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findbar - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home [ examples | attributes | properties | methods | related ] in gecko 1.9, the findbar widget moved into toolkit, so it's available to any xul application, as well as extensions.
... for example, the standard findbar in firefox 3.5 looks like this on the mac: you may attach a findbar to a particular browser element by either setting the findbar's browserid attribute to the id of the browser element before the findbar element is bound, or by setting the findbar's browser property to the browser element itself.
... attributes browserid, findnextaccesskey, findpreviousaccesskey, highlightaccesskey, matchcaseaccesskey properties browser, findmode methods close, onfindagaincommand, open, startfind, togglehighlight example <browser type="content-primary" flex="1" id="content" src="about:blank"/> <findbar id="findtoolbar" browserid="content"/> attributes browserid type: string the id of the browser element to which the findbar is attached.
...And 20 more matches
Array.prototype.find() - JavaScript
the find() method returns the value of the first element in the provided array that satisfies the provided testing function.
... if you need the index of the found element in the array, use findindex().
... if you need to find the index of a value, use array.prototype.indexof().
...And 17 more matches
TypedArray.prototype.findIndex() - JavaScript
the findindex() method returns an index in the typed array, if an element in the typed array satisfies the provided testing function.
... see also the find() method, which returns the value of a found element in the typed array instead of its index.
... syntax typedarray.findindex(callback[, thisarg]) parameters callback function to execute on each value in the typed array, taking three arguments: element the current element being processed in the typed array.
...And 12 more matches
Array.prototype.findIndex() - JavaScript
the findindex() method returns the index of the first element in the array that satisfies the provided testing function.
... see also the find() method, which returns the value of an array element, instead of its index.
... syntax arr.findindex(callback( element[, index[, array]] )[, thisarg]) parameters callback a function to execute on each value in the array until the function returns true, indicating that the satisfying element was found.
...And 11 more matches
TypedArray.prototype.find() - JavaScript
the find() method returns a value in the typed array, if an element satisfies the provided testing function.
... see also the findindex() method, which returns the index of a found element in the typed array instead of its value.
... syntax typedarray.find(callback[, thisarg]) parameters callback function to execute on each value in the typed array, taking three arguments: element the current element being processed in the typed array.
...And 11 more matches
Document Loading - From Load Start to Finding a Handler - Archive of obsolete content
the final goal is to find the correct stream listener to pump the data into when necko calls ondataavailable (e.g., we may find the html parser as the stream listener to give the data to).
...category manager this is used in a last-ditch attempt to find a content listener.
... nsiuricontentlistener implementations we try to find one of these which can handle data of the type we're looking at (that is, it can give us an nsistreamlistener to pump data into).
...And 6 more matches
embedding/components/find/public/nsiwebbrowserfind.idlscriptable searches for text in a web browser. change this behavior, and to explicitly set the frame to search, queryinterface to nsiwebbrowserfindinframes.
... method overview boolean findnext(); attributes attribute type description entireword boolean whether to match entire words only.
...And 6 more matches
startFind - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home startfind( mode ) return type: no return value call this method to handle your application's "find" command.
... this opens the findbar, focuses the edit field for the search term, and selects its contents.
... the first time this is called for a given findbar, the findbar will flash to draw attention to itself.
...And 4 more matches
set the runtime-wide object-principals-finder callback.
...syntax jsobjectprincipalsfinder js_setobjectprincipalsfinder(jsruntime *rt, jsobjectprincipalsfinder fop); name type description rt jsruntime * the runtime to configure.
... fop jsobjectprincipalsfinder the new object-principals-finder callback.
...And 4 more matches
Finding window handles - Archive of obsolete content
finding the content window handle hwnd hcontent = 0; // first we need to find the main browser window hwnd hff = ::findwindowex(0, 0, "mozillauiwindowclass", 0); if (hff) { // next we step down through a fixed structure hwnd htemp; htemp = ::findwindowex(hff, 0, "mozillawindowclass", 0); htemp = ::findwindowex(htemp, 0, "mozillawindowclass", 0); // assume only 1 window at th... level has children // and the 1 with children is the one we want hwnd hchild = ::getwindow(htemp, gw_child); while (htemp && !hchild) { htemp = ::getwindow(htemp, gw_hwndnext); hchild = ::getwindow(htemp, gw_child); } // did we find a window with children?
... // that child is hopefully the content window if (htemp) { htemp = ::getwindow(htemp, gw_child); hcontent = ::findwindowex(htemp, 0, "mozillacontentwindowclass", 0); } } // at this point hcontent is null or the content window hwnd i am not sure how "fragile" the assumptions are about the window structure, but it matched the values i got from spy++.
...And 2 more matches
name fc_findobjectsinit - initialize the parameters for an object search.
... syntax ck_rv fc_findobjectsinit( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_attribute_ptr ptemplate, ck_ulong uscount ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
... description fc_findobjectsinit sets the attribute list for an object search.
...And 2 more matches
embedding/components/find/public/nsiwebbrowserfind.idlscriptable controls how find behaves when multiple frames or iframes are present.
... inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 1.7 get an instance by doing a queryinterface from nsiwebbrowserfind.
...setting nsiwebbrowserfind.searchframes to true sets this to true.
...And 2 more matches
Window.find() - Web APIs
note: support for window.find() might change in future versions of gecko.
... the window.find() method finds a string in a window.
... syntax window.find(astring, acasesensitive, abackwards, awraparound, awholeword, asearchinframes, ashowdialog); astring the text string for which to search.
...And 2 more matches
the findall() method of the htmliframeelement searches for a string in a browser <iframe>'s text content; if found, the first instance of the string relative to the caret position will be highlighted.
... invoking this method results in a mozbrowserfindchange event firing, which carries details about the search results.
... syntax instanceofhtmliframeelement.findall(searchstring, casesensitivity); returns void.
... searchform.addeventlistener('submit', function(e) { e.preventdefault(); browser.findall(searchbar.value, 'case-sensitive'); searchactive = true; prev.disabled = false; next.disabled = false; searchbar.blur(); }); specification not part of any specification.
the findnext() method of the htmliframeelement highlights the next or previous instance of a search result after a findall() search has been carried out.
... invoking this method results in a mozbrowserfindchange event firing, which carries details about the search results.
... syntax instanceofhtmliframeelement.findnext(direction); return value void.
... prev.addeventlistener('touchend',function() { browser.findnext('backward'); }); next.addeventlistener('touchend',function() { browser.findnext('forward'); }); specification not part of any specification.
pr_findsymbol() will return an untyped reference to a symbol in a particular library given the identity of the library and a textual representation of the symbol in question.
... syntax #include <prlink.h> void* pr_findsymbol ( prlibrary *lib, const char *name); parameters the function has these parameters: lib a valid reference to a loaded library, as returned by pr_loadlibrary, or null.
... description this function finds and returns an untyped reference to the specified symbol in the specified library.
...if the library is unloaded, for instance, the results of any pr_findsymbol calls become invalid as well.
finds a symbol in one of the currently loaded libraries, and returns both the symbol and the library in which it was found.
... syntax #include <prlink.h> void* pr_findsymbolandlibrary ( const char *name, prlibrary **lib); parameters the function has these parameters: name the textual representation of the symbol to locate.
... description this function finds the specified symbol in one of the currently loaded libraries.
...this function is equivalent to calling first pr_loadlibrary, then pr_findsymbol.
find a certificate in the database that matches a der-encoded certificate.
... syntax #include <cert.h> certcertificate *cert_findcertbydercert( certcertdbhandle *handle, secitem *dercert ); parameters handle in pointer to a certcertdbhandle representing the certificate database to look in dercert in pointer to an secitem whose type must be sidercertbuffer and whose data contains a der-encoded certificate description this function looks in the ?nsscryptocontext? find the certificate that matches the der-encoded certificate.
... see also occurrences of cert_findcertbydercert in the current nss source code (generated by lxr).
jsobjectprincipalsfinder is the type of a security callback that can be configured using js_setobjectprincipalsfinderjsapi 1.8 and earlier or js_setruntimesecuritycallbacksadded in spidermonkey 1.8.1.
... callback syntax typedef jsprincipals * (* jsobjectprincipalsfinder)(jscontext *cx, jsobject *obj); name type description cx jscontext * the context in which to find principals.
... another example: when the function constructor is called, the javascript engine calls the object principals finder callback to obtain principals for the local scope object, to check that the caller has access to that object.
...since it is very common for jsobjectops.checkaccess or jsclass.checkaccess hooks to call these functions, the object principals finder callback is a key security feature.
Finding the code for a feature
how do you find that out?
...but here is how i find out.
...using dom inspector, i find the tag menu item, and i see that it uses command "cmd_tag".'ll find that the only decent examples are in unit tests, my test_bug428427.js or asuth's messagemodifier.js ...
Finding the file to modify - Archive of obsolete content
now that we have a hackable mozilla, it's time to find the file we want to hack. add a tinderbox status icon to mozilla, we need to find the xul file that defines the structure of the browser window.
... the best way to find a xul file for a window is to use the dom inspector.
findMode - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference findmode type: integer read only.
... the find mode in use.
... possible values are: find_normal (0): normal find find_typeahead (1): typeahead find find_links (2): link find ...
the mozbrowserfindchange event is fired when a search method is invoked in the browser <iframe> content.
... this includes htmliframeelement.findall(), htmliframeelement.findnext(), and htmliframeelement.clearmatch().
... example var browser = document.queryselector("iframe"); browser.addeventlistener("mozbrowserfindchange", function(event) { console.log("currently highlighted: " + event.details.activematchordinal + " out of " + event.details.numberofmatches); }); related events mozbrowserasyncscroll mozbrowsercontextmenu mozbrowsererror mozbrowsericonchange mozbrowserloadend mozbrowserloadstart mozbrowserlocationchange mozbrowseropenwindow mozbrowsersecuritychange mozbrowsershowm...
find a certificate in the database with the given issuer and serial number.
... syntax #include <cert.h> certcertificate *cert_findcertbyissuerandsn ( certcertdbhandle *handle, certissuerandsn *issuerandsn ); parameters handle in pointer to a certcertdbhandle representing the certificate database to look in issuerandsn in pointer to a certissuerandsn that must be properly formed to contain the issuer name and the serial number (see [example]) description this function creates a certificate key using the issuerandsn and it then uses the key to find the matching certificate in the database.
... example certissuerandsn issuersn; = caname->data; issuersn.derissuer.len = caname->len; = authoritykeyid->; issuersn.serialnumber.len = authoritykeyid->authcertserialnumber.len; issuercert = cert_findcertbyissuerandsn(cert->dbhandle, &issuersn); if ( issuercert == null ) { port_seterror (sec_error_unknown_issuer); } see also occurrences of cert_findcertbyissuerandsn in the current nss source code (generated by lxr).
name fc_findobjects - search for one or more objects syntax ck_rv fc_findobjects( ck_session_handle hsession, ck_object_handle_ptr phobject, ck_ulong usmaxobjectcount, ck_ulong_ptr pusobjectcount ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
... description fc_findobjects returns the next set of object handles matching the criteria set up by the previous call to fc_findobjectsinit and sets the object count variable to their number or to zero if there are none.
... return value examples see also fc_findobjectsinit, nsc_findobjects ...
name fc_findobjectsfinal - terminate an object search.
... syntax ck_rv fc_findobjectsfinal( ck_session_handle hsession, ); parameters hsession [in] session handle.
... return value examples see also fc_findobjects, nsc_findobjectsfinal ...
Finding the code to modify - Archive of obsolete content
dom inspector now that we've found the file to edit, we need to find the specific code within that file.
...find the statusbar element within it.
disablefastfind - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference homedisablefastfindtype: booleanput disablefastfind="true" on the root element of a xul document, which is intended to be loaded in a tab, to disable the find bar for the tab with this document.
... this is used to prevent the find bar from being displayed when it's not supported by the content (such as in the add-ons manager tab).
onFindAgainCommand - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home onfindagaincommand( findprevious ) return type: no return value call this method to handle your application's "find next" and "find previous" commands.
... you should specify true as the input parameter to perform a "find previous" operation, or false to perform a "find next." example typically, you'll simply bind this method to your "find next" and "find previous" commands, like this: <command name="cmd_find_previous" oncommand="gfindbar.onfindagaincommand(true);"/> <command name="cmd_find_next" oncommand="gfindbar.onfindagaincommand(false);"/> ...
How Mozilla finds its configuration files - Archive of obsolete content
how mozilla finds its configuration files mozilla looks into the binary %userprofile%\application data\mozilla\registry.dat file for its "registry", which contains, amongst other information, a pointer to the directory where the profile is stored (located at common/profiles/profilename/directory.
How Thunderbird and Firefox find their configuration files - Archive of obsolete content
how thunderbird and firefox find their configuration files thunderbird looks into the binary %appdata%\thunderbird\profiles.ini file for its "registry", which contains, amongst other information, a pointer to the directory where the profile is stored (usually located in %appdata%\thunderbird\profiles\profilename).
findnextaccesskey - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home findnextaccesskey type: string the access key for the "find next" toolbar button in the findbar.
findpreviousaccesskey - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home findpreviousaccesskey type: string the access key for the "find previous" toolbar button in the findbar.
webBrowserFind - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference webbrowserfind type: nsiwebbrowserfind this read-only property contains an nsiwebbrowserfind object which can be used to search for text in the document.
Reason: Did not find method in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods’ - HTTP
reason reason: did not find method in cors header ‘access-control-allow-methods’ what went wrong?
Index - Archive of obsolete content
186 finding window handles add-ons, code snippets, extensions, xpcom, js-ctypes no summary!
... 242 hiding browser chrome add-ons, extensions, xul, xulbrowserwindow there are times in which an extension may find it useful to hide browser chrome (that is, toolbars, the location bar, and so forth), in order to reduce clutter when presenting a particular user interface.
... 302 tabbed browser add-ons, code snippets, extensions here you should find a set of useful code snippets to help you work with firefox's tabbed browser.
...And 37 more matches
Index - Archive of obsolete content
99 disablefastfind xul, xul attribute, xul reference no summary!
... 120 findnextaccesskey xul, xul attributes no summary!
... 121 findpreviousaccesskey no summary!
...And 18 more matches
Localization - Archive of obsolete content
<button label="&findlabel;"/> the text that will appear on the label will be the value that the entity &findlabel; has. english, the &findlabel; entity will probably be declared to have the text "find". the mozilla chrome system, you will find dtd files located in the locales subdirectory.
...And 18 more matches
Index - Learn web development
this article provides some hints and tips in both of these areas that will help you get more out of learning web development, as well as further reading so you can find out more information about each sub-topic should you wish.. can then collaborate on code projects, and the system is open-source by default, meaning that anyone in the world can find your github code, use it, learn from it, and improve on it.
...this folder can live anywhere you like, but you should put it somewhere where you can easily find it, maybe on your desktop, in your home folder, or at the root of your hard drive.
...And 18 more matches
Enc Dec MAC Using Key Wrap CertReq PKCS10 CSR
<subject> -r <csr>"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to input and store cert (for ca also)\n\n", progname, "-a -n <nickname> -t <trust> -c <cert> [ -r <csr> -u <issuernickname> [-x <\"\">] -m <serialnumber> ]"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to put cert in header\n\n", progname, "-h -n <nickname> -b <headerfilename> [-v <\"\">]"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to find public key from cert in header and encrypt\n\n", progname, "-e -b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> -e <encryptfilename> "); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --decrypt using corresponding private key \n\n", progname, "-d -b <headerfilename> -e <encryptfilename> -o <opfilename>"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --sign using private key \n\n", progname, "-s -b <...
...ert, prbool selfsign, secoidtag hashalgtag, seckeyprivatekey *privkey, char *issuernickname, void *pwarg) { secitem der; secstatus rv; secoidtag algid; void *dummy; prarenapool *arena = null; secitem *result = null; seckeyprivatekey *caprivatekey = null; if (!selfsign) { certcertificate *issuer = pk11_findcertfromnickname(issuernickname, pwarg); if ((certcertificate *)null == issuer) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "unable to find issuer with nickname %s\n", issuernickname); goto cleanup; } privkey = caprivatekey = pk11_findkeybyanycert(issuer, pwarg); cert_destroycertificate(issuer); if (caprivatekey == null) { ...
...ned int serialnumber, int warpmonths, int validitymonths) { prexplodedtime printabletime; prtime now; prtime after; certvalidity *validity = null; certcertificate *issuercert = null; certcertificate *cert = null; if ( !selfsign ) { issuercert = cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddr(handle, issuernickname); if (!issuercert) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not find certificate named %s\n", issuernickname); goto cleanup; } } now = pr_now(); pr_explodetime (now, pr_gmtparameters, &printabletime); if ( warpmonths ) { printabletime.tm_month += warpmonths; ...
...And 18 more matches
Using Spacers - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » in this section, we will find out how to add some spacing in between the elements we have created. we've seen, the find files window has appeared in a size that will fit the elements inside it.
...we'll add a spacer to our find file dialog soon.
...And 17 more matches
Creating a Skin - Archive of obsolete content
for simplicity, we'll only apply it to the find files dialog.
... a simple skin the image below shows the current find files dialog.
...normally, a skin would apply to the entire application, but we'll focus on just the find files dialog to make it easier.
...And 16 more matches
equest (for ca also)\n\n", progname, "-g -s <subject> -r <csr>"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to input and store cert (for ca also)\n\n", progname, "-a -n <nickname> -t <trust> -c <cert> [ -r <csr> -u <issuernickname> [-x <\"\">] -m <serialnumber> ]"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to put cert in header\n\n", progname, "-h -n <nickname> -b <headerfilename> [-v <\"\">]"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --to find public key from cert in header and encrypt\n\n", progname, "-e -b <headerfilename> -i <ipfilename> -e <encryptfilename> "); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --decrypt using corresponding private key \n\n", progname, "-d -b <headerfilename> -e <encryptfilename> -o <opfilename>"); fprintf(stderr, "%s %s\n --sign using private key \n\n", progname, "-s -b <headerfilename> -i <infilename> "); fprintf(stderr, ...
...rtreq; } /* * sign cert */ static secitem * signcert(certcertdbhandle *handle, certcertificate *cert, prbool selfsign, secoidtag hashalgtag, seckeyprivatekey *privkey, char *issuernickname, void *pwarg) { secitem der; secstatus rv; secoidtag algid; void *dummy; prarenapool *arena = null; secitem *result = null; seckeyprivatekey *caprivatekey = null; if (!selfsign) { certcertificate *issuer = pk11_findcertfromnickname(issuernickname, pwarg); if ((certcertificate *)null == issuer) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "unable to find issuer with nickname %s\n", issuernickname); goto cleanup; } privkey = caprivatekey = pk11_findkeybyanycert(issuer, pwarg); cert_destroycertificate(issuer); if (caprivatekey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "unable to retrieve key %s\n", issuernickname); goto cleanup; } } arena =...
...makev1cert */ static certcertificate * makev1cert(certcertdbhandle *handle, certcertificaterequest *req, char * issuernickname, prbool selfsign, unsigned int serialnumber, int warpmonths, int validitymonths) { prexplodedtime printabletime; prtime now; prtime after; certvalidity *validity = null; certcertificate *issuercert = null; certcertificate *cert = null; if ( !selfsign ) { issuercert = cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddr(handle, issuernickname); if (!issuercert) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not find certificate named %s\n", issuernickname); goto cleanup; } } now = pr_now(); pr_explodetime (now, pr_gmtparameters, &printabletime); if ( warpmonths ) { printabletime.tm_month += warpmonths; now = pr_implodetime (&printabletime); pr_explodetime (now, pr_gmtparameters, &printabletime); } print...
...And 15 more matches
Index - Web APIs
30 addresserrors.addressline api, addresserrors, error, payment request, payment request api, property, reference, validation, addressline, payment an object based on addresserrors includes an addressline property when validation of the address finds one or more errors in the array of strings in the address's addressline.
... 505 cache.delete() api, cache, experimental, method, needscontent, needsexample, reference, service workers, serviceworker, delete the delete() method of the cache interface finds the cache entry whose key is the request, and if found, deletes the cache entry and returns a promise that resolves to true.
... 511 cachestorage.delete() api, cachestorage, experimental, method, reference, service workers, serviceworker, delete the delete() method of the cachestorage interface finds the cache object matching the cachename, and if found, deletes the cache object and returns a promise that resolves to true.
...And 14 more matches
when checking whether a certificate is trusted or not, it's necessary to find a relevant trust anchor (root certificate) that represents the signing capability of a trusted third party, usually called a certificate authority (ca).
...(however, it's also possible to use nss functionality to create a self-signed certificate, which, however, usually won't be trusted by other parties.) once received, it's sufficient to tell nss to import such a new certificate into the nss database, and nss will automatically perform a lookup of the embedded public key, be able to find the associated private key, and subsequently be able to treat it as a personal certificate.
...this is done by reading the “issuer name” attribute of a certificate (a), and trying to find that issuer certificate (b) (by looking for a certificate that uses that name as its “subject name”).
...And 12 more matches
Aprender y obtener ayuda - Learn web development
this article provides some hints and tips in both of these areas that will help you get more out of learning web development, as well as further reading so you can find out more information about each sub-topic should you wish..
...but then after going on a walk to get some fresh air, you may well find that as your mind wanders, you suddenly make a connection between tool a and tool b, and realize that you can use them together to fix problem c!
... textual articles you'll find a lot of written articles on the web to teach you about web design.
...And 11 more matches
Setting up your own test automation environment - Learn web development
note: if you want to find out how to use webdriver with other server-side environments, also check out platforms supported by selenium for some useful links. can find details of where to get them from on the selenium-webdriver page (see the table in the first section.) obviously, some of the browsers are os-specific, but we're going to stick with firefox and chrome, as they are available across all the main oses.
... create a new file inside your project directory called google_test.js: give it the following contents, then save it: const webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'), by =, until = webdriver.until; const driver = new webdriver.builder() .forbrowser('firefox') .build(); driver.get(''); driver.findelement('q')).sendkeys('webdriver'); driver.sleep(1000).then(function() { driver.findelement('q')).sendkeys(; }); driver.findelement('btnk')).click(); driver.sleep(2000).then(function() { driver.gettitle().then(function(title) { if(title === 'webdriver - google search') { console.log('test passed'); } else { console.log('test fai...
...And 11 more matches
Gecko Profiler FAQ
mstange and ehsan tried to respond to some of the questions in advance in writing, and you can find the answers below.
... therefore the gecko profiler is not a suitable tool for finding hotspots within a single function.
... this mode is usually recommended when you want to find a thread you want to do more focused profiling on, so that you can find its name and then construct a more useful thread filter string based on the found thread name.
...And 11 more matches
Document Object Model - Archive of obsolete content
we've added the id attribute to a number of elements in the find file dialog.
... our find files example it doesn't make sense to have the progress bar and the dummy tree data displayed when the find files dialog is first displayed.
...let's take them out now and have them displayed when the find button is pressed.
...And 10 more matches
Web fonts - Learn web development
this takes one or more font family names, and the browser travels down the list until it finds a font it has available on the system it is running on: p { font-family: helvetica, "trebuchet ms", verdana, sans-serif; } this system works well, but traditionally web developers' font choices were limited. the web-font-start.css file, you'll find some minimal css to deal with the basic layout and typesetting of the example.
... finding fonts for this example, we'll use two web fonts, one for the headings, and one for the body text.
...And 10 more matches
Client-side tooling overview - Learn web development
overview: understanding client-side tools next in this article we provide an overview of modern web tooling, what kinds of tools are available and where you’ll meet them in the lifecycle of web app development, and how to find help with individual tools.
... objective: to understand what types of client-side tooling there are, and how to find tools and get help with them. might even find yourself writing a piece of software to aid your own development process, to solve a specific problem that existing tools don’t already seem to handle.
...And 10 more matches
method overview initialization and destruction void destroy(); void init(element aelement, object aconfig, function acallback); search operations number find(string astring, [optional] object options); number findnext(boolean awrap); number findprevious(boolean awrap); event management void addeventlistener(string aeventtype, function acallback); void removeeventlistener(string aeventtype, function acallback); undo stack operations boolean canredo(); boolean canundo(); v...
... lastfind object an object describing the result of the last find operation performed using the find(), findnext(), or findprevious() method.
... index number an integer value indicating the result of the most recent find operation; this is the index into the text at which str was found, or -1 if the string wasn't found.
...And 10 more matches
Mozilla Development Strategies
it's your responsibility to find and fix the problems in your code before checking in.
... make sure you appreciate anyone who finds a bug in your code.
... appreciate it even more if they find it before you ship.
...And 10 more matches
Debugging CSS - Learn web development
this article will give you guidance on how to go about debugging a css problem, and show you how the devtools included in all modern browsers can help you to find out what is going on.
... you will also find that browsers have chosen to focus on different areas when creating their devtools. can find out more at examine and edit css.
...And 9 more matches
Command line crash course - Learn web development
if you updated the file names using your finder or explorer gui app, it would take you a long time.
... better programs exist for providing a terminal experience on windows, such as powershell (see here to find installers), and gitbash (which comes as part of the git for windows toolset) however, the best option for windows in the modern day is the windows subsystem for linux (wsl) — a compatibility layer for running linux operating systems directly from inside windows 10, allowing you to run a “true terminal” directly on windows, without needing a virtual machine. can find all the documentation you need in the windows subsystem for linux documentation.
...And 9 more matches
NSS PKCS11 Functions
secmod_loadusermodule secmod_unloadusermodule secmod_openuserdb secmod_closeuserdb pk11_findcertfromnickname pk11_findkeybyanycert pk11_getslotname pk11_gettokenname pk11_ishw pk11_ispresent pk11_isreadonly pk11_setpasswordfunc secmod_loadusermodule load a new pkcs #11 module based on a modulespec.
...pk11_findcertfromnickname finds a certificate from its nickname.
... syntax #include <pk11pub.h> #include <certt.h> certcertificate *pk11_findcertfromnickname( char *nickname, void *passwordarg); parameters this function has the following parameters: nickname a pointer to the nickname in the certificate database or to the nickname in the token.
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Add to iPhoto
these are declared near the top of the code: const osstatus = ctypes.int32_t; const cfindex = ctypes.long; const optionbits = ctypes.uint32_t; osstatus used to represent the status code resulting from an operation.
... cfindex a core foundation long integer type used to represent indexes into lists. c, the declaration looks like this: typedef struct { cfindex location; cfindex length; } cfrange; to declare this for use with js-ctypes, we use the following code: this.cfrange = new ctypes.structtype("cfrange", [ {'location': ctypes.int32_t}, {'length': ctypes.int32_t}]); this defines corefoundation.cfrange to represent this data type, comprised of two 32-bit integer fields called location and length.
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pk11_findcertfromnickname pk11_findkeybyanycert pk11_getslotname pk11_gettokenname pk11_ishw pk11_ispresent pk11_isreadonly pk11_setpasswordfunc pk11_findcertfromnickname finds a certificate from its nickname.
... syntax #include <pk11func.h> #include <certt.h> certcertificate *pk11_findcertfromnickname( char *nickname, void *wincx); parameters this function has the following parameters: nickname a pointer to the nickname in the certificate database or to the nickname in the token.
...when you are finished with the certificate structure returned by pk11_findcertfromnickname, you must free it by calling cert_destroycertificate.
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Applying color to HTML elements using CSS - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
see our webgl tutorial to find out more.
... how to describe a color in order to represent a color in css, you have to find a way to translate the analog concept of "color" into a digital form that a computer can use.
... finding the right colors coming up with just the right colors can be tricky, especially without training in art or design.
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Adding Event Handlers - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » the find files dialog so far looks quite good.
... using scripts to make the find files dialog functional, we need to add some scripts which will execute when the user interacts with the dialog.
... we would want to add a script to handle the find button, the cancel button and to handle each menu command.
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Adding Style Sheets - Archive of obsolete content
let's assume that we are building the find files dialog for themeability, because the find files dialog can be referred to with the url chrome://findfile/content/findfile.xul so the style sheet file will be stored in chrome://findfile/skin/findfile.css.
...our find files dialog example let's modify the find files dialog so that its style comes from a separate style file.
... first, the modifed lines of findfile.xul: <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="findfile.css" type="text/css"?> ...
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Index - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
2 404 glossary, http errors, infrastructure, navigation a 404 is a standard response code meaning that the server cannot find the requested resource.
... 7 arpa glossary, infrastructure .arpa (address and routing parameter area) is a top-level domain used for internet infrastructure purposes, especially reverse dns lookup (i.e., find the domain name for a given ip address). will still find it used on older hosting accounts, but it is safe to say that ftp is no longer considered best practice.
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WAI-ARIA basics - Learn web development
<div class="nav">, but these were problematic, as there was no easy way to easily find a specific page feature such as the main navigation programmatically.
... note: you can find a useful list of all the aria roles and their uses, with links to futher information, in the wai-aria spec — see definition of roles. is difficult to find a conclusive resource that states what features of wai-aria are supported, and where, because: there are a lot of features in the wai-aria spec.
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HTML table basics - Learn web development
look at the table below for example and find a jovian gas giant with 62 moons.
... you can find the answer by associating the relevant row and column headers. this module we are focusing on the html part; to find out about the css part you should visit our styling tables article after you've finished here.
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Handling common HTML and CSS problems - Learn web development
for example, you might use a css framework and find that one of the class names it uses clashes with one you've already used for a different purpose.
... or you might find that html generated by some kind of third party api (generating ad banners, for example) includes a class name or id that you are already using for a different purpose.
... note: html errors don't tend to show up so easily in dev tools, as the browser will try to correct badly-formed markup automatically; the w3c validator is the best way to find html errors — see validation above.
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Handling common JavaScript problems - Learn web development
when developers make use of new/nascent javascript features (for example ecmascript 6 / ecmascript next features, modern web apis...) in their code, and find that such features don't work in older browsers.
... we can find out some very useful information in here.
...a lot of javascript libraries probably came into existence because their developer was writing a set of common utility functions to save them time when writing future projects, and decided to release them into the wild because other people might find them useful too.
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NS ConvertASCIItoUTF16 external
append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstring_external data members no public members.
... parameters char* aasciistring find print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring& astr print32 (*)(prunichar*, prunichar*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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NS ConvertUTF16toUTF8 external
literal replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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NS ConvertUTF8toUTF16 external
append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstring_external data members no public members.
... parameters char* aasciistring find print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring& astr print32 (*)(prunichar*, prunichar*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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NS LossyConvertUTF16toASCII external
literal replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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PromiseFlatCString (External)
literal replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstringcontainer data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
...And 7 more matches
PromiseFlatString (External)
append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... parameters char* aasciistring find print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring& astr print32 (*)(prunichar*, prunichar*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsACString (External)
erator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsAString (External)
or[] first beginwriting endwriting setlength length isempty setisvoid isvoid assign assignliteral operator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger data members no public members.
...parameters char* aasciistring find print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring& astr print32 (*)(prunichar*, prunichar*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
...And 7 more matches
method overview constructors operator= operator const prunichar* operator[] get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data leng... isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsxpidlstring data members no public members.
...t nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple operator const prunichar* prunichar* operator const prunichar*() const - source operator[] prunichar operator[](print32) const - source parameters print32 i prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
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names: nsautostring for wide characters nscautostring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting ...
... data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsfixedstring data members no public members.
... prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
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nsAutoString (External)
append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... parameters char* aasciistring find print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring& astr print32 (*)(prunichar*, prunichar*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsCAutoString (External)
literal replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstringcontainer data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsCStringContainer (External)
chars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare(const char*, print32 (*) compare(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) equals(const char*, print32 (*) equals(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*) find(const char*, print32 (*) find(const char*, pruint32, print32 (*) rfind(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) rfind(const nsacstring&, print32, print32 (*) rfind(const char*, print32 (*) rfind(const char*, print32, print32 (*) findchar rfindcha... other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char other find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*) print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring astr print32* c find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*) print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsCString external
literal replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstringcontainer data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsDependentCString external
literal replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsDependentCSubstring external
erator= replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstringcontainer data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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method overview constructors assertvalid rebind operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting ...
... data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsstring data members no public members.
... prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
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nsDependentString external
append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstring_external data members no public members.
... parameters char* aasciistring find print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring& astr print32 (*)(prunichar*, prunichar*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsDependentSubstring external
trim defaultcomparator compare(const prunichar*, print32 (*) compare(const nsastring&, print32 (*) equals(const prunichar*, print32 (*) equals(const nsastring&, print32 (*) operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find(const nsastring&, print32 (*) find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*) find rfind(const nsastring&, print32 (*) rfind(const nsastring&, print32, print32 (*) rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... parameters char aasciistring find(const nsastring&, print32 (*) print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring astr print32* c find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*) print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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nsLiteralCString (External)
literal replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
...And 7 more matches
nsLiteralString (External)
literal replace append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nscstring_external data members no public members.
...other operator!= prbool operator!=(const nsacstring&) const - source parameters nsacstring& other prbool operator!=(const char*) const - source parameters char* other equalsliteral prbool equalsliteral(const char*) const - source parameters char* other find print32 find(const nsacstring&, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsacstring& astr print32 (*)(char*, char*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsacstring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const char*, const char*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
...And 7 more matches
method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting ...
... data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsastring_internal data members no public members.
... prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 7 more matches
nsStringContainer (External)
append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsastring data members no public members.
... parameters char* aasciistring find print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring& astr print32 (*)(prunichar*, prunichar*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
...And 7 more matches
nsString external
append appendliteral operator+= insert cut truncate stripchars stripwhitespace trim defaultcomparator compare equals operator< operator<= operator== operator>= operator> operator!= equalsliteral lowercaseequalsliteral find rfind findchar rfindchar appendint tointeger base classes nsstringcontainer data members no public members.
... parameters char* aasciistring find print32 find(const nsastring&, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string.
... @return the offset of astr, or -1 if not found parameters nsastring& astr print32 (*)(prunichar*, prunichar*, pruint32) c print32 find(const nsastring&, pruint32, print32 (*)(const prunichar*, const prunichar*, pruint32)) const - source find the first occurrence of astr in this string, beginning at aoffset.
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names: nsxpidlstring for wide characters nsxpidlcstring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator const prunichar* operator[] operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting ...
... data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsstring data members no public members.
... prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
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Implementing a Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) Server - Accessibility
[important, but no need to implement up/down/left/right] acchittest: find out what iaccessible exists and a specific coordinate.
... check with your assistive technology partners to find out what events you need to support.
... check with your assistive technology partners to find out what states you need to support.
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Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) file - HTTP
the javascript function contained in the pac file defines the function: function findproxyforurl(url, host) { // ...
... } syntax function findproxyforurl(url, host) parameters url the url being accessed.
... examples: function alert_eval(str) { alert(str + ' is ' + eval(str)) } function findproxyforurl(url, host) { alert_eval('isinnet(host, "", "")') // "pac-alert: isinnet(host, "", "") is true" } dnsresolve() dnsresolve(host) parameters host hostname to resolve.
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Building accessible custom components in XUL - Archive of obsolete content
you can find a list of all the supported roles in firefox 1.5 on
...if you want to navigate up one row, it is relatively easy to find the right cell; it's the previous sibling of the currently focused cell.
... similarly, navigating down one row simply requires finding the next sibling of the currently focused cell.
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Install Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
for example: /xulplanet/find files /netscape/personal security manager the first example is what we'll use for the find files dialog.
...the syntax of this function is as follows: initinstall( ''packagename'' , ''regpackage'' , ''version'' ); an example initinstall("find files","/xulplanet/find files",""); the first argument is the name of the package in user-readable form.
...for the find files dialog, we will install the files into the chrome directory.
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HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
than keywords included in non-semantic <div>s, etc., so your documents will be more findable by customers.
...i'd love people to be able to find this content!</p> <h2>my 2nd subheading</h2> <p>this is the second subsection of my content.
... you can also bring up a list of all headings in many screen readers, allowing you to use them as a handy table of contents to find specific content.
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HTML: A good basis for accessibility - Learn web development
than keywords included in non-semantic <div>s, etc., so your documents will be more findable by customers.
...i'd love people to be able to find this content!</p> <h2>my 2nd subheading</h2> <p>this is the second subsection of my content.
... you can also bring up a list of all headings in many screen readers, allowing you to use them as a handy table of contents to find specific content.
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Client-side form validation - Learn web development
find the source code on github at fruit-start.html and a live example below.
...try out the new behavior in the example below: note: you can find this example live on github as fruit-validation.html (see also the source code.) try submitting the form without a value.
...ate your html to add a pattern attribute like this: <form> <label for="choose">would you prefer a banana or a cherry?</label> <input id="choose" name="i_like" required pattern="[bb]anana|[cc]herry"> <button>submit</button> </form> input:invalid { border: 2px dashed red; } input:valid { border: 2px solid black; } this gives us the following update — try it out: note: you can find this example live on github as fruit-pattern.html (see also the source code.) in this example, the <input> element accepts one of four possible values: the strings "banana", "banana", "cherry", or "cherry".
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Video and audio content - Learn web development
due to these legal and preferential reasons, web developers find themselves having to support multiple formats to capture their entire audience.
...iftype isn't included, browsers will load and try to play each file until they find one that works, which obviously takes time and is an unnecessary use of resources. are advised not to use autoplaying video (or audio) on your sites, because users can find it really annoying.
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Third-party APIs - Learn web development
you'll find a line similar to the following in the mapquest api example: l.mapquest.key = 'your-api-key-here'; this line specifies an api or developer key to use in your application — the developer of the application must apply to get a key, and then include it in their code to be allowed access to the api's functionality.
...if you've already cloned the examples repository, you'll already have a copy of this file, which you can find in the javascript/apis/third-party-apis/mapquest directory. do this, find the following line: layers: l.mapquest.tilelayer('map') try changing 'map' to 'hybrid' to show a hybrid-style map.
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Useful string methods - Learn web development
previous overview: first steps next now that we've looked at the very basics of strings, let's move up a gear and start thinking about what useful operations we can do on strings with built-in methods, such as finding the length of a text string, joining and splitting strings, substituting one character in a string for another, and more.
... finding the length of a string this is easy — you simply use the length property.
...this is useful for many reasons; for example, you might want to find the lengths of a series of names so you can display them in order of length, or let a user know that a username they have entered into a form field is too long if it is over a certain length.
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Contributing to the Mozilla code base
if you have any difficulties getting involved or finding answers to your questions, please come and ask your questions in our chatroom, where we can help you get started.
... we know even before you start contributing that getting set up to work on firefox and finding a bug that's a good fit for your skills can be a challenge.
... step 1: find something to work on bugs listed as 'assigned' are not usually a good place to start unless you're sure you have something worthy to contribute.
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NSS functions
xr 3.12 and later cert_encodeocsprequest mxr 3.6 and later cert_encodepolicyconstraintsextension mxr 3.12 and later cert_encodepolicymappingextension mxr 3.12 and later cert_encodesubjectkeyid mxr 3.12 and later cert_encodeusernotice mxr 3.12 and later cert_extractpublickey mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbyname mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcrlentryreasonexten mxr 3.12 and later cert_findcrlnumberexten mxr 3.12 and later cert_findnameconstraintsexten mxr 3.12 and later cert_filtercertlistbycanames mxr 3.4 and later cert_filtercertlistbyusage mxr 3.4 and later cert_filtercertlistforusercerts mxr 3.6 and...
... later cert_findcertbydercert mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbyissuerandsn mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbynickname mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddr mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbysubjectkeyid mxr 3.7 and later cert_findcertextension mxr 3.4 and later cert_findcertissuer mxr 3.3 and later cert_findkeyusageextension mxr 3.4 and later cert_findsmimeprofile mxr 3.2 and later cert_findsubjectkeyidextension mxr 3.7 and later cert_findusercertbyusage mxr 3.4 and later cert_findusercertsbyusage mxr 3.4 and later cert_finishcertificaterequestattributes mxr 3.10 and later cert_fi...
...ou need to verify for multiple usages use cert_verifycertificatenow cert_verifyocspresponsesignature mxr 3.6 and later cert_verifysigneddata mxr 3.4 and later cert_verifysigneddatawithpublickey mxr 3.7 and later cert_verifysigneddatawithpublickeyinfo mxr 3.7 and later nss_cmpcertchainwcanames mxr 3.2 and later nss_findcertkeatype mxr 3.2 and later cryptography functions the public functions listed here perform cryptographic operations based on the pkcs #11 interface.
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Using XPCOM Components
component examples you can find out more about how you can use the particular components described here in the xpcom api reference.
... the webbrowserfind component components are used all over - in high-level browser-like functionality such as nswebbrowserfind, which provides find() and findnext() methods for finding content in web pages, and in low-level tasks such as the manipulation of data.
... in addition to the cookiemanager component, for example, the webbrowserfind component is another part of a large set of web browsing interfaces you can use.
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class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assig...
... prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...@return offset in string, or knotfound parameters nscstring& astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const char*, prbool, print32, print32) const - source parameters char* astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const nsaflatstring&, print32, print32) const - source parameters nsaflatstring& astring print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const prunichar*, print32, print32) const - source parameters prunichar* astring print32 aoffset print32 acoun...
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class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assig...
... prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...@return offset in string, or knotfound parameters nscstring& astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const char*, prbool, print32, print32) const - source parameters char* astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const nsaflatstring&, print32, print32) const - source parameters nsaflatstring& astring print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const prunichar*, print32, print32) const - source parameters prunichar* astring print32 aoffset print32 acoun...
...And 6 more matches
class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assig...
... prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...@return offset in string, or knotfound parameters nscstring& astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const char*, prbool, print32, print32) const - source parameters char* astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const nsaflatstring&, print32, print32) const - source parameters nsaflatstring& astring print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const prunichar*, print32, print32) const - source parameters prunichar* astring print32 aoffset print32 acoun...
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class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assig...
... prunichar c nsastring_internal& operator=(const prunichar*) - source parameters prunichar* data nsastring_internal& operator=(const nsastring_internal&) - source parameters nsastring_internal& str nsastring_internal& operator=(const nssubstringtuple&) - source parameters nssubstringtuple& tuple get prunichar* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...@return offset in string, or knotfound parameters nscstring& astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const char*, prbool, print32, print32) const - source parameters char* astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const nsaflatstring&, print32, print32) const - source parameters nsaflatstring& astring print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const prunichar*, print32, print32) const - source parameters prunichar* astring print32 aoffset print32 acoun...
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Introduction to DOM Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
if you find that the browser pane takes up too much space, you may close it, but you will not be able to observe any of the visual consequences of your actions.
... you can use the dom nodes viewer in the document pane of the dom inspector to find and inspect nodes you are interested in.
... one of the biggest and most immediate advantages that this brings to your web and application development is that it makes it possible to find the markup and the nodes in which the interesting parts of a page or a piece of the user interface are defined.
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Inputs and input sources - Web APIs
the information for each input source includes which hand it's held in (if applicable), what targeting method it uses, xrspaces that can be used to draw the targeting ray and to find the targeted object or location as well as to draw objects in the user's hands, and profile strings specifying the preferred way to represent the controller in the user's viewing area as well as how the input operates. would then look at each input source and find one matching this, if available, falling back to another controller if no controller is in that hand.
...picking up an object: handling squeezestart events xrsession.addeventlistener("squeezestart", event => { const targetrayspace = event.inputsource.targetrayspace; const hand = event.inputsource.handedness; let targetraypose = event.frame.getpose(targetrayspace, viewerrefspace); if (!targetraypose) { return; } let targetraytransform = targetraypose.transform; let targetobject = findtargetobject(targetraytransform); if (targetobject) { if (avatar.heldobject[hand]) { dropobject(hand); } pickupobject(targetobject, hand); } }); the squeezestart event is handled by getting those pose and transform as usual, and getting the input source's handedness into the local constant hand.
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Chapter 5: Let's build a Firefox extension - Archive of obsolete content
in the following you will find a brief description how to do so; a more detailed one can be found under setting up an extension development environment.
... true javascript.options.strict (present in firefox 3.5+) enforces strict error output from javascript true table 1: preferences to set for developing extensions to make these changes, start your development profile, type about:config into firefox’s location bar and open the preferences window; find the preferences listed in table 1 and double-click on them to set them accordingly. can learn more about chromebug and download it at you may also find this extension to be valuable: extension developer developing extensions: what you need to know let’s delve into chrome, something you’ll need to know about in order to develop extensions.
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Creating a Window - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » we're going to be creating a simple find files utility throughout this tutorial.
...the simplest xul file has the following structure: <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" orient="horizontal" xmlns=""> <!-- other elements go here --> </window> this window will not do anything since it doesn't contain any ui elements.
... id="findfile-window" the id attribute is used as an identifier so that the window can be referred to by scripts.
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Manifest Files - Archive of obsolete content
our example find files dialog let's create a manifest file for the find files dialog we'll be creating.
...we will do this for the find files dialog.
... create a file findfile.manifest in the chrome directory.
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How to structure a web form - Learn web development
let's move forward and cover the structural elements you'll find nested in a form.
...> <input type="radio" name="size" id="size_1" value="small"> <label for="size_1">small</label> </p> <p> <input type="radio" name="size" id="size_2" value="medium"> <label for="size_2">medium</label> </p> <p> <input type="radio" name="size" id="size_3" value="large"> <label for="size_3">large</label> </p> </fieldset> </form> note: you can find this example in fieldset-legend.html (see it live also).
...y" label text in the example below will toggle the selected state of the taste_cherry checkbox: <form> <p> <input type="checkbox" id="taste_1" name="taste_cherry" value="cherry"> <label for="taste_1">i like cherry</label> </p> <p> <input type="checkbox" id="taste_2" name="taste_banana" value="banana"> <label for="taste_2">i like banana</label> </p> </form> note: you can find this example in checkbox-label.html (see it live also).
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Creating hyperlinks - Learn web development
<p>i'm creating a link to <a href="" title="the best place to find more information about mozilla's mission and how to contribute">the mozilla homepage</a>.
... <a href=""> <img src="mozilla-image.png" alt="mozilla logo that links to the mozilla homepage"> </a> note: you'll find out more about using images on the web in a future article.
... urls use paths to find files.
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Document and website structure - Learn web development
usually, this is contextual to what is contained in the main content (for example on a news article page, the sidebar might contain the author's bio, or links to related articles) but there are also cases where you'll find some recurring elements like a secondary navigation system.
...we use color and font size to draw sighted users' attention to the most useful parts of the content, like the navigation menu and related links, but what about visually impaired people for example, who might not find concepts like "pink" and "large font" very useful?
... in your html code, you can mark up sections of content based on their functionality — you can use elements that represent the sections of content described above unambiguously, and assistive technologies like screenreaders can recognise those elements and help with tasks like "find the main navigation", or "find the main content." as we mentioned earlier in the course, there are a number of consequences of not using the right element structure and semantics for the right job.
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Inheritance in JavaScript - Learn web development
inside here you'll find the same person() constructor example that we've been using all the way through the module, with a slight difference — we've defined only the properties inside the constructor: function person(first, last, age, gender, interests) { = { first, last }; this.age = age; this.gender = gender; this.interests = interests; }; the methods are all defined on the constructor'...
... note: you can find this example on github as es2015-class-inheritance.html (see it live also).
... the example below shows the two features in action: // check the default value console.log(snape.subject) // returns "dark arts" // change the value snape.subject = "balloon animals" // sets _subject to "balloon animals" // check it again and see if it matches the new value console.log(snape.subject) // returns "balloon animals" note: you can find this example on github as es2015-getters-setters.html (see it live also).
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Handling common accessibility problems - Learn web development
previous overview: cross browser testing next next we turn our attention to accessibility, providing information on common problems, how to do simple testing, and how to make use of auditing/automation tools for finding accessibility issues.
... semantic structure the most important quick win in semantic html is to use a structure of headings and paragraphs for your content; this is because screen reader users tend to use the headings of a document as signposts to find the content they need more quickly.
... if your content has no headings, all they will get is a huge wall of text with no signposts to find anything.
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library: cert_checknamespace (see cert.h) cert_encodecertpoliciesextension (see cert.h) cert_encodeinfoaccessextension (see cert.h) cert_encodeinhibitanyextension (see cert.h) cert_encodenoticereference (see cert.h) cert_encodepolicyconstraintsextension (see cert.h) cert_encodepolicymappingextension (see cert.h) cert_encodesubjectkeyid (see certdb/cert.h) cert_encodeusernotice (see cert.h) cert_findcrlentryreasonexten (see cert.h) cert_findcrlnumberexten (see cert.h) cert_findnameconstraintsexten (see cert.h) cert_getclassicocspdisabledpolicy (see cert.h) cert_getclassicocspenabledhardfailurepolicy (see cert.h) cert_getclassicocspenabledsoftfailurepolicy (see cert.h) cert_getpkixverifynistrevocationpolicy (see cert.h) cert_getusepkixforvalidation (see cert.h) cert_getvaliddnspatternsfromcert... and erroneous comments in der_asciitotime bug 422866: vfychain -pp command crashes in nss_shutdown bug 345779: useless assignment statements in ec_gf2m_pt_mul_mont bug 349011: please stop exporting these crmf_ symbols bug 397178: crash when entering chrome://pippki/content/resetpassword.xul in url bar bug 403822: pkix_pl_ocsprequest_create can leave some members uninitialized bug 403910: cert_findusercertbyusage() returns wrong certificate if multiple certs with same subject available bug 404919: memory leak in sftkdb_readsecmoddb() (sftkmod.c) bug 406120: allow application to specify ocsp timeout bug 361025: support for camellia cipher suites to tls rfc4132 bug 376417: pk11_generatekeypair needs to get the key usage from the caller.
... oom crash [[@ nsc_digestkey] dereferencing possibly null att bug 343231: certutil issues certs for invalid requests bug 353371: klocwork 91117 - null pointer dereference in cert_certchainfromcert bug 353374: klocwork 76494 - null ptr derefs in cert_formatname bug 353375: klocwork 76513 - null ptr deref in nsscertificatelist_docallback bug 353413: klocwork 76541 free uninitialized pointer in cert_findcerturlextension bug 353416: klocwork 76593 null ptr deref in nsscryptokiprivatekey_setcertificate bug 353423: klocwork bugs in nss/lib/pk11wrap/dev3hack.c bug 353739: klocwork null ptr dereferences in instance.c bug 353741: klocwork cascading memory leak in mpp_make_prime bug 353742: klocwork null ptr dereference in ocsp_decoderesponsebytes bug 353748: klocwork null ptr dereferences in pki3hack.c...
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method overview constructors operator= operator const char* operator[] get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data ...
... length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsxpidlcstring data members no public members.
...ing_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple operator const char* char* operator const char*() const - source operator[] char operator[](print32) const - source parameters print32 i char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
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names: nsautostring for wide characters nscautostring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appen...
...dwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operato...
...sacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...And 5 more matches
method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting e...
...ndwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nsacstring_internal data members no public members.
... parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
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method overview constructors assertvalid rebind operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting e...
...ndwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nscstring data members no public members.
... parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
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names: nsxpidlstring for wide characters nsxpidlcstring for narrow characters method overview constructors operator const char* operator[] operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting e...
...ndwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operator+= insert cut setcapacity setlength truncate getdata getmutabledata setisvoid stripchar base classes nscstring data members no public members.
... parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
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method overview long findflag(in astring aflag, in boolean acasesensitive); astring getargument(in long aindex); boolean handleflag(in astring aflag, in boolean acasesensitive); astring handleflagwithparam(in astring aflag, in boolean acasesensitive); void removearguments(in long astart, in long aend); nsifile resolvefile(in astring aargument); nsiuri resolveuri(in astring aargument); attributes attribut...
... methods findflag() finds a command-line flag, returning its position on the command line.
... long findflag( in astring aflag, in boolean acasesensitive ); parameters aflag the flag name to locate.
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Version, UI, and Status Information - Plugins
if you want to gather usage statistics or just find out the version of your plug-in's host browser, this information can help you. do so, it must find the major and minor version numbers, which are determined when the plug-in and navigator are compiled, and compare them.
...the plug-in can also use the version number to find out whether a particular feature exists on the version of the browser that the plug-in is running in.
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RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats.localId - Web APIs
finding paired statistics each statistics record of type remote-outbound-rtp (describing a remote peer's statistics about sending data to the local peer) has a corresponding record of type inbound-rtp which describes the local peer's perspective on the same data being moved between the two peers.
... the findreportentry() function shown below examines an rtcstatsreport, returning the rtcstats-based statistics record which contains the specified key — and for which the key has the specified value.
... function findreportentry(report, key, value) { for (const stats of report.values()) { if (stats[key] === value) { return stats; } } return null; } since the rtcstatsreport is a javascript map, we can iterate over the map's values() to examine each of the rtcstats-based statistics records in the report until we find one that has the key property with the specified value.
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Understanding WebAssembly text format - WebAssembly
next, we’ll load our binary into a typed array called addcode (as described in fetching webassembly bytecode), compile and instantiate it, and execute our add function in javascript (we can now find add() in the exports property of the instance): webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('add.wasm')) .then(obj => { console.log(obj.instance.exports.add(1, 2)); // "3" }); note: you can find this example in github as add.html (see it live also).
... this would look like the following: var importobject = { console: { log: function(arg) { console.log(arg); } } }; webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('logger.wasm'), importobject) .then(obj => { obj.instance.exports.logit(); }); note: you can find this example on github as logger.html (see it live also).
...this results in "hi" being printed to the console: var memory = new webassembly.memory({initial:1}); var importobject = { console: { log: consolelogstring }, js: { mem: memory } }; webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('logger2.wasm'), importobject) .then(obj => { obj.instance.exports.writehi(); }); note: you can find the full source on github as logger2.html (also see it live).
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Mozilla Documentation Roadmap - Archive of obsolete content
there's a great deal of free online documentation available on xul and extension development, but finding it and turning it into useful information can be a daunting task.
...this tutorial was aimed at compiling all the right resources for extension development and putting them in the right context, but there's much more to learn, and knowing how to find it is part of what we felt was necessary to teach.
...if you find it lacking or missing some piece of information, please consider adding it once you've found it.
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SeaMonkey - making custom toolbar (SM ver. 1.x) - Archive of obsolete content
use other tutorials and articles to find out more—the main extensions page here is a good starting point.
... note: for information about how to find the directory where you installed seamonkey, see: installation directory if you cannot easily find the directory, you can use the following method to find it.
...troubleshooting if the button does not appear, or if you find some other problem, check that you have followed all the steps exactly.
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Adding more elements - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » we will conclude the discussion of boxes by adding some boxes to the find files dialog.
... adding elements to our find files example we will add some more elements to the find files dialog now.
...x> <menulist id="searchtype"> <menupopup> <menuitem label="name"/> <menuitem label="size"/> <menuitem label="date modified"/> </menupopup> </menulist> <spacer style="width: 10px;"/> <menulist id="searchmode"> <menupopup> <menuitem label="is"/> <menuitem label="is not"/> </menupopup> </menulist> <spacer style="width: 10px;"/> <textbox id="find-text" flex="1" style="min-width: 15em;"/> </hbox> two drop down boxes have been added to the dialog.
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Using the Right Markup to Invoke Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
according to the specification, you can nest elements and browsers should stop if they can display the outermost element, or else keep going inwards till they can find something to display. won't attempt to retrieve a missing plugin using the netscape plugin finder service.
...the browser will use netscape's plugin finder service to download the missing java plugin.
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Responsive design - Learn web development
zoe mickley gillenwater was instrumental in her work to describe and formalize the different ways in which flexible sites could be created, attempting to find a happy medium between filling the screen or being completely fixed in size.
... find out more in the mdn documentation for media queries.
...on narrow screens the layout displays the boxes stacked on top of one another: on wider screens they move to two columns: note: you can find the live example and source code for this example on github.
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What is CSS? - Learn web development
h1 { color: red; font-size: 5em; } p { color: black; } you will find that you quickly learn some values, whereas others you will need to look up.
... note: you can find links to all the css property pages (along with other css features) listed on the mdn css reference.
... alternatively, you should get used to searching for "mdn css-feature-name" in your favourite search engine whenever you need to find out more information about a css feature.
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From object to iframe — other embedding technologies - Learn web development
first, go to youtube and find a video you like.
... below the video, you'll find a share button — select this to display the sharing options.
... for bonus points, you could also try embedding a google map in the example: go to google maps and find a map you like.
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Responsive images - Learn web development
here's a simple example: this works well on a wide screen device, such as a laptop or desktop (you can see the example live and find the source code on github.) we won't discuss the css much in this lesson, except to say that: the body content has been set to a maximum width of 1200 pixels — in viewports above that width, the body remains at 1200px and centers itself in the available space.
...vector images are great for simple graphics, patterns, interface elements, etc., but it starts to get very complex to create a vector-based image with the kind of detail that you'd find in say, a photo.
...this is the image's real size, which can be found by inspecting the image file on your computer (for example, on a mac you can select the image in finder and press cmd + i to bring up the info screen).
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What is JavaScript? - Learn web development
lock; cursor: pointer; } and finally, we can add some javascript to implement dynamic behaviour: const para = document.queryselector('p'); para.addeventlistener('click', updatename); function updatename() { let name = prompt('enter a new name'); para.textcontent = 'player 1: ' + name; } try clicking on this last version of the text label to see what happens (note also that you can find this demo on github — see the source code, or run it live)!
...they do the same thing for programming that ready-made furniture kits do for home building — it is much easier to take ready-cut panels and screw them together to make a bookshelf than it is to work out the design yourself, go and find the correct wood, cut all the panels to the right size and shape, find the correct-sized screws, and then put them together to make a bookshelf.
...this is how google maps is able to find your location and plot it on a map.
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Introduction to automated testing - Learn web development
create a new directory somewhere sensible using your file manager ui, or, on a command line, by navigating to the location you want and running the following command: mkdir node-test to make this directory an npm project, you just need to go inside your test directory and initialize it, with the following: cd node-test npm init this second command will ask you many questions to find out the information required to set up the project; you can just select the defaults for now.
...note that this only works if csslint doesn't find any errors — try removing a curly brace from your css file and re-running gulp to see what output you get!'ll have to restart the watch once a css error is encountered, or find another way to do this.
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Package management basics - Learn web development
in addition, what happens if you find a better tool that you want to use instead of the current one, or a new version of your dependency is released that you want to update to?
...if you didn't use one, you'd have to manually handle: finding all the correct package javascript files.
... setting up the app as an npm package first of all, create a new directory to store our experimental app in, somewhere sensible that you’ll find again.
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Eclipse CDT
set an initial heap space of 1 gb and max heap space of 5 gb, say, by modifying the values of the following two lines in eclipse.ini: -xms1g -xmx5g if you fail to increase these limits, then you will likely find that eclipse either hangs when it tries to index the mozilla source or else that the code intelligence is very broken after the indexing "completes".
...however, you may find this too disruptive, since re-indexing will then happen very frequently and code assistance can be broken while the index is rebuilding.
...for example, changing the find next command to cmd-g/ctrl-g is not sufficient.
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Application Translation with Mercurial
check what is available for translation find out on which branch localization is done for your locale: read your localization team's page by clicking on the team with your language code (e.g.
... in the section "applications & sign-offs", you will find different products and branches which are currently in translation.
... find the localization repository for your branch and language on e.g.
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Investigating leaks using DMD heap scan mode
you need the cycle collector analysis script, which can be downloaded as part of this repo on github.
... identifying the root in the cycle collector log the next step is to figure out why the cycle collector could not collect the window, using the script from the heapgraph repository.
... the command to invoke this looks like this: python $heapgraph/ $cclog $winaddr this may take a few seconds.
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nss tech note4
s; if (extensions) { while (*extensions) { secitem *ext_oid = &(*extensions)->id; secitem *ext_critical = &(*extensions)->critical; secitem *ext_value = &(*extensions)->value; /* id attribute of the extension */ secoiddata *oiddata = secoid_findoid(ext_oid); if (oiddata == null) { /* oid not found */ /* secitem ext_oid has type (secitemtype), data (unsigned char *) and len (unsigned int) fields - the application interprets these */ .......
... else /* the extension is not critical */ } /* value attribute of the extension */ /* secitem ext_value has type (secitemtype), data (unsigned char *) and len (unsigned int) fields - the application interprets these */ secoidtag oidtag = secoid_findoidtag(ext_oid); switch (oidtag) { case a_tag_that_app_recognizes: .....
... }; static const secitem myoiditem = { (secitemtype) 0, (unsigned char *)myoid, sizeof(myoid) }; secitem myextvalue; mycertextdata data; secstatus rv = cert_findcertextensionbyoid(cert, &myoiditem, &myextvalue); if (rv == secsuccess) { sec_asn1decodercontext * context = sec_asn1decoderstart(null, &data, mycertexttemplate); rv = sec_asn1decoderupdate( context, (const char *)(, myextvalue.len); if (rv == secsuccess) { /* now you can extract info from secitem fields of...
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Hacking Tips
this will trigger for *any* asm.js/wasm call, so you should find a way to set this breakpoint for the only generated codes you want to look at.
... finding the script of ion generated assembly (from gdb) when facing a bug in which you are in the middle of ionmonkey generated code, first thing to note, is that gdb's backtrace is not reliable, because the generated code does not keep a frame pointer.
... to find mirgenetator* instances, is best is to look up into the stack for optimizemir, or codegenerator::generatebody.
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Bytecode Descriptions
ion uses them to find block boundaries when translating bytecode to mir.
...format: jof_atom, jof_name, jof_ic getting binding values getname operands: (uint32_t nameindex) stack: ⇒ val find a binding on the environment chain and push its value.
...format: jof_atom, jof_name, jof_typeset, jof_ic getgname operands: (uint32_t nameindex) stack: ⇒ val find a global binding and push its value.
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class declaration a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to utf-8 method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercase...
... parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...@return offset in string, or knotfound parameters nscstring& astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const char*, prbool, print32, print32) const - source parameters char* astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount rfind print32 rfind(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source this methods scans the string backwards, looking for the given string @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase tells us whether or not to do caseles...
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class declaration a helper class that converts a utf-16 string to ascii in a lossy manner method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsa...
... parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...@return offset in string, or knotfound parameters nscstring& astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const char*, prbool, print32, print32) const - source parameters char* astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount rfind print32 rfind(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source this methods scans the string backwards, looking for the given string @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase tells us whether or not to do caseles...
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class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(ch...
... parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...@return offset in string, or knotfound parameters nscstring& astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const char*, prbool, print32, print32) const - source parameters char* astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount rfind print32 rfind(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source this methods scans the string backwards, looking for the given string @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase tells us whether or not to do caseles...
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class declaration method overview constructors operator= get find rfind rfindchar findcharinset rfindcharinset compare equalsignorecase tofloat tointeger mid left right setcharat stripchars stripwhitespace replacechar replacesubstring trim compresswhitespace assignwithconversion appendwithconversion appendint appendfloat beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(ch...
... parameters char c nsacstring_internal& operator=(const char*) - source parameters char* data nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nsacstring_internal&) - source parameters nsacstring_internal& str nsacstring_internal& operator=(const nscsubstringtuple&) - source parameters nscsubstringtuple& tuple get char* get() const - source returns the null-terminated string find print32 find(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source search for the given substring within this string.
...@return offset in string, or knotfound parameters nscstring& astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount print32 find(const char*, prbool, print32, print32) const - source parameters char* astring prbool aignorecase print32 aoffset print32 acount rfind print32 rfind(const nscstring&, prbool, print32, print32) const - source this methods scans the string backwards, looking for the given string @param astring is substring to be sought in this @param aignorecase tells us whether or not to do caseles...
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in addition, you'll find helpful articles about how the code works, how to build add-ons for mozilla applications and the like.
...this guide provides information that will not only help you get started as a mozilla contributor, but that you'll find useful to refer to even if you are already an experienced contributor.
...for example, by using components.results.ns_error_not_initialized firefox here you can learn about how to contribute to the firefox project and you will also find links to information about the construction of firefox add-ons, using the developer tools in firefox, and other topics.
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Debugger - Firefox Developer Tools
findsources([query])(not yet implemented) return an array of all debugger.source instances matchingquery.
... findscripts([query]) return an array of debugger.script instances for all debuggee scripts matchingquery.
... findobjects([query]) return an array of debugger.object instances referring to each live object allocated in the scope of the debuggee globals that matches query.
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Installing plugins to Gecko embedding browsers on Windows - Archive of obsolete content
to find the plugins directory applicable to netscape 6.1, 6.2.x, netscape 7.0 (and up), mozilla 1.0, and compuserve 7.0 this section details the suggested mechanism to find out where to install the plugin dll so that it is picked up by mozilla based browsers on the desktop. you will find keys on a per-product basis.
... to find the path to the browser executable (exe) applicable to netscape 6.1, 6.2.x, netscape 7.0 (and up), mozilla 1.0, and compuserve 7.0 finding the browser executable is useful if you wish to launch the browser following installation of the plugin dll.
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JavaScript Client API - Archive of obsolete content
you may find it useful to write getters and setters for various properties of your record implementation.
... in this case, it is highly recommended to use the utils.makeguid() helper to generate new guids: let newguid = utils.makeguid(); your store object must implement the following methods: itemexists(id) createrecord(id, collection) changeitemid(oldid, newid) getallids() wipe() create(record) update(record) remove(record) you may also find it useful to override other methods of the base implementation, for example applyincomingbatch if the underlying storage for your data supports batch operations.
... changeitemid(oldid, newid) must find the stored item currently associated with the guid oldid and change it to be associated with the guid newid.
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Adding Buttons - Archive of obsolete content
in this section, we will add two buttons, a find button and a cancel button.
... we'll start by creating a simple find button for the find files utility.
... <button id="find-button" label="find"/> note: firefox does not allow you to open chrome windows from web pages, so the view links in the tutorial will open in normal browser windows.
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Plug-in Development Overview - Gecko Plugin API Reference
you'll find an overview of the plug-in api methods in this chapter, as well as separate chapters for all of the major functional areas of the plug-in api.
...when it needs to display data of a particular mime type, the browser finds and invokes the plug-in object that supports that type.
...the browser looks up the media type, and if it finds a plug-in registered to that type, loads the plug-in software.
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Mobile accessibility - Learn web development
you can also explore by touch to find the unlock button at the bottom middle of the screen, and then double-tap.
... browsing web pages you can use the local context menu while in a web browser to find options to navigate web pages using just the headings, form controls, or links, or navigate line by line, etc.
... once you've finished, find the enter key and press it.
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Cascade and inheritance - Learn web development
at some point, you will be working on a project and you will find that the css you thought should be applied to an element is not working.
... note: on mdn css property reference pages you can find a technical information box, usually at the bottom of the specifications section, which lists a number of data points about that property, including whether it is inherited or not.
...we've not covered selectors in detail yet, but you can find details of each selector on the mdn selectors reference.
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Organizing your CSS - Learn web development
in this article we will take a brief look at some best practices for writing your css to make it easily maintainable, and some of the solutions you will find in use by others to help improve maintainability.
... prerequisites: basic computer literacy, basic software installed, basic knowledge of working with files, html basics (study introduction to html), and an idea of how css works (study css first steps.) objective: to learn some tips and best practices for organizing stylesheets, and find out about some of the naming conventions and tools in common usage to help with css organization and team working.
...we personally find it is more readable to have each property and value pair on a new line.
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What is the difference between webpage, website, web server, and search engine? - Learn web development
search engine a web service that helps you find other web pages, such as google, bing, yahoo, or duckduckgo.
...this is what you would generally do when visiting a library: find a search index and look for the title of the book you want.
... go to the particular section containing the book, find the right catalog number, and get the book.
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How do I start to design my website? - Learn web development
find a new girl/boyfriend.
...order the goals from most important to least important: find a new girl/boyfriend.
...we have five goals connected to music, one goal related to personal life (finding your significant other), and the completely unrelated cat photos.
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Other form controls - Learn web development
note: you can find a slightly more interesting example of text area usage in the example we put together in the first article of the series (see the source code also).
... block and inline: experimental values that allow resizing in the block or inline direction only (this varies depending on the directionality of your text; read handling different text directions if you want to find out more.) play with the interactive example at the top of the resize reference page for a demonstration of how these work.
... note: you can find examples of all the drop-down box types on github at drop-down-content.html (see it live also).
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Publishing your website - Learn web development
previous overview: getting started with the web next once you finish writing the code and organizing the files that make up your website, you need to put it all online so people can find it.
... a domain name is the unique address where people find your website, such as or
... tips for finding hosting and domains mdn does not promote specific commercial hosting companies or domain name registrars.
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What’s in the head? Metadata in HTML - Learn web development
view the page's source (right/ctrl + click on the page, choose view page source from the context menu.) find the description meta tag.
... other types of metadata as you travel around the web, you'll find other types of metadata, too. the mdn web docs sourcecode, you'll find this: <meta property="og:image" content=""> <meta property="og:description" content="the mozilla developer network (mdn) provides information about open web technologies including html, css, and apis for both web sites and html5 apps.
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Introduction to events - Learn web development
inline event handlers — don't use these you might also see a pattern like this in your code: <button onclick="bgchange()">press me</button> function bgchange() { const rndcol = 'rgb(' + random(255) + ',' + random(255) + ',' + random(255) + ')'; = rndcol; } note: you can find the full source code for this example on github (also see it running live).
...the above example invokes a function defined inside a <script> element on the same page, but you could also insert javascript directly inside the attribute, for example: <button onclick="alert('hello, this is my old-fashioned event handler!');">press me</button> you can find html attribute equivalents for many of the event handler properties; however, you shouldn't use these — they are considered bad practice.
...we could rewrite our random color example to look like this: const btn = document.queryselector('button'); function bgchange() { const rndcol = 'rgb(' + random(255) + ',' + random(255) + ',' + random(255) + ')'; = rndcol; } btn.addeventlistener('click', bgchange); note: you can find the full source code for this example on github (also see it running live).
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Looping code - Learn web development
example</title> <style> </style> </head> <body> <p></p> <script> const cats = ['bill', 'jeff', 'pete', 'biggles', 'jasmin']; let info = 'my cats are called '; const para = document.queryselector('p'); for (let i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) { info += cats[i] + ', '; } para.textcontent = info; </script> </body> </html> note: you can find this example code on github too (also see it running live).
...well, no problem — we can quite happily insert a conditional inside our for loop to handle this special case: for (let i = 0; i < cats.length; i++) { if (i === cats.length - 1) { info += 'and ' + cats[i] + '.'; } else { info += cats[i] + ', '; } } note: you can find this example code on github too (also see it running live).
... say we wanted to search through an array of contacts and telephone numbers and return just the number we wanted to find?
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Drawing graphics - Learn web development
we will however show how to use a webgl library to create a 3d scene more easily, and you can find a tutorial covering raw webgl elsewhere — see getting started with webgl.
... note: to find out more about advanced path drawing features such as bézier curves, check out our drawing shapes with canvas tutorial. can find more information on the options available for canvas text at drawing text.
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Getting started with Ember - Learn web development
getting started the rest of the ember material you'll find here consists of a multi-part tutorial, in which we'll make a version of the classic todomvc sample app, teaching you how to use the essentials of the ember framework along the way.
...go here to find out how to install node and npm, if you haven't already got them.
...(good suggestions are your "desktop" or "documents" directories, so that it is easy to find): ember new todomvc or, on windows: npx ember-cli new todomvc this generates a production-ready application development environment that includes the following features by default: development server with live reload.
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Initial setup
you can find everything you need to know about installing and configuring mercurial for your localization work here. can find the source files and install instructions here. can find the source files and install instructions here.
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Mozilla DOM Hacking Guide
for example, when we ask for |document.getelementbyid("myid");|, xpconnect will find that |document| is a property of the window object, so it will look on the interface nsidomwindow, and it will find the getdocument() method. xpconnect will then try to find a method named getelementbyid() on the nsidomdocument interface.
... and indeed it will find it, and thus call it.
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Leak-hunting strategies and tips
strategy for finding leaks when trying to make a particular testcase not leak, i recommend focusing first on the largest object graphs (since these entrain many smaller objects), then on smaller reference-counted object graphs, and then on any remaining individual objects or small object graphs that don't entrain other objects.
... a good general pattern for finding and fixing leaks is to start with a task that you want not to leak (for example, reading email).
... start finding and fixing leaks by running part of the task under nstracerefcnt logging, gradually building up from as little as possible to the complete task, and fixing most of the leaks in the first steps before adding additional steps.
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Profiling with the Firefox Profiler
the change in stack height is useful to find patterns like long blocking calls (long flatlines) or very tall spiky blocks (recursive calls and js). of the easiest ways to find slowness caused by a page's js is to type its url into the "filter stacks" box.
... it's a good idea to search bugzilla before filing a bug about a performance problem in firefox but sometimes it's hard to find issues that have already been reported.
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141 jsobjectprincipalsfinder jsapi reference, obsolete, spidermonkey the javascript engine calls this callback to obtain principals for a jsprincipals.subsume check. design, this search may not find a property that other property lookup functions, such as js_lookupproperty, would find.
...if either is null, the engine tries to find reasonable defaults.
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you can find additional information using the resource links below.'ll have to turn to the xpcom newsgroup or another experienced nscomptr user, or find the answer by experimentation.
... 194 moziasynchistory interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, places, xpcom interface reference implemented by:;1 as a service: 195 mozicoloranalyzer interfaces, interfaces:scriptable, places, reference, xpcom api reference, xpcom interface reference given an image uri, find the most representative color for that image based on the frequency of each color.
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if you show filenames from the findentries() result in the user interface, the character matching is only fine on utf-8 zip archives.
... method overview void close(); void extract(in autf8string zipentry, in nsifile outfile); void extract(in string zipentry, in nsifile outfile); obsolete since gecko 10 nsiutf8stringenumerator findentries(in autf8string apattern); nsiutf8stringenumerator findentries(in string apattern); obsolete since gecko 10 nsiprincipal getcertificateprincipal(in autf8string aentryname); nsiprincipal getcertificateprincipal(in string aentryname); obsolete since gecko 10 nsizipentry getentry(in autf8string zipentry); nsizipentry getentry(in string zipentry); obsolete since gecko 10 nsiinputstream getinputstream(in autf8string zipentry); nsiinputstream getinputstream(in string zipentry); obsolete since gecko 10 nsiinput...
... findentries() returns a string enumerator containing the matching entry names.
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Plug-in Basics - Plugins
for more information about where gecko looks for plugin modules on different systems, see how gecko finds plug-ins.
...the next section, how gecko finds plug-ins, describes these rules, and the following section, checking plug-ins by mime type, describes how you can use javascript to locate plug-ins yourself and establish which ones are to be registered for which mime types.
... how gecko finds plug-ins when a gecko-based browser starts up, it checks certain directories for plug-ins, in this order: windows directory pointed to by moz_plugin_path environment variable.
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Plug-in Development Overview - Plugins
you'll find an overview of the plug-in api methods in this chapter, as well as separate chapters for all of the major functional areas of the plug-in api.
...when it needs to display data of a particular mime type, the browser finds and invokes the plug-in object that supports that type.
...the browser looks up the media type, and if it finds a plug-in registered to that type, loads the plug-in software.
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Migrating from Internal Linkage to Frozen Linkage - Archive of obsolete content
all these functions are now available via the new string api - appendutf16toutf8(srcstring, deststring); + deststring.append(ns_convertutf16toutf8(srcstring)); the signatures of the find methods differ between the two apis.
... if you are only finding a single character, prefer the findchar method.
...the findinreadable methods do not exist in the external api.
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GRE - Archive of obsolete content
finding and using a gre from application code avoid linking directly against xpcom.dll if an application wishes to use the gre, it must take careful steps to ensure that it links against the proper libraries.
...this prevents dynamically finding a compatible gre at runtime.
... find a compatible gre note: support for locating a standalone glue was removed in gecko 6.0.
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Migrate apps from Internet Explorer to Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
since different browsers sometimes use different apis for the same functionality, you can often find multiple if() else() blocks throughout the code to differentiate between the browsers. mozilla, you can position any element using the <div> tag, which internet explorer uses as well and which you'll find in the html specification.
...<script> document.write("<script type='text/javascript'>alert('hello');</script>") </script> since the page is in strict mode, mozilla's parser will see the first <script> and parse until it finds a closing tag for it, which would be the first </script>.
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Box Model Details - Archive of obsolete content
here, we'll find out some more details with some examples.
...a find text dialog example 5 : source view <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window id="findtext" title="find text" orient="horizontal" xmlns=""> <vbox flex="3"> <label control="t1" value="search text:"/> <textbox id="t1" style="min-width: 100px;" flex="1"/> </vbox> ...
...<vbox style="min-width: 150px;" flex="1" align="start"> <checkbox id="c1" label="ignore case"/> <spacer flex="1" style="max-height: 30px;"/> <button label="find"/> </vbox> </window> here, two vertical boxes are created, one for the textbox and the other for the check box and button.
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Cross Package Overlays - Archive of obsolete content
below, we'll add a find files toolbar to the browser.
... our find files example first, let's create a simple overlay. the file foverlay.xul and add it to the findfile directory along with findfile.xul.
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Keyboard Shortcuts - Archive of obsolete content
vk_back_slash vk_close_bracket vk_quote vk_help for example, to create a shortcut that is activated when the user presses alt and f5, do the following: <keyset> <key id="test-key" modifiers="alt" keycode="vk_f5"/> </keyset> the example below demonstrates some more keyboard shortcuts: <keyset> <key id="copy-key" modifiers="accel" key="c"/> <key id="find-key" keycode="vk_f3"/> <key id="switch-key" modifiers="control alt" key="1"/> </keyset> the first key is invoked when the user presses their platform-specific shortcut key and c.
... using the keyboard shortcuts now that we know how to define keyboard shortcuts, we'll find out how we can use them.
... our find files example let's add keyboard shortcuts to the find files dialog.
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More Menu Features - Archive of obsolete content
<menu id="new-menu" label="new"> <menupopup id="new-popup"> <menuitem label="window"/> <menuitem label="message"/> </menupopup> </menu> <menuitem label="open"/> <menuitem label="save"/> <menuseparator/> <menuitem label="exit"/> </menupopup> </menu> </menubar> </toolbox> adding a menu to our find files example let's add a menu to the find files dialog.
... <toolbox> <menubar id="findfiles-menubar"> <menu id="file-menu" label="file" accesskey="f"> <menupopup id="file-popup"> <menuitem label="open search..." accesskey="o"/> <menuitem label="save search..." accesskey="s"/> <menuseparator/> <menuitem label="close" accesskey="c"/> </menupopup> </menu> <menu id="edit-menu" label="edit" accesskey="e"> <menupopup id="edit-popup"> <menuitem label="cut" accesskey="t"/> <menuitem label="copy" accesskey="c"/> <menuitem label="paste" accesskey="p" disabled="true"/> </menupopup> </menu> </menubar> <toolbar id="findfiles-toolbar> here we have added two menus with various ...
... our find files example so far : source view adding checkmarks to menus many applications have menu items that have checks on them.
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Tabboxes - Archive of obsolete content
we'll find out how to create them here.
... adding tabs to our find files dialog let's add a second panel to the find files dialog.
... <vbox flex="1"> <tabbox selectedindex="1"> <tabs> <tab label="search"/> <tab label="options"/> </tabs> <tabpanels> <tabpanel id="searchpanel" orient="vertical"> <description> enter your search criteria below and select the find button to begin the search.
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XUL Structure - Archive of obsolete content
the chrome directory is where you find all the files that describe the user interface used by the mozilla browser, mail client, and other applications.
...if you extract the files in browser.jar, you will find that it contains a directory structure much like the following: content browser browser.xul browser.js -- other browser xul and js files goes here -- bookmarks -- bookmarks files go here -- preferences -- preferences files go here -- . this case, you will find a subdirectory for each type.
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Supporting older browsers - Learn web development
before deciding on the approach to take, find out the number of visitors coming to your site using older browsers.
... another popular way to find out about how well a feature is supported is the can i use website.
... for many layout tweaks in older browsers, you may find you can give a decent experience by using css in this way.
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Fundamental text and font styling - Learn web development
but it was a rare occasion such as this that he did.</p> you can find the finished example on github (see also the source code.) color the color property sets the color of the foreground content of the selected elements (which is usually the text, but can also include a couple of other things, such as an underline or overline placed on text using the text-decoration property).
...the problem is to find a way to know which font is available on the computer used to see our web pages. is a good idea to list all your font-size rulesets in a designated area in your stylesheet, so they are easy to find.
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What text editors are available? - Learn web development
there's a big chance you'll find a suitable text editor for free.
... so first find out which os you're using, and then check if a given editor supports your os.'s not hard to find a text editor that can change color scheme, but if you want hefty customizing you may be better off with an ide.
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What is a web server? - Learn web development
when the request reaches the correct (hardware) web server, the (software) http server accepts the request, finds the requested document, and sends it back to the browser, also through http.
... (if the server doesn't find the requested document, it returns a 404 response instead.) to publish a website, you need either a static or a dynamic web server.
...upon finding the file, the server reads it, processes it as-needed, and sends it to the browser.
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Basic native form controls - Learn web development
note: you can find examples of all the single line text field types on github at single-line-text-fields.html (see it live also).
... note: you can find the examples from this section on github as checkable-items.html (see it live also).
... note: you can find the examples from this section on github as button-examples.html (see it live also).
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How the Web works - Learn web development
when you type a web address in your browser, the browser looks at the dns to find the website's real address before it can retrieve the website.
... the browser needs to find out which server the website lives on, so it can send http messages to the right place (see below).
... when you type a web address into your browser (for our analogy that's like walking to the shop): the browser goes to the dns server, and finds the real address of the server that the website lives on (you find the address of the shop).
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Cooperative asynchronous JavaScript: Timeouts and intervals - Learn web development
note: if you get stuck, you can find our version here (see the source code also).
... (read more about this on creativejs.) note: you can find examples of using requestanimationframe() elsewhere in the course — see for example drawing graphics, and object building practice.
... draw(); note: you can find the finished example live on github.
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Making decisions in your code — conditionals - Learn web development
note: you can also find this example on github (see it running live on there also.) a note on comparison operators comparison operators are used to test the conditions inside our conditional statements.
... in such a case, switch statements are your friend — they take a single expression/value as an input, and then look through a number of choices until they find one that matches that value, executing the corresponding code that goes along with it. to stay in with a cup of hot chocolate, or go build a snowman.'; break; case 'overcast': para.textcontent = 'it isn\'t raining, but the sky is grey and gloomy; it could turn any minute, so take a rain coat just in case.'; break; default: para.textcontent = ''; } } note: you can also find this example on github (see it running live on there also.) ternary operator there is one final bit of syntax we want to introduce you to before we get you to play with some examples.
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Fetching data from the server - Learn web development
to find out how to do this, read how do you set up a local testing server?
...(if you didn't work through the previous exercise, create a new directory and inside it make copies of xhr-basic.html and the four text files — verse1.txt, verse2.txt, verse3.txt, and verse4.txt.) inside the updatedisplay() function, find the xhr code: let request = new xmlhttprequest();'get', url); request.responsetype = 'text'; request.onload = function() { poemdisplay.textcontent = request.response; }; request.send(); replace all the xhr code with this: fetch(url).then(function(response) { response.text().then(function(text) { poemdisplay.textcontent = text; }); }); load the example i... can find this example live on github, and see the source code.
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What went wrong? Troubleshooting JavaScript - Learn web development
never fear — this article aims to save you from tearing your hair out over such problems by providing you with some tips on how to find and fix errors in javascript programs.
... fixing syntax errors earlier on in the course we got you to type some simple javascript commands into the developer tools javascript console (if you can't remember how to open this in your browser, follow the previous link to find out how).
... if we look at line 86 in our code editor, we'll find this line: guesssubmit.addeventlistener('click', checkguess); the error message says "guesssubmit.addeventlistener is not a function", which means that the function we're calling is not recognized by the javascript interpreter.
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Solve common problems in your JavaScript code - Learn web development
how do you find the length of a string?
... how do you find what character is at a certain position in a string?
... how do you find and extract a specific substring from a string?
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Advanced Svelte: Reactivity, lifecycle, accessibility - Learn web development
you'll find that the remove completed button works fine, but the check all/uncheck all button just silently fails.
... to find out what is happening here, we'll have to dig a little deeper into svelte reactivity.
... to find out why this is happening, we need to understand how reactivity works in svelte when updating arrays and objects.
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Dynamic behavior in Svelte: working with variables and props - Learn web development
find the <h2> heading with an id of list-heading and replace the hardcoded number of active and completed tasks with dynamic expressions: <h2 id="list-heading">{completedtodos} out of {totaltodos} items completed</h2> go to the app, and you should see the "2 out of 3 items completed" message as before, but this time the information is coming from the todos array. on to find out why this is happening and how we can solve it. on to find out how svelte reactivity will take care of the rest.
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Strategies for carrying out testing - Learn web development
but an analytics history can be useful for finding support stats to influence say a new version of a company's site, or new features you are adding to an existing site.
... you should also be encouraged to look at the different options on the left hand side, and see what kinds of data you can find out.
... for example, you can find out what browsers and operating systems your users are using by selecting audience > technology > browser & os from the left hand menu.
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Introducing a complete toolchain - Learn web development
out of the box, eslint is going to complain that it can't find the configuration file if you run it.
... start off by opening your terminal, and navigating to a place that you'll be able to find and get to easily.
...this is general practice for tool configuration — you tend to find the config files in the project root, which more often than not contain configuration options expressed in a json structure (though our tools and many others also support yaml, which you can switch to if that's your preferred flavour of configuration file).
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Gecko info for Windows accessibility vendors
firefox (please use version 1.1 alpha builds or later) thunderbird (please use version 1.1 alpha builds or later) mozilla seamonkey (please use 1.8 alpha builds or later) how to find the content window and load the document screen readers need to find the content window so that they know where to start grabbing the msaa tree, in order to load the current document into a buffer in their own process.
...going forward, this may be the only way to efficiently find the content area, as mozilla will begin to become a windowless application, with an exception for plugins which create their own window.
...please let us know if you find any differences not listed here: accessible relations are supported the accnavigate() method can be used with new constants defined for gecko.
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Android-specific test suites
android-findbugs ensures that the code avoids common java coding errors.
... android-findbugs ensures that the code avoids common java coding errors.
... see and for more details.
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Multiple Firefox profiles
you can find details about profiles on mozilla's end-user support site.
... the one being run by this firefox instance will include the bold text "this is the profile in use" for example, if you find that text beneath the entry for "profile: suzie", then you are running in a profile named suzie.
... find the profile you want to use.
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here you can learn about how to contribute to the firefox project and you will also find links to information about the construction of firefox add-ons, using the developer tools in firefox, and other topics.
... project documentation get detailed information about the internals of firefox and its build system, so you can find your way around in the code.
... developer guide our developer guide provides details on how to get and compile the firefox source code, how to find your way around, and how to contribute to the project.
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How Mozilla determines MIME Types
this means that every time an uri is loaded, mozilla must find out its mime type.
... also, for images loaded via <img src>, mozilla's image library will do content sniffing (never extension sniffing) to find out the real type of the image.
... if the server did not send a content-type header, mozilla uses the unknown decoder to find a mime type.
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GC and CC logs
to find the cc logs once the try run has finished, click on the particular job, then click on "job details" in the bottom pane in treeherder, and you should see download links.
... to set the environment variable, find the buildbrowserenv method in the python file for the test suite you are interested in, and add something like this code to the file: browserenv["moz_cc_log_directory"] = os.environ["moz_upload_dir"] browserenv["moz_cc_log_shutdown"] = "1" analyzing gc and cc logs there are numerous scripts that analyze gc and cc logs on github.
... to find out why an object is being kept alive, the relevant scripts are and (which is called by
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Refcount tracing and balancing
post-processing step 1: finding the leakers first you have to figure out which objects leaked.
... the script tools/rb/ does this.
...when it finds an object that got freed (it knows because its refcount goes to 0), it removes it from the list.
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An overview of NSS Internals
when checking whether a certificate is trusted or not, it's necessary to find a relevant trust anchor (root certificate) that represents the signing capability of a trusted third party, usually called a certificate authority (ca).
...(however, it's also possible to use nss functionality to create a self-signed certificate, which, however, usually won't be trusted by other parties.) once received, it's sufficient to tell nss to import such a new certificate into the nss database, and nss will automatically perform a lookup of the embedded public key, be able to find the associated private key, and subsequently be able to treat it as a personal certificate.
...this is done by reading the “issuer name” attribute of a certificate (a), and trying to find that issuer certificate (b) (by looking for a certificate that uses that name as its “subject name”).
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Encrypt Decrypt_MAC_Using Token
pad[0]); writetoheaderfile(, paditem.len, pad, headerfile); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "write pad failure\n"); goto cleanup; } rv = secsuccess; cleanup: if (ctxmac != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxmac, pr_true); } if (ctxenc != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxenc, pr_true); } return rv; } /* * find the key for the given mechanism.
... */ pk11symkey* findkey(pk11slotinfo *slot, ck_mechanism_type mechanism, secitem *keybuf, secupwdata *pwdata) { secstatus rv; pk11symkey *key; if (pk11_needlogin(slot)) { rv = pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_true, pwdata); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not authenticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); if (slot) { pk11_freeslot(slot); } return null; } } key = pk11_findfixedkey(slot, mechanism, keybuf, 0); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "pk11_findfixedkey failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return null...
... * find those keys in the db token.
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nss tech note5
you can find a list of cipher mechanisms in security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c - grep for ckf_en_de_. can find a list of digest mechanisms in security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c - grep for ckf_digest. can find a list of hmac mechanisms in security/nss/lib/softoken/pkcs11.c - grep for ckf_sn_vr, and choose the mechanisms that contain hmac in the name ck_mechanism_type hmacmech = ckm_md5_hmac; <big>(for example)</big> choose a slot on which to to do the operation pk11slotinfo* slot = pk11_getbestslot(hmacmech, null); or pk11slotinfo* slot = pk11_getinternalkeyslot(); /* always returns int...
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getting certificate information cert_findcertbyname cert_getcertnicknames cert_freenicknames cert_getdefaultcertdb nss_findcertkeatype cert_findcertbyname finds the certificate in the certificate database with a specified dn.
... syntax #include <cert.h> certcertificate *cert_findcertbyname ( certcertdbhandle *handle, secitem *name); parameters this function has the following parameters: handle a pointer to the certificate database handle.
... name the subject dn of the certificate you wish to find.
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applications will find it desirable to determine, at run time, what ssl2 cipher kinds and ssl3 cipher suites are actually implememted in a particular release.
...therefore, to find out what fds it has inherited, it must be told about them. find out what key-exchange algorithm a particular certificate supports, pass the certificate structure to nss_findcertkeatype.
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An Overview of XPCOM
maintenance even when you are not updating a component, designing your application in a modular way can make it easier for you to find and maintain the parts of the application that you are interested in.
...the difference here is that a "helloworld" application in xpcom finds this screen-printing functionality at runtime and never has to know about stdio when it's compiled.
... in xpcom, all classes derive from the nsisupports interface, so all objects are nsisupports but they are also other, more specific classes, which you need to be able to find out about at runtime.
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Mozilla internal string guide
iterators because mozilla strings are always a single buffer, iteration over the characters in the string is done using raw pointers: /** * find whether there is a tab character in `data` */ bool hastab(const nsastring& data) { const char16_t* cur = data.beginreading(); const char16_t* end = data.endreading(); for (; cur < end; ++cur) { if (char16_t('\t') == *cur) return true; } return false; } note that `end` points to the character after the end of the string buffer.
... findinreadable() is the replacement for the old string.find(..).
... the syntax is: prbool findinreadable(const nsastring& pattern, nsastring::const_iterator start, nsastring::const_iterator end, nsstringcomparator& acomparator = nsdefaultstringcomparator()); to use this, start and end should point to the beginning and end of a string that you would like to search.
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void getdata(in nsitransferable atransferable, in long awhichclipboard); boolean hasdatamatchingflavors([array, size_is(alength)] in string aflavorlist, in unsigned long alength, in long awhichclipboard); void setdata(in nsitransferable atransferable, in nsiclipboardowner anowner, in long awhichclipboard); boolean supportsselectionclipboard(); boolean supportsfindclipboard(); constants most clipboard operations in firefox use kglobalclipboard, which is the one also used by the typical control-c/control-v keyboard shortcuts.
... kfindclipboard 2 clipboard for find strings.
... supportsfindclipboard() this method allows clients to determine if the implementation supports the concept of a separate clipboard for find search strings.
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esizer(); obsolete since gecko 38.0 void disablenontestmouseevents(in boolean adisable); boolean dispatchdomeventviapresshell(in nsidomnode atarget, in nsidomevent aevent, in boolean atrusted); nsidomelement elementfrompoint(in float ax, in float ay, in boolean aignorerootscrollframe, in boolean aflushlayout); void entermodalstate(); nsidomelement findelementwithviewid(in nsviewid aid); void focus(in nsidomelement aelement); void forceupdatenativemenuat(in astring indexstring); void garbagecollect([optional] in nsicyclecollectorlistener alistener); short getcursortype(); astring getdocumentmetadata(in astring aname); nsidomwindow getouterwindowwithid(in unsigned long long aouterwindowid...
... query_content_flag_selection_find 0x0100 one of values of aadditionalflags of sendquerycontentevent().
... findelementwithviewid() given a view id from the compositor process, return the corresponding dom element object.
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method overview void addlogin(in nsilogininfo alogin); nsiautocompleteresult autocompletesearch(in astring asearchstring, in nsiautocompleteresult apreviousresult, in nsidomhtmlinputelement aelement); unsigned long countlogins(in astring ahostname, in astring aactionurl, in astring ahttprealm); boolean fillform(in nsidomhtmlformelement aform); void findlogins(out unsigned long count, in astring ahostname, in astring aactionurl, in astring ahttprealm, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); void getalldisabledhosts([optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out wstring hostnames); void getalllogins([optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logi...
... findlogins() searches for logins matching the specified criteria.
... void findlogins( out unsigned long count, in astring ahostname, in astring aactionurl, in astring ahttprealm, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins ); parameters count the number of elements in the returned array.
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method overview void addlogin(in nsilogininfo alogin); unsigned long countlogins(in astring ahostname, in astring aactionurl, in astring ahttprealm); void findlogins(out unsigned long count, in astring ahostname, in astring aactionurl, in astring ahttprealm, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); void getalldisabledhosts([optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out wstring hostnames); void getallencryptedlogins([optional] out unsigned long count, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins); ...
...findlogins() implement this method to search the login store for logins matching the specified criteria.
...void findlogins( out unsigned long count, in astring ahostname, in astring aactionurl, in astring ahttprealm, [retval, array, size_is(count)] out nsilogininfo logins ); parameters count return in this parameter the number of matching logins found by the search.
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DOM Inspector FAQ - Firefox Developer Tools
i'm having trouble finding a specific node in the dom tree.
... isn't there is a faster way to find it than navigating the tree?
...choose the find nodes...
...And 2 more matches
Examine and edit HTML - Firefox Developer Tools
that allows you to find css selectors and xpath expressions occurring within the text.
...furthermore it allows for some more advanced searches like finding elements that start with a specific text, for example.
...then you will find strange gaps between elements, even if you haven’t set any margin or padding on them.
...And 2 more matches
WebGL constants - Web APIs
can also be used with getparameter to find the current culling method.
...can also be used with getparameter to find the current blending method.
...can also be used with getparameter to find the current dithering method.
...And 2 more matches
Cognitive accessibility - Accessibility
navigation guideline 2.4 states "provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are," and provides 10 guidelines to ensure the site is navigable and content is findable: include a <title> make sure to include a <title> for the document, as titles provide a quick and easy to reference description of the screen's main point.
... heading and labels include clear and descriptive headings so users can easily find information and understand relationships between different content sections.
... multiple ways to find content different users prefer different methods of finding information, so it is important to provide multiple ways for users to locate content on your site.
...And 2 more matches
TypedArray - JavaScript
on the following pages you will find common properties and methods that can be used with any typed array containing elements of any type.
... typedarray.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function, or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
...And 2 more matches
Populating the page: how browsers work - Web Performance
dns lookup the first step of navigating to a web page is finding where the assets for that page are located.
... when the parser finds non-blocking resources, such as an image, the browser will request those resources and continue parsing.
...thanks to the preload scanner, we don't have to wait until the parser finds a reference to an external resource to request it.
...And 2 more matches
Using the WebAssembly JavaScript API - WebAssembly
note: you can find the sample code in our webassembly-examples github repo. can find this at memory.wasm.
... note: you can find our complete demo at memory.html (see it live also) .
...And 2 more matches
Compiling an Existing C Module to WebAssembly - WebAssembly
to compile this program, you need to tell the compiler where it can find libwebp's header files using the -i flag and also pass it all the c files of libwebp that it needs. can find more in the emscripten documentation.
...looking at the encoding api of libwebp, you'll find that it expects an array of bytes in rgb, rgba, bgr or bgra.
...And 2 more matches
Classes and Inheritance - Archive of obsolete content
if it cannot find the property there, it looks for it in the object's prototype.
...when it cannot find the property there, it looks for it on the prototype of circle.
... when it cannot find the property there either, it looks for it on shape, at which point the lookup succeeds.
...recall that javascript returns the first property it finds when walking the prototype chain of an object from the bottom up.
/loader - Archive of obsolete content
instantiation the loader module provides a loader() function that may be used to instantiate new loader instances: let loader = loader(options); configuration loader() may be provided with a set of configuration options: paths: describes where the loader should find the modules it is asked to load.
... paths the loader needs to be provided with a set of locations to indicate where to find modules loaded using require().
...all other modules will be loaded by this module or its dependencies: let { main, loader } = require('toolkit/loader'); let loader = loader(options); let program = main(loader, './main'); a module can find out whether it was loaded as main: if (require.main === module) main(); it is possible to load other modules before a main one, but it's inherently harder to do. examines each element until it finds the prefix matching the supplied id and replaces it with the location it maps to: let mapping = [ [ 'sdk/', 'resource://gre/modules/commonjs/sdk/' ], [ './', 'resource://my-addon/' ], [ '', 'resource:///modules/' ] ]; resolveuri('./main', mapping); // => resource://my-addon/main.js resolveuri('devtools/gcli', mapping); // => resource:///modules/devtools/gc...
cfx - Archive of obsolete content
called with no options it looks for a file called package.json in the current directory, loads the corresponding add-on, and runs it under the version of firefox it finds in the platform's default install path.
... --templatedir=templatedir the cfx run command constructs the add-on using a extension template which you can find under the sdk root, in app-extension.
... updateurl and updatelink if you choose to host the xpi yourself you should enable the host application to find new versions of your add-on.
... --templatedir=templatedir the cfx xpi command constructs the add-on using a extension template which you can find under the sdk root, in app-extension.
Preferences - Archive of obsolete content
var value = prefs.getboolpref("typeaheadfind"); // get a pref (accessibility.typeaheadfind) prefs.setboolpref("typeaheadfind", !value); // set a pref (accessibility.typeaheadfind) complex types as noted in the previous section, each entry in the preferences database (prefs.js) must have a string, an integer, or a boolean value.
...for example, most accessibility preferences in mozilla start with "accessibility." this means that all existing preferences can be imagined as if they were in a tree, like this: + | +-- accessibility | | | +-- typeaheadfind | | | | | +-- autostart (accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart) | | | | | +-- enablesound (accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound) | | | +-- usebrailledisplay (accessibility.usebrailledisplay) | +-- extensions | +-- lastappversion (extensions.lastappversion) this is the metaphor behind nsiprefbr...
...for example this code will also read the value of accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound preference: var prefs = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsiprefservice); var branch = prefs.getbranch("acce"); var enablesound = branch.getboolpref("ssibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound"); this is the reason why you should usually pass strings ending with a dot to getbranch(), like prefs.getbranch("accessibility.").
... another caveat you should be aware of is that nsiprefbranch.getchildlist("",{}) returns an array of preference names that start with that branch's root, for example var branch = prefs.getbranch("accessibility."); var children = branch.getchildlist("", {}); will return these items (for the example tree above): "typeaheadfind.autostart", "typeaheadfind.enablesound", and "usebrailledisplay", not just direct children ("typeaheadfind" and "usebrailledisplay"), as you might have expected.
Setting Up a Development Environment - Archive of obsolete content
most xul tools and plugins you'll find online are merely templates that generate the folder structure for the project, and that's not much help.
...this is where all the resulting build files will be created, and where you'll find the extension xpi file once you get it to build.
...once you're testing and debugging your code, you'll find that constantly building and installing an xpi can be very tedious.
... the dom inspector is particularly useful in finding out how to overlay a window, and how to replace default css style rules.
Tabbed browser - Archive of obsolete content
here you should find a set of useful code snippets to help you work with firefox's tabbed browser. can find more information on getting access to the browser window in working with windows in chrome code.
...if you don't want do anything when frames/iframes // are loaded in this web page, uncomment the following line: // return; // find the root document: win =; } } } // do not try to add a callback until the browser window has // been initialised.
...ntext; try { loadcontext = interfacerequestor.getinterface(components.interfaces.nsiloadcontext); } catch (ex) { try { loadcontext = asubject.loadgroup.notificationcallbacks.getinterface(components.interfaces.nsiloadcontext); //in ff26 asubject.loadgroup.notificationcallbacks was null for me, i couldnt find a situation where it wasnt null, but whenever this was null, and i knew a loadcontext is supposed to be there, i found that "interfacerequestor.getinterface(components.interfaces.nsiloadcontext);" worked fine, so im thinking in ff26 it doesnt use asubject.loadgroup.notificationcallbacks anymore, but im not sure } catch (ex2) { loadcontext = null; ...
Using Dependent Libraries In Extension Components - Archive of obsolete content
// assume that we're in <extensiondir>/components, and we want to find // <extensiondir>/libraries nscomptr<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); // loop thr...
... } library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring(krealcomponent)); prlibrary *lib; rv = library->load(&lib); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nsgetmoduleproc getmoduleproc = (nsgetmoduleproc) pr_findfunctionsymbol(lib, ns_get_module_symbol); if (!getmoduleproc) return ns_error_failure; return getmoduleproc(acompmgr, alocation, aresult); } extensions/stub/bdsstubloader.cpp (for mac os x) the code as written above won't work for mac os x.
... // assume that we're in <extensiondir>/components, and we want to find // <extensiondir>/libraries nscomptr<nsifile> libraries; rv = alocation->getparent(getter_addrefs(libraries)); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nscomptr<nsilocalfile> library(do_queryinterface(libraries)); if (!library) return ns_error_unexpected; library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring("libraries")); library->appendnative(ns_literal_cstring("dummy")); nscstring path; // ...
... } library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring(krealcomponent)); rv = library->getnativepath(path); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; const mach_header * componentlib = nsaddimage(path.get(), nsaddimage_option_return_on_error | nsaddimage_option_with_searching | nsaddimage_option_match_filename_by_installname); if (componentlib == null) return ns_error_unexpected; //find the nsgetmodule procedure of the real component and “pass the buck”.
Index of archived content - Archive of obsolete content
tifications autocomplete bookmarks boxes canvas code snippets cookies customizing the download progress bar delayed execution dialogs and prompts downloading files drag & drop embedding svg examples and demos from articles file i/o finding window handles forms related code snippets html in xul for rich tooltips html to dom isdefaultnamespace js xpcom javascript debugger service javascript timers javascript daemons management label and description lookupna...
... file object open merging tracemonkey repo spidermonkey coding conventions autodial for windows nt automated testing tips and tricks automatic mozilla configurator enabling quicklaunch for all users how mozilla finds its configuration files how thunderbird and firefox find their configuration files introduction kill the xul.mfl file for good locked config settings other mozilla customization pages protecting mozilla's registry.dat file automatically handle failed asserts in debug builds blackcon...
...reating a firefox sidebar extension creating a microsummary creating a mozilla extension adding the structure conclusion enabling the behavior - retrieving tinderbox status enabling the behavior - updating the status bar panel enabling the behavior - updating the status periodically finding the code to modify finding the file to modify making a mozilla installation modifiable making it into a dynamic overlay and packaging it up for distribution making it into a static overlay prerequisites specifying the appearance tinderbox creating a release tag creatin...
... existing content extension frequently asked questions external cvs snapshots in mozilla-central fast graphics performance with html firefox block and line layout cheat sheet content states and the style system disabling interruptible reflow document loading - from load start to finding a handler documentation for bidi mozilla downloading nightly or trunk builds jss build instructions for osx 10.6 layout faq layout system overview multiple firefox profiles repackaging firefox style system overview using microformats firefox s...
MMgc - Archive of obsolete content
finding missing write barriers there are some automatic aids in the mmgc library which can help you find missing write barriers.
...if you can't find anything wrong with the code, it might just be a false positive., it's attractive to find some form of reference counting that doesn't require maintaining reference counts for every single reference.
...this would of course be slow but with good code coverage should be capable of finding all missing write barriers.
Source code directories overview - Archive of obsolete content
it gives a bird's eye view of the source code so a developer can get a good idea what is in mozilla and where to find things.
...these include: cookies, irc, wallet, dom inspector, p3p, schema validation, spellchecker, transformiix, typeaheadfind, javascript debugger, xforms, etc.
...for example, a scrolling view will find out the scroll bar positions and tell its content where to draw according the scroll bar thumbs.
... components contains the alerts, autocomplete, command line interface, console, cookies, download manager, filepicker, history, password manager, typeaheadfind, view source, etc.
In-Depth - Archive of obsolete content
well there is an easy way to find out - using the dom inspector.
...what this will do is find the code for the back button and display it in the dom inspector.
...go through this list one item at a time and find the one which applies the image to the button (.toolbarbutton-1). hunting around with the dom inspector and looking at the navigation toolbar you can find this information.
Developing New Mozilla Features - Archive of obsolete content
we’ll talk to the developers in question, find others to help you, and try to improve your experience with the project.
... eventually you’ll be plugged in enough you won’t need us, you’ll be able to find your own back-ups.
...finding the focus to digest a massive patch in the midst of multiple other demands will take time, even if you’ve done a perfect job.
...if you can find the resources, designate someone on your team as the liaison to for project management issues.
Embedding Mozilla in a Java Application using JavaXPCOM - Archive of obsolete content
first, the java application must find a suitable xulrunner installation: mozilla mozilla = mozilla.getinstance(); greversionrange[] range = new greversionrange[1]; range[0] = new greversionrange("1.8.0", true, "1.9", false); // work with trunk nightly version 1.9a1 ^^ try { file grepath = mozilla.getgrepathwithproperties(range, null); locationprovider locprovider = new locationprovider(grepath); mozilla.initembeddi..., grepath, locprovider); } catch (filenotfoundexception e) { // this exception is thrown if gregrepathwithproperties cannot find a gre } catch (xpcomexception e) { // this exception is thrown if initembedding failed } locationprovider is a class provided by the java application.
... it implements the iappfilelocprovider interface, and tells xpcom where to find certain files and directories.
... if your code cannot find the gre and keeps throwing filenotfoundexceptions during the getgrepathwithproperties(...) call, check whether you already registered the gre on your system: gre registration the initembedding method kicks off the embedding process, allowing the java application to work with xpcom and mozilla.
Style System Overview - Archive of obsolete content
to match rules, we do lookups in the rulehash's tables, remerge the lists of rules using stored indices, and then call selectormatchestree to find which selectors really match.
... walkruletree stops walking up when it finds either a none bit, a cached struct, a dependent bit, or all the properties have been filled in.
... resolvepseudostylecontextfor: for pseudo-elements (:first-letter, :before, etc.) resolvestylecontextfornonelement: skips rule matching and uses root rule node (text frame optimization) managing style contexts style context resolving functions will walk the rule processors in stylesetimpl::filerules, find the correct rule node, and find a current child of the parent (“sibling sharing”) or create a new child.
...however, we maintain a hashtable just for inline style rules so that we don't have to walk the whole tree to find the nodes.
New Skin Notes - Archive of obsolete content
--callek i couldn't find a quick "logout" link accessible from everywhere.
... --mmondor 12:25, 26 aug 2005 (pdt) what pages can you not find a logout link from, i see it on nearly all devmo wiki pages in the "upper right: along with "my talk" "preferences" etc.
...just so that (perhaps) this might revive the topic, a side bar shouldn't exceed 16% to allow proper viewing at 800 pixels width ideally in my opinion, i find strange that i'm the only person not too fond of large side bars (or side bars at all, for that matter :) considering that in most articles we scroll down to read the text, and that the side bar scrolls as well, the links aren't there anymore, but the width remains wasted anyway.
...since i manage a number of sites for which i must respect quality standards at 800 pixels width for compatibility (we accept break 640 compatibility nowadays except for sites intended for pdas/ppcs), i find myself needing to use ctrl+- with the devmo wikki currently, not to change my global settings of course, which are fine and factory-default, working well with the other sites i visit regularily or manage...
Merging TraceMonkey Repo - Archive of obsolete content
between resolving conflicts, finding a good time to land, watching the tree, and marking bugs as fixed, it takes around half a day.
...for each unresolved file (with a u next to it), open the file and find the conflict markers that look like <<<<<<.
...otherwise, you can run hg parents filename to find the changesets which may have contributed to the conflict.
...for each bug in the results, find the corresponding changesets that we just merged (i.e.
Using XPInstall to Install Plugins - Archive of obsolete content
we will use the term current browser to refer to the browser that initiates the xpinstall download by visiting a site which requires a plugin that the current browser can not find locally.
... install the plugin software to another location on the user's hard disk, so that other mozilla-based browsers that the user may install later can find the plugin (the browser specific components) and pick it up. particular, the windows registry keys should point to the secondary install location so that future netscape gecko browsers can find and add to their list of available plugin locations.
...additionally, via the installtrigger object which is exposed in web pages, they can find out what the last version of the xpi package was.
Custom toolbar button - Archive of obsolete content
use other tutorials and articles to find out more—the main extensions page here is a good starting point.
... note: for information about how to find the profile directory, see: profile folder explanation: the profile directory contains information specific to a user, keeping it separate from the application.
... troubleshooting if the button does not appear in the toolbar customization palette, or if you find some other problem, check that you have followed all the steps exactly.
... here are some more images that you can download and use: restart the application and customize the toolbar to find the new button.
Element Positioning - Archive of obsolete content
our find files dialog let's add some of these styles to the find files dialog.
... <textbox id="find-text" flex="1" style="min-width: 15em;"/> here, the text input has been made flexible.
... you may find the box alignment example useful for trying out the various box properties.
... find files example so far: source view next, a summary and some additional details of the box model are described.
Introduction - Archive of obsolete content
this tutorial will demonstrate creating a simple find file user interface, much like that provided by the macintosh's sherlock or the find file dialog in windows.
...the actual finding of files will not be implemented.
... a blue line will appear to the left of a paragraph where the find file dialog is being modified.
...once you are familiar with xul, you can use the xul reference to find out about other features supported by specific elements.
Archived Mozilla and build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
if you are a plug-in author, you may find this project saves you a lot of work! also includes tools for looking at checkin logs (and comments); doing diffs between various versions of a file; and finding out which person is responsible for changing a particular line of code ("cvsblame").
...for thunderbird, you may also find the extension howto or faq pages helpful.
...this article is a jumping-off point to help you find those presentations.
Mozilla release FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
programs spawned), which might help you find out what arguments it's passing to ld, or whatever, and thus perhaps enlighten you as to the problem. can find the binaries at's binaries page on win32, it fails to build, with the message '.\win32' unexpected you didn't properly set the environment variables -- you must not include a space at the end of the set statements (be careful if you are cut'n'pasting). can find replacement themes in preferences, under appearance->themes, using the 'get new themes' link there.
...the specific area that you can find this is on the mozilla owners document.
Tiles and tilemaps overview - Game development
this set of articles covers the basics of creating tile maps using javascript and canvas (although the same high level techniques could be used in any programming language.) besides the performance gains, tilemaps can also be mapped to a logical grid, which can be used in other ways inside the game logic (for example creating a path-finding graph, or handling collisions) or to create a level editor.
...think about any game that uses regularly repeating squares of background, and you'll probably find it uses tilemaps.
... logic grid: this can be a collision grid, a path-finding grid, etc., depending on the type of game.
...the most common case is to use this logic grid to handle collisions, but other uses are possible as well: character spawning points, detecting whether some elements are placed together in the right way to trigger a certain action (like in tetris or bejeweled), path-finding algorithms, etc.
CSS and JavaScript accessibility best practices - Learn web development
in addition, the errorfield is placed at the top of the source order (although it is positioned differently in the ui using css), meaning that users can find out exactly what's wrong with their form submissions and get to the input elements in question by going back up to the start of the page.
...we will add more as we find them.
...maybe we want to provide a thumbnail image that shows a larger version of the image when it is moused over or focused (like you'd see on an e-commerce product catalog.) we've made a very simple example, which you can find at mouse-and-keyboard-events.html (see also the source code). can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: css and javascript accessibility.
Accessible multimedia - Learn web development
for more information on how to add more complex features to video/audio players, including flash fallbacks for older browsers, see: audio and video delivery video player styling basics creating a cross-browser video player we've also created an advanced example to show how you could create an object-oriented system that finds every video and audio player on the page (no matter how many there are) and adds our custom controls to it.
...look around and ask advice to make sure you find a reputable company that you'll be able to work with effectively. well as giving deaf users access to the information contained in the audio, think about a user with a low bandwidth connection, who would find downloading the audio inconvenient. can find the example that goes along with this article on github, written by ian devlin (see the source code too.) this example uses some javascript to allow users to choose between different subtitles.
What is accessibility? - Learn web development
building accessible sites benefit everyone: semantic html, which improves accessibility, also improves seo, making your site more findable. can find more details about keyboard controls in our cross browser testing using native keyboard accessibility section.
..."100% accessibility" is an unobtainable ideal — you will always come across some kind of edge case that results in a certain user finding certain content difficult to use — but you should do as much as you can.
... so while the wcag is a set of guidelines, your country will probably have laws governing web accessibility, or at least the accessibility of services available to the public (which could include websites, television, physical spaces, etc.) it is a good idea to find out what your laws are.
Handling different text directions - Learn web development
don't worry too much about that right now, but keep these ideas in mind as you start to look at layout; you will find it really helpful in your understanding of css. the margin, border, and padding properties you will find many instances of physical properties, for example margin-top, padding-left, and border-bottom.
...if you are using google chrome or microsoft edge, you may find that the image did not float. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: writing modes.
CSS selectors - Learn web development
the majority of selectors that you will come across are defined in the level 3 selectors specification, which is a mature specification, therefore you will find excellent browser support for these selectors. may also find the selectors more readable if each is on a new line.
... h1, ..special { color: blue; } types of selectors there are a few different groupings of selectors, and knowing which type of selector you might need will help you to find the right tool for the job.
...the following for example selects paragraphs that are direct children of <article> elements using the child combinator (>): article > p { } next steps you can take a look at the reference table of selectors below for direct links to the various types of selectors in this learn section or on mdn in general, or continue on to start your journey by finding out about type, class, and id selectors.
The box model - Learn web development
note: you can find a solution for this task here.
...inspecting an element in this way is a great way to find out if your box is really the size you think it is! can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: the box model. may want to return to this lesson in the future if you ever find yourself confused about how big boxes are in your layout.
Introduction to CSS layout - Learn web development
per > div { border-radius: 5px; background-color: rgb(207,232,220); padding: 1em; } .wrapper { display: flex; } .wrapper > div { flex: 1; } <div class="wrapper"> <div class="box1">one</div> <div class="box2">two</div> <div class="box3">three</div> </div> note: this has been a very short introduction to what is possible in flexbox, to find out more, see our flexbox article.
...00px 100px; grid-gap: 10px; } .box1 { grid-column: 2 / 4; grid-row: 1; } .box2 { grid-column: 1; grid-row: 1 / 3; } .box3 { grid-row: 2; grid-column: 3; } <div class="wrapper"> <div class="box1">one</div> <div class="box2">two</div> <div class="box3">three</div> </div> note: these two examples are just a small part of the power of grid layout; to find out more see our grid layout article. understanding the nature of each layout task, you will soon find that when you look at a particular component of your design the type of layout best suited to it will often be clear.
...ut id ornare felis, eget fermentum sapien.</p> body { width: 500px; margin: 0 auto; } .positioned { background: rgba(255,84,104,.3); border: 2px solid rgb(255,84,104); padding: 10px; margin: 10px; border-radius: 5px; } .positioned { position: sticky; top: 30px; left: 30px; } note: to find more out about positioning, see our positioning article.
How CSS is structured - Learn web development
inside the folder, copy the text below to create two files: index.html: <!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>my css experiments</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css"> </head> <body> <p>create your test html here</p> </body> </html> styles.css: /* create your test css here */ p { color: red; } when you find css that you want to experiment with, replace the html <body> contents with some html to style, and then add your test css code to your css file.
...with this kind of commenting in place, searching for comments in your code editor becomes a way to efficiently find a section of code.
...for team projects, you may find that a team or project has its own style guide.
... to find out how spacing can break css, try playing with spacing inside your test css.
How much does it cost to do something on the Web? - Learn web development
objective: review the complete process for creating a website and find out how much each step can cost.
...if at some point you need to exchange projects with other designers, you should find out what tools they're using.
... for audio files, you can find free software (audacity, wavosaur), or paying up to a few hundred dollars (sony sound forge, adobe audition). explorer, nautilus (a common linux file manager), and the mac finder all include this functionality.
What are hyperlinks? - Learn web development
back in 1989, tim berners-lee, the web's inventor, spoke of the three pillars on which the web stands: url, an address system that keeps track of web documents http, a transfer protocol to find documents when given their urls html, a document format allowing for embedded hyperlinks as you can see in the three pillars, everything on the web revolves around documents and how to access them.
...find a good balance between having too many links and too few.
... when you're starting out, you don't have to worry about external and incoming links as much, but they are very important if you want search engines to find your site (see below for more details).
... we know the following about how search engines determine a site's rank: a link's visible text influences which search queries will find a given url.
Advanced form styling - Learn web development
the following live example shows you what they look like in your system — default on the left, and with the above css applied on the right (find it here also if you want to test it on other systems).
...en; } input[type="checkbox"]::before { content: "✔"; position: absolute; font-size: 1.2em; right: -1px; top: -0.3em; visibility: hidden; } input[type="checkbox"]:checked::before { /* use `visibility` instead of `display` to avoid recalculating layout */ visibility: visible; } input[type="checkbox"]:disabled { border-color: black; background: #ddd; color: gray; } you'll find more out about such pseudo-classes and more in the next article; the above ones do the following: :checked — the checkbox (or radio button) is in a checked state — the user has clicked/activated it.
...argin: 0; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; padding: 5px; height: 30px; } input[type="text"], input[type="datetime-local"], input[type="color"], select { box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 3px #ccc; border-radius: 5px; } label { margin-bottom: 5px; } button { width: 60%; margin: 0 auto; } note: if you want to test these examples across a number of browsers simultaneously, you can find it live here (also see here for the source code). can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: advanced styling.
Styling web forms - Learn web development
inside the unzipped contents you will find some font files (at the time of writing, two .woff files and two .woff2 files; they might vary in the future.) copy these files into a directory called fonts, in the same directory as before.
...if the fontsquirrel output was different to what we described above, you can find the correct @font-face blocks inside your downloaded webfont kit, in the stylesheet.css file (you'll need to replace the below @font-face blocks with them, and update the paths to the font files): @font-face { font-family: 'handwriting'; src: url('fonts/journal-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), url('fonts/journal-webfont.woff') format('woff'); font-weight: normal; font-st...
...your form should now look like this: note: if your example does not work quite like you expected and you want to check it against our version, you can find it on github — see it running live (also see the source code). can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: styling basics.
UI pseudo-classes - Learn web development
note: you'll probably not find yourself using the :optional pseudo-class very often.
... see the live result below: note: you can also find the example live on github at radios-checked-default.html (also see the source code.) for the :indeterminate example, we've got no default selected radio button — this is important — if there was, then there would be no indeterminate state to style.
... see the live result below: note: you can also find the example live on github at radios-checked-indeterminate.html (also see the source code.) note: you can find an interesting example involving indeterminate states on the <input type="checkbox"> reference page. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: advanced styling.
Your first form - Learn web development
you'll find further details of form labels in how to structure a web form.'ll find more about this in the basic native form controls article later on.'ll find out more about form validation in the client-side form validation article later on.
... note: you can find our version on github at first-form-styled.html (also see it live).
Getting started with HTML - Learn web development
note: find useful reference pages that include lists of block and inline elements.
... note: you can also find this basic html template on the mdn learning area github repo.
... edit the paragraph content to include text about a topic that you find interesting. find more about entity reference, see list of xml and html character entity references (wikipedia).
HTML text fundamentals - Learn web development
furthermore: users looking at a web page tend to scan quickly to find relevant content, often just reading the headings to begin with.
...among the various techniques used, they provide an outline of the document by reading out the headings, allowing their users to find the information they need quickly.
...(you'll find out more about these later on in the course.) we've applied some css to it to make it look like a top level heading, but since it has no semantic value, it will not get any of the extra benefits described above. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on—see test your skills: html text basics.
HTML table advanced features and accessibility - Learn web development
rather than have a screenreader read out the contents of many cells just to find out what the table is about, he or she can rely on a caption and then decide whether or not to read the table in greater detail.
... note: you can find our version on github — see timetable-caption.html (see it live also).
... <td>shoes</td> <td>shoeshop</td> <td>13/09</td> <td>big regrets</td> <td>65</td> </tr> <tr> <td>toothpaste</td> <td>supermarket</td> <td>13/09</td> <td>good</td> <td>5</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </body> </html> note: you can also find it on github as spending-record-finished.html (see it live also).
...for example, it takes only a short glance at the table below to find out how many rings were sold in gent last august.
Functions — reusable blocks of code - Learn web development
where do i find functions?
... in javascript, you'll find functions everywhere.
...when called, it always returns a random number between 0 and 1: let mynumber = math.random(); the browser's built-in string replace() function however needs two parameters — the substring to find in the main string, and the substring to replace that string with: let mytext = 'i am a string'; let newstring = mytext.replace('string', 'sausage'); note: when you need to specify multiple parameters, they are separated by commas. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: functions.
Handling text — strings in JavaScript - Learn web development
if the browser can't find it, then an error is raised (e.g.
...if the browser can see where a string starts, but can't find the end of the string, as indicated by the 2nd quote, it complains with an error (with "unterminated string literal").
...they are well-supported in modern browsers, and the only place you'll find a lack of support is internet explorer. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: strings.
Understanding client-side JavaScript frameworks - Learn web development
if you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample react app code in our todo-react repository.
... if you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample ember app code in the ember-todomvc-tutorial repository.
... if you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample vue app code in our todo-vue repository.
... if you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample svelte app code as it should be after each article, in our mdn-svelte-tutorial repo.
Deploying our app - Learn web development
open the package.json file in your project's root directory, and find the scripts property.
... this remote location needs to be added to our local git repository before we can push it up there, otherwise it won't be able to find it.
... netlify will prompt you with a list of the github repositories it can find.
... find your scripts member, and update it so that it contains the following test and build commands: "scripts": { … "test": "node tests/*.js", "build": "npm run test && parcel build src/index.html" } now of course we need to add the test to our codebase; create a new directory in your root directory called tests: mkdir tests inside the new directory, create a test file: cd t...
Debugging on Mac OS X
before going any further, close the project (file > close project) and open finder.
... find the *.xcodejproj directory in the temporary directory, move it into your mozilla source tree, and then double-click on it to reopen it.
... target = frame.getthread().getprocess().gettarget() debugger = target.getdebugger() # delete our breakpoint (not actually necessary with `--one-shot true`): target.breakpointdelete(bp_loc.getbreakpoint().getid()) # for completeness, find and delete the dummy breakpoint (the breakpoint # lldb creates when it can't initially find the method to set the # breakpoint on): # bug workaround!
...:-( dummy_bp_list = lldb.sbbreakpointlist(target) debugger.getdummytarget().findbreakpointsbyname("nsthread::processnextevent", dummy_bp_list) dummy_bp_id = dummy_bp_list.getbreakpointatindex(0).getid() + 1 debugger.getdummytarget().breakpointdelete(dummy_bp_id) # "source" the mozilla project .lldbinit: os.chdir(target.executable.fullpath.split("/dist/")[0]) debugger.handlecommand("command source -s true " + os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".lldbinit")) done see debugging mozilla with lldb for more information.
Configuring Build Options
the path you specify must be an absolute path or else will not find it.
... setting the mozconfig path: export mozconfig=$home/mozilla/mozconfig-firefox calling the file .mozconfig (with a leading dot) is also supported, but this is not recommended because it may make the file harder to find.
... be aware that changing your mozconfig will require the configure process to be rerun and therefore the build will take considerably longer, so if you find yourself changing the same options regularly, it may be worth having a separate mozconfig for each.
...some extensions are not compatible with all apps, for example: cookie is not compatible with thunderbird typeaheadfind is not compatible with any toolkit app (firefox, thunderbird) unless you know which extensions are compatible with which apps, do not use the --enable-extensions option; the build system will automatically select the proper default set of extensions.
if you don't use mach, you have to find another solution for the following problems: discovering what commands or make targets are available (mach exposes everything through mach help while inside "mozilla-central" , else you'll just get a cryptic error message) making more sense out of command output (mach offers terminal colorization and structured logging) getting productive tools in the hands of others (mach "advertises" tools...
...random scripts are hard to find and may not conform to coding conventions or best practices.
...simply find one you are interested in and dig in!
...if you find yourself reinventing the wheel or doing something you feel that many mach commands will want to do, please consider authoring a new mix-in class so your effort can be shared!
Browser API
htmliframeelement.clearmatch() clears any content highlighted by findall() or findnext().
... htmliframeelement.findall() searches for a string in a browser <iframe>'s content; if found, the first instance of the string relative to the caret position will be highlighted.
... htmliframeelement.findnext() highlights the next or previous instance of a search result after a findall() search has been carried out.
... mozbrowserfindchange sent when a search operation is performed on the browser <iframe> content (see htmliframeelement search methods.) mozbrowserfirstpaint sent when the <iframe> paints content for the first time (this doesn't include the initial paint from about:blank.) mozbrowsericonchange sent when a new icon (e.g.
Overview of Mozilla embedding APIs
contract-id: ns_webbrowser_contractid implemented interfaces: nsiwebbrowser nsiwebnavigation nsiwebbrowsersetup nsiwebbrowserpersist nsiwebbrowserfind nsiwebbrowserprint nsiwebbrowserfocus nsibasewindow requestor interfaces: nsidomwindow nsidomdocument nsiwebprogress nsiclipboardcommands nsiprompt related interfaces: nsiprompt nsiwebbrowserchrome nsiwebbrowsersitewindow nsiwebprogresslistener nsicontextmenulistener nsiprintoptions overview: most of gecko's functionality is exposed through the nswebbrowser compon...
...searching searching within a nswebbrowser is controlled via the nsiwebbrowserfind interface.
...being reviewed interface definition: nsiwebbrowserprint.idl nsiwebbrowserfind this interface exposes the searching capabilities of the nswebbrowser component.
...none interface definition: nsiwebbrowserfind.idl nsiwebbrowserfocus this interface provides access to the focus information of a nswebbrowser instance.
SVN for Localizers
first things first, we need to give you a brief introduction to what svn is and where you can find the necessary tools to get started.
... mac os x users can find svn inside the command line tools (available on the apple developer website), or use tools like homebrew or fink.'s the layout you will find within the projects/ directory: navigating from the command-line with your svn client, you'll find three directories within projects/
... note: sometimes you'll find references to commands in abbreviated form (svn ci = svn commit, svn up = svn update, svn co = svn checkout, etc.) commit doesn't work, what's wrong?
Fonts for Mozilla's MathML engine
you will find a latinmodern-math font file. will find the stixmath-regular, stix-regular, stix-bold, stix-italic, stix-bolditalic font files. will find a latinmodern-math font file. will find the stixmath-regular, stix-regular, stix-bold, stix-italic, stix-bolditalic font files.
Encrypt Decrypt MAC Keys As Session Objects
pad[0]); writetoheaderfile(, paditem.len, pad, headerfile); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "write pad failure\n"); goto cleanup; } rv = secsuccess; cleanup: if (ctxmac != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxmac, pr_true); } if (ctxenc != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxenc, pr_true); } return rv; } /* * find the key for the given mechanism */ pk11symkey* findkey(pk11slotinfo *slot, ck_mechanism_type mechanism, secitem *keybuf, secupwdata *pwdata) { secstatus rv; pk11symkey *key; if (pk11_needlogin(slot)) { rv = pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_true, pwdata); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not auth...
...enticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); if (slot) { pk11_freeslot(slot); } return null; } } key = pk11_findfixedkey(slot, mechanism, keybuf, 0); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "pk11_findfixedkey failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return null; } return key; } /* * decrypt and verify mac */ secstatus decryptandverifymac(const char* outfilename, char *encryptedfilename, secitem *citem, secitem *macitem, pk11symkey* ek, pk11symkey* mk, secitem *ivitem, secitem *paditem) { secstatus rv; prfiledesc* infile; prfiledesc* outfile; unsigned char decbuf[64]; ... *slot, const char *dbdir, const char *outfilename, const char *headerfilename, char *encryptedfilename, secupwdata *pwdata, prbool ascii) { /* * the db is open read only and we have authenticated to it * open input file, read in header, get iv and cka_ids of two keys from it * find those keys in the db token * open output file * loop until eof(input): * read a buffer of ciphertext from input file, * save last block of ciphertext * decrypt ciphertext buffer using cbc and iv, * compute and check mac, then remove mac from plaintext * replace iv with saved last block of ciphertext * write the plain text to output f...
...ecitem paditem; pk11symkey *enckey = null; pk11symkey *mackey = null; /* open intermediate file, read in header, get iv and cka_ids of two keys * from it */ rv = getivandckaidsfromheader(headerfilename, &ivitem, &enckeyitem, &mackeyitem); if (rv != secsuccess) { goto cleanup; } /* find those keys in the db token */ enckey = findkey(slot, ckm_aes_cbc, &enckeyitem, pwdata); if (enckey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "can't find the encryption key\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* ckm_md5_hmac or ckm_extract_key_from_key */ mackey = findkey(slot, ckm_md5_hmac, &mackeyitem, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { rv = secfailur...
Encrypt and decrypt MAC using token
pad[0]); writetoheaderfile(, paditem.len, pad, headerfile); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "write pad failure\n"); goto cleanup; } rv = secsuccess; cleanup: if (ctxmac != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxmac, pr_true); } if (ctxenc != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxenc, pr_true); } return rv; } /* * find the key for the given mechanism */ pk11symkey* findkey(pk11slotinfo *slot, ck_mechanism_type mechanism, secitem *keybuf, secupwdata *pwdata) { secstatus rv; pk11symkey *key; if (pk11_needlogin(slot)) { rv = pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_true, pwdata); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not auth...
...enticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); if (slot) { pk11_freeslot(slot); } return null; } } key = pk11_findfixedkey(slot, mechanism, keybuf, 0); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "pk11_findfixedkey failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return null; } return key; } /* * decrypt and verify mac */ secstatus decryptandverifymac(const char* outfilename, char *encryptedfilename, secitem *citem, secitem *macitem, pk11symkey* ek, pk11symkey* mk, secitem *ivitem, secitem *paditem) { secstatus rv; prfiledesc* infile; prfiledesc* outfile; unsigned char decbuf[64]; ... *slot, const char *dbdir, const char *outfilename, const char *headerfilename, char *encryptedfilename, secupwdata *pwdata, prbool ascii) { /* * the db is open read only and we have authenticated to it * open input file, read in header, get iv and cka_ids of two keys from it * find those keys in the db token * open output file * loop until eof(input): * read a buffer of ciphertext from input file, * save last block of ciphertext * decrypt ciphertext buffer using cbc and iv, * compute and check mac, then remove mac from plaintext * replace iv with saved last block of ciphertext * write the plain text to output f...
...ecitem paditem; pk11symkey *enckey = null; pk11symkey *mackey = null; /* open intermediate file, read in header, get iv and cka_ids of two keys * from it */ rv = getivandckaidsfromheader(headerfilename, &ivitem, &enckeyitem, &mackeyitem); if (rv != secsuccess) { goto cleanup; } /* find those keys in the db token */ enckey = findkey(slot, ckm_aes_cbc, &enckeyitem, pwdata); if (enckey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "can't find the encryption key\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* ckm_md5_hmac or ckm_extract_key_from_key */ mackey = findkey(slot, ckm_md5_hmac, &mackeyitem, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { rv = secfailur...
NSS API Guidelines
the pkcs11wrap library provides functions for selecting/finding pkcs #11 modules and slots.
... thread b now finds itself with a pointer to released data.
...these types of searches include cert_findcertbydercert(), pk11_findanycertfromdercert(), pk11_findkeybycert(), pk11_getbestslot().
... these functions should all have the form layer_finddatatype[bydatatype]().
Enc Dec MAC Output Public Key as CSR
_id; if (slot == null) { fprintf(stderr, "empty slot\n"); goto cleanup; } if (pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_true, pwdata) != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "could not authenticate to token %s.", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); goto cleanup; } cka_id = &pubkey->u.rsa.modulus; cka_id = pk11_makeidfrompubkey(cka_id); privkey = pk11_findkeybykeyid(slot, cka_id, pwdata); cleanup: return privkey; } /* * generate the certificate request with subject */ static secstatus certreq(seckeyprivatekey *privk, seckeypublickey *pubk, keytype keytype, secoidtag hashalgtag, certname *subject, prbool ascii, const char *certreqfilename) { certsubjectpublickeyinfo *spki = null; certcertificaterequest *cr ...
... key and * cka_ids of two keys from it */ rv = getdatafromheader(headerfilename, &ivitem, &wrappedenckeyitem, &wrappedmackeyitem, &macitem, &paditem, &pubkey); if (rv != secsuccess) { goto cleanup; } /* find private key from the db token using public key */ privkey = getrsaprivatekey(slot, pwdata, pubkey); if (privkey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "can't find private key\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } enckey = pk11_pubunwrapsymkey(privkey, &wrappedenckeyitem, ckm_aes_cbc, cka_encrypt, 0); if (enckey == null) { ... sample 4, except that it reads in rsa public key, and then finds matching * private key (by key id).
...a, ascii); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "encryptfile : failed\n"); return secfailure; } break; case decrypt: /* validate command for decrypt */ if (!infilename && !outfilename) { usage(progname); } /* * reads intermediate header including public key and wrapped keys * finds rsa private key corresponding to the public key * unwraps two keys, creating session key objects * decryption and mac checking loop to write to output file * destroy session keys * close files */ rv = decryptfile(slot, outfilename, headerfilename, encryptedfilename, &pwdata, ascii); if (rv != secsucc...
NSS Sample Code Sample_3_Basic Encryption and MACing
pad[0]); writetoheaderfile(, paditem.len, pad, headerfile); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "write pad failure\n"); goto cleanup; } rv = secsuccess; cleanup: if (ctxmac != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxmac, pr_true); } if (ctxenc != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxenc, pr_true); } return rv; } /* * find the key for the given mechanism */ pk11symkey* findkey(pk11slotinfo *slot, ck_mechanism_type mechanism, secitem *keybuf, secupwdata *pwdata) { secstatus rv; pk11symkey *key; if (pk11_needlogin(slot)) { rv = pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_true, pwdata); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not auth...
...enticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); if (slot) { pk11_freeslot(slot); } return null; } } key = pk11_findfixedkey(slot, mechanism, keybuf, 0); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "pk11_findfixedkey failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return null; } return key; } /* * decrypt and verify mac */ secstatus decryptandverifymac( const char* outfilename, char *encryptedfilename, secitem *citem, secitem *macitem, pk11symkey* ek, pk11symkey* mk, secitem *ivitem, secitem *paditem) { secstatus rv; prfiledesc* infile; prfiledesc* outfile; unsigned char decbuf[64]...
...slotinfo *slot, const char *dbdir, const char *outfilename, const char *headerfilename, char *encryptedfilename, secupwdata *pwdata, prbool ascii) { /* * the db is open read only and we have authenticated to it * open input file, read in header, get iv and cka_ids of two keys from it * find those keys in the db token * open output file * loop until eof(input): * read a buffer of ciphertext from input file * save last block of ciphertext * decrypt ciphertext buffer using cbc and iv * compute and check mac, then remove mac from plaintext * replace iv with saved last block of ciphertext * write the plain text to output fil...
...ecitem paditem; pk11symkey *enckey = null; pk11symkey *mackey = null; /* open intermediate file, read in header, get iv and cka_ids of two keys * from it */ rv = getivandckaidsfromheader(headerfilename, &ivitem, &enckeyitem, &mackeyitem); if (rv != secsuccess) { goto cleanup; } /* find those keys in the db token */ enckey = findkey(slot, ckm_aes_cbc, &enckeyitem, pwdata); if (enckey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "can't find the encryption key\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* ckm_md5_hmac or ckm_extract_key_from_key */ mackey = findkey(slot, ckm_md5_hmac, &mackeyitem, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { rv = secfailur...
EncDecMAC using token object - sample 3
ype = sibuffer; = (unsigned char *)pad; paditem.len = sizeof(pad[0]); writetoheaderfile(, paditem.len, pad, headerfile); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "write pad failure\n"); goto cleanup; } rv = secsuccess; cleanup: if (ctxmac != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxmac, pr_true); } if (ctxenc != null) { pk11_destroycontext(ctxenc, pr_true); } return rv; } /* * find the key for the given mechanism */ pk11symkey* findkey(pk11slotinfo *slot, ck_mechanism_type mechanism, secitem *keybuf, secupwdata *pwdata) { secstatus rv; pk11symkey *key; if (pk11_needlogin(slot)) { rv = pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_true, pwdata); if (rv != secsuccess) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "could not authenticate to token %s.\n", pk11_gettokenname(slot)); if (slot) { pk11_freeslot(slot); } re...
...turn null; } } key = pk11_findfixedkey(slot, mechanism, keybuf, 0); if (!key) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "pk11_findfixedkey failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return null; } return key; } /* * decrypt and verify mac */ secstatus decryptandverifymac(const char* outfilename, char *encryptedfilename, secitem *citem, secitem *macitem, pk11symkey* ek, pk11symkey* mk, secitem *ivitem, secitem *paditem) { secstatus rv; prfiledesc* infile; prfiledesc* outfile; unsigned char decbuf[64]; unsigned int decbuflen; unsigned char ptext[blocksize]; unsigned int ptextlen = 0; unsigned char ctext[64]; unsigned int ctextlen; unsigned char newmac[digestsize]; unsigned int newmaclen = 0; unsigned int newptextlen = 0; unsigned int count = 0; unsigned int temp = 0; unsigned int blocknumber = 0; se...
...cka_id from cipher file\n"); goto cleanup; } cleanup: return rv; } /* * decryptfile */ secstatus decryptfile(pk11slotinfo *slot, const char *dbdir, const char *outfilename, const char *headerfilename, char *encryptedfilename, secupwdata *pwdata, prbool ascii) { /* * the db is open read only and we have authenticated to it * open input file, read in header, get iv and cka_ids of two keys from it * find those keys in the db token * open output file * loop until eof(input): * read a buffer of ciphertext from input file, * save last block of ciphertext * decrypt ciphertext buffer using cbc and iv, * compute and check mac, then remove mac from plaintext * replace iv with saved last block of ciphertext * write the plain text to output file * close files * report success */ secstatus rv; secitem ivit...
...em; secitem enckeyitem; secitem mackeyitem; secitem cipheritem; secitem macitem; secitem paditem; pk11symkey *enckey = null; pk11symkey *mackey = null; /* open intermediate file, read in header, get iv and cka_ids of two keys * from it */ rv = getivandckaidsfromheader(headerfilename, &ivitem, &enckeyitem, &mackeyitem); if (rv != secsuccess) { goto cleanup; } /* find those keys in the db token */ enckey = findkey(slot, ckm_aes_cbc, &enckeyitem, pwdata); if (enckey == null) { pr_fprintf(pr_stderr, "can't find the encryption key\n"); rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* ckm_md5_hmac or ckm_extract_key_from_key */ mackey = findkey(slot, ckm_md5_hmac, &mackeyitem, pwdata); if (mackey == null) { rv = secfailure; goto cleanup; } /* read in the mac into item from the intermediate file */ rv = readfromh...
NSS sources building testing
find the directory that contains the highest version number.
... once the build is done, you can find the build output below directory dist/?, where ? can find the test suite results in directory nss/../tests_results (i.e.
...inside the directory you'll find text file output.log, which contains a detailed report of all tests being executed.
Python binding for NSS
nss.crldistributionpts.format_lines the following class properties were added: nss.certverifylognode.certificate nss.certverifylognode.error nss.certverifylognode.depth nss.certverifylog.count the following module functions were added: nss.x509_cert_type nss.key_usage_flags nss.list_certs nss.find_certs_from_email_addr nss.find_certs_from_nickname nss.nss_get_version nss.nss_version_check nss.set_shutdown_callback nss.get_use_pkix_for_validation nss.set_use_pkix_for_validation nss.enable_ocsp_checking nss.disable_ocsp_checking nss.set_ocsp_cache_settings nss.set_ocsp_failure_mode nss.set_ocsp_timeout
... fix bug in test/, hardcoded full path to was causing failures on 64-bit systems, just use the basename, modutil will find it on the standard search path. algorithmid.parameters pkcs12decodeitem.certificate pkcs12decodeitem.friendly_name pkcs12decodeitem.has_key pkcs12decodeitem.shroud_algorithm_id pkcs12decodeitem.signed_cert_der pkcs12decodeitem.type signeddata.der the following module functions were added nss.nss.dump_certificate_cache_info() nss.nss.find_slot_by_name() nss.nss.fingerprint_format_lines() nss.nss.get_internal_slot() nss.nss.is_fips() nss.nss.need_pw_init() nss.nss.nss_init_read_write() nss.nss.pk11_disabled_reason_name() nss.nss.pk11_disabled_reason_str() nss.nss.pk11_logout_all() nss.nss.pkcs12_cipher_from_name() nss.nss.pkcs12_cipher_name() nss.nss.pkcs12_enable_all_ciphers()...
...suffixed with (), a propety otherwise socket.readlines() socket.sendall() sslsocket.readlines() sslsocket.sendall() authkeyid.key_id authkeyid.serial_number authkeyid.get_general_names() crldistributionpoint.issuer crldistributionpoint.get_general_names() crldistributionpoint.get_reasons() certdb.find_crl_by_cert() certdb.find_crl_by_name() certificate.extensions certificateextension.critical certificateextension.oid certificateextension.oid_tag certificateextension.value generalname.type_enum generalname.type_name generalname.type_string secitem.der_to_hex() secitem.get_oid_sequence() secitem.to_hex() ...
Rebranding SpiderMonkey (1.8.5)
we need to perform a recursive find and replace text operation on all files in the current directory.
... in the unix world we would issue the following command: find ./ -type f -exec sed -i "s/mozjs185/$brand/" {} \; windows users: notepad++ can be used to perform the recursive find and replace text operation.
...the above command has actually changed some information we need changed back so we will re-issue the recursive find and replace text in files command with some modifications.
... find ./ -type f -exec sed -i "s/$brand.pc/mozjs185.pc/" {} \; the last recursive search and replace, changes the file name of the static library: find ./ -type f -exec sed -i "s/js_static/$brand_static/" {} \; allright, almost there.
SpiderMonkey Build Documentation
if --enable-nspr-build does not work, explicitly tell configure where to find nspr using the --with-nspr-cflags and --with-nspr-libs configure options.
... using the js-config script in addition to the spidermonkey libraries, header files, and shell, the spidermonkey build also produces a shell script named js-config which other build systems can use to find out how to compile code using the spidermonkey apis, and how to link with the spidermonkey libraries.
...these flags ensure the compiler will find the spidermonkey header files.
...these flags ensure the compiler will find the spidermonkey libraries, along with any libraries that spidermonkey itself depends upon (like nspr).
Property cache
spidermonkey mainly uses type inference to determine which properties are being accessed; in cases where type inference does not find the exact shape of the object being accessed, spidermonkey uses a pic (polymorphic inline caches) to store the result of the lookup.
..., and layout.) prototype chain shadowing guarantee — if at t0 the object x has shape s and a property x.p of x is found along the prototype chain on object x' of shape s', where x !== x', and the lookup called no resolve hooks or non-native lookup ops, and at t1 the object x has shape s, the object x' has shape s', and no shape-regenerating gc occurred, then at t1 the lookup for x.p still finds the same property on x'.
... (informally: if another property shadows x'.p, the shape of x' will change.) o---->o---->o---->o ^x ^x' ^object.prototype, perhaps (----> indicates the proto relation) scope chain shadowing guarantee — if at time t0 the object x has shape s and a name lookup for p starting at scope chain head x finds p on an object x' of shape s', where x !== x'; and the lookup called no resolve hooks or non-native lookup ops; and each object examined along the parent chain, except possibly the one along whose prototype chain x' was found, had no prototype or was a block object; and at time t1 x has shape s and x' has shape s'; and no shape-regenerating gc occurred; then at t1 the lookup for p in x still finds the same property on x'.
...the interpreter and jit brand an object whenever they find that enabling the branded object guarantee (above) would make an optimization possible.
if the parent is non-null, we assume it is part of a scope chain, walk to the end of that chain, and use the global object we find there.
... if the context is not currently executing any code, we use js_getglobalobject to find a global object associated with the context.
... next, we must find the given class's constructor in that global object.
... finally, we must find a prototype.
Exploitable crashes
this article will help you determine if a crash is exploitable, find crashes which are exploitable, and to fix exploitable crashes.
...finding exploitable crashes exploitable crashes are most often discovered through normal testing and usage, when developers recognize a crash stack in gdb or submitted to a bug as exploitable.
... additionally, mozilla developers make heavy use of two tools in particular to find exploitable situations before they show up as exploitable crash reports.
...there is little public information about it, and it is hard to find even on the apple developer site.
Component Internals
xpcom finds and processes the component manifest (see component manifests below).
... xpcom finds and processes the type library manifest (see type library manifests below). this section and the next describe, you can register your component explicitly during installation, or with the regxpcom program, or you can use the autoregistration methods in the service manager to find and register components in a specified components directory: xpinstall apis regxpcom command-line tool nsicomponentregistrar apis from service manager the registration process is fairly involved.
...instead of asking every developer to find and copy these various files into their own application, xpcom provides a single library of "not-ready-to-freeze-but-really-helpful" classes that you can link into your application, as the following figure demonstrates.
Starting WebLock
the directory service the file interfaces are most useful when you can use them to find and manipulate files that are relative to the application.
... */ void getkeys(out pruint32 count, [array, size_is(count), retval] out string keys); }; directory service hierarchy there are two steps involved to find directories or files with the directory service (nsidirectoryservice).
...ode* next; }; /* void addsite (in string url); */ ns_imethodimp weblock::addsite(const char *url) { // we don't special-case duplicates here urlnode* node = (urlnode*) malloc(sizeof(urlnode)); node->urlstring = strdup(url); node->next = mrooturlnode; mrooturlnode = node; return ns_ok; } /* void removesite (in string url); */ ns_imethodimp weblock::removesite(const char *url) { // find our entry. can take hours to find the source of crashes that are caused when one part of a system is deleting xpcom objects instead of releasing them.
void findproxyforurl(in string aurl, out string aresult); native code only!
... native code only!findproxyforurl fetches a url.
... void findproxyforurl( in string aurl, out string aresult ); parameters aurl aresult native code only!getplugin nsiplugin getplugin( in string amimetype ); parameters amimetype return value getplugincount() obsolete since gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) void getplugincount( out unsigned long aplugincount ); paramete...
... void newpluginnativewindow( out nspluginnativewindowptr apluginnativewindow ); parameters apluginnativewindow native code only!parsepostbuffertofixheaders this method parses post buffer to find out case insensitive "content-length" string and cr or lf some where after that, then it assumes there is http headers in the input buffer and continue to search for end of headers (crlfcrlf or lflf).
ces.jsm'); var nsiwchr = cc[";1"] .getservice(ci.nsiwebcontenthandlerregistrar); var htmlcontentwindow = undefined; var registeruri = ''; var myurihostname =, null, null).host; // this section here is long and daunting, but its just finding a suitable contentwindow var domwindows = services.wm.getenumerator(null); while (domwindows.hasmoreelements()) { var adomwindow = domwindows.getnext(); if (adomwindow.gbrowser) { if (adomwindow.gbrowser.tabcontainer) { //adomwindow has tabs var tabs = adomwindow.gbrowser.tabcontainer.childnodes; for (var i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { ...
...ow.location.hostname == myurihostname) { htmlcontentwindow = adomwindow.contentwindow; break; } } } else { //adomwindow is a popup window if (adomwindow.location.hostname == myurihostname) { htmlcontentwindow = adomwindow; break; } } } // this section here is long and daunting, but its just finding a suitable contentwindow if (!htmlcontentwindow) { throw new error('no suitable content window found, will not reigsterprotocolhandler.
... must have a content window to pass to registerprotocolhandler as it prompts the user for permission'); } nsiwchr.registerprotocolhandler("mailto", registeruri, " live mail", htmlcontentwindow); in this example the services.wm.getenumerator was used to find a window that had the same host name (contentwindow.location.hostname) as the uri ( we are trying to add.
... if it does not find anything with host name of then it aborts.
Working with windows in chrome code
it contains tips and example code on opening new windows, finding an already opened window, and passing data between different windows.
... finding already opened windows the window mediator xpcom component (nsiwindowmediator interface) provides information about existing windows. can find the window's opener using its window.opener property or via a callback function passed to the window in a way described in the previous section.
... to declare a shared variable, we need to find a place that exists while the application is running and is easily accessible from the code in different chrome windows.
Standard OS Libraries
this article allows you to find out what types to give to values/arguments by supplying links to the documentation of the os libraries.
...for finding out the values and types of arguments and returns of the functions you want to use from this api, you must visit the functions page on this linked msdn site; it will give you all that information.
... core foundation to learn about all the mac os x apis and which library file you will need to call, go to the mac developer library website and find the function, then scroll down to "declared in" section, and find which framework contains the header file.
... see also finding window handles - os specific examples - how to get the a window and pass it to js-ctypes using com from js-ctypes example using objective-c from js-ctypes example ...
Call Tree - Firefox Developer Tools
by analyzing its results, you can find bottlenecks in your code - places where the browser is spending a disproportionately large amount of time.
...if you want to get the program to experiment with your profile, you can find it here.
... you can find the specific profile we discuss here - just import it to the performance tool to follow along.
...this is a very useful view to find some hot spot in your code.
Using the Gamepad API - Web APIs
we can do much more with the gamepad object, including holding a reference to it and querying it to find out which buttons and axes are being pressed at any one time.
...this information is intended to allow you to find a mapping for the controls on the device as well as display useful feedback to the user. can view the demo live, and find the source code on github. can find a working demo and look at the full source code on github.
IDBIndex - Web APIs
idbindex.get() returns an idbrequest object, and, in a separate thread, finds either the value in the referenced object store that corresponds to the given key or the first corresponding value, if key is an idbkeyrange.
... idbindex.getkey() returns an idbrequest object, and, in a separate thread, finds either the given key or the primary key, if key is an idbkeyrange.
... idbindex.getall() returns an idbrequest object, in a separate thread, finds all matching values in the referenced object store that correspond to the given key or are in range, if key is an idbkeyrange.
... idbindex.getallkeys() returns an idbrequest object, in a separate thread, finds all matching keys in the referenced object store that correspond to the given key or are in range, if key is an idbkeyrange.
Browser storage limits and eviction criteria - Web APIs
this section discusses the different ones you might find in different browsers.
... note: in firefox, you can find your profile folder by entering about:support in the url bar, and pressing the show in...
... button (e.g., show in finder on mac os x) next to the profile folder title.
...once the global limit for temporary storage is reached (more on the limit later), we try to find all currently unused origins (i.e., ones with no tabs/apps open that are keeping open datastores).
Key Values - Web APIs
vk_execute (0x2b) qt::key_execute (0x01020003) "find" the find key.
... opens an interface (typically a dialog box) for performing a find/search operation.
... appcommand_find gdk_key_find (0xff68) "finish" [5] the finish key.
... you can find a table of the dead keys and the characters they can be used with to generate accented or otherwise special characters on linux using gtk.
Viewpoints and viewers: Simulating cameras in WebXR - Web APIs
we hope that it's freely usable; if not, and you're the owner, please let us know and we'll find or produce new diagrams.
... virtual cameras in webgl (and by extension, in webxr), there is no camera object we can move and rotate, so we have to find a way to fake these movements.
... since there is no camera, we have to find a way to fake it.
...the value of w is always 0 for vectors, so the aforementioned vector can also be represented using [3, 1, -2, 0] or: [31-20]\left [ \begin{matrix} 3 \\ 1 \\ -2 \\ 0 \end{matrix} \right ] webxr automatically normalizes vectors to have a length of 1 meter; however, you may find that it makes sense to do it yourself for various reasons, such as to improve performance of calculations by not having to repeatedly perform normalization.
A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial) - JavaScript
to find the length of a string (in code units), access its length property: 'hello'.length; // 5 there's our first brush with javascript objects!
...the avg() function takes a comma-separated list of arguments — but what if you want to find the average of an array?
...javascript is a prototype-based language that contains no class statement, as you'd find in c++ or java (this is sometimes confusing for programmers accustomed to languages with a class statement). can find several excellent introductions to closures.
Array.prototype.includes() - JavaScript
syntax arr.includes(valuetofind[, fromindex]) parameters valuetofind the value to search for.
... fromindex optional the position in this array at which to begin searching for valuetofind.
... return value a boolean which is true if the value valuetofind is found within the array (or the part of the array indicated by the index fromindex, if specified).
... let arr = ['a', 'b', 'c'] arr.includes('c', 3) // false arr.includes('c', 100) // false computed index is less than 0 if fromindex is negative, the computed index is calculated to be used as a position in the array at which to begin searching for valuetofind.
BigInt64Array - JavaScript
bigint64array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function, or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... bigint64array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function, or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
BigUint64Array - JavaScript
biguint64array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function, or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... biguint64array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function, or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Float32Array - JavaScript
float32array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... float32array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Float64Array - JavaScript
float64array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... float64array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Int16Array - JavaScript
int16array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... int16array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Int32Array - JavaScript
int32array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... int32array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Int8Array - JavaScript
int8array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... int8array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Uint16Array - JavaScript
uint16array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... uint16array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Uint32Array - JavaScript
uint32array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... uint32array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Uint8Array - JavaScript
uint8array.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... uint8array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
Uint8ClampedArray - JavaScript
uint8clampedarray.prototype.find() returns the found value in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or undefined if not found.
... see also array.prototype.find().
... uint8clampedarray.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the provided testing function or -1 if not found.
... see also array.prototype.findindex().
SVG documentation index - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
11 svg 1.1 support in firefox firefox, svg you can find some basic examples of svg syntax and usage in the w3c svg test suite.
...but when you try to create a semicircle in svg, you will find out the use of the following properties quickly.
...most svg you'll find around the web use inline css, but there are advantages and disadvantages associated with each type. you'll find reference documentation for each of the svg elements.
platform/xpcom - Archive of obsolete content
contractid, component: helloworld, register: false, unregister: false, }); if you disable automatic registration in this way, you can use the register() function to register factories and services: xpcom.register(factory); you can use the corresponding unregister() function to unregister them, whether or not you have disabled automatic unregistration: xpcom.unregister(factory); you can find out whether a factory or service has been registered by using the isregistered() function: if (xpcom.isregistered(factory)) xpcom.unregister(factory); globals constructors factory(options) parameters options : object required options: name type component constructor constructor for the component this factory creates.
... isregistered(factory) find out whether a factory or service is registered.
... if it finds a match, it returns this, otherwise it throws components.results.ns_error_no_interface.
How to convert an overlay extension to restartless - Archive of obsolete content
if you actually can't find a way to go fully extractionless, you could hack together some combination of internal jar(s) and extracted files. to take a xul window object and then create and add your elements, and then another to find your elements and remove them from the window object. can find working example here.
Chapter 6: Firefox extensions and XUL applications - Archive of obsolete content
if you just start poking through the source code at random, you may not find much of anything.
...i hope you’ll find that this chapter helps make you a more effective extension developer.
... 4 - gonzui does not handle search strings with spaces very well; instead, go to the advanced search page, search on a few terms, and then use your browser’s find function to search for the “:” character.
Signing an XPI - Archive of obsolete content
many issuers will not provide a software developer certificate to individuals (how ridiculous) so you may have to search hard to find one that will, and who also has a ca root authority installed in mozilla firefox.
...find out which one was used for your certificate and download it.
... to find the name, in mozilla firefox navigate to the certificate manager (described in step 11), choose your certificates, select the new certificate, press view, choose details and look at the first entry in the certificate fields tree-view.
List of Mozilla-Based Applications - Archive of obsolete content
name description additional information 389 directory server ldap server uses nss a380 seatback entertainment system media software this blog post mentions a reference to mozilla being used but i couldn't find more information about it.
...system evolution email client uses nss exe elearning xhtml editor seems to be using xul for some of their webui facebook open platform facebook open platform the fbml parser used in the platform is based on mozilla code fennec browser for mobiles as mark notes: fennec is not firefox, it’s a completely different application findthatfont!
... other places to find mozilla applications include: http://e...
Defining Cross-Browser Tooltips - Archive of obsolete content
this assumes that the browser can find the image and that it supports the image format used; if either of these is not true, and the image cannot be displayed, then the alt text should be displayed in place of the missing image.
...authors who are faced with the prospect of editing a large collection of legacy documents should be able to convert their documents using a batch find-and-replace operation, for example substituting alt= for title=.
... if such a find-and-replace operation is somehow not feasible, authors with the ability to run proxy servers can use the approach proposed by christian jensen (cf.
Embedding FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
faq how to start embedding you can find a examples, faqs, and the api from mozilla itself. can find more information on adding new protocols here how to embedding mozilla inside of java there hasn't been any good code examples found. can find a better quality answer repeated and with an example in this newsgroup thread.
Modularization techniques - Archive of obsolete content
so how do you find a module if you've never linked with it?
... class nscomponentmanager { public: // finds a factory for a specific class id static nsresult findfactory(const nscid &aclass, nsifactory **afactory); // creates a class instance for a specific class id static nsresult createinstance(const nscid &aclass, const nsiid &aiid, nsisupports *adelegate, void **aresult); // manually registry a factory for a class static nsresult registerfactory(const nscid &aclass, nsifactory *afactory, prbo...
... about nsiids and nscids to simplify the process of dynamically finding, loading and binding interfaces, all classes and interfaces are assigned unique ids.
Venkman Introduction - Archive of obsolete content
you can locate the source code of the constructor by selecting "find constructor" from the property's context menu.
... you can find the place where the object was instantiated with the "find creator" command.
...see loading scripts into the debugger for more information about finding and loading scripts in venkman.
open - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home open( mode ) return type: no return value opens the findbar using the specified mode, which should be one of find_normal, find_typeahead, or find_links.
... if you don't pass a mode, the last-used mode for the same findbar is used.
... if the findbar hasn't been used before, find_normal is the default.
Commands - Archive of obsolete content
in this case, the command will not invoke a script directly, but instead, find an element or function which will handle the command. order to find something to handle the command, xul uses an object called a command dispatcher.
... next, we'll find out how to update commands.
Creating an Installer - Archive of obsolete content
our find files example let's try this with the find files dialog.
... function donefn ( name , result ){ if (result) alert("an error occured: " + result); } var xpi = new object(); xpi["find files"] = "findfile.xpi"; installtrigger.install(xpi,donefn); the xpi archive note: if you want to create a new xulrunner application, extension, or theme, see bundles.
... our find files example for the find files dialog, we'll create a structure in the archive much like the following: install.js findfile content contents.rdf findfile.xul findfile.js skin contents.rdf findfile.css locale contents.rdf findfile.dtd a directory has been added for each part of the package, the content, the skin and the locale.
Features of a Window - Archive of obsolete content
for example: var mywin ="chrome://findfile/content/findfile.xul", "findfile", "chrome"); specifying the width and height you should have noticed that whenever elements were added to a window, the window's width expanded to fit the new elements.
... <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" width="400" height="450" xmlns=""> in this example, the window will open with a width of 400 pixels and a height of 450 pixels. can also use any of the pre-existing flags, which you should find in a javascript reference.
Input Controls - Archive of obsolete content
our find files example let's add a search entry field to the find file dialog.
... <label value="search for:" control="find-text"/> <textbox id="find-text"/> <button id="find-button" label="find"/> add these lines before the buttons we created in the last section.
...seamonkey or waterfox and remote-xul-manager from find files example so far : source view in the next section, we will look at some elements for entering and selecting numbers.
Persistent Data - Archive of obsolete content
our find files example let's add the persist attribute to some of the elements in the find files dialog.
... <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" persist="screenx screeny width height" orient="horizontal" xmlns=""> this will cause the x and y position of the window and the width and height of the window to be saved.
... find files example so far : source view next, we'll look at using style sheets with xul files.
Progress Meters - Archive of obsolete content
the find files example let's add a progress meter to our find file dialog.
... <textbox id="find-text"/> <html:progress value="50" max="100" style="margin: 4px;"/> <button id="find-button" label="find" default="true"/> the value has been set to 50% so that we can see the meter on the window. this by adding the below line to your opening window tag in the findfile.xul.
The Box Model - Archive of obsolete content
our find files dialog example let's add some boxes to the find files dialog.
... <vbox flex="1"> <description> enter your search criteria below and select the find button to begin the search.
... </description> <hbox> <label value="search for:" control="find-text"/> <textbox id="find-text"/> </hbox> <hbox> <spacer flex="1"/> <button id="find-button" label="find"/> <button id="cancel-button" label="cancel"/> </hbox> </vbox> the vertical box causes the main text, the box with the textbox and the box with the buttons to orient vertically.
Toolbars - Archive of obsolete content
our find files example let's add a toolbar to the find files dialog.
... <vbox flex="1"> <toolbox> <toolbar id="findfiles-toolbar"> <toolbarbutton id="opensearch" label="open"/> <toolbarbutton id="savesearch" label="save"/> </toolbar> </toolbox> <tabbox> a toolbar with two buttons has been added here.
... the find files example so far: source view next, we'll find out how to add a menu bar to a window.
Tree View Details - Archive of obsolete content
the tree will query the view for each row by calling its getlevel method to find out the level of that row.
... getparentindex: function(idx) { if (this.iscontainer(idx)) return -1; for (var t = idx - 1; t >= 0 ; t--) { if (this.iscontainer(t)) return t; } } the getparentindex will need to find the parent of a given index.
...the code above uses a brute force method which simply iterates over the rows looking for one, returning true if a row exists with the same level and false once it finds a row that has a lower level.
window - Archive of obsolete content
attributes accelerated, chromemargin, disablechrome, disablefastfind, drawintitlebar, fullscreenbutton, height, hidechrome, id, lightweightthemes, lightweightthemesfooter, screenx, screeny, sizemode, title, width, windowtype examples <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <!-- run this example using copy & paste in this live xul editor: --> <!-- extremely recommended to keep...
... disablefastfindtype: booleanput disablefastfind="true" on the root element of a xul document, which is intended to be loaded in a tab, to disable the find bar for the tab with this document.
... this is used to prevent the find bar from being displayed when it's not supported by the content (such as in the add-ons manager tab).
Debugging a XULRunner Application - Archive of obsolete content
if your pages are not in the loaded script window, uncheck the menu item "debug\exclude browser files" and find them in open windows tab when opening a js file in venkman, the code is unformatted and i get the following error in the jsconsole...
...irefox 3" attribute "contentaccessible" on so as per change the manifest to have this line: content venkman jar:venkman.jar!/content/venkman/ contentaccessible=yes i get errors about not being able to open contentareautils.js, contentareadd.js, findutils.js, or contentareautils.js...
...4,11 @@ <script src="chrome://global/content/nstransferable.js" /> <script src="chrome://global/content/nsclipboard.js" /> <script src="chrome://global/content/nsdraganddrop.js" /> - <script src="chrome://communicator/content/contentareautils.js" /> - <script src="chrome://communicator/content/contentareadd.js" /> - <script src="chrome://communicator/content/findutils.js" /> - <script src="chrome://browser/content/contentareautils.js" /> + <script src="chrome://global/content/contentareautils.js" /> + <script src="chrome://global/content/contentareadd.js" /> <script src="chrome://global/content/findutils.js" /> + <script src="chrome://global/content/contentareautils.js" /> + <script src="chrome://global/content/findut...
Gecko Compatibility Handbook - Archive of obsolete content
if you're new to standards, you may find using web standards in your web pages a helpful introduction.
... you can find the user agent strings of many gecko-based browsers here.
... plugins coding you'll find for that some plugins behave differently in gecko than in netscape navigator 4.
NPAPI plugin developer guide - Archive of obsolete content
plug-in basics how plug-ins are used plug-ins and helper applications how plug-ins work understanding the runtime model plug-in detection how gecko finds plug-ins checking plug-ins by mime type overview of plug-in structure understanding the plug-in api plug-ins and platform independence windowed and windowless plug-ins the default plug-in using html to display plug-ins plug-in display modes using the object element for plug-in display nesting rules for html elements using the appropriate attributes usi...
... windowless plug-ins specifying that a plug-in is windowless invalidating the drawing area forcing a paint message making a plug-in opaque making a plug-in transparent creating pop-up menus and dialog boxes event handling for windowless plug-ins streams receiving a stream telling the plug-in when a stream is created telling the plug-in when a stream is deleted finding out how much data the plug-in can accept writing the stream to the plug-in sending the stream in random-access mode sending the stream in file mode sending a stream creating a stream pushing data into the stream deleting the stream example of sending a stream urls getting urls getting the url and displaying the page posting urls posting data to an http server ...
... uploading files to an ftp server sending mail memory allocating and freeing memory mac os flushing memory (mac os only) version, ui, and status information displaying a status line message getting agent information getting the current version finding out if a feature exists reloading a plug-in ...
Encryption and Decryption - Archive of obsolete content
key length and encryption strength breaking an encryption algorithm is basically finding the key to the access the encrypted data in plain text.
...manually finding the key to break an algorithm is called a brute force attack.
... the key strength of an algorithm is determined by finding the fastest method to break the algorithm and comparing it to a brute force attack.
Create Your Own Firefox Background Theme - Archive of obsolete content
creating a theme footer image in older versions of firefox, or newer versions with certain add-ons installed, the footer image is displayed as the background of the bottom of the browser window, behind the add-on and find bars.
... firefox may reveal more of the upper portion of the image if the find bar is open or if an extension adds more height to the bottom of the window.
...duplicate names are not allowed, so you may need to try a few times to find a unique name.
Using SSH to connect to CVS - Archive of obsolete content
this can be done using a unix-style find and perl: find .
...this sets environment variables that let cvs know how to find and use the agent.
...if you're building on win9x/winme you'll need to find an alternative solution.
Game monetization - Game development
finding publishers might be hard at first — try to look for them at the html5 gamedevs forums.
...some publisher websites have that information easily available, while some others are harder to find.
... ad revenue you can implement advertisements in your game on your own and try to find the traffic to earn a bit, but you can also do a revenue share deal with a publisher.
Game promotion - Game development
also, you should do some work on seo to allow people to find your games more easily. can find youtube and influencers at to help promote your game.
... events if you've gone through all the options listed above you can still find new, creative ways to promote your game — events are another good example.
Audio for Web games - Game development
you can find out more about best practises with the autoplay policy here.
... buffering and preloading likely as an attempt to mitigate runaway mobile network data use, we also often find that buffering is disabled before playback has been initiated.
... you may find that the introduction of a new track sounds more natural if it comes in on the beat/bar/phrase or whatever units you want to chunk your background music into.
Animations and tweens - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson14.html.
... loading the animation next up, go into your create() function, find the line that loads the ball sprite, and below it put the call to animations.add() seen below: ball = game.add.sprite(50, 250, 'ball'); ball.animations.add('wobble', [0,1,0,2,0,1,0,2,0], 24); to add an animation to the object we use the animations.add() method, which contains the following parameters the name we chose for the animation an array defining the order in which to display the fr...
...go to your ballhitbrick() function, find your brick.kill(); line, and replace it with the following: var killtween = game.add.tween(brick.scale);{x:0,y:0}, 200, phaser.easing.linear.none); killtween.oncomplete.addonce(function(){ brick.kill(); }, this); killtween.start(); let's walk through this so you can see what's happening here: when defining a new tween you have to specify which property will be tweened — ...
Player paddle and controls - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson07.html.
...find the existing ball = game.add.sprite( ...
...find the existing ball.body.velocity.set( ...
PAC - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a proxy auto-configuration file (pac file) is a file which contains a function, findproxyforurl(), which is used by the browser to determine whether requests (including http, https, and ftp) should go directly to the destination or if they need to be forwarded through a web proxy server.
... function findproxyforurl(url, host) { /* ...
... */ } ret = findproxyforurl(url, host) see proxy auto-configuration (pac) file for details about how these are used and how to create new ones.
Backgrounds and borders - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: backgrounds and borders. explore the different property pages if you want to find out more about any of the features we have discussed.
... in the next lesson, we will find out how the writing mode of your document interacts with your css.
Images, media, and form elements - Learn web development
replaced elements in layout when using various css layout techniques on replaced elements, you may well find that they behave slightly differently to other elements. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: images and form elements. the next article we'll look over a few tips you'll find useful when you have to style html tables.
Styling tables - Learn web development
you can go there and find a different one if you like; you'll just have to replace our provided <link> element and custom font-family declaration with the ones google fonts gives you. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: tables.
...this includes information on using browser devtools to find solutions to your problems.
CSS values and units - Learn web development
numbers, lengths, and percentages there are various numeric data types that you might find yourself using in css.
... a value that behaves more like something you might find in a traditional programming language is the calc() css function. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: values and units.
Floats - Learn web development
this will usually work, however, in certain cases you might find unwanted scrollbars or clipped shadows due to unintended consequences of using overflow. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: floats.
...see the article on legacy layout methods for information on how they used to be used, which may be useful if you find yourself working on older projects.
Beginner's guide to media queries - Learn web development
each feature is documented on mdn along with browser support information, and you can find a full list at using media queries: media features.
...however, in practice you will find that good use of modern layout methods, enhanced with media queries, will give the best results. can find a test to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: responsive web design.
Getting started with CSS - Learn web development
take a look at the page for list-style-type and you will find an interactive example at the top of the page to try some different values in, then all allowable values are detailed further down the page.
...most of the time that isn't the case and so you will need to find a way to select a subset of the elements without changing the others. in your example document, you should find that the <em> in the third list item is now purple, but the one inside the paragraph is unchanged.
Styling lists - Learn web development
handling list spacing when styling lists, you need to adjust their styles so they keep the same vertical spacing as their surrounding elements (such as paragraphs and images; sometimes called vertical rhythm), and the same horizontal spacing as each other (you can see the finished styled example on github, and find the source code too.) the css used for the text styling and spacing is as follows: /* general styles */ html { font-family: helvetica, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 10px; } h2 { font-size: 2rem; } ul,ol,dl,p { font-size: 1.5rem; } li, p { line-height: 1.5; } /* description list styles */ dd, dt { line-height: 1.5; } dt { font-weight: bold; } the first rule sets a sitew... our example, we've set the ordered list to use uppercase roman numerals, with: ol { list-style-type: upper-roman; } this gives us the following look: you can find a lot more options by checking out the list-style-type reference page.
... feel free to play with the list example as much as you like, experimenting with bullet types, spacing, or whatever else you can find.
How can we design for all types of users? - Learn web development
note: alternatively you can find a number of contrast checkers online, such as webaim's color contrast checker.
... we suggest a local checker because it comes packaged with an on-screen color picker to find out a color value.
... suppose we wanted a base font size of 16px and an h1 (main heading) at the equivalent of 32px, yet if within the h1 we find a span with the subheading class, it too must be rendered at the default font size (usually 16px).
What are browser developer tools? - Learn web development
find out more find more out about the inspector in different browsers: firefox page inspector ie dom explorer chrome dom inspector (opera's inspector works the same as this) safari dom inspector and style explorer the javascript debugger the javascript debugger allows you to watch the value of variables and set breakpoints, places in your code that you want to pause execution and identify th...
... find out more find more out about the javascript debugger in different browsers: firefox javascript debugger microsoft edge debugger chrome debugger safari debugger the javascript console the javascript console is an incredibly useful tool for debugging javascript that isn't working as expected.
... find out more find more out about the javascript console in different browsers: firefox web console ie javascript console chrome javascript console (opera's inspector works the same as this) safari console ...
What is a Domain Name? - Learn web development
computers can handle such addresses easily, but people have a hard time finding out who's running the server or what service the website offers.
... finding an available domain name to find out whether a given domain name is available, go to a domain name registrar's website.
... you can also find here a fun and colourful explanation of how dns woks.
The HTML5 input types - Learn web development
see the firefox for android keyboard screenshot below for an example: note: you can find examples of the basic text input types at basic input examples (see the source code also).
...note that the usage of these types is quite complex, especially considering browser support (see below); to find out the full details, follow the links below to the reference pages for each type, including detailed examples. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: html5 controls.
What will your website look like? - Learn web development
theme color to choose a color, go to the color picker and find a color you like.
... when you find the image you want, click on the image to get an enlarged view of it.
... font to choose a font: go to google fonts and scroll down the list until you find one you like.
Advanced text formatting - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: advanced html text.
...bear in mind that what you have seen during this course is not an exhaustive list of html text elements — we wanted to try to cover the essentials, and some of the more common ones you will see in the wild, or at least might find interesting.
... to find way more html elements, you can take a look at our html element reference (the inline text semantics section would be a great place to start.) in the next article we will look at the html elements you'd use to structure the different parts of an html document.
Debugging HTML - Learn web development
this article will introduce you to some tools that can help you find and fix errors in html.
... objective: learn the basics of using debugging tools to find problems in html. a small example like the one seen above, it is easy to search through the lines and find the errors, but what about a huge, complex html document?
Adding vector graphics to the Web - Learn web development
you can find this example live on our github repo as vector-versus-raster.html — it shows two seemingly identical images side by side, of a red star with a black drop shadow. can also go to the svg element reference, find out more details about other toys you can use in svg, and try those out too.
...we've included some links below that might help you if you wish to go and find out more about how it works.
Images in HTML - Learn web development
note: you can find the finished example from this section running on github (see the source code too.) alternative text the next attribute we'll look at is alt. can find your image's width and height in a number of ways. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: html images.
Mozilla splash page - Learn web development
adding responsive images to the further info links inside the <div> with the class of further-info you will find four <a> elements — each one linking to an interesting mozilla-related page.
...add the "learning" tag to your post so we are able to more easily find it.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Introducing asynchronous JavaScript - Learn web development
let's look at a quick example, from our fetching data from the server article: fetch('products.json').then(function(response) { return response.json(); }).then(function(json) { products = json; initialize(); }).catch(function(err) { console.log('fetch problem: ' + err.message); }); note: you can find the finished version on github (see the source here, and also see it running live).
... note: if you get stuck, you can find an answer here (see it running live also).
... you can also find a lot more information on promises in our graceful asynchronous programming with promises guide, later on in the module.
Build your own function - Learn web development
note: the warning and chat icons were originally found on, and designed by nazarrudin ansyari — thanks!
... (the actual icon pages were since moved or removed.) next, find the css inside your html file. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: functions.
Client-side storage - Learn web development
you can find the example html at personal-greeting.html — this contains a simple website with a header, content, and footer, and a form for entering your name.
... let noteid = number('data-note-id')); // open a database transaction and delete the task, finding it using the id we retrieved above let transaction = db.transaction(['notes_os'], 'readwrite'); let objectstore = transaction.objectstore('notes_os'); let request = objectstore.delete(noteid); // report that the data item has been deleted transaction.oncomplete = function() { // delete the parent of the button // which is the list item, so it is no longer displayed e.tar...
...the second time you run it, it finds the videos in the database and gets them from there instead before displaying them — this makes subsequent loads much quicker and less bandwidth-hungry.
Introduction to web APIs - Learn web development
find out more about these types of api in manipulating documents.
...find out more about such apis in fetching data from the server.
... note: you can find information on a lot more 3rd party apis at the programmable web api directory.
Manipulating documents - Learn web development
try opening this up in your browser — it is a very simple page containing a <section> element inside which you can find an image, and a paragraph with a link inside.
...have a look and see what others you can find!
... note: you can find our finished version of the dom-example.html demo on github (see it live also).
Video and Audio APIs - Learn web development
if you downloaded our examples repo, you'll find it in javascript/apis/video-audio/start/ at this point, if you load the html you should see a perfectly normal html5 video player, with the native controls rendered.
...erval(intervalrwd); rwd.classlist.remove('active'); if(fwd.classlist.contains('active')) { fwd.classlist.remove('active'); clearinterval(intervalfwd);; } else { fwd.classlist.add('active'); media.pause(); intervalfwd = setinterval(windforward, 200); } } you'll notice that first we initialize two variables — intervalfwd and intervalrwd — you'll find out what they are for later on. a hint, you can find out the x and y values of the element's left/right and top/bottom sides via the getboundingclientrect() method, and you can find the coordinates of a mouse click via the event object of the click event, called on the document object.
Arrays - Learn web development
finding the length of an array you can find out the length of an array (how many items are in it) in exactly the same way as you find out the length (in characters) of a string — by using the length property.
...first, create a string in your console: let mydata = 'manchester,london,liverpool,birmingham,leeds,carlisle'; now let's split it at each comma: let myarray = mydata.split(','); myarray; finally, try finding the length of your new array, and retrieving some items from it: myarray.length; myarray[0]; // the first item in the array myarray[1]; // the second item in the array myarray[myarray.length-1]; // the last item in the array you can also go the opposite way using the join() method. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: arrays.
Test your skills: Strings - Learn web development
you'll find that you get an error at this point.
... find the index position where substring appears in quote, and store that value in a variable called index.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Learning area release notes - Learn web development
march 2020 you'll now find "test your skills" assessments accompanying the articles in the following modules: css building blocks javascript first steps javascript building blocks introducing javascript objects january 2020 the html forms module has been significantly updated: it has been retitled web forms, and moved out of the html topic area to recognise that it covers more than just html form elements — i...
...this is in addition to the longer assessment articles that you'll find in some of the learning modules already.
... you will find these new articles linked in "test your skills" sections at the bottom of relevant articles.
Introduction to client-side frameworks - Learn web development
we can iterate over the data to render it; we can add to an object to make a new task; we can use an identifier to find, edit, or delete a task.
... note: if you want to find out more details about web tooling concepts, have a read of our client-side tooling overview. can save this new url and come back to the page later on, or share it with others so they can easily find the same page.
TypeScript support in Svelte - Learn web development
note: if you find any trouble working with typescript inside a svelte application, have a look at this troubleshooting/faq section about typescript support.
... string) { todos = [...todos, { id: newtodoid, name, completed: false }] $alert = `todo '${name}' has been added` } function removetodo(todo: todotype) { todos = todos.filter(t => !== todosstatus.focus() // give focus to status heading $alert = `todo '${}' has been deleted` } function updatetodo(todo: todotype) { const i = todos.findindex(t => === if (todos[i].name !== $alert = `todo '${todos[i].name}' has been renamed to '${}'` if (todos[i].completed !== todo.completed) $alert = `todo '${todos[i].name}' marked as ${todo.completed ?
...we can let typescript enforce this using typescript generics; let's find out more.
Working with Svelte stores - Learn web development
name, completed: false }] $alert = `todo '${name}' has been added` } update removetodo() like so: function removetodo(todo) { todos = todos.filter(t => !== todosstatus.focus() // give focus to status heading $alert = `todo '${}' has been deleted` } update the updatetodo() function to this: function updatetodo(todo) { const i = todos.findindex(t => === if (todos[i].name !== $alert = `todo '${todos[i].name}' has been renamed to '${}'` if (todos[i].completed !== todo.completed) $alert = `todo '${todos[i].name}' marked as ${todo.completed ? make it truly useful, we have to find out how to persist our todos.
... now we have to find a way to persist these todos.
Introduction to cross browser testing - Learn web development
note: you can find browser support information for technologies by looking up the different features on mdn — the site you're on!
... at this point, fix any problems you find with your new code.
...finding out the cause of the bug involves the same strategy as any web development bug (again, see debugging html, debugging css, and what went wrong?
Accessibility API cross-reference
we find that it uses very similar naming conventions as java accessibility, and for those purposes the two to be nearly the same. such a case, they should be wrapped in a <reference> pragmatically however, user agents should expect to find <link> tags as direct children of <toci> abstract role - a perceivable section containing content that is relevant to a specific, author-specified purpose and sufficiently important that users will likely want to be able to navigate to the section easily and to have it listed in a summary of the page. such a case, they should be wrapped in a <reference> pragmatically however, user agents should expect to find <link> tags as direct children of <toci> a list list list list list <ol>, <ul> <l> an item in a list listitem n/a list_item listitem <li> <li> may contain <lbl> (bullet, numeral, term etc.) and <lbody> a type of live region where new information is added in meaningful order and old information may disappear.
Mozilla accessibility architecture
in that case we also override ::getaccnextsibling(), ::getaccprevioussibling() for the dom-less children; otherwise they do not know how to find each other.
...the accessibility client can find out what kind of event occurred as well as what accessible node the event occured on.
...since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
CSUN Firefox Materials
as a result, nearly everyone who tries firefox finds themselves hooked..
..." - alan cantor, cantor access consulting ( firefox includes keyboard access to all of its amazing features: find as you type allows for quick navigation to links and text searching without opening a separate dialog -- this allows more convenient use by screen magnification users because there is a single point of regard for the search.
...many users are finding the true greatness of firefox lies in support for third party extensions.
Accessibility and Mozilla
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.accessibility information for ui designers and developerswhen you design user interfaces with accessibility in mind, they will work for more people.
...since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.information for external developers dealing with accessibilityboth end users and developers are invited for discussion on the live irc channel at
... since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.information for governments and other organizations evaluating mozillainformation for usersfirefox 2 now has help topics (from the menubar: ?
Debugging on Windows
this means that visual studio will only attach to the first process it finds, and will not hit any break-point (and even notifies you that it cannot find their location).
... vc++ 7.0 automatically finds additional dlls.
... find the directory where visual studio caches downloaded symbols; in vc++ 10 open the menu to tools > options > debugging > symbols and copy the field "cache symbols in this directory".
HTTP logging
on windows xp, you can find the "run..." command in the start menu's "all programs" submenu.
... when the problem has been reproduced, exit firefox and look for the generated log files, which you can find at /tmp/log.txt.
...on windows xp, you can find the "run..." command in the start menu's "all programs" submenu.
Performance best practices for Firefox front-end engineers
other useful methods below you'll find some suggestions for other methods which may come in handy when you need to do things without incurring synchronous reflow.
...if you can find ways to avoid doing this, you can save substantial time.
...that means that finding and removing (when possible) over-painting is a good place to start reducing your burden on the main thread, which will in turn improve performance.
Using the Browser API
MozillaGeckoChromeAPIBrowser APIUsing
var searchactive = false; prev.disabled = true; next.disabled = true; next, we add an event listener to the searchform so that when it is submitted, the htmliframeelement.findall() method is used to do a search for the string entered into the search input element (searchbar) within the text of the current page (the second parameter can be changed to 'case-insensitive' if you want a case-insensitive search.) we then enable the previous and next buttons, set searchactive to true, and blur() the search bar to make the keyboard disappear and stop taking up our screen once ...
... searchform.addeventlistener('submit',function(e) { e.preventdefault(); browser.findall(searchbar.value, 'case-sensitive'); searchactive = true; prev.disabled = false; next.disabled = false; searchbar.blur(); }); with this all done, you'll see your search results are highlighted; you can cycle through these using the htmliframeelement.findnext() method (specify forward and backward to go in either direction through the results), which is what our next two event listeners do: prev.addeventlistener('touchend',function() { browser.findnext("backward"); }); next.addeventlistener('touchend',function() { browser.findnext("forward"); }); the last event listener in this section controls what happens when the search toggle button is pressed.
...tribute('class', 'search shifted'); } else if(search.getattribute('class') === 'search shifted') { search.setattribute('class', 'search'); if(searchactive) { browser.clearmatch(); searchactive = false; prev.disabled = true; next.disabled = true; searchbar.value = ''; } } }); note that whenever one of the search-related methods is invoked, a mozbrowserfindchange event is fired to allow you to react to search changes in a more precise way if desired: //browser.addeventlistener('mozbrowserfindchange', function(e) { // can react to find changes if required //}) reporting errors we've got one more piece of code to mention from our source: browser.addeventlistener('mozbrowsererror', function (e) { console.log("loading error: " + e.detail); }); t...
Implementing QueryInterface
it tests for bad input with an ns_assertion, to find logic errors immediately in debug builds.
... else foundinterface = 0; nsresult status; if ( !foundinterface ) // ok, _i_ didn't find an interface.
... status = nsbaseimplementation::queryinterface(aiid, &foundinterface); else { ns_addref(foundinterface); status = ns_ok; } *ainstanceptr = foundinterface; return status; } note that if the base implementation's queryinterface finds an appropriate interface, your queryinterface must not addref it.
overview of required methods void iscompatiblewith(in string appversion, in string platformversion) void findupdates(in updatelistener listener, in integer reason, in string appversion, in string platformversion) overview of optional methods void uninstall() void canceluninstall() boolean hasresource(in string path) nsiuri getresourceuri(in string path) void getdatadirectory(in datadirectorycallback callback) required properties attri...
... void iscompatiblewith( in string appversion, in string platformversion ) parameters appversion an application version to test against platformversion a platform version to test against findupdates() starts an update check for this add-on.
... void findupdates( in updatelistener listener, in integer reason, in string appversion, in string platformversion ) parameters listener an updatelistener for the update process reason a reason code for performing the update appversion an application version to check for updates for platformversion a platform version to check for updates for optional methods uninstall() uninstalls this add-on.
Following the Android Toasts Tutorial from a JNI Perspective
fields do not accept arguments, so the "method format" is not used, we simply tell the sig the type of the field, which we find out from the android documentation website.
...we search dxr, and we find a getcontext static method belonging to the geckoappshell class.
...we find an xml file showing the sig for geckoappshell is org.mozilla.gecko.geckoappshell.
Translation phase
below you'll find the list of all mozilla projects, their associated l10n tools, and links to tutorials outlining their workflows.
... (amo) a portal for all users interested in finding add-ons for their local mozilla applications.
...this is where you research and select the search plugins, content and protocol handlers, bookmarks, and links to recommended sites on the in-product pages that your locale's users will find in their mozilla products.
Power profiling overview
power profiling how-to this section aims to put together all the above information and provide a set of strategies for finding, diagnosing and fixing cases of high power consumption.
... find or confirm a test case where firefox's power consumption is high.
... the approximate cause of power problems often isn't that hard to find.
analyzing the shutdown log the shutdown log is a basic tool for finding memory leaks.
...ideally, these would be freed explicitly, to make it easier to find real leaks using the shutdown log.
...leaksoup also finds sets of objects that are rooted by a cycle (i.e., a set of reference counted objects that own references to each other in a cycle).
Dynamic Library Linking
library linking types these data types are defined for dynamic library linking: prlibrary prstaticlinktable library linking functions the library linking functions are: pr_setlibrarypath pr_getlibrarypath pr_getlibraryname pr_freelibraryname pr_loadlibrary pr_unloadlibrary pr_findsymbol pr_findsymbolandlibrary finding symbols defined in the main executable program pr_loadlibrary cannot open a handle that references the main executable program.
... prlibrary *lib; void *funcptr; funcptr = pr_findsymbolandlibrary("functionname", &lib); when pr_findsymbolandlibrary returns, funcptr is the value of the function pointer you want to look up, and the variable lib references the main executable program.
... you can then call pr_findsymbol on lib to look up other symbols defined in the main program.
Certificate functions
xr 3.12 and later cert_encodeocsprequest mxr 3.6 and later cert_encodepolicyconstraintsextension mxr 3.12 and later cert_encodepolicymappingextension mxr 3.12 and later cert_encodesubjectkeyid mxr 3.12 and later cert_encodeusernotice mxr 3.12 and later cert_extractpublickey mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbyname mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcrlentryreasonexten mxr 3.12 and later cert_findcrlnumberexten mxr 3.12 and later cert_findnameconstraintsexten mxr 3.12 and later cert_filtercertlistbycanames mxr 3.4 and later cert_filtercertlistbyusage mxr 3.4 and later cert_filtercertlistforusercerts mxr 3.6 and...
... later cert_findcertbydercert mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbyissuerandsn mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbynickname mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddr mxr 3.2 and later cert_findcertbysubjectkeyid mxr 3.7 and later cert_findcertextension mxr 3.4 and later cert_findcertissuer mxr 3.3 and later cert_findkeyusageextension mxr 3.4 and later cert_findsmimeprofile mxr 3.2 and later cert_findsubjectkeyidextension mxr 3.7 and later cert_findusercertbyusage mxr 3.4 and later cert_findusercertsbyusage mxr 3.4 and later cert_finishcertificaterequestattributes mxr 3.10 and later cert_fi...
...ou need to verify for multiple usages use cert_verifycertificatenow cert_verifyocspresponsesignature mxr 3.6 and later cert_verifysigneddata mxr 3.4 and later cert_verifysigneddatawithpublickey mxr 3.7 and later cert_verifysigneddatawithpublickeyinfo mxr 3.7 and later nss_cmpcertchainwcanames mxr 3.2 and later nss_findcertkeatype mxr 3.2 and later ...
Cryptography functions
xr 3.2 and later pk11_doesmechanism mxr 3.2 and later pk11_exportencryptedprivatekeyinfo mxr 3.2 and later pk11_exportencryptedprivkeyinfo mxr 3.9 and later pk11_exportprivatekeyinfo mxr 3.2 and later pk11_finalize mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findbestkeamatch mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findcertandkeybyrecipientlist mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findcertandkeybyrecipientlistnew mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findcertbyissuerandsn mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findcertfromdercert mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findcertfromnickname ...
...mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findcertinslot mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findgenericobjects mxr 3.9.2 and later pk11_findfixedkey mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findkeybyanycert mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findkeybydercert mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findprivatekeyfromcert mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findslotbyname mxr 3.2 and later pk11_findslotsbynames mxr 3.9 and later pk11_fortezzahaskea mxr 3.2 and later pk11_fortezzamapsig mxr 3.2 and later pk11_freeslot mxr 3.2 and later pk11_freeslotlist mx...
... pk11sdr_encrypt mxr 3.2 and later pk11sdr_decrypt mxr 3.2 and later sec_deletepermcertificate mxr 3.2 and later sec_deletepermcrl mxr 3.2 and later sec_dersigndata mxr 3.2 and later sec_destroycrl mxr 3.2 and later sec_findcrlbydercert mxr 3.2 and later sec_findcrlbyname mxr 3.2 and later sec_lookupcrls mxr 3.2 and later sec_newcrl mxr 3.2 and later sec_quickderdecodeitem mxr 3.6 and later seckey_cachestaticflags mxr 3.10 and later seckey_converttopub...
Getting Started With NSS
you can find us on mozilla irc in channel #nss or you could ask your questions on the newsgroup. can find them in subdirectory mozilla/security/nss/cmd or have a look at some basic nss sample code. can find us on mozilla irc in channel #nss.
NSS 3.12.4 release notes
cert_decodecrlissuingdistributionpoint cert_findcrlissuingdistpointexten the old documentation of the expression matching syntax rules was incorrect, and the new corrected documentation is as follows for public nssutil functions (see portreq.h): port_regexpvalid port_regexpsearch port_regexpcasesearch these functions will match a string with a shell expression.
...1958: improve des and sha512 for x86_64 platform bug 433791: win16 support should be deleted from nss bug 449332: secu_parsecommandline does not validate its inputs bug 453735: when using cert9 (sqlite3) db, set or change master password fails bug 463544: warning: passing enum* for an int* argument in pkix_validate.c bug 469588: coverity errors reported for softoken bug 470055: pkix_httpcertstore_findsocketconnection reuses closed socket bug 470070: multiple object leaks reported by tinderbox bug 470479: io timeout during cert fetching makes libpkix abort validation.
...otypes bug 492131: a failure to import a cert from a p12 file leaves error code set to zero bug 492385: crash freeing named crl entry on shutdown bug 493135: bltest crashes if it can't open the input file bug 493364: can't build with --disable-dbm option when not cross-compiling bug 493693: sse2 instructions for bignum are not implemented on os/2 bug 493912: sqlite3_reset should be invoked in sdb_findobjectsinit when error occurs bug 494073: update rsa/dsa powerupself tests to be compliant for 2011 bug 494087: passing null as the value of cert_pi_trustanchors causes a crash in cert_pkixsetparam bug 494107: during nss_nodb_init(), softoken tries but fails to load crash [@ @0x0 ] bug 495097: sdb_mapsqlerror returns signed int bug 495103: nss_initreadwrite(sql:<dbdir>) causes nss to...
NSS 3.33 release notes
new functions in cert.h cert_findcertbyissuerandsncx - a variation of existing function cert_findcertbyissuerandsn that accepts an additional password context parameter.
... cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddrcx - a variation of existing function cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddr that accepts an additional password context parameter.
... cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddrforusagecx - a variation of existing function cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddrforusage that accepts an additional password context parameter.
this value is set when the key is generated, so that nss will be able to find the key when the certificate for that key is loaded.
...we are working to remove these cases as we find them.
... nss uses the first slot it finds that can perform all the required operations.
Introduction to the JavaScript shell
dumpheap([filename[, start[, tofind[, maxdepth[, toignore]]]]]) added in spidermonkey 1.8 dump the graph of all existing objects (or a specific interesting subgraph) to a file.
...------------- 15: print("you entered " + n1 + " and " + n2 + "\n"); 00044: 15 name "print" 00047: 15 pushobj 00048: 15 string "you entered " 00051: 15 getvar 0 00054: 15 add 00055: 15 string " and " 00058: 15 add 00059: 15 getvar 1 00062: 15 add 00063: 15 string "\\n" 00066: 15 add 00067: 15 call 1 00070: 15 pop 00071: 15 stop dumpheap(([filename[, start[, tofind[, maxdepth[, toignore]]]]]) dump gc information.
... gczeal(zeal) enable extra-frequent gc, to help find gc hazards.
if either is null, the engine tries to find reasonable defaults.
... for details on how we find the appropriate constructor and default prototype, see js_newobject: choosing a default prototype.
... roughly speaking, we use parent or cx to find a global object, and then find clasp's constructor in that global object.
JSAPI reference
otherwise the garbage collector will not find all reachable objects and may collect objects that are still reachable, leading to a crash.
... in spidermonkey 17 js_executeregexp js_executeregexpnostatics js_clearregexproots obsolete since javascript 1.8.5 serialization struct jsstructuredclonecallbacks js_setstructuredclonecallbacks js_readstructuredclone js_writestructuredclone js_structuredclone js_readuint32pair js_readbytes js_writeuint32pair js_writebytes security struct jsprincipals js_setobjectprincipalsfinder obsolete since javascript 1.8 js_setprincipalstranscoder obsolete since javascript 1.8 enum jsaccessmode obsolete since jsapi 29 js_checkaccess obsolete since jsapi 29 jsobjectops.checkaccess obsolete since javascript 1.8 jsclass.checkaccess obsolete since jsapi 29 js_setcheckobjectaccesscallback obsolete since javascript 1.8 added in spidermonkey 1.8.1 security callbacks are set per...
...entcallback - used by js_iteratecompartments added in spidermonkey 17 jsbranchcallback - used by js_setbranchcallback obsolete since javascript 1.8.1 jsargumentformatter - used by js_addargumentformatter obsolete since jsapi 18 jsfunctioncallback - used by js_setfunctioncallback obsolete since jsapi 37 jsgcrootmapfun - used by js_mapgcroots obsolete since jsapi 19 jsobjectprincipalsfinder - used by js_setobjectprincipalsfinder obsolete since javascript 1.8 jsprincipalstranscoder - used by js_setprincipalstranscoder obsolete since javascript 1.8 jsstringfinalizeop - used by js_addexternalstringfinalizer obsolete since jsapi 13 jstracecallback - used by js_tracer_init obsolete since jsapi 12 jstracedataop - used by js_setextragcroots obsolete since jsapi 25 jstracen...
SpiderMonkey 1.8.5
since this is a conservative collector, it will often find "garbage" addresses which can trigger warnings from certain code analysis tools.
..._getscriptobject js_getstringbytes js_getstringchars js_isassigning js_leavelocalrootscope js_leavelocalrootscopewithresult js_newdouble js_newdoublevalue js_newscriptobject js_newstring js_poparguments js_pusharguments js_pushargumentsva js_removeroot js_removerootrt js_sealobject js_setbranchcallback js_setcallreturnvalue2 js_setcheckobjectaccesscallback js_setobjectprincipalsfinder js_setoperationlimit js_setprincipalstranscoder api changes operation callback js_setoperationcallback was introduced in js 1.8.0, replacing the branch callback, in anticipation of the addition of the tracing jit (tracemonkey).
...the primary change in this interface is that it no longer counts operations; embedders are expected find another mechanism (such as a watchdog thread) to trigger regular callbacks, via js_triggeroperationcallback.
Shell global objects
withsourcehook(hook, fun) set this js runtime's lazy source retrieval hook (that is, the hook used to find sources compiled with compileoptions::lazy_source) to hook; call fun with no arguments; and then restore the runtime's original hook.
...the reverse applies as well: the original hook, that we reinstate after the call to fun completes, might be asked for the source code of compilations that fun performed, and which, presumably, only hook knows how to find.
... findpath(start, target) return an array describing one of the shortest paths of gc heap edges from start to target, or undefined if target is unreachable from start.
Mozilla Projects
here you'll find links to documentation about these projects.
...david baron that helps extension and chrome developers to find memory leaks. that end, this document will be revised over time as we find new and better ways of helping developers.
Setting up an update server
open them and find this line: #defines['disable_updater_authenticode_check'] = true.
... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <updates> <update type="minor" displayversion="2000.0a1" appversion="2000.0a1" platformversion="2000.0a1" buildid="21181002100236"> <patch type="complete" url="<mar name>" hashfunction="sha512" hashvalue="<hash>" size="<size>"/> </update> </updates> if you've downloaded the mar you're using, you'll find the sha512 value in a file called sha512sums in the root of the release directory on for a release or beta build (you'll have to search it for the file name of your mar, since it includes the sha512 for every file that's part of that release), and for a nightly build you'll find a file with a .checksums extension adjacent to your mar that contains that information (for instanc...'ll find the correct size in bytes at the end of the line that begins "size", not the one that begins "size on disk".
AT APIs Support
as well you might find helpful the about:accessibilityenabled firefox extension.
...there you will find information how at api interfaces, roles, states and etc are mapped into gecko accessibility api and visa versa.
... test tools here you will find a list of tools to test accessibility gecko-based applications.
Avoiding leaks in JavaScript XPCOM components
garbage collection garbage collection is generally used to refer to algorithms that (1) determine which objects are still needed by starting from a set of roots and finding all objects reachable from those objects and (2) returning all remaining objects to the heap.
... i actually can't find an example of this simple leak pattern that occurred in mozilla's codebase.
... further reading finding leaks in mozilla - how to debug leaks when they do occur.
Creating the Component Code
web lock user interface most of the actual work in the weblock component is preparing the component itself, finding the xpcom interfaces the component needs to use, and hooking into existing functionality within the gecko browser.
... coding for the registration process when xpcom discovers your component for the first time (via xpinstall or regxpcom, both of which are discussed in component installation overview), the first thing it tries to do is load your library and find the symbol nsgetmodule.
... when createinstance is called, xpcom looks through all registered components to find a match for the given cid.
Interfacing with the XPCOM cycle collector
if the collector finds a group of objects that all refer back to one another, and establishes that the objects' reference counts are all accounted for by internal pointers within the group, it considers that group cyclical garbage, which it then attempts to free.
... the collector does not know how to find temporary owning pointers that exist on the stack, so it is important that it only run from near the top-loop of the program.
... it will not crash if there are extra owning pointers, but it will find itself unable to account for the reference counts it finds in the owned objects, so may fail to collect cycles.
method overview void clearcache(in boolean chrome); nsiproperties findentryproperties(in nsiuri uri); void removeentry(in nsiuri uri); methods clearcache() evict images from the cache.
... findentryproperties() find properties used to get properties such as 'type' and 'content-disposition' 'type' is a nsisupportscstring containing the images' mime type such as 'image/png' 'content-disposition' will be a nsisupportscstring containing the header if you call this before any data has been loaded from a uri, it will succeed, but come back empty.
... nsiproperties findentryproperties( in nsiuri uri ); parameters uri the uri to look up.
toolkit/components/places/mozicoloranalyzer.idlscriptable provides methods to analyze colors in an image 1.0 66 introduced gecko 17.0 inherits from: nsisupports last changed in gecko 17.0 (firefox 17.0 / thunderbird 17.0 / seamonkey 2.14) method overview void findrepresentativecolor(in nsiuri imageuri, in mozirepresentativecolorcallback callback); methods findrepresentativecolor() given an image uri, find the most representative color for that image based on the frequency of each color.
...void findrepresentativecolor( in nsiuri imageuri, in mozirepresentativecolorcallback callback ); parameters imageuri a uri pointing to the image - ideally a data: uri, but any scheme that will load when setting the src attribute of a dom img element should work.
... remarks below are some images with the result of findrepresentativecolor: image representative color 0xb28d3a 0x502e1e 0x53ba3f 0x00a400 see also mozirepresentativecolorcallback bug 634139 ...
last changed in gecko 1.8 (firefox 1.5 / thunderbird 1.5 / seamonkey 1.0) inherits from: nsisupports method overview long gettypeofindex(in unsigned long aindex); long getint32(in unsigned long aindex); long long getint64(in unsigned long aindex); double getdouble(in unsigned long aindex); autf8string getutf8string(in unsigned long aindex); astring getstring(in unsigned long aindex); void getblob(in unsigned long aindex, out unsigned long adatasize, [array,size_is(adatasize)]...
... methods gettypeofindex() returns the type of the value at the given column index.
... long gettypeofindex( in unsigned long aindex ); parameters aindex the zero-based numerical index for the column to get the data from.
1.8.1 (firefox 2 / thunderbird 2 / seamonkey 1.1) inherits from nsistreamconverter implemented by;1 as a service: var ios = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.mozitxttohtmlconv); method overview unsigned long citeleveltxt(in wstring line, out unsigned long loglinestart) void findurlinplaintext(in wstring text, in long alength, in long apos, out long astartpos, out long aendpos) wstring scanhtml(in wstring text, in unsigned long whattodo) wstring scantxt(in wstring text, in unsigned long whattodo) constants conversion control attributes these bits allow you to control the conversion of text into html.
... findurlinplaintext() returns the start and end offsets of the first url found in a substring.
... void findurlinplaintext( in wstring text, in long alength, in long apos, out long astartpos, out long aendpos ); parameters text the string to scan for the presence of a url.
otherwise, find the uri of the channel, determine whether it is foreign with respect to auri, and return.
... find the uri of the channel and determine whether it is third party with respect to the uri of the channel.
...find the same-type parent window, if there is one, and its uri.
to create an instance, use: var contentviewer = components.classes[""] .createinstance(components.interfaces.nsicontentviewer); method overview void clearhistoryentry(); void close(in nsishentry historyentry); void destroy(); [noscript,notxpcom,nostdcall] nsiviewptr findcontainerview(); void getbounds(in nsintrectref abounds); native code only!
...findcontainerview() finds the view to use as the container view for makewindow.
...[noscript,notxpcom,nostdcall] nsiviewptr findcontainerview(); parameters none.
es.jsm"); var cookieservice = services.cookies; method overview void add(in autf8string ahost, in autf8string apath, in acstring aname, in acstring avalue, in boolean aissecure, in boolean aishttponly, in boolean aissession, in print64 aexpiry); boolean cookieexists(in nsicookie2 acookie); unsigned long countcookiesfromhost(in autf8string ahost); boolean findmatchingcookie(in nsicookie2 acookie, out unsigned long acountfromhost); obsolete since gecko 1.9 nsisimpleenumerator getcookiesfromhost(in autf8string ahost); void importcookies(in nsifile acookiefile); methods add() adds a cookie.
... findmatchingcookie() obsolete since gecko 1.9 (firefox 3) find whether a matching cookie already exists, and how many cookies a given host has already set.
... boolean findmatchingcookie( in nsicookie2 acookie, out unsigned long acountfromhost ); parameters acookie the cookie to look for.
msgkey); void loadmessagebyviewindex(in nsmsgviewindex aindex); void loadmessagebyurl(in string aurl); void reloadmessage(); void reloadmessagewithallparts(); void selectmsgbykey(in nsmsgkey key); void selectfoldermsgbykey(in nsimsgfolder afolder, in nsmsgkey akey); void ondeletecompleted(in boolean succeeded); nsmsgviewindex findindexfromkey(in nsmsgkey amsgkey, in boolean aexpand); void expandandselectthreadbyindex(in nsmsgviewindex aindex, in boolean aaugment); void addcolumnhandler(in astring acolumn, in nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler ahandler); void removecolumnhandler(in astring acolumn); nsimsgcustomcolumnhandler getcolumnhandler(in astring acolumn); attributes attribu...
... findindexfromkey() gets the index of a message with a particular key.
... nsmsgviewindex findindexfromkey(in nsmsgkey amsgkey, in boolean aexpand); parameters amsgkey the key of the message.
th); boolean callfilterplugins(in nsimsgwindow amsgwindow); acstring getstringproperty(in string propertyname); void setstringproperty(in string propertyname, in acstring propertyvalue); boolean isancestorof(in nsimsgfolder folder); boolean containschildnamed(in astring name); nsimsgfolder getchildnamed(in astring aname); nsimsgfolder findsubfolder(in acstring escapedsubfoldername); void addfolderlistener(in nsifolderlistener listener); void removefolderlistener(in nsifolderlistener listener); void notifypropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in acstring oldvalue, in acstring newvalue); void notifyintpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in long oldvalue, in long newvalue); void notifyboolp...
... nsimsgfolder getchildnamed(in astring aname); findsubfolder() finds the sub folder with the specified name.
... nsimsgfolder findsubfolder(in acstring escapedsubfoldername); addfolderlistener() void addfolderlistener(in nsifolderlistener listener); removefolderlistener() void removefolderlistener(in nsifolderlistener listener); notifypropertychanged() void notifypropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in acstring oldvalue, in acstring newvalue); notifyintpropertychanged() void notifyintpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in long oldvalue, in long newvalue); notifyboolpropertychanged() void notifyboolpropertychanged(in nsiatom property, in boolean oldvalu...
1.0 66 introduced gecko 1.9 inherits from: nsinavhistoryresultnode last changed in gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) method overview nsinavhistoryresultnode findnodebydetails(in autf8string auristring, in prtime atime, in long long aitemid, in boolean arecursive); nsinavhistoryresultnode getchild(in unsigned long aindex); unsigned long getchildindex(in nsinavhistoryresultnode anode); attributes attribute type description childcount unsigned long the number of child nodes; accessing this throws an ns_error_not_available exception of containero...
... methods findnodebydetails() returns a node matching specified details.
... nsinavhistoryresultnode findnodebydetails( in autf8string auristring, in prtime atime, in long long aitemid, in boolean recursive ); parameters auristring the uri attribute value to match on.
rbagecollection prbool obsolete since gecko 1.9 pendingexception nsiexception constants constant value description init_js_standard_classes 1 << 0 flag_system_global_object 1 << 1 omit_components_object 1 << 2 xpc_xow_clearscope 1 tells updatexows() to clear the scope of all of the xows it finds.
... void setreportalljsexceptions( in boolean reportalljsexceptions ); parameters reportalljsexceptions missing description exceptions thrown missing exception missing description setsafejscontextforcurrentthread() set fallback jscontext to use when xpconnect can't find an appropriate context to use to execute javascript.
... aobject which xpcwrappednative we should find the xows for.
Using nsIDirectoryService
getting a location: most developers need to find where a file or directory is located.
...when the service is asked for a file location, it goes through its list of providers asking each if it knows the requested location until it finds one that does.
... once the service finds a location, if the provider says that the location is persistent, the service will cache that location so it is very quick on subsequent calls.
Creating a gloda message query
you can find the file, which includes doxygen markup of sorts, here: components.utils.import("resource:///modules/gloda/public.js"); create the query let query = gloda.newquery(gloda.noun_message); add constraints to the query each constraint function takes one or more arguments which are "or"ed together.
... you find these by first finding a message and then accessing its "conversation" attribute. theory, providing no arguments should result in finding messages with any attachment, but this is somewhat untested.
(duplicate content has been removed from this page.) 87 finding the code for a feature add-ons, extensions, thunderbird frequently you are trying to figure out the code that implements a specific feature of the user interface.
... how do you find that out?, users traditionally find a hierarchical view of their accounts and folders.
Demo Addon
demo 2 - find the inbox this demo shows various information: it lists all folders of an account (in this case the first one) and marks the inbox folder with a *.
... demo 3- search messages by subject this demo shows how to find messages by a subject accross all folders using gloda.
... }; let collection = query.getcollection(mylistener); at first, a new gloda query for finding messages is created.
Thunderbird extensions
read the source using a fancy interface; you can often find tests that demonstrate what you're trying to achieve.
... typical use cases for gloda: find all messages whose subject matches [search term], find all messages from [person], find all messages in the same thread as [a given message], find all messages involving [person], etc.
...rd-stdlib) developing new account types useful newsgroup discussions (anything that's very old should be regarded suspiciously, because there has been significant api rewrite over the past years making most techniques considerably easier) thunderbird api docs (mostly a collection of out-of-date pages, relevance is rather dubious) general links finding the code for a feature mozillazine articles on thunderbird community / communications thunderbird specific : add-ons section on thunderbird communication channels add-on developers forum/mailing list #maildev irc channel more general : mozillazine extension development forum general develop...
Streams - Plugins
the browser calls the plug-in methods npp_newstream, npp_writeready, npp_write, and npp_destroystream to, respectively, create a stream, find out how much data the plug-in can handle, push data into the stream, and delete it.
... receiving a stream sending a stream receiving a stream when the browser sends a data stream to the plug-in, it has several tasks to perform: telling the plug-in when a stream is created telling the plug-in when a stream is deleted finding out how much data the plug-in can accept writing the stream to the plug-in sending the stream in random-access mode sending the stream in file mode telling the plug-in when a stream is created to tell the plug-in instance when a new stream is created, the browser calls the npp_newstream method.
... finding out how much data the plug-in can accept after a call to npp_newstream and before writing data to the plug-in, the browser calls npp_writeready to determine the maximum number of bytes that the plug-in can consume.
Gecko Plugin API Reference - Plugins
plug-in basics how plug-ins are used plug-ins and helper applications how plug-ins work understanding the runtime model plug-in detection how gecko finds plug-ins checking plug-ins by mime type overview of plug-in structure understanding the plug-in api plug-ins and platform independence windowed and windowless plug-ins the default plug-in using html to display plug-ins plug-in display modes using the object element for plug-in display nesting rules for html elements using the appropriate attributes using the embed element for plug-in display using custom embed attributes plug-in references plug-in development overview writing plug-ins registering plug-ins ms windows unix mac os x drawi...
... windowless plug-ins specifying that a plug-in is windowless invalidating the drawing area forcing a paint message making a plug-in opaque making a plug-in transparent creating pop-up menus and dialog boxes event handling for windowless plug-ins streams receiving a stream telling the plug-in when a stream is created telling the plug-in when a stream is deleted finding out how much data the plug-in can accept writing the stream to the plug-in sending the stream in random-access mode sending the stream in file mode sending a stream creating a stream pushing data into the stream deleting the stream example of sending a stream urls getting urls getting the url and displaying the page posting urls posting data to an http server ...
... uploading files to an ftp server sending mail memory allocating and freeing memory mac os flushing memory (mac os only) version, ui, and status information displaying a status line message getting agent information getting the current version finding out if a feature exists reloading a plug-in plug-in side plug-in api this chapter describes methods in the plug-in api that are available from the plug-in object.
Set event listener breakpoints - Firefox Developer Tools
using a standard event breakpoint to use an event breakpoint, you open up the javascript debugger, and find and expand the event listener breakpoints section in the right hand column.
...this can be done by finding jquery.js in the sources panel, and choosing the ignore source option from its context menu.
...when you click in this input and type a search term, the list of event listener types will filter by that term allowing you to find the events you want to break on more easily.
Debugger.Frame - Firefox Developer Tools
given a debugger.frame instance, you can find the script the frame is executing, walk the stack to older frames, find the lexical environment in which the execution is taking place, and so on.
...debugger code can add its own properties to a frame object and expect to find them later, use == to decide whether two expressions refer to the same frame, and so on.
...pushing a "debugger" frame makes this continuation explicit, and makes it easier to find the extent of the stack created for the invocation.
Debugger.Script - Firefox Developer Tools
for a given debugger instance, spidermonkey constructs exactly one debugger.script instance for each underlying script object; debugger code can add its own properties to a script object and expect to find them later, use == to decide whether two expressions refer to the same script, and so on.
... debugger.script objects for webassembly are uncovered via onnewscript when a new webassembly module is instantiated and via the findscripts method on debugger instances.
...for example: function f() {} // display name: f (the given name) var g = function () {}; // display name: g o.p = function () {}; // display name: o.p var q = { r: function () {} // display name: q.r }; note that the display name may not be a proper javascript identifier, or even a proper expression: we attempt to find helpful names even when the function is not immediately assigned as the value of some variable or property.
Debugger-API - Firefox Developer Tools
given a debugger.script, one can set breakpoints, translate between source positions and bytecode offsets (a deviation from the “source level” design principle), and find other static characteristics of the code. can use these to walk the stack and find each frame’s script and environment.
...thus, a tool can store metadata about a shadow’s referent as a property on the shadow itself, and count on finding that metadata again if it comes across the same referent.
Index - Firefox Developer Tools
given a debugger.frame instance, you can find the script the frame is executing, walk the stack to older frames, find the lexical environment in which the execution is taking place, and so on.
...the following list aims to help firebug users to find their way into the developer tools.
... 92 intensive javascript if you want to play along you can find the demo website here.
All keyboard shortcuts - Firefox Developer Tools
command windows macos linux go to line ctrl + j, ctrl + g cmd + j, cmd + g ctrl + j, ctrl + g find in file ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f select all ctrl + a cmd + a ctrl + a cut ctrl + x cmd + x ctrl + x copy ctrl + c cmd + c ctrl + c paste ctrl + v cmd + v ctrl + v undo ctrl + z cmd + z ctrl + z redo ctrl + shift + z / ctrl + y cmd + shift + z / cmd + y ctrl + shift + z / ctrl + y ... the selected node h h h focus on the search box in the html pane ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f edit as html f2 f2 f2 stop editing html f2 / ctrl +enter f2 / cmd + return f2 / ctrl + enter copy the selected node's outer html ctrl + c cmd + c ctrl + c scroll the selected node into view s s s find the next match in the markup, when searching is active enter return enter find the previous match in the markup, when searching is active shift + enter shift + return shift + enter breadcrumbs bar these shortcuts work when the breadcrumbs bar is focused.
... enter return enter debugger command windows macos linux close current file ctrl + w cmd + w ctrl + w search for a string in the current file ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f search for a string in all files ctrl + shift + f cmd + shift + f ctrl + shift + f find next in the current file ctrl + g cmd + g ctrl + g search for scripts by name ctrl + p cmd + p ctrl + p resume execution when at a breakpoint f8 f8 1 f8 step over f10 f10 1 f10 step into f11 f11 1 f11 step out shift + f11 shift + f11 1 shift + f11 toggle breakpoint on the currently selected...
Aggregate view - Firefox Developer Tools
so, for example, the first entry says that: 4,832,592 bytes, comprising 93% of the total heap usage, were allocated in a function at line 35 of "alloc.js", or in functions called by that function we can use the disclosure triangle to drill down the call tree, to find the exact place your code made those allocations.
... we can use the disclosure arrow to expand the tree to find out exactly where we're allocating memory: this is where the "bytes" and "count" columns are useful: they show allocation size and number of allocations at that exact point.
...however, this view means you have to drill a long way down to find the exact place where the allocations are happening.
Element.getElementsByClassName() - Web APIs
examples matching a single class to look for elements that include among their classes a single specified class, we just provide that class name when calling getelementsbyclassname(): element.getelementsbyclassname('test'); this example finds all elements that have a class of test, which are also a descendant of the element that has the id of main: document.getelementbyid('main').getelementsbyclassname('test'); matching multiple classes to find elements whose class lists include both the red and test classes: element.getelementsbyclassname('red test'); examining the results you can use either the item() method on the returned h...
...ent.getelementsbyclassname('colorbox'); for (var i=0; i<matches.length; i++) { matches[i].classlist.remove('colorbox'); matches.item(i).classlist.add('hueframe'); } instead, use another method, such as: var matches = element.getelementsbyclassname('colorbox'); while (matches.length > 0) { matches.item(0).classlist.add('hueframe'); matches[0].classlist.remove('colorbox'); } this code finds descendant elements with the "colorbox" class, adds the class "hueframe", by calling item(0), then removes "colorbox" (using array notation). we'll find all <div> elements that have a class of test: var testelements = document.getelementsbyclassname('test'); var testdivs =, function(testelement) { return testelement.nodename === 'div'; }); specifications specification status comment domthe definition of 'element.getelementsbyclassname()' in that specification.
In depth: Microtasks and the JavaScript runtime environment - Web APIs
to support this, it was necessary to find ways to allow for projects to escape the limitations of a single-threaded language.
...this information is provided as a basis for why microtasks are useful and how they function; if you don't care, you can skip this and come back later if you find that you need to.
...across multiple instances and across all browsers and javascript runtimes, a standardized microqueue mechanism means these microtasks will operate reliably in the same order, thus avoiding potentially difficult to find bugs.
Using IndexedDB - Web APIs
(whether this is a good idea for privacy is a different question, and outside the scope of this article.) if you need to look up a customer by name, however, you'll need to iterate over every ssn in the database until you find the right one.
... if (blob.type == 'text/html') { var reader = new filereader(); reader.onload = (function(evt) { var html =; iframe.load(function() { $(this).contents().find('html').html(html); }); }); reader.readastext(blob); } else if (blob.type.indexof('image/') == 0) { iframe.load(function() { var img_id = 'image-' + key; var img = $('<img id="' + img_id + '"/>'); $(this).contents().find('body').html(img); var obj_url = window.url.createobjecturl(blob); $(this).contents().fi...
... }); } else if (blob.type == 'application/pdf') { $('*').css('cursor', 'wait'); var obj_url = window.url.createobjecturl(blob); iframe.load(function() { $('*').css('cursor', 'auto'); }); iframe.attr('src', obj_url); window.url.revokeobjecturl(obj_url); } else { iframe.load(function() { $(this).contents().find('body').html("no view available"); }); } }); } /** * @param {string} biblioid * @param {string} title * @param {number} year * @param {string} url the url of the image to download and store in the local * indexeddb database.
RTCPeerConnection.iceConnectionState - Web APIs
"checking" the ice agent has been given one or more remote candidates and is checking pairs of local and remote candidates against one another to try to find a compatible match, but has not yet found a pair which will allow the peer connection to be made.
... "failed" the ice candidate has checked all candidates pairs against one another and has failed to find compatible matches for all components of the connection.
... it is, however, possible that the ice agent did find compatible connections for some components.
RTCPeerConnection - Web APIs
"checking" the ice agent has been given one or more remote candidates and is checking pairs of local and remote candidates against one another to try to find a compatible match, but has not yet found a pair which will allow the peer connection to be made.
... "failed" the ice candidate has checked all candidates pairs against one another and has failed to find compatible matches for all components of the connection.
... it is, however, possible that the ice agent did find compatible connections for some components.
Using Service Workers - Web APIs
if however you find that demo code is not working in your installed versions, you might need to enable a pref: firefox nightly: go to about:config and set dom.serviceworkers.enabled to true; restart browser.
... note: you can also chain promise calls together, for example: mypromise().then(success, failure).then(success).catch(failure); note: you can find a lot more out about promises by reading jake archibald’s excellent javascript promises: there and back again.
... let’s start this section by looking at a code sample — this is the first block you’ll find in our service worker: self.addeventlistener('install', (event) => { event.waituntil('v1').then((cache) => { return cache.addall([ './sw-test/', './sw-test/index.html', './sw-test/style.css', './sw-test/app.js', './sw-test/image-list.js', './sw-test/star-wars-logo.jpg', './sw-test/gallery/', './sw-test/galle...
Using readable streams - Web APIs
finding some examples we will look at various examples in this article, taken from our dom-examples/streams repo.
... you can find the full source code there, as well as links to the examples.
...for example, our simple stream pump example goes on to enqueue each chunk in a new, custom readablestream (we will find more about this in the next section), then create a new response out of it, consume it as a blob, create an object url out of that blob using url.createobjecturl(), and then display it on screen in an <img> element, effectively creating a copy of the image we originally fetched.
Signaling and video calling - Web APIs
a signaling server's job is to serve as an intermediary to let two peers find and establish a connection while minimizing exposure of potentially private information as much as possible.
... function sendtooneuser(target, msgstring) { var isunique = true; var i; for (i=0; i<connectionarray.length; i++) { if (connectionarray[i].username === target) { connectionarray[i].send(msgstring); break; } } } this function iterates over the list of connected users until it finds one matching the specified username, then sends the message to that user.
...instead, candidates may still keep being exchanged after the conversation has begun, either while trying to find a better connection method, or simply because they were already in transport when the peers successfully established their connection.
Multipart labels: Using ARIA for labels with embedded fields inside them - Accessibility
you do not need to navigate around to find out the unit.
... “days” could easily be “months” or “years”, and in many ordinary dialogs, there is no way to find this out other than navigating around with screen reviewing commands.
... example: shut down computer after minutes <input aria-labelledby="labelshutdown shutdowntime shutdownunit" type="checkbox" /> <span id="labelshutdown">shut down computer after</span> <input aria-labelledby="labelshutdown shutdowntime shutdownunit" id="shutdowntime" type="text" value="10" /> <span id="shutdownunit"> minutes</span> a note for jaws 8 users jaws 8.0 has its own logic to find labels, causing it to always override the accessiblename the textbox of an html document gets.
Operable - Accessibility
guideline 2.4 — navigable: provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are the conformance criteria under this guideline relate to ways in which users can be expected to orientate themselves, and find the content and functionality they are looking for on the current page or other pages of the site.
... 2.4.5 multiple navigation mechanisms (aa) you should provide at least two general navigation mechanisms to find pages on your web site, for example navigation menu, breadcrumb trail, site search, site map, list of related links, etc.
... note: also see the wcag description for guideline 2.4 navigable: provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are.
CSS Grid Layout and Accessibility - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this means that someone navigating using the keyboard could be tabbing through links on your site and suddenly find themselves jumping from the top to the bottom of the document due to a reordered item being next in line.
... returning to the source if at any time in the design process you find yourself using grid to relocate the position of an element, consider whether you should return to your document and make a change to the logical order too. aware of this temptation and find ways to develop your design without stripping out the markup.
Layout using named grid lines - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
in practice i find that for straightforward layouts, using named template areas works well, it gives that nice visual representation of what your layout looks like, and it is then easy to move things around on the grid. you start to build out your own layouts, you will find that the syntax becomes more familiar and you choose the ways that work best for you and the type of projects you like to build.
... try building some common patterns with these various methods, and you will soon find your most productive way to work.
Realizing common layouts using CSS Grid Layout - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
choose the method you find most helpful for the problems that you are solving and the designs that you need to implement.
...i find this named areas method very helpful at a prototyping stage, it is easy to play around with the location of elements.
...don’t forget to find examples that are impossible to build with current methods.
display - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: browsers that support the two value syntax, on finding the outer value only, such as when display: block or display: inline is specified, will set the inner value to flow.
... note: browsers that support the two value syntax, on finding the inner value only, such as when display: flex or display: grid is specified, will set their outer value to block.
...padding: 10px; border-radius: 7px; } article, div { margin: 20px; } javascript const articles = document.queryselectorall('.container'); const select = document.queryselector('select'); function updatedisplay() { articles.foreach((article) => { = select.value; }); } select.addeventlistener('change', updatedisplay); updatedisplay(); result note: you can find more examples in the pages for each separate display data type, linked above.
Adding captions and subtitles to HTML5 video - Developer guides
note: you can find the source on github, and also view the example live.
...h > 0) button.setattribute('lang', lang); button.value = label; button.setattribute('data-state', 'inactive'); button.appendchild(document.createtextnode(label)); button.addeventlistener('click', function(e) { // set all buttons to inactive, i, a) { subtitlemenubuttons[i].setattribute('data-state', 'inactive'); }); // find the language to activate var lang = this.getattribute('lang'); for (var i = 0; i < video.texttracks.length; i++) { // for the 'subtitles-off' button, the first condition will never match so all will subtitles be turned off if (video.texttracks[i].language == lang) { video.texttracks[i].mode = 'showing'; this.setattribute('data-state', 'active'...
... radiant media player supports multi-languages webvtt closed captions note: you can find an excellent list of html5 video players and their current "state" at html5 video player comparison.
Audio and Video Delivery - Developer guides
you can find compatibility information in the guide to media types and formats on the web.
...find more about web audio api basics in using the web audio api.
...e, audio: false }) .then(function onsuccess(stream) { var video = document.getelementbyid('webcam'); video.autoplay = true; video.srcobject = stream; }) .catch(function onerror() { alert('there has been a problem retreiving the streams - are you running on file:/// or did you disallow access?'); }); } else { alert('getusermedia is not supported in this browser.'); } to find out more, read our mediadevices.getusermedia page.
User input and controls - Developer guides
note: have a look at the events reference and keyboardevent guide to find out more about keyboard events.
...o you will probably need to fork your code something like this: var elem = document.getelementbyid("myvideo"); if (elem.requestfullscreen) { elem.requestfullscreen(); } else if (elem.msrequestfullscreen) { elem.msrequestfullscreen(); } else if (elem.mozrequestfullscreen) { elem.mozrequestfullscreen(); } else if (elem.webkitrequestfullscreen) { elem.webkitrequestfullscreen(); } note: to find more out about adding fullscreen functionality your application, read our documentation about using fullscreen mode.
</div> in which we: set the draggable attribute to true on the element that you wish to make draggable add a listener for the dragstart event and set the drag data within this listener note: you can find more information in the mdn drag & drop documentation.
A typical HTTP session - HTTP
(contains a site-customized page helping the user to find the missing resource) notification that the requested resource doesn't exist: http/1.1 404 not found content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8 content-length: 38217 connection: keep-alive cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0 content-language: en-us date: thu, 06 dec 2018 17:35:13 gmt expires: thu, 06 dec 2018 17:35:13 gmt server: meinheld/0.6.1 strict-transport-security: ...
...(contains a site-customized page helping the user to find the missing resource) response status codes http response status codes indicate if a specific http request has been successfully completed.
...the server cannot find the requested resource.
HTTP response status codes - HTTP
you can find an updated specification in rfc 7231.
... 404 not found the server can not find the requested resource.
... 406 not acceptable this response is sent when the web server, after performing server-driven content negotiation, doesn't find any content that conforms to the criteria given by the user agent.
JavaScript modules - JavaScript
introducing an example to demonstrate usage of modules, we've created a simple set of examples that you can find on github.
... however, we've written the path a bit differently — we are using the dot (.) syntax to mean "the current location", followed by the path beyond that to the file we are trying to find. our basic-modules square.js you can find a function called randomsquare() that creates a square with a random color, size, and position.
Regular expressions - JavaScript
using simple patterns simple patterns are constructed of characters for which you want to find a direct match.
... using special characters when the search for a match requires something more than a direct match, such as finding one or more b's, or finding white space, you can include special characters in the pattern.
... in the following example, the script uses the exec() method to find a match in a string.
Memory Management - JavaScript
garbage collection as stated above, the general problem of automatically finding whether some memory "is not needed anymore" is undecidable.
...periodically, the garbage collector will start from these roots, find all objects that are referenced from these roots, then all objects referenced from these, etc.
... starting from the roots, the garbage collector will thus find all reachable objects and collect all non-reachable objects.
Array - JavaScript
anana", "orange"] remove an item from the end of an array let last = fruits.pop() // remove orange (from the end) // ["apple", "banana"] remove an item from the beginning of an array let first = fruits.shift() // remove apple from the front // ["banana"] add an item to the beginning of an array let newlength = fruits.unshift('strawberry') // add to the front // ["strawberry", "banana"] find the index of an item in the array fruits.push('mango') // ["strawberry", "banana", "mango"] let pos = fruits.indexof('banana') // 1 remove an item by index position let removeditem = fruits.splice(pos, 1) // this is how to remove an item // ["strawberry", "mango"] remove items from an index position let vegetables = ['cabbage', 'turnip', 'radish', 'carrot'] console.log(vegetables) // ["ca...
... array.prototype.find() returns the found element in the array, if some element in the array satisfies the testing function, or undefined if not found.
... array.prototype.findindex() returns the found index in the array, if an element in the array satisfies the testing function, or -1 if not found.
String.prototype.slice() - JavaScript
let str = 'the morning is upon us.' str.slice(-3) // returns 'us.' str.slice(-3, -1) // returns 'us' str.slice(0, -1) // returns 'the morning is upon us' this example counts backwards from the end of the string by 11 to find the start index and forwards from the start of the string by 16 to find the end index.
... console.log(str.slice(-11, 16)) // => "is u" here it counts forwards from the start by 11 to find the start index and backwards from the end by 7 to find the end index.
... console.log(str.slice(11, -7)) // => " is u" these arguments count backwards from the end by 5 to find the start index and backwards from the end by 1 to find the end index.
Web video codec guide - Web media technologies
motion compression of video typically works by comparing frames, finding where they differ, and constructing records containing enough information to update the previous frame to approximate the appearance of the following frame. essence, the encoder finds the moving objects, then builds an internal frame of sorts that looks like the original but with all the objects translated to their new locations.
...for each use case, you'll find up to two reccommendations.
Codecs used by WebRTC - Web media technologies
you'll find details about this on page 47 of rfc 6184. can find more general information about opus and its capabilities, and how other apis can support opus, in the corresponding section of our guide to audio codecs used on the web.
... licensing terms before choosing a video codec, make sure you're aware of any licensing requirements around the codec you select; you can find information about possible licensing concerns in our main guide to video codecs used on the web.
Progressive web apps (PWAs)
to find out more about what these mean, read progressive web app advantages.
... to find out how to implement pwas, read through our pwa developer guide.
...we will start with analyzing the js13kpwa application, why it is built that way, and what benefits it brings.pwa developer guidein the articles listed here, you'll find guides about every aspect of development specific to the greation of progressive web applications (pwas).structural overview of progressive web appsin this structural overview, we'll look at the features that make up a standard web application, as well as some design patterns you can follow when building your pwa.
Mixed content - Web security
as well as finding these warnings in the web console, you could use content security policy (csp) to report issues.
... you could also use an online crawler like ssl-check or missing padlock that will check your website recursively and find links to insecure content. make it easier for web developers to find mixed content errors, all blocked mixed content requests are logged to the security pane of the web console, as seen below: to fix this type of error, all requests to http content should be removed and replaced with content served over https.
Porting the Library Detector - Archive of obsolete content
for each library that it finds, the library detector adds an icon representing that library to the status bar.
...each test object contains a function called test(): if the function finds the library, it defines various additional properties for the test object, such as a version property containing the library version.
util/array - Archive of obsolete content
find(iterator) iterates over given array and applies given predicate function until predicate(element) is true.
... let { find } = require('sdk/util/array'); let isodd = (x) => x % 2; find([2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9], isodd); // => 5 find([2, 4, 6, 8], isodd); // => undefiend find([2, 4, 6, 8], isodd, null); // => null fromiterator(i) // ['otoro', 'unagi', 'keon'] parameters iterator : iterator the iterator object over which to iterate and place results into an array.
jpm - Archive of obsolete content
if you do not list your add-on on, you need to generate a mozilla-signed xpi and tell firefox where it can find new versions of your add-on.
... the way this works is: you run jpm sign anytime you need to create a new version you host the signed add-on xpi and update it when you need to you host an "update manifest", which, among other things, contains a url pointing to the xpi your add-on tells firefox where it can find the update manifest to do this, include two extra keys in package.json: updateurl: this url is included in the install manifest of the xpi file that jpm xpi builds.
Displaying annotations - Archive of obsolete content
if it finds any it binds functions to that element's mouseenter and mouseleave events to send messages to the main module, asking it to show or hide the annotation.
...ind('mouseenter', function(event) { self.port.emit('show', $(this).attr('annotation')); event.stoppropagation(); event.preventdefault(); }); $('.annotated').bind('mouseleave', function() { self.port.emit('hide'); }); }); function createanchor(annotation) { annotationanchorancestor = $('#' + annotation.ancestorid); annotationanchor = $(annotationanchorancestor).parent().find( ':contains(' + annotation.anchortext + ')').last(); $(annotationanchor).addclass('annotated'); $(annotationanchor).attr('annotation', annotation.annotationtext); } save this in data as matcher.js.
Storing annotations - Archive of obsolete content
annotation list content script here's the annotation list's content script: self.on("message", function onmessage(storedannotations) { var annotationlist = $('#annotation-list'); annotationlist.empty(); storedannotations.foreach( function(storedannotation) { var annotationhtml = $('#template .annotation-details').clone(); annotationhtml.find('.url').text(storedannotation.url) .attr('href', storedannotation.url); annotationhtml.find('.url').bind('click', function(event) { event.stoppropagation(); event.preventdefault(); self.postmessage(storedannotation.url); }); annotationhtml.find('.selection-text') .text(storedannotation.anchortext); ...
... annotationhtml.find('.annotation-text') .text(storedannotation.annotationtext); annotationlist.append(annotationhtml); }); }); it builds the dom for the panel from the array of annotations it is given.
Using third-party modules (jpm) - Archive of obsolete content
before the jpm tool was available, there wasn't any package manager for these community-developed modules, so it wasn't obvious where to find community-developed modules, or how to install and update them. will contain a single directory "addon-pathfinder", and the modules included in this package will be somewhere in that directory: my-menuitem index.js node_modules menuitem package.json test we're interested in using the "menuitem" module, which is at "addon-pathfinder/lib/ui/menuitem".
Localization - Archive of obsolete content
using identifiers if the localization system can't find an entry for a particular identifier using the current locale, then it just returns the identifier itself.
... then when the locale is "en-us", the system would fail to find a .properties file, and return "hello!".
Bookmarks - Archive of obsolete content
finding bookmark items if you know the uri of a site and wish to find all bookmarks that link to it, you can use the nsinavbookmarksservice.getbookmarkidsforuri() method.
... finding the folder containing an item if you need to know what folder contains an item (this can be especially handy after using nsinavbookmarksservice.getbookmarkidsforuri() to find bookmarks for a given uri), you can use the nsinavbookmarksservice.getfolderidforitem() method.
SVG General - Archive of obsolete content
on this page you will find some simple, general information on svg markup. will also find some general purpose scripting helpers, that should make scripting svg a little easier.
Code snippets - Archive of obsolete content
autocomplete code used to enable form autocomplete in a browser boxes tips and tricks when using boxes as containers tabbox removing and manipulating tabs in a tabbox windows-specific finding window handles (hwnd) (firefox) how to use windows api calls to find various kinds of mozilla window handles.
... external links the content at mozillazine example code is slowly being moved here, but you can still find useful examples there for now.
Communication between HTML and your extension - Archive of obsolete content
the result of the ajax request was the something that i wanted the extension to find.
... if (doc && doc.addeventlistener) doc.addeventlistener("my-custom-event", myextension.customreceived, false); since the event is dispatched after the element in the html is updated by the statuschanged function, the element that extension is looking for is there to find.
Creating custom Firefox extensions with the Mozilla build system - Archive of obsolete content
you can find full instructions for almost any os here.
... a lot of this stuff won't get created on this first pass since make will gag when it doesn't find the source files for your components.
Inline options - Archive of obsolete content
note: starting in gecko 13.0, you can also listen for the addon-options-hidden notification, which has the same subject and data as above, to find out when the ui is about to be removed.
... locating the options file there are two ways to let the add-on manager find your options file: method 1 name the file options.xul and put it in the extension's root folder (alongside install.rdf).
Connecting to Remote Content - Archive of obsolete content
http debugging when you start debugging http requests, you may find it hard to know exactly what data was sent, especially with post data.
... after installation, you can find a tamper data menu item in the menu bar: tools > tamper data or view > sidebar > tamper data once you open the tamper data view, all requests and responses will begin to appear in it.
Security best practices in extensions - Archive of obsolete content
refer to the document to find out how to avoid such pitfalls. sure to read using native json to find out the correct way to handle it.
Case Sensitivity in class and id Names - Archive of obsolete content
find out how this wrinkle can affect your site design and best practices to avoid any problems. section 7.5.2, which defines class and ids, we find the following text: id = name [cs] this attribute assigns a name to an element.
Creating a status bar extension - Archive of obsolete content
you can find a more up-to-date tutorial in the xul school tutorial the essentials of an extension. can also find more details about format of chrome manifests in the chrome manifest section.
List of Former Mozilla-Based Applications - Archive of obsolete content
ncatrss rss reader domain switched over to domain parking service ghostzilla browser archived version of ghostzilla site from 2005 homebase desktop operating environment for internet computers no longer available hp printer assistant printer utility hall of fame page mentions that this used an embedded version of mozilla at some point but i can't find reference to current status (may still be using mozilla code?) icebrowser java browser sdk uses mozilla rhino --eol'ed in 2009 (jin'sync) office app launcher download page last updated on 12/21/06 kylix compiler and integrated development environment borland discontinued this product.
... other places to find former mozilla-based applications: archived mozilla hall of fame page siftery ...
MCD, Mission Control Desktop, AKA AutoConfig - Archive of obsolete content
=people,dc=int-evry,dc=fr","uid=" + env_user,"uid,cn,mail,labeleduri"); // close the try, and call the catch() } catch(e) {displayerror("lockedpref", e);} debug if you set a username and the mozilla_debug variable ($export mozilla_debug=1; export user=procacci), then the displayerror() will show you this popup: that's a popup titled as "error", but it's just a debug tool for me as i didn't find any other way to popup information.
... 2 10:45 thunderbird -> /usr/local/thunderbirddebuglibs/thunderbird-3.0b3pre/thunderbird [root@b008-02 thunderbirddebuglibs]# find /usr/local/thunderbirddebuglibs/ -name prefcalls.js /usr/local/thunderbirddebuglibs/thunderbird-3.0b3pre/defaults/autoconfig/prefcalls.js old mozilla 1.x, possibly netscape 6/7 the following is for the record...
Creating a Mozilla Extension - Archive of obsolete content
completing this tutorial will give you a basic understanding of how mozilla's user interface (ui) is constructed, how to find the source code for the ui you want to extend, how to make an installation of mozilla modifiable, how to use mozilla's network library to load and parse web pages in javascript, and how to use dynamic overlays to package a mozilla extension for installation by others.
... contents prerequisites tinderbox making a mozilla installation modifiable finding the file to modify finding the code to modify adding the structure specifying the appearance enabling the behavior - retrieving tinderbox status enabling the behavior - updating the status bar panel enabling the behavior - updating the status periodically making it into a static overlay making it into a dynamic overlay and packaging it up for distribution conclusion next » original document information author(s): myk melez last updated date: september 19, 2006 copyright information: portions of this content are © 1998–2007 by individual contributors; content available under a creative commons license | details.
Creating a Microsummary - Archive of obsolete content
we'll build the xslt transform sheet that converts that page into its microsummary, learn how to specify that the generator applies to that page, and find out how to make the generator available for download and installation.
... install the extension (restarting firefox to complete installation) then go to the spread firefox home page, find the firefox download count (a large number at the bottom of the right-hand column), context click on the number, and select view xpath from the context menu.
Creating a Release Tag - Archive of obsolete content
rm mozilla/ cvs co -r mozilla_0_9_4_1_release_mini_branch mozilla/ in each of the build scripts find the variables defining the branch and change it from the branch you originally pulled from to the new tag you are creating.
... find .
Layout System Overview - Archive of obsolete content
digging just a tiny bit deeper into the system we find that the complexity (and interest) mushrooms very rapidly.
...clients generally do not want to incur the expense of traversing all of the frames from the root to find the frame they are interested in, so the frame manager provides some other mappings based on the needs of the clients.
Using microformats - Archive of obsolete content
this object and its api make finding and reading microformats easy to do.
... var microformatsarray = microformats.get(name, rootelement, options, targetarray); parameters name the name of the microformat to find.
Basics - Archive of obsolete content
you can find the console in the extra menu of firefox.
... titlethe head of the notification message.string bodythe messagestringfalse iconthe url of an .ico file.string"hello world");var mybody = " my first message body on jetpack";var myicon = "";{title: "my first message on jetpack", body: mybody, icon: myicon}); class tabs in this class you can find information about the tabs in your firefox window.
Monitoring downloads - Archive of obsolete content
we find a // record for the same source uri and start time, then update the end // time, size, and speed entries in the record.; statement.binddoubleparameter(2, adownload.speed); statement.bindint32parameter(3, adownload.state); statement.bindstringparameter(4, adownload.source.spec); statement.bindint64parameter(5, adownload.starttime); statement.execute(); statement.reset(); dbconn.close(); }, this simply opens the database and builds and executes a update sqlite command that finds the download item whose source uri and start time match the download that has completed and updates its information.
How to Write and Land Nanojit Patches - Archive of obsolete content
you might find it easier to just cut-and-paste links from the commit log.) you're done, but watch the nanojit tinderbox for breakage.
...then find the corresponding bug(s) and commit the (hopefully already-reviewed!) tr/tm portion of the patch(es) on top of your current, un-pushed tip.
Build - Archive of obsolete content
you can now find the executable in mozilla-obj/prism/dist/bin/prism.
... if you want to create a package, go to mozilla-obj/prism and call make package you will find the package in dist/ ...
Reading textual data - Archive of obsolete content
usage: var charset = /* need to find out what the character encoding is.
... it can be used like this: var charset = /* need to find out what the character encoding is.
Table Cellmap - Archive of obsolete content
due to this behind the cellmap for the table we will find a cellmap for every rowgroup.
... <table> <tr><td>cell 1</td><td colspan="2">cell 2</td></tr> <tr><td>cell 3</td><td>cell 4</td><td>cell 5</td></tr> </table> table cell map would be: row 0 : c0,0 c0,1 c row 1 : c1,0 c1,1 c1,2 while it is clear that in the cells that are the origin of a table cells one will find a address the more interesting question is, what will be the content in the upper right cell.
Abc Assembler Tests - Archive of obsolete content
* * ***** end license block ***** */ function main() { getlocal0 pushscope findproperty start pushstring "instructions that start with the letter l" callpropvoid start 1 newfunction .function_id(runtest) getlocal0 call 0 findproperty end callpropvoid end 0 returnvoid } function runtest() { // test null <= null == true findproperty compare_stricteq pushstring "null lessequals null" // testname pushtrue // expected pushnull ...
... pushnull lessequals // actual callpropvoid compare_stricteq 3 // use .try / .catch to catch typeerror // convert_o null .try { pushnull convert_o pop findproperty fail pushstring "convert_o null" pushstring "exception should have been thrown: typeerror: error #1009: cannot access a property or method of a null object reference." getlocal1 callpropvoid fail 3 jump finished_convert_o_null } .catch { getlocal0 pushscope setlocal2 // save typeerror findproperty compare_typeerror pushstring "convert_o null" // test name pushstring "typeerror: error #1009" // expected getlocal2 // actual callpropvoid compare_typeerror 3 } ...
Tamarin build documentation - Archive of obsolete content
- find the two instances of "android-ndk" and make sure they match your ndk's name (they should already). rebuild it, use the script: $ cd tamarin-central/core $ export asc=../utils/asc.jar # uses this to find asc.jar $ python building, builtin.cpp, builtin.h builtin: 26795 files: 6 time: 1709ms you can now use asc.jar to compile applications.
Creating XPI Installer Modules - Archive of obsolete content
the relatively simple process of finding the appropriate resources (i.e.
... xul, javascript, or css files) in the chrome subdirectories and editing them with a text editor has been replaced by something a lot of developers find more confusing and esoteric.
Windows stub installer - Archive of obsolete content
now you will find an installer *and* the xpcom.xpi and other debug xpis delivered to mozilla/dist/win32_d.obj/install.
... other macro strings listed in can be found by searching for "version", which is one of the macro strings, until you find the line $line =~ s/\$version\$/$inversion/i; other macro strings are grouped in this section.
Install script template - Archive of obsolete content
writes registry keys exposing the above secondary install location for other browsers to find.
... hkey_current_user) { logcomment("moz registerplid: rootkey=="+hkey_current_user); winreg.setrootkey(winreg.hkey_current_user); } else { logcomment("moz registerplid: invalid rootkey, "+rootkey); return invalidrootkeyerror; } if (!winreg.iskeywritable(plidpath)) { logcomment("moz registerplid: registry key not writable"); return registrykeynotwritableerror; } // if we can't find the plidpath create the key if (!winreg.keyexists(plidpath)) { logcomment("moz registerplid: creating missing key "+plidpath+"."); myregstatus = winreg.createkey(plidpath, ""); if (myregstatus != 0) { logcomment("moz registerplid: could not create the key, "+plidpath+"as expected.
browserid - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home browserid type: string the id of the browser element to which the findbar is attached.
... this attribute is only used when the findbar is constructed.
List of commands - Archive of obsolete content
ey/ list of commands (listed alphabetically) browser:addbookmark browser:addbookmarkas browser:addgroupmarkas browser:back browser:editpage browser:find browser:findagain browser:findprev browser:forward browser:home browser:managebookmark browser:open browser:openfile browser:print browser:printpreview browser:savepage browser:searchinternet browser:sendpage browser:uploadfile cmd_bm_copy cmd_bm_cut cmd_bm_delete cmd_bm_expandfolder cmd_bm_export cmd_bm_find cmd_bm_import cmd_bm_managefolder cmd_bm_movebookmark cmd_bm_newb...
...bm_newseparator cmd_bm_open cmd_bm_openinnewtab cmd_bm_openinnewwindow cmd_bm_paste cmd_bm_properties cmd_bm_rename cmd_bm_selectall cmd_bm_setnewbookmarkfolder cmd_bm_setnewsearchfolder cmd_bm_setpersonaltoolbarfolder cmd_bm_sortfolder cmd_bm_sortfolderbyname cmd_close cmd_closeothertabs cmd_closewindow cmd_copy cmd_copyimage cmd_copylink cmd_cut cmd_delete cmd_editpage cmd_findtypelinks cmd_findtypetext cmd_gotoline cmd_handlebackspace cmd_handleshiftbackspace cmd_minimizewindow cmd_neweditor cmd_neweditordraft cmd_neweditortemplate cmd_newnavigator cmd_newnavigatortab cmd_newtabwithtarget cmd_openhelp cmd_paste - paste a selection from the clipboard cmd_printsetup cmd_quit cmd_redo cmd_savepage cmd_scrollpagedown cmd_scrollpageup cmd_selectall cmd_...
Menus - Archive of obsolete content
so if you wanted to have a menu with the label find, you would need to set a different access key.
... <menubar> <menu label="file" accesskey="f"/> <menu label="find" accesskey="d"/> </menubar> here, the 'file' menu has the 'f' access key, and the 'find' menu has the 'd' access key.
Adding HTML Elements - Archive of obsolete content
here is an example as it might be added to the find file window: <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" orient="horizontal" xmlns:html="" xmlns=""> then, you can use html tags as you would normally, keeping in mind the following: you must add a h...
...example 1 : source view <html:p> search for: <html:input id="find-text"/> <button id="okbutton" label="ok"/> </html:p> this code will cause the text 'search for:' to be displayed, followed by an input element and an ok button.
Adding Labels and Images - Archive of obsolete content
later, we'll find out how to constrain the width of elements so that we can see the wrapping more easily. are some examples: xul: <image id="image1"/> <image id="search"/> style sheet: #image1 { list-style-image: url("chrome://findfile/skin/banner.jpg"); } #search { list-style-image: url(""); } these images come from within the chrome directory, in the skin for the findfile package.
Adding Methods to XBL-defined Elements - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » next, we'll find out how to add custom methods to xbl-defined elements.
...s="container"> <button label="one"/> <button label="two"/> <button label="three"/> <button label="four"/> </box> xbl: <binding id="labeledbutton"> <content> <description value="a stack:"/> <stack> <children/> </stack> </content> </binding> if you use the dom functions such as childnodes to get the children of the the xul box element with the id of outer, you willl find that it has has 4 children.
Adding Properties to XBL-defined Elements - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » next, we'll find out how to add custom properties to xbl-defined elements.
...later, we'll find out how to move this to xbl.
Advanced Rules - Archive of obsolete content
rule conditions when a tree, menu or other element with a datasource generates content, the template builder first finds the resource referred to by the ref attribute., we'll find out how to save the state of xul elements.
Creating Dialogs - Archive of obsolete content
var somefile=document.getelementbyid('enterfile').value; window.opendialog("chrome://findfile/content/showdetails.xul","showmore", "chrome",somefile); in this example the dialog showdetails.xul is displayed.
...if you try the example above, you will find that the dook() function is called when the ok button is pressed and the docancel() function is called when the cancel button is pressed.
Groupboxes - Archive of obsolete content
we'll add a groupbox to the find files dialog in the next section., we'll use what we've learned so far and add some additional elements to the find files dialog.
Modifying the Default Skin - Archive of obsolete content
this means that the browser menu bar, the bookmarks menu bar and even the find files menu bar will be red.
... you can assign images to a button, checkbox and other elements by using the list-style-image property as in the following: checkbox { list-style-image: url("chrome://findfile/skin/images/check-off.jpg"); } checkbox[checked="true"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://findfile/skin/images/check-on.jpg"); } this code changes the image associated with a checkbox.
Popup Menus - Archive of obsolete content
the example below demonstrates creating a back button with a popup menu: example 3 : source view <popupset> <menupopup id="backpopup" position="after_start"> <menuitem label="page 1"/> <menuitem label="page 2"/> </menupopup> </popupset> <button label="pop me up" popup="backpopup"/> our find files example let's add a simple popup menu to the find files dialog.
... our find files example so far : source view next, we'll look at how to create scrolling menus.
Scroll Bars - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » now, let's find out to add scroll bars to a window., we'll find out how to create toolbars.
Splitters - Archive of obsolete content
our find files example let's see what the find file dialog looks like with a splitter in it.
... normal state: collapsed state: find files example so far : source view next, we'll find out how to create toolbars.
Templates - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » in this section, we'll find out how to populate elements with data.
...if you were to use dom functions to traverse the tree, you will find these elements there and can query their properties.
Tree Selection - Archive of obsolete content
if you just want to find out if a specific row is selected, use can use the isselected() function.
...tree.view.selection.clearrange(2,7); next, we'll find out how to create a custom view for a tree.
Trees - Archive of obsolete content
add a tree to our find files example let's add a tree to the find files window where the results of the search would be displayed.
... find files example so far : source view next, we'll learn how to create more advanced trees.
Using Remote XUL - Archive of obsolete content
it is difficult to discern the site's basic structure and available resources, which makes it hard to locate a particular page or find the one with the information you want.
...html-based navigation bars take up too much space, dhtml menus are slow and buggy, and site maps make you go to an intermediate page to find the information you want.
Using Visual Studio as your XUL IDE - Archive of obsolete content
all va options can be found at: hkey_current_user\software\whole tomato\visual assist x\ find the folder that represents your visual studio version ((vanet8, vanet9, etc.) and add your extensions to the corresponding registry entries extjs and extxml.
...problems that need to be solved there are still some problems for which i did not find a solution yet.
Using nsIXULAppInfo - Archive of obsolete content
starting with mozilla/xulrunner 1.8, there now is a way to find out which application, application version, and gecko version your code is running on.
... for example, firefox and thunderbird 1.0 stored their id in the preference (and their version in app.version), so you could use code like this to find out what application you're running under: function getappid() { var id; if(";1" in components.classes) { // running under mozilla 1.8 or later id = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsixulappinfo).id; } else { try { id = components.classes[";1"] ...
Using the Editor from XUL - Archive of obsolete content
you can find the relevant xul parts in editor.xul, the javascript parts in editor.js, and the xbl binding for the editor element in editor.xml.
...having an id attribute, id="content-frame", allows us to find this element with document.getelementbyid("content-frame"), and to style it from css.
XUL Questions and Answers - Archive of obsolete content
possible values include: accept, cancel, help, open, save, find, clear, yes, no, apply, close, print, add, remove, refresh, go-forward, go-back, properties, select-font, select-color, network.
... visit to find out how to properly set up the application.ini file.
browser - Archive of obsolete content
history, disableglobalhistory, disablesecurity, droppedlinkhandler, homepage, showcaret, src, type properties accessibletype, cangoback, cangoforward, contentdocument, contentprincipal, contenttitle, contentvieweredit, contentviewerfile, contentwindow, currenturi, docshell, documentcharsetinfo, homepage, markupdocumentviewer, messagemanager, preferences, securityui, sessionhistory, webbrowserfind, webnavigation, webprogress methods addprogresslistener, goback, goforward, gohome, gotoindex, loaduri, loaduriwithflags, reload, reloadwithflags, removeprogresslistener, stop, swapdocshells examples <!-- shows mozilla homepage inside a groupbox --> <groupbox flex="1"> <caption label="mozilla homepage"/> <browser type="content" src="" flex="1"/> </groupbox> a...
... webbrowserfind type: nsiwebbrowserfind this read-only property contains an nsiwebbrowserfind object which can be used to search for text in the document.
editor - Archive of obsolete content
attributes editortype, src, type properties accessibletype, commandmanager, contentdocument, contentwindow, docshell, editingsession, editortype, webbrowserfind, webnavigation methods geteditor, gethtmleditor, makeeditable examples this example shows how to made the editor editable by setting the designmode property of the loaded html document: <script language="javascript"> function initeditor(){ // this function is called to set up the editor var editor = document.getelementbyid("myeditor"); editor.contentdocument.designmode = 'on'; } </...
... webbrowserfind type: nsiwebbrowserfind this read-only property contains an nsiwebbrowserfind object which can be used to search for text in the document.
notificationbox - Archive of obsolete content
finding the current notification box within a firefox extension, you can retrieve the current notification box for a specific tab by calling the global function getnotificationbox(): notifybox = chromewin.getnotificationbox(notifywindow) notifybox = getnotificationbox(notifywindow) // applies to current context's window object here, chromewin is the xul window (usually just window), and notifywind...
...ow is the web content window for the tab you want to find the notification box for.
tabbrowser - Archive of obsolete content
enu, contenttooltip, handlectrlpageupdown, onbookmarkgroup, onnewtab, tabmodalpromptshowing properties browsers, cangoback, cangoforward, contentdocument, contenttitle, contentvieweredit, contentviewerfile, contentwindow, currenturi, docshell, documentcharsetinfo, homepage, markupdocumentviewer, securityui, selectedbrowser, selectedtab, sessionhistory, tabcontainer, tabs, visibletabs, webbrowserfind, webnavigation, webprogress methods addprogresslistener, addtab, addtabsprogresslistener,appendgroup, getbrowseratindex, getbrowserindexfordocument, getbrowserfordocument, getbrowserfortab, geticon, getnotificationbox, gettabforbrowser, gettabmodalpromptbox, goback, gobackgroup, goforward, goforwardgroup, gohome, gotoindex, loadgroup, loadonetab, loadtabs, loaduri, loaduriwithflags, movetabto, ...
... webbrowserfind type: nsiwebbrowserfind this read-only property contains an nsiwebbrowserfind object which can be used to search for text in the document.
Building XULRunner - Archive of obsolete content
by default, xulrunner is built with javaxpcom support; the build system must be able to find an appropriate jdk on the system; see the instructions on building javaxpcom for more details.
... for instance xulrunner, the corresponding tag is cvs is : firefox_2_0_0_3_release to find out how those firefox tags and xulrunner version maps, check out the file mozilla/config/milestone.txt .
Creating XULRunner Apps with the Mozilla Build System - Archive of obsolete content
you can find out more about which options to use in configuring build options. you'll probably find it convenient to use two .mozconfig files, one for building both and one just for your app.
XULRunner Hall of Fame - Archive of obsolete content
latest release: march 2009 - source findthatfont!
... font managing tool for windows and linux, that helps you find the font you're looking for.
What XULRunner Provides - Archive of obsolete content
the following features are either already implemented or planned: gecko features xpcom networking gecko rendering engine dom editing and transaction support (no ui) cryptography xbl (xbl2 planned) xul svg xslt xml extras (xmlhttprequest, domparser, etc.) web services (soap) auto-update support (not yet complete) type ahead find toolbar history implementation (the places implementation in the 1.9 cycle) accessibility support ipc services for communication between gecko-based apps (not yet complete) storage/sqlite interfaces user interface features the following user interface is supplied by xulrunner, and may be overridden by embedders under certain circumstances: apis and user interface for installing, unins...
... extension manager file picker (uses native os filepicker as appropriate) find toolbar helper app dialog/ui security ui (maintenance of ssl keychains, etc) embedding apis the following embedding apis are provided by xulrunner: cross-platform embedding (xre_initembedding) javaxpcom embedding gtkmozembed (linux only) activex control (windows only) (not yet complete) obsolete since gecko 7.0 nsview-based-widget (mac os x only) (not yet complete) the "maybe" list the following features have been discussed and may be included if developer time permits and code size is controlled: ldap support spellchecking support (with or without dictionaries provided) see bug 285977 core support for profil...
NPN_Version - Archive of obsolete content
once the plug-in obtains a version number, it can inquire on a version constant to find out if the feature it represents exists in this version.
...for more information and an example, see finding out if a feature exists.
The First Install Problem - Archive of obsolete content
proposed solution on mac os x, the system's plugins folder will probably suffice as an install location in which browsers installed later can find their plugins.
...this document proposes a meta-information model in the win32 registry similar to the one used by microsoft's hkey_classes_root\clsid\ where a new activex control (ocx) on the system presents its uuid as a registry key (identifying the activex control) as well as information about where to find the ocx (e.g.
Sunbird Theme Tutorial - Archive of obsolete content
for information on how to find the profile directory, see the mozillazine article: profile folder inside the profile directory, go to the <tt>extensions</tt> directory.
...copy the <tt>calendar</tt> directory that you find there.
Building a Theme - Archive of obsolete content
select the node finding tool (the arrow-plus-box in the top-left corner of the dom inspector), and click on any unused space on a toolbar.
... chrome uris next, we have to tell firefox where to find the theme files for your theme.
XForms Custom Controls - Archive of obsolete content
why do you need this you will probably find that your need for customization will fall into one of the following categories: custom presentation - xforms controls as rendered by the mozilla xforms processor do not provide the right look and feel for you.
...xf|output[mediatype^="image"] { -moz-binding: url('chrome://xforms/content/xforms-xhtml.xml#xformswidget-output-mediatype-anyuri'); } custom data types if you define a new schema data type or you use a built-in data type and find the current xforms control for this type to be insufficient, then you should write a new custom control.
Requests For Enhancement - Archive of obsolete content
if you find that you can't create a custom control due to limitations in our interfaces or the functionality of our controls, then this is the right place to pass along your requirements.
... enhancements of xforms elements if you find that none of the elements proposed by the xforms spec address your requirements, please post your usecase here.
RDF in Mozilla FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
where do i find information on open directory ("dmoz")?
... examples where can i find some (working) examples?
The Business Benefits of Web Standards - Archive of obsolete content
yet they are finding an unsuspected ally in the battle: web standards.
...they load faster, they are easy to find in search engines, and they package and deliver the content effectively.
XUL Parser in Python - Archive of obsolete content
the xml namespace support in xmllib was resolving the xul and html namespaces in a very annoying way, so i have an additional function, strip(), that takes off the whole namespace that xmllib is trying to tack onto the front of each item it finds in the xml.
... or, since the dictionary is already storing the values of all the attributes it finds, you can write the values of a particular attribute (e.g., id) to the results file by checking the attribute in sys.argv[1]: for attr in a.keys(): if strip(attr) == sys.argv[1]: el_list[name][strip(attr)] = strip(a[attr]) and writing thevalues to the html results file instead of thekeys: for item in elements: w.write('<tr><td class="head">' + item + '</td></tr>\n') for a in el_list...
Anatomy of a video game - Game development
imagine that you are developing a "find the differences between these two similar pictures"-type game.
...your game loop might be similar to the find the differences example and base itself on input events.
Game distribution - Game development
if your user finds a bug, you can quickly fix it, update the system and refresh the game on your server to provide players with the updated code almost instantly.
...instead of trying to add your game to the thousands of others in the ios store say, you can also try to find a niche and promote directly to the audience who would be interested in your games.
Implementing controls using the Gamepad API - Game development
you have to shoot down the food, but once again you also have to find the type of food the fridge wants to eat at each point, or else you'll lose energy.
...if we find it there it means that the button is being held, so there's no new press.
Buttons - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson15.html.
... finally for this section, go back into your create() function, find the ball.body.velocity.set(150, -150); line, and remove it.
Visual typescript game engine - Game development
find configuration at ./src/lib/client-config.ts /** * addson * all addson are ansync loaded scripts.
... -run services database server (locally and leave it alive to develop process): npm run dataserver looks like this : mongod --dbpath ./server/database/data fix: "failed: address already in use" : netstat -ano | findstr :27017 taskkill /pid typeyourpidhere /f also important "run visual studio code as administrator".
Game development
you will find many useful tutorials and technique articles in the main menu on the left, so feel free to explore.
... we've also included a reference section so you can easily find information about all the most common apis used in game development.
ICE - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
this protocol lets two peers find and establish a connection with one another even though they may both be using network address translator (nat) to share a global ip address with other devices on their respective local networks.
... the framework algorithm looks for the lowest-latency path for connecting the two peers, trying these options in order: direct udp connection (in this case—and only this case—a stun server is used to find the network-facing address of a peer) direct tcp connection, via the http port direct tcp connection, via the https port indirect connection via a relay/turn server (if a direct connection fails, e.g., if one peer is behind a firewall that blocks nat traversal) learn more general knowledge webrtc, the principal web-related protocol which uses ice webrtc protocols technical reference rfc 5245, the ietf specification for ice rtcicecandidate, the interface representing a ice candidate ...
Search engine - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
this enables users to find relevant pages as quickly as possible.
...the search engine finds the urls of pages that match the query, and ranks them based on their relevance.
Test your skills: WAI-ARIA - Learn web development
wai-aria 2 in our second wai-aria task, we present a simple search form, and we want you to add in a couple of wai-aria features to improve its accessibility: how can you allow the search form to be called out as a separate landmark on the page by screenreaders, to make it easily findable?
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Advanced styling effects - Learn web development
you can find the examples in this section at box-shadow.html (see the source code too).
... you can find a lot more examples than are available here in our blend-modes.html example page (see source code), and on the <blend-mode> reference page.
Combinators - Learn web development
if you insert some other element such as a <h2> in between the <h1> and the <p>, you will find that the paragraph is no longer matched by the selector and so does not get the background and foreground color applied when the element is adjacent. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: selectors.
Sizing items in CSS - Learn web development
note: find out more about responsive image techniques. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: sizing.
Test your skills: backgrounds and borders - Learn web development
add the "learning" tag to your post so we are able to more easily find it.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: values and units - Learn web development
you can find conversions for the hex color at this link.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
CSS building blocks - Learn web development
this article will give you guidance on how to go about debugging a css problem, and show you how the devtools included in all modern browsers can help you find out what is going on. this article, we will take a brief look at some best practices for writing your css to make it easily maintainable, and some of the solutions you will find in use by others to help improve maintainability.
Multiple-column layout - Learn web development
prerequisites: html basics (study introduction to html), and an idea of how css works (study introduction to css.) objective: to learn how to create multiple-column layout on webpages, such as you might find in a newspaper. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: multiple-column layout.
Practical positioning examples - Learn web development
put the following block of code, exactly as written in between your opening and closing <script> tags (you'll find these below the html content): var tabs = document.queryselectorall('.info-box li a'); var panels = document.queryselectorall('.info-box article'); for(i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { var tab = tabs[i]; settabhandler(tab, i); } function settabhandler(tab, tabpos) { tab.onclick = function() { for(i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) { tabs[i].classname = ''; } tab.classname = 'a...
... this marks the end of the second example; we hope you'll find the third just as interesting.
Test your skills: Media Queries and Responsive Design - Learn web development
open this in your browser and you will find a wireframed site which will load in a mobile device in a readable manner.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Using your new knowledge - Learn web development
previous overview: first steps with the things you have learned in the last few lessons you should find that you can format simple text documents using css, to add your own style to them.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
CSS first steps - Learn web development
we have already met many of the concepts discussed here; you can return to this one to recap if you find any later concepts confusing.
... using your new knowledge with the things you have learned in the last few lessons you should find that you can format simple text documents using css, to add your own style to them.
Styling links - Learn web development
you can find more information about this problem (and solutions) at fighting the space between inline block elements. can find an assessment to verify that you've retained this information at the end of the module — see typesetting a community school homepage.
How does the Internet work? - Learn web development
the various technologies that support the internet have evolved over time, but the way it works hasn't changed that much: internet is a way to connect computers all together and ensure that, whatever happens, they find a way to stay connected.
... finding computers if you want to send a message to a computer, you have to specify which one.
Sending form data - Learn web development
in this case we are passing two pieces of data to the server: say, which has a value of hi to, which has a value of mom the http request looks like this: get /?say=hi&to=mom http/2.0 host: note: you can find this example on github — see get-method.html (see it live also).
... note: you can find this example on github — see post-method.html (see it live also).
Test your skills: Advanced styling - Learn web development
you'll find that some browsers will not behave in terms of the form element's height.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Form validation - Learn web development
you can find everything you need to answer these questions at our regular expression reference, and by searching on stack overflow.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
CSS basics - Learn web development
first, find the output from google fonts that you previously saved from what will your website look like?. can find more information about different display values on mdn's display reference page.
HTML basics - Learn web development
find out more about accessibility in our accessibility learning module. find out more, go to our learning html topic.
Image gallery - Learn web development
adding an onclick handler to each thumbnail image in each loop iteration, you need to add an onclick handler to the current newimage — this handler should find the value of the src attribute of the current image.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Function return values - Learn web development
): let mytext = 'the weather is cold'; let newstring = mytext.replace('cold', 'warm'); console.log(newstring); // should print "the weather is warm" // the replace() string function takes a string, // replaces one substring with another, and returns // a new string with the replacement made the replace() function is invoked on the mytext string, and is passed two parameters: the substring to find ('cold'). can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: functions.
Test your skills: Loops - Learn web development
loops 2 in this next task, we want you to write a simple program that, given a name, searches an array of objects containing names and phone numbers (phonebook) and, if it finds the name, outputs the name and phone number into the paragraph (para) and then exits the loop before it has run its course.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Basic math in JavaScript — numbers and operators - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: math.
... note: if you do enjoy math and want to read more about how it is implemented in javascript, you can find a lot more detail in mdn's main javascript section.
Silly story generator - Learn web development
as a further hint, the method in question only replaces the first instance of the substring it finds, so you might need to make one of the calls twice.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Storing the information you need — Variables - Learn web development
note: you can find a fairly complete list of reserved keywords to avoid at lexical grammar — keywords. can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: variables.
JavaScript First Steps - Learn web development
never fear — this article aims to save you from tearing your hair out over such problems by providing you with some simple tips on how to find and fix errors in javascript programs.
... useful string methods now we've looked at the very basics of strings, let's move up a gear and start thinking about what useful operations we can do on strings with built-in methods, such as finding the length of a text string, joining and splitting strings, substituting one character in a string for another, and more.
Adding features to our bouncing balls demo - Learn web development
it might be a good idea to save a separate copy of the demo after you get each stage working, so you can refer back to it if you find yourself in trouble later on.
... a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
What is web performance? - Learn web development
when you request a url and hit enter / return, the browser finds out where the server is that holds that website's files, establishes a connection to it, and requests the files.
...find out more at document object model.
Client-Server Overview - Learn web development
you might for example use a head request to find out the last time a resource was updated, and then only use the (more "expensive") get request to download the resource if it has changed.
... the web application identifies that the intention of the request is to get the "best team list" based on the url (/best/) and finds out the required team name and number of players from the url.
Website security - Learn web development
finally, there are publically available vulnerability scanner tools that can help you find out if you've made any obvious mistakes.
...later on, your very successful website may also find bugs by offering a bug bounty like mozilla does here.
Ember Interactivity: Footer functionality, conditional rendering - Learn web development
enter the following terminal command to do so: ember generate component-class footer next, go and find the newly-created todomvc/app/components/footer.js file and update it to the following: import component from '@glimmer/component'; import { inject as service } from '@ember/service'; export default class footercomponent extends component { @service('todo-data') todos; } now we need to go back to our todo-data.js file and add some functionality that will allow us to return the number ...
... in todo.hbs, first find the following line: <li> and replace it with this — you'll notice that here we're using some more conditional content to add the class value if appropriate: <li class="{{ if @todo.iscompleted 'completed' }}"> next, find the following line: <input aria-label="toggle the completion of this todo" class="toggle" type="checkbox" > and replace it with this: <input clas...
Ember interactivity: Events, classes and state - Learn web development
try starting the server again and navigating to our app, and you'll find that it works! should find that now the text submitted in the <input> is properly reflected in the ui: summary ok, so that's great progress for now.
Routing in Ember - Learn web development
for todomvc, the capabilities of model aren't that important to us; you can find more information in the ember model guide if you want to dig deeper.
... go back to todomvc/app/components/footer.hbs, and find the following bit of markup: <a href="#">all</a> <a href="#">active</a> <a href="#">completed</a> update it to <linkto @route='index'>all</linkto> <linkto @route='active'>active</linkto> <linkto @route='completed'>completed</linkto> <linkto> is a built-in ember component that handles all the state changes when navigating routes, as well as setting an "active" class on any link that matches th...
Accessibility in React - Learn web development
targeting our elements in order to focus on an element in our dom, we need to tell react which element we want to focus on and how to find it.
... note: if you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample react app code in our todo-react repository.
Beginning our React todo list - Learn web development
note: if you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample react app code in our todo-react repository.
... further down, you can find our <ul> element: <ul role="list" classname="todo-list stack-large stack-exception" aria-labelledby="list-heading" > the role attribute helps assistive technology explain what kind of element a tag represents.
Starting our Svelte Todo list app - Learn web development
note: you can put your components anywhere inside the src folder, but the components folder is a recognized convention to follow, allowing you to find your components easily.
... further down, you can find the following <ul> element: <ul role="list" classname="todo-list stack-large" aria-labelledby="list-heading"> the role attribute helps assistive technology explain what kind of semantic value an element has — or what its purpose is.
Vue conditional rendering: editing existing todos - Learn web development
add the following new methods to your app.vue's component object, below the existing methods inside the methods property: deletetodo(todoid) { const itemindex = this.todoitems.findindex(item => === todoid); this.todoitems.splice(itemindex, 1); }, edittodo(todoid, newlabel) { const todotoedit = this.todoitems.find(item => === todoid); todotoedit.label = newlabel; } next, we'll add the event listeners for the item-deleted and item-edited events: for item-deleted, you'll need to pass the to the method.
... so, let's implement the fix: remove the following line from inside our data() property: isdone: this.done, add the following block below the data() { } block: computed: { isdone() { return this.done; } }, now when you save and reload, you'll find that the problem is solved — the checkbox state is now preserved when you switch between todo item templates.
Getting started with Vue - Learn web development
note: if you don't have the above installed, find out more about installing npm and node.js here.
... note: we've not gone over all of the options here, but you can find more information on the cli in the vue docs.
Focus management with Vue refs - Learn web development
deletetodo(todoid) { const itemindex = this.todoitems.findindex(item => === todoid); this.todoitems.splice(itemindex, 1); this.$refs.listsummary.focus(); } now, when you delete an item from your list, focus should be moved up to the list heading.
... note: if you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample vue app code in our todo-vue repository.
Implementing feature detection - Learn web development
the dive into html5 detecting html5 features page has a lot more useful feature detection tests besides the ones listed above, and you can generally find a feature detection test for most things by searching for "detect support for your-feature-here" in your favorite search engine.
... note: you can find a list of what all the class names mean — see features detected by modernizr.
Accessibility Features in Firefox
the find bar allows for quick navigation to links and text searching without opening a separate dialog -- this allows more convenient use by screen magnification users because there is a single point of regard for the search.
... many users are finding the true greatness of firefox lies in support for third party extensions.
Information for users
firefox accessibility skins and themes at the excellent access firefox website, you will find many valuable resources, including a list of firefox themes that have been specially designed for those with low vision: themes with high color constrast themes with big icons themes with extra large and bright icons themes with extra large and extra bold text join the mozilla accessibility community live chat both end users and developers are invited for discussion on th...
...since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
you’ll find: overview of the firefox extension features tools and processes for developing and testing how to publish your extension on or distribute it yourself how to manage your published extension an enterprise guide for developing and using extensions how to develop themes for firefox firefox developer communities extensions for firefox for android in 2020, mozilla will re... uploading your add-on to amo, you can participate in our community of users and creators and find an audience for your add-on.
Adding phishing protection data providers
to find an id number to use, you can build a loop that requests the value of, then, and so forth until no value is returned.
... you can find examples of how to read and write preferences in the article adding preferences to an extension.
profiling tools currently the gecko profiler has limitations in the ui for inverted call stack top function analysis which is very useful for finding heavy functions that call into a whole bunch of code.
... it also lacks features such as instruction level profiling which can be helpful in low level profiling, or finding the hot loop inside a large function, etc.
this would also let us get some early feedback in case you find regressions.
... if you find bugs in the code available from the git repository, please report it to us so that we can fix most critical ones on time for testopia 3.0.
Creating a Language Pack
$ make langpack-x-testing locale_mergedir=$(pwd)/mergedir now go to the dist directory to find your langpack ready to use!
... mv -f "../../dist/l10n-stage/firefox-3.6b5pre.x-testing.mac.dmg" "../../dist/firefox-3.6b5pre.x-testing.mac.dmg" repackaging done now go to the dist directory to find your repackaged binary ready to be installed!
Creating Custom Events That Can Pass Data
you will find that there is a bunch of code like: if (aeventtype.lowercaseequalsliteral("{somethingsomething}event")) return ns_{somethingsomething}event(adomevent, aprescontext, nsnull); you can either have a function like this or write the code straight in nseventlistenermanager::createevent() like this: if (aeventtype.lowercaseequalsliteral("nsmyevent")){ //note: the lowercase is important! can find the prototypes for the function in nsiprivatedomevent.
Eclipse CDT Manual Setup
first, eclipse needs build console output for a complete build, so that it can find compiler options for as many source files as possible.
... assuming everything went as expected, you should now find that eclipse's code assistance works a whole lot better.
Working with Mozilla source code
navigating the mozilla source code learn about the various folders in the mozilla source tree, and how to find what you're looking for.
... find out how to get check-in access to the mozilla code.
Developer guide
this guide provides information that will not only help you get started as a mozilla contributor, but that you'll find useful to refer to even if you are already an experienced contributor.
... debugging find helpful tips and guides for debugging mozilla code.
found 172 pages: # page tags and summary 1 firefox firefox, landing, mozilla here you can learn about how to contribute to the firefox project and you will also find links to information about the construction of firefox add-ons, using the developer tools in firefox, and other topics. can find details about profiles on mozilla's end-user support site.
the clearmatch() method of the htmliframeelement clears any content highlighted by findall() or findnext().
... invoking this method results in a mozbrowserfindchange event firing, which carries details about the search results.
How to get a process dump with Windows Task Manager
you can find the latest trunk nightly builds under
... find firefox.exe among the list of processes.
How to get a stacktrace with WinDbg
you can find the latest trunk nightly builds under
...(again, press enter after each command.) ~* kp !analyze -v -f lm after these steps are completed, find the file c:\temp\firefox-debug-(today's date).txt on your hard drive.
How to Report a Hung Firefox
you can use any process monitoring tool to find the firefox process id (pid).
...(simple) use the menu button to find the crash me icon and click the icon.
IPDL Best Practices
do not use them as data structures outside of ipdl, or wou will eventually find yourself in bad situations to implement proper memory management.
...when to run code here's a rundown on appropriate places to run certain kinds of code: manager::allocpprotocol - allocation manager::recvpprotocolconstructor - initialization, protocol deletion (the typeaheadfind protocol uses one-shot protocols like this) actor::recv__delete__ - cleanup, ipdl calls still valid but ill-advised actor::actordestroy - non-ipdl cleanup manager::deallocpprotocol - deallocation one construct to avoid: class protocolparent { public: ~protocolparent() { send__delete__(this); } }; class protocolmanagerparent { public: pprotocolparent* allocpprotocol() ...
Infallible memory allocation
this should be rare, because the memory management system will do everything it can to find the memory you've asked for. should do this for large memory allocations because in extremely low memory conditions, as described in how can memory allocation be infallible?, the application may terminate if an infallible allocator can't find the memory you requested.
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) Support in Mozilla Browsers
if you find idn test sites under the .com and .net top domains, and if you cannot successfully access these sites, you can use the following workaround until the conversion to punycode is completed for these top domains: using netscape 7.1 or mozilla 1.4: type about:config into the location/url bar.
... idn is a global trend and is likely to be adopted by a large number of sites making it easier for average internet users to find web sites.
Add-on Manager
finding updates add-ons can be checked for updates using the findupdates() method.
...the getstartupchanges() method lets you find out which add-ons were installed, removed, updated, enabled, or disabled at application startup.
parameters awidget the object whose property we should use to fetch a localizable string aprop the property on the object to use for the fetching aformatargs (optional) any extra arguments to use for a formatted string adef (optional) the default to return if we don't find the string in the stringbundle return value the localized string, or adef if the string isn't in the bundle.
...note: the dom node you construct should have the same id as the id property described above, so that customizableui can find the node again later.
Localizing with Mercurial
for the eager and quick, below you'll find instructions on installing and configuring mercurial, instructions on receiving an hg account commit priviledges, as well as a few tasks you can complete without account priviledges.
... navigate to your <repository>/.hg/patches to find your .patch.
Localizing with Mozilla Translator
it is just instructed to read directory subtrees and ignore "cvs" and ".svn" directories it finds.
... if you have opted for the first solution, you will find yourself with some new products completely untranslated (once you update each of them).
Creating localizable web applications
<b><a href=\"%s\">find out how!</a>&raquo;</b>"), $locale_conf->url('/demo_create_3#test'));?> </div> snippet 2.
... <b><a href=\"%s\">find out how!</a>&raquo;</b>"), $locale_conf->url('/demo_create_3#test'));?> </div> notice that the icon has been moved to css, so that it doesn't sit in a <img/> element.
Mozilla Web Developer FAQ
otherwise, finding out the intentions of each particular author would require psychic abilities which can’t be implemented in software.
... i didn’t find the answer i was looking for.
Mozilla Style System Documentation
thus we create a style context tree so that the style contexts can find their ancestors and their descendants easily.
... style contexts and the rule tree when the style system creates a style context, it walks through the style sheets (interface nsistylesheet) attached to a document in the order defined by the css cascade and finds the style rules (interface nsistylerule) thatmatch the content node or content node + pseudo-element pair.
if it finds leaks, you can use refcount tracing and balancing to discover the root cause.
... if you find leaks, you can use refcount tracing and balancing to discover the root cause.
this is good for finding parts of the code that cause high heap churn, e.g.
...a separate script,, can be used to find out information about which blocks refer to a particular block.
Reporting a Performance Problem
when it runs out of space in its buffer, it discards old entries so you may want to increase the buffer size if you find you are unable to capture the profile quickly enough after you notice a performance problem.
... your first reflex once you find what addon is slowing down the profile might be to disable it and search for alternatives.
Scroll-linked effects
scrolling effects explained often scrolling effects are implemented by listening for the scroll event and then updating elements on the page in some way (usually the css position or transform property.) you can find a sampling of such effects at css scroll api: use cases. order to do so, we need you (yes, you!) to tell us more about the kinds of scroll-linked effects you are trying to implement, so that we can find good ways to support them in the compositor.
A guide to searching crash reports
this guide to searching through crash reports may help you locate the crash reports that will help you find and fix the firefox bug you're working on.
...searches find crash reports that match particular criteria, and grouping organizes those crash reports into interesting groups.
Introduction to NSPR
it might be viewed as taking the executing thread and adding it to the end of the ready queue for its appropriate priority, then simply running the scheduling algorithm to find the most appropriate thread. this case the thread would resume from the wait only to find that there's nothing to do.
description pr_centermonitor uses the value specified in the address parameter to find a monitor in the monitor cache, then enters the lock associated with the monitor. the latter case, the calling thread is likely to find the monitor locked by another thread and waits for that thread to exit before continuing.
finds the layer with the specified identity in the specified stack of layers.
...both the layers underneath fd and the layers above fd are searched to find the layer with the specified identity.
NSS 3.31 release notes
in pk11pub.h pk11_findcertfromuri - find a certificate identified by the given uri.
... pk11_findcertsfromuri - find a list of certificates identified by the given uri.
NSS 3.45 release notes
new in nss 3.45 new functionality new functions in pk11pub.h: pk11_findrawcertswithsubject - finds all certificates on the given slot with the given subject distinguished name and returns them as der bytes.
... bug 1550579 - replace arm32 curve25519 implementation with one from fiat-crypto bug 1551129 - support static linking on windows bug 1552262 - expose a function pk11_findrawcertswithsubject for finding certificates with a given subject on a given slot bug 1546229 - add ipsec ike support to softoken bug 1554616 - add support for the elbrus lcc compiler (<=1.23) bug 1543874 - expose an external clock for ssl this adds new experimental functions: ssl_settimefunc, ssl_createantireplaycontext, ssl_setantireplaycontext, and ssl_releaseantireplaycontext.
NSS 3.55 release notes
pk11_findcertinslot is added.
... bug 1649633 - add pk11_findcertinslot to search a given slot for a der-encoded certificate.
NSS Sample Code sample4
*pubkey = null; seckeyprivatekey *pvtkey = null; int modulus_len, i, outlen; char *buf1 = null; char *buf2 = null; /* initialize nss */ pk11_setpasswordfunc(passwdcb); rv = nss_init("."); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "nss initialization failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } cert = pk11_findcertfromnickname("testca", null); if (cert == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find cert testca in nss db (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } pubkey = cert_extractpublickey(cert); if (pubkey == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't extract public key from cert testca (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } modulus_len = seckey_pu...
...) { buf1[i]= (i %26) + 'a'; } buf1[modulus_len-1] = '\0'; fprintf(stderr, "buffer being encrypted = \n%s\n", buf1); /* encrypt buf1, result will be in buf2 */ rv = pk11_pubencryptraw(pubkey, buf2, buf1, modulus_len, null); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "encrypt with public key failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } pvtkey = pk11_findkeybyanycert(cert, null); if (pvtkey == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find private key for cert testca (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } /* clear buf1 */ for (i=0;i<modulus_len;i++) { buf1[i]= '\0'; } /* decrypt buf2, result will be in buf1 */ rv = pk11_pubdecryptraw(pvtkey, buf1, &outlen, modulus_len, buf2, modul...
NSS Sample Code sample6
*/ if (slot == null) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to find security device (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); return; } keyid[0] = id; keyiditem.type = sibuffer; = (void *)keyid; keyiditem.len = sizeof(keyid[0]); /* note: keysize must be 0 for fixed key-length algorithms like des.
...rue, 0); if (key == null) { fprintf(stderr, "pk11_tokenkeygen failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return; } fprintf(stderr, "key length of generated key is %d\n", pk11_getkeylength(key)); fprintf(stderr, "mechanism of key is %d (asked for %d)\n", pk11_getmechanism(key), ciphermech); pk11_freesymkey(key); key = pk11_findfixedkey(slot, ciphermech, &keyiditem, 0); if (key == null) { fprintf(stderr, "pk11_findfixedkey failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); pk11_freeslot(slot); return; } fprintf(stderr, "found key!\n"); fprintf(stderr, "key length of generated key is %d\n", pk11_getkeylength(key)); fprintf(stderr, "mechanism of key is %d (asked for %d)\n", pk11_ge...
nss tech note2
for example, 1024[805ef10]: c_findobjectsinit 1024[805ef10]: hsession = 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: ptemplate = 0xbffff410 1024[805ef10]: ulcount = 3 1024[805ef10]: cka_label = [20] 1024[805ef10]: cka_token = ck_true [1] 1024[805ef10]: cka_class = cko_certificate [4] 1024[805ef10]: rv = 0x0 1024[805ef10]: c_findobjects 1024[805ef10]: hsession = 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: phobject = 0x806d810...
... 1024[805ef10]: ulmaxobjectcount = 16 1024[805ef10]: pulobjectcount = 0xbffff38c 1024[805ef10]: *pulobjectcount = 0x1 1024[805ef10]: phobject[0] = 0xf6457d04 1024[805ef10]: rv = 0x0 1024[805ef10]: c_findobjectsfinal 1024[805ef10]: hsession = 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: rv = 0x0 1024[805ef10]: c_getattributevalue 1024[805ef10]: hsession = 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: hobject = 0xf6457d04 1024[805ef10]: ptemplate = 0xbffff2d0 1024[805ef10]: ulcount = 2 1024[805ef10]: cka_token = 0 [1] 1024[805ef10]: cka_label = 0 [20] 1024[805ef10]: rv = 0x0 1024[805ef10]: c_getattributevalue 1024[805ef10]: hsession = 0x1000001 1024[805ef10]: hobject = 0xf6457d04 1024[805ef10]: ptemplate = 0xbffff2d0 1024[805ef10]: ulcount = 2 1024[805ef10]: cka_token = ck_true [1] 1024[805ef...
Notes on TLS - SSL 3.0 Intolerant Servers
if you find such a server, feel free to add it to this page.
... when you find a secure site which simply does not display any page content or drops the connection, check to see if the preference option edit | preferences | privacy and security | ssl | enable tls is turned on.
NSS reference
validating certificates cert_verifycertnow cert_verifycert cert_verifycertname cert_checkcertvalidtimes nss_cmpcertchainwcanames manipulating certificates cert_dupcertificate cert_destroycertificate sec_deletepermcertificate __cert_closepermcertdb getting certificate information cert_findcertbyname cert_getcertnicknames cert_freenicknames cert_getdefaultcertdb nss_findcertkeatype comparing secitem objects secitem_compareitem key functions key functions seckey_getdefaultkeydb seckey_destroyprivatekey digital signatures this api consists of the routines used to perform signature generation and the routines used to perform signature verification...
... secmod_loadusermodule secmod_unloadusermodule secmod_closeuserdb secmod_openuserdb pk11_findcertfromnickname pk11_findkeybyanycert pk11_getslotname pk11_gettokenname pk11_ishw pk11_ispresent pk11_isreadonly pk11_setpasswordfunc ssl functions based on "ssl functions" in the ssl reference and "ssl functions" and "deprecated ssl functions" in nss public functions.
OLD SSL Reference
cert_verifycertnow cert_verifycertname cert_checkcertvalidtimes nss_cmpcertchainwcanames manipulating certificates cert_dupcertificate cert_destroycertificate getting certificate information cert_findcertbyname cert_getcertnicknames cert_freenicknames cert_getdefaultcertdb nss_findcertkeatype comparing secitem objects secitem_compareitem chapter 6 key functions this chapter describes two functions used to manipulate private keys and key databases such as ...
... pk11_findcertfromnickname pk11_findkeybyanycert pk11_getslotname pk11_gettokenname pk11_ishw pk11_ispresent pk11_isreadonly pk11_setpasswordfunc chapter 8 nss and ssl error codes nss error codes are retrieved using the nspr function pr_geterror.
Utility functions
ex mxr 3.4 and later secmod_deletemoduleex mxr 3.12 and later secmod_cancelwait mxr 3.9.3 and later secmod_candeleteinternalmodule mxr 3.5 and later secmod_createmodule mxr 3.4 and later secmod_deletemodule mxr 3.4 and later secmod_findmodule mxr 3.4 and later secmod_findslot mxr 3.4 and later secmod_freemodulespeclist mxr 3.4 and later secmod_getdbmodulelist mxr 3.9 and later secmod_getdeadmodulelist mxr 3.9 and later secmod_getmodulespeclist mxr 3.4 and later se...
...xr 3.9.3 and later secmod_waitforanytokenevent mxr 3.9.3 and later secoid_addentry mxr 3.10 and later secoid_comparealgorithmid mxr 3.2 and later secoid_copyalgorithmid mxr 3.2 and later secoid_destroyalgorithmid mxr 3.2 and later secoid_findoid mxr 3.2 and later secoid_findoidbytag mxr 3.2 and later secoid_findoidtag mxr 3.2 and later secoid_findoidtagdescription mxr 3.2 and later secoid_getalgorithmtag mxr 3.2 and later secoid_setalgorithmid mxr 3.2 and later sgn_begi...
NSS tools : signtool
use the -m option to find out what tokens are available.
...use the -m option to find out what tokens are available.
Rhino scopes and contexts
execution of scripts requires a scope for top-level script variable storage as well as a place to find standard objects like function and object.
...uses of standard objects like function, string, or regexp will find the definitions in the shared scope.
GCIntegration - SpiderMonkey Redirect 1
brian hackett has written a dynamic analysis that uses the existing conservative stack scanner to find unrooted pointers to gc things on the stack and poisons them.
...objects with wrapper caches could implement that hook to find their corresponding c++ object and update the wrapper field to point to the new location.
How to embed the JavaScript engine
// js_callfunctionname(cx, global, "func", 2, argv.begin(), rval.address()); js_callfunctionname(cx, global, "func", argv, &rval); example say the click event is for the top-most or focused ui element at position (x, y): jsobject *target, *event; js::autovaluearray<1> argv(cx); /* * find event target and make event object to represent this click.
... */ target = findeventtargetat(cx, global, x, y); event = neweventobject(cx, "click", x, y); argv[0].setobjectornull(event); /* to emulate the dom, you might want to try "onclick" too.
syntax bool js_dumpheap(jsruntime *rt, file *fp, void* startthing, jsgctracekind kind, void *thingtofind, size_t maxdepth, void *thingtoignore); name type description cx jscontext * pointer to a js context.
... thingtofind void * null or a pointer to a gc thing.
finds a specified property of an object and gets a detailed description of that property.
... description js_getpropertydescriptor and js_getpropertydescriptorbyid find a specified property of an object and gets a detailed description of that property on the prototype chain (returned in desc->obj).
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 1.8 enable gc zeal, a testing and debugging feature that helps find gc-related bugs in jsapi applications.
... description js_setgczeal sets the level of additional garbage collection to perform for a runtime, for the purpose of finding or reproducing bugs.
SpiderMonkey 1.8.7
since this is a conservative collector, it will often find "garbage" addresses which can trigger warnings from certain code analysis tools.
...the primary change in this interface is that it no longer counts operations; embedders are expected find another mechanism (such as a watchdog thread) to trigger regular callbacks, via js_triggeroperationcallback.
SpiderMonkey 1.8
specifically, if a property lookup first calls a resolve hook which does not define the property, then finds the property on a prototype, that result can be cached.
... the security apis js_setcheckobjectaccesscallback, js_setprincipalstranscoder, and js_setobjectprincipalsfinder are still present but are deprecated in this release.
Running Automated JavaScript Tests
basic usage is: path_to_js_shell or using mach: ./mach jstests note that mach will generally find the js shell itself; the --shell argument can be used to specify the location manually.
...the test harness will automatically find the test and run it.
to that end, this document will be revised over time as we find new and better ways of helping developers.
... aggregate call graph and data flow (not yet implemented) when developing a complex web app it is often hard to find where a function is called, the callees at a call site, where some data in an object came from or where it is used, or what type a value has.
Redis Tips
and you'll probably find problems like that long before you go into production.
... talk to your doctor today to find out whether zsets might be right for you.
Gecko states
« at apis support page introduction below you will find a list of supported states by gecko.
...however, if client applications find an object with this state, they should check to see if state_offscreen is also set.
XForms Accessibility
you will find trunk builds of firefox at, trunk builds of xforms extension (windows) at or trunk builds of xforms extension (linux)
... resources below you will find a list of xforms/accessiblity resources: mozilla accessibility project at xforms specification at mozilla xforms project at ui xforms elements references at this site ...
Embedded Dialog API
many embedding applications will find them entirely sufficient.
...i can't find any.) both contain implementations of nsipromptservice as native dialogs.
History Service Design
history views should allow to quickly find a page in a certain timeframe remembering only small details about it.
...for example, is possible to create a query folder containing the 10 pages most visited by the user, allowing to fast find good candidates for bookmarking.
Manipulating bookmarks using Places
finding bookmark items if you know the uri of a site and wish to find all bookmarks that link to it, you can use the nsinavbookmarksservice.getbookmarkidsforuri() method.
... finding the folder containing an item if you need to know what folder contains an item (this can be especially handy after using nsinavbookmarksservice.getbookmarkidsforuri() to find bookmarks for a given uri), you can use the nsinavbookmarksservice.getfolderidforitem() method.
XPCOM glue
this linkage strategy is used when an embedder needs to bootstrap xpcom by finding a compatible gre on disk and loading it.
... in order to use xpcom, the embedding application first needs to find where the xpcom runtime is located.
Finishing the Component
the service manager depends * on the repository to find and instantiate factories to obtain * services.
... implementing the nsicontentpolicy interface to implement the new interface, you must #include the unfrozen nsicontentpolicy, and you must also make sure the build system can find the file you've brought over.
Setting up the Gecko SDK
adding the gecko sdk to the project settings in order to build anything that uses gecko, you have to further modify the project so that it knows where to find the gecko sdk on the disk.
... this allows you to created the component without sending any extra dlls set path=%path%;d:\projects\xulrunner-sdk\sdk\bin;d:\projects\xulrunner-sdk\bin this tells the command prompt where to find the gecko tools, importantly (xpidl, regxpcom, and gmake).
Introduction to XPCOM for the DOM
the bad thing is that we have to find a way to improve those interfaces, and freezing them obliges implementers to create new interfaces.
...the goal is the following: find out whether an object (an instance of a class) implements a given interface.
"rect" title="ns_convertutf16toutf8"> <area alt="" coords="309,293,445,341" href="" shape="rect" title="nsadoptingcstring"> </map> method overview constructors beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operat...
... - source isterminated prbool isterminated() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i first char first() const - source last char last() const - source countchar pruint32 countchar(char) const - source parameters char <anonymous> findchar print32 findchar(char, pruint32) const - source parameters char <anonymous> pruint32 offset equals prbool equals(const nsacstring_internal&) const - source equality parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> prbool equals(const nsacstring_internal&, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> ...
e="rect" title="ns_convertutf8toutf16"> <area alt="" coords="277,293,405,341" href="" shape="rect" title="nsadoptingstring"> </map> method overview constructors beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operat...
...prbool isterminated() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i first prunichar first() const - source last prunichar last() const - source countchar pruint32 countchar(prunichar) const - source parameters prunichar <anonymous> findchar print32 findchar(prunichar, pruint32) const - source parameters prunichar <anonymous> pruint32 offset equals prbool equals(const nsastring_internal&) const - source equality parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> prbool equals(const nsastring_internal&, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous>...
names: nsdependentsubstring for wide characters nsdependentcsubstring for narrow characters method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operat...
... - source isterminated prbool isterminated() const - source charat char charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator[] char operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i first char first() const - source last char last() const - source countchar pruint32 countchar(char) const - source parameters char <anonymous> findchar print32 findchar(char, pruint32) const - source parameters char <anonymous> pruint32 offset equals prbool equals(const nsacstring_internal&) const - source equality parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> prbool equals(const nsacstring_internal&, const nscstringcomparator&) const - source parameters nsacstring_internal& <anonymous> nscstringcomparator& <anonymous> ...
names: nsdependentsubstring for wide characters nsdependentcsubstring for narrow characters method overview constructors rebind beginreading endreading beginwriting endwriting data length isempty isvoid isterminated charat operator[] first last countchar findchar equals equalsascii equalsliteral(const char equalsliteral(char lowercaseequalsascii lowercaseequalsliteral(const char lowercaseequalsliteral(char assign assignascii assignliteral(const char assignliteral(char operator= adopt replace replaceascii append appendascii appendliteral(const char appendliteral(char operat...
...prbool isterminated() const - source charat prunichar charat(pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i operator[] prunichar operator[](pruint32) const - source parameters pruint32 i first prunichar first() const - source last prunichar last() const - source countchar pruint32 countchar(prunichar) const - source parameters prunichar <anonymous> findchar print32 findchar(prunichar, pruint32) const - source parameters prunichar <anonymous> pruint32 offset equals prbool equals(const nsastring_internal&) const - source equality parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> prbool equals(const nsastring_internal&, const nsstringcomparator&) const - source parameters nsastring_internal& <anonymous> nsstringcomparator& <anonymous>...
this flag can be used to find out whether fetching this url would cause validation of the cache entry via the network.
... methods isfromcache() obsolete since gecko 2.0 (firefox 4 / thunderbird 3.3 / seamonkey 2.1) this method finds out whether or not this channel's data is being loaded from the cache.
method overview firefox 3.5 note the prompt() and find() methods changed in firefox 3.5 to make all their parameters optional; in previous versions, all parameters were required.
...if the name doesn't exist, then a new window is opened and the specified resource is loaded into its browsing context.">open(in domstring url, in domstring name, in domstring options) nsidomwindow nsisupports aextraargument) void close() void updatecommands(in domstring action) boolean find([optional] in domstring str,[optional] in boolean casesensitive, [optional] in boolean backwards, [optional] in boolean wraparound, [optional] in boolean wholeword, [optional] in boolean searchinframes, [optional] in boolean showdialog) domstring atob(in domstring aasciistring) domstring btoa(in domstring abase64data) nsivariant showmodaldialog(in nsivariant aargs, [op...
getvalue() find the value indicated by the key.
... deletevalue() find the value indicated by the key.
obsolete since gecko 1.9.2 channelisunsafe boolean find out if the currently loaded document came from a suspicious channel (such as a jar channel where the server-returned content type is not a known jar type).
... isinunload boolean find out whether the docshell is currently in the middle of a page transition (after the onunload event has fired, but before the new document has been set up) read only.
Component; nsIPrefBranch
if you find yourself wondering what is the maximum amount of data you can store in a string preference, consider storing data separately, for example in a flat file or an sqlite database.
...if you find yourself wondering what is the maximum amount of data you can store in a string preference, consider storing data separately, for example in a flat file or an sqlite database.
the service manager depends on the repository to find and instantiate factories to obtain services.
... remarks the service manager depends on the repository to find and instantiate factories to obtain services.
warning: this service is synchronous so it is recommended that you use os.file to find the profile directory via os.constants.path.profiledir.
...nsitoolkitprofile getprofilebyname( in autf8string aname ); parameters aname the profile name to find.
nsitaskbarprogress gettaskbarprogress( in nsidocshell shell ); parameters shell the nsidocshell used to find the toplevel window.
...nsitaskbarwindowpreview gettaskbarwindowpreview( in nsidocshell shell ); parameters shell an nsidocshell object to use to find the top-level window.
you can find some very useful links in the see also section however. can find out more by reading sqlite's documentation on this.
Troubleshooting XPCOM components registration
registration failure if the module is loading correctly but doesn't register its components, try adding calls to components.utils.reporterror("debug me!"); in nsgetmodule() and other functions to try and find any errors.
... if you compiled the component with msvc 8.0 (2005) and are attempting to use it on a windows xp machine or later, it will need a manifest embedded to find the runtime.
Address Book examples
this function will return the first match that it finds in the collection or null.
...again, this function returns the first match that it finds in the collection, or null.
Using js-ctypes
cu.import('resource://gre/modules/ctypes.jsm'); var libcf ='/system/library/frameworks/corefoundation.framework/corefoundation'); // define types var cfindex = ctypes.long; var cfoptionflags = ctypes.unsigned_long; var cftimeinterval = ctypes.double; var cftyperef = ctypes.voidptr_t; var sint32 = ctypes.long; var void = ctypes.void_t; var __cfstring = new ctypes.structtype("__cfstring"); var cfstringref = __cfstring.ptr; var __cfurl = new ctypes.structtype("__cfurl"); var cfurlref = __cfurl.ptr; var __cfallocator = new ctypes.structtype("__cfallo...
... * void cfrelease ( * cftyperef cf * ); */ var cfrelease = libcf.declare('cfrelease', ctypes.default_abi, void, // return cftyperef // cf ); /* * cfstringref cfstringcreatewithcharacters ( * cfallocatorref alloc, * const unichar *chars, * cfindex numchars * ); */ var cfstringcreatewithcharacters = libcf.declare('cfstringcreatewithcharacters', ctypes.default_abi, cfstringref, // return cfallocatorref, // alloc unichar.ptr, // *chars cfindex // numchars ); // helper functions function makecfstr(jsstr) { // js str is just a string // returns a cfstr that must be released with cfrelease when done return cfstringcreatewithcha...
3D view - Firefox Developer Tools
ible reset view r resets zoom, rotation, and panning to the default hide current node x makes the currently selected node invisible; this can be helpful if you need to get at a node that's obscured use cases for the 3d view there are a variety of ways the 3d view is useful: if you have broken html causing layout problems, looking at the 3d view can help find where you've gone wrong.
... if content isn't displaying, you may be able to figure out why; since the 3d view lets you zoom out to see elements that are rendering outside the visible area of the page, you can find stray content this way.
Accessibility Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
you can find more extensive information in the accessibility section of mdn web docs.
... assistive technologies like screenreaders use this information to find out what's on a web page, tell their users what's there, and enable them to interact with the page.
Debugging service workers - Firefox Developer Tools
finding registered service workers on other domains as mentioned above, the service worker view of the application panel shows all the service workers registered on the current domain.
...below the list of installed extensions you'll find a list of all the service workers you have registered.
Search - Firefox Developer Tools
the debugger will display the number of matches in the code and highlight each result: using the outline tab if you are searching for a specific function within the current javascript file, you can use the outline tab in the debugger to find it quickly. shift + ctrl + f (windows and linux) or shift + cmd + f (macos) and then enter the string you are trying to find.
Source map errors - Firefox Developer Tools
this message will show an error message, the resource url, and the source map url: here, the resource url tells us that bundle.js mentions a source map, and the source map url tells us where to find the source map data (in this case, relative to the resource).
... see bug 1437937: webextensions doesn't find source maps for details.
The Firefox JavaScript Debugger - Firefox Developer Tools
to find your way around the debugger, here's a quick tour of the ui.
... how to to find out what you can do with the debugger, refer to the following how-to guides.
Dominators - Firefox Developer Tools
during garbage collection, the runtime traverses the graph, starting at the root, and marks every object it finds.
... any objects it doesn't find are unreachable, and can be deallocated.
Network request list - Firefox Developer Tools
you can filter by plain text (in which case the text is used to find partial matches; entering "for" will match any message that contains the word "for") or—as of firefox 75—using regular expressions (by writing the regexp bracketed within slashes; "/.+corp.*/" will look for any occurrence of "corp" which has at least one character before it and may or may not have any characters after it, for example).
... regexp:\d{5} regexp:mdn|mozilla for example, to find all 404, not found, errors, you can type "404" into the search and auto-complete suggests "status-code:404" so you'll end up with something like this: search in requests use the search panel to run a full-text search on headers and content.
Examine and edit CSS - Firefox Developer Tools
(this calculated value is exactly the same as what getcomputedstyle would return.) you can tab through the styles to select them, and you can find more information about each property — pressing f1 on a selected property will open up its mdn reference page. can also search for the values of properties: to find the rule responsible for setting the font to "lucida grande", type that in the search box.
Page Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
user interface tour to find your way around the inspector, here's a quick tour of the ui.
... how to to find out what you can do with the inspector, see the following how to guides: open the inspector examine and edit html examine and edit the box model inspect and select colors reposition elements in the page edit fonts visualize transforms use the inspector api select an element examine and edit css examine event listeners work with animations edit css filters edit css shapes view background images use the inspector from the web console examine css grid layouts examine css flexbox layouts reference keyboard shortcuts settings ...
Intensive JavaScript - Firefox Developer Tools
if you want to play along you can find the demo website here. switching to the flame chart view we can find out: this shows us the js call stack at this point in the execution.
Performance - Firefox Developer Tools
getting started ui tour to find your way around the performance tool, here's a quick tour of the ui.
... call tree find bottlenecks in your site's javascript.
Console messages - Firefox Developer Tools
security the security messages shown in the web console help developers find potential or actual vulnerabilities in their sites.
... to find a suitable library for your server code, see the chrome logger documentation.
Firefox Developer Tools
migrating from firebug firebug has come to the end of its lifespan (see firebug lives on in firefox devtools for details of why), and we appreciate that some people will find migrating to another less familiar set of devtools to be challenging.
... a tool helping to find bugs to work on.
Background Tasks API - Web APIs
below you'll find only the html and javascript for this example.
...above, in the code for updatedisplay(), you can find the code that actually adds the logged text to the log element when the animation frame is being updated.
CSSKeyframesRule - Web APIs
csskeyframesrule.findrule() returns a keyframe rule corresponding to the given key.
...if no such keyframe exists, findrule returns null.
Optimizing canvas - Web APIs
pre-render similar primitives or repeating objects on an offscreen canvas if you find yourself repeating some of the same drawing operations on each animation frame, consider offloading them to an offscreen canvas.
... use multiple layered canvases for complex scenes in your application, you may find that some objects need to move or change frequently, while others remain relatively static.
Document.cookie - Web APIs
examples example #1: simple usage document.cookie = "name=oeschger"; document.cookie = "favorite_food=tripe"; function alertcookie() { alert(document.cookie); } <button onclick="alertcookie()">show cookies</button> example #2: get a sample cookie named test2 document.cookie = "test1=hello"; document.cookie = "test2=world"; const cookievalue = document.cookie .split('; ') .find(row => row.startswith('test2')) .split('=')[1]; function alertcookievalue() { alert(cookievalue); } <button onclick="alertcookievalue()">show cookie value</button> example #3: do something only once in order to use the following code, please replace all occurrences of the word dosomethingonlyonce (the name of the cookie) with a custom name.
... function doonce() { if (!document.cookie.split('; ').find(row => row.startswith('dosomethingonlyonce'))) { alert("do something here!"); document.cookie = "dosomethingonlyonce=true; expires=fri, 31 dec 9999 23:59:59 gmt"; } } <button onclick="doonce()">only do something once</button> example #4: reset the previous cookie function resetonce() { document.cookie = "dosomethingonlyonce=; expires=thu, 01 jan 1970 00:00:00 gmt"; } <button onclick="resetonce()">reset only once cookie</button> example #5: check a cookie existence //es5 if (document.cookie.split(';').some(function(item) { return item.trim().indexof('reader=') == 0 })) { console.log('the cookie "reader" exists (es5)') } //es2016 if (document.cookie.split(';').some((item) => item.trim().startswith('rea...
DocumentOrShadowRoot.msElementsFromRect() - Web APIs
syntax object.mselementsfromrect(left, top, width, height, retval) parameters left [in] type: floating-point top[in] type: floating-point width[in] type: floating-point height [in] type: floating-point retval [out, reval] type: nodelist example to find all of the elements under a given point, use mselementsfrompoint(x, y).
... to find all of the elements which intersect a rectangle, use mselementsfromrect(top, left, width, height).
Locating DOM elements using selectors - Web APIs
this is much faster than past techniques, wherein it was necessary to, for example, use a loop in javascript code to locate the specific items you needed to find.
... you may find examples and details by reading the documentation for the element.queryselector() and element.queryselectorall() methods, as well as in the article code snippets for queryselector.
FetchEvent - Web APIs
if it finds a match in the cache, it asynchronously updates the cache for next time.
... event.waituntil(cache.add(event.request)); return cachedresponse; } // if we didn't find a match in the cache, use the network.
Using the Geolocation API - Web APIs
body { padding: 20px; background-color:#ffffc9 } button { margin: .5rem 0; } html <button id = "find-me">show my location</button><br/> <p id = "status"></p> <a id = "map-link" target="_blank"></a> javascript function geofindme() { const status = document.queryselector('#status'); const maplink = document.queryselector('#map-link'); maplink.href = ''; maplink.textcontent = ''; function success(position) { const latitude = position.coords.latitude; const longitude = posit...
...= `latitude: ${latitude} °, longitude: ${longitude} °`; } function error() { status.textcontent = 'unable to retrieve your location'; } if(!navigator.geolocation) { status.textcontent = 'geolocation is not supported by your browser'; } else { status.textcontent = 'locating…'; navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(success, error); } } document.queryselector('#find-me').addeventlistener('click', geofindme); result ...
Geolocation API - Web APIs
body { padding: 20px; background-color:#ffffc9 } button { margin: .5rem 0; } html <button id = "find-me">show my location</button><br/> <p id = "status"></p> <a id = "map-link" target="_blank"></a> javascript function geofindme() { const status = document.queryselector('#status'); const maplink = document.queryselector('#map-link'); maplink.href = ''; maplink.textcontent = ''; function success(position) { const latitude = position.coords.latitude; const longitude = posit...
...= `latitude: ${latitude} °, longitude: ${longitude} °`; } function error() { status.textcontent = 'unable to retrieve your location'; } if(!navigator.geolocation) { status.textcontent = 'geolocation is not supported by your browser'; } else { status.textcontent = 'locating…'; navigator.geolocation.getcurrentposition(success, error); } } document.queryselector('#find-me').addeventlistener('click', geofindme); result specifications specification status comment geolocation api recommendation ...
IIRFilterNode - Web APIs
you may also find this interface useful if you don't need automation, or for other reasons.
... examples you can find a simple iir filter demo live on codepen.
KeyboardEvent: code values - Web APIs
0x0086 "osright" "osright" 0x0087 "contextmenu" "contextmenu" 0x0088 "browserstop" "cancel" 0x0089 "again" "" 0x008a "props" "" 0x008b "undo" "undo" 0x008c "select" "" 0x008d "copy" "copy" 0x008e "open" "" 0x008f "paste" "paste" 0x0090 "find" "" 0x0091 "cut" "cut" 0x0092 "help" "help" 0x0093 "unidentified" "" 0x0094 "launchapp2" "" 0x0095, 0x0096 "unidentified" "" 0x0097 "wakeup" "" 0x0098 "launchapp1" "" 0x0099 ~ 0x00a2 "unidentified" "" 0x00a3 "launchmail" "" 0x00a4 "browserfavorite...
... "lang2" 0x007c "intlyen" 0x007d "metaleft" 0x007e "metaright" 0x007f "contextmenu" 0x0080 "browserstop" 0x0081 "again" 0x0082 "props" 0x0083 "undo" 0x0084 "select" 0x0085 "copy" 0x0086 "open" 0x0087 "paste" 0x0088 "find" 0x0089 "cut" 0x008a "help" 0x008b ~ 0x008d "unidentified" 0x008e "sleep" 0x008f "wakeup" 0x0090 "launchapp1" 0x0091 ~ 0x009b "unidentified" 0x009c "browserfavorites" 0x009d "unidentified" 0x009e "browserback" 0x009f "browserforward" ...
MediaDevices.getUserMedia() - Web APIs
if the browser cannot find all media tracks with the specified types that meet the constraints given, then the returned promise is rejected with notfounderror.'s a full example: { audio: true, video: { width: { min: 1024, ideal: 1280, max: 1920 }, height: { min: 576, ideal: 720, max: 1080 } } } an ideal value, when used, has gravity, which means that the browser will try to find the setting (and camera, if you have more than one), with the smallest fitness distance from the ideal values given.
MediaQueryList - Web APIs
wide or less */ para.textcontent = 'this is a narrow screen — less than 600px wide.'; = 'red'; } else { /* the viewport is more than than 600 pixels wide */ para.textcontent = 'this is a wide screen — more than 600px wide.'; = 'blue'; } } mql.addeventlistener('change', screentest); note: you can find this example on github (see the source code, and also see it running live).
... you can find other examples on the individual property and method pages.
Capabilities, constraints, and settings - Web APIs
determining if a constraint is supported if you need to know whether or not a given constriant is supported by the user agent, you can find out by calling navigator.mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints() to get a list of the constrainable properties which the browser knows, like this: let supported = navigator.mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints(); document.getelementbyid("framerateslider").disabled = !supported["framerate"]; in this example, the supported constraints are fetched, and a control that lets the user configure the fr...
... of course, there may be non-standard properties in this list, in which case you probably will find that the documentation link doesn't help much.
Using the Permissions API - Web APIs
a simple example for this article, we have put together a simple demo called location finder. the resulting dialog, find the location section and select ask when a site tries to...
Using Pointer Events - Web APIs
function copytouch(touch) { return { identifier: touch.pointerid, pagex: touch.clientx, pagey: touch.clienty }; } finding an ongoing touch the ongoingtouchindexbyid() function below scans through the ongoingtouches array to find the touch matching the given identifier, then returns that touch's index into the array.
... function ongoingtouchindexbyid(idtofind) { for (var i = 0; i < ongoingtouches.length; i++) { var id = ongoingtouches[i].identifier; if (id == idtofind) { return i; } } return -1; // not found } showing what's going on function log(msg) { var p = document.getelementbyid('log'); p.innerhtml = msg + "\n" + p.innerhtml; } specifications specification status comment pointer events – level 2the definition of 'pointerevent' in that specification.
Web Push API Notifications best practices - Web APIs
searching the web for "web push notifications," you'll find articles from marketing experts who believe you should use push to re-engage people who have left your site so they can complete a purchase, or be sent the latest news, or receive links to recommended products.
... [1] in the case of firefox, see bug 1524619, in which we find that firefox 68 implements this, disabled by default, behind the preference dom.webnotifications.requireuserinteraction.
Selection.containsNode() - Web APIs
console.log(window.getselection().containsnode(document.body, true)); find the hidden word in this example, a message appears when you select the secret word.
... html <p>can you find the secret word?</p> <p>hmm, where <span id="secret" style="color:transparent">secret</span> could it be?</p> <p id="win" hidden>you found it!</p> javascript const secret = document.getelementbyid('secret'); const win = document.getelementbyid('win'); // listen for selection changes document.addeventlistener('selectionchange', () => { const selection = window.getselection(); const found = selection.containsnode(secret); win.toggleattribute('hidden', !found); }); result specifications specification status comment selection apithe definition of 'selection.containsnode()' in that specification.
Touch events - Web APIs
function copytouch({ identifier, pagex, pagey }) { return { identifier, pagex, pagey }; } finding an ongoing touch the ongoingtouchindexbyid() function below scans through the ongoingtouches array to find the touch matching the given identifier then returns that touch's index into the array.
... function ongoingtouchindexbyid(idtofind) { for (var i = 0; i < ongoingtouches.length; i++) { var id = ongoingtouches[i].identifier; if (id == idtofind) { return i; } } return -1; // not found } showing what's going on function log(msg) { var p = document.getelementbyid('log'); p.innerhtml = msg + "\n" + p.innerhtml; } if your browser supports it, you can see it live.
User Timing API - Web APIs
finding only mark entries requires checking each entry's entrytype for "mark".
...finding the measure entries requires checking each entry's entrytype for "measure".
WebRTC connectivity - Web APIs
this information is exchanged and stored using session description protocol (sdp); if you want details on the format of sdp data, you can find it in rfc 2327.
... pending and current descriptions taking one step deeper into the process, we find that localdescription and remotedescription, the properties which return these two descriptions, aren't as simple as they look.
Example and tutorial: Simple synth keyboard - Web APIs
> <span>volume: </span> <input type="range" min="0.0" max="1.0" step="0.01" value="0.5" list="volumes" name="volume"> <datalist id="volumes"> <option value="0.0" label="mute"> <option value="1.0" label="100%"> </datalist> </div> we specify a default value of 0.5, and we provide a <datalist> element which is connected to the range using the name attribute to find an option list whose id matches; in this case, the data set is named "volume".
... with this table in place, we can find out the frequency for a given note in a particular octave quite easily.
Web Audio API - Web APIs
tools for analyzing web audio usagewhile working on your web audio api code, you may find that you need tools to analyze the graph of nodes you create or to otherwise debug your work.
... examples you can find a number of examples at our webaudio-example repo on github.
Using the Web Speech API - Web APIs
]; var grammar = '#jsgf v1.0; grammar colors; public <color> = ' + colors.join(' | ') + ' ;' the grammar format used is jspeech grammar format (jsgf) — you can find a lot more about it at the previous link to its spec.
...we then use this element's data-name attribute, finding the speechsynthesisvoice object whose name matches this attribute's value.
Using Web Workers - Web APIs
if the worker has the corresponding methods we queried, it should return the name of the corresponding listener and the arguments it needs, we just need to find it in listeners.: worker.onmessage = function(event) { if ( instanceof object &&'querymethodlistener') &&'querymethodarguments')) { listeners[].apply(instance,; } else {,; } } no...
... performing web i/o in the background you can find an example of this in the article using workers in extensions .
XRPose.transform - Web APIs
it determines the targeted object by passing the event frame's pose into a function called findtargetusingray(), then dispatches the event differently depending on the user's handedness; this is done by comparing the value of the xrinputsource property handedness to a value in the variable user.handedness.
... xrsession.addeventlistener("select", event => { let source = event.inputsource; let frame = event.frame; let targetraypose = frame.getpose(source.targetrayspace, myrefspace); let targetobject = findtargetusingray(targetray.transform.matrix); if (source.targetraymode == "tracked-pointer") { if (source.handedness == user.handedness) { targetobject.primaryaction(); } else { targetobject.offhandaction(); } } }); specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrpose.transform' in that specification.
XRSession.onsqueezestart - Web APIs
examples this snippet of code adds a simple handler for the squeezestart event, which responds only to events on the user's dominant hand by getting the target ray, then calling a function findobjectusingray() to identify the object that the user is pointing at.
... xrsession.onsqueezestart = event => { if (event.inputsource.handedness == user.handedness) { let targetraypose = event.frame.getpose(event.inputsource.targetrayspace, myrefspace; if (targetraypose) { user.heldobject = findobjectusingray(targetraypose.transform); } } }; specifications specification status comment webxr device apithe definition of 'xrsession.onsqueezestart' in that specification.
ARIA: cell role - Accessibility
role="table" one of the three possible contexts (along with grid and treegrid) in which you'll find a row containing cells.
... role="grid" one of the three possible contexts (along with table and treegrid) in which you'll find a row containing cells and gridcells.
ARIA: row role - Accessibility
role="table" one of the three possible contexts (along with grid and treegrid) in which you'll find a row, it identifies the row as being part of a non-interactive table structure containing data arranged in rows and columns, similar to the native <table> html element.
... role="grid" one of the three possible contexts (along with table and treegrid) in which you'll find a row, it identifies the row as being part of a non-interactive table structure containing data arranged in rows and columns, similar to the native <table> html element.
ARIA: rowgroup role - Accessibility
associated wai-aria roles, states, and properties context roles role="table" one of the three possible contexts (along with grid and treegrid) in which you'll find a row.
... role="grid" one of the three possible contexts (along with table and treegrid) in which you'll find a row.
ARIA: tab role - Accessibility
we then find all tabs with aria-selected=true inside the parent element and sets it to false, then sets the triggering element's aria-selected to true.
... after that, we find all tabpanel elements in the grandparent element, make them all hidden, and finally select the element whose id is equal to the triggering tab's aria-controls and removes the hidden attribute, making it visible.
Web applications and ARIA FAQ - Accessibility
along with placing them directly in the markup, aria attributes can be added to the element and updated dynamically using javascript code like this: // find the progress bar <div> in the dom.
...the w3c's html5 validator will even find invalid uses of aria in html5 pages for you.
Architecture - Accessibility
this allows at's to find its position within that text, because the hyperlink interface exposes a start and end index.
... otherwise, use iahyperlink::getstartindex() to find the index in parent.
Controlling Ratios of Flex Items Along the Main Axis - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this property deals with situations where the browser calculates the flex-basis values of the flex items, and finds that they are too large to fit into the flex container.
... with all the flex tools at your disposal you will find that most tasks can be achieved, although it might take a little bit of experimentation at first.
Ordering Flex Items - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
therefore if a user is tabbing between the items, they could find themselves jumping around your layout in a very confusing way.
...the heading of the news item is the key thing to highlight and would be the element that a user might jump to if they were tabbing between headings to find content they wanted to read.
Relationship of flexbox to other layout methods - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
we’ll find out which specifications you also need to take notice of if you want to learn flexbox, and find out why flexbox is different to some other modules.
... in some cases you could happily use either layout method, but as you become confident with both you will find each one suiting different layout needs, and you will end up with both methods in your css.
Block and inline layout in normal flow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
find out more about how block and inline boxes behave in our guide to the visual formatting model. understanding how normal flow works you will find layout easier, as you understand the starting point for making changes to how elements are displayed.
Introduction to formatting contexts - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
there are some occasions in which you will find you get unwanted scrollbars or clipped shadows when you use this property purely to create a bfc. the next guide, we will find out how normal flow interacts with different writing modes.
OpenType font features guide - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
unlock them and you'll find ways to make fonts look and behave differently in subtle and dramatic ways. can see examples of a number of them above, and there are several resources available for finding more of them.
Auto-placement in CSS Grid Layout - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you can see how this then leaves gaps in the grid, as for the auto-placed items if grid comes across an item that doesn’t fit into a track, it will move to the next row until it finds a space the item can fit in.
... having done this, grid will now backfill the gaps, as it moves through the grid it leaves gaps as before, but then if it finds an item that will fit in a previous gap it will pick it up and take it out of dom order to place it in the gap.
Grid template areas - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this method involves placing our items using named template areas, and we will find out exactly how this method works.
... grid-template-areas: "hd hd hd hd hd hd hd hd hd" "sd sd main main main main main ft ft"; } } <div class="wrapper"> <div class="header">header</div> <div class="sidebar">sidebar</div> <div class="content">content</div> <div class="footer">footer</div> </div> using grid-template-areas for ui elements many of the grid examples you will find online make the assumption that you will use grid for main page layout, however grid can be just as useful for small elements as those larger ones.
Consistent list indentation - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
finding consistency boil it all down, and what we're left with is this: if you want consistent rendering of lists between gecko, internet explorer, and opera, you need to set both the left margin and left padding of the <ul> element. making sure you style both the left padding and left margin of lists, you can find much greater cross-browser consistency in your list indentation.
Overview of CSS Shapes - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
there are a number of ways to create these shapes and in these guides we will find out how css shapes work, and consider some ways you might like to use them. the shape-inside property was initially in level 1 of the specification, you may find tutorials on the web detailing both properties.
Introducing the CSS Cascade - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
cascading order the cascading algorithm determines how to find the value to apply for each property for each document element.
... resetting styles after your content has finished altering styles, it may find itself in a situation where it needs to restore them to a known state.
Visual formatting model - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
when reading specifications you will often find references to the model as defined in css2, so an understanding of the model and the terms used to describe it in css2 is valuable when reading other layout specifications.
... find out more about floats.
Event reference
each event is listed along with the interface representing the object sent to recipients of the event (so you can find information about what data is provided with each event) as well as a link to the specification or specifications that define the event.
... mozbrowserfindchange firefox os browser api-specific sent when a search operation is performed on the browser <iframe> content (see htmliframeelement search methods.) mozbrowserfirstpaint firefox os browser api-specific sent when the <iframe> paints content for the first time (this doesn't include the initial paint from about:blank.) mozbrowsericonchange firefox os b...
Live streaming web audio and video - Developer guides
note: you can find a guide to encoding hls and mpeg-dash for use on the web at setting up adaptive streaming media sources.
... streaming services although you can install software like gstreamer, shoutcast and icecast you will also find a lot of third-party streaming services that will do much of the work for you.
Setting up adaptive streaming media sources - Developer guides
the more qualities and time points there are, the more 'adaptive' your stream will be, but we will usually want to find a pragmatic balance between size, time to encode and adaptiveness.
... note: you can find more details about these tools at using http live streaming.
Audio and video manipulation - Developer guides
note: you can find the source code of this demo on github (see it live also).
...context.listener.setposition(0, 0, 0); note: you can find an example on our github repository (see it live also).
Challenge solutions - Developer guides
why use css colors challenge without looking up a reference, find five more color names that work in your stylesheet.
...use domi's right-hand pane to find out where the node's color is set to red, and where its appearance is made bolder than normal text.
Index - Developer guides
you can find compatibility information in the guide to media types and formats on the web.
...on this page you'll find a complete list of all of the apis provided by the full web technology stack.
<input type="file"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ike this: <input type="file" accept="image/*,.pdf"> using file inputs a basic example <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="file">choose file to upload</label> <input type="file" id="file" name="file" multiple> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; } this produces the following output: note: you can find this example on github too — see the source code, and also see it running live.
...ple: <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="profile_pic">choose file to upload</label> <input type="file" id="profile_pic" name="profile_pic" accept=".jpg, .jpeg, .png"> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; } this produces a similar-looking output to the previous example: note: you can find this example on github too — see the source code, and also see it running live.
<input type="number"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
our above example contains a placeholder saying that the value should be a multiple of 10, so it makes sense to add a step value of 10: <input type="number" placeholder="multiple of 10" step="10"> in this example, you should find that the up and down step arrows will increase and decrease the value by 10 each time, not 1.
...for example, let's give our example a minimum of 0, and a maximum of 100: <input type="number" placeholder="multiple of 10" step="10" min="0" max="100"> in this updated version, you should find that the up and down step buttons will not allow you to go below 0 or above 100.
Microformats - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
as in this example, some markup patterns require only a single microformat root class name, which parsers use to find a few generic properties such as name, url, photo.
...for example: h-card describes a person or organization h-entry describes episodic or date stamped online content like a blog post h-feed describes a stream or feed of posts you can find many more vocabularies on the microformats2 wiki.
MIME types (IANA media types) - HTTP
the internet assigned numbers authority (iana) is responsible for all official mime types, and you can find the most up-to-date and complete list at their media types page.
... some content you find may have a charset parameter at the end of the text/javascript media type, to specify the character set used to represent the code's content.
Resource URLs - HTTP
for example, a script on browserleaks highlights what firefox reveals when queried by a simple script running on the site (you can find the code in
... for example, if you open the view source page (view page source or view selection source), you will find it requires viewsource.css through a resource: uri.
Browser detection using the user agent - HTTP
you can almost always find a better, more broadly compatible way to solve your problem!
...if more people visit the webpage to see the cats, then it might be a good idea to put all the cats higher in the source code than the dogs so that more people can find what they are looking for faster on smaller screens where the content collapses down to one column.
CORS errors - HTTP
identifying the issue to understand the underlying issue with the cors configuration, you need to find out which request is at fault and why.
...cceed reason: cors header ‘origin’ cannot be added reason: cors request external redirect not allowed reason: cors request not http reason: cors header ‘access-control-allow-origin’ missing reason: cors header ‘access-control-allow-origin’ does not match ‘xyz’ reason: credential is not supported if the cors header ‘access-control-allow-origin’ is ‘*’ reason: did not find method in cors header ‘access-control-allow-methods’ reason: expected ‘true’ in cors header ‘access-control-allow-credentials’ reason: cors preflight channel did not succeed reason: invalid token ‘xyz’ in cors header ‘access-control-allow-methods’ reason: invalid token ‘xyz’ in cors header ‘access-control-allow-headers’ reason: missing token ‘xyz’ in cors head...
Firefox user agent string reference - HTTP
also, please use touch detection to find touch devices rather than looking for "mobi" or "tablet", since there may be touch devices which are not tablets.
... firefox os version number gecko version number 1.0.1 18.0 1.1 18.1 1.2 26.0 1.3 28.0 1.4 30.0 2.0 32.0 2.1 34.0 2.2 37 2.5 44 it's easy to find the correspondences by looking at the mercurial repository names: repositories starting by mozilla-b2g are the release repositories for firefox os, and have both firefox os and gecko versions in their names.
31 reason: did not find method in cors header ‘access-control-allow-methods’ cors, corsmethodnotfound, cross-origin, error, http, https, messages, reasons, security, console, troubleshooting the http method being used by the cors request is not included in the list of methods specified by the response's access-control-allow-methods header.
... 239 404 not found browser, client error, http, status code the http 404 not found client error response code indicates that the server can't find the requested resource.
Proxy servers and tunneling - HTTP
the javascript function contained in the pac file defines the function: the auto-config file should be saved to a file with a .pac filename extension: proxy.pac and the mime type set to: application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig the file consists of a function called findproxyforurl.
... the example below will work in an environment where the internal dns server is set up so that it can only resolve internal host names, and the goal is to use a proxy only for hosts that aren't resolvable: function findproxyforurl(url, host) { if (isresolvable(host)) return "direct"; else return "proxy"; } see proxy auto-configuration (pac) for more examples.
JavaScript data types and data structures - JavaScript
please have a look at the reference to find out about more objects.
... determining types using the typeof operator the typeof operator can help you to find the type of your variable.
Details of the object model - JavaScript
therefore, when javascript looks up the name property of the amy object (an instance of workerbee), javascript finds the local value for that property in workerbee.prototype.
... inheritance of property values occurs at run time by javascript searching the prototype chain of an object to find a value.
Introduction - JavaScript
where to find javascript information the javascript documentation on mdn includes the following: learn web development provides information for beginners and introduces basic concepts of programming and the internet. can also find the specification on the ecma international website.
About the JavaScript reference - JavaScript
where to find javascript information javascript documentation of core language features (pure ecmascript, for the most part) includes the following: the javascript guide the javascript reference if you are new to javascript, start with the guide.
... structure of the reference in the javascript reference you can find the following chapters: standard built-in objects this chapter documents all the javascript standard built-in objects, along with their methods and properties.
TypeError: cyclic object value - JavaScript
cycle.js) or implement a solution by yourself, which will require finding and replacing (or removing) the cyclic references by serializable values.
... the snippet below illustrates how to find and filter (thus causing data loss) a cyclic reference by using the replacer parameter of json.stringify(): const getcircularreplacer = () => { const seen = new weakset(); return (key, value) => { if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) { if (seen.has(value)) { return; } seen.add(value); } return value; }; }; json.stringify(circularreference, getcircularreplacer()); // {"otherdata":123} ...
Array.prototype[@@unscopables] - JavaScript
description the default array properties that are excluded from with bindings are: copywithin() entries() fill() find() findindex() includes() keys() values() see symbol.unscopables for how to set unscopables for your own objects.
... var keys = []; with (array.prototype) { keys.push('something'); } object.keys(array.prototype[symbol.unscopables]); // ["copywithin", "entries", "fill", "find", "findindex", // "includes", "keys", "values"] specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'array.prototype[@@unscopables]' in that specification.
Array.prototype.indexOf() - JavaScript
} else // all else for (; i !== len; ++i) if (that[i] === member) return i return -1 // if the value was not found, then return -1 } })(object, math.max, math.min) however, if you are more interested in all the little technical bits defined by the ecma standard, and are less concerned about performance or conciseness, then you may find this more descriptive polyfill to be more useful.
... var array = [2, 9, 9]; array.indexof(2); // 0 array.indexof(7); // -1 array.indexof(9, 2); // 2 array.indexof(2, -1); // -1 array.indexof(2, -3); // 0 finding all the occurrences of an element var indices = []; var array = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'd']; var element = 'a'; var idx = array.indexof(element); while (idx != -1) { indices.push(idx); idx = array.indexof(element, idx + 1); } console.log(indices); // [0, 2, 4] finding if an element exists in the array or not and updating the array function updatevegetablescollection (veggies, veggie...
NaN - JavaScript
(number.nan); // true however, do note the difference between isnan() and number.isnan(): the former will return true if the value is currently nan, or if it is going to be nan after it is coerced to a number, while the latter will return true only if the value is currently nan: isnan('hello world'); // true number.isnan('hello world'); // false additionally, some array methods cannot find nan, while others can.
... let arr = [2, 4, nan, 12]; arr.indexof(nan); // -1 (false) arr.includes(nan); // true arr.findindex(n => number.isnan(n)); // 2 specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'nan' in that specification.
Proxy - JavaScript
success return true; } }); console.log(products.browsers); // ['internet explorer', 'netscape'] products.browsers = 'firefox'; // pass a string (by mistake) console.log(products.browsers); // ['firefox'] <- no problem, the value is an array products.latestbrowser = 'chrome'; console.log(products.browsers); // ['firefox', 'chrome'] console.log(products.latestbrowser); // 'chrome' finding an array item object by its property this proxy extends an array with some utility features.
...this example can be adapted to find a table row by its cell.
RegExp.prototype.exec() - JavaScript
if you are executing a match simply to find true or false, use regexp.prototype.test() method or instead.
... "quick\s(brown).+?(jumps)" examples finding successive matches if your regular expression uses the "g" flag, you can use the exec() method multiple times to find successive matches in the same string.
String.prototype.indexOf() - JavaScript
f('', 0) // returns 0 'hello world'.indexof('', 3) // returns 3 'hello world'.indexof('', 8) // returns 8 however, with any fromindex value equal to or greater than the string's length, the returned value is the string's length: 'hello world'.indexof('', 11) // returns 11 'hello world'.indexof('', 13) // returns 11 'hello world'.indexof('', 22) // returns 11 in the former instance, js seems to find an empty string just after the specified index value.
... in the latter instance, js seems to be finding an empty string at the end of the searched string.
WeakMap - JavaScript
getting values from the map would involve iterating through all keys to find a match, then using the index of this match to retrieve the corresponding value from the array of values.
... such an implementation would have two main inconveniences: the first one is an o(n) set and search (n being the number of keys in the map) since both operations must iterate through the list of keys to find a matching value.
Digital audio concepts - Web media technologies
some older audio file formats—which you won't find in use on the web—used 8-bit integer samples.
... psychoacoustics if you know what kind of audio you're most likely to handle, you can potentially find special filtering techniques applicable specifically to that kind of sound, that will optimize the encoding.
Critical rendering path - Web Performance
the browser initiates requests every time it finds links to external resources, be they stylesheets, scripts, or embedded image references.
...for example, .foo {} is faster than .bar .foo {} because when the browser finds .foo, in the second scenario, it has to walk up the dom to check if .foo has an ancestor .bar.
Performance fundamentals - Web Performance
what you do in this regard is up to you — do some testing and find out what's best for your particular app.
... testcases and submitting bugs if the firefox and chrome developer tools don't help you find a problem, or if they seem to indicate that the web browser has caused the problem, try to provide a reduced test case that maximally isolates the problem.
The building blocks of responsive design - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
it is usually much better to create a single version of your code which doesn't care about what browser or platform is accessing the site, but instead uses feature tests to find out what code features the browser supports or what the values of certain browser features are, and then adjusts the code appropriately.
... note: you can find the snapshot app on github; check out the code and help improve it.
Scripting - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
preventing default behavior in event code when writing drag and drop code, sometimes you'll find that text on the page gets accidently selected while dragging.
... you may find documentation referring to an svgdocument interface.
Fills and Strokes - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
most svg you'll find around the web use inline css, but there are advantages and disadvantages associated with each type.'s easiest just to test and find out what is available and what isn't.
Using custom elements - Web Components
e we attach a shadow dom to the element, then attach empty <div> and <style> elements to the shadow root: const shadow = this.attachshadow({mode: 'open'}); const div = document.createelement('div'); const style = document.createelement('style'); shadow.appendchild(style); shadow.appendchild(div); the key function in this example is updatestyle() — this takes an element, gets its shadow root, finds its <style> element, and adds width, height, and background-color to the style.
... note: find the full javascript source here.
Using templates and slots - Web Components
if you want to play with it some more, you can find it on github (see it running live also).
... note: you can find this complete example at element-details (see it running live also).
Index - XPath
25 document xslt, xslt_reference the document finds a node-set in an external document, or multiple external documents, and returns the resulting node-set.
... 32 id xslt, xslt_reference the id function finds nodes matching the given ids and returns a node-set containing the identified nodes.
Common XSLT Errors - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
to find out the current type, load the file in mozilla and look at the page info.
...we do realize that the lack of disable-output-escaping is a problem and we'd like to find a solution for it, however so far we haven't found any good solutions.
Caching compiled WebAssembly modules - WebAssembly
in our wasm-utils.js library script, you'll find instantiatecachedurl() — this function fetches the wasm module at url with a version of dbversion, instantiates it with the given importobject, and returns a promise resolving to the finished wasm instance.
... const wasmcacheversion = 1; instantiatecachedurl(wasmcacheversion, 'test.wasm').then(instance => console.log("instance says the answer is: " + instance.exports.answer()) ).catch(err => console.error("failure to instantiate: " + err) ); you can find the source code for this example on github as indexeddb-cache.html (see it live also).
2015 MDN Fellowship Program - Archive of obsolete content
finding and addressing performance bottlenecks depends on tooling the browser networking and rendering but also, often more important, user perception.
XUL Migration Guide - Archive of obsolete content
if you can find a third party package that does what you want, this is a great way to use features not supported in the sdk without having to use the low-level apis.
context-menu - Archive of obsolete content
it is easy to find out which menu items are constructed by the addon-sdk module because they have the class addon-context-menu-item.
l10n - Archive of obsolete content
if this function can't find the string referenced by the identifier parameter, it returns the identifier itself.
simple-storage - Archive of obsolete content
function myonoverquotalistener() { console.log("uh oh."); } ss.on("overquota", myonoverquotalistener); listeners can also be removed: ss.removelistener("overquota", myonoverquotalistener); to find out how much of your quota you're using, check the module's quotausage property.
system - Archive of obsolete content
usage querying your environment using the system module you can access environment variables (such as path), find out which operating system your add-on is running on and get information about the host application (for example, firefox or fennec), such as its version.
content/worker - Archive of obsolete content
if you try, you'll see this error: error: couldn't find the worker to receive this message.
remote/child - Archive of obsolete content
getframeforwindow finds the frame for a top level dom window.
system/events - Archive of obsolete content
you can find a list of events dispatched by the firefox codebase here.
tabs/utils - Archive of obsolete content
parameters browser : browser the browser whose tab element we want to find.
test/runner - Archive of obsolete content
this module contains the package's main program, which does a bit of high-level setup and then delegates test finding and running to the harness module.
Creating annotations - Archive of obsolete content
we'll use two objects to create annotations: a page-mod to find page elements that the user can annotate, and a panel for the user to enter the annotation text itself.
Overview - Archive of obsolete content
the matcher is responsible for finding annotated elements: it is initialized with the list of annotations and searches web pages for the elements they are associated with.
Annotator - Archive of obsolete content
if you want to refer to the complete add-on you can find it under the examples directory in the sdk.
Listen for Page Load - Archive of obsolete content
the following add-on listens to the tab's built-in ready event and just logs the url of each tab as the user loads it: require("sdk/tabs").on("ready", logurl); function logurl(tab) { console.log(tab.url); } you will find this console output in the browser console, not the web console.
Tree - Archive of obsolete content
you can then use the event and some utility methods to find the <treecell>.
Windows - Archive of obsolete content
if it finds one, it focuses it.
xml:base support in old browsers - Archive of obsolete content
3 : 2; // if the file protocol has an extra slashe, prepare to also skip it in the separator search var att2 = att.indexof('/', protocolpos+skipfile); // find first path separator ('/') after protocol if (att2 !== -1) { att = att.substring(0, att2 - 1); // don't want any trailing slash, as the absolute path to be added already has one } } else if (!att.match(/\/$/)) { // if no trailing slash, add one, since it is being attached to a relative path att += '/'; } xmlbase = att + xmlbase; // if previous path was not abs...
getAttributeNS - Archive of obsolete content
nsatt); } else if (ns === '') { // this is assumed so don't try to get an xmlns for the 'xml' prefix return thisitem.getattribute('xml:'+nsatt); // prefix must be 'xml' per the specs } var attrs2, result; var attrs = thisitem.attributes; var prefixatt = new regexp('^(.*):'+nsatt.replace(/\./g, '\\.')+'$'); // e.g., xlink:href // find any prefixes with the local-name being searched (escape period since only character (besides colon) allowed in an xml name which needs escaping) for (var j = 0; j < attrs.length; j++) { // thisitem's atts // e.g., abc:href, xlink:href while (((result = prefixatt.exec(attrs[j].nodename)) !== null) && thisitem.nodename !== '#document' && thisitem.nodename !== '#docu...
Deploying a Plugin as an Extension - Archive of obsolete content
when this method is used, you can choose to either place the plugin into the plugins directory, or, on windows, place it into your own directory and modify the windows registry to let firefox know where to find the plugin.
Extension Versioning, Update and Compatibility - Archive of obsolete content
debugging and solving problems the update mechanism logs information to the console, and display various information which can help you to find problem.
Hiding browser chrome - Archive of obsolete content
there are times in which an extension may find it useful to hide browser chrome (that is, toolbars, the location bar, and so forth), in order to reduce clutter when presenting a particular user interface.
Install Manifests - Archive of obsolete content
if a value for the application's os is encountered that requires any specific abi, the abi is considered important for that os and the application will refuse to install the add-on if it does not find a matching os/abi combination.
Chapter 3: Introduction to XUL—How to build a more intuitive UI - Archive of obsolete content
figure 8: a button with an image icon attribute value icon attribute value accept close cancel print help add open remove save refresh find go-forward clear go-back yes properties no select-font apply select-color table 2: values for the icon attribute toolbar buttons the toolbarbutton element is the element used to define toolbar buttons.
Chapter 2: Technologies used in developing extensions - Archive of obsolete content
if you've had experience developing with dynamic html, you'll probably find it relatively easy to pick up the knowledge you'll need to develop firefox extensions.
Adding menus and submenus - Archive of obsolete content
here's a list of the known issues we've run into when handling menus on mac: the about, preferences and quit menu items are located under the "firefox" menu, not the usual places you would find them.
Adding sidebars - Archive of obsolete content
they are extremely useful, and you'll find yourself using them in many situations besides sidebars.
Appendix D: Loading Scripts - Archive of obsolete content
simplicity: the simple, declarative nature of these tags make them easy to find and understand at a glance.
Handling Preferences - Archive of obsolete content
you don't need to know them by heart; if doing task x requires some preference, then it's better to look for an explanation on how to do x rather than diving into the preferences list and see if you can find the preference you need.
Intercepting Page Loads - Archive of obsolete content
// find the root document: while (doc.defaultview.frameelement) { doc = doc.defaultview.frameelement.ownerdocument; } } } } the second if validation is necessary if you need to make a distinction for html documents being loaded in inner page frames.
The Essentials of an Extension - Archive of obsolete content
we'll see later how we can find out things like the ids of browser elements, but for now let's look at the elements that compose the hello world menu.
User Notifications and Alerts - Archive of obsolete content
users will find them annoying and probably will learn to dismiss them as quickly as possible without even reading what they have to say.
XPCOM Objects - Archive of obsolete content
in this case you may also find it easier to implement your component using jsm and the xpcomutils module.
Extensions support in SeaMonkey 2 - Archive of obsolete content
the statusbar in firefox 3 a new vbox has been added, called "browser-bottombox", which encloses the find bar and status bar at the bottom of the browser window.
Setting up an extension development environment - Archive of obsolete content
(how to find your profile directory) alternatively, rather than using a guid, create a unique id using the format "name@yourdomain" (for example - then the proxy filename will be same as that id, with no curly brackets {}.
Add-ons - Archive of obsolete content
tabbed browser here you should find a set of useful code snippets to help you work with firefox's tabbed browser.
An Interview With Douglas Bowman of Wired News - Archive of obsolete content
when you get to that point, the amount of markup you have to sift through to find anything becomes ridiculous.
Inner-browsing extending the browser navigation paradigm - Archive of obsolete content
in addition to these components, you will also find the piece of code that is responsible for the dhtml ticker.
Install.js - Archive of obsolete content
this.profileinstall = install.confirm('install ' + this.extfullname + ' ' + this.extversion + ' to your profile directory (ok) or your browser directory (cancel)?'); } // init install var dispname = this.extfullname + ' ' + this.extversion; var regname = '/' + this.extauthor + '/' + this.extshortname; install.initinstall(dispname, regname, this.extversion); // find directory to install into var installpath; if (this.profileinstall) installpath = profiledir; else installpath = install.getfolder('chrome'); // add jar file install.addfile(null, 'chrome/' + jarname, installpath, null); // register chrome var jarpath = install.getfolder(installpath, jarname); var installtype = this.profileinstall ?
No Proxy For configuration - Archive of obsolete content
mozilla implements this feature with significant limitations, users may find that writing a pac file is more suitable for their needs.
ActiveX Control for Hosting Netscape Plug-ins in IE - Archive of obsolete content
if you are a plug-in author, you may find this project saves you a lot of work!
Automatic Mozilla Configurator - Archive of obsolete content
automatic mozilla configurator:introduction automatic mozilla configurator:how mozilla finds its configuration files automatic mozilla configurator:how thunderbird and firefox find their configuration files automatic mozilla configurator:protecting mozilla's registry.dat file automatic mozilla configurator:enabling quicklaunch for all users automatic mozilla configurator:kill the xul.mfl file for good automatic mozilla configurator:locked config settings automatic mozilla configurator:other mozilla customization pages online configurator tools: registry.dat mozilla.cfg (locked preferences) ...
Bonsai - Archive of obsolete content
it also includes tools for looking at checkin logs (and comments); doing diffs between various versions of a file; and finding out which person is responsible for changing a particular line of code ("cvsblame").
Bookmark Keywords - Archive of obsolete content
bookmark suggested keywords find bugzilla entry bug, bugzilla, bz search devmo devmo, de google search google, gg dictionary search dictionary, dict, define, word thesaurus search thesaurus, like fedex tracking fedex ups tracking ups of course, these are just a beginning.
Enabling the behavior - updating the status bar panel - Archive of obsolete content
when it finds a color, it sets the panel's status attribute to the corresponding status, which causes the previously defined css rules to switch to the icon appropriate for that status.
Making a Mozilla installation modifiable - Archive of obsolete content
the registry contains a bunch of complicated configuration statements in which you will find a number of urls of the form jar:resource:/chrome/something.jar!/something-else...
Prerequisites - Archive of obsolete content
you might install mozilla multiple times in the course of this tutorial, so you will find it handy to keep around a mozilla installer.
Getting Started - Archive of obsolete content
to find all of the css files that we're going to be modifying, we must first understand the directory structure.
DTrace - Archive of obsolete content
if you find that there are still use cases of consequence, you're welcome to file a documentation bug.
Dehydra Frequently Asked Questions - Archive of obsolete content
where can i find js code for real-life analyses for dehydra?
Dehydra - Archive of obsolete content
it was also useful to find bugs in source code as it allows for much more error checking than c++ is capable of by itself.
Drag and Drop JavaScript Wrapper - Archive of obsolete content
that way, a drop target can accept the flavor it finds most suitable.
Extension Frequently Asked Questions - Archive of obsolete content
for thunderbird, you may also find the extension howto or faq pages helpful.
Layout FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
how do you find out if there are any reflows that are pending and wait to show the view until afterwards, but if none are pending, show the view immediately?
Repackaging Firefox - Archive of obsolete content
if you find a preference you think is generally useful to most partner repacks, please add it below, using the same style: localizable preferences browser.startup.homepage=<string> browser.startup.homepage_reset=<string> url for the default homepage, and what the homepage gets reset to when the user hits "restore to default" in the preferences.
Creating a Help Content Pack - Archive of obsolete content
next, we need to describe where to find the glossary, index, and table of contents.
Helper Apps (and a bit of Save As) - Archive of obsolete content
bird's eye view flow of control uriloader tries to find a content listener for the mime type in question.
popChallengeResponse - Archive of obsolete content
this will allow -- the client to find the appropriate key to do the decryption.
Java in Firefox Extensions - Archive of obsolete content
i've had problems with stability in the latest xquseme when testing in firefox 3.5b4, especially apparently on linux (i haven't so far been able to find any workarounds/incompatibilities, but everything is working in firefox 3.0.10.).
Menu - Archive of obsolete content
if many features' menus are local to one area, the user need not hunt and peck through many menus trying to find a particular item of a feature.
Tabs - Archive of obsolete content
in this class you can find information about the tabs in your firefox window.
statusBar - Archive of obsolete content
you can find the complete sourcecode in the status-bar-panel.js file in your jetpack repository.
Mozilla Application Framework in Detail - Archive of obsolete content
what this means to you as the developer is this: you can take advantage of skills you already have with xml or web technologies to design and implement anything from a simple text editor to a comprehensive ide - complete with all of the interface widgets that you would find in virtually any major application framework.
Porting NSPR to Unix Platforms - Archive of obsolete content
if you can't find a <tt>jb_sp</tt> macro, you must resort to brute-force experiments.
Bundles - Archive of obsolete content
the extension looks for <link> tags in the webpage that point to a webapp bundle: <link rel="webapp" href="prismdemo.webapp" title="prism demo"> when the extension finds such a <link> tag, it will notify the user.
Remote debugging - Archive of obsolete content
examples: 367650, 374356, 393325, 418139 debugging over irc find the developer on irc and explain that you've caught the bug in a debugger.
Frequently Asked Questions - Archive of obsolete content
if you can't find a matching bug please file a new svg bug report, preferably attaching a (very small!) svg file that demonstrates the bug.
Space Manager High Level Design - Archive of obsolete content
type and if it can be added to the space manager; align the float to its containing block top if rule css2/9.5.1/4 is not respected; add the float using nsspacemanager::addrectregion compare the area that the float used to occupy with the area that it now occupies: if different, record the vertically affected interval using nsspacemanager::includeindamage use case 3: space manager is used to find available space to reflow into the nsblockframe makes use of the space manager indirectly to get the available space to reflow a child block or inline frame into.
Archived SpiderMonkey docs - Archive of obsolete content
between resolving conflicts, finding a good time to land, watching the tree, and marking bugs as fixed, it takes around half a day.spidermonkey coding conventionsthe spidermonkey project owners enforce coding conventions pretty strictly during code reviews.
String Rosetta Stone - Archive of obsolete content
find a substring nsstring findinreadable(const nsastring& pattern, nsastring::const_iterator start, nsastring::const_iterator end, nsstringcomparator& acomparator = nsdefaultstringcomparator()) std::string size_type find(const basic_string& s, size_type pos = 0) const size_type find(const chart* s, size_type pos, size_type n) const size_type find(const chart* s, size_type pos = 0) const size_type find(chart c, size_type pos = 0) const qstring int qstring::indexof ( const qstring & str, int from = 0, qt::casesensitivity cs = qt::casesensitive ) const format a printf style string nsstring appendprintf() std::string n/a qstring qstring & qstring::sprintf ( const char * cformat, ...
The life of an HTML HTTP request - Archive of obsolete content
now the channel knows the content type of the incoming data, so the documentloader can find an nsidocumentloaderfactory for the "text/html" content type (in this case an nslayoutdlf).
Using addresses of stack variables with NSPR threads on win16 - Archive of obsolete content
what is probably more likely to cause problems is passing addresses of automatically allocated variables to a function that wends its way though arbitrary amounts of convoluted logic, and finds its way into an object that is shared.
Venkman Internals - Archive of obsolete content
if you set the breakpoint right from the jsdscript instead, you wouldn't see it in the venkman ui, and you might confuse venkman when the actual breakpoint was hit and it couldn't find a matching breakpoint object.
Venkman - Archive of obsolete content
mailing list newsgroup rss feed irc: #venkman on report a bug in venkman if you find a problem with venkman, please follow directives mentioned at venkman faq section 5.4 and then you may report a bug on javascript debugger component.
Video presentations - Archive of obsolete content
this article is a jumping-off point to help you find those presentations.
Mozilla Web Developer Community - Archive of obsolete content
lazine planet mozilla spread firefox standards communities get involved in grass-roots web standards evangelism efforts through these groups: the web standards project, a grassroots coalition fighting for standards maccaws, making a commercial case for web standards a list apart, for people who make websites mozilla technology evangelism, get involved with mozilla evangelism you may also find helpful information on the w3c mailing lists newsletter there is no newsletter planned at this time.
Mac stub installer - Archive of obsolete content
if it finds your module's jst file it will substitute that for the install.js.
Unix stub installer - Archive of obsolete content
now you will find an installer *and* the xpcom.xpi and other debug xpis delivered to mozilla/installer/raw.
getComponentFolder - Archive of obsolete content
description the getcomponentfolder method to find the location of a previously installed software package.
enumKeys - Archive of obsolete content
the following example shows how to use enumkeys to find the plugins subdirectory below the various mozilla-based browser installations.
Learn XPI Installer Scripting by Example - Archive of obsolete content
minimally, the installation script must: call initinstall with the name and version of the executable (the version is not optional, though you may or may not use the version in subsequent installations or updates) find somewhere to put the installed files.
XPJS Components Proposal - Archive of obsolete content
the component manager will load up the xpjsmanager's module and call the native nsgetfactory it finds there.
A XUL Bestiary - Archive of obsolete content
the event listener is really a convenience; instead of using it, you could find out when an object fired an event, then go find out what that event was, and then write some event handling code as a response to that event, but the event listener provides an easy mechanism for writing event handlers for specific, common events.
highlightaccesskey - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home highlightaccesskey type: string the access key for the "highlight" toolbar button in the findbar.
matchcaseaccesskey - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home matchcaseaccesskey type: string the access key for the "match case" checkbox in the findbar.
icon - Archive of obsolete content
possible values include: accept, cancel, help, open, save, find, clear, yes, no, apply, close, print, add, remove, refresh, go-forward, go-back, properties, select-font, select-color, network.
onchange - Archive of obsolete content
window, document, or any of the functions/objects/variables bound to the window object event object example <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" orient="horizontal" xmlns=""> <script type="text/javascript"> function myfunction(e){ /* do something cool here or just say the below */ alert(; } </script> <textbox id="find-text" onchange="return myfunction(event);"/> </window> ...
searchlabel - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home searchlabel type: string text used for 'find-as-you-type' (fayt) searching.
Introduction to XUL - Archive of obsolete content
mozilla gives a special meaning to xul files; it expects to find ui descriptions within.
close - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference home close() return type: no return value closes the notification or findbar and removes it from its enclosing notificationbox or findbar.
browser - Archive of obsolete content
« xul reference browser type: browser element lets you set and get the browser in which the findbar is located.
Property - Archive of obsolete content
showpopup size smoothscroll spinbuttons src state statusbar statustext stringbundle strings style subject suppressonselect tabcontainer tabindex tabs tabscrolling tabpanels tag textlength textvalue timeout title toolbarname toolbarset tooltip tooltiptext top treeboxobject type uri useraction value valuenumber view webbrowserefind webnavigation webprogress width wizardpages wraparound year yearleadingzero related dom element properties dom:element.attributes dom:element.baseuri dom:element.childelementcount dom:element.childnodes dom:element.children dom:element.clientheight dom:element.clientleft dom:element.clienttop dom:element.clientwidth dom:element.clonenode dom:element.firstchil...
Notes - Archive of obsolete content
implementing an nsicommandlinehandler on windows may trigger a bug that causes an error message ("windows cannot find the file specified") to be displayed when opening external links (like from a shortcut or from an external application).
Additional Navigation - Archive of obsolete content
retrieving parents a very uncommon form of navigation you can also do is to navigate upwards using a member tag, that is to get all the parents of a node, as in this example: <query> <content uri="?start"/> <member container="?parent" child="?start"/> </query> this might be used, for instance, to start at a particular photo and find all of the containers that it is inside.
Building Hierarchical Trees - Archive of obsolete content
as the rows are not containers, the tree builder does not recurse to find additional data.
Filtering - Archive of obsolete content
we need to iterate over the 'type' predicate to find the individual countries.
RDF Modifications - Archive of obsolete content
we'll find out how the builder determines where to insert the new content is an upcoming section.
RDF Query Syntax - Archive of obsolete content
you may find this a bit confusing, but this should become clearer later with more specific and practical examples.
Simple Example - Archive of obsolete content
this will result in the following: <member container="" child="?photo"/> as with processing a triple, the builder will now try to find as many values for the ?photo variable as possible and create potential results using them.
textbox (Toolkit autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
window, document, or any of the functions/objects/variables bound to the window object event object example <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" orient="horizontal" xmlns=""> <script type="text/javascript"> function myfunction(e){ /* do something cool here or just say the below */ alert(; } </script> <textbox id="find-text" onchange="return myfunction(event);"/> </window> oninput type...
Textbox (XPFE autocomplete) - Archive of obsolete content
window, document, or any of the functions/objects/variables bound to the window object event object example <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" orient="horizontal" xmlns=""> <script type="text/javascript"> function myfunction(e){ /* do something cool here or just say the below */ alert(; } </script> <textbox id="find-text" onchange="return myfunction(event);"/> </window> onerrorcomman...
Things I've tried to do with XUL - Archive of obsolete content
you have no way of finding out what the clipped size is, so you can never shrink the content.
Creating toolbar buttons (Customize Toolbar Window) - Archive of obsolete content
you can find a list of uris for the most commonly overlaid documents at the bottom of this page.
Adding Event Handlers to XBL-defined Elements - Archive of obsolete content
« previousnext » next, we'll find out how to add event handlers to xbl-defined elements.
Box Objects - Archive of obsolete content
next, we'll find out how to use xpcom objects from xul and scripts.
Focus and Selection - Archive of obsolete content
next, we'll find out how to use commands.
Introduction to XBL - Archive of obsolete content
for example: scrollbar { -moz-binding: url('chrome://findfile/content/findfile.xml#binding1'); } the url points to the binding with the id 'binding1' in the file 'chrome://findfile/content/findfile.xml'.
Modifying a XUL Interface - Archive of obsolete content
getelementbyid() only knows the box it is looking to find has an id with the value "abox".
More Button Features - Archive of obsolete content
example 2 : source view <button id="find-button" label="find" style="list-style-image: url('happy.png')"/> in this case, the image 'happy.png' is displayed on the button.
More Event Handlers - Archive of obsolete content
next, we'll find out how to add keyboard shortcuts.
More Tree Features - Archive of obsolete content
next, we'll find out to get and set the selection for trees.
Property Files - Archive of obsolete content
you will find property files alongside the dtd files with a .properties extension.
Skinning XUL Files by Hand - Archive of obsolete content
once you get the hang of things, though, you will find creating xul files and skins as easy as creating basic web pages in html.
Updating Commands - Archive of obsolete content
select" oncommandupdate="goupdateselecteditmenuitems()"/> <commandset id="undoeditmenuitems" commandupdater="true" events="undo" oncommandupdate="goupdateundoeditmenuitems()"/> <commandset id="clipboardeditmenuitems" commandupdater="true" events="clipboard" oncommandupdate="goupdatepastemenuitems()"/> next, we'll find out how to use observers.
Writing Skinnable XUL and CSS - Archive of obsolete content
if you find yourself needing to display an image from the skin, then use <titledbutton> and style it rather than using <html:img>.
XUL Changes for Firefox 1.5 - Archive of obsolete content
this is used typically on gnome systems where possible values are: accept, cancel, help, open, save, find, clear, yes, no, apply, close, print, add, remove, refresh, go-forward, go-back, properties, select-font, select-color, network.
XUL accessibility guidelines - Archive of obsolete content
if you find nested groupboxes visually unappealing, use css to hide the border of the inner groupbox so that it can remain in the code to benefit users of assistive technologies.
Accessibility/XUL Accessibility Reference - Archive of obsolete content
tbox rows="5" id='listid2'> <listcols> <listcol/> <listcol/> <listcol/> </listcols> <listhead> <listheader label="name" /> <listheader label="sex" /> <listheader label="color" /> </listhead> <listitem> <label value="<!--pearl-->" /> <label value="<!--female-->" /> <label value="<!--gray-->" /> </listitem> </listbox> i don't seem to be able to find a straightforward way to read the header labels in jaws.
XUL Event Propagation - Archive of obsolete content
the event handler in the menu finds out which menuitem was actually clicked and takes different actions accordingly.
button - Archive of obsolete content
possible values include: accept, cancel, help, open, save, find, clear, yes, no, apply, close, print, add, remove, refresh, go-forward, go-back, properties, select-font, select-color, network.
colorpicker - Archive of obsolete content
window, document, or any of the functions/objects/variables bound to the window object event object example <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" orient="horizontal" xmlns=""> <script type="text/javascript"> function myfunction(e){ /* do something cool here or just say the below */ alert(; } </script> <textbox id="find-text" onchange="return myfunction(event);"/> </window> preference t...
notification - Archive of obsolete content
equalnode, issamenode, issupported(), lookupnamespaceuri, lookupprefix, normalize(), queryselector(), queryselectorall(), removeattribute(), removeattributenode(), removeattributens(), removechild(), removeeventlistener(), replacechild(), setattribute(), setattributenode(), setattributenodens(), setattributens(), setuserdata close() return type: no return value closes the notification or findbar and removes it from its enclosing notificationbox or findbar.
preference - Archive of obsolete content
window, document, or any of the functions/objects/variables bound to the window object event object example <?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?> <window id="findfile-window" title="find files" orient="horizontal" xmlns=""> <script type="text/javascript"> function myfunction(e){ /* do something cool here or just say the below */ alert(; } </script> <textbox id="find-text" onchange="return myfunction(event);"/> </window> readonly typ...
richlistitem - Archive of obsolete content
searchlabel type: string text used for 'find-as-you-type' (fayt) searching.
Building XULRunner with Python - Archive of obsolete content
for example def onload(): btntest = document.getelementbyid("btntest") btntest.addeventlistener('command', ontest, false) def ontest(): window.alert('button activated') window.addeventlistener('load', onload, false) one possible gotcha is that the default python path used to find modules that areimported explicitly includes the xulrunner executable directory and the directory that is current when xulrunner launches.
Getting started with XULRunner - Archive of obsolete content
step 1: download xulrunner you can find a download link on the main xulrunner page here on mdn.
Using LDAP XPCOM with XULRunner - Archive of obsolete content
} library->setnativeleafname(ns_literal_cstring(krealcomponent)); prlibrary *lib; rv = library->load(&lib); if (ns_failed(rv)) return rv; nsgetmoduleproc getmoduleproc = (nsgetmoduleproc) pr_findfunctionsymbol(lib, ns_get_module_symbol); if (!getmoduleproc) return ns_error_failure; return getmoduleproc(acompmgr, alocation, aresult); } then change your .mozconfig to add this line: ac_add_options --enable-extensions=ldapstub rebuild xulrunner.
MacFAQ - Archive of obsolete content
opening your application for ordinary work, you can just navigate via finder to /applications/(vendor)/(name).app and open the application.
XULRunner tips - Archive of obsolete content
some xulrunner components (in particular, the extension manager) depend on branding, in the sense that they expect to find certain strings in chrome://branding/locale/brand.dtd and chrome://branding/locale/ FAQ - Archive of obsolete content
" a: make sure the app can find the framework or you can use the packages of the firefox release repackager which uses the embedded framework successfully.
Mozprofile - Archive of obsolete content
example: from mozprofile import firefoxprofile # create new profile to pass to mozmill/mozrunner profile = firefoxprofile(addons=["adblock.xpi"]) setting preferences preferences can be set in several ways: using the api: you can pass preferences in to the profile class's constructor: obj = firefoxprofile(preferences=[("accessibility.typeaheadfind.flashbar", 0)]) using a json blob file: mozprofile --preferences myprefs.json using a .ini file: mozprofile --preferences myprefs.ini via the command line: mozprofile --pref key:value --pref key:value [...] when setting preferences from an .ini file or the --pref switch, the value will be interpolated as an integer or a boolean (true/false) if possible.
Mozrunner - Archive of obsolete content
mozrunner also exposes two application specific classes, firefoxrunner and thunderbirdrunner which record the binary names necessary for the runner class to find them on the system.
2006-10-26 - Archive of obsolete content
bug in firefox when import passwords from seamonkey a possible bug find - perhaps a version error instead?
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
bug in firefox when import passwords from seamonkey a possible bug find - perhaps a version error instead?
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
finding out how blur() works...
2006-10-06 - Archive of obsolete content
q & a q: walt experienced an unusual behaviour in his build and wanted to perform an experiment to figure out the problem, but he couldn't find the's config file.
2006-10-27 - Archive of obsolete content
during his build he receives an error which he has tried to find a solution by using google, but has not been successful.
2006-10-20 - Archive of obsolete content
there is no xpi file instructions on how to find xpi files.
2006-12-01 - Archive of obsolete content
from 50 to 100 locales discussion continues on finding a better tool for localization.
Monitoring plugins - Archive of obsolete content
you can find more information on the observer service here and here.
NPN_PostURL - Archive of obsolete content
for this reason, you may find it useful to call npn_posturlnotify instead; this function notifies your plug-in upon successful or unsuccessful completion of the request.
NPN_ReloadPlugins - Archive of obsolete content
description npn_reloadplugins() reads the plugins directory for the current platform and reinstalls all of the plug-ins it finds there.
Adobe Flash - Archive of obsolete content
javascript functions that handle such callbacks are specially named so that the flash plugin can find them.
Shipping a plugin as a Toolkit bundle - Archive of obsolete content
when this method is used, you can choose to either place the plugin into the plugins directory, or place it into your own directory and modify the windows registry to let firefox know where to find the plugin.
Writing a plugin for Mac OS X - Archive of obsolete content
some symbols must be visible as standard c symbols so the browser can find them, which means they need to be prefixed by an underscore, and must not have the c++ obfuscation that is generated by the c++ compiler.
Getting Started - Archive of obsolete content
however, those experienced with rss may also find this useful as an aid in filling in any missing information about rss that they were not aware of, or as a refresher guide.
Common Firefox theme issues and solutions - Archive of obsolete content
this guide will help you thoroughly test your theme to find and fix issues before you push updates to amo.
Theme changes in Firefox 4 - Archive of obsolete content
it's also important to note that skin files are now split into two subfolders within the omni.jar file, and you'll need to look in both places to find all the skin resources you need.
Scratchpad - Archive of obsolete content
command windows macos linux go to line ctrl + j, ctrl + g cmd + j, cmd + g ctrl + j, ctrl + g find in file ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f select all ctrl + a cmd + a ctrl + a cut ctrl + x cmd + x ctrl + x copy ctrl + c cmd + c ctrl + c paste ctrl + v cmd + v ctrl + v undo ctrl + z cmd + z ctrl + z redo ctrl + shift + z / ctrl + y cmd + shift + z / cmd + y ctrl + shift + z / ctrl + y ...
Browser Detection and Cross Browser Support - Archive of obsolete content
have a look to the more current article writing forward-compatible websites to find modern informations.
-ms-touch-select - Archive of obsolete content
to find out how to do this using javascript, see the html5 selection apis.
Processing XML with E4X - Archive of obsolete content
continuing the above example, we can access an xmllist of the <lang> elements in the page as follows: var langs = languages.lang; xmllist provides a length() method which can be used to find the number of contained elements: alert(languages.lang.length()); note that unlike javascript arrays length is a method, not a property, and must be called using length().
ActiveXObject - Archive of obsolete content
for example, here are a few examples of values you may find there, depending on which programs are installed: excel.application excel.chart scripting.filesystemobject word.document important: activex objects may present security issues.
ECMAScript 2015 support in Mozilla - Archive of obsolete content
standard library additions to the array object array iteration with for...of (firefox 13) array.from() (firefox 32) array.of() (firefox 25) array.prototype.fill() (firefox 31) array.prototype.find(), array.prototype.findindex() (firefox 25) array.prototype.entries(), array.prototype.keys() (firefox 28), array.prototype.values() array.prototype.copywithin() (firefox 32) get array[@@species] (firefox 48) new map and set objects, and their weak counterparts map (firefox 13) map iteration with for...of (firefox 17) map.prototype.foreach() (firefox 25) map.prototype.ent...
Object.prototype.__noSuchMethod__ - Archive of obsolete content
// doesn't work with multiple inheritance objects as parents function nomethod(name, args) { var parents = this.__parents_; // go through all parents for (var i = 0; i < parents.length; i++) { // if we find a function on the parent, we call it if (typeof parents[i][name] == 'function') { return parents[i][name].apply(this, args); } } // if we get here, the method hasn't been found throw new typeerror; } // used to add a parent for multiple inheritance function addparent(obj, parent) { // if the object isn't initialized, initialize it if (!obj.__parents_) { obj.__parents...
LiveConnect Overview - Archive of obsolete content
for example, if jsobject.eval returns a javascript number, you can find the rules for converting this number to an instance of java.lang.object in number values.
MSX Emulator (jsMSX) - Archive of obsolete content
the initial motivation was to find some interesting project to develop while exploring the possibilities of the <canvas> tag and javascript language in the most recent web browsers like firefox 2.
Styling the Amazing Netscape Fish Cam Page - Archive of obsolete content
with just the few elements i had available in this example, there were any number of possibilities for design effects, and i think you'll find the same to be true for your own designs if you just give this sort of approach a try.
Reference - Archive of obsolete content
if downloading the stuff is your priority you are free to field ideas/concept to the devmo mailing list for discussion, and then actually code it (or find someone to do so).
Writing JavaScript for XHTML - Archive of obsolete content
for completeness here is the accept field, that firefox sends with its requests: accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 further reading you will find several useful articles in the developer wiki: xml in mozilla dom xml introduction xml extras dom 2 methods you will need are: dom:document.createelementns dom:document.getelementsbytagnamens see also properly using css and javascript in xhtml documents ...
Developing Mozilla XForms - Archive of obsolete content
often you'll find the first starting points here or in the error console.
RFE to the Custom Controls Interfaces - Archive of obsolete content
if you need to have a custom control that works with complext content or you find our interfaces too limiting to create the type of control that you have in mind, then this is the right place to pass along your requirements and any usecase that you are trying to solve.
Fixing Table Inheritance in Quirks Mode - Archive of obsolete content
find out why this happens and how to fix it in documents that have to remain in quirks mode.
Mozilla's DOCTYPE sniffing - Archive of obsolete content
in other words, the algorithm is the best approximation we can find for determining which pages were written after mozilla became a known important user-agent on the web.
XUL Booster - Archive of obsolete content
learn more at creating_a_mozilla_extension:finding_the_file_to_modify to create an xul:overlay, create a xul fragment with a top level node that has an id matching an existing element, ex.
Index - Game development
39 tools for game development games, gecko, guide, javascript on this page you can find links to our game development tools articles, which eventually aims to cover frameworks, compilers, and debugging tools.
Building up a basic demo with PlayCanvas - Game development
note: check out the list of featured demos to find more examples.
WebVR — Virtual Reality for the Web - Game development
0; i < devices.length; ++i) { if (devices[i] instanceof positionsensorvrdevice && devices[i].hardwareunitid === ghmd.hardwareunitid) { gpositionsensor = devices[i]; break; } } } }); this code will loop through the available devices and assign proper sensors to the headsets — the first devices array contains the connected devices, and a check is done to find the hmdvrdevice, and assign it to the ghmd variable — using this you can set up the scene, getting the eye parameters, setting the field of view, etc.
3D games on the Web - Game development
source code you can find all the source code for this series demos on github.
Desktop mouse and keyboard controls - Game development
we could write our own keycode object containing the key codes, for example: var keyboardhelper = { left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40 }; that way instead of using the codes to compare the input in the handler functions we could do something like this, which is arguably easier to remember: if(event.keycode == keyboardhelper.left) { leftpressed = true; } note: you can also find a list if the different keycodes and what keys they relate to in the keycode reference page.
Mobile touch controls - Game development
dedicated plugins you could go even further and use dedicated plugins like virtual joystick — this is a paid, official phaser plugin, but you can find free and open source alternatives.
Tools for game development - Game development
on this page you can find links to our game development tools articles, which eventually aims to cover frameworks, compilers, and debugging tools.
Bounce off the walls - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson3.html.
Build the brick field - Game development
you can find the source code as it would look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson6.html.
Collision detection - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson7.html.
Create the Canvas and draw on it - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson1.html.
Finishing up - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson10.html.
Game over - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson5.html.
Mouse controls - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson9.html.
Move the ball - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson2.html.
Paddle and keyboard controls - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson4.html.
Track the score and win - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-canvas-workshop/lesson8.html.
Bounce off the walls - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson06.html.
Build the brick field - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson09.html.
Collision detection - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson10.html.
Extra lives - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson13.html.
Game over - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson08.html.
Initialize the framework - Game development
after completing this tutorial you can find the source code for this section at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson01.html.
Load the assets and print them on screen - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson03.html.
Move the ball - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson04.html.
Physics - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson05.html.
Randomizing gameplay - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson16.html.
Scaling - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson02.html.
The score - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson11.html.
Win the game - Game development
you can find the source code as it should look after completing this lesson at gamedev-phaser-content-kit/demos/lesson12.html.
2D maze game with device orientation - Game development
note: to find more out about implementing device orientation and what raw code would look like, read keep it level: responding to device orientation changes.
Visual JS GE - Game development
installing modules navigate to server_instance/, then in the node.js command prompt or console enter the following installation commands: npm install mysql npm install delivery npm install express npm install mkdirp npm install npm install nodemailer@0.7.0 setting up config.js you will find config.js in the server_instance folder: all node.js applications use the same folder — server_instance.
404 - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
a 404 is a standard response code meaning that the server cannot find the requested resource.
ARPA - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
.arpa (address and routing parameter area) is a top-level domain used for internet infrastructure purposes, especially reverse dns lookup (i.e., find the domain name for a given ip address).
Algorithm - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
common algorithms are pathfinding algorithms such as the traveling salesman problem, tree traversal algorithms and so on.
Cryptographic hash function - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
used for cryptography, a hash function must have these qualities: quick to compute (because they are generated frequently) not invertible (each digest could come from a very large number of messages, and only brute-force can generate a message that leads to a given digest) tamper-resistant (any change to a message leads to a different digest) collision-resistant (it should be impossible to find two different messages that produce the same digest) cryptographic hash functions such as md5 and sha-1 are considered broken, as attacks have been found that significantly reduce their collision resistance.
FTP - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
you will still find it used on older hosting accounts, but it is safe to say that ftp is no longer considered best practice.
FTU - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
timezone, wifi details, default language, importing contacts), or take the "phone tour" to find out more about your device.
Garbage collection - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
garbage collection is a term used in computer programming to describe the process of finding and deleting objects which are no longer being referenced by other objects.
Hoisting - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
hoisting is a term you will not find used in any normative specification prose prior to ecmascript® 2015 language specification.
Information architecture - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
information architecture, as applied to web design and development, is the practice of organizing the information / content / functionality of a web site so that it presents the best user experience it can, with information and services being easily usable and findable.
Parse - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
when the html parser finds non-blocking resources, such as an image, the browser will request those resources and continue parsing.
Primitive - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
it correctly finds our variable instantiated with our first statement after finding it, the expression is evaluated, foo is replaced by 5 and the javascript engine passes that value to the functions as an argument before executing the statements inside the functions' bodies, javascript takes a copy of the originally passed argument (which is a primitive) and creates a local copy.
SEO - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
when exploring the website, crawlers should only find the content you want indexed.
Semantics - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
some of the benefits from writing semantic markup are as follows: search engines will consider its contents as important keywords to influence the page's search rankings (see seo) screen readers can use it as a signpost to help visually impaired users navigate a page finding blocks of meaningful code is significantly easier than searching though endless divs with or without semantic or namespaced classes suggests to the developer the type of data that will be populated semantic naming mirrors proper custom element/component naming when approaching which markup to use, ask yourself, "what element(s) best describe/represent the data that i'm going to populate?" ...
Site - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
this is computed by consulting a public suffix list to find the portion of the host which is counted as the public suffix (e.g.
WCAG - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
priority 2: web developers should satisfy these requirements, otherwise some groups will find it difficult to access the web content.
XInclude - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
y just need bom test since other encodings must be specified var patternxml = /\.(svg|xml|xul|rdf|xhtml)$/; if ((contenttype && contenttype.match(/[text|application]\/(.*)\+?xml/)) || (href.indexof('file://') === 0 && href.match(patternxml))) { /* grab the response as text (see below for that routine) and then find encoding within*/ var encname = '([a-za-z][a-za-z0-9._-]*)'; var pattern = new regexp('^<\\?xml\\s+.*encoding\\s*=\\s*([\'"])'+encname+'\\1.*\\?>'); // check document if not?
XLink - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
specification xlink 1.0 xlink 1.1 (currently a working draft) see also xml in mozilla code snippets:getattributens - a wrapper for dealing with some browsers not supporting this dom method code snippets:xml:base function - a rough attempt to find a full xlink-based on an xlink:href attribute (or <xi:include href=>) and its or an ancestor's xml:base.
Speculative parsing - MDN Web Docs Glossary: Definitions of Web-related terms
the html parser starts speculative loads for scripts, style sheets and images it finds ahead in the stream and runs the html tree construction algorithm speculatively.
Assessment: Accessibility troubleshooting - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: CSS and JavaScript accessibility - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: HTML accessibility - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
A cool-looking box - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: The Cascade - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Creating fancy letterheaded paper - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Fundamental CSS comprehension - Learn web development
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Test your skills: Images and Form elements - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Overflow - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: The Box Model - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements - Learn web development
inserting strings of text from css isn't really something we do very often on the web however, as that text is inaccessible to some screen readers and might be hard for someone to find and edit in the future.
Test your skills: Selectors - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: sizing - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: tables - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Writing Modes and Logical Properties - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Flexbox - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: flexbox.
Test your skills: Flexbox - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: floats - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test Your Skills: Fundamental layout comprehension - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Grid Layout - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Grids - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: grids.
Legacy layout methods - Learn web development
if you search for "css grid framework" on the web, you will find a huge list of options to choose from.
Test your skills: Multicol - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: position - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Positioning - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: positioning.
How CSS works - Learn web development
based on the selectors it finds, it works out which rules should be applied to which nodes in the dom, and attaches style to them as required (this intermediate step is called a render tree).
CSS FAQ - Learn web development
in this article, you'll find some frequently-asked questions (faqs) about css, along with answers that may help you on your quest to become a web developer.
create fancy boxes - Learn web development
pseudo-elements when styling a single box, you could find yourself limited and could wish to have more boxes to create even more amazing styles.
Typesetting a community school homepage - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
How do you make sure your website works properly? - Learn web development
frequent errors the most frequent errors that we find are these: typos in the address we wanted to type but typed too fast and forgot an “l”: the address cannot be found.
What HTML features promote accessibility? - Learn web development
<a href="inept.html" title="why i'm rubbish at writing link text: an explanation and an apology.">click here</a> to find out more.</p> access keys access keys provide easier navigation by assigning a keyboard shortcut to a link, which will usually gain focus when the user presses alt or ctrl + the access key.
How do you upload your files to a web server? - Learn web development
for example: rsync [-options] -e "ssh [ssh details go here]" source user@x.x.x.x:destination you can find more details of what is needed at how to copy files with rsync over ssh.
How do I use GitHub Pages? - Learn web development
you can then collaborate on code projects, and the system is open-source by default, meaning that anyone in the world can find your github code, use it, learn from it, and improve on it.
What is a URL? - Learn web development
examples of relative urls to better understand the following examples, let's assume that the urls are called from within the document located at the following url: sub-resources skills/infrastructure/understanding_urls because that url does not start with /, the browser will attempt to find the document in a sub-directory of the one containing the current resource.
What software do I need to build a website? - Learn web development
find out how much it costs to do something on the web.
Test your skills: Basic controls - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Form structure - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: HTML5 controls - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Other controls - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Styling basics - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Web forms — Working with user data - Learn web development
at this point you should find the introductory guides easy to understand, and also be able to make use of our basic native form controls guide.
Dealing with files - Learn web development
this folder can live anywhere you like, but you should put it somewhere where you can easily find it, maybe on your desktop, in your home folder, or at the root of your hard drive.
Installing basic software - Learn web development
you can find out how to do this in how do you set up a local testing server?
Getting started with the Web - Learn web development
publishing your website once you have finished writing the code and organizing the files that make up your website, you need to put it all online so people can find it.
Define terms with HTML - Learn web development
</span> you can download it at <a href=""></a> </p> assistive technology can often use this attribute to find a text alternative to a given term.
Use JavaScript within a webpage - Learn web development
<script> window.addeventlistener('load', function () { console.log('this function is executed once the page is fully loaded'); }); </script> that's convenient when you just need a small bit of javascript, but if you keep javascript in separate files you'll find it easier to focus on your work write self-sufficient html write structured javascript applications use scripting accessibly accessibility is a major issue in any software development.
Structuring a page of content - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Advanced HTML text - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: HTML text basics - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Links - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: HTML images - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Multimedia and embedding - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Assessment: Structuring planet data - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Structuring the web with HTML - Learn web development
after learning html, you can then move on to learning about more advanced topics such as: css, and how to use it to style html (for example alter your text size and fonts used, add borders and drop shadows, layout your page with multiple columns, add animations and other visual effects.) javascript, and how to use it to add dynamic functionality to web pages (for example find your location and plot it on a map, make ui elements appear/disappear when you toggle a button, save users' data locally on their computers, and much much more.) modules this topic contains the following modules, in a suggested order for working through them.
Making asynchronous programming easier with async and await - Learn web development
you can find both of these examples on github: simple-fetch-async-await-try-catch.html (see source code) simple-fetch-async-await-promise-catch.html (see source code) awaiting a promise.all() async/await is built on top of promises, so it's compatible with all the features offered by promises.
Choosing the right approach - Learn web development
single delayed operation repeating operation multiple sequential operations multiple simultaneous operations no yes no (unless it is the same one) no code example a simple animated spinner; you can find this example live on github (see the source code also): const spinner = document.queryselector('div'); let rotatecount = 0; let starttime = null; let raf; function draw(timestamp) { if(!starttime) { starttime = timestamp; } rotatecount = (timestamp - starttime) / 3; if(rotatecount > 359) { rotatecount %= 360; } = 'rotate(' + rot...
General asynchronous programming concepts - Learn web development
as you use newer and more powerful apis, you'll find more cases where the only way to do things is asynchronously.
Graceful asynchronous programming with Promises - Learn web development
note: you can find our version of this example on github as custom-promise2.html (see also the source code).
Test your skills: Conditionals - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Events - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Functions - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Arrays - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Math - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: variables - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
JavaScript object basics - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: object basics.
Working with JSON - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: json.
Object-oriented JavaScript for beginners - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: object-oriented javascript.
Object prototypes - Learn web development
you can find some further tests to verify that you've retained this information before you move on — see test your skills: object-oriented javascript.
Test your skills: JSON - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Object-oriented JavaScript - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Test your skills: Object basics - Learn web development
a link to the actual task or assessment page, so we can find the question you want help with.
Web performance - Learn web development
it would also be helpful to go a bit deeper into these topics, with modules such as: introduction to html css first steps javascript first steps once you've worked through this module, you'll probably be excited to go deeper into web performance — you can find a lot of further teachings in our main mdn web performance section, including overviews of performance apis, testing and analysis tools, and performance bottleneck gotchas.
Server-side web frameworks - Learn web development
caching support: as your website becomes more successful then you may find that it can no longer cope with the number of requests it is receiving as users access it.
Framework main features - Learn web development
while it is possible to build framework apps without using these domain-specific languages, embracing them will streamline your development process and make it easier to find help from the communities around those frameworks.
Getting started with React - Learn web development
because jsx is a blend of html and javascript, some developers find it intuitive.
React interactivity: Editing, filtering, conditional rendering - Learn web development
it’ll be similar to deletetask() because it'll take an id to find its target object, but it'll also take a newname property containing the name to update the task to.
Componentizing our Svelte app - Learn web development
in its <script> section, add this handler: function updatetodo(todo) { const i = todos.findindex(t => === todos[i] = { ...todos[i], ...todo } } we find the todo by id in our todos array, and update its content using spread syntax.
Deployment and next steps - Learn web development
there you'll find many articles explaining svelte's philosophy.
Getting started with Svelte - Learn web development
above the tabs, you'll find a toolbar that lets you enter full-screen mode, and download your app.
Using Vue computed properties - Learn web development
we want to find the item with the matching id and update its done status to be the opposite of its current status: updatedonestatus(todoid) { const todotoupdate = this.todoitems.find(item => === todoid) todotoupdate.done = !todotoupdate.done } we want to run this method whenever a todoitem emits a checkbox-changed event, and pass in its as the parameter.
Creating our first Vue component - Learn web development
note: if you need to check your code against our version, you can find a finished version of the sample vue app code in our todo-vue repository.
Vue resources - Learn web development
objective: to learn where to go to find further information on vue, to continue your learning.
Cross browser testing - Learn web development
handling common accessibility problems next we turn our attention to accessibility, providing information on common problems, how to do simple testing, and how to make use of auditing/automation tools for finding accessibility issues.
Git and GitHub - Learn web development
don't worry, even professional web developers find git confusing sometimes, and often solve problems by searching for solutions on the web, or consulting sites like flight rules for git and dangit, git!
Understanding client-side web development tools - Learn web development
client-side tooling overview in this article we provide an overview of modern web tooling, what kinds of tools are available and where you’ll meet them in the lifecycle of web app development, and how to find help with individual tools.
Learn web development
to copy the learning area repo to a folder called learning-area in the current location your command prompt/terminal is pointing to, use the following command: git clone you can now enter the directory and find the files you are after (either using your finder/file explorer or the cd command).
Accessibility Information for Core Gecko Developers
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Accessibility information for UI designers and developers
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Embedding API for Accessibility
if we can find a clean way to present it to the user, this would be extremely useful.
Information for Assistive Technology Vendors
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Information for External Developers Dealing with Accessibility
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Mozilla Plugin Accessibility
in other cases, vendors need to find or be convinced of the business justification so that resources are applied to the problem.
Mozilla's Section 508 Compliance
caveats: 1) although sidebar cannot be customized without a mouse, all sidebar functions that come with the browser are available through other means 2) java and in-page plugins cannot be used with the keyboard, so they must not be installed for keyboard-only users additional features for the keyboard: 1) find as you type allows for quick navigation to links and convenient text searching 2) browse with caret (f7 key toggles) allows users to select arbitrary content with the keyboard and move through content as if inside a readonly editor.
Software accessibility: Where are we today?
blind testers have knack for finding ways to improve keystroke support in almost any given piece of software.
send me email so that i'm aware that you're testing and let me know what bugs you're finding.
Frequently Asked Questions for Lightweight themes
couldn't find the answer you're looking for?
Lightweight themes
duplicate names are not allowed, so you may need to try a few times to find a unique name.
Adding a new CSS property
if you need more details on any of the points mentioned here, a good place to find them is by looking at other changes in the version control history of the files mentioned.
Browser chrome tests
if you can rewrite the test to make is shorter, split it into smaller tests, or find why it's taking so long, you should really do that instead!
Chrome registration
firefox 2, thunderbird 2, and seamonkey 1.1 will not find the chrome when packagename is mixed case.
Creating JavaScript callbacks in components
here is an example of how to use the callback system: var wordhandler = { onword : function(word) { alert(word); } }; var stringparser = /* get a reference to the parser somehow */ stringparser.addobserver(wordhandler); stringparser.parse("pay no attention to the man behind the curtain"); you can find examples of this pattern all over the mozilla codebase.
Creating a Login Manager storage module
removealllogins: function slms_removealllogins() { this.stub(arguments); }, getalldisabledhosts: function slms_getalldisabledhosts(count) { this.stub(arguments); }, getloginsavingenabled: function slms_getloginsavingenabled(hostname) { this.stub(arguments); }, setloginsavingenabled: function slms_setloginsavingenabled(hostname, enabled) { this.stub(arguments); }, findlogins: function slms_findlogins(count, hostname, formsubmiturl, httprealm) { this.stub(arguments); }, countlogins: function slms_countlogins(ahostname, aformsubmiturl, ahttprealm) { this.stub(arguments); } }; function nsgetmodule(compmgr, filespec) xpcomutils.generatemodule([sampleloginmanagerstorage]); sample c++ implementation bug 309807 contains a complete example.
Capturing a minidump
in the file chooser window that appears, find the firefox.exe executable process with the lowest pid.
Debugging OpenGL
linux64-debug, then find the build link on the right hand side (this would be target.tar.bz2 for linux, target.dmg for macos, and for windows).
Debugging a hang on OS X (Archived)
if you find a hang in an application, it is very useful for the developer to know where in the code this hang happens, especially if he or she can't reproduce it.
Articles for new developers
to help you find the most critical stuff as quickly as possible, we've created this list of the articles you'll find most useful as you get yourself oriented and make your first contributions to the project.
Old Thunderbird build
you should copy the header files to a windows sdk include directory so that the build process will find the files, for example to c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\include\shared and/or c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\10\include\10.0.nnnnn.0\shared respectively, where nnnnn is the highest number present on the system.
Simple SeaMonkey build
(for some mac os x versions, you will find it in a directory called "optional installs".) install macports.
Simple Sunbird build
(for some mac os x versions, you will find it in a directory called "optional installs".) install macports.
Simple Thunderbird build
you should copy 17 of the 18 header files to a windows sdk include directory so that the build process will find the files, that is c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\10\include\10.0.nnnnn.0\shared, where nnnnn is the highest number present on the system.
Runtime Directories
~/.thunderbird/xxxxxxxx.default/ (or ~/.mozilla-thunderbird/xxxxxxxx.default/ on debian/ubuntu) n/d see also ...
you can find further information about them by clicking on the links below: a request to access cookies or storage was blocked because of a custom cookie permission blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled blocked because we are blocking all storage access requests blocked because we are blocking all third-party storage access requests and content blocking is enabled granted partitioned access because it came from a third-party and dynamic first-party isolation is enabled ...
Storage access policy: Block cookies from trackers
report broken sites if you find a website broken as a result of this change, file a bug under the tracking protection component within the firefox product on bugzilla.
Site Identity Button
if the site identity button on your site shows something you do not expect (for example, an orange warning triangle when you expect a green padlock) you can find out the cause of the problem by looking in the web console in the firefox developer tools: ensure your web console is displaying messages in the 'security' category force-refresh the page on your site that is causing problems watch for any security messages that may appear a downgraded security ui will be due to one of these three problems: mixed content - while your page has been served over tls, but sub...
example document.addeventlistener("mozscrolledareachanged", event => { // find something useful to do with those values event.width; event.height; event.x; event.y; }, false); ...
Roll your own browser: An embedding how-to
if you find any missing item, please send me an email.
Gecko SDK
in addition to the below versions, you can find other versions (including beta) here: xulrunner releases (files include "sdk" in the name).
HTML parser threading
nshtml5atom objects are guaranteed to be immutable and to stay alive for the lifetime of the parser instance, so it's safe for the main thread to call their methods (as is necessary to find the corresponding normal atom).
HTTP Cache
lifetime of an existing entry that doesn't pass server revalidation such a cache entry is first examined in the nsicacheentryopencallback.oncacheentrycheck callback, where the consumer finds out it must be revalidated with the server before use.
Hacking with Bonsai
if you are on the hook, you are findable.
How to get a stacktrace for a bug report
accessing crash report ids outside of firefox if you cannot load firefox at all you can find the crash report files at this location depending on your operating system: windows : %appdata%\mozilla\firefox\crash reports\submitted\ os x : ~/library/application support/firefox/crash reports/submitted/ linux : ~/.mozilla/firefox/crash reports/submitted/ each file in this folder contains one submitted crash report id.
IME handling guide
if the user uses such old chinese ime, "intl.ime.remove_placeholder_character_at_commit" pref may be useful but we don't support them anymore in default settings (except if somebody will find a good way to fix this issue).
Extending a Protocol
so, essentially, the stuff to add in bold: // find this: namespace mozilla { namespace dom { // add: class echochild; // make this private: echochild* getechochild(errorresult& arv); // other stuff already in the file...
JavaScript-DOM Prototypes in Mozilla
this means that the next time the name of a class constructor is resolved in the same scope, say htmlanchorelement, the code will resolve the name htmlanchorelement, find the parent name, which is htmlelement, and resolve that, but since we've already resolved htmlelement as a result of resolving the name htmlimageelement earlier, the recursion will stop right there.
apath the path to find the resource at, "/" separated.
if all you care about is finding the newest version for an addon then you probably want to use findupdates() instead.
an updatelistener receives messages from an update check for a single add-on, though it is possible to pass the same updatelistener to as many calls to findupdates() as you like.
Add-on Repository
the add-on repository is responsible for finding available add-ons; it provides an interface for interacting with the (amo) site.
API-provided widgets
nb: the dom node you construct should have the same id as the id property described above, so that customizableui can find the node again later.
using os.file.error example: finding out whether the problem is due to a file that does not exist try { let file ="myfile.txt"); // ...
Using JavaScript code modules
nts.utils.import("resource://app/my_module.jsm"); alert(foo()); // displays "foo" alert(bar.size + 3); // displays "6" alert(dummy); // displays "dummy is not defined" because 'dummy' was not exported from the module note: when you're testing changes to a code module, be sure to change the application's build id (e.g., the version) before your next test run; otherwise, you may find yourself running the previous version of your module's code.
Bootstrapping a new locale
now we can actually create the language pack, make -c browser/locales langpack-en-x-dude you should find your newly created language pack in dist/install.
first things first, we need to give you a brief introduction to what svn is and where you can find the necessary tools to get started.
Mozilla Content Localized in Your Language
reference material can be find here calendar calendar view: which date is considered the first day of the week, sunday or monday?
Localization content best practices
as a native english speaker, you might find it natural to use delete-cookie = delete cookie delete-cookies = delete cookies in firefox this should be # localization note (delete-cookies): semi-colon list of plural forms.
Patching a Localization
there you'll learn what tools you need, where to find them, and how to install them.
Localization prerequisites
linux users should know, on the mac, you find terminal in applications/utilities.
Localization technical reviews
check for bad migration of access keys in the past, it was common to find broken access keys for safari and camino in browser/chrome/browser/migration/migration.dtd.
Uplifting a localization from Central to Aurora
you can just throw your merge candidate away as long as you find fixes that you've forgotten on either aurora or beta, and address those in their own repos first.
Creating localizable web content
depending on context, find alternate strings or document an explanation of the string for localizers check that we don't link in new pages to sub-pages with anchors.
Localization formats
localizers had to revisit an en-us repository to find the exact msgid, review the change, and return to their repository to make changes.
Web Localizability
by reviewing your content and code for l12y, you will find and fix bugs in your original language too.
Writing localizable code
l10n-impact is any change to mozilla/@mod@/locales; localizers find out if they have to catch up on changes by doing bonsai queries, just as everybody else does.
Mozilla projects on GitHub a web page to help new mozilla contributors find bugs to work on that relate to the firefox developer tools.
below, find links to articles about c++ classes mozilla uses within various namespaces, primarily the mozilla namespace.
if you find any particular tree overwhelming, it can be helpful to collapse all the sub-trees immediately below the root, and then gradually expand the sub-trees of interest.
Patches and pushes
below you'll find instructions on creating a patch and pushing it to your repository.
Crash reporting
if you want to find a specific crash that you submitted, you first need to find the crash id that the server has assigned your crash.
Leak Monitor
david baron that helps extension and chrome developers to find memory leaks.
Midas editor module security preferences
find your firefox profile directory.
Optimizing Applications For NSPR
the implementation is well suited for high performance application, such as a server, but clients may find the win-95 version more suited (and adequate) for interactive applications such as are prevalent on today's workstations.
Anonymous Shared Memory
application specific technique to find fmstring from parent fm = pr_importfilemapfromstring( fmstring ) addr = pr_memmap(fm); ...
I/O Functions
it is then possible to scan the chain of layers and find a layer that one recognizes and therefore predict that it will implement a desired protocol.
NSPR Error Handling
pr_find_symbol_error symbol could not be found in the specified library.
it is then possible to scan the chain of layers and find a layer that one recognizes, then predict that it will implement a desired protocol.
to find the scope of the thread, call pr_getthreadscope.
description using the value specified in the address parameter to find a monitor in the monitor cache, pr_cexitmonitor decrements the entry count associated with the monitor.
description using the value specified in the address parameter to find a monitor in the monitor cache, pr_cnotify notifies single a thread waiting for the monitor's state to change.
pr_failure indicates that the referenced monitor could not be located or that the calling thread was not in the monitor description using the value specified in the address parameter to find a monitor in the monitor cache, pr_cnotifyall notifies all threads waiting for the monitor's state to change.
description using the value specified in the address parameter to find a monitor in the monitor cache, pr_cwait waits for a notification that the monitor's state has changed.
use pr_geterror to find the reason for the failure.
use pr_geterror to find the reason for the failure.
NSPR API Reference
nd_link pr_insert_link pr_next_link pr_prev_link pr_remove_link pr_remove_and_init_link pr_insert_before pr_insert_after dynamic library linking library linking types prlibrary prstaticlinktable library linking functions pr_setlibrarypath pr_getlibrarypath pr_getlibraryname pr_freelibraryname pr_loadlibrary pr_unloadlibrary pr_findsymbol pr_findsymbolandlibrary finding symbols defined in the main executable program platform notes dynamic library search path exporting symbols from the main executable program process management and interprocess communication process management types and constants prprocess prprocessattr process management functions setting the attributes o...
avoid describing the return until the next section, for example: this function looks in the nsscryptocontext and the nsstrustdomain to find the certificate that matches the der-encoded certificate.
HTTP delegation
to find an example implementation, you may look at bug 111384, which tracks the implementation in mozilla client applications.
HTTP delegation
to find an example implementation, you may look at bug 111384, which tracks the implementation in mozilla client applications.
Introduction to Network Security Services
what you should already know before using nss, you should be familiar with the following topics: concepts and techniques of public-key cryptography the secure sockets layer (ssl) protocol the pkcs #11 standard for cryptographic token interfaces cross-platform development issues and techniques where to find more information for information about pki and ssl that you should understand before using nss, see the following: introduction to public-key cryptography introduction to ssl for links to api documentation, build instructions, and other useful information, see the nss project page.
MozillaProjectsNSSJSSJSS FAQ
you can find more information in bugzilla bug 102251 ssl session cache locking issue with nt fibers how can i tell which ssl/tls ciphers jss supports?
NSS Key Log Format
you can tell wireshark where to find the key file via edit→preferences→protocols→ssl→(pre)-master-secret log filename.
vutil.c bug 432303: replace pkix_pl_memcpy with memcpy bug 433177: fix the gcc compiler warnings in lib/util and lib/freebl bug 433437: vfychain ignores the -a option bug 433594: crash destroying ocsp cert id [[@ cert_destroyocspcertid ] bug 434099: nss relies on unchecked pkcs#11 object attribute values bug 434187: fix the gcc compiler warnings in nss/lib bug 434398: libpkix cannot find issuer cert immediately after checking it with ocsp bug 434808: certutil -b deadlock when importing two or more roots bug 434860: coverity 1150 - dead code in ocsp_createcertid bug 436428: remove unneeded assert from sec_pkcs7encryptlength bug 436430: make nss public headers compilable with no_nspr_10_support defined bug 436577: uninitialized variable in sec_pkcs5createalgorithmid bug...
bug 450427: add comodo ecc certification authority certificate to nss bug 450536: remove obsolete xp_mac code bug 451024: certutil.exe crashes with segmentation fault inside pr_cleanup bug 451927: security/coreconf/ has invalid defines bug 452751: slot leak in pk11_findslotsbynames bug 452865: remove obsolete linker flags needed when libnss3 was linked with libsoftokn3 bug 454961: fix the implementation and use of pr_fgets in signtool bug 455348: change hyphens to underscores in debug_$(shell whoami).
NSS 3.12.6 release notes
s for ssl_implementedciphers bug 515279: cert_pkixverifycert considers a certificate revoked if cert_processocspresponse fails for any reason bug 515870: gcc compiler warnings in nss 3.12.4 bug 518255: the input buffer for sgn_update should be declared const bug 519550: allow the specification of an alternate library for sqlite bug 524167: crash in [[@ find_objects_by_template - nsstoken_findcertificatebyissuerandserialnumber] bug 526910: maxresponselength (initialized to pkix_default_max_response_length) is too small for downloading some crls.
NSS 3.12.9 release notes
bug 596798: win_rand.c (among others) uses unsafe _snwprintf bug 597622: do not use the sec_error_bad_info_access_location error code for bad crl distribution point urls bug 619268: memory leaks in cert_changecerttrust and cert_savesmimeprofile bug 585518: addtrust qualified ca root serial wrong in certdata.txt trust entry bug 337433: need cert_findcertbynicknameoremailaddrbyusage bug 592939: expired cas in certdata.txt documentation <for a="" class="new " documentation="" href="/en/index.html#documentation" list="" nss="" of="" pages="" primary="" rel="internal" see="" the="" title="en/index.html#documentation">nss documentation.
NSS 3.14.1 release notes
applications which use multiple pkcs#11 modules, which do not indicate which tokens should be used by default for particular algorithms, and which do make use of cipherorder may now find that cryptographic operations occur on a different pkcs#11 token.
NSS 3.14 release notes
applications may use this callback to inform libpkix whether or not candidate certificate chains meet application-specific security policies, allowing libpkix to continue discovering certificate paths until it can find a chain that satisfies the policies.
NSS 3.16.4 release notes
the inclusion of the intermediate certificate is a temporary measure to allow those sites to function, by allowing them to find a trust path to another 2048-bit root ca certificate.
NSS 3.24 release notes
(applications should instead use the new ssl_configservercert function.) ssl_setstapledocspresponses ssl_setsignedcerttimestamps ssl_configsecureserver ssl_configsecureserverwithcertchain deprecate the nss_findcertkeatype function, as it reports a misleading value for certificates that might be used for signing rather than key exchange.
NSS 3.25 release notes
new functions in nssckfw.h nssckfwslot_getslotid nssckfwsession_getfwslot nssckfwinstance_destroysessionhandle nssckfwinstance_findsessionhandle notable changes in nss 3.25 an ssl socket can no longer be configured to allow both tls 1.3 and ssl v3.
NSS 3.47 release notes
bug 1578751 - ensure a consistent style for bug 1570501 - add cmac to freebl and pkcs #11 libraries bug 657379 - nss uses the wrong oid for signaturealgorithm field of signerinfo in cms for dsa and ecdsa bug 1576664 - remove -mms-bitfields from mingw nss build.
NSS Developer Tutorial
for new features, especially those that appear controversial, try to find a reviewer from a different company or organization than your own, to avoid any perceptions of bias.
NSS Sample Code sample2
for * des ops, internal slot is typically the best slot */ if (slot == null) { fprintf(stderr, "unable to find security device (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto out; } /* nss passes blobs around as secitems.
NSS Sample Code sample5
nit * invoke this after getting the internal token handle * pk11_authenticate(slot, pr_false, null); */ rv = nss_nodb_init("."); if (rv != secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "nss initialization failed (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } /* get internal slot */ slot = pk11_getinternalkeyslot(); if (slot == null) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't find slot (err %d)\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } rv = atob_convertasciitoitem(&der, pubkstr); if (rv!= secsuccess) { fprintf(stderr, "atob_convertasciitoitem failed %d\n", pr_geterror()); goto cleanup; } spki = seckey_decodedersubjectpublickeyinfo(&der); secitem_freeitem(&der, pr_false); pubkey = seckey_extractpublickey(spki); if (pubkey == null) { fprintf(s...
NSS Tools sslstrength
you can tell if you stepped-up, because the output will says 'using export policy', and you'll find the secret key size was 128-bits.
PKCS11 module installation
choose "browse..." to find the location of the pkcs #11 module on your local computer, and choose "ok" when done.
PKCS #11 Module Specs
if the application/library does not find its application/library specific data, it should use it's defaults for this pkcs #11 library.
PKCS11 Implement
c_findobjectsinit, c_findobjects, c_findfinal the nss calls these functions frequently to look up objects by cka_id or cka_label.
FIPS mode of operation
fc_createobject fc_copyobject fc_destroyobject fc_getobjectsize fc_getattributevalue fc_setattributevalue fc_findobjectsinit fc_findobjects fc_findobjectsfinal encryption functions these functions support triple des and aes in ecb and cbc modes.
NSS tools : pk12util
kcs12 decoder start error o 15 - error read from import file o 16 - pkcs12 decode error o 17 - pkcs12 decoder verify error o 18 - pkcs12 decoder validate bags error o 19 - pkcs12 decoder import bags error o 20 - key db conversion version 3 to version 2 error o 21 - cert db conversion version 7 to version 5 error o 22 - cert and key dbs patch error o 23 - get default cert db error o 24 - find cert by nickname error o 25 - create export context error o 26 - pkcs12 add password itegrity error o 27 - cert and key safes creation error o 28 - pkcs12 add cert and key error o 29 - pkcs12 encode error examples importing keys and certificates the most basic usage of pk12util for importing a certificate or key is the pkcs#12 input file (-i) and some way to specify the security database...
ssl_error_no_certificate -12285 "unable to find the certificate or key necessary for authentication." this error has many potential causes; for example: certificate or key not found in database.
numerous functions provided by the nss libraries are useful for such application callback functions, including these: cert_checkcertvalidtimes cert_getdefaultcertdb cert_destroycertificate cert_dupcertificate cert_findcertbyname cert_freenicknames cert_getcertnicknames cert_verifycertname cert_verifycertnow pk11_findcertfromnickname pk11_findkeybyanycert pk11_setpasswordfunc pl_strcpy pl_strdup pl_strfree pl_strlen ssl_peercertificate ssl_revealurl ssl_revealpinarg cleanup this portion of an ssl-enabled application consists primarily of closing the socket and freeing memory.
to find out why, call pr_geterror.
S/MIME functions
tverificationstatus mxr 3.2 and later nss_cmssignerinfo_getversion mxr 3.2 and later nss_cmssignerinfo_includecerts mxr 3.2 and later nss_cmsutil_verificationstatustostring mxr 3.2 and later nss_smimesignerinfo_savesmimeprofile mxr 3.4 and later nss_smimeutil_findbulkalgforrecipients mxr 3.2 and later ...
NSS Tools dbck-tasks
this file could be mailed to a mail alias to assist in finding the source of database corruption.
NSS Tools pk12util
- pkcs11 get slot error 14 - pkcs12 decoder start error 15 - error read from import file 16 - pkcs12 decode error 17 - pkcs12 decoder verify error 18 - pkcs12 decoder validate bags error 19 - pkcs12 decoder import bags error 20 - key db conversion version 3 to version 2 error 21 - cert db conversion version 7 to version 5 error 22 - cert and key dbs patch error 23 - get default cert db error 24 - find cert by nickname error 25 - create export context error 26 - pkcs12 add password itegrity error 27 - cert and key safes creation error 28 - pkcs12 add cert and key error 29 - pkcs12 encode error ...
NSS Tools sslstrength
you can tell if you stepped-up, because the output will says 'using export policy', and you'll find the secret key size was 128-bits.
NSS tools : pk12util
from import file o 16 - pkcs12 decode error o 17 - pkcs12 decoder verify error o 18 - pkcs12 decoder validate bags error o 19 - pkcs12 decoder import bags error o 20 - key db conversion version 3 to version 2 error o 21 - cert db conversion version 7 to version 5 error o 22 - cert and key dbs patch error o 23 - get default cert db error o 24 - find cert by nickname error o 25 - create export context error o 26 - pkcs12 add password itegrity error o 27 - cert and key safes creation error o 28 - pkcs12 add cert and key error o 29 - pkcs12 encode error examples importing keys and certificates the most basic usage of pk12util for importing a certificate or key is the pkcs#12 input file (-i) and some way...
Renaming With Pork
find `pwd` -name \*.ii > /tmp/ls.txt 4.
Rhino community
have a question that you can't find answer to in the rhino documentation?
it is currently available as an extension and as a component in firefox's nightly builds that can be enabled through about:config (you need to find the shumway.disabled preference and set it to false).
Creating JavaScript tests
for this reason, the best place to find out if a change is performance sensitive is on
when a name is evaluated that doesn't refer to a local variable, the interpreter consults the scope chain to find the variable.
Exact Stack Rooting
in the meantime, the js::rootedt class holds an object live by storing its pointer on the stack so that the conservative scanner will find it.
Garbage collection
gray roots are used by the gecko cycle collector to find cycles that pass through the js heap.
Tracing JIT
if it finds such a fragment, it transitions to executing mode.
JSAPI Cookbook
ue v(cx); js::rootedstring somestring(cx, ...); v.setint32(0); // or: v = js::int32value(0); v.setdouble(0.5); // or: v = js::doublevalue(0.5); v.setstring(somestring); // or: v = js::stringvalue(somestring); v.setnull(); // or: v = js::nullvalue(); v.setundefined(); // or: v = js::undefinedvalue(); v.setboolean(false); // or: v = js::booleanvalue(false); finding the global object many of these recipes require finding the current global object first.
for example, js::compileoffthread needs to save compilation options where a worker thread can find them, and then return immediately.
thus jsclass (which pre-dates jsobjectops in the api) provides a low-level interface to class-specific code and data, while jsobjectops allows for a higher level of operation, which does not use the object's class except to find the class's jsobjectops struct, by calling clasp->getobjectops, and to finalize the object.
each of these callbacks is responsible for everything involved with an individual property access operation, including: any locking necessary for thread safety; security checks; finding the property, including walking the prototype chain if needed; calling the lower-level jsclass hooks; calling getters or setters; and actually getting, setting, or deleting the property once it is found.
by design, this search may not find a property that other property lookup functions, such as js_lookupproperty, would find.
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 17 find a specified property and retrieve its value.
find a specified numeric property of an object and return its current value.
find a specified property and retrieve its value.
this article covers features introduced in spidermonkey 1.8.5 finds a specified property and retrieves its value or provided default value.
callback structure struct jssecuritycallbacks { jscspevalchecker contentsecuritypolicyallows; // added in spidermonkey 1.8.5 jssubsumesop subsumes; // added in spidermonkey 31 jscheckaccessop checkobjectaccess; // obsolete since jsapi 29 jsprincipalstranscoder principalstranscoder; // obsolete since jsapi 13 jsobjectprincipalsfinder findobjectprincipals; // obsolete since jsapi 13 }; name type description contentsecuritypolicyallows jscspevalchecker a pointer to the function which checks if a csp instance wants to disable eval() and friends.
this inconsistency can cause problems; for example, if the finalizer calls js_getprivate(), expecting that the constructor called js_setprivate(), it may find that the private data is null.
there is no way to tell the difference between not finding any property and finding a property whose value is undefined.
an example is in js/src/js.c; searching for js_setcallreturnvalue2 should find it.
when one thread calls js_gc or otherwise finds that garbage collection is necessary, it must wait for all other threads that are in requests to pause before garbage collection can occur.
SpiderMonkey 24
get it here mozilla-esr24 if the download url is outdate you will find it in "firefox extended support release 24" package on hg release platform support spidermonkey 24 is supported on all the platforms where firefox 24 runs.
SpiderMonkey 31
get it here mozilla-esr31 you will find it in "firefox extended support release 31" package on hg release platform support spidermonkey 31 is supported on all the platforms where firefox 31 runs.
SpiderMonkey 38
get it here mozilla-esr38 you will find it in "firefox extended support release 38" package on hg release platform support spidermonkey 38 is supported on all the platforms where firefox 38 runs.
Setting up CDT to work on SpiderMonkey
unfortunately, there are also large parts that are not properly indexed, leading to errors and warnings being shown for perfectly valid code, but i find that the parts that do work do so nicely enough to make it totally worth it.
TPS Pref Lists
to find the list of valid preferences, go to about:config on a browser that has weave installed, and search for services.sync.prefs.sync.
TPS Tests
this has a couple side effects you usually need to scroll up a bit in the log past the end of the test to find the actual failure.
Thread Sanitizer
you can find precompiled binaries for llvm/clang 3.3 on the llvm releases page.
Web Replay
the user's interface to the devtools for a child process is the same as for a normal content process, except that new ui buttons are added for rewinding (find the last time a breakpoint was hit), and for reverse step/step-in/step-out.
Zest usecase: Reporting Security Vulnerabilities to Developers
when security teams find vulnerabilities they typically describe them to developers using words, for example in a pdf or via a bug tracker.
Handling Mozilla Security Bugs
exploit hunters with a good track record of finding significant mozilla security vulnerabilities.
Browser security
this article provides an overview of what these are and how they work.exploitable crashesthis article will help you determine if a crash is exploitable, find crashes which are exploitable, and to fix exploitable crashes.handling mozilla security bugsthis document describes how the new security organizational structure will work, and how security-related mozilla bug reports will be handled.pinning violation reportsif a site makes use of key pinning, and your browser sees a certificate chain for that site which does not match the pin, firefox will rejec...
Signing Mozilla apps for Mac OS X
you can find it by running this command in the terminal: openssl x509 -text -noout -inform der -in devloperid_application.cer | grep subject putting it all together, you'll wind up using a command similar to the one below to sign your app.
Implementation Details
msaa at-spi how to find the content window and load the document in xul-based clients, screen readers may need to find the content window so that they know where to start grabbing the accessible tree, in order to load the current document into a buffer in their own process.
Retrieving part of the bookmarks tree
first, you need to get an empty query and options objects from the history service: var historyservice = components.classes[";1"] .getservice(components.interfaces.nsinavhistoryservice); var options = historyservice.getnewqueryoptions(); var query = historyservice.getnewquery(); find the folder you want to get known folder ids are retrieved from the bookmarks service.
Using the Places tagging service
tagginsvc.untaguri(uri(""), ["tag 1"]); //first argument = uri //second argument = array of tag(s) finding all urls with a given tag the nsitaggingservice.geturisfortag() method returns an array of all urls tagged with the given tag.
Creating a Python XPCOM component
if you wish to use pyxpcom from a normal python executable, you will need to tell python where it can find the pyxpcom library.
XPCOM array guide
// enumerate to find the object closureobject closureobject = { 0 }; if (!melements.enumerateforwards(getfirstvisible, closureobject)) processelement(closureobject->element); ...
How to build an XPCOM component in JavaScript
if you don't find a suitable pre-existing interface, then you must define your own.
Building the WebLock UI
once it's installed and registered, the weblock component itself is ready to go: xpcom finds it and adds it to the list of registered components, and then weblock observes the xpcom startup event and initializes itself.
Creating XPCOM components
components interfaces interfaces and encapsulation the nsisupports base interface xpcom identifiers cid contract id factories xpidl and type libraries xpcom services xpcom types method types reference counting status codes variable mappings common xpcom error codes using xpcom components component examples cookie manager the webbrowserfind component the weblock component component use in mozilla finding mozilla components using xpcom components in your cpp xpconnect: using xpcom components from script component internals creating components in cpp xpcom initialization xpcom registry manifests registration methods in xpcom autoregistration the shutdown process three parts of a xpcom component lib...
XPCOM hashtable guide
in their implementation, hashtables take the key and apply a mathematical hash function to randomize the key and then use the hash to find the location in the hashtable.
Detailed XPCOM hashtable guide
in their implementation, hashtables take the key and apply a mathematical hash function to randomize the key and then use the hash to find the location in the hashtable.
if this is not the case, you might want to try and find example usages of that component within mxr.
you can also find firefox 3.5 specific information in using json in firefox.
note: the links to part ii and iii of this series are broken and i cannot find them on the ibm site.
you can find additional information using the resource links below.
Language bindings
you can find additional information using the resource links below.xpconnectxpconnect is a bridge between javascript and xpcom.
on windows, passing true causes shortcuts to be automatically resolved, and on macos, passing true causes finder aliases to be automatically resolved.
on windows, passing true causes shortcuts to be automatically resolved, and on macos, passing true causes finder aliases to be automatically resolved.
boolean supportimagewithmimetype( in string mimetype ); parameters mimetype the type to find a decoder for.
which explains how this information came to be associated with the notion of a "registry." someday (i hope) this page will be properly titled so that everybody knows it is the place to come to in order to find out how they are supposed to link together the various xpcom components that together form the mozilla browser.
accessible/public/nsiaccessibleevent.idlscriptable an interface for accessibility events listened to by in-process accessibility clients, which can be used to find out how to get accessibility and dom interfaces for the event and its target.
this relation is very useful for finding the content quickly, and is the proper method for finding content in gecko 1.9 and beyond.
however, if client applications find an object with this state, they should check to see if state_offscreen is also set.
chooseapplicationcache() tries to find the best application cache to serve a specified resource.
the browser.xml binding uses this property to gain access to the webnavigation, contentdocument, contentwindow, webbrowserfind, webprogress and sessionhistory properties.
methods isstreambased() this method finds out whether or not the cache entry is stream based.
return value returns true if the provided key/value finds a cache entry, otherwise returns false.
if this handler finds arguments that it understands, it should perform the appropriate actions (such as opening a window), and remove the arguments from the command-line array.
nscookiestatus getconsent( in nsiuri uri, in nsihttpchannel httpchannel, in boolean isforeign, out nscookiepolicy policy ); parameters uri the uri to find the policy for.
this is done by leveraging the loadgroup of the channel to find the root content docshell, and the uri associated with its principal.
it remains until we can find a better home for it.
the editor.xml binding uses this property to gain access to the webnavigation, contentdocument, contentwindow, webbrowserfind, editingsession and commandmanager properties.
uriloader/exthandler/nsiexternalhelperappservice.idlscriptable the external helper app service is used for finding and launching platform specific external applications for a given mime content type.
uriloader/exthandler/nsiexternalprotocolservice.idlscriptable the external protocol service is used for finding and launching web handlers (a la registerprotocolhandler in the html5 draft) or platform-specific applications for handling particular protocols.
uriloader/exthandler/nsiexternalurlhandlerservice.idlscriptable the external url handler service is used for finding platform-specific applications for handling particular urls.
if this file already exists, we try variations on the leaf name "suggestedname" until we find one that did not already exist.
attributes attribute type description delayremotedialogs boolean depthtoogreat boolean find out whether the loader's frame is at too great a depth in the frame tree.
you may find the wifi access point monitoring service useful if you wish to implement support for wifi-based location services.
getinlinepropertywithattrvalue() astring getinlinepropertywithattrvalue( in nsiatom aproperty, in astring aattribute, in astring avalue, out boolean afirst, out boolean aany, out boolean aall ); parameters aproperty aattribute avalue afirst aany aall return value getlinkedobjects() find all the nodes in the document which contain references to outside uris (for example a href, img src, script src, and so on.) the objects in the array will be type nsiurirefobject.
if its value is null, then it's an async refresh, and the caller should register itself as an nsimicrosummaryobserver via nsimicrosummary.addobserver() to find out when the refresh completes.
an account manager extension with a "name" attribute of "devmo" and the "chromepackagename" attribute set to "" means, that the account manager expects to find a xul file in "chrome://" and a property file in "chrome://" containing a property named "prefpanel-devmo".
to remove a specific element, use nsiarray.indexof() to find the index first, then call removeelementat.
exceptions thrown invalid argument exception if it can not find a folder with the given id.
uri nsiuri this is a uri to match, to, for example, find out every time you visited a given uri.
there are quite a few category strings and they aren't listed in a single place, so you may need to search the firefox code to find the one you want.
selection_find 128 num_selectiontypes 8 9 selection_anchor_region 0 selection_focus_region 1 selection_whole_selection 2 num_selection_regions 2 3 selection_off 0 selection_hid...
if you just hold a reference to some content document in the overlay's chrome window, here is how you find its corresponding tab: function tabfromdoc(doc) { var no = gbrowser.getbrowserindexfordocument(doc); return gbrowser.tabcontainer.childnodes[no]; } // example use: cc[';1'] .getservice(ci.nsisessionstore) .settabvalue(tabfromdoc(mycontentdoc), 'mykey', 'myvalue'); see also the session store api article.
example you can find detailed information on adding a new telemetry probe and recording telemetry data at adding a new telemetry probe [en-us].
this can cause random crashes and other bugs that may be hard to find and fix.
getcoordsforcellitem() find the coordinates of an element within a specific cell.
long getindexofitem( in nsidomelement item ); parameters item a tree row for which to find the row index.
afterindex the index of the item to find siblings after.
a breadth-first search of the first action is performed to find this element.
path = fp.file.path; //returns c:\users\3k2kyc1\documents\prefs\prefs var xpi = fu.file(dir.path + '\\' + dir.leafname + '.zip');, pr.pr_rdwr | pr.pr_create_file | pr.pr_truncate); //pr_truncate overwrites if file exists //pr_create_file creates file if it dne //pr_rdwr opens for reading and writing //recursviely add all var dirarr = [dir]; //adds dirs to this as it finds it for (var i=0; i<dirarr.length; i++) { cu.reporterror('adding contents of dir['+i+']: ' + dirarr[i].leafname + ' path: ' + dirarr[i].path); var direntries = dirarr[i].directoryentries; while (direntries.hasmoreelements()) { var entry = direntries.getnext().queryinterface(ci.nsifile); //entry is instance of nsifile so here
XPCOM Interface Reference
Frequently Asked Questions
the faq is divided into sections to help you find what you're looking for faster.
Reference Manual
you're more likely to see it in a form like this nscomptr<nsifoo> foo( do_queryinterface(alist->elementat(i)) ); // |elementat|, like all good getters, |addrefs| it's result // which would be dropped on the floor, after querying it for the needed // interface bugzilla bug 8221 is specifically about finding and fixing this particular kind of leak.
Using nsCOMPtr
you'll have to turn to the xpcom newsgroup or another experienced nscomptr user, or find the answer by experimentation.
Using nsIPasswordManager
the example below should serve as a starting point: // the host name of the password we are looking for var querystring = ''; // ask the password manager for an enumerator: var e = passwordmanager.enumerator; // step through each password in the password manager until we find the one we want: while (e.hasmoreelements()) { try { // get an nsipassword object out of the password manager.
Using the clipboard
a constructor for the built-in transferable class const nstransferable = components.constructor(";1", "nsitransferable"); // create a wrapper to construct an nsitransferable instance and set its source to the given window, when necessary function transferable(source) { var res = nstransferable(); if ('init' in res) { // when passed a window object, find a suitable privacy context for it.
xptcall FAQ
the growing list: porting status where can i find other resources?
Xptcall Porting Status
feel free to email these folks and offer to help or find out what's going on.
you'll have to turn to the xpcom newsgroup or another experienced nscomptr user, or find the answer by experimentation.using nsiclassinfoif you use a c++ class which implements nsiclassinfo from javascript, then you don't have to explicitly call queryinterface on the javascript object to access the object's interfaces.using nsidirectoryservicensdirectoryservice implements the nsiproperties interface.
XSLT 2.0
saxon-b the extension demonstrates how one can use liveconnect code to communicate with the saxon-b library, but one might find the javascript code module approach used inside the extension xquseme as a more reusable approach.
The Valgrind Test Job
understanding errors for each problem that valgrind finds, it emits a message describing the problem, along with a stack trace indicating where the problem occurs.
Testing Mozilla code
the first part will focus on the modern and robust way of static-analysis and the second part will present the build-time static-analysis.debugging mozilla with valgrindthis page describes how to use valgrind (specifically, its memcheck tool) to find memory errors.firefox and address sanitizeraddress sanitizer (asan) is a fast memory error detector that detects use-after-free and out-of-bound bugs in c/c++ programs.
Autoconfiguration in Thunderbird
this allows thunderbird to find you as hoster.
Gloda examples
lection) { }, onitemsremoved: function _onitemsremoved(aitems, acollection) { }, onquerycompleted: function _onquerycompleted(id_coll) { //woops no identity if (id_coll.items.length <= 0) return; id = id_coll.items[0]; //now we use the identity to find all messages that person was involved with msg_q=gloda.newquery(gloda.noun_message) msg_q.involves(id) msg_q.getcollection({ /* called when new items are returned by the database query or freshly indexed */ onitemsadded: function _onitemsadded(aitems, acollection) { ...
Mail and RDF
from this resource, you can follow a number of arcs to find servers, folders, and finally messages.
Thunderbird Configuration Files
locate your profile folder before the configuration files are presented, you should know how to find your profile folder, which is where thunderbird saves all your settings on your hard drive.
Building a Thunderbird extension 2: extension file layout
you can find information about the locale/ and defaults/ folders in the more general "building an extension" documentation.
Building a Thunderbird extension 5: XUL
in messenger.xul we find the status bar, which looks something like this.: <statusbar id="status-bar" ...> ...
Building a Thunderbird extension 6: Adding JavaScript
further documentation more functions for the dom objects are listed on: dom/window (api reference for the window object) dom/document (api reference for the document object) gecko dom reference (overview of all dom objects in gecko) you may also find the javascript cheat sheet very useful.
Creating a Custom Column
as you develop your custom extension, please revisit this article and add any helpful hints that you find along the way!
WebIDL bindings
the above idl would also require the following c++: class myclass { static bool stuffenabled(jscontext* cx, jsobject* obj); }; if specified on an interface as a whole, then lookups for the interface object for this interface on a dom window will only find it if the specified function returns true.
Zombie compartments
in the results, you'll find a js-main-runtime-compartments tree (whcih you may need to expand further) that lists all system (firefox and add-ons) and user (website) compartments, these compartments are also listed in more detail in the explicit allocations section.
Using COM from js-ctypes
types // simple types let byte = ctypes.unsigned_char; let dword = ctypes.unsigned_long; let long = ctypes.long; let lpvoid = ctypes.voidptr_t; let void = ctypes.void_t; let ulong = ctypes.unsigned_long; let ushort = ctypes.unsigned_short; let wchar = ctypes.jschar; // advanced types - based on simple types let hresult = long; let lpcwstr = wchar.ptr; // guess types - these just work i couldnt find a proper defintion for it let lpunknown = ctypes.voidptr_t; // structures // simple structures let guid = ctypes.structtype('guid', [ { 'data1': ulong }, { 'data2': ushort }, { 'data3': ushort }, { 'data4': byte.array(8) } ]); // advanced structures let clsid = guid; let iid = guid; // super advanced structures let refiid = iid.ptr; let refclsid = clsid.ptr; // vtables let ispvoicevtb...
Declaring types
_min": }, { "tm_hour": }, { "tm_mday": }, { "tm_mon": }, { "tm_year": }, { "tm_wday": }, { "tm_yday": }, { "tm_isdst": } ]); to find other types see here: predefined types - primitive types.
known_len : 500; var ptrasarr = ctypes.cast(stringptr, ctypes.unsigned_char.array(assumption_max_len).ptr).contents; // must cast to unsigned char (not ctypes.jschar, or ctypes.char) as otherwise i dont get foreign characters, as they are got as negative values, and i should read till i find a 0 which is null terminator which will have unsigned_char code of 0 // can test this by reading a string like this: "_scratchpad/entehandle.js at master · noitidart/_scratchpad mdnfirefox" at js array position 36 (so 37 if count from 1), we see 183, and at 77 we see char code of 0 if casted to unsigned_char, if casted to char we see -73 at pos 36 but pos 77 still 0, if casted to jschar we see c...
these objects have assorted methods and properties that let you create objects of these types, find out information about them, and so forth.
using js-ctypes custom native file standard os libraries finding window handles working with data working with arraybuffers declaring types declaring and calling functions declaring and using callbacks type conversion memory management chromeworker js-ctypes reference a reference guide to the js-ctypes api.
Drawing and Event Handling - Plugins
to deal with this problem, use npn_getvalue to find out where the plug-in draws.
DOM Inspector internals - Firefox Developer Tools
the same is true for the find menuitems and the "select element by click" menuitem in the edit menu, since no other viewers besides the dom nodes viewer support these features.
DOM Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
to find out who knows dom inspector code and where it lives, see the dom inspector module listing.
Inspecting web app manifests - Firefox Developer Tools
list of manifest members we won't provide an exhaustive list of all the members that can appear in a web manifest here; you can already find that in our web manifest documentation.
Application - Firefox Developer Tools
finding an example if you want to test this functionality and you don't have a handy pwa available, you can grab one of our simple examples to use: add to homescreen demo: shows pictures of foxes (source code | live version) js13kpwa demo: show information on entries to the js13k annual competition (source code | live version) how to debug service workers inspect web app manifests ...
Browser Console - Firefox Developer Tools
you'll see output like this in the browser console: for add-on sdk-based add-ons only, the message is prefixed with the name of the add-on ("log-error"), making it easy to find all messages from this add-on using the "filter output" search box.
Set a breakpoint - Firefox Developer Tools
previously you’d have to scroll through the scopes panel to find variable values, or hover over a variable in the source pane.
Use watchpoints - Firefox Developer Tools
in the scopes pane on the right side of the debugger user interface, find an object you want to watch, and right-click it to open its context menu.
Debugger keyboard shortcuts - Firefox Developer Tools
command windows macos linux close current file ctrl + w cmd + w ctrl + w search for a string in the current file ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f search for a string in all files ctrl + shift + f cmd + shift + f ctrl + shift + f find next in the current file ctrl + g cmd + g ctrl + g search for scripts by name ctrl + p cmd + p ctrl + p resume execution when at a breakpoint f8 f8 1 f8 step over f10 f10 1 f10 step into f11 f11 1 f11 step out shift + f11 shift + f11 1 shift + f11 toggle breakpoint on the currently selected line ctrl + b cmd + b ctrl + b toggle conditional breakpoint on the currently...
Debugger.Environment - Firefox Developer Tools
find(name) return a reference to the innermost environment, starting with this environment, that bindsname.
Debugger.Object - Firefox Developer Tools
for example: function f() {} // display name: f (the given name) var g = function () {}; // display name: g o.p = function () {}; // display name: o.p var q = { r: function () {} // display name: q.r }; note that the display name may not be a proper javascript identifier, or even a proper expression: we attempt to find helpful names even when the function is not immediately assigned as the value of some variable or property.
Tutorial: Show Allocations Per Call Path - Firefox Developer Tools
dbg.uncaughtexceptionhook = handleuncaughtexception; // find the current tab's main content window.
Tutorial: Set a breakpoint - Firefox Developer Tools
if debugger is unable to find the report function, or the console output does not appear, evaluate the expression tabs[0].content.document.location in the console to make sure that tabs[0] indeed refers to the html file you visited.
Debugger.Object - Firefox Developer Tools
for example: function f() {} // display name: f (the given name) var g = function () {}; // display name: g o.p = function () {}; // display name: o.p var q = { r: function () {} // display name: q.r }; note that the display name may not be a proper javascript identifier, or even a proper expression: we attempt to find helpful names even when the function is not immediately assigned as the value of some variable or property.
Basic operations - Firefox Developer Tools
to load a snapshot from an existing .fxsnapshot file, click the import button, which looks like a rectangle with an arrow rising from it (before firefox 49, this button was labeled with the text "import..."): you'll be prompted to find a snapshot file on disk.
Migrating from Firebug - Firefox Developer Tools
the following list aims to help firebug users to find their way into the developer tools.
Edit fonts - Firefox Developer Tools
this is very useful for quickly finding out what axes are available in a particular font — they can vary quite dramatically as font designers can implement basically anything they like.
CSS Flexbox Inspector: Examine Flexbox layouts - Firefox Developer Tools
you can find out more about those in the section below.
CSS Grid Inspector: Examine grid layouts - Firefox Developer Tools
you can find out more about those in the section below.
Open the Inspector - Firefox Developer Tools
the inspector will appear at the bottom of the browser window: you can also set the pane to appear at the left side of the browser window: to the right side of the browser window: or in a separate window: to start finding your way around the inspector, see the ui tour.
Page inspector keyboard shortcuts - Firefox Developer Tools
show the selected node h h h focus on the search box in the html pane ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f edit as html f2 f2 f2 stop editing html f2 / ctrl +enter f2 / cmd + return f2 / ctrl + enter copy the selected node's outer html ctrl + c cmd + c ctrl + c scroll the selected node into view s s s find the next match in the markup, when searching is active enter return enter find the previous match in the markup, when searching is active shift + enter shift + return shift + enter breadcrumbs bar these shortcuts work when the breadcrumbs bar is focused.
Style Editor - Firefox Developer Tools
command windows macos linux go to line ctrl + j, ctrl + g cmd + j, cmd + g ctrl + j, ctrl + g find in file ctrl + f cmd + f ctrl + f select all ctrl + a cmd + a ctrl + a cut ctrl + x cmd + x ctrl + x copy ctrl + c cmd + c ctrl + c paste ctrl + v cmd + v ctrl + v undo ctrl + z cmd + z ctrl + z redo ctrl + shift + z / ctrl + y cmd + shift + z / cmd + y ctrl + shift + z / ctrl + y ...
Taking screenshots - Firefox Developer Tools
to enable it: visit the settings page find the section labeled "available toolbox buttons" check the box labeled "take a screenshot of the entire page".
Tips - Firefox Developer Tools
click on the filter icon () next to an overridden property to find which other property overrides it.
Validators - Firefox Developer Tools
provide a starting url and the tool will find and validate all pages in a website.
Web Audio Editor - Firefox Developer Tools
if you find bugs, we'd love it if you filed them in bugzilla.
The JavaScript input interpreter - Firefox Developer Tools
when you find the expression you want, press enter (return) to execute the statement.
about:debugging - Firefox Developer Tools
if your about:debugging page is different from the one displayed here, go to about:config, find and set the option to true.
AbortController.AbortController() - Web APIs
you can find a full working example on github — see abort-api (see it running live also).
AbortController.abort() - Web APIs
you can find a full working example on github — see abort-api (see it running live also).
AbortController.signal - Web APIs
you can find a full working example on github — see abort-api (see it running live also).
AbortController - Web APIs
you can find a full working example on github — see abort-api (see it running live also).
AbortSignal - Web APIs
current version of firefox rejects the promise with a domexception you can find a full working example on github — see abort-api (see it running live also).
AbstractRange - Web APIs
in order to set a range endpoint within the text of an element, be sure to find the text node inside the element: let startelem = document.queryselector("p"); let endelem = startelem.queryselector("span"); let range = document.createrange(); range.setstart(startelem, 0); range.setend(endelem, endelem.childnodes[0].length/2); let contents = range.clonecontents(); document.body.appendchild(contents); this example creates a new range, rng, and sets its starting point to th...
AbstractWorker - Web APIs
you can find more examples on the mdn web docs github repository: basic dedicated worker example (run dedicated worker).
AddressErrors.addressLine - Web APIs
an object based on addresserrors includes an addressline property when validation of the address finds one or more errors in the array of strings in the address's addressline.
AudioBuffer - Web APIs
you can find the full source code at our webaudio-examples repository; a running live version is also available.
AudioNode - Web APIs
you can find examples of such usage on any of the examples linked to on the web audio api landing page (for example violent theremin.) const audioctx = new audiocontext(); const oscillator = new oscillatornode(audioctx); const gainnode = new gainnode(audioctx); oscillator.connect(gainnode).connect(audioctx.destination); oscillator.context; oscillator.numberofinputs; oscillator.numberofoutputs; oscillator...
AudioTrack.enabled - Web APIs
d === "main") { audiotrackmain = track; } else if (track.kind === "commentary") { audiotrackcommentary = track; } } if (audiotrackmain && audiotrackcommentary) { var commentaryenabled = audiotrackcommentary.enabled; audiotrackcommentary.enabled = audiotrackmain.enabled; audiotrackmain.enabled = commentaryenabled; } } the swapcommentarymain() function above finds within the audio tracks of the <video> element "main-video" the audio tracks whose kind values are "main" and "commentary".
AudioTrackList.getTrackById() - Web APIs
this lets you find a specified track if you know its id string.
AudioTrackList.onchange - Web APIs
var tracklist = document.queryselector("video").audiotracks; tracklist.onchange = function(event) { tracklist.foreach(function(track) { updatetrackenabledbutton(, track.enabled); }); }; the updatetrackenabledbutton(), in this example, should be a function that finds a user interface control using the track's id (perhaps the app uses the track id as the control element's id) and the track's enabled flag to determine which state the control should be in now.
CSSStyleSheet.insertRule() - Web APIs
2 mandatory arguments: (selector, rules) sheet_proto.insertrule = function(selectorandrule){ // first, separate the selector from the rule a: for (var i=0, len=selectorandrule.length, isescaped=0, newcharcode=0; i !== len; ++i) { newcharcode = selectorandrule.charcodeat(i); if (!isescaped && (newcharcode === 123)) { // 123 = "{".charcodeat(0) // secondly, find the last closing bracket var openbracketpos = i, closebracketpos = -1; for (; i !== len; ++i) { newcharcode = selectorandrule.charcodeat(i); if (!isescaped && (newcharcode === 125)) { // 125 = "}".charcodeat(0) closebracketpos = i; } isescaped ^= newcharcode===92?1:isescaped; // 92 = "\\".charcodeat(0) } ...
CSS Painting API - Web APIs
to find out more about how this is used, consult using the css painting api.
Cache.delete() - Web APIs
the delete() method of the cache interface finds the cache entry whose key is the request, and if found, deletes the cache entry and returns a promise that resolves to true.
Cache.match() - Web APIs
syntax cache.match(request, {options}).then(function(response) { // do something with the response }); parameters request the request for which you are attempting to find responses in the cache.
Cache.matchAll() - Web APIs
syntax cache.matchall(request, {options}).then(function(response) { // do something with the response array }); parameters request optional the request for which you are attempting to find responses in the cache.
Cache - Web APIs
cache.delete(request, options) finds the cache entry whose key is the request, returning a promise that resolves to true if a matching cache entry is found and deleted.
CacheStorage.delete() - Web APIs
the delete() method of the cachestorage interface finds the cache object matching the cachename, and if found, deletes the cache object and returns a promise that resolves to true.
CacheStorage - Web APIs returns a promise that resolves to the cache object matching the cachename (a new cache is created if it doesn't already exist.) cachestorage.delete() finds the cache object matching the cachename, and if found, deletes the cache object and returns a promise that resolves to true.
CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack.canvas - Web APIs
example // find the canvas element to capture var canvaselt = document.getelementsbytagname("canvas")[0]; // get the stream var stream = canvaselt.capturestream(25); // 25 fps // do things to the stream ...
CanvasCaptureMediaStreamTrack.requestFrame() - Web APIs
example // find the canvas element to capture var canvaselt = document.getelementsbytagname("canvas")[0]; // get the stream var stream = canvaselt.capturestream(25); // 25 fps // send the current state of the canvas as a frame to the stream stream.getvideotracks()[0].requestframe(); specifications specification status comment media capture from dom elementsthe definition of 'canv...
CanvasRenderingContext2D.getImageData() - Web APIs
you can find more information about getimagedata() and general manipulation of canvas contents in pixel manipulation with canvas.
CanvasRenderingContext2D.putImageData() - Web APIs
you can find more information about putimagedata() and general manipulation of canvas contents in the article pixel manipulation with canvas.
Basic animations - Web APIs
i.y = 0 : i.y < 0 && (i.y = h), e = fa.findindex(t => coll({[0], h: this.h, w: this.w }, t)),, -1 != e) return console.log(e), fa[e].renew(), void (document.getelementbyid("score").innertext = number(document.getelementbyid("score").innertext) + 1);, console.log(6) }
Channel Messaging API - Web APIs
find out more about how to use this api in using channel messaging.
Clients - Web APIs
client.focus(); chatclient = client; break; } } // if we didn't find an existing chat window, // open a new one: if (!chatclient) { chatclient = await clients.openwindow('/chat/'); } // message the client: chatclient.postmessage("new chat messages!"); }()); }); specifications specification status comment service workersthe definition of 'clients' in that specification. - Web APIs
example after using navigator.permissions.query() to find out if we have (or if the user will be prompted to allow) "clipboard-read" access, this example fetches the data currently on the clipboard.
Console API - Web APIs
find out about these at: google chrome devtools implementation safari devtools implementation usage is very simple — the console object — available via window.console, or workerglobalscope.console in workers; accessible using just console — contains many methods that you can call to perform rudimentary debugging tasks, generally focused around logging various values to the browser's web co...
ConstantSourceNode.offset - Web APIs
example this example shows how to set up a constantsourcenode so its offset is used as the input to a pair of gainnodes; this snippet is derived from the complete example you can find in controlling multiple parameters with constantsourcenode.
ConstrainDouble - Web APIs
ideal a double-precision floating-point number specifying a value the property would ideally have, but which can be considered optional if necessary to find a match.
ConstrainULong - Web APIs
ideal an integer specifying a value the property would ideally have, but which can be considered optional if necessary to find a match.
ConvolverNode - Web APIs
note: you will need to find an impulse response to complete the example below.
DataTransferItem.webkitGetAsEntry() - Web APIs
find some files and directories and drag them in, and take a look at the resulting output.
Document: fullscreenchange event - Web APIs
to find out whether the element is entering or exiting full-screen mode, check the value of documentorshadowroot.fullscreenelement: if this value is null then the element is exiting full-screen mode, otherwise it is entering full-screen mode.
Document.getElementById() - Web APIs
if you need to get access to an element which doesn't have an id, you can use queryselector() to find the element using any selector.
Document.getElementsByClassName() - Web APIs
here we'll find all div elements that have a class of 'test': var testelements = document.getelementsbyclassname('test'); var testdivs =, function(testelement){ return testelement.nodename === 'div'; }); get the first element whose class is 'test' this is the most commonly used method of operation.
Document.getElementsByTagNameNS() - Web APIs
);"> show all p elements in div1 element</button><br /> <button onclick="div2paraelems();"> show all p elements in div2 element</button> </body> </html> potential workaround for other browsers which do not support if the desired browser did not support xpath, another approach (such as traversing the dom through all its children, identifying all @xmlns instances, etc.) would be necessary to find all tags with the desired local name and namespace, but xpath is much faster.
Document.hasStorageAccess() - Web APIs
you can currently find specification details of the api at apple's introducing storage access api blog post, and whatwg html issue 3338 — proposal: storage access api.
Document.images - Web APIs
the following are equivalent: firstimage = imagecollection.item(0); firstimage = imagecollection[0]; example this example looks through the list of images and finds one whose name is "banner.gif".
Document.querySelector() - Web APIs
document.queryselector('#foo\bar'); // does not match anything console.log('#foo\\bar'); // "#foo\bar" console.log('#foo\\\\bar'); // "#foo\\bar" document.queryselector('#foo\\\\bar'); // match the first div document.queryselector('#foo:bar'); // does not match anything document.queryselector('#foo\\:bar'); // match the second div </script> examples finding the first element matching a class in this example, the first element in the document with the class "myclass" is returned: var el = document.queryselector(".myclass"); a more complex selector selectors can also be really powerful, as demonstrated in the following example.
Document.requestStorageAccess() - Web APIs
you can currently find specification details of the api at apple's introducing storage access api blog post, and the storage access api proposal in the privacy cg.
DocumentOrShadowRoot.elementFromPoint() - Web APIs
if you need to find the specific position inside the element, use document.caretpositionfrompoint().
Events and the DOM - Web APIs
concerns of content/structure and behavior are not well-separated, making a bug harder to find.
Introduction to the DOM - Web APIs
you'll find these terms and others to be introduced and used throughout the documentation.
How whitespace is handled by HTML, CSS, and in the DOM - Web APIs
it iterates over the children of an element (whose children are all elements) to find the one whose text is "this is the third paragraph", and then changes the class attribute and the contents of that paragraph.
Element.closest() - Web APIs
the closest() method traverses the element and its parents (heading toward the document root) until it finds a node that matches the provided selector string.
Element.getBoundingClientRect() - Web APIs
while the in operator and will find returned properties, other apis such as object.keys() will fail.
Element: mouseout event - Web APIs
when you try this out, you'll find that mouseout is delivered to the individual list items, while mouseleave goes to the overall list, courtesy of the hierarchy of the items and the fact that list items obscure the underlying <ul>.
Element.part - Web APIs
here the part attribute is used to find the shadow parts, and the part property is then used to change the part identifiers of each tab so the correct styling is applied to the active tab when tabs are clicked.
Element.querySelector() - Web APIs
find a specific element with specific values of an attribute in this first example, the first <style> element which either has no type or has type "text/css" in the html document body is returned: var el = document.body.queryselector("style[type='text/css'], style:not([type])"); the entire hierarchy counts this example demonstrates that the hierarchy of the entire document is considered when appl...
Element: scroll event - Web APIs
position = 0; let ticking = false; function dosomething(scroll_pos) { // do something with the scroll position } window.addeventlistener('scroll', function(e) { last_known_scroll_position = window.scrolly; if (!ticking) { window.requestanimationframe(function() { dosomething(last_known_scroll_position); ticking = false; }); ticking = true; } }); note: you can find more examples on the resize event page.
Element.shadowRoot - Web APIs
from here we use standard dom traversal techniques to find the <style> element inside the shadow dom and then update the css found inside it: function updatestyle(elem) { const shadow = elem.shadowroot; const childnodes = array.from(shadow.childnodes); childnodes.foreach(childnode => { if (childnode.nodename === 'style') { childnode.textcontent = ` div { width: ${elem.getattribute('l')}px; height: ${elem.geta...
EventSource() - Web APIs
examples var evtsource = new eventsource('sse.php'); var eventlist = document.queryselector('ul'); evtsource.onmessage = function(e) { var newelement = document.createelement("li"); newelement.textcontent = "message: " +; eventlist.appendchild(newelement); } note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource.close() - Web APIs
examples var button = document.queryselector('button'); var evtsource = new eventsource('sse.php'); button.onclick = function() { console.log('connection closed'); evtsource.close(); } note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource.onerror - Web APIs
syntax eventsource.onerror = function examples evtsource.onerror = function() { console.log("eventsource failed."); }; note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource.onmessage - Web APIs
syntax eventsource.onmessage = function examples evtsource.onmessage = function(e) { var newelement = document.createelement("li"); newelement.textcontent = "message: " +; eventlist.appendchild(newelement); } note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource.onopen - Web APIs
syntax eventsource.onopen = function examples evtsource.onopen = function() { console.log("connection to server opened."); }; note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource.readyState - Web APIs
possible values are: 0 — connecting 1 — open 2 — closed examples var evtsource = new eventsource('sse.php'); console.log(evtsource.readystate); note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource.url - Web APIs
examples var evtsource = new eventsource('sse.php'); console.log(evtsource.url); note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource.withCredentials - Web APIs
examples var evtsource = new eventsource('sse.php'); console.log(evtsource.withcredentials); note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
EventSource - Web APIs
note: you can find a full example on github — see simple sse demo using php.
FetchEvent.respondWith() - Web APIs
if (cachedresponse) return cachedresponse; // if we didn't find a match in the cache, use the network.
Fetch basic concepts - Web APIs
if you find a fetch concept that you feel needs explaining better, let someone know on the mdn discussion forum, or mdn web docs room on matrix.
Fetch API - Web APIs
note: find out more about using the fetch api features in using fetch, and study concepts in fetch basic concepts.
Using files from web applications - Web APIs
each image has the css class obj added to it, making it easy to find in the dom tree.
FileSystemDirectoryReader.readEntries() - Web APIs
find some files and directories and drag them in, and take a look at the resulting output.
FileSystemFileEntry.file() - Web APIs
editor's note: we need to find out what kinds of errors can occur and document them.
Gamepad.buttons - Web APIs
syntax readonly attribute gamepadbutton[] buttons; example the following code is taken from my gamepad api button demo (you can view the demo live, and find the source code on github.) note the code fork — in chrome navigator.getgamepads needs a webkit prefix and the button values are stores as an array of double values, whereas in firefox navigator.getgamepads doesn't need a prefix, and the button values are stored as an array of gamepadbutton objects; it is the gamepadbutton.value or gamepadbutton.pressed properties of these we need to access, de... - Web APIs
this information is intended to allow you to find a mapping for the controls on the device as well as display useful feedback to the user.
GamepadButton - Web APIs
example the following code is taken from my gamepad api button demo (you can view the demo live, and find the source code on github.) note the code fork — in chrome navigator.getgamepads needs a webkit prefix and the button values are stored as an array of double values, whereas in firefox navigator.getgamepads doesn't need a prefix, and the button values are stored as an array of gamepadbutton objects; it is the gamepadbutton.value or gamepadbutton.pressed properties of these we need to access, de...
GlobalEventHandlers.onanimationcancel - Web APIs
all we do here is log information to the console, but you might find other use cases, such as starting a new animation or effect, or terminating some dependent operation.
HTMLCanvasElement.captureStream() - Web APIs
example // find the canvas element to capture var canvaselt = document.queryselector('canvas'); // get the stream var stream = canvaselt.capturestream(25); // 25 fps // do things to the stream // e.g.
HTMLDialogElement.close() - Web APIs
} // update button opens a modal dialog updatebutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.showmodal(); opencheck(dialog); }); // form cancel button closes the dialog box cancelbutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.close('animalnotchosen'); opencheck(dialog); }); })(); </script> note: you can find this example on github as htmldialogelement-basic (see it live also). - Web APIs
} // update button opens a modal dialog updatebutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.showmodal(); opencheck(dialog); }); // form cancel button closes the dialog box cancelbutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.close('animalnotchosen'); opencheck(dialog); }); })(); </script> note: you can find this example on github as htmldialogelement-basic (see it live also).
HTMLDialogElement.returnValue - Web APIs
} else if (returnvalue === 'confirm') { // user chose a favorite animal, do something with it } } // “update details” button opens the <dialog> modally updatebutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.showmodal(); opencheck(dialog); handleuserinput(dialog.returnvalue); }); })(); </script> note: you can find this example on github as htmldialogelement-basic (see it live also).
HTMLDialogElement.showModal() - Web APIs
} // update button opens a modal dialog updatebutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.showmodal(); opencheck(dialog); }); // form cancel button closes the dialog box cancelbutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.close('animalnotchosen'); opencheck(dialog); }); })(); </script> note: you can find this example on github as htmldialogelement-basic (see it live also).
HTMLDialogElement - Web APIs
} // update button opens a modal dialog updatebutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.showmodal(); opencheck(dialog); }); // form cancel button closes the dialog box cancelbutton.addeventlistener('click', function() { dialog.close('animalnotchosen'); opencheck(dialog); }); })(); </script> note: you can find this example on github as htmldialogelement-basic (see it live also).
HTMLDocument - Web APIs
you can find documentation for the members of htmldocument under the document interface.
inert - Web APIs
according to the spec: when a node is inert, then the user agent must act as if the node was absent for the purposes of targeting user interaction events, may ignore the node for the purposes of text search user interfaces (commonly known as "find in page"), and may prevent the user from selecting text in that node.
HTMLElement - Web APIs
htmlelement.inert is a boolean indicating whether the user agent must act as though the given node is absent for the purposes of user interaction events, in-page text searches ("find in page"), and text selection.
HTMLImageElement.alt - Web APIs
otherwise, readers will find it open by default, which is not the intent here.
HTMLMediaElement.load() - Web APIs
example this example finds a <video> element in the document and resets it by calling load().
HTMLOrForeignElement.dataset - Web APIs
in addition to the information below, you'll find a how-to guide for using html data attributes in our article using data attributes.
Using microtasks in JavaScript with queueMicrotask() - Web APIs
the server will receive the json string, then will presumably decode it and process the messages it finds in the resulting array.
Recommended Drag Types - Web APIs
note: in older code, you may find text/unicode or the text types.
Headers - Web APIs
note: you can find more out about the available headers by reading our http headers reference. - Web APIs
note: you can find out more information on the different available storage types, and how firefox handles client-side data storage, at browser storage limits and eviction criteria.
IDBIndex.get() - Web APIs
the get() method of the idbindex interface returns an idbrequest object, and, in a separate thread, finds either the value in the referenced object store that corresponds to the given key or the first corresponding value, if key is set to an idbkeyrange.
IDBIndex.getKey() - Web APIs
the getkey() method of the idbindex interface returns an idbrequest object, and, in a separate thread, finds either the primary key that corresponds to the given key in this index or the first corresponding primary key, if key is set to an idbkeyrange.
Basic concepts - Web APIs
you'll find the following useful: for an overview of the design and structure of indexeddb, see big concepts.
Timing element visibility with the Intersection Observer API - Web APIs
this is handled by passing the ad's element into the drawadtimer() function: function drawadtimer(adbox) { let timerbox = adbox.queryselector(".timer"); let totalseconds = adbox.dataset.totalviewtime / 1000; let sec = math.floor(totalseconds % 60); let min = math.floor(totalseconds / 60); timerbox.innertext = min + ":" + sec.tostring().padstart(2, "0"); } this code finds the ad's timer using its id, "timer", and computes the number of seconds elapsed by dividing the ad's totalviewtime by 1000.
Intersection Observer API - Web APIs
at timing element visibility with the intersection observer api, you can find a more extensive example showing how to time how long a set of elements (such as ads) are visible to the user and to react to that information by recording statistics or by updating elements..
MSCandidateWindowShow - Web APIs
example in ie11, developers can detect the opening of the ime candidate window by listening to mscandidatewindowshow event, then call getcandidatewindowclientrect() function to find out where the candidate window is and position the suggestion ui away from it: var context = document.getelementbyid("mysearchbox").msgetinputcontext(); context.addeventlistener("mscandidatewindowshow", candidatewindowshowhandler); function candidatewindowshowhandler(e) { var imerect = context.getcandidatewindowclientrect(); var suggestionrect = document.getelementbyid("mysuggestionlist")...
MediaRecorderErrorEvent.error - Web APIs
the descriptions here are generic ones; you'll find more specific ones to various scenarios in which they may occur in the corresponding method references.
MediaStreamAudioSourceNode.mediaStream - Web APIs
the user agent uses the first audio track it finds on the specified stream as the audio source for this node.
MediaStreamTrack.applyConstraints() - Web APIs
this can happen if the specified constraints are too strict to find a match when attempting to configure the track.
Using the Media Capabilities API - Web APIs
navigator.mediacapabilities.decodinginfo(videoconfiguration).then( console.log('it worked') ).catch(error => console.log('it failed: ' + error) ); media capabilities live example css li { margin : 1em; } html <form> <p>select your video configuration and find out if this browser supports the codec, and whether decoding will be smooth and power efficient:</p> <ul> <li> <label for="codec">select a codec</label> <select id="codec"> <option>video/webm; codecs=vp8</option> <option>video/webm; codecs=vp9</option> <option>video/mp4; codecs=avc1</option> <option>video/mp4; codecs=avc1.420034</option> <option>video/ogg...
Media Capture and Streams API (Media Stream) - Web APIs
interfaces in these reference articles, you'll find the fundamental information you'll need to know about each of the interfaces that make up the media capture and streams api.
MutationObserver.MutationObserver() - Web APIs
const targetnode = document.queryselector("#someelement"); const observeroptions = { childlist: true, attributes: true, // omit (or set to false) to observe only changes to the parent node subtree: true } const observer = new mutationobserver(callback); observer.observe(targetnode, observeroptions); the desired subtree is located by finding an element with the id someelement.
Web-based protocol handlers - Web APIs
background it's fairly common to find web pages link to resources using non-http protocols.
Navigator - Web APIs
navigator.mediadevices returns a reference to a mediadevices object which can then be used to get information about available media devices (mediadevices.enumeratedevices()), find out what constrainable properties are supported for media on the user's computer and user agent (mediadevices.getsupportedconstraints()), and to request access to media using mediadevices.getusermedia().
NavigatorID.appVersion - Web APIs
the window.navigator.appversion, window.navigator.appname and window.navigator.useragent properties have been used in "browser sniffing" code: scripts that attempt to find out what kind of browser you are using and adjust pages accordingly.
Node - Web APIs
.nodetype !== node.text_node) { return } if (typeof pattern === "string") { if (-1 !== node.textcontent.indexof(pattern)) { matches.push(node) } } else if (pattern.test(node.textcontent)) { if (! { endscan = true matches = node } else { matches.push(node) } } }) return matches } for example, to find text nodes that contain typos: const typos = ["teh", "adn", "btu", "adress", "youre", "msitakes"] const pattern = new regexp("\\b(" + typos.join("|") + ")\\b", "gi") const mistakes = grep(document.body, pattern) console.log(mistakes) specifications specification status comment domthe definition of 'node' in that specification.
Notifications API - Web APIs
note: to find out more about using notifications in your own app, read using the notifications api.
ParentNode - Web APIs
see locating dom elements using selectors to learn how to use css selectors to find nodes or elements of interest.
PaymentRequest.shippingOption - Web APIs
const request = new paymentrequest(methoddata, details, options); // async update to details request.onshippingaddresschange = ev => { ev.updatewith(checkshipping(request)); }; // sync update to the total request.onshippingoptionchange = ev => { const shippingoption = shippingoptions.find( option => === ); const newtotal = { currency: "usd", label: "total due", value: calculatenewtotal(shippingoption), }; ev.updatewith({ ...details, total: newtotal }); }; async function checkshipping(request) { try { const json = request.shippingaddress.tojson(); await ensurecanshipto(json); const { shippingoptions, total } = await calcul...
Payment Request API - Web APIs
you can find a complete guide in using the payment request api.
Permissions API - Web APIs
examples we have made a simple example available called location finder.
Pinch zoom gestures - Web APIs
log("pointermove", ev); = "dashed"; // find this event in the cache and update its record with this event for (var i = 0; i < evcache.length; i++) { if (ev.pointerid == evcache[i].pointerid) { evcache[i] = ev; break; } } // if two pointers are down, check for pinch gestures if (evcache.length == 2) { // calculate the distance between the two pointers var curdiff = math.abs(evcache[0].clientx - evcache[1].clientx);...
RTCConfiguration - Web APIs
you may find in some cases that connections can be established more quickly by allowing the ice agent to start fetching ice candidates before you start trying to connect, so that they're already available for inspection when rtcpeerconnection.setlocaldescription() is called.
RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent - Web APIs
examples this snippet is derived loosely from the full, working example you'll find in when a tone finishes playing in using dtmf with webrtc.
RTCIceTransport.getLocalCandidates() - Web APIs
to find the best match found so far, call rtcicetransport.getselectedcandidatepair().
RTCIceTransport.getRemoteCandidates() - Web APIs
to find the best match found so far, call rtcicetransport.getselectedcandidatepair().
RTCIceTransport.getSelectedCandidatePair() - Web APIs
as soon as it finds an acceptable matching pair of candidates, meeting the requirements for the connection, a selectedcandidatepairchange event is fired at the rtcicetransport.
RTCIceTransport.state - Web APIs
"failed" the rtcicetransport has finished the gathering process, has received the "no more candidates" notification from the remote peer, and has finished checking pairs of candidates, without successfully finding a pair that is both valid and for which consent can be obtained.
RTCIceTransportState - Web APIs
"failed" the rtcicetransport has finished the gathering process, has received the "no more candidates" notification from the remote peer, and has finished checking pairs of candidates, without successfully finding a pair that is both valid and for which consent can be obtained.
RTCInboundRtpStreamStats.pliCount - Web APIs
this is often achieved by methods such as increasing the compression, lowering resolution, or finding other ways to reduce the bit rate of the stream.
RTCOutboundRtpStreamStats.firCount - Web APIs
a fir packet is sent when the receiver finds that it has fallen behind and needs to skip frames in order to catch up; the sender should respond by sending a full frame instead of a delta frame.
RTCPeerConnection() - Web APIs
you may find in some cases that connections can be established more quickly by allowing the ice agent to start fetching ice candidates before you start trying to connect, so that they're already available for inspection when rtcpeerconnection.setlocaldescription() is called.
RTCPeerConnection.addStream() - Web APIs
am was added to: stream.addtrack(track); if (pc.addtrack) { pc.addtrack(track, stream); } else { // if you have code listening for negotiationneeded events: settimeout(() => pc.dispatchevent(new event('negotiationneeded'))); } // remove a track from a stream and the peer connection said stream was added to: stream.removetrack(track); if (pc.removetrack) { pc.removetrack(pc.getsenders().find(sender => sender.track == track)); } else { // if you have code listening for negotiationneeded events: settimeout(() => pc.dispatchevent(new event('negotiationneeded'))); } specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcpeerconnection.addstream()' in that specification.
RTCRemoteOutboundRtpStreamStats - Web APIs
localid a domstring which is used to find the local rtcinboundrtpstreamstats object which shares the same synchronization source (ssrc).
RTCRtpSender.replaceTrack() - Web APIs
examples switching video cameras // example to change video camera, suppose selected value saved into window.selectedcamera navigator.mediadevices .getusermedia({ video: { deviceid: { exact: window.selectedcamera } } }) .then(function(stream) { let videotrack = stream.getvideotracks()[0]; pcs.foreach(function(pc) { var sender = pc.getsenders().find(function(s) { return s.track.kind == videotrack.kind; }); console.log('found sender:', sender); sender.replacetrack(videotrack); }); }) .catch(function(err) { console.error('error happens:', err); }); specifications specification status comment webrtc 1.0: real-time communication between browsersthe definition of 'rtcrtpsender.rep...
RTCRtpStreamStats.pliCount - Web APIs
this is often achieved by methods such as increasing the compression, lowering resolution, or finding other ways to reduce the bit rate of the stream.
Range.commonAncestorContainer - Web APIs
since a range need not be continuous, and may also partially select nodes, this is a convenient way to find a node which encloses a range.
ReadableStream.cancel() - Web APIs
searchterm.tolowercase() : searchterm; var buffersize = math.max(tomatch.length - 1, contextbefore); var bytesreceived = 0; var buffer = ''; var matchfoundat = -1; return process(result) { if (result.done) { console.log('failed to find match'); return; } bytesreceived += result.value.length; console.log(`received ${bytesreceived} bytes of data so far`); buffer += decoder.decode(result.value, {stream: true}); // already found match & just context-gathering?
Request.context - Web APIs
note: you can find a full list of the different available contexts including associated context frame types, csp directives, and platform feature examples in the fetch spec request context section.
Resize Observer API - Web APIs
examples you find a couple of simple examples on our github repo: resize-observer-border-radius.html (see source): a simple example with a green box, sized as a percentage of the viewport size.
Using the Screen Capture API - Web APIs
javascript there isn't all that much code needed in order to make this work, and if you're familiar with using getusermedia() to capture video from a camera, you'll find getdisplaymedia() to be very familiar.
Screen Wake Lock API - Web APIs
document.addeventlistener('visibilitychange', () => { if (wakelock !== null && document.visibilitystate === 'visible') { wakelock = await navigator.wakelock.request('screen'); } }); putting it all together you can find the complete code on github here.
Selection.setBaseAndExtent() - Web APIs
note: you can find this example on github (see it live also.) specifications specification status comment selection apithe definition of 'selection.setbaseandextent()' in that specification.
Using server-sent events - Web APIs
note: you can find a full example that uses the code shown in this article on github — see simple sse demo using php.
ServiceWorkerRegistration.showNotification() - Web APIs
tag: an id for a given notification that allows you to find, replace, or remove the notification using a script if necessary.
ShadowRoot - Web APIs
from here we use standard dom traversal techniques to find the <style> element inside the shadow dom and then update the css found inside it: function updatestyle(elem) { var shadow = elem.shadowroot; var childnodes = shadow.childnodes; for(var i = 0; i < childnodes.length; i++) { if(childnodes[i].nodename === 'style') { childnodes[i].textcontent = 'div {' + 'width: ' + elem.getattribute('l') + 'px;' + 'height...
StorageManager.estimate() - Web APIs
you may find that the quota varies from origin to origin.
Storage API - Web APIs
the storage api gives sites' code the ability to find out how much space they can use, how much they are already using, and even control whether or not they need to be alerted before the user agent disposes of site data in order to make room for other things.
Storage Access API - Web APIs
you can currently find specification details of the api at apple's introducing storage access api blog post, and whatwg html issue 3338 — proposal: storage access api.
Streams API concepts - Web APIs
you can find more useful ideas and examples in the spec — see transform streams for ideas, and this web sockets example.
Using writable streams - Web APIs
introducing an example in our dom-examples/streams repo you’ll find a simple writer example (see it live also).
Streams API - Web APIs
note: you can find a lot more details about the theory and practice of streams in our articles — streams api concepts, using readable streams, and using writable streams.
StyleSheet.parentStyleSheet - Web APIs
syntax objref = stylesheet.parentstylesheet example // find the top level stylesheet if (stylesheet.parentstylesheet) { sheet = stylesheet.parentstylesheet; } else { sheet = stylesheet; } notes this property returns null if the current stylesheet is a top-level stylesheet or if stylesheet inclusion is not supported.
TextRange - Web APIs
textrange.findtext() searches the specified text in the original range and adjusts the range to include the first match.
getTrackById() - Web APIs
this lets you find a specified track if you know its id string.
UIEvent.pageX - Web APIs
you should not expect to find pagex on any non-mouse events.
URLSearchParams.has() - Web APIs
syntax var hasname = urlsearchparams.has(name) parameters name the name of the parameter to find.
USB.requestDevice() - Web APIs
on the other hand if the user agent finds two of the first listed device and one of the second, then all three devices will be listed.
USB - Web APIs
the usb interface of the webusb api provides attributes and methods for finding and connecting usb devices from a web page.
getTrackById - Web APIs
this lets you find a specified track if you know its id string.
VideoTrackList.onchange - Web APIs
var tracklist = document.queryselector("video").videotracks; tracklist.onchange = function(event) { tracklist.foreach(function(track) { updatetrackselectedbutton(, track.selected); }); }; the updatetrackselectedbutton(), in this example, should be a function that finds a user interface control using the track's id (perhaps the app uses the track id as the control element's id) and the track's selected flag to determine which state the control should be in now.
WebGL2RenderingContext - Web APIs
you will find this info noted on the webgl 1 reference pages.
WebGLRenderingContext.makeXRCompatible() - Web APIs
examples this example demonstrates code logic you might find in a game that starts up using webgl to display menus and other ui, and uses webgl to render gameplay, but has a button on its main menu that offers an option to start the game in webxr mode.
WebGLRenderingContext.vertexAttribPointer() - Web APIs
depending on the graphics card, the index will vary, so you must call gl.getattriblocation() to find out the index, and then provide this index to gl.vertexattribpointer().
Adding 2D content to a WebGL context - Web APIs
for more info on projection and other matrixes you might find this article useful.
WebGL model view projection - Web APIs
in the mdn webgl shared code you'll find the mdn.orthographicmatrix().
WebGL: 2D and 3D graphics for the web - Web APIs
guides and tutorials below, you'll find an assortment of guides to help you learn webgl concepts and tutorials that offer step-by-step lessons and examples.
High-level guides - Web APIs
in addition, you'll find suggestions as to tools, libraries, and frameworks that might be helpful and compatibility information so you know which parts of the overall suite of webrtc features can be safely used given your target audience.
Taking still photos with WebRTC - Web APIs
when the promise is fulfilled with an array of mediadeviceinfo objects describing the available devices, find the ones that you want to allow and specify the corresponding deviceid or deviceids in the mediatrackconstraints object passed into getusermedia().
Using DTMF with WebRTC - Web APIs
you can find the log function at the bottom of the documentation.
the documentation you'll find here will help you understand the fundamentals of webrtc, how to set up and use both data and media connections, and more.
WebRTC Statistics API - Web APIs
the table below shows the statistic categories and the corresponding dictionaries; for each statistic category, the full hierarchy of rtcstats-based dictionaries are listed, so you can easily find all the available values.
Writing a WebSocket server in Java - Web APIs
if (get.find()) { matcher match = pattern.compile("sec-websocket-key: (.*)").matcher(data); match.find(); byte[] response = ("http/1.1 101 switching protocols\r\n" + "connection: upgrade\r\n" + "upgrade: websocket\r\n" + "sec-websocket-accept: " + base64.getencoder().encodetostring(messagedigest.getinstance("sha-1").digest(( + "258eafa5-e914-47da-95ca-c5ab0...
Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) - Web APIs
you'll find more about these in the below section.
Geometry and reference spaces in WebXR - Web APIs
doing the math, we find that this means that each frame will ideally be rendered 16.6667 milliseconds apart.
Lighting a WebXR setting - Web APIs
by simply ensuring that the compass direction and the light directionality aren't identical on every device that's near (or claims to be near) the user's location, the ability to find users based on the state of the lighting around them is removed.
WebXR performance guide - Web APIs
as such, you may find yourself needing to make adjustments or compromises to optimize the performance of your webxr application to be as usable as possible on the broadest assortment of target devices.
Starting up and shutting down a WebXR session - Web APIs
to find out if a given mode is supported, simply call the xrsystem method issessionsupported().
Targeting and hit detection - Web APIs
instead, most applications find a way to simplify the implementation of their hit testing algorithms.
WebXR Device API - Web APIs
to accomplish these things, the webxr device api provides the following key capabilities: find compatible vr or ar output devices render a 3d scene to the device at an appropriate frame rate (optionally) mirror the output to a 2d display create vectors representing the movements of input controls at the most basic level, a scene is presented in 3d by computing the perspective to apply to the scene in order to render it from the viewpoint of each of the user's eyes by computing the pos...
Advanced techniques: Creating and sequencing audio - Web APIs
note: you can find the source code on github as step-sequencer; see the step-sequencer running live also.
Migrating from webkitAudioContext - Web APIs
in order to find out these nominal values, you can consult the specification.
Tools for analyzing Web Audio usage - Web APIs
while working on your web audio api code, you may find that you need tools to analyze the graph of nodes you create or to otherwise debug your work.
Visualizations with Web Audio API - Web APIs
note: you can find working examples of all the code snippets in our voice-change-o-matic demo.
Web audio spatialization basics - Web APIs
this can be useful, as you may find you want to emulate distance, but volume can drop out and that's actually not what you want.
Web Authentication API - Web APIs
authenticator creates an assertion - the authenticator finds a credential for this service that matches the relying party id and prompts a user to consent to the authentication.
Web Workers API - Web APIs
you can find out more information on how these demos work in using web workers.
Window.openDialog() - Web APIs
window.opendialog() finds it useful because of its different default assumptions.
Window - Web APIs
window.find() searches for a given string in a window.
WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope.setInterval() - Web APIs
as such, you may find yourself with queued up xhr requests that won't necessarily return in order.
WritableStream.WritableStream() - Web APIs
ecoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message received] " + result; list.appendchild(listitem); }, abort(err) { console.log("sink error:", err); } }, queuingstrategy); sendmessage("hello, world.", writablestream); you can find the full code in our simple writer example.
WritableStream.getWriter() - Web APIs
ecoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message received] " + result; list.appendchild(listitem); }, abort(err) { console.log("sink error:", err); } }, queuingstrategy); sendmessage("hello, world.", writablestream); you can find the full code in our simple writer example.
WritableStream - Web APIs
ecoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message received] " + result; list.appendchild(listitem); }, abort(err) { console.log("sink error:", err); } }, queuingstrategy); sendmessage("hello, world.", writablestream); you can find the full code in our simple writer example.
WritableStreamDefaultWriter.WritableStreamDefaultWriter() - Web APIs
ecoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message received] " + result; list.appendchild(listitem); }, abort(err) { console.log("sink error:", err); } }, queuingstrategy); sendmessage("hello, world.", writablestream); you can find the full code in our simple writer example.
WritableStreamDefaultWriter.close() - Web APIs
ecoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message received] " + result; list.appendchild(listitem); }, abort(err) { console.log("sink error:", err); } }, queuingstrategy); sendmessage("hello, world.", writablestream); you can find the full code in our simple writer example.
WritableStreamDefaultWriter.write() - Web APIs
ecoded: " + decoded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message received] " + result; list.appendchild(listitem); }, abort(err) { console.log("sink error:", err); } }, queuingstrategy); sendmessage("hello, world.", writablestream); you can find the full code in our simple writer example.
WritableStreamDefaultWriter - Web APIs
ded; list.appendchild(listitem); result += decoded; resolve(); }); }, close() { var listitem = document.createelement('li'); listitem.textcontent = "[message received] " + result; list.appendchild(listitem); }, abort(err) { console.log("sink error:", err); } }, queuingstrategy); sendmessage("hello, world.", writablestream); you can find the full code in our simple writer example.
XDomainRequest.onload - Web APIs
you can find the entire server response in the xdomainrequest.responsetext property.
XRRigidTransform() - Web APIs
you can find more examples in movement, orientation, and motion.
XRSystem: devicechange event - Web APIs
xr) { navigator.xr.addeventlistener("devicechange", event => { navigator.xr.issessionsupported("immersive-vr") .then(immersiveok) => { if (immersiveok) { enablexrbutton.disabled = false; } else { enablexrbutton.disabled = true; } }); }); } when devicechange is received, the handler set up in this code calls the xr method issessionsupported() to find out if there's a device available that can handle immersive vr presentations.
XRView - Web APIs
you can find a more extensive and complete example in our article movement, orientation, and motion.
XSL Transformations in Mozilla FAQ - Web APIs
to find out which mime type your server sends, look at page info, use extensions like livehttpheaders or a download manager like wget.
msRegionOverflow - Web APIs
when the region is an actual element, msregionoverflow provides the ability to find out if content fully fits into the region or not.
ARIA annotations - Accessibility
note: you can find all the examples discussed in this article in a demo file at aria-annotations.
How to file ARIA-related bugs - Accessibility
here's where to file bugs: when finding a bug, please also update the relevant compatibility tables in the examples page.
ARIA: Navigation Role - Accessibility
examples <div role="navigation" aria-label="customer service"> <ul> <li><a href="#">help</a></li> <li><a href="#">order tracking</li> <li><a href="#">shipping &amp; delivery</a></li> <li><a href="#">returns</a></li> <li><a href="#">contact us</a></li> <li><a href="#">find a store</a></li> </ul> </div> accessibility concerns landmark roles are intended to be used sparingly, to identify larger overall sections of the document.
ARIA - Accessibility
along with placing them directly in the markup, aria attributes can be added to the element and updated dynamically using javascript code like this: // find the progress bar <div> in the dom.
Accessibility: What users can do to browse more safely - Accessibility
usually they are quite easy to find by simply typing ( or saying) in the word, "accessibility" in the search finder of the operating system.
Accessibility FAQ - Accessibility
where can i find more about mozilla's accessibility initiatives?
Accessibility Information for Web Authors - Accessibility
since this is a worldwide effort, there is always a good chance to find someone to chat with there, day or night.
Web accessibility for seizures and physical reactions - Accessibility
light-level from w3c's draft document, media queries level 5 section on light-level: "the light-level media feature is used to query about the ambient light-level in which the device is used, to allow the author to adjust style of the document in response." this will be a godsend to those who have motor-skills problems, or for some with cognitive difficulties, who cannot find the right "button" to change their screen settings.
Web Accessibility: Understanding Colors and Luminance - Accessibility
in the article, certain colors more likely to cause epileptic fits, researchers find, the authors noted that "..complexities underlying brain dynamics could be modulated by certain color combinations more than the other, for example, red-blue flickering stimulus causes larger cortical excitation than red-green or blue-green stimulus.." adaption our eyes don't adapt equally, in the same way, going from light areas to dark ones, and vice versa.
Text labels and names - Accessibility
users of assistive technology find this description helpful when trying to work out the overall purpose of the group.
Understandable - Accessibility
the html5 <audio> element can be used to create a control that allows the reader to play back an audio file containing the correct pronounciation, and it also makes sense to include a textual pronounciation guide after difficult words, in the same way that you find in dictionary entries.
understand the types of content that can be problematic, and find tools and strategies to help you avoid them.
-moz-context-properties - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: you can find a working example on github.
::-webkit-outer-spin-button - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
hiding the spinner this example uses input::-webkit-outer-spin-button to find <input> elements' spinner widgets and set their -webkit-appearance to none, thus hiding them.
::placeholder - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
most screen reading technology will use aria-describedby to read the hint after the input's label text is announced, and the person using the screen reader can mute it if they find the extra information unnecessary.
:read-only - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
input:-moz-read-only, textarea:-moz-read-only, input:read-only, textarea:read-only { border: 0; box-shadow: none; background-color: white; } textarea:-moz-read-write, textarea:read-write { box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 3px #ccc; border-radius: 5px; } you can find the full source code at readonly-confirmation.html; this renders like so: styling read-only non-form controls this selector doesn't just select <input>/<textarea> elements — it will select any element that cannot be edited by the user.
:read-write - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
input:-moz-read-only, textarea:-moz-read-only, input:read-only, textarea:read-only { border: 0; box-shadow: none; background-color: white; } textarea:-moz-read-write, textarea:read-write { box-shadow: inset 1px 1px 3px #ccc; border-radius: 5px; } you can find the full source code at readonly-confirmation.html; this renders like so: styling read-write non-form controls this selector doesn't just select <input>/<textarea> elements — it will select any element that can be edited by the user, such as a <p> element with contenteditable set on it.
:where() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: you can also find this example on github; see is-where.
font-stretch - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
ding wcag 2.0 formal definition related at-rule@font-faceinitial valuenormalcomputed valueas specified formal syntax <font-stretch-absolute>{1,2}where <font-stretch-absolute> = normal | ultra-condensed | extra-condensed | condensed | semi-condensed | semi-expanded | expanded | extra-expanded | ultra-expanded | <percentage> examples setting a percentage range for font-stretch the following find a local open sans font or import it, and allow using the font for normal, semi-condensed and semi-expanded states.
font-weight - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
t-faceinitial valuenormalcomputed valueas specified formal syntax <font-weight-absolute>{1,2}where <font-weight-absolute> = normal | bold | <number <a href="/docs/css/value_definition_syntax#brackets" title="brackets: enclose several entities, combinators, and multipliers to transform them as a single component">[1,1000]> examples setting normal font weight in a @font-face rule the following finds a local open sans font or import it, and allows using the font for normal font weights.
@font-face - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
description if the local() function is provided, specifying a font name to look for on the user's computer, and the user agent finds a match, that local font is used.
Using CSS animations - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
as an example, the rule we’ve been using through this article: p { animation-duration: 3s; animation-name: slidein; animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-direction: alternate; } could be replaced by p { animation: 3s infinite alternate slidein; } note: you can find more details out at the animation reference page: setting multiple animation property values the css animation longhand values can accept multiple values, separated by commas — this feature can be used when you want to apply multiple animations in a single rule, and set separate durations, iteration counts, etc.
Using multi-column layouts - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
imaginative developers may find many uses for them, especially with the automatic height balancing feature.
Using feature queries - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
syntax css feature queries are part of the css conditional rules module, which also contains the media query @media rule; when you use feature queries, you will find they behave in a similar way to media queries.
Aligning Items in a Flex Container - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the inclusion of these properties in box alignment means that in future we should be able to use column-gap and row-gap in flex layouts too, and in firefox 63 you will find the first browser implementation of the gap properties in flex layout.
Backwards Compatibility of Flexbox - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if you find something referring to display: box or display: flexbox this is outdated information.
Basic concepts of flexbox - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
find out more about wrapping flex items in the guide mastering wrapping of flex items.
Flow Layout and Overflow - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
by understanding how overflow works in normal flow, you should find it easier to understand the implications of overflow content in layout methods such as grid and flexbox.
Variable fonts guide - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you may also find that some variable fonts come split into two files: one for uprights and all their variations, and one containing the italic variations.
CSS Fonts - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
auto; font-family: "helvetica neue", "arial", sans-serif; font-style: italic; font-weight: 100; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-size: 2rem; letter-spacing: 1px; } <p>three hundred years ago<br> i thought i might get some sleep<br> i stretched myself out onna antique bed<br> an' my spirit did a midnite creep</p> the result is as follows: variable fonts examples you can find a number of variable fonts examples at and; see also our variable fonts guide for more information and usage information.
Basic Concepts of grid layout - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
at this point, you may find it useful to work with the grid inspector, available as part of firefox's developer tools.
Relationship of grid layout to other layout methods - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if you are using flexbox and find yourself disabling some of the flexibility, you probably need to use css grid layout.
Basic concepts of CSS Scroll Snap - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
however, it can cause problems if the content is larger than you expect — users may find themselves in the frustrating position of never being able to scroll and view a certain point in the content.
Using the :target pseudo-class in selectors - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
find out how you can use some simple css to draw attention to the target of a url and improve the user's experience.
Basic Shapes - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you may well find the firefox shape inspector very useful here to create your polygon shape.
CSS reference - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
at-rule syntax as the structure of at-rules varies widely, please see at-rule to find the syntax of the specific one you want.
Using CSS custom properties (variables) - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
10px; } .three { --test: 2em; } in this case, the results of var(--test) are: for the class="two" element: 10px for the class="three" element: 2em for the class="four" element: 10px (inherited from its parent) for the class="one" element: invalid value, which is the default value of any custom property keep in mind that these are custom properties, not actual variables like you might find in other programming languages.
border-color - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you can find more information about border colors in borders in applying color to html elements using css.
clamp() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you find this example live on github, if you want to play around with it.
<color> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
many designers find hsl more intuitive than rgb, since it allows hue, saturation, and lightness to each be adjusted independently.
<display-inside> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: browsers that support the two value syntax, on finding the inner value only, such as when display: flex or display: grid is specified, will set their outer value to block.
<display-outside> - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
note: browsers that support the two value syntax, on finding the outer value only, such as when display: block or display: inline is specified, will set the inner value to flow.
font-variant-alternates - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
you can find a few free versions for testing purposes, for example from
font-variation-settings - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
it also applies to ::first-letter and ::first-line.inheritedyescomputed valueas specifiedanimation typea transform formal syntax normal | [ <string> <number> ]# examples you can find a number of other variable fonts examples at our variable fonts guide,, and
grid-area - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if not enough lines with that name exist, all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name for the purpose of finding this position.
grid-column-end - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if not enough lines with that name exist, all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name for the purpose of finding this position.
grid-column-start - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if not enough lines with that name exist, all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name for the purpose of finding this position.
grid-column - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if not enough lines with that name exist, all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name for the purpose of finding this position.
grid-row-end - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if not enough lines with that name exist, all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name for the purpose of finding this position.
grid-row-start - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if not enough lines with that name exist, all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name for the purpose of finding this position.
grid-row - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if not enough lines with that name exist, all implicit grid lines are assumed to have that name for the purpose of finding this position.
max() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
this ensure it is legible and ensures accessibility <h1>this text is always legible, but doesn't change size</h1> <h1 class="responsive">this text is always legible, and is responsive, to a point</h1> think of the max() function as finding the minimum value allowed for a property.
repeat() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
for the purpose of finding the number of auto-repeated tracks, the user agent floors the track size to a user agent specified value (e.g., 1px), to avoid division by zero.
scroll-margin-block-end - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-block-start - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-block - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-bottom - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-inline-end - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-inline-start - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-inline - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-left - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-right - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin-top - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
scroll-margin - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
the scroll snap area is determined by taking the transformed border box, finding its rectangular bounding box (axis-aligned in the scroll container’s coordinate space), then adding the specified outsets.
shape-outside - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
if list values are not one of those types but are identical (such as finding nonzero in the same list position in both lists), those values do interpolate.
scale() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
find out more: mdn understanding wcag, guideline 2.3 explanations understanding success criterion 2.3.3 | w3c understanding wcag 2.1 examples scaling the x and y dimensions together html <div>normal</div> <div class="scaled">scaled</div> css div { width: 80px; height: 80px; background-color: skyblue; } .scaled { transform: scale(0.7); /* equal to scalex(0.7) scaley(0.7) */ backgr...
transform - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
find out more: mdn understanding wcag, guideline 2.3 explanations understanding success criterion 2.3.3 | w3c understanding wcag 2.1 formal definition initial valuenoneapplies totransformable elementsinheritednopercentagesrefer to the size of bounding boxcomputed valueas specified, but with relative lengths converted into absolute lengthsanimation typea transformcreates stacking contextyes for...
will-change - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
find some way to predict at least slightly ahead of time that something will change, and set will-change then.
set:distinct() - EXSLT
syntax set:distinct(nodeset) parameters nodeset the node-set in which to find unique nodes.
set:leading() - EXSLT
syntax set:leading(nodeset1, nodeset2) parameters nodeset1 the node set to find nodes in that precede the first node in the second node set.
set:trailing() - EXSLT
syntax set:trailing(nodeset1, nodeset2) parameters nodeset1 the node set to find nodes in that follow the first node in the second node set.
Guide to Web APIs - Developer guides
on this page you'll find a complete list of all of the apis provided by the full web technology stack.
Video player styling basics - Developer guides
the example in action you can find the code for the updated, styled example on github, and view it live.
Media buffering, seeking, and time ranges - Developer guides
we can find this point in the media using the following line of code: var seekableend = myaudio.seekable.end(myaudio.seekable.length - 1); note: myaudio.seekable.end(myaudio.seekable.length - 1) actually tells us the end point of the last time range that is seekable (not all seekable media).
Block formatting context - Developer guides
there are some occasions in which you will find you get unwanted scrollbars or clipped shadows when you use this property purely to create a bfc.
Overview of events and handlers - Developer guides
this will also need finding a good explanation of the events involved during page loading, such as discussed partially in this web page or in this stack overflow question.
Introduction to HTML5 - Developer guides
you can find a list of all of the html5 features that gecko currently supports on the main html5 page.
Localizations and character encodings - Developer guides
finding canonical encoding names the text below refers to canonical names of encodings.
A hybrid approach - Developer guides
silver bullets are hard to find in web development — you’re more likely to come across strategies that make the best use of a variety of techniques given the circumstances.
Mobile Web Development - Developer guides
using tools like css lint can help find problems like this in code, and preprocessors like sass and less can help you to produce cross-browser code.
HTML attribute: accept - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
ike this: <input type="file" accept="image/*,.pdf"> using file inputs a basic example <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <label for="file">choose file to upload</label> <input type="file" id="file" name="file" multiple> </div> <div> <button>submit</button> </div> </form> div { margin-bottom: 10px; } this produces the following output: note: you can find this example on github too — see the source code, and also see it running live.
<audio>: The Embed Audio element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
you will have to find a library or framework that provides the capability for you, or write the code to display captions yourself.
<input type="date"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
for example: var datecontrol = document.queryselector('input[type="date"]'); datecontrol.value = '2017-06-01'; console.log(datecontrol.value); // prints "2017-06-01" console.log(datecontrol.valueasnumber); // prints 1496275200000, a unix timestamp this code finds the first <input> element whose type is date, and sets its value to 2017-06-01 (june 1st, 2017).
<input type="datetime-local"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
depending on what browser you are using, you might find that times outside the specified values might not be selectable in the time picker (e.g.
<input type="hidden"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
the output looks like this: note: you can also find the example on github (see the source code, and also see it running live).
<input type="month"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
depending on what browser you are using, you might find that months outside the specified range might not be selectable in the month picker (e.g.
<input type="time"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
depending on what browser you're using, you might find that times outside the specified range might not even be selectable in the time picker (e.g.
<input type="url"> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
you can also find our pattern validation example on github (see it running live also).
<kbd>: The Keyboard Input element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
depending on your style sheet, though, you may find it useful to do this kind of nesting.
<link>: The External Resource Link element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
preload examples you can find a number of <link rel="preload"> examples in preloading content with rel="preload".
<mark>: The Mark Text element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
think of this like using a highlighter pen in a book to mark passages that you find of interest.
<nextid>: The NeXT ID element (Obsolete) - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when opening the document, the next editor finds and reads this <nextid n="z8"> tag, and now knows to give the first of these new sections the name of z8 in the table of contents, and z14 to the content body.
<slot> - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
in addition, you can find an explanation at using templates and slots.
<source>: The Media or Image Source element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
when used in the context of a <picture> element, the browser will fall back to using the image specified by the <picture> element's <img> child if it is unable to find a suitable image to use after examing every provided <source>.
<summary>: The Disclosure Summary element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
you can find more examples in the documentation for the <details> element.
<template>: The Content Template element - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
yselectorall("td"); td[0].textcontent = "1235646565"; td[1].textcontent = "stuff"; tbody.appendchild(clone); // clone the new row and insert it into the table var clone2 = template.content.clonenode(true); td = clone2.queryselectorall("td"); td[0].textcontent = "0384928528"; td[1].textcontent = "acme kidney beans 2"; tbody.appendchild(clone2); } else { // find another way to add the rows to the table because // the html template element is not supported.
HTML elements reference - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
they are grouped by function to help you find what you have in mind easily.
dir - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
it uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then applies that directionality to the whole element.
itemscope - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
note: find more about itemtype attributes at simple example html the following example specifies the itemscope attribute.
lang - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
to find the correct subtag codes for a language, try the language subtag lookup.
Global attributes - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
it uses a basic algorithm as it parses the characters inside the element until it finds a character with a strong directionality, then it applies that directionality to the whole element.
Using the application cache - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
on linux, you can find the setting at edit > preferences > advanced > network > offline web content and user data see also clearing the dom storage data.
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
html reference in our extensive html reference section, you'll find the details about every element and attribute in html.
Data URLs - HTTP
you can find more info on mime types here and here.
Reason: invalid token ‘xyz’ in CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers’ - HTTP
if the client user agent finds among the comma-delineated values provided by the header any header name it does not recognize, this error occurs.
Configuring servers for Ogg media - HTTP
for apache, you can add the following to your configuration: addtype audio/ogg .oga addtype video/ogg .ogv addtype application/ogg .ogg you can find specific information about possible media file types and the codecs used within them in our comprehensive guide to media types and formats on the web.
CSP: upgrade-insecure-requests - HTTP
<img src=""> <img src=""> navigational upgrades to third-party resources brings a significantly higher potential for breakage, these are not upgraded: <a href="">home</a> <a href="">home</a> finding insecure requests with the help of the content-security-policy-report-only header and the report-uri directive, you can set-up an enforced policy and a reported policy like this: content-security-policy: upgrade-insecure-requests; default-src https: content-security-policy-report-only: default-src https:; report-uri /endpoint that way, you still upgrade insecure requests on your secure site...
request has body no successful response has body yes safe yes idempotent yes cacheable no allowed in html forms no syntax options /index.html http/1.1 options * http/1.1 examples identifying allowed request methods to find out which request methods a server supports, one can use the curl command-line program to issue an options request: curl -x options -i the response then contains an allow header that holds the allowed methods: http/1.1 204 no content allow: options, get, head, post cache-control: max-age=604800 date: thu, 13 oct 2016 11:45:00 gmt server: eos (lax004/2813) preflighted requ...
to find out whether a server supports patch, a server can advertise its support by adding it to the list in the allow or access-control-allow-methods (for cors) response headers.
Redirections in HTTP - HTTP
moving to a new domain for example, your company was renamed, but you want existing links or bookmarks to still find you under the new name.
301 Moved Permanently - HTTP
even if the specification requires the method (and the body) not to be altered when the redirection is performed, not all user-agents align with it - you can still find this type of bugged software out there.
302 Found - HTTP
even if the specification requires the method (and the body) not to be altered when the redirection is performed, not all user-agents conform here - you can still find this type of bugged software out there.
404 Not Found - HTTP
the http 404 not found client error response code indicates that the server can't find the requested resource.
500 Internal Server Error - HTTP
usually, this indicates the server cannot find a better 5xx error code to response.
CSS Houdini
the houdini apis below you can find links to the main reference pages covering the apis that fall under the houdini umbrella, along with links to guides to help you if you need guidance in learning how to use them.
Indexed collections - JavaScript
a loop will not find any property on the array.
Loops and iteration - JavaScript
example 1 the following example iterates through the elements in an array until it finds the index of an element whose value is thevalue: for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] === thevalue) { break; } } example 2: breaking to a label let x = 0; let z = 0; labelcancelloops: while (true) { console.log('outer loops: ' + x); x += 1; z = 1; while (true) { console.log('inner loops: ' + z); z += 1; if (z === 10 && x === 10) { break labelcancello...
Regular expression syntax cheatsheet - JavaScript
character after the quantifier makes the quantifier "non-greedy": meaning that it will stop as soon as it finds a match.
Quantifiers - JavaScript
character after the quantifier makes the quantifier "non-greedy": meaning that it will stop as soon as it finds a match.
Unicode property escapes - JavaScript
// finding all the letters of a text let story = "it’s the cheshire cat: now i shall have somebody to talk to."; // most explicit form story.match(/\p{general_category=letter}/gu); // it is not mandatory to use the property name for general categories story.match(/\p{letter}/gu); // this is equivalent (short alias): story.match(/\p{l}/gu); // this is also equivalent (conjunction of all the subcateg...
Working with objects - JavaScript
then if you want to find out the name of the owner of car2, you can access the following property: note that you can always add a property to a previously defined object.
JavaScript technologies overview - JavaScript
among the things defined by the dom, we can find: the document structure, a tree model, and the dom event architecture in dom core: node, element, documentfragment, document, domimplementation, event, eventtarget, … a less rigorous definition of the dom event architecture, as well as specific events in dom events.
SyntaxError: illegal character - JavaScript
when something like this happens to your code and you're not able to find the source of the problem, it's often best to just delete the problematic line and retype it.
TypeError: "x" is not a function - JavaScript
you will have to provide a function in order to have these methods working properly: when working with array or typedarray objects: array.prototype.every(), array.prototype.some(), array.prototype.foreach(),, array.prototype.filter(), array.prototype.reduce(), array.prototype.reduceright(), array.prototype.find() when working with map and set objects: map.prototype.foreach() and set.prototype.foreach() examples a typo in the function name in this case, which happens way too often, there is a typo in the method name: let x = document.getelementbyid('foo'); // typeerror: document.getelementbyid is not a function the correct function name is getelementbyid: let x = document.getelem...
JavaScript error reference - JavaScript
below, you'll find a list of errors which are thrown by javascript.
Arrow function expressions - JavaScript
so while searching for this which is not present in the current scope, an arrow function ends up finding the this from its enclosing scope.
arguments.callee - JavaScript
well, at any point in time you can find the deepest caller of any function on the stack, and as i said above looking at the call stack has one single major effect: it makes a large number of optimizations impossible, or much much more difficult.
Functions - JavaScript
d): var myfunction = function() { statements } it is also possible to provide a name inside the definition in order to create a named function expression: var myfunction = function namedfunction(){ statements } one of the benefits of creating a named function expression is that in case we encountered an error, the stack trace will contain the name of the function, making it easier to find the origin of the error.
Array.prototype.every() - JavaScript
description the every method executes the provided callback function once for each element present in the array until it finds the one where callback returns a falsy value.
Array.prototype.filter() - JavaScript
function isbigenough(value) { return value >= 10 } let filtered = [12, 5, 8, 130, 44].filter(isbigenough) // filtered is [12, 130, 44] find all prime numbers in an array the following example returns all prime numbers in the array: const array = [-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]; function isprime(num) { for (let i = 2; num > i; i++) { if (num % i == 0) { return false; } } return num > 1; } console.log(array.filter(isprime)); // [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13] filtering invalid entries from json ...
Array.prototype.forEach() - JavaScript
early termination may be accomplished with: a simple for loop a for...of / loops array.prototype.every() array.prototype.some() array.prototype.find() array.prototype.findindex() array methods: every(), some(), find(), and findindex() test the array elements with a predicate returning a truthy value to determine if further iteration is required.
Array.prototype.lastIndexOf() - JavaScript
var numbers = [2, 5, 9, 2]; numbers.lastindexof(2); // 3 numbers.lastindexof(7); // -1 numbers.lastindexof(2, 3); // 3 numbers.lastindexof(2, 2); // 0 numbers.lastindexof(2, -2); // 0 numbers.lastindexof(2, -1); // 3 finding all the occurrences of an element the following example uses lastindexof to find all the indices of an element in a given array, using push to add them to another array as they are found.
Array.prototype.some() - JavaScript
description the some() method executes the callback function once for each element present in the array until it finds the one where callback returns a truthy value (a value that becomes true when converted to a boolean).
Function.prototype.apply() - JavaScript
as an example, here are math.max/math.min, used to find out the maximum/minimum value in an array. - JavaScript
var a = ['offenbach', 'Österreich', 'odenwald']; var collator = new intl.collator('de-u-co-phonebk'); a.sort(; console.log(a.join(', ')); // → "odenwald, Österreich, offenbach" using compare for array search use the compare getter function for finding matching strings in arrays: var a = ['congrès', 'congres', 'assemblée', 'poisson']; var collator = new intl.collator('fr', { usage: 'search', sensitivity: 'base' }); var s = 'congres'; var matches = a.filter(v =>, s) === 0); console.log(matches.join(', ')); // → "congrès, congres" specifications specification ecmascript internationalization api (ec...
Intl.DateTimeFormat() constructor - JavaScript
implementations are required to support at least the following subsets: weekday, year, month, day, hour, minute, second weekday, year, month, day year, month, day year, month month, day hour, minute, second hour, minute implementations may support other subsets, and requests will be negotiated against all available subset-representation combinations to find the best match.
JSON.stringify() - JavaScript
cycle.js by douglas crockford) or implement a solution by yourself, which will require finding and replacing (or removing) the cyclic references by serializable values.
Math.max() - JavaScript
examples using math.max() math.max(10, 20); // 20 math.max(-10, -20); // -10 math.max(-10, 20); // 20 getting the maximum element of an array array.reduce() can be used to find the maximum element in a numeric array, by comparing each value: var arr = [1,2,3]; var max = arr.reduce(function(a, b) { return math.max(a, b); }); the following function uses function.prototype.apply() to get the maximum of an array.
Math.min() - JavaScript
examples using math.min() this finds the min of x and y and assigns it to z: var x = 10, y = -20; var z = math.min(x, y); clipping a value with math.min() math.min() is often used to clip a value so that it is always less than or equal to a boundary.
Object.prototype.__proto__ - JavaScript
a property access for __proto__ that eventually consults object.prototype will find this property, but an access that does not consult object.prototype will not.
Object.values() - JavaScript
polyfill to add compatible object.values support in older environments that do not natively support it, you can find a polyfill in the tc39/proposal-object-values-entries or in the es-shims/object.values repositories.
Promise.any() - JavaScript
it short-circuits after a promise fulfils, so it does not wait for the other promises to complete once it finds one.
RegExp() constructor - JavaScript
flags may contain any combination of the following characters: g (global match) find all matches rather than stopping after the first match.
String.prototype.match() - JavaScript
examples using match() in the following example, match() is used to find 'chapter' followed by 1 or more numeric characters followed by a decimal point and numeric character 0 or more times.
String.prototype.normalize() - JavaScript
in the example above the normalization is appropriate for search, because it enables a user to find the string by searching for "f". - JavaScript
an unsuccessful search (-1) let str = "hey jude" let re = /[a-z]/g let redot = /[.]/g console.log( // returns 4, which is the index of the first capital letter "j" console.log( // returns -1 cannot find '.' dot punctuation specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of '' in that specification.
String.prototype.split() - JavaScript
harry trump ;fred barney; helen rigby ; bill abel ;chris hand [ "harry trump", "fred barney", "helen rigby", "bill abel", "chris hand", "" ] returning a limited number of splits in the following example, split() looks for spaces in a string and returns the first 3 splits that it finds.
String.prototype.substring() - JavaScript
console.log(text.substring(-5, 2)) // => "mo" console.log(text.substring(-5, -2)) // => "" slice() also treats nan arguments as 0, but when it is given negative values it counts backwards from the end of the string to find the indexes.
Symbol.keyFor() - JavaScript
the symbol to find a key for.
Symbol.unscopables - JavaScript
var keys = []; with (array.prototype) { keys.push('something'); } object.keys(array.prototype[symbol.unscopables]); // ["copywithin", "entries", "fill", "find", "findindex", // "includes", "keys", "values"] unscopables in objects you can also set unscopables for your own objects.
Symbol - JavaScript
finding symbol properties on objects the method object.getownpropertysymbols() returns an array of symbols and lets you find symbol properties on a given object.
TypedArray.prototype.every() - JavaScript
description the every method executes the provided callback function once for each element present in the typed array until it finds one where callback returns a falsy value (a value that becomes false when converted to a boolean).
TypedArray.prototype.some() - JavaScript
description the some method executes the callback function once for each element present in the typed array until it finds one where callback returns a true value.
WebAssembly.Instance.prototype.exports - JavaScript
var importobject = { imports: { imported_func: function(arg) { console.log(arg); } } }; webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('simple.wasm'), importobject) .then(obj => obj.instance.exports.exported_func()); note: you can also find this example as instantiate-streaming.html on github (view it live also).
WebAssembly.instantiate() - JavaScript
var importobject = { imports: { imported_func: function(arg) { console.log(arg); } } }; fetch('simple.wasm').then(response => response.arraybuffer() ).then(bytes => webassembly.instantiate(bytes, importobject) ).then(result => result.instance.exports.exported_func() ); note: you can also find this example at index.html on github (view it live also).
Destructuring assignment - JavaScript
.log(a); // 1 console.log(b); // [2, 3] be aware that a syntaxerror will be thrown if a trailing comma is used on the left-hand side with a rest element: const [a, ...b,] = [1, 2, 3]; // syntaxerror: rest element may not have a trailing comma // always consider using rest operator as the last element unpacking values from a regular expression match when the regular expression exec() method finds a match, it returns an array containing first the entire matched portion of the string and then the portions of the string that matched each parenthesized group in the regular expression.
new operator - JavaScript
to find out the name of the owner of car2, you can access the following property: specifications specification ecmascript (ecma-262)the definition of 'the new operator' in that specification.
super - JavaScript
this works with the help of object.setprototypeof() with which we are able to set the prototype of obj2 to obj1, so that super is able to find method1 on obj1.
this - JavaScript
but it doesn't matter that the lookup for f eventually finds a member with that name on o; the lookup began as a reference to p.f, so this inside the function takes the value of the object referred to as p.
for await...of - JavaScript
this example first creates an async iterable for a stream of data, then uses it to find the size of the response from the api.
switch - JavaScript
javascript will drop you back to the default if it can't find a match: var foo = 5; switch (foo) { case 2: console.log(2); break; // it encounters this break so will not continue into 'default:' default: console.log('default') // fall-through case 1: console.log('1'); } it also works when you put default before all other cases.
Template literals (Template strings) - JavaScript
for example \u00a9 unicode code point escapes indicated by "\u{}", for example \u{2f804} hexadecimal escapes started by "\x", for example \xa9 octal literal escapes started by "\0o" and followed by one or more digits, for example \0o251 this means that a tagged template like the following is problematic, because, per ecmascript grammar, a parser looks for valid unicode escape sequences, but finds malformed syntax: latex`\unicode` // throws in older ecmascript versions (es2016 and earlier) // syntaxerror: malformed unicode character escape sequence es2018 revision of illegal escape sequences tagged templates should allow the embedding of languages (for example dsls, or latex), where other escapes sequences are common.
Authoring MathML - MathML
of course, the list is by no means exhaustive and you are invited to check out the w3c mathml software list where you can find various other tools.
Examples - MathML
below you'll find some examples you can look at to help you to understand how to use mathml to display increasingly complex mathematical concepts in web content.
MathML documentation index - MathML
3 examples beginner, example, guide, mathml, needsbeginnerupdate below you'll find some examples you can look at to help you to understand how to use mathml to display increasingly complex mathematical concepts in web content.
here you'll find links to documentation, examples, and tools to help you work with this powerful technology.
Autoplay guide for media and Web Audio APIs - Web media technologies
this prevents the distracting situation in which a tab begins playing sound and the user can't find the tab among all their tabs and windows.
Web audio codec guide - Web media technologies
however, because lossless encoding naturally has a much lower compression level than lossy encoding, you may find that if your source audio is large enough, you might have to choose a lossy encoder anyway, especially in a web environment in which you can't control the download rate of the media.
Media container formats (file types) - Web media technologies
index of media container formats (file types) to learn more about a specific container format, find it in this list and click through to the details, which include information about what the container is typically useful for, what codecs it supports, and which browsers support it, among other specifics.
Image file type and format guide - Web media technologies
modern browsers have not supported xbm files in many years, but when dealing with older content, you may find some still around.
Media type and format guide: image, audio, and video content - Web media technologies
originally, these capabilities were limited, and were expanded organically, with different browsers finding their own solutions to the problems around including still and video imagery on the web.
Mapping the width and height attributes of media container elements to their aspect-ratio - Web media technologies
read on to find out more.
Using images in HTML - Web media technologies
in this guide you'll find links to resources that deal with adding images to websites.
Web media technologies
this article lists the various apis with links to documentation you may find helpful in mastering them.
OpenSearch description format
if the error message isn't be helpful, the following tips could help you find the problem.
CSS and JavaScript animation performance - Web Performance
find out more details in offmainthreadcompositing.
Recommended Web Performance Timings: How long is too long? - Web Performance
a 'hello world' on the corporate network would be expected to load in milliseconds, but a user downloading a cat video on a five-year-old device over an edge network in northern siberia would likely find a 20-second download speedy.
Add to Home screen - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
note: you can find out a lot more about chrome install banners from the article web app install banners.
Installing and uninstalling web apps - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
note: you can find out a lot more about chrome install banners from the article web app install banners.
PWA developer guide - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
in the articles listed here, you'll find guides about every aspect of development specific to the greation of progressive web applications (pwas).
Making PWAs work offline with Service workers - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
'+e.request.url); return r || fetch(e.request).then((response) => { return => { console.log('[service worker] caching new resource: '+e.request.url); cache.put(e.request, response.clone()); return response; }); }); }) ); }); here, we respond to the fetch event with a function that tries to find the resource in the cache and return the response if it's there.
Media - Progressive web apps (PWAs)
read the @import reference page to find details of how to import the new print-specific css file into your style4.css stylesheet.
Web technology reference
below you'll find links to a selection of key documentation for each.
SVG element reference - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
here you'll find reference documentation for each of the svg elements.
SVG 1.1 Support in Firefox - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
you can find some basic examples of svg syntax and usage in the w3c svg test suite.
Clipping and masking - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
but when you try to create a semicircle in svg, you will find out the use of the following properties quickly.
Getting started - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
if you find that your server is not sending the headers with the values given above, then you should contact your web host.
Introduction - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
once you are familiar you should be able to use the element reference and the interface reference to find out anything else you need to know.
SVG Tutorial - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
if you just want to draw beautiful images, you might find more useful resources at inkscape's documentation page.
mimeTypes.rdf corruption - SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics
for files loaded locally, it first looks in a cache of filename extension to media type mappings (stored in a mozilla profile file called mimetypes.rdf), and if it doesn't find a media type there, it asks the operating system.
How to fix a website with blocked mixed content - Web security
or use a free online crawler like ssl-check or missing padlock, a desktop crawler like httpschecker, or a cli tool like mcdetect to check your website recursively and find links to insecure content.
Web security
even simple bugs in your code can result in private information being leaked, and bad people are out there trying to find ways to steal data.
whether you are just starting out, learning the basics, or are an old hand at web development, you can find helpful resources here for best practices.
document - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the document finds a node-set in an external document, or multiple external documents, and returns the resulting node-set.
id - XPath
xslt/xpath reference: xslt elements, exslt functions, xpath functions, xpath axes the id function finds nodes matching the given ids and returns a node-set containing the identified nodes.
Introduction to using XPath in JavaScript - XPath
getting specifically namespaced elements and attributes regardless of prefix if one wishes to provide flexibility in namespaces (as they are intended) by not necessarily requiring a particular prefix to be used when finding a namespaced element or attribute, one must use special techniques.
XPath snippets - XPath
t.ownerdocument : document); resolver = resolver || null; context = context || doc; result = doc.evaluate(expr, context, resolver, xpathresult.ordered_node_snapshot_type, null); for(i = 0; i < result.snapshotlength; i++) { a[i] = result.snapshotitem(i); } return a; } getxpathforelement the following function allows one to pass an element and an xml document to find a unique string xpath expression leading back to that element.
Index - XSLT: Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations
to find out the current type, load the file in mozilla and look at the page info.
Web technology for developers
below you'll find links to our web technology documentation.
WebAssembly Concepts - WebAssembly
you can find full documentation on emscripten at, and a guide to implementing the toolchain and compiling your own c/c++ app across to wasm at compiling from c/c++ to webassembly.
Exported WebAssembly functions - WebAssembly
an example let's look at an example to clear things up (you can find this on github as table-set.html; see it running live also, and check out the wasm text representation): var othertable = new webassembly.table({ element: "anyfunc", initial: 2 }); webassembly.instantiatestreaming(fetch('table.wasm')) .then(obj => { var tbl = obj.instance.exports.tbl; console.log(tbl.get(0)()); // 13 console.log(tbl.get(1)()); // 42 othertable.set(0,tbl.get(0)); oth...
Compiling from Rust to WebAssembly - WebAssembly
the attribute says "wasm-bindgen knows how to find these functions".