistproto.contains = functi...
Element.getAnimations() - Web APIs
syntax const animations = element.getanimations(options); parameters options optional an options object containing the following property: subtree a boolean value which, if true, causes animations that target descendants of element to be returned as well.
Element.hasAttribute() - Web APIs
the element.hasattribute() method returns a boolean value indicating whether the specified element has the specified attribute or not.
Element.hasAttributes() - Web APIs
the hasattributes() method of the element interface returns a boolean indicating whether the current element has any attributes or not.
Element.hasPointerCapture() - Web APIs
return value a boolean value — true if the element does have pointer capture, false if it doesn't.
Element.matches() - Web APIs
return value result is a boolean.
Element.scrollIntoView() - Web APIs
the element interface's scrollintoview() method scrolls the element's parent container such that the element on which scrollintoview() is called is visible to the user syntax element.scrollintoview(); element.scrollintoview(aligntotop); // boolean parameter element.scrollintoview(scrollintoviewoptions); // object parameter parameters aligntotop optional is a boolean value: if true, the top of the element will be aligned to the top of the visible area of the scrollable ancestor.
Element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() - Web APIs
syntax todo parameters opt_center is an optional boolean value with a default value of true: if true, the element will be aligned so it is centered within the visible area of the scrollable ancestor.
Element.tabStop - Web APIs
the tabstop property of the element interface returns a boolean indicating if the element can receive input focus via the tab key.
Event.bubbles - Web APIs
syntax var doesitbubble = event.bubbles; value a boolean, which is true if the event bubbles up through the dom.
Event.cancelBubble - Web APIs
syntax event.cancelbubble = bool; var bool = event.cancelbubble; value a boolean.
Event.returnValue - Web APIs
syntax event.returnvalue = bool; var bool = event.returnvalue; value a boolean value which is true if the event has not been canceled; otherwise, if the event has been canceled or the default has been prevented, the value is false.
EventSource - Web APIs
eventsource.withcredentials read only a boolean indicating whether the eventsource object was instantiated with cross-origin (cors) credentials set (true), or not (false, the default).
FeaturePolicy - Web APIs
featurepolicy methods featurepolicy.allowsfeature returns a boolean that indicates whether or not a particular feature is enabled in the specified context.
FetchEvent() - Web APIs
isreload read only a boolean that signifies whether the page was reloaded or not when the event was dispatched.
FetchEvent.isReload - Web APIs
syntax var reloaded = fetchevent.isreload value a boolean.
Using Fetch - Web APIs
this returns a boolean.
FileSystemEntry.isDirectory - Web APIs
syntax var isdirectory = filesystementry.isdirectory; value a boolean indicating whether or not the filesystementry is a directory.
FileSystemEntry.isFile - Web APIs
syntax var isfile = filesystementry.isfile; value a boolean indicating whether or not the filesystementry is a file.
FileSystemFlags.create - Web APIs
syntax filesystemflags.create = booleanvalue values the table below describes the result of each possible combination of these flags depending on whether or not the target file or directory path already exists.
FileSystemFlags.exclusive - Web APIs
syntax filesystemflags.exclusive = booleanvalue values the table below describes the result of each possible combination of these flags depending on whether or not the target file or directory path already exists.
FontFaceSet.check() - Web APIs
syntax bool = afontfaceset.check(font); bool = afontfaceset.check(font, text); returns a boolean that is true if the font list is available parameters font: a font specification using the css value syntax, e.g.
FontFaceSet - Web APIs
fontfaceset.check() a boolean that indicates whether a font is loaded, but doesn't initiate a load when it isn't.
FormData - Web APIs
formdata.has() returns a boolean stating whether a formdata object contains a certain key.
Fullscreen API - Web APIs
obsolete properties document.fullscreen a boolean value which is true if the document has an element currently being displayed in full-screen mode; otherwise, this returns false.
Gamepad.buttons - Web APIs
each gamepadbutton object has two properties: pressed and value: the pressed property is a boolean indicating whether the button is currently pressed (true) or unpressed (false).
Gamepad - Web APIs
gamepad.connected read only a boolean indicating whether the gamepad is still connected to the system.
GamepadButton - Web APIs
gamepadbutton.pressed read only a boolean value indicating whether the button is currently pressed (true) or unpressed (false).
HTMLAreaElement - Web APIs
htmlareaelement.nohref is a boolean flag indicating if the area is inactive (true) or active (false).
disabled - Web APIs
is a boolean indicating whether or not the control is disabled, meaning that it does not accept any clicks.
HTMLCanvasElement.mozOpaque - Web APIs
the non-standard htmlcanvaselement.mozopaque property is a boolean reflecting the moz-opaque html attribute of the <canvas> element.
HTMLCanvasElement - Web APIs
htmlcanvaselement.mozopaque is a boolean reflecting the moz-opaque html attribute of the <canvas> element.
HTMLDListElement - Web APIs
htmldlistelement.compact is a boolean indicating that spacing between list items should be reduced.
HTMLDetailsElement - Web APIs is a boolean reflecting the open html attribute, indicating whether or not the element’s contents (not counting the <summary>) is to be shown to the user.
HTMLDialogElement - Web APIs a boolean reflecting the open html attribute, indicating whether the dialog is available for interaction.
HTMLElement.contentEditable - Web APIs
you can use the htmlelement.iscontenteditable property to test the computed boolean value of this property.
inert - Web APIs
the boolean inert attribute, when present, may make the browser "ignore" the element from assistive technologies, page search and text selection.
HTMLElement.isContentEditable - Web APIs
the htmlelement.iscontenteditable read-only property returns a boolean that is true if the contents of the element are editable; otherwise it returns false.
HTMLFormElement.reportValidity() - Web APIs
syntax htmlformelement.reportvalidity() return value boolean example document.forms['myform'].addeventlistener('submit', function() { document.forms['myform'].reportvalidity(); }, false); specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'htmlformelement.reportvalidity()' in that specification.
HTMLFormElement - Web APIs
htmlformelement.novalidate a boolean reflecting the value of the form's novalidate html attribute, indicating whether the form should not be validated.
HTMLHRElement - Web APIs
htmlhrelement.noshade is a boolean that sets the rule to have no shading.
HTMLIFrameElement.setNfcFocus() - Web APIs
parameters a boolean indicating whether the <iframe> can receive an nfc event.
HTMLInputElement.webkitdirectory - Web APIs
syntax htmlinputelement.webkitdirectory = boolvalue value a boolean; true if the <input> element should allow picking only directories or false if only files should be selectable.
HTMLLinkElement - Web APIs
htmllinkelement.disabled is a boolean which represents whether the link is disabled; currently only used with style sheet links.
HTMLMediaElement.autoplay - Web APIs
syntax htmlmediaelement.autoplay = true | false; var autoplay = htmlmediaelement.autoplay; value a boolean whose value is true if the media element will begin playback as soon as enough content has loaded to allow it to do so without interruption.
HTMLMediaElement.controls - Web APIs
syntax var ctrls = video.controls; audio.controls = true; value a boolean.
HTMLMediaElement.defaultMuted - Web APIs
syntax var dmuted = video.defaultmuted; audio.defaultmuted = true; value a boolean.
HTMLMediaElement.disableRemotePlayback - Web APIs
syntax var remoteplaybackdisabled ​= element.disableremoteplayback; value a boolean indicating whether the media element may have a remote playback ui.
HTMLMediaElement.ended - Web APIs
syntax var isended = htmlmediaelement.ended value a boolean which is true if the media contained in the element has finished playing.
HTMLMediaElement.loop - Web APIs
syntax var loop = video.loop; audio.loop = true; value a boolean.
HTMLMediaElement.muted - Web APIs
syntax var ismuted = audioorvideo.muted audio.muted = true; value a boolean.
HTMLMediaElement.paused - Web APIs
syntax var ispaused = audioorvideo.paused value a boolean.
HTMLMediaElement: seeked event - Web APIs
the seeked event is fired when a seek operation completed, the current playback position has changed, and the boolean seeking attribute is changed to false.
HTMLMediaElement: seeking event - Web APIs
the seeking event is fired when a seek operation starts, meaning the boolean seeking attribute has changed to true and the media is seeking a new position.
HTMLObjectElement.checkValidity - Web APIs
the checkvalidity() method of the htmlobjectelement interface returns a boolean that always is true, because object objects are never candidates for constraint validation.
HTMLObjectElement.typeMustMatch - Web APIs
the htmlobjectelement.typemustmatch property is a boolean that reflects the typemustmatch attribute of the <object> element.
HTMLOptGroupElement - Web APIs
htmloptgroupelement.disabled is a boolean representing whether or not the whole list of children <option> is disabled (true) or not (false).
HTMLElement.focus() - Web APIs
this object may contain the following property: preventscroll optional a boolean value indicating whether or not the browser should scroll the document to bring the newly-focused element into view.
HTMLSelectElement.autofocus - Web APIs
the htmlselectelement.autofocus property is a boolean that reflects the autofocus html attribute, which indicates whether the associated <select> element will get input focus when the page loads, unless the user overrides it.
HTMLSelectElement.disabled - Web APIs
the htmlselectelement.disabled is a boolean that reflects the disabled html attribute, which indicates whether the control is disabled.
HTMLSlotElement.assignedElements() - Web APIs
the available options are: flatten: a boolean indicating whether to return the assigned elements of any available child <slot> elements (true) or not (false).
HTMLSlotElement.assignedNodes() - Web APIs
the available options are: flatten: a boolean indicating whether to return the assigned nodes of any available child <slot> elements (true) or not (false).
HTMLStyleElement.scoped - Web APIs
the htmlstyleelement.scoped property is a boolean value indicating if the element applies to the whole document (false) or only to the parent's sub-tree (true).
HTMLTableCellElement - Web APIs
htmltablecellelement.nowrap a boolean value reflecting the nowrap attribute and indicating if cell content can be broken in several lines.
HTMLTrackElement - Web APIs
htmltrackelement.default a boolean reflecting the default attribute, indicating that the track is to be enabled if the user's preferences do not indicate that another track would be more appropriate.
HTMLUListElement - Web APIs
htmlulistelement.compact is a boolean indicating that spacing between list items should be reduced.
HTMLVideoElement.msFrameStep() - Web APIs
syntax htmlvideoelement.msframestep(forward); parameters forward a boolean which if set to true steps the video forward by one frame, if false steps the video backwards by one frame.
HTMLVideoElement.msHorizontalMirror - Web APIs
syntax htmlvideoelement.mshorizontalmirror: boolean; value boolean value set to true flips the video playback horizontally.
HTMLVideoElement.msIsLayoutOptimalForPlayback - Web APIs
syntax htmlvideoelement.msislayoutoptimalforplayback: domstring; value boolean value set to true indicates that video is being rendered optimally (better performance and using less battery power).
HTMLVideoElement.msIsStereo3D - Web APIs
syntax htmlvideoelement.msisstereo3d: boolean; value boolean value set to true indicates that the video source is stereo 3d.
HTMLVideoElement.msZoom - Web APIs
syntax htmlvideoelement.mszoom; value boolean value set to true trims the video frame to the display space.
HTMLVideoElement - Web APIs
htmlvideoelement.mozhasaudio read only returns a boolean indicating if there is some audio associated with the video.
Headers - Web APIs
headers.has() returns a boolean stating whether a headers object contains a certain header.
IDBFactory.cmp() - Web APIs
note: do not use this method for comparing arbitrary javascript values, because many javascript values are either not valid indexeddb keys (booleans and objects, for example) or are treated as equivalent indexeddb keys (for example, since indexeddb ignores arrays with non-numeric properties and treats them as empty arrays, so any non-numeric arrays are treated as equivalent).
IDBFactorySync - Web APIs
method overview idbdatabasesync open (in domstring name, in domstring description, in optional boolean modifydatabase) raises (idbdatabaseexception); methods open() opens and returns a connection to a database.
IDBIndex.isAutoLocale - Web APIs
the isautolocale read-only property of the idbindex interface returns a boolean indicating whether the index had a locale value of auto specified upon its creation (see createindex()'s optionalparameters.) syntax var myindex = objectstore.index('index'); console.log(myindex.isautolocale); value a boolean.
IDBIndex - Web APIs
properties idbindex.isautolocale read only returns a boolean indicating whether the index had a locale value of auto specified upon its creation (see createindex()'s optionalparameters.) idbindex.locale read only returns the locale of the index (for example en-us, or pl) if it had a locale value specified upon its creation (see createindex()'s optionalparameters.) the name of this index.
IDBIndexSync - Web APIs
unique readonly boolean if true, a key can have only one value within the index; if false, a key can have duplicate values.
IDBKeyRange - Web APIs
instance methods idbkeyrange.includes() returns a boolean indicating whether a specified key is inside the key range.
IDBObjectStore.autoIncrement - Web APIs
syntax var myautoincrement = objectstore.autoincrement; value a boolean: value meaning true the object store auto increments.
IDBTransactionSync - Web APIs
static boolean if true, this transaction is static; if false, this transaction is dynamic.
IdleDeadline - Web APIs
properties idledeadline.didtimeout read only a boolean whose value is true if the callback is being executed because the timeout specified when the idle callback was installed has expired.
ImageCapture.getPhotoSettings() - Web APIs
redeyereduction: a boolean indicating whether the red-eye reduction should be used if it is available.
ImageCapture.takePhoto() - Web APIs
redeyereduction: a boolean indicating whether the red-eye reduction should be used if it is available.
Basic concepts - Web APIs
value each record has a value, which could include anything that can be expressed in javascript, including boolean, number, string, date, object, array, regexp, undefined, and null.
InputDeviceCapabilities - Web APIs
firetouchevents: a boolean that indicates whether the device dispatches touch events.
InputDeviceCapabilities - Web APIs
properties inputdevicecapabilities.firestoucheventsread only a boolean that indicates whether the device dispatches touch events.
InputEvent() - Web APIs
iscomposing: (optional) a boolean indicating that the event is part of a composition session, meaning it is after a compositionstart event but before a compositionend event.
InputEvent.isComposing - Web APIs
the inputevent.iscomposing read-only property returns a boolean value indicating if the event is fired after compositionstart and before compositionend.
InputEvent - Web APIs
inputevent.iscomposingread only returns a boolean value indicating if the event is fired after compositionstart and before compositionend.
enabled - Web APIs
method of installtrigger object syntax boolean enabled (); parameters none returns true if software installation is enabled for this client machine; otherwise, false.
installChrome - Web APIs
returns a boolean value indicating false if the software install feature has been turned off, and true if it's on.
startSoftwareUpdate - Web APIs
method of installtrigger object syntax boolean startsoftwareupdate ( string url); parameters the startsoftwareupdate method has the following parameter: url a uniform resource locator specifying the location of the xpi file containing the software.
IntersectionObserverEntry - Web APIs
intersectionobserverentry.isintersecting read only a boolean value which is true if the target element intersects with the intersection observer's root.
Intersection Observer API - Web APIs
for a threshold value of 0.0 (default) the callback is called approximately upon transition of the boolean value of isintersecting.
KeyboardEvent.getModifierState() - Web APIs
syntax var active = event.getmodifierstate(keyarg); returns a boolean parameters keyarg a modifier key value.
KeyboardEvent.isComposing - Web APIs
the keyboardevent.iscomposing read-only property returns a boolean value indicating if the event is fired within a composition session, i.e.
KeyboardLayoutMap - Web APIs
keyboardlayoutmap.has() returns a boolean indicating whether the keyboardlayoutmap object has an element with the specified key. - Web APIs
syntax var state = value a boolean.
LockedFile.getMetadata() - Web APIs
each key is a boolean where true means the metadata is expected and where false means it is not expected.
MIDIAccess - Web APIs
midiaccess.sysexenabled read only a boolean attribute indicating whether system exclusive support is enabled on the current midiaccess instance.
MSManipulationEvent - Web APIs
example interface msmanipulationevent extends uievent { readonly currentstate: number; readonly inertiadestinationx: number; readonly inertiadestinationy: number; readonly laststate: number; initmsmanipulationevent(typearg: string, canbubblearg: boolean, cancelablearg: boolean, viewarg: window, detailarg: number, laststate: number, currentstate: number): void; readonly ms_manipulation_state_active: number; readonly ms_manipulation_state_cancelled: number; readonly ms_manipulation_state_committed: number; readonly ms_manipulation_state_dragging: number; readonly ms_manipulation_state_inertia: number; readonly ms_manipulati...
MediaCapabilitiesInfo - Web APIs
properties the mediacapabilitiesinfo interface contains three boolean attribues: supported: given the properties defined in the mediaconfiguration, can the specified piece of media content be encoded (if mediaencodingconfiguration is set) or decode (if mediadecodingconfiguration is set) at all?
MediaDevices.getSupportedConstraints() - Web APIs
because only constraints supported by the user agent are included in the list, each of these boolean properties has the value true.
remove() - Web APIs
return value a promise that resolves to a boolean indicating whether the load succeeded or failed.
MediaKeySession - Web APIs
mediakeysession.load() returns a promise that resolves to a boolean value after loading data for a specified session object.
MediaKeyStatusMap - Web APIs
mediakeystatusmap.has() read only returns a boolean asserting whether a value has been associated with the given key.
MediaQueryList - Web APIs
matchesread only a boolean that returns true if the document currently matches the media query list, or false if not.
MediaQueryListEvent.MediaQueryListEvent() - Web APIs
matches: a boolean representing the media query status — true if it matches, false if not.
MediaQueryListEvent - Web APIs
mediaquerylistevent.matchesread only a boolean that returns true if the document currently matches the media query list, or false if not.
MediaRecorder.ignoreMutedMedia - Web APIs
syntax var boolean = mediarecorder.ignoremutedmedia mediarecorder.ignoremutedmedia = boolean value a boolean.
MediaRecorder.isTypeSupported - Web APIs
the mediarecorder.istypesupported() static method returns a boolean which is true if the mime type specified is one the user agent should be able to successfully record.
MediaRecorder - Web APIs
static methods mediarecorder.istypesupported() a static method which returns a boolean value indicating if the given mime media type is supported by the current user agent.
MediaSessionActionDetails - Web APIs
fastseek optional an seekto action may optionally include this property, which is a boolean value indicating whether or not to perform a "fast" seek.
MediaSource - Web APIs
static methods mediasource.istypesupported() returns a boolean value indicating if the given mime type is supported by the current user agent — this is, if it can successfully create sourcebuffer objects for that mime type.
MediaStreamTrack.enabled - Web APIs
the enabled property on the mediastreamtrack interface is a boolean value which is true if the track is allowed to render the source stream or false if it is not.
MediaStreamTrack.remote - Web APIs
it returns a boolean with a value of true if the track is sourced remotely (that is, sourced by an rtcpeerconnection), or false if it is sourced locally.
Recording a media element - Web APIs
while the download attribute can be a boolean, you can also set it to a string to use as the name for the downloaded file.
MediaTrackConstraints.logicalSurface - Web APIs
syntax var constraintsobject = { logicalsurface: constraint }; constraintsobject.logicalsurface = constraint; value a constrainboolean which is true if logical surfaces should be permitted among the selections available to the user.
MediaTrackSettings.logicalSurface - Web APIs
syntax islogicalsurface = mediatracksettings.logicalsurface; value a boolean value which is true if the video track in the stream of captured video is taken from a logical display surface.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.aspectRatio - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's aspectratio property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the aspectratio constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.autoGainControl - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's autogaincontrol property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the autogaincontrol constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.channelCount - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's channelcount property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the channelcount constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.cursor - Web APIs
syntax iscursorsupported = supportedconstraints.cursor; value a boolean value which is true if the cursor constraint is supported by the device and user agent.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.deviceId - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's deviceid property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the deviceid constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.displaySurface - Web APIs
syntax isdisplaysurfacesupported = supportedconstraints.displaysurface; value a boolean value which is true if the displaysurface constraint is supported by the device and user agent.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.echoCancellation - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's echocancellation property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the echocancellation constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.facingMode - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's facingmode property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the facingmode constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.frameRate - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's framerate property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the framerate constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.groupId - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's groupid property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the groupid constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.height - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's height property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the height constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.latency - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's latency property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the latency constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.logicalSurface - Web APIs
syntax islogicalsurfacesupported = supportedconstraints.logicalsurface; value a boolean value which is true if the logicalsurface constraint is supported by the device and user agent.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.noiseSuppression - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's noisesuppression property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the noisesuppression constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.sampleRate - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's samplerate property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the samplerate constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.sampleSize - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's samplesize property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the samplesize constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.volume - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's volume property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the volume constraint.
MediaTrackSupportedConstraints.width - Web APIs
the mediatracksupportedconstraints dictionary's width property is a read-only boolean value which is present (and set to true) in the object returned by mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() if and only if the user agent supports the width constraint.
MouseEvent.getModifierState() - Web APIs
syntax var active =​ event.getmodifierstate(keyarg); returns a boolean parameters keyarg a modifier key value.
MouseScrollEvent - Web APIs
method overview void initmousescrollevent(in domstring typearg, in boolean canbubblearg, in boolean cancelablearg, in nsidomabstractview viewarg, in long detailarg, in long screenxarg, in long screenyarg, in long clientxarg, in long clientyarg, in boolean ctrlkeyarg, in boolean altkeyarg, in boolean shiftkeyarg, in boolean metakeyarg, in unsigned short buttonarg, in nsidomeventtarget relatedtargetarg, in long axis); attributes attribute type descr...
msPlayToDisabled - Web APIs
syntax ptr = object.msplaytodisabled; value boolean value set to true indicates that the playto device is disabled.
msRealTime - Web APIs
syntax ptr = object.msrealtime; value boolean value set to true indicates that low-latency playback will be enabled on the media element.
MutationObserverInit.attributeOldValue - Web APIs
syntax var options = { attributeoldvalue: true | false } value a boolean value indicating whether or not the prior value of a changed attribute should be included in the mutationobserver.oldvalue property when reporting attribute value changes.
MutationObserverInit.attributes - Web APIs
syntax var options = { attributes: true | false } value a boolean value indicating whether or not to report through the callback any changes to the values of attributes on the node or nodes being monitored.
MutationObserverInit.characterData - Web APIs
syntax var options = { characterdata: true | false } value a boolean value indicating whether or not to call the observer's callback function when textual nodes' values change.
MutationObserverInit.characterDataOldValue - Web APIs
syntax var options = { characterdataoldvalue: true | false } value a boolean value indicating whether or not to set the mutationrecord's oldvalue property to be a string containing the value of the character node's contents prior to the change represented by the mutation record.
MutationObserverInit.childList - Web APIs
syntax var options = { childlist: true | false } value a boolean value indicating whether or not to invoke the callback function when new nodes are added to or removed from the section of the dom being monitored..
MutationObserverInit.subtree - Web APIs
syntax var options = { subtree: true | false } value a boolean value.
Navigator.canShare() - Web APIs
return value a boolean.
navigator.hardwareConcurrency - Web APIs
examples in this example, one worker is created for each logical processor reported by the browser and a record is created which includes a reference to the new worker as well as a boolean value indicating whether or not we're using that worker yet; these objects are, in turn, stored into an array for later use.
NavigatorOnLine - Web APIs read only returns a boolean indicating whether the browser is working online.
NavigatorPlugins - Web APIs
navigatorplugins.javaenabled() read only returns a boolean flag indicating whether the host browser is java-enabled or not.
NetworkInformation.saveData - Web APIs
syntax var savedata = networkinformation.savedata; value a boolean.
Node.contains() - Web APIs
the node.contains() method returns a boolean value indicating whether a node is a descendant of a given node, i.e.
Node.getRootNode() - Web APIs
the available options are: composed: a boolean that indicates whether the shadow root should be returned (false, the default), or a root node beyond shadow root (true).
Node.isSupported() - Web APIs
the node.issupported()returns a boolean flag containing the result of a test whether the dom implementation implements a specific feature and this feature is supported by the specific node.
NodeIterator.expandEntityReferences - Web APIs
the nodeiterator.expandentityreferences read-only property returns a boolean flag indicating whether or not the children of entity reference nodes are visible to the nodeiterator.
NodeIterator.pointerBeforeReferenceNode - Web APIs
the nodeiterator.pointerbeforereferencenode read-only property returns a boolean flag that indicates whether the nodefilter is anchored before (if this value is true) or after (if this value is false) the anchor node indicated by the nodeiterator.referencenode property.
Notification.renotify - Web APIs
syntax var renotify = notification.renotify; value a boolean.
Notification.silent - Web APIs
syntax var silent = notification.silent; value a boolean.
Notification - Web APIs
notification.requireinteraction read only a boolean indicating that a notification should remain active until the user clicks or dismisses it, rather than closing automatically.
PageTransitionEvent.persisted - Web APIs
syntax window.addeventlistener('pageshow', function(event) { if (event.persisted) { console.log('page was loaded from cache.'); } }); value a boolean.
PaymentItem - Web APIs
pending secure context a boolean value which is true if the specified amount has not yet been finalized.
PaymentRequest.canMakePayment() - Web APIs
}) canpay = await paymentrequest.canmakepayment(); returns a promise to a boolean that resolves to true if the user agent supports any of the payment methods supplied when instantiating the request using the paymentrequest constructor.
Using the Payment Request API - Web APIs
it returns a promise that fulfills with a boolean indicating whether it is or not, for example: // dummy payment request to check whether payment can be made new paymentrequest(buildsupportedpaymentmethoddata(), {total: {label: 'stub', amount: {currency: 'usd', value: '0.01'}}}) .canmakepayment() .then(function(result) { if(result) { // real payment request var request = new paymentrequest(buildsupp...
PerformanceObserver.observe() - Web APIs
buffered: a boolean flag to indicate whether buffered entries should be queued into the observer's buffer.
Using the Permissions API - Web APIs
for example, the pushpermissiondescriptor should also contain a boolean that specifies if uservisibleonly is true or false.
PointerEvent.PointerEvent() - Web APIs
isprimary — optional and defaulting to false, of type boolean, that sets the value of the instance's pointerevent.isprimary.
Pointer Lock API - Web APIs
the pointerlockelement property is useful for determining if any element is currently pointer locked (e.g., for doing a boolean check) and also for obtaining a reference to the locked element, if any.
PositionOptions - Web APIs
properties positionoptions.enablehighaccuracy secure context is a boolean that indicates the application would like to receive the best possible results.
ProgressEvent.lengthComputable - Web APIs
the progressevent.lengthcomputable read-only property is a boolean flag indicating if the resource concerned by the progressevent has a length that can be calculated.
ProgressEvent - Web APIs
progressevent.lengthcomputable read only is a boolean flag indicating if the total work to be done, and the amount of work already done, by the underlying process is calculable.
Proximity Events - Web APIs
the userproximityevent event provides a rough approximation of the distance, expressed through a boolean.
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.authenticatorSelection - Web APIs
requireresidentkeyoptional a boolean which indicated that the credential private key must be stored in the authenticator, the client or in a client device.
PushManager.permissionState() - Web APIs
it can have the following properties: uservisibleonly: a boolean indicating that the returned push subscription will only be used for messages whose effect is made visible to the user.
PushManager.subscribe() - Web APIs
it can have the following properties: uservisibleonly: a boolean indicating that the returned push subscription will only be used for messages whose effect is made visible to the user.
PushSubscription.options - Web APIs
syntax var options = pushsubscription.options value an read-only options object containing the following values: uservisibleonly: a boolean, indicating that the returned push subscription will only be used for messages whose effect is made visible to the user.
PushSubscription - Web APIs
pushsubscription.unsubscribe() starts the asynchronous process of unsubscribing from the push service, returning a promise that resolves to a boolean when the current subscription is successfully unregistered.
RTCDataChannel.ordered - Web APIs
syntax var ordered = adatachannel.ordered; a boolean value which is true if in-order delivery is guaranteed and is otherwise false.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.nominated - Web APIs
syntax nominated = rtcicecandidatepairstats.nominated; value a boolean value which is set to true by the ice layer if the controlling user agent has indicated that the candidate pair should be used to configure the webrtc connection between the two peers.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.readable - Web APIs
syntax isreadable = rtcicecandidatepairstats.readable; value a boolean value which is true if the connection described by this candidate pair has received at least one valid ice request, and is therefore ready to be read from.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.selected - Web APIs
syntax isselected = icpstats.selected; value a firefox-specific boolean value which is true if the candidate pair described by this object is the one currently in use.
RTCIceCandidatePairStats.writable - Web APIs
syntax iswritable = rtcicecandidatepairstats.writable; value a boolean value which is true if the connection described by this candidate pair has received acknowledgement of receipt (ack) for at least one ice request and that stun consent hasn't expired.
RTCIceCandidateStats.deleted - Web APIs
syntax isdeleted = rtcicecandidatestats.deleted; value a boolean value indicating whether or not the candidate has been deleted or released.
RTCIceCandidateStats - Web APIs
deleted optional a boolean value indicating whether or not the candidate has been released or deleted; the default value is false.
RTCOfferAnswerOptions.voiceActivityDetection - Web APIs
syntax var options = { voiceactivitydetection: trueorfalse }; value a boolean value indicating whether or not the connection should use voice detection once running.
RTCOfferOptions - Web APIs
icerestart optional a boolean which, when set to true, tells createoffer() to generate and use new values for the identifying properties of the sdp it creates, resulting in a request that triggers renegotiation of the ice connection.
RTCPeerConnection.getSenders() - Web APIs
this function takes as input an rtcpeerconnection, pc, and a boolean, muting.
RTCPeerConnection - Web APIs
iv> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} constructorrtcpeerconnection() the rtcpeerconnection() constructor returns a newly-created rtcpeerconnection, which represents a connection between the local device and a remote peer.propertiesalso inherits properties from: eventtargetcantrickleicecandidatesthe read-only rtcpeerconnection property cantrickleicecandidates returns a boolean which indicates whether or not the remote peer can accept trickled ice candidates.connectionstate the read-only connectionstate property of the rtcpeerconnection interface indicates the current state of the peer connection by returning one of the string values specified by the enum rtcpeerconnectionstate.currentlocaldescription read only the read-only property rtcpeerconnection.currentlocaldescr...
RTCRtcpParameters - Web APIs
reducedsize a boolean value indicating whether or not reduced size rtcp is configured.
RTCRtpReceiver.getCapabilities() static function - Web APIs
example the function below returns a boolean indicating whether or not the device supports receiving h.264 video on a webrtc connection.
RTCRtpSender.getCapabilities() static function - Web APIs
example the function below returns a boolean indicating whether or not the device supports sending h.264 video on an rtcrtpsender.
RTCRtpSynchronizationSource.voiceActivityFlag - Web APIs
syntax var voiceactivity = rtcrtpsynchronizationsource.voiceactivityflag value a boolean value which is true if voice activity is present in the most recently received rtp packet played by the associated source, or false if voice activity is not present.
RTCRtpSynchronizationSource - Web APIs
voiceactivityflag optional a boolean value indicating whether or not voice activity is included in the last rtp packet played from the source.
RTCRtpTransceiver.stopped - Web APIs
syntax var isstopped = rtcrtptransceiver.stopped; value a boolean value which is true if the transceiver's sender will no longer send data, and its receiver will no longer receive data.
Range.collapse() - Web APIs
syntax range.collapse(tostart); parameters tostart optional a boolean value: true collapses the range to its start, false to its end.
Range.collapsed - Web APIs
the range.collapsed read-only property returns a boolean flag indicating whether the start and end points of the range are at the same position.
Range.intersectsNode() - Web APIs
the range.intersectsnode() method returns a boolean indicating whether the given node intersects the range.
Range.isPointInRange() - Web APIs
the range.ispointinrange() method returns a boolean indicating whether the given point is in the range.
ReadableStream.locked - Web APIs
syntax var locked = readablestream.locked; value a boolean indicating whether or not the readable stream is locked.
ReadableStream - Web APIs
fetch("").then((response) => { const reader = response.body.getreader(); const stream = new readablestream({ start(controller) { // the following function handles each data chunk function push() { // "done" is a boolean and value a "uint8array"{ done, value }) => { // is there no more data to read?
ReadableStreamDefaultReader - Web APIs
fetch("").then((response) => { const reader = response.body.getreader(); const stream = new readablestream({ start(controller) { // the following function handles each data chunk function push() { // "done" is a boolean and value a "uint8array" return{ done, value }) => { // is there no more data to read?
ReportingObserver() - Web APIs
buffered: a boolean that defines whether the reports that were generated before the observer was able to be created should be observable (true) or not (false).
ReportingObserverOptions - Web APIs
buffered a boolean that defines whether the reports that were generated before the observer was able to be created should be observable (true) or not (false).
Request - Web APIs
bodyused read only stores a boolean that declares whether the body has been used in a response yet.
Response.redirected - Web APIs
syntax var isredirected = response.redirected; value a boolean which is true if the response indicates that your request was redirected.
SVGExternalResourcesRequired - Web APIs
note: the svg dom defines the attribute externalresourcesrequired as being of type svganimatedboolean, whereas the svg language definition says that the attribute is not animated.
SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement - Web APIs
svgfeconvolvematrixelement.preservealpha read only an svganimatedboolean corresponding to the preservealpha attribute of the given element.
Screen.mozEnabled - Web APIs
this boolean attribute controls the device's screen.
Screen - Web APIs
screen.mozenabled boolean.
Using the Screen Capture API - Web APIs
logicalsurface a boolean which if true indicates that the capture should include offscreen areas of the source, if there are any.
Selection.isCollapsed - Web APIs
the selection.iscollapsed read-only property returns a boolean which indicates whether or not there is currently any text selected.
Selection - Web APIs
selection.iscollapsedread only returns a boolean indicating whether the selection's start and end points are at the same position.
ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification() - Web APIs
renotify: a boolean that indicates whether to suppress vibrations and audible alerts when reusing a tag value.
ShadowRoot - Web APIs
properties shadowroot.delegatesfocus read only returns a boolean that indicates whether delegatesfocus was set when the shadow was attached (see element.attachshadow()).
SourceBuffer.updating - Web APIs
syntax var isupdating = sourcebuffer.updating; value a boolean.
SourceBuffer - Web APIs
sourcebuffer.updating read only a boolean indicating whether the sourcebuffer is currently being updated — i.e.
SpeechRecognition.continuous - Web APIs
it defaults to single results (false.) syntax var mycontinuous = myspeechrecognition.continuous; myspeechrecognition.continuous = true; value a boolean representing the current speechrecognition's continuous status.
SpeechRecognition.interimResults - Web APIs
syntax var myinterimresult = myspeechrecognition.interimresults; myspeechrecognition.interimresults = false; value a boolean representing the state of the current speechrecognition's interim results.
SpeechRecognitionResult - Web APIs
properties speechrecognitionresult.isfinal read only a boolean that states whether this result is final (true) or not (false) — if so, then this is the final time this result will be returned; if not, then this result is an interim result, and may be updated later on.
StaticRange.StaticRange() - Web APIs
it includes properties identifying the standard and end positions of the range as well as a boolean indicating whether or not the range is collapsed (that is, empty).
StaticRange.collapsed - Web APIs
syntax var iscollpased = staticrange.collapsed value a boolean value which is true if the range is collapsed.
StaticRange - Web APIs
staticrange.collapsed read only returns a boolean value which is true if the range's start and end positions are the same, resulting in a range of length 0.
StorageManager.persist() - Web APIs
return value a promise that resolves to a boolean.
StorageManager.persisted() - Web APIs
returns a promise that resolves to a boolean.
Storage Access API - Web APIs
storage access api methods the storage api methods are implemented on the document interface: document.hasstorageaccess() returns a promise that resolves with a boolean value indicating whether the document has access to its first-party storage.
StyleSheet - Web APIs
properties stylesheet.disabled is a boolean representing whether the current stylesheet has been applied or not.
StyleSheetList - Web APIs
ignoring...', stylesheet.href); } }) .filter(boolean) .join('\n'); specifications specification status comment css object model (cssom)the definition of 'cssstylesheetlist' in that specification.
SubtleCrypto.deriveKey() - Web APIs
extractable is a boolean indicating whether it will be possible to export the key using subtlecrypto.exportkey() or subtlecrypto.wrapkey().
SubtleCrypto.generateKey() - Web APIs
extractable is a boolean indicating whether it will be possible to export the key using subtlecrypto.exportkey() or subtlecrypto.wrapkey().
SubtleCrypto.importKey() - Web APIs
extractable is a boolean indicating whether it will be possible to export the key using subtlecrypto.exportkey() or subtlecrypto.wrapkey().
SubtleCrypto.unwrapKey() - Web APIs
extractable is a boolean indicating whether it will be possible to export the key using subtlecrypto.exportkey() or subtlecrypto.wrapkey().
SubtleCrypto - Web APIs
subtlecrypto.verify() returns a promise that fulfills with a boolean value indicating if the signature given as a parameter matches the text, algorithm, and key that are also given as parameters.
SyncEvent.SyncEvent() - Web APIs
lastchance: a boolean indicating that the user agent will not make further synchronization attempts after the current attempt.
SyncEvent.lastChance - Web APIs
syntax var lastchance = syncevent.lastchance value a boolean that indicates whether the user agent will not make further synchronization attempts after the current attempt.
Text.isElementContentWhitespace - Web APIs
the text.iselementcontentwhitespace read-only property returns a boolean flag indicating whether or not the text node's content consists solely of whitespace.
Text - Web APIs
text.iselementcontentwhitespace read only returns a boolean flag indicating whether or not the text node contains only whitespace.
TextDecoder() - Web APIs
601", "ksc_5601", "windows-949" 'euc-kr' "csiso2022kr", "iso-2022-kr" 'iso-2022-kr' "utf-16be" 'utf-16be' "utf-16", "utf-16le" 'utf-16le' "x-user-defined" 'x-user-defined' "iso-2022-cn", "iso-2022-cn-ext" 'replacement' optionsoptional is a textdecoderoptions dictionary with the property: fatal a boolean flag indicating if the textdecoder.decode() method must throw a domexception with the "encodingerror" value when an coding error is found.
TextDecoder.prototype.decode() - Web APIs
options optional is a textdecodeoptions dictionary with the property: stream a boolean flag indicating that additional data will follow in subsequent calls to decode().
TextTrack - Web APIs
the default is disabled, unless the <track> element's default boolean attribute is specified, in which case the default mode is started.
TextTrackCue - Web APIs
texttrackcue.pauseonexit a boolean for whether the video will pause when this cue stops being displayed.
TouchEvent.altKey - Web APIs
summary a boolean value indicating whether or not the alt (alternate) key is enabled when the touch event is created.
TouchEvent.ctrlKey - Web APIs
summary a boolean value indicating whether the control (control) key is enabled when the touch event is created.
TouchEvent.metaKey - Web APIs
summary a boolean value indicating whether or not the meta key is enabled when the touch event is created.
TouchEvent.shiftKey - Web APIs
summary a boolean value indicating whether or not the shift key is enabled when the touch event is created.
TreeWalker.expandEntityReferences - Web APIs
the treewalker.expandentityreferences read-only property returns a boolean flag indicating whether or not the children of entity reference nodes are visible to the treewalker.
TreeWalker - Web APIs
treewalker.expandentityreferences read only is a boolean indicating, when discarding an entityreference its whole sub-tree must be discarded at the same time.
TypeInfo - Web APIs
methods typeinfo.isderivedfrom() returns a boolean.
URLSearchParams - Web APIs
urlsearchparams.has() returns a boolean indicating if such a given parameter exists.
USBDevice.opened - Web APIs
syntax var serialnumber = usbdevice.opened value a boolean.
UserProximityEvent.near - Web APIs
syntax var near = userproximityevent.near; value a boolean ...
VideoTrack.selected - Web APIs
syntax isvideoselected = videotrack.selected; videotrack.selected = true | false; value the selected property is a boolean whose value is true if the track is active.
VideoTrack - Web APIs
properties selected a boolean value which controls whether or not the video track is active.
WebGL2RenderingContext.getActiveUniforms() - Web APIs
gl.uniform_is_row_major: returns an array of glboolean indicating whether each of the uniforms is a row-major matrix or not.
WebGL2RenderingContext.uniformMatrix[234]x[234]fv() - Web APIs
transpose a glboolean specifying whether to transpose the matrix.
WebGLRenderingContext.getTexParameter() - Web APIs
gl.texture_immutable_format glboolean immutability of the texture format and size true or false.
WebGLRenderingContext.pixelStorei() - Web APIs
glboolean false true, false webgl gl.unpack_premultiply_alpha_webgl multiplies the alpha channel into the other color channels glboolean false true, false webgl gl.unpack_colorspace_conversion_webgl default color space conversion or no color space conversion.
WebGLRenderingContext.sampleCoverage() - Web APIs
invert a glboolean which sets whether or not the coverage masks should be inverted.
WebGLRenderingContext.uniformMatrix[234]fv() - Web APIs
transpose a glboolean specifying whether to transpose the matrix.
WebGLRenderingContext.vertexAttribPointer() - Web APIs
16-bit integer, with values in [-32768, 32767] gl.unsigned_byte: unsigned 8-bit integer, with values in [0, 255] gl.unsigned_short: unsigned 16-bit integer, with values in [0, 65535] gl.float: 32-bit ieee floating point number when using a webgl 2 context, the following values are available additionally: gl.half_float: 16-bit ieee floating point number normalized a glboolean specifying whether integer data values should be normalized into a certain range when being cast to a float.
WebGL types - Web APIs
glboolean boolean a boolean.
Establishing a connection: The WebRTC perfect negotiation pattern - Web APIs
we set a boolean variable, makingoffer to true to mark that we're preparing an offer.
Using DTMF with WebRTC - Web APIs
hasaddtrack because some browsers have not yet implemented rtcpeerconnection.addtrack(), therefore requiring the use of the obsolete addstream() method, we use this boolean to determine whether or not the user agent supports addtrack(); if it doesn't, we'll fall back to addstream().
WebSocket.send() - Web APIs
note: gecko's implementation of the send() method differs somewhat from the specification in gecko 6.0; gecko returns a boolean indicating whether or not the connection is still open (and, by extension, that the data was successfully queued or transmitted); this is corrected in gecko 8.0.
Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) - Web APIs
region; attribute directionsetting vertical; attribute boolean snaptolines; attribute (double or autokeyword) line; attribute linealignsetting linealign; attribute (double or autokeyword) position; attribute positionalignsetting positionalign; attribute double size; attribute alignsetting align; attribute domstring text; documentfragment getcueashtml(); }; vtt region interface this is the second interface in webvtt api.
Controlling multiple parameters with ConstantSourceNode - Web APIs
playing a boolean that we'll use to keep track of whether or not we're currently playing the tones.
Background audio processing using AudioWorklet - Web APIs
lifetime of an audio worklet processor the only means by which you can influence the lifespan of your audio worklet processor is through the value returned by process(), which should be a boolean value indicating whether or not to override the user agent's decision-making as to whether or not your node is still in use.
The structured clone algorithm - Web APIs
boolean objects string objects date regexp lastindex is not preserved.
Using Web Workers - Web APIs
alue that is cloned and not shared during the passage from a worker to the main page or vice versa: function emulatemessage(vval) { return eval('(' + json.stringify(vval) + ')'); } // tests // test #1 var example1 = new number(3); console.log(typeof example1); // object console.log(typeof emulatemessage(example1)); // number // test #2 var example2 = true; console.log(typeof example2); // boolean console.log(typeof emulatemessage(example2)); // boolean // test #3 var example3 = new string('hello world'); console.log(typeof example3); // object console.log(typeof emulatemessage(example3)); // string // test #4 var example4 = { 'name': 'john smith', "age": 43 }; console.log(typeof example4); // object console.log(typeof emulatemessage(example4)); // object // test #5 function ani...
Window.closed - Web APIs
syntax const isclosed = windowref.closed; value a boolean.
Window.confirm() - Web APIs
return value a boolean indicating whether ok (true) or cancel (false) was selected.
window.dump() - Web APIs
note: this preference is not listed in about:config by default, you may need to create it (right-click the content area -> new -> boolean).
Window.fullScreen - Web APIs
return value isinfullscreen a boolean.
Window.isSecureContext - Web APIs
syntax var issecure = window.issecurecontext examples feature detection you can use feature detection to check whether they are in a secure context or not by using the issecurecontext boolean which is exposed on the global scope.
Window - Web APIs
windoworworkerglobalscope.issecurecontext read only returns a boolean indicating whether the current context is secure (true) or not (false).
WindowClient - Web APIs
windowclient.focused read only a boolean that indicates whether the current client has focus.
WorkerGlobalScope.self - Web APIs
aller: null isarray: function isarray() { [native code] } length: 1 name: "array" observe: function observe() { [native code] } prototype: array[0] unobserve: function unobserve() { [native code] } __proto__: function empty() {} <function scope> arraybuffer: function arraybuffer() { [native code] } blob: function blob() { [native code] } boolean: function boolean() { [native code] } dataview: function dataview() { [native code] } date: function date() { [native code] } dedicatedworkerglobalscope: function dedicatedworkerglobalscope() { [native code] } error: function error() { [native code] } // etc.
WorkerGlobalScope - Web APIs
windoworworkerglobalscope.issecurecontext read only returns a boolean indicating whether the current context is secure (true) or not (false).
WorkerNavigator - Web APIs
navigatoronline.onlineread only returns a boolean indicating whether the browser is online.
WritableStream - Web APIs
properties writablestream.locked read only a boolean indicating whether the writablestream is locked to a writer.
XMLHttpRequest.mozAnon - Web APIs
xmlhttprequest.mozanon is a boolean.
XMLHttpRequest.mozBackgroundRequest - Web APIs
xmlhttprequest.mozbackgroundrequest is a boolean, indicating if the object represents a background service request.
XMLHttpRequest.mozSystem - Web APIs
mozsystem is a boolean.
XMLHttpRequest.multipart - Web APIs
this boolean indicates if the response is expected to be a stream of possibly multiple xml documents. - Web APIs
async optional an optional boolean parameter, defaulting to true, indicating whether or not to perform the operation asynchronously.
XMLHttpRequest.withCredentials - Web APIs
the xmlhttprequest.withcredentials property is a boolean that indicates whether or not cross-site access-control requests should be made using credentials such as cookies, authorization headers or tls client certificates.
XPathResult.invalidIteratorState - Web APIs
syntax var iteratorstate = result.invaliditeratorstate; return value a boolean value indicating whether the iterator has become invalid.
XPathResult.resultType - Web APIs
boolean_type 3 a result containing a single boolean value.
XRPose - Web APIs
xrpose.emulatedposition read only a boolean value which is false if the position and orientation given by transform is obtained directly from a full six degree of freedom (6dof) xr device (that is, a device which tracks not only the pitch, yaw, and roll of the head but also the forward, backward, and side-to-side motion of the viewer).
XRReferenceSpace: reset event - Web APIs
handling discontinuities you can handle jumps in the viewer's position by watching the boolean xrpose property emulatedposition.
XRSession: visibilitychange event - Web APIs
{ xrsession.addeventlistener("visibilitychange", e => { switch(e.session.visiblitystate) { case "visible": case "visible-blurred": mysessionvisible(true); break; case "hidden": mysessionvisible(false); break; } }); }); when a visibility state change occurs, the event is received and dispatched to a function mysessionvisible(), with a boolean parameter indicating whether or not the session is presently being displayed to the user.
XRSessionEvent() - Web APIs
it reacts by calling a function mysessionvisible() with a boolean indicating whether or not the session is visible; this function might, for instance, spin up or reconfigure a worker that handles rendering the scene.
XRSessionEvent - Web APIs
it reacts by calling a function mysessionvisible() with a boolean indicating whether or not the session is visible; this function might, for instance, spin up or reconfigure a worker that handles rendering the scene.
XRWebGLLayerInit.depth - Web APIs
syntax let layerinit = { depth: false }; let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, layerinit); let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { depth: false }); value a boolean which can be set to false to specify that the new webgl layer should not have a depth buffer.
XRWebGLLayerInit.stencil - Web APIs
syntax let layerinit = { stencil: false }; let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, layerinit); let gllayer = new xrwebgllayer(xrsession, gl, { stencil: false }); value a boolean which can be set to false to specify that the new webgl layer should not include a stencil buffer.
msCapsLockWarningOff - Web APIs
syntax document.mscapslockwarningoff = true; value type: boolean false: default.
msGetPropertyEnabled - Web APIs
return value type: boolean if false, the property is not enabled.
msGetRegionContent - Web APIs
return value type: boolean returned ranges are sorted by document position and do not overlap.
msPutPropertyEnabled - Web APIs
(string) boolean[in]: true = enable the property.
ARIA live regions - Accessibility
aria-atomic: the aria-atomic=boolean is used to set whether or not the screen reader should always present the live region as a whole, even if only part of the region changes.
ARIA: tab role - Accessibility
associated roles and attributes aria-selected boolean aria-controls id of element with tabpanel role id content keyboard interaction key action tab when focus is outside of the tablist moves focus to the active tab.
ARIA: listbox role - Accessibility
aria-required a boolean attribute which indicates that an option with a non-empty string value must be selected.
@import - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
r> | <media-in-parens><media-type> = <ident><media-condition-without-or> = <media-not> | <media-and> | <media-in-parens>where <media-not> = not <media-in-parens><media-and> = <media-in-parens> [ and <media-in-parens> ]+<media-or> = <media-in-parens> [ or <media-in-parens> ]+<media-in-parens> = ( <media-condition> ) | <media-feature> | <general-enclosed>where <media-feature> = ( [ <mf-plain> | <mf-boolean> | <mf-range> ] )<general-enclosed> = [ <function-token> <any-value> ) ] | ( <ident> <any-value> )where <mf-plain> = <mf-name> : <mf-value><mf-boolean> = <mf-name><mf-range> = <mf-name> [ '<' | '>' ]?
-webkit-device-pixel-ratio - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the -webkit-device-pixel-ratio is a non-standard boolean css media feature which is an alternative to the standard resolution media feature.
-webkit-transition - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the -webkit-transition boolean css media feature is a chrome extension whose value is true if the browsing context supports css transitions.
grid - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax the grid feature is specified as a <mq-boolean> value (0 or 1) representing whether or not the ouput device is grid-based.
prefers-contrast - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this keyword value evaluates as false in a boolean context.
prefers-reduced-data - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this keyword value evaluates as false in the boolean context.
prefers-reduced-transparency - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this keyword value evaluates as false in the boolean context.
@media - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
r> | <media-in-parens><media-type> = <ident><media-condition-without-or> = <media-not> | <media-and> | <media-in-parens>where <media-not> = not <media-in-parens><media-and> = <media-in-parens> [ and <media-in-parens> ]+<media-or> = <media-in-parens> [ or <media-in-parens> ]+<media-in-parens> = ( <media-condition> ) | <media-feature> | <general-enclosed>where <media-feature> = ( [ <mf-plain> | <mf-boolean> | <mf-range> ] )<general-enclosed> = [ <function-token> <any-value> ) ] | ( <ident> <any-value> )where <mf-plain> = <mf-name> : <mf-value><mf-boolean> = <mf-name><mf-range> = <mf-name> [ '<' | '>' ]?
Border-image generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ent.addeventlistener('click', clickout); this.state = 0; this.time = 0; this.dropmenu = list; = select; this.toggle(false); this.value = {}; this.topic = topic; if (label) select.textcontent = label; else this.setnodevalue(list.children[selected]); dropdowns[topic] = this; }; dropdown.prototype.toggle = function toggle(state) { if (typeof(state) === 'boolean') this.state = state === false ?
Using media queries - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
} media queries level 4 also adds ways to combine media queries using full boolean algebra with and, not, and or.
Linear-gradient Generator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ent.addeventlistener('click', clickout); this.state = 0; this.time = 0; this.dropmenu = list; = select; this.toggle(false); this.value = {}; this.topic = topic; if (label) select.textcontent = label; else this.setnodevalue(list.children[selected]); dropdowns[topic] = this; }; dropdown.prototype.toggle = function toggle(state) { if (typeof(state) === 'boolean') this.state = state === false ?
exsl:object-type() - EXSLT
returns the object's type, which will be one of the following: string number boolean node-set rtf external specifications exslt - exsl:object-type ...
HTML attribute: capture - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
environment the outward-facing camera and/or microphone should be used note: capture was previously a boolean attribute which, if present, requested that the device's media capture device(s) such as camera or microphone be used instead of requesting a file input.
HTML attribute: multiple - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the boolean multiple attribute, if set, means the form control accepts one or more values.
HTML attribute: readonly - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the boolean readonly attribute, when present, makes the element not mutable, meaning the user can not edit the control.
HTML attribute: required - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the boolean required attribute which, if present, indicates that the user must specify a value for the input before the owning form can be submitted.
<dir>: The Directory element (obsolete) - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
compact this boolean attribute hints that the list should be rendered in a compact style.
<fieldset>: The Field Set element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
disabled if this boolean attribute is set, all form controls that are descendants of the <fieldset>, are disabled, meaning they are not editable and won't be submitted along with the <form>.
<form> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
novalidate this boolean attribute indicates that the form shouldn't be validated when submitted.
<img>: The Image Embed element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
explainer, examples ismap this boolean attribute indicates that the image is part of a server-side map.
<input type="checkbox"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the common attributes shared by all <input> elements, "checkbox" inputs support the following attributes: attribute description checked boolean; if present, the checkbox is toggled on by default indeterminate a boolean which, if present, indicates that the value of the checkbox is indeterminate rather than true or false value the string to use as the value of the checkbox when submitting the form, if the checkbox is currently toggled on checked a boolean attribute indicating whether or not this checkbox is...
<input type="radio"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the common attributes shared by all <input> elements, radio inputs support the following attributes: attribute description checked a boolean indicating whether or not this radio button is the currently-selected item in the group value the string to use as the value of the radio when submitting the form, if the radio is currently toggled on checked a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that this radio button is the currently selected one in the group.
<isindex> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
kevin replies that he doesn't like the boolean nature of isindex and would prefer a system where everything is searchable and proposes to extend the current www framework with a specific httpd configuration and defined that some uris mapping create search queries.
<link>: The External Resource Link element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
disabled for rel="stylesheet" only, the disabled boolean attribute indicates whether or not the described stylesheet should be loaded and applied to the document.
<ol>: The Ordered List element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
reversed this boolean attribute specifies that the list’s items are in reverse order.
<optgroup> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
disabled if this boolean attribute is set, none of the items in this option group is selectable.
<ul>: The Unordered List element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
compact this boolean attribute hints that the list should be rendered in a compact style.
contenteditable - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
note that although its allowed values include true and false, this attribute is an enumerated one and not a boolean one.
draggable - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this attribute is enumerated and not boolean.
hidden - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the hidden global attribute is a boolean attribute indicating that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.
itemscope - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
itemscope is a boolean global attribute that defines the scope of associated metadata.
spellcheck - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
note: the spellcheck attribute is an enumerated one and not a boolean one.
Global attributes - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
hidden a boolean attribute indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer, relevant.
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) - HTTP
const url = 'http://bar.other/resources/credentialed-content/'; function callotherdomain() { if (invocation) {'get', url, true); invocation.withcredentials = true; invocation.onreadystatechange = handler; invocation.send(); } } line 7 shows the flag on xmlhttprequest that has to be set in order to make the invocation with cookies, namely the withcredentials boolean value.
Large-Allocation - HTTP
forceenable" boolean preferece in about:config.
Save-Data - HTTP
the save-data header field is a boolean which, in requests, indicates the client's preference for reduced data usage.
Sec-Fetch-User - HTTP
header type fetch metadata request header forbidden header name yes, since it has prefix sec- cors-safelisted request header syntax sec-fetch-user: ?0 sec-fetch-user: ?1 values the value is a boolean structured header.
Firefox user agent string reference - HTTP
whether this token appears is controlled by the "general.useragent.compatmode.firefox" boolean pref.
there are three main cases this header is used: 177 save-data http, http header, reference, request header, save-data, header the save-data header field is a boolean which, in requests, indicates the client's preference for reduced data usage.
Indexed collections - JavaScript
the simplest way to do this is as follows: let colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue'] for (let i = 0; i < colors.length; i++) { console.log(colors[i]) } if you know that none of the elements in your array evaluate to false in a boolean context—if your array consists only of dom nodes, for example—you can use a more efficient idiom: let divs = document.getelementsbytagname('div') for (let i = 0, div; div = divs[i]; i++) { /* process div in some way */ } this avoids the overhead of checking the length of the array, and ensures that the div variable is reassigned to the current item each time around the loop for added con...
Introduction - JavaScript
in contrast to java's compile-time system of classes built by declarations, javascript supports a runtime system based on a small number of data types representing numeric, boolean, and string values.
Keyed collections - JavaScript
use maps if there is a need to store primitive values as keys because object treats each key as a string whether it's a number value, boolean value or any other primitive value.
Meta programming - JavaScript
because reflect.defineproperty returns a boolean success status, you can just use an if...else block here: if (reflect.defineproperty(target, property, attributes)) { // success } else { // failure } « previousnext » ...
Unicode property escapes - JavaScript
a character is described by several properties which are either binary ("boolean-like") or non-binary.
JavaScript technologies overview - JavaScript
among other things, ecmascript defines: language syntax (parsing rules, keywords, control flow, object literal initialization, ...) error handling mechanisms (throw, try...catch, ability to create user-defined error types) types (boolean, number, string, function, object, ...) the global object.
Array.prototype.concat() - JavaScript
data types such as strings, numbers and booleans (not string, number, and boolean objects): concat copies the values of strings and numbers into the new array.
Array.prototype.find() - JavaScript
let testresult be toboolean(?
Array.prototype.findIndex() - JavaScript
let testresult be toboolean(?
Array.prototype.includes() - JavaScript
return value a boolean which is true if the value valuetofind is found within the array (or the part of the array indicated by the index fromindex, if specified).
Atomics.isLockFree() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether the operation is lock free. - JavaScript
return value an object with two properties: done (boolean) has the value true if the iterator is past the end of the iterated sequence.
Generator.prototype.throw() - JavaScript
return value an object with two properties: done (boolean) has the value true if the iterator is past the end of the iterated sequence.
Intl.Locale.prototype.numeric - JavaScript
numeric is a boolean value, which means that it can be either true or false.
JSON.parse() - JavaScript
return value the object, array, string, number, boolean, or null value corresponding to the given json text.
JSON - JavaScript
description javascript and json differences json is a syntax for serializing objects, arrays, numbers, strings, booleans, and null.
Map.prototype.has() - JavaScript
the has() method returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified key exists or not.
Map - JavaScript
map.prototype.has(key) returns a boolean asserting whether a value has been associated to the key in the map object or not.
Math.sign() - JavaScript
en negative one // || // if x is 0, -0, or nan, or not a number, // +x // then the result will be x, (or) if x is // // not a number, then x converts to number }; } in the above polyfill, no extra type-coercing is needed to make (x > 0) or (x < 0) numbers because subtracting them from each other forces a type conversion from booleans to numbers.
Number.isFinite() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the given value is a finite number.
Number.isInteger() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the given value is an integer.
Number.isSafeInteger() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the given value is a number that is a safe integer.
Object.freeze() - JavaScript
note that strings, numbers, and booleans are always immutable and that functions and arrays are objects. - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the two arguments are the same value.
Object.isExtensible() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the given object is extensible.
Object.isFrozen() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the given object is frozen.
Object.prototype.isPrototypeOf() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether the calling object lies in the prototype chain of the specified object.
Object.isSealed() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the given object is sealed.
Object.prototype.__proto__ - JavaScript
for objects created using new fun, where fun is one of the built-in constructor functions provided by javascript (array, boolean, date, number, object, string, and so on — including new constructors added as javascript evolves), this value is always fun.prototype.
Object.setPrototypeOf() - JavaScript
does nothing if the prototype parameter isn't an object or null (i.e., number, string, boolean, or undefined).
Object.prototype.toSource() - JavaScript
boolean.prototype.tosource() — boolean object.
Object.prototype.valueOf() - JavaScript
but many objects do not convert to number, boolean, or function.
handler.defineProperty() - JavaScript
return value the defineproperty() method must return a boolean indicating whether or not the property has been successfully defined.
handler.deleteProperty() - JavaScript
return value the deleteproperty() method must return a boolean indicating whether or not the property has been successfully deleted.
handler.has() - JavaScript
return value the has() method must return a boolean value.
handler.isExtensible() - JavaScript
return value the isextensible() method must return a boolean value.
handler.preventExtensions() - JavaScript
return value the preventextensions() method must return a boolean value.
handler.set() - JavaScript
return value the set() method should return a boolean value.
Reflect.has() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the target has the property.
Reflect.isExtensible() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the target is extensible.
Reflect.preventExtensions() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the target was successfully set to prevent extensions.
Reflect.set() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not setting the property was successful.
Reflect.setPrototypeOf() - JavaScript
return value a boolean indicating whether or not the prototype was successfully set.
RegExp.prototype.dotAll - JavaScript
property attributes of regexp.prototype.dotall writable no enumerable no configurable yes description the value of dotall is a boolean and true if the "s" flag was used; otherwise, false. - JavaScript
property attributes of writable no enumerable no configurable yes description the value of global is a boolean and true if the "g" flag was used; otherwise, false.
RegExp.prototype.ignoreCase - JavaScript
property attributes of regexp.prototype.ignorecase writable no enumerable no configurable yes description the value of ignorecase is a boolean and true if the "i" flag was used; otherwise, false.
RegExp.prototype.multiline - JavaScript
property attributes of regexp.prototype.multiline writable no enumerable no configurable yes description the value of multiline is a boolean and is true if the "m" flag was used; otherwise, false.
RegExp.prototype.sticky - JavaScript
property attributes of regexp.prototype.sticky writable no enumerable no configurable yes description the value of sticky is a boolean and true if the "y" flag was used; otherwise, false.
RegExp.prototype.unicode - JavaScript
property attributes of regexp.prototype.unicode writable no enumerable no configurable yes description the value of unicode is a boolean and true if the "u" flag was used; otherwise false.
Set.prototype.has() - JavaScript
the has() method returns a boolean indicating whether an element with the specified value exists in a set object or not.
Set - JavaScript
set.prototype.has(value) returns a boolean asserting whether an element is present with the given value in the set object or not.
Planned changes to shared memory - JavaScript
to avoid having to check whether postmessage() throws, self.crossoriginisolated is being standardized (a getter that returns a boolean; true if the headers are set), available in window and worker contexts. - JavaScript
(if you only want to know if it exists, use the similar test() method on the regexp prototype, which returns a boolean.) for more information (but slower execution) use match() (similar to the regular expression exec() method).
String - JavaScript
(the same is true of boolean and numbers.) string literals (denoted by double or single quotes) and strings returned from string calls in a non-constructor context (that is, called without using the new keyword) are primitive strings.
Symbol() constructor - JavaScript
: symbol('foo') === symbol('foo') // false new symbol(...) the following syntax with the new operator will throw a typeerror: let sym = new symbol() // typeerror this prevents authors from creating an explicit symbol wrapper object instead of a new symbol value and might be surprising as creating explicit wrapper objects around primitive data types is generally possible (for example, new boolean, new string and new number).
Symbol.isConcatSpreadable - JavaScript
description the @@isconcatspreadable symbol (symbol.isconcatspreadable) can be defined as an own or inherited property and its value is a boolean.
Symbol.toStringTag - JavaScript
ngtag writable no enumerable no configurable no examples default tags'foo'); // "[object string]"[1, 2]); // "[object array]"; // "[object number]"; // "[object boolean]"; // "[object undefined]"; // "[object null]" // ...
TypedArray.prototype.every() - JavaScript
description the every method executes the provided callback function once for each element present in the typed array until it finds one where callback returns a falsy value (a value that becomes false when converted to a boolean).
TypedArray.prototype.includes() - JavaScript
return value a boolean.
WeakMap - JavaScript
weakmap.prototype.has(key) returns a boolean asserting whether a value has been associated to the key in the weakmap object or not.
WeakSet - JavaScript
weakset.prototype.has(value) returns a boolean asserting whether value is present in the weakset object or not.
WebAssembly.Global() constructor - JavaScript
mutable: a boolean value that determines whether the global is mutable or not.
WebAssembly.Memory() constructor - JavaScript
shared optional a boolean value that defines whether the memory is a shared memory or not.
WebAssembly.validate() - JavaScript
return value a boolean that specifies whether buffersource is valid wasm code (true) or not (false).
isNaN() - JavaScript
thus for non-numbers that when coerced to numeric type result in a valid non-nan numeric value (notably the empty string and boolean primitives, which when coerced give numeric values zero or one), the "false" returned value may be unexpected; the empty string, for example, is surely "not a number." the confusion stems from the fact that the term, "not a number", has a specific meaning for numbers represented as ieee-754 floating-point values.
null - JavaScript
it is one of javascript's primitive values and is treated as falsy for boolean operations.
Iteration protocols - JavaScript
an object is an iterator when it implements a next() method with the following semantics: property value next() a zero-argument function that returns an object with at least the following two properties: done (boolean) has the value false if the iterator was able to produce the next value in the sequence.
Addition (+) - JavaScript
syntax operator: x + y examples numeric addition // number + number -> addition 1 + 2 // 3 // boolean + number -> addition true + 1 // 2 // boolean + boolean -> addition false + false // 0 string concatenation // string + string -> concatenation 'foo' + 'bar' // "foobar" // number + string -> concatenation 5 + 'foo' // "5foo" // string + boolean -> concatenation 'foo' + false // "foofalse" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'addition oper...
Addition assignment (+=) - JavaScript
syntax operator: x += y meaning: x = x + y examples using addition assignment // assuming the following variables // foo = 'foo' // bar = 5 // baz = true // number + number -> addition bar += 2 // 7 // boolean + number -> addition baz += 1 // 2 // boolean + boolean -> addition baz += false // 1 // number + string -> concatenation bar += 'foo' // "5foo" // string + boolean -> concatenation foo += false // "foofalse" // string + string -> concatenation foo += 'bar' // "foobar" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'assignment operators' in that specif...
Greater than (>) - JavaScript
// false console.log(5 > "hello"); // false console.log("5" > 3n); // true console.log("3" > 5n); // false number to number comparison console.log(5 > 3); // true console.log(3 > 3); // false console.log(3 > 5); // false number to bigint comparison console.log(5n > 3); // true console.log(3 > 5n); // false comparing boolean, null, undefined, nan console.log(true > false); // true console.log(false > true); // false console.log(true > 0); // true console.log(true > 1); // false console.log(null > 0); // false console.log(1 > null); // true console.log(undefined > 3); // false console.log(3 > undefined); // false console.log(3 > nan); // false console.log(nan...
Greater than or equal (>=) - JavaScript
g("3" >= 5); // false console.log("hello" >= 5); // false console.log(5 >= "hello"); // false number to number comparison console.log(5 >= 3); // true console.log(3 >= 3); // true console.log(3 >= 5); // false number to bigint comparison console.log(5n >= 3); // true console.log(3 >= 3n); // true console.log(3 >= 5n); // false comparing boolean, null, undefined, nan console.log(true >= false); // true console.log(true >= true); // true console.log(false >= true); // false console.log(true >= 0); // true console.log(true >= 1); // true console.log(null >= 0); // true console.log(1 >= null); // true console.log(undefined >= 3); // false console.log(3 >= undefined); // false console.log(3 >= nan); // fals...
Inequality (!=) - JavaScript
the inequality operator (!=) checks whether its two operands are not equal, returning a boolean result.
Less than or equal (<=) - JavaScript
og("3" <= 5); // true console.log("hello" <= 5); // false console.log(5 <= "hello"); // false number to number comparison console.log(5 <= 3); // false console.log(3 <= 3); // true console.log(3 <= 5); // true number to bigint comparison console.log(5n <= 3); // false console.log(3 <= 3n); // true console.log(3 <= 5n); // true comparing boolean, null, undefined, nan console.log(true <= false); // false console.log(true <= true); // true console.log(false <= true); // true console.log(true <= 0); // false console.log(true <= 1); // true console.log(null <= 0); // true console.log(1 <= null); // false console.log(undefined <= 3); // false console.log(3 <= undefined); // false console.log(3 <= nan); // fa...
Nullish coalescing operator (??) - JavaScript
console.log(valb); // "" (as the empty string is not null or undefined) console.log(valc); // 42 assigning a default value to a variable earlier, when one wanted to assign a default value to a variable, a common pattern was to use the logical or operator (||): let foo; // foo is never assigned any value so it is still undefined let somedummytext = foo || 'hello!'; however, due to || being a boolean logical operator, the left hand-side operand was coerced to a boolean for the evaluation and any falsy value (0, '', nan, null, undefined) was not returned.
Strict inequality (!==) - JavaScript
the strict inequality operator (!==) checks whether its two operands are not equal, returning a boolean result.
function* - JavaScript
the next() method returns an object with a value property containing the yielded value and a done property which indicates whether the generator has yielded its last value, as a boolean.
Strict mode - JavaScript
for a normal function, this is always an object: either the provided object if called with an object-valued this; the value, boxed, if called with a boolean, string, or number this; or the global object if called with an undefined or null this.
JavaScript reference - JavaScript
value properties infinity nan undefined globalthis function properties eval() isfinite() isnan() parsefloat() parseint() decodeuri() decodeuricomponent() encodeuri() encodeuricomponent() fundamental objects object function boolean symbol error objects error aggregateerror evalerror internalerror rangeerror referenceerror syntaxerror typeerror urierror numbers & dates number bigint math date text processing string regexp indexed collections array int8array uint8array uint8clampedarray int16array uint16array int32array uint32array float32array flo...
standard objects get to know standard built-in objects array, boolean, date, error, function, json, math, number, object, regexp, string, map, set, weakmap, weakset, and others.
prefer_related_applications - Web app manifests
type boolean mandatory no the prefer_related_applications member is a boolean value that specifies that applications listed in related_applications should be preferred over the web application.
<mstyle> - MathML
displaystyle a boolean value specifying whether more vertical space is used for displayed equations or, if set to false, a more compact layout is used to display formulas.
Lazy loading - Web Performance
you can determine if a given image has finished loading by examining the value of its boolean complete property.
<set> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
it supports all attribute types, including those that cannot reasonably be interpolated, such as string and boolean values.
Secure contexts - Web security
resources that are not local, to be considered secure, must meet the following criteria: must be served over https:// or wss:// urls the security properties of the network channel used to deliver the resource must not be considered deprecated feature detection pages can use feature detection to check whether they are in a secure context or not by using the issecurecontext boolean, which is exposed on the global scope.
contains - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the contains function determines whether the first argument string contains the second argument string and returns boolean true or false.
lang - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the lang function determines whether the context node matches the given language and returns boolean true or false.
number - XPath
boolean true is converted to 1.
Functions - XPath
boolean() ceiling() choose() concat() contains() count() current() xslt-specific document() xslt-specific element-available() false() floor() format-number() xslt-specific function-available() generate-id() xslt-specific id() (partially supported) key() xslt-specific lang() last() local-name() name() namespace-uri() normalize-space() not() number() position() round() starts-with...
<xsl:if> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
syntax <xsl:if test=expression> template </xsl:if> required attributes test contains an xpath expression that can be evaluated (using the rules defined for boolean( ) if necessary) to a boolean value.
<xsl:when> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
syntax <xsl:when test=expression> template </xsl:when> required attributes test specifies a boolean expression to be evaluated.
PI Parameters - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
examples set the parameter 'color' to the string 'red': <?xslt-param name="color" value="red"?> set the parameter 'columns' to the number 2: <?xslt-param name="columns" select="2"?> set the parameter 'books' to a nodeset containing all <book> elements in the null namespace: <?xslt-param name="books" select="//book"?> set the parameter 'show-toc' to boolean true: <?xslt-param name="show-toc" select="true()"?> the select attribute context the following context is used to parse and evaluate the expression in the select attribute.
The Netscape XSLT/XPath Reference - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
template (supported) xsl:text (partially supported) xsl:transform (supported) xsl:value-of (partially supported) xsl:variable (supported) xsl:when (supported) xsl:with-param (supported) axes ancestor ancestor-or-self attribute child descendant descendant-or-self following following-sibling namespace (not supported) parent preceding preceding-sibling self functions boolean() (supported) ceiling() (supported) concat() (supported) contains() (supported) count() (supported) current() (supported) document() (supported) element-available() (supported) false() (supported) floor() (supported) format-number() (supported) function-available() (supported) generate-id() (supported) id() (partially supported) key() (supported) lang() (supported) ...
Transforming XML with XSLT - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
xsl:template (supported) xsl:text (partially supported) xsl:transform (supported) xsl:value-of (partially supported) xsl:variable (supported) xsl:when (supported) xsl:with-param (supported) axes ancestor ancestor-or-self attribute child descendant descendant-or-self following following-sibling namespace (not supported) parent preceding preceding-sibling self functions boolean() (supported) ceiling() (supported) concat() (supported) contains() (supported) count() (supported) current() (supported) document() (supported) element-available() (supported) false() (supported) floor() (supported) format-number() (supported) function-available() (supported) generate-id() (supported) id() (partially supported) key() (supported) lang() (supported) last() (support...
Using the WebAssembly JavaScript API - WebAssembly
mutable: a boolean defining whether the value is mutable or not.