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Character classes - JavaScript
character classes distinguish kinds of characters such as, for example, distinguishing between letters and digits.
... characters meaning .
... has one of the following meanings: matches any single character except line terminators: \n, \r, \u2028 or \u2029.
...And 23 more matches
String.prototype.charCodeAt() - JavaScript
the charcodeat() method returns an integer between 0 and 65535 representing the utf-16 code unit at the given index.
... syntax str.charcodeat(index) parameters index an integer greater than or equal to 0 and less than the length of the string.
... return value a number representing the utf-16 code unit value of the character at the given index.
...And 15 more matches
String.prototype.charAt() - JavaScript
the string object's charat() method returns a new string consisting of the single utf-16 code unit located at the specified offset into the string.
... syntax let character = str.charat(index) parameters index an integer between 0 and str.length - 1.
... if the index cannot be converted to the integer or no index is provided, the default is 0, so the first character of str is returned.
...And 14 more matches
syntax jsbool js_encodecharacters(jscontext *cx, const jschar *src, size_t srclen, char *dst, size_t *dstlen); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... src const jschar * the pointer to 16-bit values of jsstring.
... this can be obtained with js_getstringchars.
...And 12 more matches
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties - Web APIs
the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface of the the web bluetooth api provides the operations that are valid on the given bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.
... this interface is returned by calling
... properties authenticatedsignedwritesread only returns a boolean that is true if signed writing to the characteristic value is permitted.
...And 11 more matches
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic interface of the web bluetooth api represents a gatt characteristic, which is a basic data element that provides further information about a peripheral’s service.
... interface interface bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic { readonly attribute bluetoothremotegattservice service; readonly attribute uuid uuid; readonly attribute bluetoothcharacteristicproperties properties; readonly attribute dataview?
... value; promise<bluetoothremotegattdescriptor> getdescriptor(bluetoothdescriptoruuid descriptor); promise<sequence<bluetoothremotegattdescriptor>> getdescriptors(optional bluetoothdescriptoruuid descriptor); promise<dataview> readvalue(); promise<void> writevalue(buffersource value); promise<void> startnotifications(); promise<void> stopnotifications(); }; bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic implements eventtarget; bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic implements characteristiceventhandlers; properties bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.serviceread only returns the bluetoothgattservice this characteristic belongs to.
...And 11 more matches
CharacterData - Web APIs
the characterdata abstract interface represents a node object that contains characters.
... this is an abstract interface, meaning there aren't any object of type characterdata: it is implemented by other interfaces, like text, comment, or processinginstruction which aren't abstract.
...eight="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="188.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">node</text></a><polyline points="226,25 236,20 236,30 226,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="236" y1="25" x2="266" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/characterdata" target="_top"><rect x="266" y="1" width="130" height="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="331" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">characterdata</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties inherits pro...
...And 11 more matches
String.fromCharCode() - JavaScript
the static string.fromcharcode() method returns a string created from the specified sequence of utf-16 code units.
... syntax string.fromcharcode(num1[, ...[, numn]]) parameters num1, ..., numn a sequence of numbers that are utf-16 code units.
... because fromcharcode() is a static method of string, you always use it as string.fromcharcode(), rather than as a method of a string object you created.
...And 11 more matches
@charset - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the @charset css at-rule specifies the character encoding used in the style sheet.
... it must be the first element in the style sheet and not be preceded by any character; as it is not a nested statement, it cannot be used inside conditional group at-rules.
... if several @charset at-rules are defined, only the first one is used, and it cannot be used inside a style attribute on an html element or inside the <style> element where the character set of the html page is relevant.
...And 10 more matches
intl/chardet/public/nsicharsetresolver.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview void notifyresolvedcharset(in acstring charset, in nsisupports closure); acstring requestcharset(in nsiwebnavigation awebnavigation, in nsichannel achannel, out boolean awantcharset, out nsisupports aclosure); methods notifyresolvedcharset() some implementations may request that they be notified when the charset is actually detected.
... void notifyresolvedcharset( in acstring charset, in nsisupports closure ); parameters charset the detected charset.
...And 8 more matches
Flame Chart - Firefox Developer Tools
the flame chart shows you the state of the javascript stack for your code at every millisecond during the performance profile.
... the call tree and the flame chart are both used to analyze your site's javascript, and they both use the same data: a sample of the javascript engine's stack, taken periodically during the recording.
... but while the call tree organizes this data to show you where your program is spending most time in aggregate across the recording, the flame chart uses it to show you when in the recording particular functions are executing.
...And 8 more matches
KeyboardEvent.charCode - Web APIs
the charcode read-only property of the keyboardevent interface returns the unicode value of a character key pressed during a keypress event.
... syntax var code = event.charcode; return value a number that represents the unicode value of the character key that was pressed.
... example html <p>type anything into the input box below to log a <code>charcode</code>.</p> <input type="text" /> <p id="log"></p> javascript let input = document.queryselector('input'); let log = document.queryselector('#log'); input.addeventlistener('keypress', function(e) { log.innertext = `key pressed: ${string.fromcharcode(e.charcode)}\ncharcode: ${e.charcode}`; }); result notes in a keypress event, the unicode value of the key pressed is stored in either the keycode or charcode property, but never both.
...And 8 more matches
Localizations and character encodings - Developer guides
however, a way of representing characters in terms of bytes (character encoding) is used for transferring text over the network to the browser.
... the <meta> element's charset attribute is used to specify the page's character encoding.
... to specify that a page is using, for example, the utf-8 character encoding (as per the recommendation), simply place the following line in the <head> block: <meta charset="utf-8"> details and browser internals when the encoding is declared by web content like the html specification requires, firefox will use that encoding for turning the bytes into the internal representation.
...And 7 more matches
Accept-Charset - HTTP
the accept-charset request http header advertises which character encodings the client understands.
... using content negotiation, the server selects one of the encodings, uses it, and informs the client of its choice within the content-type response header, usually in a charset= parameter.
... if the server cannot serve any character encoding from this request header, it can theoretically send back a 406 not acceptable error code.
...And 7 more matches
chargingchange - Archive of obsolete content
the chargingchange event is fired when the charging attribute of the battery api has changed.
... property type description batterymanager.charging boolean the system's battery charging status.
... returns true if the battery is charging, if the state of the system's battery is not determinable, or if no battery is attached to the system.
...And 6 more matches
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 38 return a specified character from a string.
... syntax bool js_getstringcharat(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str, size_t index, char16_t *res); char16_t js_getflatstringcharat(jsflatstring *str, size_t index); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new string.
... str jsstring * or jsflatstring * the string to get character.
...And 6 more matches
SyntaxError: illegal character - JavaScript
the javascript exception "illegal character" occurs when there is an invalid or unexpected token that doesn't belong at this position in the code.
... message syntaxerror: invalid character (edge) syntaxerror: illegal character (firefox) syntaxerror: invalid or unexpected token (chrome) error type syntaxerror what went wrong?
... examples mismatched characters some characters look similar, but will cause the parser to fail interpreting your code.
...And 5 more matches
International characters in XUL JavaScript - Archive of obsolete content
gecko 1.8, as used in firefox 1.5 and other applications, added support for non-ascii characters in javascript files loaded from xul files.
... this means that such script files can use any character from virtually any language of the world.
... for example, they can contain a line: var text = "ein schönes beispiel eines mehrsprachigen textes: 日本語"; this mixes german and japanese characters.
...And 4 more matches
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 38 determine if a string's characters are stored as latin1.
... syntax bool js_stringhaslatin1chars(jsstring *str); name type description str jsstring * string to examine.
... description js_stringhaslatin1chars returns true iff the string's characters are stored as latin1.
...And 4 more matches
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 38 get the chars of an interned string.
... syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1internedstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str); const char16_t * js_gettwobyteinternedstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... str jsstring * a string to get characters.
...And 3 more matches
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 38 get the chars and the length of a string.
... syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1stringcharsandlength(jscontext *cx, const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str, size_t *length); const char16_t * js_gettwobytestringcharsandlength(jscontext *cx, const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsstring *str, size_t *length); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... str jsstring * a string to get characters.
...And 3 more matches
MutationObserverInit.characterData - Web APIs
the mutationobserverinit dictionary's optional characterdata property is used to specify whether or not to monitor the node or nodes being observed for changes to their textual contents.
... character data changes are detectable on any text node, including nodes based on the text, processinginstruction, and comment interfaces.
... syntax var options = { characterdata: true | false } value a boolean value indicating whether or not to call the observer's callback function when textual nodes' values change.
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MutationObserverInit.characterDataOldValue - Web APIs
the mutationobserverinit dictionary's optional characterdataoldvalue property is used to specify whether or not the mutationrecord.oldvalue property for dom mutations should be set to the previous value of text nodes which changed.
... if you set the mutationobserverinit.characterdata property to true but don't set characterdataoldvalue to true as well, the mutationrecord will not include information describing the prior state of the text node's contents.
... character data changes are detectable on any text node, including nodes based on the text, processinginstruction, and comment interfaces.
...And 3 more matches
UIEvent.isChar - Web APIs
the uievent.ischar read-only property returns a boolean indicating whether the event produced a key character or not.
... syntax var ischar = uievent.ischar; value a boolean which is true if the event produces a character; otherwise false.
... some keystroke combinations may raise events but not produce any character (example: ctrl-alt-?).
...And 3 more matches
chargingtimechange - Archive of obsolete content
the chargingtimechange event is fired when the chargingtime attribute of the battery api has changed.
... property type description batterymanager.chargingtime double (float) the remaining time in seconds until the system's battery is fully charged.
... returns 0 if the battery is fully charged.
...And 2 more matches
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 38 get the chars of a flat string.
... syntax const js::latin1char * js_getlatin1flatstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsflatstring *str); const char16_t * js_gettwobyteflatstringchars(const js::autocheckcannotgc &nogc, jsflatstring *str); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... str jsflatstring * a string to get characters.
...And 2 more matches
syntax jschar * js_getstringchars(jsstring *str); // obsolete since jsapi 1.8.5 const jschar * js_getstringcharsz(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.2, obsolete since jsapi 33 name type description cx jscontext * (in js_getstringcharsz only) a context.
... str jsstring * the string to obtain characters from.
... description js_getstringchars obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 returns a pointer to the first element of an array of jschars.
...And 2 more matches
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 38 get the chars of an external string.
... syntax const char16_t * js_gettwobyteexternalstringchars(jsstring *str); name type description str jsstring * a string to get characters.
... description js_gettwobyteexternalstringchars gets the characters of the string, str.
...And 2 more matches
jschar is the type of javascript "characters", the 16-bit elements that make up strings.
... jschar, a typedef for the standard c++ type char16_t, will be removed in jsapi 38.
... functions that use jschar will use char16_t directly.
...And 2 more matches
getCharacteristics() - Web APIs
the bluetoothgattservice.getcharacteristics() method returns a promise to a list of bluetoothgattcharacteristic instances for a given universally unique identifier (uuid).
... syntax bluetoothgattserviceinstance.getcharacteristics(characteristics).then(function(bluetoothgattcharacteristic[]) { ...
... } ) returns a promise to an array of bluetoothgattcharacteristic instances.
...And 2 more matches
Document.characterSet - Web APIs
the document.characterset read-only property returns the character encoding of the document that it's currently rendered with.
... (a character encoding is a set of characters and how to interpret bytes into those characters.) a “character set” and a “character encoding” are related, but different.
... users can override the developer-specified encoding inside the content-type header or inline like <meta charset="utf-8">, such as with firefox's view → text encoding menu.
...And 2 more matches
dischargingtimechange - Archive of obsolete content
the dischargingtimechange event is fired when the dischargingtime attribute of the battery api has changed.
... property type description batterymanager.dischargingtime double (float) the remaining time in seconds until the system's battery is completely discharged and the system is about to be suspended.
... returns positive infinity if the battery is charging, if the implementation is unable to report the remaining discharging time, or if there is no battery attached to the system.
... example navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { console.log("battery discharging time: " + battery.dischargingtime + " seconds"); battery.addeventlistener('dischargingtimechange', function() { console.log("battery discharging time: " + battery.dischargingtime + " seconds"); }); }); related events chargingchange dischargingtimechange levelchange ...
-ms-hyphenate-limit-chars - Archive of obsolete content
the -ms-hyphenate-limit-chars css property is a microsoft extension that specifies one to three values indicating the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word.
... if the word does not meet the required minimum number of characters in the word, before the hyphen, or after the hyphen, then the word is not hyphenated.
... initial valueautoapplies toall elementsinheritedyescomputed valueas specifiedanimation typediscrete syntax values auto corresponds to a value of 5 2 2, indicating a 5-character word limit, 2 characters required before a hyphenation break, and 2 characters required following a hyphenation break.
... <integer>{1,3} one to three integer values, corresponding to the word limit, the minimum number of characters required before a hyphenation break, and the minimum number of characters required following a hyphenation break, respectively.
Character set - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a character set is an encoding system to let computers know how to recognize character, including letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and whitespace.
... in earlier times, countries developed their own character sets due to their different languages used, such as kanji jis codes (e.g.
...however, unicode gradually became most acceptable character set for its universal language support.
... if a character set is used incorrectly (for example, unicode for an acticle encoded in big5), you may see nothing but broken characters, which are called mojibake.
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 1.8.5 get the chars of an interned string.
... syntax const jschar * js_getinternedstringchars(jsstring *str); const jschar * js_getinternedstringcharsandlength(jsstring *str, size_t *length); name type description str jsstring * the interned string.
... description js_getinternedstringchars returns a pointer to the interned string.
... js_getinternedstringcharsandlength returns a pointer to the interned string and stores the length of it to *length.
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 1.8.5 get the characters and the length of a string.
... syntax const jschar * js_getstringcharsandlength(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str, size_t *length); name type description cx jscontext * the context.
... str jsstring * a string to get characters.
... description js_getstringcharsandlength gets the characters and the length of the string, str if successful, js_getstringcharsandlength returns a pointer to the string, and store the length to *length, otherwise returns null see also bug 1037869 ...
BatteryManager.chargingTime - Web APIs
indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that remain until the battery is fully charged.
... syntax var time = battery.chargingtime on return, time is the remaining time in seconds until the battery, which is a batterymanager object, is fully charged, or 0 if the battery is already fully charged.
... if the battery is currently discharging, this value is infinity.
... example html content <div id="chargingtime">(charging time unknown)</div> javascript content navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { var time = battery.chargingtime; document.queryselector('#chargingtime').textcontent = battery.chargingtime; }); specifications specification status comment battery status api candidate recommendation initial definition ...
BatteryManager.dischargingTime - Web APIs
indicates the amount of time, in seconds, that remains until the battery is fully discharged.
... syntax var time = battery.dischargingtime on return, time is the remaining time in seconds until the battery, which is a batterymanager object, is fully discharged and the system will suspend.
... this value is infinity if the battery is currently charging rather than discharging, or if the system is unable to report the remaining discharging time.
... example html content <div id="dischargingtime">(discharging time unknown)</div> javascript content navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { var time = battery.dischargingtime; document.queryselector('#dischargingtime').textcontent = battery.dischargingtime; }); specifications specification status comment battery status api candidate recommendation initial definition ...
BatteryManager.onchargingchange - Web APIs
specifies an event listener to receive chargingchange events.
... these events occur when the battery charging state is updated.
... syntax battery.onchargingchange = funcref where battery is a batterymanager object, and funcref is a function to be called when the chargingchange event occurs.
... example html content <div id="level">(battery level unknown)</div> <div id="chargingtime">(charging time unknown)</div> javascript content navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { battery.onchargingchange = chargingchange(); function chargingchange() { document.queryselector('#level').textcontent = battery.level; document.queryselector('#chargingtime').textcontent = battery.chargingtime; } }); specifications specification status comment battery status api candidate recommendation initial definition ...
BatteryManager.onchargingtimechange - Web APIs
specifies an event listener to receive chargingtimechange events.
... these events occur when the battery chargingtime is updated.
... syntax battery.onchargingtimechange = funcref where battery is a batterymanager object, and funcref is a function to be called when the chargingtimechange event occurs.
... example html content <div id="level">(battery level unknown)</div> <div id="chargingtime">(charging time unknown)</div> javascript content navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { battery.onchargingtimechange = chargingtimechange(); function chargingtimechange(){ document.queryselector('#level').textcontent = battery.level; document.queryselector('#chargingtime').textcontent = battery.chargingtime; } }); specifications specification status comment battery status api candidate recommendation initial definition ...
BatteryManager.ondischargingtimechange - Web APIs
specifies an event listener to receive dischargingtimechange events.
... these events occur when the battery dischargingtime is updated.
... syntax battery.ondischargingtimechange = funcref where battery is a batterymanager object, and funcref is a function to be called when the dischargingtimechange event occurs.
... example html content <div id="level">(battery level unknown)</div> <div id="chargingtime">(charging time unknown)</div> javascript content navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { battery.ondischargingtimechange = dischargingtimechange; function dischargingtimechange(){ document.queryselector('#level').textcontent = battery.level; document.queryselector('#chargingtime').textcontent = battery.chargingtime; } }); specifications specification status comment battery status api candidate recommendation initial definition ...
characteristic - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.characteristic read-only property returns the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic this descriptor belongs to.
... syntax var characteristic = bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.characteristic returns an instance of bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.
... specifications specification status comment web bluetooththe definition of 'characteristic' in that specification.
... desktopmobilechromeedgefirefoxinternet exploreroperasafariandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetcharacteristic experimentalchrome full support 57notes full support 57notes notes macos only.
getCharacteristic() - Web APIs
the bluetoothgattservice.getcharacteristic() method returns a promise to an instance of bluetoothgattcharacteristic for a given universally unique identifier (uuid).
... syntax bluetoothgattserviceinstance.getcharacteristic(characteristic).then(function(bluetoothgattcharacteristic) { ...
... } ) returns a promise to an instance of bluetoothgattcharacteristic parameters characteristic the uuid of a characteristic, for example '00002a37-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb' for the heart rate measurement characteristic.
... specifications specification status comment web bluetooththe definition of 'getcharacteristic()' in that specification.
Character - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a character is either a symbol (letters, numbers, punctuation) or non-printing "control" (e.g., carriage return or soft hyphen).
... utf-8 is the most common character set and includes the graphemes of the most popular human languages.
... learn more general knowledge character (computing) on wikipedia character encoding on wikipedia ascii on wikipedia utf-8 on wikipedia unicode on wikipedia ...
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 1.8.5 get the chars of a flat string.
... syntax const jschar * js_getflatstringchars(jsflatstring *str); name type description str jsflatstring * the flattended string returned by js_flattenstring.
... description jsflatstring *fstr = js_flattenstring(cx, str); if (!fstr) return js_false; const jschar *chars = js_getflatstringchars(fstr) js_assert(chars); see also js_flattenstring bug 1037869 ...
intl/uconv/idl/nsicurrentcharsetlistener.idlscriptable please add a summary to this article.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 implemented by:;1.
... to create an instance, use: var currentcharsetlistener = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsicurrentcharsetlistener); method overview void setcurrentcharset(in wstring charset); void setcurrentcomposercharset(in wstring charset); void setcurrentmailcharset(in wstring charset); methods setcurrentcharset() void setcurrentcharset( in wstring charset ); parameters charset setcurrentcomposercharset() void setcurrentcomposercharset( in wstring charset ); parameters charset setcurrentmailcharset() void setcurrentmailcharset( in wstring charset ); parameters charset ...
BatteryManager.charging - Web APIs
a boolean value indicating whether or not the device's battery is currently being charged.
... syntax var charging = battery.charging on return, charging indicates whether or not the battery, which is a batterymanager object, is currently being charged; if the battery is charging, this value is true.
... example html content <div id="charging">(charging state unknown)</div> javascript content navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { var charging = battery.charging; document.queryselector('#charging').textcontent = charging ; }); specifications specification status comment battery status api candidate recommendation initial definition ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.startNotifications() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.startnotifications() method returns a promise to the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic instance when there is an active notification on it.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.startnotifications().then(function(bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic) { ...
... }) returns a promise to the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic instance.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.value - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.value read-only property returns currently cached characteristic value.
... this value gets updated when the value of the characteristic is read or updated via a notification or indication.
... syntax var value = bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.value returns the currently cached characteristic value.
SpeechSynthesisEvent.charIndex - Web APIs
the charindex read-only property of the speechsynthesisutterance interface returns the index position of the character in the speechsynthesisutterance.text that was being spoken when the event was triggered.
... syntax event.charindex; value a number.
... examples utterthis.onpause = function(event) { var char = event.utterance.text.charat(event.charindex); console.log('speech paused at character ' + event.charindex + ' of "' + event.utterance.text + '", which is "' + char + '".'); } specifications specification status comment web speech apithe definition of 'charindex' in that specification.
documentCharsetInfo - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference documentcharsetinfo obsolete since gecko 12.0 type: nsidocumentcharsetinfo this read-only property contains the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object for the document which is used to handle which character set should be used to display the document.
... the properties of the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object were merged into the docshell in gecko 12.0 (firefox 12.0 / thunderbird 12.0 / seamonkey 2.9).
Character encoding - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
for example, in html we normally declare a character encoding of utf-8, using the following line: <meta charset="utf-8"> this ensures that you can use characters from just about any human language in your html document, and they will display reliably.
... learn more general knowledge character encoding on w3c character encoding on wikipedia ...
an unsigned 16-bit type, like char in java or the "characters" of a javascript string defined in /mozilla/xpcom/base/nscore.h.
... syntax #if defined(ns_win32) typedef wchar_t prunichar; #else typedef pruint16 prunichar; #endif ...
xpcom/ds/nsisupportsprimitives.idlscriptable this interface provides scriptable access for single character values (often used to store an ascii character).
... inherits from: nsisupportsprimitive last changed in gecko 1.2 method overview string tostring(); attributes attribute type description data char provides access to the native type represented by the object.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.authenticatedSignedWrites - Web APIs
the authenticatedsignedwrites read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if signed writing to the characteristic value is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.authenticatedsignedwrites; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.broadcast - Web APIs
the broadcast read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if the broadcast of the characteristic value is permitted using the server characteristic configuration descriptor.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.broadcast; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.indicate - Web APIs
the indicate read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if indications of the characteristic value with acknowledgement is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.indicate; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.notify - Web APIs
the notify read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if notifications of the characteristic value without acknowledgement is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.notify; value a boolean. - Web APIs
the read read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if the reading of the characteristic value is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean =; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.reliableWrite - Web APIs
the reliablewrite read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if reliable writes to the characteristic is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.reliablewrite; value a boolean specifications specification status comment web bluetooththe definition of 'reliablewrite' in that specification.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.writableAuxiliaries - Web APIs
the writableauxiliaries read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if reliable writes to the characteristic descriptor is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.writableauxiliaries; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.write - Web APIs
the write read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if the writing to the characteristic with response is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.write; value a boolean.
BluetoothCharacteristicProperties.writeWithoutResponse - Web APIs
the writewithoutresponse read-only property of the bluetoothcharacteristicproperties interface returns a boolean that is true if the writing to the characteristic without response is permitted.
... syntax var aboolean = bluetoothcharacteristicproperties.writewithoutresponse; value a boolean.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.getDescriptor() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.getdescriptor() method returns a promise that resolves to the first bluetoothgattdescriptor for a given descriptor uuid.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.getdescriptor(bluetoothdescriptoruuid).then(function(bluetoothgattdescriptor) { ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.getDescriptors() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.getdescriptors() method returns a promise that resolves to an array of all bluetoothgattdescriptor objects for a given descriptor uuid.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.getdescriptors(bluetoothdescriptoruuid).then(function(bluetoothgattdescriptors[]) { ... - Web APIs
the read-only property returns a bluetoothcharacteristicproperties instance containing the properties of this characteristic.
... syntax var properties = returns the properties of this characteristic.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.readValue() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.readvalue() method returns a promise that resolves to a dataview holding a duplicate of the value property if it is available and supported.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.readvalue().then(function(dataview) { ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.service - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.service read-only property returns the bluetoothgattservice this characteristic belongs to.
... syntax var bluetoothremotegattserviceinstance = bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.service returns an instance bluetoothgattservice.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.stopNotifications() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.stopnotifications() method returns a promise to the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic instance when there is no longer an active notification on it.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.stopnotifications().then(function(bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic) { ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.uuid - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.uuid read-only property returns domstring containing the uuid of the characteristic, for example '00002a37-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb' for the heart rate measurement characteristic.
... syntax var uuid = bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.uuid returns a domstring.
BluetoothRemoteGATTCharacteristic.writeValue() - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.writevalue() method sets the value property to the bytes contained in an arraybuffer and returns a promise.
... syntax bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.writevalue(value).then(function() { ...
HTMLFormElement.acceptCharset - Web APIs
the htmlformelement.acceptcharset property represents a list of the supported character encodings for the given <form> element.
... syntax var string = form.acceptcharset; form.acceptcharset = string; example inputs = document.forms['myform'].acceptcharset; specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'htmlformelement: acceptcharset' in that specification.
CSS Charsets - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
css charsets is a module of css that lets you specify the character set used in the style sheet.
... reference at-rules @charset specifications specification status comment css level 2 (revision 1)the definition of '@charset' in that specification.
Character sets supported by Gecko - Gecko Redirect 1
gecko supports the character encodings defined in the encoding standard.
StringView - Archive of obsolete content
the aims of this library are: to create a c-like interface for strings (i.e., an array of character codes — an arraybufferview in javascript) based upon the javascript arraybuffer interface to create a highly extensible library that anyone can extend by adding methods to the object stringview.prototype to create a collection of methods for such string-like objects (since now: stringviews) which work strictly on arrays of numbers rather than on creating new immutable javascript strings to work with unicode encodings other than javascript's default utf-16 domstrings introduction as web applications become more and more powerful, adding features such as audio and video manipulation, access to raw data using websockets, and so forth, it has become clear that there are times when... the past, this had to be simulated by treating the raw data as a string and using the charcodeat() method to read the bytes from the data buffer.
...noffset : 0, ntranscrtype = 15; if (sencoding) { this.encoding = sencoding.tostring(); } encswitch: switch (this.encoding) { case "utf-8": fputoutptcode = stringview.pututf8charcode; fgetoutptchrsize = stringview.getutf8charlength; ftaview = uint8array; break encswitch; case "utf-16": fputoutptcode = stringview.pututf16charcode; fgetoutptchrsize = stringview.getutf16charlength; ftaview = uint16array; break encswitch; case "utf-32": ftaview = uint32array; ntranscrtype &= 14; break encswitch; default: ...
...And 101 more matches
Index - Web APIs
263 battery status api api, apps, battery, battery api, battery status api, guide, mobile, obsolete, overview the battery status api, more often referred to as the battery api, provides information about the system's battery charge level and lets you be notified by events that are sent when the battery level or charging status change.
... 264 batterymanager api, battery api, device api, interface, obsolete, reference, référence(2) the batterymanager interface provides ways to get information about the system's battery charge level.
... 265 batterymanager.charging api, battery api, needsmarkupwork, property, reference, référence(2) a boolean value indicating whether or not the device's battery is currently being charged.
...And 76 more matches
Mozilla internal string guide
introduction the string classes are a library of c++ classes which are used to manage buffers of wide (16-bit) and narrow (8-bit) character strings.
...all strings are stored as a single contiguous buffer of characters. provides an api for assignment, individual character access, basic manipulation of characters in the string, and string comparison.
...And 61 more matches
method overview hresult addselection([in] long startoffset, [in] long endoffset ); [propget] hresult attributes([in] long offset, [out] long startoffset, [out] long endoffset, [out] bstr textattributes ); [propget] hresult caretoffset([out] long offset ); [propget] hresult characterextents([in] long offset, [in] enum ia2coordinatetype coordtype, [out] long x, [out] long y, [out] long width, [out] long height ); [propget] hresult ncharacters([out] long ncharacters ); [propget] hresult newtext([out] ia2textsegment newtext ); [propget] hresult nselections([out] long nselections ); [propget] hresult offsetatpoint([in] long x, [in] long y, [in] enum ia2coordinatetype...
...endoffset offset of first character after new selection() (0 based).
...[propget] hresult attributes( [in] long offset, [out] long startoffset, [out] long endoffset, [out] bstr textattributes ); parameters offset text() offset (0 based) startoffset the starting offset of the character range over which all text() attributes match those of offset.
...And 52 more matches
Regular expression syntax cheatsheet - JavaScript
character classes if you are looking to contribute to this document, please also edit the original article characters meaning .
... has one of the following meanings: matches any single character except line terminators: \n, \r, \u2028 or \u2029.
... inside a character set, the dot loses its special meaning and matches a literal dot.
...And 43 more matches
31 js::compile jsapi reference, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey js::compile compiles a script, srcbuf, chars, bytes, or file, for execution.
... 32 js::compilefunction jsapi reference, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey js::compilefunction compiles a function from a text string chars, bytes, or srcbuf.
... 33 js::compileoffthread jsapi reference, reference, référence(2), spidermonkey js::compileoffthread compiles a script, chars for execution.
...And 39 more matches
class declaration nstdependentstring_chart stores a null-terminated, immutable sequence of characters.
... subclass of nststring that restricts string value to an immutable character sequence.
...method overview constructors assertvalid rebind operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last coun...
...And 38 more matches
Enc Dec MAC Using Key Wrap CertReq PKCS10 CSR
nerate_csr, add_cert_to_db, save_cert_to_header, encrypt, decrypt, sign, verify, unknown } commandtype; typedef enum { symkey = 0, mackey = 1, iv = 2, mac = 3, pad = 4, pubkey = 5, lab = 6, certenc= 7, certvfy= 8, sig = 9 } headertype; /* * print usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n\n", progname, " -<g|a|h|e|ds|v> -d <dbdirpath> ", "[-p <dbpwd> | -f <dbpwdfile>] [-z <noisefilename>] [-a <\"\">]", "-s <subject> -r <csr> | ", "-n <nickname> -t <trust> -c <cert> [ -r <csr> -u <issuernickname> [-x <\"\">] -m <serialnumber> ] | ", ...
...nerate a self-signed cert [optional]\n\n", "-x"); fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - to enable ascii [optional]\n\n", "-a"); fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - to save certificate to header file as sig verification [optional]\n\n", "-v"); exit(-1); } /* * validate the options used for generate csr command */ static void validategeneratecsrcommand(const char *progname, const char *dbdir, certname *subject, const char *subjectstr, const char *certreqfilename) { prbool validationfailed = pr_false; if (!subject) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -g -d %s -s: improperly formatted name: \"%s\"\n", progname, db...
...t found\n", progname, dbdir, subjectstr); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (validationfailed) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s %s \n\n", progname, "-g -d <dbdirpath> -s <subject> -r <csr> \n"); exit(-1); } } /* * validate the options used for add cert to db command */ static void validateaddcerttodbcommand(const char *progname, const char *dbdir, const char *nicknamestr, const char *truststr, const char *certfilename, const char *certreqfilename, const char *issuernamestr, const char *serialnumberstr, ...
...And 37 more matches
ng(err) pr_errortostring((err), pr_language_i_default) #endif /* sample 6 commands */ typedef enum { generate_csr, add_cert_to_db, save_cert_to_header, encrypt, decrypt, sign, verify, unknown } commandtype; typedef enum { symkey = 0, mackey = 1, iv = 2, mac = 3, pad = 4, pubkey = 5, lab = 6, certenc= 7, certvfy= 8, sig = 9 } headertype; /* * print usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n\n", progname, " -<g|a|h|e|ds|v> -d <dbdirpath> ", "[-p <dbpwd> | -f <dbpwdfile>] [-z <noisefilename>] [-a <\"\">]", "-s <subject> -r <csr> | ", "-n <nickname> -t <trust> -c <cert> [ -r <csr> -u <issuernickname> [-x <\"\">] -m <serialnumber> ] | ", "-n <nickname> -b <headerfilename> | ", "-b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> -e ...
...e signing request \n\n", "-r <csr>"); fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - generate a self-signed cert [optional]\n\n", "-x"); fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - to enable ascii [optional]\n\n", "-a"); fprintf(stderr, "%-30s - to save certificate to header file as sig verification [optional]\n\n", "-v"); exit(-1); } /* * validate the options used for generate csr command */ static void validategeneratecsrcommand(const char *progname, const char *dbdir, certname *subject, const char *subjectstr, const char *certreqfilename) { prbool validationfailed = pr_false; if (!subject) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -g -d %s -s: improperly formatted name: \"%s\"\n", progname, dbdir, subjectstr); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!certreqfilename) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -g -d %s -s %s -r: certificate request file name not fou...
...nd\n", progname, dbdir, subjectstr); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (validationfailed) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s %s \n\n", progname, "-g -d <dbdirpath> -s <subject> -r <csr> \n"); exit(-1); } } /* * validate the options used for add cert to db command */ static void validateaddcerttodbcommand(const char *progname, const char *dbdir, const char *nicknamestr, const char *truststr, const char *certfilename, const char *certreqfilename, const char *issuernamestr, const char *serialnumberstr, prbool selfsign) { prbool validationfailed = pr_false; if (!nicknamestr) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n : nick name is missing\n", progname, dbdir); validationfailed = pr_true; } if (!truststr) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "%s -a -d %s -n %s -t: trust flag is missing\n", progname, dbdir, nicknamestr...
...And 34 more matches
class declaration nstautostring_chart subclass of nststring_chart that adds support for stack-based string allocation.
... it is normally not a good idea to use this class on the heap, because it will allocate space which may be wasted if the string it contains is significantly smaller or any larger than 64 characters.
... names: nsautostring for wide characters nscautostring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat ...
...And 34 more matches
class declaration nstautostring_chart subclass of nststring_chart that adds support for stack-based string allocation.
... it is normally not a good idea to use this class on the heap, because it will allocate space which may be wasted if the string it contains is significantly smaller or any larger than 64 characters.
... names: nsautostring for wide characters nscautostring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(co...
...And 33 more matches
class declaration nstdependentstring_chart stores a null-terminated, immutable sequence of characters.
... subclass of nststring that restricts string value to an immutable character sequence.
...method overview constructors assertvalid rebind operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar fi...
...And 33 more matches
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9.1 (firefox 3.5 / thunderbird 3.0 / seamonkey 2.0) method overview void addselection(in long startoffset, in long endoffset); nsiaccessible getattributerange(in long offset, out long rangestartoffset, out long rangeendoffset); obsolete since gecko 1.9.1 wchar getcharacteratoffset(in long offset); void getcharacterextents(in long offset, out long x, out long y, out long width, out long height, in unsigned long coordtype); long getoffsetatpoint(in long x, in long y, in unsigned long coordtype); void getrangeextents(in long startoffset, in long endoffset, out long x, out long y, out long width, out long height, in unsigned long coordtype); void ...
... charactercount long read only.
... text boundary constants constant value description boundary_char 0 boundary_word_start 1 boundary_word_end 2 boundary_sentence_start 3 do not use in new code.
...And 33 more matches
names: nsstring for wide characters nscstring for narrow characters this class is also known as nsaflat[c]string, where "flat" is used to denote a null-terminated string.
... method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignasc...
...ii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsacstring_internal data members no public members.
...And 32 more matches
names: nsstring for wide characters nscstring for narrow characters this class is also known as nsaflat[c]string, where "flat" is used to denote a null-terminated string.
... method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assig...
...nliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsastring_internal data members no public members.
...And 32 more matches
class declaration nstxpidlstring extends nststring such that: (1) mdata can be null (2) objects of this type can be automatically cast to |const chart*| (3) getter_copies method is supported to adopt data allocated with ns_alloc, such as "out string" parameters in xpidl.
... names: nsxpidlstring for wide characters nsxpidlcstring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator const char* operator[] operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseeq...
...ualsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nscstring data members no public members.
...And 32 more matches
class declaration nstxpidlstring extends nststring such that: (1) mdata can be null (2) objects of this type can be automatically cast to |const chart*| (3) getter_copies method is supported to adopt data allocated with ns_alloc, such as "out string" parameters in xpidl.
... names: nsxpidlstring for wide characters nsxpidlcstring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator const prunichar* operator[] operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsasc...
...ii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsstring data members no public members.
...And 32 more matches
Key Values - Web APIs
ion keys | editing keys | ui keys | device keys | ime and composition keys | function keys | phone keys | multimedia keys | audio control keys | tv control keys | media controller keys | speech recognition keys | document keys | application selector keys | browser control keys | numeric keypad keys special values values of key which have special meanings other than identifying a specific key or character.
... varies varies varies varies modifier keys modifiers are special keys which are used to generate special characters or cause special actions when used in combination with other keys.
...toggles the capital character lock on and off for subsequent input.
...And 32 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assig...
...n assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsautostring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const char*) - source parameters char* acstring void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* acstring pruint32 alength void ns_convertasciitoutf16(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& acstring operator= nsautostring& operator=(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal...
...And 31 more matches
class declaration a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to utf-8 method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercase...
...equalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nscautostring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const prunichar*) - source a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to utf-8 parameters prunichar* astring void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* astring pruint32 alength void ns_convertutf16toutf8(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& astring operator= nscautostring& operator=(const nscautostring&) - source parameters nscautostring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source p...
...And 31 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assig...
...n assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsautostring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const char*) - source parameters char* acstring void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* acstring pruint32 alength void ns_convertutf8toutf16(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& acstring operator= nsautostring& operator=(const nsautostring&) - source parameters nsautostring& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& o...
...And 31 more matches
class declaration a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to ascii in a lossy manner method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsa...
...scii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nscautostring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const prunichar*) - source a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to ascii in a lossy manner parameters prunichar* astring void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* astring pruint32 alength void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& astring operator= nscautostring& operator=(const nscautostring&) - source parameters nscautostring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(cons...
...And 31 more matches
method overview constructors operator= operator const char* operator[] get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data ...
... length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsxpidlcstring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsadoptingcstring() - source void nsadoptingcstring(char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* str pruint32 length void nsadoptingcstring(const nsadoptingcstring&) - source parameters nsadoptingcstring& str operator= nsadoptingcstring& operator=(const nsadoptingcstring&) - source parameters nsadoptingcstring& str nsxpidlcstring& operator=(const nsxpidlcstring&) - source parameters nsxpidlcstring& str nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str...
...And 31 more matches
method overview constructors operator= operator const prunichar* operator[] get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data leng... isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsxpidlstring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsadoptingstring() - source void nsadoptingstring(prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* str pruint32 length void nsadoptingstring(const nsadoptingstring&) - source parameters nsadoptingstring& str operator= nsadoptingstring& operator=(const nsadoptingstring&) - source parameters nsadoptingstring& str nsxpidlstring& operator=(const nsxpidlstring&) - source parameters nsxpidlstring& str nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_in...
...And 31 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(ch... assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nscstring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsfixedcstring(char*, pruint32) - source @param data fixed-size buffer to be used by the string (the contents of this buffer may be modified by the string) @param storagesize the size of the fixed buffer @param length (optional) the length of the string already contained in the buffer parameters char* data pruint32 storagesize void nsfixedcstring(char*, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters char* data pruint32 storagesize pruint32 length operator= nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source p...
...And 31 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assig...
...n assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsstring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsfixedstring(prunichar*, pruint32) - source @param data fixed-size buffer to be used by the string (the contents of this buffer may be modified by the string) @param storagesize the size of the fixed buffer @param length (optional) the length of the string already contained in the buffer parameters prunichar* data pruint32 storagesize void nsfixedstring(prunichar*, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* data pruint32 storagesize pruint32 length operator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const ns...
...And 31 more matches
boolean isbeingdestroyed(); void loadstream(in nsiinputstream astream, in nsiuri auri, in acstring acontenttype, in acstring acontentcharset, in nsidocshellloadinfo aloadinfo); native code only!
... charset string the converter to use when reading the document's data.
... override that character set for documents for which the specified fallback or auto-detected character set is incorrect.
...And 31 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(ch... assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nscstring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nspromiseflatcstring(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str void nspromiseflatcstring(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple operator= nscstring& operator=(const nscstring&) - source parameters nscstring& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(char) - source parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscs...
...And 30 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assig...
...n assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsstring data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nspromiseflatstring(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str void nspromiseflatstring(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple operator= nsstring& operator=(const nsstring&) - source parameters nsstring& str nsastring_internal& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(co...
...And 30 more matches
Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
28 baseline css, glossary, svg, alignment, typography the baseline is a term used in european and west asian typography meaning an imaginary line upon which the characters of a font rest.
... 51 crlf cr, crlf, glossary, infrastructure, lf, carriage return, line feed cr and lf are control characters or bytecode that can be used to mark a line break in a text file.
... 71 character codingscripting, glossary, strings a character is either a symbol (letters, numbers, punctuation) or non-printing "control" (e.g., carriage return or soft hyphen).
...And 29 more matches
boolean canundo(); void endcompoundchange(); boolean redo(); void resetundo(); void startcompoundchange(); boolean undo(); display management operations void focus(); number gettopindex(); boolean hasfocus(); void settopindex(number atopindex); content management operations number getcharcount(); string getindentationstring(); string getlinedelimiter(); number getlinecount(); number getlineend(number alineindex, boolean aincludedelimiter); number getlinestart(number alineindex); string getmode(); string gettext([optional] number astart, [optional] number aend); string getselectedtext(); void setmod...
... return value returns an integer indicating the offset into the text at which the first character of the found string is located, or -1 if the string wasn't found.
... return value the 0-based offset into the text at which newly-typed characters will be inserted.
...And 29 more matches
Gecko Keypress Event
charcode of dom keypress event if a keypress event is fired without any modifier keys (ctrl/alt(option)/meta(win/command)), then the properties of the event are the same as they were in gecko1.8.1.
... that is, when the currently selected keyboard layout produces a unicode character (according to the current state of capslock and numlock), the charcode property contains that character.
... when the keypress event includes modifier keys, sometimes the charcode value is replaced with an ascii character according to the following rules.
...And 26 more matches
Enc Dec MAC Output Public Key as CSR
*/ #ifndef port_errortostring #ifndef sec_error_base #define sec_error_base (-0x2000) #define port_errortostring(err) pr_errortostring((err), pr_language_i_default) #endif #endif /* * print usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -c -d [-z ] " "[-p | -f ] -s -r -i -o \n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'g' for generating rsa keypair for wrapping\n\n", "g"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'e' for encrypt operation\n\n", "e"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'd' for decrypt operation\n\n", ...
...te :"); fprintf(stderr, "%-7s .enc and .header as intermediate output files.\n\n", ""); fprintf(stderr, "%-7s for decrypt, it takes .enc and .header\n", ""); fprintf(stderr, "%-7s as input files and produces as a final output file.\n\n", ""); exit(-1); } /* map option letter enumerated commad type */ static commandtype option2command(const char* c) { switch (*c) { case 'g': return gen_csr; case 'e': return encrypt; case 'd': return decrypt; default: return unknown; } } /* * wrap the symkey using public key */ secstatus wrapkey(pk11symkey* key, seckeypublickey *pubkey, secitem **wrappedkey) { secstatus rv; secitem *data = (secitem *)port_zalloc(sizeof(secitem)); if (!data) { pr_fprintf(pr_...
...stderr, "error while allocating memory\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } data->len = seckey_publickeystrength(pubkey); data->data = (unsigned char*)port_zalloc((data->len)*sizeof(unsigned int)); if (!data->data) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error while allocating memory\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } rv = pk11_pubwrapsymkey(ckm_rsa_pkcs, pubkey, key, data); if (rv != secsuccess) { rv = secfailure; } else { *wrappedkey = data; return secsuccess; } cleanup: if (data) { secitem_freeitem(data, pr_true); } return rv; } /* * generate a symmetric key */ pk11symkey * generatesymkey(pk11slotinfo *slot, ck_mechanism_type mechanism, int keysize, secitem *ke...
...And 24 more matches
NS ConvertASCIItoUTF16 external
class declaration method overview constructors get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find ...
... rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstring_external data members no public members.
... methods constructors void ns_convertasciitoutf16_external(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astr void ns_convertasciitoutf16_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source ...
...And 24 more matches
NS ConvertUTF16toUTF8 external
class declaration method overview constructors get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar ...
... rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
... methods constructors void ns_convertutf16toutf8_external(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astr void ns_convertutf16toutf8_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source ...
...And 24 more matches
NS ConvertUTF8toUTF16 external
class declaration method overview constructors get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find ...
... rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstring_external data members no public members.
... methods constructors void ns_convertutf8toutf16_external(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astr void ns_convertutf8toutf16_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source ...
...And 24 more matches
NS LossyConvertUTF16toASCII external
class declaration method overview constructors get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar ...
... rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
... methods constructors void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii_external(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astr void ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - s...
...And 24 more matches
nsCString external
class declaration method overview constructors get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar ...
... rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstringcontainer data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nscstring_external() - source void nscstring_external(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring void nscstring_external(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& areadable void nscstring_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring ...
...And 24 more matches
nsDependentCString external
class declaration method overview constructors rebind get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind ...
... findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsdependentcstring_external() - source void nsdependentcstring_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength rebind void rebind(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char...
...And 24 more matches
nsDependentCSubstring external
class declaration method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral operator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfind...
...char appendint tointeger base classes nscstringcontainer data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsdependentcsubstring_external() - source void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* astart pruint32 alength void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const nsacstring&, pruint32) - source parameters nsacstring& astr pruint32 astartpos void nsdependentcsubstring_external(const nsacstring&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsacstring& astr pruint32 astartpos pruint32 alength rebind void rebind(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* astart pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const c...
...And 24 more matches
nsDependentString external
class declaration dependent strings method overview constructors rebind get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowerc...
...aseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstring_external data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsdependentstring_external() - source void nsdependentstring_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength rebind void rebind(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source para...
...And 24 more matches
nsDependentSubstring external
class declaration substrings method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral operator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare(const prunichar*, print32 (*) compare(const nsastring&, print32 (*) equals(const prunichar*, print32 (*) equals(const nsastring&, print32 (*) operator< operator<=...
... operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find(const nsastring&, print32 (*) find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*) find rfind(const nsastring&, print32 (*) rfind(const nsastring&, print32, print32 (*) rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsdependentsubstring_external() - source void nsdependentsubstring_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar astart pruint32 alength void nsdependentsubstring_external(const nsastring&, pruint32) - source parameters nsastring astr pruint32 astartpos void nsdependentsubstring_external(const nsastring&, pruint32, pruint32) - source parameters nsastring astr pruint32 astartpos pruint32 alength rebind void rebind(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar astart pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading...
...And 24 more matches
nsLiteralCString (External)
class declaration method overview rebind get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar ...
... rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
... methods rebind void rebind(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint3...
...And 24 more matches
nsLiteralString (External)
class declaration method overview rebind get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar ...
... rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
... methods rebind void rebind(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint3...
...And 24 more matches
nsString external
class declaration basic strings method overview constructors get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral ...
... find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... methods constructors void nsstring_external() - source void nsstring_external(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring void nsstring_external(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& areadable void nsstring_external(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring ...
...And 24 more matches
PromiseFlatCString (External)
class declaration method overview get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar ...
...methods get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreadi... pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
...And 23 more matches
PromiseFlatString (External)
class declaration method overview get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind f...
...indchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... methods get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar achar adopt void adopt(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) cons...
...And 23 more matches
nsACString (External)
area alt="" coords="499,294,779,342" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_lossyconvertutf16toascii_external"> <area alt="" coords="803,294,925,342" href="" shape="rect" title="nsliteralcstring_(external)"></map> method overview beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral operator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace ...
... trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger data members no public members.
... methods beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
...And 23 more matches
nsAutoString (External)
class declaration method overview get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind f...
...indchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... methods get prunichar* get() const - source operator= nsstring_external& operator=(const nsstring_external&) - source parameters nsstring_external& astring nsastring& operator=(const nsastring&) - source parameters nsastring& astring nsastring& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* aptr nsastring& operator=(prunichar) - source parameters prunichar achar adopt void adopt(const prunichar*, pruint32) - source parameters prunichar* adata pruint32 alength beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) cons...
...And 23 more matches
nsCAutoString (External)
class declaration method overview get operator= adopt beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar ...
...methods get char* get() const - source operator= nscstring_external& operator=(const nscstring_external&) - source parameters nscstring_external& astring nsacstring& operator=(const nsacstring&) - source parameters nsacstring& astring nsacstring& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* aptr nsacstring& operator=(char) - source parameters char achar adopt void adopt(const char*, pruint32) - source parameters char* adata pruint32 alength beginreadi... pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
...And 23 more matches
nsCStringContainer (External)
class declaration method overview beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral operator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare(const char*, print32 (*) compare(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) equals(const char*, print32 (*) equals(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operato...
...r> operator!= equalsliteral find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*) find(const char*, print32 (*) find(const char*, pruint32, print32 (*) rfind(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) rfind(const nsacstring&, print32, print32 (*) rfind(const char*, print32 (*) rfind(const char*, print32, print32 (*) findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsacstring data members no public members.
... methods beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const char**, const char**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
...And 23 more matches
the preferred form operates on utf-16 encoded characters strings.
... an alternate form operates on characters strings encoded in the "native" charset.
... a string containing characters encoded in the native charset cannot be safely passed to javascript via xpconnect.
...And 23 more matches
nsStringContainer (External)
class declaration method overview beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral operator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar ...
...methods beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
... parameters prunichar** begin prunichar** end prunichar* beginreading() const - source endreading prunichar* endreading() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 apos first prunichar first() const - source beginwriting pruint32 beginwriting(prunichar**, prunichar**, pruint32) - source get the length, begin writing, and optionally set the length of a string all in one operation.
...And 22 more matches
nsAString (External)
_convertasciitoutf16_external"> <area alt="" coords="491,294,733,342" href="" shape="rect" title="ns_convertutf8toutf16_external"> <area alt="" coords="757,294,869,342" href="" shape="rect" title="nsliteralstring_(external)"> </map> method overview beginreading endreading charat operator[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral operator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequal...
...sliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger data members no public members.
... methods beginreading pruint32 beginreading(const prunichar**, const prunichar**) const - source returns the length, beginning, and end of a string in one operation.
...And 21 more matches
Reading from Files - Archive of obsolete content
using the former will cause characters in the stream to be interpreted with a particular character encoding.
... in addition, lines may be read by reading the file up until a linefeed character is detected.
...the difference is that text streams process the bytes being read into characters in a particular character encoding whereas binary streams always read bytes.
...And 20 more matches
it represents a single contiguous array of characters, which may or may not be null-terminated.
... names: nsastring for wide characters nsacstring for narrow characters many of the accessors on nstsubstring are inlined as an optimization." shape="rect" title="ns_convertutf16toutf8"> <area alt="" coords="309,293,445,341" href="" shape="rect" title="nsadoptingcstring"> </map> method overview constructors beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii ...
...And 20 more matches
it represents a single contiguous array of characters, which may or may not be null-terminated.
... names: nsastring for wide characters nsacstring for narrow characters many of the accessors on nstsubstring are inlined as an optimization.
..." shape="rect" title="ns_convertutf8toutf16"> <area alt="" coords="277,293,405,341" href="" shape="rect" title="nsadoptingstring"> </map> method overview constructors beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii ...
...And 20 more matches
class declaration nstdependentsubstring_chart a string class which wraps an external array of string characters.
... names: nsdependentsubstring for wide characters nsdependentcsubstring for narrow characters method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendlite...
...ral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsastring_internal data members no public members.
...And 20 more matches
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Support in Mozilla Browsers
an internationalized domain name (idn) is a domain/host name which uses non-ascii characters.
... until recently domain names allowed only a subset of 7-bit ascii characters.
... many of the european languages use the basic latin alphabet with additional accented characters for writing but they were not able to use them in domain names.
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Encrypt Decrypt_MAC_Using Token
*/ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -c -d [-z ] " "[-p | -f ] -i -o \n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'a' for encrypt operation\n\n", "-c "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'b' for decrypt operation\n\n", " "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify db directory path\n\n", "-d "); fprintf(stder...
...{ pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestop(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing.
... */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac.
...And 19 more matches
class declaration nstdependentsubstring_chart a string class which wraps an external array of string characters.
... names: nsdependentsubstring for wide characters nsdependentcsubstring for narrow characters method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendlite...
...ral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsacstring_internal data members no public members.
...And 19 more matches
Reading textual data - Archive of obsolete content
in order to read textual data, you need to know which character encoding the data is in.
... files and network sockets contain bytes, not characters - to give these bytes a meaning, you need to know the character encoding.
... xxx: document nsiunicharstreamlistener (gecko 1.8) xxx: also document nsistreamlistener here?
...And 18 more matches
Encrypt Decrypt MAC Keys As Session Objects
mac-----" #define mac_trailer "-----end mac-----" #define pad_header "-----begin pad-----" #define pad_trailer "-----end pad-----" typedef enum { encrypt, decrypt, unknown } commandtype; typedef enum { symkey = 0, mackey = 1, iv = 2, mac = 3, pad = 4 } headertype; /* * print usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -c -d [-z ] " "[-p | -f ] -i -o \n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'a' for encrypt operation\n\n", "-c "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'b' for decrypt operation\n\n", " "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify db directory path\n\n", "-d "); fprintf(stder...
...{ pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestop(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen)...
...; if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macfinal(ctxmac, mac, maclen, maxlen); return rv; } /* * writetoheaderfile */ secstatus writetoheaderfile(const char *buf, unsigned int len, headertype type, prfiledesc *outfile) { secstatus rv; char header[40]; char trailer[40]; ...
...And 18 more matches
Encrypt and decrypt MAC using token
mac-----" #define mac_trailer "-----end mac-----" #define pad_header "-----begin pad-----" #define pad_trailer "-----end pad-----" typedef enum { encrypt, decrypt, unknown } commandtype; typedef enum { symkey = 0, mackey = 1, iv = 2, mac = 3, pad = 4 } headertype; /* * print usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -c -d [-z ] " "[-p | -f ] -i -o \n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'a' for encrypt operation\n\n", "-c "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'b' for decrypt operation\n\n", " "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify db directory path\n\n", "-d "); fprintf(stder...
...{ pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestop(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen)...
...; if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macfinal(ctxmac, mac, maclen, maxlen); return rv; } /* * writetoheaderfile */ secstatus writetoheaderfile(const char *buf, unsigned int len, headertype type, prfiledesc *outfile) { secstatus rv; char header[40]; char trailer[40]; ...
...And 18 more matches
NSS Sample Code Sample_3_Basic Encryption and MACing
n mac-----" #define mac_trailer "-----end mac-----" #define pad_header "-----begin pad-----" #define pad_trailer "-----end pad-----" typedef enum { encrypt, decrypt, unknown } commandtype; typedef enum { symkey = 0, mackey = 1, iv = 2, mac = 3, pad = 4 } headertype; /* print a usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -c <a|b> -d <dbdirpath> [-z <noisefilename>] " "[-p <dbpwd> | -f <dbpwdfile>] -i <ipfilename> -o <opfilename>\n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'a' for encrypt operation\n\n", "-c <a|b>"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'b' for decrypt operation\n\n", " "); fprintf(stderr, ...
...{ pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestop(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen)...
...; if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macfinal(ctxmac, mac, maclen, maxlen); return rv; } /* * write to header file */ secstatus writetoheaderfile(const char *buf, unsigned int len, headertype type, prfiledesc *outfile) { secstatus rv; char header[40]; char trailer[40]; ...
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Regular expressions - JavaScript
« previousnext » regular expressions are patterns used to match character combinations in strings.
... writing a regular expression pattern a regular expression pattern is composed of simple characters, such as /abc/, or a combination of simple and special characters, such as /ab*c/ or /chapter (\d+)\.\d*/.
... using simple patterns simple patterns are constructed of characters for which you want to find a direct match.
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bold if there is no selection, the insertion point will set bold for subsequently typed characters.
... if there is a selection and all of the characters are already bold, the bold will be removed.
... otherwise, all selected characters will become bold.
...And 16 more matches
EncDecMAC using token object - sample 3
---" #define iv_trailer "-----end iv-----" #define mac_header "-----begin mac-----" #define mac_trailer "-----end mac-----" #define pad_header "-----begin pad-----" #define pad_trailer "-----end pad-----" typedef enum { encrypt, decrypt, unknown } commandtype; typedef enum { symkey = 0, mackey = 1, iv = 2, mac = 3, pad = 4 } headertype; /* * print usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -c -d [-z ] " "[-p | -f ] -i -o \n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'a' for encrypt operation\n\n", "-c "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify 'b' for decrypt operation\n\n", " "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify db directory path\n\n", "-d "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify db password [optional]\n\n", "-p "); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify db pa...
...anism, null, keysize, keyid, pr_true, pwdata); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "symmetric key generation failed \n"); } return key; } /* * macinit */ secstatus macinit(pk11context *ctx) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestbegin(ctx); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestbegin()\n"); } return rv; } /* * macupdate */ secstatus macupdate(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *msg, unsigned int msglen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestop(ctx, msg, msglen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "compute mac failed : digestop()\n"); } return rv; } /* * finalize macing */ secstatus macfinal(pk11context *ctx, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = pk11_digestfinal(ctx, mac, maclen, maxlen); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_...
...stderr, "compute mac failed : pk11_digestfinal()\n"); } return secsuccess; } /* * compute mac */ secstatus computemac(pk11context *ctxmac, unsigned char *ptext, unsigned int ptextlen, unsigned char *mac, unsigned int *maclen, unsigned int maxlen) { secstatus rv = macinit(ctxmac); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macupdate(ctxmac, ptext, ptextlen); if (rv != secsuccess) return rv; rv = macfinal(ctxmac, mac, maclen, maxlen); return rv; } /* * writetoheaderfile */ secstatus writetoheaderfile(const char *buf, unsigned int len, headertype type, prfiledesc *outfile) { secstatus rv; char header[40]; char trailer[40]; char *outstring = null; switch (type) { case symkey: strcpy(header, enckey_header); strcpy(trailer, enckey_trailer); break; case mackey: strcpy(header, mackey_header); strcpy(traile...
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<input type="email"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the attributes that operate on all <input> elements regardless of their type, email inputs support the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options maxlength the maximum number of characters the input should accept minlength the minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid multiple whether or not to allow multiple, comma-separated, e-mail addresses to be entered pattern a regular expression the input's contents must match in order to be valid placeholder an exemplar value to display in the input...
... field whenever it is empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether or not the contents of the input should be read-only size a number indicating how many characters wide the input field should be list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the email input.
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The "codecs" parameter in common media types - Web media technologies
general syntax a basic mime media type is expressed by stating the type of media (audio, video, etc), then a slash character (/), then the container format used to contain the media: audio/mpeg an audio file using the mpeg file type, such as an mp3.
... as is the case with any mime type parameter, codecs must be changed to codecs* (note the asterisk character, *) if any of the properties of the codec use special characters which must be percent-encoded per rfc 2231, section 4: mime parameter value and encoded word extensions.
...each component is a fixed number of characters long; if the value is less than that length, it must be padded with leading zeros.
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Chapter 4: Using XPCOM—Implementing advanced processes - Archive of obsolete content
introduction javascript lacks functions for opening files and character-code conversion, among other things.
... you can perform a full-text search of the firefox source code in mozilla cross-reference using character strings, filenames, etc as search keys.
... note: use the path format suited to your platform: the windows “\” path delimiter is interpreted as an escape code, so should always be written “\\”; characters like “./” on linux require no special handling.
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Useful string methods - Learn web development
previous overview: first steps next now that we've looked at the very basics of strings, let's move up a gear and start thinking about what useful operations we can do on strings with built-in methods, such as finding the length of a text string, joining and splitting strings, substituting one character in a string for another, and more.
...try entering the following lines: let browsertype = 'mozilla'; browsertype.length; this should return the number 7, because "mozilla" is 7 characters long.
... retrieving a specific string character on a related note, you can return any character inside a string by using square bracket notation — this means you include square brackets ([]) on the end of your variable name.
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IME handling guide
ime is used by chinese, japanese, korean and taiwan users for inputting chinese characters because the number of them is beyond thousands and cannot be input from the keyboard directly.
... if ime is enabled but users use direct input mode (e.g., for inputting latin characters), we call it "ime is closed".
...when a user converts from hiragana characters to chinese characters the composition string, japanese ime separates the composition string into multiple clauses.
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119 xpcom stream guide guide, needscontent, xpcom in mozilla code, a stream is an object which represents access to a sequence of characters.
... it is not that sequence of characters, though: the characters may not all be available when you read from the stream.
...the substrings used with this interface are specified as follows: if startoffset is less than endoffset, the substring starts with the character at startoffset and ends with the character just before endoffset.
...And 15 more matches
Grammar and types - JavaScript
javascript is case-sensitive and uses the unicode character set.
... the source text of javascript script gets scanned from left to right, and is converted into a sequence of input elements which are tokens, control characters, line terminators, comments, or whitespace.
... (spaces, tabs, and newline characters are considered whitespace.) comments the syntax of comments is the same as in c++ and in many other languages: // a one line comment /* this is a longer, * multi-line comment */ /* you can't, however, /* nest comments */ syntaxerror */ comments behave like whitespace, and are discarded during script execution.
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String - JavaScript
the string object is used to represent and manipulate a sequence of characters.
... string literals can be specified using single or double quotes, which are treated identically, or using the backtick character `.
... character access there are two ways to access an individual character in a string.
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Getting started with HTML - Learn web development
playable code <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="playable-code" style="min-height: 100px;width: 95%"> this is my text.
... playable code2 <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px;width: 95%"> &lt;p&gt;a link to my favorite website.&lt;/p&gt; </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-alig..., let's examine how individual elements combine to form an entire html page: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my test page</title> </head> <body> <p>this is my page</p> </body> </html> here we have: <!doctype html>: the doctype.
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Secure Development Guidelines
n logic based on results returned by the database sql injection: example snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "select * from account where name ='%s'", name); sqlite3_exec(db, str, null, null, null); sql injection: prevention use parameterized queries insert a marker for every piece of dynamic content so data does not get mixed with sql instructions example: sqlite3_stmt *stmt; char *str = "select * from account where name='?'"; sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, str, strlen(str), &stmt, null); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 1, name, strlen(name), sqlite_transient); sqlite3_step(stmt); sqlite3_finalize(p_stmt); writing secure code: arithmetic issues integer overflows/underflows overflows occur when an arithmetic operation attempts to create a numeric value that is larger than can...
... bits maximum value that can be represented data type 8 28-1 255 char 16 216-1 65535 short 32 232-1 4294967295 int 64 264-1 18446744073709551615 long long integer overflows/underflows example of an integer overflow int main() { unsigned int foo = 0xffffffff; printf(“foo: 0x%08x\r\n”, foo); foo++; printf(“foo: 0x%08x\r\n”, foo); } integer overflows/underflows example of an integer underflow int main() { unsigned int foo = 0; printf(“foo: 0x%08x\r\n”, foo); foo--; printf(“foo: 0x%08x\r\n”, foo); } integer overflows/underflows real-life e...
... newchars = (jschar *) js_malloc(cx, (newlength + 1) * sizeof(jschar)); ...
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text-transform - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
in greek (el), the lowercase sigma character has two forms: σ and ς.
...other characters remain unchanged (they retain their original case as written in the element's text).
... a letter is defined as a character that is part of unicode's letter or number general categories ; thus, any punctuation marks or symbols at the beginning of a word are ignored.
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<input type="password"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the element is presented as a one-line plain text editor control in which the text is obscured so that it cannot be read, usually by replacing each character with a symbol such as the asterisk ("*") or a dot ("•").
... this character will vary depending on the user agent and os.
... specifics of how the entry process works may vary from browser to browser; mobile devices, for example, often display the typed character for a moment before obscuring it, to allow the user to be sure they pressed the key they meant to press; this is helpful given the small size of keys and the ease with which the wrong one can be pressed, especially on virtual keyboards.
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<input type="text"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the attributes that operate on all <input> elements regardless of their type, text inputs support the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options maxlength the maximum number of characters the input should accept minlength the minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid pattern a regular expression the input's contents must match in order to be valid placeholder an exemplar value to display in the input field whenever it is empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether or not the cont...
...ents of the input should be read-only size a number indicating how many characters wide the input field should be spellcheck controls whether or not to enable spell checking for the input field, or if the default spell checking configuration should be used list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the text input.
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Assertions - JavaScript
boundary-type assertions characters meaning ^ matches the beginning of input.
... if the multiline flag is set to true, also matches immediately after a line break character.
... this character has a different meaning when it appears at the start of a group.
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Lexical grammar - JavaScript
the source text of ecmascript scripts gets scanned from left to right and is converted into a sequence of input elements which are tokens, control characters, line terminators, comments or white space.
... control characters control characters have no visual representation but are used to control the interpretation of the text.
... unicode format-control characters code point name abbreviation description u+200c zero width non-joiner <zwnj> placed between characters to prevent being connected into ligatures in certain languages (wikipedia).
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Index - Archive of obsolete content
in the past, this had to be simulated by treating the raw data as a string and using the charcodeat() method to read the bytes from the data buffer. there may be still some reference to the xuldev website (we want to host source code on mdc, not on xuldev), and to japanese things (like some specific locales, which have been translated to french since non-latin characters are not well supported).
...a sequence of characters) that matches patterns of characters in other strings.
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Utilities for nss samples
*/ typedef struct { enum { pw_none = 0, /* no password */ pw_fromfile = 1, /* password stored in a file */ pw_plaintext = 2 /* plain-text password passed in buffer */ /* pw_external = 3 */ } source; char *data; /* depending on source this can be the actual * password or the file to read it from */ } secupwdata; /* * printasascii */ extern void printasascii(prfiledesc* out, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len); /* * printashex */ extern void printashex(prfiledesc* out, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len); /* * getdigit */ extern int getdigit(char c); /* * ...
...hextobuf */ extern int hextobuf(unsigned char *instring, secitem *outbuf, prbool ishexdata); /* * filetoitem */ extern secstatus filetoitem(secitem *dst, prfiledesc *src); /* * checkpassword */ extern prbool checkpassword(char *cp); /* * getpassword */ extern char * getpassword(file *input, file *output, char *prompt, prbool (*ok)(char *)); /* * filepasswd extracts the password from a text file * * storing passwords is often used with server environments * where prompting the user for a password or requiring it * to be entered in the commnd line is not a feasible option. the single password * case a line would just have the passord whereas in the multi- * password variant they could be of the form * * token_1_name:its_password * token_2_name:its_password * */ extern char * filepasswd(pk11slotinfo * slot, prbool retry, void *arg); /* * getmodulepassword */ extern char * getmodulepassword(pk11slotinfo *slot, int retry, void *pwdata); /* * generaterandom */ extern secstatus generaterandom(unsigned char *rbuf, int rsize); /* * filetoitem */ extern secstatus filetoitem(secitem *dst, prfiledesc *src); /* * seedfromnoisefile */ extern sec...
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Starting WebLock
ns_imethodimp weblock::observe(nsisupports *asubject, const char *atopic, const prunichar *adata) { return ns_ok; } notification via the observer service is somewhat indirect.
...the two functions look like this: static ns_method weblockregistration(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *apath, const char *registrylocation, const char *componenttype, const nsmodulecomponentinfo *info); static ns_method weblockunregistration(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *apath, const char *registrylocation, const nsmodulecomponentinfo *info); the names of the functions can be anything you wish.
... in short, to register the weblock component as an xpcom-startup observer, do the following: char* previous = nsnull; rv = catman->addcategoryentry("xpcom-startup", "weblock", weblock_contractid, pr_true, // persist category pr_true, // replace existing &previous); if (previous) nsmemory::free(previous); // free the memory the replaced value...
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How whitespace is handled by HTML, CSS, and in the DOM - Web APIs
these characters allow you to format your code in a way that will make it easily readable by yourself and other people.
... in fact, much of our source code is full of these whitespace characters, and we only tend to get rid of it in a production build step to reduce code download sizes.
... in the case of html, whitespace is largely ignored — whitespace in between words is treated as a single character, and whitespace at the start and end of elements and outside elements is ignored.
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Writing textual data - Archive of obsolete content
when writing textual data to an output stream or to a file, you need to pick a character encoding.
... some character encodings (utf-8, utf-16, utf-32) can represent "all" characters (the full repertoire of unicode) while others can only represent a subset of the full repertoire.
... when the file is to be read only by the application/extension itself, using utf-8 is often the best choice — it can represent all characters, and ascii characters are represented efficiently.
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Architecture - Accessibility
it is concatenated together with all its sibling text nodes, and embedded objects between the text nodes are exposed as the unicoded embedded object character '\xfffc'.
...if it has text siblings, then it gets exposed as the unicode char for an embedded object, which is '\xfffc' within the parent nshypertextaccessible. fact, the end index will always be 1 larger than the start index, because the object is always represented by a single '\xfffc' character.
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<input type="tel"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the attributes that operate on all <input> elements regardless of their type, telephone number inputs support the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options maxlength the maximum length, in utf-16 characters, to accept as a valid input minlength the minimum length that is considered valid for the field's contents pattern a regular expression the entered value must match to pass constraint validation placeholder an example value to display inside the field when it has no value readonly a boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the field...
...'s contents should not be user-editable size the number of characters wide the input field should be onscreen list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the telephone number field.
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<input type="url"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the attributes that operate on all <input> elements regardless of their type, url inputs support the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options maxlength the maximum number of characters the input should accept minlength the minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid pattern a regular expression the input's contents must match in order to be valid placeholder an exemplar value to display in the input field whenever it is empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether or not the cont...
...ents of the input should be read-only size a number indicating how many characters wide the input field should be spellcheck controls whether or not to enable spell checking for the input field, or if the default spell checking configuration should be used list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the url input.
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SVG documentation index - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
19 accent-height deprecated, needsexample, svg, svg attribute the accent-height attribute defines the distance from the origin to the top of accent characters, measured by a distance within the font coordinate system. may assign the same class name or names to any number of elements, however, multiple class names must be separated by whitespace characters. also may affect the direction in which characters are positioned if the unicode-bidi property's value is either embed or bidi-override.
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Mozilla Web Developer FAQ
the character to use between the property name and the value is the colon—not the equal sign.
... if you use downloadable fonts, please make sure the fonts have the right unicode mappings and the content uses the right unicode characters.
...characters in html 4 and xml documents are unicode characters (even if the document has been encoded using a legacy encoding for transfer)—not font glyph indexes.
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XPCOM Stream Guide
in mozilla code, a stream is an object which represents access to a sequence of characters.
... it is not that sequence of characters, though: the characters may not all be available when you read from the stream.
... primitive input streams type native class contract id interface how to bind to a data source generic nsstorageinputstream n/a nsiinputstream, nsiseekablestream storagestream.newinputstream(); string (8-bit characters) nsstringstream;1 nsistringinputstream stream.setdata(data, length); file nsfileinputstream;1 nsifileinputstream stream.init(file, ioflags, perm, behaviorflags); zip nsjarinputstream n/a nsiinputstream zipreader.getinputstream(zipentry); similarly,...
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to create an nsiuri object, you should use nsiioservice.newuri(), like this: function makeuri(aurl, aorigincharset, abaseuri) { var ioservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiioservice); return ioservice.newuri(aurl, aorigincharset, abaseuri); } components of a uri prepath path scheme userpass host port ref ftp :// username@password @ hostname ...
...about:blank) note: characters are not escaped.
...about:blank) note: characters are not escaped.
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<input type="search"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the attributes that operate on all <input> elements regardless of their type, search field inputs support the following attributes: attribute description list the id of the <datalist> element that contains the optional pre-defined autocomplete options maxlength the maximum number of characters the input should accept minlength the minimum number of characters long the input can be and still be considered valid pattern a regular expression the input's contents must match in order to be valid placeholder an exemplar value to display in the input field whenever it is empty readonly a boolean attribute indicating whether or not the cont...
...ents of the input should be read-only size a number indicating how many characters wide the input field should be spellcheck controls whether or not to enable spell checking for the input field, or if the default spell checking configuration should be used list the values of the list attribute is the id of a <datalist> element located in the same document.
... maxlength the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the search field.
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Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
the frozen string api does not have (or need) nsxpidlstring: - nsxpidlstring value; + nsstring value; ptr->gettermethod(getter_copies(value)); - const prunichar *strvalue = value; + // nsstring doesn't cast directly to prunichar*, use .get()+ const prunichar *strvalue = value.get(); the frozen string api doesn't accept a length for .truncate().
... use .setlength() instead: nsstring mystring = somestring; - mystring.truncate(4); + mystring.setlength(4); the frozen string api doesn't support the iterator or const_iterator classes, but you can use pointers the same way: nsstring mystring = somestring; - nsstring::const_iterator begin, end;- mystring.beginreading(begin); mystring.endreading(end); + const prunichar *begin, *end;+ mystring.beginreading(&begin, &end); the frozen string api uses comparator functions instead of a virtual comparator class.
... unicharutils has been modified to provide a frozen-linkage comparator: nsstring mystring = somestring; - if (mystring.equals(otherstring, nscaseinsensitivestringcomparator())) + if (mystring.equals(otherstring, caseinsensitivecompare)) return ns_ok; // woot, we're equal in all things but case when using unicharutils from frozen-linkage code, link against the unicharutil_external_s static library.
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Creating regular expressions for a microsummary generator - Archive of obsolete content
a sequence of characters) that matches patterns of characters in other strings.
... matching an ebay url to match this url with a regular expression, we need to put characters into the regular expression that match the characters in the url.
... most of the time, we can match a character in the url by putting the same character into the regular expression.
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PKCS #11 Module Specs
values can contain any printable ascii value, including utf8 characters.
...the value is considered quoted if the first character after the '=' is ', ", {, [, or <.
...embedded '\' charaters are considered escape characters for the next character in the stream.
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JSAPI User Guide
void reporterror(jscontext *cx, const char *message, jserrorreport *report) { fprintf(stderr, "%s:%u:%s\n", report->filename ?
... return 0; } int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { // initialize the js engine.
...*/ char *filename; unsigned int lineno; /* * the return value comes back here -- if it could be a gc thing, you must * add it to the gc's "root set" with js_add*root(cx, &thing) where thing * is a jsstring *, jsobject *, or jsdouble *, and remove the root before * rval goes out of scope, or when rval is no longer needed.
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const char *filename() const returns filename of the source code.
... const char *introducerfilename() const returns filename of the file which introduces the file.
... const char16_t *sourcemapurl() const returns the url of the source map.
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appendrelativenativepath appends a relative, native character encoding, path to the current path of the nsilocalfile object.
...must be in the native file system character set.
... exceptions thrown ns_error_file_unrecognized_path indicates that relativefilepath incorrectly begins with a path separator character or otherwise contains invalid characters.
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Working with data
if the type represents a javascript string (that is, an array of jschar characters followed by a null terminator), a copy of that string is created and returned.
... if the type is an array of 8-bit characters and value is a utf-16 string, the new cdata object is the result of converting the utf-16 string to utf-8, with a null terminator.
... example: creating an array of strings var cstr1 = ctypes.jschar.array()('rawr'); var cstr2 = ctypes.jschar.array()('boo'); var mycarray_ofstrings = ctypes.jschar.ptr.array(2)([cstr1, cstr2]); // specifying length of 2 is optional, can omit it, so can just do `ctypes.jschar.ptr.array()([cstr1, cstr2])` mycarray_ofstrings.addressofelement(0).contents.readstring(); // outputs: "rawr" mycarray_ofstrings.addressofelement(1).contents.readstring(); // outputs: "b...
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Content type - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
anything <anything> the basic type <anything> is a sequence of zero or more characters.
... specifically: anything ::= char* where char is the production for a character, as defined in xml 1.0 , section 2.2. embedded white space is allowed in clock values, although leading and trailing white space characters will be ignored.
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NSS Sample Code Utilities_1
*/ /* * newline */ static void newline(prfiledesc* out) { pr_fprintf(out, "\n"); } /* * printasascii */ void printasascii(prfiledesc* out, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { char *b64data = null; b64data = btoa_datatoascii(data, len); pr_fprintf(out, "%s", b64data); pr_fprintf(out, "\n"); if (b64data) { port_free(b64data); } } /* * printashex */ void printashex(prfiledesc* out, const unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { unsigned i; int column; unsigned int limit = 15; unsigned int leve...
...t, "%02x:", data[i]); column += 3; } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* * getdigit */ int getdigit(char c) { if (c == 0) { return -1; } if (c <= '9' && c >= '0') { return c - '0'; } if (c <= 'f' && c >= 'a') { return c - 'a' + 0xa; } if (c <= 'f' && c >= 'a') { return c - 'a' + 0xa; } return -1; } /* * hextobuf */ int hextobuf(unsigned char *instring, secitem *outbuf, prbool ishexdata) { int len = strlen(instring); int o...
...fd) { if (isatty(fd)) { struct termios tio; tcgetattr(fd, &tio); tio.c_lflag &= ~echo; tcsetattr(fd, tcsaflush, &tio); } } /* * echoon */ static void echoon(int fd) { if (isatty(fd)) { struct termios tio; tcgetattr(fd, &tio); tio.c_lflag |= echo; tcsetattr(fd, tcsaflush, &tio); } } /* * checkpassword */ prbool checkpassword(char *cp) { int len; char *end; len = port_strlen(cp); if (len < 8) { return pr_false; } end = cp + len; while (cp < end) { unsigned char ch = *cp++; if (!((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z')) && !((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z'))) { return pr_true; } } return pr_false; } /* * getpassword */ char* getpassword(file *input, f...
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inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 method overview autf8string convertstringtoutf8(in acstring astring, in string acharset, in boolean askipcheck); autf8string converturispectoutf8(in acstring aspec, in string acharset); methods convertstringtoutf8() ensure that astring is encoded in utf-8.
... if not, convert to utf-8 assuming it's encoded in acharset and return the converted string in utf-8.
... autf8string convertstringtoutf8( in acstring astring, in string acharset, in boolean askipcheck, in boolean aallowsubstitution ); parameters astring a string to ensure its utf8ness.
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to create an instance, use: var zipreader = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsizipreader); about character sets and code pages note: nsizipreader has a code page problem; that is, in the zip specification, filenames are supposed to use 7-bit ascii; however, most modern filesystems use 8 bit code pages, such as utf-8.
... this can mismatch characters in the nsizipreader api.
...if you show filenames from the findentries() result in the user interface, the character matching is only fine on utf-8 zip archives.
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methods available on string objects these methods must be called on objects that are arrays or pointers to 8-bit or 16-bit character or integer types, terminated by a null character.
... readstring() converts a character array to a javascript string.
... if the 8-bit string contains invalid encoded character, a typeerror exception is thrown.
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character types character types are 8-bit values that behave like their c counterparts.
... for example, ctypes.char.array(30)(str) converts the string str to utf-8 and returns a new cdata object of array type.
... type description char a character type that behaves like the char c type on the platform.
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HTMLTextAreaElement - Web APIs
valid values are: none, off, characters, words, sentences.
... inputmode maxlength long: returns / sets the element's maxlength attribute, indicating the maximum number of characters the user can enter.
... minlength long: returns / sets the element's minlength attribute, indicating the minimum number of characters the user can enter.
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Unicode property escapes - JavaScript
unicode property escapes regular expressions allows for matching characters based on their unicode properties.
... a character is described by several properties which are either binary ("boolean-like") or non-binary.
... note: some unicode properties encompasses much more characters than some character classes (such as \w which matches only latin letters, a to z) but the latter is better supported among browsers (as of january 2020).
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textbox (Toolkit autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
en, popup, popupopen, searchcount, searchparam, selectionend, selectionstart, showcommentcolumn, showimagecolumn,size, tabindex, tabscrolling, textlength, textvalue, timeout, type, value methods getsearchat, onsearchcomplete, ontextentered, ontextreverted, select, setselectionrange examples <textbox type="autocomplete" autocompletesearch="history"/> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... maxlength type: integer the maximum number of characters that the textbox allows to be entered.
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Textbox (XPFE autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
index, tabscrolling, textlength, textvalue, timeout, type, useraction, value methods addsession, clearresults, getdefaultsession, getresultat, getresultcount, getresultvalueat, getsession, getsessionbyname, getsessionresultat, getsessionstatusat, getsessionvalueat, removesession, select, setselectionrange, syncsessions examples (example needed) attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... maxlength type: integer the maximum number of characters that the textbox allows to be entered.
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textbox - Archive of obsolete content
maxlength type: integer the maximum number of characters that the textbox allows to be entered.
... size type: integer the number of characters that can be displayed in the textbox.
...the timer starts after the user types a character.
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LiveConnect Overview - Archive of obsolete content
// javascript 1.3 var theclass = java.lang.class.forname("java.lang.string"); var thearray = java.lang.reflect.array.newinstance(theclass, 5); in javascript 1.4 and later, you can pass a javaclass object directly to a method, as shown in the following example: // javascript 1.4 var thearray = java.lang.reflect.array.newinstance(java.lang.string, 5); arguments of type char in javascript 1.4 and later, you can pass a one-character string to a java method which requires an argument of type char.
... for example, you can pass the string "h" to the character constructor as follows: var c = new java.lang.character("h"); in javascript 1.3 and earlier, you must pass such methods an integer which corresponds to the unicode value of the character.
... for example, the following code also assigns the value "h" to the variable c: var c = new java.lang.character(72); handling java exceptions in javascript when java code fails at run time, it throws an exception.
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syntax #include "nss.h" secstatus nss_init(char *configdir); parameter this function has the following parameter: configdir a pointer to a string containing the pathname of the directory where the certificate, key, and security module databases reside.
... syntax #include "nss.h" secstatus nss_initreadwrite(char *configdir); parameter this function has the following parameter: configdir a pointer to a string containing the pathname of the directory where the certificate, key, and security module databases reside.
... syntax #include "nss.h" secstatus nss_nodb_init(char *reserved); parameter this function has the following parameter: reserved should be null..
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Using XPCOM Utilities to Make Things Easier
supports(); } sample::~sample() { } ns_impl_isupports1(sample, nsisupports); ns_generic_factory_constructor(sample); static const nsmodulecomponentinfo components[] = { { "pretty class name", sample_cid, "", sampleconstructor } }; ns_impl_nsgetmodule(nssamplemodule, components) string classes in xpcom strings are usually thought of as linear sequences of characters.
... in c++, the string literal "xpcom", for example, consists of 6 consecutive bytes, where `x' is at byte offset zero and a null character is at byte offset 5.
... other kinds of strings like "wide" strings use two bytes to represent each character, and are often used to deal with unicode strings.
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inherits from: nsiselectiondisplay last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview void characterextendforbackspace(); native code only!
... void characterextendfordelete(); native code only!
... void charactermove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); boolean checkvisibility(in nsidomnode node, in short startoffset, in short endoffset); void completemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void completescroll(in boolean forward); boolean getcaretenabled(); short getdisplayselection(); nsiselection getselection(in short type); void intralinemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void linemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void pagemove(in boolean forward, in boolean extend); void repaintselection(in short type); void scrollhorizontal(in boolean left); void s...
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char getaschar(); native code only!
... wchar getaswchar(); native code only!
...return value the value is converted to an 8-bit string in the iso-8859-1 character set.
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The new nsString class implementation (1999) - Archive of obsolete content
justification the nsstring class is a wide character string class used throughout all of gecko (and other modules) as the default implementation.
...the deficiencies of the current implementation are: class based -- making it unsuitable for cross-dll usage due to fragility little intrinsic i18n support few efficiencies, notably a lack of support for narrow (1-byte) character strings no support for external memory management policy lack of xpcom interface notable features of the new nsstrimpl implementation are: intrinsic support for 1 and 2 byte character widths provides automatic conversion between strings with different character sizes inviolate base structure eliminates class fragility problem; safe across dll boundaries offers c-style function api to manipulate nsstrimpl offers simple memory allocato...
...r api for specialized memory policy shares binary format with bstring coming soon: a new xpcom (nsistring) interface non-templatized; this is a requirement for gecko very efficient buffer manipulation architecture the fundamental data type in the new architecture is struct nsstrimpl, given below: struct nsstrimpl { print32 mlength; void* mbuffer; print32 mcapacity; char mcharsize; char munused; // and now for the nsstrimpl api...
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accesskey - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home attribute of: button, checkbox, caption, description, label, listitem, menu, menuitem, menulist, tab, radio, toolbarbutton, textbox accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... on non-macintosh platforms, the character on the element's label matching the accesskey is underlined.
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Writing to Files - Archive of obsolete content
this method has a number of options to specify text or binary writing, the character set, and whether to append to an existing file or create a new one.
...when writing text files, characters are writing using a chosen character set, encoded automatically.
... the default character set is 'utf-8' but this can be changed using an additional, yet optional, argument to the newoutputstream method.
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Client-side form validation - Learn web development
"your password needs to be between 8 and 30 characters long and contain one uppercase letter, one symbol, and a number." (a very specific data format is required for your data).
...a regular expression (regex) is a pattern that can be used to match character combinations in text strings, so regexs are ideal for form validation and serve a variety of other uses in javascript.
... a — matches one character that is a (not b, not aa, and so on).
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method overview nsiasyncstreamcopier asynccopy(nsiinputstream asource, nsioutputstream asink, [optional] acallback) void asyncfetch(asource, acallback) nsichannel newchannel(awhattoload, [optional] aorigincharset, [optional] nsiuri abaseuri) nsiuri newuri(atarget, [optional] aorigincharset, [optional] nsiuri abaseuri) string readinputstreamtostring(ainputstream, acount, aoptions) attributes attribute type description ioservice nsiioservice returns a reference to nsiioservice.
... nsichannel newchannel( awhattoload, [optional] aorigincharset, [optional] abaseuri ); parameters return value an nsichannel allowing access to the specified data source.
... aorigincharset the optional character set to use when interpreting awhattoload as a string; this is ignored if awhattoload is not a string.
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Fonts for Mozilla 2.0's MathML engine
overview mathematical formulas make use of various symbols represented by specific unicode characters.
...if no appropriate font is ultimately found for a given character, mozilla will instead display a box containing the hexadecimal representation of the unicode code point for the character.
... some mathematical operators are also drawn by using glyphs for larger variants of the character (e.g.
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(note that it's important to look at the number 11, as there are other pkcs standards with different numbers that define quite different topics.) a software or hardware module conforming to the pkcs#11 standard implements an interface of c calls, which allow querying the characteristics and offered services of the module.
... /* nspr headers */ #include <prprf.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prio.h> #include <prprf.h> /* nss headers */ #include <secoid.h> #include <secmodt.h> #include <sechash.h> typedef struct { const char *hashname; secoidtag oid; } nametagpair; /* the hash algorithms supported */ static const nametagpair hash_names[] = { { "md2", sec_oid_md2 }, { "md5", sec_oid_md5 }, { "sha1", sec_oid_sha1 }, { "sha256", sec_oid_sha256 }, { "sha384", sec_oid_sha384 }, { "sha512", sec_oid_sha512 } }; /* maps a hash name to a secoidtag.
... * returns null if the name is not a supported algorithm */ static secoidtag hashnametooidtag(const char *hashname) { int i, nhashes = sizeof(hash_names); secoidtag hashtag = sec_oid_unknown; for (i = 0; i < nhashes; i++) { if (port_strcasecmp(hashname, hash_names[i].hashname) == 0) { hashtag = hash_names[i].oid; break; } } return hashtag; } /* newline */ static void newline(prfiledesc* out) { pr_fprintf(out, "\n"); } /* printashex */ void printashex(prfiledesc* out, unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { unsigned i; int column; unsigned int limit = 15; unsigned int level = 1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; ...
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NSS 3.12.4 release notes
matches one character \ will escape a special character $ matches the end of the string bracketed expressions: [abc] matches one occurence of a, b, or c.
... [^abc] matches any character except a, b, or c.
... to be matched between [ and ], these characters must be escaped: \ ] no other characters need be escaped between brackets.
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How to embed the JavaScript engine
*/ static jsclass global_class = { "global", jsclass_global_flags, js_propertystub, js_deletepropertystub, js_propertystub, js_strictpropertystub, js_enumeratestub, js_resolvestub, js_convertstub, }; int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { jsruntime *rt = js_newruntime(8l * 1024 * 1024, js_use_helper_threads); if (!rt) return 1; jscontext *cx = js_newcontext(rt, 8192); if (!cx) return 1; { // scope for our various stack objects (jsautorequest, rootedobject), so they all go // out of scope before we js_destroycontext.
...ce, you would want to exit this any // time you're spinning the event loop js::rootedobject global(cx, js_newglobalobject(cx, &global_class, nullptr)); if (!global) return 1; js::rootedvalue rval(cx); { // scope for jsautocompartment jsautocompartment ac(cx, global); js_initstandardclasses(cx, global); const char *script = "'hello'+'world, it is '+new date()"; const char *filename = "noname"; int lineno = 1; bool ok = js_evaluatescript(cx, global, script, strlen(script), filename, lineno, rval.address()); if (!ok) return 1; } jsstring *str = rval.tostring(); printf("%s\n", js_encodestring(cx, str)); } js_destroycontext(cx); js_destr...
...*/ static jsclass global_class = { "global", jsclass_global_flags, js_propertystub, js_deletepropertystub, js_propertystub, js_strictpropertystub, js_enumeratestub, js_resolvestub, js_convertstub, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, js_globalobjecttracehook }; int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { js_init(); jsruntime *rt = js_newruntime(8l * 1024 * 1024, js_use_helper_threads); if (!rt) return 1; jscontext *cx = js_newcontext(rt, 8192); if (!cx) return 1; { // scope for our various stack objects (jsautorequest, rootedobject), so they all go // out of scope before we js_destroycontext.
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syntax // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *bytes, size_t length, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, file *file, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext...
... *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *filename, js::mutablehandlescript script); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *bytes, size_t length, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::re...
...adonlycompileoptions &options, file *file, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js::compile(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *filename, js::mutablehandlescript script); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
...And 7 more matches
syntax bool js::compilefunction(jscontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector &scopechain, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *name, unsigned nargs, const char *const *argnames, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlefunction fun); bool js::compilefunction(jscontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector &scopechain, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *name, unsigned nargs, const char *const *argnames, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlefunction fun); bool js::compilefunction(jscontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector ...
...&scopechain, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *name, unsigned nargs, const char *const *argnames, const char *bytes, size_t length, js::mutablehandlefunction fun); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to compile the function.
... name const char * name to assign the newly compiled function.
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Mail composition back end
by richard h.
... nsimessage *msgtoreplace, - if the delivery mode is set to nsmsgsaveasdraft, this is a pointer to the the nsimessage object for the message that needs to be replaced const char *attachment1_type, const char *attachment1_body, pruint32 attachment1_body_length, - the full text of the first attachment is provided via `attachment1_type' `attachment1_body' and `attachment1_body_length'.
... ns_imethod onstartsending(const char *amsgid, - the message id for the message being sent pruint32 amsgsize) = 0; - the total message size for the message being sent onprogress the onprogress interface is called with progress notification on the send operation.
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<string> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the <string> css data type represents a sequence of characters.
... syntax the <string> data type is composed of any number of unicode characters surrounded by either double (") or single (') quotes.
... most characters can be represented literally.
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Date and time formats used in HTML - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
character set dates and times in html are always strings which use the ascii character set.
...a valid week string consists of a valid year number, followed by a hyphen character ("-", or u+002d), then the capital letter "w" (u+0057), followed by a two-digit week of the year value.
...that is, rather than representing simply "january," an html month string represents a month and year paired, like "january 1972." a valid month string consists of a valid year number (a string of at least four digits), followed by a hyphen character ("-", or u+002d), followed by a two-digit numeric month number, where 01 represents january and 12 represents december.
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<tr>: The Table Row element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
char align each cell in the row on a specific character (such that each row in the column that is configured this way will horizontally align its cells on that character).
... this uses the char and charoff to establish the alignment character (typically "." or "," when aligning numerical data) and the number of characters that should follow the alignment character. apply character-based alignment, set the css text-align property to the alignment character (such as "." or ",").
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HTML documentation index - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the attribute value must consist of a single printable character (which includes accented and other characters that can be generated by the keyboard).
... 41 html attribute: maxlength attribute, attributes, constraint validation the maxlength attribute defines the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into an <input> or <textarea>.
... 43 html attribute: minlength attribute, input, reference, minlength, textarea the minlength attribute defines the minimum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into an <input> or <textarea>.
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<xsl:decimal-format> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the <xsl:decimal-format> element defines the characters and symbols that are to be used in converting numbers into strings using theformat-number( ) function.
... syntax <xsl:decimal-format name=name decimal-separator=character grouping-separator=character infinity=string minus-sign=character nan=string percent=character per-mille=charater zero-digit=character digit=character pattern-separator=character /> required attributes none.
... decimal-separator specifies the decimal point character.
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Examples - Archive of obsolete content
--> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> <head> <title>problem 1 - &lt; in xhtml</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var i = 0; while (++i > 10) { // ...
.../html> back to the article problem 2 <!-- this file should have a .xhtml extension --> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> <head> <title>problem 2 - comments in xhtml</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" /> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body {background-color: blue; color: yellow; } --> </style> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var i = 0; var sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { sum += i; } alert('sum = ' + sum); // --> </script> </head> <body> <h1>problem 2 - comments in xhtml</h1> <p> this document is valid xhtml 1.0 strict serv...
...--> <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 strict//en" ""> <html xmlns="" lang="en-us" xml:lang="en-us"> <head> <title>problem 3 - comments in xml</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript"> var i; var sum = 0; for (i = 10; i > 0; --i) { sum += i; } </script> </head> <body> <h1>problem 3 - comments in xhtml</h1> <p> this document is not well formed xhtml due to the double dash contained in the comment.
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XForms Input Element - Archive of obsolete content
characteristics a text field is presented to the user when there is no type given for the bound node or a type is specified that is not handled by one of the other widgets (as documented below).
... analogous widgets are <xhtml:input type="text"/> and <xul:textbox/> specific handling of attributes incremental - if "true", the bound instance node will be updated on each character typed by the user.
...characteristics used when the instance node is of type xsd:boolean or a type derived from it analogous widgets are <xhtml:input type="checkbox"/> and <xul:checkbox/> the corresponding label can be displayed before or after the checkbox by using the labelposition attribute.
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Embedding API for Accessibility
be aware that in debug builds, this can cause a great number of assertions (bug 71598) to use prefs in embedding, use something like the following code: #include "nsipref.h"; nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsipref> prefs(do_getservice(ns_pref_contractid, &rv)); prefs->setboolpref("", pr_true /* or pr_false */); prefs->setintpref("", newvalue); prefs->setcharpref("", newcharstarvalue); to manually add a pref to your settings, add a line like the following to your prefs.js: user_pref("accessibility.browsewithcaret", true); accessibility prefs reference the following is a description of what accessibility prefs give us (or will give us), for accessibility: functionality implementation work...
... 0.8 cookies setintpref("network.cookie.cookiebehavior", behavior); /* behavior: 0=accept, 1=accept cookies from originating server only, 2=no cookies */ setboolpref("network.cookie.warnaboutcookies", boolwarn); moz 0.8 fonts setcharpref("", newfontname); setcharpref("", newfontname); setcharpref("", newfontname); /* for other i18n charsets, change x-western to x-central-euro, x-cyrillic, x-unicode, x-user-def, x-baltic, el, tr, he, ar, th, ja, zh-cn or zh-tw */ ...
... setintpref("font.size.fixed.x-western", newfontsize); setintpref("font.size.variable.x-western", newfontsize); /* for other i18n charsets, change the name as explained above for font face*/ setcharpref("font.default","serif"); /* or "sans-serif" */ setintpref("browser.use_document_fonts", whichfonts); /* whichfonts: 0=no, 1=yes */ moz 0.8 fonts from operating system?
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Following the Android Toasts Tutorial from a JNI Perspective
context context = getapplicationcontext(); charsequence text = "hello, firefox!"; int duration = toast.length_short; toast toast = toast.maketext(context, text, duration);; nativewindow code as mentioned earlier, toasts are a very popular feature, so mozilla developers chose to bring it to the privileged javascript scope via the nativewindow object. the toast code we have the following: types - context, charsequence, int, toast, and void methods - maketext, show fields - length_short no constructors are used.
...the sig's will be represented as javascript strings in jni.jsm, and the sig's of the types are as follows: java type signature boolean z byte b char c class/object lclass name in slash notation here; double d float f int i long j short s void v array of type [sig here method format (sig of type of each argument here)sig of the return type here declaring a class/object is done in a special way.
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syntax // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *bytes, size_t length, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *filename, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(j...
...scontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector &scopechain, const readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); // added in spidermonkey 17 bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, js::autoobjectvector &scopechain, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, js::sourcebufferholder &srcbuf, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::mutablehandle...
...value rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *bytes, size_t length, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::evaluate(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char *filename, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to run the script.
...And 6 more matches
create a new jsstring whose characters are stored in external memory.
... syntax jsstring * js_newexternalstring(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, const jsstringfinalizer *fin); jsstring * js_newexternalstringwithclosure(jscontext *cx, jschar *chars, size_t length, int type, void *closure); // obsolete since jsapi 13 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new string.
... chars const char16_t * or const jschar * pointer to the first element of an array of char16_ts.
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SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
js_getstringbytes and js_getstringchars are gone.
... there is no longer an infallible way to examine string characters.
... applications must use js_getstringcharsandlength or js_encodestring/js_free and check for errors.
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constant type description kentities unsigned long enables conversion of basic special characters to html entities.
... kglyphsubstitution unsigned long enables conversion of smilies and non-ascii special characters.
... citeleveltxt() returns the "cite level" of the specified text; that is, it indicates how many levels of email reply quotes are used, when the text uses "quote" characters (such as ">") at the beginning of the line to indicate cite levels.
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xpcom/io/nsiconverteroutputstream.idlscriptable this interface allows writing strings to a stream, doing automatic character encoding conversion.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsiunicharoutputstream last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) implemented by:;1.
... to create an instance, use: var converteroutputstream = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiconverteroutputstream); method overview void init(in nsioutputstream aoutstream, in string acharset, in unsigned long abuffersize, in prunichar areplacementcharacter); methods init() initialize this stream.
...And 6 more matches
nstance(components.interfaces.nsidbfolderinfo); method overview long andflags(in long flags); void changeexpungedbytes(in long delta); void changenummessages(in long delta); void changenumunreadmessages(in long delta); boolean getbooleanproperty(in string propertyname, in boolean defaultvalue); void getcharacterset(out acstring charset, out boolean overriden); void getcharactersetoverride(out boolean charactersetoverride); obsolete since gecko 1.8 string getcharptrcharacterset(); string getcharptrproperty(in string propertyname); void getlocale(in nsstring result); native code only!
...yname); nsidbfolderinfo gettransferinfo(); unsigned long getuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long defaultvalue); void initfromtransferinfo(in nsidbfolderinfo transferinfo); long orflags(in long flags); void setbooleanproperty(in string propertyname, in boolean apropertyvalue); void setcharacterset(in string charset); void setcharactersetoverride(in boolean charactersetoverride); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void setcharptrproperty(in string apropertyname, in string apropertyvalue); void sethighwater(in nsmsgkey highwater, in boolean force); void setlocale(in nsstring locale); native code only!
...obsolete since gecko 1.8 void setproperty(in string propertyname, in astring propertystr); void setuint32property(in string propertyname, in unsigned long propertyvalue); attributes attribute type description charactersetoverride boolean expiredmark nsmsgkey expungedbytes long flags long folderdate unsigned long foldername string foldersize unsigned long highwater nsmsgkey ...
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compositionevent(in astring atype); obsolete since gecko 9 void sendcompositionevent(in astring atype, in astring adata, in astring alocale); obsolete since gecko 38.0 void sendcontentcommandevent(in astring atype, [optional] in nsitransferable atransferable); void getclassname(in object aobj); boolean sendkeyevent(in astring atype, in long akeycode, in long acharcode, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean apreventdefault); obsolete since gecko 15.0 boolean sendkeyevent(in astring atype, in long akeycode, in long acharcode, in long amodifiers, [optional] in unsigned long aadditionalflags); deprecated since gecko 38.0 void sendmouseevent(in astring atype, in float ax, in float ay, in long abutton, in long aclickcount, in long amodifi...; obsolete since gecko 17.0 void sendwheelevent(in float ax, in float ay, in double adeltax, in double adeltay, in double adeltaz, in unsigned long adeltamode, in long amodifiers, in long alineorpagedeltax, in long alineorpagedeltay, in unsigned long aoptions); void sendnativekeyevent(in long anativekeyboardlayout, in long anativekeycode, in long amodifierflags, in astring acharacters, in astring aunmodifiedcharacters); void sendnativemouseevent(in long ascreenx, in long ascreeny, in long anativemessage, in long amodifierflags, in nsidomelement aelement); nsiquerycontenteventresult sendquerycontentevent(in unsigned long atype, in unsigned long aoffset, in unsigned long alength, in long ax, in long ay); obsolete since gecko 31.0 nsiqueryconte...
... doccharsetisforced boolean whether the charset of the window's current document has been forced by the user.
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nts.classes[";1"] .getservice(); scriptableio.getfile("profile", "cookies.txt"); method overview nsifile getfile(in astring alocation, in astring afilename); nsifile getfilewithpath(in astring afilepath); nsisupports newinputstream(in nsivariant abase, in astring amode, [optional] in astring acharset, [optional] in astring areplacechar, [optional] in unsigned long abuffersize); nsisupports newoutputstream(in nsivariant abase, in astring amode, [optional] in astring acharset, [optional] in astring areplacechar, [optional] in unsigned long abuffersize, [optional] in unsigned long apermissions); nsiuri newuri(in nsivariant auri); methods getfile() retr...
... nsisupports newinputstream( in nsivariant abase, in astring amode, [optional] in astring acharset, [optional] in astring areplacechar, [optional] in unsigned long abuffersize ); parameters abase the base object from which to read.
...the default character set is utf-8; to read text in another character set, set the acharset argument to the desired character set.
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Add to iPhoto
this.cfstringcreatewithcharacters = this.lib.declare("cfstringcreatewithcharacters", ctypes.default_abi, this.cfstringref, // returns a new cfstringref ctypes.voidptr_t, // allocator ctypes.jschar.ptr, // pointer to the unicode string
...t32_t); // length of the string cfstringcreatewithcharacters() is used to create a new cfstring object using a unicode string as the source string, which is copied into the new cfstring object.
... it returns a cfstringref, which is a pointer to the new string, and accepts, as input, three parameters: an allocator, which is a pointer to a routine that will allocate the memory to contain the new object (we use the ctypes.voidptr_t type for this), a pointer to the unicode string to copy into the new string object (ctypes.jschar.ptr), and the length of the unicode string in characters.
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Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) - Web APIs
a comment cannot contain the string "-->", the ampersand character (&), or the less-than sign (<).
... if you wish to use such characters, you need to escape them using for example &amp; for ampersand and &lt; for less-than.
... it is also recommended that you use the greater-than escape sequence (&gt;) instead of the greater-than character (>) to avoid confusion with tags.
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WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.btoa() - Web APIs
the windoworworkerglobalscope.btoa() method creates a base64-encoded ascii string from a binary string (i.e., a string object in which each character in the string is treated as a byte of binary data).
...for example, you can encode control characters such as ascii values 0 through 31.
... exceptions invalidcharactererror the string contained a character that did not fit in a single byte.
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font-variant-alternates - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* keyword values */ font-variant-alternates: normal; font-variant-alternates: historical-forms; /* functional notation values */ font-variant-alternates: stylistic(user-defined-ident); font-variant-alternates: styleset(user-defined-ident); font-variant-alternates: character-variant(user-defined-ident); font-variant-alternates: swash(user-defined-ident); font-variant-alternates: ornaments(user-defined-ident); font-variant-alternates: annotation(user-defined-ident); font-variant-alternates: swash(ident1) annotation(ident2); /* global values */ font-variant-alternates: initial; font-variant-alternates: inherit; font-variant-alternates: unset; the @font-feature-...
...values at-rule can define names for alternative glyph functions (stylistic, styleset, character-variant, swash, ornament or annotation), associating the name with opentype parameters.
... stylistic() this function enables stylistic alternates for individual characters.
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overflow-wrap - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
anywhere to prevent overflow, an otherwise unbreakable string of characters — like a long word or url — may be broken at any point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line.
... no hyphenation character is inserted at the break point.
... html <p>they say the fishing is excellent at lake <em class="normal">chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg</em>, though i've never been there myself.
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Event reference
compositionupdate a character is added to a passage of text being composed. events svgabort svgerror svgload svgresize svgscroll svgunload svgzoom database events abort blocked complete error success upgradeneeded versionchange script events afterscriptexecute beforescriptexecute menu events dommenuitemactive dommenuiteminactive window events close popup events popuphidden popuphiding popupshowing popupshown tab events visibilitychange battery events chargingchange chargingtimechange dischargingtimechange levelchange call events alerting busy callschanged cfstatechange connecting dialing disconnected disconnecting error held, holding incoming resuming statechange voicechange sensor events compassneedscalibration devicemotion deviceorientation orientationchange smartcard events icccardlockerror iccinfochange smartcard-insert smartcard-remove ...
...tksessionend cardstatechange sms and ussd events delivered received sent ussdreceived frame events mozbrowserclose mozbrowsercontextmenu mozbrowsererror mozbrowsericonchange mozbrowserlocationchange mozbrowserloadend mozbrowserloadstart mozbrowseropenwindow mozbrowsersecuritychange mozbrowsershowmodalprompt mozbrowsertitlechange dom mutation events domattributenamechanged domattrmodified domcharacterdatamodified domcontentloaded domelementnamechanged domnodeinserted domnodeinsertedintodocument domnoderemoved domnoderemovedfromdocument domsubtreemodified touch events touchcancel touchend touchmove touchstart pointer events pointerover pointerenter pointerdown pointermove pointerup pointercancel pointerout pointerleave gotpointercapture lostpointercapture standard events these events...
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<input>: The Input (Form Input) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ubmission formtarget image, submit browsing context for form submission height image same as height attribute for <img>; vertical dimension list almost all value of the id attribute of the <datalist> of autocomplete options max numeric types maximum value maxlength password, search, tel, text, url maximum length (number of characters) of value min numeric types minimum value minlength password, search, tel, text, url minimum length (number of characters) of value multiple email, file boolean.
... maxlength valid for text, search, url, tel, email, and password, it defines the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into the field. default, browsers prevent users from entering more characters than allowed by the maxlength attribute.
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<th> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
char (with text only): the content is aligned to a character inside the <th> element with minimal offset.
... this character is defined by the char and charoff attributes.
... to achieve the same effect as the char value, give the text-align property the same value you would use for the char.
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Groups and ranges - JavaScript
groups and ranges indicate groups and ranges of expression characters.
... characters meaning x|y matches either "x" or "y".
... [xyz] [a-c] a character set.
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Text formatting - JavaScript
caution: if you edit this page, do not include any characters above u+ffff, until mdn bug 857438 is fixed ( ).
...with unicode code point escapes, any character can be escaped using hexadecimal numbers so that it is possible to use unicode code points up to 0x10ffff.
...for example, the following code assigns hellolength the value 13, because "hello, world!" has 13 characters, each represented by one utf-16 code unit.
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String.prototype.substring() - JavaScript
syntax str.substring(indexstart[, indexend]) parameters indexstart the index of the first character to include in the returned substring.
... indexend optional the index of the first character to exclude from the returned substring.
... description substring() extracts characters from indexstart up to but not including indexend.
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encodeURIComponent() - JavaScript
the encodeuricomponent() function encodes a uri by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the utf-8 encoding of the character (will only be four escape sequences for characters composed of two "surrogate" characters).
... description encodeuricomponent() escapes all characters except: not escaped: a-z a-z 0-9 - _ .
...~ * ' ( ) encodeuricomponent() differs from encodeuri as follows: var set1 = ";,/?:@&=+$"; // reserved characters var set2 = "-_.!~*'()"; // unescaped characters var set3 = "#"; // number sign var set4 = "abc abc 123"; // alphanumeric characters + space console.log(encodeuri(set1)); // ;,/?:@&=+$ console.log(encodeuri(set2)); // -_.!~*'() console.log(encodeuri(set3)); // # console.log(encodeuri(set4)); // abc%20abc%20123 (the space gets encoded as %20) console.log(encodeuricomponent(set1)); // %3b%2c%2f%3f%3a%40%26%3d%2b%24 console.log(encodeuricomponent(set2)); // -_.!~*'() console.log(encodeuricomponent(set3)); // %23 console.log(encodeuricomponent(set4)); // abc%20abc%20123 (the space gets encoded as %20) note that a urierror will be thrown if one attempts to encode...
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unicode - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the unicode attribute specifies one or more unicode characters indicating the sequence of unicode characters which corresponds to a glyph.
... if a character is provided, then this glyph corresponds to the given unicode character.
... if multiple characters are provided, then this glyph corresponds to the given sequence of unicode characters.
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io/text-streams - Archive of obsolete content
open(filename, "r"); if (!textreader.closed) { text =; textreader.close(); } } return text; } function writetexttofile(text, filename) { var fileio = require("sdk/io/file"); var textwriter =, "w"); if (!textwriter.closed) { textwriter.write(text); textwriter.close(); } } globals constructors textreader(inputstream, charset) creates a buffered input stream that reads text from a backing stream using a given text encoding.
... charset : string inputstream is expected to be in the character encoding named by this value.
...see nsicharsetconvertermanager.idl for documentation on how to determine other valid values for this.
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Using Dependent Libraries In Extension Components - Archive of obsolete content
(lib_suffix) \ $(xpcom_frozen_ldopts) \ $(nspr_libs) \ $(null) include $(topsrcdir)/config/ defines += -dmoz_dll_prefix=\"$(dll_prefix)\" extensions/stub/bdsstubloader.cpp // copyright (c) 2005 benjamin smedberg <> #include "nscore.h" #include "nsmodule.h" #include "prlink.h" #include "nsilocalfile.h" #include "nsstringapi.h" #include "nscomptr.h" static char const *const kdependentlibraries[] = { // dependent1.dll on windows, on linux moz_dll_prefix "dependent1" moz_dll_suffix, moz_dll_prefix "dependent2" moz_dll_suffix, nsnull // note: if the dependent libs themselves depend on other libs, the subdependencies // should be listed first.
... }; // component.dll on windows, on linux static char krealcomponent[] = moz_dll_prefix "component" moz_dll_suffix; nsresult nsgetmodule(nsicomponentmanager* acompmgr, nsifile* alocation, nsimodule* *aresult) { nsresult rv; // this is not the real component.
...r<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); // loop through and load dependent libraries for (char const *const *dependent = kdependentlibraries; *dependent; ++dependent) { library->setnativeleafname(nsdependentcstring(*dependent)); prlibrary *lib; library->load(&lib); // 1) we don't care if this failed!
...And 5 more matches
JXON - Archive of obsolete content
vvalue.togmtstring() : string(vvalue))); } } else if (sname === "keyattributes") { /* verbosity level is 3 */ for (var sattrib in vvalue) { oparentel.setattribute(sattrib, vvalue[sattrib]); } } else if (sname.charat(0) === "@") { oparentel.setattribute(sname.slice(1), vvalue); } else if (vvalue.constructor === array) { for (var nitem = 0; nitem < vvalue.length; nitem++) { ochild = onewdoc.createelement(sname); loadobjtree(ochild, vvalue[nitem]); oparentel.appendchild(ochild); } } else { ochild = onewdoc.createelement(sname); ...
... "animal": true myobject.animal 2 <animal>deka</animal> "animal": "deka" myobject.animal 3 <animal name="deka" /> "animal": {"@name": "deka"} myobject.animal["@name"] 4 <animal name="deka">is my cat</animal> "animal": { "@name": "deka", "keyvalue": "is my cat" } myobject.animal["@name"], myobject.animal.keyvalue 5 <animal> <dog>charlie</dog> <cat>deka</cat> </animal> "animal": { "dog": "charlie", "cat": "deka" }, 6 <animal> <dog>charlie</dog> <dog>mad max</dog> </animal> "animal": { "dog": ["charlie", "mad max"] }[0],[1] 7 <animal> in my house <dog>charlie</dog> </animal> "animal": { "keyvalue": "in my house...
...", "dog": "charlie" } myobject.animal.keyvalue, 8 <animal> in my ho <dog>charlie</dog> use </animal> "animal": { "keyvalue": "in my house", "dog": "charlie" } myobject.animal.keyvalue, code considerations in these examples we chose to use a property named keyvalue for the text content.
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Editor Embedding Guide - Archive of obsolete content
call a command -- docommand: commandmanager->docommand(acommand, acommandparams); acommand is a const char * to a supported command name (see list below).
... getcommandstate "state_attribute" (cstring) docommand "state_attribute" (cstring) "left", "right", "center", "justify" cmd_inserthtml cmd_insertlinknoui cmd_insertimagenoui cmd_inserthr cmd_charset sets the charset for the document.
... cmd_deletecharbackward deletes one character backward relative to the current selection end point.
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URIs and URLs - Archive of obsolete content
in the case of uri, the object is a sequence of characters with a restricted syntax.
... escaping to be able to parse an url safely it is sometimes necessary to "escape" certain characters, to hide them from the parser.
... an escaped character is encoded as a character triplet, consisting of the percent character "%" followed by the two hexadecimal digits representing the octet code.
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Elements - Archive of obsolete content
css: div { -moz-binding: url(mybinding.xml#default); } dom: = "url(mybinding.xml#default)"; in both cases above we are using binding with id="default" contained in file mybinding.xml starting with firefox 3, you can also use a data: url to embed the binding inline: div { -moz-binding: url(data:text/xml;charset=utf-8,%3c%3fxml%20version%3d%221.0%22%3f%3e%0a%3cbindings%20id%3d%22xbltestbindings%22%20xmlns%3d%22http%3a//; } since data: urls don't support fragment identifiers, the first binding found in the embedded xml is used instead. setting this attribute, you can have an element have the layout and display characteristics of an existing element.
...its value can be a tag name or multiple tag names separated by the pipe character ("|").
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SeaMonkey - making custom toolbar (SM ver. 1.x) - Archive of obsolete content
your operating system normally provides them: a way to create and work with files and directories a text editor for plain text files character encoding some text editors have a setting for character encoding.
... if your language uses only plain latin (ascii) characters, set your text editor to use any encoding except unicode.
... if your language uses accents or other non-latin characters, set your text editor to save files using the utf-8 encoding.
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Custom toolbar button - Archive of obsolete content
your operating system normally provides them: a way to create and work with files and directories a text editor for plain text files character encoding some text editors have a setting for character encoding.
... if your language uses only plain latin (ascii) characters, set your text editor to use any encoding except unicode.
... if your language uses accents or other non-latin characters, set your text editor to save files using the utf-8 encoding.
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tabbrowser - Archive of obsolete content
attributes autocompleteenabled, autocompletepopup, autoscroll, contentcontextmenu, contenttooltip, handlectrlpageupdown, onbookmarkgroup, onnewtab, tabmodalpromptshowing properties browsers, cangoback, cangoforward, contentdocument, contenttitle, contentvieweredit, contentviewerfile, contentwindow, currenturi, docshell, documentcharsetinfo, homepage, markupdocumentviewer, securityui, selectedbrowser, selectedtab, sessionhistory, tabcontainer, tabs, visibletabs, webbrowserfind, webnavigation, webprogress methods addprogresslistener, addtab, addtabsprogresslistener,appendgroup, getbrowseratindex, getbrowserindexfordocument, getbrowserfordocument, getbrowserfortab, geticon, getnotificationbox, gettabforbrowser, gettabmodalpro...
... documentcharsetinfo obsolete since gecko 12.0 type: nsidocumentcharsetinfo this read-only property contains the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object for the document which is used to handle which character set should be used to display the document.
... the properties of the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object were merged into the docshell in gecko 12.0 (firefox 12.0 / thunderbird 12.0 / seamonkey 2.9).
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Entity - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
entities are frequently used to display reserved characters (which would otherwise be interpreted as html code), and invisible characters (like non-breaking spaces).
... you can also use them in place of other characters that are difficult to type with a standard keyboard.
... many characters have memorable entities.
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Localization content best practices
use unicode characters over their ascii counterparts when possible strings should use directional quotation marks when possible.
... example: search %1$s for "%2$s" non-directional single, and double, quotation marks should be used in reference to html code, or other languages where ascii character usage is required, such as html.
... u+2026 (\u2026) is the horizontal ellipsis character.
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NSS PKCS11 Functions
syntax #include "secmod.h" extern secmodmodule *secmod_loadusermodule(char *modulespec, secmodmodule *parent, prbool recurse); parameters this function has the following parameters: modulespec is a pkcs #11 modulespec.
...syntax #include "pk11pub.h" pk11slotinfo *secmod_openuserdb(const char *modulespec) parameters this function has the following parameters: modulespec is the same data that you would pass to softoken at initialization time under the 'tokens' options.
...this value will be truncated at 32 bytes (no null, partial utf8 characters dropped).
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syntax jsstring * js_newstringcopyn(jscontext *cx, const char *s, size_t n); jsstring * js_newucstringcopyn(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s, size_t n); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... s const char* or const char16_t * pointer to the array of characters containing the text for the js string to create.
... n size_t number of characters to copy from s into the new string.
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« xpcom api reference summary the nsacstring abstract class represents a character string composed of single-byte storage units.
... this class is typically used to represent ascii or utf-8 character arrays.
...}; typedefs char_type [char] storage unit for this class.
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« xpcom api reference summary the nsastring abstract class represents a character string composed of double-byte storage units.
... this class is typically used to represent unicode character arrays.
...}; typedefs char_type [prunichar] storage unit for this class.
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xpcom/io/nsiconverterinputstream.idlscriptable a unichar input stream that wraps an input stream.
... this allows reading unicode strings from a stream, automatically converting the bytes from a selected character encoding.
... 1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsiunicharinputstream last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) implemented by:;1.
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.getservice(components.interfaces.nsiioservice); method overview boolean allowport(in long aport, in string ascheme); acstring extractscheme(in autf8string urlstring); unsigned long getprotocolflags(in string ascheme); nsiprotocolhandler getprotocolhandler(in string ascheme); nsichannel newchannel(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); obsolete since gecko 48 nsichannel newchannel2(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri, in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype); nsichannel newchannelfromuri(in nsiuri auri); obsolete since gecko 48 ... aloadinfo); nsichannel newchannelfromuriwithproxyflags2(in nsiuri auri, in nsiuri aproxyuri, in uint32_t aproxyflags,in nsidomnode aloadingnode, in nsiprincipal aloadingprincipal, in nsiprincipal atriggeringprincipal, in uint32_t asecurityflags, in uint32_t acontentpolicytype); nsiuri newfileuri(in nsifile afile); nsiuri newuri(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); attributes attribute type description offline boolean returns true if networking is in "offline" mode.
... nsichannel newchannel( in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri ); parameters aspec the spec for the desired uri.
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inherits from: nsisupports method overview void clearallvalues(); void copy(in nsimsgidentity identity); astring getunicharattribute(in string name); void setunicharattribute(in string name, in astring value); acstring getcharattribute(in string name); void setcharattribute(in string name, in acstring value); boolean getboolattribute(in string name); void setboolattribute(in string name, in boolean value); long getintattribute(in string name); void setintattribute(in s...
... void copy(in nsimsgidentity identity); parameters identity getunicharattribute() getter for unicode attributes.
... astring getunicharattribute(in string name); parameters name setunicharattribute() setter for unicode attributes.
...And 5 more matches
id configuretemporaryreturnreceiptsfilter(in nsimsgfilterlist filterlist); obsolete since gecko 1.8 void displayofflinemsg(in nsimsgwindow awindow); boolean equals(in nsimsgincomingserver server); void forgetpassword(); void forgetsessionpassword(); astring generateprettynameformigration(); boolean getboolattribute(in string name); boolean getboolvalue(in string attr); acstring getcharattribute(in string name); acstring getcharvalue(in string attr); nsilocalfile getfilevalue(in string relpref, in string abspref); nsimsgfilterlist getfilterlist(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); long getintattribute(in string name); long getintvalue(in string attr); nsimsgfolder getmsgfolderfromuri(in nsimsgfolder afolderresource, in acstring auri); void getnewmessages(in nsimsgfolder af...
...older, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener); acstring getpasswordwithui(in astring apromptstring, in astring aprompttitle, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, out boolean okayvalue); astring getunicharattribute(in string name); astring getunicharvalue(in string attr); boolean isnewhdrduplicate(in nsimsgdbhdr anewhdr); void onuserorhostnamechanged(in acstring oldname, in acstring newname); void performbiff(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void performexpand(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void removefiles(); void setboolattribute(in string name, in boolean value); void setboolvalue(in string attr, in boolean value); void setcharattribute(in string name, in acstring value); void setcharvalue(in string attr, in acstring value); void setdefaultlocalpath(in nsilo...
...calfile adefaultlocalpath); void setfilevalue(in string relpref, in string abspref, in nsilocalfile avalue); void setfilterlist(in nsimsgfilterlist afilterlist); void setintattribute(in string name, in long value); void setintvalue(in string attr, in long value); void setunicharattribute(in string name, in astring value); void setunicharvalue(in string attr, in astring value); void shutdown(); void storepassword(); astring tostring(); void writetofoldercache(in nsimsgfoldercache foldercache); attributes attribute type description accountmanagerchrome astring read only.
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Component; nsIPrefBranch
method overview void addobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver, in boolean aholdweak); void clearuserpref(in string aprefname); void deletebranch(in string astartingat); boolean getboolpref(in string aprefname, requires gecko 54 [optional] in boolean adefaultvalue); string getcharpref(in string aprefname,requires gecko 54 [optional] in string adefaultvalue); requires gecko 58 utf8tring getstringpref(in string aprefname, [optional] in utf8string adefaultvalue); void getchildlist(in string astartingat, [optional] out unsigned long acount, [array, size_is(acount), retval] out string achildarray); void getcomplexvalue(in string aprefname, in nsiidref...
... long getpreftype(in string aprefname); void lockpref(in string aprefname); boolean prefhasuservalue(in string aprefname); boolean prefislocked(in string aprefname); void removeobserver(in string adomain, in nsiobserver aobserver); void resetbranch(in string astartingat); void setboolpref(in string aprefname, in long avalue); void setcharpref(in string aprefname, in string avalue); requires gecko 58 void setstringpref(in string aprefname, in utf8string avalue); void setcomplexvalue(in string aprefname, in nsiidref atype, in nsisupports avalue); void setintpref(in string aprefname, in long avalue); void unlockpref(in string aprefname); attributes attribute type description ...
... getcharpref() called to get the state of an individual string preference.
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some characters may be escaped.
...some characters may be escaped.
...some characters may be escaped.
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Type conversion
var buffer = ctypes.char.array(10)(); var somecfunction = library.declare("somecfunction", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.void_t, ctypes.char.ptr); somecfunction(buffer); // here ctypes.char.array(10)() is converted to ctypes.char.ptr type implicit conversion can be tested in the following way: var mystruct = ctypes.structtype("mystructtype", [ { "v": ctypes.bool } ])(); mystruct.v = 1; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'true' boolean type target type source converted value ctypes.bool js boolean src js number (0 or 1) if src == 0: false if src == 1...
...ole.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'true' mystruct.v = false; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'false' mystruct.v = 1; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'true' mystruct.v = 0; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 'false' mystruct.v = 10; // throws error mystruct.v = "a"; // throws error integer types target type source converted value ctypes.char16_t js string (only if its length == 1) src.charcodeat(0) any integer types js number (only if fits to the size) src js boolean if src == true: 1 if src == false: 0 var mystruct = ctypes.structtype("mystructtype", [ { "v": ctypes.char16_t } ])(); mystruct.v = 0x41; console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // "a" mystruct.v = true; console.log(myst...
...ypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.float64_t ctypes.int8_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.int16_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.short ctypes.unsigned_short ctypes.int32_t ctypes.uint32_t ctypes.unsigned_int ctypes.float32_t ctypes.char ctypes.int8_t ctypes.signed_char ctypes.int8_t ctypes.unsigned_char ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.char16_t ctypes.uint8_t ctypes.uint16_t ctypes.unsigned_short var mystruct = ctypes.structtype("mystructtype", [ { "v": ctypes.int16_t } ])(); mystruct.v = ctypes.int8_t(10); console.log(mystruct.v.tostring()); // 10 mystruct.v = ctypes.int3...
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Using js-ctypes
components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); var lib ="c:\\windows\\system32\\user32.dll"); /* declare the signature of the function we are going to call */ var msgbox = lib.declare("messageboxw", ctypes.winapi_abi, ctypes.int32_t, ctypes.int32_t, ctypes.jschar.ptr, ctypes.jschar.ptr, ctypes.int32_t); var mb_ok = 0; var ret = msgbox(0, "hello world", "title", mb_ok); lib.close(); in line 3, the user32.dll system library is loaded.
... note: this example will not work on 64bit os x, see below for core foundation for 64bit os x /* build a str255 ("pascal style") string from the passed-in string */ function makestr(str) { return string.fromcharcode(str.length) + str; } components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); var carbon ="/system/library/frameworks/carbon.framework/carbon"); stdalert = carbon.declare("standardalert", /* function name */ ctypes.default_abi, /* abi type */ ctypes.int16_t, /* return type */ cty...
...pes.int16_t, /* alert type */ ctypes.char.ptr, /* primary text */ ctypes.char.ptr, /* secondary text */ ctypes.uint32_t, /* alert param */ ctypes.int16_t); /* item hit */ var hit = 0; var msgerr = makestr("carbon says..."); var msgexp = makestr("we just called the standardalert carbon function from javascript!"); var err = stdalert(1, msgerr, msgexp, 0, hit); carbon.close(); the makestr() function is a utility routine that takes as input a standard javascript string and returns a carbon-style "pascal" string, which is a length byte followed by the characters of the string itself.
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URLs - Plugins
nperror npn_geturl(npp instance, const char *url, const char *target); the instance parameter represents the current plug-in instance.
... nperror npn_geturlnotify(npp instance, const char* url, const char* target, void* notifydata); the instance, url, and target parameters have the same definitions as those of npn_geturl.
... void npp_urlnotify(npp instance, const char* url, npreason reason, void* notifydata); the instance and url parameters have the same definitions as those of npn_geturl.
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KeyboardEvent.key - Web APIs
if the pressed key has a printed representation, the returned value is a non-empty unicode character string containing the printable representation of the key.
... if the pressed key is a control or special character, the returned value is one of the pre-defined key values.
...if the key is held down further and the key produces a character key, then the event continues to be emitted in a platform implementation dependent interval and the keyboardevent.repeat read only property is set to true.
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SVGTextContentElement - Web APIs
svgtextcontentelement.getnumberofchars() returns a long representing the total number of addressable characters available for rendering within the current element, regardless of whether they will be rendered.
... svgtextcontentelement.getstartpositionofchar() returns a dompoint representing the position of a typographic character after text layout has been performed.
... svgtextcontentelement.getendpositionofchar() returns a dompoint representing the trailing position of a typographic character after text layout has been performed.
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TextEncoder.prototype.encodeInto() - Web APIs
note that the s.length * 3 is rare because the string would have to be packed with some of the few characters that expant into 3 bytes.
... no zero-termination if the input string contains the character u+0000 in the input, encodeinto() will write a 0x00 byte in the output.
... (function(window){ "use strict"; var log = math.log; var ln2 = math.ln2; var clz32 = math.clz32 || function(x) {return 31 - log(x >>> 0) / ln2 | 0}; var fromcharcode = string.fromcharcode; var patchedu8array = window.uint8array || array; var textencoderprototype = textencoder["prototype"]; var globaltextencoder = window["textencoder"]; var globaltextencoderprototype; var globaltextencoderinstance; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function encoderreplacer(nonasciichars){ ...
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unicode-range - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the unicode-range css descriptor sets the specific range of characters to be used from a font defined by @font-face and made available for use on the current page.
... if the page doesn't use any character in this range, the font is not downloaded; if it uses at least one, the whole font is downloaded.
... syntax /* <unicode-range> values */ unicode-range: u+26; /* single codepoint */ unicode-range: u+0-7f; unicode-range: u+0025-00ff; /* codepoint range */ unicode-range: u+4??; /* wildcard range */ unicode-range: u+0025-00ff, u+4??; /* multiple values */ values single codepoint a single unicode character code point, for example u+26.
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OpenType font features guide - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
font features or variants refer to different glyphs or character styles contained within an opentype font.
... these include things like ligatures (special glyphs that combine characters like 'fi' or 'ffl'), kerning (adjustments to the spacing between specific letterform pairings), fractions, numeral styles, and a number of others.
...this property can activate an entire set of alternates or just a specific one, depending on the values supplied.the example below is showing several different aspects of working with alternate characters.
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<td>: The Table Data Cell element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
char (with text only): the content is aligned to a character inside the <th> element with minimal offset.
... this character is defined by the char and charoff attributes unimplemented (see bug 2212).
... to achieve the same effect as the char value, give the text-align property the same value you would use for the char.
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<tfoot>: The Table Foot element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
possible values are: left, aligning the content to the left of the cell center, centering the content in the cell right, aligning the content to the right of the cell justify, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell char, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the char and charoff attributes unimplemented (see bug 2212).
... to achieve the same effect as the char value, in css3, you can use the value of the char as the value of the text-align property unimplemented.
... char deprecated since html4obsolete since html5 this attribute is used to set the character to align the cells in a column on.
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<thead>: The Table Head element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
possible values are: left, aligning the content to the left of the cell center, centering the content in the cell right, aligning the content to the right of the cell justify, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell char, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the char and charoff attributes unimplemented (see bug 2212).
... to achieve the same effect as the char value, in css3, you can use the value of the char as the value of the text-align property unimplemented.
... char in html 4, in html5 this attribute is used to set the character to align the cells in a column on.
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A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) - JavaScript
isnan() function: isnan(nan); // true javascript also has the special values infinity and -infinity: 1 / 0; // infinity -1 / 0; // -infinity you can test for infinity, -infinity and nan values using the built-in isfinite() function: isfinite(1 / 0); // false isfinite(-infinity); // false isfinite(nan); // false the parseint() and parsefloat() functions parse a string until they reach a character that isn't valid for the specified number format, then return the number parsed up to that point.
... however the "+" operator simply converts the string to nan if there is an invalid character contained within it.
... strings strings in javascript are sequences of unicode characters.
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encodeURI() - JavaScript
the encodeuri() function encodes a uri by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the utf-8 encoding of the character (will only be four escape sequences for characters composed of two "surrogate" characters).
... description the encodeuri() function does not encode characters that have special meaning (reserved characters) for a uri.
...note how certain characters are used to signify special meaning: hence encodeuri() does not encode characters that are necessary to formulate a complete uri.
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Chapter 3: Introduction to XUL—How to build a more intuitive UI - Archive of obsolete content
the namespace uri is : if the character encoding is utf-8, both the encoding specifier and the xml declaration can be omitted.
...for an example of this kind of menu item, see the character encoding submenu of the view menu in firefox. set a maximum length in characters, declare the maxlength attribute with a positive integer value.
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Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
you can reference entities through their numerical or character reference.
... for example, you can reference the non-breaking space character with &#160; or with its equivalent character reference &nbsp;.
... some older browsers, such as internet explorer, had such quirks as allowing you to use entities by replacing the ; (semi-colon) character at the end with regular text content: &nbsp foo &nbsp&nbsp foo internet explorer will render the above &nbsp as white spaces, even though that is against the w3c specification.
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Advanced text formatting - Learn web development
let's look at an example of a set of terms and definitions: soliloquy in drama, where a character speaks to themselves, representing their inner thoughts or feelings and in the process relaying them to the audience (but not to other characters.) monologue in drama, where a character speaks their thoughts out loud to share them with the audience and any other characters present.
... aside in drama, where a character shares a comment only with the audience for humorous or dramatic effect.
...let's finish marking up our example: <dl> <dt>soliloquy</dt> <dd>in drama, where a character speaks to themselves, representing their inner thoughts or feelings and in the process relaying them to the audience (but not to other characters.)</dd> <dt>monologue</dt> <dd>in drama, where a character speaks their thoughts out loud to share them with the audience and any other characters present.</dd> <dt>aside</dt> <dd>in drama, where a character shares a comment only with the audie...
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Looping code - Learn web development
let's say we wanted to draw 100 random circles on a <canvas> element (press the update button to run the example again and again to see different random sets): hidden code <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>random canvas circles</title> <style> html { width: 100%; height: inherit; background: #ddd; } canvas { display: block; } body { margin: 0; } button { position: absolute; top: 5px; left: 5px; } </style> </head> <body> <button>update</button> <...
... const cats = ['bill', 'jeff', 'pete', 'biggles', 'jasmin']; let info = 'my cats are called '; const para = document.queryselector('p'); for (let i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) { info += cats[i] + ', '; } para.textcontent = info; this gives us the following output: hidden code 2 <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>basic for loop example</title> <style> </style> </head> <body> <p></p> <script> const cats = ['bill', 'jeff', 'pete', 'biggles', 'jasmin']; let info = 'my cats are called '; const para = document.queryselector('p'); for (let i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) { info += cats[i] + ', '; } para.textcontent = info; </script> ...
...'; input.focus(); for (let i = 0; i < contacts.length; i++) { let splitcontact = contacts[i].split(':'); if (splitcontact[0].tolowercase() === searchname) { para.textcontent = splitcontact[0] + '\'s number is ' + splitcontact[1] + '.'; break; } else { para.textcontent = 'contact not found.'; } } }); hidden code 3 <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>simple contact search example</title> <style> </style> </head> <body> <label for="search">search by contact name: </label> <input id="search" type="text"> <button>search</button> <p></p> <script> const contacts = ['chris:2232322', 'sarah:3453456', 'bill:7654322', 'mary:9998769', 'dianne:9384975']; const para = document.queryselector('p')...
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Strategies for carrying out testing - Learn web development
the aim is to build up a chart of browsers/devices you can refer to as you test.
... throughout the following sections, we'll build up a support chart in this format.
...this can form a good basis for a support chart.
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NSS Sample Code Sample1
// utility function to print hex data static void printbuffer(unsigned char *digest, unsigned int len) { int i; cout << "length: " << len << endl; for(i = 0;i < len;i++) printf("%02x ", digest[i]); cout << endl; } // xxx data protection // - takes an input buffer, applies the encryption // and mac, and generates a buffer with the result.
... // // the servers must be started int comparekeys(server *peer); // create a server - the name distiguish the keys in the // shared database in this example server(const char *servername); ~server(); private: int getprivatekey(seckeyprivatekey **prvkey); int getpublickey(seckeypublickey **pubkey); int wrapkey(pk11symkey *key, seckeypublickey *pubkey, secitem **data); // export raw key (unwrapped) do not use int rawexportkey(pk11symkey *key, secitem **data); char *mservername; // these items represent data that might be stored // in files or in a ...
...configuration file secitem *mwrappedenckey; secitem *mwrappedmackey; // these are the runtime keys as loaded from the files pk11symkey *menckey; pk11symkey *mmackey; }; server::server(const char *servername) : mservername(0), mwrappedenckey(0), mwrappedmackey(0), menckey(0), mmackey(0) { // copy the server name mservername = pl_strdup(servername); } server::~server() { if (mservername) pl_strfree(mservername); if (mwrappedenckey) secitem_freeitem(mwrappedenckey, pr_true); if (mwrappedmackey) secitem_freeitem(mwrappedmackey, pr_true); if (menckey) pk11_freesymkey(menckey); if (mmackey) pk11_freesymkey(mmackey); } int server::init() { int rv = 0; seckeyprivatekey *prvkey = 0; seckeypublickey *pubkey = 0; pk11slotinfo *slot = 0; pk11rsagenparams rsaparams; ...
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nss tech note4
*fd); if ssl client, this will get you the client cert's handle, if client auth happened if ssl server, this will get you the server's cert handle don't forget to clean up the cert handle when you're done with it void cert_destroycertificate(certcertificate *cert); some info is readily available cert->subjectname (char*) cert->issuername (char*) cert->emailaddr (char*) or char *cert_getcertificateemailaddress(certcertificate *cert); cert->keyusage (unsigned int) to break the issuer and subject names into components pass &(cert->issuer) or &(cert->subject) to the following functions char *cert_getcommonname(certname *name); char *cert_getcer...
...temailaddress(certname *name); char *cert_getcountryname(certname *name); char *cert_getlocalityname(certname *name); char *cert_getstatename(certname *name); char *cert_getorgname(certname *name); char *cert_getorgunitname(certname *name); char *cert_getdomaincomponentname(certname *name); char *cert_getcertuid(certname *name); example code to illustrate access to the info is given below.
...ns)->critical; secitem *ext_value = &(*extensions)->value; /* id attribute of the extension */ secoiddata *oiddata = secoid_findoid(ext_oid); if (oiddata == null) { /* oid not found */ /* secitem ext_oid has type (secitemtype), data (unsigned char *) and len (unsigned int) fields - the application interprets these */ .......
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syntax bool js::cancompileoffthread(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, size_t length); bool js::compileoffthread(jscontext *cx, const js::readonlycompileoptions &options, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, js::offthreadcompilecallback callback, void *callbackdata); jsscript * js::finishoffthreadscript(jscontext *maybecx, jsruntime *rt, void *token); typedef void (*js::offthreadcompilecallback)(void *token, void *callbackdata); name type description cx / maybe jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... chars const char16_t * string containing the script to compile.
... length size_t the length of chars or bytes, in characters.
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syntax jserrorreport(); properties name type description filename const char * indicates the source file or url that produced the error condition.
... linebuf const char * text of the line that caused the error, minus the trailing newline character.
... tokenptr const char * pointer to the error token in *linebuf.
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syntax jsfunction * js_compilefunction(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, unsigned int nargs, const char **argnames, const char *body, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno); jsfunction * js_compileucfunction(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, unsigned int nargs, const char **argnames, const jschar *body, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to compile the function.
... name const char * name to assign the newly compiled function.
... argnames const char ** names to assign to the arguments passed to the function.
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syntax jsfunction * js_compilefunctionforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *name, unsigned int nargs, const char **argnames, const char *body, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno); jsfunction * js_compileucfunctionforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *name, unsigned int nargs, const char **argnames, const jschar *body, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno); name type description ...
... name const char * name to assign the newly compiled function.
... argnames const char ** names to assign to the arguments passed to the function.
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method overview void setdisplaycharset(in acstring acharset); void setwindow(in nsidomwindow ptr, in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void openurl(in acstring aurl); void loadurl(in nsidomwindow ptr, in acstring aurl); void launchexternalurl(in acstring aurl); boolean canundo(); boolean canredo(); unsigned long getundotransactiontype(); unsigned long getredotransaction...
...type(); void undo(in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void redo(in nsimsgwindow msgwindow); void sendunsentmessages(in nsimsgidentity aidentity, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); void setdocumentcharset(in acstring characterset); void saveas(in acstring auri, in boolean aasfile, in nsimsgidentity aidentity, in astring amsgfilename); void openattachment(in acstring contenttpe, in acstring url, in acstring displayname, in acstring messageuri, in boolean isexternalattachment); void saveattachment(in acstring contenttpe, in acstring url, in acstring displayname, in acstring messageuri, in boolean isexternalattachment); void saveallattachments(in unsigned long count, [array, size_is(count)] in string contenttypearray, [array, size_is(count)...
... methods setdisplaycharset() sets the character set for the displayed message.
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inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview boolean allowport(in long port, in string scheme); nsichannel newchannel(in nsiuri auri); nsiuri newuri(in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); attributes attribute type description defaultport long the default port is the port the protocol uses by default.
...the caller may provide the charset from which the uri string originated, so that the uri string can be translated back to that charset (if necessary) before communicating with, for example, the origin server of the uri string.
... (many servers do not support utf-8 iris at the present time, so we must be careful about tracking the native charset of the origin server.) nsiuri newuri( in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri ); parameters aspec the uri string in utf-8 encoding.
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Using Objective-C from js-ctypes
class objc_getclass(const char *name); in /usr/include/objc/objc.h, class is defined as an opaque type by the following: typedef struct objc_class *class; in this example, we need the classnsspeechsynthesizer, which is retrieved with the following code: class nsspeechsynthesizer = objc_getclass("nsspeechsynthesizer"); registering a selector selectors can be registered and retrieved with sel_registername function, also...
... sel sel_registername(const char *str); sel is defined as follows, in /usr/include/objc/objc.h.
... let id = ctypes.structtype("objc_object").ptr; let sel = ctypes.structtype("objc_selector").ptr; let bool = ctypes.signed_char; functions all functions in our example are exported by /usr/lib/libobjc.dylib.
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Edit fonts - Firefox Developer Tools
fonts editor firefox 63 adds the font editor — a new area below "fonts used" with additional controls for editing the fonts’ characteristics.
...that means you no longer have to apply several different web fonts to a single page to represent a complete typeface for which a variable font is available, provided it includes the desired values for the different characteristics you want to vary.
... variable fonts make it easy to vary font characteristics in a much more granular fashion because their allowable ranges are defined by axes of variation (see introducing the 'variation axis' for more information).
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BatteryManager - Web APIs
the batterymanager interface provides ways to get information about the system's battery charge level.
... properties batterymanager.charging read only a boolean value indicating whether or not the battery is currently being charged.
... batterymanager.chargingtime read only a number representing the remaining time in seconds until the battery is fully charged, or 0 if the battery is already fully charged.
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HTMLInputElement - Web APIs
maxlength long: returns / sets the element's maxlength attribute, containing the maximum number of characters (in unicode code points) that the value can have.
... minlength long: returns / sets the element's minlength attribute, containing the minimum number of characters (in unicode code points) that the value can have.
...when there's no selection, this returns the offset of the character immediately following the current text input cursor position.
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KeyboardEvent - Web APIs
obsolete properties keyboardevent.char read only returns a domstring representing the character value of the key.
... if the key corresponds to a printable character, this value is a non-empty unicode string containing that character.
... note: if the key is used as a macro that inserts multiple characters, this attribute's value is the entire string, not just the first character.
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letter-spacing - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the letter-spacing css property sets the horizontal spacing behavior between text characters.
... this value is added to the natural spacing between characters while rendering the text.
... positive values of letter-spacing causes characters to spread farther apart, while negative values of letter-spacing bring characters closer together.
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The Unicode Bidirectional Text Algorithm - Developer guides
the unicode® bidirectional algorithm (also known as the bidi algorithm) is part of the unicode text standard that describes how the user agent should order characters while rendering unicode text.
... fundamentals (base direction, character types, etc) the algorithm character level directionality directional runs (what they are, how base direction applies) handling neutral characters overriding the algorithm content about using html and css to override the default behavior of the algorithm; include info about isolating ranges etc.
... overiding bidi using unicode control characters unicode provides a number of special control characters that make it possible to control directionality of ranges of text.
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<tbody>: The Table Body element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
possible values are: left, aligning the content to the left of the cell center, centering the content in the cell right, aligning the content to the right of the cell justify, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell char, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the char and charoff attributes.
... note: the equivalent text-align property for the align="char" is not implemented in any browsers yet.
... char this attribute is used to set the character to align the cells in a column on.
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<textarea> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
characters: automatically capitalize all characters.
... cols the visible width of the text control, in average character widths.
... maxlength the maximum number of characters (utf-16 code units) that the user can enter.
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Using the application cache - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the wildcard character * can be used once.
... cache manifests are utf-8 format text files, and may optionally include a bom character.
... the first line of the cache manifest must consist of the string cache manifest (with a single u+0020 space between the two words), followed by zero or more space or tab characters.
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Quantifiers - JavaScript
quantifiers indicate numbers of characters or expressions to match.
... note: in the following, item refers not only to singular characters, but also includes character classes, unicode property escapes, groups and ranges.
... characters meaning x* matches the preceding item "x" 0 or more times.
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Array.prototype.sort() - JavaScript
if omitted, the array elements are converted to strings, then sorted according to each character's unicode code point value.
... note : in utf-16, unicode characters above \uffff are encoded as two surrogate code units, of the range \ud800-\udfff.
...thus the character formed by the surrogate pair \ud655\ude55 will be sorted before the character \uff3a.
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String.prototype.split() - JavaScript
the simplest case is when separator is just a single character; this is used to split a delimited string.
... for example, a string containing tab separated values (tsv) could be parsed by passing a tab character as the separator, like this: mystring.split("\t").
... if separator contains multiple characters, that entire character sequence must be found in order to split.
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String.prototype.substr() - JavaScript
the substr() method returns a portion of the string, starting at the specified index and extending for a given number of characters afterwards.
... syntax str.substr(start[, length]) parameters start the index of the first character to include in the returned substring.
...the number of characters to extract.
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escape() - JavaScript
warning: although escape() is not strictly deprecated (as in "removed from the web standards"), it is defined in annex b of the ecma-262 standard, whose introduction states: … all of the language features and behaviours specified in this annex have one or more undesirable characteristics and in the absence of legacy usage would be removed from this specification.
...… the escape() function computes a new string in which certain characters have been replaced by a hexadecimal escape sequence.
...(hh are two hexadecimal digits, and the form \xhh\xhh is used for higher-plane unicode characters.) escaped characters in string literals can be expanded by replacing the \x with %, then using the decodeuricomponent() function.
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parseFloat() - JavaScript
or nan when the first non-whitespace character cannot be converted to a number.
... if parsefloat encounters a character other than a plus sign (+), minus sign (- u+002d hyphen-minus), numeral (0–9), decimal point (.), or exponent (e or e), it returns the value up to that character, ignoring the invalid character and characters following it.
... a second decimal point also stops parsing (characters up to that point will still be parsed).
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xml:space - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
svg supports the built-in xml xml:space attribute to handle whitespace characters inside elements.
... html, body, svg { height: 100%; } <svg viewbox="0 0 140 50" xmlns=""> <text y="20" xml:space="default">default spacing</text> <text y="40" xml:space="preserve">preserved spacing</text> </svg> usage notes value default | preserve default value default animatable no default with this value set, whitespace characters will be processed in this order: all newline characters are removed.
... all tab characters are converted into space characters.
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Preferences - Archive of obsolete content
there are six methods in nsiprefbranch that read and write preferences: getboolpref(), setboolpref(), getcharpref(), setcharpref(), getintpref(), and setintpref().
...use this when the preference value may contain non-ascii characters (for example, a user's name).
...for example: if (prefs.prefhasuservalue("mypref")) { alert(prefs.getcharpref("mypref")); } note that the getcharpref() call may throw error even if the preference exists, for example if it has a different type.
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Appendix: What you should know about open-source software licenses - Archive of obsolete content
what are the different kinds of oss licenses and what are their key characteristics?
... types of oss licenses and their characteristics the details of oss licenses vary from one license to the next.
... license characteristics if you modify source code that was published under this license, you are obliged to release it under the same license.
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Adding preferences to an extension - Archive of obsolete content
"", // initialize the extension startup: function() { // register to receive notifications of preference changes this.prefs = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice) .getbranch("extensions.stockwatcher2."); this.prefs.addobserver("", this, false); this.tickersymbol = this.prefs.getcharpref("symbol").touppercase(); this.refreshinformation(); window.setinterval(this.refreshinformation, 10*60*1000); } }, our object has two member variables. do so, we call the nsiprefbranch.getcharpref() method, specifying that we want the preference named "symbol", which is where we store the user's selection for the stock to watch.
... observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic != "nspref:changed") { return; } switch(data) { case "symbol": this.tickersymbol = this.prefs.getcharpref("symbol").touppercase(); this.refreshinformation(); break; } }, the topic parameter indicates what type of event occurred.
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jspage - Archive of obsolete content
a={array:array,date:date,function:function,number:number,regexp:regexp,string:string};for(var h in a){new native({name:h,initialize:a[h],protect:true}); }var d={"boolean":boolean,"native":native,object:object};for(var c in d){native.typize(d[c],c);}var f={array:["concat","indexof","join","lastindexof","pop","push","reverse","shift","slice","sort","splice","tostring","unshift","valueof"],string:["charat","charcodeat","concat","indexof","lastindexof","match","replace","search","slice","split","substr","substring","tolowercase","touppercase","valueof"]}; for(var e in f){for(var b=f[e].length;b--;){native.genericize(a[e],f[e][b],true);}}})();var hash=new native({name:"hash",initialize:function(a){if($type(a)=="hash"){a=$unlink(a.getclean()); }for(var b in a){this[b]=a[b];}return this;}});hash.imp...
...x","min","pow","sin","sqrt","tan"]);string.implement({test:function(a,b){return((typeof a=="string")?new regexp(a,b):a).test(this); },contains:function(a,b){return(b)?(b+this+b).indexof(b+a+b)>-1:this.indexof(a)>-1;},trim:function(){return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");},clean:function(){return this.replace(/\s+/g," ").trim(); },camelcase:function(){return this.replace(/-\d/g,function(a){return a.charat(1).touppercase();});},hyphenate:function(){return this.replace(/[a-z]/g,function(a){return("-"+a.charat(0).tolowercase()); });},capitalize:function(){return this.replace(/\b[a-z]/g,function(a){return a.touppercase();});},escaperegexp:function(){return this.replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g,"\\$1"); },toint:function(a){return parseint(this,a||10);},tofloat:function(){return parsefloat(this);},h...
...(1).hextorgb(b):null;},rgbtohex:function(b){var a=this.match(/\d{1,3}/g);return(a)?a.rgbtohex(b):null;},stripscripts:function(b){var a=""; var c=this.replace(/<script[^>]*>([\s\s]*?)<\/script>/gi,function(){a+=arguments[1]+"\n";return"";});if(b===true){$exec(a);}else{if($type(b)=="function"){b(a,c); }}return c;},substitute:function(a,b){return this.replace(b||(/\\?{([^{}]+)}/g),function(d,c){if(d.charat(0)=="\\"){return d.slice(1);}return(a[c]!=undefined)?a[c]:""; });}});hash.implement({has:object.prototype.hasownproperty,keyof:function(b){for(var a in this){if(this.hasownproperty(a)&&this[a]===b){return a;}}return null; },hasvalue:function(a){return(hash.keyof(this,a)!==null);},extend:function(a){hash.each(a||{},function(c,b){hash.set(this,b,c);},this);return this;},combine:function(a){hash.e...
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Modularization techniques - Archive of obsolete content
queryinterface() has several important characteristics that must be maintained.
... void **aresult); // manually registry a factory for a class static nsresult registerfactory(const nscid &aclass, nsifactory *afactory, prbool areplace); // manually registry a dynamically loaded factory for a class static nsresult registerfactory(const nscid &aclass, const char *alibrary, prbool areplace, prbool apersist); // manually unregister a factory for a class static nsresult unregisterfactory(const nscid &aclass, nsifactory *afactory); // manually unregister a dynamically loaded factory for a class static nsresult unregisterfactory(const nscid &aclass,...
... const char *alibrary); // unload dynamically loaded factories that are not in use static nsresult freelibraries(); }; there are several ways a factory can make its way into the repository.
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String Quick Reference - Archive of obsolete content
nd nscstring& void mymethod(const nsstring& input, nsstring& output); new way: use nsastring& and nsacstring& void mymethod(const nsastring& input, nsastring& output); substrings what: get direct references to string fragments why: avoid making multiple copies of the string old way: use a bunch of nsautostrings, and use left(), right() and mid() to grab a segment of a string: // get an 8-character string starting at the 4th position nsautostring leftside; str.left(leftside, 12); nsautostring middle; leftside.right(middle, 8); new way: use substring() to grab a direct reference to those characters: // get an 8-character string starting at the 4th position const nsastring& middle = substring(str, 4, 8); unicode literals what: use macro tricks to make wide-character literal string...
...why: avoid copying and conversion from literal char-based strings to utf16 strings.
... old way: use nsautostring and assignwithconversion() nsautostring widestring; widestring.assignwithconversion("some string"); callwidefunction(widestring); // use widestring again, but need a const prunichar* callwidewithflatstring(widestring.get()) nsautostring widestring2; widestring2.assignwithconversion("another string"); callwidefunction(widestring2); new way: use ns_literal_string or ns_named_literal_string // pre-declare the variable if you'll use it multiple times ns_named_literal_string(widestring, "some string"); callwidefunction(widestring); // use widestring again, but need a const prunichar* callwidewithflatstring(widestring.get()); // inline the string with ns_literal_string callwidefunction(ns_literal_string("another string")); converting literal strings to string ob...
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Focus and Selection - Archive of obsolete content
also, the input event would not fire if a letter key was pressed and there were already more characters than will fit in the textbox. takes two parameters, the first is the starting character and the second is the character after the last one that you want to have selected.
... values are zero-based, so the first character is 0, the second is 1 and so on.
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Keyboard Shortcuts - Archive of obsolete content
you could add any character for this attribute to require that key to be pressed.
...however, there will also be cases where you want to refer to keys that cannot be specified with a character (such as the enter key or the function keys).
... the key attribute can only be used for printable characters.
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browser - Archive of obsolete content
attributes autocompleteenabled, autocompletepopup, autoscroll, disablehistory, disableglobalhistory, disablesecurity, droppedlinkhandler, homepage, showcaret, src, type properties accessibletype, cangoback, cangoforward, contentdocument, contentprincipal, contenttitle, contentvieweredit, contentviewerfile, contentwindow, currenturi, docshell, documentcharsetinfo, homepage, markupdocumentviewer, messagemanager, preferences, securityui, sessionhistory, webbrowserfind, webnavigation, webprogress methods addprogresslistener, goback, goforward, gohome, gotoindex, loaduri, loaduriwithflags, reload, reloadwithflags, removeprogresslistener, stop, swapdocshells examples <!-- shows mozilla homepage inside a groupbox --> <groupbox flex="1"> <capt...
... documentcharsetinfo obsolete since gecko 12.0 type: nsidocumentcharsetinfo this read-only property contains the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object for the document which is used to handle which character set should be used to display the document.
... the properties of the nsidocumentcharsetinfo object were merged into the docshell in gecko 12.0 (firefox 12.0 / thunderbird 12.0 / seamonkey 2.9).
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UTF-8 - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
utf-8 (ucs transformation format 8) is the world wide web's most common character encoding.
... each character is represented by one to four bytes.
... utf-8 is backward-compatible with ascii and can represent any standard unicode character.
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Unicode - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
unicode is a standard character set that numbers and defines characters from the world's different languages, writing systems, and symbols.
... by assigning each character a number, programmers can create character encodings, to let computers store, process, and transmit any combination of languages in the same file or program.
...for example, one character set would store japanese characters, and another would store the arabic alphabet.
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Whitespace - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
whitespace is a set of characters which is used to show horizontal or vertical spaces between other characters.
...whitespace characters and their usage vary between languages.
... in html html living standard specifies 5 characters as the ascii whitespace: u+0009 tab, u+000a lf, u+000c ff, u+000d cr, and u+0020 space.
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What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development
let's revisit the simple html document we covered in the previous article: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my test page</title> </head> <body> <p>this is my page</p> </body> </html> the html head is the contents of the <head> element — unlike the contents of the <body> element (which are displayed on the page when loaded in a browser), the head's content is not displayed on the page. the above example, the head is quite small: <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my test page</title> </head> in larger pages however, the head can get quite full.
... specifying your document's character encoding in the example we saw above, this line was included: <meta charset="utf-8"> this element simply specifies the document's character encoding — the character set that the document is permitted to use.
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Drawing graphics - Learn web development
n loop() { ctx.fillstyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)'; ctx.fillrect(0, 0, width, height); for(let i = 0; i < balls.length; i++) { balls[i].draw(); balls[i].update(); balls[i].collisiondetect(); } requestanimationframe(loop); } loop(); we run the loop() function once at the bottom of the code to start the cycle, drawing the first animation frame; the loop() function then takes charge of calling requestanimationframe(loop) to run the next frame of the animation, again and again.
... a simple character animation now let's create our own simple animation — we'll get a character from a certain rather awesome retro computer game to walk across the screen.
...we are deliberately slowing down the frame rate because we only have six sprites to work with, and if we display one every 60th of a second, our character will move way too fast!
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Handling text — strings in JavaScript - Learn web development
escaping characters in a string to fix our previous problem code line, we need to escape the problem quote mark.
... escaping characters means that we do something to them to make sure they are recognized as text, not part of the code.
... in javascript, we do this by putting a backslash just before the character.
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Website security - Learn web development
one way to do this is to escape all the characters in the user input that have a special meaning in sql.
... note: the sql statement treats the ' character as the beginning and end of a string literal.
... by putting a backslash in front of this character (\'), we escape the symbol, and tell sql to instead treat it as a character (just a part of the string).
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NSS API Guidelines
the preferred format is: "@(#) $rcsfile: nss-guidelines.html, v $ $revision: 48936 $ $date: 2009-08-11 07:45:57 -0700 (tue, 11 aug 2009) $ $name$" you can put the string in a comment or in a static char array.
... here is an example from lib/base/baset.h: #ifdef debug static const char baset_cvs_id[] = "@(#) $rcsfile: nss-guidelines.html, v $ $revision: 48936 $ $date: 2009-08-11 07:45:57 -0700 (tue, 11 aug 2009) $ $name$"; #endif /* debug */ the difference, between this and id, is that id has some useless information (every file is "experimental"), and doesn't have name.
...this usually gives us four characters to identify a module of nss.
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NSS Sample Code Sample_1_Hashing
sample code 1 /* nspr headers */ #include <prprf.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prio.h> /* nss headers */ #include <secoid.h> #include <secmodt.h> #include <sechash.h> typedef struct { const char *hashname; secoidtag oid; } nametagpair; /* the hash algorithms supported */ static const nametagpair hash_names[] = { { "md2", sec_oid_md2 }, { "md5", sec_oid_md5 }, { "sha1", sec_oid_sha1 }, { "sha256", sec_oid_sha256 }, { "sha384", sec_oid_sha384 }, { "sha512", sec_oid_sha512 } }; /* * maps a hash name to a secoidtag.
... * returns null if the name is not a supported algorithm */ static secoidtag hashnametooidtag(const char *hashname) { int i, nhashes = sizeof(hash_names); secoidtag hashtag = sec_oid_unknown; for (i = 0; i < nhashes; i++) { if (port_strcasecmp(hashname, hash_names[i].hashname) == 0) { hashtag = hash_names[i].oid; break; } } return hashtag; } /* * newline */ static void newline(prfiledesc* out) { pr_fprintf(out, "\n"); } /* * printashex */ void printashex(prfiledesc* out, unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { unsigned i; int column; unsigned int limit = 15; unsigned int level = 1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < len; i++) ...
...olumn += 3; } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* * prints a usage message and exits */ static void usage(const char *progname) { int htype; int hash_algtotal = sizeof(hash_names) / sizeof(hash_names[0]); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -t type [ < input ] [ > output ]\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify the digest method (must be one of\n", "-t type"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s ", ""); for (htype = 0; htype < hash_algtotal; htype++) { fprintf(stderr, hash_names[h...
...And 3 more matches
NSS Sample Code Sample_2_Initialization of NSS
sample code 1 /* nspr headers */ #include <prthread.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prprf.h> /* nss headers */ #include <nss.h> #include <pk11func.h> #include "util.h" /* print a usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -d <dbdirpath> [-p <plainpasswc>]" " [-f <passwdffile>]\n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-15s specify a db directory path\n\n", "-d <dbdirpath>"); fprintf(stderr, "%-15s specify a plaintext password\n\n", "-p <plainpasswc>"); fprintf(stderr, "%-15s specify a password file\n\...
...n", "-f <plainpasswc>"); exit(-1); } /* initialize the slot password */ char *initslotpassword(pk11slotinfo *slot, prbool retry, void *arg) { file *input; file *output; char *p0 = null; char *p1 = null; secupwdata *pwdata = (secupwdata *) arg; if (pwdata->source == pw_fromfile) { return filepasswd(slot, retry, pwdata->data); } if (pwdata->source == pw_plaintext) { return pl_strdup(pwdata->data); } /* open terminal */ input = fopen("/dev/tty", "r"); if (input == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error opening input terminal for read\n"); return null; } /* we have no password, so initialize database with one */ pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "enter a passw...
...ord which will be used to encrypt your keys.\n" "the password should be at least 8 characters long,\n" "and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.\n\n"); output = fopen("/dev/tty", "w"); if (output == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error opening output terminal for write\n"); return null; } for (;;) { if (p0) port_free(p0); p0 = getpassword(input, output, "enter new password: ", checkpassword); if (p1) port_free(p1); p1 = getpassword(input, output, "re-enter password: ", checkpassword); if (p0 && p1 && !port_strcmp(p0, p1)) { break; } pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "passw...
...And 3 more matches
Hashing - sample 1
*/ /* nspr headers */ #include <prprf.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prio.h> /* nss headers */ #include <secoid.h> #include <secmodt.h> #include <sechash.h> #include <nss.h> typedef struct { const char *hashname; secoidtag oid; } nametagpair; /* the hash algorithms supported */ static const nametagpair hash_names[] = { { "md2", sec_oid_md2 }, { "md5", sec_oid_md5 }, { "sha1", sec_oid_sha1 }, { "sha256", sec_oid_sha256 }, { "sha384", sec_oid_sha384 }, { "sha512", sec_oid_sha512 } }; /* * maps a hash name to a secoidtag.
... * returns null if the name if not a supported algorithm */ static secoidtag hashnametooidtag(const char *hashname) { int i, nhashes = sizeof(hash_names); secoidtag hashtag = sec_oid_unknown; for (i = 0; i < nhashes; i++) { if (port_strcasecmp(hashname, hash_names[i].hashname) == 0) { hashtag = hash_names[i].oid; break; } } return hashtag; } /* * newline */ static void newline(prfiledesc* out) { pr_fprintf(out, "\n"); } /* * printashex */ void printashex(prfiledesc* out, unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { unsigned i; int column; unsigned int limit = 15; unsigned int level = 1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; } for (i = 0; i < len; i...
...lumn += 3; } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* * prints a usage message and exits */ static void usage(const char *progname) { int htype; int hash_algtotal = sizeof(hash_names) / sizeof(hash_names[0]); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -t type [ < input ] [ > output ]\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify the digest method (must be one of\n", "-t type"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s ", ""); for (htype = 0; htype < hash_algtotal; htype++) { fprintf(stderr, hash_names[h...
...And 3 more matches
/* nspr headers */ #include <prprf.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <plgetopt.h> #include <prio.h> #include <prprf.h> /* nss headers */ #include <secoid.h> #include <secmodt.h> #include <sechash.h> typedef struct { const char *hashname; secoidtag oid; } nametagpair; /* the hash algorithms supported */ static const nametagpair hash_names[] = { { "md2", sec_oid_md2 }, { "md5", sec_oid_md5 }, { "sha1", sec_oid_sha1 }, { "sha256", sec_oid_sha256 }, { "sha384", sec_oid_sha384 }, { "sha512", sec_oid_sha512 } }; /* maps a hash name to a secoidtag.
... * returns null if the name is not a supported algorithm */ static secoidtag hashnametooidtag(const char *hashname) { int i, nhashes = sizeof(hash_names); secoidtag hashtag = sec_oid_unknown; for (i = 0; i < nhashes; i++) { if (port_strcasecmp(hashname, hash_names[i].hashname) == 0) { hashtag = hash_names[i].oid; break; } } return hashtag; } /* newline */ static void newline(prfiledesc* out) { pr_fprintf(out, "\n"); } /* printashex */ void printashex(prfiledesc* out, unsigned char *data, unsigned int len) { unsigned i; int column; unsigned int limit = 15; unsigned int level = 1; column = level; if (!len) { pr_fprintf(out, "(empty)\n"); return; ...
... } else { pr_fprintf(out, "%02x", data[i]); column += 2; break; } if (column > 76 || (i % 16 == limit)) { newline(out); column = level; limit = i % 16; } } if (column != level) { newline(out); } } /* prints a usage message and exits */ static void usage(const char *progname) { int htype; int hash_algtotal = sizeof(hash_names) / sizeof(hash_names[0]); fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s -t type [ < input ] [ > output ]\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s specify the digest method (must be one of\n", "-t type"); fprintf(stderr, "%-20s ", ""); for (htype = 0; htype < hash_algtotal; htype++) { fprintf(stderr, ha...
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syntax // new in jsapi 52 void deflatestringtoutf8buffer(jsflatstring* src, mozilla::rangedptr<char> dst, size_t* dstlenp = nullptr, size_t* numcharsp = nullptr); // obsolete in spidermonkey 49 void deflatestringtoutf8buffer(jsflatstring* src, mozilla::rangedptr<char> dst); name type description src jsflatstring * the pointer to the string to deflate.
... dst mozilla::rangedptr<char> the ranged pointer to the buffer.
... numcharsp size_t* the pointer to receive the number of unicode characters written to the buffer.
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methods method description void initbytes(char *bytes) take ownership of the given byte array.
... char *encodelatin1(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str) call js_encodestring and take ownership of the returned string, and return the string.
... char *encodelatin1(js::exclusivecontext *cx, jsstring *str) call js::lossytwobytecharstonewlatin1charsz, or allocate string and copy the content of jslinearstring::latin1chars, and take the ownership of the string.
...And 3 more matches
syntax // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js_compilescript(jscontext *cx, const char *ascii, size_t length, const js::compileoptions &options, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js_compileucscript(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, const js::compileoptions &options, js::mutablehandlescript script); // obsolete since jsapi 39 bool js_compilescript(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *ascii, size_t length, const js::compileoptions &options, js::mutablehandlescript script); bool js_compileucscript(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t ...
...*chars, size_t length, const js::compileoptions &options, js::mutablehandlescript script); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
...obsolete since jsapi 39 ascii or chars const char * or const char16_t * string containing the script to compile.
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syntax jsscript * js_compilescriptforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *src, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno); jsscript * js_compileucscriptforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const jschar *src, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno); jsobject * js_compilescriptforprincipalsversion(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *src, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsvers...
...ion version); // obsoleted since jsapi 19 jsobject * js_compileucscriptforprincipalsversion(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const jschar *src, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsversion version); // obsoleted since jsapi 19 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to compile the script.
... src const char * or const jschar * string containing the script to compile.
...And 3 more matches
syntax bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::handlevalue value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::handleobject value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::handlestring value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, int32_t value, unsigned attrs, ...
... jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, uint32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, double value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::handlevalue value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t na...
...melen, js::handleobject value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::handlestring value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, int32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr, jsnative setter = nullptr); bool js_defineucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, uint32_t value, unsigned attrs, jsnative getter = nullptr,...
...And 3 more matches
syntax jsbool js_evaluatescriptforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *src, unsigned int length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsval *rval); jsbool js_evaluatescriptucforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const jschar *src, unsigned int length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsval *rval); jsbool js_evaluatescriptforprincipalsversion(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *bytes, unsigned int length, const...
... char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsval *rval, jsversion version); jsbool js_evaluateucscriptforprincipalsversion(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const jschar *chars, unsigned int length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsval *rval, jsversion version); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to run the script.
... src / bytes / chars const char * or const jschar string containing the script to compile and execute.
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create a new javascript string containing a range of characters from an existing string.
... str js::handlestring the string containing the characters for the new string.
... length size_t length of the substring, in characters.
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syntax jsstring * js_newucstring(jscontext *cx, char16_t *chars, size_t length); jsstring * js_newstring(jscontext *cx, char *buf, size_t length); // obsolete since jsapi 1.8.5 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new string.
... buf char * or char16_t * pointer to a character array, allocated with js_malloc, containing the characters for the js string to create.
... length size_t number of characters in the text string.
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JSAPI reference
s jsautobytestring added in spidermonkey 17 js_newstringcopyn js_newstringcopyz js_newucstring js_newucstringcopyn js_newucstringcopyz js_newdependentstring js_getemptystringvalue js_getemptystring added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_concatstrings js_comparestrings js_stringequalsascii added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_flatstringequalsascii added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_stringhaslatin1chars added in spidermonkey 38 js_getstringcharat added in spidermonkey 38 js_getflatstringcharat added in spidermonkey 38 js_getstringlength js_encodestring added in spidermonkey 1.8 js_encodestringtoutf8 added in spidermonkey 24 js_encodestringtobuffer added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_getstringencodinglength added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_getlatin1flatstringchars added in spidermonkey 38 js_g...
...ettwobyteflatstringchars added in spidermonkey 38 js_getlatin1stringcharsandlength added in spidermonkey 38 js_gettwobytestringcharsandlength added in spidermonkey 38 js::getdeflatedutf8stringlength added in spidermonkey 38 js::deflatestringtoutf8buffer added in spidermonkey 38 js_fileescapedstring added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_putescapedstring added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_putescapedflatstring added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_forget_string_flatness added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_stringisflat added in spidermonkey 38 js_assert_string_is_flat added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 js_flattenstring added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 typedef jschar obsolete since jsapi 35 js_newstring obsolete since jsapi 1.8.5 js_newgrowablestring obsolete since jsapi 27 js_getstringbytes obsolete since js...
...api 1.8.5 js_getstringbytesz obsolete since jsapi 1.8.5 js_getstringchars obsolete since jsapi 1.8.5 js_getstringcharsz obsolete since jsapi 33 js_getstringcharsandlength added in jsapi 1.8.5 obsolete since jsapi 33 js_getstringcharsz added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 obsolete since jsapi 33 js_getstringcharszandlength added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 obsolete since jsapi 33 js_getflatstringchars obsolete since jsapi 33 js_makestringimmutable obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 js_encodecharacters obsolete since jsapi 19 js_cstringsareutf8 obsolete since jsapi 19 js_setcstringsareutf8 obsolete since jsapi 19 interning strings tells the spidermonkey engine to reuse existing string objects when possible.
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SpiderMonkey 38
645416) jsid_to_symbol (bug 645416) jsprop_define_late (bug 825199) jsprop_ignore_enumerate (bug 1037770) jsprop_ignore_permanent (bug 1037770) jsprop_ignore_readonly (bug 1037770) jsprop_ignore_value (bug 1037770) jsprop_propop_accessors (bug 1088002) jsprop_redefine_nonconfigurable (bug 1101123) js_addfinalizecallback (bug 996785) js_defineconstintegers (bug 1066020) js_getflatstringcharat (bug 1034627) js_getfunctionscript (bug 1069694) js_getlatin1flatstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getlatin1internedstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getlatin1stringcharsandlength (bug 1032726) js_getstringcharat (bug 1034627) js_gettwobyteexternalstringchars (bug 1034627) js_gettwobyteflatstringchars (bug 1037869) js_gettwobyteinternedstringchars (bug 1037869) js_gettwobytestringcharsandlength ...
...(bug 1032726) js_newplainobject (bug 1125356) js_removefinalizecallback (bug 996785) js_self_hosted_sym_fn (bug 1082672) js_sym_fn (bug 1082672) js_sym_fnspec (bug 1082672) js_stringhaslatin1chars (bug 1032726) js_stringisflat (bug 1037869) js_stringtoid (bug 959787) propertydefinitionbehavior (bug 825199) symbol_to_jsid (bug 645416) obsolete apis ...
...26) js_convertarguments (bug 1125784) js_convertargumentsva (bug 1125784) js_convertstub (bug 1103152) js_defineownproperty (bug 1017323) js_deletepropertystub (bug 1103152) js_doubletoint32 (bug 1112774) js_doubletouint32 (bug 1112774) js_enumeratestub (bug 1103152) js_evaluatescript (bug 1100579) js_evaluateucscript (bug 1100579) js_executescriptversion (bug 1095660) js_getflatstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getfunctioncallback (bug 1103269) js_getinternedstringchars (bug 1037869) js_getinternedstringcharsandlength (bug 1037869) js_getstringcharsandlength (bug 1037869) js_getstringcharsz (bug 1037869) js_getstringcharszandlength (bug 1037869) js_gettypename (bug 1037718) js_isabouttobefinalized (bug 650161) js_lookupelement (bug 1094176) js_lookupproperty (bug 1094176) js...
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in practice, only c++-style comments, and the standard whitespace characters ('\t', ' ', '\r', '\n') appear to be used.
... hex = [0-9a-fa-f]+ name = [a-za-z_?:] [a-za-z_?:+-]* value is a string terminated by ')' (not consumed) where '\' quotes the next metacharacter and '$' quotes the next two hexadecimal digits as a value (e.g., $20 is a space) the first line in the file is the header.
...meta-rows do not appear to be used at all, although the parser seems to consider setting the charset, row scope, and atom scope.
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Creating the Component Code
ns_imethod registerself(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *alocation, const char *aloaderstr, const char *atype) = 0; ns_imethod unregisterself(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *alocation, const char *aloaderstr) = 0; registerself is called when a component is first registered with xpcom.
... nsicomponentregistrar methods to tell xpcom what implementation is in the component library, call this method from registerself: ns_imethod registerfactorylocation(const nscid & aclass, const char *aclassname, const char *acontractid, nsifile *afile, const char *aloaderstr, const char *atype) = 0; the last three parameters are the same as the three passed into the registerself method of nsimodule objects.
...the code to register such an object is simple: ns_imethodimp samplemodule::registerself(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile* apath, const char* registrylocation, const char* componenttype) { printf("hello mozilla registration!\n\n"); nsicomponentregistrar* compreg = nsnull; nsresult rv = acompmgr->queryinterface(kicomponentregistrariid,(void**)& compreg); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; rv = compreg->registerfactorylocation(ksamplecid, "...
...And 3 more matches
method overview [propget] hresult hyperlink([in] long index, [out] iaccessiblehyperlink hyperlink ); [propget] hresult hyperlinkindex([in] long charindex, [out] long hyperlinkindex ); [propget] hresult nhyperlinks([out] long hyperlinkcount ); methods hyperlink() returns the specified link.
...hyperlinkindex() returns the index of the hyperlink that is associated with this character index.
... this is the case when a link spans the given character index.
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method overview string encodemimepartiistr(in string header, in boolean structured, in string mailcharset, in long fieldnamelen, in long encodedwordsize); string encodemimepartiistr_utf8(in autf8string header, in boolean structured, in string mailcharset, in long fieldnamelen, in long encodedwordsize); string decodemimeheadertocharptr(in string header, in string default_charset, in boolean override_charset, in boolean eatcontinuations); astring decodemimeheader(in string header, in string default_charset, in boolean override_charset, in boolean eatcontinuations); mime...
...sure); mimeencoderdata *qpencoderinit(in mimeconverteroutputcallback output_fn, in void *closure); void encoderdestroy(in mimeencoderdata *data, in boolean abort_p); long encoderwrite(in mimeencoderdata *data, in string buffer, in long size); methods encodemimepartiistr() an variant of encodemimepartiistr_utf8() which treats the header as written in the given charset.
... string encodemimepartiistr(in string header, in boolean structured, in string mailcharset, in long fieldnamelen, in long encodedwordsize); parameters propertyname the name of the property to retrieve.
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(in acstring asrc); astring convertfrombytearray([const,array,size_is(acount)] in octet adata, in unsigned long acount); void converttobytearray(in astring astring,[optional] out unsigned long alen,[array, size_is(alen),retval] out octet adata); nsiinputstream converttoinputstream(in astring astring); attributes attribute type description charset string current character set.
... throws ns_error_uconv_noconv if the requested charset is not supported.
... methods convertfromunicode() converts the data from unicode to one charset.
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the following is the correspondence table: table 1: standard idl types idl c++ in parameter c++ out parameter js type notes boolean bool bool* boolean char char char* string only chars in range \u0000-\u00ff permitted double double double* number float float float* number long int32_t int32_t* number long long int64_t int64_t* number octet uint8_t uint8_t* number short int16_t int16_t* number string...
... const char* char** string only chars in range \u0000-\u00ff permitted most of the time you don't want to use this type but autf8string or acstring unsigned long uint32_t uint32_t* number unsigned long long uint64_t uint64_t* number unsigned short uint16_t uint16_t* number wchar char16_t char16_t* string full unicode set permitted wstring const char16_t* char16_t** string full unicode set permitted most of the time you don't want to use this type but astring.
...igned long long typedef, 64 bits) number prtime is in microseconds, while js date assumes time in milliseconds nsresult (xpidl unsigned long typedef, 32 bits) number nsrefcnt (xpidl unsigned long typedef, 32 bits) number size_t (xpidl unsigned long typedef, 32 bits) number voidptr void* void* not allowed charptr char* char** not allowed unicharptr char16_t* char16_t** not allowed nsidref const nsid& nsid* ?
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AbstractRange - Web APIs
a collapsed range is one whose start position and end position are the same, resulting in a zero-character-long range.
... endoffset read only an integer value indicating the offset, in characters, from the beginning of the node's contents to the beginning of the range represented by the range object.
... startoffset read only an integer value indicating the offset, in characters, from the beginning of the node's contents to the last character of the contents referred to by the range object.
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Battery Status API - Web APIs
the battery status api, more often referred to as the battery api, provides information about the system's battery charge level and lets you be notified by events that are sent when the battery level or charging status change.
... example in this example, we watch for changes both to the charging status (whether or not we're plugged in and charging) and for changes to the battery level and timing.
... this is done by listening for the chargingchange, levelchange, chargingtimechange, dischargingtimechange events.
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RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent.RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent() - Web APIs
options a dictionary of type rtcdtmftonechangeeventinit, which may contain one or more of the following fields: tone a domstring containing a single dtmf tone character which has just begun to play, or an empty string ("") to indicate that the previous tone has stopped playing.
... see tone characters for details on what characters are permitted.
... tone characters the digits 0-9 these characters represent the digit keys on a telephone keypad.
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font-family - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
rather, font selection is done one character at a time, so that if an available font does not have a glyph for a needed character, the latter fonts are tried.
... cursive glyphs in cursive fonts generally have either joining strokes or other cursive characteristics beyond those of italic typefaces.
... fantasy fantasy fonts are primarily decorative fonts that contain playful representations of characters.
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text-justify - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
text-justify: none; text-justify: auto; text-justify: inter-word; text-justify: inter-character; text-justify: distribute; /* deprecated value */ syntax the text-justify property is specified as a single keyword chosen from the list of values below.
... inter-character the text is justified by adding space between characters (effectively varying letter-spacing), which is most appropriate for languages like japanese.
... distribute exhibits the same behaviour as inter-character; this value is kept for backwards compatibility.
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text-orientation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the text-orientation css property sets the orientation of the text characters in a line.
... values mixed rotates the characters of horizontal scripts 90° clockwise.
... lays out the characters of vertical scripts naturally.
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<bdi>: The Bidirectional Isolate element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
bidirectional text is text that may contain both sequences of characters that are arranged left-to-right (ltr) and sequences of characters that are arranged right-to-left (rtl), such as an arabic quotation embedded in an english string. this algorithm, characters are given an implicit directionality: for example, latin characters are treated as ltr while arabic characters are treated as rtl.
... some other characters (such as spaces and some punctuation) are treated as neutral and are assigned directionality based on that of their surrounding characters.
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<colgroup> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
possible values are: left, aligning the content to the left of the cell center, centering the content in the cell right, aligning the content to the right of the cell justify, inserting spaces into the textual content so that the content is justified in the cell char, aligning the textual content on a special character with a minimal offset, defined by the char and charoff attributes.
... char this attribute specifies the alignment of the content in a column group to a character.
...if align is not set to char, this attribute is ignored, though it will still be used as the default value for the align of the <col> which are members of this column group.
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<meta>: The Document-level Metadata element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
permitted parents <meta charset>, <meta http-equiv>: a <head> element.
... if the charset attribute is set, the meta element is a charset declaration, giving the character encoding in which the document is encoded.
... note: the attribute name has a specific meaning for the <meta> element, and the itemprop attribute must not be set on the same <meta> element that has any existing name, http-equiv or charset attributes.
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JSON.parse() - JavaScript
in the first stage, we replace certain // unicode characters with escape sequences.
... javascript handles many characters // incorrectly, either silently deleting them, or treating them as line endings.
... text = string(text); rx_dangerous.lastindex = 0; if (rx_dangerous.test(text)) { text = text.replace(rx_dangerous, function(a) { return ( "\\u" + ("0000" + a.charcodeat(0).tostring(16)).slice(-4) ); }); } // in the second stage, we run the text against regular expressions that look // for non-json patterns.
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JSON.stringify() - JavaScript
if this is a number, it indicates the number of space characters to use as white space; this number is capped at 10 (if it is greater, the value is just 10).
... if this is a string, the string (or the first 10 characters of the string, if it's longer than that) is used as white space.
... if it is a number, successive levels in the stringification will each be indented by this many space characters (up to 10).
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String.prototype.normalize() - JavaScript
description unicode assigns a unique numerical value, called a code point, to each character.
...however, sometimes more than one code point, or sequence of code points, can represent the same abstract character — the character "ñ" for example can be represented by either of: the single code point u+00f1.
... let string1 = '\u00f1'; // ñ let string2 = '\u006e\u0303'; // ñ console.log(string1 === string2); // false console.log(string1.length); // 1 console.log(string2.length); // 2 the normalize() method helps solve this problem by converting a string into a normalized form common for all sequences of code points that represent the same characters.
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parseInt() - JavaScript
or nan when the radix is smaller than 2 or bigger than 36, or the first non-whitespace character cannot be converted to a number.
... if parseint encounters a character that is not a numeral in the specified radix, it ignores it and all succeeding characters and returns the integer value parsed up to that point.
... because some numbers use the e character in their string representation (e.g.
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translate - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the translate function evaluates a string and a set of characters to translate and returns the translated string.
... abc the string of characters that will be replaced.
... xyz the string of characters used for replacement.
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base64 - Archive of obsolete content
var base64 = require("sdk/base64"); var encodeddata = base64.encode("hello, world"); var decodeddata = base64.decode(encodeddata); globals functions encode(data, charset) creates a base-64 encoded ascii string from a string of binary data.
... parameters data : string the data to encode charset : string the charset of the string to encode (optional). order to encode and decode unicode strings, the charset parameter needs to be set: var base64 = require("sdk/base64"); var encodeddata = base64.encode(unicodestring, "utf-8"); returns string : the encoded string decode(data, charset) decodes a string of data which has been encoded using base-64 encoding.
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Creating Reusable Modules - Archive of obsolete content
we can adapt it like this: var {cc, ci} = require("chrome"); // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte function tohexstring(charcode) { return ("0" + charcode.tostring(16)).slice(-2); } function md5file(path) { var f = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsilocalfile); f.initwithpath(path); var istream = cc[";1"] .createinstance(ci.nsifileinputstream); // open for reading istream.init(f, 0x01, 0444, 0); var ch = cc["
... var s = array.from(hash, (c, i) => tohexstring(hash.charcodeat(i))).join(""); return s; } putting it together the complete add-on adds a button to firefox: when the user clicks the button, we ask them to select a file, compute the hash, and log the hash to the console: var {cc, ci} = require("chrome"); // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte function tohexstring(charcode) { return ("0" + charcode.tostring(16)).slice(-2); } function...
... var s = array.from(hash, (c, i) => tohexstring(hash.charcodeat(i))).join(""); return s; } function promptforfile() { var window = require("sdk/window/utils").getmostrecentbrowserwindow(); const nsifilepicker = ci.nsifilepicker; var fp = cc[";1"] .createinstance(nsifilepicker); fp.init(window, "select a file", nsifilepicker.modeopen); fp.appendfilters(nsifilepicker.filterall | nsifilepicker.filtertext); ...
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JavaScript Daemons Management - Archive of obsolete content
examples example #1: a standard instantiation – new daemon() <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>new daemon(&hellip;)</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="daemon.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="daemon-methods.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function perform (nindex, nlength, bbackw) { // for (var oletter, nletter = 0; nletter < aletters.length; nletter++) { oletter = aletter...
...d');">two reversals</button> <button onclick="orecompose.makeloop();alert('changed');">makeloop</button> <button onclick="orecompose.unmakeloop();alert('changed');">unmakeloop</button> <button onclick="orecompose.close();">close</button> <button onclick="orecompose.reclose();">reclose</button><br /> frame rate: <input type="text" id="vello" value="33" style="width: 40px;" onkeypress="return event.charcode===0||/\d/.test(string.fromcharcode(event.charcode));" onkeyup="if(isfinite(this.value)&&number(this.value)>0){orecompose.setrate(this.value);}" /></p> </body> </html> example #2: a practical instantiation – daemon.buildaround() <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>daemon.buildaround(&hellip;)</title> <script type="te...
...lert('changed');">two reversals</button> <button onclick="ounhide.makeloop();alert('changed');">makeloop</button> <button onclick="ounhide.unmakeloop();alert('changed');">unmakeloop</button> <button onclick="ounhide.close();">close</button> <button onclick="ounhide.reclose();">reclose</button><br /> frame rate: <input type="text" id="vello" value="33" style="width: 40px;" onkeypress="return event.charcode===0||/\d/.test(string.fromcharcode(event.charcode));" onkeyup="if(isfinite(this.value)&&number(this.value)>0){ounhide.setrate(this.value);}" /></p> </body> </html> example #3: a safe (without setinterval) instantiation – new <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>new;)</title> <script ...
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Accesskey display rules - Archive of obsolete content
basic accesskey display rules on non-mac platforms, a character which is same as its accesskey is underlined.
... if a label has two or more characters which are same as its accesskey, the first character of them will be underlined.
... if a label doesn't have the character, xul elements append the accesskey character with parentheses.
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Property Files - Archive of obsolete content
in case you need to format a string that already contains the percentage character in it (to get something like "50% off" returned), escape the percentage character with another percentage character, like this: my.percentage.string = %s%% off not escaping the percentage character will generate an incorrect string that strips the space character between the percentage character and the next word of the string ("50%off").
... non-ascii characters, utf-8 and escaping gecko 1.8.x (or later) supports property files encoded in utf-8.
... you can and should write non-ascii characters directly without escape sequences, and save the file as utf-8 without bom.
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Percent-encoding - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
percent-encoding is a mechanism to encode 8-bit characters that have specific meaning in the context of urls.
...the encoding consists of substitution: a '%' followed by the hexadecimal representation of the ascii value of the replace character.
... special characters needing encoding are: ':', '/', '?', '#', '[', ']', '@', '!', '$', '&', "'", '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', ';', '=', as well as '%' itself.
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How can we design for all types of users? - Learn web development
here is the html we're using: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>font size experiment</title> </head> <body> <h1>this is our main heading <span class="subheading">this is our subheading</span> </h1> </body> </html> a percent-based css will look like this: body { font-size:100%; } /* 100% of the browser's base font size, so in most cases this will render as 16 pixels */ h1 { font-size:200%; } /* twice the size of the b... make it easier on people's eyes, limit line width to around 60 or 70 characters.
...let's consider this html: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>font size experiment</title> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <h1>this is our main heading <span class="subheading">this is our subheading</span> </h1> <p>[lengthly text that spans many lines]</p> </div> </body> </html> we have a div with class container.
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HTML text fundamentals - Learn web development
playable code <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px; width: 95%">my short story i am a statistician and my name is trish.
... playable code <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px; width: 95%">milk eggs bread hummus</textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem;...
... playable code <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 200px; width: 95%">drive to the end of the road turn right go straight across the first two roundabouts turn left at the third roundabout the school is on your right, 300 meters up the road</textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show sol...
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Arrays - Learn web development
finding the length of an array you can find out the length of an array (how many items are in it) in exactly the same way as you find out the length (in characters) of a string — by using the length property. its simplest form, this takes a single parameter, the character you want to separate the string at, and returns the substrings between the separator as items in an array.
...(try running step 4 with a different character than a comma.) let dognames = ['rocket','flash','bella','slugger']; dognames.tostring(); // rocket,flash,bella,slugger adding and removing array items we've not yet covered adding and removing array items — let us look at this now.
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Client-Server Overview - Learn web development connection: keep-alive pragma: no-cache cache-control: no-cache upgrade-insecure-requests: 1 user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (windows nt 10.0; wow64) applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko) chrome/52.0.2743.116 safari/537.36 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 referer: accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, sdch, br accept-charset: iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.8,es;q=0.6 cookie: sessionid=6ynxs23n521lu21b1t136rhbv7ezngie; csrftoken=zipujsazv6pcgcbjscj1zu6pqzbfmuat; dwf_section_edit=false; dwf_sg_task_completion=false; _gat=1; _ga=ga1.2.1688886003.1471911953; ffo=true the first and second lines contain most of the information we talked about above: the type of request (get).
... it can accept the specified set of characters (accept-charset: iso-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7) and languages (accept-language: de,en;q=0.7,en-us;q=0.3).
... we can also see that it uses the utf-8 character set (content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8).
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Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
me> or <iframe> role_menupopup dhtml: role="wairole:menu" fires event_menupopupstart, event_menupopupend role_menuitem xul: menuitem dhtml: role="wairole:menuitem" sets state_checked for radio or checkbox menuitem types accelerator key comes in accname after a \t (tab) character.
... role_chart not supported.
... n/a role_character not supported.
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Mozilla’s UAAG evaluation report
zooming can be controlled via hotkeys ctrl+plus and ctrl+minus the prefs are at preferences, appearances, fonts there is also a hidden pref line that can be added to prefs.js, if you just want to change the minimum font size for a certain font: user_pref("font.minimum-size.x-western", newfontsizeinpoints); for other i18n charsets, change x-western to x-central-euro, x-cyrillic, x-unicode, x-user-def, x-baltic, el, tr, he, ar, th, ja, zh-cn or zh-tw 4.2 configure font family.
...(p1) na 4.14 configure synthesized speech characteristics.
... (p1) na 4.15 specific synthesized speech characteristics.
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Error codes returned by Mozilla APIs
for example, if a character in the path is not valid for a filename.
... ns_error_dom_invalid_character_err (0x80530005) an invalid character was used in a tag or attribute name.
...for instance, this error can occur when an invalid character was used in a namespace uri.
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Encodings for localization files
this is tricky to hook up in the build process, so here it goes: file encoding notes toolkit/installer/windows/ ascii the win_installer_charset variable must be set to an encoding which matches toolkit/installer/windows/ charset= parameter.
...this must match the charset= parameter in this file, and the win_installer_charset parameter in the fontname/fontsize/charset parameters in this file must be set to good values.
...see the table below for appropriate values for the charset= parameter.
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Creating localizable web applications
you probably don't want to localize the urls to keep them uniform across locales as well as to avoid issues with non-latin and/or rtl characters.
..."</a> &raquo;</b>", $locale_conf->url('/demo_create_3'));?></div> using &laquo; and &raquo; should be ok here for rtl languages (they are flipped correctly if there are no latin characters next to them, which there aren't any), so let's leave it as it is.
...good: image file (/img/tignish/firefox/performance-chart.png): html: (in this case, no gettext was used and the localizers worked on pure html files) <div id="performance-chart"> <h4>firefox performance: fast — faster — <em>fastest</em></h4> <p>results of a sunspider test on a windows xp machine</p> <img src="/img/tignish/firefox/performance-chart.png" alt="firefox 2, firefox 3, firefox 3.5 performance chart" /> <ul> <li>18,148 ms<...
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NSS Developer Tutorial
nss coding style formatting line length should not exceed 80 characters.
... a data buffer is usually represented as: unsigned char *data; unsigned int len; the buffer pointer is unsigned char *, as opposed to void *, so we can perform pointer arithmetic without casting.
... use char * only if the data is interpreted as text characters.
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Initialize NSS database - sample 2
/* * print a usage message and exit */ static void usage(const char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -d [-p ]" " [-f ]\n\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "%-15s specify a db directory path\n\n", "-d "); fprintf(stderr, "%-15s specify a plaintext password\n\n", "-p "); fprintf(stderr, "%-15s specify a password file\n\n", "-f "); exit(-1); } /* * initslotpassword */ char * initslotpassword(pk11slotinfo *slot, prbool retry, void *arg) { file *input; file *output; char *p0 = null; char *p1 = null; ...
...pwdata->data); } /* open terminal */ input = fopen("/dev/tty", "r"); if (input == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error opening input terminal for read\n"); return null; } /* we have no password, so initialize database with one */ pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "enter a password which will be used to encrypt your keys.\n" "the password should be at least 8 characters long,\n" "and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.\n\n"); output = fopen("/dev/tty", "w"); if (output == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "error opening output terminal for write\n"); return null; } for (;;) { if (p0) port_free(p0); p0 = getpassword(input, output, "enter new password: ", ...
...try again.\n"); } /* clear out the duplicate password string */ if (p1) { port_memset(p1, 0, port_strlen(p1)); port_free(p1); } fclose(input); fclose(output); return p0; } /* * changepw */ secstatus changepw(pk11slotinfo *slot, char *oldpass, char *newpass, char *oldpwfile, char *newpwfile) { secstatus rv; secupwdata pwdata; secupwdata newpwdata; char *oldpw = null; char *newpw = null; if (oldpass) { pwdata.source = pw_plaintext; = oldpass; } else if (oldpwfile) { pwdata.source = pw_fromfile; = oldpwfile; } else { ...
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syntax char * js_encodestring(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str); char * js_encodestringtoutf8(jscontext *cx, js::handlestring str); // added in spidermonkey 24 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... description js_encodestring and js_encodestringtoutf8 convert the specified javascript str to a c string (an array of 8-bit chars).
...otherwise the high byte is simply dropped from each char16_t.
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syntax jsbool js_evaluatescript(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *src, unsigned int length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsval *rval); jsbool js_evaluateucscript(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const jschar *src, unsigned int length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsval *rval); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to run the script.
... src const char * or const jschar * string containing the script to compile and execute.
... length unsigned int the length of src, in characters.
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syntax char * js_getstringbytes(jsstring *str); const char * js_getstringbytesz(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str); // added in jsapi 1.8.2 name type description cx jscontext * (js_getstringbytesz and js_encodestring only) a context.
... description js_getstringbytes and js_getstringbytesz convert the specified javascript string, str, to a c string (an array of 8-bit chars).
...otherwise the high byte is simply dropped from each jschar.
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syntax size_t js_putescapedstring(jscontext *cx, char *buffer, size_t size, jsstring *str, char quote); size_t js_putescapedflatstring(char *buffer, size_t size, jsflatstring *str, char quote); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... buffer char * a pointer to char buffer to write into.
... quote char one of 0, single quote, and double quote.
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SpiderMonkey 1.8.7
iptforprincipalsversion js_evaluateucscriptforprincipalsversion js_executeregexp js_executeregexpnostatics js_executescriptversion js_forget_string_flatness js_fileescapedstring js_finishjsonparse (removed in future releases, replaced with js_parsejson) js_flatstringequalsascii js_flattenstring js_flushcaches js_freezeobject js_getcompartmentprivate js_getemptystring js_getflatstringchars js_getgcparameter js_getgcparameterforthread js_getglobalforscopechain js_getinternedstringchars js_getinternedstringcharsandlength js_getownpropertydescriptor js_getpropertyattrsgetterandsetterbyid js_getpropertybyid js_getpropertybyiddefault js_getpropertydefault js_getpropertydescriptorbyid js_getruntimesecuritycallbacks js_getsecuritycallbacks js_getstringcharsandlength js_get...
...stringcharsz js_getstringcharszandlength js_getstringencodinglength js_haspropertybyid js_initctypesclass js_internjsstring js_isconstructing_possiblywithgiventhisobject js_isextensible js_isinrequest js_leavecrosscompartmentcall js_lookuppropertybyid js_lookuppropertywithflagsbyid js_new js_newcompartmentandglobalobject js_newdateobject js_newdateobjectmsec js_newfunctionbyid body new c++ helpers while jsapi remains a c api, the engine is now implemented in c++.
...bug 614138 introduces a c++ js::anchor<> template class to help tie lexical scope to the conservative gc for cases where the compiler might optimize away important stack/register roots (such as when we access the jschars in a jsstring).
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aposition [in] an offset into the string's internal buffer specifying where to place the given characters.
... void insert( const char_type* adata, index_type aposition, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... aposition [in] an offset into the string's internal buffer specifying where to place the given characters.
...And 2 more matches
aposition [in] an offset into the string's internal buffer specifying where to place the given characters.
... void insert( const char_type* adata, index_type aposition, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... aposition [in] an offset into the string's internal buffer specifying where to place the given characters.
...And 2 more matches
oid finalize(); mozistoragestatement clone(); autf8string getparametername(in unsigned long aparamindex); unsigned long getparameterindex(in autf8string aname); autf8string getcolumnname(in unsigned long acolumnindex); unsigned long getcolumnindex(in autf8string aname); void reset(); astring escapestringforlike(in astring avalue, in wchar aescapechar); void bindparameters(in mozistoragebindingparamsarray aparameters); mozistoragebindingparamsarray newbindingparamsarray(); void bindutf8stringparameter(in unsigned long aparamindex, in autf8string avalue); void bindstringparameter(in unsigned long aparamindex, in astring avalue); void binddoubleparameter(in unsigned long aparamindex, in ...
... note: consumers will have to use same escape char when doing statements such as: '?1' escape '/'....
... astring escapestringforlike( in astring avalue, in wchar aescapechar ); parameters avalue string to escape for sql like.
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do not use characters that are not valid in urls such as spaces, ":", commas, or most other symbols.
... do not use characters that are not valid in urls such as spaces, ":", commas, or most other symbols.
... do not use characters that are not valid in urls such as spaces, ":", commas, or most other symbols.
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exceptions thrown ns_error_invalid_arg if key or data contain invalid characters.
... invalid characters for key are '=' and '\n'.
... invalid character for data is '\0'.
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.createinstance(components.interfaces.nsicryptohash); // we want to use the sha256 algorithm ch.init(ch.sha256); // this tells updatefromstream to read the entire file const pr_uint32_max = 0xffffffff; ch.updatefromstream(istream, pr_uint32_max); // pass false here to get binary data back var hash = ch.finish(false); // return the two-digit hexadecimal code for a byte function tohexstring(charcode) { return ("0" + charcode.tostring(16)).slice(-2); } // convert the binary hash data to a hex string.
... var s = array.from(hash, (c, i) => tohexstring(hash.charcodeat(i))).join(""); // s now contains your hash in hex this gives 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3 for the hash value.
...converter.charset = "utf-8"; // result is an out parameter, // result.value will contain the array length var result = {}; // data is an array of bytes var data = converter.converttobytearray(str, result); var ch = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsicryptohash); ch.init(ch.sha256); ch.update(data, data.length); var hash = ch.finish(fals...
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obsolete since gecko 1.8 authorstyledisabled boolean disable entire author style level (including html presentation hints) bidicharacterset octet whether to force the user's character set 1 - use the document character set 2 - use the character set chosen by the user.
...1 - the default order for the charset 2 - logical order 3 - visual order.
... defaultcharacterset acstring forcecharacterset acstring fullzoom float the amount by which to scale all lengths.
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to create an instance, use: var standardurl = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsistandardurl); method overview void init(in unsigned long aurltype, in long adefaultport, in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri); attributes attribute type description mutable boolean control whether or not this url can be modified.
...void init( in unsigned long aurltype, in long adefaultport, in autf8string aspec, in string aorigincharset, in nsiuri abaseuri ); parameters aurltype one of the constants listed above.
...aorigincharset the charset from which this uri string originated.
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#include "nsstringapi.h" pruint32 ns_cstringgetmutabledata( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 adatalength, char** adata ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to modify.
... adatalength [in] the number of characters to resize the string's internal buffer to or pr_uint32_max to return the buffer as-is.
... return values this function returns the number of characters contained in the string's internal buffer (excluding any null-terminator).
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#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringinsertdata( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 aoffset, const prunichar* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to be modified.
... aoffset [in] an offset into the string's internal buffer specifying where to place the given characters.
... adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
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Initialization and Destruction - Plugins
nperror npp_new(npmimetype plugintype, npp instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char *argn[], char *argv[], npsaveddata *saved); the plugintype parameter represents the mime type of this instance of the plug-in.
... to ensure that the browser does not crash or leak memory when the saved data is discarded, the buf field should be a flat structure (a simple structure with no allocated substructures) allocated with npn_memalloc, as in this example: char* mydata = "here is some saved data.\n"; int32 mylength = strlen(mydata) + 1; *save = (npsaveddata*) npn_memalloc(sizeof(npsaveddata)); (*save)->len = mylength; (*save)->buf = (void*) npn_memalloc(mylength); strcpy((*save)->buf, mydata); if you allocate saved instance data in npp_destroy, be sure to allocate memory with this function, since the browser can delete the saved data with the equ...
...*/ static char* useragent = null; /* initialize function.
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BluetoothDevice - Web APIs
gatt; readonly attribute frozenarray uuids; promise watchadvertisements(); void unwatchadvertisements(); readonly attribute boolean watchingadvertisements; }; bluetoothdevice implements eventtarget; bluetoothdevice implements bluetoothdeviceeventhandlers; bluetoothdevice implements characteristiceventhandlers; bluetoothdevice implements serviceeventhandlers; properties read only a domstring that uniquely identifies a device.
... bluetoothdevice.vendoridsource read only the vendor id source field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
... bluetoothdevice.vendorid read only the 16-bit vendor id field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
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BluetoothRemoteGATTDescriptor - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor interface of the web bluetooth api provides a gatt descriptor, which provides further information about a characteristic’s value.
... interface interface bluetoothremotegattdescriptor { readonly attribute bluetoothgattcharacteristic characteristic; readonly attribute uuid uuid; readonly attribute arraybuffer?
... value; promise<arraybuffer> readvalue(); promise<void> writevalue(buffersource value); }; properties bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.characteristicread only returns the bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic this descriptor belongs to.
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Document.querySelector() - Web APIs
note: characters that are not part of standard css syntax must be escaped using a backslash character.
... since javascript also uses backslash escaping, be especially careful when writing string literals using these characters.
... see escaping special characters for more information.
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Document - Web APIs
document.charactersetread only returns the character set being used by the document.
... document.charset read only alias of document.characterset.
... document.inputencoding read only alias of document.characterset.
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Element.querySelectorAll() - Web APIs
note: characters which are not part of standard css syntax must be escaped using a backslash character.
... since javascript also uses backspace escaping, special care must be taken when writing string literals using these characters.
... see escaping special characters for more information.
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KeyboardEvent.code - Web APIs
the keyboardevent.code property represents a physical key on the keyboard (as opposed to the character generated by pressing the key).
... this property is useful when you want to handle keys based on their physical positions on the input device rather than the characters associated with those keys; this is especially common when writing code to handle input for games that simulate a gamepad-like environment using keys on the keyboard.
... be aware, however, that you can't use the value reported by keyboardevent.code to determine the character generated by the keystroke, because the keycode's name may not match the actual character that's printed on the key or that's generated by the computer when the key is pressed.
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RTCDTMFSender.toneBuffer - Web APIs
tone buffer format the tone buffer is a string which can contain any combination of the characters that are permitted by the dtmf standard.
... dtmf tone characters the digits 0-9 these characters represent the digit keys on a telephone keypad.
... the letters a-d these characters represent the "a" through "d" keys which are part of the dtmf standard but not included on most telephones.
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Using server-sent events - Web APIs
messages in the event stream are separated by a pair of newline characters.
... a colon as the first character of a line is in essence a comment, and is ignored.
...when the eventsource receives multiple consecutive lines that begin with data:, it concatenates them, inserting a newline character between each one.
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Viewpoints and viewers: Simulating cameras in WebXR - Web APIs
in business applications, the 3d camera is used to simply set the apparent size and perspective when rendering things such as graphs and charts.
... in advanced 3d games, a camera or camera-like object could be used to determine what a non-player character can see, relying on the same rendering and physics engine used by player characters for non-player characters.
... in single-screen 2d games, the camera is not associated directly with the player or any other character in the game, but is instead either fixed above or next to the game play area, or follows the action as the action moves around a scrolling game world.
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Using XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
var oreq = new xmlhttprequest();"get", url); // retrieve data unprocessed as a binary string oreq.overridemimetype("text/plain; charset=x-user-defined"); /* ...
...for this reason, here we place a complete (yet didactic) framework, able to use all four ways to submit, and to upload files: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>sending forms with pure ajax &ndash; mdn</title> <script type="text/javascript"> "use strict"; /*\ |*| |*| :: xmlhttprequest.prototype.sendasbinary() polyfill :: |*| |*| \*/ if (!xmlhttprequest.prototype.sendasbinary) { xmlhttprequest.prototype.sendasbinary = function(sdata) { var nbytes = sdata.le...
...ngth, ui8data = new uint8array(nbytes); for (var nidx = 0; nidx < nbytes; nidx++) { ui8data[nidx] = sdata.charcodeat(nidx) & 0xff; } /* send as arraybufferview...: */ this.send(ui8data); /* ...or as arraybuffer (legacy)...: this.send(ui8data.buffer); */ }; } /*\ |*| |*| :: ajax form submit framework :: |*| |*| |*| |*| this framework is released under the gnu public license, version 3 or later.
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Accessibility and Spacial Patterns - Accessibility
in 2005, arnold wilkins, john emmett, and graham harding evaluated the guidelines for characterizing patterned images that could precipitate seizures.
...which they published in the paper, characterizing the patterned images that precipitate seizures and optimizing guidelines to prevent them the steps necessary to evaluate material reduce to the following: look at the screen are there more than five stripes?
... space has to surround the braille character.
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Variable fonts guide - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the reason for this is that most typefaces have very specific designs for bolder weights and italics that often include completely different characters (lower-case 'a' and 'g' are often quite different in italics, for example).
...italic designs often include dramatically different letterforms from their upright counterparts, so in the transition from upright to italic, a number of glyph (or character) substitutions usually occur.
... slant slant (represented by the slnt tag), or as it's often referred to, 'oblique' — is different to true italics in that it changes the angle of the letterforms but doesn’t perform any kind of character substitution.
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CSS values and units - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
textual data types <custom-ident> pre-defined keywords as an <ident> <string> <url> text data types are either <string>, a quoted series of characters, or an <ident>, a "css identifier" which is an unquoted string.
...if unquoted, it is parsed as a <url-token>, which has extra requirements including the escaping of certain characters.
...there is never a space or any other characters between a the number and the unit identifier: i.e.
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<custom-ident> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
it consists of one or more characters, where characters can be any of the following: any alphabetical character (a to z, or a to z), any decimal digit (0 to 9), a hyphen (-), an underscore (_), an escaped character (preceded by a backslash, \), a unicode character (in the format of a backslash, \, followed by one to six hexadecimal digits, representing its unicode code point) note that id1, id1, id1 and id1 are all different identifiers as they are case-sensitive.
... on the other hand, as there are several ways to escape a character, toto\?
...moreover, the first character must not be a decimal digit, nor a hyphen (-) followed by a decimal digit or another hyphen.
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font-variation-settings - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the font-variation-settings css property provides low-level control over variable font characteristics, by specifying the four letter axis names of the characteristics you want to vary, along with their values.
...each setting is always one or more pairs consisting of a <string> of 4 ascii characters followed by a <number> indicating the axis value to set.
... if the <string> has more or fewer characters or contains characters outside the u+20 - u+7e codepoint range, the whole property is invalid.
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ruby-position - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
it can be position over the element (over), under it (under), or between the characters, on their right side (inter-character).
... /* keyword values */ ruby-position: over; ruby-position: under; ruby-position: inter-character; /* global values */ ruby-position: inherit; ruby-position: initial; ruby-position: unset; syntax values over is a keyword indicating that the ruby has to be placed over the main text for horizontal scripts and right to it for vertical scripts.
... inter-character is a keyword indicating that the ruby has to be placed between the different characters.
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white-space - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
newline characters in the source are handled the same as other white space.
...lines are only broken at newline characters in the source and at <br> elements.
...lines are broken at newline characters, at <br>, and as necessary to fill line boxes.
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HTML attribute reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
accept-charset <form> list of supported charsets.
... charset <meta>, <script> declares the character encoding of the page or script.
... maxlength <input>, <textarea> defines the maximum number of characters allowed in the element.
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<col> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
char this attribute is used to set the character to align the cells in a column on.
...if align is not set to char, this attribute is ignored.
... charoff this attribute is used to indicate the number of characters to offset the column data from the alignment characters specified by the char attribute.
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HTML elements reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
<rtc> the html ruby text container (<rtc>) element embraces semantic annotations of characters presented in a ruby of <rb> elements used inside of <ruby> element.
...ruby annotations are for showing pronunciation of east asian characters.
... element description <acronym> the html acronym element (<acronym>) allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that compose an acronym or abbreviation for a word.
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Data URLs - HTTP
if omitted, defaults to text/plain;charset=us-ascii if the data is textual, you can simply embed the text (using the appropriate entities or escapes based on the enclosing document's type).
...note the use of percent-encoding (url-encoding) for the quote and space characters. consisting only in ascii characters, base64 strings are generally url-safe, and that's why they can be used to encode data in data urls.
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MIME types (IANA media types) - HTTP
an optional parameter can be added to provide additional details: type/subtype;parameter=value for example, for any mime type whose main type is text, the optional charset parameter can be used to specify the character set used for the characters in the data.
... if no charset is specified, the default is ascii (us-ascii) unless overridden by the user agent's settings.
... to specify a utf-8 text file, the mime type text/plain;charset=utf-8 is used.
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Set-Cookie - HTTP
-value>; samesite=strict set-cookie: <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>; samesite=lax set-cookie: <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>; samesite=none // multiple attributes are also possible, for example: set-cookie: <cookie-name>=<cookie-value>; domain=<domain-value>; secure; httponly attributes <cookie-name>=<cookie-value> a cookie begins with a name-value pair: a <cookie-name> can be any us-ascii characters, except control characters, spaces, or tabs.
... it also must not contain a separator character like the following: ( ) < > @ , ; : \ " / [ ] ?
... a <cookie-value> can optionally be wrapped in double quotes and include any us-ascii characters excluding control characters, whitespace, double quotes, comma, semicolon, and backslash.
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Functions - JavaScript
the only formal argument for the function is a string that specifies the characters that separate the items to concatenate.
... encodeuri() the encodeuri() method encodes a uniform resource identifier (uri) by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the utf-8 encoding of the character (will only be four escape sequences for characters composed of two "surrogate" characters).
... encodeuricomponent() the encodeuricomponent() method encodes a uniform resource identifier (uri) component by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the utf-8 encoding of the character (will only be four escape sequences for characters composed of two "surrogate" characters).
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MathML attribute reference - MathML
unimplemented charalign <mstack> specifies the horizontal alignment of digits.
... unimplemented decimalpoint <mstyle> if the decimalpoint value is used to specify the alignment, this attribute is specifying the character for the alignment point within <mstack> and <mtable> columns.
... length <msline> unimplemented linebreak <mo>, <mspace> unimplemented linebreakmultchar <mo>, <mspace> unimplemented linebreakstyle <mo>, <mspace> unimplemented lineleading <mo>, <mspace> linethickness <mfrac> the thickness of the horizontal fraction line.
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Web video codec guide - Web media technologies
visual mp4, mpeg, quicktime theora theora ogg vp8 video processor 8 3gp, ogg, webm vp9 video processor 9 mp4, ogg, webm factors affecting the encoded video as is the case with any encoder, there are two basic groups of factors affecting the size and quality of the encoded video: specifics about the source video's format and contents, and the characteristics and configuration of the codec used while encoding the video.
... licensing is managed by mpeg la; fees are charged to developers rather than to content producers and distributors.
... breaking down the value of the codecs parameter into its dot-delineated properties, we see the following: value desccription av01 the four-character code (4cc) designation identifying the av1 codec.
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method - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
value align | stretch default value align animatable yes align this value indicates that the characters should be rendered so that they are not stretched or warped.
... the characters are rotated, scaled and stretched when they are rendered.
... as a result, for fonts with connected characters (e.g.
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Texts - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the attribute may also contain a list of numbers, that are one by one applied to the single characters of the tspan element., too, you may provide a list of values that are applied to consecutive characters, hence piling up the offset over time.
... rotate rotate all characters by this degree.
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The Essentials of an Extension - Archive of obsolete content
our general rule on line length is not having lines longer than 80 characters.
...even old command line editors work well with files that cut their lines at 80 characters.
...we never use actual tab characters, with the exception of makefiles, which will be covered later on.
...just like in install.rdf, comments can be added using the # character at the beginning of the line.
Signing an XPI - Archive of obsolete content
the password should be at least 8 characters long, and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.
...acceptable characters are numbers, letters, spaces, and apostrophes.
... certificate common name: xpi test organization: tjworld organization unit: software state or province: nottingham country (must be exactly 2 characters): gb username: tj email address: generated public/private key pair certificate request generated certificate has been signed certificate "mytestcert" added to database exported certificate to x509.raw and x509.cacert.
...i found mine in c:\documents and settings\tj\application data\mozilla\firefox\profiles\xxxxxxxx.default\ where xxxxxxxx is a random string of characters.
Search Extension Tutorial (Draft) - Archive of obsolete content
// a default for this preference must exist, and it must be a // character preference.
... savedprefs[name] = [defaultprefs.getcharpref(name), value]; // change the default defaultprefs.setcharpref(name, value); // clear the user value if this is the first run, or the // new default is the same as the user value.
... if (firstrun || userprefs.getcharpref(name) == value) userprefs.clearuserpref(name); } function startup(data, reason) { firstrun = reason == addon_install; // change the default engine name.
... for (let [name, [origvalue, value]] in iterator(savedprefs)) { if (defaultprefs.getcharpref(name) == value) defaultprefs.setcharpref(name, origvalue); } } function install() {} function uninstall() {} changing the default search engine this change comes in two parts: 1) installing a new search engine (and removing it when your extension is disabled), and 2) setting it as a default (and restoring the previous default when your extension is uninstalled).
Mozilla Application Framework in Detail - Archive of obsolete content
gecko is based on contributions from, the organization chartered with managing netscape's open source initiative among thousands of internet developers and participating vendors such as netscape.
...supported standards and features include data transport protocols, multilingual character data, image data, java and plugins.
... free: gecko is free of charge.
... there is no charge for using the gecko browser engine or gecko technologies, including distributing gecko inside another product.
Simple Menu Bars - Archive of obsolete content
mozilla will look at the label attribute and add an underline character to the character specified here.
... for that reason, you should specify a character that exists in the text (although the key will still work if it doesn't).
...mozilla will look at the label attribute and add an underline character to the character specified here.
... for that reason, you should specify a character that exists in the text.
Using the Editor from XUL - Archive of obsolete content
for normal character keys, that falls into nshtmleditor::editorkeypress().
... nshtmleditor::editorkeypress() gets the character code from the key event, puts that into a string, and calls nshtmleditor::typedtext(), which simply calls nshtmleditor::inserttext().
...recall that we're going through a generic inserttext() call, so this code deals with pasting long strings, as well as inserting single characters.
...when handling key presses, this will just insert a single character.
key - Archive of obsolete content
key type: character the character that must be pressed.
... this should be set to a displayable character.
... keycode type: string key code for keys that do not have displayable characters, such as the enter key or function keys, use this attribute instead of the key attribute.
...on macintosh this can only be used in conjunction with another modifier, since alt+letter combinations are reserved for entering special characters in text.
application/http-index-format specification - Archive of obsolete content
any illegal characters must be escaped via the url escaping syntax defined by rfc 1738.
...any illegal characters must be escaped via the url escaping syntax defined by rfc 1738.
...white space and 8 bit characters must be url encoded.
...whitespace and 8-bit characters must be url-encoded.
XForms Select1 Element - Archive of obsolete content
xhtml widget characteristics analogous widgets is <html:select/> visual grouping by choices element is supported selection="open" is supported if incremental attribute value is false, the bound node is updated when the select1 control is blurred (i.e.
... loses focus), otherwise it is updated upon item selection xul widget characteristics analogous widgets are <html:select/> and <xul:menulist/> visual grouping by choices element isn't implemented selection="open" attribute isn't supported if incremental attribute value is false, the bound node is updated when the select control is blurred (i.e.
...characteristics analogous widgets are <html:select size="5"/> and <xul:listbox/> visual grouping by choices element isn't implemented selection="open" attribute isn't supported if incremental attribute value is false, the bound node is updated when the select control is blurred (i.e.
...characteristics appearance attribute contains the value full there are no analogue widgets in xhtml or in xul visual grouping by choices element is supported selection="open" attribute isn't supported if incremental attribute value is false then bound node is updated when item is blurred examples <xf:model> <xf:instance> <data xmlns=""> <values>g</values> </data> </xf:instance> </xf:model> <xf:select1 ref="/data/values"> <xf:choices> <xf:label>green colors</xf:label> <xf:item> <xf:label>pale green</xf:label> <xf:value>pg</xf:value> </xf:item> <xf:item> <xf:label>green</xf:label> <xf:value>g</xf:...
Tiles and tilemaps overview - Game development
they can follow a character — like in platformers or rpgs — or allow the player to control the camera — like in strategy or simulation games.
... if characters or other game sprites are drawn in the middle of the layer stack, this allows for interesting effects such as having characters walking behind trees or buildings.
... the following screenshot shows an example of both points: a character appearing behind a tile (the knight appearing behind the top of a tree) and a tile (the bush) being rendered over different terrain types.
...the most common case is to use this logic grid to handle collisions, but other uses are possible as well: character spawning points, detecting whether some elements are placed together in the right way to trigger a certain action (like in tetris or bejeweled), path-finding algorithms, etc.
How CSS is structured - Learn web development
you reference an external css stylesheet from an html <link> element: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my css experiment</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <h1>hello world!</h1> <p>this is my first css example</p> </body> </html> the css stylesheet file might look like this: h1 { color: blue; background-color: yellow; border: 1px solid black; } p { color: red; } the href attribute of the <link> element needs to refe...
... the html for an internal stylesheet might look like this: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my css experiment</title> <style> h1 { color: blue; background-color: yellow; border: 1px solid black; } p { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>hello world!</h1> <p>this is my first css example</p> </body> </html> in some circumstances, internal stylesheets can be useful.
...the implementation of an inline style in an html document might look like this: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my css experiment</title> </head> <body> <h1 style="color: blue;background-color: yellow;border: 1px solid black;">hello world!</h1> <p style="color:red;">this is my first css example</p> </body> </html> avoid using css in this way when possible.
...inside the folder, copy the text below to create two files: index.html: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my css experiments</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <p>create your test html here</p> </body> </html> styles.css: /* create your test css here */ p { color: red; } when you find css that you want to experiment with, replace the html <body> contents with some html to style, and then add your test css code to your css file...
What is a Domain Name? - Learn web development
tlds can contain special as well as latin characters.
... a tld's maximum length is 63 characters, although most are around 2–3.
...a label is a case-insensitive character sequence anywhere from one to sixty-three characters in length, containing only the letters a through z, digits 0 through 9, and the - character (which may not be the first or last character in the label).
... note : for some domain name, it might not be a registrar which is in charge of keeping track.
Sending form data - Learn web development
<?php // the global $_post variable allows you to access the data sent with the post method by name // to access the data sent with the get method, you can use $_get $say = htmlspecialchars($_post['say']); $to = htmlspecialchars($_post['to']); echo $say, ' ', $to; ?> this example displays a page with the data we sent.
... escape potentially dangerous characters.
... the specific characters you should be cautious with vary depending on the context in which the data is used and the server platform you employ, but all server-side languages have functions for this.
... things to watch out for are character sequences that look like executable code (such as javascript or sql commands).
HTML basics - Learn web development
note: simple attribute values that don't contain ascii whitespace (or any of the characters " ' ` = < > ) can remain unquoted, but it is recommended that you quote all attribute values, as it makes the code more consistent and understandable.
...let's revisit the code we put into our index.html example (which we first met in the dealing with files article): <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my test page</title> </head> <body> <img src="images/firefox-icon.png" alt="my test image"> </body> </html> here, we have the following: <!doctype html> — the doctype.
...this includes things like keywords and a page description that you want to appear in search results, css to style our content, character set declarations and more.
... <meta charset="utf-8"> — this element sets the character set your document should use to utf-8 which includes most characters from the vast majority of written languages.
Cooperative asynchronous JavaScript: Timeouts and intervals - Learn web development
put an empty <div> element inside the <body>, then add a ↻ character inside it.
... this circular arrow character will act as our spinner for this example.
... this was a problem, for example, in the monkey island-inspired walking animation from our drawing graphics article: in this example, you have to animate both the position of the character on the screen, and the sprite being shown.
... ...actually, it's about every 6.5 frames, as we update posx (character's position on the screen) by two each frame: if (posx > width/2) { newstartpos = -( (width/2) + 102 ); posx = math.ceil(newstartpos / 13) * 13; console.log(posx); } else { posx += 2; } this is the code that calculates how to update the position in each animation frame.
Server-side web frameworks - Learn web development
this allows developers to optimize for the characteristics of different databases based on their usage.
...this stores the team name and team level as character fields and specifies a maximum number of characters to be stored for each record.
... #best/ from django.db import models class team(models.model): team_name = models.charfield(max_length=40) team_levels = ( ('u09', 'under 09s'), ('u10', 'under 10s'), ('u11', 'under 11s'), ...
... #list our other teams ) team_level = models.charfield(max_length=3,choices=team_levels,default='u11') the django model provides a simple query api for searching the database.
Chrome registration
locale packagename localename path/to/files skin packagename skinname path/to/files note: the characters @ # ; : ?
... manifest instructions comments # this line is a comment - you can put here whatever you want a line is a comment if it begins with the character '#'.
... any following character in the same line is ignored.
... note: versions of gecko before gecko and gecko contained a bug where if you use the comparisons <, > or =, the version string had be two or more characters long.
HTML parser threading
normal (non-speculative) parsing initially, dodataavailable performs character encoding sniffing on the data if an encoding wasn't declared on the enclosing protocol (http) level.
...for a chat app.) some tree ops hold char or prunichar arrays.
...if the last character seen by the document.write() tokenizer was not a carriage return, if the document.write() tokenizer is in the "data" state and if the tree builder state snapshot on the speculation matches the state of the document.write() tree builder, the speculation has succeeded.
...there are two such pieces of information: the manifest url for an app cache manifest and the character encoding for the document.
Mozilla DOM Hacking Guide
here is the description of the structure: const char *mname: c-style string that is passed as second argument to the macro.
... union { nsdomclassinfoconstructorfnc mconstructorfptr; nsdomclassinfoexternalconstructorfnc mexternalconstructorfptr; } u; this union is a pointer to a function typedef'ed: typedef nsiclassinfo* (*nsdomclassinfoconstructorfnc)(nsdomclassinfoid aid); or typedef nsiclassinfo* (*nsdomclassinfoexternalconstructorfnc) (const char* aname); it is initialized with the docreate member function of the helper class passed as third argument to the macro.
... ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); if (!::js_defineucproperty(cx, obj, ::js_getstringchars(str), ::js_getstringlength(str), v, nsnull, nsnull, 0)) { return ns_error_failure; } // this js api call defines the "location" property on the window object, its // value being the xpconnect wrapper for the location object.
... nsdependentstring href(ns_reinterpret_cast(prunichar *, ::js_getstringchars(val)), ::js_getstringlength(val)); // convert the jsstring to a string that can be passed to sethref() rv = location->sethref(href); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); // after this, we effectively mapped .location to .location.href return wrapnative(cx, obj, location, ns_get_iid(nsidomlocation), vp); // ...
syntax #include <prdtoa.h> prfloat64 pr_strtod(const char *s00, char **se); parameters the function has these parameters: s00 the input string to be scanned.
... se a pointer that, if not null, will be assigned the address of the last character scanned in the input string.
...the string is scanned up to the first unrecognized character.
... if the value of se is not (char **) null, pr_strtod stores a pointer to the character terminating the scan in *se.
NSS Key Log Format
comment lines begin with a sharp character ('#') and are ignored.
... <clientrandom> is 32 bytes random value from the client hello message, encoded as 64 hexadecimal characters.
... the following labels are defined, followed by a description of the secret: rsa: 48 bytes for the premaster secret, encoded as 96 hexadecimal characters (removed in nss 3.34) client_random: 48 bytes for the master secret, encoded as 96 hexadecimal characters (for ssl 3.0, tls 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2) client_early_traffic_secret: the hex-encoded early traffic secret for the client side (for tls 1.3) client_handshake_traffic_secret: the hex-encoded handshake traffic secret for the client side (for tls 1.3) server_handshake_traffic_secret: the hex-encoded handshake traffic secret for the server side (for tls 1.3) client_traffic_secret_0: the first hex-encoded application traffic secret for the client side (for tls 1.3) server_traffic_secret_0: the f... is 64, 96 or 128 characters for sha256, sha384 or sha512 respectively.
syntax #include <pk11func.h> #include <certt.h> certcertificate *pk11_findcertfromnickname( char *nickname, void *wincx); parameters this function has the following parameters: nickname a pointer to the nickname in the certificate database or to the nickname in the token.
... syntax #include <pk11func.h> char *pk11_getslotname(pk11slotinfo *slot); parameters this function has the following parameter: slot a pointer to a slot info structure.
... syntax #include <pk11func.h> char *pk11_gettokenname(pk11slotinfo *slot); parameters this function has the following parameter: slot a pointer to a slot info structure.
... the callback function set up by pk11_setpasswordfunc has the following prototype: typedef char *(*pk11passwordfunc)( pk11slotinfo *slot, prbool retry, void *arg); this callback function has the following parameters: slot a pointer to a slot info structure.
syntax #include <cert.h> secstatus cert_verifycertname( certcertificate *cert, char *hostname); parameters this function has the following parameters: cert a pointer to the certificate against which to check the hostname referenced by hostname.
...matches one character \ escapes a special character $ matches the end of the string [abc] matches one occurrence of a, b, or c.
... the only character that needs to be escaped in this is ], all others are not special.
... [a-z] matches any character between a and z [^az] matches any character except a or z ~ followed by another shell expression removes any pattern matching the shell expression from the match list (foo|bar) matches either the substring foo or the substring bar.
NSS tools : signtool
when testing is finished and you are ready to disitribute your software, you should obtain an object-signing certificate from one of two kinds of sources: * an independent certificate authority (ca) that authenticates your identity and charges you a fee.
...acceptable characters are numbers, letters, spaces, and apostrophes.
... organization unit: server products division state or province: california country (must be exactly 2 characters): us username: someuser email address: enter password or pin for "communicator certificate db": [password will not echo] generated public/private key pair certificate request generated certificate has been signed certificate "mytestcert" added to database exported certificate to x509.raw and x509.cacert.
...make sure there is a newline character at the end of the last line.
syntax jsbool js_addargumentformatter(jscontext *cx, const char *format, jsargumentformatter formatter); void js_removeargumentformatter(jscontext *cx, const char *format); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to install the formatter.
... format const char * the format string prefix that should be handled by formatter, or whose handler should be removed.
...callback syntax jsbool (*jsargumentformatter)(jscontext *cx, const char *format, jsbool fromjs, jsval **vpp, va_list *app); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which the conversion is being performed.
... format const char * the tail of the format string whose prefix is associated with this formatting function.
option to have the jsapi treat char strings as utf-8.
...that is, each byte is treated as a unicode character, and there is no way to pass in a string containing characters beyond u+00ff.
...enabling this option also causes js_getstringbytes and js_encodecharacters to produce utf-8 strings instead of latin-1.
... js_cstringsareutf8 returns js_true if the javascript engine is configured (either at compile time or at run time) to interpret char strings as utf-8.
syntax bool js_convertarguments(jscontext *cx, const js::callargs &args, const char *format, ...); // added in spidermonkey 31 bool js_convertarguments(jscontext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *argv, const char *format, ...); // obsolete since jsapi 30 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform any necessary conversions.
...(the purpose is to ensure gc safety.) format const char * null-terminated string describing the types of the out parameters and how to convert the values in argv.
...format can contain one or more instances of the following characters, as appropriate: character c type description b bool boolean c uint16_t ecma uint16_t, unicode character i int32_t ecma int32_t j int32_t ecma int32_t (used to be different, behaves like i now) obsolete since jsapi 28 u uint32_t ecma uint32_t d double ieee double i double ...
... integral ieee double s char * (c string) bug 607292 s jsstring * unicode string, accessed by a jsstring pointer w char16_t * unicode character vector, 0-terminated (w for wide) o jsobject * object reference f jsfunction * the argument is converted to a function as though by a call to js_valuetofunction.
syntax void js_dumpnamedroots(jsruntime *rt, void (*dump)(const char *name, void *rp, void *data), void *data); name type description rt jsruntime * pointer to a jsruntime from which to dump named roots.
... dump void (*)(const char *, void *, void *) pointer to function that actually dumps the named roots.
...when js_dumpnamedroots calls it, it passes three arguments: argument type description name const char * the name of the named root.
... example static void dumproot(const char *name, void *addr, void *data) { /* the application may use `data` for anything.
syntax bool js_executeregexp(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleobject reobj, char16_t *chars, size_t length, size_t *indexp, bool test, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js_executeregexpnostatics(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject reobj, char16_t *chars, size_t length, size_t *indexp, bool test, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); name type description cx jscontext * the context.
... chars const char16_t * a pointer to the string contains a input string.
... length size_t the length of bytes or chars, in characters.
... description js_executeregexp and js_newregexpobjectnostatics execute the regexp object, reobj, to the specified input string, chars, from *indexp index.
syntax bool js_fileescapedstring(file *fp, jsstring *str, char quote); name type description fp file * a file pointer to write into.
... quote char one of 0, single quote, and double quote.
... description js_fileescapedstring writes str into file fp escaping any non-printable or non-ascii character.
... if quote is not 0, it must be a single or double quote character that will quote the output.
syntax bool js_isidentifier(jscontext *cx, js::handlestring str, bool *isidentifier); bool js_isidentifier(const char16_t *chars, size_t length); // added in spidermonkey 38 name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... chars const char16_t * the pointer of the string to test.
... length size_t the length of chars.
... js_isidentifier which takes chars and length is infallible, so just returns whether the chars are an identifier.
syntax bool js_lookupproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_lookupucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_lookuppropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 bool js_lookupelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, js::mutablehandlevalue...
... vp); // ---- obsolete since spidermonkey 31 ---- bool js_lookuppropertywithflags(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, unsigned flags, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_lookuppropertywithflagsbyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, unsigned flags, js::mutablehandleobject objp, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t *or js::handleid name of the property to look up.
... namelen size_t (only in js_lookupucproperty) the length of name in characters; or -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax jsval * js_pusharguments(jscontext *cx, void **markp, const char *format, ...); jsval * js_pushargumentsva(jscontext *cx, void **markp, const char *format, va_list ap); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to perform any necessary conversions.
... format const char * null-terminated string holding a list of format types to convert the following arguments to.
...format is a sequential character array, where each element of the array indicates the js type into which to convert the next c/c++ argument.
... format can contain one or more instances of the following characters, as appropriate: character argument type b jsbool c uint16 (16-bit, unsigned integer) i int32 (32-bit, ecma-compliant signed integer) u uint32 (32-bit, ecma-compliant, unsigned integer) j int32 (32-bit, signed integer) d jsdouble i jsdouble (converted to an integer value) s char * (c string) s jsstring * (unicode string) w jschar * (unicode null-terminated string) o jsobject * f jsfunction * * none.
callback syntax typedef void (*jstracenameprinter)(jstracer *trc, char *buf, size_t bufsize); name type description trc jstracer * the tracer.
... buf char * out parameter.
... bufsize size_t the size of buf, in chars.
...when printer is null, arg must be const char * or char * c string naming the reference and index must be either (size_t)-1 indicating that the name alone describes the reference or it must be an index into some array vector that stores the reference.
syntax jsbool js_setpropertyattributes(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, unsigned int attrs, jsbool *foundp); jsbool js_setucpropertyattributes(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const jschar *name, size_t namelen, unsigned int attrs, jsbool *foundp); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to set the property attributes.
... name const char * or const jschar * name of the property for which to set attributes.
... namelen size_t (in js_setucpropertyattributes only) the length of name, in characters.
... jsprop_index property is actually an index into an array of properties, and is cast to a const char *.
syntax bool js_valuetoid(jscontext *cx, js::handlevalue v, js::mutablehandleid idp); bool js_stringtoid(jscontext *cx, js::handlestring s, js::mutablehandleid idp); // added in spidermonkey 38 bool js_indextoid(jscontext *cx, uint32_t index, js::mutablehandleid idp); // added in spidermonkey 17 bool js_charstoid(jscontext* cx, js::twobytechars chars, js::mutablehandleid idp); // added in spidermonkey 24 void js::protokeytoid(jscontext *cx, jsprotokey key, js::mutablehandleid idp); // added in spidermonkey 38 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... chars js::twobytechars the string to convert.
... js_stringtoid and js_charstoid convert a specified string to a jsid.
... mxr id search for js_valuetoid see also mxr id search for js_idtovalue mxr id search for js_stringtoid mxr id search for js_indextoid mxr id search for js_charstoid mxr id search for js::protokeytoid js_valuetoid bug 698495 - added js_indextoid bug 830500 - added js_charstoid bug 959787 - added js_stringtoid bug 987669 - added js::protokeytoid ...
Finishing the Component
to add the weblock component to this category, modify the weblockregistration callback function so that it looks like this: static ns_method weblockregistration(nsicomponentmanager *acompmgr, nsifile *apath, const char *registrylocation, const char *componenttype, const nsmodulecomponentinfo *info) { nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiservicemanager> servman = do_queryinterface((nsisupports*)acompmgr, &rv); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catman; servman->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid...
..., ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catman)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; char* previous = nsnull; rv = catman->addcategoryentry("xpcom-startup", "weblock", weblock_contractid, pr_true, pr_true, &previous); if (previous) nsmemory::free(previous); rv = catman->addcategoryentry("content-policy", "weblock", weblock_contractid, pr_true, pr_true, &previous); if (previous) nsmem...
...the two nsnull parameters passed to newuri are used to specify the charset of the string and any base uri to use, respectively.
... we are assuming here that the charset of the url string is utf-8, and also assuming that every url string is absolute.
void replace( index_type acutstart, size_type acutlength, const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters acutstart [in] the starting index of the section to remove, measured in storage units.
...adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... void replace( index_type acutstart, index_type acutlength, char_type achar ); parameters acutstart [in] the starting index of the section to remove, measured in storage units.
...achar [in] a character to append to this string.
void replace( index_type acutstart, size_type acutlength, const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters acutstart [in] the starting index of the section to remove, measured in storage units.
...adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... void replace( index_type acutstart, index_type acutlength, char_type achar ); parameter acutstart [in] the starting index of the section to remove, measured in storage units.
...achar [in] a character to append to this string.
XPCOM glue classes
if there is no base class method with the same signature, a compiler with static-checking enabled will fail to compile.ns_postconditionmacrons_preconditionmacronsacstringthe nsacstring abstract class represents a character string composed of single-byte storage units.
... this class is typically used to represent ascii or utf-8 character arrays.nsacstring (external)class declarationnsacstring_internalclass declarationnsadoptingcstringclass declarationnsadoptingstringclass declarationnsastringthe nsastring abstract class represents a character string composed of double-byte storage units.
... this class is typically used to represent unicode character arrays.nsastring (external)class declarationnsastring_internalclass declarationnsautorefnsautoref<t> is a template class implementing an object that holds a handle to a resource that must be released, typically on destruction of the object.</t>nsautoreftraitsnsautoreftraits<t> is a template class describing traits of resources held by objects of class nsautoref<t> and/or nscountedref<t>.</t>nsautostringclass declarationnsautostring (external)class declarationnscautostringclass declarationnscautostring (external)class declarationnscomptrthis utility class simplifies managing xpcom interface references from c++ code.nscountedrefnscountedref<t> is a template class implementing an object that takes a strong reference to a reference-count...
...ed resource that must be released, typically on destruction of the object.</t>nscstringclass declarationnscstring externalclass declarationnscstringcontainer (external)class declaration nscstringencodingthe nscstringencoding enumeration describes the set of character encodings understood by the ns_cstringtoutf16 and ns_utf16tocstring functions.nsdependentcstringclass declarationnsdependentcstring externalclass declarationnsdependentcsubstringclass declarationnsdependentcsubstring externalclass declarationnsdependentstringclass declarationnsdependentstring externalclass declarationnsdependentsubstringclass declarationnsdependentsubstring externalclass declarationnsembedcstringthe nsembedcstring concrete class provides a way to construct a nsacstring object that allocates null-terminated sto...
method overview jsval loadsubscript(in string url, in object targetobj optional, in string charset optional); jsval loadsubscriptwithoptions(in string url, in object options); methods loadsubscript() synchronously loads and executes the script from the specified url.
... jsval loadsubscript( in string url, in object targetobj optional, in string charset optional, ); example let context = {}; services.scriptloader.loadsubscript("chrome://my-package/content/foo-script.js", context, "utf-8" /* the script's encoding */); parameters url the url pointing to the script to load.
... charset an optional string to specify the character encoding of the file.
... charset string an optional string to specify the character encoding of the file.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) method overview nsiaccessiblehyperlink getlink(in long linkindex); long getlinkindex(in long charindex); long getselectedlinkindex(); obsolete since gecko 1.9 attributes attribute type description linkcount long the number of links contained within this hypertext object.
... getlinkindex() the link index at the given offset (character index).
... long getlinkindex( in long charindex ); parameters charindex the 0-based character index.
... return value the index of the link if it's presented on the given character index, otherwise -1.
method overview void asyncopen(in nsistreamlistener alistener, in nsisupports acontext); nsiinputstream open(); attributes attribute type description contentcharset acstring the character set of the channel's content if available and if applicable.
... setting contentcharset before the channel has been opened provides a hint to the channel on what the charset should be.
... the value of the contentcharset attribute is a mixed case string.
... if a charset parameter is given, then its value will replace the the contentcharset attribute of the channel.
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsicommandline method overview void init(in long argc, in nscharptrarray argv, in nsifile workingdir, in unsigned long state); void run(); void setwindowcontext(in nsidomwindow awindow); attributes attribute type description helptext autf8string process and combine the help text provided by each command-line handler. assumes a native character set.
... on windows the character set is utf-8, not the native codepage.
... void init( in long argc, in nscharptrarray argv, in nsifile workingdir, in unsigned long state ); parameters argc the number of arguments being passed.
to create an instance, use: var domserializer = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsidomserializer); method overview void serializetostream(in nsidomnode root, in nsioutputstream stream, in autf8string charset); astring serializetostring(in nsidomnode root); methods serializetostream() the subtree rooted by the specified element is serialized to a byte stream using the character set specified.
... void serializetostream( in nsidomnode root, in nsioutputstream stream, in autf8string charset ); parameters root the root of the subtree to be serialized.
...charset the name of the character set to use for the encoding to a byte stream.
... if this string is empty and root is a document, the document's character set will be used.
ns_error_unexpected or other error returned by nsiidnservice.normalize() when the hostname contains characters disallowed in uris.
... ns_error_unexpected this exception originates in the normalize() method in nsiidnservice and is thrown when ahost contains characters disallowed in uris.
... ns_error_unexpected or other error returned by nsiidnservice.normalize() when the hostname contains characters disallowed in uris.
... ns_error_unexpected this exception originates in the normalize() method in nsiidnservice and is thrown when ahost contains characters disallowed in uris.
the resulting string may contain url-escaped characters.
...the resulting string may contain url-escaped characters.
...the resulting string may contain url-escaped characters.
...the resulting string may contain url-escaped characters.
method overview unsigned long available();deprecated since gecko 17.0 unsigned long long available(); void close(); boolean isnonblocking(); unsigned long read(in charptr abuf, in unsigned long acount); native code only!
... unsigned long read( in charptr abuf, in unsigned long acount ); parameters abuf the buffer into which the data from the stream is copied.
... nsresult consumestream(nsiinputstream* astream) { nsresult rv; uint32_t numread; char buf[512]; while (1) { rv = astream->read(buf, sizeof(buf), &numread); if (ns_failed(rv)) { printf("### error reading stream: %x\n", rv); break; } if (numread == 0) break; // buf now contains numread bytes of data } return rv; } consume all data from an input stream using readsegments().
... static ns_method appendsegment(nsiinputstream* astream, void* aclosure, const char* afromsegment, uint32_t atooffset, uint32_t acount, uint32_t* awritecount) { // afromsegment now contains acount bytes of data.
properties attribute type description attachments char * obsolete attachments obsolete, do not use anymore attachmentsarray nsisupportsarray readonly attachvcard prbool bcc astring body astring bodyisasciionly prbool cc astring characterset char * defaultcharacterset char * readonly drafid char * dsn prbool fcc astring fcc2 astring followupto char * forcemsgencoding prbool forceplaintext...
...(bug 68784) messageid char * needtocheckcharset prbool indicates whether we need to check if the current documentcharset can represent all the characters in the message body.
...(bug 249530) newsgroups astring newshost char * newsposturl char * organization astring otherrandomheaders astring no longer exists - see!topic/ priority char * receiptheadertype print32 references char * replyto astring securityinfo nsisupports subject astring templatename astring temporaryfiles char * obsolete temporaryfiles obsolete, do not use anymore to astring usemultipartalternative ...
... prbool uuencodeattachments prbool methods utility methods prbool checkcharsetconversion ( out char * fallbackcharset ); nsimsgrecipientarray splitrecipients ( in prunichar * recipients, in prbool emailaddressonly ); void convertbodytoplaintext ( ); attachment handling methods void addattachment ( in nsimsgattachment attachment ); void removeattachment ( in nsimsgattachment attachment ); void removeattachments ( ); header methods void setheader(char* name, char* value); references this interface is the type of the following properties: nsimsgcompose.compfields, nsimsgcomposeparams.composefields this interface is passed as an argument to the following methods: ...
tring oldvalue, in acstring newvalue); void notifyintpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in long oldvalue, in long newvalue); void notifyboolpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in boolean oldvalue, in boolean newvalue); void notifypropertyflagchanged(in nsimsgdbhdr item, in nsiatom property, in unsigned long oldvalue, in unsigned long newvalue); void notifyunicharpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in astring oldvalue, in astring newvalue); void notifyitemadded(in nsisupports item); void notifyitemremoved(in nsisupports item); void notifyfolderevent(in nsiatom event); void listdescendents(in nsisupportsarray descendents); void shutdown(in boolean shutdownchildren); void setinvfeditsearchscope(in boolea...
... basemessageuri acstring readonly charset acstring the charset of this folder.
... charsetoverride boolean biffstate unsigned long locked boolean readonly flags unsigned long direct access to the set/get all the flags at once.
...nged(in nsiatom property, in boolean oldvalue, in boolean newvalue); notifypropertyflagchanged() void notifypropertyflagchanged(in nsimsgdbhdr item, in nsiatom property, in unsigned long oldvalue, in unsigned long newvalue); notifyunicharpropertychanged() void notifyunicharpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in astring oldvalue, in astring newvalue); notifyitemadded() void notifyitemadded(in nsisupports item); notifyitemremoved() void notifyitemremoved(in nsisupports item); notifyfolderevent() void notifyfolderevent(in nsiatom event); listdescen...
storyquery aqueries, in unsigned long aquerycount, in nsinavhistoryqueryoptions options); void addobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver observer, in boolean ownsweak); void removeobserver(in nsinavhistoryobserver observer); void runinbatchmode(in nsinavhistorybatchcallback acallback, in nsisupports aclosure); void importhistory(in nsifile file); astring getcharsetforuri(in nsiuri auri); astring setcharsetforuri(in nsiuri auri, in astring acharset); attributes attribute type description hashistoryentries boolean true if there is any history.
... getcharsetforuri() gets the stored character-set for an uri.
... void getcharsetforuri( in nsiuri auri ); parameters auri uri to retrieve character-set for returns returns the character-set, empty string if not found setcharsetforuri() gets the stored character-set for an uri.
... void getcharsetforuri( in nsiuri auri, in astring acharset ); parameters auri uri to set character-set for acharacterset character-set to be set see also places using the places history service querying places nsinavhistorybatchcallback nsinavhistorycontainerresultnode nsinavhistoryfullvisitresultnode nsinavhistoryobserver nsinavhistoryquery nsinavhistoryqueryoptions nsinavhistoryqueryresultnode nsinavhistoryresult nsinavhistoryresultnode nsinavhistoryresulttreeviewer nsinavhistoryresultviewobserver nsinavhistoryresultviewer nsinavhistoryvisitresultnode ...
note: though this method is scriptable, javascript code must only pass an ascii character string as the abuf parameter.
...if this method was provided as an external facility, a separate char* buffer would need to be used in order to call the output stream's other write() method.
... example writesegments() example // copy data from a string to a stream static ns_method copysegment(nsiinputstream* astream, void* aclosure, char* atosegment, pruint32 afromoffset, pruint32 acount, pruint32* areadcount) { // afromsegment now contains acount bytes of data.
... nsacstring* pbuf = (nsacstring*) aclosure; const char* data; pruint32 len = ns_cstringgetdata(&data); data += afromoffset; len -= afromoffset; if (len > acount) len = acount; memcpy(atosegment, data, len); // indicate that we have copied len bytes to the segment *areadcount = len; return ns_ok; } // write the contents of asource into astream, using writesegments // to avoid intermediate buffer copies.
void ispluginenabledforextension(in string aextension, in constcharstarref amimetype); native code only!
... void useragent(in nativechar resultingagentstring); native code only!
... nsistreamlistener instantiatepluginforchannel( in nsichannel achannel, in nsiplugininstanceowner aowner ); parameters achannel aowner return value native code only!ispluginenabledforextension void ispluginenabledforextension( in string aextension, in constcharstarref amimetype ); parameters aextension amimetype native code only!ispluginenabledfortype void ispluginenabledfortype( in string amimetype ); parameters amimetype native code only!loadplugins void loadplugins(); parameters none.
... ascriptable native code only!setupplugininstance void setupplugininstance( in string amimetype, in nsiuri aurl, in nsiplugininstanceowner aowner ); parameters amimetype aurl aowner native code only!stopplugininstance void stopplugininstance( in nsiplugininstance ainstance ); parameters ainstance native code only!useragent void useragent( in nativechar resultingagentstring ); parameters examples list all plug-ins and associated mime types and get handler info this example here logs to browser console all the installed plug-ins and the associated mime types.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringinsertdata( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 aoffset, const char* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to be modified.
... aoffset [in] an offset into the string's internal buffer specifying where to place the given characters.
... adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
... example code nscstringcontainer str; ns_cstringcontainerinit(str); ns_cstringsetdata(str, "hello"); ns_cstringinsertdata(str, 5, " world"); const char* data; ns_cstringgetdata(str, &data); printf("%s\n", data); // prints out "hello world" ns_cstringcontainerfinish(str); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringappenddata( nsastring& astring, const prunichar* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to be modified.
... adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
... remarks this function is defined inline as a wrapper around ns_stringsetdatarange note: gcc requires the -fshort-wchar option to compile this example since prunichar is an unsigned short.
... example code nsstringcontainer str; ns_stringcontainerinit(str); ns_stringsetdata(str, l"hello"); ns_stringappenddata(str, l" world"); const prunichar* data; ns_stringgetdata(str, &data); // data now points to the string: l"hello world" ns_stringcontainerfinish(str); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
9 address book sync client design by richard h.
... 35 mail client architecture overview sections in grey refer to modules outside of mail/news 36 mail composition back end by richard h.
... (there is a bug on it.) 51 the libmime module by richard h.
...if you want to set a debug build as the default mail client, you need configure it manually: 115 using the multiple accounts api by alec flett 118 libmime content type handlers by richard h.
Using C struct and pointers
declaring a js-ctypes struct matching a c struct if we have a c structure like this: struct st_t { void *self; char *str; size_t buff_size; int i; float f; char c; }; we can use it in javascript by writing something like this: var st_t = new ctypes.structtype("st_t", [ { "self": ctypes.pointertype(ctypes.void_t) }, { "str": ctypes.pointertype(ctypes.char) }, { "buff_size": ctypes.size_t }, { "i": }, { "f": ctypes.float }, { "c": ctypes.char } ]); here we are using the structtype() factory method of the ctypes object to create a ctype obj...
... using c strings with js-ctypes a pointer to char in javascript is declared as follows: var str = ctypes.pointertype(ctypes.char); now imagine you call a c function that returns a c string and you want to modify the contents of this string.
...additionally, the js-ctypes pointer must be casted to reflect the size of the buffer: var ptr = ctypes.cast( str, ctypes.arraytype( ctypes.char, buff_size ).ptr ); here buff_size is of type ctypes.size_t.
... once we have a ctypes char pointer that points to a buffer of known size, we modiify the contents of the memory block as follows: ptr.contents = string("hello world from javascript!!!"); string() adds the '\0' character.
Declaring types
you can then declare and use a function that uses this structure, like this: // declare the libc asctime() function, which returns a char * and accepts a pointer to a tm structure.
... const asctime = lib.declare("asctime", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.char.ptr, struct_tm.ptr); var thetime = new struct_tm; thetime.tm_hour = 3; thetime.tm_min = 15; ...
...ect indicating the type to which the pointer should refer: const intptr = new ctypes.pointertype(; in this example, intptr is equivalent to this declaration in c: typedef int *intptr; you can similarly declare a pointer type as a pointer to any user-defined type, including structures: const userrecord = new ctypes.structtype("userrecord", [{"name": ctypes.char.ptr}, {"id": ctypes.int32}]); const userrecordptr = new ctypes.pointertype(userrecord); in this example, a new userrecord type is defined, along with a new pointer type that can be used to reference it.
... the equivalent c code looks like this: typedef struct userrecord { char *name; int id; // assuming int is 32-bit here } userrecord; typedef userrecordptr *userrecord; ...
BluetoothRemoteGATTService - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattservice interface of the web bluetooth api represents a service provided by a gatt server, including a device, a list of referenced services, and a list of the characteristics of this service.
... interface interface bluetoothremotegattservice : serviceeventhandlers { readonly attribute uuid uuid; readonly attribute boolean isprimary; readonly attribute bluetoothdevice device; promise<bluetoothgattcharacteristic> getcharacteristic(bluetoothcharacteristicuuid characteristic); promise<sequence<bluetoothgattcharacteristic>> getcharacteristics(optional bluetoothcharacteristicuuid characteristic); promise<bluetoothgattservice> getincludedservice(bluetoothserviceuuid service); promise<sequence<bluetoothgattservice>> getincludedservices(optional bluetoothserviceuuid service); }; properties bluetoothremotegattservice.deviceread only returns information about a bluetooth device through an instance of bluetoothdevice.
... methods bluetoothremotegattservice.getcharacteristic() returns a promise to an instance of bluetoothgattcharacteristic for a given universally unique identifier (uuid).
... bluetoothremotegattservice.getcharacteristics() returns a promise to an array of bluetoothgattcharacteristic instances for an optional universally unique identifier (uuid).
Comment - Web APIs
in xml, the character sequence '--' cannot be used within a comment.
...eight="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="188.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">node</text></a><polyline points="226,25 236,20 236,30 226,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="236" y1="25" x2="266" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/characterdata" target="_top"><rect x="266" y="1" width="130" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="331" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">characterdata</text></a><polyline points="396,25 406,20 406,30 396,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="406" y1="25"...
...ight="50" fill="#f4f7f8" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="473.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">comment</text></a></svg></div> a:hover text { fill: #0095dd; pointer-events: all;} properties this interface has no specific property, but inherits those of its parent, characterdata, and indirectly those of node.
... methods this interface has no specific method, but inherits those of its parent, characterdata, and indirectly those of node.
Binary strings - Web APIs
a subset of these strings is represented by utf-16 strings containing only ascii characters (i.e., characters whose code point does not exceed 127).
...its purpose however is not to represent characters, but binary data.
...however at least one native function requires binary strings as its input, btoa(): invoking it on a string that contains codepoints greater than 255 will cause a character out of range error.
... in the past, this had to be simulated by treating the raw data as a string and using the charcodeat() method to read the bytes from the data buffer (i.e., using binary strings).
HTMLTableCellElement - Web APIs a domstring containing one single chararcter.
... this character is the one to align all the cell of a column on.
... it reflects the char and default to the decimal points associated with the language, e.g.
... htmltablecellelement.choff a domstring containing a integer indicating how many characters must be left at the right (for left-to-right scripts; or at the left for right-to-left scripts) of the character defined by
HTMLTableRowElement - Web APIs is a domstring containing one single character.
... this character is the one to align all the cell of a column on.
... it reflects the char and default to the decimal points associated with the language, e.g.
... htmltablerowelement.choff is a domstring containing a integer indicating how many characters must be left at the right (for left-to-right scripts; or at the left for right-to-left scripts) of the character defined by
HTMLTableSectionElement - Web APIs is a domstring containing one single chararcter.
... this character is the one to align all the cell of a column on.
... it reflects the char and default to the decimal points associated with the language, e.g.
... htmltablesectionelement.choff is a domstring containing a integer indicating how many characters must be left at the right (for left-to-right scripts; or at the left for right-to-left scripts) of the character defined by
MutationObserverInit - Web APIs
properties at a minimum, one of childlist, attributes, and/or characterdata must be true when you call observe().
... characterdata optional set to true to monitor the specified target node (and, if subtree is true, its descendants) for changes to the character data contained within the node or nodes.
... the default value is true if characterdataoldvalue is specified, otherwise the default value is false.
... characterdataoldvalue optional set to true to record the previous value of a node's text whenever the text changes on nodes being monitored.
MutationRecord - Web APIs
properties property type description mutationrecord.type string returns "attributes" if the mutation was an attribute mutation, "characterdata" if it was a mutation to a characterdata node, and "childlist" if it was a mutation to the tree of nodes.
... for characterdata, it is the characterdata node.
... for characterdata, it is the data of the changed node before the change.
... note that for this to work as expected, attributeoldvalue or characterdataoldvalue must be set to true in the corresponding mutationobserverinit parameter of the mutationobserver observe method specifications specification status comment domthe definition of 'mutationrecord' in that specification.
Range.setStart() - Web APIs
if the startnode is a node of type text, comment, or cdatasection, then startoffset is the number of characters from the start of startnode.
...const endoffset = 5; // end at fifth node: dodge city, ks const range = document.createrange(); range.setstart(address, startoffset); range.setend(address, endoffset); const mark = document.createelement('mark'); range.surroundcontents(mark); result get characters from a text node this example uses the range.setstart() and range.setend() methods to define the contents of a range.
... the resulting range contains the first through fifth characters within a text node.
... html <p id="content">0123456789</p> <p id="log"></p> javascript const element = document.getelementbyid('content'); const textnode = element.childnodes[0]; const range = document.createrange(); range.setstart(textnode, 0); // start at first character range.setend(textnode, 5); // end at fifth character document.getelementbyid('log').textcontent = range; result specifications specification status comment domthe definition of 'range.setstart()' in that specification.
Web Bluetooth API - Web APIs
bluetoothcharacteristicproperties provides properties of a particular bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic.
... bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic represents a gatt characteristic, which is a basic data element that provides further information about a peripheral’s service.
... bluetoothremotegattdescriptor represents a gatt descriptor, which provides further information about a characteristic’s value.
... bluetoothremotegattservice represents a service provided by a gatt server, including a device, a list of referenced services, and a list of the characteristics of this service.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setInterval() - Web APIs
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>setinterval/clearinterval example</title> <script> var nintervid; function changecolor() { nintervid = setinterval(flashtext, 1000); } function flashtext() { var oelem = document.getelementbyid('my_box'); = == 'red' ?
... <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>javascript typewriter - mdn example</title> <script> function typewriter (sselector, nrate) { function clean () { clearinterval(nintervid); btyping = false; bstart = true; ocurrent = null; asheets.length = nidx = 0; } function scroll (osheet, npos, beraseandstop) { if (!osheet.hasownproperty('parts') || amap.length < npos) { return true; } ...
... ocurrent = orel.ref; spart = ocurrent.nodevalue; ocurrent.nodevalue = ''; } osheet.ref.appendchild(orel.ref); if (bexit) { return false; } } amap.length--; return true; } function typewrite () { if (spart.length === 0 && scroll(asheets[nidx], 0, true) && nidx++ === asheets.length - 1) { clean(); return; } ocurrent.nodevalue += spart.charat(0); spart = spart.slice(1); } function sheet (onode) { this.ref = onode; if (!onode.haschildnodes()) { return; } =; for (var nchild = 0; nchild <; nchild++) { onode.removechild([nchild]);[nchild] = new sheet([nchild]); } } var nintervid, ocu...
... example usage your html page: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>minidaemin example - mdn</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="minidaemon.js"></script> <style type="text/css"> #sample_div { visibility: hidden; } </style> </head> <body> <p> <input type="button" onclick="fadeinout.start(false /* optional */);" value="fade in" /> <input type="button" onclick="fadeinout.start(true);" value="fade out"> ...
@font-feature-values - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
@character-variant specifies a feature name that will work with the character-variant() functional notation of font-variant-alternates.
... a character-variant feature value definition allows either one or two values: ident1: 3 maps to cv03=1, and ident2: 2 4 maps to cv02=4, but ident2: 2 4 5 is invalid.
... formal syntax @font-feature-values <family-name># { <feature-value-block-list> }where <family-name> = <string> | <custom-ident>+<feature-value-block-list> = <feature-value-block>+where <feature-value-block> = <feature-type> '{' <feature-value-declaration-list> '}'where <feature-type> = @stylistic | @historical-forms | @styleset | @character-variant | @swash | @ornaments | @annotation<feature-value-declaration-list> = <feature-value-declaration>where <feature-value-declaration> = <custom-ident>: <integer>+; examples using @styleset in a @font-feature-values rule /* at-rule for "nice-style" in font one */ @font-feature-values font one { @styleset { nice-style: 12; } } /* at-rule for "nice-style" in font two */ @font-feature-values font two { @styleset { nice-style: 4; }... change preferences in firefox, visit about:config.opera android no support nosafari ios full support 9.3samsung internet android no support no@character-variantchrome no support noedge no support nofirefox full support 34 full support 34 full support 24disabled disabled from version 24: this feature is behind the layout.
Syntax - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
it is important to note that even if a ruleset characterized by a group of selectors is a kind of shorthand replacing rulesets with a single selector each, this doesn't apply to the validity of the ruleset itself.
...but there is other information that a web author wants to convey in the style sheet, like the character set, other external style sheets to import, font face or list counter descriptions and many more.
... a statement is a building block that begins with any non-space characters and ends at the first closing brace or semi-colon (outside a string, non-escaped and not included into another {}, () or [] pair).
...they are used to convey meta-data information (like @charset or @import), conditional information (like @media or @document), or descriptive information (like @font-face).
conic-gradient() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
example conic gradients include pie charts and color wheels. use conic gradients to create pie charts --- which is not the correct way to create pie charts as background images are not accessible -- use hard color stops, where the color stop angles for two adjacent color stops are the same.
...while it is possible to create pie charts, checkerboards, and other effects with conic gradients, css images provide no native way to assign alternative text, and therefore the image represented by the conic gradient will not be accessible to screen reader users.
...criterion 1.1.1 | w3c understanding wcag 2.0 examples gradient at 40-degrees div { width: 100px; height: 100px; } <div></div> div { background-image: conic-gradient(from 40deg, #fff, #000); } off-centered gradient div { width: 100px; height: 100px; } <div></div> div { background: conic-gradient(from 0deg at 0% 25%, blue, green, yellow 180deg); } gradient pie-chart this example uses multi-position color stops, with adjacent colors having the same color stop value, creating a striped effect.
font-variant-east-asian - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ruby this keyword forces the use of special glyphs for ruby characters.
...78 jis83 jis x 0208:1983 jp83 jis90 jis x 0208:1990 jp90 jis04 jis x 0213:2004 jp04 simplified none, use the simplified chinese glyphs smpl traditional none, use the traditional chinese glyphs trad <east-asian-width-values> these values control the sizing of figures used for east asian characters.
... two values are possible: proportional-width activating the set of east asian characters which vary in width.
... full-width activating the set of east asian characters which are all of the same, roughly square, width metric.
font-variant-position - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* keyword values */ font-variant-position: normal; font-variant-position: sub; font-variant-position: super; /* global values */ font-variant-position: inherit; font-variant-position: initial; font-variant-position: unset; when the usage of these alternate glyphs is activated, if one character in the run doesn't have such a typographically-enhanced glyph, the whole set of characters of the run is rendered using a fallback method, synthesizing these glyphs.
...they are merely graphically enhanced, and have no effect on the line-height and other box characteristics.
...if, in a given run, one such glyph is not available for a character, all the characters in the run are rendered using synthesized glyphs.
...if, in a given run, one such glyph is not available for a character, all the characters in the run are rendered using synthesized glyphs.
hyphens - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
values none words are not broken at line breaks, even if characters inside the words suggest line break points.
... manual words are broken for line-wrapping only where characters inside the word suggest line break opportunities.
... suggesting line break opportunities there are two unicode characters used to manually specify potential line break points within text: u+2010 (hyphen) the "hard" hyphen character indicates a visible line break opportunity.
...this character is not rendered visibly; instead, it marks a place where the browser should break the word if hyphenation is necessary.
ident - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
it consists of one or more characters, where characters can be any of the following: any alphabetical character (a to z, or a to z), any decimal digit (0 to 9), a hyphen (-), an underscore (_), an escaped character (preceded by a backslash, \), a unicode character (in the format of a backslash, \, followed by one to six hexadecimal digits, representing its unicode code point) note that id1, id1, id1 and id1 are all different identifiers as they are case-sensitive.
... on the other hand, as there are several ways to escape a character, toto\?
... examples valid identifiers nono79 a mix of alphanumeric characters and numbers ground-level a mix of alphanumeric characters and a dash -test a dash followed by alphanumeric characters --toto a custom-property like identifier _internal an underscore followed by alphanumeric characters \22 toto a unicode character followed by a sequence of alphanumeric characters bili\.bob a correctly escaped period invalid identifiers 34rem it must not start with a decimal digit.
...bili.bob only alphanumeric characters, _, and - needn't be escaped.
tab-size - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the tab-size css property is used to customize the width of tab characters (u+0009).
... syntax /* <integer> values */ tab-size: 4; tab-size: 0; /* <length> values */ tab-size: 10px; tab-size: 2em; /* global values */ tab-size: inherit; tab-size: initial; tab-size: unset; values <integer> a multiple of the advance width of the space character (u+0020) to be used as the width of tabs.
... formal definition initial value8applies toblock containersinheritedyescomputed valuethe specified integer or an absolute lengthanimation typea length formal syntax <integer> | <length> examples expanding by character count pre { tab-size: 4; /* set tab size to 4 characters wide */ } collapse tabs pre { tab-size: 0; /* remove indentation */ } comparing to the default size this example compares a default tab size with a custom tab size.
... html <p>no tab</p> <p>&#0009;default tab size of 8 characters wide</p> <p class="custom">&#0009;custom tab size of 3 characters wide</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;3 spaces, equivalent to the custom tab size</p> css p { white-space: pre; } .custom { tab-size: 3; -moz-tab-size: 3; } result specifications specification status comment css text module level 3the definition of 'tab-size' in that specification.
HTML5 Parser - Developer guides
you can avoid such problems by using the character code for the initial '<' instead.
... (it is valid to use an escape character, e.g., <\/script>, but this strategy does not work for <script and <!--, because \s and \!
... are not valid javascript escapes; the character code strategy is more general-purpose.) inline svg and mathml support as a completely new parsing feature, html5 introduced support for inline svg and mathml in text/html.
... the mathml named characters are available for use in named character references everywhere in the document (also in html content).
Introduction to HTML5 - Developer guides
declaring the character set with the <meta charset> the first thing done on a page is usually indicating the character set that is used., it is very simple: <meta charset="utf-8"> place this right after your <head>, as some browsers restart the parsing of an html document if the declared character set is different from what they had anticipated.
... also, if you are not currently using utf-8, it's recommended that you switch to it in your web pages, as it simplifies character handling in documents using different scripts.
... note that html5 restricts character sets to those compatible with ascii and using at least 8 bits.
Index - Developer guides
17 event developer guide dom, event, guide, needsupdate, events events refers both to a design pattern used for the asynchronous handling of various incidents which occur in the lifetime of a web page and to the naming, characterization, and use of a large number of incidents of different types.
... 31 localizations and character encodings character encodings, html, localization, needsmarkupwork browsers process text as unicode internally.
... however, a way of representing characters in terms of bytes (character encoding) is used for transferring text over the network to the browser.
... 40 the unicode bidirectional text algorithm algorithm, bidi, guide, internationalization, introduction, localization, text, unicode, direction, i18n, l10n, ltr, rtl the unicode® bidirectional algorithm (also known as the bidi algorithm) is part of the unicode text standard that describes how the user agent should order characters while rendering unicode text.
Developer guides
events developer guide events refer to two things: a design pattern used for the asynchronous handling of various incidents which occur in the lifetime of a web page; and the naming, characterization, and use of a large number of incidents of different types.
... localizations and character encodings browsers process text as unicode internally.
... however, a way of representing characters in terms of bytes (character encoding) is used for transferring text over the network to the browser. describes how the browser should order characters while rendering unicode text.
<input type="color"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
value a 7-character domstring specifying a <color> in lower-case hexadecimal notation events change and input supported common attributes autocomplete and list idl attributes list and value methods select() value the value of an <input> element of type color is always a domstring which contains a 7-character string specifying an rgb color in hexadecimal fo... addition, colors with an alpha channel are not supported; specifying a color in 9-character hexadecimal notation (e.g.
...the value must be in seven-character hexadecimal notation, meaning the "#" character followed by two digits each representing red, green, and blue, like this: #rrggbb.
...e, in safari 10.1, you would see something that looks looks like this: the same content looks like this in firefox 55: in this case, clicking on the color well presents the platform's color picker for you to choose a color from (in this case, the macos picker): validation a color input's value is considered to be invalid if the user agent is unable to convert the user's input into seven-character lower-case hexadecimal notation.
<pre>: The Preformatted Text element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
cols contains the preferred count of characters that a line should have.
... width contains the preferred count of characters that a line should have.
... people experiencing low vision conditions and browsing with the aid of assistive technology such as a screen reader may not understand what the preformatted text characters are representing when they are read out in sequence.
...> --------------------------- \ ^__^ \ (oo)\_______ (__)\ )\/\ ||----w | || || </pre> <figcaption id="cow-caption"> a cow saying, "i'm an expert in my field." the cow is illustrated using preformatted text characters.
<script>: The Script element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the processing of the script contents is not affected by the charset and defer attributes.
... deprecated attributes charset if present, its value must be an ascii case-insensitive match for "utf-8".
... it’s unnecessary to specify the charset attribute, because documents must use utf-8, and the script element inherits its character encoding from the document.
... living standard removed the charset attribute html5the definition of '<script>' in that specification.
itemprop - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
one not defined in a public specification), or if the item is not a typed item it must be: a string that contains no "." (u+002e full stop) characters and no ":" characters (u+003a colon) and is used as a proprietary item property name (again, one not defined in a public specification).
... note: the rules above disallow ":" characters in non-url values because otherwise they could not be distinguished from urls.
... values with "." characters are reserved for future extensions.
... space characters are disallowed because otherwise the values would be parsed as multiple tokens.
Preloading content with rel="preload" - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
a simple example might look like this (see our js and css example source, and also live): <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>js and css preload example</title> <link rel="preload" href="style.css" as="style"> <link rel="preload" href="main.js" as="script"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <h1>bouncing balls</h1> <canvas></canvas> <script src="main.js" defer></script> </body> here we preload our css and javascript files so they will be available as soon as the...
... you can see an example of this in our video example (see the full source code, and also the live version): <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>video preload example</title> <link rel="preload" href="sintel-short.mp4" as="video" type="video/mp4"> <link rel="preload" href="sintel-short.webm" as="video" type="video/webm"> </head> <body> <video controls> <source src="sintel-short.mp4" type="video/mp4"> <source src="sintel-short.webm" type="video/webm"> <p>your browser doesn't support html5 video. can see the full example source code on github (also see it live): <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>web font example</title> <link rel="preload" href="fonts/cicle_fina-webfont.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin> <link rel="preload" href="fonts/zantroke-webfont.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin> <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet"> </head> <body> … </body> not only are we providing the mime type hints in the type attributes, but we a...
... let's look at an example (see it on github — source code, live example): <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>responsive preload example</title> <link rel="preload" href="bg-image-narrow.png" as="image" media="(max-width: 600px)"> <link rel="preload" href="bg-image-wide.png" as="image" media="(min-width: 601px)"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"> </head> <body> <header> <h1>my site</h1> </header> <script> var mediaquerylist = window.matchmedia("(max-width: 600px)"); var header = document.q...
Control flow and error handling - JavaScript
the semicolon (;) character is used to separate statements in javascript code.
... for example: var b = new boolean(false); if (b) // this condition evaluates to true if (b == true) // this condition evaluates to false example in the following example, the function checkdata returns true if the number of characters in a text object is three.
... function checkdata() { if (document.form1.threechar.value.length == 3) { return true; } else { alert( 'enter exactly three characters.
... ' + `${document.form1.threechar.value} is not valid.`); return false; } } switch statement a switch statement allows a program to evaluate an expression and attempt to match the expression's value to a case label.
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: bad parsing - JavaScript
message syntaxerror: json.parse: unterminated string literal syntaxerror: json.parse: bad control character in string literal syntaxerror: json.parse: bad character in string literal syntaxerror: json.parse: bad unicode escape syntaxerror: json.parse: bad escape character syntaxerror: json.parse: unterminated string syntaxerror: json.parse: no number after minus sign syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected non-digit syntaxerror: json.parse: missing digits after decimal point syntaxerror: json.parse: unterminated fractional number syntaxerror: json.parse: missing digits after exponent indicator syntaxerror: json.parse: missing digits after exponent sign syntaxerror: json.parse: exponent part is missin...
...g a number syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected end of data syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected keyword syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected character syntaxerror: json.parse: end of data while reading object contents syntaxerror: json.parse: expected property name or '}' syntaxerror: json.parse: end of data when ',' or ']' was expected syntaxerror: json.parse: expected ',' or ']' after array element syntaxerror: json.parse: end of data when property name was expected syntaxerror: json.parse: expected double-quoted property name syntaxerror: json.parse: end of data after property name when ':' was expected syntaxerror: json.parse: expected ':' after property name in object syntaxerror: json.parse: end of data after property value in object syntaxerror: json.parse: expected ',' or '}' after prope...
...rty value in object syntaxerror: json.parse: expected ',' or '}' after property-value pair in object literal syntaxerror: json.parse: property names must be double-quoted strings syntaxerror: json.parse: expected property name or '}' syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected character syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after json data syntaxerror: json.parse error: invalid character at position {0} (edge) error type syntaxerror what went wrong?
... examples json.parse() does not allow trailing commas both lines will throw a syntaxerror: json.parse('[1, 2, 3, 4,]'); json.parse('{"foo": 1,}'); // syntaxerror json.parse: unexpected character // at line 1 column 14 of the json data omit the trailing commas to parse the json correctly: json.parse('[1, 2, 3, 4]'); json.parse('{"foo": 1}'); property names must be double-quoted strings you cannot use single-quotes around properties, like 'foo'.
URIError: malformed URI sequence - JavaScript
message urierror: the uri to be encoded contains invalid character (edge) urierror: malformed uri sequence (firefox) urierror: uri malformed (chrome) error type urierror what went wrong?
... examples encoding encoding replaces each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the utf-8 encoding of the character.
...for example: encodeuri('\ud800\udfff'); // "%f0%90%8f%bf" decoding decoding replaces each escape sequence in the encoded uri component with the character that it represents.
... if there isn't such a character, an error will be thrown: decodeuricomponent('%e0%a4%a'); // "urierror: malformed uri sequence" with proper input, this should usually look like something like this: decodeuricomponent('javascript_%d1%88%d0%b5%d0%bb%d0%bb%d1%8b'); // "javascript_шеллы" ...
Intl.Locale.prototype.collation - JavaScript
description collation is the process of ordering strings of characters.
... valid collation types collation type description big5han pinyin ordering for latin, big5 charset ordering for cjk characters (used in chinese) compat a previous version of the ordering, for compatibility dict dictionary style ordering (such as in sinhala) the direct collation type has been deprected.
... direct binary code point order (used in hindi) ducet the default unicode collation element table order emoji recommended ordering for emoji characters eor european ordering rules gb2312 pinyin ordering for latin, gb2312han charset ordering for cjk characters (used in chinese) phonebk phonebook style ordering (such as in german) phonetic phonetic ordering (sorting based on pronunciation) pinyin pinyin ordering for latin and for cjk characters (used in chinese) reformed reformed ordering (such as in swedish) search special collation type for string search searchjl special collation type for korean initial consonant search standard defau... ordering for each language stroke pinyin ordering for latin, stroke order for cjk characters (used in chinese) trad traditional style ordering (such as in spanish) unihan pinyin ordering for latin, unihan radical-stroke ordering for cjk characters (used in chinese) zhuyin pinyin ordering for latin, zhuyin order for bopomofo and cjk characters (used in chinese) examples like other locale subtags, the collation type can be added to the intl.locale object via the locale string, or a configuration object argument to the constructor.
RegExp - JavaScript
when using the constructor function, the normal string escape rules (preceding special characters with \ when included in a string) are necessary.
... regular expression and unicode characters \w and \w only matches ascii based characters; for example, a to z, a to z, 0 to 9, and _.
... to match characters from other languages such as cyrillic or hebrew, use \uhhhh, where hhhh is the character's unicode value in hexadecimal.
... this example demonstrates how one can separate out unicode characters from a word.
String.fromCodePoint() - JavaScript
use the code below for a polyfill: if (!string.fromcodepoint) (function(stringfromcharcode) { var fromcodepoint = function(_) { var codeunits = [], codelen = 0, result = ""; for (var index=0, len = arguments.length; index !== len; ++index) { var codepoint = +arguments[index]; // correctly handles all cases including `nan`, `-infinity`, `+infinity` // the surrounding `!(...)` is required to correctly handle `nan` cases // the (codepoin...
...// astral code point; split in surrogate halves // codepoint -= 0x10000; codelen = codeunits.push( (codepoint >> 10) + 0xd800, // highsurrogate (codepoint % 0x400) + 0xdc00 // lowsurrogate ); } if (codelen >= 0x3fff) { result += stringfromcharcode.apply(null, codeunits); codeunits.length = 0; } } return result + stringfromcharcode.apply(null, codeunits); }; try { // ie 8 only supports `object.defineproperty` on dom elements object.defineproperty(string, "fromcodepoint", { "value": fromcodepoint, "configurable": true, "writable": true }); } catch(e) { string.fromcodepoi...
...nt = fromcodepoint; } }(string.fromcharcode)); examples using fromcodepoint() valid input: string.fromcodepoint(42); // "*" string.fromcodepoint(65, 90); // "az" string.fromcodepoint(0x404); // "\u0404" == "Є" string.fromcodepoint(0x2f804); // "\ud87e\udc04" string.fromcodepoint(194564); // "\ud87e\udc04" string.fromcodepoint(0x1d306, 0x61, 0x1d307); // "\ud834\udf06a\ud834\udf07" invalid input: string.fromcodepoint('_'); // rangeerror string.fromcodepoint(infinity); // rangeerror string.fromcodepoint(-1); // rangeerror string.fromcodepoint(3.14); // rangeerror string.fromcodepoint(3e-2); // rangeerror string.fromcodepoint(nan); // rangeerror compared to fromcharcode() string.fromcharcode() cannot return supplementary characters (i.e.
...instead, it requires the utf-16 surrogate pair in order to return a supplementary character: string.fromcharcode(0xd83c, 0xdf03); // code point u+1f303 "night with string.fromcharcode(55356, 57091); // stars" == "\ud83c\udf03" string.fromcodepoint(), on the other hand, can return 4-byte supplementary characters, as well as the more common 2-byte bmp characters, by specifying their code point (which is equivalent to the utf-32 code unit): string.fromcodepoint(0x1f303); // or 127747 in decimal specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'string.fromcodepoint' in that specification.
Template literals (Template strings) - JavaScript
syntax `string text` `string text line 1 string text line 2` `string text ${expression} string text` tag`string text ${expression} string text` description template literals are enclosed by the backtick (` `) (grave accent) character instead of double or single quotes.
... `\`` === '`' // --> true multi-line strings any newline characters inserted in the source are part of the template literal.
... function tag(strings) { console.log(strings.raw[0]); } tag`string text line 1 \n string text line 2`; // logs "string text line 1 \n string text line 2" , // including the two characters '\' and 'n' in addition, the string.raw() method exists to create raw strings—just like the default template function and string concatenation would create.
...ample \xa9 octal literal escapes started by "\0o" and followed by one or more digits, for example \0o251 this means that a tagged template like the following is problematic, because, per ecmascript grammar, a parser looks for valid unicode escape sequences, but finds malformed syntax: latex`\unicode` // throws in older ecmascript versions (es2016 and earlier) // syntaxerror: malformed unicode character escape sequence es2018 revision of illegal escape sequences tagged templates should allow the embedding of languages (for example dsls, or latex), where other escapes sequences are common.
Image file type and format guide - Web media technologies
it's particulary useful for photographs; applying lossy compression to content requiring sharpness, like diagrams or charts, can produce unsatisfactory results.
...each image consists of 2 to 4 #define directives, providing the width and height of the bitmap (and optionally the hotspot, if the image is designed as a cursor), followed by an array of unsigned char, where each value contains 8 1-bit monochrome pixels.
...for example, the following code represents an xbm image which is 8 pixels by 8 pixels, with those pixels in a black-and-white checkerboard pattern: #define square8_width 8 #define square8_height 8 static unsigned char square8_bits[] = { 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55 }; mime type image/xbm, image-xbitmap file extension(s) .xbm specification none browser compatibility firefox 1–3.5, internet explorer 1–5 maximum dimensions unlimited supported color modes color mode bits per component description greyscale 1 each byte contains eight 1-bit pixels.
... best choice fallback lossless webp or png; jpeg if compression artifacts aren't a concern png or jpeg; gif for screenshots with low color counts diagrams, drawings, and charts for any image that can be represented using vector graphics, svg is the best choice.
text-anchor - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
each text chunk has an initial current text position, which represents the point in the user coordinate system resulting from (depending on context) application of the x and y attributes on the <text> element, any x or y attribute values on a <tspan>, <tref> or <altglyph> element assigned explicitly to the first rendered character in a text chunk, or determination of the initial current text position for a <textpath> element.
...--> <circle cx="60" cy="40" r="3" fill="red" /> <circle cx="60" cy="75" r="3" fill="red" /> <circle cx="60" cy="110" r="3" fill="red" /> <style><![cdata[ text { font: bold 36px verdana, helvetica, arial, sans-serif; } ]]></style> </svg> usage notes default value start value start | middle | end animatable yes start the rendered characters are aligned such that the start of the text string is at the initial current text position.
... middle the rendered characters are aligned such that the middle of the text string is at the current text position.
...then, the text string is mapped onto the path with this midpoint placed at the current text position.) end the rendered characters are shifted such that the end of the resulting rendered text (final current text position before applying the text-anchor property) is at the initial current text position.
u1 - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the u1 attribute specifies list of unicode characters (refer to the description of the unicode attribute of the <glyph> element for a description of how to express individual unicode characters) and/or ranges of unicode characters, which identify a set of possible first glyphs in a kerning pair.
... if a given unicode character within the set has multiple corresponding <glyph> elements (i.e., there are multiple <glyph> elements with the same unicode attribute value but different glyph-name values), then all such glyphs are included in the set.
... comma is the separator character; thus, to kern a comma, specify the comma as part of a range of unicode characters or as a glyph name using the g1 attribute.
... two elements are using this attribute: <hkern> and <vkern> context notes value [ <character> | <urange> ]# default value none animatable no [ <character> | <urange> ]# this value indicates a comma-separated sequence of unicode characters and/or ranges of unicode characters, which identify a set of possible first glyphs in a kerning pair.
u2 - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the u2 attribute specifies list of unicode characters (refer to the description of the unicode attribute of the <glyph> element for a description of how to express individual unicode characters) and/or ranges of unicode characters, which identify a set of possible second glyphs in a kerning pair.
... if a given unicode character within the set has multiple corresponding <glyph> elements (i.e., there are multiple <glyph> elements with the same unicode attribute value but different glyph-name values), then all such glyphs are included in the set.
... comma is the separator character; thus, to kern a comma, specify the comma as part of a range of unicode characters or as a glyph name using the g2 attribute.
... two elements are using this attribute: <hkern> and <vkern> context notes value [ <character> | <urange> ]# default value none animatable no [ <character> | <urange> ]# this value indicates a comma-separated sequence of unicode characters and/or ranges of unicode characters, which identify a set of possible second glyphs in a kerning pair.
<altGlyph> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the <altglyph> svg element allows sophisticated selection of the glyphs used to render its child character data.
... usage context categoriestext content element, text content child elementpermitted contentany elements or character data attributes x this attribute defines the corresponding absolute x-coordinates for rendering the element.
... if the reference is to a <glyph> element and that glyph is available, then that glyph is rendered instead of the character(s) that are inside of the <altglyph> element.
... if the reference is to an <altglyphdef> element, then if an appropriate set of alternate glyphs is located from processing the <altglyphdef> element, then those alternate glyphs are rendered instead of the character(s) that are inside of the <altglyph> element.
request - Archive of obsolete content
you can use this to treat the content as a different mime type, or to force text to be interpreted using a specific character.
... for example, if you're retrieving text content which was encoded as iso-8859-1 (latin 1), it will be given a content type of "utf-8" and certain characters will not display correctly.
... to force the response to be interpreted as latin-1, use overridemimetype: var request = require("sdk/request").request; var quijote = request({ url: "", overridemimetype: "text/plain; charset=latin1", oncomplete: function (response) { console.log(response.text); } }); quijote.get(); anonymous boolean if true, the request will be sent without cookies or authentication headers.
io/file - Archive of obsolete content
read more about escaping characters in strings.
... mode : string an optional string, each character of which describes a characteristic of the returned stream.
... mode : string an optional string, each character of which describes a characteristic of the returned stream.
File I/O - Archive of obsolete content
createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiscriptableunicodeconverter); converter.charset = "utf-8"; var istream = converter.converttoinputstream(data); // the last argument (the callback) is optional.
...tream, "utf-8", 0, 0); // you can use another encoding here if you wish let (str = {}) { let read = 0; do { read = cstream.readstring(0xffffffff, str); // read as much as we can and put it in str.value data += str.value; } while (read != 0); } cstream.close(); // this closes fstream alert(data); reading line by line note: the sample code below does not handle text with non-ascii characters.
... see reading textual data details on how to read text from other character sets.
How to convert an overlay extension to restartless - Archive of obsolete content
here are some functions to handle this: function getgenericpref(branch,prefname) { switch (branch.getpreftype(prefname)) { default: case 0: return undefined; // pref_invalid case 32: return getucharpref(prefname,branch); // pref_string case 64: return branch.getintpref(prefname); // pref_int case 128: return branch.getboolpref(prefname); // pref_bool } } function setgenericpref(branch,prefname,prefvalue) { switch (typeof prefvalue) { case "string": setucharpref(prefname,prefvalue,branch); return; case "number": bran...,prefvalue); return; case "boolean": branch.setboolpref(prefname,prefvalue); return; } } function setdefaultpref(prefname,prefvalue) { var defaultbranch = services.prefs.getdefaultbranch(null); setgenericpref(defaultbranch,prefname,prefvalue); } function getucharpref(prefname,branch) // unicode getcharpref { branch = branch ?
... branch : services.prefs; return branch.getcomplexvalue(prefname, components.interfaces.nsisupportsstring).data; } function setucharpref(prefname,text,branch) // unicode setcharpref { var string = components.classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsisupportsstring); = text; branch = branch ?
Chapter 5: Let's build a Firefox extension - Archive of obsolete content
fixme: figure 12: session-management extension interface: the menu as discussed in the part “the session store api”, sessions are represented as json character strings.
... createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiconverterinputstream); cvstream.init(stream, "utf-8", 1024, components.interfaces.nsiconverterinputstream.default_replacement_character); var content = ""; var data = {}; while (cvstream.readstring(4096, data)) { content += data.value; } cvstream.close(); return content.replace(/\r\n?/g, "\n"); } catch (ex) { } return null; }, _writefile method creates a new file for the nslfile object passed as a parameter, and writes the text string, also passed as a parameter.
... createinstance(components.interfaces.nsiscriptableunicodeconverter); converter.charset = "utf-8"; var converteddata = converter.convertfromunicode(adata); converteddata += converter.finish(); // write and close stream stream.write(converteddata, converteddata.length); if (stream instanceof components.interfaces.nsisafeoutputstream) { stream.finish(); } else { stream.close(); } }, createmenu method this event handler is called when the...
Underscores in class and ID Names - Archive of obsolete content
summary: the use of the underscore character in css can lead to major display problems in multiple browsers.
... it is a fairly common practice in many programming languages to use the underscore character (_) in the place of a "space" in variable and function names.
...a common substitute is the hyphen character (-), as in: p.urgent-note {color: maroon;} many authors choose instead to use camel case names such as this: p.urgentnote {color: maroon;} if the initial-cap approach is used, however, remember that class and id names are also supposed to be case-sensitive.
CSS3 - Archive of obsolete content
pseudo-elements are now characterized by two colons rather than one: :after becomes ::after, :before becomes ::before, :first-letter becomes ::first-letter, and :first-line becomes ::first-line.
... compositing and blending level 1 candidate recommendation css syntax level 3 candidate recommendation clarifies how charsets are determined; minor changes in parsing and tokenization algorithms.
... the css text-align property with a <string> value to align on that character.
cert_override.txt - Archive of obsolete content
m:443 oid.2.16.840. 00:11:22:33:44:55:66:77:88:99:aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff:ff:ee:dd:cc:bb:aa:99:88:77:66:55:44:33:22:11:00 u aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa== fields fields are separated by a tab character.
... each line is terminated by a line feed character (unix format).
... domainname:port : port 443 for https (ssl) hash algorithm oid sha1-256: oid.2.16.840. (most used) sha-384: oid.2.16.840. sha-512: oid.2.16.840. certificate fingerprint using previous hash algorithm one or more characters for override type: m : allow mismatches in the hostname u : allow untrusted certs (whether it's self signed cert or a missing or invalid issuer cert) t : allow errors in the validity time, for example, for expired or not yet valid certs certificate's serial number and the issuer name as a base64 encoded string ...
Documentation for BiDi Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
bidi processing for a given html document will only take place if one of the following is true: the page includes a hebrew or arabic character or a hindi digit.
...improvements to lists with hebrew and arabic list-style-type summary of new classes class name xpcom interface (if applicable) implementation comments nsibidi intl\unicharutil\public\nsibidi.h intl\unicharutil\src\nsbidiimp.cpp implementation of the unicode bidi algorithm nsiubidiutils intl\unicharutil\public\nsiubidiutils.h intl\unicharutil\src\nsbidiutilsimp.cpp utilities for bidi processing, including: character classification symmetric swapping reordering shaping numeric translation conversion to/from presentation forms nsbidipresutils layout/base/nsbidip... is created when resolving text containing a unicode bidi control character, a bdo tag, or right-to-left alignment caused by a dir tag or css.
Menu - Archive of obsolete content
mnemonic string a character that is used as the item's shortcut key while the menu is open.
... it should be one of the characters that appears in the item's label.
... on some platforms this character is underlined in the label.
Priority Content - Archive of obsolete content
book length works in progress: netscape gecko plugin api reference 1.0 original: netscape gecko plugin api reference 1.0 wiki location: gecko plugin api reference migrators: started: core javascript reference 1.5 original: core javascript reference 1.5 wiki location: core javascript 1.5 reference migrators: deb richardson in progress: transforming xml: netscape and xslt 1.0 original: transforming xml: netscape and xslt 1.0 wiki location: transforming xml with xslt migrators: serge k.
...gins: macromedia flash original: scripting plugins: macromedia flash wiki location: scripting plugins: macromedia flash migrators: dependant on (these parts need to be done, put your name down) completed: soap in netscape gecko-based browsers original: soap in netscape gecko-based browsers wiki location: soap in gecko-based browsers migrators: doron rosenberg in progress: css support charts original: css support charts and mirror wiki location: css support charts migrators: serge k.
... keller licensing: these css charts appear to be under a cc:by-nc-sa license, please make note of that on the page when you do the migration.
Index - Archive of obsolete content
this method has a number of options to specify text or binary writing, the character set, and whether to append to an existing file or create a new one.
... 436 index found 1218 pages: 437 international characters in xul javascript firefox, gecko, guide, internationalization, javascript, mozilla, xpcom, xul gecko 1.8, as used in firefox 1.5 and other applications, added support for non-ascii characters in javascript files loaded from xul files.
... 694 documentcharsetinfo xul properties, xul reference no summary!
Code Samples - Archive of obsolete content
note: on operating systems that use backslash characters, double each backslash character.
... on operating systems that use forward-slash characters, specify the file in the normal way.
... const path = "c:\\windows\\charmap.exe" var file = components .classes[";1"] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsilocalfile) file.initwithpath(path) file.launch() open a web page if your button is in firefox or seamonkey, use code like this to open a web page.
button - Archive of obsolete content
tate, checked, command, crop, dir, disabled, dlgtype, group, icon, image, label, open, orient, tabindex, type properties accesskey, accessibletype, autocheck, checkstate, checked, command, crop, dir, disabled, dlgtype, group, image, label, open, orient, tabindex, type examples <button label="press me" oncommand="alert('you pressed me!');"/> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... properties accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
caption - Archive of obsolete content
attributes accesskey, crop, image, label, tabindex properties accesskey, crop, image, label, tabindex examples <groupbox> <caption label="my groupbox"/> </groupbox> <groupbox flex="1"> <caption> <checkbox label="a checked groupbox"/> </caption> </groupbox> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... properties accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
checkbox - Archive of obsolete content
attributes accesskey, checked, command, crop, disabled, src, label, preference, tabindex properties accesskey, accessibletype, checked, command, crop, disabled, src, label, tabindex examples <checkbox label="enable javascript" checked="true"/> <checkbox label="enable java" checked="false"/> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... properties accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
label - Archive of obsolete content
attributes accesskey, control, crop, disabled, href, value properties accesskey, accessibletype, control, crop, disabled, value style classes header, indent, monospace, plain, small-margin, text-link examples <label value="email address" control="email"/> <textbox id="email"/> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... properties accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
listitem - Archive of obsolete content
tabindex, type, value properties accesskey, accessible, checked, control, crop, current, disabled, image, label, selected, tabindex, value style classes listitem-iconic examples <listbox id="thelist"> <listitem label="ruby"/> <listitem label="emerald"/> <listitem label="sapphire" selected="true"/> <listitem label="diamond"/> </listbox> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... properties accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
menuitem - Archive of obsolete content
accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
menuseparator - Archive of obsolete content
accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
radio - Archive of obsolete content
tabindex, value properties accesskey, accessibletype, control, crop, disabled, image, label, radiogroup, selected, tabindex, value examples <radiogroup> <radio id="orange" label="red" accesskey="r"/> <radio id="violet" label="green" accesskey="g" selected="true"/> <radio id="yellow" label="blue" accesskey="b" disabled="true"/> </radiogroup> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... properties accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
tab - Archive of obsolete content
attributes accesskey, afterselected, beforeselected, command, crop, disabled, first-tab, image, label, last-tab, linkedpanel, oncommand, pending, pinned, selected, tabindex, unread, validate, value properties accesskey, accessibletype, command, control, crop, disabled, image, label, linkedpanel, selected, tabindex, value examples (example needed) attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... properties accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
toolbarbutton - Archive of obsolete content
<menuitem label="menu item 2"/> </menupopup> </toolbarbutton> </toolbar> <toolbar id="radio-toolbar"> <toolbarbutton accesskey="1" label="radio 1" type="radio" group="radiogroup"/> <toolbarbutton accesskey="2" label="radio 2" type="radio" group="radiogroup"/> <toolbarbutton accesskey="3" label="radio 3" type="radio" group="radiogroup"/> </toolbar> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
... properties accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
NPUTF8 - Archive of obsolete content
« gecko plugin api reference « scripting plugins summary nputf8 is a byte representing an 8-bit unit of a utf-8 character.
... this is not the same thing as an entire utf-8 character, which may be comprised of multiple nputf8 bytes.
... syntax typedef char nputf8; description the nputf8 type is used in constructing utf-8 strings for use by the plugin scripting api extension.
NP_GetMIMEDescription - Archive of obsolete content
one mime type // example inside #define mime_type_description "application/basic-plugin:bsp:basic example plug-in for mozilla" const char* np_getmimedescription(void) { return(mime_types_description); } two mime types const char* np_getmimedescription(void) { return "application/basic-example-plugin:xmp1:example 1;application/basic-example2-plugin:xmp2, xm2p:example 2"; } gnome integration if you use gnome vfs (gnome-vfs-2.0), you can get the mime type description with a function.
... #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-handlers.h> #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-mime-info.h> #include <libgnomevfs/gnome-vfs-utils.h> // const char* gnome_vfs_mime_get_description (const char *mime_type); const char* desc = gnome_vfs_mime_get_description ("audio/ogg"); if you use gnome gio (gio-2.0), you can get the mime type description too.
... #include <gio/gio.h> const char* desc = g_content_type_get_description("audio/ogg"); javascript inside a web page, you can retrieve these informations with this code: var mimetype = navigator.mimetypes['application/basic-example-plugin']; if (mimetype) { alert(mimetype.type + ':' + mimetype.suffixes + ':' + mimetype.description); } ...
Vulnerabilities - Archive of obsolete content
an example is an input validation error, such as user-provided input not being properly evaluated for malicious character strings and overly long values associated with known attacks.
... these vulnerabilities are likely to have a wide variety of characteristics.
... website vulnerabilities owasp or open web security project is a non-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software and web applications.
Developing cross-browser and cross-platform pages - Archive of obsolete content
the browser identification approach relies on functions that check the browser type string value and browser version string value and that search for certains characters or sub-strings in the navigator.useragent property string.
... // bad sample if (navigator.appversion.charat(0) == "8") { if (navigator.appname == "netscape") { isns8 = true; alert("netscape 8"); }; } else if (navigator.appversion.indexof("msie") != -1) { isie = true; alert("internet explorer"); }; while this kind of checking in the above code can work in a crude sense, sharp readers may wonder what happens when internet explorer 8 is released or when an opera 8.x user visits the page or even wh...
...en an user with any non-netscape browser starting with a "8" character in the appversion string visits that page.
Using workers in extensions - Archive of obsolete content
nction() { // register to receive notifications of preference changes this.prefs = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice) .getbranch("stockwatcher2."); this.prefs.queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch2); this.prefs.addobserver("", this, false); this.tickersymbol = this.prefs.getcharpref("symbol").touppercase(); this.worker = new worker("chrome://stockwatcher2/content/ticker_worker.js"); // small little dance to get 'this' to refer to stockwatcher, not the // worker, when a message is received.
... observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic != "nspref:changed") { return; } switch(data) { case "symbol": this.tickersymbol = this.prefs.getcharpref("symbol").touppercase(); this.worker.postmessage(this.tickersymbol); break; } }, the key here is line 10, which sends the new ticker symbol to monitor to the ticker thread by calling its postmessage() method.
... watchstock: function(newsymbol) { this.tickersymbol = newsymbol.touppercase(); this.prefs.setcharpref("symbol", newsymbol); this.worker.postmessage(this.tickersymbol); }, refreshinformation: function() { // empty message just means 'refresh'.
-ms-text-autospace - Archive of obsolete content
ideograph-numeric creates extra spacing between runs of ideographic text and numeric characters.
... ideograph-space extends the width of the space character when it is adjacent to ideographs.
... an ideograph is a character in an asian writing system that represents a concept or an idea, but not a particular word or pronunciation.
Debug.writeln - Archive of obsolete content
the debug.writeln function sends strings to the script debugger, followed by a newline character.
... remarks the debug.writeln function sends strings, followed by a newline character, to the immediate window of the microsoft script debugger at run time.
...the only difference is that the debug.write function does not send a newline character after sending the strings.
String.prototype.quote() - Archive of obsolete content
the non-standard quote() method returns a copy of the string, replacing various special characters in the string with their escape sequences and wrapping the result in double-quotes (").
... syntax str.quote() return value a new string representing the original string wrapped in double-quotes, with any special characters escaped.
... examples using quote in the table below the quote() method replaces any special characters and wraps the strings in double-quotes.
XForms Output Element - Archive of obsolete content
characteristics text is presented to the user when there is no type given for the bound node or a type is specified that is not handled by one of the other widgets (as documented below).
...characteristics the bound instance node is of type xsd:date or a type derived from it in addition, the appearance attribute must also contain the value "full" firefox 2.0 doesn't currently have any similar widgets available for use with xhtml or xul.
...characteristics the bound instance node is of type xsd:anyuri, xsd:base64binary or a type derived from it either the mediatype attribute is present and contains the image's mimetype or the output element contains a mediatype element which specifies the image's mimetype (for example, image/*).
Game monetization - Game development
how much you charge for your game depends on the market, quality of your game and a lot of other small factors.
...if you want to implement iaps try to add value to the game with something players will enjoy instead of taking it out and then charging for it.
...a totally new set of levels with new characters, weapons and story is a good material for dlc, but to have enough sales the game itself has to be popular, or else there won't be any players interested in spending their hard earned money on it.
TLD - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
iana today distinguishes the following groups of top-level domains: country-code top-level domains (cctld) two-character domains established for countries or territories.
... internationalized country code top-level domains (idn cctld) cctlds in non-latin character sets (e.g., arabic or chinese).
... generic top-level domains (gtld) top-level domains with three or more characters.
XInclude - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
if (acceptlanguage) { request.setrequestheader('accept-language', acceptlanguage); } switch (parse) { case 'text': // priority should be on media type: var contenttype = request.getresponseheader('content-type'); //text/xml; charset="utf-8" // send to get headers first?
... // let the request be processed below } else { if (encoding === '' || encoding === null) { // encoding has no effect on xml encoding = 'utf-8'; } request.overridemimetype('text/plain; charset='+encoding); //'x-user-defined' } responsetype = 'responsetext'; break; case null: case 'xml': responsetype = 'responsexml'; break; default: alert('xinclude...
... encodingtype = 'utf-8'; } // need to make a whole new request apparently since cannot convert the encoding after receiving it (to know what the encoding was) var request2 = new xmlhttprequest(); request2.overridemimetype('text/plain; charset='+encodingtype);'get', href, false); request2.setrequestheader('if-modified-since', 'thu, 1 jan 1970 00:00:00 gmt'); request2.setrequestheader('cache-control', 'no-cache'); request2.send(null); response = reques...
Glyph - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a glyph is a term used in typography for the visual representation of one or more characters.
... the fonts used by a website contain different sets of glyphs, which represent the characters of the font.
... learn more general knowledge glyph on wikipedia glyph, character and grapheme on quora ...
Mobile accessibility - Learn web development
hold your finger down on the virtual keyboard until you get the character you want, and then release your finger to type it.
... repeat for each character.
... for each character, hold your finger down on the virtual keyboard until you get the character you want, and then release your finger to select it.
Using CSS generated content - Learn web development
html a text where i need to <span class="ref">something</span> css .ref::before { font-weight: bold; color: navy; content: "reference "; } output the character set of a stylesheet is utf-8 by default, but it can also be specified in the link, in the stylesheet itself, or in other ways.
... individual characters can also be specified by an escape mechanism that uses backslash as the escape character.
...for details, see referring to characters not represented in a character encoding and characters and case in the css specification.
What went wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript - Learn web development
the line number where the error is, and the character number in that line where the error is first seen.
... in this case, we've got line 86, character number 3. the first error above, string would be replaced with the unexpected character(s) that the browser found instead of a quote mark at the start of a string.
Command line crash course - Learn web development
note: to run a command with multiple options at the same time, you can usually put them all in a single string after the dash character, for example ls -lah, or ls -ltrh.
... note: many terminal commands allow you to use asterisks as "wild card" characters, meaning "any sequence of characters".
...this counts the number of words, lines, characters, or bytes of whatever is inputted into it.
How Mozilla's build system works
the primary job of configure is to determine characteristics of the system and compiler, apply options passed into it, and validate everything looks ok to build.
...config.status is charged with the task of telling a tool how to build the tree.
...a backslash as the last character on a line allows the variable definition to be continued on the next line.
Gecko Logging
note: log module names can only contain specific characters.
... the first character must be a lowercase or uppercase ascii char, underscore, dash, or dot.
... subsequent characters may be any of those, or an ascii digit.
Obsolete Build Caveats and Tips
this note below seems redundant as this is true by default note: starting with gecko 7.0, you should no longer include "-zc:wchar_t-" in the command line when building on windows.
... if you're using visual studio, go to project properties > c/c++ > language > treat wchar_t as built-in type and set it to "yes".
...see the chart at the top of this page to ensure that the version you've selected is compatible with the branch you want to build.
Gecko Profiler FAQ
this can change some performance characteristics, but is a decent way to get a sense of which parts of a large function are expensive.
... usually you should be really careful when changing the characteristics of the environment that you are trying to measure to avoid measuring the wrong thing.
... you do want to think about various characteristics of an allocator which may have an impact on performance.
a general-purpose hash function for character strings.
... syntax #include <plhash.h> plhashnumber pl_hashstring(const void *key); parameter the function has the following parameter: key a pointer to a character string.
... description pl_hashstring can be used as the key hash function for a hash table if the key is a character string.
converts a character string to a network address.
... syntax #include <prnetdb.h> prstatus pr_stringtonetaddr( const char *string, prnetaddr *addr); parameters the function has the following parameters: string the string to be converted.
...ipv6 addresses are indicated as strings using ":" characters separating octets, with numerous caveats for shortcutting (see rfc #1884).
NSS Sample Code sample4
* in a real app, this function should obtain the password using secure means * such as prompting an operator, or retrieving it over a secure communication * channel */ char *passwdcb(pk11slotinfo *info, prbool retry, void *arg); int main(int argc, char **argv) { secstatus rv; certcertificate *cert = null; seckeypublickey *pubkey = null; seckeyprivatekey *pvtkey = null; int modulus_len, i, outlen; char *buf1 = null; char *buf2 = null; /* initialize nss */ pk11_setpasswordfunc(passwdcb); rv ...
...stca in nss db (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } pubkey = cert_extractpublickey(cert); if (pubkey == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't extract public key from cert testca (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } modulus_len = seckey_publickeystrength(pubkey); fprintf(stderr, "public key modulus %d bytes\n", modulus_len); buf1 = (char *)malloc(modulus_len); buf2 = (char *)malloc(modulus_len); /* initialize buf1 */ for (i=0;i<modulus_len;i++) { buf1[i]= (i %26) + 'a'; } buf1[modulus_len-1] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "buffer being encrypted = \n%s\n", buf1); /* encrypt buf1, result will be in buf2 */ rv = pk11_pubencryptraw(pubkey, buf2, buf1, modulus_len, null); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stder...
...r()); goto cleanup; } fprintf(stderr, "result of decryption, outlen = %d\n", outlen); fprintf(stderr, "result of decryption, buf = \n%s\n", buf1); exit(0); cleanup: if (cert) cert_destroycertificate(cert); if (pubkey) seckey_destroypublickey(pubkey); if (pvtkey) seckey_destroyprivatekey(pvtkey); if (buf1) free(buf1); if (buf2) free(buf2); exit(1); } char *passwdcb(pk11slotinfo *info, prbool retry, void *arg) { if (!retry) return pl_strdup("test"); else return null; } ...
manufacturerid: id of the device manufacturer, "mozilla foundation", padded with spaces to 32 characters and not null-terminated.
... model: model of the device, "nss 3", padded with spaces to 16 characters and not null-terminated.
... serialnumber: the device's serial number as a string, "0000000000000000", 16 characters and not null-terminated.
syntax ck_rv fc_initpin( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen ); parameters fc_initpin() takes three parameters: hsession[input] session handle.
... ckr_pin_invalid: the pin has an invalid utf-8 character.
... ckr_pin_len_range: the pin is too short, too long, or too weak (doesn't have enough character types).
Rhino shell
readfile(path [, charactercoding]) read given file and convert its bytes to a string using the specified character coding or default character coding if explicit coding argument is not given.
... readurl(url [, charactercoding]) open an input connection to the given string url, read all its bytes and convert them to a string using the specified character coding or default character coding if explicit coding argument is not given.
...the shell will also quit in interactive mode if an end-of-file character is typed at the prompt.
Hacking Tips
(gdb) x /5i $pc - 1 0x7ffff7fb1659: int3 => 0x7ffff7fb165a: mov 0x28(%rsp),%rax 0x7ffff7fb165f: mov %eax,%ecx 0x7ffff7fb1661: mov 0x30(%rsp),%rdx 0x7ffff7fb1666: mov %edx,%ebx (gdb) # replace the int3 by a nop (gdb) set *(unsigned char *) ($pc - 1) = 0x90 (gdb) x /1i $pc - 1 0x7ffff7fb1659: nop (gdb) # set a breakpoint at the previous location (gdb) b *0x7ffff7fb1659 breakpoint 2 at 0x7ffff7fb1659 printing ion generated assembly code (from gdb) if you want to look at the assembly code generated by ionmonkey, you can follow this procedure: place a breakpoint at codegenerator.cpp on the codegenerator::link method.
...resshell::renderdocument(nsrect const&, unsigned int, unsigned int, gfxcontext*)' set print object on set $x = <your x value> set $y = <your y value> print &((cairo_image_surface_t*)athebescontext->mdt.mrawptr->msurface).data[$y * ((cairo_image_surface_t*)athebescontext->mdt.mrawptr->msurface).stride + $x * ((cairo_image_surface_t*)athebescontext->mdt.mrawptr->msurface).depth / 8] watch *(char*)<address of previous command> (note: if you set a watch on the previous expression gdb will watch the expression and run out of watchpoint) rr with emacs within emacs, do m-x gud-gdb and replace the command line with rr replay.
... if (getenv("inst_dump")) { char buf[4096]; sprintf(buf, "gdb /proc/%d/exe %d -batch -ex 'set pagination off' -ex 'set arm force-mode arm' -ex 'x/%di %p' -ex 'set arm force-mode auto'", getpid(), getpid(), m_buffer.size() / 4, buffer); system(buf); } if you aren't running on arm, you should omit the -ex 'set arm force-mode arm' and -ex 'set arm force-mode auto'.
JIT Optimization Strategies
it provides information on what they attempt to do, what general level of speed-up they provide, what kind of program characteristics can prevent them from being used, and common ways to enable the engine to utilize that optimization.
...unboxed property reads are possible on properties which satisfy all the characteristics of a definite slot, and additionally have been observed to only store values of one kind of value.
...unboxed property writes are possible on properties which satisfy all the characteristics of a definite slot, and additionally have been observed to only store values of one kind of value.
syntax bool js::addvalueroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<js::value> *vp); bool js::addstringroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsstring *> *rp); bool js::addobjectroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsobject *> *rp); bool js::addnamedvalueroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<js::value> *vp, const char *name); bool js::addnamedvaluerootrt(jsruntime *rt, js::heap<js::value> *vp, const char *name); bool js::addnamedstringroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsstring *> *rp, const char *name); bool js::addnamedobjectroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<jsobject *> *rp, const char *name); bool js::addnamedscriptroot(jscontext *cx, js::heap<j...
...sscript *> *rp, const char *name); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to add the new root.
... name const char * the name of the new root, or null.
constructor enum ownership { noownership, giveownership }; js::sourcebufferholder(const char16_t *data, size_t datalength, ownership ownership); name type description data const char16_t * source buffer containing the script to compile.
... datalength size_t the length of data, in characters.
... example size_t length = 512; char16_t* chars = static_cast<char16_t*>(js_malloc(sizeof(char16_t) * length)); js::sourcebufferholder srcbuf(chars, length, js::sourcebufferholder::giveownership); js::compile(cx, obj, options, srcbuf); see also mxr id search for js::sourcebufferholder js::compile js::compilefunction js::evaluate bug 987556 ...
syntax struct jsfunctionspec { const char *name; jsnativewrapper call; uint16_t nargs; uint16_t flags; const char *selfhostedname; }; typedef struct jsnativewrapper { jsnative op; const jsjitinfo *info; } jsnativewrapper; name type description name const char * the function's name.
... selfhostedname const char * the function's name in self-hosted javascript code. define an array element, cast the element's index value to const char*, initialize the name field with it, and specify the jsprop_index attribute in flags.
syntax jsbool js_aliasproperty(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, const char *alias); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... name const char * name of the property for which to create an alias.
... alias const char * alias name to assign to the property.
syntax boo js_alreadyhasownproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, bool *foundp); boo js_alreadyhasownucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, bool *foundp); boo js_alreadyhasownpropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, bool *foundp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 boo js_alreadyhasownelement(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, uint32_t index, bool *foundp); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t *or js::handleid (in js_alreadyhasownproperty, alreadyhasownucproperty, and js_alreadyhasownpropertybyid) the name of the property to search for.
... namelen size_t (in js_alreadyhasownucproperty only) the length of name, in characters; or the special value (size_t) -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax bool js_bufferiscompilableunit(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, const char *utf8, size_t length); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... utf8 const char * string containing the script to compile.
... length size_t the length of utf8 in characters.
syntax /* added in spidermonkey 31 */ bool js_callfunction(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handlefunction fun, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js_callfunctionname(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js_callfunctionvalue(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handlevalue fval, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); /* obsolete since jsapi 30 */ bool js_callfunction(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsfunction *fun, unsigned argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval); bool js_callfunctionname(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, cons...
...t char *name, unsigned argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval); bool js_callfunctionvalue(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsval fval, unsigned argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... name const char * pointer to the name of function to call.
syntax jsbool js_definepropertywithtinyid( jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, int8 tinyid, jsval value, jspropertyop getter, jspropertyop setter, unsigned int attrs); jsbool js_defineucpropertywithtinyid( jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const jschar *name, size_t namelen, int8 tinyid, jsval value, jspropertyop getter, jspropertyop setter, unsigned int attrs); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to define the property.
... name const char * or const jschar * name for the property to create.
... namelen size_t (only in js_defineucpropertywithtinyid) the length of name in characters; or (size_t) -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax bool js_deleteproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name); bool js_deletepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, jsid id); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 // added in spidermonkey 45 bool js_deleteproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::objectopresult &result); bool js_deletepropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::objectopresult &result); bool js_deleteucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::objectopresult &result); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime i...
... name or id const char * or jsid or const char16_t * name of the property to delete.
... namelen size_t (only in js_deleteucproperty) the length of name in characters; or -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax bool js_deleteproperty2(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, bool *succeeded); bool js_deleteucproperty2(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, bool *succeeded); bool js_deletepropertybyid2(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, bool *succeeded); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which...
... name or id const char * or const char16_t or js::handleid name of the property to delete.
... namelen size_t (only in js_deleteucproperty2) the length of name in characters; or -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax size_t js_encodestringtobuffer(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str, char *buffer, size_t length); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... buffer char * a character buffer to receive encoded string.
... description js_encodestringtobuffer converts the specified javascript str to a c string (an array of 8-bit chars) and fills the specified buffer with up to length bytes of the string.
syntax bool js_getproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_getucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); bool js_getpropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::mutablehandlevalue vp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t * or js::handleid name of the property to look up.
... namelen size_t (in js_getucproperty only) the length of name, in characters; or -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax jsbool js_getpropertyattributes(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, unsigned int *attrsp, jsbool *foundp); jsbool js_getucpropertyattributes(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const jschar *name, size_t namelen, unsigned int *attrsp, jsbool *foundp); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to look up property attributes.
... name const char * or const jschar * name of the property from which to retrieve attributes.
... namelen size_t (only in js_getucpropertyattributes) the length of name in characters; or (size_t) -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax jsbool js_getpropertyattrsgetterandsetter(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, unsigned int *attrsp, jsbool *foundp, jspropertyop *getterp, jspropertyop *setterp); jsbool js_getucpropertyattrsgetterandsetter(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const jschar *name, size_t namelen, unsigned int *attrsp, jsbool *foundp, jspropertyop *getterp, jspropertyop *setterp); jsbool js_getpropertyattrsgetterandsetterbyid(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsid id, unsigned int *attrsp, jsbool *foundp, jspropertyop *gett...
... name or id const char * or const jschar * or jsid the name of the property to examine.
... namelen size_t (only in js_getucpropertyattrsgetterandsetter) the length of name in characters; or (size_t) -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax bool js_hasproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, bool *foundp); bool js_hasucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, bool *vp); bool js_haspropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, bool *foundp); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t or js::handleid name of the property to look up.
... namelen size_t (only in js_hasucproperty) the length of name in characters, or -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
syntax jsstring * js_internstring(jscontext *cx, const char *s); jsstring * js_internstringn(jscontext *cx, const char *s, size_t length); jsstring * js_internucstring(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s); jsstring * js_internucstringn(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s, size_t length); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... s const char * or const char16_t * pointer to a character array containing the data for the string.
... length size_t (only in js_internstringn and js_internucstringn) the length of s in characters.
description a string's characters can never be changed, but spidermonkey uses two string optimization techniques behind the scenes: a growable string (see js_newgrowablestring ) has a buffer that the javascript engine can reallocate so that concatenating it with another string is much faster. memory it is represented as a pointer to the other string and a pair of integers for the substring's starting point and length, rather than as a separate copy of all the characters.
...(when an application shares a string by storing it in a javascript object that another thread can read, the javascript engine automatically makes the string thread-safe.) after a successful call to js_makestringimmutable, subsequent calls to js_getstringcharsz on the same string are guaranteed to succeed, and subsequent calls to js_getstringchars on the same string are guaranteed to return a null-terminated string.
syntax jsobject * js_newregexpobject(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *bytes, size_t length, unsigned flags); jsobject * js_newucregexpobject(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *chars, size_t length, unsigned flags); jsobject * js_newregexpobjectnostatics(jscontext *cx, char *bytes, size_t length, unsigned flags); jsobject * js_newucregexpobjectnostatics(jscontext *cx, char16_t *chars, size_t length, unsigned flags); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new object.
... bytes or chars const char * or const char16_t * a pointer to the string that contains a regular expression.
... length size_t the length of bytes or chars, in characters.
syntax jsstring * js_newstringcopyz(jscontext *cx, const char *s); jsstring * js_newucstringcopyz(jscontext *cx, const char16_t *s); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... s const char * or const char16_t * pointer to the character array containing the text for the js string to create; or null.
... description js_newstringcopyz allocates space for a new javascript string and its underlying storage, and then copies the contents of a null-terminated character array, s, into the new string.
name type description name const char * the javascript name for the property.
... gettername const char * the function's name in self-hosted javascript code for getter function.
... settername const char * the function's name in self-hosted javascript code for setter function.
syntax jsbool js_parsejson(jscontext *cx, const jschar *chars, uint32 len, jsval *vp); jsbool js_parsejsonwithreviver(jscontext *cx, const jschar *chars, uint32 len, jsval reviver, jsval *vp); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context.
... chars const jschar * the characters of the string.
... description use these functions to parse a sequence of characters as json.
..); bool js_reporterrorflagsandnumberuc(jscontext *cx, unsigned flags, jserrorcallback errorcallback, void *userref, const unsigned errornumber, ...); void js_reporterrornumberucarray(jscontext *cx, jserrorcallback errorcallback, void *userref, const unsigned errornumber, const char16_t **args); // added in spidermonkey 19 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to report the error.
.../ const char16_t ** additional arguments for the error message.
... these arguments must be of type char * for js_reporterrornumber or js_reporterrorflagsandnumber, or char16_t * for js_reporterrornumberuc or js_reporterrorflagsandnumberuc.
callback syntax typedef void (* jserrorreporter)(jscontext *cx, const char *message, jserrorreport *report); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which the error happened.
... message const char * an error message. omitted: class myrequest { public: void execute() { auto rt = js_newruntime(memlimit); js_setruntimeprivate(rt, this); js_seterrorreporter(rt, &myrequest::dispatcherror); // execute js } void onerror(const std::string& error) { // handle error } static void dispatcherror( jscontext* ctx, const char* message, jserrorreport* report) { auto rt = js_getruntime(ctx); auto rt_userdata = js_getruntimeprivate(rt); if (rt_userdata) { auto req = static_cast<myrequest*>(rt_userdata); req->onerror(message); } } }; see also mxr id search for js_geterrorreporter mxr id search for js_seterrorreporter bug 1277278 - js_seterro...
syntax bool js_setproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::handlevalue v); bool js_setucproperty(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, js::handlevalue v); bool js_setpropertybyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::handlevalue v); // added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... name or id const char * or const char16_t *or js::handleid name of the property to set.
... namelen size_t (only in js_setucproperty) the length of name in characters; or -1 to indicate that name is null-terminated.
Gecko Roles
role_chart represents a graphical image used to represent data.
... role_character represents a cartoon-like graphic object, such as microsoft office assistant, which is displayed to provide help to users of an application.
... role_ime an object which is used to allow input of characters not found on a keyboard, such as the input of chinese characters on a western keyboard.
« xpcom api reference summary the nscstringencoding enumeration describes the set of character encodings understood by the ns_cstringtoutf16 and ns_utf16tocstring functions.
...ns_cstring_encoding_native_filesystem conversion from utf-16 to the native filesystem charset may result in a loss of information.
...the native filesystem charset applies to strings passed to the "native" method variants on nsifile and nsilocalfile.
endindex() [propget] hresult endindex( [out] long index ); parameters index the 0 based character offset at which the textual representation of the hyperlink ends.
...the character at the index is not part of the hypertext.
...startindex() [propget] hresult startindex( [out] long index ); parameters index the 0 based character offset at which the textual representation of the hyperlink starts.
astring getselectortext(in nsidomcssstylerule arule, in unsigned long aselectorindex); unsigned long long getspecificity(in nsidomcssstylerule arule, in unsigned long aselectorindex); nsidomfontfacelist getusedfontfaces(in nsidomrange arange); bool haspseudoclasslock(in nsidomelement aelement, in domstring apseudoclass); boolean isignorablewhitespace(in nsidomcharacterdata adatanode); bool isinheritedproperty(in astring apropertyname); void parsestylesheet(in nsidomcssstylesheet asheet, in domstring ainput); void removepseudoclasslock(in nsidomelement aelement, in domstring apseudoclass); astring rgbtocolorname(in octet ar, in octet ag, in octet ab); bool selectormatcheselement(in nsidomelement aelement, in nsi...
... isignorablewhitespace() determines if the specified text node contains only ignorable whitespace characters.
... boolean isignorablewhitespace( in nsidomcharacterdata adatanode ); parameters adatanode a dom characterdata node; that is, a text node.
role_chart 17 represents a graphical image used to represent data.
... role_character 32 represents a cartoon-like graphic object, such as microsoft office assistant, which is displayed to provide help to users of an application.
... role_ime 110 an object which is used to allow input of characters not found on a keyboard, such as the input of chinese characters on a western keyboard.
the output data consists of a 32-bit length field, followed by that many 8-bit characters.
...the output data consists of a 32-bit length field, followed by that many 8-bit characters.
...the output data consists of a 32-bit length field, followed by that many prunichars.
inherits from: nsidomxulcontrolelement last changed in gecko 1.7 attributes attribute type description accesskey domstring this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label for the element.
...on non-macintosh platforms, the character on the element's label matching the access key is underlined.
remarks if the document type is either "html" or "xhtml", a "<" character represents markup.
... to display that character, an escape such as "&lt;" must be used.
... if the type is "text", the "<" character represents itself.
method overview void activateframeevent(in astring atype, in boolean capture); void activateremoteframe(); void destroy(); void loadframe(); void loaduri(in nsiuri auri); void sendcrossprocesskeyevent(in astring atype, in long akeycode, in long acharcode, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean apreventdefault); void sendcrossprocessmouseevent(in astring atype, in float ax, in float ay, in long abutton, in long aclickcount, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean aignorerootscrollframe); void updatepositionandsize(in nsiframe aiframe); native code only!
... void sendcrossprocesskeyevent( in astring atype, in long akeycode, in long acharcode, in long amodifiers, [optional] in boolean apreventdefault ); parameters atype the event type.
... acharcode the character code.
void encodetostream(in nsioutputstream stream, in string charset, in boolean writebom, in jsobject value); jsval legacydecode(in astring str); deprecated since gecko 2.0 jsval legacydecodefromstream(in astring str); deprecated since gecko 2.0 jsval legacydecodetojsval(in astring str, in jscontext cx); native code only!
... void encodetostream( in nsioutputstream stream, in string charset, in boolean writebom in jsobject value ); parameters stream the nsioutputstream to which to write the json string.
... charset the string encoding to use.
exceptions thrown missing exception missing description native code only!makefulladdressstring given an e-mail address and a person's name, cons them together into a single string, doing all the necessary quoting (const char* version).
... the caller may pass nsnull for charset and it will be interpreted as "us-ascii".
... preserveintegrity missing description return value missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description remarks i think some of the charset parameters might be obsolete...
nsiuri aurl); [noscript] void copymessages(in nsmsgkeyarrayptr keys, in nsimsgfolder srcfolder, in nsistreamlistener acopylistener, in boolean amovemessage, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, out nsiuri aurl); void displaymessage(in string amessageuri, in nsisupports adisplayconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in string acharsetoverride, out nsiuri aurl); void openattachment(in string acontenttype, in string afilename, in string aurl, in string amessageuri, in nsisupports adisplayconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener); void savemessagetodisk(in string amessageuri, in nsifilespec afile, in boolean ageneratedummyenvelope, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, out nsiuri aurl, i...
... void displaymessage(in string amessageuri, in nsisupports adisplayconsumer, in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow, in nsiurllistener aurllistener, in string acharsetoverride, out nsiuri aurl); parameters amessageuri a uri representing the message to display.
... amsgwindow nsimsgwindow for progress and status feedback aurllistener an nsiurllistener acharsetoverride (optional) character set over ride to force the message to use.
attribute acstring customid; beginsgrouping attribute boolean beginsgrouping; endsgrouping attribute boolean endsgrouping; methods matchrfc822string boolean matchrfc822string(in string astring, in string charset, in boolean charsetoverride); matchrfc2047string boolean matchrfc2047string(in string astring, in string charset, in boolean charsetoverride); matchdate boolean matchdate(in prtime atime); matchstatus boolean matchstatus(in unsigned long astatus); matchpriority boolean matchpriority(in nsmsgpriorityvalue priority); matchage boolean matchage(in prtime days); matchsize boolean ...
... * @param acharset folder charset.
... */ boolean matchbody(in nsimsgsearchscopeterm ascopeterm, in unsigned long long aoffset, in unsigned long alength, in string acharset, in nsimsgdbhdr amsg, in nsimsgdatabase adb); ...
mailcharacterset acstring this is used to track the character set of the currently displayed message.
... if set to an alias, the actual character set is returned.
... charsetoverride boolean remember the message's charset was overridden, so it can be inherited (e.g for quoting).
ck); void registerdatacallcallback(in nsirildatacallback callback); void rejectcall(in unsigned long callindex); void sendsms(in domstring number, in domstring message, in long requestid, in unsigned long long processid); void setupdatacall(in long radiotech, in domstring apn, in domstring user, in domstring passwd, in long chappap, in domstring pdptype); void starttone(in domstring dtmfchar); void stoptone(); void unregistercallback(in nsiriltelephonycallback callback); void unregisterdatacallcallback(in nsirildatacallback callback); attributes attribute type description currentstate jsval read only.
...exceptions thrown missing exception missing description getnumberofmessagesfortext() returns the number of multi-part sms needed for a given text (160 characters for one sms).
...adiotech, in domstring apn, in domstring user, in domstring passwd, in long chappap, in domstring pdptype ); parameters radiotech missing description apn missing description user missing description passwd missing description chappap missing description pdptype missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description starttone() void starttone( in domstring dtmfchar ); parameters dtmfchar missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description stoptone() void stoptone(); parameters none.
this is used to draw the arrow pointing to the problem character.
...this is used to draw an arrow pointing to the problem character.
...this is used to draw an arrow pointing to the problem character.
for example: tip.setpendingcompositionstring("a"); tip.appendclausetopendingcomposition("a".length, tip.attr_raw_clause); tip.setcaretposition("a".length); // this means that the first composition character is inputted by a keypress of "a" key.
...var shiftkeyevent = new keyboardevent("", { key: "shift", code: "shiftleft", keycode: keyboardevent.dom_vk_shift }); tip.keydown(shiftkeyevent); tip.setpendingcompositionstring("ab"); tip.appendclausetopendingcomposition("ab".length, tip.attr_raw_clause); tip.setcaretposition("ab".length); // this means that the second composition character is inputted by a keypress of "b" key during left shift key is down.
...basically, gecko decides a keycode value for a printable key from ascii character which is inputted with a far simpler modifier state.
(the binary data will be treated as an iso-latin-1 character string, which it is not).
...(the binary data will be treated as an iso-latin-1 character string, which it is not).
... so, javascript callers should only pass character values in the range \u0000 to \u00ff, or else data loss will occur.
be enabled void setauthentication ( in string username, in string password ) ; parameters username username to be used if asked to authenticate password password to be used if asked to authenticate clearauthentication() clear authentication info void setauthentication ( in string username, in string password ) ; parameters username password setencoding() set character encoding.
... the default charset if this function is not called is "utf-8" void setauthentication ( in string encoding ) ; parameters encoding encoding charset to be used asynccall() call remote method methodname asynchronously with given arguments.
... supported arguments are: nsisupportspruint8, nsisupportspruint16, nsisupportsprint16, nsisupportsprint32: i4, nsisupportsprbool: boolean, nsisupportschar, nsisupportscstring: string, nsisupportsfloat, nsisupportsdouble: double, nsisupportsprtime: datetime.iso8601, nsiinputstream: base64, nsisupportsarray: array, nsidictionary: struct note that both nsisupportsarray and nsidictionary can only hold any of the supported input types.
XPCOM Interface Reference
...uestmanagernsismsservicensisocketprovidernsisocketproviderservicensisockettransportnsisockettransportservicensisoundnsispeculativeconnectnsistackframensistandardurlnsistreamconverternsistreamlistenernsistringbundlensistringbundleoverridensistringbundleservicensistringenumeratornsistructuredclonecontainernsistylesheetservicensisupportsnsisupports proxiesnsisupportsarraynsisupportscstringnsisupportscharnsisupportsdoublensisupportsfloatnsisupportsidnsisupportsinterfacepointernsisupportsprboolnsisupportsprint16nsisupportsprint32nsisupportsprint64nsisupportsprtimensisupportspruint8nsisupportspruint16nsisupportspruint32nsisupportspruint64nsisupportsprimitivensisupportsprioritynsisupportsstringnsisupportsvoidnsisupportsweakreferencensisyncjpakensisyncmessagesendernsitxttohtmlconvnsitaggingservicensit...
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringappenddata( nsacstring& astring, const char* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to be modified.
... adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
... example nscstringcontainer str; ns_cstringcontainerinit(str); ns_cstringsetdata(str, "hello"); ns_cstringappenddata(str, " world"); const char* data; ns_cstringgetdata(str, &data); printf("%s\n", data); // prints out "hello world" ns_cstringcontainerfinish(str); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringcontainerinit2( nscstringcontainer& acontainer, const char* adata = nsnull, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max, pruint32 aflags = 0 ); parameters acontainer [in] the nscstringcontainer instance to initialize.
... adata [in] an array of characters used to initialize the string object.
...this is significant as it allows the programmer to be certain that ns_cstringgetdata will return a null-terminated character array.
#include "nsstringapi.h" pruint32 ns_cstringgetdata( const nsacstring& astring, const char** adata, prbool* aterminated = nsnull ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to inspect.
... example code // count the number of times a particular character appears in a string.
... pruint32 countchar(const nsacstring& str, char c) { const char* data; pruint32 len = ns_cstringgetdata(str, &data); pruint32 count = 0; for (pruint32 i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (data[i] == c) ++count; } return count; } history this function was finalized for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringsetdatarange( nsacstring& astring, pruint32 acutstart, pruint32 acutlength, const char* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to modify.
... adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
... example // replace all occurances of |matchval| with |newval| void replacesubstring(nsacstring& str, const nsacstring& matchval, const nsacstring& newval) { const char* sp, *mp, *np; pruint32 sl, ml, nl; sl = ns_cstringgetdata(str, &sp); ml = ns_cstringgetdata(matchval, &mp); nl = ns_cstringgetdata(newval, &np); for (const char* iter = sp; iter <= sp + sl - ml; ++iter) { if (memcmp(iter, mp, ml) == 0) { pruint32 offset = iter - sp; ns_cstringsetdatarange(str, offset, ml, np, nl); sl = ns_cstringgetdata(str, &sp); ...
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringsetdatarange( nsastring& astring, pruint32 acutstart, pruint32 acutlength, const prunichar* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to modify.
...adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
... example code // replace all occurances of |matchval| with |newval| void replacesubstring(nsastring& str, const nsastring& matchval, const nsastring& newval) { const prunichar* sp, *mp, *np; pruint32 sl, ml, nl; sl = ns_stringgetdata(str, &sp); ml = ns_stringgetdata(matchval, &mp); nl = ns_stringgetdata(newval, &np); for (const prunichar* iter = sp; iter <= sp + sl - ml; ++iter) { if (memcmp(iter, mp, ml) == 0) { pruint32 offset = iter - sp; ns_stringsetdatarange(str, offset, ml, np, nl); sl = ns_stringget...
Streams - Plugins
void npp_streamasfile(npp instance, npstream *stream, const char* fname); the instance parameter is the current plug-in; the stream parameter specifies the current stream.
... nperror npn_newstream(npp instance, npmimetype type, const char* target, npstream** stream); the instance parameter is the plug-in instance that is creating the stream; the type specifies the mime type of the stream.
... npstream* stream; char* mydata = "<html><head><title>this is a message from my plug-in!</title></head><body><p><strong>this is a message from my plug-in!</strong></p></body>/html>"; int32 mylength = strlen(mydata) + 1; /* create the stream.
Index - Firefox Developer Tools
30 devtoolscolors css this chart lists colors and css variables as implemented in the dark theme and light theme for developer tools.
... 86 sorting algorithms comparison this article describes a simple example program that we use in two of the performance guides: the guide to the call tree and the guide to the flame chart.
... 87 flame chart the call tree and the flame chart are both used to analyze your site's javascript, and they both use the same data: a sample of the javascript engine's stack, taken periodically during the recording.
AudioTrackList.getTrackById() - Web APIs
each movie has one audio track for each character, as well as one for the music, sound effects, and so forth.
... this function allows the game to disable a specific character's audio in order to adjust the movie's performance based on occurrences within the game; if the character's dialog isn't relevant, it gets left out.
... function disablecharacter(videoelem, charactername) { videoelem.audiotracks.gettrackbyid(charactername).enabled = false; } this short function gets the audiotracklist containing the video's audio tracks using htmlmediaelement.audiotracks, then calls gettrackbyid() on it, specifying the character's name.
BatteryManager.level - Web APIs
indicates the current battery charge level as a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
... syntax var level = battery.level on return, level is a number representing the system's battery charge level scaled to a value between 0.0 and 1.0.
...a value of 1.0 is also returned if the implementation isn't able to determine the battery charge level or if the system is not battery-powered.
CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() - Web APIs
(function(sheet_proto){ var originalinsertrule = sheet_proto.insertrule; if (originalinsertrule.length === 2){ // 2 mandatory arguments: (selector, rules) sheet_proto.insertrule = function(selectorandrule){ // first, separate the selector from the rule a: for (var i=0, len=selectorandrule.length, isescaped=0, newcharcode=0; i !== len; ++i) { newcharcode = selectorandrule.charcodeat(i); if (!isescaped && (newcharcode === 123)) { // 123 = "{".charcodeat(0) // secondly, find the last closing bracket var openbracketpos = i, closebracketpos = -1; for (; i !== len; ++i) { newcharcode = selectorandrule.charcodeat(i); if (!isescaped && (newcharcod...
...e === 125)) { // 125 = "}".charcodeat(0) closebracketpos = i; } isescaped ^= newcharcode===92?1:isescaped; // 92 = "\\".charcodeat(0) } if (closebracketpos === -1) break a; // no closing bracket was found!
... /*else*/ return this, // the sheet to be changed selectorandrule.substring(0, openbracketpos), // the selector selectorandrule.substring(closebracketpos), // the rule arguments[3] // the insert index ); } // works by if the char code is a backslash, then isescaped // gets flipped (xor-ed by 1), and if it is not a backslash // then isescaped gets xored by itself, zeroing it isescaped ^= newcharcode===92?1:isescaped; // 92 = "\\".charcodeat(0) } // else, there is no unescaped bracket return, selectorandrule, "", arguments[2]); }; } })(cssstylesheet.prototype); specifications specification statu...
Document: keypress event - Web APIs
the keypress event is fired when a key that produces a character value is pressed down.
... examples of keys that produce a character value are alphabetic, numeric, and punctuation keys.
... examples of keys that don't produce a character value are modifier keys such as alt, shift, ctrl, or meta.
Document.querySelectorAll() - Web APIs
note: characters which are not part of standard css syntax must be escaped using a backslash character.
... since javascript also uses backslash escaping, special care must be taken when writing string literals using these characters.
... see escaping special characters for more information.
Element: compositionupdate event - Web APIs
the compositionupdate event is fired when a new character is received in the context of a text composition session controlled by a text composition system such as an input method editor.
... for example, this event could be fired while a user enters a chinese character using a pinyin ime.
... bubbles yes cancelable yes interface compositionevent event handler property none examples const inputelement = document.queryselector('input[type="text"]'); inputelement.addeventlistener('compositionupdate', (event) => { console.log(`generated characters were: ${}`); }); live example html <div class="control"> <label for="name">on macos, click in the textbox below,<br> then type <kbd>option</kbd> + <kbd>`</kbd>, then <kbd>a</kbd>:</label> <input type="text" id="example" name="example"> </div> <div class="event-log"> <label>event log:</label> <textarea readonly class="event-log-contents" rows="8" cols="25"></textarea> <button class="clear-log">clear</button> </div> css body { padding: .2rem; display: gr...
Element: keypress event - Web APIs
the keypress event is fired when a key that produces a character value is pressed down.
... examples of keys that produce a character value are alphabetic, numeric, and punctuation keys.
... examples of keys that don't produce a character value are modifier keys such as alt, shift, ctrl, or meta.
Using files from web applications - Web APIs
example: showing file(s) size the following example shows a possible use of the size property: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>file(s) size</title> </head> <body> <form name="uploadform"> <div> <input id="uploadinput" type="file" name="myfiles" multiple> selected files: <span id="filenum">0</span>; total size: <span id="filesize">0</span> </div> <div><input type="submit" value="send file"></div> </form> <script> function updatesize() { let nbytes = 0, ...
... self.ctrl.update(percentage); } }, false); xhr.upload.addeventlistener("load", function(e){ self.ctrl.update(100); const canvas = self.ctrl.ctx.canvas; canvas.parentnode.removechild(canvas); }, false);"post", ""); xhr.overridemimetype('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined-binary'); reader.onload = function(evt) { xhr.send(; }; reader.readasbinarystring(file); } the fileupload() function shown above creates a throbber, which is used to display progress information, and then creates an xmlhttprequest to handle uploading the data.
...$_files['myfile']['name']); exit; } ?><!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>dnd binary upload</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <script type="application/javascript"> function sendfile(file) { const uri = "/index.php"; const xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); const fd = new formdata();"post", uri, true); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { alert(
GlobalEventHandlers.onkeypress - Web APIs
html <input> <p id="log"></p> javascript const input = document.queryselector('input'); const log = document.getelementbyid('log'); input.onkeypress = logkey; function logkey(e) { log.textcontent += ` ${e.code}`; } result filter keys with a regular expression this example filters the characters typed into a form field using a regular expression.
... html <label>enter numbers only: <input> </label> javascript function numbersonly(event) { return event.charcode === 0 || /\d/.test(string.fromcharcode(event.charcode)); } const input = document.queryselector('input'); input.onkeypress = numbersonly; // prevent pasting (since pasted content might include non-number characters) input.onpaste = event => false; result capture the typing of a hidden word the following javascript function will do something after the user types the word "exit" in any point of a page.
...*/ (function () { const ssecret = /* choose your hidden word...: */ "exit"; let noffset = 0; document.onkeypress = function(opevt) { let oevent = opevt || window.event, nchr = oevent.charcode, snodetype =; if (nchr === 0 || === "true" || snodetype === "textarea" || snodetype === "input" && === "text") { return true; } if (nchr !== ssecret.charcodeat(noffset)) { noffset = nchr === ssecret.charcodeat(0) ?
HTMLAnchorElement - Web APIs
element.accesskey is a domstring representing a single character that switches input focus to the hyperlink.
... obsolete properties htmlanchorelement.charset is a domstring representing the character encoding of the linked resource.
... the following properties are now obsolete: charset, coords, name, rev, and shape.
HTMLFormElement - Web APIs
htmlformelement.acceptcharset a domstring reflecting the value of the form's accept-charset html attribute, representing the character encoding that the server accepts.
...utton type="button" onclick="setforminfo(this.form);">set</button> <button type="reset">reset</button> </p> <textarea id="form-info" rows="15" cols="20"></textarea> </form> <script> function getforminfo(){ // get a reference to the form via its name var f = document.forms["forma"]; // the form properties we're interested in var properties = [ 'elements', 'length', 'name', 'charset', 'action', 'acceptcharset', 'action', 'enctype', 'method', 'target' ]; // iterate over the properties, turning them into a string that we can display to the user var info = { return property + ": " + f[property] }).join("\n"); // set the form's <textarea> to display the form's properties document.forms["forma"].elements['form-info'].value = i...
... f.action = "a-different-url.cgi"; = "a-different-name"; } </script> submit a <form> into a new window: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>example new-window form submission</title> </head> <body> <form action="test.php" target="_blank"> <p><label>first name: <input type="text" name="firstname"></label></p> <p><label>last name: <input type="text" name="lastname"></label></p> <p><label><input type="password" name="pwd"></label></p> <fieldset> <legend>pet preference</legend> <p><label><input type="radio" name="pet" value="cat"> cat</label></p> <p><label><input type="radio" name="pet" ...
HTMLImageElement.alt - Web APIs
ngicon.svg" alt="songs"</a> <a href="albums.html" aria-role="button"><img src="albumicon.svg" alt="albums"</a> <a href="artists.html" aria-role="button"><img src="artisticon.svg" alt="artists"</a> <a href="playlists.html" aria-role="button"><img src="playlisticon.svg" alt="playlists"</a> </li> images containining diagrams or maps when an image contains information presented as a diagram, chart, graph, or map, the alt text should provide the same information, at least in summary form.
... for a chart, the text could describe the items in the chart and their values.
... keep in mind that any text included in diagrams and charts presented in svg format may be read by screen readers.
HTMLInputElement.setSelectionRange() - Web APIs
selectionstart the 0-based index of the first selected character.
... selectionend the 0-based index of the character after the last selected character.
... example click the button in this example to select the third, fourth, and fifth characters in the text box ("zil" in the word "mozilla").
HTMLOrForeignElement.dataset - Web APIs
it must contain only letters, numbers, and the following characters: dash (-), dot (.), colon (:), underscore (_)—but not any ascii capital letters (a to z).
... name conversion dash-style to camelcase conversion a custom data attribute name is transformed to a key for the domstringmap entry with the following rules the prefix data- is removed (including the dash); for any dash (u+002d) followed by an ascii lowercase letter a to z, the dash is removed, and the letter is transformed into its uppercase counterpart; other characters (including other dashes) are left unchanged.
... camelcase to dash-style conversion the opposite transformation, which maps a key to an attribute name, uses the following rules: restriction: before the transformation, a dash must not be immediately followed by an ascii lowercase letter a to z; the prefix data- is added; any ascii uppercase letter a to z is transformed into a dash, followed by its lowercase counterpart; other characters are left unchanged.
KeyboardEvent.initKeyEvent() - Web APIs
syntax event.initkeyevent (type, bubbles, cancelable, viewarg, ctrlkeyarg, altkeyarg, shiftkeyarg, metakeyarg, keycodearg, charcodearg) parameters type is a domstring representing the type of event.
... charcodearg is a unsigned long representingthe unicode character associated with the depressed key otherwise 0.
... false, // ctrlkeyarg, false, // altkeyarg, false, // shiftkeyarg, false, // metakeyarg, 9, // keycodearg, 0); // charcodearg); document.getelementbyid('blah').dispatchevent(event); specification this implementation of keyboard events is based on the key events spec in the early versions of dom 2 events, later removed from that spec.
KeyboardEvent.which - Web APIs
the which read-only property of the keyboardevent interface returns the numeric keycode of the key pressed, or the character code (charcode) for an alphanumeric key pressed.
...please see keyboardevent.charcode and keyboardevent.keycode for more details.
... example <html> <head> <title>charcode/keycode/which example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showkeypress(evt) { alert("onkeypress handler: \n" + "keycode property: " + evt.keycode + "\n" + "which property: " + evt.which + "\n" + "charcode property: " + evt.charcode + "\n" + "character key pressed: " + string.fromcharcode(evt.charcode) + "\n" ); } function keydown(evt) { alert("onkeydown handler: \n" + "keycode property: " + evt.keycode + "\n" + "which property: " + evt.which + "\n" ); } </script> </head> <body onkeypress="showkeypress(event);" onkeydown="keydown(event);" > <p>please press any key.</p> </body> </html> specifications specification status comment document object model...
NonDocumentTypeChildNode.nextElementSibling - Web APIs
ementsibling')) { return; } object.defineproperty(item, 'nextelementsibling', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function () { var el = this; while (el = el.nextsibling) { if (el.nodetype === 1) { return el; } } return null; }, set: undefined }); }); })([element.prototype, characterdata.prototype]); specifications specification status comment domthe definition of 'childnodenextelementsibling' in that specification.
... the element and characterdata interfaces implemented the new interface.
...riandroid webviewchrome for androidfirefox for androidopera for androidsafari on iossamsung internetnextelementsiblingchrome full support 4edge full support 12notes full support 12notes notes before edge 79, this property was only implemented for element, not for characterdata.firefox full support 3.5ie partial support 9notes partial support 9notes notes only implemented for element, not for characterdata.
ParentNode.querySelector() - Web APIs
note: characters which are not part of standard css syntax must be escaped using a backslash character.
... since javascript also uses backspace escaping, special care must be taken when writing string literals using these characters.
... see escaping special characters for more information.
ParentNode.querySelectorAll() - Web APIs
note: characters which are not part of standard css syntax must be escaped using a backslash character.
... since javascript also uses backslash escaping, special care must be taken when writing string literals using these characters.
... see escaping special characters for more information.
RTCIceCandidate.usernameFragment - Web APIs
the string may be up to 256 characters long, and has no default value.
...for example, a browser might choose to always use a 24-character ufrag in which bit 4 of each character is randomly selected between 0 and 1.
...or perhaps every character is entirely random.
RTCIceCandidateInit.usernameFragment - Web APIs
the string may be up to 256 characters long, and has no default value.
...for example, a browser might choose to always use a 24-character ufrag in which bit 4 of each character is randomly selected between 0 and 1.
...or perhaps every character is entirely random. - Web APIs
function fetchstream() { const reader = stream.getreader(); let charsreceived = 0; // read() returns a promise that resolves // when a value has been received processtext({ done, value }) { // result objects contain two properties: // done - true if the stream has already given you all its data.
... if (done) { console.log("stream complete"); para.textcontent = result; return; } // value for fetch streams is a uint8array charsreceived += value.length; const chunk = value; let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = 'received ' + charsreceived + ' characters so far.
...utf8decoder.decode(chunk) : ""); startindex = re.lastindex = 0; continue; } yield chunk.substring(startindex, result.index); startindex = re.lastindex; } if (startindex < chunk.length) { // last line didn't end in a newline char yield chunk.substr(startindex); } } for await (let line of maketextfilelineiterator(urloffile)) { processline(line); } specifications specification status comment streamsthe definition of 'read()' in that specification.
Using readable streams - Web APIs
const stream = new readablestream({ start(controller) { interval = setinterval(() => { let string = randomchars(); // add the string to the stream controller.enqueue(string); // show it on the screen let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = string; list1.appendchild(listitem); }, 1000); button.addeventlistener('click', function() { clearinterval(interval); readstream(); controller.close(); }) }, pull(controlle...
... function readstream() { const reader = stream.getreader(); let charsreceived = 0; // read() returns a promise that resolves // when a value has been received processtext({ done, value }) { // result objects contain two properties: // done - true if the stream has already given you all its data.
... if (done) { console.log("stream complete"); para.textcontent = result; return; } charsreceived += value.length; const chunk = value; let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = 'read ' + charsreceived + ' characters so far.
Text - Web APIs
eight="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="188.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">node</text></a><polyline points="226,25 236,20 236,30 226,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="236" y1="25" x2="266" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/characterdata" target="_top"><rect x="266" y="1" width="130" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="331" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">characterdata</text></a><polyline points="396,25 406,20 406,30 396,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="406" y1="25"...
... properties inherits properties from its parent, characterdata.
... methods inherits methods from its parent, characterdata.
Using the Web Speech API - Web APIs
note how each is separated by a pipe character.
...when speechsynthesis.pause() is invoked, this returns a message reporting the character number and name that the speech was paused at.
... utterthis.onpause = function(event) { var char = event.utterance.text.charat(event.charindex); console.log('speech paused at character ' + event.charindex + ' of "' + event.utterance.text + '", which is "' + char + '".'); } finally, we call blur() on the text input.
Using Web Workers - Web APIs
ct &&'querymethod') &&'querymethodarguments')) { queryablefunctions[] .apply(self,; } else { defaultreply(; } } here are the full implementation: example.html (the main page): <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>mdn example - queryable worker</title> <script type="text/javascript"> /* queryableworker instances methods: * sendquery(queryable function name, argument to pass 1, argument to pass 2, etc., a worker could be embedded in this way: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>mdn example - embedded worker</title> <script type="text/js-worker"> // this script won't be parsed by js engines because its mime type is text/js-worker.
... the html code <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>test threads fibonacci</title> </head> <body> <div id="result"></div> <script language="javascript"> var worker = new worker('fibonacci.js'); worker.onmessage = function(event) { document.getelementbyid('result').textcontent =; dump('got: ' + + '\n'); }; worker.onerror = function(error) { dump('worker e...
ARIA Test Cases - Accessibility
arrow keys should read by character or line as usual.
...y 4 of the landmarks (it seems to be missing search) exact same failures as with firefox - - voiceover (leopard) n/a n/a - fail window-eyes - - - - nvda - n/a - - zoom (leopard) pass n/a pass pass zoomtext - - - - orca - - - - live regions thank you to charles chen for developing the live region examples.
... optional: for each character typed, screen readers may choose to indicate how many options are remaining in the autocomplete list (if that number has changed).
Perceivable - Accessibility
complex images or charts should have an accessible alternative provided, either on the same page or via a link.
... 1.3.3 sensory characteristics (a) instructions for operating controls or understanding content do not rely on a single sense.
... text blocks should be no wider than 80 characters (or glyphs), for maximum readability.
::before (:before) - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
here we use both ::before and ::after to insert quotation characters.
... result special characters as this is css; not html, you can not use markup entities in content values.
... if you need to use a special character, and can not enter it literally into your css content string, use a unicode escape sequence, consisting of a backslash followed by the hexadecimal unicode value.
CSS Fonts - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
it lets you define the style of a font, such as its family, size and weight, line height, and the glyph variants to use when multiple are available for a single character.
... opentype font features guide font features or variants refer to different glyphs or character styles contained within an opentype font.
... these include things like ligatures (special glyphs that combine characters like 'fi' or 'ffl'), kerning (adjustments to the spacing between specific letterform pairings), fractions, numeral styles, and a number of others.
Grid template areas - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
to leave a cell empty use the full stop character, '.'.
...this means that you must have the same number of cells for each row, if empty with a full stop character demonstrating that the cell is to be left empty.
Descendant combinator - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the descendant combinator — typically represented by a single space ( ) character — combines two selectors such that elements matched by the second selector are selected if they have an ancestor (parent, parent's parent, parent's parent's parent, etc) element matching the first selector.
... /* list items that are descendants of the "my-things" list */ li { margin: 2em; } the descendant combinator is technically one or more css white space characters — the space character and/or one of four control characters: carriage return, form feed, new line, and tab characters — between two selectors in the absence of another combinator.
... additionally, the white space characters of which the combinator is comprised may contain any number of css comments.
Using media queries - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
screen) or specific characteristics and parameters (such as screen resolution or browser viewport width).
... media features media features describe specific characteristics of the user agent, output device, or environment.
... targeting media features media features describe the specific characteristics of a given user agent, output device, or environment.
animation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> html,body { height: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } pre { margin-bottom: 0; } svg { width: 1.5em; height: 1.5em; } button { width: 27px; height: 27px; background-size: 16px; background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-radius: 3px; cursor: pointer; } { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,
...%3e%3cpath%20id%3d%22restart%22%20d%3d%22m13%2c9%20a5%2c5%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c8%2c4%20l8%2c2%20l12%2c5%20l8%2c8%20l8%2c6%20a3%2c3%2c1%2c1%2c0%2c11%2c9%20a1%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c13%2c9%20z%22%20%2f%3e%3c%2fsvg%3e#play'); } button.pause { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,
...%2c1%2c0%2c11%2c9%20a1%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c1%2c13%2c9%20z%22%20%2f%3e%3c%2fsvg%3e#pause'); } button.restart { background-image: url('data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,'); } .grid { width: 100%; height: 1...
<color> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
css color module level 3 aliceblue #f0f8ff antiquewhite #faebd7 aquamarine #7fffd4 azure #f0ffff beige #f5f5dc bisque #ffe4c4 blanchedalmond #ffebcd blueviolet #8a2be2 brown #a52a2a burlywood #deb887 cadetblue #5f9ea0 chartreuse #7fff00 chocolate #d2691e coral #ff7f50 cornflowerblue #6495ed cornsilk #fff8dc crimson #dc143c cyan (synonym of aqua) #00ffff darkblue #00008b darkcyan #008b8b darkgoldenrod #b8860b darkgray #a9a9a9 darkgreen ...
... hexadecimal notation: #rrggbb[aa] r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha) are hexadecimal characters (0–9, a–f).
... hexadecimal notation: #rgb[a] r (red), g (green), b (blue), and a (alpha) are hexadecimal characters (0–9, a–f).
font-feature-settings - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the tag is always a <string> of 4 ascii characters.
... if it has more or less characters, or if it contains characters outside the u+20 – u+7e codepoint range, the whole property is invalid.
...ure-settings: "zero"; } /* enable historical forms */ .hist { font-feature-settings: "hist"; } /* disable common ligatures, usually on by default */ .noligs { font-feature-settings: "liga" 0; } /* enable tabular (monospaced) figures */ td.tabular { font-feature-settings: "tnum"; } /* enable automatic fractions */ .fractions { font-feature-settings: "frac"; } /* use the second available swash character */ .swash { font-feature-settings: "swsh" 2; } /* enable stylistic set 7 */ .fancystyle { font-family: gabriola; /* available on windows 7, and on mac os */ font-feature-settings: "ss07"; } specifications specification status comment css fonts module level 3the definition of 'font-feature-settings' in that specification.
font-variant - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
stylistic(), historical-forms, styleset(), character-variant(), swash(), ornaments(), annotation() specifies the keywords and functions related to the font-variant-alternates longhand property. also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.inheritedyescomputed valueas specifiedanimation typediscrete formal syntax normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> | <discretionary-lig-values> | <historical-lig-values> | <contextual-alt-values> | stylistic( <feature-value-name> ) | historical-forms | styleset( <feature-value-name># ) | character-variant( <feature-value-name># ) | swash( <feature-value-name> ) | ornaments( <feature-value-name> ) | annotation( <feature-value-name> ) | [ small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] | <numeric-figure-values> | <numeric-spacing-values> | <numeric-fraction-values> | ordinal | slashed-zero | <east-asian-variant-values> | <east-asian-width-values> |... change preferences in firefox, visit about:config.opera android full support 41safari ios full support 9.3samsung internet android full support 6.0greek accented characterschrome no support nonotes no support nonotes notes some operating systems may correctly omit accents in all-uppercase greek text.edge no support nonotes no support nonotes notes some operating systems may correct...
ime-mode - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
in the past, this was commonly used on fields that entered data into databases which didn't support extended character sets.
... <input type="text" name="name" value="initial value" style="ime-mode: disabled"> note: you shouldn't rely on disabling ime to prevent extended characters from passing through your form.
... even with ime disabled, users can still paste extended characters into your form's fields.
<length> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
depending on the unit, this can be the size of a specific character, the line height, or the size of the viewport.
... font-relative lengths font-relative lengths define the <length> value in terms of the size of a particular character or font attribute in the font currently in effect in an element or its parent.
... ch represents the width, or more precisely the advance measure, of the glyph "0" (zero, the unicode character u+0030) in the element's font.
text-combine-upright - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the text-combine-upright css property sets the combination of characters into the space of a single character.
... all attempts to typeset all consecutive characters within the box horizontally, such that they take up the space of a single character within the vertical line of the box.
... attempts to display a sequence of consecutive ascii digits (u+0030–u+0039) that has as many or fewer characters than the specified integer, such that it takes up the space of a single character within the vertical line box.
text-emphasis - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the text-emphasis css property applies emphasis marks to text (except spaces and control characters).
...authors should not specify more than one character in <string>.
...he properties of the shorthand:text-emphasis-style: as specifiedtext-emphasis-color: computed coloranimation typeas each of the properties of the shorthand:text-emphasis-color: a colortext-emphasis-style: discrete formal syntax <'text-emphasis-style'> | <'text-emphasis-color'> examples a heading with emphasis shape and color this example draws a heading with triangles used to emphasize each character.
Getting Started - Developer guides
ajax’s most appealing characteristic is its "asynchronous" nature, which means it can communicate with the server, exchange data, and update the page without having to refresh the page.
... simple timed xhr example another simple example follows — here we are loading a text file via xhr, the structure of which is assumed to be like this: time: 312.05 time: 312.07 time: 312.10 time: 312.12 time: 312.14 time: 312.15 once the text file is loaded, we split() the items into an array at each newline character (\n — basically where each line break is in the text file), and then print the complete list of timestamps, and the last timestamp, onto the page.
... <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>xhr log time</title> <style> </style> </head> <body> <p id="writedata" class="data">off-line</p> <p id="laststamp">no data yet</p> <script> const fulldata = document.getelementbyid('writedata'); const lastdata = document.getelementbyid('laststamp'); function fetchdata() { console.log('fetching updated data.'); let xhr = new xmlhttprequest();"get", "time-log.txt", true); xhr.onload = function()...
Constraint validation - Developer guides
stepmismatch constraint violation month an integer number of months week an integer number of weeks datetime, datetime-local, time an integer number of seconds range, number an integer minlength text, search, url, tel, email, password; also on the <textarea> element an integer length the number of characters (code points) must not be less than the value of the attribute, if non-empty.
... all newlines are normalized to a single character (as opposed to crlf pairs) for <textarea>.
... tooshort constraint violation maxlength text, search, url, tel, email, password; also on the <textarea> element an integer length the number of characters (code points) must not exceed the value of the attribute.
HTML attribute: minlength - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the minlength attribute defines the minimum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into an <input> or <textarea>.
... examples by adding minlength="5", the value must either be empty or five characters or longer to be valid.
...the value will be valid as long as it is either null (empty) or five or more characters long.
HTML attribute: pattern - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if the values are too long or too short, or contain characters that aren't digits, the patternmismatch will be true.
... the example below restricts the value to 4-8 characters and requires that it contain only lower-case letters.
... <form> <div> <label for="uname">choose a username: </label> <input type="text" id="uname" name="name" required size="45" pattern="[a-z]{4,8}" title="4 to 8 lowercase letters"> <span class="validity"></span> <p>usernames must be lowercase and 4-8 characters in length.</p> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; position: relative; } p { font-size: 80%; color: #999; } input + span { padding-right: 30px; } input:invalid+span:after { position: absolute; content: '✖'; padding-left: 5px; } input:valid+span:after { position: absolute; content: '✓'; padding-left: 5px; } this renders like so: accessibility concerns when a control has a pattern attribute, the title attribute, if used, mu...
<a>: The Anchor element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
/ and \ characters are converted to underscores (_).
... filesystems may forbid other characters in filenames, so browsers will adjust the suggested name if necessary.
... obsolete attributes charsetobsolete since html5 hinted at the character encoding of the linked url.
<form> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
accept-charset space-separated character encodings the server accepts.
... (in previous versions of html, character encodings could also be delimited by commas.) autocapitalize a nonstandard attribute used by ios safari that controls how textual form elements should be automatically capitalized.
... characters: capitalize all characters — that is, uppercase.
<input type="image"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
permitted values are: get a url is constructed by starting with the url given by the formaction or action attribute, appending a question mark ("?") character, then appending the form's data, encoded as described by formenctype or the form's enctype attribute.
...this method works well for simple forms that contain only ascii characters and have no side effects.
...use this method when the form has no side-effects and contains only ascii characters.
<input type="submit"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
permitted values are: get a url is constructed by starting with the url given by the formaction or action attribute, appending a question mark ("?") character, then appending the form's data, encoded as described by formenctype or the form's enctype attribute.
...this method works well for simple forms that contain only ascii characters and have no side effects. this instance, the string will be text=usertext, where "usertext" is the text entered by the user, encoded to preserve special characters.
accesskey - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the attribute value must consist of a single printable character (which includes accented and other characters that can be generated by the keyboard).
... note: in the whatwg spec, it says you can specify multiple space-separated characters, and the browser will use the first one it supports.
... recommendation from html 4.01 specification, several characters can now be set as the accesskey.
Global attributes - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
this attribute consists of a space-separated list of characters. can have the following values: off or none, no autocapitalization is applied (all letters default to lowercase) on or sentences, the first letter of each sentence defaults to a capital letter; all other letters default to lowercase words, the first letter of each word defaults to a capital letter; all other letters default to lowercase characters, all letters should default to uppercase class a space-separated list of the classes of the element. uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then it applies that directionality to the whole element.
Content negotiation - HTTP
the http/1.1 standard defines list of the standard headers that start server-driven negotiation (accept, accept-charset, accept-encoding, accept-language).
... the accept-charset header the accept-charset header indicates to the server what kinds of character encodings are understood by the user-agent.
... with utf-8 now being well-supported, being the preferred way of encoding characters, and to guarantee better privacy through less configuration-based entropy, browsers omit the accept-charset header: internet explorer 8, safari 5, opera 11, firefox 10 and chrome 27 have abandoned this header.
Content-Type - HTTP
syntax content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 content-type: multipart/form-data; boundary=something directives media-type the mime type of the resource or the data.
... charset the character encoding standard.
... boundary for multipart entities the boundary directive is required, which consists of 1 to 70 characters from a set of characters known to be very robust through email gateways, and not ending with white space.
WWW-Authenticate - HTTP
header type response header forbidden header name no syntax www-authenticate: <type> realm=<realm>[, charset="utf-8"] directives <type> authentication type.
... charset=<charset> tells the client the server's prefered encoding scheme when submitting a username and password.
... examples typically, a server response contains a www-authenticate header that looks like these: www-authenticate: basic www-authenticate: basic realm="access to the staging site", charset="utf-8" see also http authentication for examples on how to configure apache or nginx servers to password protect your site with http basic authentication.
A typical HTTP session - HTTP
example responses successful web page response: http/1.1 200 ok content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 content-length: 55743 connection: keep-alive cache-control: s-maxage=300, public, max-age=0 content-language: en-us date: thu, 06 dec 2018 17:37:18 gmt etag: "2e77ad1dc6ab0b53a2996dfd4653c1c3" server: meinheld/0.6.1 strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000 x-content-type-options: nosniff x-frame-options: deny x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block vary: accept-encoding,cookie age: 7 <!doct...
...ype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>a simple webpage</title> </head> <body> <h1>simple html5 webpage</h1> <p>hello, world!</p> </body> </html> notification that the requested resource has permanently moved: http/1.1 301 moved permanently server: apache/2.4.37 (red hat) content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: thu, 06 dec 2018 17:33:08 gmt location: (this is the new link to the resource; it is expected that the user-agent will fetch it) keep-alive: timeout=15, max=98 accept-ranges: bytes via: moz-cache-zlb05 connection: keep-alive content-length: 325 (the content contains a default page to display if the user-agent is not able to follow the link) <!doctype html...
... (contains a site-customized page helping the user to find the missing resource) notification that the requested resource doesn't exist: http/1.1 404 not found content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 content-length: 38217 connection: keep-alive cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0 content-language: en-us date: thu, 06 dec 2018 17:35:13 gmt expires: thu, 06 dec 2018 17:35:13 gmt server: meinheld/0.6.1 strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000 x-content-type-options: nosniff x-frame-options: deny x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block vary: accept-encoding,cookie x-cache: error from cloudfront <!doctype html...
Array - JavaScript
in general, these are convenient characteristics; but if these features are not desirable for your particular use, you might consider using typed arrays.
... let years = [1950, 1960, 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010] console.log(years.0) // a syntax error console.log(years[0]) // works properly renderer.3d.settexture(model, 'character.png') // a syntax error renderer['3d'].settexture(model, 'character.png') // works properly in the 3d example, '3d' had to be quoted (because it begins with a digit).
... 1 [0] read only the last matched characters.
JSON - JavaScript
digits exponentpart or decimalnumber exponentpart decimalnumber = 0 or onetonine digits exponentpart = e exponent or e exponent exponent = digits or + digits or - digits digits = digit or digits digit digit = 0 through 9 onetonine = 1 through 9 jsonstring = "" or " stringcharacters " stringcharacters = stringcharacter or stringcharacters stringcharacter stringcharacter = any character except " or \ or u+0000 through u+001f or escapesequence escapesequence = \" or \/ or \\ or \b or \f or \n or \r or \t or \u hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit hexdigit = 0 through 9 or a through f or a throu... f jsonobject = { } or { members } members = jsonstring : json or members , jsonstring : json jsonarray = [ ] or [ arrayelements ] arrayelements = json or arrayelements , json insignificant whitespace may be present anywhere except within a jsonnumber (numbers must contain no whitespace) or jsonstring (where it is interpreted as the corresponding character in the string, or would cause an error).
... the tab character (u+0009), carriage return (u+000d), line feed (u+000a), and space (u+0020) characters are the only valid whitespace characters.
RegExp() constructor - JavaScript
patterns may include special characters to match a wider range of values than would a literal string.
... flags may contain any combination of the following characters: g (global match) find all matches rather than stopping after the first match.
... m (multiline) treat beginning and end characters (^ and $) as working over multiple lines.
RegExp.prototype.dotAll - JavaScript
the "s" flag indicates that the dot special character (".") should additionally match the following line terminator ("newline") characters in a string, which it would not match otherwise: u+000a line feed (lf) ("\n") u+000d carriage return (cr) ("\r") u+2028 line separator u+2029 paragraph separator this effectively means the dot will match any character on the unicode basic multilingual plane (bmp).
... to allow it to match astral characters, the "u" (unicode) flag should be used.
... using both flags in conjunction allows the dot to match any unicode character, without exceptions.
String.prototype.endsWith() - JavaScript
the endswith() method determines whether a string ends with the characters of a specified string, returning true or false as appropriate.
... syntax str.endswith(searchstring[, length]) parameters searchstring the characters to be searched for at the end of str.
... return value true if the given characters are found at the end of the string; otherwise, false.
String.prototype.lastIndexOf() - JavaScript
fromindex optional the index of the last character in the string to be considered as the beginning of a match.
... description characters in a string are indexed from left to right.
... the index of the first character is 0, and the index of the last character is str.length - 1.
String length - JavaScript
utf-16, the string format used by javascript, uses a single 16-bit code unit to represent the most common characters, but needs to use two code units for less commonly-used characters, so it's possible for the value returned by length to not match the actual number of characters in the string.
... unicode since `length` counts code units instead of characters, if you want to get the number of characters you need something like this: function getcharacterlength (str) { // the string iterator that is used here iterates over characters, // not mere code units return [...str].length; } console.log(getcharacterlength('a\ud87e\udc04z')); // 3 // while not recommended, you could add this to each string as follows: object.defineproperty(strin...
...g.prototype, 'charlength', { get () { return getcharacterlength(this); } }); console.log('a\ud87e\udc04z'.charlength); // 3 examples basic usage let x = 'mozilla'; let empty = ''; console.log(x + ' is ' + x.length + ' code units long'); /* "mozilla is 7 code units long" */ console.log('the empty string has a length of ' + empty.length); // expected output: "the empty string has a length of 0" assigning to length let mystring = "bluebells"; // attempting to assign a value to a string's .length property has no observable effect.
String.raw() - JavaScript
examples using string.raw() string.raw`hi\n${2+3}!`; // 'hi\n5!', the character after 'hi' // is not a newline character, // '\' and 'n' are two characters.
... string.raw`hi\u000a!`; // 'hi\u000a!', same here, this time we will get the // \, u, 0, 0, 0, a, 6 characters.
... // all kinds of escape characters will be ineffective // and backslashes will be present in the output string.
String.prototype.slice() - JavaScript
the character at this index will not be included.
...str.slice(1, 4) extracts the second character through the fourth character (characters indexed 1, 2, and 3).
... as an example, str.slice(2, -1) extracts the third character through the second to last character in the string.
String.prototype.startsWith() - JavaScript
the startswith() method determines whether a string begins with the characters of a specified string, returning true or false as appropriate.
... syntax str.startswith(searchstring[, position]) parameters searchstring the characters to be searched for at the start of this string.
... return value true if the given characters are found at the beginning of the string; otherwise, false.
decodeURI() - JavaScript
exceptions throws an urierror ("malformed uri sequence") exception when encodeduri contains invalid character sequences.
... description replaces each escape sequence in the encoded uri with the character that it represents, but does not decode escape sequences that could not have been introduced by encodeuri.
... the character “#” is not decoded from escape sequences.
unescape() - JavaScript
warning: although unescape() is not strictly deprecated (as in "removed from the web standards"), it is defined in annex b of the ecma-262 standard, whose introduction states: … all of the language features and behaviours specified in this annex have one or more undesirable characteristics and in the absence of legacy usage would be removed from this specification.
...… the unescape() function computes a new string in which hexadecimal escape sequences are replaced with the character that it represents.
... return value a new string in which certain characters have been unescaped.
Destructuring assignment - JavaScript
setting a function parameter's default value function drawchart({size = 'big', coords = {x: 0, y: 0}, radius = 25} = {}) { console.log(size, coords, radius); // do some chart drawing } drawchart({ coords: {x: 18, y: 30}, radius: 30 }); in the function signature for drawchart above, the destructured left-hand side is assigned to an empty object literal on the right-hand side: {size = 'big', coords = {x: 0, y: 0}, radius = 25} = {}.
...however, if you leave out the right-hand side assignment, the function will look for at least one argument to be supplied when invoked, whereas in its current form, you can simply call drawchart() without supplying any parameters.
...etadata; console.log(englishtitle); // "scratchpad" console.log(localetitle); // "javascript-umgebung" for of iteration and destructuring const people = [ { name: 'mike smith', family: { mother: 'jane smith', father: 'harry smith', sister: 'samantha smith' }, age: 35 }, { name: 'tom jones', family: { mother: 'norah jones', father: 'richard jones', brother: 'howard jones' }, age: 25 } ]; for (const {name: n, family: {father: f}} of people) { console.log('name: ' + n + ', father: ' + f); } // "name: mike smith, father: harry smith" // "name: tom jones, father: richard jones" computed object property names and destructuring computed property names, like on object literals, can be used with destructuring.
Authoring MathML - MathML
jqmath is another script to parse a simple latex-like syntax but which also accepts non-ascii characters like √{∑↙{n=1}↖{+∞} 6/n^2} = π to write ∑ n = 1 + ∞ 6 n 2 = π .
...use the elements and the special chars panels to create various advanced mathematical constructs.
... optical character & handwriting recognition inftyreader is able to perform some optical character recognition, including translation of mathematical equations into mathml.
<ms> - MathML
by default, string literals are displayed as enclosed by double quotes (&quot;); by using the lquote and rquote attributes, you can set custom characters to display.
...the content of an <ms> element is not an ascii string per se, but rather a sequence of characters and <mglyph> and <malignmark> elements.
... lquote the opening quote character (depends on dir) to enclose the content.
MathML documentation index - MathML
16 <mglyph> mathml, mathml reference, mathml:element the mathml <mglyph> element is used to display non-standard symbols where existing unicode characters are not available. default, string literals are displayed as enclosed by double quotes (&quot;); by using the lquote and rquote attributes, you can set custom characters to display.
...the content of an <ms> element is not an ascii string per se, but rather a sequence of characters and <mglyph> and <malignmark> elements.
OpenSearch description format
it must be 16 or fewer characters of plain text, with no html or other markup. must be 1024 or fewer characters of plain text, with no html or other markup.
... inputencoding the character encoding to use when submitting input to the search engine.
Web Performance
other documentation developer tools performance features this section provides information on how to use and understand the performance features in your developer tools, including waterfall, call tree, and flame charts.
... reading performance charts developer tools provide information on performance, memory, and network requests.
... knowing how to read waterfall charts, call trees, traces, flame charts , and allocations in your browser developer tools will help you understand waterfall and flame charts in other performance tools.
glyph-orientation-vertical - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
ideographic punctuation and other ideographic characters having alternate horizontal and vertical forms will use the vertical form of the glyph.
...(this presentation form does not disable auto-ligature formation or similar context-driven variations.) the determination of which characters should be auto-rotated may vary across user agents.
... the determination is based on a complex interaction between country, language, script, character properties, font, and character context.
spacing - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the spacing attribute indicates how the user agent should determine the spacing between typographic characters that are to be rendered along a path.
... only one element is using this attribute: <textpath> usage notes value auto | exact default value exact animatable yes auto this value indicates that the user agent should use text-on-a-path layout algorithms to adjust the spacing between typographic characters in order to achieve visually appealing results.
... exact this value indicates that the typographic characters should be rendered exactly according to the spacing rules as specified by the layout rules for text-on-a-path.
xlink:href - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
if the reference is to a <glyph> element and that glyph is available, then that glyph is rendered instead of the characters that are inside of the <altglyph> element.
... if the reference is to an <altglyphdef> element, then if an appropriate set of alternate glyphs is located from processing the <altglyphdef> element, then those alternate glyphs are rendered instead of the characters that are inside of the <altglyph> element.
... value <iri> default value none animatable yes tref for <tref>, xlink:href defines a reference to an element whose character data content shall be used as character data for this <tref> element.
SVG fonts - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the horiz-adv-x attribute determines how wide a character is on average compared to the path definitions of the single glyphs.
...each carries references to at least two characters (attributes u1 and u2) and an attribute k that determines how much the distance between those characters should be decreased.
... the below example instructs user agents to place the "a" and "v" characters closer together the standard distance between characters.
XML introduction - XML: Extensible Markup Language
entities like html, xml offers methods (called entities) for referring to some special reserved characters (such as a greater than sign which is used for tags).
... there are five of these characters that you should know: entity character description &lt; < less than sign &gt; > greater than sign &amp; & ampersand &quot; " one double-quotation mark &apos; ' one apostrophe (or single-quotation mark) even though there are only 5 declared entities, more can be added using the document's document type definition.
...please refresh and try again."> ]> <body> <message> &warning; </message> </body> you can also use numeric character references to specify special characters; for example, &#xa9; is the "©" symbol.
Index - XPath
39 normalize-space xslt, xslt_reference the normalize-space function strips leading and trailing white-space from a string, replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space, and returns the resulting string.
... 46 string-length xslt, xslt_reference the string-length function returns a number equal to the number of characters in a given string.
... 52 translate xslt, xslt_reference the translate function evaluates a string and a set of characters to translate and returns the translated string.
Index - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
29 <xsl:decimal-format> element, reference, xslt, decimal-format the <xsl:decimal-format> element defines the characters and symbols that are to be used in converting numbers into strings using theformat-number( ) function.
... 41 <xsl:output> element, reference, xslt, output the <xsl:output> element controls the characteristics of the output document.
...if there is more than one element, separate the names with a whitespace character.
Compiling a New C/C++ Module to WebAssembly - WebAssembly
take a copy of the following simple c example, and save it in a file called hello.c in a new directory on your local drive: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char ** argv) { printf("hello world\n"); } now, using the terminal window you used to enter the emscripten compiler environment, navigate to the same directory as your hello.c file, and run the following command: emcc hello.c -s wasm=1 -o hello.html the options we’ve passed in with the command are as follows: -s wasm=1 — specifies that we want wasm output.
... first of all, save the following c code in a file called hello2.c, in a new directory: #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char ** argv) { printf("hello world\n"); } search for the file shell_minimal.html in your emsdk repo.
... to start with, save the following code as hello3.c in a new directory: #include <stdio.h> #include <emscripten/emscripten.h> int main(int argc, char ** argv) { printf("hello world\n"); } #ifdef __cplusplus extern "c" { #endif void emscripten_keepalive myfunction(int argc, char ** argv) { printf("myfunction called\n"); } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif by default, emscripten-generated code always just calls the main() function, and other functions are eliminated as dead code.
querystring - Archive of obsolete content
globals functions stringify(fields, separator, assignment) serializes an object containing name:value pairs into a query string: querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: 4 }); // => 'foo=bar&baz=4' by default '&' and'=' are used as separator and assignment characters, but you can override this using additional optional parameters: querystring.stringify({ foo: 'bar', baz: 4 }, ';', ':'); // => 'foo:bar;baz:4' parameters fields : object the data to convert to a query string.
... parse(querystring, separator, assignment) parse a query string into an object containing name:value pairs: querystring.parse('foo=bar&baz=bla') // => { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bla' } optionally separator and assignment arguments may be passed to override default '&' and '=' characters: querystring.parse('foo:bar|baz:bla', '|', ':') // => { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bla' } parameters querystring : string the query string.
dev/panel - Archive of obsolete content
municate // with the panel document } }); // export the constructor exports.mypanel = mypanel; // create a new tool, initialized // with the new constructor const mytool = new tool({ panels: { mypanel: mypanel } }); panel document environment the panel document loaded from the url property can of course include css and javascript just like a normal web page: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link href="./my-panel.css"rel="stylesheet"></link> <script src="resource://sdk/dev/volcan.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="content"></div> </body> <script src="./my-panel.js"></script> </html> it doesn't have access to any privileged apis, including the add-on sdk apis.
... to use volcan.js, you can just include it from your panel's html like this: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <link href="./my-panel.css"rel="stylesheet"></link> <script src="resource://sdk/dev/volcan.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id = "content"></div> </body> <script src="./my-panel.js"></script> </html> here's a script that uses volcan.js to get the selected tab and display its url: // my-panel.js var content = document.getelementbyid("content"); window.addeven...
ui/button/action - Archive of obsolete content
the badge can contain as many characters (or digits) as you like, but only the first four will be displayed.
... the badge can contain as many characters (or digits) as you like, but only the first four will be displayed.
ui/button/toggle - Archive of obsolete content
the badge can contain as many characters (or digits) as you like, but only the first four will be displayed.
... the badge can contain as many characters (or digits) as you like, but only the first four will be displayed.
Miscellaneous - Archive of obsolete content
it also collapses consecutive whitespaces into a single whitespace, and returns at most 150 characters, making it ideal to display text in context menus.
...and here's how it's done postdata.queryinterface(ci.nsiseekablestream).seek(ci.nsiseekablestream.ns_seek_set, 0); var stream = cc[";1"].createinstance(ci.nsibinaryinputstream); stream.setinputstream(postdata); var postbytes = stream.readbytearray(stream.available()); var poststr = string.fromcharcode.apply(null, postbytes); //do anything to your poststr alert(poststr); getting a string from the input stream is made somewhat simpler in firefox 4, by the addition of netutil.readinputstreamtostring() getting postdata of a request before the request is sent the above code will get the postdata for a page that has already loaded.
Common Pitfalls - Archive of obsolete content
how to create a uri object in almost all cases, when creating a uri object you want to use the newuri method on the nsiioservice interface, like so: javascript: try { var ioserv = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiioservice); var uriobj = ioserv.newuri(uristring, uricharset, baseuri); } catch (e) { // may want to catch ns_error_malformed_uri for some applications } c++: nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsiioservice> ioserv = do_getservice(";1"); ns_ensure_success(rv, rv); nscomptr<nsiuri> uriobj; rv = ioserv->newuri(uristring, uricharset, baseuri, getter_addrefs(uriobj)); if (ns_failed(rv)) { // may want to handle n...
...s_error_malformed_uri for // some applications return rv; } or, if the code can include nsnetutil.h: nscomptr<nsiuri> uriobj; nsresult rv = ns_newuri(getter_addrefs(uriobj), uristring, uricharset, baseuri); in all cases the baseuri can be null if the uristring should be treated as an absolute uri and uricharset can be null if there is no clear origin charset for the string (e.g.
Appendix D: Loading Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
flexibility: script tags provide a means to specify the character set and javascript version of the scripts to be loaded, which many other methods do not.
... flexibility: the sub-script loader can load scripts into a variety of different namespaces for a wide variety of uses, and as of gecko 2 allows the character set of the script to be specified.
XPCOM Objects - Archive of obsolete content
at mdc, you'll see stuff like this: void setcharpref(in string aprefname, in string avalue); one of the most important details to notice is that both paratemers have the in keyword.
... } }; finally, here's a table summarizing the types you will most likely encounter in xpcom interfaces, and how to handle them: js type idl types notes strings autf8string, string, wstring, char*, others historically there have been several string types in xpcom.
levelchange - Archive of obsolete content
property type description batterymanager.level double (float) the system's battery charging level scaled from 0 to 1.0.
... example navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { console.log("battery level: " + battery.level * 100 + " %"); battery.addeventlistener('levelchange', function() { console.log("battery level: " + battery.level * 100 + " %"); }); }); related events chargingchange chargingtimechange dischargingtimechange ...
MCD, Mission Control Desktop, AKA AutoConfig - Archive of obsolete content
moz_ldap_xpcom=1 and moz_extensions_default="wallet spellcheck xmlextras pref webservices universalcharset auth" are now present in the default configure script.
...sion compiler flags gcc gcc version 3.4.3 20050227 (red hat 3.4.3-22.fc3) -wall -w -wno-unused -wpointer-arith -wcast-align -wno-long-long -pedantic -pthread -pipe c++ gcc version 3.4.3 20050227 (red hat 3.4.3-22.fc3) -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -wall -wconversion -wpointer-arith -wcast-align -woverloaded-virtual -wsynth -wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -wno-non-virtual-dtor -wno-long-long -pedantic -fshort-wchar -pthread -pipe -i/usr/x11r6/include configure arguments --disable-mailnews --enable-extensions=cookie,xml-rpc,xmlextras,pref,transformiix,universalchardet,webservices,inspector,gnomevfs,negotiateauth --enable-crypto --disable-composer --enable-single-profile --disable-profilesharing --with-system-jpeg --with-system-zlib --with-system-png --with-pthreads --disable-tests --disable-jsd --disable-in...
Layout System Overview - Archive of obsolete content
as the user types a new character it is inserted into the content model.
...this is especially critical when the user is typing into the document: it would be quite unusable if typing a character at the end of a document in the html editor caused the entire document to be reformatted - it would be too slow, at least on low-end machines.
LIR - Archive of obsolete content
it extend live range of a quad 11 lived void extend live range of a double 12 file void source filename for debug symbols 13 line void source line number for debug symbols 14 comment void a comment shown, on its own line, in lir dumps 15 not in use load 16 not in use 17 ldc2i integer load char and sign-extend to an int 18 lds2i integer load short and sign-extend to an int 19 lduc2ui integer load unsigned char and zero-extend to an unsigned int 20 ldus2ui integer load unsigned short and zero-extend to an unsigned int 21 ldi integer load int 22 ldq quad 64 bit load quad 23 ldd double load double 24 ld...
...f2d double load float and extend to a double store 25 sti2c void store int truncated to char 26 sti2s void store int truncated to short 27 sti void store int 28 stq void 64 bit store quad 29 std void store double 30 std2f void store double as a float (losing precision) 31 not in use call 32 not in use 33 callv void call subroutine that returns void 34 calli integer call subroutine that returns an int 35 callq quad 64 bit call subroutine that returns a quad 36 calld double call subroutine that returns a double branch 37 j void jump always 38 jt void jump if true 39 jf void ...
Venkman - Archive of obsolete content
brief history in 1998, john bandhauer was in charge of creating the netscape 4.x javascript debugger.
... venkman is named after the character dr.
Example Sticky Notes - Archive of obsolete content
view this example <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01//en" ""> <html> <head> <title>xbl demo : sticky notes</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; font: 1em verdana, sans-serif; } h1 { font-size: 1.5em; } /* binding: */ .sticker { -moz-binding: url(notes.xml#default); } </style> </head> <body> <h1><a href="">xbl</a> demo : sticky notes</h1> <div class="sticker"><p>acme,&nbsp;inc.
... fax - respond today.</p></div> <div class="sticker"><p>don't forget the eggs!</p></div> <div class="sticker"><p>the new project - who's on charge?</p></div> <div class="sticker"><p>learn more about xbl.</p></div> <p style="clear: left"><a href=""><img src="" width="88" height="31" alt="valid html 4.01" style="border: 1px none"></a></p> </body> </html> notes.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <bindings xmlns="" xmlns:xul="" xmlns:svg="" xmlns:xlink=""> <!-- in above only xbl namespace declaration is mandatory.
XPJS Components Proposal - Archive of obsolete content
the xpjsmanager is in charge of loading these .js files, helping them register themselves, and acting as an intermediary between the xpcom component manager and the js code.
... the xpjsmanager is loosely in charge of the lifetime of each xpjs module.
key - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home key type: character the character that must be pressed.
... this should be set to a displayable character.
timeout - Archive of obsolete content
the timer starts after the user types a character.
... if the user types another character, the timer resets.
List of commands - Archive of obsolete content
selection): cmd_copy - copy a selection to the clipboard cmd_cut - cut a selection into the clipboard cmd_paste - paste a selection from the clipboard cmd_selectall cmd_selectnone cmd_copylink cmd_copyimagelocation cmd_copyimagecontents cmd_scrolltop cmd_scrollbottom cmd_scrollpageup cmd_scrollpagedown cmd_scrolllineup cmd_scrolllinedown cmd_scrollleft cmd_scrollright cmd_selectcharprevious cmd_selectcharnext cmd_wordprevious cmd_wordnext cmd_selectwordprevious cmd_selectwordnext cmd_beginline cmd_endline cmd_selectbeginline cmd_selectendline cmd_selectlineprevious cmd_selectlinenext cmd_selectpageprevious cmd_selectpagenext cmd_selectmovetop cmd_selectmovebottom editor commands (legal when the focus is anywhere where you can type text): cmd_paste - paste...
... a selection from the clipboard cmd_pastequote cmd_delete cmd_deletecharbackward cmd_deletecharforward cmd_deletewordbackward cmd_deletewordforward cmd_deletetobeginningofline cmd_deletetoendofline cmd_scrolltop cmd_scrollbottom cmd_movetop cmd_movebottom cmd_selecttop cmd_selectbottom cmd_linenext cmd_lineprevious cmd_selectlinenext cmd_selectlineprevious cmd_charprevious cmd_charnext cmd_selectcharprevious cmd_selectcharnext cmd_beginline cmd_endline cmd_selectbeginline cmd_selectendline cmd_wordprevious cmd_wordnext cmd_selectwordprevious cmd_selectwordnext cmd_scrollpageup cmd_scrollpagedown cmd_scrolllineup cmd_scrolllinedown cmd_movepageup cmd_movepagedown cmd_selectpageup cmd_selectpagedown other commands the following list other commands (prefix...
Multiple Rules - Archive of obsolete content
"person"> <assign var="?letters" expr="string-length(@name) - 1"/> </query> <rule> <where subject="?name" rel="contains" value=" "/> <action> <label uri="?" value="?name has two names for a total length of ?letters"/> </action> </rule> </template> </vbox> this example contains only one rule with a condition which checks for names that contain a space character, which has the effect of selecting only those people with multiple names.
...note the assign element in the example above, used to calculate the '?letters' variable from the length of the name, minus one for the space character.
SQLite Templates - Archive of obsolete content
however, this can become unweidly for more complex queries, and would be more error prone if values were not escaped properly to ensure that extraneous quotes, semicolons and other characters didn't appear in the values.
...the resulting query that gets used will be: select name, email from myfriends where gender = 'male' this technique is used as quotes or other special characters are handled automatically.
XML Templates - Archive of obsolete content
for an rdf query, the uri attribute specifies the member variable; for an xml query the member variable is always '?' so the value of the uri attribute for xml templates should always be the single question mark character as in this example.
...when a question mark character followed by a string appears in an attribute value, the label value is not directly, but instead the value of an attribute for the source xml is used.
Element Positioning - Archive of obsolete content
example 2 the second button will be displayed with a height of ten pixels and a width of 100 ems (an em is the size of a character in the current font).
...also, a minimum width of 15 ems has been set so that the text box will always show at least 15 characters.
Input Controls - Archive of obsolete content
maxlength the maximum number of characters that the textbox allows.
...this should be set to the number of rows and columns of characters to display.
XPCOM Interfaces - Archive of obsolete content
the file interface only describes the characteristics of a file, it does not implement it.
...the third parameter is the bookmark type which will normally be 0 and the last parameter is the character encoding of the document being bookmarked, which may be null.
menu - Archive of obsolete content
accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
menulist - Archive of obsolete content
value methods appenditem, contains, getindexofitem, getitematindex, insertitemat, removeallitems, removeitemat, select examples <menulist> <menupopup> <menuitem label="option 1" value="1"/> <menuitem label="option 2" value="2"/> <menuitem label="option 3" value="3"/> <menuitem label="option 4" value="4"/> </menupopup> </menulist> attributes accesskey type: character this should be set to a character that is used as a shortcut key.
... this should be one of the characters that appears in the label attribute for the element.
Using LDAP XPCOM with XULRunner - Archive of obsolete content
xpcomglue_s.$(lib_suffix) \ $(xpcom_frozen_ldopts) \ $(nspr_libs) \ $(null) include $(topsrcdir)/config/ defines += -dmoz_dll_prefix=\"$(dll_prefix)\" ldapstubloader.cpp: // copyright (c) 2005 benjamin smedberg <> #include "nscore.h" #include "nsmodule.h" #include "prlink.h" #include "nsilocalfile.h" #include "nsstringapi.h" #include "nscomptr.h" static char const *const kdependentlibraries[] = { #ifdef ns_win32 moz_dll_prefix "nsldap32v50" moz_dll_suffix, moz_dll_prefix "nsldappr32v50" moz_dll_suffix, #endif //ns_win32 #ifdef ns_unix moz_dll_prefix "ldap50" moz_dll_suffix, moz_dll_prefix "prldap50" moz_dll_suffix, #endif //ns_unix nsnull }; // component.dll on windows, libcomponent.dll on linux static char krealcomponent[] = moz_dll_prefi...
...r<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); // loop through and load dependent libraries for (char const *const *dependent = kdependentlibraries; *dependent; ++dependent) { library->setnativeleafname(nsdependentcstring(*dependent)); prlibrary *lib; library->load(&lib); // 1) we don't care if this failed!
MacFAQ - Archive of obsolete content
settings.js" /> <script><![cdata[ function debug(alogstring) { var mconsoleservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiconsoleservice) mconsoleservice.logstringmessage("myxul: " + alogstring + "\n"); } function checkotherwindows() { var singletonwindowtype = nspreferences.copyunicharpref("toolkit.singletonwindowtype"); var windowmediator = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiwindowmediator); var win = windowmediator.getmostrecentwindow(singletonwindowtype); if (win) { window.close(); win.focus(); } } if (window.arguments && window.argu...
...ments[0]){ try { var cmdline = window.arguments[0] .queryinterface(components.interfaces.nsicommandline); for (var i = 0; i < cmdline.length; ++i) { debug(cmdline.getargument(i)) } } catch(ex) { debug(window.arguments[0]) // do something with window.arguments[0] //nspreferences.setunicharpref("myxul.cmdlinevalue", window.arguments[0]) } window.addeventlistener("load", checkotherwindows , false); } ]]></script> </window> ...
Using SOAP in XULRunner 1.9 - Archive of obsolete content
ff between jqsoapclient.js and sasoapclient.js 42c42 < var jsout = $.xmltojson(xdata.responsexml); --- > var jsout = xmlobjectifier.xmltojson(xdata.responsexml); 46,60c46,62 < $.ajax({ < type: "post", < url: soapclient.proxy, < datatype: "xml", < processdata: false, < data: content, < complete: getresponse, < contenttype: soapclient.contenttype + "; charset=\"" + soapclient.charset + "\"", < beforesend: function(req) { < req.setrequestheader("method", "post"); < req.setrequestheader("content-length", soapclient.contentlength); < req.setrequestheader("soapserver", soapclient.soapserver); < req.setrequestheader("soapaction", soapreq.action); < } < }); --- > var xhr = new xmlhttprequest(); > xhr.mozbackgr...
...oundrequest = true; >'post', soapclient.proxy, true); > xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { > if (4 != xhr.readystate) { return; } > getresponse(xhr); > }; > var headers = { > 'method': 'post', > 'content-type': soapclient.contenttype + '; charset="' + > soapclient.charset + '"', > 'content-length': soapclient.contentlength, > 'soapserver': soapclient.soapserver, > 'soapaction': soapreq.action > }; > for (var h in headers) { xhr.setrequestheader(h, headers[h]); } > xhr.send(content); ...
NPStream - Archive of obsolete content
syntax typedef struct _npstream { void* pdata; /* plug-in private data */ void* ndata; /* netscape private data */ const char* url; uint32 end; uint32 lastmodified; void* notifydata; const char *headers; } npstream; fields the data structure has the following fields: plug-in-private value that the plug-in can use to store a pointer to private data associated with the instance; not modified by the browser.
...lines are terminated by newline characters ("\n"), and the headers are terminated by a newline followed by null ("\n\0").
NPString - Archive of obsolete content
syntax typedef struct _npstring { const nputf8 *utf8characters; uint32_t utf8length; } npstring; fields the data structure has the following fields: utf8characters an array of the utf-8 characters comprising the string.
... utf8length the number of bytes in the utf-8 string (not the number of characters).
NPAPI plugin reference - Archive of obsolete content
nputf8 nputf8 is a byte representing an 8-bit unit of a utf-8 character.
... this is not the same thing as an entire utf-8 character, which may be comprised of multiple nputf8 bytes.
RSS - Archive of obsolete content
documentation why rss slash is popular - counting your comments charles iliya krempeaux talks about the rss slash module, why it is popular among some, and how it is used to give a count for your comments.
... why well-formed web rss module is popular - syndicating your comments charles iliya krempeaux talks about the rss well-formed web module, why it is popular among some, and how it is used to link to your comments.
Digital Signatures - Archive of obsolete content
a one-way hash is a number of fixed length with the following characteristics: the value of the hash is unique for the hashed data.
... any change in the data, even deleting or altering a single character, results in a different value.
TCP/IP Security - Archive of obsolete content
transport layer security, available from the use of tls typically requires each application to support tls; however, unlike application layer controls, which typically involve extensive customization of the application, transport layer controls such as tls are much less intrusive because they do not need to understand the application’s functions or characteristics.
... original document information author(s): sheila frankel, paul hoffman, angela orebaugh, and richard park title: national institute of standards and technology (nist) special publication 800-113, guide to ssl vpns last updated date: july 2008 copyright information: this document is not subject to copyright.
Sunbird Theme Tutorial - Archive of obsolete content
before and after the at-sign, it can only contain the characters a-z, a-z, 0-9, full stop, hyphen and underscore." em:version="0.1" em:internalname="testing" em:type="4" > <em:targetapplication><!-- sunbird --> <description em:id="{718e30fb-e89b-41dd-9da7-e25a45638b28}" em:minversion="0.2.9" em:maxversion="0.4" /> </em:targetapplication> </description> </rdf> in the line that starts <tt>em:id</tt>, paste your identifier between the double-quote characters, replacing the identifier that is there now.
-ms-accelerator - Archive of obsolete content
an access key is a single character used as a keyboard shortcut for selecting an object.
... the user presses the alt key and holds it while pressing the character to move input focus to the object, and to invoke the default event associated with the object.
CSS - Archive of obsolete content
-ms-flow-into css property is a microsoft extension that gets or sets a value identifying an iframe container in the document that serves as the region's data source.-ms-high-contrast-adjustthe -ms-high-contrast-adjust css property is a microsoft extension that gets or sets a value indicating whether to override any css properties that would have been set in high contrast mode.-ms-hyphenate-limit-charsthe -ms-hyphenate-limit-chars css property is a microsoft extension that specifies one to three values indicating the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word.
... if the word does not meet the required minimum number of characters in the word, before the hyphen, or after the hyphen, then the word is not hyphenated.-ms-hyphenate-limit-linesthe -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines css property is a microsoft extension specifying the maximum number of consecutive lines in an element that may be ended with a hyphenated word.-ms-hyphenate-limit-zonethe -ms-hyphenate-limit-zone css property is a microsoft extension specifying the width of the hyphenation zone.-ms-ime-alignthe -ms-ime-align css property is a microsoft extension aligning the input method editor (ime) candidate window box relative to the element on which the ime composition is active.
Properly Using CSS and JavaScript in XHTML Documents - Archive of obsolete content
in particular: raw < and & characters are not allowed except inside of cdata sections (<![cdata[ ...
... javascript contains characters which can not exist in xhtml javascript typically contains characters which can not exist in xhtml outside of cdata sections.
Back to the Server: Server-Side JavaScript On The Rise - Archive of obsolete content
nat="server"> function notexposed() { // runs on the server, hidden from the browser return "can't see me!"; } function exposed() { // runs on the server, callable from the browser return "exposed to the browser"; } exposed.proxy = true; // tell jaxer this function is ok to be called from the browser </script> <script runat="client" type="text/javascript"> alert( exposed() ); //works like a charm alert( notexposed() ); //produces an object not found error since it server-side only </script> understanding the concept of operating context in jaxer is central to moving forward with the example application which is what we'll examine next.
...d."; } // assemble the string var s = "name: " + name + "<br/>" + "email: " + email + "<br/>" + "message: " + message + "<br/><br/>"; // append the entry to the log file jaxer.file.append( "dump.txt", s ); // add support for management via database jaxer.db.execute( "create table if not exists comments ( id integer primary key auto_increment, " + "name varchar(50) not null, " + "email varchar(255) not null, " + "message varchar(300) not null )" ); jaxer.db.execute( "insert into comments ( name, email, message ) values ( ?, ?, ?
Writing JavaScript for XHTML - Archive of obsolete content
the easy solution is to do away with the commenting entirely: <script type="text/javascript"> window.alert("hello world!"); </script> this will work so long as your code doesn't contain characters which are "special" in xml, which usually means < and &.
... a third solution is to use only external scripts, neatly sidestepping the special-character problem.
XForms Secret Element - Archive of obsolete content
each character typed by the user is represented by an asterisk on the screen (see the spec).
...characteristics analogous widgets are <xhtml:input type="password"/> and <xul:textbox type="password"/> if the incremental attribute is present and has the value true, then the bound instance node is updated on every user input.
XForms Select Element - Archive of obsolete content
characteristics analogous widgets are <html:select size="5" multiple="true"/> and <xul:listbox seltype="multiple"/> visual grouping by choices element isn't implemented if incremental attribute value is false, the bound node is updated when the select control is blurred (i.e.
...characteristics appearance attribute contains the value full there are no analogue widgets in xhtml or in xul visual grouping by choices element is supported if incremental attribute value is false then bound node is updated when item is blurred examples <xf:model> <xf:instance> <data xmlns=""> <values>g</values> </data> </xf:instance> </xf:model> <xf:select ref="/data/values" appearance="full"> <xf:choices> <xf:label>green colors</xf:label> <xf:item> <xf:label>pale green</xf:label> <xf:value>pg</xf:value> </xf:item> <xf:item> <xf:label>green</xf:label> <xf:value>g</xf:value> </xf:item> ...
XForms Submit Element - Archive of obsolete content
characteristics analogous widgets are <html:input type="submit"/> and <xul:button/> link/clickable text xforms authors can use this representation if they want to have a widget like a xhtml anchor (xhtml only).
... characteristics appearance attribute contains the value minimal analogue widget is <html:a onclick="form.submit();"/>.
XForms Trigger Element - Archive of obsolete content
characteristics analogous widgets are <html:input type="button"/> and <xul:button/> link/clickable text xforms authors can use this representation if they want to have a widget like a xhtml anchor (xhtml only).
... characteristics appearance attribute contains the value minimal analogue widget is <xhtml:a/>.
Obsolete: XPCOM-based scripting for NPAPI plugins - Archive of obsolete content
ns_imethod getinterfaces(pruint32 *count, nsiid * **array) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod gethelperforlanguage(pruint32 language, nsisupports **_retval) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod getcontractid(char * *acontractid) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod getclassdescription(char * *aclassdescription) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod getclassid(nscid * *aclassid) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} ns_imethod getclassidnoalloc(nscid *aclassidnoalloc) {return ns_error_not_implemented;} }; class nsscriptablepeer : public nsitestplugin, ...
...npp_getvalue implementation and possible scenario of scriptable object life cycle #include "nsitestplugin.h" nperror npp_new(npmimetype plugintype, npp instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char* argn[], char* argv[], npsaveddata* saved) { if(instance == null) return nperr_invalid_instance_error; // just prime instance->pdata with null for the purpose of this example // it will be assigned to the scriptable interface later to keep its // association with the specific plugin instance instance->pdata = null; return rv; } nperror npp_getvalue(npp instance, np...
Audio for Web games - Game development
urrent play autoplay volume adjusting preload chrome (android) 69+ y y y y firefox (android) 62+ y y y y edge mobile y y y y opera mobile 46+ y y y y safari (ios) 7+ y/n* n n y android browser 67+ y y y y there's a full compatibility chart for mobile and desktop htmlmediaelement support here. your character in a cave?
Square tilemaps implementation: Scrolling maps - Game development
cameras can either be free-form, controlled by the player (such as in strategy games) or follow an object (such as the main character in platform games.) regardless of the type of camera, we would always need information regarding its current position, viewport size, etc.
... there's another demo available, that shows how to make the camera follow a character.
Initialize the framework - Game development
using your favourite text editor, create a new html document, save it as index.html, in a sensible location, and add the following code to it: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>gamedev phaser workshop - lesson 01: initialize the framework</title> <style>* { padding: 0; margin: 0; }</style> <script src="js/phaser.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <script> var game = new, 320, phaser.canvas, null, { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }); function preload() {} function create() {} funct...
... walking through what we have so far at this point we have a charset defined, <title> and some basic css in the header to reset the default margin and padding.
2D maze game with device orientation - Game development
you can create this yourself if you want to follow along: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>cyber orb demo</title> <style> body { margin: 0; background: #333; } </style> <script src="src/phaser-arcade-physics.2.2.2.min.js"></script> <script src="src/boot.js"></script> <script src="src/preloader.js"></script> <script src="src/mainmenu.js"></script> <script src="src/howto.js"></script> <script src="src/game.js"></script> </head> <body> ...
...ame(320, 480, phaser.canvas, 'game'); game.state.add('boot', ball.boot); game.state.add('preloader', ball.preloader); game.state.add('mainmenu', ball.mainmenu); game.state.add('howto', ball.howto); game.state.add('game',; game.state.start('boot'); })(); </script> </body> </html> so far we have a simple html website with some basic content in the <head> section: charset, title, css styling and the inclusion of the javascript files.
Plug-in Development Overview - Gecko Plugin API Reference
version stamp of the embedded resource of the plug-in dll should contain the following set of string/value pairs: mimetype: for mime types fileextents: for file extensions fileopenname: for file open template productname: for plug-in name filedescription: for description language: for language in use in the mime types and file extensions strings, multiple values are separated by the "|" character, for example: video/quicktime|audio/aiff|image/jpeg the version stamp will be loaded only if it has been created with the language set to "us english" and the character set to "windows multilingual" in your development environment.
... the resource code for this language and character set combination is 040904e4.
Syntax - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
syntax specifies the required combination and sequence of characters making up correctly structured code.
...if a codebase uses "a lot of syntax", it requires more characters to achieve the same functionality.
Type - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
type is a characteristic of a value affecting what kind of data it can store, and the structure that the data will adhere to.
... for example, a boolean data type can hold only a true or false value at any given time, whereas a string has the ability to hold a string or a sequence of characters, a number can hold numerical values of any kind, and so on.
Baseline - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the baseline is a term used in european and west asian typography meaning an imaginary line upon which the characters of a font rest.
... the descenders of characters like g and p extend below this line.
Property - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
it may refer to: property (css) a css property is a characteristic (like color) whose associated value defines one aspect of how the browser should display the element.
... property (javascript) a javascript property is a characteristic of an object, often describing attributes associated with a data structure.
MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
brotli browser browsing context buffer c cache cacheable caldav call stack callback function canonical order canvas card sorting carddav caret cdn certificate authority certified challenge-response authentication character character encoding character set chrome cia cipher cipher suite ciphertext class client hints closure cms code splitting codec compile compile time computer programming conditional constant constructor continuous m...
... webvtt whatwg whitespace world wide web wrapper x xforms xhr (xmlhttprequest) xhtml xinclude xlink xml xpath xquery xslt other 404 502 alpn at-rule attack byte-order mark character set client cryptosystem debug digital signature execution flex-direction glsl interface library memory management routers self-executing anonymous function stylesheet vector image ...
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
apart from this, you should try to avoid using language and characters that don't get read out clearly by the screen reader.
...for example, there is a longdesc attribute that is meant to point to a separate web document containing an extended description of the image, for example: <img src="dinosaur.png" longdesc="dino-info.html"> this sounds like a good idea, especially for infographics like big charts with lots of information on them that could perhaps be represented as an accessible data table instead (see accessible data tables).
HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
apart from this, you should try to avoid using language and characters that don't get read out clearly by the screen reader.
...for example, there is a longdesc attribute that is meant to point to a separate web document containing an extended description of the image, for example: <img src="dinosaur.png" longdesc="dino-info.html"> this sounds like a good idea, especially for infographics like big charts with lots of information on them that could perhaps be represented as an accessible data table instead (see accessible data tables).
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
if you are planning to include a whizzy 3d pie chart graphic made using webgl, you might want to include a data table as an accessible alternative representation of the data.
... or, you might want to just include the table and get rid of the 3d pie chart — the table is accessible by everyone, quicker to code, less cpu-intensive, and easier to maintain.
Type, class, and ID selectors - Learn web development
class selectors the class selector starts with a full stop (.) character and will select everything in the document with that class applied to it.
... id selectors an id selector begins with a # rather than a full stop character, but is basically used in the same way as a class selector.
Getting started with CSS - Learn web development
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>getting started with css</title> </head> <body> <h1>i am a level one heading</h1> <p>this is a paragraph of text.
...your list will now look like this: <ul> <li>item one</li> <li class="special">item two</li> <li>item <em>three</em></li> </ul> in your css you can target the class of special by creating a selector that starts with a full stop character.
Fundamental text and font styling - Learn web development
my big red elephant monospace fonts where every character has the same width, typically used in code listings.
...latin characters along with asian language glyphs (like chinese, japanese, korean).
Web fonts - Learn web development
a paid font distributor: this is a site that makes fonts available for a charge, such as or newer browsers, you can also specify a unicode-range value, which is a specific range of characters you want to use out of the web font — in supporting browsers, only the specified characters will be downloaded, saving unnecessary downloading.
What is a URL? - Learn web development
if the path part of the url starts with the "/" character, the browser will fetch that resource from the top root of the server, without reference to the context given by the current document.'ve probably often seen urls that look like mashups of random characters.
Test your skills: Form validation - Learn web development
give the "user name" field a required length of between 5 and 20 characters, the "phone number" field a maximum length of 15 characters, and the "comment" field a maximum length of 200 characters.
... make the input mandatory to fill in, and give it a minimum length of 10 characters.
Test your skills: Other controls - Learn web development
give the comments a maximum length of 100 characters.
... associate the list with your text input, so that when you type characters, any of the list options that match the character sequence are given in a dropdown list as autocomplete suggestions.
Dealing with files - Learn web development
some servers will replace the areas in your filenames with "%20" (the character code for spaces in uris), resulting in all your links being broken.
... <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my test page</title> </head> <body> <img src="" alt="my test image"> </body> </html> the line <img src="" alt="my test image"> is the html code that inserts an image into the page.
Images in HTML - Learn web development
if you get really stuck, press the show solution button to see an answer: playable code <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px; width: 95%"> <img> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; ...
...if you get really stuck, press the show solution button to see an answer: playable code 2 <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="min-height: 100px; width: 95%"> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } bod...
Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
y</option> <option value="august">august</option> <option value="september">september</option> <option value="october">october</option> <option value="november">november</option> <option value="december">december</option> </select> <h1></h1> <ul></ul> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="playable-code" style="height: 400px;width: 95%"> const select = document.queryselector('select'); const list = document.queryselector('ul'); const h1 = document.queryselector('h1'); select.onchange = function() { const choice = select.value; // add conditional here createcalendar(days, choice); } function createcalendar(days, choice) { list.inner...
...ect id="theme"> <option value="white">white</option> <option value="black">black</option> <option value="purple">purple</option> <option value="yellow">yellow</option> <option value="psychedelic">psychedelic</option> </select> <h1>this is my website</h1> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="playable-code" style="height: 450px;width: 95%"> const select = document.queryselector('select'); const html = document.queryselector('.output'); select.onchange = function() { const choice = select.value; // add switch statement } function update(bgcolor, textcolor) { = bgcolor; = textcolor; }</textarea...
Video and Audio APIs - Learn web development
this is an icon font — all the characters of the alphabet equate to common icons you might want to use in an application.
... the actual time value to display is set as minutevalue plus a colon character plus secondvalue.
Storing the information you need — Variables - Learn web development
generally, you should stick to just using latin characters (0-9, a-z, a-z) and the underscore character.
... you shouldn't use other characters because they may cause errors or be hard to understand for an international audience.
Solve common problems in your JavaScript code - Learn web development
how do you escape characters in strings?
... how do you find what character is at a certain position in a string?
Multimedia: Images - Learn web development
the most optimal format the optimal file format typically depends on the character of the image.
...examples for these types of motifs are logos, illustrations, charts or icons (note: svgs are far better than icon fonts!).
Advanced Svelte: Reactivity, lifecycle, accessibility - Learn web development
let's create a component that will be in charge of displaying the buttons and emitting the corresponding events. will also be in charge of executing the destroy function when the component is removed from dom.
Working with Svelte stores - Learn web development
our alert component will displayed by the app component, but any component can send notifications to it; whenever a notification arrives the alert component will be in charge of displaying it on screen.
... this is a perfect example of how svelte puts the compiler in charge of better developer ergonomics, not only saving us from typing boiler plate, but also generating less error-prone code.
Package management basics - Learn web development
create index.html in your test directory, and give it the following contents: <!doctype html> <html lang="en-us"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my test page</title> </head> <body> <script src="./index.js"></script> </body> </html> next, we need to add an index.js file in the same directory as index.html.
... the range is specified in the version of the dependency in your package.json, such as date-fns@^2.0.1 — in this case the caret character ^ means all minor and patch releases after and including 2.0.1, up to but excluding 3.0.0.
Mozilla accessibility architecture
each platform's accessibility api has made different assumptions, although there are a number of common characteristics.
...note: this chart is not complete, consult the handleevent() method to see the rest.
Accessibility information for UI designers and developers
for example, in this chart, it helps to add labels besides the colored chart lines:people who cannot see the difference between the colors, can use the labels instead.
...on desktop with a keyboard, it lets people type a character, say ‘k’, to jump directly to options starting with ‘k’.
Eclipse CDT Manual Setup
if you want a column marker to mark the 80th column to help with formatting code to mozilla's 80 character line limit, tick "show print margin" and set the value to 80.
...(sadly, there is no auto-activation option to activate autocomplete suggestion., so as soon as you type any alphabetical character that may begin with a symbol name like there is in other ides.) select "c/c++ > editor > save actions" and deselect "ensure newline at the end of file".
Experimental features in Firefox
nightly 78 yes developer edition 78 yes beta 78 yes release 78 no preference name network.preload css display stray control characters in css as hex boxes this feature renders control characters (unicode category cc) other than tab (u+0009), line feed (u+000a), form feed (u+000c), and carriage return (u+000d) as a hexbox when they are not expected.
... nightly 43 yes developer edition 43 no beta 43 no release 43 no preference name layout.css.control-characters.enabled or layout.css.control-characters.visible property: initial-letter the initial-letter css property is part of the css inline layout specification and allows you to specify how dropped, raised, and sunken initial letters are displayed.
Multiple Firefox profiles
if you have the path to your desired profile handy, enter a space character, followed by -profile followed by another space character, followed by the full path to the profile folder you wish to launch into.
... otherwise, enter a space character followed by --profilemanager.
How to get a stacktrace with WinDbg
copying and pasting each line is the easiest method to avoid mistakes some commands start with a period (.) or a pipe character (|), which is required.
... (the keystroke for a pipe character on us keyboards is shift+\) submit the log file on a bug or via the support site, even if nothing seems to happen during the debug process start debugging now that firefox is opened in the debugger, you need to configure your windbg to download symbols from the mozilla symbol server.
JavaScript-DOM Prototypes in Mozilla
a few examples of class constructor names would be htmlimageelement, htmldocument, element, nodelist, and two examples of class prototype names would be node and characterdata.
... this registration is done with the nsscriptnamespacemanager, which is in charge of keeping track of what names are registered in the global namespace, and what kinds of names those names are (i.e.
can only contain alphanumeric characters, dashes (-) and underscores (_).
...and_dom[cui-areatype="menu-panel"],'; css += ' toolbarpaletteitem[place="palette"] > #id_of_my_widget_within_customizableui_and_dom {'; css += ' list-style-image: url("chrome://branding/content/icon32.png");'; //a 32px x 32px icon for when in toolbar css += ' }'; css += '}'; var cssenc = encodeuricomponent(css); var newuriparam = { aurl: 'data:text/css,' + cssenc, aorigincharset: null, abaseuri: null } var cssuri =, newuriparam.aorigincharset, newuriparam.abaseuri); //store this in a global var so you can call it when removing the widget sss.loadandregistersheet(cssuri, sss.author_sheet); /**************/ // when you want to remove this widget run this code: // sss.unregistersheet(cssuri, sss.author_sheet); //remove the style s...
What every Mozilla translator should know
to keep the track of what's going on, it's also a good idea to read the planet mozilla l10n when you have a problem use the above mailing lists the person in charge of the mozilla l10n is axel hecht (l10n at, pike on irc another interesting way of getting help is the irc channel #l10n at useful tools the l10n dashboard pontoon narro translate toolkit koala 0.1 mozillatranslator mercurial the hg is organized into several repositories, sometimes called branches.
... when you create a bug, if you want the person in charge of the l10n to follow up your bug you should cc: if you choose to make changes to your localization, you should make the changes local to your disk, push them to your hg repository on merucial, test the changes on a nightly/tinderbox build, fix any errors if some are found and test again, and send the new changeset id as your "opt-in" revisions to the l10-drivers.
I/O Functions
nspr uses unix-style pathnames, which are null-terminated character strings.
... only the ascii character set is supported.
compares two character strings.
... syntax #include <plhash.h> printn pl_comparestrings( const void *v1, const void *v2); description pl_comparestrings compares v1 and v2 as character strings using strcmp.
syntax #include <prlink.h> char* pr_getlibraryname ( const char *dir, const char *lib); parameters the function has these parameters: dir a null-terminated string representing the path name of the library, as returned by pr_getlibrarypath.
... returns if successful, returns a new character string containing a constructed path name.
converts a character string to a network address.
... syntax #include <prnetdb.h> prstatus pr_netaddrtostring( const prnetaddr *addr, char *string, pruint32 size); parameters the function has the following parameters: addr a pointer to the network address to be converted.
syntax #include <prerror.h> void pr_seterrortext(printn textlength, const char *text) parameters the function has these parameters: textlength the length of the text in the text.
...otherwise the text is assumed to be the length specified and to possibly include null characters (as might occur in a multilingual string).
NSS Certificate Download Specification
the begin and end lines must begin and end with 5 dashes, with no extra leading or trailing white space (excluding the end of line characters).
...therefore it is important to ensure that no extra characters, such as nulls or linefeeds are added at the end of the object.
NSS Sample Code sample2
*/ #include "nss.h" #include "pk11pub.h" /* example key & iv */ unsigned char gkey[] = {0xe8, 0xa7, 0x7c, 0xe2, 0x05, 0x63, 0x6a, 0x31}; unsigned char giv[] = {0xe4, 0xbb, 0x3b, 0xd3, 0xc3, 0x71, 0x2e, 0x58}; int main(int argc, char **argv) { ck_mechanism_type ciphermech; pk11slotinfo* slot = null; pk11symkey* symkey = null; secitem* secparam = null; pk11context* enccontext = null; secitem keyitem, ivitem; secstatus ...
... rv, rv1, rv2; unsigned char data[1024], buf1[1024], buf2[1024]; int i, result_len, tmp1_outlen, tmp2_outlen; /* initialize nss * if your application code has already initialized nss, you can skip it * here.
NSS Sample Code sample5
lzpziekw1biysw3pag1tpittmmdl1v6t//x1xpcga7nrsldhz4widaqabakeajh8+4qncwcmgivnm6ytbpqt+k/jeoexg2bqhjojvnxn3fazgcefxvpuibcjvfaijs9ybcmozzrato0+k2hwnoqihaoc4nvbo8fqhzs4yxm1m86kml47fa9ui//oufbhladw1aiea2dbmixnsbokb+ohver69p0gnewlvcjc9bjdvfdlvslcciqcptv3vgyjv2vdwxqzqahc+yb4gigaqoqbcbmjd3lyflqiga+vtydunoqwtzwve4grf7izk2v5ccnhg3gr5rgwxn58cigccaforruksm66isg0iti04g9v/w+wmx91wjeeb+qbz" int main(int argc, char **argv) { secstatus rv; certcertificate *cert = null; seckeypublickey *pubkey = null; certsubjectpublickeyinfo *spki = null; seckeyprivatekey *pvtkey = null; int modulus_len, i, outlen; char *buf1 = null; char *buf2 = null; char *pubkstr = base64_encoded_subjectpublickeyinfo; char *pvtkstr = base6... cleanup; } spki = seckey_decodedersubjectpublickeyinfo(&der); secitem_freeitem(&der, pr_false); pubkey = seckey_extractpublickey(spki); if (pubkey == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't extract public key (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } modulus_len = seckey_publickeystrength(pubkey); fprintf(stderr, "public key modulus %d bytes\n", modulus_len); buf1 = (char *)malloc(modulus_len); buf2 = (char *)malloc(modulus_len); /* initialize buf1 */ for (i=0;i<modulus_len;i++) { buf1[i]= (i %26) + 'a'; } buf1[modulus_len-1] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "buffer being encrypted = \n%s\n", buf1); /* encrypt buf1, result will be in buf2 */ rv = pk11_pubencryptraw(pubkey, buf2, buf1, modulus_len, null); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stder...
NSS Sample Code sample6
* in a real app, this function should obtain the password using secure means * such as prompting an operator, or retrieving it over a secure communication * channel */ char *passwdcb(pk11slotinfo *info, prbool retry, void *arg); int main(int argc, char **argv) { secstatus rv; /* initialize nss */ pk11_setpasswordfunc(passwdcb); /* the nss db must be initialized read-write since we'll be creating * keys in it.
...rr, "pk11_findfixedkey failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return; } fprintf(stderr, "found key!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "key length of generated key is %d\n", pk11_getkeylength(key)); fprintf(stderr, "mechanism of key is %d (asked for %d)\n", pk11_getmechanism(key), ciphermech); pk11_freesymkey(key); pk11_freeslot(slot); } char *passwdcb(pk11slotinfo *info, prbool retry, void *arg) { if (!retry) return pl_strdup("test"); else return null; } ...
NSS Tools sslstrength
the argument to the ciphers command is a string of characters, where each single character represents a cipher.
... you can obtain this list of character->cipher mappings by doing 'sslstrength ciphers'.
manufacturerid: the pkcs #11 library manufacturer, "mozilla foundation", padded with spaces to 32 characters and not null-terminated.
... librarydescription: description of the library, "nss internal crypto services", padded with spaces to 32 characters and not null-terminated.
syntax secstatus nss_initialize(const char *configdir, const char *certprefix, const char *keyprefix, const char *secmodname, pruint32 flags); parameters nss_initialize has five parameters: configdir [in] the directory where the certificate, key, and module databases live.
...examples #include <nss.h> secstatus rv; const char *configdir; configdir = ...; /* application-specific */ rv = nss_initialize(configdir, "", "", secmod_db, nss_init_norootinit | nss_init_optimizespace); see also nss_init, nss_initreadwrite, nss_nodb_init, nss_shutdown ...
NSS tools : ssltab
instead of outputting raw data, the command interprets each record as a numbered line of hex values, followed by the same data as ascii characters.
...nonprinting characters are replaced by dots.
NSS tools : ssltap
instead of outputting raw data, the command interprets each record as a numbered line of hex values, followed by the same data as ascii characters.
...nonprinting characters are replaced by dots.
TLS Cipher Suite Discovery
the sslciphersuiteinfo structure contains this information, declared in "sslt.h": typedef struct sslciphersuiteinfostr { pruint16 length; pruint16 ciphersuite; /* cipher suite name */ const char * ciphersuitename; /* server authentication info */ const char * authalgorithmname; sslauthtype authalgorithm; /* key exchange algorithm info */ const char * keatypename; sslkeatype keatype; /* symmetric encryption info */ const char * symciphername; sslcipheralgorithm symcipher; pruint16 ...
... symkeybits; pruint16 symkeyspace; pruint16 effectivekeybits; /* mac info */ const char * macalgorithmname; sslmacalgorithm macalgorithm; pruint16 macbits; pruintn isfips : 1; pruintn isexportable : 1; pruintn nonstandard : 1; pruintn reservedbits :29; } sslciphersuiteinfo; (unfinished, to be completed here) ...
NSS Tools sslstrength
the argument to the ciphers command is a string of characters, where each single character represents a cipher.
... you can obtain this list of character->cipher mappings by doing 'sslstrength ciphers'.
NSS Tools ssltap
instead of outputting raw data, the command interprets each record as a numbered line of hex values, followed by the same data as ascii characters.
...nonprinting characters are replaced by dots.
NSS tools : ssltap
instead of outputting raw data, the command interprets each record as a numbered line of hex values, followed by the same data as ascii characters.
...nonprinting characters are replaced by dots.
Rhino overview
string.prototype.split for version 1.2 only, split performs the perl4 special case when given a single space character as an argument (skips leading whitespace, and splits on whitespace).
... all other versions split on the space character proper as specified by ecma.
GC Rooting Guide
the usual way is to define a void trace(jstracer* trc, const char* name) method on the class -- which is already enough be able to create a js::rooted<yourstruct> on the stack -- and then arrange for it to be called during tracing.
... static void trace(jstracer* trc, jsobject* obj) { myclass* mine = static_cast<myclass*>(obj->getprivate()); mine->trace(trc, "myclass private field"); } } class myclass { heap<jsstring*> str; public: void trace(jstracer* trc, const char* name) { js::traceedge(trc, &str, "my string"); } } if a pointer to your structure is stored in some other structure, then its trace() method should invoke yours: struct myowningstruct { myclass* mything; void trace(jstracer* trc, const char* name) { if (mything) mything->trace(trc, "my thing"); } } if the toplevel structure is not stored in a jsob...
syntax bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject thisobj, js::handlefunction fun, const js::handlevaluearray &args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject thisobj, const char *name, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject thisobj, js::handlevalue fun, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handlevalue thisv, js::handlevalue fun, const js::handlevaluearray& args, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); bool js::call(jscontext *cx, js::handlevalue thisv, js::handleobject funobj, const js::han...
... name const char * pointer to the function name to call.
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 38 returns the length of the char buffer required to encode given string as utf8.
... description js::getdeflatedutf8stringlength returns the length of the char buffer required to encode s as utf8.
syntax jsfunction* js::getselfhostedfunction(jscontext* cx, const char* selfhostedname, js::handle<jsid> id, unsigned nargs); name type description cx jscontext* the context from which to get the function.
... selfhostedname const char* function name in the self-hosted javascript.
syntax bool js::propertyspecnametopermanentid(jscontext *cx, const char *name, jsid *idp); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... name const char * jspropertyspec::name or jsfunctionspec::name.
syntax struct jsclass { const char *name; uint32_t flags; /* optional since spidermonkey 37 */ jspropertyop addproperty; jsdeletepropertyop delproperty; jspropertyop getproperty; jsstrictpropertyop setproperty; jsenumerateop enumerate; jsresolveop resolve; jsconvertop convert; /* obsolete since spidermonkey 44 */ /* optional since spidermonkey 25 */ jsfinalizeop finalize; /* optional */ jsclassinternal reserved0; /* obsolete since spidermonkey 13 */...
... jsnative construct; jsxdrobjectop xdrobject; /* obsolete since spidermonkey 13 */ jstraceop trace; /* added in spidermonkey 17 */ jsclassinternal reserved1; /* obsolete since spidermonkey 13 */ void *reserved[n]; /* sizeof 'reserved' depends on version */ }; name type description name const char * class name flags uint32_t class flags.
syntax template<typename t> struct jsconstscalarspec { const char *name; t val; /* uint8_t flags; // obsolete from jsapi 35 uint8_t spare[3]; // obsolete from jsapi 35 */ }; typedef jsconstscalarspec<double> jsconstdoublespec; typedef jsconstscalarspec<int32_t> jsconstintegerspec; // added in spidermonkey 38 name type description val double or int32_t value for the double or integer.
... name const char * name to assign the double.
syntax struct jsstringfinalizer { void (*finalize)(const jsstringfinalizer *fin, char16_t *chars); }; name type description fin jsstringfinalizer the finalizer itself.
... chars char16_t * buffer of the external string to be finalized.
the callback may use js_getstringchars(str) to get a pointer to the character buffer, which is the pointer which the application passed to js_newexternalstring() when creating the string.
... description add a finalizer for external strings created by js_newexternalstring using a type-code returned from this function, and that understands how to free or release the memory pointed at by js_getstringchars(str).
syntax jsbool js_addvalueroot(jscontext *cx, jsval *vp); jsbool js_addstringroot(jscontext *cx, jsstring **spp); jsbool js_addobjectroot(jscontext *cx, jsobject **opp); jsbool js_addgcthingroot(jscontext *cx, void **rp); jsbool js_addnamedvalueroot(jscontext *cx, jsval *vp, const char *name); jsbool js_addnamedstringroot(jscontext *cx, jsstring **spp, const char *name); jsbool js_addnamedobjectroot(jscontext *cx, jsobject **opp, const char *name); jsbool js_addnamedgcthingroot(jscontext *cx, void **rp, const char *name); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to add the new root.
...ring ** (in js_addstringroot and js_addnamedstringroot) the address of the jsstring* variable to root opp jsobject ** (in js_addobjectroot and js_addnamedobjectroot) the address of the jsobject* variable to root rp void ** (in js_addgcthingroot and js_addnamedgcthingroot) the address of the jsstring* or jsobject* (not jsval) variable to root name const char * (in js_addnamedroot and js_addnamedrootrt) the name of the new root, or null.
syntax jsbool js_aliaselement(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, jsint alias); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the alias.
... name const char * name of the element for which to create an alias.
there is no attempt to use the more complex, semantically oriented definitions of character or string equality and collating order defined in the unicode specification.
...see also mxr id search for js_comparestrings js_convertvalue js_getstringchars js_getstringlength js_valuetostring ...
syntax jsobject * js_compilefilehandleforprincipals(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *filename, file *fh, jsprincipals *principals); name type description cx jscontext * the context.
... obj jsobject * filename const char fh file * principals jsprincipals * description please provide a description.
syntax jsobject * js_compilefilehandleforprincipalsversion(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *filename, file *fh, jsprincipals *principals, jsversion version); name type description cx jscontext * the context.
... obj jsobject * filename const char fh file * principals jsprincipals * version jsversion description please provide a description.
syntax jsfunction * js_compileucfunctionforprincipalsversion(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsprincipals *principals, const char *name, unsigned int nargs, const char **argnames, const jschar *chars, size_t length, const char *filename, unsigned int lineno, jsversion version); name type description cx jscontext * the context.
... obj jsobject * principals jsprincipals * name const char * nargs unsigned int argnames const char ** chars const jschar * length size_t filename const char * lineno unsigned int version jsversion description please provide a description.
syntax jsobject * js_compileutf8file(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *filename); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to compile the script.
... filename const char * name of file containing the script to compile.
syntax jsobject * js_compileutf8filehandle(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *filename, file *file); jsobject * js_compileutf8filehandleforprincipals( jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *filename, file *file, jsprincipals *principals); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to compile the script.
... filename const char * filename to associate with the compiled script.
syntax bool js_convertargumentsva(jscontext *cx, const js::callargs &args, const char *format, va_list ap); bool js_convertargumentsva(jscontext *cx, unsigned argc, jsval *argv, const char *format, va_list ap); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
...obsolete since jsapi 30 format const char * character array containing the recognized format to which to convert.
syntax jsstring * js_decompilescriptobject(jscontext *cx, jsobject *scriptobj, const char *name, unsigned int indent); name type description cx jscontext * the context.
... scriptobj jsobject * name const char * indent unsigned int description fixme: please provide a description.
syntax jsfunction * js_definefunction(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, const char *name, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned attrs); jsfunction * js_defineucfunction(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, const char16_t *name, size_t namelen, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned attrs); jsfunction * js_definefunctionbyid(jscontext *cx, js::handle<jsobject*> obj, js::handle<jsid> id, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned attrs); // added in spidermonkey 17 name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to define the funct...
... name const char * or const char16_t * name to assign to the function.
syntax jsobject * js_defineobject(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, const jsclass *clasp = nullptr, unsigned attrs = 0); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to create the new object.
... name const char * name of the property being defined in obj to hold the new object.
name type description name const char * the javascript name for the function.
... selfhostedname const char * the function's name in self-hosted javascript code.
this makes getting the characters of the string infallible.
...example: // in a fallible situation jsflatstring *fstr = js_flattenstring(cx, str); if (!fstr) return false; js_assert(fstr == js_assert_string_is_flat(str)); // in an infallible situation, for the same 'str' const jschar *chars = js_getflatstringchars(fstr) js_assert(chars); see also mxr id search for js_flattenstring js_assert_string_is_flat js_forget_string_flatness bug 609440 ...
syntax bool js_getownpropertydescriptor(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::mutablehandle<jspropertydescriptor> desc); bool js_getownpropertydescriptorbyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::mutablehandle<jspropertydescriptor> desc); bool js_getownucpropertydescriptor(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char16_t *name, js::mutablehandle desc); // added in spidermonkey 45 name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... id const char * or js::handleid or const char16_t the name of the property to look up.
syntax bool js_getpropertydefault(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, const char *name, jsval def, js::mutablehandle<js::value> vp); bool js_getpropertybyiddefault(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj, jsid id, jsval def, js::mutablehandle<js::value> vp); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... name or id const char * or js::handleid name of the property to look up.
syntax bool js_getpropertydescriptor(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, const char *name, js::mutablehandle<jspropertydescriptor> desc); // added in spidermonkey 31 bool js_getpropertydescriptorbyid(jscontext *cx, js::handleobject obj, js::handleid id, js::mutablehandle<jspropertydescriptor> desc); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... id const char * or js::handleid the name of the property to look up.
this is the same as the length of the array returned by js_getstringchars, in char16_ts (not bytes).
... because some unicode characters are represented using two 16-bit code units, the result is not necessarily the same as the number of unicode characters in the string.
syntax bool js_hasownproperty(jscontext* cx, handleobject obj, const char* name, bool* foundp) bool js_hasownpropertybyid(jscontext* cx, handleobject obj, handleid id, bool* foundp) name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... name or id const char * or js::handleid name of the property to look up.
syntax // added in spidermonkey 45 jsfunction * js_newfunction(jscontext *cx, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned flags, const char *name); // obsolete since jsapi 44 jsfunction * js_newfunctionbyid(jscontext *cx, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned flags, js::handle<jsid> id); // obsolete since jsapi 39 jsfunction * js_newfunction(jscontext *cx, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned flags, js::handle<jsobject*> parent, const char *name); jsfunction * js_newfunctionbyid(jscontext *cx, jsnative call, unsigned nargs, unsigned flags, js::handle<jsobject*> parent, js::handle<jsid> id); // added in spidermonkey 17 name ty...
...obsolete since jsapi 39 name const char * name to assign to the new function.
syntax void js_reporterror(jscontext *cx, const char *format, ...); bool js_reportwarning(jscontext *cx, const char *format, ...); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
... format const char * format string to convert into an error message using js_vsmprintf.
callback function typedef void (* jscompartmentnamecallback)(jsruntime *rt, jscompartment *compartment, char *buf, size_t bufsize); name type description cx jsruntime * the runtime of the compartments.
... buf char * the buffer to store the name of the compartment.
syntax bool js_stringequalsascii(jscontext *cx, jsstring *str, const char *asciibytes, bool *match); bool js_flatstringequalsascii(jsflatstring *str, const char *asciibytes); name type description cx jscontext * a context.
... asciibytes const char * ascii string to compare with.
syntax const char * js_versiontostring(jsversion version); name type description version jsversion version value to convert.
... description js_versiontostring attempts to convert the version to a const char * string representation.
syntax void * js_malloc(jscontext *cx, size_t nbytes); void * js_realloc(jscontext *cx, void *p, size_t oldbytes, size_t newbytes); char * js_strdup(jscontext *cx, const char *s); void js_free(jscontext *cx, void *p); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context.
... s const char * (js_strdup only) pointer to a null-terminated string.
Shell global objects
disablespsprofiling() disables sps instrumentation islatin1(s) return true iff the string's characters are stored as latin1.
... detacharraybuffer(buffer) detach the given arraybuffer object from its memory, i.e.
Using the Places annotation service
you should not use any characters in your annotation names that are not valid as part of an html path.
... this includes colons, spaces, most punctuation, and non-ascii characters.
XPCOM array guide
this handy chart may make it easier to understand the different arrays: class data type scriptable?
... example: an array of error message static const char* pointers.
XPCOM guide
hashtables may seem like arrays, but there are important differences:xpcom stream guidein mozilla code, a stream is an object which represents access to a sequence of characters.
... it is not that sequence of characters, though: the characters may not all be available when you read from the stream.
XPCshell Test Manifest Expressions
strings: any series of characters enclosed in double quotes " or single quotes '.
... comments if an expression contains a # (pound/hash) character outside of a string, the character and the rest of the line will be treated as a comment.
example code // create a local file that references c:\foo.txt nsresult rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> file; rv = ns_newlocalfile(nsembedstring(l"c:\\foo.txt"), pr_false, getter_addrefs(file)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; note: gcc requires the -fshort-wchar option to compile this example since prunichar is an unsigned short.
...nsembedstring is used to convert the ucs-2 character array to an object that can be passed as a const nsastring& parameter.
this string should be encoded using ascii or the multibyte character coding corresponding to the native filesystem.
...if you use this function on windows 2000 or later, you would not be able to handle file names containing characters outside the default code page even though the os has no problem dealing with them.
void append( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... void append( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] a character to append to this string.
void assign( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
... void assign( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] the character to copy into this string.
const char_type* beginreading() const; remarks the resulting character array is not necessarily null-terminated.
... example code // count the number of times a particular character appears in the string pruint32 countchar(const nsacstring& str, char c) { const char* start = str.beginreading(); const char* end = str.endreading(); pruint32 count = 0; while (start != end) { if (*start++ == c) ++count; } return count; } see also length, endreading ...
« xpcom api reference summary the endreading function returns a const char_type pointer to the element just beyond the last element of the string's internal buffer.
... const char_type* endreading() const; remarks it is generally illegal to dereference the returned pointer, unless it is known that the string's internal buffer is null-terminated.
self_type& operator=( const char_type* adata ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... self_type& operator=( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] a character to append to this string.
self_type& operator+=( const char_type* adata ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... self_type& operator+=( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] a character to append to this string.
void append( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... void append( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] a character to append to this string.
void assign( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
... void assign( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] the character to copy into this string.
const char_type* beginreading() const; remarks the resulting character array is not necessarily null-terminated.
... example code // count the number of times a particular character appears in the string pruint32 countchar(const nsastring& str, prunichar c) { const prunichar* start = str.beginreading(); const prunichar* end = str.endreading(); pruint32 count = 0; while (start != end) { if (*start++ == c) ++count; } return count; } see also length ...
« xpcom api reference summary the endreading function returns a const char_type pointer to the element just beyond the last element of the string's internal buffer.
... const char_type* endreading() const; remarks it is generally illegal to dereference the returned pointer, unless it is known that the string's internal buffer is null-terminated.
self_type& operator=( const char_type* adata ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... self_type& operator=( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] a character to append to this string.
self_type& operator+=( const char_type* adata ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... self_type& operator+=( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] a character to append to this string.
self_type& operator=( const char_type* adata ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... self_type& operator=( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] a character to append to this string.
self_type& operator=( const char_type* adata ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to append to this string.
... self_type& operator=( char_type achar ); parameters achar [in] a character to append to this string.
the substrings used with this interface are specified as follows: if startoffset is less than endoffset, the substring starts with the character at startoffset and ends with the character just before endoffset.
...the whole text can be defined by passing the indices zero and iaccessibletext.ncharacters().
as a service: var imgicontainer = components.classes[""] .createinstance(components.interfaces.imgicontainer); method overview void addrestoredata([array, size_is(acount), const] in char data, in unsigned long acount); native code only!
...void addrestoredata( [array, size_is(acount), const] in char data, in unsigned long acount ); parameters data missing description acount missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description native code only!appendframe obsolete since gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1)this feature is obsolete.
void selecttextrange( in long startindex, in long endindex ); parameters startindex the index to the first character in the text field to select.
... endindex the index to the last character in the text field to select.
32-bit length field, followed by length 8-bit chars.
...32-bit length field, followed by length prunichars.
the strings do not have to conform to any particular charset, but they must be null terminated.
...the strings do not have to conform to any particular charset, but they must be null terminated.
let charset = "iso-8859-1"; try { // this pref has been removed, see bug 910192 charset = services.prefs.getcomplexvalue("intl.charset.default", ci.nsipreflocalizedstring).data; } catch (e) { } let conv = cc[""] .createins...
...tance(ci.nsiscriptableunicodeconverter); conv.charset = charset; try { let str = conv.convertfrombytearray(adata, alength); if (str.substring(0, 5) == "%pdf-") return "application/pdf"; // we detected a pdf file } catch (e) { // try to get information from arequest } ...
editorapi.outputtostring('text/html', 8); // xml: all in xml with _moz_dirty="" in new tags, html tags are in upper case // application/xhtml+xml format do the same editorapi.outputtostring('text/xml', 2); // the body is not recognized, everything is printed void outputtostream(in nsioutputstream astream, in astring formattype, in acstring charsetoverride, in unsigned long flags); listener methods void addeditorobserver(in nsieditorobserver observer);obsolete since gecko 18 void seteditorobserver(in editactionlistener observer); void removeeditorobserver(in nsieditorobserver observer obsolete since gecko 18); void addeditactionlistener(in nsieditactionlistener listener); void removee...
... documentcharacterset acstring sets the current 'save' document character set.
nsilocale_ctype - character classification and case conversion.
...nsilocale_messages - related to fonts, character encodings and so on.
this value should not include space for the null terminator, nor should it account for the size of a character.
... it should only be the number of characters for which there is space in the string.
args an array of count arguments, using the native character set, to be passed to the executable on its command line.
... void runasync( [array, size_is(count)] in string args, in unsigned long count, in nsiobserver observer, optional in boolean holdweak optional ); parameters args an array of arguments to pass into the process, using the native character set.
type_char 10 corresponding to nsisupportschar.
...see also nsisupportscstring nsisupportschar nsisupportsdouble nsisupportsfloat nsisupportsid nsisupportsinterfacepointer nsisupportsprbool nsisupportsprint16 nsisupportsprint32 nsisupportsprint64 nsisupportsprtime nsisupportspruint16 nsisupportspruint32 nsisupportspruint64 nsisupportspruint8 nsisupportsstring nsisupportsvoid ...
load_flags_charset_change 1024 this flag specifies that a reload was triggered as a result of detecting an incorrect character encoding while parsing a previously loaded document.
...for http and ftp urls and possibly others, characters above u+007f will be converted to utf-8 and then url- escaped per the rules of rfc 2396.
syntax ns_ensure_true( expr, return-value ); usage nsresult mozmyclass::mozstringmucking() { char *foo = new char[123]; ns_ensure_true(foo, ns_error_out_of_memory); // this is equivalent to doing: if (!foo) return ns_error_out_of_memory; // thou shalt not return ns_error_failure..
... int i = 3; ns_ensure_true(i == 3, ns_error_failure); return ns_ok; } char* mozmyclass::dostuff() { char* bar = new char[321]; ns_ensure_true(bar, nsnull); return bar; } ...
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_cstringsetdata( nsacstring& astring, const char* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance to modify.
... adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
asrcencoding [in] the character encoding of the source string.
... example code nsembedcstring str("hello"); nsembedstring ustr; ns_cstringtoutf16(str, ns_cstring_encoding_ascii, ustr); const prunichar *unicharbuf = ustr.get(); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
note: gcc requires the -fshort-wchar option to compile this example since prunichar is an unsigned short.
... example code nsstringcontainer str; ns_stringcontainerinit(str); ns_stringsetdata(str, l"hello world"); // remove " world" portion of string ns_stringcutdata(str, 5, pr_uint32_max); const prunichar* data; ns_stringgetdata(str, &data); // data now ponts to the string: l"hello" ns_stringcontainerfinish(str); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" pruint32 ns_stringgetdata( const nsastring& astring, const prunichar** adata, prbool* aterminated ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to inspect.
... example code pruint32 countchar(const nsastring& str, prunichar c) { const prunichar* data; pruint32 len = ns_stringgetdata(str, &data); pruint32 count = 0; for (pruint32 i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (data[i] == c) ++count; } return count; } history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" nsresult ns_stringsetdata( nsastring& astring, const prunichar* adata, pruint32 adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance to modify.
... adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
XPIDL Syntax
literal = octal_literal / decimal_literal / hex_literal / floating_literal literal /= string_literal / char_literal literal /= "true" / "false" ; in regex: /"[^"\n]*["\n]/.
... string_literal = 1*(%x22 *(any char except %x22 or %x0a) (%x22 / %x0a)) ; same as above, but s/"/'/g char_literal = 1*(%x27 *(any char except %x27 or %x0a) (%x27 / %x0a)) type_spec = "float" / "double" / "string" / "wstring" type_spec /= ["unsigned"] ("short" / "long" / "long" "long") type_spec /= "char" / "wchar" / "boolean" / "octet" type_spec /= scoped_name prop_list = "[" *(property ",") property "]" property = ident [parens] raise_list = "raises" "(" *(scoped_name) ",") scoped_name ")" scoped_name = *(ident "::") ident / "::" ident ; in regex: [a-za-z_][a-za-z0-9_]*; identifiers beginning with _ cause warnings ident = (%x41-5a / %x61-7a / "_") *(%x41-5a / %x61-7a / %x30-39 / "_") parens = "(" 1*(any char except ")") ")" functionality not used ...
Autoconfiguration in Thunderbird
also, they must use charset utf-8 (esp.
... if there are any non-ascii-characters).
Filelink Providers
the format for the returned object is: { field_name: {type: field_type, value: field_value} } where field_type is "int", "bool", or "char".
... for example, the hightail implementation provides the following function: function extraargs() { var usernamevalue = document.getelementbyid("username").value; return { "username": {type: "char", value: usernamevalue}, }; } in this example, the username value is read from the input, and then the specially-crafted object is returned.
Mail event system
s document is being written, these are the current events: nsifolder nsifolderlistener notifyitemadded onitemadded notifyitemremoved onitemremoved notifyitempropertychanged onitempropertychanged notifyitemintpropertychanged onitemintpropertychanged notifyitemboolpropertychanged onitemboolpropertychanged notifyitemunicharpropertychanged onitemunicharpropertychanged notifyitempropertyflagchanged onitempropertyflagchanged notifyitemevent onitemevent notifyfolderloaded onfolderloaded notifydeleteormovemessages ondeleteormovemessages sample code in this example, a listener will be set up to be notified when the message count changes in a folder: // our varia...
... // set up the folder listener to point to the above function var folderlistener = { onitemadded: function(parent, item, viewstring) {}, onitemremoved: function(parent, item, viewstring) {}, onitempropertychanged: function(parent, item, viewstring) {}, onitemintpropertychanged: myonintpropertychanged, onitemboolpropertychanged: function(item, property, oldvalue, newvalue) {}, onitemunicharpropertychanged: function(item, property, oldvalue, newvalue) {}, onitempropertyflagchanged: function(item, property, oldflag, newflag) {}, onitemevent: function(item, event) = {}, onfolderloaded: function(afolder) = {} ondeleteormovemessagescompleted: function( afolder) = {}, } // now register myself as a listener on every mail folder var mailsession = components.classes["component://net...
libmime content type handlers
by richard h.
... "mimecth.h" // {20dabd99-f8b5-11d2-8ee0-00a024a7d144} #define ns_imime_content_type_handler_iid \ { 0x20dabd99, 0xf8b5, 0x11d2, \ { 0x8e, 0xe0, 0x0, 0xa0, 0x24, 0xa7, 0xd1, 0x44 } } class nsimimecontenttypehandler : public nsisupports { public: static const nsiid& getiid() { static nsiid iid = ns_imime_content_type_handler_iid; return iid; } ns_imethod getcontenttype(char **contenttype) = 0; ns_imethod createcontenttypehandlerclass(const char *content_type, contenttypehandlerinitstruct *initstruct, mimeobjectclass **objclass) = 0; }; #endif /* nsimimecontenttypehandler_h_ */ plugin installation/location the installation of these modules will be similar to the th...
Standard OS Libraries
components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); let x11 =""); let display_ptr = ctypes.voidptr_t; let xopendisplay = x11.declare("xopendisplay", ctypes.default_abi, display_ptr, ctypes.char.ptr ); let window =; let xrootwindow = x11.declare("xrootwindow", ctypes.default_abi, window, display_ptr, ); let xquerypointer = x11.declare("xquerypointer", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.bool, display_ptr, window, window.ptr, window.ptr,,,,, ctypes.unsigned_...
...ation] components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm"); let objc ="objc")); let id = ctypes.structtype("objc_object").ptr; let sel = ctypes.structtype("objc_selector").ptr; let objc_getclass = objc.declare("objc_getclass", ctypes.default_abi, id, ctypes.char.ptr); let sel_registername = objc.declare("sel_registername", ctypes.default_abi, sel, ctypes.char.ptr); let objc_msgsend = objc.declare("objc_msgsend", ctypes.default_abi, id, id, ...
Plug-in Development Overview - Plugins
version stamp of the embedded resource of the plug-in dll should contain the following set of string/value pairs: mimetype: for mime types fileextents: for file extensions fileopenname: for file open template productname: for plug-in name filedescription: for description language: for language in use in the mime types and file extensions strings, multiple values are separated by the "|" character, for example: video/quicktime|audio/aiff|image/jpeg the version stamp will be loaded only if it has been created with the language set to "us english" and the character set to "windows multilingual" in your development environment.
... the resource code for this language and character set combination is 040904e4.
Version, UI, and Status Information - Plugins
void npn_status(npp instance, const char *message); the instance parameter is the current plug-in instance, that is, the one that the status message belongs to.
... const char* npn_useragent(npp instance); the instance parameter represents the current plug-in instance.
Debugger.Script - Firefox Developer Tools
sourcestart if the instance refers to a jsscript, the character within the debugger.source instance given by source at which this script’s code starts; zero-based.
... sourcelength if the instance refers to a jsscript, the length, in characters, of this script’s code within the debugger.source instance given by source.
Performance Analysis - Firefox Developer Tools
it displays the results for each run side by side, or vertically if the browser window is narrow: the results for each run are summarised in a table and a pie chart.
...the accompanying pie chart shows the relative size of each resource type.
Network request list - Firefox Developer Tools
you can filter by plain text (in which case the text is used to find partial matches; entering "for" will match any message that contains the word "for") or—as of firefox 75—using regular expressions (by writing the regexp bracketed within slashes; "/.+corp.*/" will look for any occurrence of "corp" which has at least one character before it and may or may not have any characters after it, for example).
... --globoff suppresses curl's globbing (wildcard matching) feature if the copied url includes square bracket characters ([ or ]).
UI Tour - Firefox Developer Tools
the performance tool's ui consists of 4 main pieces: toolbar recordings pane recording overview details pane, which may contain any one of: waterfall call tree flame chart toolbar the toolbar contains buttons to: start and stop a recording import a recording you previously saved clear the recordings pane.
... flame chart if the call tree tells you, statistically, which functions your site is spending most time executing across the whole recording, the flame chart tells you the call stack at any given point during the recording: to learn much more about the flame chart, see the separate flame chart page.
Performance - Firefox Developer Tools
you get four sub-tools to examine aspects of the profile in more detail: the waterfall shows the different operations the browser was performing, such as executing layout, javascript, repaints, and garbage collection the call tree shows the javascript functions in which the browser spent most of its time the flame chart shows the javascript call stack over the course of the recording the allocations view shows the heap allocations made by your code over the course of the recording.
... flame chart see which javascript functions are executing, and when, over the course of the recording.
Responsive Design Mode - Firefox Developer Tools
in responsive design mode, you can instruct the browser to emulate, very approximately, the characteristics of various different types of networks.
... the characteristics emulated are: download speed upload speed minimum latency the table below lists the numbers associated with each network type, but please do not rely on this feature for exact performance measurements; it's intended to give an approximate idea of the user experience in different conditions.
Settings - Firefox Developer Tools
truncate dom attributes by default, the inspector truncates dom attributes that are more than 120 characters long.
... autoclose brackets determines whether typing an opening character like [ or { will cause the editor to insert the matching closing character ] or } for you.
Console messages - Firefox Developer Tools
you can negate a text search by prefixing it with the - character.
... you can negate a regular expression search by prefixing it with the - character.
BasicCardResponse - Web APIs
t 56notes disabled full support 56notes disabled notes available only in nightly builds.disabled from version 56: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the dom.payments.request.supportedregions preference (needs to be set to a comma-delineated list of one or more 2-character iso country codes indicating the countries in which to support payments (for example, us,ca.).
...t 56notes disabled full support 56notes disabled notes available only in nightly builds.disabled from version 56: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true) and the dom.payments.request.supportedregions preference (needs to be set to a comma-delineated list of one or more 2-character iso country codes indicating the countries in which to support payments (for example, us,ca.).
BatteryManager.onlevelchange - Web APIs
example html <div id="level">(battery level unknown)</div> <div id="statebaterry">(charging state unknown)</div> javascript navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { battery.onlevelchange = function(){ document.queryselector('#level').textcontent = battery.level; if(battery.charging) { document.queryselector('#statebaterry').textcontent = "charging time: " + (battery.chargingtime / 60); } else { document.queryselector('#statebaterry'...
...).textcontent = "discharging time: " + (battery.dischargingtime / 60); } }; }); specifications specification status comment battery status api candidate recommendation initial definition ...
Blob() - Web APIs
endings optional how to interpret newline characters (\n) within the contents, if the data is text.
... the default value, transparent, copies newline characters into the blob without changing them.
CSSRule - Web APIs
cssrule.supports_rule 12 csssupportsrule cssrule.document_rule 13 cssdocumentrule cssrule.font_feature_values_rule 14 cssfontfeaturevaluesrule cssrule.viewport_rule 15 cssviewportrule cssrule.region_style_rule 16 cssregionstylerule cssrule.unknown_rule 0 cssunknownrule cssrule.charset_rule 2 csscharsetrule (removed in most browsers.) an up-to-date informal list of constants can be found on the csswg wiki.
... working draft obsoleted values charset_rule and unknown_rule.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillText() - Web APIs
the canvasrenderingcontext2d method filltext(), part of the canvas 2d api, draws a text string at the specified coordinates, filling the string's characters with the current fillstyle.
... to draw the outlines of the characters in a string, call the context's stroketext() method.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.strokeText() - Web APIs
the canvasrenderingcontext2d method stroketext(), part of the canvas 2d api, strokes — that is, draws the outlines of — the characters of a text string at the specified coordinates.
... use the filltext() method to fill the text characters rather than having just their outlines drawn.
Basic animations - Web APIs
<canvas id="canvas" width="800" height="200"></canvas> mouse following animation <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>document</title> <script> var cn; //= document.getelementbyid('cw'); var c; var u = 10; const m = { x: innerwidth / 2, y: innerheig...
... position: fixed; z-index: -1; } body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="cw"></canvas> </body> </html> output snake game <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>nokia 1100:snake..member berries</title> </head> <body> <div class="keypress hide"> <div class="up" onclick="emit(38)">&#8593;</div> <div class="right" onclick="emit(39)">&#8594;</div> <div class="left" onclick="emit(...
Basic usage of canvas - Web APIs
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>canvas tutorial</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function draw() { var canvas = document.getelementbyid('tutorial'); if (canvas.getcontext) { var ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); } } </script> <style type="text/css"> canvas { border: 1px solid black; } </style> </head> <body onload="draw();"> ...
... <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <script type="application/javascript"> function draw() { var canvas = document.getelementbyid('canvas'); if (canvas.getcontext) { var ctx = canvas.getcontext('2d'); ctx.fillstyle = 'rgb(200, 0, 0)'; ctx.fillrect(10, 10, 50, 50); ctx.fillstyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 200, 0.5)'; ctx.fillrect(30, 30, 50, 50); } } </script> ...
Using images - Web APIs
data urls allow you to completely define an image as a base64 encoded string of characters directly in your code.
...for instance, if you want to make a chart you could have a png image containing all the necessary text in a single file and depending on your data could change the scale of your chart fairly easily.
ChildNode - Web APIs
it's implemented by element, documenttype, and characterdata objects.
...the characterdata and documenttype implemented the new interfaces.
console - Web APIs
ng a single object the simplest way to use the logging methods is to output a single object: var someobject = { str: "some text", id: 5 }; console.log(someobject); the output looks something like this: [09:27:13.475] ({str:"some text", id:5}) outputting multiple objects you can also output multiple objects by simply listing them when calling the logging method, like this: var car = "dodge charger"; var someobject = { str: "some text", id: 5 };"my first car was a", car, ".
... the object is:", someobject); this output will look like this: [09:28:22.711] my first car was a dodge charger .
DOMException - Web APIs
(legacy code value: 4 and legacy constant name: wrong_document_err) invalidcharactererror the string contains invalid characters.
... (legacy code value: 5 and legacy constant name: invalid_character_err) nomodificationallowederror the object cannot be modified.
Document.createAttribute() - Web APIs
exceptions invalid_character_err if the parameter contains invalid characters for xml attribute.
... living standard precised behavior with uppercase characters document object model (dom) level 3 core specificationthe definition of 'document.createattribute()' in that specification.
Document.createProcessingInstruction() - Web APIs
exceptions dom_invalid_character throws if either of the following are true: the processing instruction target is invalid — it should be a valid xml name that doesn't contain "xml", "xml", or any case combination of the two, other than standardized ones such as <?xml-stylesheet ?>.
... obsolete added note that the namespace of the target name is not checked whether it is well-formed, defined what is considered an illegal character for the target name and specified the returned processinginstruction object more precisely.
Document.execCommand() - Web APIs
the uri must contain at least a single character, which may be whitespace.
...(internet explorer and edge support only heading tags h1–h6, address, and pre, which must be wrapped in angle brackets, such as "<h1>".) forwarddelete deletes the character ahead of the cursor's position, identical to hitting the delete key on a windows keyboard.
Document: keydown event - Web APIs
unlike the keypress event, the keydown event is fired for all keys, regardless of whether they produce a character value.
... bubbles yes cancelable yes interface keyboardevent event handler property onkeydown the keydown and keyup events provide a code indicating which key is pressed, while keypress indicates which character was entered.
Element: compositionend event - Web APIs
for example, this event could be fired after a user finishes entering a chinese character using a pinyin ime.
... bubbles yes cancelable yes interface compositionevent event handler property none examples const inputelement = document.queryselector('input[type="text"]'); inputelement.addeventlistener('compositionend', (event) => { console.log(`generated characters were: ${}`); }); live example html <div class="control"> <label for="name">on macos, click in the textbox below,<br> then type <kbd>option</kbd> + <kbd>`</kbd>, then <kbd>a</kbd>:</label> <input type="text" id="example" name="example"> </div> <div class="event-log"> <label>event log:</label> <textarea readonly class="event-log-contents" rows="8" cols="25"></textarea> <button class="clear-log">clear</button> </div> css body { padding: .2rem; display: grid;...
Element: compositionstart event - Web APIs
for example, this event could be fired after a user starts entering a chinese character using a pinyin ime.
... bubbles yes cancelable yes interface compositionevent event handler property none examples const inputelement = document.queryselector('input[type="text"]'); inputelement.addeventlistener('compositionstart', (event) => { console.log(`generated characters were: ${}`); }); live example html <div class="control"> <label for="name">on macos, click in the textbox below,<br> then type <kbd>option</kbd> + <kbd>`</kbd>, then <kbd>a</kbd>:</label> <input type="text" id="example" name="example"> </div> <div class="event-log"> <label>event log:</label> <textarea readonly class="event-log-contents" rows="8" cols="25"></textarea> <button class="clear-log">clear</button> </div> css body { padding: .2rem; display: gri...
Element.innerHTML - Web APIs
note: if a <div>, <span>, or <noembed> node has a child text node that includes the characters (&), (<), or (>), innerhtml returns these characters as the html entities "&amp;", "&lt;" and "&gt;" respectively.
... for example, you can erase the entire contents of a document by clearing the contents of the document's body attribute: document.body.innerhtml = ""; this example fetches the document's current html markup and replaces the "<" characters with the html entity "&lt;", thereby essentially converting the html into raw text.
Element: keydown event - Web APIs
unlike the keypress event, the keydown event is fired for all keys, regardless of whether they produce a character value.
... bubbles yes cancelable yes interface keyboardevent event handler property onkeydown the keydown and keyup events provide a code indicating which key is pressed, while keypress indicates which character was entered.
Element - Web APIs
compositionupdate fired when a new character is received in the context of a text composition session controlled by a text composition system such as an input method editor.
... keypress fired when a key that produces a character value is pressed down.
FileSystemEntry - Web APIs
fullpath read only a usvstring object which provides the full, absolute path from the file system's root to the entry; it can also be thought of as a path which is relative to the root directory, prepended with a "/" character.
... name read only a usvstring containing the name of the entry (the final part of the path, after the last "/" character).
FileSystemEntrySync - Web APIs
exceptions this method can raise a fileexception with the following codes: exception description encoding_err the name supplied is invalid, because at least one of the characters is reserved or illegal.
... exceptions this method can raise a fileexception with the following codes: exception description encoding_err the name supplied is invalid, because at least one of the characters is reserved or illegal.
FontFaceSet.check() - Web APIs
"italic bold 16px roboto" text: limit the font faces to those whose unicode range contains at least one of the characters in text.
... examples document.fonts.check("12px courier"); // returns true if the font courier is available at 12px document.fonts.check("12px myfont", "ß"); // returns true if the font 'myfont' has a ß character.
Using the Frame Timing API - Web APIs
the performance tool's flame chart and call tree tabs provide data to help analyze the site's javascript usage.
... the call tree shows where the application is spending most of its time, whereas the flame chart shows the state of the javascript stack for the code at every millisecond during the performance profile.
GlobalEventHandlers.onchange - Web APIs
example this example logs the number of characters in an <input> element, every time you modify its contents and then change focus away from it.
... html <input type="text" placeholder="type something here, then click outside of the field." size="50"> <p id="log"></p> javascript let input = document.queryselector('input'); let log = document.getelementbyid('log'); input.onchange = handlechange; function handlechange(e) { log.textcontent = `the field's value is ${} character(s) long.`; } result specification specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'onchange' in that specification.
GlobalEventHandlers.oninput - Web APIs
example this example logs the number of characters in an <input> element, every time you modify its contents.
... html <input type="text" placeholder="type something here to see its length." size="50"> <p id="log"></p> javascript let input = document.queryselector('input'); let log = document.getelementbyid('log'); input.oninput = handleinput; function handleinput(e) { log.textcontent = `the field's value is ${} character(s) long.`; } result specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'oninput' in that specification.
HTMLImageElement.longDesc - Web APIs
for example, if the image is a png of a flowchart.
... the longdesc property could be used to provide an explanation of the flow of control represented by the chart, using only text.
HTMLImageElement.srcset - Web APIs
this is followed by a comma (,) character and then a condition descriptor that indicates the circumstances in which the indicated image should be used.
... space characters, other than the whitespace separating the url and the corresponding condition descriptor, are ignored; this includes both leading and trailing space, as well as space before or after each comma.
HTMLInputElement.setRangeText() - Web APIs
start optional the 0-based index of the first character to replace.
... end optional the 0-based index of the character after the last character to replace.
HTMLLinkElement - Web APIs
obsolete properties htmllinkelement.charset is a domstring representing the character encoding for the target resource.
... recommendation the following properties are now obsolete: charset, rev, and shape.
HTMLScriptElement - Web APIs
htmlscriptelement.charset is a domstring representing the character encoding of an external script.
... it reflects the charset attribute.
HTMLTableColElement - Web APIs is a domstring representing the alignment character for cell data.
... htmltablecolelement.choff is a domstring representing the offset for the alignment character.
InputEvent() - Web APIs
data: (optional) a string containing characters to insert.
... this may be an empty string if the change doesn't insert text (such as when deleting characters, for example). - Web APIs
the data read-only property of the inputevent interface returns a domstring with the inserted characters.
... this may be an empty string if the change doesn't insert text (such as when deleting characters, for example).
InputEvent - Web APIs
inputevent.dataread only returns a domstring with the inserted characters.
... this may be an empty string if the change doesn't insert text (such as when deleting characters, for example).
KeyboardEvent.initKeyboardEvent() - Web APIs
syntax kbdevent.initkeyboardevent(typearg, canbubblearg, cancelablearg, viewarg, chararg, keyarg, locationarg, modifierslistarg, repeat) parameters typearg the type of keyboard event; this will be one of keydown, keypress, or keyup.
... chararg the value of the char attribute.
KeyboardEvent.keyCode - Web APIs
web developers shouldn't use the keycode attribute for printable characters when handling keydown and keyup events.
... as described above, the keycode attribute is not useful for printable characters, especially those input with the shift or alt key pressed.
LockManager.request() - Web APIs
the request() method of the lockmanager interface requests a lock object with parameters specifying its name and characteristics.
... options optional an object describing characteristics of the lock you want to create.
MutationObserver.observe() - Web APIs
(for example, if mutationobserverinit.childlist, mutationobserverinit.attributes, and mutationobserverinit.characterdata are all false.) the value of options.attributes is false (indicating that attribute changes are not to be monitored), but attributeoldvalue is true and/or attributefilter is present.
... the characterdataoldvalue option is true but mutationobserverinit.characterdata is false (indicating that character changes are not to be monitored).
Navigator.getBattery() - Web APIs
example this example fetches the current charging state of the battery and establishes a handler for the chargingchange event, so that the charging state is recorded whenever it changes.
... let batteryischarging = false; navigator.getbattery().then(function(battery) { batteryischarging = battery.charging; battery.addeventlistener('chargingchange', function() { batteryischarging = battery.charging; }); }); for more examples and details, see battery status api.
NonDocumentTypeChildNode.previousElementSibling - Web APIs
ibling')) { return; } object.defineproperty(item, 'previouselementsibling', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: function () { let el = this; while (el = el.previoussibling) { if (el.nodetype === 1) { return el; } } return null; }, set: undefined }); }); })([element.prototype, characterdata.prototype]); specifications specification status comment domthe definition of 'nondocumenttypechildnode.previouselementsibling' in that specification.
... the element and characterdata interfaces implemented the new interface.
NonDocumentTypeChildNode - Web APIs
nondocumenttypechildnode is a raw interface and no object of this type can be created; it is implemented by element, and characterdata objects.
... the characterdata and element implemented the new interfaces.
PaymentAddress.toJSON() - Web APIs
requires the comma-delineated list in dom.payments.request.supportedregions to contain one or more of the supported 2-character iso locales, currently us and ca.disabled from version 62: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true).
...requires the comma-delineated list in dom.payments.request.supportedregions to contain one or more of the supported 2-character iso locales, currently us and ca.disabled from version 62: this feature is behind the dom.payments.request.enabled preference (needs to be set to true).
PaymentItem - Web APIs
this might be an item or service being purchased or a tax or other charge.
... label secure context a string specifying a human-readable name or description of the item or service being charged for.
RTCDTMFSender.insertDTMF() - Web APIs
a "," character inserts a two second delay.
... invalidcharactererror one or more of the characters in tones is not valid dtmf.
ReadableStream.getReader() - Web APIs
function fetchstream() { const reader = stream.getreader(); let charsreceived = 0; // read() returns a promise that resolves // when a value has been received processtext({ done, value }) { // result objects contain two properties: // done - true if the stream has already given you all its data.
... if (done) { console.log("stream complete"); para.textcontent = value; return; } // value for fetch streams is a uint8array charsreceived += value.length; const chunk = value; let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = 'received ' + charsreceived + ' characters so far.
ReadableStream.tee() - Web APIs
function teestream() { const teedoff = stream.tee(); fetchstream(teedoff[0], list2); fetchstream(teedoff[1], list3); } function fetchstream(stream, list) { const reader = stream.getreader(); let charsreceived = 0; // read() returns a promise that resolves // when a value has been received processtext({ done, value }) { // result objects contain two properties: // done - true if the stream has already given you all its data.
... if (done) { console.log("stream complete"); return; } // value for fetch streams is a uint8array charsreceived += value.length; const chunk = value; let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = 'read ' + charsreceived + ' characters so far.
ReadableStreamDefaultReader.ReadableStreamDefaultReader() - Web APIs
function fetchstream() { const reader = stream.getreader(); let charsreceived = 0; // read() returns a promise that resolves // when a value has been received processtext({ done, value }) { // result objects contain two properties: // done - true if the stream has already given you all its data.
... if (done) { console.log("stream complete"); para.textcontent = result; return; } // value for fetch streams is a uint8array charsreceived += value.length; const chunk = value; let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = 'received ' + charsreceived + ' characters so far.
ReadableStreamDefaultReader.cancel() - Web APIs
function fetchstream() { const reader = stream.getreader(); let charsreceived = 0; // read() returns a promise that resolves // when a value has been received processtext({ done, value }) { // result objects contain two properties: // done - true if the stream has already given you all its data.
... if (done) { console.log("stream complete"); reader.cancel(); para.textcontent = result; return; } // value for fetch streams is a uint8array charsreceived += value.length; const chunk = value; let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = 'received ' + charsreceived + ' characters so far.
SVGAltGlyphElement - Web APIs
this interface makes it possible to implement more sophisticated and particular glyph characters.
...musical symbols) or even alternate glyphs such as asian text strings it is required that a different set of glyphs be used than the normal given character data.
Selection.anchorOffset - Web APIs
the selection.anchoroffset read-only property returns the number of characters that the selection's anchor is offset within the selection.anchornode.
...if the selection begins with the first character in the selection.anchornode, 0 is returned.
Selection.focusOffset - Web APIs
the selection.focusoffset read-only property returns the number of characters that the selection's focus is offset within the selection.focusnode.
...if the selection ends with the first character in the selection.focusnode, 0 is returned.
Selection.modify() - Web APIs
you can move by "character", "word", "sentence", "line", "paragraph", "lineboundary", "sentenceboundary", "paragraphboundary", or "documentboundary".
...nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.</p> <label for="granularity">granularity:</label> <select id="granularity"> <option value="character">character</option> <option value="word">word</option> <option value="sentence">sentence</option> <option value="line">line</option> <option value="paragraph">paragraph</option> <option value="lineboundary">line boundary</option> <option value="sentenceboundary">sentence boundary</option> <option value="paragraphboundary">paragraph boundary</option> <option value="documentbou...
Selection - Web APIs
if anchornode is a text node, this is the number of characters within anchornode preceding the anchor.
...if focusnode is a text node, this is the number of characters within focusnode preceding the focus.
SpeechSynthesisEvent - Web APIs
speechsynthesisevent.charindex read only returns the index position of the character in the speechsynthesisutterance.text that was being spoken when the event was triggered.
... examples utterthis.onpause = function(event) { var char = event.utterance.text.charat(event.charindex); console.log('speech paused at character ' + event.charindex + ' of "' + event.utterance.text + '", which is "' + char + '".'); } utterthis.onboundary = function(event) { console.log( + ' boundary reached after ' + event.elapsedtime + ' milliseconds.'); } specifications specification status comment web speec...
StaticRange.StaticRange() - Web APIs
startoffset the offset into the starting node at which the first character of the range is found.
... endoffset the offset into the node indicated by endoffset at which the last character in the range is located.
StaticRange - Web APIs
staticrange.endoffset read only returns an integer value indicating the offset into the node given by endcontainer at which the last character of the range is found.
... staticrange.startoffset read only returns an integer value indicating the offset into the node specified by startcontainer at which the first character of the range is located.
SubtleCrypto.deriveKey() - Web APIs
it's worth noting that the three key derivation algorithms you can use have quite different characteristics and are appropriate in quite different situations.
... supported algorithms the three algorithms supported by derivekey() have quite different characteristics and are appropriate in different situations.
SubtleCrypto.exportKey() - Web APIs
/* convert an arraybuffer into a string from */ function ab2str(buf) { return string.fromcharcode.apply(null, new uint8array(buf)); } /* export the given key and write it into the "exported-key" space.
... /* convert an arraybuffer into a string from */ function ab2str(buf) { return string.fromcharcode.apply(null, new uint8array(buf)); } /* export the given key and write it into the "exported-key" space.
SubtleCrypto.importKey() - Web APIs
/* convert a string into an arraybuffer from */ function str2ab(str) { const buf = new arraybuffer(str.length); const bufview = new uint8array(buf); for (let i = 0, strlen = str.length; i < strlen; i++) { bufview[i] = str.charcodeat(i); } return buf; } const pemencodedkey = `-----begin private key----- miievqibadanbgkqhkig9w0baqefaascbkcwggsjageaaoibaqdd0tpv/du2vftjvxj1t/gxtk39snbvroaeb/jkzxae+xa0h+3lhzaqiqnmfacibsgifzuvegb+7tqxwqpolofr/r7mvgwcsk98jyrvtved8zmzyyitsy7m2hcasqafikyoouv5vzyre87/leyzzbpf3bqq4idaqu+k9hj5fkuu6rroeohsdnjc+vddqlschxvmolz9vtt+ok9j4/tolwr4cg8khdlburcby6gpclo3dpu09sw+6ctx2cx4mkxx6o/0mmdtmacr/...
... // from function str2ab(str) { const buf = new arraybuffer(str.length); const bufview = new uint8array(buf); for (let i = 0, strlen = str.length; i < strlen; i++) { bufview[i] = str.charcodeat(i); } return buf; } const pemencodedkey = `-----begin public key----- miibijanbgkqhkig9w0baqefaaocaq8amiibcgkcaqeay3xo3u13dc+xojwqywojlcboq5fovy8llnqcjm1w1bftxihoajwohihuirmctv7dzx47tllmarskvtrjd0df92jx/xy20lz+dxp8yl5yuwafga3xko3lsjgeoex10nb8jfkmgsb7qiudtvvbbudfd5fwibmctacwwx7nyewwdb7a9cfxj7ejrdrdak3ux/tomlhfxvlqsl341tkcf4zqoz96rfpugpplofvn0x66cm1pqckdhzje6u5xge964zkkyuppsy6dci...
Text.isElementContentWhitespace - Web APIs
syntax b = textnode.iselementcontentwhitespace; example in the example below, we create a node with mixed display and whitespace characters and the attribute is false.
... var tn = document.createtextnode("hello world"); tn.iselementcontentwhitespace; /* evaluates to false */ for a node that is all whitespace characters, the iselementcontentwhitespace evaluates to true.
TextDecoder - Web APIs
examples representing text with typed arrays this example shows how to decode a chinese/japanese character , as represented by five different typed arrays: uint8array, int8array, uint16array, int16array, and int32array.
...3292304]); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(u8arr)); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(i8arr)); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(u16arr)); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(i16arr)); console.log(utf8decoder.decode(i32arr)); handling non-utf8 text in this example, we decode the russian text "Привет, мир!", which means "hello, world." in our textdecoder() constructor, we specify the windows-1251 character encoding, which is appropriate for cyrillic script.
TextEncoder - Web APIs
if (typeof textencoder === "undefined") { textencoder=function textencoder(){}; textencoder.prototype.encode = function encode(str) { "use strict"; var len = str.length, respos = -1; // the uint8array's length must be at least 3x the length of the string because an invalid utf-16 // takes up the equivelent space of 3 utf-8 characters to encode it properly. array(len * 1.5) : new uint8array(len * 3); for (var point=0, nextcode=0, i = 0; i !== len; ) { point = str.charcodeat(i), i += 1; if (point >= 0xd800 && point <= 0xdbff) { if (i === len) { resarr[respos += 1] = 0xef/*0b11101111*/; resarr[respos += 1] = 0xbf/*0b10111111*/; resarr[respos += 1] = 0xbd/*0b10111101*/; break; } // nextcode = str.charcodeat(i); if (nextcode >= 0xdc00 && nextcode <= 0xdfff) ...
UIEvent - Web APIs
uievent.ischar read only returns a boolean indicating whether the event produced a key character or not.
... uievent.which read only returns the numeric keycode of the key pressed, or the character code (charcode) for an alphanumeric key pressed.
Rendering and the WebXR frame animation callback - Web APIs
for example, a virtual reality or augmented reality game might have enemy non-player characters being controlled by the computer and moving around the scene.
...arms and legs swing as a creature walks, heads bob and turn, hair bounces and sways, torsos expand and contract as the character breathes.
Controlling multiple parameters with ConstantSourceNode - Web APIs
function toggleplay(event) { if (playing) { playbutton.innerhtml = "▶️"; stoposcillators(); } else { playbutton.innerhtml = "⏸"; startoscillators(); } } if the playing variable indicates we're already playing the oscillators, we change the playbutton's content to be the unicode character "right-pointing triangle" (▶️) and call stoposcillators() to shut down the oscillators.
... if playing is false, indicating that we're currently paused, we change the play button's content to be the unicode character "pause symbol" (⏸) and call startoscillators() to start the oscillators playing their tones.
Example and tutorial: Simple synth keyboard - Web APIs
create a <div> to contain that octave's notes (so we can have a small bit of space drawn between octaves), and set its class name to "octave" for each key in the octave, we check to see if the note's name has more than one character.
...if the note's name is only one character, then we call createkey(), specifying the note string, octave, and frequency.
Using IIR filters - Web APIs
with the iirfilter node it's up to you to set what feedforward and feedback values the filter needs — this determines the characteristics of the filter.
...something like this is acceptable: let feedforward = [0.00020298, 0.0004059599, 0.00020298]; our feedback values cannot start with zero, otherwise on the first pass nothing would be sent back: let feedbackward = [1.0126964558, -1.9991880801, 0.9873035442]; note: these values are calculated based on the lowpass filter specified in the filter characteristics of the web audio api specification.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.atob() - Web APIs
for example, you can encode, transmit, and decode control characters such as ascii values 0 through 31.
... exceptions domexception (name: invalidcharactererror) throws if encodeddata is not valid base64.
Sending and Receiving Binary Data - Web APIs
function load_binary_resource(url) { var req = new xmlhttprequest();'get', url, false); //xhr binary charset opt by marcus granado 2006 [] req.overridemimetype('text\/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); req.send(null); if (req.status != 200) return ''; return req.responsetext; } the magic happens in line 5, which overrides the mime type, forcing the browser to treat it as plain text, using a user-defined character set.
... var filestream = load_binary_resource(url); var abyte = filestream.charcodeat(x) & 0xff; // throw away high-order byte (f7) the example above fetches the byte at offset x within the loaded binary data.
Synchronous and asynchronous requests - Web APIs
example.html (the main page): <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>mdn example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> var worker = new worker("mytask.js"); worker.onmessage = function(event) { alert("worker said: " +; }; worker.postmessage("hello"); </script> </head> <body></body> </html> myfile.txt (the target of the synchronous xmlhttprequest invocation): hello world!!
...:( client.setrequestheader("content-type", "text/plain;charset=utf-8"); client.send(analyticsdata); } using the sendbeacon() method, the data will be transmitted asynchronously to the web server when the user agent has had an opportunity to do so, without delaying the unload or affecting the performance of the next navigation.
XMLHttpRequest.sendAsBinary() - Web APIs
the string is converted to binary for transfer by removing the high-order byte of each character.
... |*| |*| :: xmlhttprequest.prototype.sendasbinary() polyfill :: |*| |*| |*| \*/ if (!xmlhttprequest.prototype.sendasbinary) { xmlhttprequest.prototype.sendasbinary = function (sdata) { var nbytes = sdata.length, ui8data = new uint8array(nbytes); for (var nidx = 0; nidx < nbytes; nidx++) { ui8data[nidx] = sdata.charcodeat(nidx) & 0xff; } /* send as arraybufferview...: */ this.send(ui8data); /* ...or as arraybuffer (legacy)...: this.send(ui8data.buffer); */ }; } note: it's possible to build this polyfill putting two types of data as argument for send(): an arraybuffer (ui8data.buffer – the commented code) or an arraybufferview (ui8data, which is a typed array of 8-bit unsigned integers �...
Web APIs
ioworklet audioworkletglobalscope audioworkletnode audioworkletnodeoptions audioworkletprocessor authenticatorassertionresponse authenticatorattestationresponse authenticatorresponse b baseaudiocontext basiccardrequest basiccardresponse batterymanager beforeinstallpromptevent beforeunloadevent biquadfilternode blob blobbuilder blobevent bluetooth bluetoothadvertisingdata bluetoothcharacteristicproperties bluetoothdevice bluetoothremotegattcharacteristic bluetoothremotegattdescriptor bluetoothremotegattserver bluetoothremotegattservice body broadcastchannel budgetservice budgetstate buffersource bytelengthqueuingstrategy bytestring c cdatasection css cssconditionrule csscounterstylerule cssgroupingrule cssimagevalue csskeyframerule csskeyframesrule cssk...
...itivevalue csspseudoelement cssrule cssrulelist cssstyledeclaration cssstylerule cssstylesheet cssstylevalue csssupportsrule cssunitvalue cssunparsedvalue cssvalue cssvaluelist cssvariablereferencevalue cache cachestorage canvascapturemediastreamtrack canvasgradient canvasimagesource canvaspattern canvasrenderingcontext2d caretposition channelmergernode channelsplitternode characterdata childnode client clients clipboard clipboardevent clipboarditem closeevent comment compositionevent constantsourcenode constrainboolean constraindomstring constraindouble constrainulong contentindex contentindexevent convolvernode countqueuingstrategy crashreportbody credential credentialscontainer crypto cryptokey cryptokeypair customelementregistry customevent d domc...
ARIA: listbox role - Accessibility
type-ahead is recommended for all listboxes, especially those with more than seven options: type a character: focus moves to the next item with a name that starts with the typed character.
... type multiple characters in rapid succession: focus moves to the next item with a name that starts with the string of characters typed.
Web accessibility for seizures and physical reactions - Accessibility
environment-blending from w3c's draft document, media queries level 5: "the environment-blending media feature is used to query the characteristics of the user’s display so the author can adjust the style of the document.
...because of this condition, their brain will produce seizure-like discharges when exposed to this type of visual stimulation gamma oscillations and photosensitive epilepsy current biology volume 27, issue 9, 8 may 2017, pages r336-r338 certain visual images, even in the absence of motion or flicker, can trigger seizures in patients with photosensitive epilepsy.
Operable - Accessibility
see ui controls and building keyboard accessibility back in 2.1.4 character key shortcuts (a) added in 2.1 if a single character key shortcut exists, then at least one of the following is true: single character key shortcuts can be turned off, remapped or are only active when the relevant user interface component is in focus.
... understanding character key shortcuts note: also see the wcag description for guideline 2.1 keyboard accessible: make all functionality available from a keyboard.
-webkit-text-security - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
-webkit-text-security is a non-standard css property that obfuscates characters in a <form> field (such as <input> or <textarea>) by replacing them with a shape.
...if your browser supports this property, the characters should be visually replaced with squares.
::first-letter (:first-letter) - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
punctuation includes any unicode character defined in the open (ps), close (pe), initial quote (pi), final quote (pf), and other punctuation (po) classes.
....</p> <p>duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat.</p> css p { width: 500px; line-height: 1.5; } h2 + p::first-letter { color: white; background-color: black; border-radius: 2px; box-shadow: 3px 3px 0 red; font-size: 250%; padding: 6px 3px; margin-right: 6px; float: left; } result effect on special punctuation and non-latin characters this example illustrates the effect of ::first-letter on special punctuation and non-latin characters.
system - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if the characters "a" to "z" are specified as symbols in a counter style, with the alphabetic system, then the first 26 counter representations will be "a", "b" upto "z".
...roman { system: additive; range: 1 3999; additive-symbols: 1000 m, 900 cm, 500 d, 400 cd, 100 c, 90 xc, 50 l, 40 xl, 10 x, 9 ix, 5 v, 4 iv, 1 i; } ul { list-style: upper-roman; } result extends example this example will use the algorithm, symbols, and other properties of the lower-alpha counter style, but will remove the period ('.') after the counter representation, and enclose the characters in paranthesis; like (a), (b), etc.
font-variation-settings - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
each setting is always a <string> of 4 ascii characters, followed by a <number> indicating the axis value.
... if the <string> has more or fewer characters or contains characters outside the u+20 - u+7e codepoint range, the whole property is invalid.
At-rules - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
/* general structure */ @identifier (rule); /* example: tells browser to use utf-8 character set */ @charset "utf-8"; there are several at-rules, designated by their identifiers, each with a different syntax: @charset — defines the character set used by the style sheet.
...(at the candidate recommendation stage, but only implemented in gecko as of writing) @font-feature-values (plus @swash, @ornaments, @annotation, @stylistic, @styleset and @character-variant) — define common names in font-variant-alternates for feature activated differently in opentype.
Attribute selectors - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
[attr operator value i] adding an i (or i) before the closing bracket causes the value to be compared case-insensitively (for characters within the ascii range).
... [attr operator value s] adding an s (or s) before the closing bracket causes the value to be compared case-sensitively (for characters within the ascii range).
CSS grids, logical values, and writing modes - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
lotus root water spinach fennel kombu maize bamboo shoot green bean swiss chard seakale pumpkin onion chickpea gram corn pea.
... brussels sprout coriander water chestnut gourd swiss chard wakame kohlrabi beetroot carrot watercress.
Value definition syntax - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
a component can be a keyword, some characters considered as a literal, or a value of a given css data type or of another css property.
... literals in css, a few characters can appear on their own, like the slash ('/') or the comma (','), and are used in a property definition to separate its parts.
WebKit CSS extensions - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
bkit-box-lines** -webkit-box-ordinal-group** -webkit-box-orient** -webkit-box-pack** -webkit-box-reflect** c -webkit-column-axis -webkit-column-break-after -webkit-column-break-before -webkit-column-break-inside -webkit-column-progression -webkit-cursor-visibility d-i -webkit-dashboard-region -webkit-font-size-delta -webkit-font-smoothing -webkit-highlight -webkit-hyphenate-character -webkit-hyphenate-limit-after -webkit-hyphenate-limit-before -webkit-hyphenate-limit-lines -webkit-initial-letter l -webkit-line-align -webkit-line-box-contain -webkit-line-clamp -webkit-line-grid -webkit-line-snap -webkit-locale -webkit-logical-height -webkit-logical-width m -webkit-margin-after-collapse -webkit-margin-after -webkit-margin-before-collapse -webkit-mar...
... -webkit-alt* -webkit-color-correction -webkit-flow-from -webkit-flow-into -webkit-grid-columns (see grid-column) -webkit-grid-rows (see grid-row) -webkit-hyphenate-charset -webkit-image-set (see image-set()) -webkit-mask-attachment -webkit-match-nearest-mail-blockquote-color -webkit-overflow-scrolling -webkit-region-break-after -webkit-region-break-before -webkit-region-break-inside -webkit-region-fragment -webkit-shape-inside -webkit-touch-callout (see touch-action) background-origin-x (unprefixed!) background-origin-y (unprefixed!) * still suppo...
content - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this value can be any number of text characters.
... non-latin characters must be encoded using their unicode escape sequences: for example, \000a9 represents the copyright symbol.
counters() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if omitted, the counter-style defaults to decimal <string> any number of text characters.
... non-latin characters must be encoded using their unicode escape sequences: for example, \000a9 represents the copyright symbol.
font-stretch - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this enables variable fonts to offer something more like a continuum of character widths.
...ic percentages: keyword percentage ultra-condensed 50% extra-condensed 62.5% condensed 75% semi-condensed 87.5% normal 100% semi-expanded 112.5% expanded 125% extra-expanded 150% ultra-expanded 200% description some font families offer additional faces in which the characters are narrower than the normal face (condensed faces) or wider than the normal face (expanded faces).
font-variant-caps - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
fonts sometimes include special glyphs for various caseless characters (such as punctuation marks) to better match the capitalized characters around them.
... however, small capital glyphs are never synthesized for caseless characters.
<integer> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
_5 special characters are not allowed.
... \35 escaped unicode characters are not allowed, even if they are an integer (here: 5).
text-align - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax /* keyword values */ text-align: left; text-align: right; text-align: center; text-align: justify; text-align: justify-all; text-align: start; text-align: end; text-align: match-parent; /* character-based alignment in a table column */ text-align: "."; text-align: "." center; /* block alignment values (non-standard syntax) */ text-align: -moz-center; text-align: -webkit-center; /* global values */ text-align: inherit; text-align: initial; text-align: unset; the text-align property is specified in one of the following ways: using the keyword values start, end, left, right, center,...
... <string> when applied to a table cell, specifies the alignment character around which the cell's contents will align.
text-overflow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this keyword value will truncate the text at the limit of the content area, therefore the truncation can happen in the middle of a character.
... to clip at the transition between characters you can specify text-overflow as an empty string, if that is supported in your target browsers: text-overflow: '';.
word-spacing - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
<percentage> specifies extra spacing as a percentage of the affected character’s advance width.
... legible word-spacing must be determined on a case-by-case basis, as different font families have different character widths.
regexp:match() - EXSLT
flagsstringoptional an optional string containing character flags.
... the character flags are: g global match the submatches from every match in the string are returned.
regexp:replace() - EXSLT
flagsstring the string containing character flags.
... the character flags are: g - global replace if this flag is specified, all occurrences of the regular expression within the originalstring are replaced.
regexp:test() - EXSLT
flagsstringoptional an optional string containing character flags.
... the character flags are: g global match has no effect for this function; it's allowed for consistency with other regexp functions.
str:tokenize() - EXSLT
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes str:tokenize() splits a string using a set of characters as delimiters that determine where the splits should occur, returning a node-set containing the resulting strings.
... delimiters each character in this string is used as a word separator while tokenizing.
Event developer guide - Developer guides
events refers both to a design pattern used for the asynchronous handling of various incidents which occur in the lifetime of a web page and to the naming, characterization, and use of a large number of incidents of different types.
...unfortunately, these events have been defined piece by piece as web browsers have evolved so that there is no satisfying systematic characterization of the events built-in or defined by modern web browsers.
Content categories - Developer guides
every html element is a member of one or more content categories — these categories group elements that share common characteristics.
...canvas>, <cite>, <code>, <command>, <data>, <datalist>, <dfn>, <em>, <embed>, <i>, <iframe>, <img>, <input>, <kbd>, <keygen>, <label>, <mark>, <math>, <meter>, <noscript>, <object>, <output>, <picture>, <progress>, <q>, <ruby>, <samp>, <script>, <select>, <small>, <span>, <strong>, <sub>, <sup>, <svg>, <textarea>, <time>, <var>, <video>, <wbr> and plain text (not only consisting of white spaces characters).
Printing - Developer guides
open and automatically close a popup window when finished if you want to be able to automatically close a popup window (for example, the printer-friendly version of a document) after the user prints its contents, you can use code like this: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>javascript window close example </title> <script type="text/javascript"> function popuponclick() { my_window ='', 'mywindow', 'status=1,width=350,height=150'); my_window.document.write('<html><head><title>print me</title></head>'); my_window.document.write('<body onafterprint="self.close()">'); my_window.document.write('<p>when you pr...
...the following is a possible example which will print a file named externalpage.html: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>mdn example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function closeprint () { document.body.removechild(this.__container__); } function setprint () { this.contentwindow.__container__ = this; this.contentwindow.onbeforeunload = closeprint; this.contentwindow.onafterprint = closeprint; this.contentwindow.focus(); // required for ie this.contentwindow.print(); } func...
Applying color to HTML elements using CSS - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
text-emphasis-color the color to use when drawing emphasis symbols adjacent to each character in the text.
... a color in hexadecimal string notation always begins with the character "#".
<body>: The Document Body element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
tag omission the start tag may be omitted if the first thing inside it is not a space character, comment, <script> element or <style> element.
... onhashchange function to call when the fragment identifier part (starting with the hash ('#') character) of the document's current address has changed.
<input type="hidden"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
additional attributes in addition to the attributes common to all <input> elements, hidden inputs offer the following attributes: attribute description name like all input types, the name of the input to report when submitting the form; the special value _charset_ causes the hidden input's value to be reported as the character encoding used to submit the form name this is actually one of the common attributes, but it has a special meaning available for hidden inputs.
...however, when the form is submitted, a hidden input whose name is set to _charset_ will automatically be reported with the value set to the character encoding used to submit the form.
<input type="number"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
if the control's content has one directionality (ltr or rtl) but needs to present the placeholder in the opposite directionality, you can use unicode bidirectional algorithm formatting characters to override directionality within the placeholder; see overriding bidi using unicode control characters in the unicode bidirectional text algorithm for those characters.
... important: bear in mind that, logically, you should not be able to enter characters inside a number input other than numbers.
<link>: The External Resource Link element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
obsolete attributes charset this attribute defines the character encoding of the linked resource.
... the value is a space- and/or comma-delimited list of character sets as defined in rfc 2045.
<rb>: The Ruby Base element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
usage notes ruby annotations are for showing pronunciation of east asian characters, like using japanese furigana or taiwanese bopomofo characters.
... examples in this example, we provide an annotation for the original character equivalent of "kanji": <ruby> <rb>漢<rb>字 <rp>(</rp><rt>kan<rt>ji<rp>)</rp> </ruby> note how we've included two <rb> elements, to delimit the two separate parts of the ruby base text.
<rp>: The Ruby Fallback Parenthesis element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
usage notes ruby annotations are for showing pronunciation of east asian characters, like using japanese furigana or taiwanese bopomofo characters.
... examples this example uses ruby annotations to display the romaji equivalents for each character.
<ruby> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ruby annotations are for showing pronunciation of east asian characters.
... examples example 1: character <ruby> 漢 <rp>(</rp><rt>kan</rt><rp>)</rp> 字 <rp>(</rp><rt>ji</rt><rp>)</rp> </ruby> example 2: word <ruby> 明日 <rp>(</rp><rt>ashita</rt><rp>)</rp> </ruby> specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of '<ruby>' in that specification.
<xmp> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the html2 specification recommended that it should be rendered wide enough to allow 80 characters per line.
...note that you will need to escape the '<' character as '&lt;' to make sure it is not interpreted as markup.
lang - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
a 2-or-3-character code that defines the basic language, typically written in all lowercase.
...this subtag defines the writing system used for the language, and is always 4 characters long, with the first letter capitalized.
Content-Disposition - HTTP
a name with a value of '_charset_' indicates that the part is not an html field, but the default charset to use for parts without explicit charset information.
... examples a response triggering the "save as" dialog: 200 ok content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 content-disposition: attachment; filename="cool.html" content-length: 21 <html>save me!</html> this simple html file will be saved as a regular download rather than displayed in the browser.
Content-Location - HTTP
the server specifies where the new post is with content-location: http/1.1 201 created content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8 content-location: /my-first-blog-post ✅ success!
... http/1.1 200 ok content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 content-location: /my-receipts/38 <!doctype html> (lots of html…) <p>you sent $38.00 to exampleuser.</p> (lots more html…) specifications specification title rfc 7231, section content-location hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): semantics and content ...
Index - HTTP
3 accept-charset content negotiation, http, http header, reference, request header the accept-charset request http header advertises which character set the client is able to understand.
... 110 user-agent http, reference, header the user-agent request header contains a characteristic string that allows the network protocol peers to identify the application type, operating system, software vendor or software version of the requesting software user agent.
HTTP headers - HTTP
accept-charset which character encodings the client understands.
... user-agent contains a characteristic string that allows the network protocol peers to identify the application type, operating system, software vendor or software version of the requesting software user agent.
50 accept-charset content negotiation, http, http header, reference, request header the accept-charset request http header advertises which character encodings the client understands.
... 191 user-agent http, http header, reference, user-agent the user-agent request header contains a characteristic string that allows the network protocol peers to identify the application type, operating system, software vendor or software version of the requesting software user agent.
Equality comparisons and sameness - JavaScript
unfortunately, simply has to be thought of in terms of its specific characteristics, rather than its looseness or strictness with regard to the equality operators.
... nan false false false false nan nan false false true true when to use versus triple equals in general, the only time's special behavior towards zeros is likely to be of interest is in the pursuit of certain meta-programming schemes, especially regarding property descriptors, when it is desirable for your work to mirror some of the characteristics of object.defineproperty.
Indexed collections - JavaScript
using this characteristic of javascript arrays, multi-dimensional arrays can be created.
... function printarguments() {, function(item) { console.log(item); }); } array prototype methods can be used on strings as well, since they provide sequential access to their characters in a similar way to arrays:'a string', function(chr) { console.log(chr) }) typed arrays javascript typed arrays are array-like objects and provide a mechanism for accessing raw binary data.
Working with objects - JavaScript
the same way, javascript objects can have properties, which define their characteristics.
...the properties of an object define the characteristics of the object.
Deprecated and obsolete features - JavaScript
lastmatch the last matched characters.
...use encodeuri, encodeuricomponent, decodeuri or decodeuricomponent to encode and decode escape sequences for special characters.
Warning: String.x is deprecated; use String.prototype.x instead - JavaScript
message warning: string.charat is deprecated; use string.prototype.charat instead warning: string.charcodeat is deprecated; use string.prototype.charcodeat instead warning: string.concat is deprecated; use string.prototype.concat instead warning: string.contains is deprecated; use string.prototype.contains instead warning: string.endswith is deprecated; use string.prototype.endswith instead warning: string.includes is deprecated; use string.prototype.includes instead warning: string.indexof is deprecated; use
...vailable) (function() { 'use strict'; var i, // we could also build the array of methods with the following, but the // getownpropertynames() method is non-shimable: // object.getownpropertynames(string).filter(function(methodname) { // return typeof string[methodname] === 'function'; // }); methods = [ 'contains', 'substring', 'tolowercase', 'touppercase', 'charat', 'charcodeat', 'indexof', 'lastindexof', 'startswith', 'endswith', 'trim', 'trimleft', 'trimright', 'tolocalelowercase', 'normalize', 'tolocaleuppercase', 'localecompare', 'match', 'search', 'slice', 'replace', 'split', 'substr', 'concat', 'localecompare' ], methodcount = methods.length, assignstringgeneric = function(methodname) { var method = string.
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal - JavaScript
the + operator variant looks like this: var longstring = 'this is a very long string which needs ' + 'to wrap across multiple lines because ' + 'otherwise my code is unreadable.'; or you can use the backslash character ("\") at the end of each line to indicate that the string will continue on the next line.
... make sure there is no space or any other character after the backslash (except for a line break), or as an indent; otherwise it will not work.
Intl.Locale.prototype.numeric - JavaScript
the intl.locale.prototype.numeric property is an accessor property that returns whether the locale has special collation handling for numeric characters.
...if numeric is set to true, then the locale will take numeric characters into account when collating strings.
Intl - JavaScript
for example: "hi": hindi (language) "de-at": german (language) as used in austria (region) "zh-hans-cn": chinese (language) written in simplified characters (script) as used in china (region) "en-emodeng": english (language) in the "early modern english" dialect (variant) the subtags identifying languages, scripts, regions (including countries), and (rarely used) variants in unicode bcp 47 locale identifiers are registered in the iana language subtag registry.
...examples: "de-de-u-co-phonebk": use the phonebook variant of the german sort order, which interprets umlauted vowels as corresponding character pairs: ä → ae, ö → oe, ü → ue.
String.prototype.codePointAt() - JavaScript
return value a number representing the code point value of the character at the given pos.
...number(position) : 0; if (index != index) { // better `isnan` index = 0; } // account for out-of-bounds indices: if (index < 0 || index >= size) { return undefined; } // get the first code unit var first = string.charcodeat(index); var second; if ( // check if it’s the start of a surrogate pair first >= 0xd800 && first <= 0xdbff && // high surrogate size > index + 1 // there is a next code unit ) { second = string.charcodeat(index + 1); if (second >= 0xdc00 && second <= 0xdfff) { // low surrogate //
String.prototype.indexOf() - JavaScript
description characters in a string are indexed from left to right.
... the index of the first character is 0, and the index of the last character of a string called stringname is stringname.length - 1.
String.prototype.replace() - JavaScript
using an inline function that modifies the matched characters in this example, all occurrences of capital letters in the string are converted to lower case, and a hyphen is inserted just before the match location.
... let newstring = propertyname.replace(/[a-z]/g, '-' + '$&'.tolowercase()); // won't work this is because '$&'.tolowercase() would first be evaluated as a string literal (resulting in the same '$&') before using the characters as a pattern.
<mfenced> - MathML
separators a sequence of zero or more characters to be used for different separators, optionally divided by white space, which is ignored. specifying more than one character, it is possible to set different separators for each argument in the expression.
Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs - Web media technologies
by default, the autoplay feature policy is set to 'self' (including the single quote characters), indicating that autoplay is permitted as they're hosted on the same domain as the document.
...these origins are separated by space characters.
Web audio codec guide - Web media technologies
example: voice recording and playback the specific characteristics of human speech allow speech-specific codecs to compress the audio far more than most general-purpose codecs can.
...fortunately, the characteristics that lead to speech codecs being so efficient storage space-wise also make them tend to be very low latency.
accent-height - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the accent-height attribute defines the distance from the origin to the top of accent characters, measured by a distance within the font coordinate system.
... only one element is using this attribute: <font-face> font-face for <font-face>, accent-height defines the distance from the origin to the top of accent characters, measured by a distance within the font coordinate system.
alignment-baseline - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
r elements: <tspan>, <tref>, <altglyph>, and <textpath> usage notes value auto | baseline | before-edge | text-before-edge | middle | central | after-edge | text-after-edge | ideographic | alphabetic | hanging | mathematical | top | center | bottom default value auto animatable yes auto the value is the dominant-baseline of the script to which the character belongs - i.e., use the dominant-baseline of the parent.
... ideographic matches the box’s ideographic character face under-side baseline to that of its parent.
class - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
you may assign the same class name or names to any number of elements, however, multiple class names must be separated by whitespace characters.
... white space in lists is defined as one or more of the following consecutive characters: "space" (u+0020), "tab" (u+0009), "line feed" (u+000a), "carriage return" (u+000d), and "form-feed" (u+000c).
data-* - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the * can be replaced by any characters allowed in xml's rules for names, with the following restrictions: can't start with xml.
...hyphen characters (-, u+002d) are removed and the next letter is capitalized, resulting in the camelcase format.
direction - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
it also may affect the direction in which characters are positioned if the unicode-bidi property's value is either embed or bidi-override.
... it applies only to glyphs oriented perpendicular to the inline-base direction, which includes the usual case of horizontally-oriented latin or arabic text and the case of narrow-cell latin or arabic characters rotated 90 degrees clockwise relative to a top-to-bottom inline-base direction.
id - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the id must be unique within the node tree, must not be an empty string, and must not contain any whitespace characters.
...a stand-alone svg document uses xml 1.0 syntax, which specifies that valid ids only include designated characters (letters, digits, and a few punctuation marks), and do not start with a digit, a full stop (.) character, or a hyphen-minus (-) character.
kernelMatrix - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
values are separated by space characters and/or a comma.
...values are separated by space characters and/or a comma.
kerning - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
instead, inter-character spacing is set to the given length.
... the given length is added to the inter-character spacing value specified by the letter-spacing attribute.
lang - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the glyph was meant to be used if the xml:lang attribute exactly matched one of the languages given in the value of this parameter, or if the xml:lang attribute exactly equaled a prefix of one of the languages given in the value of this parameter such that the first tag character following the prefix was "-".
... the most common syntax is a value formed by a lowercase two-character part for the language and an uppercase two-character part for the region or country, separated by a minus sign, e.g.
unicode-range - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the unicode-range attribute defines the range of iso 10646 characters possibly covered by the glyphs in a font.
... only one element is using this attribute: <font-face> usage notes value <urange># default value none animatable no <urange># this value is a comma-separated list of iso 10646 characters possibly covered by the glyphs in the font.
<tref> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the textual content for a <text> svg element can be either character data directly embedded within the <text> element or the character data content of a referenced element, where the referencing is specified with a <tref> element.
... example <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewbox="0 0 1000 300" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""> <defs> <text id="referencedtext"> referenced character data </text> </defs> <text x="100" y="100" font-size="45" > inline character data </text> <text x="100" y="200" font-size="45" fill="red" > <tref xlink:href="#referencedtext"/> </text> <!-- show outline of canvas using 'rect' element --> <rect x="1" y="1" width="998" height="298" fill="none" stroke-width="2" /> </svg> specifications specificat...
SVG 2 support in Mozilla - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
mplementation status unknown deprecated xml:space attribute implementation status unknown kerning property removed implementation status unknown path attribute for <textpath> implemented (bug 1446617) reference basic shapes to <textpath> implementation status unknown side attribute for <textpath> implemented (bug 1446650) render characters for one loop of a single closed path, effected by the startoffset attribute and text-anchor property implementation status unknown <tref> removed implementation status unknown <altglyph>, <altglyphdef>, <altglyphitem> and <glyphref> removed <altglyph>, <altglyphdef> and <altglyphitem> removed (bug 1260032), <glyphref> never really implemented (bug 1302693) ...
... svgtextcontentelement.selectsubstring() deprecated implementation status unknown getcomputedtextlength() not including dx and dy values implementation status unknown text in non-rendered elements not included in addressable characters implementation status unknown unknown elements in text render as unpositioned spans implementation status unknown offset distances of text positioned along a transformed path measured in text elements coordinate system implementation status unknown embedded content change notes <video> implementation status unknown <audio> implementation status unknown <iframe> implementation status unknown <canvas> implementation status unknown <s...
Basic shapes - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
each number must be separated by a space, comma, eol, or a line feed character.
... <polygon points="50, 160 55, 180 70, 180 60, 190 65, 205 50, 195 35, 205 40, 190 30, 180 45, 180"/> points a list of points, each number separated by a space, comma, eol, or a line feed character.
SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
other resources: xml, css, dom, canvas examples google maps (route overlay) & docs (spreadsheet charting) svg bubble menus svg authoring guidelines an overview of the mozilla svg project frequently asked questions regarding svg and mozilla svg as an image svg animation with smil svg art gallery animation and interactions like html, svg has a document model (dom) and events, and is accessible from javascript.
... some real eye-candy svg at firefox extension (grafox) to add a subset of smil animation support interactive photos manipulation html transformations using svg's foreignobject mapping, charting, games & 3d experiments while a little svg can go a long way to enhanced web content, here are some examples of heavy svg usage.
string-length - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the string-length function returns a number equal to the number of characters in a given string.
... returns an integer equal to the number of characters in the string.
substring - XPath
if omitted, the returned string will contain every character from thestart position to the end ofstring.
...the first character in the string has a position of 1, not 0.
<xsl:number> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
syntax <xsl:number count=expression level="single" | "multiple" | "any" from=expression value=expression format=format-string lang=xml:lang-code letter-value="alphabetic" | "traditional" grouping-separator=character grouping-size=number /> required attributes none.
... grouping-separator specifies what character should be used as the group (e.g.
<xsl:text> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
to output html-entities, use numerical values instead, eg &#160; for &nbsp;) specifies whether special characters are escaped when written to the output.
...if "yes" is set, for example, the character > is output as >, not as &gt;.
<xsl:value-of> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
to output html-entities, use numerical values instead, eg &#160 for &nbsp) specifies whether special characters are escaped when written to the output.
...if "yes" is set, for example, the character > is output as >, not as "&gt".
Communicating With Other Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var mod = require("sdk/page-mod"); var self = require("sdk/self"); var pageurl ="page.html") var pagemod = mod.pagemod({ include: pageurl, contentscriptfile:"content-script.js"), contentscriptwhen: "ready" }); the target web page "page.html" includes a button and a page script: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <input id="message" type="button" value="send a message"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="page-script.js"></script> </body> </html> the content script "content-script.js" adds an event listener to the button, that sends a custom event containing a message: var messenger = document.getelementbyid("message"); messenger.addeventlistener("click", sendcu...
Interacting with page scripts - Archive of obsolete content
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs"); var mod = require("sdk/page-mod"); var self = require("sdk/self"); var pageurl ="page.html") var pagemod = mod.pagemod({ include: pageurl, contentscriptfile:"content-script.js"), contentscriptwhen: "ready" }); the target web page "page.html" includes a button and a page script: <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <input id="message" type="button" value="send a message"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="page-script.js"></script> </body> </html> the content script "content-script.js" adds an event listener to the button, that sends a custom event containing a message: var messenger = document.getelementbyid("message"); messenger.addeventlistener("click", sendcu...
clipboard - Archive of obsolete content
var clipboard = require("sdk/clipboard"); if (clipboard.currentflavors.indexof("html") != -1) require("sdk/tabs").open("data:text/html;charset=utf-8," + clipboard.get("html")); set the clipboard contents to an image.
context-menu - Archive of obsolete content
accesskey single-character string new in firefox 35.
hotkeys - Archive of obsolete content
on macintosh this can only be used in conjunction with another modifier, since alt-letter combinations are reserved for entering special characters in text.
simple-prefs - Archive of obsolete content
preference change events are triggered for every character typed by the user.
net/url - Archive of obsolete content
charset string the character set to use when read the content of the uri given.
net/xhr - Archive of obsolete content
attenuating access based on a regular expression may be ineffective if it's easy to write a regular expression that looks safe but contains a special character or two that makes it far less secure than it seems at first glance.
Add a Context Menu Item - Archive of obsolete content
this must be a single-character string.
Storing annotations - Archive of obsolete content
annotation list html and css here's the html for the annotation list: <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>saved annotations</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="annotation-list.css" /> </head> <body> <div id="annotation-list"> </div> <div id="template"> <div class="annotation-details"> <a class="url"></a> <div class="selection-text"></div> <div class="annotation-text"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html> here's the corresponding css: #an...
Bookmarks - Archive of obsolete content
.getservice(components.interfaces.nsibookmarksservice); // create the bookmark bmsvc.createbookmarkincontainer(win.document.title, // bookmark name win.location.href.tostring(), // uri of the bookmark null, // shortcut win.document.title, // description win.document.characterset, // charset null, // postdata bookmarksservice.getbookmarkstoolbarfolder(), // bookmark folder 0); // index in the folder firefox 3 firefox 3 provides a reworked set of api for working with history and bookmarks.
Finding window handles - Archive of obsolete content
ci.nsibasewindow); var nswindowstring = basewindow.nativehandle; components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm'); var objc ='objc')); // types let id = ctypes.voidptr_t; let sel = ctypes.voidptr_t; // constants let nil = ctypes.voidptr_t(0); //common functions let sel_registername = objc.declare('sel_registername', ctypes.default_abi, sel, ctypes.char.ptr); let objc_msgsend = objc.declare('objc_msgsend', ctypes.default_abi, id, id, sel, '...'); /* * [nswindowptr orderfront:nil] */ var orderfront = sel_registername('orderfront:'); var nswindowptr = ctypes.voidptr_t(ctyp...
Forms related code snippets - Archive of obsolete content
date picker (before implementing it in a working environment, please read the note about the const statement compatibility) <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>datepicker example - mdn</title> <script type="text/javascript"> /*\ |*| |*| datepicker example mdndeveloper network |*| |*| |*| |*| |*| this snippet is released under the gnu public license, version 3 or later.
Rosetta - Archive of obsolete content
now, all you need is to include rosetta.js and your compiler within your html page and you will be able to execute scripts written in c together with scripts written in ecmascript: example.html: html example <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>rosetta c example</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="rosetta.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="rosetta_c.js"></script> <script type="text/x-csrc"> #include <stdio.h> int main () { printf("hello world number 1!\n"); return 0; } </script> <script type="text/x-c" src="example.c"></script> </head> <body> <p>lorem ipsum</p> <script type="text/javasc...
getAttributeNS - Archive of obsolete content
this is assumed so don't try to get an xmlns for the 'xml' prefix return thisitem.getattribute('xml:'+nsatt); // prefix must be 'xml' per the specs } var attrs2, result; var attrs = thisitem.attributes; var prefixatt = new regexp('^(.*):'+nsatt.replace(/\./g, '\\.')+'$'); // e.g., xlink:href // find any prefixes with the local-name being searched (escape period since only character (besides colon) allowed in an xml name which needs escaping) for (var j = 0; j < attrs.length; j++) { // thisitem's atts // e.g., abc:href, xlink:href while (((result = prefixatt.exec(attrs[j].nodename)) !== null) && thisitem.nodename !== '#document' && thisitem.nodename !== '#document-fragment') { var xmlnsprefix = new regexp('^xmlns:'+result[1]+...
Creating custom Firefox extensions with the Mozilla build system - Archive of obsolete content
for libraries that have complex configuration processes, use a non-standard compiler or have other special characteristics, it may be unfeasible to create a mozilla-compliant makefile.
Interaction between privileged and non-privileged pages - Archive of obsolete content
(to better ensure others do not also implement the same event with a different meaning, one might either attach a namespace to <myextensiondataelement/> and check on the event handler for the correct namespaceuri property, or as per the dom specification, use initevent() with an event name that is itself namespaced (xml name characters only): "it is also strongly recommended that third parties adding their own events use their own prefix to avoid confusion and lessen the probability of conflicts with other new events.") in the case where your extension's overlay does not interact directly with browser.xul, such as in a sidebar, it might be easier to add the event listener to the top-level document directly as shown below...
Listening to events in Firefox extensions - Archive of obsolete content
pageshoweventhandlers the pageshoweventhandlers() function is called by the pageshow event and is used to populate the character set menu and update the ui elements associated with any detected feeds or opensearch plugins for the website.
Chapter 6: Firefox extensions and XUL applications - Archive of obsolete content
4 - gonzui does not handle search strings with spaces very well; instead, go to the advanced search page, search on a few terms, and then use your browser’s find function to search for the “:” character.
Connecting to Remote Content - Archive of obsolete content
you would of course need to be very careful about escaping characters and protecting yourself against sql injection attacks.
Intercepting Page Loads - Archive of obsolete content
this characteristic brings 2 limitations to this approach.
Firefox addons developer guide - Archive of obsolete content
so there may be still some reference to the xuldev website (we want to host source code on mdc, not on xuldev), and to japanese things (like some specific locales, which have been translated to french since non-latin characters are not well supported).
Add-ons - Archive of obsolete content
so there may be still some reference to the xuldev website (we want to host source code on mdc, not on xuldev), and to japanese things (like some specific locales, which have been translated to french since non-latin characters are not well supported).
XML data - Archive of obsolete content
notes about this demonstration: the superscript 2 (in "million km²") a unicode character, coded as \b2 in the css file.
Beginner tutorials - Archive of obsolete content
creating reusable content with css and xblthis page illustrates how you can use css in mozilla to improve the structure of complex applications, making code and resources more easily reusable.underscores in class and id namessummary: the use of the underscore character in css can lead to major display problems in multiple browsers.
Case Sensitivity in class and id Names - Archive of obsolete content
multiple class names must be separated by white space characters.
Creating a dynamic status bar extension - Archive of obsolete content
function inforeceived() { var samplepanel = document.getelementbyid('stockwatcher'); var output = httprequest.responsetext; if (output.length) { // remove whitespace from the end of the string; // this gets rid of the end-of-line characters output = output.replace(/\w*$/, ''); // build the tooltip string var fieldarray = output.split(','); // assert that fieldarray[0] == 'goog' samplepanel.label = 'goog: ' + fieldarray[1]; samplepanel.tooltiptext = 'chg: ' + fieldarray[4] + ' | ' + 'open: ' + fieldarray[5] + ' | ' + 'low: ' + fieldarray[6] + ' | ' + 'high: ' + fieldarray[7] + '...
Events - Archive of obsolete content
archived event pages domsubtreemodifiedmozaudioavailablemozbeforeresizemozorientationcachedchargingchangechargingtimechangecheckingdischargingtimechangedownloadingerrorlevelchangenoupdateobsoleteprogressupdateready ...
No Proxy For configuration - Archive of obsolete content
the field is relatively short, but can hold reasonably long (2k+ characters) entries.
Source code directories overview - Archive of obsolete content
it contains code for various character sets, locale formats (e.g.
Compiling The npruntime Sample Plugin in Visual Studio - Archive of obsolete content
in fact, all win32 api functions dealing with character strings can be added an 'a' to the end to avoid unicode cast errors.
Creating a hybrid CD - Archive of obsolete content
many mozilla files have long file names which makes creating the cd on a macintosh difficult because the hfs filesystem limits the length of file names to 32 characters.
Installing Dehydra - Archive of obsolete content
to run dehydra manually using g++, add the -fplugin and -fplugin-arg-gcc_dehydra-script/-fplugin-arg-gcc_treehydra-script flags to specify the location of the plugin and the location of the analysis script: g++ -quiet -fplugin=$home/dehydra/ -fplugin-arg-gcc_dehydra-script=$dehydra_script \ -fshort-wchar $cppfile -s -o /dev/null for example, in the tests directory created by the installation procedure, i can run a dehydra script 'a.js' on a mozilla file like this: g++ -quiet -fplugin=../ \ -fplugin-arg=a.js -fshort-wchar -fpreprocessed \ /home/dmandelin/builds/dehydra-gcc/browser/app/nsbrowserapp.ii -o /dev/null the -fshort-wchar is required for running against firefox, but not ne...
Using Dehydra - Archive of obsolete content
example: printing the location of type declarations save the following c++ code typedef int myint; struct foo { int i; char *c; }; save the following analysis script dumptypes.js: function process_type(t) { print("type found: " + + " location: " + t.loc); } function input_end() { print("hello, world!"); } compile using the following command: $ g++ -fplugin=~/dehydra/ -fplugin-arg=~/dumptypes.js -o/dev/null -c note:for g++4.5 and up use -fplugin-arg-gcc_dehydra-script= rather than -fplugin-arg it should print the following results: type fo...
Introducing the Audio API extension - Archive of obsolete content
content scripts can specify the audio stream's characteristics, then write audio samples.
JavaScript OS.Shared - Archive of obsolete content
global object os.shared.type properties void_t voidptr_t char jschar int unsigned_int int32_t uint32_t int64_t uint64_t long bool off_t size_t ssize_t fd (unix only) negativeone_or_fd (unix only) negativeone_or_nothing (unix only) string (unix only) null_or_string (unix only) handle (windows only) maybe_handle (windows only) dword (windows only) negative_or_dword (windows only) zero_or_dword (windows only) zero_or_nothing (windows only) declareffi() intn_t() uintn_t()instances of os.shared.type convert_from_c() releasewith() attr...
NSC_SetPIN - Archive of obsolete content
syntax ck_rv nsc_setpin( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_char_ptr poldpin, ck_ulong uloldlen, ck_char_ptr pnewpin, ck_ulong ulnewlen ); parameters nsc_setpin takes five parameters: hsession [input] poldpin [input] .
New Security Model for Web Services - Archive of obsolete content
note: one can also use wild charater(s) in "from" value.
Plug-n-Hack - Archive of obsolete content
the current protocol and firefox implementation are released under the mozilla public license 2.0 which means it can be incorporated in commercial tools without charge.
RDF Datasource How-To - Archive of obsolete content
registering an rdf datasource is fairly simple: in the dll's nsregisterself() method, you simply call the component manager's registercomponent() method: extern "c" pr_implement(nsresult) nsregisterself(nsisupports* aservicemanager, const char* apath) { nsresult rv; ...
SpiderMonkey coding conventions - Archive of obsolete content
most static function names have unprefixed, mixed-case names: getchar.
open - Archive of obsolete content
text indicates ascii text without nul characters.
String Rosetta Stone - Archive of obsolete content
find a substring nsstring findinreadable(const nsastring& pattern, nsastring::const_iterator start, nsastring::const_iterator end, nsstringcomparator& acomparator = nsdefaultstringcomparator()) std::string size_type find(const basic_string& s, size_type pos = 0) const size_type find(const chart* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const size_type find(const chart* s, size_type pos = 0) const size_type find(chart c, size_type pos = 0) const qstring int qstring::indexof ( const qstring & str, int from = 0, qt::casesensitivity cs = qt::casesensitive ) const format a printf style string nsstring appendprintf() std::string n/a qstring qstring & qstring::sprintf ( const char * cformat, ...
Table Layout Strategy - Archive of obsolete content
the functionality is distributed over a large number of subroutines as shown in the chart below.
Abc Assembler Tests - Archive of obsolete content
unctions: start(summary:string):void - start a new test section described by summary end():void - test section finished compare_stricteq(name:string, expected:*, actual:*):void - compare the results of a testcase where name is the testcase name compare_typeerror(name:string, expected:*, actual:*):void - special function for comparing typeerrors (runtimeerrors) - will only compare the first 22 chars of expected and actual so that test can be run in release and releasedebugger configurations.
TraceVis - Archive of obsolete content
the second part lists the reasons tracemonkey transitioned to the interpreter, and the amount of interpreter time charged to each reason.
Tuning Pageload - Archive of obsolete content
so if you have more than content.maxtextrun characters of text in a row, we'll create multiple textnodes for it.
Using addresses of stack variables with NSPR threads on win16 - Archive of obsolete content
the simplest demonstration of the problem is as follows: typedef struct shareddata { prlock *ml; prcondvar *cv; print32 counter; } shareddata; static void forkedthread(void *arg) { shareddata *shared = (shareddata*)arg; while (--shared->counter > 0) pr_waitcondvar(shared->cv, pr_interval_no_timeout); return; } /* forkedthread */ printn main(printn argc, char **argv) { prthread *thread; shareddata shared; = pr_newlock(); = pr_newcondvar(; shared.counter = 10; thread = pr_createthread( pr_user_thread, forkedthread, &shared, pr_priority_normal, pr_local_thread, pr_joinable_thread, 0); do { pr_sleep(pr_secondstointerval(1)); pr_lock(; if (0 ==...
Event Handlers - Archive of obsolete content
key events support the charcode and keycode attributes.
Install script template - Archive of obsolete content
ror = -4713; var registrykeynotwritableerror = -4714; //initinstall block //the installation is initialized here -- if we fail here, cancel the installation // initinstall is quite an overloaded method, but i have invoked it here with three strings // which are globally defined err = initinstall(software_name, plid, version); if (err != 0) { // call initinstall again in case illegal characters in plid err = initinstall(software_name, software_name, version); if (err != 0) cancelinstall(err); } //addfiles to current browser block var pluginsfolder = getfolder("plugins"); //verify disk space if(verifydiskspace(pluginsfolder, plugin_size+component_size)) { // start installing plugin shared library reseterror(); // install the plugin shared library to the current bro...
Using XPInstall to Install Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
caveat: certain versions of mozilla-based browsers (such as netscape 6.x) treat the use of the equals character ("=") as an illegal token and thus do not allow invocation of initinstall with strings containing "=".
keycode - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home keycode type: string key code for keys that do not have displayable characters, such as the enter key or function keys, use this attribute instead of the key attribute.
maxlength - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home maxlength type: integer the maximum number of characters that the textbox allows to be entered.
modifiers - Archive of obsolete content
on macintosh this can only be used in conjunction with another modifier, since alt+letter combinations are reserved for entering special characters in text.
preference.type - Archive of obsolete content
int an integer string a string unichar a unicode string wstring a localized string.
size - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home size type: integer the number of characters that can be displayed in the textbox.
textbox.type - Archive of obsolete content
timed this textbox will fire a command event after the user types characters and a certain time has passed.
XUL Events - Archive of obsolete content
in a textbox, a user can normally hold down a key to repeat a character in this case, multiple sets of key events are sent (as if the user pressed the same key repeatedly).
Introduction to XUL - Archive of obsolete content
javascript is most safely kept in a separate file and included in the xul file <html:script language="javascript" src="our.js"/> or relegated to the contents of a cdata section, to prevent the xml parser from choking on javascript which may look like xml content (a < character, for instance.) <html:script type="application/javascript"> <![cdata[ function lesser(a,b) { return a < b ?
addTab - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home addtab( url, referreruri, charset, postdata, owner, allowthirdpartyfixup ) addtab( url, {referreruri: ..., charset: ..., postdata: ..., owner: ..., allowthirdpartyfixup: ..., relatedtocurrent: ...
loadOneTab - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home loadonetab( url, referreruri, charset, postdata, loadinbackground, allowthirdpartyfixup ) loadonetab( url, { referreruri: ..., charset: ..., postdata: ..., inbackground: ..., allowthirdpartyfixup: ..., relatedtocurrent: ...
loadURI - Archive of obsolete content
(this one has no post data parameter, see loaduriwithflags for a version that does) loaduri( uri, referrer, charset ) return type: no return value load a url into the document, with the given referrer and character set.
loadURIWithFlags - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home loaduriwithflags( uri, flags, referrer, charset, postdata ) return type: no return value load a url into the document, with the specified load flags, the given referrer, character set, and post data.
reloadWithFlags - Archive of obsolete content
load_flags_charset_change: this flag is used if the document needs to be reloaded because the character set changed.
setSelectionRange - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home setselectionrange( start, end ) return type: no return value sets the selected portion of the textbox, where the start argument is the index of the first character to select and the end argument is the index of the character after the selection.
Menus - Archive of obsolete content
for this reason, the access key should always correspond to a character that appears in the menu label.
accessKey - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference accesskey type: character gets and sets the value of the accesskey attribute.
decimalSymbol - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference decimalsymbol type: string the character used for the decimal place indicator.
maxLength - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference maxlength type: integer the maximum number of characters that the textbox allows to be entered.
selectionEnd - Archive of obsolete content
the value specifies the index of the character after the selection.
selectionStart - Archive of obsolete content
the value specifies the index of the first selected character.
Property - Archive of obsolete content
currentindex currentitem currentnotification currentpage currentpane currentset currenturi customtoolbarcount database datasources date dateleadingzero datevalue decimalplaces decimalsymbol defaultbutton defaultvalue description dir disableautocomplete disableautocomplete disableautoselect disabled disablekeynavigation dlgtype docshell documentcharsetinfo editable editingcolumn editingrow editingsession editor editortype emptytext deprecated since gecko 2 enablecolumndrag eventnode firstordinalcolumn firstpermanentchild flex focused focuseditem forcecomplete group handlectrlpageupdown handlectrltab hasuservalue height hidden hideseconds highlightnonmatches homepage hour hourleadingzero ...
Providing Command-Line Options - Archive of obsolete content
he command line."); } // changeme: change "myapp" to your command line flag (no argument) if (cmdline.handleflag("myapp", false)) { openwindow(chrome_uri, null); cmdline.preventdefault = true; } }, // changeme: change the help info as appropriate, but // follow the guidelines in nsicommandlinehandler.idl // specifically, flag descriptions should start at // character 24, and lines should be wrapped at // 72 characters with embedded newlines, // and finally, the string should end with a newline helpinfo : " -myapp open my application\n" + " -viewapp <uri> view and edit the uri in my application,\n" + " wrapping this description\n" }; var nsgetfactory = xpcomutils.generatensgetfac...
Attribute Substitution - Archive of obsolete content
one last thing to point out is that since the only characters that can separate a variable are a caret, a space or the end of the attribute, this means that any other character is valid as a variable name.
Adding Properties to XBL-defined Elements - Archive of obsolete content
if other characters are entered, they are stripped off.
Localization - Archive of obsolete content
note: you should encode dtd files as utf-8 for non-ascii characters.
Numeric Controls - Archive of obsolete content
other characters are not allowed and are just ignored if typed.
Skinning XUL Files by Hand - Archive of obsolete content
the pseudo-class is connected to an element (or not: you can also define styles that apply to any element in the state specified by a pseudo-class) with the ":" character.
Using nsIXULAppInfo - Archive of obsolete content
g/xre/app-info;1" in components.classes) { // running under mozilla 1.8 or later id = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsixulappinfo).id; } else { try { id = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch) .getcharpref(""); } catch(e) { // very old version dump(e); } } return id; } alert(getappid()); see also mxr: nsixulappinfo.idl ...
XUL Accesskey FAQ and Policies - Archive of obsolete content
if methods like confirm(), confirmex() or prompt() are being used to create a dialog, use an & before the button or checkbox text to make the next character an accesskey.
XUL accessibility guidelines - Archive of obsolete content
downloadable book on web accessibility with tips and character sketches.
XUL controls - Archive of obsolete content
<textbox type="number" min="1" max="20"/> textbox reference <textbox type="password"> a textbox that hides the characters typed, used for entering passwords.
preference - Archive of obsolete content
int an integer string a string unichar a unicode string wstring a localized string.
Application Update - Archive of obsolete content
pref("", true); // defines how the application update service notifies the user about updates: // // aum set to: minor releases: major releases: // 0 download no prompt download no prompt // 1 download no prompt download no prompt if no incompatibilities // 2 download no prompt prompt // // see chart in for more details // pref("app.update.mode", 1); // if set to true, the update service will present no ui for any event.
Getting started with XULRunner - Archive of obsolete content
note: make sure your application name is lowercase and longer than 3 characters step 5: set up the chrome manifest the chrome manifest file is used by xulrunner to define specific uris which in turn are used to locate application resources.
XULRunner Hall of Fame - Archive of obsolete content
foxkeh clock (for japanese page) a clock application based charactor foxkeh.
How to enable locale switching in a XULRunner application - Archive of obsolete content
getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch); prefs.setcharpref("general.useragent.locale", newlocale); // restart application var appstartup = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiappstartup); appstartup.quit(components.interfaces.nsiappstartup.erestart | components.interfaces.nsiappstartup.eattemptquit); } catch(err) { alert("couldn't chang...
Make your xulrunner app match the system locale - Archive of obsolete content
from xpcom import components ps_cls = components.classes[";1"] ps = ps_cls.getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice) branch = ps.getbranch("general.useragent.") branch.setcharpref("locale", lang) i also set the language environment variable to match the system locale so that python's gettext functionality will work (it pulls straight from language instead of using setlocale): os.environ["language"] = lang ...
nsIContentPolicy - Archive of obsolete content
char* previous = nsnull; nscomptr<nsicategorymanager> catman; servman->getservicebycontractid(ns_categorymanager_contractid, ns_get_iid(nsicategorymanager), getter_addrefs(catman)); rv = catman->addcategoryentry("content-policy", component_classname, component_contractid, pr_true, pr_true, &previous); javascript developers can also implement an xpcom component that extends nsicontentpolicy.
Archived Mozilla and build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
a sequence of characters) that matches patterns of characters in other strings.
Gecko Compatibility Handbook - Archive of obsolete content
you should make sure that your name attributes are coded using valid characters only.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
basic feature that i think is a must in any web broswer a discussion revolving around the idea of having firefox automatically convert mistaken non-english characters to english so that web addresses will be completed.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
stefan göppert suspect thunderbird inserts a wrong char("") in the bcc-field and want to confirm this issue.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
jonathan pritchard has clarified that announcement does not mean thunderbird will be changing direction, just certain areas of development that are of interest to the eudora developers will have more attention paid to them.
2006-11-17 - Archive of obsolete content
special characters inquiry of how to use special characters in spidermonkey.
NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npn_getauthenticationinfo(npp instance, const char *protocol, const char *host, int32_t port, const char *scheme, const char *realm, char **username, uint32_t *ulen, char **password, uint32_t *plen); parameters this function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instanc...
NPN_GetURL - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npn_geturl(npp instance, const char* url, const char* target); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN_GetURLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npn_geturlnotify(npp instance, const char* url, const char* target, void* notifydata); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN_GetValueForURL - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> typedef enum { npnurlvcookie = 501, npnurlvproxy } npnurlvariable; nperror npn_getvalueforurl(npp instance, npnurlvariable variable, const char *url, char **value, uint32_t *len); parameters this function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN NewStream - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npn_newstream(npp instance, npmimetype type, const char* target, npstream** stream); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to current plug-in instance.
NPN_PostURL - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npn_posturl(npp instance, const char *url, const char *target, uint32 len, const char *buf, npbool file); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN_PostURLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npn_posturlnotify(npp instance, const char* url, const char* target, uint32 len, const char* buf, npbool file, void* notifydata); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance current plug-in instance, specified by the plug-in.
NPN_SetValueForURL - Archive of obsolete content
e the api theoretically allows the preferred proxy for a given url to be changed, doing so does not have much meaning given how proxies are configured, and is not supported.) syntax #include <npapi.h> typedef enum { npnurlvcookie = 501, npnurlvproxy } npnurlvariable; nperror npn_setvalueforurl(npp instance, npnurlvariable variable, const char *url, const char *value, uint32_t len); parameters this function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN_Status - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> void npn_status(npp instance, const char* message); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN_UserAgent - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> const char* npn_useragent(npp instance); parameters the function has the following parameter: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
NPN_Write - Archive of obsolete content
npstream* stream; char* mydata = "<html><b>this is a message from my plug-in!</b></html>"; int32 mylength = strlen(mydata) + 1; /* create the stream.
NPP_New - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> nperror npp_new(npmimetype plugintype, npp instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char *argn[], char *argv[], npsaveddata *saved); parameters the function has the following parameters: plugintype pointer to the mime type for new plug-in instance.
NPP_StreamAsFile - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> void npp_streamasfile(npp instance, npstream* stream, const char* fname); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to current plug-in instance.
NPP_URLNotify - Archive of obsolete content
syntax #include <npapi.h> void npp_urlnotify(npp instance, const char* url, npreason reason, void* notifydata); parameters the function has the following parameters: instance pointer to the current plug-in instance.
Why RSS Content Module is Popular - Including HTML Contents - Archive of obsolete content
this greatly bloats the size of contents but is necessary since certain characters are no allowed in xml.
Entity list - Archive of obsolete content
(userland's rss 0.91 does not use this dtd.) entity decimal character rss version 0.90 n 0.91 r1 n 0.91 r3 u 0.91 0.92 0.93 0.94 1.0 2.0 á # á ✔ ✔ ✔ ?
Content - Archive of obsolete content
documentation selected articles why rss content module is popular - including html contents charles iliya krempeaux talks about the rss content module, why it is popular among some, and how it is used to include html contents.
Slash - Archive of obsolete content
documentation selected articles up to 10 why rss slash is popular: counting your comments charles iliya krempeaux talks about the rss slash module, why it is popular among some, and how it is used to give a count for your comments (2005-08-22).
Well-Formed Web - Archive of obsolete content
documentation selected articles why well-formed web rss module is popular - syndicating your comments charles iliya krempeaux talks about the rss well-formed web module, why it is popular among some, and how it is used to link to your comments (2005-08-22).
title - Archive of obsolete content
note: in userland's rss 0.91 there is a 100 character maximum limit.
SAX - Archive of obsolete content
'" + attributes.getvalue(i) + "'"); } print("startelement: namespace='" + uri + "', localname='" + localname + "', qname='" + qname + "', attributes={" + attrs.join(",") + "}"); }, endelement: function(uri, localname, qname) { print("endelement: namespace='" + uri + "', localname='" + localname + "', qname='" + qname + "'"); }, characters: function(value) { print("characters: " + value); }, processinginstruction: function(target, data) { print("processinginstruction: target='" + target + "', data='" + data + "'"); }, ignorablewhitespace: function(whitespace) { // don't care }, startprefixmapping: function(prefix, uri) { // don't care }, endprefixmapping: function(prefix) { //...
Using the W3C DOM - Archive of obsolete content
useful references on changing an element's text using the dom whitespace in the dom by david baron element.innerhtml speed and performance comparison between innerhtml attribute and dom's nodevalue when modifying the text data of a text node by gérard talbot interactive dom level 2 characterdata interface attributes and methods tests: other ways to modify (replace, delete, manipulate) efficiently text nodes in the dom by gérard talbot <- previous section: using web standards: how next section: developing cross-browser pages -> ...
ActiveXObject - Archive of obsolete content
for example, here are a few examples of values you may find there, depending on which programs are installed: excel.application excel.chart scripting.filesystemobject word.document important: activex objects may present security issues.
Debug.write - Archive of obsolete content
the only difference is that the debug.writeln function sends a newline character after the strings are sent.
Debug - Archive of obsolete content
debug.writeln sends strings to the script debugger, followed by a newline character.
@set - Archive of obsolete content
must be preceded by an "@" character at all times.
New in JavaScript 1.1 - Archive of obsolete content
isnan() now works on every platform (not only unix anymore) parsefloat() and parseint() now return nan on all platforms, if the first character of the specified string cannot be converted to a number; in previous releases, it returned nan on solaris and irix and zero on all other platforms.
New in JavaScript 1.2 - Archive of obsolete content
arguments new properties function.arity new methods array.prototype.concat() array.prototype.slice() string.prototype.charcodeat() string.prototype.concat() string.fromcharcode() string.prototype.match() string.prototype.replace() string.prototype.slice() string.prototype.substr() new operators delete equality operators (== and !=) new statements labeled statements switch do...while import export other new features regular expressions signed scripts changed func...
Archived JavaScript Reference - Archive of obsolete content
you can use the more general proxy object instead.reflect.enumerate()the static reflect.enumerate() method used to return an iterator with the enumerable own and inherited properties of the target object, but has been removed in ecmascript 2016 and is deprecated in browsers.string.prototype.quote()the non-standard quote() method returns a copy of the string, replacing various special characters in the string with their escape sequences and wrapping the result in double-quotes (").
Troubleshooting XForms Forms - Archive of obsolete content
the home page for xfroms buddy is located at: xforms buddy using http proxy you can use the charles firefox extension to view your http session data including http header data.
XForms Label Element - Archive of obsolete content
usually by underlining the accesskey character in the label text.
XForms Range Element - Archive of obsolete content
characteristics analogous widget is <xul:scale/>, which is available in fx 3.0 only if the incremental attribute has the value true, the value of the bound node will be updated upon each movement of the slider's thumb.
XForms Textarea Element - Archive of obsolete content
characteristics analogous widgets are <xhtml:textarea/> and <xul:textbox multiline="true"/> if the incremental attribute has the value true, then the bound instance node is updated on every user input.
XForms Upload Element - Archive of obsolete content
characteristics analogous widget is <xhtml:input type="file"/> ...
Mozilla XForms User Interface - Archive of obsolete content
each character typed by the user is represented by an asterisk on the screen (see the spec).
Using XForms and PHP - Archive of obsolete content
to do that, you need to use the header() php function: <?php header("content-type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8"); ...
Issues Arising From Arbitrary-Element hover - Archive of obsolete content
however, rules of this type are usually seen in conjunction with markup like this: <td class="nav"> <a href="one.html" class="nav">one</a> | <a href="two.html" class="nav">two</a> | <a href="thr.html" class="nav">three</a> | <a href="fou.html" class="nav">four</a> </td> because the enclosing table cell has a class of nav, the vertical-bar characters will turn red when the user moves the mouse pointer anywhere within the table cell.
The Business Benefits of Web Standards - Archive of obsolete content
comporting with the relevant legislation in the jurisdiction is an important driver particularly for developers who wish to access public funds, or who work with charities and other socially responsible organisations.
Using the DOM File API in chrome code - Extensions
in the xul/mozilla platform there isn't sadly an equivalent to java file.pathseparator (the system-dependent path-separator character).
Examples - Game development
dungeon demo haxor-based dungeon scene with walkable character.
Introduction to game development for the Web - Game development
instead, charge what you want and use whatever payment processing service you like.
Bounding volume collision detection with THREE.js - Game development
usually we will want this aabb to be "linked" to an object in our 3d world (like a character.) in three.js, geometry instances have a boundingbox property with min and max boundaries for the object.
Building up a basic demo with A-Frame - Game development
html structure the first step is to create an html document — inside your project directory, create a new index.html file, and save the follow html inside it: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>mdn games: a-frame demo</title> <script src="aframe.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- html goes here --> </body> </html> this contains some basic information like the document charset and <title>.
Building up a basic demo with Babylon.js - Game development
html structure here's the html structure we will use: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>mdn games: babylon.js demo</title> <style> html,body,canvas { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; font-size: 0; } </style> </head> <body> <script src="babylon.js"></script> <canvas id="render-canvas"></canvas> <script> var canvas = document.getelementbyid("render-canvas"); /* all our javascript code goes here */ </script> </body> </html...
Building up a basic demo with the PlayCanvas engine - Game development
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>mdn games: playcanvas demo</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } canvas { width: 100%; height: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <script src="playcanvas-latest.js"></script> <canvas id="application-canvas"></canvas> <script> var canvas = document.getelementbyid("application-canvas"); /* all our javascript code goes here */ </script> <...
Building up a basic demo with Three.js - Game development
html structure here's the html structure we will use: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>mdn games: three.js demo</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } canvas { width: 100%; height: 100%; } </style> </head> <body> <script src="three.min.js"></script> <script> var width = window.innerwidth; var height = window.innerheight; /* all our javascript code goes here */ </script> </body> </html> it contains some basic information like the document <tit...
GLSL Shaders - Game development
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>mdn games: shaders demo</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 0; font-size: 0; } canvas { width: 100%; height: 100%; } </style> <script src="three.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <script id="vertexshader" type="x-shader/x-vertex"> // vertex shader's code goes here </script> <script id="fragmentshader" type="x-shader/x-fragment"> // fragment shader's code g...
asm.js - Game development
the performance characteristics are closer to native code than that of standard javascript.
Create the Canvas and draw on it - Game development
using your favourite text editor, create a new html document, save it as index.html, in a sensible location, and add the following code to it: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>gamedev canvas workshop</title> <style> * { padding: 0; margin: 0; } canvas { background: #eee; display: block; margin: 0 auto; } </style> </head> <body> <canvas id="mycanvas" width="480" height="320"></canvas> <script> // javascript code goes here </script> </body> </html> we have a charset defined, <title> and some basic css in the header.
Gecko FAQ - Gecko Redirect 1
by the end of calendar year 2000, gecko is expected to support the following recommended open internet standards fully except for the areas noted below and open bugs documented in bugzilla: html 4.0 - full support except for: elements: bdo, basefont attributes: shape attribute on the a element, abbr, axis, headers, scope-row, scope-col, scope-rowgroup, scope-colgroup, charoff, datasrc, datafld, dataformat, datapagesize, summary, event, dir, align on table columns, label attribute of option, alternate text of area elements, longdesc various metadata attributes: cite, datetime, lang, hreflang bidirectional text layout, which is only used in hebrew and arabic (ibm has begun work to add bidi support in a future release) style sheets css 1 - full suppo...
Base64 - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
note that btoa() expects to be passed binary data, and will throw an exception if the given string contains any characters whose utf-16 representation occupies more than one byte.
CRLF - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
cr and lf are control characters or bytecode that can be used to mark a line break in a text file.
Class - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
in object-oriented programming, a class defines an object's characteristics.
Descriptor (CSS) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a css descriptor defines the characteristics of an at-rule.
ECMAScript - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
ecma international is in charge of standardizing ecmascript.
Forbidden header name - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
forbidden header names start with proxy- or sec-, or are one of the following names: accept-charset accept-encoding access-control-request-headers access-control-request-method connection content-length cookie cookie2 date dnt expect feature-policy host keep-alive origin proxy- sec- referer te trailer transfer-encoding upgrade via note: the user-agent header is no longer forbidden, as per spec — see forbidden header name list (this was implemented in firefox 43) �...
I18N - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
(the w3c definition) among other things, i18n requires support for multiple character sets (usually via unicode) units of measure (currency, °c/°f, km/miles, etc.) time and date formats keyboard layouts text directions learn more general knowledge i18n on wikipedia technical reference i18n on w3c i18n on learn about it i18n material on ...
IANA - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
iana (internet assigned numbers authority) is a subsidiary of icann charged with recording and/or assigning domain names, ip addresses, and other names and numbers used by internet protocols.
Identifier - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
an identifier is a sequence of characters in the code that identifies a variable, function, or property.
Internationalization - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
internationalization includes support for multiple character sets (usually via unicode), units of measure (currency, °c/°f, km/miles, etc.), date and time formats, keyboard layouts, and layout and text directions.
Ligature - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a ligature is a joining of two characters into one shape.
Local scope - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
local scope is a characteristic of variables that makes them local (i.e., the variable name is only bound to its value within a scope which is not the global scope).
Media (CSS) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
learn more general knowledge using media queries technical reference media queries define a set of characteristics or parameters required to apply the css styles that are specified within the curly braces of the media query; for example: only applying certain css styles for devices below 768 pixels.
Operator - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
reserved syntax consisting of punctuation or alphanumeric characters that carries out built-in functionality.
Progressive web apps - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
this involves taking standard web sites/apps that enjoy all the best parts of the web — such as discoverability via search engines, being linkable via urls, and working across multiple form factors — and supercharging them with modern apis (such as service workers and push) and features that confer other benefits more commonly attributed to native apps.
Quality values - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
more information http headers using q-values in their syntax: accept, accept-charset, accept-language, accept-encoding, te.
Regular expression - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
regular expressions (or regex) are rules that govern which sequences of characters come up in a search.
Response header - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
note that strictly speaking, the content-encoding and content-type headers are entity header: 200 ok access-control-allow-origin: * connection: keep-alive content-encoding: gzip content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: mon, 18 jul 2016 16:06:00 gmt etag: "c561c68d0ba92bbeb8b0f612a9199f722e3a621a" keep-alive: timeout=5, max=997 last-modified: mon, 18 jul 2016 02:36:04 gmt server: apache set-cookie: mykey=myvalue; expires=mon, 17-jul-2017 16:06:00 gmt; max-age=31449600; path=/; secure transfer-encoding: chunked vary: cookie, accept-encoding x-backend-server: x-cac...
String - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
in any computer programming language, a string is a sequence of characters used to represent text.
Tag - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
note that the end tag's name is preceded by a slash character, </p>, and that in empty elements, the end tag is neither required nor allowed.
Texel - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
textures are characterised by collections of texel’s, as how images are characterised by collections of pixels.
VoIP - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
usually, telephone calls over the internet do not incur further charges beyond what the user is paying for internet access, much in the same way that the user doesn't pay for sending individual emails over the internet.
Web standards - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
vern set-up and use of uris, http, and mime w3c: specifications for markup language (e.g., html), style definitions (i.e., css), dom, accessibility iana (internet assigned numbers authority): name and number registries ecma intl.: scripting standards, most prominently for javascript iso (international organization for standardization): standards governing a diverse array of aspects, including character encodings, website management, and user-interface design learn more general knowledge web standards on wikipedia ...
caret - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
most user interfaces represent the caret using a thin vertical line or a character-sized box that flashes, but this can vary.
Property (CSS) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a css property is a characteristic (like color) whose associated value defines one aspect of how the browser should display the element.
Property (JavaScript) - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a javascript property is a characteristic of an object, often describing attributes associated with a data structure.
Accessible multimedia - Learn web development
you might for example have an audio recording of a meeting that refers to an accompanying resource such as a spreadsheet or chart.
Backgrounds and borders - Learn web development
the value of background-size may only be included immediately after background-position, separated with the '/' character, like this: center/80%.
Attribute selectors - Learn web development
this flag tells the browser to match ascii characters case-insensitively.
Combinators - Learn web development
descendant combinator the descendant combinator — typically represented by a single space ( ) character — combines two selectors such that elements matched by the second selector are selected if they have an ancestor (parent, parent's parent, parent's parent's parent, etc) element matching the first selector.
The box model - Learn web development
these characteristics refer to how the box behaves in terms of page flow, and in relation to other boxes on the page: if a box is defined as a block, it will behave in the following ways: the box will break onto a new line.
Grids - Learn web development
you can also use the shorthand properties: grid-column grid-row these let you specify the start and end lines at once, separated by a / — a forward slash character.
Normal Flow - Learn web development
if you want to control the size of an inline element in this manner, you need to set it to behave like a block level element with display: block; (or even,display: inline-block; which mixes characteristics from both.) that explains individual elements, but what about how elements interact with one another?
Practical positioning examples - Learn web development
note: we've put a special question mark character into our html to act as our info icon — this represents the button that will be pressed to show/hide the panel.
What is CSS? - Learn web development
what follows is the compat data chart for the css font-family property.
How much does it cost to do something on the Web? - Learn web development
hosting understanding bandwidth hosting providers charge you according to how much bandwidth your website consumes.
Basic native form controls - Learn web development
they can be constrained in size (the physical size of the box) and maxlength (the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the box).
HTML forms in legacy browsers - Learn web development
but in that case, do not hesitate to charge your client for such foolishness.
How to build custom form controls - Learn web development
.select:after { content : "▼"; /* we use the unicode character u+25bc; make sure to set a charset meta tag */ position: absolute; z-index : 1; /* this will be important to keep the arrow from overlapping the list of options */ top : 0; right : 0; box-sizing : border-box; height : 100%; width : 2em; padding-top : .1em; border-left : .2em solid #000; border-radius: 0 .1em .1em 0; background-color : #000; color : #fff;...
Other form controls - Learn web development
controlling multi-line rendering <textarea> accepts three attributes to control its rendering across several lines: cols specifies the visible width (columns) of the text control, measured in average character widths.
Sending forms through JavaScript - Learn web development
for( name in data ) { urlencodeddatapairs.push( encodeuricomponent( name ) + '=' + encodeuricomponent( data[name] ) ); } // combine the pairs into a single string and replace all %-encoded spaces to // the '+' character; matches the behaviour of browser form submissions.
Test your skills: Basic controls - Learn web development
turn the first <fieldset>'s contents into a set of radio buttons — you should only be able to select one pony character at once.
JavaScript basics - Learn web development
supercharging our example website with this review of javascript basics completed (above), let's add some new features to our example site.
What will your website look like? - Learn web development
when you click on a color, you'll see a strange six-character code like #660066.
Using data attributes - Learn web development
in firefox 49.0.2 (and perhaps earlier/later versions), the data attributes that exceed 1022 characters will not be read by javascript (ecmascript 4).
Creating hyperlinks - Learn web development
here's an example that includes a cc, bcc, subject and body: <a href=""> send mail with cc, bcc, subject and body </a> note: the values of each field must be url-encoded, that is with non-printing characters (invisible characters like tabs, carriage returns, and page breaks) and spaces percent-escaped.
Document and website structure - Learn web development
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my page title</title> <link href="|sonsie+one" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> <!-- the below three lines are a fix to get html5 semantic elements working in old versions of internet explorer--> <!--[if lt ie 9]> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudf...
Marking up a letter - Learn web development
the head of the document the character set of the document should be set as utf-8 using the appropriate meta tag.
Adding vector graphics to the Web - Learn web development
playable code <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 50px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="width: 95%;min-height: 200px;"> <svg width="100%" height="100%"> <rect width="100%" height="100%" fill="red" /> <circle cx="100%" cy="100%" r="150" fill="blue" stroke="black" /> <polygon points="120,0 240,225 0,225" fill="green"/> <text x="50" y="100" font-family="verdana" font-size="55" fill="white" stroke="black" s...
From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
playable code <h2>live output</h2> <div class="output" style="min-height: 250px;"> </div> <h2>editable code</h2> <p class="a11y-label">press esc to move focus away from the code area (tab inserts a tab character).</p> <textarea id="code" class="input" style="width: 95%;min-height: 100px;"> </textarea> <div class="playable-buttons"> <input id="reset" type="button" value="reset"> <input id="solution" type="button" value="show solution"> </div> html { font-family: sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 16px; } .a11y-label { margin: 0; text-align: right; font-size: 0.7rem; width: 98%; } bod...
HTML table advanced features and accessibility - Learn web development
your finished table should look something like the following: hidden example <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my spending record</title> <style> html { font-family: sans-serif; } table { border-collapse: collapse; border: 4px solid rgb(200,200,200); letter-spacing: 1px; font-size: 0.8rem; } td, th { border: 2px solid rgb(190,190,190); padding: 10px 20px; } ...
Index - Learn web development
methods article, beginner, codingscripting, javascript, learn, case, indexof, l10n:priority, length, lower, replace, split, upper now that we've looked at the very basics of strings, let's move up a gear and start thinking about what useful operations we can do on strings with built-in methods, such as finding the length of a text string, joining and splitting strings, substituting one character in a string for another, and more.
Functions — reusable blocks of code - Learn web development
as an example, the array join() function's parameter is optional: let myarray = ['i', 'love', 'chocolate', 'frogs']; let madeastring = myarray.join(' '); // returns 'i love chocolate frogs' let madeastring = myarray.join(); // returns 'i,love,chocolate,frogs' if no parameter is included to specify a joining/delimiting character, a comma is used by default.
Manipulating documents - Learn web development
the html source code looks like this: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>simple dom example</title> </head> <body> <section> <img src="dinosaur.png" alt="a red tyrannosaurus rex: a two legged dinosaur standing upright like a human, with small arms, and a large head with lots of sharp teeth."> <p>here we will add a link to the <a href="">mozilla homepage</a></p> </section> </body> </html> ...
A first splash into JavaScript - Learn web development
example — guess the number game in this article we'll show you how to build up the simple game you can see below: top hidden code <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>number guessing game</title> <style> html { font-family: sans-serif; } body { width: 50%; max-width: 800px; min-width: 480px; margin: 0 auto; } .lastresult { color: white; padding: 3px; } </style> </head> <body> <h1>number guessi...
Test your skills: Arrays - Learn web development
we'd like you to: convert the string into an array, removing the + characters in the process.
JavaScript First Steps - Learn web development
useful string methods now we've looked at the very basics of strings, let's move up a gear and start thinking about what useful operations we can do on strings with built-in methods, such as finding the length of a text string, joining and splitting strings, substituting one character in a string for another, and more.
JavaScript performance - Learn web development
optimize these smaller files minification reduces the number of characters in your file, thereby reducing the number of bytes or weight of your javascript.
TypeScript support in Svelte - Learn web development
generic types are passed as parameters using a special syntax: they are specified between angle-brackets, and by convention are denoted with an upper-cased single char letter.
Getting started with Svelte - Learn web development
finally the file public/index.html includes the generated bundle.css and bundle.js files: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width,initial-scale=1'> <title>svelte app</title> <link rel='icon' type='image/png' href='/favicon.png'> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/global.css'> <link rel='stylesheet' href='/build/bundle.css'> <script defer src='/build/bundle.js'></script> </head> <body> </body> </html> the minified version of bundle.js weighs a little m...
Dynamic behavior in Svelte: working with variables and props - Learn web development
update the newtodo form's opening tag like so: <form on:submit|preventdefault={addtodo}> the on:eventname directive supports adding modifiers to the dom event with the | character.
Vue conditional rendering: editing existing todos - Learn web development
to understand this better, it is a good idea to write out a flow chart, description, or diagram of what events are emitted where, where they are being listened for, and what happens as a result of them firing.
Handling common accessibility problems - Learn web development
left cursor and right cursor move to previous/next character in current item and read it.
Introduction to automated testing - Learn web development
note: the * character is a wildcard character — here we're saying "run these tasks when any files of these types are saved.
Setting up your own test automation environment - Learn web development
add the following code and try running your test again: const input = driver.findelement('name')); input.sendkeys('filling in my form'); you can submit key presses that can't be represented by normal characters using properties of the webdriver.key object.
Accessibility API cross-reference
dby if visible on screen or aria-label otherwise <caption> (for tables), <figcaption> (for figures), and <label> with a for attribute (for input elements) a <toc> or <l> may contain a <caption> as its first item <caption> or <lbl> a cell in a table cell n/a table_cell cell <td> td not what you think - this is for the damn paperclip character n/a n/a n/a for graphics representing data chart n/a figure ?
Accessibility Features in Firefox
fire vox extension by charles l.
instead, all text changed events should be examined for the presence of an embed character.
Software accessibility: Where are we today?
furthermore, any software solution that can enable equality should by all rights be free of charge - an integral part of society's infrastructure.
Accessible Toolkit Checklist
supporting the basic msaa states on every item: unavailable, focused, readonly, offscreen, focusable to avoid extra work, utilize implementing an msaa server mnemonics ability to define in xml for any widget with a text label (via attribute or a preceding char in label) automatically define mnemonics for all standard common dialogs (like yes/no confirmations and retry/exit error dialogs) support mnemonics in dialogs created via method calls layout engine - drawing underline under correct letter events - making keystrokes do the right thing msaa support, via iaccessible's get_acckeyboardshortcut support for ms win...
Choosing the right memory allocator
these methods convert ns*string to nsimemory allocated, unowned [pruni]char* buffers.
Creating reftest-based unit tests
ces2</title></head> <body> x&nbsp;x </body></html> spaces3.html: <html><head><title>spaces3</title></head> <body> x&nbsp;&nbsp;x </body></html> spaces4.html: <html><head><title>spaces4</title></head> <body> x x </body></html> reftests.txt: == spaces1.html spaces2.html != spaces3.html spaces4.html the first two files, spaces1.html and spaces2.html, are confirming only that a space (the character equal to 0x20 in ascii) creates the same visual construct as the html entity for a non-breaking space.
Debugging Frame Reflow
log file analysis the log file for a simple table like <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> </head> <body> <table width="100"> <tbody> <tr> <td>foo</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> will create the following log: vp 00b97c30 r=0 a=9180,4470 c=9180,4470 cnt=856 scroll 00b97ee0 r=0 a=9180,4470 c=9180,4470 cnt=857 scroll 00b97ee0 r=0 a=9180,4470 c=9180,4470 cnt=858 canvas 00b97c6c r=0 a=9180,uc c=9180,4470 cnt=859 area 02d7afe4 r=0 a=9...
Eclipse CDT
unfortunately, the autocomplete list cannot (currently) be configured to appear automatically as soon as you start typing a character that might be the start of an identifier name.
Listening to events on all tabs
void onstatuschange( nsidomxulelement abrowser, nsiwebprogress awebprogress, nsirequest arequest, nsresult astatus, prunichar *amessage ); parameters abrowser the browser that fired the notification.
many pkgbuild options to choose from and most work like a charm - while "mach" may not necessarily work like a charm for everyone.
Roll your own browser: An embedding how-to
there are two functions that are needed: nsresult ns_initembedding(const char *apath); nsresult ns_termembedding(); pretty self-explanatory.
character sets supported by gecko a list of the character sets supported by gecko.
How Mozilla determines MIME Types
however, starting in mozilla 1.7alpha, mozilla does do content sniffing, like this: when the content-type sent by the server is one of (case-sensitively) text/plain text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 and the server did not send a content-encoding header, mozilla will sniff the first block of data it gets and check for non-text bytes.
Extending a Protocol
constructs: by which we mean, pwindowglobal is in charge of contructing the parent/child relationship.
IPDL Tutorial
the built-in simple types include the c++ integer types (bool, char, int, double) and xpcom string types (nsstring, nscstring).
the elements of the array will be url-encoded and "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8" will be enforced as the content type.
Interfacing with the Add-on Repository
to make the service work for the time being, you can use code like this when your extension starts up: var prefsservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice); var prefbranch = prefsservice.getbranch("extensions."); var recurl = ""; try { recurl = prefbranch.getcharpref("getaddons.recommended.url"); } catch(e) { recurl = ""; } if (recurl == "") { prefbranch.setcharpref("getaddons.recommended.url", ""); prefsservice.savepreffile(null); } this fetches the value of the extensions.getaddons.recommended.url...
Application Translation with Mercurial
c:\mozilla\coding\buildtools\mozillabuild\start-shell-msvc2010.bat you can autocomplete the file path after typing a few characters and then pressing the tabulator key.
34 web localizability internationalization, localizability, localization, web development localizability (or l12y for short) is a characteristic found in an application or content that enables localization.
Mozilla Content Localized in Your Language
character styles how are bold, italics, underlines, etc.
Localizing XLIFF files for iOS
keep in mind the following sets of characters that need to remain untranslated: $(some_text_here) is a variable format, %1$@ is another variable format.
Localizing extension descriptions
make sure to use utf-8 encoding (without bom) to ensure foreign characters display correctly.
Patching a Localization
get the source first, you need to get the source for the localization in question using its two or three character iso language code.
Localization technical reviews
string lengths in there are some character limits in the security/manager/chrome/pipnss/ file that you should be aware of.
Localization formats
" "allez-y et montrez-le en téléchargeant et en imprimant votre " "certificat personnalisé firefox 3 download day." advantages of gettext gettext has very powerful tools to update this site (if you use the actual english strings in msgids, not unique identifier strings like certificate_intro) very established with a large set of powerful tools harder to screw things up because existing tools will not allow localizers to edi...
Web Localizability
localizability (or l12y for short) is a characteristic found in an application or content that enables localization.
# #, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "project-id-version: package version\n" "report-msgid-bugs-to: \n" "pot-creation-date: 2009-09-28 16:18+0200\n" "po-revision-date: year-mo-da ho:mi+zone\n" "last-translator: full name <email@address>\n" "language-team: language <>\n" "mime-version: 1.0\n" "content-type: text/plain; charset=charset\n" "content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\n" "plural-forms: nplurals=integer; plural=expression;\n" #.
Fonts for Mozilla's MathML engine
if you are likely to need these characters, we recommend to install the xits or amiri fonts.
characters blocks symbols variants entitynames numericrefs utf8 general clipboard genattribs math presentation css dynamicexpressions generallayout scriptsandlimits tablesandmatrices tokenelements topics accents bidi elementarymathexamples embellishedop largeop linebreak nesting stretchychars whitespace torturetests errorhandling original document information author(s): fréd�...
mobile web development mobile devices have very different hardware characteristics from desktop or laptop computers, and many of the apis used to work with them are still in the process of being standardized.
Mozilla Port Blocking
enabling ports user_pref(", "port1,port2"); disabling ports user_pref("", "port3,port4"); blocked ports ports blocked by default in mozilla: port service 1 tcpmux 7 echo 9 discard 11 systat 13 daytime 15 netstat 17 qotd 19 chargen 20 ftp data 21 ftp control 22 ssh 23 telnet 25 smtp 37 time 42 name 43 nicname 53 domain 77 priv-rjs 79 finger 87 ttylink 95 supdup 101 hostriame 102 iso-tsap 103 gppitnp 104 acr-nema ...
Mozilla Web Services Security Model
the from attribute otherwise gives a url to match, which may contain up to two asterisks (*) that match any characters in the url.
#include "condvar.h" methods constructor condvar(mutex& amutex, const char* aname) initialize the condvar with its associated mutex and a name to reference it by.
#include <mozilla/mutex.h> methods constructor mutex(const char* aname) initialize the mutex with a name that can reference it.
Automated performance testing and sheriffing
we have several test harnesses that test firefox for various performance characteristics (page load time, startup time, etc.).
class - the name of the class in question (truncated to 20 characters).
Investigating leaks using DMD heap scan mode
from this chart, you can see how many objects of a particular type were leaked through shutdown.
me/njn/moz/mi5/memory/mozalloc/mozalloc.cpp:84) #04: nscyclecollectingautorefcnt::incr(void*, nscyclecollectionparticipant*) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/dom/xul/../../dist/include/nsisupportsimpl.h:250) #05: nsxulelement::create(nsxulprototypeelement*, nsidocument*, bool, bool,mozilla::dom::element**) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/xul/nsxulelement.cpp:287) #06: nsxblcontentsink::createelement(char16_t const**, unsigned int, mozilla::dom::nodeinfo*, unsigned int, nsicontent**, bool*, mozilla::dom::fromparser) (/home/njn/moz/mi5/dom/xbl/nsxblcontentsink.cpp:874) #07: nscomptr<nsicontent>::startassignment() (/home/njn/moz/mi5/go64dmd/dom/xml/../../dist/include/nscomptr.h:753) #08: nsxmlcontentsink::handlestartelement(char16_t const*, char16_t const**, unsigned int, unsigned int, bool)...
Memory reporting
a simple example imagine a simple string class with the following data fields: class mystring { private: char *mbuffer; // heap-allocated size_t mlen; // ...
Power profiling overview
in the context of computing, a fully-charged mobile device battery (as found in a laptop or smartphone) holds a certain amount of energy, and the speed at which that stored energy is depleted depends on the power consumption of the mobile device.
the underscores in _pkg_, _gpu_ and _ram_ are present so that each column's name has five characters.
memory profiler the memory profiler samples allocation events and provides different views to analyze the allocation characteristic.
Firefox Sync
general the always prolific richard newman has written a couple of notes about bookmark syncing (first, second) and has a blog where he talks about the various challenges syncing this kind of data.
Optimizing Applications For NSPR
on nt, this problem is especially obvious because the idle thread, which is in charge of driving the asynch io completion port, is also blocked.
Floating Point Number to String Conversion
nspr provides functions that convert double-precision floating point numbers to and from their character string representations.
Introduction to NSPR
naming of nspr types, functions, and macros follows the following conventions: types exported by nspr begin with pr and are followed by intercap-style declarations, like this: print, prfiledesc function definitions begin with pr_ and are followed by intercap-style declarations, like this: pr_read, pr_jointhread preprocessor macros begin with the letters pr and are followed by all uppercase characters separated with the underscore character (_), like this: pr_bytes_per_short, pr_extern nspr threads nspr provides an execution environment that promotes the use of lightweight threads.
pl_comparestrings compare two character strings using strcmp.
syntax char * pl_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src); parameters the function has these parameters: dest pointer to a buffer.
syntax #include <plstr.h> char *pl_strdup(const char *s); parameter the function has a single parameter: s the string to copy, may be null.
syntax void pl_strfree(char *s); parameter the function has these parameter: s pointer to the string to be freed.
returns the length of a specified string (not including the trailing '\0') syntax pruint32 pl_strlen(const char *str); parameter the function has these parameter: str size in bytes of item to be allocated.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> typedef struct prhostent { char *h_name; char **h_aliases; #if defined(_win32) print16 h_addrtype; print16 h_length; #else print32 h_addrtype; print32 h_length; #endif char **h_addr_list; } prhostent; fields the structure has the following fields: h_name pointer to the official name of host.
syntax #include <prlog.h> typedef struct prlogmoduleinfo { const char *name; prlogmodulelevel level; struct prlogmoduleinfo *next; } prlogmoduleinfo; ...
syntax #include <prio.h> union prnetaddr { struct { pruint16 family; char data[14]; } raw; struct { pruint16 family; pruint16 port; pruint32 ip; char pad[8]; } inet; #if defined(_pr_inet6) struct { pruint16 family; pruint16 port; pruint32 flowinfo; pripv6addr ip; } ipv6; #endif /* defined(_pr_inet6) */ }; typedef union prnetaddr prnetaddr; fields the structure has the following fields: family address family: pr_af_inet|pr_af_inet6 for, pr_af_inet for, pr_af_inet6 for
the type for the root function used by pr_initialize is specified as follows: syntax typedef printn (pr_callback *prprimordialfn)(printn argc, char **argv); see also pr_initialize ...
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> typedef struct prprotoent { char *p_name; char **p_aliases; #if defined(_win32) print16 p_num; #else print32 p_num; #endif } prprotoent; fields the structure has the following fields: p_name pointer to official protocol name.
syntax #include <prlink.h> typedef struct prstaticlinktable { const char *name; void (*fp)(); } prstaticlinktable; ...
there is no type equivalent to a plain char.
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_access( const char *name, praccesshow how); parameters the function has the following parameters: name the pathname of the file whose accessibility is to be determined.
syntax #include <prlog.h> void pr_assert ( const char *s, const char *file, printn ln); parameters the function has these parameters: s a string to be displayed in the log.
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_delete(const char *name); parameters the function has the following parameter: name the pathname of the file to be deleted.
syntax #include <pripcsem.h> nspr_api(prstatus) pr_deletesemaphore(const char *name); parameter the function has the following parameter: name the name of a semaphore that was previously created via a call to pr_opensemaphore.
syntax #include <prshm.h> nspr_api( prstatus ) pr_deletesharedmemory( const char *name ); parameter the function has these parameter: shm the handle returned from pr_opensharedmemory.
warning: some platforms do not allow the use of the underscore character (_) as the first character of an exported symbol.
syntax #include <prshma.h> nspr_api( prstatus ) pr_exportfilemapasstring( prfilemap *fm, prsize bufsize, char *buf ); define pr_filemap_string_bufsize 128 parameters the function has the following parameters: fm a pointer to the prfilemap to be represented as a string.
syntax #include <prlink.h> void* pr_findsymbol ( prlibrary *lib, const char *name); parameters the function has these parameters: lib a valid reference to a loaded library, as returned by pr_loadlibrary, or null.
syntax #include <prlink.h> void* pr_findsymbolandlibrary ( const char *name, prlibrary **lib); parameters the function has these parameters: name the textual representation of the symbol to locate.
syntax #include <prlink.h> void pr_freelibraryname(char *mem); parameters the function has this parameter: mem a reference to a character array that was previously allocated by the dynamic library runtime.
PR GetAddrInfoByName
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> praddrinfo *pr getaddrinfobyname( const char *hostname, pruint16 af, printn flags); parameters the function has the following parameters: hostname the character string defining the host name of interest.
PR GetCanonNameFromAddrInfo
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> const char *pr_getcanonnamefromaddrinfo(const praddrinfo *addrinfo); parameters the function has the following parameters: addrinfo a pointer to a praddrinfo structure returned by a successful call to pr_getaddrinfobyname.
syntax #include <prerror.h> print32 pr_geterrortext(char *text); parameters the function has one parameter: text on output, the array pointed to contains the thread's current error text.
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_getfileinfo( const char *fn, prfileinfo *info); parameters the function has the following parameters: fn the pathname of the file to get information about.
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_getfileinfo64( const char *fn, prfileinfo64 *info); parameters the function has the following parameters: fn the pathname of the file to get information about.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> prstatus pr_gethostbyaddr( const prnetaddr *hostaddr, char *buf, printn bufsize, prhostent *hostentry); parameters the function has the following parameters: hostaddr a pointer to the ip address of host in question.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> prstatus pr_gethostbyname( const char *hostname, char *buf, printn bufsize, prhostent *hostentry); parameters the function has the following parameters: hostname the character string defining the host name of interest.
syntax #include <prshma.h> nspr_api( prfilemap *) pr_getinheritedfilemap( const char *shmname ); parameter the function has the following parameter: shmname the name provided to pr_processattrsetinheritablefilemap.
syntax #include <prlink.h> char* pr_getlibrarypath(void); parameters the function has no parameters.
syntax #include <prio.h> const char* pr_getnameforidentity(prdescidentity ident); parameter the function has the following parameter: ident a layer's identity.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> prstatus pr_getprotobyname( const char* protocolname, char* buffer, print32 bufsize, prprotoent* result); parameters the function has the following parameters: protocolname a pointer to the character string of the protocol's name.
syntax #include <prnetdb.h> prstatus pr_getprotobynumber( print32 protocolnumber, char* buffer, print32 bufsize, prprotoent* result); parameters the function has the following parameters: protocolnumber the number assigned to the protocol.
syntax #include <prio.h> prdescidentity pr_getuniqueidentity(const char *layer_name); parameter the function has the following parameter: layer_name the string associated with the creation of a layer's identity.
warning: some platforms do not allow the use of the underscore character (_) as the first character of an exported symbol.
syntax #include <prshma.h> nspr_api( prfilemap * ) pr_importfilemapfromstring( const char *fmstring ); parameter the function has the following parameter: fmstring a pointer to string created by pr_exportfilemapasstring.
syntax #include <prinit.h> printn pr_initialize( prprimordialfn prmain, printn argc, char **argv, pruintn maxptds); parameters pr_initialize has the following parameters: prmain the function that becomes the primordial thread's root function.
syntax #include <prlink.h> prlibrary* pr_loadlibrary(const char *name); parameters the function has this parameter: name a platform-dependent character array that names the library to be loaded, as returned by pr_getlibraryname.
syntax #include <prlog.h> void pr_logprint(const char *fmt, ...); parameters the function has this parameter: fmt the string that is used as the formatting specification.
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_mkdir( const char *name, printn mode); parameters the function has the following parameters: name the name of the directory to be created.
syntax #include <prlog.h> void pr_not_reached(const char *_reasonstr); parameters the macro has this parameter: reasonstr a string that describes why you should not have reached this statement.
syntax #include <prlog.h> prlogmoduleinfo* pr_newlogmodule(const char *name); parameters the function has this parameter: name the name to be assigned to the prlogmoduleinfo structure.
syntax #include <prio.h> prfiledesc* pr_open( const char *name, printn flags, printn mode); parameters the function has the following parameters: name the pathname of the file to be opened.
creates or opens a named semaphore with the specified name syntax #include <prshma.h> nspr_api( prfilemap *) pr_openanonfilemap( const char *dirname, prsize size, prfilemapprotect prot ); parameters the function has the following parameters: dirname a pointer to a directory name that will contain the anonymous file.
syntax #include <prio.h> prdir* pr_opendir(const char *name); parameter the function has the following parameter: name the pathname of the directory to be opened.
syntax #include <pripcsem.h> #define pr_sem_create 0x1 /* create if not exist */ #define pr_sem_excl 0x2 /* fail if already exists */ nspr_api(prsem *) pr_opensemaphore( const char *name, printn flags, printn mode, pruintn value ); parameters the function has the following parameters: name the name to be given the semaphore.
syntax #include <prshm.h> nspr_api( prsharedmemory * ) pr_opensharedmemory( const char *name, prsize size, printn flags, printn mode ); /* define values for pr_opensharememory(...,create) */ #define pr_shm_create 0x1 /* create if not exist */ #define pr_shm_excl 0x2 /* fail if already exists */ parameters the function has the following parameters: name the name of the shared memory segment.
syntax #include <prshma.h> nspr_api(prstatus) pr_processattrsetinheritablefilemap( prprocessattr *attr, prfilemap *fm, const char *shmname ); parameters the function has the following parameters: attr pointer to a prprocessattr structure used to pass data to pr_createprocess.
description pr_readdir returns a pointer to a directory entry structure: struct prdirentry { const char *name; }; typedef struct prdirentry prdirentry; the structure has the following field: name name of entry, relative to directory name.
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_rename( const char *from, const char *to); parameters the function has the following parameters: from the old name of the file to be renamed.
syntax #include <prio.h> prstatus pr_rmdir(const char *name); parameter the function has the following parameter: name the name of the directory to be removed.
syntax #include <prlink.h> prstatus pr_setlibrarypath(const char *path); parameters the function has this parameter: path a pointer to a character array that contains the directory path that the application should use as a default.
syntax #include <prlog.h> prbool pr_setlogfile(const char *name); parameters the function has this parameter: name the name of the log file.
syntax #include <prinit.h> prbool pr_versioncheck(const char *importedversion); parameter pr_versioncheck has one parameter: importedversion the version of the shared library being imported.
this is the type definition for priovec: typedef struct priovec { char *iov_base; int iov_len; } priovec; the priovec structure has the following fields: iov_base a pointer to the beginning of the buffer.
syntax #include <prdtoa.h> void pr_cnvtf ( char *buf, printn bufsz, printn prcsn, prfloat64 fval); parameters the function has these parameters: buf the address of the buffer in which to store the result.
syntax #include <prdtoa.h> prstatus pr_dtoa( prfloat64 d, printn mode, printn ndigits, printn *decpt, printn *sign, char **rve, char *buf, prsize bufsz); parameters the function has these parameters: d the floating point number to be converted to a string.
Process Initialization
implicit initialization should suffice unless a program has specific sequencing requirements or needs to characterize the primordial thread.
An overview of NSS Internals
(note that it's important to look at the number 11, as there are other pkcs standards with different numbers that define quite different topics.) a software or hardware module conforming to the pkcs#11 standard implements an interface of c calls, which allow querying the characteristics and offered services of the module.
le aia cert fetching bug 408847: pkix_ocspchecker_check does not support specified responder (and given signercert) bug 414003: crash [[@ cert_decodecertpackage] sometimes with this testcase bug 415167: memory leak in certutil bug 417399: arena allocation results are not checked in pkix_pl_infoaccess_parselocation bug 420644: improve ssl tracing of key derivation bug 426886: use const char* in pk11_importcertforkey bug 428103: cert_encodesubjectkeyid is not defined in any public header file bug 429716: debug builds of libpkix unconditionally dump socket traffic to stdout bug 430368: vfychain -t option is undocumented bug 430369: vfychain -o succeeds even if -pp is not specified bug 430399: vfychain -pp crashes bug 430405: error log is not produced by cert_pkixverifycert...
NSS 3.12.5 release_notes
see the following struct in nss.h for details: nssinitparametersstr other new functions in secmod.h: secmod_getskipfirstflag secmod_getdefaultmoddbflag in prlink.h nss_securememcmp port_loadlibraryfromorigin modified functions sgn_update (see cryptohi.h) the parameter "input" of this function is changed from unsigned char * to const unsigned char *.
NSS 3.16.2 release notes
the default is to show a non-ascii character as ".".
NSS 3.16 release notes
bug 903885: (cve-2014-1492) in a wildcard certificate, the wildcard character should not be embedded within the u-label of an internationalized domain name.
NSS 3.46 release notes
dd wycheproof test vectors for aes-kw bug 1571316 - curve25519_32.c:280: undefined reference to `pr_assert' when building nss 3.45 on armhf-linux bug 1516593 - client to generate new random during renegotiation bug 1563258 - fails due to non-existent "resp" directories bug 1561598 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in pqg.c bug 1560806 - increase softoken password max size to 500 characters bug 1568776 - output paths relative to repository in nss coverity bug 1453408 - modutil -changepw fails in fips mode if password is an empty string bug 1564727 - use a pss spki when possible for delegated credentials bug 1493916 - fix ppc64 inline assembler for clang bug 1561588 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in p7env.c bug 1561548 - remove -wmaybe-uninitialized warning in pki...
NSS Sample Code sample3
sample code 3: hashing, mac /* * demonstration program for hashing and macs */ #include <iostream.h> #include "pk11pub.h" #include "nss.h" static void printdigest(unsigned char *digest, unsigned int len) { int i; cout << "length: " << len << endl; for(i = 0;i < len;i++) printf("%02x ", digest[i]); cout << endl; } /* * main */ int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int status = 0; pk11slotinfo *slot = 0; pk11symkey *key = 0; pk11context *context = 0; unsigned char data[80]; unsigned char digest[20]; /*is there a way to tell how large the output is?*/ unsigned int len; secstatus s; /* initialize nss * if your application code has already initialized nss, you can skip it * here.
labels should not have any trailing blank characters.
PKCS11 module installation
note: there is currently a bug in firefox where international characters may cause problems.
syntax ck_rv fc_inittoken( ck_slot_id slotid, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen, ck_char_ptr plabel ); parameters fc_inittoken() has the following parameters: slotid the id of the token's slot ppin the password of the security officer (so) ulpinlen the length in bytes of the so password plabel points to the label of the token, which must be padded with spaces to 32 bytes and not be null-terminated description fc_inittoken() initializes a brand new token or re-initializes a token that was initialized before.
syntax ck_rv fc_login( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_user_type usertype, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen ); parameters fc_login() takes four parameters: hsession [in] a session handle usertype [in] the user type (cku_so or cku_user) ppin [in] a pointer that points to the user's pin ulpinlen [in] the length of the pin description fc_login() logs a user into a token.
syntax ck_rv fc_setpin( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_char_ptr poldpin, ck_ulong uloldlen, ck_char_ptr pnewpin, ck_ulong ulnewlen ); parameters fc_setpin takes five parameters: hsession [input] the session's handle poldpin [input] points to the old pin.
syntax ck_rv nsc_inittoken( ck_slot_id slotid, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen, ck_char_ptr plabel ); parameters nsc_inittoken() has the following parameters: slotid the id of the token's slot ppin the password of the security officer (so) ulpinlen the length in bytes of the so password plabel points to the label of the token, which must be padded with spaces to 32 bytes and not be null-terminated description nsc_inittoken() initializes a brand new token or re-initializes a token that was initialized before.
syntax ck_rv nsc_login( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_user_type usertype, ck_char_ptr ppin, ck_ulong ulpinlen ); parameters nsc_login() takes four parameters: hsession [in] a session handle usertype [in] the user type (cku_so or cku_user) ppin [in] a pointer that points to the user's pin ulpinlen [in] the length of the pin description nsc_login() logs a user into a token.
NSS tools : pk12util
the password should be at least 8 characters long, and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.
syntax #include <seccomon.h> #include <prtypes.h> #include <secport.h> typedef enum { sibuffer, sicleardatabuffer, sicipherdatabuffer, sidercertbuffer, siencodedcertbuffer, sidernamebuffer, siencodednamebuffer, siasciinamestring, siasciistring, sideroid } secitemtype; typedef struct secitemstr secitem; struct secitemstr { secitemtype type; unsigned char *data; unsigned int len; }; description a secitem structure can be used to associate your own data with an ssl socket.
bug 464406: fix signtool regressions bug 465270: uninitialised value in devutil.c::create_object() bug 465273: dead assignment in devutil.c::nssslotarray_clone() bug 465926: during import of pkcs #12 files bug 466180: ssl_configmpserversidcache with default parameters fails on {net bug 466194: cert_decodetruststring should take a const char * input trusts string.
NSS tools : pk12util
the password should be at least 8 characters long, and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.
the core of pork is a c++ parser that provides exact character positions for the start and end of every ast node, as well as the set of macro expansions that contain any location.
Rhino JavaScript compiler
the string packagename must be composed of valid identifier characters optionally separated by periods.
The JavaScript Runtime
string java.lang.charsequence (java.lang.string or org.mozilla.javascript.consstring) object org.mozilla.javascript.scriptable in addition, ecma refers to objects that implement [[call]] as functions.
Scripting Java
for example, to create an array of bytes, we must use the special field java.lang.byte.type: js> a = java.lang.reflect.array.newinstance(java.lang.character.type, 2); [c@7a84e4 the resulting value can then be used anywhere a java array of that type is allowed.
GCIntegration - SpiderMonkey Redirect 1
we will need to handle pointers to array slots and string characters specially, since those may actually be pointers into the middle of gc things (inline slots or inline chars).
Exact Stack Rooting
these three storage regions have different lifetime and overhead characteristics and thus require different management strategies for efficient space and cpu utilization.
JSAPI Cookbook
jsapi code can override this by creating the error object directly and passing additional arguments to the constructor: // javascript throw new error(message, filename, lineno); /* jsapi */ bool throwerror(jscontext *cx, jsobject *global, const char *message, const char *filename, int32 lineno) { jsstring *messagestr; jsstring *filenamestr; js::value args[3]; js::value exc; messagestr = js_newstringcopyz(cx, message); if (!messagestr) return false; filenamestr = js_newstringcopyz(cx, filename); if (!filenamestr) return false; args[0] = string_to_jsval(messagestr); args[1] = string_to_...
(3nd argument of jsnative) methods methods of js::callargs method description bool requireatleast(jscontext *cx, const char *fnname, unsigned required) returns true if there are at least required arguments passed in.
js::rootedvalue val(cx, persistentval.ref()); // or // js::rootedvalue val(cx, *persistentval); // [spidermonkey 38] // js::rootedvalue val(cx, persistentval); args.rval().set(val); return true; } static const jsfunctionspec functions[] = { js_fn("getpersistent", getpersistent, 1, 0), js_fn("setpersistent", setpersistent, 0, 0), js_fs_end }; int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { // initialize runtime // ...
syntax bool js::propertyspecnameequalsid(const char *name, js::handleid id); name type description name const char * jspropertyspec::name or jsfunctionspec::name.
syntax bool js::propertyspecnameissymbol(const char *name); name type description name const char * the pointer of the name, actually the uintptr_t type, and not a pointer to any string.
jsval_void boolean jsval_is_boolean(v) jsval_true, jsval_false, boolean_to_jsval(b) jsval_to_boolean(v) number jsval_is_number(v), jsval_is_int(v), jsval_is_double(v) jsval_zero, jsval_one, int_to_jsval(i), double_to_jsval(d) jsval_to_int(v), jsval_to_double(v) string jsval_is_string(v) string_to_jsval(str) jsval_to_string(v), js_getstringchars(str), js_getstringlength(str) object !jsval_is_primitive(v) object_to_jsval(obj) jsval_to_object(v) there was also a further method, jsval_is_object(v), which did not what you would expect -- return true if the value was an object -- but rather returned true if the value was an object or if it was null.
syntax typedef struct jserrorformatstring { const char *format; uint16_t argcount; int16_t exntype; } jserrorformatstring; name type description format const char * the error format string in ascii.
codebase char * pointer to the codebase for the principal.
syntax struct jspropertyspec { struct selfhostedwrapper { void *unused; const char *funname; }; const char *name; int8 tinyid; // obsolete since jsapi 31 uint8_t flags; union { jsnativewrapper native; selfhostedwrapper selfhosted; } getter; union { jsnativewrapper native; selfhostedwrapper selfhosted; } setter; /* obsolete since jsapi 29 */ /* added in jsapi 28 */ const char *selfhostedgetter; const char *selfhostedsetter; }; name type description name const char * name to assign the prope...
conceptually, a javascript string is just an array of char16_t characters and a length.
to access the content of a string jsval, use jsval_to_string, js_getstringchars, and js_getstringlength.
(the difference is that the latter will convert an object, array, number, or other value to a string in a type-safe way, creating a new string if needed.) to convert the return type of this macro (jsstring *) to a char pointer, use js_getstringbytes.
syntax const char * js_getfunctionname(jsfunction *fun); name type description fun jsfunction * a pointer to a javascript function.
syntax const char * js_getimplementationversion(void); description js_getimplementationversion returns a hard-coded, english language string that specifies the version number of the js engine currently in use, and its release date.
l (* jslocaletouppercase)(jscontext *cx, js::handlestring src, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); typedef bool (* jslocaletolowercase)(jscontext *cx, js::handlestring src, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); typedef bool (* jslocalecompare)(jscontext *cx, js::handlestring src1, js::handlestring src2, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); typedef bool (* jslocaletounicode)(jscontext *cx, const char *src, js::mutablehandlevalue rval); type description jslocaletouppercase implementation of string.prototype.tolocaleuppercase() function.
syntax const char * js_gettypename(jscontext *cx, jstype type); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context from which to derive runtime information.
syntax uint32 js_mapgcroots(jsruntime *rt, jsgcrootmapfun map, void *data); callback syntax #define js_map_gcroot_next 0 /* continue mapping entries */ #define js_map_gcroot_stop 1 /* stop mapping entries */ #define js_map_gcroot_remove 2 /* remove and free the current entry */ typedef int (*jsgcrootmapfun)(void *rp, const char *name, void *data); description call js_mapgcroots to map the gc's roots table using map(rp, name, data).
when a script tries to grow an array beyond 230-1 elements, for example, or concatenate strings such that the result is more than 229-1 characters long, the javascript engine reports an error as though by calling this function.
syntax bool js_setdefaultlocale(jsruntime *rt, const char *locale); void js_resetdefaultlocale(jsruntime *rt); name type description rt jsruntime * pointer to a js runtime locale const char * string represents locale.
syntax jsversion js_stringtoversion(const char *string); name type description string const char * version string to convert.
Parser API
if the parser produced no information about the node's source location, the field is null; otherwise it is an object consisting of a start position (the position of the first character of the parsed source region) and an end position (the position of the first character after the parsed source region): interface sourcelocation { source: string | null; start: position; end: position; } each position object consists of a line number (1-indexed) and a column number (0-indexed): interface position { line: uint32 >= 1; column: uint32 >= 0; } programs i...
SpiderMonkey 1.8
it was possible to configure spidermonkey 1.7 to treat c/c++ char strings as utf-8 by compiling with a non-default compiler option.
SpiderMonkey 45
js_getcompartmentstats js_seticumemoryfunctions js_isgcmarkingtracer js_ismarkinggray js_idarraylength js_idarrayget js_destroyidarray js_defaultvalue js_getparent js_setparent js::parsepropertydescriptorobject js_deleteproperty2 js_deletepropertybyid2 js_deleteucproperty2 js_deleteelement2 js_newfunctionbyid js_bindcallable js_decompilefunctionbody js_getlatin1internedstringchars js_gettwobyteinternedstringchars js_newdateobjectmsec js_cleardatecaches changed apis js_init has moved from jsapi.h to js/initialization.h js_shutdown has moved from jsapi.h to js/initialization.h js_initreflect is now implicit js_addweakpointercallback is replaced with js_addweakpointerzonegroupcallback and js_addweakpointercompartmentcallback js_removeweakpointercallback is replac...
Mozilla Projects
the core of pork is a c++ parser that provides exact character positions for the start and end of every ast node, as well as the set of macro expansions that contain any location.
Handling Mozilla Security Bugs
first, is appointing a security module owner charged with primary responsibility for coordinating the investigation and resolution of reported mozilla security vulnerabilities.
Frecency algorithm
further features and refinement by ed lee (implemented adaptive matching and most of the character restrictors), marco bonardo and shawn wilsher.
History Service Design
charset for pages: allows setting and reading charset for each page.
Aggregating the In-Memory Datasource
say you were writing a datasource2, and the way you chose to implement it was to "wrap" the in-memory datasource; i.e., myclass : public nsimyinterface, public nsirdfdatasource { private: nscomptr<nsirdfdatasource> minner; public: // nsirdfdatasource methods ns_imethod init(const char* auri) { return minner->init(auri); } ns_imethod geturi(char* *auri) { return minner->geturi(auri); } // etc., for each method in nsirdfdatasource!
Setting up the Gecko SDK
gecko_sdk_path ?= $(home)/tmp/xr xpidl ?= $(gecko_sdk_path)/bin/xpidl cxx ?= c++ xpidlsrcs = \ interfacea.idl \ interfaceb.idl \ $(null) cppsrcs = \ sourcea.cpp \ sourceb.cpp \ $(null) cppflags += -fno-rtti \ -fno-exceptions \ -fshort-wchar \ -fpic \ $(null) # gcc only define which allows us to not have to #include mozilla-config # in every .cpp file.
Detailed XPCOM hashtable guide
the mozilla codebase already contains hash functions for most key types, including narrow and wide strings, pointers, and most binary data: void* (or nsisupports*) cast using ns_ptr_to_int32 char* string nscrt::hashcode() prunichar* string nsastring hashstring() nsacstring nsid& nsidhashkey::hashkey() writing a good hash function is well beyond the scope of this document, and has been discussed extensively in computer-science circles for many years.
How to build a binary XPCOM component using Visual Studio
the factory is in charge of creating instances of the implementations.
const char_type* get() const; example code nsembedcstring str("hello world"); printf("%s\n", str.get()); ...
explicit nsembedcstring( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
const char_type* get() const; example code void getbar(nsastring &result); void func() { nsembedstring str; getbar(str); const prunichar *data = str.get(); ...
explicit nsembedstring( const char_type* adata, size_type adatalength = pr_uint32_max ); parameters adata [in] a raw character array to copy into this string.
if this method was provided as an external facility, a separate char * buffer would need to be used in order to call the output stream's other write() method.
the first character must be a letter.
note: the link itself is represented by one embedded character within the parent text, so the endindex should be startindex + 1.
egorymanager.getservice(ci.nsicategorymanager).deletecategoryentry('gecko-content-viewers', content_type, false); // update pref manager to prevent plugins from loading in future var stringtypes = ''; var types = []; var pref_disabled_plugin_types = 'plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types'; if (services.prefs.prefhasuservalue(pref_disabled_plugin_types)) { stringtypes = services.prefs.getcharpref(pref_disabled_plugin_types); } if (stringtypes !== '') { types = stringtypes.split(','); } if (types.indexof(content_type) === -1) { types.push(content_type); } services.prefs.setcharpref(pref_disabled_plugin_types, types.join(',')); remarks categories have a variety of uses throughout the mozilla platform.
by convention, the right column which contains flag descriptions begins at the 24th character.
acolumnnumber is used to draw the arrow pointing to the problem character.
has the form of twelve alphanumeric characters.
there are no assumptions made about the charset of the returned text.
see also idn charter idn site idna specification ...
paths are delimited with '/' characters to allow a hierarchy of memory to be displayed in about:memory.
charset string indicates the character set of this message.
wrapcol number of characters per line; 0 for no auto-wrapping.
void runasync( [array, size_is(count)] in string args, in unsigned long count, in nsiobserver observer, optional in boolean holdweak optional ); parameters args an array of arguments to pass into the process, using the native character set.
inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7.5 you can define access keys (or keyboard shortcuts) for buttons by including an ampersand ("&") in front of the character that should be the access key for that button.
key: string.fromcharcode.apply(null, btoa(subscription.getkey("p256dh"))), secret: string.fromcharcode.apply(null, btoa(subscription.getkey("auth"))), })); } pushservice.subscribe( "chrome://my-module/push", scriptsecuritymanager.getsystemprincipal(), (code, subscription) => { if (!components.issuccesscode(code)) { cu.reporterror("error creating subscription: " + code); } else { sends...
this is used to draw an arrow pointing to the problem character.
direction can be one of { "forward", "backward", "left", "right" } granularity can be one of { "character", "word", "line", "lineboundary" } removeallranges() removes all nsidomranges from the current selection.
direction can be one of { "forward", "backward", "left", "right" } granularity can be one of { "character", "word", "line", "lineboundary" } see also nsiselection ...
return value the number of multi-part sms needed for a given text (160 characters for one sms).
event_editor_max_len 7 more characters than the maximum allowed are typed into a text field.
multiple arguments can be separated by newline ('\n') characters.
xpcom/ds/nsisupportsprimitives.idlscriptable this interface provides scriptable access for ascii character strings.
this content is now available at nsisupportschar.attributes.
this content is now available at nsisupportschar.tostring().
xpcom/ds/nsisupportsprimitives.idlscriptable this interface provides scriptable access for unicode character strings.
fixup_flag_use_utf8 4 use utf-8 to encode the uri instead of the platform character set.
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.8 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) variable names can contain 'a-z' letters and '_' characters.
encode_flags_encode_basic_entities 8192 encode basic entities, for example output instead of character code 0xa0.
g) { let win = awebprogress.domwindow; let outerwindowid = win.queryinterface(ci.nsiinterfacerequestor) .getinterface(ci.nsidomwindowutils) .outerwindowid; sendasyncmessage("myaddonmessage", { name: "onlocationchange", outerwindowid: outerwindowid, uri: auri.spec, charset: auri.charset, flag: aflag, }); }, // for definitions of the remaining functions see related documentation onprogresschange: function(awebprogress, arequest, curself, maxself, curtot, maxtot) {}, onstatuschange: function(awebprogress, arequest, astatus, amessage) {}, onsecuritychange: function(awebprogress, arequest, astate) {} } let filter = cc["@moz...
note: this string consists of the bytes as received from the network and may contain nulls and other unprintable characters; if you need to display the ssid, use the ssid attribute instead.
note: this method will try to set the default charset for the new window to the default charset of aparent.
void flagsystemfilenameprefix( in string afilenameprefix, in prbool awantnativewrappers ); parameters afilenameprefix the utf-8 filename prefix to match, which should end with a slash (/) character.
only the following characters are allowed: a-z a-z 0-9 - .
+ typedef struct nsmsgsearchvalue { nsmsgsearchattribvalue attribute; union { nsmsgpriorityvalue priority; prtime date; pruint32 msgstatus; /* see msg_flag in msgcom.h */ pruint32 size; nsmsgkey key; print32 age; /* in days */ nsimsgfolder *folder; nsmsglabelvalue label; pruint32 junkstatus; pruint32 junkpercent; } u; char *string; } nsmsgsearchvalue; ...
XPCOM primitive
ruint64;1 [scriptable, uuid(e13567c0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportspruint64 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute pruint64 data; string tostring(); }; prtime nsisupportsprtime;1 [scriptable, uuid(e2563630-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprtime : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute prtime data; string tostring(); }; char nsisupportschar;1 [scriptable, uuid(e2b05e40-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportschar : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute char data; string tostring(); }; print16 nsisupportsprint16;1 [scriptable, uuid(e30d94b0-4a1c-11d3-9890-006008962422)] interface nsisupportsprint16 : nsisupportsprimitive { attribute print16 d...
XPCOM Interface Reference by grouping
eedprogresslistener nsifeedresult nsifeedresultlistener nsifeedtextconstruct script mozijssubscriptloader storage mozistoragevacuumparticipant util nsieffectivetldservice worker nsiabstractworker data nsiarray nsicategorymanager nsicollection nsidictionary nsimutablearray nsisimpleenumerator nsisupportschar nsisupportsdouble nsisupportsfloat nsisupportsid nsisupportsinterfacepointer nsisupportsprbool nsisupportsprimitive nsisupportsprint16 nsisupportsprint32 nsisupportsprint64 nsisupportspriority nsisupportsprtime nsisupportspruint16 nsisupportspruint32 nsisupportspruint64 nsisupportspruint8 nsisupportsstring nsisupportsvoid nsi...
#include "nsstringapi.h" char* ns_cstringclonedata( const nsacstring& astring ); parameters astring [in] a nsacstring instance whose data is to be cloned.
example code nscstringcontainer str; ns_cstringcontainerinit(str); ns_cstringsetdata(str, "hello world"); // remove " world" portion of string ns_cstringcutdata(str, 5, pr_uint32_max); const char* data; ns_cstringgetdata(str, &data); printf("%s\n", data); // prints out "hello" ns_cstringcontainerfinish(str); history this function was frozen for mozilla 1.7.
#include "nsstringapi.h" prunichar* ns_stringclonedata( const nsastring& astring ); parameters astring [in] a nsastring instance whose data is to be cloned.
adestencoding [in] the character encoding of the destination string.
#include "nsxpcom.h" struct nsstaticmoduleinfo { const char* name; nsgetmoduleproc getmodule; }; members name this member provides the name of the module as a null-terminated, ascii-valued character array.
Using the clipboard
here, the length is multiplied by two because we are using a unicode string which requires two bytes per character.
Xptcall Porting Status
<font color="white">done</font> linux sparc anton blanchard <>, roger lawrence <>, brandon ehle <> anton contributed patches to roger's sparc code.
Address book sync client design
by richard h.
MailNews fakeserver
it will also properly queue all messages sent in pipelining mode and will present lines without any eol characters.
The libmime module
by richard h.
Thunderbird Configuration Files
on windows vista/xp/2000, the path is usually %appdata%\thunderbird\profiles\xxxxxxxx.default\, where xxxxxxxx is a random string of 8 characters.
Get Thunderbird version
for < 3.0b4 for versions prior to 3.0b3pre, you can use something like this: var version; if ( ";1" in components.classes ) version = components.classes["; 1"].getservice(components.interfaces.nsixulappinfo).version; else version = components.classes["; 1"].getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefbranch).getcharpref ("app.version"); var versionchecker = components.classes[" comparator;1"].getservice(components.interfaces.nsiversioncomparator); if ( version, "3.0b3" ) >= 0 ) // code for >= 3.0b3 else // code for < 3.0b3 ...
Toolkit version format
numbers are integers base 10 (may be negative), strings are non-numeric ascii characters.
Using the Mozilla symbol server
using the symbol server in microsoft visual c++ using the symbol server in windbg the windbg symbol path is configured with a string value delimited with asterisk characters.
WebIDL bindings
for example, this webidl: dictionary dict { long foo = 5; domstring bar; }; interface test { void initsomething(optional dict arg = {}); }; will correspond to this c++ function declaration: void initsomething(const dict& arg); and the dict struct will look like this: struct dict { bool init(jscontext* acx, js::handle<js::value> aval, const char* asourcedescription = "value"); optional<nsstring> mbar; int32_t mfoo; } note that the dictionary members are sorted in the struct in alphabetical order.
Using COM from js-ctypes
ctypes.default_abi : ctypes.stdcall_abi; // libraries let lib ='ole32.dll'); // types // simple types let byte = ctypes.unsigned_char; let dword = ctypes.unsigned_long; let long = ctypes.long; let lpvoid = ctypes.voidptr_t; let void = ctypes.void_t; let ulong = ctypes.unsigned_long; let ushort = ctypes.unsigned_short; let wchar = ctypes.jschar; // advanced types - based on simple types let hresult = long; let lpcwstr = wchar.ptr; // guess types - these just work i couldnt find a proper defintion for it let lpunknown = ctypes.
Declaring and Calling Functions
const asctime = lib.declare("asctime", ctypes.default_abi, ctypes.char.ptr, struct_tm.ptr); for a more complete version of this example (including the implementation of the struct_tm type), see the structures example.
Working with ArrayBuffers
the js-ctypes equivalent is a ctypes.uint8_t.array(###) (ctypes.unsigned_char are also ctypes.uint8_t).
a complete field descriptor list might look like this: [ {'serialnumber':}, {'username': ctypes.char.ptr} ] properties property type description fields ctype[] a sealed array of field descriptors.
Drawing and Event Handling - Plugins
nperror npp_new(npmimetype plugintype, npp instance, uint16 mode, int16 argc, char *argn[], char *argv[], npsaveddata *saved) { ...
Source map errors - Firefox Developer Tools
typical error messages here are: syntaxerror: json.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the json data error: "version" is a required argument original source missing an original source may be missing.
Debugger.Object - Firefox Developer Tools
eachargument must be a debuggee value.
Debugger - Firefox Developer Tools
offset the index of the character within linetext at which the error occurred.
Debugger-API - Firefox Developer Tools
given a debugger.script, one can set breakpoints, translate between source positions and bytecode offsets (a deviation from the “source level” design principle), and find other static characteristics of the code.
Debugger.Object - Firefox Developer Tools
eachargument must be a debuggee value.
Dominators view - Firefox Developer Tools
now the node's name will contain the name of the function that allocated it, and the file, line number and character position of the exact spot where the function allocated it.
Monster example - Firefox Developer Tools
here's the code: var monster_count = 5000; var min_name_length = 2; var max_name_length = 48; function monster() { function randomint(min, max) { return math.floor(math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; } function randomname() { var chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; var namelength = randomint(min_name_length, max_name_length); var name = ""; for (var j = 0; j &lt; namelength; j++) { name += chars[randomint(0, chars.length-1)]; } return name; } = randomname(); this.eyecount = randomint(0, 25); this.tentaclecount = randomint(0, 250); } function makemonsters() { var monsters = { ...
Throttling - Firefox Developer Tools
the characteristics emulated are: download speed upload speed minimum latency the table below lists the numbers associated with each network type, but please do not rely on this feature for exact performance measurements; it's intended to give an approximate idea of the user experience in different conditions.
Network request details - Firefox Developer Tools
l", "value": "private, must-revalidate, max-age=0" }, { "name": "content-disposition", "value": "inline; filename=api-result.js" }, { "name": "content-encoding", "value": "gzip" }, { "name": "content-length", "value": "673" }, { "name": "content-type", "value": "text/javascript; charset=utf-8" }, { "name": "date", "value": "tue, 11 jun 2019 13:01:39 gmt" }, { "name": "mediawiki-login-suppressed", "value": "true" }, { "name": "p3p", "value": "cp=\"this is not a p3p policy!
Call Tree - Firefox Developer Tools
note that we use the same program - the same profile, in fact - in the documentation page for the flame chart.
Sorting algorithms comparison - Firefox Developer Tools
this article describes a simple example program that we use in two of the performance guides: the guide to the call tree and the guide to the flame chart.
Frame rate - Firefox Developer Tools
switch to the flame chart to see the call stack at that point: the offending function is called dopointlesscomputations(), and it's defined in "main.js".
How to - Firefox Developer Tools
select a tool to switch between the waterfall, call tree, and flame chart tools, use the buttons in the toolbar: configure markers displayed to control which markers are shown in the waterfall, use the button in the toolbar: zoom in to zoom into a slice of the recording, select that slice in the recording overview: ...
Intensive JavaScript - Firefox Developer Tools
by switching to the flame chart view we can find out: this shows us the js call stack at this point in the execution.
View Source - Firefox Developer Tools
forbidden characters aren't reported as errors.
The JavaScript input interpreter - Firefox Developer Tools
cd(frame); you can pass a css selector that matches the iframe: cd("#frame1"); you can pass the iframe's global window object: var frame = document.getelementbyid("frame1"); cd(frame.contentwindow); to switch the context back to the top-level window, call cd() with no arguments: cd(); for example, suppose we have a document that embeds an iframe: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <iframe id="frame1" src="static/frame/my-frame1.html"></iframe> </body> </html> the iframe defines a new function: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <script> function whoareyou() { return "i'm frame1"; } </script> </head> <body> </body> </html> you can switch context to the iframe like this: cd("#fr...
AbstractRange.collapsed - Web APIs
a collapsed range is one in which the start and end positions are the same, resulting in a zero-character-long range..
AbstractRange.endContainer - Web APIs
syntax var endnode = range.endcontainer value the dom node which contains the final character of the range.
AbstractRange.endOffset - Web APIs
syntax var endoffset = range.endoffset; value an integer value indicating the number of characters into the node indicated by endcontainer at which the final character of the range is located.
AbstractRange.startOffset - Web APIs
syntax var startoffset = range.startoffset value an integer value indicating the number of characters into the node indicated by startcontainer at which the first character of the range is located.
AddressErrors.organization - Web APIs
for example, if validation simply ensures that only permitted characters are included in the organization's name, this might return a string such as "the organization name may only contain the letters a-z, digits, spaces, and commas." if the organization value was validated successfully, this property is not included in the addresserrors object.
AudioListener.dopplerFactor - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.forwardX - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.forwardY - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.forwardZ - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.positionX - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.positionY - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.positionZ - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.setOrientation() - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.setPosition() - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.speedOfSound - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.upX - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.upY - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener.upZ - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AudioListener - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
AuthenticatorAssertionResponse.authenticatorData - Web APIs
this is a sequence of bytes with the following format: aaguid (16 bytes) - authenticator attestation globally unique identifier, a unique number that identifies the model of the authenticator (not the specific instance of the authenticator) so that a relying party can understand the characteristics of the authenticator by looking up its metadata statement.
AuthenticatorResponse.clientDataJSON - Web APIs
examples function arraybuffertostr(buf) { return string.fromcharcode.apply(null, new uint8array(buf)); } // pk is a publickeycredential that is the result of a create() or get() promise var clientdatastr = arraybuffertostr(pk.clientdatajson); var clientdataobj = json.parse(clientdatastr); console.log(clientdataobj.type); // "webauthn.create" or "webauthn.get" console.log(clientdataobj.challenge); // base64 encoded string containing the original challeng...
BaseAudioContext.createPanner() - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
Blob - Web APIs
html <p>this example creates a typed array containing the ascii codes for the space character through the letter z, then converts it to an object url.
Bluetooth - Web APIs
referringdevice; promise<sequence<bluetoothdevice>> getdevices(); promise<bluetoothdevice> requestdevice(optional requestdeviceoptions options = {}); }; bluetooth includes bluetoothdeviceeventhandlers; bluetooth includes characteristiceventhandlers; bluetooth includes serviceeventhandlers; properties inherits properties from its parent eventtarget.
BluetoothAdvertisingData.appearance - Web APIs
the appearance read-only property of the bluetoothadvertisingdata interface returns one of the values defined by the characteristic.
BluetoothAdvertisingData - Web APIs
rssi; readonly attribute map manufacturerdata; readonly attribute map servicedata; }; properties bluetoothadvertisingdata.appearance read only returns one of the values defined by the characteristic.
productID - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.productid read-only property returns the 16-bit product id field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
productVersion - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.productversion read-only property returns the 16-bit product version field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
vendorID - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.vendorid read-only property returns the 16-bit vendor id field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
vendorIDSource - Web APIs
the bluetoothdevice.vendoridsource read-only property returns the vendor id source field in the pnp_id characteristic in the device_information service.
uuid - Web APIs
the bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.uuid read-only property returns the uuid of the characteristic descriptor, for example '00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb' for theclient characteristic configuration descriptor.
value - Web APIs
syntax var characteristic = bluetoothremotegattdescriptor.characteristic returns an arraybuffer.
CDATASection - Web APIs
eight="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="188.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">node</text></a><polyline points="226,25 236,20 236,30 226,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="236" y1="25" x2="266" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/characterdata" target="_top"><rect x="266" y="1" width="130" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="331" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">characterdata</text></a><polyline points="396,25 406,20 406,30 396,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="406" y1="25"...
CSS.escape() - Web APIs
examples basic results css.escape(".foo#bar") // "\.foo\#bar" css.escape("()[]{}") // "\(\)\[\]\{\}" css.escape('--a') // "--a" css.escape(0) // "\30 ", the unicode code point of '0' is 30 css.escape('\0') // "\ufffd", the unicode replacement character in context uses to escape a string for use as part of a selector, the escape() method can be used: var element = document.queryselector('#' + css.escape(id) + ' > img'); the escape() method can also be used for escaping strings, although it escapes characters that don't strictly need to be escaped: var element = document.queryselector('a[href="#' + css.escape(fragment) + '"]'); specifi...
CSS Object Model (CSSOM) - Web APIs
reference animationevent caretposition css csscharsetrule cssconditionrule csscounterstylerule cssfontfacerule cssfontfeaturevaluesmap cssfontfeaturevaluesrule cssgroupingrule cssimportrule csskeyframerule csskeyframesrule cssmarginrule cssmediarule cssnamespacerule csspagerule cssrule cssrulelist cssstyledeclaration cssstylesheet cssstylerule csssupportsrule cssvariablesmap cssviewportrule elementcssinlinestyle fontface fontfaceset fontfacesetloadevent geometryutils getstyleutils linkstyle medialist mediaquerylist mediaquerylistevent mediaquerylis...
CanvasRenderingContext2D.textBaseline - Web APIs
"ideographic" the text baseline is the ideographic baseline; this is the bottom of the body of the characters, if the main body of characters protrudes beneath the alphabetic baseline.
Drawing shapes with canvas - Web APIs
so in this final example, let's combine all of the path functions to make a set of very famous game characters.
CaretPosition - Web APIs
caretposition.offset read only returns a long representing the character offset in the caret position node.
ChildNode.after() - Web APIs
argitem : document.createtextnode(string(argitem))); }); this.parentnode.insertbefore(docfrag, this.nextsibling); } }); }); })([element.prototype, characterdata.prototype, documenttype.prototype]); another polyfill // from: (function(x){ var o=x.prototype,p='after'; if(!o[p]){ o[p]=function(){ var e, m=arguments, l=m.length, i=0, t=this, p=t.parentnode, n=node, s=string, d=document; if(p!==null){ while(i<l){ e=m[i]; ...
ChildNode.before() - Web APIs
argitem : document.createtextnode(string(argitem))); }); this.parentnode.insertbefore(docfrag, this); } }); }); })([element.prototype, characterdata.prototype, documenttype.prototype]); specification specification status comment domthe definition of 'childnode.before()' in that specification.
ChildNode.remove() - Web APIs
iece/blob/master/dom/childnode/remove()/remove().md (function (arr) { arr.foreach(function (item) { if (item.hasownproperty('remove')) { return; } object.defineproperty(item, 'remove', { configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true, value: function remove() { this.parentnode.removechild(this); } }); }); })([element.prototype, characterdata.prototype, documenttype.prototype]); specifications specification status comment domthe definition of 'childnode.remove' in that specification.
ChildNode.replaceWith() - Web APIs
node); } // the value of "i" below is after the decrement if (!i) // if currentnode is the first argument (currentnode === arguments[0]) parent.replacechild(currentnode, this); else // if currentnode isn't the first parent.insertbefore(currentnode, this.nextsibling); } } if (!element.prototype.replacewith) element.prototype.replacewith = replacewithpolyfill; if (!characterdata.prototype.replacewith) characterdata.prototype.replacewith = replacewithpolyfill; if (!documenttype.prototype.replacewith) documenttype.prototype.replacewith = replacewithpolyfill; specification specification status comment domthe definition of 'childnode.replacewith()' in that specification.
CompositionEvent.CompositionEvent() - Web APIs
compositioneventinit optional a compositioneventinit dictionary object, which can contain the following members: data initializes the data attribute of the compositionevent object to the characters generated by the ime composition. - Web APIs
the data read-only property of the compositionevent interface returns the characters generated by the input method that raised the event; its exact nature varies depending on the type of event that generated the compositionevent object.
CompositionEvent - Web APIs read only returns the characters generated by the input method that raised the event; its varies depending on the type of event that generated the compositionevent object.
DOMConfiguration - Web APIs
pre-defined parameters: "canonical-form", "cdata-sections", "check-character-normalization", "comments", "datatype-normalization", "element-content-whitespace", "entities", "error-handler", "infoset", "namespaces", "namespace-declarations", "normalize-characters","schema-location", "schema-type", "split-cdata-sections", "validate", "validate-if-schema", "well-formed" properties domconfiguration.parameternames read only is a domstringlist methods domconfiguration.cansetparameter() returns a boolean domconfiguration.getparameter() returns a domuserdata domconfiguration.setparameter() sets a parameter specification ...
DOMError - Web APIs
invalidcharactererror the string contains invalid characters.
Document.anchors - Web APIs
example if (document.anchors.length >= 5) { dump("found too many anchors"); } the following is an example that auto populates a table of contents with every anchor on the page: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>test</title> <script> function init() { var toc = document.getelementbyid("toc"); var i, li, newanchor; for (i = 0; i < document.anchors.length; i++) { li = document.createelement("li"); newanchor = document.createelement('a'); newanchor.href = "#" + document.anchors[i].name; newanchor.innerhtml = document.anchors[i].text; li.appendchild(newanchor); ...
Document.cookie - Web APIs
note that each key and value may be surrounded by whitespace (space and tab characters): in fact, rfc 6265 mandates a single space after each semicolon, but some user agents may not abide by this.
Document.createCDATASection() - Web APIs
will throw a ns_error_dom_invalid_character_err exception if one tries to submit the closing cdata sequence ("]]>") as part of the data, so unescaped user-provided data cannot be safely used without with this method getting this exception (createtextnode() can often be used in its place).
Document.createEntityReference() - Web APIs
which has the value referred to by the entity, using unicode escape sequences or fromcharcode() as necessary.
Document.createTextNode() - Web APIs
this method can be used to escape html characters.
Document.getElementById() - Web APIs
example <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>document</title> </head> <body> <div id="parent-id"> <p>hello word1</p> <p id="test1">hello word2</p> <p>hello word3</p> <p>hello word4</p> </div> <script> var parentdom = document.getelementbyid('parent-id'); var test1 = parentdom.getelementbyid('test1'); //throw error //uncaught typeerror: parentd...
Document.getElementsByTagName() - Web APIs
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>getelementsbytagname example</title> <script> function getallparaelems() { var allparas = document.getelementsbytagname('p'); var num = allparas.length; alert('there are ' + num + ' paragraph in this document'); } function div1paraelems() { var div1 = document.getelementbyid('div1'); var div1paras = div1.getelementsbytagname('p')...
Document: keyup event - Web APIs
bubbles yes cancelable yes interface keyboardevent event handler property onkeyup the keydown and keyup events provide a code indicating which key is pressed, while keypress indicates which character was entered.
Document.writeln() - Web APIs
writes a string of text followed by a newline character to a document.
DocumentFragment.querySelector() - Web APIs
to match id or selectors that do not follow the css syntax (by using semicolon or space inappropriately for example), it's mandatory to escape the wrong character with a double back slash: <div id="foo\bar"></div> <div id="foo:bar"></div> <script> document.queryselector('#foo\bar') // does not match anything document.queryselector('#foo\\\\bar') // match the first div document.queryselector('#foo:bar') // does not match anything document.queryselector('#foo\\:bar') // match the second div </script> specifications specification ...
DocumentOrShadowRoot.caretPositionFromPoint() - Web APIs
the caretpositionfrompoint() property of the documentorshadowroot interface returns a caretposition object, containing the dom node, along with the caret and caret's character offset within that node.
DocumentOrShadowRoot - Web APIs
methods documentorshadowroot.caretpositionfrompoint() returns a caretposition object containing the dom node containing the caret, and caret's character offset within that node.
Examples of web and XML development using the DOM - Web APIs
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>show event properties</title> <style> table { border-collapse: collapse; } thead { font-weight: bold; } td { padding: 2px 10px 2px 10px; } .odd { background-color: #efdfef; } .even { background-color: #ffffff; } </style> <script> function showeventproperties(e) { function addcell(row, text) { var cell = row.insertcell(-1); cell.appendchild(document.createtextnode...
Document Object Model (DOM) - Web APIs
dom interfaces attr cdatasection characterdata childnode comment customevent document documentfragment documenttype domerror domexception domimplementation domstring domtimestamp domstringlist domtokenlist element event eventtarget htmlcollection mutationobserver mutationrecord namednodemap node nodefilter nodeiterator nodelist nondocumenttypechildnode parentnode processinginstruction selection rang...
Element.classList - Web APIs
var wsre = /[\11\12\14\15\40]/, wsindex = 0, checkifvalidclasslistentry = function(o, v) { if (v === "") throw new domexception( "failed to execute '" + o + "' on 'domtokenlist': the token provided must not be empty." ); if((!==-1) throw new domexception("failed to execute '"+o+"' on 'domtokenlist': " + "the token provided ('"+v[wsindex]+"') contains html space characters, which are not valid in tokens."); } // 2.
Element: keyup event - Web APIs
bubbles yes cancelable yes interface keyboardevent event handler property onkeyup the keydown and keyup events provide a code indicating which key is pressed, while keypress indicates which character was entered.
Element.setAttribute() - Web APIs
exceptions invalidcharactererror the specified attribute name contains one or more characters which are not valid in attribute names.
Element.toggleAttribute() - Web APIs
exceptions invalidcharactererror the specified attribute name contains one or more characters which are not valid in attribute names.
Encoding API - Web APIs
the encoding api provides a mechanism for handling text in various character encodings, including legacy non-utf-8 encodings.
Comparison of Event Targets - Web APIs
examples <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge"> <title>comparison of event targets</title> <style> table { border-collapse: collapse; height: 150px; width: 100%; } td { border: 1px solid #ccc; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px; min-height: 30px; } ...
Event.preventDefault() - Web APIs
first, listen for keypress events: var mytextbox = document.getelementbyid('my-textbox'); mytextbox.addeventlistener('keypress', checkname, false); the checkname() function, which looks at the pressed key and decides whether to allow it: function checkname(evt) { var charcode = evt.charcode; if (charcode != 0) { if (charcode < 97 || charcode > 122) { evt.preventdefault(); displaywarning( "please use lowercase letters only." + "\n" + "charcode: " + charcode + "\n" ); } } } the displaywarning() function presents a notification of a problem.
EventTarget.addEventListener() - Web APIs
options optional an options object specifies characteristics about the event listener.
EventTarget.removeEventListener() - Web APIs
options optional an options object that specifies characteristics about the event listener.
Using Fetch - Web APIs
utf8decoder.decode(chunk) : ''); startindex = re.lastindex = 0; continue; } yield chunk.substring(startindex, result.index); startindex = re.lastindex; } if (startindex < chunk.length) { // last line didn't end in a newline char yield chunk.substr(startindex); } } async function run() { for await (let line of maketextfilelineiterator(urloffile)) { processline(line); } } run(); checking that the fetch was successful a fetch() promise will reject with a typeerror when a network error is encountered or cors is misconfigured on the server-side, although this usually means permission issues or similar — a...
FontFaceSet.load() - Web APIs
"italic bold 16px roboto" text: limit the font faces to those whose unicode range contains at least one of the characters in text.
HTMLAreaElement - Web APIs
element.accesskey is a domstring containing a single character that switches input focus to the control.
msAudioCategory - Web APIs
game audio needed for the game experience (dancing games, music games) feature films (designed to pause when they go to the background) no gameeffects game sound effects designed to mix with existing audio characters talking all non-music sounds no gamemedia background music played by a game no soundeffects game or other sound effects designed to mix with existing audio: characters talking beeps, dings, brief sounds no other default audio type, and recommended for all audio media that does not need to continue playi...
HTMLButtonElement - Web APIs
htmlbuttonelement.accesskey is a domstring indicating the single-character keyboard key to give access to the button.
HTMLCollection - Web APIs
as valid characters, which would necessitate using bracket notation for property access.
HTMLElement.dir - Web APIs
when an element has its dir set to "auto", the direction of the element is determined based on its first strong directionality character, or default to the directionality of its parent element.
HTMLImageElement.sizes - Web APIs
each source size descriptor is comprised of a media condition, then at least one whitespace character, then the source size value to use for the image when the media condition evaluates to true.
HTMLLegendElement - Web APIs
htmllegendelement.accesskey is a domstring representing a single-character access key to give access to the element.
Headers() - Web APIs
in the following snippet we create a new headers object, adding some headers by passing the constructor an init object as an argument: var httpheaders = { 'content-type' : 'image/jpeg', 'accept-charset' : 'utf-8', 'x-my-custom-header' : 'zeke are cool' }; var myheaders = new headers(httpheaders); you can now create another headers object, passing it the first headers object as its init object: var secondheadersobj = new headers(myheaders); secondheadersobj.get('content-type'); // would return 'image/jpeg' — it inherits it from the first headers object specifications specificat...
History.pushState() - Web APIs
because firefox saves state objects to the user's disk so they can be restored after the user restarts the browser, we impose a size limit of 640k characters on the serialized representation of a state object.
Ajax navigation example - Web APIs
d between all ajax pages.</p> include/before_content.php: <p> [ <a class="ajax-nav" href="first_page.php">first example</a> | <a class="ajax-nav" href="second_page.php">second example</a> | <a class="ajax-nav" href="third_page.php">third example</a> | <a class="ajax-nav" href="unexisting.php">unexisting page</a> ] </p> include/header.php: <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/ajax_nav.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> js/ajax_nav.js: "use strict"; const ajaxrequest = new (function () { function closereq () { oloadingbox.parentnode && document.body.removechild(oloadingbox); bisloading = false; } function abortreq () { if (!bisloading) { return; } ...
Working with the History API - Web APIs
because firefox saves state objects to the user's disk so they can be restored after the user restarts the browser, we impose a size limit of 640k characters on the serialized representation of a state object.
KeyboardEvent() - Web APIs
"charcode", optional and defaulting to 0, of type unsigned long, that sets the value of the deprecated keyboardevent.charcode.
KeyboardEvent.altKey - Web APIs
syntax var altkeypressed = instanceofkeyboardevent.altkey return value boolean examples <html> <head> <title>altkey example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showchar(e){ alert( "key keydown: " + string.fromcharcode(e.charcode) + "\n" + "charcode: " + e.charcode + "\n" + "alt key keydown: " + e.altkey + "\n" ); } </script> </head> <body onkeydown="showchar(event);"> <p> press any character key, with or without holding down the alt key.<br /> you can also use the shift key together with the alt key.
KeyboardEvent.ctrlKey - Web APIs
syntax var ctrlkeypressed = instanceofkeyboardevent.ctrlkey return value a boolean example <html> <head> <title>ctrlkey example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showchar(e){ alert( "key pressed: " + e.key + "\n" + "ctrl key pressed: " + e.ctrlkey + "\n" ); } </script> </head> <body onkeypress="showchar(event);"> <p>press any character key, with or without holding down the ctrl key.<br /> you can also use the shift key together with the ctrl key.</p> </body> </html> specifications specification status comment document object model (dom) level 3 events specificationthe definiti...
KeyboardEvent.shiftKey - Web APIs
syntax var shiftkeypressed = instanceofkeyboardevent.shiftkey return value a boolean example <html> <head> <title>shiftkey example</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function showchar(e){ alert( "key pressed: " + string.fromcharcode(e.charcode) + "\n" + "charcode: " + e.charcode + "\n" + "shift key pressed: " + e.shiftkey + "\n" + "alt key pressed: " + e.altkey + "\n" ); } </script> </head> <body onkeypress="showchar(event);"> <p>press any character key, with or without holding down the shift key.<br /> you can also use the shift key together with the alt key.</p> </body> </html> specifications sp...
LockManager - Web APIs
methods lockmanager.request() requests a lock object with parameters specifying its name and characteristics. - Web APIs
the read-only property is a domstring containing 36 characters denoting a unique identifier (guid) for the object.
MediaStream - Web APIs read only a domstring containing 36 characters denoting a universally unique identifier (uuid) for the object.
MediaStreamTrack.enabled - Web APIs
"&#x25b6;&#xfe0f;" : "&#x23f8;&#xfe0f;"; myaudiotrack.enabled = newstate; } this creates a variable, newstate, which is the opposite of the current value of enabled, then uses that to select either the emoji character for the "play" icon or the character for the "pause" icon as the new innerhtml of the pause button's element.
MediaStreamTrack.onunmute - Web APIs
example this example creates an unmute event handler which changes the state of a visual indicator to display the emoji character representing a "speaker" icon.
Media Capabilities API - Web APIs
screenluminance will describe the known luminance characteristics of the screen (not currently supported anywhere).
Capabilities, constraints, and settings - Web APIs
simple tab support in the editor this code adds simple support for tabs to the <textarea> elements by making the tab key insert two space characters when either constraint edit box is focused.
msPlayToSource - Web APIs
var ptm =; // step 2: register for the sourcerequested event (user swipes devices charm).
MutationEvent - Web APIs
mutation events list the following is a list of all mutation events, as defined in dom level 3 events specification: domattrmodified domattributenamechanged domcharacterdatamodified domelementnamechanged domnodeinserted domnodeinsertedintodocument domnoderemoved domnoderemovedfromdocument domsubtreemodified usage you can register a listener for mutation events using eventtarget.addeventlistener() as follows: element.addeventlistener("domnodeinserted", function (event) { // ...
Navigator.battery - Web APIs
the battery read-only property returns a batterymanager which provides information about the system's battery charge level and whether the device is charging and exposes events that fire when these parameters change.
Web-based protocol handlers - Web APIs
the data sent:</p> <textarea> <?php echo(htmlspecialchars($value, ent_quotes, 'utf-8')); ?> </textarea> </body> </html> references see also window.navigator.registercontenthandler nsiprotocolhandler (xul only) registerprotocolhandler enhancing the federated web at mozilla webdev register a custom protocolhandler at google developers.
Navigator - Web APIs
navigator.battery read only returns a batterymanager object you can use to get information about the battery charging status.
Node.isEqualNode() - Web APIs
two nodes are equal when they have the same type, defining characteristics (for elements, this would be their id, number of children, and so forth), its attributes match, and so on.
Node - Web APIs
these include attr, characterdata (which text, comment, and cdatasection are all based on), processinginstruction, documenttype, notation, entity, and entityreference.
PannerNode.distanceModel - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
PannerNode.maxDistance - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
PannerNode.panningModel - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
PannerNode.setOrientation() - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
PannerNode.setPosition() - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
PannerNode.setVelocity() - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo.
PannerNode - Web APIs
you might be moving a character around inside a game world for example, and wanting delivery of audio to change realistically as your character moves closer to or further away from a music player such as a stereo. - Web APIs
example function validatepayment(response) { const correctionpromises let paymenterrors = {}; let payererrors = {}; // check payer details if (!validemail(response.payeremail)) { = "please make sure you enter a valid email address." } if (!validname(response.payername)) { = "please enter a valid name, using only <appropriate characters>." } if (!validphone(response.payerphone)) { = "please enter a valid phone number in the form ###-###-####." } // check everything else too... - Web APIs
example function validatepayment(response) { const correctionpromises let paymenterrors = {}; let payererrors = {}; // check payer details if (!validemail(response.payeremail)) { = "please make sure you enter a valid email address." } if (!validname(response.payername)) { = "please enter a valid name, using only <appropriate characters>." } if (!validphone(response.payerphone)) { = "please enter a valid phone number in the form ###-###-####." } // check everything else too... - Web APIs
example function validatepayment(response) { const correctionpromises let paymenterrors = {}; let payererrors = {}; // check payer details if (!validemail(response.payeremail)) { = "please make sure you enter a valid email address." } if (!validname(response.payername)) { = "please enter a valid name, using only <appropriate characters>." } if (!validphone(response.payerphone)) { = "please enter a valid phone number in the form ###-###-####." } // check everything else too...
PaymentAddress.regionCode - Web APIs
syntax var regioncode = paymentaddress.regioncode; value a domstring indicating the one to three character alphanumeric code representing the region portion of the address.
PaymentCurrencyAmount.currency - Web APIs
syntax currency = paymentcurrencyamount.currency; value a domstring specifying the canonical, three-character currency identification code defined by the iso 4217 standard.
PaymentCurrencyAmount.value - Web APIs
for uniformity and consistency, the value is always given using the period (".") as the decimal character, regardless of the user's locale.
PaymentDetailsUpdate - Web APIs
this lets you have flexibility for how to handle things like tax, discounts, and other adjustments to the total price charged.
PaymentRequest.PaymentRequest() - Web APIs
this property is commonly used to add a discount or surcharge line item indicating the different amount in
PaymentRequest: shippingoptionchange event - Web APIs
the code recalculates the total charge for the payment based on the selected shipping option.
PaymentRequestUpdateEvent.updateWith() - Web APIs
this lets you have flexibility for how to handle things like tax, discounts, and other adjustments to the total price charged.
ProcessingInstruction - Web APIs
eight="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="188.5" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">node</text></a><polyline points="226,25 236,20 236,30 226,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="236" y1="25" x2="266" y2="25" stroke="#d4dde4"/><a xlink:href="/docs/web/api/characterdata" target="_top"><rect x="266" y="1" width="130" height="50" fill="#fff" stroke="#d4dde4" stroke-width="2px" /><text x="331" y="30" font-size="12px" font-family="consolas,monaco,andale mono,monospace" fill="#4d4e53" text-anchor="middle" alignment-baseline="middle">characterdata</text></a><polyline points="396,25 406,20 406,30 396,25" stroke="#d4dde4" fill="none"/><line x1="406" y1="25"...
PublicKeyCredentialCreationOptions.user - Web APIs
examples var publickey = { challenge: new uint8array(26) /* this actually is given from the server */, rp: { name: "example corp", id : "" }, user: { // to be changed for each user id: new uint8array.from(window.atob("laegmlkjnrlkgnamlafalfka="), c=>c.charcodeat(0)); name: "", displayname: "john doe", icon: "" }, pubkeycredparams: [ { type: "public-key", alg: -7 } ] }; navigator.credentials.create({ publickey }) .then(function (newcredentialinfo) { // send attestation response and client extensions // to the server to proceed with the registration ...
RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent.tone - Web APIs
the read-only property rtcdtmftonechangeevent.tone returns the dtmf character which has just begun to play, or an empty string ("").
RTCIceCandidate.candidate - Web APIs
the attributes are all separated by a single space character, and are in a specific order.
RTCIceCandidateInit.candidate - Web APIs
the attributes are all separated by a single space character, and are in a specific order.
RTCIceCandidateInit - Web APIs
the string may be up to 256 characters long.
RTCIceCandidateStats.address - Web APIs
if the value is entirely comprised of hexadecimal digits and colon (":") characters, it is interpreted as an ipv6 address.
RTCIceParameters.usernameFragment - Web APIs
the string may be up to 256 characters long.
RTCPeerConnection.createDataChannel() - Web APIs
typeerror this can happen in a couple of situations: the label and/or protocol string is too long; these cannot be longer than 65,535 bytes (bytes, rather than characters).
RTCRtpTransceiver.setCodecPreferences() - Web APIs
a guide to codecs supported by webrtc—and each codec's positive and negative characteristics—can be found in codecs used by webrtc.
Range.comparePoint() - Web APIs
if the reference node is a node of type text, comment, or cdatasection, then offset is the number of characters from the start of reference node.
Range.endOffset - Web APIs
if the endcontainer is a node of type text, comment, or cdatasection, then the offset is the number of characters from the start of the endcontainer to the boundary point of the range.
Range.selectNodeContents() - Web APIs
the startoffset is 0, and the endoffset is the number of child nodes or number of characters contained in the reference node.
Range.setEnd() - Web APIs
usage notes if the endnode is a node of type text, comment, or cdatasection, then endoffset is the number of characters from the start of endnode.
Range.startOffset - Web APIs
if the startcontainer is a node of type text, comment, or cdatasection, then the offset is the number of characters from the start of the startcontainer to the boundary point of the range.
ReadableStream.ReadableStream() - Web APIs
const stream = new readablestream({ start(controller) { interval = setinterval(() => { let string = randomchars(); // add the string to the stream controller.enqueue(string); // show it on the screen let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = string; list1.appendchild(listitem); }, 1000); button.addeventlistener('click', function() { clearinterval(interval); fetchstream(); controller.close(); }) }, pull(contr...
ReadableStream.cancel() - Web APIs
var searchterm = "service workers"; // chars to show either side of the result in the match var contextbefore = 30; var contextafter = 30; var caseinsensitive = true; var url = ''; console.log(`searching '${url}' for '${searchterm}'`); fetch(url).then(response => { console.log('received headers'); var decoder = new textdecoder(); var reader = response.body.getreader(); var tomatch = caseinsensitive ?
ReadableStreamDefaultController.close() - Web APIs
const stream = new readablestream({ start(controller) { interval = setinterval(() => { let string = randomchars(); // add the string to the stream controller.enqueue(string); // show it on the screen let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = string; list1.appendchild(listitem); }, 1000); button.addeventlistener('click', function() { clearinterval(interval); fetchstream(); controller.close(); }) }, pull(contr...
ReadableStreamDefaultController.enqueue() - Web APIs
const stream = new readablestream({ start(controller) { interval = setinterval(() => { let string = randomchars(); // add the string to the stream controller.enqueue(string); // show it on the screen let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = string; list1.appendchild(listitem); }, 1000); button.addeventlistener('click', function() { clearinterval(interval); fetchstream(); controller.close(); }) }, pull(contr...
ReadableStreamDefaultController - Web APIs
const stream = new readablestream({ start(controller) { interval = setinterval(() => { let string = randomchars(); // add the string to the stream controller.enqueue(string); // show it on the screen let listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = string; list1.appendchild(listitem); }, 1000); button.addeventlistener('click', function() { clearinterval(interval); fetchstream(); controller.close(); }) }, pull(contr...
SVGPathSeg - Web APIs
pathsegtypeasletter domstring the type of the path segment as specified by the corresponding one character command name.
SVGSVGElement - Web APIs
(if the parent uses css or xsl layout, then unitless values represent pixel units for the current css or xsl viewport.) svgsvgelement.pixelunittomillimeterx a float representing the size of the pixel unit (as defined by css2) along the x-axis of the viewport, which represents a unit somewhere in the range of 70dpi to 120dpi, and, on systems that support this, might actually match the characteristics of the target medium.
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent.sample - Web APIs
syntax let sample = violationeventinstance.sample; value a domstring containing a sample of the resource that caused the violation, usually the first 40 characters.
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent - Web APIs
securitypolicyviolationevent.sampleread only a domstring representing a sample of the resource that caused the violation, usually the first 40 characters.
ShadowRoot - Web APIs
documentorshadowroot.caretpositionfrompoint() returns a caretposition object containing the dom node containing the caret, and caret's character offset within that node.
SpeechSynthesisEvent.utterance - Web APIs
examples utterthis.onpause = function(event) { var char = event.utterance.text.charat(event.charindex); console.log('speech paused at character ' + event.charindex + ' of "' + event.utterance.text + '", which is "' + char + '".'); } specifications specification status comment web speech apithe definition of 'utterance' in that specification.
SpeechSynthesisUtterance.text - Web APIs
the maximum length of the text that can be spoken in each utterance is 32,767 characters.
SpeechSynthesisVoice - Web APIs
is = new speechsynthesisutterance(inputtxt.value); var selectedoption = voiceselect.selectedoptions[0].getattribute('data-name'); for(i = 0; i < voices.length ; i++) { if(voices[i].name === selectedoption) { utterthis.voice = voices[i]; } } utterthis.pitch = pitch.value; utterthis.rate = rate.value; synth.speak(utterthis); utterthis.onpause = function(event) { var char = event.utterance.text.charat(event.charindex); console.log('speech paused at character ' + event.charindex + ' of "' + event.utterance.text + '", which is "' + char + '".'); } inputtxt.blur(); } specifications specification status comment web speech apithe definition of 'speechsynthesisvoice' in that specification.
StaticRange.collapsed - Web APIs
a collapsed range is one in which the start and end positions are the same, resulting in a zero-character-long range..
StaticRange.endContainer - Web APIs
syntax var node = staticnode.endcontainer staticnode.endcontainer = endcontainer value the dom node which contains the final character of the range.
StaticRange.endOffset - Web APIs
syntax var endoffset = staticrange.endoffset value an integer value indicating the number of characters into the node indicated by endcontainer at which the final character of the range is located.
StaticRange.startOffset - Web APIs
syntax var startoffset = staticrange.startoffset value an integer value indicating the number of characters into the node indicated by startcontainer at which the first character of the range is located.
Storage API - Web APIs
it's also possible for the user agent to decide to make the site's storage unit persistent due to usage characteristics or other metrics.
TextMetrics - Web APIs
inesbelowalphabetic.includes(baseline)) { liney = y + math.abs(textmetrics[baseline]); } ctx.moveto(0, liney); ctx.lineto(550, liney); ctx.stroke(); }); result measuring text width when measuring the x-direction of a piece of text, the sum of actualboundingboxleft and actualboundingboxright can be wider than the width of the inline box (width), due to slanted/italic fonts where characters overhang their advance width.
TextRange - Web APIs
such as, move("character",-1) means to move one character to the left.
URL - Web APIs
URLSearchParams() - Web APIs
a leading '?' character is ignored.
USVString - Web APIs
unpaired surrogate codepoints present in usvstring are converted by the browser to unicode 'replacement character' u+fffd, (�).
ValidityState.patternMismatch - Web APIs
if the values are too long or too short, or contain characters that aren't digits, patternmismatch will be true.
Matrix math for the web - Web APIs
different operations like positioning points, calculating lighting, and posing animated characters all rely on this fundamental tool.
WebGL best practices - Web APIs
however, for 2d resources that are never "zoomed out", don't pay the 30% memory surcharge for mipmaps: const tex = gl.createtexture(); gl.bindtexture(gl.texture_2d, tex); gl.texparameterf(gl.texture_2d, gl.texture_min_filter, gl.linear); // defaults to nearest_mipmap_linear, for mipmapping!
Introduction to WebRTC protocols - Web APIs
structure sdp consists of one or more lines of utf-8 text, each beginning with a one-character type, followed by an equals sign ("="), followed by structured text comprising a value or description, whose format depends on the type.
WebSocket.close() - Web APIs
this string must be no longer than 123 bytes of utf-8 text (not characters).
Writing WebSocket servers - Web APIs
characters for text data) of encoded and xor the octet with the (i modulo 4)th octet of mask.
Inputs and input sources - Web APIs
the code presumes the existence of an avatar object representing the character, as used in several other eamples on this page, as well as the pickupobject() and dropobject() functions, which handle transferring an object from the world to a particular hand and releasing an object from the hand and placing it back into the world.
Lighting a WebXR setting - Web APIs
each one involves a source of virtual light whose distance from the object being drawn and the directionality of the light waves cause the light source to take on specific characteristics.
Starting up and shutting down a WebXR session - Web APIs
falling back to the webxr polyfill one fallback option is the webxr polyfill, provided by the immersive web working group that's in charge of the webxr standardization process.
Window.localStorage - Web APIs
the keys and the values are always in the utf-16 domstring format, which uses two bytes per character.
window.location - Web APIs
example #6: using bookmarks without changing the hash property: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>mdn example</title> <script> function shownode (onode) { document.documentelement.scrolltop = onode.offsettop; document.documentelement.scrollleft = onode.offsetleft; } function showbookmark (sbookmark, busehash) { if (arguments.length === 1 || busehash) { location.hash = sbookmark; return; } var obookmark = document.queryselector(sbookmark); if (obookmark) { showno...
Window.locationbar - Web APIs
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>various dom tests</title> <script> var visible = window.locationbar.visible; </script> </head> <body> <p>various dom tests</p> </body> </html> specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition of 'window.locationbar' in that specification.
Window.sessionStorage - Web APIs
the keys and the values are always in the utf-16 domstring format, which uses two bytes per character.
Window.statusbar - Web APIs
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>various dom tests</title> <script> // changing bar states on the existing window"universalbrowserwrite"); window.statusbar.visible=!window.statusbar.visible; </script> </head> <body> <p>various dom tests</p> </body> </html> notes when you load the example page above, the browser displays the following dialog: to tog...
HTML in XMLHttpRequest - Web APIs
view on jsfiddle character encoding if the character encoding is declared in the http content-type header, that character encoding is used.
XMLHttpRequest.getAllResponseHeaders() - Web APIs
an example of what a raw header string looks like: date: fri, 08 dec 2017 21:04:30 gmt\r\n content-encoding: gzip\r\n x-content-type-options: nosniff\r\n server: meinheld/0.6.1\r\n x-frame-options: deny\r\n content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n connection: keep-alive\r\n strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000\r\n vary: cookie, accept-encoding\r\n content-length: 6502\r\n x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block\r\n each line is terminated by both carriage return and line feed characters (\r\n).
XMLSerializer - Web APIs
serializetostream() the subtree rooted by the specified element is serialized to a byte stream using the character set specified.
XRInputSource.profiles - Web APIs
each string: has no spaces; instead, words are separated by hyphen ("-") characters if the platform makes it available, the usb vendor and product id may be provided but cannot be relied upon does not uniquely identify a specific device; rather, it identifies a configuration that the product is capable of using does not provide information about handedness of the device, if applicable the webxr input profiles registry is used by device developers and browser developer...
msWriteProfilerMark - Web APIs
the bstrprofilermarkname property has a 32-character limit when called from script.
ARIA Screen Reader Implementors Guide - Accessibility
ideas for settings and heuristics allow for a different voice (in text-to-speech) or other varying presentational characteristics to set live changes apart.
Using the aria-invalid attribute - Accessibility
the snippet below shows a very simple validation function, which only checks for the presence of a particular character (in the real world, validation will likely be more sophisticated): function checkvalidity(aid, asearchterm, amsg){ var elem = document.getelementbyid(aid); var invalid = (elem.value.indexof(asearchterm) < 0); if (invalid) { elem.setattribute("aria-invalid", "true"); updatealert(amsg); } else { elem.setattribute("aria-invalid", "false"); update...
Web applications and ARIA FAQ - Accessibility
more detailed browser compatibility charts are available from multiple sources: the paciello group assistive technologies assistive technologies are increasingly adopting aria.
Alerts - Accessibility
in order to simplify this example, we’ll check whether the e-mail address contains the “@” symbol, and if the name entry contains at least 1 character.
An overview of accessible web applications and widgets - Accessibility
properties describe characteristics of these widgets, such as if they are draggable, have a required element, or have a popup associated with them.
HTML To MSAA - Accessibility
ap html element role name value states relations actions events notes a role_system_ link n/a value of @href attribute state_system_ selectable if @name attribute is presented state_system_ linked if @href attribute is presented or click event listener is registered state_system_ traversed if link is traversed n/a "jump" if @href is valid n/a br role_system_ whitespace '\n' (new line char) state_system_ readonly n/a n/a n/a button role_system_ pushbutton from child nodes n/a state_system_ focusable state_system_ default if @type attribute has value "submit" n/a "press" n/a caption bstr role n/a n/a n/a description_for (0x100f), points to table element div bstr role n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a fieldset role_system_ grouping text equivalent from child legend el...
Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server - Accessibility
titlebar [inserted by system] role_menubar [important if you don't use native menus] role_scrollbar role_grip role_sound role_cursor role_caret role_alert role_window [inserted by system] role_client [important] role_menupopup [important] role_menuitem [important] role_tooltip role_application role_document role_pane [important] role_chart role_dialog [semi-important, not currently used by all at's] role_border role_grouping role_separator [important] role_toolbar role_statusbar [important] role_table [important] role_columnheader role_rowheader role_column role_row role_cell [important] role_link [important] role_helpballoon role_character role_list [important] ro...
Accessibility documentation index - Accessibility
found 105 pages: # page tags and summary 1 accessibility accessibility, landing accessibility (often abbreviated to a11y—as in "a" then 11 characters then "y") in web development means enabling as many people as possible to use web sites, even when those people's abilities are limited in some way.
Web Accessibility: Understanding Colors and Luminance - Accessibility
+ 0.0722 * b where r, g and b are defined as: if rsrgb <= 0.03928 then r = rsrgb/12.92 else r = ((rsrgb+0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4 if gsrgb <= 0.03928 then g = gsrgb/12.92 else g = ((gsrgb+0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4 if bsrgb <= 0.03928 then b = bsrgb/12.92 else b = ((bsrgb+0.055)/1.055) ^ 2.4 and rsrgb, gsrgb, and bsrgb are defined as: rsrgb = r8bit/255 gsrgb = g8bit/255 bsrgb = b8bit/255 the "^" character is the exponentiation operator.
accessibility (often abbreviated to a11y—as in "a" then 11 characters then "y") in web development means enabling as many people as possible to use web sites, even when those people's abilities are limited in some way.
-webkit-text-fill-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the -webkit-text-fill-color css property specifies the fill color of characters of text.
-webkit-text-stroke-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the -webkit-text-stroke-color css property specifies the stroke color of characters of text.
-webkit-text-stroke - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the -webkit-text-stroke css property specifies the width and color of strokes for text characters.
:lang() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
also note that unicode values are used to specify some of the special quote characters.
@counter-style - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the below @counter-style rule uses images instead of character symbols.
@document - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
(period) matches any character in regular expressions.
font-stretch - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this enables variable fonts to offer something more like a continuum of character widths.
font-weight - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the font-weight property can separately be used to set how thick or thin characters in text should be displayed.
@import - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
description imported rules must precede all other types of rules, except @charset rules; as it is not a nested statement, @import cannot be used inside conditional group at-rules.
any-pointer - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: more than one value can match if the available devices have different characteristics, although none only matches when none of them are pointing devices.
@media - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
media features media features describe specific characteristics of the user agent, output device, or environment.
@namespace - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
any @namespace rules must follow all @charset and @import rules, and precede all other at-rules and style declarations in a style sheet.
Handling content breaks in multicol - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the compatibility data charts on the individual property pages here on mdn can help you see which browsers support which features.
Flow Layout and Overflow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
we also have ellipsis which renders an ellipsis, which may be replaced with a better character for the language or writing mode in use.
Using CSS gradients - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
example conic gradients include pie charts and color wheels, but they can also be used for creating checker boards and other intersting effects.
Introducing the CSS Cascade - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
finally, note that @import and @charset obey specific algorithms and aren't affected by the cascade algorithm.
Recipe: Media objects - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
requirements media object pattern needs some or all of the following characteristics: stacked on mobile, two columns on desktop.
Media queries - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
media queries let you adapt your site or app depending on the presence or value of various device characteristics and parameters.
Microsoft CSS extensions - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
-ms-accelerator -ms-block-progression -ms-content-zoom-chaining -ms-content-zooming -ms-content-zoom-limit -ms-content-zoom-limit-max -ms-content-zoom-limit-min -ms-content-zoom-snap -ms-content-zoom-snap-points -ms-content-zoom-snap-type -ms-filter -ms-flow-from -ms-flow-into -ms-high-contrast-adjust -ms-hyphenate-limit-chars -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines -ms-hyphenate-limit-zone -ms-ime-align -ms-overflow-style -ms-scrollbar-3dlight-color -ms-scrollbar-arrow-color -ms-scrollbar-base-color -ms-scrollbar-darkshadow-color -ms-scrollbar-face-color -ms-scrollbar-highlight-color -ms-scrollbar-shadow-color -ms-scrollbar-track-color -ms-scroll-chaining -ms-scroll-limit -ms-scroll-limit-x-max -ms-...
CSS reference - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
animation-name - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the first non-dash character must be a letter.
attr() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
it is not reparsed, and in particular the characters are used as-is instead of css escapes being turned into different characters.
background - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the syntax of each layer is as follows: each layer may include zero or one occurrences of any of the following values: <attachment> <bg-image> <position> <bg-size> <repeat-style> the <bg-size> value may only be included immediately after <position>, separated with the '/' character, like this: "center/80%".
caret-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the caret-color css property sets the color of the insertion caret, the visible marker where the next character typed will be inserted.
font-kerning - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
in well-kerned fonts, this feature makes character spacing more uniform and pleasant to read than it would otherwise be.
font-language-override - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for example, a lot of fonts have a special character for the digraph fi that merge the dot on the "i" with the "f." however, if the language is set to turkish the typeface will likely know not to use the merged glyph; turkish has two versions of the "i," one with a dot (i) and one without (ı), and using the ligature would incorrectly transform a dotted "i" into a dotless "i." the font-language-override property lets you override the typeface...
font-weight - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
meaning of relative weights when lighter or bolder is specified, the below chart shows how the absolute font weight of the element is determined.
hanging-punctuation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
two-value syntax uses one of the following: first together with any one of last, allow-end, or force-end last together with any one of first, allow-end, or force-end three-value syntax uses one of the following: first, allow-end, and last first, force-end, and last values none no character hangs.
<image> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
) its intrinsic dimensions; (2) its specified size, defined by css properties like width, height, or background-size; and (3) its default size, determined by the kind of property the image is used with: kind of object (css property) default object size background-image the size of the element's background positioning area list-style-image the size of a 1em character border-image-source the size of the element's border image area cursor the browser-defined size matching the usual cursor size on the client's system mask-image ?
line-break - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
anywhere there is a soft wrap opportunity around every typographic character unit, including around any punctuation character or preserved white spaces, or in the middle of words, disregarding any prohibition against line breaks, even those introduced by characters with the gl, wj, or zwj character class or mandated by the word-break property.
line-height - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
her number or length formal syntax normal | <number> | <length> | <percentage> examples basic example /* all rules below have the same resultant line height */ div { line-height: 1.2; font-size: 10pt; } /* number/unitless */ div { line-height: 1.2em; font-size: 10pt; } /* length */ div { line-height: 120%; font-size: 10pt; } /* percentage */ div { font: 10pt/1.2 georgia,"bitstream charter",serif; } /* font shorthand */ it is often more convenient to set line-height by using the font shorthand as shown above, but this requires the font-family property to be specified as well.
list-style-type - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the list-style-type css property sets the marker (such as a disc, character, or custom counter style) of a list item element.
<percentage> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
examples width and margin-left <div style="background-color:navy;"> <div style="width:50%; margin-left:20%; background-color:chartreuse;"> width: 50%, left margin: 20% </div> <div style="width:30%; margin-left:60%; background-color:pink;"> width: 30%, left margin: 60% </div> </div> the above html will output: font-size <div style="font-size:18px;"> <p>full-size text (18px)</p> <p><span style="font-size:50%;">50% (9px)</span></p> <p><span style="font-size:200%;">200% (36px)</span></p> </div> the a...
pointer-events - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
description when this property is unspecified, the same characteristics of the visiblepainted value apply to svg content.
repeating-conic-gradient() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
while it is possible to create pie charts, checkerboards, and other effects with conic gradients, css images provide no native way to assign alternative text, and therefore the image represented by the conic gradient will not be accessible to screen reader users.
text-decoration-skip - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
spaces all spacing is skipped: all unicode white space characters and all word separators, plus any adjacent letter-spacing or word-spacing.
text-emphasis-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
)where <alpha-value> = <number> | <percentage><hue> = <number> | <angle> examples emphasis with a color and custom character css em { text-emphasis-color: green; text-emphasis-style: "*"; } html <p>here's an example:</p> <em>this has emphasis marks!</em> result specifications specification status comment css text decoration module level 3the definition of 'text-emphasis' in that specification.
text-emphasis-style - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
authors should not specify more than one character in <string>.
scale() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this scaling transformation is characterized by a two-dimensional vector.
scale3d() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this scaling transformation is characterized by a three-dimensional vector.
translate() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this transformation is characterized by a two-dimensional vector.
translate3d() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this transformation is characterized by a three-dimensional vector.
unicode-bidi - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
when applying its bidirectional-resolution algorithm, its container element treats it as one or several u+fffc object replacement character, i.e.
url() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
quotes are required if the url includes parentheses, whitespace, or quotes, unless these characters are escaped, or if the address includes control characters above 0x7e.
<url> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if you choose to write the url without quotes, use a backslash (\) before any parentheses, whitespace characters, single quotes (') and double quotes (") that are part of the url.
var() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this value may contain any character except some characters with special meaning like newlines, unmatched closing brackets, i.e.
word-break - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
break-all to prevent overflow, word breaks should be inserted between any two characters (excluding chinese/japanese/korean text).
Strings (str) - EXSLT
str:concat()str:concat() returns a string containing all the string values in a node-set concatenated together.str:split()str:split() splits a string using a pattern string to determine where the splits should occur, returning a node-set containing the resulting strings.str:tokenize()str:tokenize() splits a string using a set of characters as delimiters that determine where the splits should occur, returning a node-set containing the resulting strings.
Challenge solutions - Developer guides
it also supports some more exotic color names like chartreuse, fuschia, or burlywood.
Mutation events - Developer guides
mutation events list the following is a list of all mutation events, as defined in dom level 3 events specification: domattrmodified domattributenamechanged domcharacterdatamodified domelementnamechanged domnodeinserted domnodeinsertedintodocument domnoderemoved domnoderemovedfromdocument domsubtreemodified mutation observers alternatives examples domnoderemovedfromdocument var isdescendant = function (desc, root) { return !!desc && (desc === root || isdescendant(desc.parentnode, root)); }; var onremove = function (element, callback) { var...
XHTML - Developer guides
html document content-type: text/html <!doctype html> <html lang=en> <head> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>html</title> </head> <body> <p>i am a html document</p> </body> </html> xhtml document content-type: application/xhtml+xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en"> <head> <title>xhtml</title> </head> <body> <p>i am a xhtml document</p> </body> </html> in practice, very few "xhtml" documents are served over the web with a...
Mobile Web Development - Developer guides
designing for mobile devices mobile devices have quite different hardware characteristics compared with desktop or laptop computers.
Writing forward-compatible websites - Developer guides
code hygiene avoid missing > passing a validator is one way to ensure this, but even if your website doesn't validate entirely you should make sure all your > characters are present.
HTML attribute: accept - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
each unique file type specifier may take one of the following forms: a valid case-insensitive filename extension, starting with a period (".") character.
HTML attribute: maxlength - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the maxlength attribute defines the maximum number of characters (as utf-16 code units) the user can enter into an <input> or <textarea>.
HTML attribute: size - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for the input, if the type attribute is text or password then it's the number of characters.
<acronym> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
summary the html acronym element (<acronym>) allows authors to clearly indicate a sequence of characters that compose an acronym or abbreviation for a word.
<bdo>: The Bidirectional Text Override element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the text's characters are drawn from the starting point in the given direction; the individual characters' orientation is not affected (so characters don't get drawn backward, for example).
<em>: The Emphasis element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the <em> element represents stress emphasis of its contents, while the <i> element represents text that is set off from the normal prose, such a foreign word, fictional character thoughts, or when the text refers to the definition of a word instead of representing its semantic meaning.
<head>: The Document Metadata (Header) element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the end tag may be omitted if the first thing following the <head> element is not a space character or a comment.
<hgroup> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
there are a variety of ways an <hgroup> might be shown in a rendered outline; for example: an <hgroup> might be shown in a rendered outline in with a colon character and space (“: ”) or other such punctuation after the primary heading and before the first secondary heading (and with the same or similar punctuation before any other secondary headings an <hgroup> might be shown in a rendered outline in with the primary heading followed by parentheses around the secondary heading(s) consider the following html document: <!doctype html> <title>html s...
<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
note: also bear in mind that if such data is submitted via http get, the colon character will need to be escaped for inclusion in the url parameters, e.g.
<input type="file"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
each unique file type specifier may take one of the following forms: a valid case-insensitive filename extension, starting with a period (".") character.
<input type="time"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
time the simplest use of <input type="time"> involves a basic <input> and <label> element combination, as seen below: <form> <label for="appt-time">choose an appointment time: </label> <input id="appt-time" type="time" name="appt-time"> </form> controlling input size <input type="time"> doesn't support form sizing attributes such as size, since times are always about the same number of characters long.
<li> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
type this character attribute indicates the numbering type: a: lowercase letters a: uppercase letters i: lowercase roman numerals i: uppercase roman numerals 1: numbers this type overrides the one used by its parent <ol> element, if any.
<listing> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the html 2 standard recommended that lines shouldn't be broken when not greater than 132 characters.
<map> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the attribute must be present and must have a non-empty value with no space characters.
<option>: The HTML Option element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
permitted content text, possibly with escaped characters (like &eacute;).
<p>: The Paragraph element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
in finished works, combining both is considered redundant and amateurish.</p> <p>in very old writing, paragraphs were separated with a special character: ¶, the <i>pilcrow</i>.
<plaintext>: The Plain Text element (Deprecated) - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
escape any <, > and & characters, to prevent browsers inadvertently parsing content the element content as html.
<rt>: The Ruby Text element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
examples this simple example provides romaji transliteration for the kanji characters within the <ruby> element: <ruby> 漢 <rt>kan</rt> 字 <rt>ji</rt> </ruby> body { font-size: 22px; } the output looks like this in your browser: on a browser without ruby support, this example might look like this: 漢 kan 字 ji body { font-size: 22px; } specifications specification status comment html living standardthe definition...
<rtc>: The Ruby Text Container element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the html ruby text container (<rtc>) element embraces semantic annotations of characters presented in a ruby of <rb> elements used inside of <ruby> element.
<style>: The Style Information element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
type this attribute defines the styling language as a mime type (charset should not be specified).
<title>: The Document Title element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
search engines typically display about the first 55–60 characters of a page title.
<track>: The Embed Text Track element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
music, text, character).
<tt>: The Teletype Text element (obsolete) - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the terms non-proportional, monotype, and monospace are used interchangeably and have the same general meaning: they describe a typeface whose characters are all the same number of pixels wide.
<wbr> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
to make a hyphen appear only at the end of a line, use the soft hyphen character entity (&shy;) instead.
autocapitalize - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the attribute must take one of the following values: off or none: no autocapitalization is applied (all letters default to lowercase) on or sentences: the first letter of each sentence defaults to a capital letter; all other letters default to lowercase words: the first letter of each word defaults to a capital letter; all other letters default to lowercase characters: all letters should default to uppercase the autocapitalize attribute doesn’t affect behavior when typing on a physical keyboard.
dir - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
it uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then applies that directionality to the whole element.
id - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
note: using characters except ascii letters, digits, '_', '-' and '.' may cause compatibility problems, as they weren't allowed in html 4.
inputmode - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
typically includes the @ character as well as other optimizations.
title - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
each u+000a line feed (lf) character represents a line break.
Inline elements - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
since this is a presentational characteristic it is nowadays specified by css in the flow layout.
Quirks Mode and Standards Mode - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
to ensure that your page uses full standards mode, make sure that your page has a doctype like in this example: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>hello world!</title> </head> <body> </body> </html> the doctype shown in the example, <!doctype html>, is the simplest possible, and the one recommended by html5.
HTML reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
content categories every html element is a member of one or more content categories — these categories group elements that share common characteristics.
HTTP authentication - HTTP
character encoding of http authentication browsers use utf-8 encoding for usernames and passwords.
Evolution of HTTP - HTTP user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10.9; rv:50.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/50.0 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.5 accept-encoding: gzip, deflate, br referer: 200 ok connection: keep-alive content-encoding: gzip content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: wed, 20 jul 2016 10:55:30 gmt etag: "547fa7e369ef56031dd3bff2ace9fc0832eb251a" keep-alive: timeout=5, max=1000 last-modified: tue, 19 jul 2016 00:59:33 gmt server: apache transfer-encoding: chunked vary: cookie, accept-encoding (content) get /static/img/header-background.png http/1.1 host: user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10.9; rv:50.0...
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) - HTTP
once the preflight request is complete, the real request is sent: post /doc http/1.1 host: bar.other user-agent: mozilla/5.0 (macintosh; intel mac os x 10.14; rv:71.0) gecko/20100101 firefox/71.0 accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 accept-language: en-us,en;q=0.5 accept-encoding: gzip,deflate connection: keep-alive x-pingother: pingpong content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 referer: https://foo.example/examples/preflightinvocation.html content-length: 55 origin: https://foo.example pragma: no-cache cache-control: no-cache <person><name>arun</name></person> http/1.1 200 ok date: mon, 01 dec 2008 01:15:40 gmt server: apache/2 access-control-allow-origin: https://foo.example vary: accept-encoding, origin content-encoding: gzip content-length: 235 keep-alive...
Content Security Policy (CSP) - HTTP
script-sample the first 40 characters of the inline script, event handler, or style that caused the violation.
Using HTTP cookies - HTTP
the %x2f ("/") character is considered a directory separator, and subdirectories match as well.
Accept-Patch - HTTP
header type response header forbidden header name yes syntax accept-patch: application/example, text/example accept-patch: text/example;charset=utf-8 accept-patch: application/merge-patch+json directives none examples accept-patch: application/example, text/example accept-patch: text/example;charset=utf-8 accept-patch: application/merge-patch+json specifications specification title rfc 5789, section 3.1: accept-patch http patch ...
Content-Language - HTTP
each language tag is a sequence of one or more case-insensitive subtags, each separated by a hyphen character ("-", %x2d).
CSP: base-uri - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: child-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: connect-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: default-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: font-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: form-action - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: frame-ancestors - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: frame-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: img-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: manifest-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: media-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: navigate-to - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: object-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: prefetch-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: report-uri - HTTP
$log_file; mail($email_address, $email_subject, $message, 'content-type: text/plain;charset=utf-8'); } else if (filesize($log_file) > $log_file_size_limit) { exit(0); } file_put_contents($log_file, $json_data, file_append | lock_ex); } specifications specification status comment content security policy level 3the definition of 'report-uri' in that specification.
CSP: script-src-attr - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: script-src-elem - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: script-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: style-src-attr - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: style-src-elem - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: style-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
CSP: worker-src - HTTP
the site's address may include an optional leading wildcard (the asterisk character, '*'), and you may use a wildcard (again, '*') as the port number, indicating that all legal ports are valid for the source.
Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only - HTTP
script-sample the first 40 characters of the inline script, event handler, or style that caused the violation.
they are a string of ascii characters placed between double quotes, like "675af34563dc-tr34".
If-Match - HTTP
they are a string of ascii characters placed between double quotes (like "675af34563dc-tr34").
If-None-Match - HTTP
they are a string of ascii characters placed between double quotes (like "675af34563dc-tr34") and may be prefixed by w/ to indicate that the weak comparison algorithm should be used (this is useless with if-none-match as it only uses that algorithm).
If-Range - HTTP
it is a string of ascii characters placed between double quotes (like "675af34563dc-tr34") and may be prefixed by w/ to indicate that the weak comparison algorithm should be used.
Keep-Alive - HTTP
examples a response containing a keep-alive header: http/1.1 200 ok connection: keep-alive content-encoding: gzip content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 date: thu, 11 aug 2016 15:23:13 gmt keep-alive: timeout=5, max=1000 last-modified: mon, 25 jul 2016 04:32:39 gmt server: apache (body) specifications specification title http keep-alive header keep-alive header (ietf internet draft) rfc 7230, appendix a.1.2: keep-alive hypertext transfer protocol (http/1.1): message syntax and routing ...
User-Agent - HTTP
the user-agent request header is a characteristic string that lets servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and/or version of the requesting user agent.
HTTP Messages - HTTP
the request target, usually a url, or the absolute path of the protocol, port, and domain are usually characterized by the request context.
non-alphanumeric characters in both keys and values are percent encoded: this is the reason why this type is not suitable to use with binary data (use multipart/form-data instead) multipart/form-data: each value is sent as a block of data ("body part"), with a user agent-defined delimiter ("boundary") separating each part.
Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file - HTTP
are always supported, while [characters] and [^characters] are supported by some implmentations including firefox.
406 Not Acceptable - HTTP
proactive content negotiation headers include: accept accept-charset accept-encoding accept-language in practice, this error is very rarely used.
JavaScript data types and data structures - JavaScript
an escape character can be chosen, etc.
Enumerability and ownership of properties - JavaScript
there are a number of built-in means of detecting, iterating/enumerating, and retrieving object properties, with the chart showing below which are available.
Details of the object model - JavaScript
a class defines all of the properties that characterize a certain set of objects (considering methods and fields in java, or members in c++, to be properties).
Expressions and operators - JavaScript
(generally uses arithmetic operators.) string: evaluates to a character string, for example, "fred" or "234".
Meta programming - JavaScript, undefined, [1.75]) with reflect.apply this becomes less verbose and easier to understand: reflect.apply(math.floor, undefined, [1.75]) // 1 reflect.apply(string.fromcharcode, undefined, [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) // "hello" reflect.apply(regexp.prototype.exec, /ab/, ['confabulation']).index // 4 reflect.apply(''.charat, 'ponies', [3]) // "i" checking if property definition has been successful with object.defineproperty, which returns an object if successful, or throws a typeerror otherwise, you would use a try...catch block to catch any error that occurred w...
RangeError: radix must be an integer - JavaScript
a radix that is larger than 10 uses alphabetical characters as digits; therefore, the radix can't be larger than 36, since the latin alphabet (used by english and many other languages) only has 26 characters.
SyntaxError: "0"-prefixed octal literals and octal escape seq. are deprecated - JavaScript
message syntaxerror: octal numeric literals and escape characters not allowed in strict mode (edge) syntaxerror: "0"-prefixed octal literals and octal escape sequences are deprecated; for octal literals use the "0o" prefix instead error type syntaxerror in strict mode only.
SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal - JavaScript
only subsequent characters can be digits (0-9).
SyntaxError: missing } after function body - JavaScript
examples forgotten closing curly bracket oftentimes, there is a missing curly bracket in your function code: var charge = function() { if (sunny) { usesolarcells(); } else { promptbikeride(); }; correct would be: var charge = function() { if (sunny) { usesolarcells(); } else { promptbikeride(); } }; it can be more obscure when using iife, closures, or other constructs that use a lot of different parenthesis and curly brackets, for example.
SyntaxError: missing formal parameter - JavaScript
in javascript, identifiers can contain only alphanumeric characters (or "$" or "_"), and may not start with a digit.
JavaScript error reference - JavaScript
use //# insteadsyntaxerror: a declaration in the head of a for-of loop can't have an initializersyntaxerror: applying the "delete" operator to an unqualified name is deprecatedsyntaxerror: for-in loop head declarations may not have initializerssyntaxerror: function statement requires a namesyntaxerror: identifier starts immediately after numeric literalsyntaxerror: illegal charactersyntaxerror: invalid regular expression flag "x"syntaxerror: missing ) after argument listsyntaxerror: missing ) after conditionsyntaxerror: missing : after property idsyntaxerror: missing ; before statementsyntaxerror: missing = in const declarationsyntaxerror: missing ] after element listsyntaxerror: missing formal parametersyntaxerror: missing name after .
The arguments object - JavaScript
the function's only formal argument is a string containing the characters that separate the items to concatenate.
Array.prototype.filter() - JavaScript
ow length 6, but since they've been modified one is returned // ["spray"] // appending new words words = ['spray', 'limit', 'exuberant', 'destruction','elite', 'present'] const appendedwords = words.filter( (word, index, arr) => { arr.push('new') return word.length < 6 }) console.log(appendedwords) // only three fits the condition even though the `words` itself now has a lot more words with character length less than 6 // ["spray" ,"limit" ,"elite"] // deleting words words = ['spray', 'limit', 'exuberant', 'destruction', 'elite', 'present'] const deletewords = words.filter( (word, index, arr) => { arr.pop() return word.length < 6 }) console.log(deletewords) // notice 'elite' is not even obtained as its been popped off `words` before filter can even get there // ["spray" ,"limit"] ...
Array.from() - JavaScript
clojure, php etc) const range = (start, stop, step) => array.from({ length: (stop - start) / step + 1}, (_, i) => start + (i * step)); // generate numbers range 0..4 range(0, 4, 1); // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] // generate numbers range 1..10 with step of 2 range(1, 10, 2); // [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] // generate the alphabet using array.from making use of it being ordered as a sequence range('a'.charcodeat(0), 'z'.charcodeat(0), 1).map(x => string.fromcharcode(x)); // ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"] specifications specification initial publication ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'array.from' in that specification.
Array.prototype.includes() - JavaScript
note: when comparing strings and characters, includes() is case-sensitive.
Array.prototype.join() - JavaScript
if separator is an empty string, all elements are joined without any characters in between them. - JavaScript
let numbers = [1, 4, 9] let doubles = { return num * 2 }) // doubles is now [2, 8, 18] // numbers is still [1, 4, 9] using map generically this example shows how to use map on a string to get an array of bytes in the ascii encoding representing the character values: let map = let a ='hello world', function(x) { return x.charcodeat(0) }) // a now equals [72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100] using map generically queryselectorall this example shows how to iterate through a collection of objects collected by queryselectorall.
Date.prototype.toISOString() - JavaScript
the toisostring() method returns a string in simplified extended iso format (iso 8601), which is always 24 or 27 characters long (yyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss.sssz or ±yyyyyy-mm-ddthh:mm:ss.sssz, respectively).
Date.prototype.toLocaleString() - JavaScript
most notably, the ie and edge browsers insert bidirectional control characters around dates, so the output text will flow properly when concatenated with other text.
Error.prototype.stack - JavaScript
<!doctype html> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>stack trace example</title> <body> <script> function trace() { try { throw new error('myerror'); } catch(e) { alert(e.stack); } } function b() { trace(); } function a() { b(3, 4, '\n\n', undefined, {}); } a('first call, firstarg'); </script> assuming the above markup is saved as c:\example.html on a windows file system it produces an alert message box with...
Function.prototype.bind() - JavaScript
according to ecma-262, name of the returned bound function should be "bound " + name of target function (note the space character).
Intl.DateTimeFormat.prototype.format() - JavaScript
most notably, the ie and edge browsers insert bidirectional control characters around dates, so the output text will flow properly when concatenated with other text.
Intl.Locale.prototype.caseFirst - JavaScript
certain locales use a character's case (uppercase or lowercase) in the collation process.
Intl.Locale.prototype.numberingSystem - JavaScript
�� may be algorithmic fullwide full width digits geor georgian numerals — algorithmic gong gunjala gondi digits gonm masaram gondi digits grek greek upper case numerals — algorithmic greklow greek lower case numerals — algorithmic gujr gujarati digits guru gurmukhi digits hanidays han-character day-of-month numbering for lunar/other traditional calendars hanidec positional decimal system using chinese number ideographs as digits hans simplified chinese numerals — algorithmic hansfin simplified chinese financial numerals — algorithmic hant traditional chinese numerals — algorithmic hantfin traditional chinese financia...
Intl.Locale - JavaScript
intl.locale.prototype.numeric returns whether the locale has special collation handling for numeric characters.
Number.parseFloat() - JavaScript
or nan when the first non-whitespace character cannot be converted to a number.
Number.parseInt() - JavaScript
if the radix is smaller than 2 or bigger than 36, and the first non-whitespace character cannot be converted to a number, nan is returned. - JavaScript
two values are the same if one of the following holds: both undefined both null both true or both false both strings of the same length with the same characters in the same order both the same object (means both object have same reference) both numbers and both +0 both -0 both nan or both non-zero and both not nan and both have the same value this is not the same as being equal according to the == operator.
Reflect.apply() - JavaScript
examples using reflect.apply() reflect.apply(math.floor, undefined, [1.75]); // 1; reflect.apply(string.fromcharcode, undefined, [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]) // "hello" reflect.apply(regexp.prototype.exec, /ab/, ['confabulation']).index // 4 reflect.apply(''.charat, 'ponies', [3]) // "i" specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'reflect.apply' in that specification.
RegExp.prototype.compile() - JavaScript
flags if specified, flags can have any combination of the following values: g global match i ignore case m multiline; treat beginning and end characters (^ and $) as working over multiple lines (i.e., match the beginning or end of each line (delimited by \n or \r), not only the very beginning or end of the whole input string) y sticky; matches only from the index indicated by the lastindex property of this regular expression in the target string (and does not attempt to match from any later indexes).
RegExp.prototype.exec() - JavaScript
description consider the following example: // match "quick brown" followed by "jumps", ignoring characters in between // remember "brown" and "jumps" // ignore case let re = /quick\s(brown).+?(jumps)/ig; let result = re.exec('the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'); the following table shows the results for this script: object property/index description example result [0] the full string of characters matched "quick brown fox jumps" [...
RegExp.lastMatch ($&) - JavaScript
the non-standard lastmatch property is a static and read-only property of regular expressions that contains the last matched characters. - JavaScript
syntax parameters url any string that specifies the href attribute of the <a> tag; it should be a valid url (relative or absolute), with any & characters escaped as &amp;, and any " characters escaped as &quot;.
String.prototype.match() - JavaScript
examples using match() in the following example, match() is used to find 'chapter' followed by 1 or more numeric characters followed by a decimal point and numeric character 0 or more times.
String.prototype.repeat() - JavaScript
but anyway, most current (august 2014) browsers can't handle // strings 1 << 28 chars or longer, so: if (str.length * count >= 1 << 28) throw new rangeerror('repeat count must not overflow maximum string size'); var maxcount = str.length * count; count = math.floor(math.log(count) / math.log(2)); while (count) { str += str; count--; } str += str.substring(0, maxcount - str.length); return str; } } examples using repeat 'abc'.r...
String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase() - JavaScript
also notice that conversion is not necessarily a 1:1 character mapping, as some characters might result in two (or even more) characters when transformed to upper-case.
String.prototype.trim() - JavaScript
whitespace in this context is all the whitespace characters (space, tab, no-break space, etc.) and all the line terminator characters (lf, cr, etc.).
decodeURIComponent() - JavaScript
description replaces each escape sequence in the encoded uri component with the character that it represents.
isNaN() - JavaScript
a polyfill for isnan would be (the polyfill leverages the unique never-equal-to-itself characteristic of nan): var isnan = function(value) { var n = number(value); return n !== n; }; examples isnan(nan); // true isnan(undefined); // true isnan({}); // true isnan(true); // false isnan(null); // false isnan(37); // false // strings isnan('37'); // false: "37" is converted to the number 37 which is not nan isnan('37.37'); // false: "37.37" ...
Equality (==) - JavaScript
if the operands have the same type, they are compared as follows: string: return true only if both operands have the same characters in the same order.
Object initializer - JavaScript
now you can use a similar syntax in object literals, too: // computed property names (es2015) let i = 0 let a = { ['foo' + ++i]: i, ['foo' + ++i]: i, ['foo' + ++i]: i } console.log(a.foo1) // 1 console.log(a.foo2) // 2 console.log(a.foo3) // 3 let param = 'size' let config = { [param]: 12, ['mobile' + param.charat(0).touppercase() + param.slice(1)]: 4 } console.log(config) // {size: 12, mobilesize: 4} spread properties the rest/spread properties for ecmascript proposal (stage 4) adds spread properties to object literals.
Strict equality (===) - JavaScript
strings must have the same characters in the same order.
if...else - JavaScript
for example: var b = new boolean(false); if (b) // this condition is truthy examples using if...else if (cipher_char === from_char) { result = result + to_char; x++; } else { result = result + clear_char; } using else if note that there is no elseif syntax in javascript.
Trailing commas - JavaScript
both lines will throw a syntaxerror: json.parse('[1, 2, 3, 4, ]'); json.parse('{"foo" : 1, }'); // syntaxerror json.parse: unexpected character // at line 1 column 14 of the json data omit the trailing commas to parse the json correctly: json.parse('[1, 2, 3, 4 ]'); json.parse('{"foo" : 1 }'); specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262) ...
JavaScript typed arrays - JavaScript
consider this c structure: struct somestruct { unsigned long id; char username[16]; float amountdue; }; you can access a buffer containing data in this format like this: let buffer = new arraybuffer(24); // ...
<mglyph> - MathML
the mathml <mglyph> element is used to display non-standard symbols where existing unicode characters are not available.
<mi> - MathML
the following values are allowed: normal (default value for more than one character) ; example bold ; example italic (default value for a single character) ; example bold-italic ; example double-struck ; example bold-fraktur ; example script ; example bold-script ; example fraktur ; example sans-serif ; example bold-sans-serif ; example sans-serif-italic ; example sans-serif-bold-italic ; example monospace ; example initial ; مث�...
<mstyle> - MathML
decimalpoint this attribute is specifying the character for the alignment point within <mstack> and <mtable> columns, if the decimalpoint value is used to specify the alignment.
Animation performance and frame rate - Web Performance
the developer tool's frame rate and waterfall charts provide insight into the work the browser is performing to animate code.
Populating the page: how browsers work - Web Performance
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>my simple page</title> <link rel="stylesheet" src="styles.css"/> <script src="myscript.js"></script> </head> <body> <h1 class="heading">my page</h1> <p>a paragraph with a <a href="">link</a></p> <div> <img src="myimage.jpg" alt="image description"/> </div> <script src="anotherscript.js"></script> </body> </html> this response for t...
Performance Monitoring: RUM vs synthetic monitoring - Web Performance
it provides waterfall charts for every asset served by the host and cdn as well as every third party asset and asset requests generated by all third party scripts, such as ads and analytic services.
Understanding latency - Web Performance
different browser developer tools have different preset options, the characteristics emulated include download speed, upload speed, and minimum latency, or the minimum amount of type it takes to send a packet of data.
Progressive web app structure - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
the folder structure looks like this: the html from the html point of view, the app shell is everything outside the content section: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>js13kgames a-frame entries</title> <meta name="description" content="a list of a-frame entries submitted to the js13kgames 2017 competition, used as an example for the mdn articles about progressive web apps."> <meta name="author" content="end3r"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#b12a34"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta propert...
Media - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
these different media have different characteristics.
Mobile first - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
imagine you wanted to include some kind of webgl chart in the desktop version of the site requiring a webgl library like three but didn't want it included in the mobile version?
Structural overview of progressive web apps - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>js13kgames a-frame entries</title> <meta name="description" content="a list of a-frame entries submitted to the js13kgames 2017 competition, used as an example for the mdn articles about progressive web apps."> <meta name="author" content="end3r"> <meta name="theme-color" content="#b12a34"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <meta propert...
SVG Core Attributes - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
value: any valid language id; animatable: no xml:space deprecated since svg 2 svg supports the standard xml attribute xml:space to specify the handling of white space characters within a given <text> element's character data.
SVG Presentation Attributes - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
value: auto|<length>|inherit; animatable: yes letter-spacing it controls spacing between text characters.
begin - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
a valid accesskey-value consists of the function accesskey() with the character to be input as parameter.
dominant-baseline - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
use-script the dominant-baseline and the baseline-table components are set by determining the predominant script of the character data content.
end - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
a valid accesskey-value consists of the function accesskey() with the character to be input as parameter.
font-variant - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
svg"> <text y="20" font-variant="normal">normal text</text> <text x="100" y="20" font-variant="small-caps">small-caps text</text> </svg> usage notes value normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values> || <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values> || stylistic( <feature-value-name> ) || historical-forms || styleset( <feature-value-name># ) || character-variant( <feature-value-name># ) || swash( <feature-value-name> ) || ornaments( <feature-value-name> ) || annotation( <feature-value-name> ) || [ small-caps | all-small-caps | petite-caps | all-petite-caps | unicase | titling-caps ] || <numeric-figure-values> || <numeric-spacing-values> || <numeric-fraction-values> || ordinal || slashed-zero || <east-asian-variant-values> || <east-asian-widt...
glyph-name - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the glyph names can be used in situations where unicode character numbers do not provide sufficient information to access the correct glyph, such as when there are multiple glyphs per unicode character.
letter-spacing - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the letter-spacing attribute controls spacing between text characters, in addition to any spacing from the kerning attribute.
path - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the path attribute has two different meanings, either it defines a text path along which the characters of a text are rendered, or a motion path along which a referenced element is animated.
stemh - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
for example, the main vertical stems of roman characters will differ from the thin stems on serifed "m" and "n", plus there may be different widths for uppercase and lowercase characters in the same font.
target - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the name must be a valid xml name [xml11], and should not start with an underscore (u+005f low line character), to meet the requirements of a valid browsing context name from html.
textLength - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
by default, only the spacing between characters is adjusted, but the glyph size can also be adjusted if you change lengthadjust.
vector-effect - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
since this value suppresses scaling of the user coordinate system, it also has the characteristics of non-scaling-stroke.
widths - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
if the range is omitted, a range of u+0-7fffffff is assumed which covers all characters and their glyphs.
xml:lang - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the most common syntax is a value formed by a lowercase two-character part for the language and an uppercase two-character part for the region or country, separated by a minus sign, e.g.
Compatibility sources - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
evision history for firefox together with its recorded archive for webkit, safari and chrome and accompanying pages for opera >= 9, for opera 8 for hints on ie9 support status the svg support charts at for basic checks against the w3c test suite wikipedia for basic hints, not normative ...
<desc> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
</desc> </circle> </svg> attributes this element only includes global attributes global attributes core attributes most notably: id styling attributes class, style event attributes global event attributes, document element event attributes usage notes categoriesdescriptive elementpermitted contentany elements or character data specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<desc>' in that specification.
<foreignObject> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
modal, aria-multiline, aria-multiselectable, aria-orientation, aria-owns, aria-placeholder, aria-posinset, aria-pressed, aria-readonly, aria-relevant, aria-required, aria-roledescription, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, aria-selected, aria-setsize, aria-sort, aria-valuemax, aria-valuemin, aria-valuenow, aria-valuetext, role usage notes categoriesnonepermitted contentany elements or character data specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<foreignobject>' in that specification.
<metadata> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
usage context categoriesdescriptive elementpermitted contentany elements or character data attributes global attributes core attributes global event attributes specific attributes none dom interface this element implements the svgmetadataelement interface.
<missing-glyph> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
the <missing-glyph> svg element's content is rendered, if for a given character the font doesn't define an appropriate <glyph>.
<script> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
value type: <url> ; default value: none; animatable: no global attributes core attributes most notably: id styling attributes class, style event attributes global event attributes, document element event attributes usage notes categoriesnonepermitted contentany elements or character data specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<script>' in that specification.
<style> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
value type: <string>; default value: none; animatable: no global attributes core attributes most notably: id styling attributes class, style event attributes global event attributes, document element event attributes usage notes categoriesnonepermitted contentany elements or character data specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<style>' in that specification.
<text> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
ine, aria-multiselectable, aria-orientation, aria-owns, aria-placeholder, aria-posinset, aria-pressed, aria-readonly, aria-relevant, aria-required, aria-roledescription, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, aria-selected, aria-setsize, aria-sort, aria-valuemax, aria-valuemin, aria-valuenow, aria-valuetext, role usage notes categoriesgraphics element, text content elementpermitted contentcharacter data and any number of the following elements, in any order:animation elementsdescriptive elementstext content elements<a> specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<text>' in that specification.
<textPath> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
on, aria-owns, aria-placeholder, aria-posinset, aria-pressed, aria-readonly, aria-relevant, aria-required, aria-roledescription, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, aria-selected, aria-setsize, aria-sort, aria-valuemax, aria-valuemin, aria-valuenow, aria-valuetext, role xlink attributes xlink:title usage notes categoriestext content element, text content child elementpermitted contentcharacter data and any number of the following elements, in any order:descriptive elements<a>, <altglyph>, <animate>, <animatecolor>, <set>, <tref>, <tspan> specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<textpath>' in that specification.
<title> — the SVG accessible name element - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
<rect x="11" y="1" width="8" height="8"> <title>i'm a square</title> </rect> </svg> attributes this element only includes global attributes global attributes core attributes most notably: id styling attributes class, style event attributes global event attributes, document element event attributes usage notes categoriesdescriptive elementpermitted contentany elements or character data specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<title>' in that specification.
<tspan> - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
multiselectable, aria-orientation, aria-owns, aria-placeholder, aria-posinset, aria-pressed, aria-readonly, aria-relevant, aria-required, aria-roledescription, aria-rowcount, aria-rowindex, aria-rowspan, aria-selected, aria-setsize, aria-sort, aria-valuemax, aria-valuemin, aria-valuenow, aria-valuetext, role usage notes categoriestext content element, text content child elementpermitted contentcharacter data and any number of the following elements, in any order:descriptive elements<a>, <altglyph>, <animate>, <animatecolor>, <set>, <tref>, <tspan> specifications specification status comment scalable vector graphics (svg) 2the definition of '<tspan>' in that specification.
Paths - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
for instance, a pie chart would require a different arc for each piece.
Subresource Integrity - Web security
that can have disastrous consequences if the filename happens to have valid hex characters in it — because xxd will also decode that and pass it to base64.
Using custom elements - Web Components
so it has all the characteristics of a <ul> element with the functionality we define built on top, rather than being a standalone element.
Using shadow DOM - Web Components
as an example, consider the following html fragment: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>simple dom example</title> </head> <body> <section> <img src="dinosaur.png" alt="a red tyrannosaurus rex: a two legged dinosaur standing upright like a human, with small arms, and a large head with lots of sharp teeth."> <p>here we will add a link to the <a href="">mozilla homepage</a></p> </section> </body> </html> ...
normalize-space - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the normalize-space function strips leading and trailing white-space from a string, replaces sequences of whitespace characters by a single space, and returns the resulting string.
<xsl:attribute-set> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
the names of the contributing sets must be separated with whitespace characters and must not directly or indirectly embed themselves.
<xsl:copy> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
names of the sets should be separated with whitespace characters.
<xsl:output> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the <xsl:output> element controls the characteristics of the output document.
<xsl:preserve-space> - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
if there is more than one element, separate the names with a whitespace character.
PI Parameters - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
note that value="..." is not strictly equal to select="'...'" since the value can contain both apostrophe and quote characters.
Loading and running WebAssembly code - WebAssembly
this is analogous to new function(string), except that we are substituting a string of characters (javascript source code) with an array buffer of bytes (webassembly source code).
Compiling from Rust to WebAssembly - WebAssembly
create webpack.config.js and put the following in it: const path = require('path'); module.exports = { entry: "./index.js", output: { path: path.resolve(__dirname, "dist"), filename: "index.js", }, mode: "development" }; now we need an html file; create index.html and give it the following contents: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>hello-wasm example</title> </head> <body> <script src="./index.js"></script> </body> </html> finally, create the index.js referenced in the html file and give it these contents: const js = import("./node_modules/hello-wasm/hello_wasm.js"); js.then(js => { js.greet("webassembly"); }); note that you need to fill in your npm username again.